I093 Cnll l. \Il'8H(l L nlon. On Monday the Calvin company will turn its sixth Info from Garden Island to Quebec. It. will contain nine drama of zimber. This is a record for the month of May. as the entire six rafts will have amn- ed within the month. So far this mason the Calvin company is the only rm to have rafts enter Quebec harbor. lhlu-ma Mann rm! n lhnir litrln -nuilm have rains enwr wueoec naruur. Others have red o their little aquibs and fallen back. opening the way for our heavy artillery, loaded with bnrgninr. Man a blue serge suits at $1. 60, tweed: in three shades $3, $3.75, $4.7.) and Sti.75 and 89 50. We show some very fine Scotch (weeds and woreteds. Grand Union. u uruu . nu Colmurx Sentinel-.\`t.sr. . In I n- . A Brutal Affair It l"one|la-'l`he Aalallnnt Noe-(In Punlnlnnent. UUIHHITK Duul Iuui-.`u.|r. A blood-curdling story comes from Fen- ella this week, which tells of a women be. ing cruelly beaten by n. brutal husband until she .wes\|eft fortlead in a barnyilrd. Hilbert Smitlife man about forty-live years of age, ll\'0.-I with his wife and three chil- dren. up-ed sixteen, fourteen and twelve years reipectively, I\ boy being the youngest, in the neighborhood of`Fen- elln. Smith and his wife are in the hnbit of quurrelling. nnd on the morning of Monday. 17th inst... n fumily j.\r was on the boards. Smith genuine enraged. nnd proceeded to l(,`l\l`lI h .< spoue her proper plaice by grabbing her by the hair imrl playfully dragging her nbout, the ll-Iorqif the house, ut the some time threatening to Ixill her, in in said. The children chimedin on ML" of their mother and endeavor- ed to separate the two. Mrs. _Smith at last forced herself from his grnrip, and for feet of her huabrind.ru.~h(d out of thehouee to go to ii neighbor`: [or protection. Smith rnn after her, and overtaking her in the barnyard, etrucl: her in violent blow on the nigh: side of her lienrl, with nipiece of an iron buggy spring. Mrs. Smith fell in 1| heap to the ground. her skull putially stove in by the violence of the blow. The brute was not satisfied with his bloody work but deliberately `pounded her over the hips: with the iron piece. then left her for dead and calmly proceeded ti fix a wnggon near by. Meantime one of the children had alarmed 1| neighbor. who. on arriving. at first thought the rrnman Ina dead. He taxed Smith with the deed end. strange to say, he denied huving done it. Severel more neighboraerrived eoonefter end the woman Ill carried to the house and Dr. Mobellen, of ltooencnth. I'll Gums; moned. She will probably recover. Pan-Inhln Rrndlnv nf Grafton. hnnnentd umned. zinc Illl probably recover. Consublo Bradley. of Grafton, happened to he ` he neighborhood that day, and in- stant. procured a I-grunt. and narrated Smith. He in now in gnol svaiting trial. \ , A Olnlfo would Do Good. ;\|lil.in dc-pm tmonb otlicora are com- plnining because they cannot Arbitrarily exercise the camp manage to lnvor their personal frionda. '1`: the money theirs or tho maple`: ! la the norvico (or the coun- try or for tho bonot ol otcora so well id that they should be content. vithouz i fringing on other poopldn rights 3 A low chuntin ollcinlo would do good. Some Inn 1: in plnco toolong. TI!-3 I5--ClIlII" M d I. Otto, ormd and wsmun L-ng-1 I 00 Alhlt shoot for dvuliinxon ,0I Wood Frame Comet WHlG'S WIND, WAF SLUGWG7E'D HIS WIFE. Imtora nomru"'nuwu4 roe I-r You! 01 tonnes: Aoumy. Mr. Stanford Novel, vur new _mInIItu' to the Netherlands, in one of the promi- nent legal und social lights of 8:. Pa and In his appointment has secured the bi plum awarded 80 any Minnesota man. He is a memlier of the swell Minnesota club. and for many yearn bu been motive-In I0- olul olrcles. ll`. Nnuvn` wnn hnrn In Dnnvldnnoq Serloun Charge Against 3 Well-known Cltlzon Falls. Mary Ellen King. aged about thirty-ve years, wife of N. W. King.a cook. living in. H0 Colborne street, accused A young mur- ried man, a well-known citizen. with indo- cont. assault, alleged to have been commit.- ced on Monday last. at her home. Com- plainant. swore that. on the day named the accused went. to her homo and made in- decent. proposals to her. She rejected his proposals and he then kissed her and said that she and her husband owed him money, and that he (defendant) had never troubled them for is. She remained ohdurate, and he asked if he might not return in the after- noon. She said No." She lld known accused for eighteen months. Tim rnnniatrnln mid this nvidnnna was . Oll 0I|'0lBB- Mr. Newel was born in Providence, but when he won 16 his parents removed to St. Anthony. Minn. He went back mat after his education, being graduated from Yule in 1861. Ho immediately entered Yule law school, and three year: later ` took his degree. The same yuar he re- turned to Minnesota. wiis udlnitud to the bar and begun the practice of law in St. Puul. For n time he was usaociated with Judge Brill when that gentleman was ele- Vutctl to the bunch. I.. ....IIo:..a Tu- KY.-ynl Mun nlurgvn bgiron VILIMII EU EHO UOIIOD. In pulltiua Mr. Newel has nlwuya taken an uctlvu intmruat, but has never hold omoo before. He hus been u member of the R0- an Inn: nun up "can pl'1hlIL-nn slut-u cuntrul committee for n numhvr of yvurs, and during mm (mm- pulmu .-aorved us uhnlrxnun. He has bean n (lulu-pzzitrn tn sewrul Rupubllcun nutlonnl conve-.m.|un:-x, um] In 1892 wus the only BllHt`s()lH man who Guns 11 vote for Me- Klnluy. Mr. Nvwul is married and llvus in u lmmlsmnv homo un Ste. Anthony hlll. .\.. ..-n-nu u\`fIur\IlI1I|l0\V nnal Ininhahlll ICCUPOCI I01` elgnteeu HIUIILIIS. I The magistrate said this evidence was not aullicient to show sn indecent assault. Therm was enough, however, to warrant taking the evidence as in a case of com- mon assault. l`_._.... -........:.....I luv 1\ ll \TnlnOurn SPONGTEEI assault. Cross-examined by I). M. .\lcIntyro. Mrs. King said she was alone in the house when the affair occurred. Her son. aged fourteen, was at work. as also was her dnught.er.aged sixteen. Her husband is indebted to nccused. but tbe"lntter did not ask her for payment on the day men- tioned. He remained in the house about fteen minutes, both the lront and back doors being open. The window-blinds were up, so that paaeeu-thy could see er- solf and the accused. The latter di not state that he did not expect payment of the debt previously referred ,Ar:cused had risen from his seat to leave when he made the improper proposal and when he kissed her. They were standing near the door. She did not make any outcry, but pushed him away from her. Her husband returned home at ten o'clock that night. She did not, to the best of her recollection. tell him of the allair until the next morning. He was very angry, and on the next day he went home, bruised about the face. and he said he had had an altercation with the accused. He said he hail been told by neighbors that the defendant had been in the house on the `Jlth, and had attempted to caress her. llefendunt kissed her against her will, and without having received any encouragement from her. She was per- fectly sober on` the ocmsion, although she ` takes liquor. Defendant was in the house between [on and fifteen minutes, and the ollense consi:-teal entirely in the indecent proposal, and his kissing her. He had, on previous oconsionn. suggested improper re- lations. but nothing very serious had ever occurred. :l)efen'lant was sworn. He mid he went to King's house on Monday to collect money that was owing to him. as he knew that King was working. He left the door open when he went in. He asked for the money and Mrs. King told him tn return next day. He did not kiss her, neither did he make any improper propmml to her. A: be was going out of the door his hand accidentally touched her on the shoulder. but he made no attempt that was not quite proper. He has not seen King since the affair, conse- qnently could not have had any altercation with him. ` VINL- ...-..:-a-`On J3-rnianaar` .`IA nag: l 1l'l(` llllglllt`. nnu will uruw uu nnuuru nun- ary uf 87,500. The Huuuo is said to be A very pl;-usnut city in which to live, and dnuhilvan Minister Nuwel will enjoy the social lifu of the [`l!\(`(! very much. He gobs the position i<-which _\'uungAlun Arthm. son of the lulu ox-l r-nklont Arthur, was an upplicunti. nml he sucuoeds William E. Quinhy of Michigan. Want: Everybody tluro. Tho meeting called by the mayor to ar- range [or committee: to carry out the pro- poeod observance oi the queen's diamond jubileo will be convened on Monday night in the council chamber. It. is desired that there will be a large attendanggand that all who have been invi_ged i'Tlral.M is intended to ' ti-ia ceIebrat,ion nrpane all previous a `l chamber prov too small to contain all attend on M mnighs an adjoumment will be mad to city hall. = K` plan. no nut . _ 1 -~ee*v.ed tn.-~ -er"-"-"'+'-'y"?-'$.' I eommuoton III 1.50 ab". corp-. bro! 3 - o\u.ion:;.i'n of ggq nqwlip Nonlnl-I Indh. `E . 1!! lmnlhmlnt` numu nu ro. nuunuuy 1 In. As uuvny uxtruordlnnry nml mlnlst<'r plvnlputa.-ntlury to the Netherlands, Mr. Nowvl will have his ulllclnl rosldvnce ln The lluguv. and wlll tlrnw un annual snl~ nn1y ..f I : -um Tho Hnnnn in mild In hen ISIIU VI nan-vw vs uuwv-wv. Kenneth 3. Cameron. of the A Io und Sutherland Highlander! is via ' ' his mother nu Cohonrg. He in I and that having-slut lootin- .nmived from henmiutytlnouun. K. dun oitho Boyd miliury eollqo oft mm mm. ' The magistrate dismissed the C130. THE CASE FELLHTHEOUGH. GOES TO THE HAGUE. Wade's Dtug Slme.| 4-50 OI laoovo 0! Aboonoo. l\_,,,,_,, ? BTANFURI) `SEWEL 7299, 1'39 : You buy without an atom of `risk. There is nothin , A risk. We have 1 -0 interest in deceiving you if we `con \/Ve have every. nterest in not deceiving you. Isn't 1 a pleasure to buy without the fear that your eyes in not be open wide enough? You can pick with yo r eyes shut and be sure that anything you choose is we 1 worth the price. ' 'r..I.... .1-.- i:..I.. -_---...-...:._.- ..r n_-...` 1*,\,..1.- !-Inrn \AVIhe%n% %Y'ou V Buy Her Tzike ihe little mountziins of I)ress Goods. Here are the Blaeks and colors in Serges, Cheviots, Ilen- riettus, l.ustres,C;uw:1s Cloths. Iianey Bl'0Cl1CS,T\VCC(lS, Pin Checks, Silk and \Vool Mixtures and French fan- cies, and the Cinglmiiis, the Muslins, the Sateens, the I rint.<. and the I7:1ney \'Vz1sl1 liabrics comprising `all the thou.<.and and one styles that belong to a complete stock. They are new. They are the cream of this 5e51- son's productions. Decide what weight and wear and style you want and the rest will take care ofitself. The )l`lCC will be right, very likely lower than you expect. .)ill`tlCtll(lI` interest prevails in the iunges of I)ress Goods at 50c and 75e yard. Starr 8i Sutclie, S`1ANDARD OF CANADIAN OR AMERICAN VVHEELS _n,__ n_....\. A..I- n_....I._ .._ BJ-I--FLJ-` .LJ.l`LJ.L.LI \J.l. \Jl1-LVLLJJLLAAV \I-LI a~.u---.----- - - - ------_ The only Canadian Wheels fitted with the celebrated Faubor Crank Axlg, `Cranks are guamnteed unconditionally All benringsin Welland-Vale Bicycles no turned from special tool steel and carefully tempered, around and polished. and go to make a perfect Bicycle. Some of the many fea- tures of our VMj3CalI and see them. POPE MANUFAGTURING 00.. 0! Inc gods 1 Win war you uliu 1) aces.` Write this, and x the unhewn none in your eld. - ~ the writing lien upper . n dincbd all his mioo WELLAND-VALE . .. ` Have just placed in stock a nice range of colors of the Celebrated ' and Absolutely Hale. ' Improved Detachable Sprockets. e 9 | - Ball Retaining and Duet Proof Bear- lngsln Crank Hunger and Subs. 7`: Cones on Wheels, can be adjusted with the fingers. Truesed Rear Forks. strongest and O neateet on the market. I Superior Pedals and Chains. \/\r\f\Qf\\O A. STRACHAN; - AGENT. MIN` In Folk Lore. Mica do not play In great. part in folk low; even theivm-nd of the Pied Piper" nszsaovinte-9 them with man, says tho Lon- (ion Suunlurd. But. one recalls in tow 1-.-we-an not unintematlng. A Bohominn loygvlld (lQ`(`ll|l'l`S (hut; tho W(`|'(l crontaed hy the ivvil, whc-rvupon 3(-neoic-non pro- ; tluvmi tlm cut. when Noah recalvvd a pull` of lhvm into tho urk they struipzhtwny i I.-mull! in gnnw :1 hole through tho but- tnm, instigntml hy the-lr unholy pnront; wun-r wm pom lng in when that some-nt. with mlmlrnhlo pnmnnon 0! mind, stopped tlw lt'lll( Wit? his hand. Wu should non- viudu thn":`.`|f0qnm specially dostruchlvos ; in Bohemia, and so it proves to ho. . Both tho whim and gray varieties : ilom-lsh there, but. the former is thought . inoffensive. Whom lmrvmtn nrg; ripening ' tho pennants . unxlouniy cumh a whl mouse. put. it in a oomfortahiu box upon I tho wlndownlii. load and pot it and call it the luck of tho house." It satised with these attentions the anlmnl will hunlnh all its gray klnsfolk from the viclnitv. '3' v_ nu... _,.._ a..........n.... 1.1..-ul nf Rnll viuinnv. in that: very interesting island of Bali, | nlsn, where Bruhmanisnn and Buddhism inextricably ininglocl, survive, while all tho populations round hnvo long been Moalem. some fortunate mice receive like honor. The Bali: catch a pair, clothe them in whim linen, and not them in a public place. when nil the inhabitants of tho viihsae how down before them; than they rel:-ems the prisoners and stmightxvny. with an emu conscience. trap and kill every mouse that can be found, {or they are terribly destructive in the rice fields. Mr. Ft-naor cites an old Groak charm in "The Golden Bough," which is worth quoting: "Take A paper not Iemounera (10 no. 1 gIqg ouyunuu.r (speclfyng one not In 011). and It a latch you here I swear bythe `not. nl (kn nnrln I will tnnr van Ink: lesson you new A swear uyuw m gods 1 will tour you Into nnvnn II ' wfi Ih|l, And It Eh Waldren 8: Mader, Pewny & Co. Wear I18 and I20 Princess Street. Ask for Art Catalogue. Successors to J. M. RICHMOND & CO.. I 14 Princess Street. FORMBRLY RICHMOND & CO. ,B|CYCLES. 5. K G Promt delive;y all ovufihe city; conngom and obliging min. J. GLEESON. Brock st. _ Drop a post card to us or tele-u phone NO. 499. ' We make 1 specialty of supnply-b ing the family tnfle. `EAliEl) TEN DEBS, AUDHICSHEU "IN- npuuzor of 1'1-nirenitiariep. Ottawa," and ; end(u'>el'`T1-nder lur nupphu." win be to- Naivml until aA'[`Ulu)AY, nuh oi Juno inclu- sive, from parties desirouso! u-onmrnntinu lor nllD|blI8.'4. tor the thwnl year 1897-98, lot the lol- lowmx innlitutionn. nnmoiy :- I V Kingston Penitentiary. ht. V meant, in Paul Penitentiary, uurohuuter Pun itentluy, Manitoba Pulniu-Intinry. mm. `( }o`l:.|Inblu. l'oniten0.inry. u . den will be received for each of ans 0! uupplios :- 9 iounwinz 1. Flour .(3nnu :1 Serena Baku-3'). 1. Bee! and Inn (fresh). 3. Forum. 4. Coal mnthncitcs an 5. Conlwoud. ti. (hocotioa. 7. (Joni on (boot Canadian, in bhls.) 8 Dry Ooodu. D. Drncsua-I lcdlelnes. 10. Louher And ndinn. H. Mnniwuro. I 1:. Lumbor. Douiilu onnformuion. tocethuwith form! | M Iondu. win In Inrnnhod on nppuonlion to who Wsrdonn of tho vnrioun Ponin link. All nnnnllol All uubioot. to ma nrovnl of the inunution. or Inuutnuomu. which n. In proposed to nupplmsnu` man II no endow uuun of at least two nupom lo mutton. IIIIIYIILAH QVPIIIYAHN` Lu-uuuuu: Dophnmont oi Jnuoo. Utuuvn, lay mind, 1827. YOU WANT All an) no: an subject to tho provnl the Wan on. ' All tandem submitted must a .clurly. the inuituton, tnncltnuolm. w lot: It. managed nnnoly.nm1'n1nni hint Inn undo! of tho Hula. .J% "EALED TENDERS, ADDRESSED IN- \ umnmr nf I`:-ninmtlnrima. UM.nwu." nuul \~.\----- PENITBNT ARV SUPPLIES. Self-Olllng Hollow Axles. Large Tubing. Barrel Hubs. Large Bearings. Luge Balls. Adjustable Handle Bars. Sol!-Locking and Absolutely Bate. .; rm: PIANO run sans. Ijl II-j KAXX Ill Adjustable Handle Bars, Bolt-Locxlng Absolutely lnnsln Crankunzer ALLEN S SHOES. . .. You'll know It by tho Mg. Bear- Cra.nk.Ha.nger Conan adjusted Rear and I-`DI EWII I'UUv|lIIIC IIll"IUlZ- DOUGLA5 STE WABT. Inspector of Pcuiunthrlua -0 l_-Al_. KEEP IN SIGHT COAL Z wnv ?FaC II: Ihrnnv nun: -4-`.....-.. 0! leadership in 'i`ycle building is your 3uur~ n 100 when you buy 1 Columbia. - 0 pluuuro you will derive from rldlus will boon: gnnuntoo 0! your oontinuod pn- hronuro. ` .;=_.oo"+`i." co. ' n.. (hug-in gun! Wan Sinai; telebmted tlub House Inn] 1 NB IIIOSIECTIB nfn.` gm. co, u-nu. . . ._4n_.A.._,ngs;n.|n.4 Q...-4. J.-R. c. norms & co.. 44 CLARENCE .51`. -Repairs of All lribnds. g~_~~a~e2~m~ I;ARTFORDS $75, $60. $45. bleached Sponges, just open- ed up, and at half the regular Idehl Bicycle is the 26-inch frame CRESCENT at 860. It has Dunlop tires. Boston wood rims, single piece Crank and Axle. Adjustable Steel or Wood Handle Bar. Garford Padded Saddle. and other first-class features. `I -.`I:_..- IlII.....l.. Al nnrnn nnninmnnf. 10 cases of Bleached and Un- prices, at FOIIAI.I0u .n-rI-Q Lnhnl A TALL MAN s Hartford. Conn. Zru--- : T. OI. Ontario and was sun Olit Ilno line of Whooln And [at out when for COIITB. KENSINGTONS Ind SILBYS. Out C'R.ANK SHAFT` . KING STREET. Dllul, uuu Ulcucl ularuauan luu uuuu u. Ladies' Wheels of same equipment. same price. Warwick Cushion Frame $86. IJVVV \(IluII| I Lou Prlcos. Prvmnt Dollvory. Square Doallng, `Prion: 133 FOR Inc t Sumo! ' Goldon Boot Agnadlh hollow ndoulu w00n.| Best. 1 J.CUNNlNGHAM S Lllll Aluxluns `(V-4-u;.v.u The public sustain the position of the Wmu in reference to tramps. These are a most undesirable element, und the police make an ebrt to keep them moving on; but their places are immediately taken by fresh prrlvals of the fraternity. The city codncil should experiment with hard work oufthue fellows. There is no medicine they dislike eo much: and if it becomes generul~ ly known umong the brotherhood that the emblem: of the order here ares hallnnd chain or leg-irons. they will very soon learn to give Kingston 1 wide berth. Dr. Curtis by his prbelafnation of the stone pile scared them from this quarter for a whole year. The council should act at once; the mayor has lately been doing some very unneces- sary work in school matters: perhaps he has little time for tramp legislation. LABOR ARBITRATION. One of tho best set: of the legislature of this province is the creation of a board of arbitrators who shall inquire into and settle labor disputes. These disputes are bound to arise where the interests of capital and labor are so different. and some- timea the parties to_ them are so contentious that peace or reconciliation cannot be reached. Then it is that the arbitrators step in, by right of law and of their commission. and proceed to adjust the dif- ierences. It is theirs to get at all the facts. to consider them. to compare points and arguments, and in a fair and judicial spirit to recommend the course which may think will lead to a settlement of tl.e diiulty. lt is not clear that the board has the po3rer to force its con- clusions upon the affected parties, but they ought to have binding ellect. The board is now complete by recent up- pointments and is composed of the follow- ing gentleman : R. C. Clute. Q.C.. Toron- to; I). W. Dumble, 1`-aterboro; Frank Plant, London; John Evans, C.E., Tren- ton, and E. Williams, Hamilton. May they do the good work that is expected of them. This is the ardent wish of every workingman. THE DAILY WHIG. Av an` un. - nus...` - .....u......... The minister ol inland revenue. Sir Henry Joly, is a stayer of no mean ability. The protest. of Kingstonians against the neglect of the weights and measures per- vice here exd no concern in his mind. The remonstruices and memorials present.- ed Irereol the most. respectful character and were practically nnanswerable. They were in the interest. of the public service but Sir Henry bas preferred rather to be accommodating and agreeable to his oili- cers then to consult the public interests. his necessary to speak out since quiet. measures have made no impression. It. is almoet necessary. indeed, to echo the ponti- ment at Ottawa, that a radical change is desirable in the personnel of the inland revenue department. A simple case rnny be cited as to the inconvenience to which the Ipellabanta of Kingston and citinenn genenlly have been snbmiwad by the deference that Sir Henry Joly pays to the -__,n--. -n n.:, -52---- __u.-_ .L__ .L- I-vvuvnvuvv can-v nu --`nu; wvIJ r-Ju ua cu` comfort of his oiooro rubber than the oieinncy oftho cu-vioo. A rm. placed Ienhofor innpocion in the weight: and Inouuronolcohotoonny lsth. They eouldnotnpin ncoivo them until May 8th. Ilonnliuo I customs: had been hp! wuiting ilnpnticntly. In this the an-viootlntn uilfol connotcial import- uuooinontitlodu? ordothod oven Shah ho koolivotl fllll doputy impac- hf Mivillo by Iottc. Kingdm in vuinlmwnasu-byun igtpoelor in` j `oi Inving an ulcer pununnly haul. `lit oouutnlivo pnnncnt thought it i-pa-hut enough to In tho hudquulco of the dintict: Sir Henry ah iflueiult to but an oo~ ..I -lglh u-LII. Rnllnnilh anal M- ufllllll II Iulllclwls In um Ill oe- -nl visit. vhilo Bolhvilh and Bank , "villa hvoluuhtlalun. `rib nlolllquouniounduurniunlho uuhushn-snug. Invuunn AN IN DIFFERENT MINISTER. T-THE '1*RAr{11- Qli}ESTI~;.-I --_:;:-.. "Opt"/er per Orbs! Divot. sumo A coon wom`). j _ ;1`i`ore_nto pint tppuls to Mr. Blake sayagoed word lot Cenada now, when the Irish press is assailing it. misrepre- eenting it. and doing so much by its rash talk to injure Canadn.-qimmigration. Mr. Blake cannot be expected to spend his time in proclaiming the virtues of Canada from the street corners of Dublin or any other city. He has done 5 great deal to advertise Canada in`, the old land, and he has done a great deal to win the gratitude of Canadians by timely and eicient service. But, like so mahy others, he has failed to please all factions of the Irish party, and has enllered. as Mr. I)evlin,theimn/gigration commissioner, is now doing at the hands of Mr. Henley and his followers. The Irish are essen- tially good-hearted and generous and genial, but they are likewise very iubetuous, and too prone toquarrel over petty alllsirs. They are also sometimes unlair without meaning to he so. and hence the attack of the press upon Mani- toba and the North-west without cause and reason. Suppose some po1itioal\cut-throw. did write from New York to the mayor of Dublin, andeuppose he did call Canadaa second Siberia, and its premier a traitor and coward. the fact remains that the printing of this slander was optional, and it certainly is a wicked and con- ---I. ,,,--__.1:_._ .- -............s ........ .0 CALL AND SEE uvvvuu -4-y......, ..-... .-.. r.-__,V. bemptible proceeding to comment upon it as if it were gospel truth. Manitoba nnd the North-West. are the future homes of millions. And if the Irish are non repre- sented there the misfortune will be much lamented. What. it. is in climate and re- L, _-_:I_ __..-..A-:.....l TL- IlIlllU[UUV\l- Iv uuv Iv nu nun nu----any .-.- sources can be easily ascertained. The Irish press is enterprising. Why not send its correspondents to Canada to picturo the situation asitis, rather than accept the wicked vupouringa of l).miel (`) Conne|l Doughorty or any other exilo. The Toronto News thinks Mr. Blake should, in Ireland, "throw himself into the breach to combat. his country's one- mies wherever he nds bhem." In other words M r. Bluke should substitute his head for l)ovliri a and ask the boys to hit in. Will Mr. Blake do that? Not. likely. He has been Shah. The minister of ngriculturo is going on with his measure for the handing oi cheese hnd butter. The oxporwnu ikod some time ago, but Hon. Sidn Fiahr seems to know what. he is about ud 2003 right. on with his work. ` It in intimated that President McKinley is preparing a message to tho Spanish gov- ernment) on the Cuban queution. And thousands are holding their breath to see ovhnt the effect. will be of his rsb act. as n world a diplomat-. McKinley looks like Napoleon. Will he nctlike the first con- sul Y Only one broker has been sent to jail in Wuhington because he refused to peach on the secret. selling and stock speculating senators. But. if all the ollandors could be reached the senate would be relieved of a very corrupt. and demoralizing clement. The Templar, orlifamiltoii, repudiatea the plebiscite. In says the temperance people did not open the referendum. But the liberal party did. and it may be safely left to an-an e the conditions on which it. may be con noted. The M0t1tr:a{\\'itnesa calla Sir Charles Tupper a political huckstor." The term: is well applied. Queen Victorian`: DI: monirJub||oe. The movement in Canada to found the Victorinn order of nurses is quite similar to the movement in (lreot Britain by which the quoen`a jubilee institute for nurses was founded in I887. At that time the women of Great Britain oiliered & tribute of money collected from women only. to her majesty. The queen gave 83.'l,l,00U to endow in per- petuity the Queen Victoria insti- tute for nurses. The duke of West mimter, chairman of the queen`a notional fund for Great Britain, has stated thnt hospitals have done and are doing noble and most necessary work for the poor. but they cannot be estnbliplied every- where. The merit of the queen's scheme is that it is capable of prmtticnland prompt application through the length and breadth of the kingdom. in the most out-of-the.way as well an in the most populated districts, and comes to the assistance of the medical profusion by bringing under their di tion skilled nursing and care for the sufferers in the homes 0\'0 of the ry poorest. "Queen Victor-in s jubilee urees" hnve now been at work nunin he poorest of her majesty`: enb- jectei their homes for six yenra. To-day ther{are over 600 working under the cen- tree established in England, Scotland, Iro- land and Wales. It is, therefore, no new or riment which has to be tried. 5.. .l-.u.t knnnr. in thin uninl-int? nnnr nrnenr. wnlcn nns no In uluu. be direct benet. to the sulluring poor of having skilled nursing in sicluzm-s in their homes cannot ho overstated. apart. from the indirect, bub equally certain, good resulting from the com-cant. visits of educated and devoted women to houses where order and cleanliness me sometimes unknown. and where. from ignorance of the simplest. sanitary precautions. illnesses are often prolonged. _Innde more serious, lives endangered and susring greatly in- creased. lldu oulor. look: better. will thud more And cost less for ro- ptln than tn: othor wheel at any ` prloo. Don't take an opposition desist`: account of it but no It for yourself. [{lrkpatrlck s Art Store. nun uvuaaa aunt: vwu-cu. The late Capt. Patterson. Kingston. whose widow is buried here to~duy. com- manded the tint Canadian venue] that loaded in Chicago and anloarled in Mon- treal. On May 25th Mra. Patterson com- pleted her eighty-fty year. The previous day she ran interested in the celebration ol the queen e birthday. All through her lihshe had a moat loyal and intelligent interest in tho royal family in all in branchea and was deairoua. il God ao willed it. to be spared to lee the approach- C in; jubilee. /_ Thonilinp yacht that W. Robinnon in 'hui|di for W. C. Kent was designed by Bonn . nn`mhun.'du-vicnor and builder of tho Hvtlet an`! the Qickadoe. The new emit it thirty lcotlodg. but isomytvonty- four foot on the rats: line. which have but eligible to nm in the twenty-om-on foot obs. 850 was all in {run today. (ml?! N073. who Ilonucnl Harald io duo III olthoerditfor the menu of IIIIII puny in Quhu last week. This hln-hluutl inlothoconuotwith vigor QI0&['y.nariu|IgulHhoo|ocl.ioIuro- (nale-lintln` oltldpto -ills haul nlhnn-In Olcnptu Nova. L1 ILA Mantra In: Death lntelvened. n . u\.. I A let Ilnlllng tum. _ _.-L. .L_; II! II Ilonlcnorlllho. um DAILY 7 wnm. `SLATURDLY .,.-MAY` - lnouners over encounteren. uranu union- P. Hunt has severed his connection wi.t.h Eongreaa hall and will resume the dune! of wine clerk on the abemnor Spartan, Rnturrlnv niuht. Cram ".' in ID n'rvlnn|{ vnn D\n't buy 5 whul boon:-so It loan well. or boouuo of name much-talked-of fad. but In- `M. on not win: It 1: nude 0! and how it. I `but (out or. 0 show soouonnl pianos like chm nbovn We aim uxpluiu the different or My Art. I u I o stool nud. their relative strength and how may no out togothor. Wu want you to know wlnt. is under tho urnnu UHIOH. (I. W. Maxwell, book-keeper at Kirk- patrick at Rogers`, hnn been conned to the house since last. Saturday. owing to the muscles of his back gnd hip being atmined by a fall on the stair:-. Thar-n nrn nthnra hnr. t.hn\"rn nnt in if. HLTIIIIIUU Dy ll HIIK UH (Illa HIolIlI'l'- There are others, but. t.hey ro not in it. and you willsnynonfmr you have inspected our nboi-.k. (irand Union. VIVL- \\'..A....6.\..... :....1...... ..-{II nu.-Ant tkn UHIDOQ DUIIUI. Saturday and Monday we shall sell men a tweed pants at 79c. This same line is being sold by a certain store in the citfy at 81.25. See them. (lmnd Union. 1...... H: ....,:........,a ..|..... 1:1,. nun. ..r '- '*- '-' v--I -""I'IUuI'* v---v. -1 --~ v "'1' Yourmone th _ ` Grand Uniomylwor Mywrlw Frontenac cafe, tug and co? no :11 hours. \ The loonlcouncil. C.O.H. `., will hold I picnic at Long Island pnrk n jubilee dny. You won t. look and feel m if Von htd on pncmc nu pong wand pnru n juuuoo uly. wo t. look and feolrv. you some nth mun ! olothos iiffou Icons sup- ply ours. Grand Union. _ rnnf. n Arnimn Anm-Inna, tho an-ant: mm- mob : Arnica Anodyne, ltho great pain- kill 1', internal and external. all drugginbl. `Z50. ll bottle. For every child who np_ods a` suit we have the biggest bargains eponomical mothers over encountered. Gmhd Union- `D Ll'....| I... .......-....| |_:. ...........+.'.-... unit}: Pl_V{U|.ll'l. uranu UDIDD. UK WIIIO CIUTK UH EH6 ";07\'n0l' opuruuI._ Saturday night. from 7 to I0 o'clock you can buy any of our $'. .50 and $3 hats for $l.!)0. Grand Union. A hnul-. Huh-tn II\nl`:nn' aolnrlnnh: nf f\nnnn n l .1117. I urunu U "IOU. About thirty medical sbludentn of Queen s university attended the funeral of the late Alexander Grange. They drove from here to Newburg in a van. Them nmmr wan n Hma when munh nnnlm U0 lV5WD|H'g III E Van. There never was a time when cash spoke in such thunderous tones as now with us. Grand Union. (v I \A..-......n |.--|_ I ..... _. .5 `l.':..l. our H001`-K. \lI"E|lH.l LIHOII. The Watertown juniors will meet the. Kingston juniors nt. baseball in Cape Vin- cent. on Monday, Memorial day in the United States. Cl..A....,l.... ...\.l ll-._,I.... ..... ..|...lI .nlI ;i|7l-Eoiv an! mutlnor. We want you 1 ` 30 YEARS` EXPERIENCE 1... _ l"`AAlA L-"Jl-`nu In unnu on ED l.'_ i). DB8 EH8). llfllll L`Ill0Il. Letters of undeserved nbuee like that of ex-postmaster Sluinnon will not have a kindly influence in helping other conserva- ive ollicials to the local liberal kindness than is keeping them in their places. A niri-nan anircrnnt. Hunt. llm ntramf. rInn5\rf.. Inll l3 KUUPUIK LHUIH III LHUIT *)lIIUUl`. A cibizen suggest. that the street depart`.- ment. send a horse nnd cart. Around the principal stream and pick up the rubbish nccumulabecl as A result. of the queou e birthday celebration. Portions of Princess street are in a very dirty condition. Tlmv will r-nmn tn Hm nlrl rnlinhln hnusn BUTUUL art! I" M Vury (]lr/y Clllllllhlllll. They willcomo tn the old reliable house when in want. of reliable goods at reliable priven. Grand Union. Vnliv lnmmnn, m.~ninl.nnl'. Ancrinnnr ml`. the prl(`8H. 1-runu UIIIOH. Felix Lsmmon, assistant engineer at the water works pumping station. won Serg t. S. Arneil'e sailing bonb Cold Boy nib n rale a few days ago. The winner's ticket. cost him eighteen cents. Vnn r-An nnfnr nnr rlnnr nf. n" timn with Y o._j:__ Ilnl the may Reno:-un.c:IngM`%I sq COBI HHII elgnwen CGHDS. You can enter our door at all times with the feeling that no where in this city can you get more for your money than you can here. Grand Union. "PI... .-J.-......b-.,~.|.....$` -5 I`r.......:h,... man in GT3. uruuu LHIUII. The deputy-sheriff of Hamilton was in the` city yesterday afternoon, having brought a convict nnmed Cnnlin. who is under sentence of three years` imprison- ment in the penitentiary on conviotiorg of picking pockets. /4: mat. nur ntvlnn and invnniima in New pmvung pockets. We get our styles and juveniles in New York and have our stock made in Hamilton by the Sanford company. We have vory many styles that are not shown elsewhere. Grand Union. 'I`L.. ..-I . _ A A- I'J..-..x-I.` I1...`$.A- `nrlnn | KITRIIU UHIOH. The schooner Bavaria, timber laden from Toledo to Garden Island, was former ly owned by tho Calvin company. She has not been down this far for many years. She is of a class of vessels that. is gradually disappearing. 'l`n nut. nnnr-~nnd nnl: daan--i better msnppearnng. To cut. oncc-and cut deep--is bother Shan to hack nwny-~litt.le M. n time"-so bhia blow is to the bone. Boys three-piece short. pnnb suits made of ne blue twjll or grey worsted nt. $5. `We defy our com- petitors to produce the equal to thaso for loss than 37. Grand Union. I\.. \I,....l..u 0|`.-. l`..l.... nnrnnonu mi" Second-band wheels 825 and $85.