CUIITUU Ul loll PTUCKUIH o The Vienna Nous Frelo Prune publishes a doc to!) from Constantinople. saying that ermnny has nall up roved the condition: of peace and t I: t e idonticd note of aha nnwnrn nn than nnhinnh wnn nra- IUIIIQU IOU IIIJU LUTIIUKI KUVUTIIIIIUIIV I.u-uu_y. A communication has been received by the Ottawa nuthoritiea from the imperial government. asking that tho American ab- ing cruiser. J. Gerring, jr., which was convicted of fishing within the three mile limit. and conscated, be let down as easy as possible. Jnl-m (`mnro-n nnrlnnn n!-. hnrnn Mnnlr. IIUUII. ~ It. is thought desirable that the Canadian fund for the relief of distress in India should be nally cloud. The list of aub- ecripbions are accordingly being prepared by the hon. treasurer, J. M. Courtney. and will shortly be published. Thu nxnmimntinn nf I-Tm-r Vnn Tnlnnh. Wlll Iuuruy ue punnsneu. The examination of Herr Von Tausch. the former chief of the secret political lioe, who is charged with fourfold per- jury and treason, was continued at Berlin so-day. Von Tausch wept during the course of the proceedings. 'l`_he Viennn UUIHIIUIUIII Ul PXLU null 030 UB3 IUUIIDIVJI note of the powers on the subject) was: - tented to the Turkish govarnmont to- ay. A nnnamllliinntinn hm: hnnn 1-at-Aivnd hv inn WBI IOOIIIIK WU. `LII. IIX UOWII WI! larger then but year, the prince en the ex_cellent crop of th peet eeeeon having stimulated the farmer: to extre ex- ertion inthie direction. Rain in needed in come dietricts for the Iain-sown grain, but the usual aprin nine begun the do Mr. Mechy left. lent iutereet ie new ing taken in deiryinu All through the terri- toriee and farmers everywhere are improv- ing end increasing their herds of cattle. both for dairying end the production of beef. and there in 3 great demiind for young hull: of dairy breeds. The mice of lnnde during the put six months have been much in excels of any reviou year and the `prospects for the uture in this section 0 the territories ere very encour- aging. -.-.. 5- up..- -._._._ IXII. The Grand opera house, Ottawa, has changed its management. M. J ncoba, formerly of S rrow & Jacobs, Montreal and Toronto, Egg leaned in for ve years. lg. nlew And larger open house is also being ui ta. fl`L_ _....._L.... ..t AL- AoA|_ t'l':_l.I-...I--.. sinus; in. finished baforh ho left on the 21th., and the great bulk 0! grain was up and was looking well. The In! sown no In-mu lhnn Int. vur- tlm Inna m-inn Sploo or The morning Pnpon And The Van Latest Doaonohu. Auguste Dreyfus, the well-known bank- er and hnnncior. of Paris, is dead. 13-innn Wnrdinnnd Vn}nr nu-nuvn nu-{non Or am: nnunclar. Ul fllfll, I5 UOIU. Prince Ferdinund Victor, crown prince of Roumaniu, is dangeroully ill with pneu- monia. Dr. Blanchard. is prominent Winnipeg Ehyaicinn. was enndbaggod by footpads, us not seriously injured. The usailnnta encapod. Ihin ntnlmri Mint. Hm Latin rnnuhlir-A nf W000 AND COAL cupou. Ibis stated that the Latin republic; of `Central and South America. are rl for revolution and they would willing y be- come colonies of Groat`Bril.ain if it could be arranged. The rmhives of Pormaiiau. Emit. Africa. l'$lnIl)K'CU"lUHO. Lumbering is developing remarkably along the line of the 0ct.m'm & Parry Sound railway. The qunntity being made on the line of the railway in something enormous. An eatimnto puts it at nearly 500,000,000 feet. rm... n.......l ........- L....-.. ru.-..... L..- Ill): The members of the 48th Highlanders. of Toronto, entered for the military tournament. At. the agricultural hall, Irling- ton. Eng., will take pnrcina dreas ro- hoaranl called for this (Wednesday) after- Il D0 Hl'l'g0U- The natives of Portuguese, East. Africa, are defeating the Portu ueee troops and the governor of Dolagoa as urgently re- quested the government at Lisbon to send reinforcement. Y.....L....:.... 3.. .I......I.....'.... ____ ....|..l.l.. PITH OF THE NEWS. 'l`Io'l`otn FIN! IJIF. -\lUVo I\lKI' u lnullounnei hiuuooc-nor I ' .. anon tbs whole cit-cumataneoo Iono thought 6 days show have reminds! south drcunntunu than no known it will be udnmud that tho lnprhl gqvun this and count. LI $C'lII|IK FT `IV? I Inn ii In-inltothinnturnndnya 3.? though hnonuuumthouln. that its luddun urn nun. N0. 122. other Ooupnnlee Wanted Twice The Inb- elay The Penreone Aeled. Tonon-ro. Ont. Mey 26.-A epecial ceble from London to the Toronto Evening Telegram aye: J. F. Hognn, who visit.- ed Canada in the intereet of M r. Huddnrt, of the {no Ablentio ehemahip eohelne. eeterdey naked Right Hon. Joeeph Chun- rlain. coleniel Ieorehry In the home pl eonnnonu, if the tender: of other nne for she construction of the veglele were fully considered before the final decision we: arrived neeo ewu-dtheeonu-ace to the Peterson and why the _ O In nncntinhd in mnrnh inn! nflidmp In nqruuunl Ill public tender. In nnlv Hr. an -l'o UIIIITIIII CIU EDI` II" oonoidontion who `no to all tho tandem, mm hing van to._thPI't0non m tho other compute: required twioo tho unonnt oluuluidyukd by tlnnoolur hi tudonrl. 'l`L. Zapping `no.4 -I-an n --I_-- ..ll \ l'U$'I0llIIllll VII IO m|'.. nqrotinud in uctobi `oflning byl nnblie under. ullvlll. Lorznox, May 26 -'I`he aspect olfstern nairs is less peaceful. Turkey is nding 7.000 more troope to Thessaly and it is said that the sultan has promised his min- More not to relax his hold upon that pro- vince. The note of the powers certainly does not yield on a single point. and states even than the peace conference must be held at Constan binople end not. at Pheruelos, but the sincerity of both Germany and Ruuie ls doubted, end my sign of dis- sension among the were mekee for ohstinncy on the pert o the sultan. LU CVIUB loll! UOIIUHEIOHI OI ODD ITIIIIHLICG. A dospnbch to the Dnily News from Con- stantinople says the porno has prepared I petition in Greek nnd in Turkish to be signed by the inhabitants of Thesnly, praying to be placed under the rule of the sultan. I 1` nu... II__ (II! URL- ,_____A ,E -,_..,, lauiu in II vlmuolun II one Il'InlBEl!.`0. Loxmm, May `.!6.-A despatclz to the Standard from Berlin says the powers, in- cluding Turkey. have assented to the Ip- giintmenb of prince Francis Jone h, of ntbenberg. as governor enernl of rate. The Athens correepon ent of the Sten- dnrd any: that the powers have aseurod Greece shut the porte will not be nllowed to evade the conditions of the nrmiauce. A rlnnnbnl. 5.. oh- l\.:l.. 37...... Cu... 11-.., ULIU L USIIIII UVUTTIKIIUHII UU`UHy- Annals, ay 26.--A deapatcb from La- min ho-day says that 300 Ghegs intruded upon uho neutral none, but wow driven back by the Greeks. The crown prince Constantino has stmongly protested against. this as a violation of the Armistice. L.-.un..u M... on A .I........s..L ;. AL- forte mu Not be Allowed to n:ndo'u.o Armlauoo Coudluons. C().\'HTAN'I'IN(II'l.E, May 26.~The identi- cal note of the powers was presented no the Tuskilh ovornment. to-day. ATIIKIS. av Q.--A dnnnntnh frnm LA. uu III WIIIU INDUC- Loxnou, May 26.-A doapatcb to the Standard from Athens says : The Embroa ubliahes a sensational telegram from min, declaring that the British men-of- war at Volo prevented the landing of guns and ammunition from a Russian man-of- war for the use of the Turks. The story is probably untrue, but it indicatee the prevailing distrust of Russia. In order to prevent brigand- age the authorities have given instructions for the disarming of members of the Eth- nike Hetairia, wherever found. In the event of resistance they are to be prosecu- ted to the full extent of the law. ,-- TC? TC. _` alopnsonluaotnuo. UIU um HUI! T513!` LU UK": DIl'l'lU- Miu Flora Shaw. the ooloninl editor of the Times. tootied that the cable moauges which passed between herself and Cooll Rhodes wen unlm rant and she absolved bhe colonial olllce rom any connection with the views expresaed in her articles pa blink- ed in the Times. 1 human ll... 04! A .I..-...-A-L L- AL- Labouchcrc Says liis Informant Quit llim. Ir. Labouchere Tells How Ills Friend Ileuked out of the `task lie was the lnatIator-'l`I|e Dental Accepted and an Apology the Only Donne open Un- der the Olreunutaneel. Loxoorr, May 26.-When the parliax mentary eommittee inquiring into the Transvaal raid resumed business yesterday the chairman, William L. Jackson. con~ servative, read a long letter from Henry Labouohere. After citing the extracts from his speeches and articles written by himself and quoted at the last ses- sion of the committee by Dr. Ruther- ford Harris, a director of the British Chartered South Africa company, who was also the secretary of the concern at Cape Town and referring to the demand made by Dr. Harris for the withdrawal of charges made by Mr. Labouchere. or in default, that Mr. Labouohere be called up- on to prove the charges made, Mr. La` bouchere wrote that he would not make specific charges unless he believed them to be true and capable of proof. The infor- mation contained in them, the letter con- tinued, was given by a gentleman of high position, with the evidence upon which it was based,and which he, Mr. Lubouchere, believed to be ample. His informant agreed that his statements should be pub- liahed. Now, however, Mr. Labouchere a infor nant objected to appear and testify. Und r the circumstances, continued Mr. Labouchere, the writer's course was clear. He withdrew in the most unqualied man- ner the allegations made against Dr. Ruth- erford Harrie, and apologized for making the statement in the house of commons which Dr. Harris complained of. Further. Mr. Labouchere said he treated the evi- dence which was not forthcoming as being non-existent and accepted Dr. Harris denial. There was a quantity of hasty selling of the chartered company's securi- ties before the Transvaal raid. but he had not a title of evidence that Dr. Harris had been concerned In any such selling. __ In rural-ti in tho: nrninln in Ithn Hnuloll. nl been concerned In such eellmg. In regard to the article in the (Jauloie, of Paris. written by Mr. Labouchere, the In. her in his letter said it. had been proved that the public had been eeoed by norm of the rime movere of the raid, but the bi. ole id not refer to Dr. Harrie. lli-.. `BIA-.. QL_- AL- ....l--.'-I -.I:L,- _n hm: nuuzs II ALL ml lws unvesaeusucn lIAI.E| WANT TO TALK AND THEM RE- FUSE SUBSTANTIATION. gins I column ad! -`I nun than signal: MAY 26. 1897. NIIIIIC IUIIICT. In roply Ir. Chunlichiu aid tint full nnnidantinn In Irina In nll Lin hula-A When tho kitchen in Inppliod with our Fuel. No honor or nhnnnn RIGHT AND PROPER COURSE. TO 155 GOVERNOR--EENERAL. " l;<`>;'s' 2-piece Suits 01.50 (1% LIYENGSNN. & Bll 64} Wrong Ill] Ulllll pnr. In in. an ` Pdn white summer blunketi tomorrow at Lnidlow`n for 500. 3 pair. Come on nino o'clock. None will be shown before that hour. Lieut. H. G. Joly do Lotbinioro, R.E., non of Sir Henri Joly do botbinioro. bu boon changed in station from Aden to Nag- nnr. India. Vvllaulll III IDl.IIIrIl B. W. Folger my: the street railway company in perfectly within its ri Im in running screen can on Sundu cit. or for iu own roh or the convomcnoo of the public he charter grcntad tho oompcny by the city council gives it privilcgelto run on Sunday And which cannot. be forci- bly takon uuy by subsequent. leginlat-ivo enactments. IUCOHU llllllgll EHO CIUBDI ICOFUII Olllly" nine to Vu-city : thirty. Courtney, eighteen; Uniache, seventeen. not out; Kit- aon. twenty-three; Cuaela, twenty; Rogers, twgnby-four, played good cricket for the ca eta. with our ohoapu 1: vv nu - vl y-wvun On Monday the R0 Al military college cricket eleven met an defined the Ver- aity aggregation at Toronto. The defonh was very complete, the cadet! scoring l65 runs to their op nento sixty-seven. In the first innings t. e militnrymen run up a score of seventy-ve, while the `Vanity men tallied only thirty-seven. In the second innings the cadet: scored eighty- ninn tn Viu-nit.v n thin-l'.v. Cnnrtnnv Blunder And Betrectlon. A great eeneetlon wee recently created In Spencerville whenn phyeicinn openly charged one of the prominent minietere of the village with criminally eeeeulting Mice Gertrude Purdy. A young and pretty teacher of the public school. The victim of tl accusation on once consulted his so- licitor, J. R O`Rielly, of Prescott, and de- termined to vindicate his charecterj. ' `Misc Purdy learning that no efforts would be spared to sift the whole ollnir. went before a minister and made A confeseidn ac- knowledging the lolsenese of the etory. The greeteeti ' notion is feltinSpencer- ville over the occurrence. The clergy- man against whom the accusation wss made enjo sthe highest esteem nnd re- spect of nl classes and of every religious belief. The school-teecher hes been dis- missed. and it is eeid the physicien in question is the defendant in is 310,000 so- l.inn for elnmlm-A LIIIBUDIUII ll nuts 0 tion for slander. man: As` LOUIS XI. Thlnlmlun `rngodln In us llmorlool hn onnlnn. In. utteenm century. HCIVHIMIIUIU. ll Jacques, the Heedeman. leaked very austere in. the execution of Loule XI e crafty commands. The other members of the troupe gave able support and were ex- cellent in their representations. The play in fact was all that could be desired and was greatly appreciated b all present. While at Ottawa recently {ha Keene met his exeellency Lord Aberdeen, who meni- feetod his appreciation of the talent of the great Shakespearean and classical trage- ian by attending many of his entertain- manta. Mr. Keene : company play in Ogdensburg to day. UIDKTIUKC - Mertln'e open house dosh not hoid ouch e large end enchneieetic audience ee then which reeted Louie XI Int ni ht.` Mr. Keene ndubitebly deeervee the 13!: neputetaion he hu won. end tin uppelletion "an eminent. tregedien bee been equin- ebly bestowed upon him by the classic loving and theatrical public. He ehowei hie canine And nrmh talent. Inn ninhb in --u-.- nvuivv -u V---g Irv:-' n.-u At Clayton. N.Y., on Monday after- noon, an informal yacht race was nailed by two of the new oandidatee for the Sea- wanhnlra cup trial raoee. J. I`. Abbott's crack twenty-footer, Lalaga, was. bound from Toronto to Montreal to compete` in the trial races of the St. Lawrence yaeht club for the aeleotion of a yacht to defend the International challen clip which the Canadians won from, t xe Yankee: lalt summer. This yacht was tied up at Ole ton for a time. and while there Wil- lar Howard, of New York, whoee yaoht ia also at Clayton and who intend: to put her in the American trial races, challenged the Canadian yachtaman to a race. This was agieed to, and both aohta started. For atime the Canadian La aga kept well in the lead, but the Araaoa radaally came up and soon took the l . When the race waa half over the Lalaga gave it up. The Yankee yacht was then three minutes ahead. The Canadian yacht con- tinued her journey to Montreal. IOVIIIK Illa TIIIOIT-l`I0I PIIDIIC. EU IIIDWWJ his nhn and grew talent Inc night. the tntorprotation of the eccentric and dif- cult role of Louis XI." l`9Iu.-I-. D I.I'..p.l'.n.-cl -3.4. Iglpna - Ignnllnn mines" Iooleu exquluoely cunruung luu her sprightly grace and deli htful person- eliby won edmirebion. while er ectin was euperb and caused much applause. w- rence Lowell as "The Dauphin" wee cer- tainly good. and the delicacy with which he conducted hie love affair with "Marie of Commines" book the audience b etorm.` Bertram Temple ee "Tristan l rmite, and Paul G. Teylor as "Oliver le Dein, presented striking specimens of herei- dry as practiced in the French court. during the fteenth century. Melvin..Field. ue `.lmnunn'. the Hendemnn. looked verv ncuu role or "nouns Al. Charles B. Hnnford. who takes I loading part: with Mr. Keene. is 3 tr: inn of outhfulnppearanco and nun-he nhility. ion Grnco Hopkinl as Mario of Com- minos" looked exquisitely charming and her nnriohtlv ones and rlaliahtfnl nonun- in tho on to do the houuhold nooilnc. nrloty. boll tummy. Iowa prleu. Yllvnnll-ml; llnnli Innnlln IE _---..-l- Boys 3-piece Suits $2.50 "ton get the perfect t, ex- cellent` wear, -- the correct style, full value {0} your mbney. 1') .._.I When you get your BOYS` CLOTHES here. You are certain to_ get all you bargain for. _ A ` Yaoht Buoo At Clayton. N1. 1u_,,;__ `Y 11 ,,, l1___.n._ Within ltl Blhtla `AL.-- .._- AL- _A_.. A Win for cadets. 1-` n ma. [A.c._Iims_you am, 1. A_ _.\_|..__ 1.- -_..In.__ 1`ou.1~:raooDs, conmiaidg Brushhs, Combs. Mirna, Nail Polishers and Files,Bntton Hohkl. Shoo Horus, Bonnet Brasilia, Mgnicnro Scissors, Cut Glqp Puff and Cream Bonn. Ildl. steruwvigfg. A qunuq. Iowou pncu. Invullguh um: Inorlh. IQ uutuounolhlu. ""vir"Z:Z:_' meat of the- 'ma good. mm`; A STERLING mum. in Eaten: le|gno-Ac Roohuhr. 5; Bnfmo. 11. AI Toronto, -Igayncun. I. M Wilkubu-to. 7; Providonoo. l2;nooad guns. Wllkoohrro. 8; Provldonoo. 4. \ lauboll wouoray. V Nntionnl league - At Cinoinnuti. 2: Brooklyn. 6. AI Clovoluud. I0; Phlhn dolphin. 9. Ah Louisville. 1; Bolton, 7. At Chicago, 0; New York, 8. At 30. Lock. 8; Washington. 6. Ab Plttlburg. 2; law- nioro. 6. Tau` LARGE AND OOIIODIOUH P34 - mtsumxuo with norohomo 0100180 y occupied by the Huollouocn Hardware II- pnn on PI-[noun Strut. Well ulnptod for who eulo munulnocu ring or Inn null bull- none. In be rented tn whole orparl and will be improved ant! Inodomlud to Jail!- uhlo tenant. Pumioulsn may be h from the nudernlnd Pown & Bol. Arohooil. Manhunt: nk Ohunborl. o . HAT 1-BOOIID RAKE HOUHI. I10. 71 C}: at t. I is . um. 7:33.): 311 sn?n:.':3. 3.'.'.J3..??.'l."` HAT 1-BOOIID lulu IIOUIII. Cherry strut. an Inn bnrn In counte- uon. Apply to D. stunu. on the pnmlun. THAT LARGE AND (XJIIODIOUH Pl min: (sum 0:00) I nnnnnlnrl luv tho hnnhln-Mn ll-ml-nu. a B Aux runs: oonunum ovnu glam`, bntweenrdeuhnm Street and tho :- kot. Findorp an Inn at WI!!! 01110:. _ BOARD. BOABDEBS DAN nu AOOOIKODAII with both single and doublo roomnnr modorn oonvonionou. at 885 Queen Street. uu;N'1's-wm WANT Inn AND W0! ll co not for us in every town and viola 01. New goods. Good my. U'. S. Bl'lclAl.'rY 00., Toronto. B.ELIABl.E MAN AND A IIIISTLIB DAN learn or -omothing to his ndvnntnu by applying Qo Hum. this oloo. AGEN'l`S-WE WANT MEN AND WOI 8' in Iroodl. on. U`. S. 8|-lcul.-rv ('10.. I | I` - IICIILIIJJLV ` UIIDIITAKII no lllluunn. Btnot. Phonn-Wuoroonn. 00; I 91. Lowest prion, , , ;_. `[HHEDIA'I`El;Y-A GGOD GENERAL SKII- vnnu. Apply to Ila. W. M. NOITOI-TA! bolt. 35 Gore bttoot-. W . I. unnmnnn. Iunnt. Dunc-A-on Anuunuann-It Pul- oon It:-us. block above old thud. _ Tn! nubile Ulmlrnl shoot. Telephone 141A. 1 hI1:AD0 AIBq OOII I I'll! phono oommulnauon. BORN . Fownn.--Wodnudny. May 2651:. bbowlh of Thomas Fowlpr. P0l`|llII0lI.h. 0! 3 son. 2 . McGumm--Su only. My 25th, Ann HondorIon._;_1 mo Daniel McGuinn,Igod Iov !""- M .. :' no I roe . on n I u I 2:80 o o|ook. Friend: yan ungainl- ancon are no tfull invited lo nlolld. Lzwunn---In Cginu ,` on M: 86th. 1897. Catherine lnlongo. 3 Carl. Funeral will leave the family roai 00. Collins Bay,-Thursday altprnoon at one o'clock for St. Mary's cuhhodnl, when a aoamn libero will be ;ungathen3o to t. ar `g oemotor . I-ion I an too qunintagcu In mygyootfully invlud to attend. . Illllwu. in `nu us an tluuuolvu whilo In Honky Int than Inc. In this ouumnnlcuion in; by Ilqyot Skinner The wok- is new. but the subject it donotea'_is as old probably as the Gut- den of Eden ; on! it wasn't -1 science than : IT IS NO, . Bhirtol . tho - ....:-.__- -4 m.:.4.. 1 mm an tr nmn M191] 2 11 ID LVU,VI- DDIITUI science of Shirts I WE HAV DIED IT, AND OUR -SHIRTS SHOW IT. Our Special WHITE UN- L DRESSED 50c. SHIRT isawonder. Seeit. lSTEAOY& STEAGY. II To \'VII"$IC` w\v\._ Wuohnhhn||4lJo'|Iluu, - " They wear well. look well.---are the perfection of tit and nish---and tho tout ensemble of up ronce is crown- ed by the prime vir us of economy in the shape of low prices. L an--' Our shirts are not akimped; tho; are large and roomy ; have reinforce fronts. endless fuoings, stays, etc. Itlibilll 35$: LIADIIO UIDII III 1 Prlnoou 30:000. B:d':1l nhmn nmnmnnlnnllon. `SHIRWWGY ! Solo Agents for Button-ink`: Patterns. `ma ,Brook`.-'Otr_o~t. - lknnnnlaminntgnnt. . . E3 ' U 80. To I-atgprinda. ne, ' n limo higher telnporain FOR SALE OR TO LET. WEATi';El(I7 PRCBAEEITIIQ 4 _P. ML EDITION. W. I. DBINNAJI. nsnnonnn A-'I\ IdIlIAI'_|lI 1!? IRLII. -nnnonrin Ann '.IlI '1`. F. HARRISON. nu Ann Dunning` WANTED. "BQARDT '\A\l nu All LOST. nueu II pureur. Thieves broke into the reaidence of Wil- lien Mchellan early Sunday mornin and took any ailverwu-e end other armic on to shoal; of nborc fteego dollars. The police` ` ve no one to t perpetretore. New theta the memorable 24th in put, thenext thing to look forward to in the A.0.U.W. oelebretion here onJul_y lst. from own to three thousand Workmen are expeehdto he preeent, and e ret.-clue: Fugreune of upon-to In being enenged. heenneel excursion-of the Y. P. A. of Gneeohumh taken place up Ogdemburg omlnnesrd. ' Afew veeh ego e letter written by in nnknnnnn Annannd in the nun--ul Ilhoot Tol- `lien II to be 0 ll; celebration by 8.0.0. W. on Dolnlnlon Day. GAIAHOQUI, Mey 26.--Miee Lene Car- n (e returned from Syreouee lest. evening en will reside here for the future. The eteemer Nellie Cuthberb begun. her tri between here end Brockville today. 8 e ie e oommodioue fifty-ton etzeemer, end no doubt will do e In there of the business. Capt. Brook ie inc e . with Bert. Sher- rideu u pureer. 'I`hin\-an broke into the raaidenne of Wil. DRESSHAKING. IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. executed with nestnasu and deapomh. at modu-no prices. special attention given to Children : clothes. 915 Pnmcssa S'rnui'r,ovor Knrn Piano Warorooma. Children clothes. 815 Pl Knrn THURSDAY. In: 17th, at C P.I.. tor the un- nhhtu-Adu work: nqulnd In the creation of 0 b dine on Pnncean Street for-R. J. Carson. Lowest. or my under not nacnsurily so- Mod. W. NEVVLAN DS. am. an Rh-1 Flt. Architect. NDERS WILL BE RECEIVE]! BY THE Water Works Committee up to 3 PM. In AY flth for the woman`: any}! on in.. I in. and 0 in. out Iron Pipe. Spec tiodtlonn at the Water Works Utoo. 001) PASTUELE AT IIUIINBUHU FUK homo: or cattle. well fonomlin; good wntor. Apply to or nddreua L. SPOONRI. 1 ` ottlco of `the undersigned (whore plum cg! b iculonn In human). up to '1' U DAY.l|y17th.n P. ..for the nl ta-Adan nouind Hlt UNDEFSIGNEI) `WILL RECEIVE lender: for mu Fuel, Suhonl Hup Ii-s and tau:-nary required b the Bonn! 0 Educat- tlon 1801-1, nlno for he Tinsmltlning. up to 7 p m., ION DAY, J an. 1th. Sp(!clllo|t~l0nH at. Board Room-. I\VI\ l1Al\l\l\\lAII'\ LI..- Vl|-..... II nil` LAKEVIEW Lolxuc, u1'1`UA'l'r;u um Beverly Sheet. This oommodioun rosi- doncmoverlooklng tholale. has lately been nnovnhd throng out. All modern conven- iences. Puuaenslonimmedlatoly. Applyto A. B. Cummmmua. 79 (nuance st... Kingston. :--T BICYCLE TIRES. I The R.`S. & Sons Co., Ltd., an... |A......:-..A..-....- _...a n..-l-..n In B. C. H. FOBRJCSTER I-1N0 LU um: m our omplo menbnnd has no nut nority to tnnuot any minus on our account. All om-ouutomon huvlng unuottloul business. or uny who daulre to puroluuo Pianos. F.vo.. are requested to write to our Hand Oloo, 143 Yonu shoot, Toronto. -. n. A --nun ,,,- g p~____ n_ .4; in Post 'l'h"ouuoIvoI lav. Another Ipooinl bargain day no IAidhw | Thursday. Bee Idvb. on pngo 0. Tendon lor cutniron pipe !or winter vorh dept:-bmonh clone to 3 p.m. Thurs-, ` slur. an . \ abndors for R. J. Carson : building on Princess street as W. Newlnndf allies to 6 p. I). Thursday. Thursday being Aucomion day there Ioropted. The purohnar will be required to pay 10 par cont. of hluxxurchntan money on recalpl. of no- than that his tender in not-eptonl and the Im- lanoo in so day: theresftor. Further mu-Houlnru and conditions of sale Furniture, Orgamcarpota, Range, etc., Ahtho ronhlonoo opposite St. Paul's Church, FRIl)AY,MAY 28th the effects, vlz.: Cu- nnt.n.lPlnn Rance. lint. Ruck. Bedroom Set. ta, Fine Rance I-int. Rack, Bedroom Set. Btlrulnu Oil Olaf-i1.0rnn. Couch. Iluttrenuol. Surinuu. hnulrs. Extension Table. Hall Lump. Cumulus Olaf-h.0rnn. Sprin 3. him! 3, Table. Lump, 8-daf look. 0 number Set, Silverware Fancy Oh: ts, PioI.ur(u.Urockory. Glnuwuo `kitchen utensils and other an iolos. Sale at M30. JOHN H. MILLS, Aucnlonur. I V3 - -to-j. B..C. FOBBJISTER I-1N0 LO GER. IN omploimenbnnd gnmun. Anv minus on pan. lnurluny. Thursday being day will be urvioon n8l:. Junu chm |n.n 4 _. `ml. '}.In I` In ,H_\te,end Bonnets are the ohly "kind that leave this store. Phat don't mean high-priced either- prices are in -your favor. Style noes with every hat, whether rt : 8! or 8:0. ` Sailors :99 to 8:. 'We ve the Trimmings and the `Hat: if you'd rather do your own `trimming. ` - umsu sun. and mm p.ln. , Btoumor Paul Smith will lone for Gun- nnoque and way ports on Wednesdays and Tlnmdnyu at 3:30 pin. Telephone 119. T IN TIIE TOWN 0FGlMVENURST- - , E38 WILL BE RECEIVED BY THE Imdoulgnod up to TUEEDAY. (ho Flrut dny of June, A.D.l1-Inn tho hour of 1! o'clock noombfor the pm-ohms of Blocks E. and 0. and Lot: Number: 8. 4. 6 6, 1, 8, 9 and 10 of Block U.Lot a of Block `Y. Lotus. u.1.m: s of Block 11. and Lots 6 sad 1 of Block K. Imd tho north two-third: of put. Block W. weanl- ing to Armstrong : lnn ol Lolio. 10 want of Iluakokn Hold. An 9. o 'l'owmI\ip of liu-koku. in the Towmlglp llunkolm. an also Lots Lot-tar A and Number one Went of uakoku }con.d.boimr Iub-divlnlons of Lot 8. Brown's survey. in the Town nf Graven- hunt. being an of tho luuls known M the Fusor Rica 9, and duoribud in the deed than-nnf from I). lfrnnlr mud ochan tothe ven- the lnuls known the 9, thereof from D. Fran: and others tothe dor. arm. will be entertained for tho numhlao in day: theresftor. Further pou-Houlnru and lam of tin uuitlwmperly may be seen on app! cation to Rev. Hlinm Reeve. Graven- lnurac And to Messrs. Smylshe & Lyon, Solici- tors king-non. SMYTHE (4; LYON. E. CRAWFORD. Vendor : Solluitora. Ansicneo D. Fraser. -9 cv.u--\_-v--..`-- ENDEBS WILL BE RECEIVED A1` THE `olco oi `the -undersigned (whom plum and inncicuuonn mu bq `non)., I! `I'M Dally Iota Boy: for Wlnlg luau! To Thonulvol A .1 _ , .,!,I L.-__x_ .1-.. -4. 1-:.Il-_.). WIII X I.|'Vl0Bl| Ill Div. I 10:30 ILIII. and 7:80 pan. Steamer wi I%Y_a1`a liIe Town lots For Sg1ie| VIII IIUIIIII lrwu-uurul ul yarn nlvun vv . .UUVAu- Armntron '5 I: o l'owm|gip and Wjsnt Jaunty Capes and_N1tty Suits or Skirts made to your order. , Capes 83-50. $450. $5- Skirts $3.50, $4, $5. Suits 87 to 312. Don : pass the Shirt Waist counter without examining the DOLLAR SHIRT WAIST BAR- GAIN. HARDY S. Offers will be entertained purchuo of the whole on bloc or 3:: put thereof. Thu hhrhant or nnv tam er not necessarily the whole bloc put thereof. Tho hluhut or any tom necessarily mounted. nurohnar required [Z1 WUDZIUI I Thtlhovbitiugoouu. uvollu tho animal It minim] llnnnlun uhihln Oman. 8!! Rh-3 St. NEW DRESSMAKINO PARLORS. DRESSIAKING. IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. THIEV E8 STEAL SILVVERWARE. FOR SALE OR LEASE. LAKEVIEW LODGE, SITUATED ON Bovarlv PASTU RAGE. OOD PASTURE AT ILGINBURG FOR human or cattle. well fonoml in: road HE UNDEFSIGNED WILL RECEIVE lnndon for Hm li`nn|. School Huonli-s Aucrlgy SALE Muss Eaves. '14. -n..__n~._ 14.....-` )Il (l IBOIIIII. JNO. lAODONA`|D. Soc.-Tron. B. of E. IV I\- an vv uuuuuu ya av--u vs", ...-. PIIIIO Manufacturers nnd Dollars in Musical Goods. '1`oronI.o. ___:__.......__._._?_.. ___'ro c__g11TRAcToRs. .._.._ nun cu-unnvurn \ A Wfl`ilENli)ERS IRON PIPE. NDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY THE no an TENDERS. LOOQL MEMORANDA. .. f'"'9..`.3- H. II mus, Auccloneor. N mm vs. ohlteol-.. "2"-%. ~"".--:'-- rm: PIANO mun IABI. UIIBIV >1 hutch It A oaum -nqnuu. charts: of the Gun Not-shwont Ohntnl railway oonpumhfou the court: and pnrliuuul for twenty yuan. willbo uhndodifshoenm ylrnildntvonly nib: nonby lb of 18%. Thu (ova-uncut ha nllly nlmdto gin Ila Winning und Hudaon Bay con- nnnv I nnhtin on th Kuhn Bu `IVI III vvlllulpq um uuuwn nay uln- hti thuhonnu panyumcnn not y rug`: nanny, an lupurlniuluoui ol 0 the kl farm at Indian Head. N.W. .,uriv0d in Othn Int owning. II, in visiting I}. William Clludon. WWII XUFWIIFI ll WIKKILIFIWII. l'I'Il|lUl llI~ to:-other than boots in to be and fteen oonhn pound and limb uphod mutter thirty-vo cont. '1` on are some ehangcuin mothodof levying u to- hoooodntieo. and I reduction from C3 to 81.50 par 1,000 on cigarette: undo from Cuundun tobacco. The pnunt duty on nwnohooo willboootno n onung duty on th Inc of July. - X UIIQIUI IMI IIIIIIIIWJ PIVKIIV-K05. It will be with satisfaction that book lovers will learn that while tho duty on cheap unbound Ind pnper-covered books nemnine st twenty per cent... the duty on the better clue of book: has been further `reduced to ten per cent. The bee list in book: is greatly enlnrged. among the changes being the edmie- eion free of all books illustrating the up lioetion of science to industry. This wi be of eduntnge to the young mnnhnninn nhtnindino {reds and Inch. will no In lqvlnugu so one young moclnnioa uuonding tnde and tech- nical schools. The nk draft of the tariff prohibiwd the imporution of re- nt of British copyrights. Mr. hlding` has decided to [at the copy- righoluw alone. fund the clam:-o dealing with reprints is withdnwn. l n'ntod mac. tar nnhnr thgn hunt: in tn ho (Lind fumn EDIE llll Wlll UOUDDIBUH DC eameueu. The only change in the woollen schedule, regarding which there was much pressure brought to bear on the ministry. is a re- errengement of the duty on woollen yarns. It is provided that the duty on yarns worth over thirty cents a pound shall be twenty per cent... while worsted tops made from wools not produced in Canada are msde free. In both of these cases there is a re- duction in raw materiel or semi-mom factured material which will aid the woollen manufacturers to meet the com- petition that must result fiwn reutly reduced duties on their linishe pro- ducts. There is no change in the duties on textiles, and the manufac- turers oi cottons `and woollens must adjust their husinessesto the new condi- tions. A concession is given to the makers ol shirts. collars and cuffs. blouses. tiel. scarfs and the like. under which the clothes used by them may be imported at fteen per cent. duty, if out ready for making up in bond. This on- ables the manufacturers of theee goods to meet the reduction on their nished pro- ducts. It will be observed that further reduction of duty on raw material is Mr. Fielding`s method of lessening the pressure on manufacturer: nthnr than innmaus nl I Ililulllx I IIIUI-llllal Ul IEUSUIIIIIK EHO PFXCUTC on manufacturers rather than increase of dupiea on nished products. It. will In with nnl.u:fAnl.inn that hnnlr IIIKUIIIIUIIIIIIUI WUTU |'U[[IUVO(la Of more interest to members than even Prince lto, an onlooker, was the tariff statement made by the minister of nance before recess. The tories have been glee- fully declaring that the minister would have a plentiful crop of clerical errors." The expectation has not been realized. Some relief has been given to the wire nail and out nail ind uetries. to the bridge-build- ers, to the makers of woollen yarns and the printers and lithographers of advertising matter, by increases of duty. As a mat- ter of fact, however, the more important changes made have again been in the direction of reduction of the tari`. In the steel schedule. for example. there is a large increase in the articles for the manufacture of which steel may be imported free of duty. Flat steel spring. steel axle bars and billets ma be imported by carriage manu- facturers or use in their business, as well steel used in the making of cutlery when under a half-inch in diameter. Steel used by toolinakers and of a class not produced in Canadais reduced to five per cent. Under the old tariff scrap iron was taxed 84 per ton. It was proposed in April to reduce it to 81.60 per ton, and now itis announced that the duty will be Sl per ton only. Steel billets were85 under the Foster tariff: under Mr. Fisldlng s first draft it was pro- posed to impose $4 per ton duty. The rate is now xed at 82 per ton, a very great concession to rolling mills and manufac- turers who use steel extensively. The makers of bridges get an increase of five per cent. on the finished product. and a re- duction of five per cent. in the cost of the bridge plates, which are their raw material. Peterboro was very deeply interested in this and will doubtless be satised. FBI... .._|.. ..L....... :. LI... .......|I.... ..-L...-I..I- ST IIHEIARIFI umm:s.| Bfyf BHI.IIU|BlI LHUTULU Iy`1I|'UII|oy WIUIJ the imperiall government. The gov- ernment, however, still maintains that those treetiea do not apply, and this contention was advanced with much force by Mr. Davies in a closely-reasoned argument, treating the question mainly from n legnletandpoint. Sir Charles Tup- per claimed that the notion of the resolu- tion would be a death-blow to the cause of preferential trade, and when the home was in committee he moved an amend- ment to the effect that that should be of- fered to Great Britaimeo soon as the exist- ing diicultiee were removed. nr mnrn intnmnh tn rnmnlrmrn than Avnn Mr. l`ieldIng s Announcement in the House. ~-v lnnw MAIERIALS LOWER.| CONCESSIONS TO PRINTERS AND LITHOGRAPHERS. -Mr.` Wlre and Steel DutIee--A Few changes In Tobacco and other Iterm-0 ther Nerve About the capital. Ornwr, May 25.-The chief feature of to-deg: proceedings in the house was elding : stetement embed iii; the change: oontem leted in the tari resolu- tions on ori Inn] y submitted. A few in- creases on I number of reductions are rude. the object being to remove certain ambiguities end to relieve the industries wherever poseible. In regard to pre- ferential trade. an extra clause is in- eerted on account of the doubt which exiete in regard to the e plicability and etfect of the Belgian and errnon treaties. Eroviding that the governor-general muy y order-in-council extend the benet of the reciprocal tariff to any coun- try, entitled thereto by treaty with the imnnriril ammrnmnnr._ The DOV- mnesmo. ONTARIO. "vvEnNneDAY, tnnwiunws 3' U 7 Appthtncutt` loltnun. a S.-Ithnpurudtht. liunnl-annua- I-U nun: --npuqvu. Tonoxuo. lay an-`rs. nominal u- yur tor-of Lions.-Gov. Kirkpatrick ox- pinlnoxt Bunk . but no appointment willlnundounti after an punk: ro- hrnthou tuna Hut-Gov. ma. n&lJnL -.:.I-n In `an; anti` LI. Q-uuunnnnn Inc A (:1 cm. Gunrn. On. 11:}: -8.`--Whilo Dr. Springer. Chathnm;J. Moliny, Clnclna; J. Nnnn, Jordumwun standing in f t 0! the city hall. uniting for tho ontnin of the K. 0. T. ll. convolution this `am- ing, a ham: atone pillar. loonnod vs tuner. I, nvonly injuring than. H. E. `Punt. IIIPIOIIO accord keeper. had I IUIIT CUIIIWI III! IV! IIUTKII IIP. Campbell was taken in a dying condi- tion to the city hospital. When I dotoc hive broughh in his wife and naked him to identify her as his assailant. he refused to do so, and kissed her noctionately. Campbell is fulznlly shot through the lungs Ind in the throat. The woman : wound is not belioved to be fntal. Rejootod The Proposal. Losnox. `Mny 26 -A deapntch to the Daily Mail from Bloemfontein, Oran .9 Five Shh. South AfricI,- say: that t. o rud. after a debate lusting never-nl days, has rojooud, by the on in; vote of the chnirunn, A proposal to rootrica the {run- chise gnntnd no the Uitlundera. Presi- dent Stein pup mod the proposal. which Insevidonblyt o ouboomo of the recent. visit nl nruidanh Krnoar, wu Vl(lOll|':Iy mu uunuulnl visit of ptoaidonl`. Kruger. shot The Deelgnlng Pelr. S1`. Lows, Mo.. May 26.-May Camp- bell. A variety actress. who came here from Cincinnati. hd in the clothes closet in Maude DeVere`s room yeeterdeyend listen- ed while her husband end Mien DeVere ar- ranged for an elopement. Then Mrs. Celn bell emerged with e revolver and put ve ullete into her husband and one into Maud Devere. She then walked to the tour courts and gave herself up. Cnmnbell was taken in I dvino nnndi. I3 Dllly R (IUQSHOD OI MIDI- The debate on the term` bill began in the eennte at Washington yesterday. Mr. Aldrich stated that he believed the house bill would not yield revenue adequate for the needs of the government. Mr. Vest (Missouri), democrat, spoke in opposition to the bill, `and aglinet piling up tune up- on an overburdened people. Mr. Cameron (Utah) urged that the protection should be so distributed as to aid the lnrmer. Ml VUFIIUIU. John George Dodson, ret baron Monit- Bretton, is dead. He was born in 1825, was for eight years deputy speaker of the house of commons, and has held other offices, including president of the local government board and chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster. An American correspondent writing to Mr. Lubouchere. of London, Eng says there ie a great disparity between the num- ber of passengers and the boete in the prin- cipal Atlantic liners, the former being greatly in excess. Mr. Lsnbouchore ea 5 the occurrence of some gigantic catastrophe is only a question of time. The rlnhntn nn Hm h1ri' hill haven in Hm