iZjCIZf'W'Im'Uu with ex, nmoum I (SutherIand sl KEEP7 IN SIGHT "You May Be Blind Ool-nor of Prlnoou E Wonlncson ltnou I F. NISBET Sl With WUBILEE GLOBE! VIIUKIUHC .9 DIICIIIOT 0|` |lI'|nII" DTKIIII. xaokuo o. hondncho. clizainon, dhbeten. 811 M`: dluue, rnvel. em, all yield ran ily to Donn : P1 In. Price ft. cent: pot box or six ban: for 82.50 at (Ll drun- glam. uoanw mm are. Tho 0 oio and direct action of Donn`: Kidney Mo on tho` kidno I always to- store: them to a healthy notion, elm: cur- inmnll Jinn-nu nl-Inlnw fmm rlinnnlnr nl A! III Druulsu. Prlco 60 cents per Box. or 3 lot $1.50. Sent by Mall on ncclpt ut prlcn. T. MILBURN & 120.. Toronto. nn Iuurvvivulv Xu\ylllD\IU BVII Do . Johnston 3311 01 8 (one: . 1. Ian 3% 6` , Mn. George was quite enthuniutle in her pni.-e oithe new kidney oonquemr, and wished every one to know when 3 re- markable remedy for all kidney trouble: Dean`: Pille no. ML- .....uh. ....:I Alumni. -nfinn .0 I\.\--.`. IDOPOI mom W I manually IOBIDII, was cut- ing-nll dinner: M-icing from disorder 01 the kidne a. bladder or urinary orgasm. Jhnlnm A. hudnchn. diminnn. dhhamn. A Benovpu porhunn tvlouoo-rllijl n.` `C0119. loncvmo. oat. fem chi Story at tho Bboauoot lot pen trod From an Clutches 0: Kidney menu. Bays Mn. Goorgt. "My mi_ Ind; now thirtoon an of :30. lm boon tmubldd with his lllnoyb for none time. Palm in ~ the buck were lnquonb und hvor. md ho` also Ind uriuny difficulties. Ho-no very much broken upin hullh, and dupm .ho an at I Inge 1 ounb of doctors modicino In wu unul to obhin toltol. I have ufnrtod to 31 0 him Donn'I Kid- ney Pills. and can any that it in truly won- derful how muchho has `won holpod by their nu. Hot: now me) and vigorous, and norm to be gutting better all the time. ll... llgn-nu {Inn nnil-.n nntlnunl-nth: in rof-We-5% I'-7= Paper alone 15c. Paper and picture 3oc. Picture alone 25c. Edition limited. Leave your order now at of the Queen 1837 and 1897. Laxa Liver Pill: cure where others fail. Out-.QIho Illtl Vcltnob. The Corner Bookstore. Popular Shoo Houn. -----wvuv-v jay--wUv Cw:-v.vI bo- Imus! mm, inch- ID- glnll DLVIDION. ..- .. Rnclbll. To everythingelse. bgt you can't be blind to the fact that it is money in your pocket to buy your Shoes at READY JUNE 9th. 7 AND _!5_BYF_ P"-!-5 _ colored medallion pictures `Pawn 133 ton 00I|lll5l0!Is WIIOII ll`. JOIIIIIIOII now 00` I toohovto Na fdgndnu I at t auhnuoityotthhluty. .8. `ma ma non. 3onuu.qI' Inuk- V -1%` OI nil PIJIHIIIII. IIIU IKV. In u DIKUK motor of 83. John : church. in mjgin 3 for vol!-and month not and in at Mondo.--Chris: Johmton in to had In the am 00!: otorlko! the scum. With his pu-mot. Ilr. hr. Hr. Johnotou lich- Id non IO 7%! of AIMIONU Inland. and b0 ul-`Inn lhnl nan alnn Innh undo Ln nhllnal - & I In hand by mo KIN(l8`l'0N BENIN IS. Ilnguton. Thin nohohnhip wll GIN 0 the holder to vomit (roe tnltlon ul\u~ Inc the month of Juno in than Buaihou or the lmhnmldnnutncnt. In DCI` IO IR! 0! AIIIDOIII IIIIIIG. Iml IIO |uI'|lI-an on dnyhounolhomtlodn all unibhlnn ninnnnn nnnn, In uur u on unyuuwuuuonououn `wbi woighi uinotnn poun. _ It re ml the uni otuogth (both an nnntmn thn numnnr. On nlnnlnn QM: Iiunlnouutor. Unoplm nnnfal vngonnd a r - 3 to good turn?! on. which I.J now It-Lb. ban AK--3 GA HI; Inland: -5 a gun`. `I Run, 31:; I8. - At the fourth quarhrly business naming of the omclnl board of the Mcthodlnt church the Rev. J. R. Buuor. of Roblin. VIII by I umnimono voh Invited to who puconh :0 Bath for nu oomln year.-acting upon the advioo of his phjpuioinn. tho luv. E. H. Baht. nomr nl 8|. John : church. in cniminnn Drluy. uwvnty-one your: 0! legs. Wu canon ewey. Den wne kind end friendly to All end time won the teepeco of all who knew him. An evidenco oi the esteem in which hewee held by hie nuocietee is given in the feel: thee he woe unnniniouely clioeen co in of the Lntimer iootbell team. They wi l gieelly mine him and wieh to convey to the family tinoir eincere condolence. The fact that the school was kepg open during the tuneul has come in for very unfavor- ublo criticism. Doubtleee it wee owing on name mieonderemidin end oll\\vill be aetielectorily explain .-We deeply xe- gret. than 8. Truncate men win. the mie- fortune ol hevin his leg broken in Deter- onto. Sun ploy in tho Letimer teem inn Vll`. HIOHHI Ill! IUIE. Ull lflllly IlI0l'n|lIR UINIIOI Brsdy. twenty-one years of ago. was called |wgy._ wag _fri_o_ndly tp L.m.\nm, Mn ls.---Wo are sorry to re- cord two more ( oaths. On Thursday John Knight. paused over to the nilont majority. He had Mocuillw nfow dn .huvin boon pmviouuly in 3 health. been iv an elderly man and in much mpeotod in this his native notion. He loawena widow to mourn his Iona. On Friday morning Daniel Rrndm hnmnlv-nnn roan nf ADC. in nnllml C) CO. IE IS. UITU I} ||Dl\ll l\ll(l|IlI Inll bf: Willinm Farqu arson, at. James Mo- Uee`a; ll. Donaldson and H. Ccunbridgo,at. William Scott's. l`l\lI'lIV\l ITUIII l\|lIKHbUlI.' LIIUITIIIU l0(I has placed his Clydesdale. "Young MoMnI- ur. on thorond this IonIon.--Our teachers intend nbtunding the convention on `. 0tli and 21 instant. in liingut.on.-A. Hutton haul romox-od_to his new reaidonoe.~Wo uuxiounly await. the oponing of the Free Mothodinh mootingo hero.-.Moct. of our young pouplo are looking forward to tho `Nth of May an in "day oil" for t.lmn.-'1`ho following pmblom has boon hnmdod no mo for the bouollb of Winn roul- ora : Wino rim of auger-hole bored tlzmuglz I nix-inch ball will cub away hall` of the malarial? I would like to hear from some of your wiilo-nuke correspondent-I. through the Wmu columns. on the mat- Mr.--'\'iaiton : Wm. Wilson and J. S'ponoo. at. R. ClI`O{'!: John Kildull` and I. 1... \I.. \l. :IH.... Ia`........ ......... .5 I .... .... limestone Business Coeze. ' nu. Jnhnnlnn ...| mu... m. .-.........n. no \Vunmwn.\' \VnaT, May lS.~Sooding is about completed hero and potato and corn plusntin bun begun.-`Miss Ida Carey has mturn from Kingat.on.~ Thomas Todd Imn nlnnnal hi: Clvdnmlnla. "Ynunn Mnhlnn. Tugggannn. May lS.-The lzoavy ruins of last week hue uh A em}; to needing for n few days. -- va Shlb oy who has been very ill for eome time is able to be out ngnin.-- Johnston Brown bee moved into his hotol.--John Molwen and `Joseph Stafford left: here Fnday for Barry 9 Bey `.`:..:'::.-`.*.':.*'.`..".=" ":.'1..':"':,:*;.: . n ll 0 ernmanwue rn liamiloon 0 thin plnoe'were united In marriage on Wednesday Inn. by the Rev. hill`. 1\Ieredli't.hl:"3 erone.--bnlr. Gelleher. l nrrovmnit. , ed hogs here to-dey.- Arno: Bndgeu has moved into the house occupied by Samuel Hompton.-The funi- lqy obi Jose li Harrie lonibeng moving to ulld my. swing rent I. eir farm to John Vericle. Rev. Mr. VVicket.h preach- ed the annlvereary sermon to the I. .O.l<`., in the Methodist. chumh, Porhem. on Sun- day. A number from here ectondod.--- gxnother {vedding iumreprceld ibn the neer ut.ure.~~ 'ieit.orn: iee `. to ineon and Mira Urevee on Mr. Brown :-; G. Harris. of Kingston, M, Joseph llama . WI III n. IHHIUT Eponn aununy Ill l\lIlg'l'L0|l. ~-Mr. and Mrs. Jamea Clark, Kiugaton, spontz Sunday at 1 . M. Clh-k e.---Mrs. Sum-or, of l)oeeront.o. at C. NicholIon`s.~- Mr. Edwards. Jnmoa Fleming and W. Clement all sport; new top buggioo, Ind W. Uniukoll a Ipl-Eng Waggon. l`Auno1'1.-4 Bu. May l7.--Farmera are neatly Lhrou h eeeding.- John Smith has rented Mr. a lnrm-A. Wart,imm has returned from court. to Nupenee where he was on the jury.- l\-l r. Geibekcll he: one of tho lineal; llolatein calves seen in this nection. John Frink, milk drnwcr, met. with u very painful accident. by having his too crushed with n can of milk.~- David Barry's horse ran nwn again, clmnelng his wnzgon. 7-Mrs. l . 1. Clark is ati on the nick lino. -.\liaa Buker. teacher. will attend the school convention M. Napnnce Friday and Saturday and then no to her home in Deeeronbo lor the 2-lch.---Mr. and Mrs. (laitakell. Mr. and Mra.`A. Clark and Mice E. Baker 1.-pom. Sunday in Kingston. _.\lr nnd hlrn, Jnnnn Clark. Kimrnhnn. Gmmv.u.n. May 17.-Our Sunday school in well attended this surmner.--Wo are to have new hymn books In the Presbyterian church roon.-~0ur buebell oiub bu re-on ganized and Are to have their Hm pnotioe emrdny es-enlng.--Du-id Momurru hu purchased a new bio ole.--Mre. H . . Or- nor has been visiting or sister. Mrs. Amoy, Porlmnoui.h.--Viei rs : Min Aueletino and Mice Florence Vnmnan, Sydenhnm, at J. Wnrcmmfe; Mn. Walker and daugh- ber. Florida. at. J. 0Irrui.herI'; J. (isms, Westbrook, an J. Creamer e. gone: are non uumruuu, nvnou we usury mange. but we cannot promise this to uturo entrants. Two others are pro for admission at next meetin which will he held on the third Mon ny in June. The court will attend divine service at Sand Hill on 23rd. The Foresters will wear their new badges and their lady oom- peninns will each wear A bnquet consist- ing of a maple leaf. surmounted by white hlossems with red owers in the centre and the whole tied by a scarlet bow.--Next Sabbath Rev. A. B1 Johnston will preach loyal and patriotic sermons at Zion at lH:_30 and Springeld at 7:30. A-ncmsox. May 1S.-Oourb Atkinson. I. !i`., met Monday cvonln and three out idnuou--Davirl Gordon. T omu Mur- ph and Jnmu BrebnoI~-hsd ono of the mldoub introductions over wicnooud. Court who held In the school house and goats are not admitted, hence the any nnnnnlln huh um nnnnnn nrnminn this no 1-u.nm_ sung; via-n`. m IIOIOOIIOISOII Bf!- ` IltyOnI'l`IpdlonothIn|ol nun. KAunAn.Ily l8.-- at lo Amh' m. ma u'6In'o` valinbh m %:`:.;.'.'... mp; found. D. Ohhholm. Mm-non. In holy with W. Arnold sinking n~ huh mar the caution for ububoa nd roporun nnd l6okout..-Mn. Lloy bu rotumod emu l'I.Ql' vhhjnm Inn fnhhu-_ A. Fm-hm.---Min l00IOlIFu'Hl'Io 'lJlO)'ll DII l'IllIl'l'|Ill IIOIIII after viming her hhhor. A. For-bou--Mi.u K. Abbot. of Gluuo bury. In vhitinf friend: hero.-Mu lllim Ounpbnl . Fllnton. won. the guns of Min Ninu Arnold on Scturdny. Ill Il-IIl- wlul A-i It-Iii VUIIU-V In Iulq (lnglsnd). Full map! Unlvonity xnduahu. Kuhn In Iuthomnuoa and bench. The rolnonont and culture of homo oomblnoll with the high- on mental Quinlan. Iplo Dopnunonc in chum ot Biooh nlnnlul Inn Ilnn `Inn WHAT 00,3 !Ws?.,kibUs1$*Arr OF GORREIPONDINTUWRITE. FT "3 Willi IIIUIIFII I III CC I. tholnonltor. On ithll nr`f.1:|nnnl mnn2hn!nun?"h::dA ` arch`: I: laid: hulk all tnuouuul b that an 0 leave: 0! button. Bold i n hon: with Iprintlot top. 60. lo- hodh drug own. Fill Ill. WXIC" , Hwy 5 nick ofud nuu-in; one will Non but majesty and nnombor duo oountuo of Aha-dun wish hunn:1i.gny0l'I `ban this movounouo `ha uhhli 3 `bond of vo- mn doing noun`: noblest work 3ott`hOl|oIlndQIilI[GhOpl%IV|y to Ibo I I. nuu v Ivulrllll urutr. The netlonel eclieme for oommeinoretlon of the queen`e jubilee by the eetebliehment ol the Victerlen order of nureeein Cenede. ie making re id progreee. Mre. Drum- mond. wife 0 eenetor Ueo A. Drum- mend, in e recent eddreee I-declared thet euoh en order wee in profound neoeeeity in Cenede. pertioulerly in remote dietriche. where lives were eeerilioed on renehee. in lumbering eettlomente. on fnrme. end in mining oempe for leek of e little timely eid. She lied received many lettere from the nortlnveet. expreeeing greet eegerneee for the scheme. many cl ymen end their wivee olfering homer et eir pereonegee to nureee. "Nor need we go eo fer." eeld the epeeher. "for evidence ol the neeee- eity of each en order: heoeuee et our very doere. exnonget the poor. en oountlen ineteneee of ef reveted enffering end loee of life througi eek of mining eid. Per- hepe the echeme appeele epeoielly to we- men. beeeuee ohey here eullered end they know; hub Alter ell thie e touehee the men most clone! `. We el new that we- menere breve` lei` themeelvee; we know thee men ereioowerde indeed where the entering of their wivee. Iuethere. eieeereor den htere ere "concerned; end nothing tone ee the etrong men ee elecely ee that epeciel hunlemel Inlfering which le leid upon the weeks" , Muiv e elok end enu-inn one -lll Ielnec Bill -i`Io|.I- IMIIIVUII UI U\lI' IuUW'||llUII urD\' to Doeeronto one evening thin week end book the Rebeliknh degree. Mr. and Mn. James Gordon are spending a few days with friend: in Kingutou. L. A. Ven|u- veu. governor of the gnui. has Ihown me three copies of "American Fields." uou- tnining cute and nrticlee which are very creditable to the nrtiet. and writer. U. W. Corbett. governor of the Kingston eol. "The tenohen` convention in in session new today and to-mormw. A Olovu Young `llilof-Crodltnblo Toio Arllot. NAPAN me. May `2l.-:\ lad by the name of Humphrey did 5 olovor his 0! muni uln- ting one day this week. He watch his opportunity Mid from the ilo of boots and shoot in front of Wilson roe ho uoloctod n pnir of ifdiof tan about and drop in- to the ha! in Wulloi-'n store. next oor to Wilaon Bros. Here he wrapped the thou in I newspaper and umrtod out. Wilson Bron. noticed the theft. And followed the lad nnd found him changing his old thou for the stolen pair on the bank of tho river. Tho lad pleaded forgiveness no onrnoably that. he was lob go with I wumlng nob to be found doing nnything of the kind again. The Nnnnnaa football tonm will nlnr sh: WI Iounu COIN flllyllllllx OK I. KUKI IRIHL The Nupanee footbull team will lay tho Kingston Loam. at Kingston. on onday. May `Nth. Eleven of our cowuamou drove In IL`.-I-nnt.u nun gngnhun Md- ..--L -...l UIIUIU UHIIII II I "I9UlM|I|I['I InIWI[u9.- Peter Shattmn ondocwored to dialodge I board from the huge szuve in the big mill. ming A her w iioh caught in the ma- chinery. end, ying out ol hie `Mir. struck him in the throat, cutting an ug y gosh. Modloul attendance inn nocoemry to stop the new of blood. No is improv- ln nicely. in Dolly Hnwloy. of Nupnneo. who at resent in visiting her brother,S. W. Hew- ey, Thoma etreet. will e nd the 24th in Berrieeltl. the gueet of in Bertha Gli- lea io. Dr. Pulkinhorn. our eble dentist. wil roforeo the Nopenoe-Kingston footbell match in Kingston on the 1 noon`: birthday. J. A. Goodall. of Bollovil e. was in town on Wednesday. The Doaoronto cricket club go to Bollevlllo on the 24th. per etoemer Nomh. to play the team then. W. Bettrlok intends celebrating the moon's birthday in Toronto. DISMISSED FROM THE EMPLOY. -PII IIIDIIWIIDIIII In IIIIIIII 0 nniunond. luq.. Inn. Doc. `lrlnlty Torn hogan April Inn. for urn. oIo..|po1y to . n; nnnnruA:.r_ I WHICH `NH! ULIHIBH. I5 IHHOSU HIIIIUOCI. A. P. Brown, librml.\n of the public library. has his yearly report. ready. The following are the numbers of ouch class of bucks ia~ued: Fiction. 7.0m; misocIl4\no- cue. 6,0.)ll; mu-elu. 3.045; hluory. 3.599: poetry, 10; ; science, 29:): biography. Nil. Foul, `.20,3.'l0. Magazines iuuoal, H.087: eatinmtod uttervlmnce. 20.07-I. Thiu given an increase of 10.33:: Volume: glvan out over last year. and an ntbeuudnnco of 20,- OUU moro than in 1806. This report shown that run public library it in more appro- ciated than u A moclu\nic|' inutltubo. ' Inn-.. Ghana... n.ul-.....\..ml In .l:.I..I..- .. The. Report (liven-A Kan Injured Iu`,A llnw-lull. Dmsmnrmm, May 20--Tho "Tribune" office in bein overhauled inside and out, and made to ook like the home of as news- paper. The Ranlxbun Co's. big More in hl\'lnl\ cold storage apartment. added. The Presbyterian ice cream social wu well Intended, and a very plemumb oven- ing enjoyed. We are iustly proud 0! our wntor-works system. The stand pipe in completed. The new side well: on out Thanna street, which rophmeu the one which was burned. is almost) nished. A 1` ll.-Anne |nu....h.. nf elm: nuldln Ill` Illl IIIIHI IIUCT WIIU Illly WIT, "III III. catch was rather small.-William Long- woreh, Chantry. spent Sunday ah the home of J. E. Johnson.-Our men are once more sehhled since the women have regwlaiaed ehings to their own tasteineide.-- ilfrid Taber and sister Clara were in (innanoqua on Thursday of last week.---John Neil` is again exhibiting hie thoroughbred which is becoming quite pular among our ldonl horsemen.-Ro rh` Bob" is apparent- ly desirous of working up a Ragl- liabio class among our ho e.-- Val- ter Faber. Elbe. spent: Sun y under hhe parental rooi.--3ome of our extensive farmers are uihklnghuse of n pmm fertili- aeron their cam. my ich giveegood returns. --Robert. Chane has taken one an agency for the sale of a we-wheeled vehicle. manu- inctured by the (lnnanbqne oerria e com- pany.-~W ll Howard dlapiayed he new bug y and harness on Sunday by treating the air sex to the rst ride.-Mrs. Walter Donaub and dnughwr Cora, of Delbn. spent Sunday the guesh of S. M. Rnnsom. Eonnmxt. M`! In. -/Ilr. and Mn . Jo: Bu-low `uboI'r_ mptituu can . for Pollhrolo. what: may inicand `M -n II V. 3'33." . In l:ot.hodIo't dil- I met. musing mm as B1-oohvillo mu wank. --Sinv chum nu Ihinnnd from our hu- RICE ISBN!` IMIII II l3l_'00IV||lI NIH VCR. ---Sixty ohouo nu uh! tron our law men Saturday to u do: or In Montreal. van] nf our In-manna windlnn an WT 9|? BIDIHIII H! II UOIIII Ill Jlilllililh vonl of our in-mnu-0 winding up tho seeding this wck. A for am also hating corn.--Our mohor. Ilia Bacon. 3 drIl|in%.l.h0 bogs and girl: lot 0 con- cern to given in tho non future. 5. J. Sufull I at Saturday to El in try- Imr hi: hm-ad 1 r the nnv hr-Ibo. uh lhl E.'.'I. 's'ur5I'I .'"" si'ur3L'y 'u'o"i's`.I 'i}'.'iT-'- my bin hsnd u r the nny trlbo. uh Ihl mnmh u.-In nhlmr nmnII__Wi|llnm Lonn- w " v. n.m`Ii.`* Egg: onlgundny. the gum 0! In. P. 1|. VV. rwuurv IIIIVUIIIY IVQDIRIIII ` cannon ML: Anpoumu dmnonl OM. M mm. nu-In .1. n..:-. nlnn-ham 1__\_ Jubilee Scholarship ""5f1t'r='e-7" ! A FLO URISHING LIBRARY. >6toman's S ' Ocuuuvu ` Wk! mum alga rm: up nu - _ Oman I nAI|A `Al Cu A-`Agni... Tho Victorian order. A) n , :t' Thbreiagreat Cbmfortiu 3 good Lawn Mowqr. They to not - pensive. are very u_' y Rope. order. makes the lawn look lilo velvet, and is therefore on indis- -..-.-ILI- --A-I- __-.._.I - ....Il l.--A in order to place their work within the touch of all. luvs daoiddd to re- dnoo the price of Cubinet Photognin "for 3 ehoruimo" to 82,1 Duel. ]Lawn Mowers. iusssas. snnwon & nms Kingston LadIes'Gonege Closeburn." IKINCJSTON. ONT. In Union with The London Dollop oi X-nnlg [Inn - '-_""_'-"-_""""""T"" Heduclinn in Pnce _oI= PHOTOGRAPHS. Boll In Klnnton and E ldnhy nllrupontlb druu E?.I.':i;`1.?`1':`u'c'u.`2'F 5.'.'.I'&'1~71n'-'_3:'1'53 ouse. Dilfennt makes and aim `Es? qforo and After. ] jump. Insanity, ODIN Inn hann lwnnmllhnal nvu W'OOD'B PIIODPHODINE. The (II-cit lnulllh Ruled). _ L It. Ihnbonnnn unmnlnnlln UNI!` UGTOITTU UIIII (W I. ` Ono box cured \`V\`l|lun KnIII|Qw.QI two boxes Juno '1`. Stoddard. WW` U\Vlmmb\ll`y. ` Dh-lnlnn nmn-t. nlnrk Jnnl Rnnnn. Ruin VVCII LlWllIlll|D|ll',o ` Dh-Mon court clcrk Jool Ropu. Robert J. Hoover and 0oorqI.'l`a;-lot. I ntgpob on. voluntarily ooruly. to tho any 9`! Ch1uo u Cuturln Ours. W Jnnnlnnn AC llfn-A -r\AnI cannul- UIIIE I UIIIITII UIIFI. J. W. Jonniion. of Glllord. upon! nearly 8.%00on docborn. but. lound no par I nlief until he tried I 25-cont \ (bf Ohm`: A ,, u:.. n....... ..r nm.s.... .1: xi UHIUUE _ _/ Min DI er. of Allintan. Ra rid `oI\i~ cold in `he and in owolvo hours. ' 1 Henry R. Nioholla. 170 Rooter IINII`. London. tried A box with oxcollon obol. ll: hnnn'n l`.An'lnIm-In (`dun In Inn `All lib --vv vw---'---J ` g,"'.Kt11'a'2u. i`is`%,'i.3`2.T..'x`. ..'. n tofu 0 once oldon. . ILBI AND CITY 1' PERTY lmuod It Irvin poulblo rain. {on nowlnc old on 3 Vin now bulnount mu ton QTBAJIGI t BTBANOI. Aunll. 1:1, .1 mm. nu...|.1 Ann}. Ila. Ilnnnl h0|'Nl0n, Ifll I 001 min OXCIIICIIU CHIC`: Dr. Chan`: Calm-It cum in M {Eli by my dealer. or b Edmnmon Bun ` . Toronto. P:-loo oonu. {minding Blovnr. UOIIKIII. U0|IlI Ill UHIIIUHIII UI'U|lU|' road! cured by tho lamb discovery. Chan Iiinnod and Turpentine. Plenum! n-ul Anna On OmhA OK AAIKOA UIIIIK U LAIIITI Ill] and any to non Dodd s kidney Pm: Always Cure Lumbagoi UIWITII II I IIHIITUIU III In uuupw as An ._x. d ...'.f'..':?... ...:'f`.. $833.; The one olfootlvo round: I) `hr. dlloovild {or in in Dr; Ohm : Othrrh Gun. ~ `>hnnh\Ign- 6.11.4! In nun: flnnnunn AI.-D l0I`Plh|'I II` Ii)!`-' U;|Iir'dI UIKITI 61!: ` yo 0 ans 3 to on om-P Boll`; boll-gate labor. vhoilm Lind nj Chan`: Cam-rh Ouro did` in. n... In-no nnnAJI `William I.....k.- --A ,, ' V -v-,-;`- : `W `N -"1 But on an Iona:-olunut urn! oonu, Blown lnolplllp Md ,lIo opium. - cam. in arugnubu n nd'ol'6ndvo dinnn. It unnllv I-null: Inn A Add [vows KIDNEY PILLS 'A- Stracharfae LUHBAGO Godwin : Insurance Empotium Removed to Anchor Buildings. over Ixprua Omoo. corner King and Brook Btroctn. 1._-;...,:...`;,:.:.: " a`-unuuununnn-I--act. Coughl. ooldu um! bronchial troublol undl|v..nund bv tho Inna dlnnnrv. I had been troubled for several years with Lumbngo. I could hardly stand; until one day I was advised to use Dodd'a Kid- ney Pills. I secured a box. and I can safely say I have never felt the pains since. I believe they are an excellent pill, and I highlytecommcnd them. You may publish this if you see t. so as to help others. R. B. ormsou. :6 Devenport d., Toronto. ODD OUIID IV ltalhol mum: an ll\'ll`0%I IIUIICIITIV _ promptly. and pormuuntlr L can all tonal at Nawou ` ...l..._.- I\-l-gin-gin; Voahwol. nnuuonul aconma. Ilnpoumnul 1' noh nf ` -vv--- - - us npumuuu W`o&-Mu. but Allunnlnn. hum >'pcunor a `XI -IIY` \IllI"`II I Punuur A Ouuoun Hgxznnnn Win Ldlidon. Liverpool and Olobo Flu lniunnoo Complny. Q-ml. A... III an arm ha gplalltlnn An lial '.'3: %-1`...""'v aa"'=-"""-'="-.."` *-'*`T.'.-';`.-"V to sub 1' mnm ho. Bnldonoo. It lnu'I\roof London alanonahlro Llfo AI- aunnco company. Dnnlblluvjj A HA-`nun f`nIlIA- Ilnwnl WELLINGTON` STREET (NEAL Princess). Telephone, (IV. ,,._._._._.A. ::2- I. H. MOCAMMON. M.D.. C u I C 11 PI: II (I B o.'-z ;?>m'3.'. no $i. u'}`.'.x"}c....i`."` '- nhou . 5:3. ' " r I phonu. L R. Ir n_} Br-an mm: for at 1 on country NJ). . . . Tl 6 1ntonJoI:' ntgtil am- a mu torgxly uplod lg: the [Ma Jaun- dcn '15 on o. Ml. I. nun mm in 31'. D hohonon. '" GOT moon nu on 610. aanuuasnajuu .1: now I E-Ii: vcugmouuon. mo 0 0 anon-onphnlnuhnt our 0 p . A AYKROYD. .0 co ovobu moon And lotl WALL Hi:-:icAs] urn: uquponma an I no (mun now-an Room on o n. '0&,10Q .:III`\ :.0F1:I o'lE:{I@ 0 . FIJI L HIYNNTMBH A ll- REMOVAL. T 4...---.....--_4n-_ IDKORA'1'ION.In now I 'IVnur|!nn!|nn, W` A I j$H1ICllC$II~ F9 [sun uh you biotin` ouhlunuuc tn-up!-canto nhv. Inn. full`: hunt the VI null: ad II-Ila hearth `F; & co.. 1-uun..uuo.-mun-not oonuuooxaugornnnnu Ii UIUIU PICS]. VI IIIIIIIIIIIK 0 I010 Anyaaiganton $33351... TIEDICAL. cums. `ARCHITECT U KAI. BDUOATIONAET --q-- Iirxnovn. n.D. ...1{1"5fs. .n *.:.:..":.*`:>-.:*.;:..:*:.=g,"..':,*:.' S10. noo. 113 York ms. FKITIIC Till -ITI I ::rc|do`p:onl::l A no allow: 0 0 . an: n: 12:. muonm oou 'i.-Wi`i'"v".` INSURANCE. F'|NAClAI.. ` DENTAL. Agjnotclbiuv nu {Illicit- `-n.A...|n. .|..a.... .INu'n'\hI` mm` .. -Ia.D.8. .D0ntl.It III : ndhnl llnll. noun: nI`Q Lnupal. INUOIQINIC uonoiihhlypuodupotn`. toil Bi- 4 .`:'.`..`eT x",:. ` |'o din- tho vo `cl: `I R1 DI XIII I In. OIIUIOII IUKI Will DC CIIJO IINO unwell us instructive. Mr. but wi I oc- ciipy the pulpit both morning and owning non Bundny. A noopclon uonrico wu hold at tho Inga: noting Int Sunduy want when nine new combo:-4 was re- colnd. Tho Ilonl mnnmtoo top the church nicely dooornhd with opting How- on. but Sunday tho table was beautiful- ly admin! in knon glad whim. John Ru_v~ can `and Ilnxlcowh won Vnlud in nu- rflpon Ilondsy by Ru. Mr. Robinson. Tlnnun rumors of I nodding in the village s W-. J hllli h ` . h ` 3....-.n....u. > ...m...":."'.'.`E 12...`. tiofot 1 wcnndah woodhouio. mum. on. Mr. uni Mn. (`harp Summon upon in Hutton. Ila Ocburno. `A guano! In W.N.8mn- 3;.` "if: .'33h;n';L'. "}"7pu-I$i"" Ki: :17 may oouhublo ramhnoc by addi- Iiln of I nnndnh. inndhmnn. mun. [quanta-luuuv II I300-duodooluu. '79 would I _...`L -._`._n._ . AAL- Iwuywmunuu ruwnu uyuao mm- tiu of woodhonro. ciotorn. xuuu-uuu ulruvu nllulru. M0l'N1`.uN (mom. Mny l9.--Tho annual Ineotin of tho Tamworth dim-ibt tool plaoo n tho Mothodinb church yesterday and to-du. A my interacting public muting was held Int night. Papon were rad b Ron. 0. Adams. of Flinbon. and J. R. ublor, ol Roblin. on tho Iubjoota. "Tho Russian 0! the Putor to the People." and "The Rolntion of the People come Pntnr. An -nninnlul diumnninn fnllmnmrl. ma "mo Manon or can nopno come Pastor. An Inilllltd discussion follovnd. In which: numlm ol tho minimum and gymncm: put. Good manic wu given Tho tomp;nnco committee of the In no bu undo arrangement: to: 5 min of co- turu by D. 11. Inns. 0! Bultimon. to bo- man Sunday. 23rd Inlmund oonbinuo owing with. `than noon I will 1') In Hm nlml-ah And will In All nvnlnln {Y5 '" 5'E:w*Ioh' '"."'r'i3o' 3'."ou'n'"."'v?I'I ho In d In the church and will In 0 able naval] us innu-uni; Mr. Innl vi I ma. IIIVU H0 H0 up IIIOCU 0| `HO WC! luong CDC truck. r. and Mn. John Cam)beIl spent Sunday at Dr. Kilborrfe. orn- munion service ,wn.e held in: Sunday in Ch:-lap church by the Rev. Mr. Smith. Rev. Mr. Mill: delivered an excellent. aer- mon in bhu Moohodiet church on Sunday. taking for his text I Cor. [-6. Mine Abbie Kilborn spent Fridey and Saturday en Sherbet Luke visiting Mine Estelle Mills. Visitor: : hire. Richard Burke, at Hezro Luke's. Ono Btatlol Topics. 030 STATION, May lii --~'l`he farmers of this section have been taking advantage of ` the exceedingly ne weather and have now nearly nished seeding. There was a. little excitement caused in this village on Sun- day morning by the bridge near the station catching lire. It was noticed by Miss Mabel Kilhorn and was extinguished be- fore it had gained much headway Our looalcarriage company have commenced work on their celebrated cutters. Nearly all the fall rain in this section has been destroyed y frost. E. Bourke had a ploughing hoe on Saturday. Considerable workwas accomplislied. There are sev- eral picnics talked about for celebrating the queen s birthday. A good time is ex- cted as usual. Mosquitoes and black iee keep the unemployed busy. and make it exceedingly intereetin for those who have both hands emplo . The K..& P.R. luv. lmnnhh nn mnnh I: ah. nine Alana ah. Lanedowne Eplaodee. L.\ND0\\'NN., May `. 0.-'l`hnrnna Sliipmnn was brou ht before justice Mulvaugh last week for llegal flehing and fined $5und coete. amounting in all to 812.60. It may serve ae a warning: to othere who are aimi- larly engaged. About l:3U u.m. last Sun- day two men demanded admittance to the Stewart house. one of them saying they only wanted one room. The other, how- ever, naked fora room for himself as he did not know his companion), having only aeen him jump oil` a freight train, while he had come on the expreae. but they had walked up atreet together. He was ac- cordingly given a separate room. About twenty minutes afterwards the other guest quietly took hie departure by the fire escape. He probably intended to "go through" his companion if he could euc- oeed in rooming with him. but being failed in that thought he had boat get out while he had e chance. A. C. Cornett he: launched hie acht und made aeveral tripe with her. . J. Turner hae hlaated about twenty inches of rock all the way terms the road in front of hie reeidence in order to drain hie cellar. Robert Armetron . of Lyn, waa vieiting his brother here on gun- day. Dr. Sharpe. Lyn; Mien Burns and Mice Davie. Gannnoque. and E. E. Johna- ton. Montreal, rpent Sunday at J. A. Bradley's. IIIVU DOCK! llllll OIIIPIO O0. LDC I\..-C I . I`. Inn bou he up moon 0 the bias dong the Luck. r. And Mn. John Cnmnhall UIIIK U" Dulyu MIIIUI 1V UHIU INN] IIUUIIU Dodge have been a nding a week in Kingston. Meoerp. alloy, of Montreal, Mayhew. of Bolleville. Munro of Demor- entvillo, Miller and Hudgin. of Piot.on,l"er- gluon, of Hillier, Biddle and Bongord, of liroenbueh. were out: on aim Uentml ro- contly. Mn. W. obb. of Port Milford, in visiting her dun htar. Mrs. H. Dodge. Mr. Moound. 0 Toronto. and Miss Maud Clerk visited friends at. 8 ti Bay on Thurldny. Arthur Cole. . Main Duck. was in the village this week. Miss Eclinh Dulmngo. of Royal street. has been upend- ing a week wish her sister. Mrs. S. Vannlu- .bino. Rev. E. A. Tonkin gave A very in- teresting eddnele at tho Epworth league on Monday evening. Rev. Houck, of1 ic- Lou. and Rev. E. A. Tonlxin exchanged pulpit: on Sundny. Rev. A. Croeggan has returned. after an absence of a few weeks. with A fair bride. Illford Natal. . MILFORD, Muy l9.--Minn Addie What- tlm In: the nest. of Min Mnry Aokonnnn on Sunday. mu N. Welbnnka nnd L Lnfonlsnino were nuts ol Min Maud Uhuk on Sunday. Ines Nellie and Jessie Dnnn hum hnnn nnnnrllnn A wank in I. ERECK. lr'-Il viii: uuvvuuuun Dun Cunzx. May 18.--Edward Boom- howor ronqhad homoyo-dn from the King- Ioon llocpinnl. Ooor Keller tndod mm with William inhop. of Hm-Iowa. Mn. Felix Shorts wan summoned to the lndlldo of but dnu3ht'er.M l'l. Edlow Gunp- ull.of Godfrey, who In dangerously ill. Jerome Bots bu found 0 vnlunblo mine on Ms [Arm in the northern part of Konnobec lmrnuhlp. J. Penny hda an-rived home from Uncle Bum : domain. William Bar- ker In: home on Sunday. Our pound- koopor is doing 5 runhing bullnon zhis I'|o'l`|dln[IlnnVu-Iou in-u In mm- on `onrtolloqw An Doll: 2:-2.:.._A hypo ` " ` Pie 1-oxvAu:.May 20.-l`urn`I"on in thin vlcini haw nlnhod choir Iprlng eeodln . (!i.6A. Ilulon. 0: Pugh, wui one` to 1;: 5 ta M 0 D otoI: o:::I In 1%. `Ii-l.:3r0:I` i:hold- lng I wank ; upoohl on-vioea In the B: - uilfdohurulr. Our Iibialnry gociol igton i: he I i i 0 24!. . 0 mm 3.` `..'i...?.'i.'.`. x'r. v. Rog.erIpv.vo.n around but inch and nomad uovordl up pllontionqlor lmuruxo in the Tomporanco nnd General inuunn company. ~-_...._.. `00.55 * N A Havtv-res 1ii`.`_L ua `.~;u';uou'-4.. -..- .u-an-inn-n ynncamn Iountnln Grove Afnlrl. 4 ,,, 1., ,, ... Donal 0|-ooh nu-ooltlu. n. _.___ n , In !.\.I_,_._ `.` TIIIHT With younhouzil not give monull. :1 ':t`:.:..".!".`*'.n...`*... ..:'.'.'..-::!" I IIIIIIIICII II` N WIIIIIOI XNIITQIQA Dr. Lumholln hu houghl book I [RIO quantity of gum led tpooluongkx: eluding man: can Mlled wlth tho 0 tom 0! mutant lloxlonnu. The Inner he lg n_nmok|n.n the manning the "aorta II In coutunb on f`"-',, rnyuuz nungvr um Hurst wnon man. The pilgrims mun `walk the mute dio- ianco and nu) me to an nothing but unsalted com oak The journey in un- dertaken in order appease the gods. who-they thinbwm send them no rain nnhu the pilgrimage is made. The trip occupies 49 dgn. and often some of tho pun-inn din of oximmion on thowny. when the tnvolon rum!-Ii with Inulu laden with the herb. than Inna: ox-mono! riotous touting. Tlxouioholu ht-cw an intoxicating liquor from the herb, and I and orgiotaku place during which murder: an 01 common oouurrenoo. h. I_.....I...n.. 3.... \......_L. |.._|. - ..... Pll0}`E8.SOR (`A III. LUMHOLTZ. Hy spring as company of {mm 19 to 18 Hulcholun sets out [pr the neighburhoml 9! -Sun Luis Pueoni. 000 miles to the north, In quest 0! n strange herb hlch has mar- velous properties. The he I) I-euembloa n cnotua and In said to 11.1 Itmylmx hunger And t at when eaten. Tho nllau-Inna mn-a4.-.Il- Qlu. nnol-A Al. (In: an. 1. xnnsmxum-xi`: 31 l{lO|...nI|n:u:.oI.\. rust 33 nnllin than n h Idol tn rannluu Inna Qnlllnn .InI~ Iuuwn. (wan to H10 mvxlunn government. Tlw l_lulcholeu In the name whloh Dr. Lumlzolm gives this quuer u-Ibo. Accord- ing to his! ncoounb thvy nm vorltublo pu- gnns, xvnrsmplng strzmgo gods and per- forming lnystlo rltm before their strange Ihrln-rs. mm of their queer pmotlcos In nn Annual pilgrimage to the outer world. Ev- vvuuu Ilu rulurlllu I/U Cl\'lllV.(Vu onpluus. This time Pmfuaaur Lnmholtu hu hla uaunlquotnof "slmclmra. " Ho asserts that ho dlscnvored untrnnpn mbowholivo in un nlmoat Innccucualhlu valley and who much rooomhle In their customs and prnctlcoa tho pmhlatorlo Anoeca. Dr. Lumholtz says he lived !or three mm among than and that. their very existence la only vaguely known, en-on to tho Mvxlozm governmolit. Tlw Hulchnln In tho nnmo wI\Inh hw- P`:-ofusor Lumhoitn In I Globe `hotter Vvho Soc: Thincn. Professor Um-l Lmnimita has recently returned from an extended tour of explora- ` izion in tho runmtor |')ilrt.I of Mexico which he undertook on lmlmlt of the Americana Museum of Nuturui History on New York. The professor in in Norwegian by hirili. but for yours hon been as qlobu i.roi.tcr and has hccomo thoroughly cosmopolitan. Ho has made as buainoaa of exploring, nnd wherorcr ho you he always comes back with startling mien oi` hnirbrondili escapes and weird ntoricn nhout strange people. A dozen years no he explored the wilds of Auamiiio and claimed to lure discovered is moo of cnnxiiimls, and the ynrnaho told about their hloodcurdling customs mado him tho hero of nmny un albornoon tea when he returned to civilized capitals. 'l`h|l tlmn Prufnnnnr Lnnnhnltn lmu Min Ull IHB IIIIIIV Uy lllll lJl'IV'l|l-U lll'iIUWllYUn During tho` lust. preahlonllnl campaign Mr. Cnlh un dld yuouuuvn service In Ms ammo h mhnlf of Mr. MoKlnloy and its was through hlu efforts that tho Illlnoia delegates wont. to St. Louis under Instruc- tion: for MaK|nl(-y. IUVUTHI IIIFEUUU|'[lUl'lH`lUllHlllMl IHHIIIIULIUIIU. Mr. (`.alhoun`a political career hogan in l882. when he was olm'.tu(i to the some 103- islnturo. The session of 1883 was a most turlpulunt one. nml Mr. Calhoun took an l\Cll\`0 part`. in the election of Ciovornnr Cullmn us senator. When his term ox- pirud, h-~ dncinrcd that ho had hnd enough cxprricnwo my a member of `Lu lagslnturo and Hunt he would never nguin be as candi- dnio. In 1888 he mm-ed to Minneapolis with his fmuily on nocuunt of the ill honith of his wife, hub ho rvhurnod to Dnnvillo after nn absence of n your. No wnn olectcd state attorney of vi.`l`ll)lIl0ll county, but n-signed lmforu tho expiration of his term because of the increasing demands made on his time by his private practice. `llnn-inn lhn`Iunf. urn-hlnullnl nnvnnnlnn :2 I IIIU VIII hula! `ohglulolonn uunilql A qhclnhnsl L-uv.ua.n.... a young mwyur us mun muo. In 1809 Mr. Calhoun wont to Arooln. llla., where for novurni years: he managed i his unuio'n farm. Although ho had the ndvnnmgu of reiinod surroundings. ho wan not mtluilod with this llfo. and I0 ho ro- movod to Iianvillo, whom he began tho study at low. In 1875 he won ntlmimul to tho bur and formed as nurtnership with Jo- soph 1!. Mann, now nf Chicago. Ho built up u must. oxbensivo practice and was mado gs-nornl utcoruoy for tho Chicngn and Eastern Illinois rniiroml. Besides this he imn noted as rouulnrooumol for sovornl largo corporations nnd institutions. lllv (`.Al|mun`n nnlith-nl numnr hm-m n In WILLIAM J. CALHOUN. 3 I! an early ngu, and an 1? ho was working as n farnnlmml nmr Poland. 0. For awhile no nttumlml tho uumlomy at Poland and there mot than younger ML-Klnley chil- dren. Abner, tho prouhlonrn brotlner, was his upmlnl chum. but Wllllum. who had but recently rm-turned from the army, was young luwyur nt tbno Ilxuo. In mam Mr (`nlhnnn mum! in Amnlu ll1GIl|Wl"0X U99` HOIKIIIIUI nmuy. ltr. Caihonn Wu born in Pmnburg nbout. 48 you: ago. He wag Ion an orphan Inc the month of Juno Buaihou the Q` ` I .Kv333\'$3 mick without dolny to zclijnltnco which the Jubilee It a. 1.... J`..'&'.a'.i`:1`i.`;'.2.'-':{.`.'.`.$ .`?." '` s""" mun: J. comm n 5 thin: V pa-budaudv Almty, ` In`. Wtlliun J. Cnlhdnn, who has been ` am to Cuba u I npoolnl oommiuioner for V ` the pumouot iimuunmng the can at ` 3 Dr. Bull. In one of, the loudly; lawyer: at 1 1 cam-rn llllnorln int n tldnul friend of I Pruidnnt Molimley. t one thus in mu ygqth h`o win looked upon plmoli an I member of the htolnloy tummy. Hr. Clmnn dun hm-n In Plthhnnr J bmm'i'6sr:` 1-o cosh. TALES or A TRAVELER. nun? W19iIG3 , . SEND FOR PROSPECTUS an ::__. Development co., Lu] a. L; uwvn Q co, uulul. 0uus8tnb`)uIHhc.hrh\g B?.Hf.'_?f9- COAL 2E;>WO0D; Good Quality. Low Prices. Prompt Dollvory, Squaro Danny. jgp-..- __ Pun