coon m, mu... mane. laneYn. urnnu Ulllon. Cnpb. O. E. Howton, 47th bst.ta`ior~, Frontenac infantry. has been attached to tho ltitli battalion for drill purposes during the approaching xnilitnry camp at. Barrie- eld. Danni .\..-..V.. II... nu... l.0...t `Au -mud. "UNI. Royal pur Ye, the vorv latest. for nook- wnro. all any on on sale Saturday and Mon- dnv. `2.')c. each. (lrnnd Union. rm--- ...-. ..........:.... ..c .1.. x........: ..c HIIKI OH 0 BOCOUHE Ol ([13 I"llyBI(UI'llIy. See the men's black worsted coats and vests we sell nu $4 50. All wool goods. Grand Union. \..- _-... --.:-c_.: ._:A|. _....... A-- _.....I LVTIHII U HIOII. Are on satised with your toe: and cnffoo`! nvo vou tried us? We guarantee satisfaction. Jun. Redden & Co. Q-A.....I.._ .....l ll.....I-.. ...- -l....II -I-....|.5A.. U850. JIIE. IVCUUBH N. \/0. A mujorib of the laborers working on stream uh rains. and newer construction and the laying of sidewalks. 09.0.. were laid off on account. of the rninyeatordny. Ran the man's hlnnlt wnntarl nnnhn and IIIIIUHHYHOII. QIIF. IVQHHBVI K. L10. Snturdny and Monday we shullnlaughter boys three-pioca short. pant suite. See them. (lmml Union. l"1-..n I'\ I4` LI-._A.._ I'LL L..AA_Ih-.. 1'nt.rons of the street. railway were won. dering why the open cars were not called in during the mm yesterday and closed oars substituted. D..- .. ._..... I.-n. 1'-.. AL- nan. OIL- L.L-..A U-IFS Ell uauuuum. Buy a new but for the `Nth. The latest. nhnpoe in best quality only 3!. Grand Union. `M `lJ.....l-..--.. _.--:.... ....A1-L ....... ....Il UIIIUH. N. Henderson, marine nrtint. may sell his steam yacht, Sophia, and go to Paris, France. to further his knowledge of his chosen profession. "tn-A the muwnaf. in tin: for Hm 91f.h. CIIOEBII pl'Ull.`!!lUll. Have the newest in lieu for the `2-lth. ` The royal purple. all styles. Grand` Union. 11'... ..-.. ;._:-.z AL- uD.._.-m _-|-.: 4..-..- 1 Wood Frame Comet }Ivw.o you tried the Royal" aalnd dress- ing? Pronounced by onnnoieoura to be the beat. JM. Redden & Co. A _.-:..-iA.. -1` 5|..- I-L.._..... .......I...... .... -aumuruuy NH J] CI 31. Grand Union. We have still a npectmalce and oyo I gluxrnlweod bo tit, 1 store. IBL- IRII. L_|L A ' OTC`. Tho lfnbh ban`... A.L.I . of Bollevillmwill number `.200 men. including bands and cyolo corps. butoxclusive of oicera, on its visit. here for the 94th of May. Fur Hntnrdgv mwl Llnnrlnv all 950, tin.-I ll! Vllllla IIUIU IUI` lalltl 3'I|.lI UK ll!"- For Saturday and Monday all 250. ties to be sold two for a quarter. Gmnd Union. 1I.A_-..- .l' `L. _L..--A ....'I.._-_. -_.-._- ...-.. BIIITMI I0!` 100. 0800. umnu UINOD. W. 1). Hart. loft. to-day for the Adiron- dacks to spend a week with Mrs. Hart, thorn for tho benet of her Imllth. 'I\mA|`|r.n`.\nn`-.l . I L. L..Il ..:..A- ..:..I- pmu unu plnln. dt. neuaen a U0. The re. water and light. committee met. at three o'clock for the transaction of general buoinona. Rnturdnv nm-I Mnndnuo all our QI nnlnpanl unun: wr l|IU uuneno OI I18!` "ll"!- Lnzenl.-y'a salad oil in half pints, pinto nd quarts, just arrived. Jas. Redden & .I \_ DU. J. A. Friabio. nnd H. L. Fox, of Cape Vincent. N. Y.. nm in town. Thov are at-ying at the Tlvnusand Island House. Saturday and Monday a8`. ..'v0 hat. for l. Hmnd Uninn. KUIIBFHI UUIIHOHG Saturdnv and ondny all our #1 colored shirts for 75. each. Gmml Union. \v 'I\ T-Tn.-O `ntl L- .l.... I`. II.` A.ll..n... ll\'IHR'o ' Pr'I`hink of saving $1 to 82 on a but. You can do it with us. Gnu hero early for rab choice. Grand Union. Tho Turn: L HA...` .....-ulna AlhlI:nl| {- lor futhor Information apply to the N- w!) Autumn! Adlusant.-Gonnul of rum... Inn. baton he Jam. I'|._--A_.-_A 4.! Illllblg --ul g!--up; urlu unoncc. umna umon. The Inglis & Sons` pum in; engine is working every day now.nn has been since her aboun-jackets were repaired. Croaso & Blnnkwnllh mind nil in half Ilur Iluuuu-JICKOBI were repurou. Crosso & Blackwell : salad oil in half pints and pints. Ju. Reddon & Co. Tim rm, Ilntnr and Hnhk nnnun-inn mar. uuu never !Ip0ll!. ans. Itoauou G U0. Two tramps sought. aholter from the in- clement weather last night. the first in quite as long period. Tha Minn: Mmmnlnu fnrmml tum nf Hm llllllo D mug [)6I'IO(]. The Mine: IVIM-mnley formed two of the party of ve tint left to-day for Montreal on route to England. Llzanbvh Hnnninh [human nlivnn nf. Rm!- ull Ivuw (.0 nnguma. Lu.enby'a Spanish Queen olive: at Red- don`o. 'I ...-._l. \?:__I (1,. . ,2 , U.-_ ___n,_,,| (Hill In Joseph Nicol. Cnbnrnqui. again mnnod to his home through illness. in Itendily im- proving. Thin]: nf lnvlnn Q] On .0 nn a hut Vnnu I ll UllIUn R.oynl" Mind dreuinc novor nepurntu and never spoils. Jan. Roddou & 00. TWO trnmnn lnnnluf. nhnlbut frnnm H1: In. III I "6 lllll l0l' CI. UIIHU UHIDIL Alderman Moliolvoy And John Hewon. onninoor, are in Ottawa on buniuou. Frontenac cnfo. cold mutt. undwiohon. Min Elllo Glow, Harrow:-mlth. is the gun: of Min Lily Rayner. Union Itnot. Frontomo onto, orders taken" for lunches. uD......I|l --L..I .L.--..--.. _-.-- -------L-- Pinon fur felt, lmw Ihnpod but: only Cl. Grand Union. Illlll uunul noun. J (1 E5`..- -1 n..__|...:u- :.- ......s an .1. G. St.no_v.of Brookvillo. inn gunk It the British-Amonoan hotel to-day. urlnu umon. 1, Hnmrdnv nml Mnntlnr mm nnn Inna frnm UIIIWIQ DON)!` III IIIIIII. Dourlmont a! II: and Dofonoo. unu nnuuu-mnorwnn noun to-any. Buurdnyl and Monday you can buy from III a 82 but for SI. (land Union. A':Inu-rnnn K`nII-I.._.. _-ul Yoko: unnnvnn u. an. null. ullb, II and hlundn homo. Innn Inn (`git I-` wand-8 wmb wAr;r i Inn: an `Inn nopomu caught on no ' `I'D Roddon`l ooooi sin good. An-not : Amie: Znodyi: for all paint. Mound : drug store. 0. E. Hall. Gulh. in I gunk. at the Thwa- and hluldl hnnn. . largo atonk ol those classes. Your choice. 25c. McLeod : drug IIIKF lurll` ullrlllll `'1 misthl lmppen to he in 9 l\u~nIy-fnur. A! nitzhl .~i(Io- the ruyul bud-I mntvh. '|`lm_\' unly run each uml lmunl um! I Chen p. ( hupor. Cheapest. On Saturday Carnovaky will coll fmah atmwberries at 150. a box und cucumbers at 5c. each. J. Romoy, Ban`, N.W.'l`., an riM.end- out of the mail department of t. e Pacic division of the C.l'.R.\diod Tuesday while running to catch a tram. Rina lnmntnan nl. (`.Arnnv|E: I. nu mrnoy-gmu~ nu. Purl uf lhu hmxsohnld is nmclv up n!` u slate lu.-nu]. (`lllllillll of n llllL\`lI`l'. :1 rnmluclur, t\\-vnl_v-liv- inslrume~m:nl- Ms, :3 sergmunl lrumlwlvr. ninn lmu.~u~- hultl trump:-tors an l u mnnlwr of Imus- hold drunnm-ml l`lwso xmrlhil-s all lmsk in the sunlight of simwurv.-z. I.`..|.o nA1n\rrnnI|`Ii|.I llrlxlnnl Hun Iurm. Tho reul chief in the n1-mater of the lmusehohl, who l`t`(`l`iVtN 8('.79(t par un- nnm. All (\'[)U`l`\` nriaimz n.mum: tlw nrmy (unplug:-d in tlw ruyul pulnrt-s am- svttlvtl hy two unvic-nt |.odu=s rnllt-ti tho Imurtl of green rluth. and the court nf tho l\Iatmlmlst-:1. The green cloth (`uurt tnttvnds In m:l.ll('l`:< t-mu-twnimr Buvkinghmu ptslnvu. and the 1:u`.\'h:llSt"l to dis-mttxg in nll other ruyul [).`|llH`t`.\`. In hot 1 mums tho prusijimr 0fl'i(``l`u an- the lord 8lt`.\\'tll`t|, trc-usurvr. rontrullur. nntl master of the houselmld. ()ri_.zin:tI~ |_\' this hotly haul the power to lry all criminal t`tI.~ze\~: like murdur. forgzory and rnhhory. us wvll as civil mtttters. pm. viding thcw h.'Ippt l]Nl within u (`(`l`l:Iil| tlistunro of the rnynl patlnvos. 01' lulu- unxnllu Ihu .~.\..n.\ nf Ihnuu Inf nun u-nnrt; Fly-Time Hardware. (`rllllllllll (`n.~ui\~| IIKI` luuruur. un.u'|_\' .|uu lmppc-Imd years the` svupn of lhosu uni um ruurls nu.-2 hven cirmunsvrihnl. All quoulinlla of Ni luelte uml |)l`t'l`NlI`n(`I` urn` 1|-wile-I Ivy them. and ovc.-mmnully lhvy re~n<|m- dQ`(`l~l()lH under the lofty aulvnre 0f llw at turnoy-gom~ ml. Pun nf Hu\ Iumeuhnid Ia mmln nn nf IHKFK ll) KIN` SIIIHHXIII OI S|H\`(`Ul'\`.`l. l~Ii_.xhl M`|`l t`:IlllN~nI-xlrllls pruwul Hw lifu uml .~2uI'et_v of hor Inujnmty. 'l'hc-_\' lnke lurm gunnnlinyz the upurtlmmt she- ovor_\' hour uf the they .~uumluuI- Inul-rumln an-I km-p n\vviw 8350 :1 ycwu` lodging. Hwy (`um nr|In.'|II_\' 0|,-H;).u1m. nun- un|y_ uses `hos Iwxwsl of llwm fur l\\`n nr I1n'm\ (1 ya in the year. To nmimuin it lhv crown puyw $135,000 mmuully. (mo tlmusuuxd fum~t'mn.-Irivs arr mn- pluyecl in the quamfs household. \\'huu- ever show Inuws from unu pznl.-we to un- ntlwr many of them uvrmnpuny he-r. '|he nmninal hem! of mix army is the lurd .~;lowurd, who |'m'eiw.~z u sulnry uf $10,000 u yuur. His office is n simvurv. us he duos nnthimx hut ll.ppt':ll` m court on state uovuaiums in u gorgeous uni- form. I`|.n rnnl nhiul` in ux n~m,ulnr nf Ihn `J! I Il'U Thu-_\' un|_V I ha. m_v:u pun.-we-.~1 nor nur In It t'ul|.\uu'r'lnu- ,wurl_v xnxpense. Suum of llu-so are Iluvkinghum palace \\`ind.~mr palace, the \\'him Lodge, n.l ichnmml purk. Si. Jaunvs` palace, Ken:-inglon pnl.-mo, Hnmpdon court, Kew palace. Pmnhrolw l.o(|g(-. Hol 'ruod palace, the 'l`h.nvhm| vullugo um Sheen cullugv, Hirhumml park. nnd Imshhy Imuw in Ilushhy park. Many of lhzxw llm qua-e-n never (wru- ;:I:\~`. lull tho)` uni nulinluinml yen!` uflc-I` _\'mr_i11s1 us if Viv.lori:x uould muvo inln Iho-In lhu new! day. l\'vn-`in[.rtun pu|:u-v, for unl.-nu`:*, hm: cm ! on nu n'vruu:- nmrv lhun 8TU,1I0() u _\1\;u' tn km-p up fur the past vnghl ye-.-u`.~4 nnd l`\H'l`_\' wnny of Ihu.~'um\\':1.~1pr:u`li'nlly\\':nslml. `Yul lu rm-have llw lnnuln-ls of (Imus- :1 mix dying` of lmmzer in India lhv qua-en gave $2,500. l*`mn' )`:l(`hlS urn nmin~ t.-qinnxl for the uxolu.-ivo use 01 Ihu qum-ll oust originally 8l.375.()((). Ehu nnlu ncuq vhu nun--ml nf Iluun fur I\\`l| I0!` `I18 KIIIWBI Ill aunnrung V l('l0l'l1|. The queen owns 600 houses. not. ruynl residences. hut. rent-yieltlitlg prupH`l_\'. 'l` rapresent a portion of her pt ivantu fortune. (lshorna hnuso, on the Isle of Wight, and Bnlmorul, her Ilighlnnd pul- uce, are also [)1 3 Into property. The first of these she will leave to her \\`itl0Wl`(l (laumhler Rmtricu of lmtteuhernz. and tho Highhmd home to the duke of Cun- mught. ` (Xqlmrno and Ihtlmornl nre mnintninml by the queen at her t\xp(`ll\, but the vmwn maintainer a great numlmr of l'l)_\':\| pu|.'u'e.~4 for her M u (`(>n.\i(I|`l"lhlP \\`hi1n l.mIx.m. n.t hichnmntl nurk. was mun uu. Twenty-two physicians are Nnployml hy lhu queen in louk lifter lit-r In-ullh. Must of them receive :1. _\'1-nrly re-minim: he of (5.000. These include pl|y.~'iciun.~4, aurcroom. denlists, ooulisls uml l`hll`(|- Julius. None of llmso unis singly. ll 1|. small corn appeared upon one of her nmJe.~sl_v`s toes ll. would result in noon- sullntiun of clIir())mlisla, surgmms uml |)h)"_b`lCl:|n\l. The brain of one man is not deemed sufficient to vulva :1 cure for the tiniest ill aLl'l'llvtin; \'l<-lorln. Tim nuunn nwne H00 hnIl.~1ni, nnl nwnl Ooun lxponu Int Up i1.` Louv- , lag 0800.000 for Pocket Ionoy-Ior Favorite man In Dolled la! and Onoumbon. , The queen is hnrely five feet. lull, hut she wears a number five ahmmmulu in the style of the onlinxu-y uomtru.-as guitar. The heels are less than one!- hnlf inch in height, and tho ganiwrn are flat. and broad. Their only ormunentan tion are tips of patent leather. She has no funny for new shoes und wears impair of guitars until the{ urea litur- nlly worn out. She pays nut twenty shillinqs :1. pair for them. or n trifle less than $5. 'l`u-nnlu_Iurn nhvtil`l'\n urn nlnnlnvml i Iulemcnn nnnnn conwumi ' Canadian Bolnnctunuu. : mnomo. -' - onum. Ia.c.srannsaoo..m:n.I InAINI3s___ % I allppllod Iolonoo. u bllantory Oouruo! Snrvoyln lnnlndos what ` 1! down ll mvvuuy for I. :0 81-1!- nlon of him: Inn-I Burvoyur. The 0 un- tuy Oonm oolnptlul the higher Iuhjcota ra- Illotlolh I!) ll '1` - 3:131 Bnrrvo.ynr. ;`l.;I.I(I:0ol ra0;ll`:|':: ourVo`;TI:|*nl`u at o taught. ` f1n|Qh ol Oonno than nnru. `\ I voolmnlulonoin the lmpq 3| Rouulur Army cm at rounuwnnlml an ullly. Bond and nnunotlonmluu for nob tum. no mm of Mn month\' ronl-lenoo. r futhor Information apply the Do- nnl! Anlnunt Adlusnnt-Gonnul mum. cum mas T AINJEHE QUEEN. VICTORIA HA8 O00 HOUSES AND TWENTY-TWO PHYSICIANS. lllllllllx I0 CI\|.`ll I urulu. Ripe tomatoes at. Carnovskyh. Tuuioml riding in becoming mon nopnln only tin`: tho scum: union could be no more popnln. `the who In ('50. but it uhnn pun ~13 tho and to laws tho be. You look for the noun. CA-A. `Lil Have secured the entire lot of SAMPLES of I turer, consisting of-PATTERN mus. our 11;`: oR.nu_IufIis.* RHINESTONE TRIMMINGS and Illtlloh Waldren & Mader, ' A';}L~}}'t's` '{6'Ii}{{6}"T{c1 Flegltwing. ` 3. J. R. c. DOBBS & C0,, All (`I ADCKIPC Q'l`Df.`I.T'f` 1RAws uxa mesa Il oint( to therackncwledged superiority of Columbia Construction. How many agents too, speak of their wheels being "just as good as Columbias." While yet another firm imitates this peerless bicycle as closely as the law will permit in order to catch the uninitiated. Llnunlunr Neal:-l c.:.\n' 'r..L:.... C..II'..iI.'..... (`L..3... -...I ...-A_LI--_ forms 5 ups:-no subject. `XIII Oonm of Ph ulna and Ohomlutry In Inch `I to load town I ltlcolrluul ltnglnurlnu. Iloololocloll Service and othor dopnnmuxtu I pulled Iolonoo. Ohllmgtory Snrvqylng Innlmjos Pope Manufacturing Company, HARTFORD. CONN. iii-i3}5AcTs ARE AS FOLLOWS: Last season the manufacturers ofthe E.& D. Bicycle. submitted to the Pope Mfg. Co, entirelv unsolicited. n proposttion regarding their bearings. The latter Company, however was in no wise in- terested in any bearing save its own, but it may INTERES I` THE PUBLIC to know that the four-point bearing was discarded by the _Pope Mfg. Co. some years ago in favor of one leading up to that now m use. HRADING 0N GOLUMBIA REPIJTATION. A report has been freely circulated that the Pope Mfg. Co. have approached the Manufacturers ofthe four-point bearings with a View to purchasing. Such a report has its design, no doubt, as well as its cect. We are however, authorized to state that it is absolutely untrue. uv anu- line assortment cf Trimmed Mil- linory. l*`umcy'lh1st.ic Straws at 750. Shot. Fxmcy Rustic h`l.rM\'s at 81. Shot. Fancy Rustic Straws at $1.25 Funcy b`tmws, [in Black or White, at 250. . run . - .... ,,.... A grant range of prices. In great surpnsu in values. Starr & Sutclie, Ludies` Tailor-made Tweed and Serge Suits $5 to 820. Some of the skirts are silk lined. All the Coats from 810 Suit up are lined with fancy, silks. I 1- 5. . ,.v\ I q .. ...n a'&';.$t'* ':m::':::a::::::'..:..":.'; `I231 ax. do. Main 1! month: pro- V UIAVQM _V bollolnp on the Obuutory or rnllmlnuv an at! . , In Idttlnlxto the fin tin Mu Oolhao of- {on for n Adm-.M.Ion In Illltgry Snhjoogu. the oouuo lnurnoon I: sun In ton on! I thoroughly nouns]. uolnntllo and uouml Inc In a I dapou-Imgnh which no con- 6 al to: high an uncut modern ocluontlnn. '1`hc0lvIl II clue`:-In oouuu in uomplato and than-nub n 3! brnnohom Arolnmomro nubhot. Physical am]: A ' . I 0h?pm-wr g'o"3:m3uum"..?3; Kn. u, will I l I I I I J I IVIIIDIJD q$'l.0JU NU VD-UU UIDUII. Lndios' "l)ressnmkor made" Dress Skirts. lined tln'oughout., in Lustre. Serge, Sicillinn and Broohe. at $2 to an - l A SPF.(`,IAI. BARGAIN in LAnn:s' ` '.vnuuM1:u s/unun IIATS. nuns. I Ladies` "Drossmnker mndo" Silk Wuists $4.50 to $8.50 each. T .n.1inn' uI\.............l..... ........1..H 'l\..._.... It is so close that we are always aware of the im- portant things that are goin Ton in the trade centres of. theold world, and some of t It : briqhtest buyers across the Atlantic are alert to ll our orders, even to antici- pate our needs. That is one reason why our stocks are so brimming with the brightest and best from wherever the most temptings tliings can be had. It is well understood by our repre.sentati\'es everywhere that only standard goods will have a welcome here. Let the quality be right, ho\\'c\'er, and then if the price is made winsome enough we are ready for anything we believe will meet your favor. . IL 3.. 51.2.. ,...............I -1` LL- .....J 44 A|.;L L----~- ....... .-._- J\ :II . ` It 15 _tln.~; conlmxmlapcl of the markets that brings these goods to us, to you, Jllt when `most wanted. our Foreign Touch is , Closer Than you May know.` vhirt. Wnists and Blouses at 400 to! I18 and I20 Princess Street. iwmniunon 19-on qnmxpgms. In AL uu row vo Ann- T Ihguu pl on will nlul 0- and mutton o! to vent can QC 4 w nloh onndldntm nude. `.1. 3 olndldntu who huvo within months DI'Ov .?.`...l';'.'.`..'2'.:. successors to J. M. mcnmqnn 85 ca. Reliable Repair Shop. Agents for Envoy and Fleqaluving. \ 3 UNEQUALLED. UNAPPROACHED, $l00.b0. I896 COLUMBIA. as good as any I897 whaol. $854!). ARTFORD'3 NEXT 83.91`, $75.00. $60.00; COLUMBIA 44 CLARENCE STREET. FORMERLY RICHMOND & CO. u n. nuunw nu-nu.-1 vvwuruuvv. 9| FUNYIW [YB Ooh lling Agent: for build. DI" vllchch If lontnul. Punch. 80. John MA. Waning Ulctuh A Vcnqnunr. 0.0. _,- ___ _`_..._-- ..---.. ....,,..... um-my-vyw-vwuuwug -'-l l-II`. OULLI-If! rrnaw coLum u-1- also metal In Itchod and ohallomo All other: for dunlllu Ind beauty of nnun {the anus Puunnucalluoaupodi TN! AMI. HOLDEN COMPANY. OF HOIYIIAL. HI. &hLllIna Annntn Ihplhngdn uh: o..u.A..L..A \..-.....- nvnvvvni ..a--svuvu rill VVIICII m:ntn:cuu:nmtmmeuuneu..aunu.r.; No an-mt. pads The Itrnngmt. moot dunno. llghe, coolest. contest and but mung Hone Oolhn on uni. Honvlor loads drum with Ian exertion thul with any othct oolluns. Sure oure tornoro nook: and shoulders Tho num- lna In rust-pmot motnl. in not. umsctod by molstmo. and will not rip. All count. from the lightest bug to the hearth! tiny. u-o made of the vary but leather. and tutu! N 0 prouuurooqudtonttoont.ompulLaudnnooa\unnhIlu GLAD Ann I clan Qcngnna `A. . -_._ ` - ngyal Military College ot Canada. Gulllne Metal stftchea Alr Co n... .. nu nmnnt nkmnnn mu. .. .. L.4,., - - BOTTCEM5 .|\Iu uunuu, GI l\ll auu, uuu 00 1.-uuu. Men's -1-ply Belfast made Linen Collars 2 for 260. Men's Cuh 260 and 850 pair. Men's Brncos 10c. 160. 850. 85, 600. Men's Dressing and '\Valking Gloves $1, 81.25. \'nn'u lT.u|..m|lm, ulna` HA1` "Rn Things that will he wanted for the 24th are here in abundance. Prion. of course, are right. _ Tin": (\n.nln:nn nan Q||AI|I\`I\lI ! Ul uuuluu, uni ngur. Bolts. Chatelaine B 0. Shop ing Bags. Shirt Waist Sets. adios` ion. Collars. Cuffs. Fronts. Handker- chiefs. Gloves. Ilosier . Underwear, Pnrnsols. Umbrellas. 153: for D9- oomting. Bunting for Decorating. Qn-_.-I 0...... I. ll'-..I- I'.'\n...._|. -- ----- "or --~------0 -v- srvwuuuuunu u Special Snaps in Men`: Furnish- lll. llnmu. \\Il.;|.. `l\....n.. l.:..A.. an. HR. 817 W Men's Colored`Front. Slnirhrl. Man's Bulk and Funny Neokwoar I 100 each, 2 for 26c, and 250 each. 1\r....~_. 1 ...l.. n_u-.._. -__.a_ RDA4` I $1`: IIKIIUB 1?]. Wlollu Men's Umbrellas. ` I `5**~.* Dawns` od ' rztlona cl color `Wrapper. CALI. AND SEE `Il.\Ien's Caps 26. |Kr\u Men's White lkola Shirts 600. 750, 1. . ST. atoe_L rod. 750, f. ,, ` . T Every visit to our store is es-- teomod A favor. and we sell only such goods an we can I tmthfclly any are the BEST. ` gs. Iiluwn sin I. mug Liver mus Send (or `push Guide. Substitution s-w Eldon Olllor. look: better. V111 and lion and cos! lou tor ro- uho inn our othu vhul at say who Don't an an oppooluon duke`: Moons o! It but no It (or GURBETPS HARDWARE. scroon Windows. Scroen Doorc. ` II:-A Sprint!- :- 62-=s9!-.9r2-1 st and an endless variet ofl .8_. -I.-.I -IA -...I ..... "IOI`U. ad lulu vluuu Motto. all at economy ptica. corner Princess and Wol- nnA _;- _ a-4,.-,A_ I. _A_|_|en% A_ Son, Ouno line of Wheel: and not our when for (DIII3. KINNNUNHS and IILBY8. Our `I Oil `tho nocou`uy't|xI&u N- n 1- n or o 3 Mining 1.-`titty. uzuon. 9' The UIUCl|Ilp HIE: b * \ ...'sum Chocks. lmnlu l,In_ ALL HOTELS, BATHS AND Now Route by Canadian Paci- Ic Rnilwiy now in $11 open- . the at - catches. 00fI. Wire Cloth. Best. I Zn, CCIZICIIT II C CUCWUI l nulldojuoiigonutqlyllinlotbots pnguqvbhu the nail! `poni- & to -l In` _ public jnn`ZInnnn-n-Alnpnldnlg l"""='A --~-- .,__ ~""_"'NIIug.u,..~h Rogere took the trunk which parliament provides the member with for his euppliee each eeeeion. Mr. Rogers denied this eoft impeachment. and M r. Bennett was forced to accept the etatemeniz, though he pro` mined to watch the account arulmee it it wee paid for. New this trunk question auggeete a few obeervatione. The mom hereof the home and legielatore are cer- tainly entitled to the paper. pens. pencils, and other material which they use in pub- lic service. but all these can be furnished an they are wanted by the pages or meelengora, from the stationery depart- ment. and the practice dispensed with of aupplying what the members do not use, and what they may he required to remove at the end of the eeeeion. with the trunks containing it. There has been extrava- gance in connection with theee trunlre and it ehould be ended by the government without any pressure from the patrons or any other party. .-nu-av: suuv Va-avg: q-nu.-----~a An Article in the Kingston New 0! May lath eooeped notice unhil ewenoion was celled to it. It ie heeded Unjueh Ae- eeulu," prohehly heoeuee ite ecqunintenco with juetioe wen remote. The report of Dr. Percy Bnnnieteri words which had eppeerod in the Wnm wee e perfectly hir inference from hie epeeuh. end no feirly en it could he preeented in condensed form. The News conetruotion of it in very kindly. very greeetuhhuh too indulgent. Upon enoeher episode in connection with the! gentlemen the New in entlioiently con- deunetory of it: own leek 0! justice when it eeyl hheh one of his friende per- eeneted him on the telephone end need an- eeeuly language. e proceeding which can- not he too eeverely condemned." Then is _...._..'L. Ak-A eI.--L-._._._.:_-A AL- .._I.._|._ wv wvv vwvuuwu; uvuuvunuvuu . I-umrh that thoohnrgonguintt the unlucky gentleman has has windrawn. It In oqully just spirit had uotnahd the Now: 1 ohthorq would Invo boon Inn to com- pluiu 0!. Th Wmu ha and that Dr. HIGH and: use of shooxpnuion ms the 3. ._._. II..LL-_l__ ALA}- _-_A- _.:AL _- qnvuvuu --uuw -I'v -an vvvvur-vuuuvu nun: Univ `(ll won "feathering their not with to- Iithblo doxutity. News dooluo um Dr.ilu-old now: not! not mox- pnuiou. The Wino nitonan In the uronguln arms that ho did do no. I_ ICU :1 vii vat out I in that of Sir om`; Tapper in.ll:n- Innlhauhonponu Lou-lug tho ox- __-__)-_ .._.- - ..-.. __I1-LI. _x..-.. gL-_ cAu:oom.A.sI.>mNos| Qvuq -u--v vuw Ivrwivwu ----us vuw va- pgcndonvucnconlhhh vituouthn` L`. -34443 1K; `(J un pagan-nKAn lK whtdtulvv VI vuv vv -u lucid mic the much In ; pt:i-IEVQ-`o; in manual: win ouduvctd on hutdiutbshldihounhniuu ...n...|..|_ __|._A_...n. It - ...:......_ THE TRUNK QUESTION. A discussion in the commons on Wodnetr day began with the items of oxpondnture on government house, And epread out until it wee dillionlt to determine whet the eub~ ject under oonuidoration wu. Inoidentnl- ly an attack we: made upon the petronr who aided with the government. and when Mr. Rogers. of Frontenac. undertook to defend hie notion. Mr. Bennett. better known for his impertinonoo than ability nailed him. It was char-god thnt Mr. D_...-__ A--|_ AI... A._.._L .__L}_I. -.,._II-____A V2 - ttv-nvucw-u w-wavy: '2-1 Iioupnluwhodid not nuonhr Uh t. Tldohlodoubtin Ihuinddllo ,5 .|_ -ID_.__ .m,- U; tilt W U-Iv: Iuvuvv-vw----Gnu plnhw uluhnb. II I uvqnpor .L._1.|.| ATTACKING THE PATRONS. There was. apparently. a great deal of design in the nttaek of the conservative members upon the patrons in the commons on Wednesday. The offence of these farm- er-melnbers lay in their disposition tostand by the government in its expenditure on kovernsnent house. The expenditure was slightly increased. as Hon. Mr. Turte explained. by obligations which had been left to them. as e le. gaoy. by the late government. The spirit of the opposition was displayed by Mr. Bennett and Sir Charles Tupper. One referred to the festivities at government house in which some members indiged and which he did not share: the other com- plained that there was an army of servants at Ridenu llall "while the governor- genorel was more than a thousand miles away all summer. often to the great inconvenience of` public business. The old grievance ngainst. the governor was recalled--of refusing to sanction all the appointments made by a moribund govennment-and so a fling must be had at him in passing and under circum- stances which made the attack a cowardly one. No wonder the patrons stood oil`, and when they had to take sides voted with the government. They saw that the opposi- tion were in quarrelsome mood. desirous of being personal with his exceliency, and offensive without occasion. -ow-I-ey ye-u-v-no vuv e-v-an-vs Buck in the eriticien of e temperance pepercl _ detement of Mr. Lnurier to the eeot 6 the any to re- quired to v eeverel ieeuee in connection with the plebiscite. The temper-enoe men eey aha the only quee- tion should be, in the words of e Metho- dieh dieujict meeting. Are you in favor of the immediate prohibition. by law. of the importetion. munuieeturo and mile of in- eoxicetingliquon no beverege Y" The implieeen immediate ehuttage of revenue end Mr. Leurier inn 5 righo to heeibete end coneidcr if the people eiiould not uleo be uked if they favour direct taxation in ordenomxkeic up. There are I greet. V many temperance men who want the iuue to be element and decisive. IIIU l4|HUUl5 {alga " ally rckitlmslthou in not i - blosllr. Laurie:-`I mhnfmo :13; I17:-:6 Inntiop in the only nlhrulivo. an the lib- onl pmy Inn cloned to roduoo and not toinongu the mic Ivory good liberal Ihauld undoneand tho dooorlnu o! a revo- nuo in-i`. and know that tho reduction of u tunriifu I win inoioad` oi diminishing. notunlly iocnuu the revenue." D..-I. I4. AL- -..hl-l-_. -0 - A--..-mg...-nun 'I:HE DAILY `W-HIG. 4 Op!/or par Orluu Dian.` f-- `Sf-._'.2::.=-: MACDONALD CLUB MATTERS. -- "1-as uuuon Lug. n # _`..|_I._. _I;L-..':_|. ._-L. 3" TS "liililblllillli RIfUI?. tending tho Inches` nonunion and uclllyelsnuintluuohoolo Inn Man nuilfuudqyaon. largo- bald buns. "850 0nd th|`I plain. anlv In. at Qnnnhv`; IF DIIITE A vidui muchant has ban looking over the uokluton shop on Princes: Itnob with a View to opouing A furnituro Qhhlllllmnl. Tho on-out nnr nnnnn Ami uuuuny nnor uulo noanro- houliqthoohilcitonol th:gnblic lohoola input:-lotto ohonuslolnn colon- dqy non. "Th Lnnl o! t Maple lalfvuthorulworkhlonnp. Alhnhfuyoncnn thouvutmd ::IuylbhAnionnhu.ho\hInrdnnd `lhhochcnohllooopsnto uchoolnn Akhnlllnn tin touch-n` nnnwnnlinn anal The Nnughty lloye. This morning market: clerk McCemmon found two young lode. between the A of eight and ten years. one living wit hie puente on Chnthem street, and hhe other on Colborne street, picking up cigar ntumpe on Prinoeee street. with the inven- tion of drying end smoking them. They had evidentl not known the benet. of eohool dieoi lne. Their nunee were ne- onred end t ey will he made attend school. The Canadian Literary Bureau. Hamil- ton. bu publiohod I pamphlet. which dio- ounu I very live quuuon with the o of Ouuda. The mloia Liconn. Yr. `. bition. l'Iobiocii.o." by Chuloe wmi Licence in alleged to be I failure: prohi- bition to be unootiptnnl; the plebiscite a fund; and an nbompl is made to seek for it nmody. The price of who work in gtvonty-ve contm. W : luv`. Inn. ratuivul n ....u uul ntwlinh `BIWDIII-",'U WINE. . We In?` just ncoivod I nu` und otylinh Itocl o! tine kid [loves to all at all prices st Bohr`; A uk-JLl.._ _.-_.L_..A L_- L--- I._L:__ Wcar was mm | new to opoumg lurnmu-9` uhbliahmonk Thcgronb oor: and (anon! good light make is u nblo Out an Auction 063! has in himwm. In brim or lot cnrld brim. in a winnolau anon Yulntd ll Gallo man. J . on` S. .: m.'2 .'...';'.7`.2'..'.*. The Win; Win mgm. The neeertion that only two persons were Breeent at Liout.-Col. l)rennnn e place of ueineen on a moon! ovoning when a lad named Murchie. of Lyndhuret. applied to thocolonel for neeietance in gaining ad- mittanoe to the school of artillery instruc- tion. or in being accepted one I recruit for A" Lottery. is incorrect. Liont.-Col. Drennmn. one of his employees. a promin- ont oititen and n Wnm reporter were in tho etore when the boy entered and n mn- jority of those who accompanied him were personally known by the reporter and a majority of them were members of the Nth bugle bend. v-u-.-uwn u---xvvu no. R. E. Companion James Admnmpaet 7... has insulled the now ollicers of Ancient. Frontenac and Cnunqui cnn tor. R.A.M.. Kingston: Ex. Comp. W. . Ronbon. 7..: Ex. Comp. J. S. Skinner. H.: Ex Comp. W. T. Mmnos.J. : Comp. Joseph Fortoacuo, S.E ;Comp. W. [L Macnoo. S.N.: Comp. R. 1). Baker. l'._S.; Rghb Ex. Comp. A. Shaw. trouurer; Cori. W. R. 8. March. S.S.: Comp. J. A. innos. J.S.:Com . Jame: Ros.-. M. 3rd \'.; Comp. J. . Cunningham. M. 2nd V.; Comp. W. B. Skinner. V.;Comp. C. McCormick. organist; Oomp. I-I. H. Ball. jtnitor. A Propoeed Temperance Law. Police eergeent Snodden has been giving ooneiderebletimetothe etudyof the prohibi- tion queetion of late, and has found whet he consider: an excellent solution of the problem of how best to secure observance of the law, in one a plebiscite should re- sult in u uujority for prohibition. For every young men who grows up to be e drunkerd. under prohibitive lew he believe: the municipality in which such pereon livee should be taxed A certain cum which ehould be peid to the reletivee of the inebriete on com ieneution for the lose they will have aulfe through hll drunlemieu. A few oeeee of endomo- ment of such in rule no this. the zergennt considers, would cause such strict measured: to be taken for the cerrying out of pro- hibitivelawe thet violation: of such laws would noon become mre. U UIUUI I-ll` LIIU l\u Acne! KIUUIIUH. Tho Diamond and St. Lawrence baseball teams. two promising junior aggro nbions, have arranged for a match on Mon any, but are without grounds on which to play the event. The will ask permission to plus in the Mi land fnir grounds at to- nig t`a meeting of the celebration oommit~ tan. FIVUU Ill LUV Ullly Ull IIIIU NIIUIIIIIUF IIUTU Ill! I:30 o'clock. The members will return to- night: on the steamer Alexandria, leaving hero on eight o'clock. The match with the Kingston aggregation was called for four o`c|oc|r at t o K.A.A.A. grounds. Thn ninmnnd nnd Qt. Lnwrmmn I-mnnhnll Bportlng Notu. For the second time in aucfeaalon the Frontenac bicycle club was dobarred irom bakingiba weekly run on account. ul in- clement. weather. The members have hopes that they will be favored with fine weather Mld good roads next. week. Tina Pinlnn nnnnnintinn fnnthnll tnnm ur- VVUIIIIHUT IUIIU `DUN FUIIUU IIUXII \\'UUIu The Picton usaociution football team ar- rived in the city on the steamer Hero at I-.`{Iln'nln1~Ir Thu mnmhnrn will rnfnrn In. hf! -..-.--.- rvvrlvu The electors will keep these facts in mind and be prepared to give Mr. Kil- leckey I proper "becoling when in the course of biino he visits Kingston on his spouting mission. WIIU IIZIIUII III (III UUIIVUIID Ill IXIIIII` Illu no an arrangement mutually utithotory ` -to the eppolntee end the government was effected whereby the letter notifying him of his appointment won mailed to Wmdeor end Allowed to remain in the poet olllco there until a (leg or two below the elec- tion. In the meantime Mr. Kllleoltey we! in all but nnmu and pocket-book tho con- servntiveonndidete Ill Kent, end when eooueed through the preou and on the plntlonn of hnvmg on appointment be per- sistently doniod It. On June 25th, ten day: that the election. he went to Wind- not and entered upon the duties of his ollloe. On July ht he wee paid out of the gominion treeeun for the lull month of une, dutingtwo-thirdeol which he had done nothing but campaign for the cou- Iervetive oen idete. when the Leurler government ollice Mr. Killeoiey was made to dlegorg hie June eelu-_v, and the controller ol cue mu has now naked him for hie reeignntf n. If it in upon Iuoh in- atencee en the ve that the Tupperitee hope to make the Cenndinn people believe that the spoils ayetem has been Introduced into this country, they must regard uea oredulous people. OFL- -I_..;.__- _.:II I.-.... AL--- t....;. :_ AI,.LEN'S SHOES. . . . town How It by We M3. `Ill KIIJLAOKKY OASI. . button has bun onllod to tho Illlhohgcub by the _oo_marvn6v`o pun undln dotpnootlon with In unnounoomont to the 05500 that Ms`. Klllnnhoy conun- plnhd a political hour of Onm-to with the louder of the oppoullion. Undu than air- cumhnou ibis lmponhnt to nndantmd who the man 4 in and what bin porlormunoo was. Thu Montreal Hornld supplies the intormnolon than : .-o u. son. -1-; .9 W. P. Kllleck y. el Ohuthem. Ont... was appointed nub-collector of omuouue at Wmdlor on buy new Int by the Tupper government. Mr. Killlnkefl Iervnou were needed in the oonteeb in Kent. end an Inn: A-ugnng-nnnn IuuIl.nnI|l.I nnljnfnnlnri Ohnptor Omoorn ___,.._ . 1...... A). DAILY" wine. #31341. ,MA .!? 91, 1397 T1315- euyutiu h&;._`_ 0 Saturday wouonsnuu. `nay goon naming at 81 lot you Union. 3. Bull and John W. Sunsh. ol II. urlnu union. Thin morning the ntonmor Onthnito, of Chvdnnd. bound us. light, carried away Ola`. nnnn nf Inn! 7 Al Oh. nnnn 111-] qllfilf gu:d;n IOUIKSI ;ld|I DUITOUIICIIIIQ 'e;Iln`\.ry at y ood 3 grant dun`p `ha and chitin; and pnuino bargain out olbtd inlhiu oiqy. Yuutdn we mil sin in hunt vholtnlo no huh-1| 1.1. l).uul.oL.a ...... ..u IIIIIII IIIIO llllill vIIo%l0 nouns in bohtdbo. Ooodnthnlvunoold Ohio In ............""" %.`.`3.`1"`:'.?.".' 'r .'..`2 Aipreclation. Inswvuwuuuuus uoouiulllwunoonn Ihhuuonln t.L&;I:ohou|crn8l6|682-Q 0 loan. shalom The flu Bnnnhv Iranian at ll hi KllI"U `IIIDI WI NO. I 0| ill. DOW Wl. lend oenel. Ae thie level ie one end :- qnerter milee in length the surrounding mnnen ie hndlv landed and nag: dnllnnn moro- In buying our stock we no not guided by whut atom in other cities may do. We undonhnd the clothing business nnd no nblo to rely on our own judgment. If you want to no line Scotch trend: and oolid vonud units that on as wall mania and nished up any nilor our do, all nnd no u. Grand Union. ULK. -.--I__ AL- -A--...-- f\..tL_.:n- -1 c\.'};i1uTaTi1.;`...i'.."'Is'.?n".. ;;..s...""";'.:._.` that put oi look o. 7 of the nu: Wol- Innd mnnl. A: thin In-cl in mm and n. IOYOIIIO uu|y IO! `U IUD. W0 want. to draw your attention to four lines in men : units. At. 83.25, 84.50, 87.25 and 89.50. Thev will wand oom- puuison with what in Show-n by other: at 25 rcont. mom. Grand Union. n- L..--.I an` .......I._ I.-- -5 I--L .....I-_ 30 T1311`. mom. \ll'IlI UIIIOII. he board of torka has at last. under- taken to N ir tho crossing on King atrooc I-oat, over ohnaton street. oonnactin the sidewalk at the cathedral and the uni once of Miss Gildoroloove. The crooning has boon in a had atata of repair tot a year or more. I- L..-:.._ -.._ _.--a_ _. -.- _-a _.._x.a__\ Ul1'|ll(1 UHIOI . Mrs. I`:-incl. corner of Union and Bngnt streets, gave a very pleasant. nnd enjoyable dnnce to A number of her friends last. night. The attendance was not. so large an it would have been. had the wuthor been more fnvomblo. K`-l.._J.._ __.I `I-..J-_ I`A_ :.-.-.-H- ISIIIIIHU IIUIIFU. Tho iuuo of the Christian Guardian for the present. week is ontitled Tho Conven- tion Number" and contains apocinl mat- tor oonnoctod with the approaching inter national Epworth League convention in Toronto July 15th to Nth. WA nun}. tn A-II-any vnnr nnntinn tn `mu- ORV. :00. 080". \II'HU UIIIOII. There was no meeting of the board of works yesterday afternoon. in council will not moot on Monday next. (`hairmnn Carson signed the departmental accounts, and pay mll. lust. (vowing. H:-ant. fnrnra in um Imh trnrln. Your nnn Fly IUH. I!l!\'I (VUWHIR. Great. furore in the hat. trade. Your choice of noet. grade of hard and soft. felt bat! for 31 Saturday and Monduy. Gmnd Uniot Il_- I|_I___ -.....--.. -1` lY...I_._ `um! I)......L Klrk1iatrlck s Art Store.