IIITIII XJUIITL ' Io! annually at Ottawa gm boom humor. damn. I n a majority of omen ' ' lawn! oloo Inns of Inmnpoo ouod { V A 1La.a.. s:'..:... 4 am. -commibh. at who am tiuw u:;h`; ;rry oqmu. nhonldnr. nun `-.aT..4 b_I9mI*!*d fol-`GT Man `in ph unIIdooud condition. Run " ` In ` Id, In ;iv-3+-are-',""."%.i ;-" :3 V5%"i'-`J-n"7`=" 2:-e- or-on` ' e pmbntaj - pmunnoothst {: artl]y hla'o\v'n x'no:gIr`.dId not know III- O. Haniglgh gold duo of up _h,ndIono bay: Int Batman to c. 8ten.rt..3r., Har- , Mini`. Wane. was t it ronowldf doqununou in this oonity. Vinita!-: . Vita and Inn. `Man- cow; tut. D. Wqfhx-Ya. `A nodding is ok- poetotfin a few dpya. rv-v-I-r IIIII-III? IUIIAIYIII OAIADA SALT Asiocumou ` 'I.iIYOI. on-r. "my . ,a.....<.%.... inrinn his luau otha:-him- At. din nmo DILUUUIYIU vnmr. msmun rm `alumna : ' ccuonnq an n-In unnnnnnngn - OOOIXIIY OQIIAITIII Q--n inn - AAAAA- __-. other llnlnnlnl oluno. _ -L-_...- ...__...-.I |._ AL Bicycle lldld. 12--- 1 -r-._ -_ A II- mm DAILY wm, win1%ns15Ai'. {.iti1~r%jz:T 139-i.% j__sua for {abuse Ginide. A Jubilee gholarship IBOOKBINW NGI CALEDONIA smmcsj ALL I-QOTELS, BAT_`HS AND New Route by Canadian Paci ' e Railway now in full dp_era- ' tion at ` nr Sanitary Mattress, We have just now an immonu ptook of Iattrouu nnd Spring Bods. bought upoohll! low ,nnd sold nine wny. Bm-done. with mattnuu to M, chap. I We make I specialty of to-ctunc pad 11-` novnung laetrouos. I Hull lntruuo. all grads: sud gurontood I to beta npro-outed. 1111410 to ordor. VIHYIH I. F. `HARRISON co.l Wlrvlle have a. large stock of artistic Wall Paper and Mouldings and com- petgnt workmen to do the hanging. KinstinLadIes'0ollege .Gloseburn, -_ c-__n- `lung's-ron, ONT. l>.E"G2G2I>IG1'l-I I3`)33*l3`)3i After all is said and done. where can you spend it few dollars to better advantage than in beautifying your home. Don't permit the old decora- tious to disturb your dreams any longer. Get something beautiful and new. in 1 u . 9 I Ifyonhave Window somm and Doors; the xenon is obvious. `Win Cloth; Bnokatod. Oiled, Screen Doou, Screen Windows. oto.. at Wit $.H! .!1`.Y.`_" HOME Made ol absolutely pure materhls. is giving every satisfaction. Robinson Bros., lortdont unrorugitouon T. Illlllllll C 00.. Prourlohn. '|'oronto,2:)nt. If So, Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills will cure or relieve you if taken in time. Have You :1 Feeling of Anxiety that H80, H80 something is going` to oc- cur when there is no ne- cessil y for it ? Milbum's HenrtandNerve -Pills will remove it. All You Troubled with Slee lessness, Nervousness, 9rgetful- ness, Brain Fag, or General Debility - the after effect of La Grip ? You can take no better medicine than Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. The) will relieve or cure you. Every close help: the cure. KIWI YO Palnilkon.-Throbbing or lrreitulnr Beatimr nf um If 30. i\&iVlV!ur-n s Heart and Nerve ` Pills will cur you. HIV! YOII Shortness of Breath. Dis- lnbcu nftnr Fvnrl-Inn -. uu---- q_u--vw wv---'---' - . vlnaddlolo 30 lob DAIII AND HIT? DRDPIRTV lnnnunl nl Heart M Ncrvc Troubles. i V Oor. Princess 8; Wellington Streets. Punton. Dooonton. Gluion. 278-1 BAOOT 81`. Vou ll Sleep Sounder nvuuu nag. ' `V F1553`. | anormcss ox uream. Uls- tress after Excrtion, a Smotherinfs Feeling, spasms, or ain through the Breast and. Heart ? | raIpuunon,. gm-opnmg Irregulnr Beating of the Haart ? " ia".`l`;"'r" THE l "" `*`" ::':;: 'i.`*.1:;*"*%'..".'..':'.:.:.:: .`.!W.;':W:.`......'.. ..... (3.. ll'lA.N'Gl I trawler. Apnb. _3`_{,_m an-gun Amt. nu Itloot non nul [00 corn to nu cuue mu found. ig prutitsble. He does not loll my cram. but buy; qI_IAxitit.ies in addi- tian to the amount nuod on his tum. It was dusirou: that com uld he purchased-:4 low in price II siblo. Hush Rankin thought the United tutu should give 01;}: f trade. ivinnnn1naIr1u"hi `_ (3: Anna mu snouxa QIYO UIIII I I tflll. ivioovetuwuth" .0: on nine all the corn wqntqd. and In ull - the k the country dommg M9119) > OYCI .T........"":.-.3$f...'.".`. i%... .'..n. ....a~ ....-.1 merxet. _ Mr. Milton pointed out that if all the farmers took Mr. Hnycock's .sugges~ (ion and went into stock`ra.iing. the market would be glutted and prices would descend. Dr. Gibson also int- ed out that in certain cases the t cry and practice at farming do not always pull together. Only recently Cantulian corn had been shipped into the United Butch. Canaan could prodnce enough corn for the want: of the inhabitants of this country lylld the United States- It is unmnply and unpetriotio to eug- port such I measure. President Sh: non hul ted corn to ma cattle and fnnntl it In-nfihnhlo nu don: nnl. null . speaker showed r r in support or this (`0nlen(l0n. J. L. Hayoock. M.L.A., said the ques- tion of free corn was one of interest to all farmers. The government was try- ing to regulate the tariff for Canada. as a whole, not for a portion of it. The that the profitable farming of this country consisted not in selling off raw products of the farm, hut in feeding it and selling off t.he fin- ished product. cheese. butter, beef. pork. etc. To farmers working on this sys- tem it did not make any difference whether oats sold for five, or twenty- five cents a bushel. They had their cattle and must feed them the produce of the farm which they could not sell. Up in Elgin. Essex. and counties there- ahout.-; more com is raised than in all the rest of Canada. Hogs are also ex: tensively raised there, and are fed com. This is some of the pork so famed in England. The poor uaiity of ork the speaker said was fe skim mi k. cm was fattening. there is no iletter feed. Ever bushel of corn brought Into the coun ry adds to the rlohneu of thepoil. There is no feed thalran he iven cat- tle intended for export on w iah they will stand an ocean voyage hotter than corn. It is imipontant that western mt. ` tie raiser: get free corn. This section of the couhtry is not no much affected by the new corn tariff. as it is adapted particulnrly to dalrying purposes. But, on the other hand. dairymen must have cheap feed for their stock in winter. If Canadian farmers have that boosted self reliance accredited to them they should not be afraid of a. little Ameri- can com. If free corn is going to bene- fit Canzul ans awhole. the few should not he so narrow minded as to oppose its incoming. By asking that the my be retained Canadians are only spitinz themselves. He concluded by advising farmersto grow all the produce possible `and feed it to stock. no as to market the finished product, which is easier handled. and does not cost so much to market. Mr Ilulnn nninhul nut flan} if All sem h?l%DE. _ E. Mil on_ Plttshurc. seconded the mo- tion. saying that tree corn hnd injured his interests. It the farmers of Canada cannot grow enough produce to feed themselves and their stock they have missed their vocation. Certain portions of the country may be suited to dairy- ing purposes, but the dairying interests should not, he allowed to injure the interest of hunters not in that busi- ness. In any case, barley was better for feeding purposes than corn, as he had proved hy experience. The speaker smve figures gathered in his experience in stxpport of this contention. .1 1., Hnvmnlr, M.L.A.. said the 01168- lent, the duty be retained on corn. In support of this moon, Dr. Gil)- son said it was a mistake to place corn on the free list. 'l`he farmers general- ly would not lie henefitted, and only a few lumhermen or a small number of farmers who raised beef would derive benefit from the new tariff. In addi- tion _to the loss of revenue by the gov- ernment. farmers suffered from `depre- ciation of the price of corn. That por- tion of the tariff was contrary to the s irit of self reliance which the farmers oi) this country should ssess. Canada. can exist without. aid mm the United States. The new tariff gives Ameri- cans an opportunity to say that Cana- dians cannot exist without their aid. The overnment had taken a lot of troub e to advance the bh8688 interests but the interest of hog raisinig would suffer from tree corn.. It Canadian hogs are fed corn they will be lowered to the standard of American pork and every effort should be made to keep the Canadian pork standard at its pre- sent he-i ht. W I!!! An pH*|nL-.-rv ....:-n..Am-I fhn mn_ shi and importance. . A. Ruddick. superintendent of the Kingston dairy school. gave 0. few words or encouragement to members of the institute. savini that in the production of winter milk e would like to correct the impression that although milk could he kept at a low temperature and. be kept sweet, it does not deteriorate In quality. Deterioration does take place under such conditions. He explained the origin of bacteria. in milk, saying that germs are nothing to be afraid. oat`, being a form of plant consisting of a single cell. Bacteria grow. and thrive at 11. certain temperature. commonly called body temperature. There are two forms of bacteria, a beneficial imd an injuri- (ms. The first kind does not injure miik. but. the lust. mentioned rloes. giv- ing it an ill flavor, among other things. 'l`hev are so minute in form 11.8 to be im- possible to strain them out of milk. A great injur can be done to milk by dust from time stable and road blowing into the until`? while in transit to the cheese factories. The cheese-makers of Cuneda are better than those of any [other country in their chosen profes- (Inn 'l`hn rhpnsn f.-intnrv nn.t.rons. how- I | milk by mrmers. IL was moved by Dr.Gi|sont.hat in the opinion of this meeting the admis- sion of American corn for feeding pur- `as free of duty, is not in the inter- ests of the l'urmer_~i of Canada and un- til such time as the American govern- ment admits some article of Canadian produce that will be considered equiva- lent, the duty be retained on corn." In snnnnrf nf 'fhi'4 mnrm. Dr. G)- :other country In cnenr cnoaen prunes- .sion. The cheese factory patrons. level`, are not of the same standard of |excellence in the cure of milk as those of some other countries. The great need at present is the better care of milk by farmers. It \\'nR movml bv Dr.Gi|sont,hat Godwin : Insurance Emporium Bunovoq to Anchor Bulldlnga. over I111!-can filnn, nnrnnr Rina And Rvnnk 'P1'Nill33- . The report of the treasurer e. nowed , that during the year the receipts from ~ i all sourqee amounted to 0100.64. After all ex nee: were in there was a bal- `ance aft of The report was addpted. : f1`he executive committee reported that since the lust annual meeting the in- atitute had held four meetings for dis- cussions on topics of interest to farm- ers. The meetings were held at Catara- qui. Joycevi`.le_ Sydenhem. and Sunbury. 1 :-mident.` Shannon delivered 8 short qul. Joycoville. uyaennam. mu aunuury. 1 re.sident` Shannon delivered address. oongratumtinz the institute upon its success during the past year. The institute was growing in member- shgp and importance. . A, R.nlIdi('k, nmmrintemdent )0 V lilinrnouinnt rioocorae-Avunlyu; IIIO|lI,IloI C 4'5-`XIII ""'l'?."I F*`:.".".*"""|"l'. 0! - cums; on and nuns! Worlor. ` ` ' The Frontenac cbunty tumors` in.- atituto hold its annual meoti in the county court hon-so Tuaadu T or 9911. president Shannon in the c 3 r. are was a. good nhtenanoe of members and keen interegdt ' was mulestgd in the -proceedings. The mmrt of the treasurer Aiwuuu. us1fINn`or.'rH: mou- 1`]NAc KMiRsIus7I7TE. mm: or cunnudnmuonuo-. Toronto World. '1`hcx-evolution: in connection with tho ndminiurstion ol the Kingston puritan- tiory no much that the gourmnont in nation A oonaidcring tho ndvianbility ol inatilm ng criminal proceedings pgninlb a number 0! ocinlc olnployod in the peak hntinry. Ilil uidbbuunominotmprono anti oon loi'Iorontohuboonoon- ml in `A the nutter. Id: J. Fidnr. 553Yono'Itnot. Tcronto, says: `.`I luv; when Miller : Cognponnd Tl-nn pi": gin` `nu Olunvn nhln W An .4]. Ilyli "I. KVD Iron Pill: and at}! ." `by .C.|Iiu_cl?_ll. unto UQIIII HIIIOFI UOWPOIIIIG For solo coohhnolmnou oudrlullnulun nroomplolnourod 01' . _ .Arn9'IAtnloA ` 9.` .. yBo0ohuI'oPll W_IIl Eff; pabwrna OI, El and Cnmdisn msnufnctnro. Iv van-Inna -v nunucnluulvilu *. mat, of the New York clothing store. k stuns. in giving the choice of my piece of hood in his Iviqdow 101' 813.50 A unit. undo to order and gugranbood a first.- clm t. vTf1eoe good: are ull new and wall An-nrhnd .nnM`Afnl nf Enalinh, nnhslv. Llvorpool and Globe Pm Iluurgnco company . Eula Anni XI lllljl In nnhlllnn An Qlnh man no. vunooo good: all mu wall snorted. patterns of, English. Scotch mind Cknndinn mnnnfnnlnrg title: Cheeee Board. U-mu, May 3l.--Tl:e attendance At the board of trade to-day wee the lergeet of the eeeeon. Selesmen generally expected It decline in prices. but the cheese I! ripe for the market and there was little dlepoei- tion to hold it beck. The olferlng to-dey ie meinly all green make and A good qual- ity. Prices have declined lteedily and rapidly since the opening of the aeeeon and buyers ea that ' the end is not yet. Prices in in market to-dayvare A (full cent betterthen I year s . end that edvence ehould be maintain . Future in bet- ter thnn before in yeere, and t e cheeee that will be inenuhotured in this section in the next three months will be the neet rodnced. The eelee were 7.176 boxee Ill urea ranging from 7c. no He. Little Falls, 4.552 boxes were sold at 710. to 7&0. HOW. Here you have three members of a fami- ly restored to health by the nae 0! your medicine, and you would nlunoet covet their good health and genial we a largely resulting from each health. hey win you to freely use these facts to help other sufferers, and I am able as their printer to certify to the feet: above stated. Sincerely yours, Wu. Lawsox, Methodist Minister. cureu mo." ` mus Annie wnrmen add! this evidence with enthusiasm and free- dom. "I was weak and aiokl . And did not know the blessing of good eelth till I Inok I).-. Williams Pink pm. I .....1 nun xuuw one massing 0| goou nouun nu l hok Dr. Williams Pink Pilll. I ulod eight boxes and have since enjoyed the been of health. In faotl am never nick IIAZ , ur. vvuneme` meuicme uo.. Dun. Sms.--I `am glad to furnish you the following volnnterily given testimon- ial. with the fullest nnieeion to give the names and place. T ey do thieee ethenk- oering to God and your medicine. Mn. Williem Wax-man. of Molua River (near here) on 3 her son Alden wee sickly from birth. e could herdly ever netein food. and his rente had but little hopee that he woulgllive long and the doctor: who at- tended him were of the some opinion. Till eeven years of age he continued in that condition. Then the nee of Dr. Wil- liams` Pink Pille was begun. and under them he recovered and I! now eutrong. healthy boy. Mr. Women. the boy : lather. elno odds his teetilnoniel to the great value of Pink Pills. eeying :-"I luf- fered for years with A bad back, untill need Dr. Willieme Pink Pills and the cured me.* Mine Annie Wermen ed e kid. guirl.-um ...:s|. -..s|...-:--.. -....| t..- nnuunuuuuu. L1. 1).. uwesu In one anmngelv tnpnner the merits of Dr. Williams Pink Pills. and a perusal of it. will suggest why this great medicine is so popular in thous- ands of homes throughout: the dominion- it cures when other medicines fail. Dunnunnnnm M `D A.....'I nn:.L Ion-I no uuruu wnon ocner mouiomea nu. Rlcmnvcro, N. B., April 28th 1897. Dr. Williams Medicine Co.. Dlun rm: __T `am aim-l on l'.nm`.|~. um Dr. Wllllnmu` Plnk-l`lIll Restored Thglr oalth nnd They Will: other Cancun to Know lt-A Lottnr That Will Bl-III] Boys to Many-No other Ilodlolno GIII Such Voluntary PI-nine. The following letter written by the Rev. William Lnwaon. Methodieb minintor at Richibuobo. N. B.. attests in the ahmngest manner the marina nf Dr. William. Pink nonorary lIlBll.|U0l'. It was decided to hold the December meetings at Harrowsmith and West- brook. and the Janungy meetings at Kingston and Joyceville, during the first and second weeks respectively. It was decided to dispense with full ploughing matches this year. The nv-a.eident._ viva-nmaidpwt und nan- I. II. IMCAMMON. M.D., Cl1.. 3:R`. a`:. o`}-*:.`. `."$2`.:`.`.:`.'..1"':`%..... : nhun. , pxuugumg mawuas Lms year. The president, vice-presid9n't and sec- reLary>I..rea.surer were appointed neon)- mittee to wait u on the county council in the matter or securing n grant of money. ` atracnan. The directors met subsequently and elected these officers: President, A. J. Sharp, Kepler; vice-president, John Slmpsou, Cataruqui; secretary-treasurer A. Ritchie. lnverary. - A vote of thnnln wnsz tnmlnrml the A CLERGYMAN WRITES ON BE- HALF OF GRATEFUL PEOPLE. \'V OIII Island. (W tv hslapu. _ Cxty of Kingston, Dr. Gibson . A. Strachan. Thn div-nnlnu-n -nab nulsnnnun-ul>Iu .5-url H. IXILOHIO, IIIV3l'8ry. A _vote of thanks was tendered the relinng president for the seal put forth for the good of the institute. R, J, nnnlnn nn nld and fnithfnl I0l`lr I0!` [I15 O0(l 0! (DB IHSIICIII-B. R. J. Dunlop. an old and faithful worker for the institute, was elected an honorary member. It was dlwiriml tn hnld Hm Dnonmhor L-I." vnvunuqul, l.Au5u Lluunlu, vvllllk Bug. ittabum. E. Milton. Dulferin; G.V. Stuart, Eric. . Storri ton. Joshua. Knight. Elain- burg; J. I. Hughson. Inverary. Loborounh. W. Guthrie. Perth rand: CASTORIA . TIC El` f`th?:x' znenn\v.o\1ld ` ' '51`. ten hunheh at dig; .13. `$3 in! they would have dcsiera when they `lieu not cent: now. Joahlde s emu ' he or he pmaiuiiifigybr cauum:'3a?:cuiu ` ree corn. He had. eaten bread in; A tree tgade country end also in a coun- try with 9. high rotective teti. He could see little di ference in It. When Dmgiibeon` first introduced his resolution. t e chairman ruled it out of order.- as sevorigg of pertyism. Dr. Gibson said it was not partv move. but one intended solely to netit amn- drs. For than make nf nu-crnnumt Hm die. Lon(i;_|.1{._g!_t.I.a`hcaahIra Llfo A- aunnco Company. lnuIun`nA'rI:.o A nunmnn nnu-up unn- uurg; .1. n. nugnaon. lnverary. Loborough. W. Guthrie, Part`: road; Harvey Buck. Ruilbon. Portland, John lnw nnrrnwnmith! Buick. ' ` Pox-tla d. John Clo,w. Harrowamith; W. Shi ey, Harrowsmlth. \Vnlfn Inland, Rinhnrd Mnnrn -'nH'n out one mconaou sonny W oonuu; III !!!- drs. For the coke of argument the dis- cussion on the motion Wu ollowed to proceed. After the discussion. the chairman wu not going to ut" tho `quution before the meeting. int wu recssed to do so by quite a. number. He inull consented. and only six. includ- I t o mover nndeconded. supported I . IL The election of directors resulted thus: -Yinnsalnnn lnurn-Lin 7 T Ilnunnnlp I` EIIIISI `Kingston towmhip. J. L. IIayoock,M. g.P,, Oataraqui; Hugh Rankin. Collins IIV. for onlyT1n`voGinilaMpor mu. no ten-buuhaln at mm town in Enn- VI. anuney, rmrrowsnncn. Wolfe Island. Richard Moore. Wolfe sland- Pwlihnbt Bore olnnoo At Thli lesson. .`.| `v up n . .-. A THANK OFFERING. .0 unto no- `..r ia.a..`%`&." " a 3: M1. 583%.. for city And country or who led bl tho me Dr. laun- o. an. ` 1 It "5" u. It uuu uuwu Ul nu, ulna uculull ill 1'!- duoe the price of CnbinetPhotog1-up for I short time" to $2 a DOZGI. Heducliun in Price .o1= PHOTOGRAPHS. ussns; s1Fu & nms Lawn Mowers. Sold III ' 1 to ll Ida by ull`I Ko|l|:::iIl,lI)l:a.ru.`[lIc \ atrongex~-oo1a ny nngguu. we not. \ Three Dollun; two boxes, Five Dollnn. No. x, or No. 2, nailed on nedptol price and two 3-cent utunpu. Chg gglo n:-n an-nu Cook s Cotton Root 0ompouIIIl In the on! cafe, teliablo monthly me he on In 1: ladies can depend in 0 hour and lime qf Ind. \ ` 1- In prepu-odintwodegrou of the . No. for ordinuty cam x 8- I... E... M.` Iugnc p`4\"no onnlning Luann: 203 ..Y..-3:5 IA'R(mAu. > 7 ` 3 75: \ is by far the best dollar medicine known ` -noId hv drumrintn. one Dollnr nor box. 1 I! by III U16 DCII . (lOl1Il' IIGICIIII KIOWII ` -0016 b dxuggluts, one Dollar pg: box. No. for 0 ch! cues--to do ptrongex~-oold dnggiatou One . Three Dnllnn : two boxes. Five Dnllln. I Dodd s Kidney Plll ' Always, Cure Rheumatism A. Strachan -3'9. V ""!"'lI~ .: 4; `nomrs KIDNEY PILLS. I have been troubled with Rheu- matism for several months. I could scarcely get around. I had tried several remedies. but of no use. I read of the won- derful cures Dod'd's Kidney Pills had done, and purchased -one box. From the first box I began to get relief. I have need 4 boxes and I am cured. , 3-,`;;,; I rerhain, yours, etc., ' ` `A`-'7 W. H. Sxupson, Lindsay, Ont. RHEUMATISM mum `V9000 no J w`f-- ----I-- Tho cook oompfga unto Iv :.'v.'.:x:*-~=-yo- w '......1.,- ' ":9-M .r%*..*:.+`: lOl'OO:&n.V`I.I.'n: mom... 1 lug nut] 01 Ill IIIO noouaouun. IARI AND CITY PROPERTY Inn!!! at '.1M.A 2 a.".....s" .'..'e`. .'. t'J.`.""` "' ` .;.:..BunI'rAN. ' ` A nxnrsnm 3. `H. `LISA DU! D 301' T. D Iblophono. .' N A S n,~u 0.14` `Y on c IIGIII In Ramg}/AL. Inovpq IO Anonor nuuumzl. over Oitjpp. loo:-nor King and Brook I _ `cdsuopotmxu. 'IDlCAl- CARDS. :*-J A6HI"l?BO'l'UA|... PEBUCATIONAL. 1 -. ciuru av. INSURANCE. On. IDDII 30 um; oonxyn. '?zt.n'ox`n'a'.I. : DENTAL. DR. BEGG. JNlVl'nH 'l'll `l:B`}Al..' `-.:.~.,g; 5'""-c-1 .f;`..'g; OTRAND. 3 lclgmo Journal `LIP|_uoo1'1'.] ..`.';'.`.`.`.';.F ......' "`.`f.'.."%x`{; IOGLURE. STREET Tolophonm "Anoosv. } [J1 EL nal Qylowottu upon me Third V in lingo- ton`: Hr. and Mrs. (homo nrnu-and din `ht. Kingston. at R. W. Aylem L HAGMWFS-W Dlfls Io UIITI. MXI. ll. DIIOP.-lllf. H. 8 , Mrs. George Henun and Mine em.-y Ayhcwenh, Odessa, spent last. Wedneedey at E." ` R. Sharp's; Elmer Sherp eud wife, and Mr. end Hr:-. Acel Buck` at May em eh Herbert Beb- oock o; homu Pteet. IlcIht.yfe I Corners. etl. R. 8|Ierp'e; Mr. ind Mn. R. W. he orth In Th rad i K` - fig 5.. ..3fa"'i..";....`~';~.. '.;."1"..!. Utw `Guxnown. Juno .-D;-T`; lie. so- `oupbuiod b It. Pb ips, at No. mu! _ Q. On Sunday. during lu- " inlho Irluxdc" think. I. Leanna : EDWIN ll -I'o KIIHIIF, ID NO. Int Thu inlho lrluzdn church}. Leeann : it! In-all and started 06'. "I00- us-wmu. tohogolngintho lj and nhnd Int. Thh '3` I Il_I . '1'. J. IXOII ?5 dnu'-':. new olloudn cram. - dil. onhiniug nr one gold. KO faouvoouploof men in- hunhc. who pronounced the _ _ Alvin Luann mob _ Incident on Saar`. `nI-lK ln1% up . Auolatlno Noun. Assnmnxn. June l.-_-Mrs. Hem Bow- men has had I severe stack of oongention ot the lungs in Kingston and as not INC to come home. Mrs. Soymoro Smith and Mn. Rnl h Bonjunin spent the 24th It Nuhhln ollowe York road. Donald Thompson and Willinm Calder. Odessa, spent. three days last. week in Prince Ed- wud ooimty. Min Sadie Mcconoll has boon in Kingston for a while. Mine Lilian Anh-umnlu nnnnr. Wulnauluv .1. Mn Mn In 33035500 "Jr 3 WIlIl6- MI.` hlllln Ayleeworth eras Wednesday as Mrs. George Hanna 9, and Thursday et Mrs. E. K. 8herp e. Damon Hnrunen has a new wheel. Miss Therese Wilson, Camden East, eh her grendmothofe. Hrs. Phelen. Mrs. Phnlen spent e few days In: week eh Ernblbtwn Station. Vieiton: Mr. end we. Junta Snider, at Pager Bnideu- e; Mr. and Mn. George Lucas. at '1`. Fraeel-`t; Ml'I.`I. Clerk. Mn. A. Baker.-Mn. 8. Rural; Ill-I. an:-on Femm and Min Bhannonvlne Brevltles. 8nANNoxvn.uc, June l.--F. Emmons arrived from Toronto on Friday evening, and will visit his parents for 3 week or two. Mics Feul is paying her friends at Beyside a visit. Mr. MoKeown met with a very severe secident last week by which several of his teeth were dislodged,and htslso received a eevere cut on the cheek. T isis one of the many accidents caused by handling strahge horses. Miss Mun- shuw leaves for Rochester on Tuesday next. J. Leverton met with a severe accident on Saturday last. A number of shipments of hogs and grain. were made last week. Mr. McArthur de- livered A disoouree to a large number of Oddlellows on Sunday. 23rd. H. Paul, for seine time put sttending the univer- sity ut Toronto, srrived home last week. Messrs. Earl and `Anderson leave for Africa on Tuesday next. James Earl, Baldwin, Mioh.. is with us again and looks as well so ever. The balmy zephyrs of northern Michigan muet be agreeable to Jim : deli- cate constitution. A number from Belle- ville attended our annual 2-lth picnic. LIIO WGUUIIIK I00` PIICO Eli one nouns OI her father. M1-I. Agard, Antwelp. N.Y.. in villuing her father, 0. 0. Baker. Nelson Parks in improving, and there no hopes 0'! his ultimate recover . Henry Clapper. one omho oldest real ants of Kennebec. eighty-elven years old. in around again. and getting quite smart; after his attack of gr: can uvu c-nu-vuuvunuuuuu. Annex, June l.-The spring is very backward. June bee come in cold and cloudy. ~ A good deel of low lend not sown yet. Adaughter of Henr Woodcock died on Saturday. She wee I ut eight years old. A few years ago she drank some I e b mieteke. and never recovered from t e e M ecte. The iunerel took place yesterday. Dr. Epanhie was here last week and exemlned the Arden school. He expressed himself be well pleased with the work, and hie otoinl re it to the trueteee, on the school and t e teechen, is very compli- mentary. William Scott. jr.. wee married Int week to Ruth Newton, a daughter of Elisha Newton, farmer, of this township. The wedding took place at the house of hen Inthnr-_ MFI, Acnnl, Antwmn N V Failed To An-Ive. P1.nsAN'r Vsumzv, May 3l.--0wing to the recent frosts the hay crop will not be so heavy as was ex acted. Se al of the residents attend the tune a of Mrs. Martin at Verona on Sunday last. George Barr sold his team of working horses to Mr. Kenny, horse dealer. of Enterprise, and has since replaced them by a team of ve-yeer-old colts, which he` purchased of Mr. Thomas Wet-on. Visitors: Miss Marion Burleigh, of Verona; W. Dowling, of Na snee; R. Ackroyd, of Kepler; Mr. and rs. A. Abrams. of Hartington. Miss Elln A. Barr entertained a few of her young friends on Frids evening, the 28th. it being her brthday. Other visitors, Mr. and Mrs. F. Wallace. Miss L. M.` Barr contemplates A visit to Athens chm-tlv, It um: nanny-OAR that on"onId 1'5`. and. wmaoucaolny to Oh: adunuu which tho Jubilee u. - . - -'5-... W... a" 3,; ......,...., ........%:.,;- A. _ _ V . umnau. Clhnond Aooonnhna. Pnu 1.4. U1. DEVI OOIIDOIDPHIEBB B VIBID `.0 Athena shortly. It was reported that `the Free Methodists were coming to hold Iervieea in our school house, ner- vicos to begin last nbbabh, but they fail- ed to put in an appearance. -.--svv - nu --.-u - u vuy.-. U`: .. new school house and have is co lobed before mother cold winter nets in. here leoomldenble excitement; about tholeed mines" in Bedford township. There has been a miner from Toronto stopping at R. B. IIowe'e who in interested in the silver mlnee ab Cnlument. P.Q.. and who has been inspecting the Bedford mines and other localities. He has left for the east. Our genial blaclueuiith, G. Moon. is away on a trip to his parents at Wiarton on his wheel. lnlpootlnl A lino. Gonlmlnruno l.--We have had so much min of late and there being so much cold weather, the farmer: no druid the corn that is planted will nob grow, but will have toho It!-planted. Our Iohool teacher la on the sick line. Our oonnhy school in- upoctor. Dr. Bpunkio, wu` in our neighbor- hood lasb week. It is ho that the truntoea will make tome o H: to build a comglewl I..J...... ...~..o.I.-.. ....IA -3.4... .-o. 1.. 3.-.. took crop of which io"drod. J. Mc- Auloy in t pomplpy ofllr. Pinkie. New- burgmondnctod the {aural on Sunday. The body was pinood in the vault. llli III `IIIIU VIOIIIIF I XIII-pIIllIoUl' which plant: in him. 80199 ofoqr Iporu VON on lnhing on Mohdty ' ind snowed- odin r ohing I two pound bun. R.` Koyulpndlxio non of the man name of Roohubo: no renewing old Ioqlnntnncea. The bbdy 0! Daniel Brady was taken from the van! and buried on Monday. Mrs. P. Mm-my loan hm on! son. to. child of two can and eleven mont . on ntiirday last. he child which was ailing for nomo time cl-one it `died. 'A ..|... 8... I 4.....'l.... .-I "- "hail- Anny- Pg 3 _ 131:1 uocluonl o,n BIIINII . I8. Iaouu-guruvuih, X:'7u'r`337'n'3.-"i'm`3nf"35'u 1.'.'-'3'T".77 hibpd In thin vicinity 1 'oorn-planter which nlnntl in hilh. an-nu nfonr nnorhn IVAIDTUB. dune I-.l'IKE_Il'I II'I Illlilly ugurpnparing to init 1- potatoes 2:5 oornw `Ira Damonriwolle In and. ex- I.II.l.A..I. 1.. 1.1.1- ...-..:..n- - ........ ..I...o-.. ms 5 03. I ' ` In luv in onusniis-wage`:-oopno Au non-c Andhacrnunulpytu-rm luau ,. onuuuouoau ' " ulilmnur 1..-- 1 `l|-`.-`.35. -... L....xl.. --2-.-q- hail-`I31 V ua cfcmnlnouosurs ffiisucunons; | RAM-ox. Juno l.--l'ni1I`I _n"n an busily numvulwunnnrinn n nldni-t.Inlr mums: IUD! B. IJIIYI CV Mill. XWIUII i ' lol. no KM gutgmnt. J. W. Cgpohum; GUM - - Bcynoldo: n. R. gllwoll; Iaudowno. W. PR :AXdiIon,; A, f Innt'h\nnn o D4-pl. II`. -I... ouluwuuz IJIIIIIOWIII. IV. rurnnaatlon, G. A. Clondinning; orth, . T lor` Ilotrickvillo. G. Ropn; Ouldou G. G: Hnxhbh: Almonto. T. 3. 001190 Wolouj. `A. B. Victor; lhhu-ly. wouong _A. n. vullt; Inna-ly. J` whack}: Billing : wage. -Juan Ln- 1. vvuct -l-IIIUI III UIIIIIX. Other ohm Ill (acted by the nk drum of the antes Methodist confor- new low ue ulur Doing new I couple 0] months. William Dunn in filling hia place. Mia. Allen. of Toronto. arrived here laet week to visit her eon. Ray Lott and Fraser Bell drove to Kingston on the 24th May. Mina Libhie McAvoy has returned after an absence of eeveral months in Wetertown viaiting friends and neletivee. A haeeball club will be orgeniued here this week. Job, Boyer he moved from the Neely farm to the village. The WHIG doee valuable work in diatributlnc newe. A lady residing in the county of Grey, 0nt., learned of the severe illneaa of a relative here from I Wino sent her by friende in California. Mn. A. Clement. who has been aiok with lung dieeue ell winter, la no better. Her mother, Mra. Brickman, ie with her. Lire. Arthur Grant in aetionely ill. g=.`1s11sBETfsl LLIUTU I3 lCI'UUly Illy CUT pllnwu. nay is the only promisin crop at present. The cement company as a. large overn- ment contract to till, consequent y the works are running night. and day. There is it marked improvement in the paper mill since Mr. Thompson hiss tsken possession. He is painting and repairing. The ma- jority oi the houses belong to him now. On June 22nd St. Judo s Sunday school will run in excursion to Tweed. This is the rs(t..renl5 of the kind the children have had since the church was built. We hope the friends of tho children will give their hearty support. A! the managers will have to guarantee s cortsin sum of money. Mr. Harlrnesl. our naninl stnlzinn nannf. IIEVO E0 EHIFIIHLOO I IXJNCIID BIND OK Mr. Harknesl, our genial station 3 ant. has left us after being here coupe of months. Dunn in llinn hi: ninnn Nnpaneo um: Locals. NAl'A.\'EE Mums, June l.--Owing no the cold rain, grain looks very backward. There is scarcely any corn planted. Hay \ only Dromiaimz crop nroeent. lrelt The Earthquake. LsNsDow.\'r., June 1.--In common with other places we were visited by the earth- quake about l0il8 last Thursday night the 27th inst. The shock lasted over hall in minute. but besides alarming some of the nervous ones, did no damage. At the meeting of the council last Monday a committee was ap inted to enquire as to the cost of buiding a lock-up. The "weary wnyfarers" have been so numerous lately that something must he done to prevent them all stopping here. Every month for the last six or eight months they have cost us from $8 to 813, and the council began to think it was a little too much of a good thing, and accordingly instructed the clerk not to give any more orders. A meeting was held in the St. Lawrence hall last Tuesday night to wind up the sllaire of the hockey olub. It was decided to try and organize a gymnasium in_the drill shed. M. J. King. tinsmith, and D. A. Haig, carpenter. have entered into a partnership for the urpose of oarry- ing on the tin business. h will be known as King at Haig. e "sh them success. Rev. C. J. Youn went to Brock- villesuuday to take Dr. gIimmo s pulpit. Curaw Wright. of Athens, lled his here. Mrs. (Rev.) Reynolds entertained her Sun- day-school class on Wednesday afternoon. Walter Beetty,KP.P., was visiting his brother here last week. Mrs. Charles Bennett. Almonte. is visiting her mother. . Mrs. W. A. McNeil. .......,, .- ...- ...... _. ......... .. and Susie Butler. Krnprior. are visiting at T. G. Butler's. Miss Eio Wing and Miss Mary Glen are visiting friends in Perth. Miss Bridget Bennett. visiting her parents here for some time, returned to Sydenham this week. Miss Gertie Ewing has pur- chased a bicycle. Miss Clara Dior enter- tained a number of friends on May 24th at her home at Map_leUGrove. A pleasant time was spent by the young people. A wedding will unite place this week. William Garrett has moved to his new building. George Young has taken possession of the Wardrobe hotel. Mr. and Mrs. John White. Brockville, have moved to their cotta e on Send lake. Joel Clark has purchas from W. H. Fredenhurgh the sash and door factory oc- cupied lately by James Garrell. George Garrell. mail clerk, is home on a visit. He will leave this week for Winnipeg. B. Betting, road commissioner. is building an eight foot sidewalk from the corner of Main and Spring streets to the `corner of Sprin and Church streets. The Roman Cathoic cemetery has been cleaned and ornamented this week. It presents a handsome appearance. Woltport Watts. VV1cs'rrom'. J uno l.-Seeding is very slow owing to the heavy rains. Misses Edith Susie Arnprior. I" (1 `Indian : Minn nfnn Winn an-ul M:an Oll VVOVIKIUIQBY IV 0113!}. ll IDCIEGTO on Good Roads will be delivered here in June by A. W. Cam bell`, prox-inoiafroud inspector. Dan Mc8urt.hy`a play "Dear Irish Home" was much sppreciated and woll attended on Saturday evening. The clnematograph will be in town Thursday evemng. __.--_ Wlllonv INTI; U BOHIOTVIIIO. xouuu. Tho Facet ogr wheoil oompnp `la going to manufacbun trolley car vi eels next week. ` The bowl: for the bowlitm club have arrived this week. Lug Sunday evening Knox and Aabury churches unit- gd for evening I91-vices. Mr. Currie hold the` pulpit. Mr. Huxlahlc Wu Away nu- wu also Mr. Rock of the Bnptint church. The rst. buck bicycle races will beheld nn Wadnendnv at (1:30. A lnnhrmn nn luu uruo laflcl mcycla FIICUU Will UULIUIU on Wednesday at 0:30. A lecture on Roads" u-cyan: CEBU! IIUIII. Plmm, J unq l.--Iwioa Allnn had no auction sale last week as gdvortisod. The "tale lions lin b'ot`w'een hard ma Linn-ll: 1:. ni , ad mdvwrdino but the line lat Bnturdny evening. Mia: B. Barrio Wu qniocl married to David On. all at her home on-oon'i`uonday. To `rider! Wont into the road moot Int Friday evening. The place winners wore Ormand Somer- vllle,_ um; William Burns, L-eoond; John Wilson, third. Time winners Herb. Toy- lor. ut; William Burns. `second; John Wilson. third; 0. Some:-ville. fouuh. Th: Tuna: nip inlm-AI nnmnnno 'In aninn -- l_ COCK -ll IZIIIIVKI MU Ill Into. (llclnd). ll III! of Univonlty gndnuuo. Kuhn In Iuuumuo. and lunch. The nnoznont and culture 0! homo oomblnod with the high- In noun! tnlnhu. lulu Dopartmont in charge of Iooh Hoiuuoml. 1M..lm. Doe. trinity torn begun Am-I1 nth. Io! Bibi. 0%.. ANSI: to ` Ill; OOIIWLLI. ..A..