We have `out aecuerd at a great " .mh:tlou ` price nbout 5oo . , .-i.-..`.4_ _4._n.- _..n_. D`. _._. ma. Ill D|'I'ICl IUITIE, IIWI I Ill!-I Ull IIDLIU I stock of best maple, out and ammo. A slabo, `us and coda:-blocks. All chap for cash. lophono. 116. ' ..s_._.. Vvluuu Of all the intense and persistent forms at pain one can searcely conceive of anything more agonizing than Neural in. Its victim is one of those that draws orth our sym- pathy and pity as ullebrts to effect a cure with the ordinary remedies signally fail to do anything more than give the meresl tem ra'ry relief. Unbounded joy should till I. e hearts of neural ic sufferers at the announceinent that in ootenay the " new ingredient " is eecting miracle in the way of banishing the excruciatini agony which has rendered their lives I curse. perhaps for years. . Mrs. William lurkre- nf Crumlin. P. 0.. pernaps lor yearn. Mrs. William Judge. of Crumlin, P. 0., in the County of Mlddlesex. went before C. G. Jarvis, I nourypublic of Ontario. md made a solemn declaration (no rmly did she believe in Kootenay) to the olfact- thatjor many f! the was an intense sufferer from mm! ' She says that the pains in her he: and neck were so udvero the tlpought she would lose her P213315. . "NOW, you at OIIL anu plcx up emu llberehie yourself." \ Maud blushed furiously, but obeyed. Prince Alhert took his cue from the queen in this respect, and made the princes toe the mark. One da 'n.work- inglnan saluted Albert. and t e prince of Wales, who were riding. The heir n:nmu-an! nnnlnnfod fn rnnlrn the (min- not understand at an. 0! all Victorials ministers she liked [)Isr.eli. He made her empress of In- dia. and she made him earl of Beacons- Held. He fluttered, Gladstone dictated. It is said chm once Victoria. objected touigningu bill. nut mu must. madam." uruad `The @Z Will Duy II ICU UL king. at; Abernet.hy L-. HOW ONE WOMAN IADE HER ' ESCAPE. - A LIFE OP TORTURE CHANGED TO A LIFE OF COMFORT AND HAPPI- NESS BY KOOTENAY CURE. l'\P u .1 '`s?.'Z"i..; taken man`: Kootenay Cure and willingg test! as it bu been her alwa- tlon. and ions that without It she would Dunno lug In llnn manhunt` HUII. Illll XIWVEI lull` new bcn the asylum. This Indv has had 1] K "RX "GD DOT IIIO. BIIO III! UUIICHII been trnn ed from tho`Va of`Pnin to the Hi op ofHen|lh-|m:| through Kootemy. Mrs. James Kenny, of York-St., Hamil- ton. 0nt.. And many notify mode: oatlrlsova they way: nlcnod from nulltring the agency of Ryctuanh Kootgny II. . ` I I - --~:--- ABD 01,311 `.D . manna.- Iggoouy o ...sl';``i' 5' 4')BduoDwoulim- ton mm 3-um. bu-but in . Touohono o. :39. nuldonomu Inns -met HOW DCIII UIG asylum. This Inc! has had the uhldow cl oulfering I from her Ii She has heron trnnnnm-tad Yuan Ihn'Vnlhv nf`Pnln \a|ll"C. Full particulars ofihdoo cuts will be mailed by your address to I \ 1*`-- " l....._n.I..a.'...._L..An. I_.;_ 82 will buy a nice ox blood toot, fit for a {nu nt-. A}u:rnnr.In:'n - V vcun-In IIIIICCI Iu III! nodieine c'3. ,'a;:mon, Ont; rm it not as-, up been my A ROYAL NURSE. only I Baby. ..AL 6 Qxxlsfla-\-a. Wood Ina. A"raJa7nAI I.Y wmG{1*mbAY. .rUi~m 4,is97; `A : V E. George, Bollpvllli. outrun the Story 0115110 RIB~."'\XO O_! E01`. Son Prod mum` ihhttada of K1dnOy' Dlnouoj Sty: Mn. George, "My Ion Fred. nqw tbirtoan an of ago. has boon -`troubled sritlriiu` idnnyojfol-none ue. .PniuI`in the back were frequent and severe. um! bosllojlld urinary diculbiu. He in very much broken upinhuhh, and dupioo an nu. of A lame nmounh of doom:-A anon ihould too coin uxondvgn n. Scholuuhtlln ord . Dalian no-Con ouuulu, ILLIU UULIUL unavwluou l(Ellll\L.II-Au: Ladies` Wheels of same equipment same price. Warwick Cushion Frame $85. amen broken upm ucuun, ans: Ilpun tho use of A largo nmonh niodicino bowu unable to chain 1-diet. 7 1.-.... .0.-bu! tn ohm him T)nAn n Kid. niodlclno DOWII Ilnlmo no ovum `mum. I have started to give him Donn : Kid- ney Pills. ind can say that it is truly won- dorfulhow muc_hho has been holynd by their use. He-nu now may and vugorous. nhd moms to be giiing bother LII the time. - _ n-- I1..."-n nun nnifn uni-.hnninII*.in III mme." . Mn. George wee quite entahueiestie in her praise of the new kidney conqueror, and wished every one to know whnbi. n M- meriuhle remedy 9: all kidney trouble: Donn`: Pill: en. rm... ...u.:n and irnnf. nntinn nf noun ! Dean`: run an. The a ic and direct action of Donn : Kidnuy ill: on the kidneys. always re- aeoleo them to In healthy notion; thus our- ing all dioenus arising from disorder 01 the iidneyn. bladder or urinary org-ma. Backaoho, hoadlcho, dizziness, diabetes, u..:...I.!. .I...nn, muumli nl.n'._ ll. Iiald T. F. `E-ARWRESON `co.| V :9 Ideal Bicycle is the 26-inch frame CRESCENT at 860. It has Dunlop tires. Boston wood rims. single piece Crank and Axle. Adjustable Steel or Wood Handle Bar, Garford Padded Saddle. and other rstaclnss features. r - ` , :n:__u nn.__1_ -1` .......... ........m J.CU`NNlNGHAM S| Second-hand wheels 825 and $85. MUNSEY. 8oh:ruh`l)p`nI!ox-dn. 0' Plum. 8goItI.md!cl{:wI' Block. A IALAIIISADII J I -PARlSlAN- LIPPINCOTT. A STRAND. weldon aLadIes' Home Journal E`l`O.. ETC. 8CRlBNER'3u Hungry l'}an s `?"sht TY5 5 Backaono. noauncno, uxunnea, umnllwa, Bri ht : disuse. avel. em}, all yield ran ily to Donn : P1 In. Price fifty cents per box or six boxes for $2.50 at All drug- gisba. Laxn Liver: Pill:c_u-r:whero other-`I fail. Nun Sanitary Mattress, We have Just. now An immense neck of llattroues and Spring Beds, bought specially low and sold mama way. We make a specialty of re-stulna and re- novntlng Mattresses. Hair Muttronsosfnll grades and guaranteed to be as rcprolontod, made to order. vmmn [MAGAZINES-JUNE] Kingston Ladies college ` 'Closeburn." KINGSTON. ONT. I `I 1| n..n_... _.uL am. `-1-. non...-! / W PURITAN. A HARPER'8. F. NISBET S| At all Drugglsts.` 'Prlcc 60 cents per Box. or 3 for $1.50. Sent by Mail on receipt 0! ...n... 1- Mil mum sen. Tnmnth. 0| 3 lor Dl.50. DBIII py mun un rw prices. 1`. MILBURN & C0., Toronfo. Burdotte. with mntrosles totmheap. Inyuu--_- - _ _---__ Y |%-'oTf||_ wA|;KE(_ PEOPLE. Made of absolutely pure materials, Is giving every satisfaction. Wx.Lrx?fr+LiBf FRE DI :.&:.__.. The corner Bookstore. I. UIIZ WIIII `III Ibllli MC va- Iulloo (lacuna). full Ital o! Unlvonley naduhu. Kuhn In Inthomuuos and French. Tho renement and Inn 6! homo eombhhl with tho Nih- l maul uuhnac. `Il--I4 I\nnd-`hair. In '-Ll-Q AI nil A TALL MAN S _ganv:% PlLL$_ COSMOPOLITAN. MCCLURE. IIAKI CENTURY, LULI, HIIIIIU KI` YOURS. and all misca- abla goods fresh `tips and cheap. Is something good to eat. Fruit in very _benecia1. Try Inn `A-- pencuc us for AN IN ""01! SHALL nun of 1nt_zoa_::~ 3 ant: no thru. A to (racial . O0 x-.-.::..-W-.. .:...::.':.':.:... as "" `W "ARG08Y, --u----Q -To {czar :l l-IFPIAOI-DIATQ-I or` M133. Amos Toa_a~v. - " ?v--A--..p.a-.- , M1-----r-q--:- one I-mi nuphgneueuuege I of 73:10! ` ed :9 eDol!IIr'Ilrua_a`-1;"l'nl!'fn1 lur- v'uc`-who email not bromnng. Nu-urn. June 4.--Mn. Bye:-I. ef Glen; nnoque. pa -eeideno at the Klngeton Prelbyr terial of the wom.ofI e. foreign minlanuy society; eddreaeed phehildfen and ybhug people of I3h`eB\hwhy eohoel in the lecture room of the Preebyterlen ehureh yeeberdey afternoon, and clearly explained the need of giving to foreign mietone. epd how arouse inherent in. the wgrk..end that youth use the time to new in this good work. She encouraged thelohlldren in eheintfom of eiding the heathen. The eddreee was verty interesting _to older memhen as well as o the children. 1.. .5... ......a.... .h. lhlimmul A verv ex- 0! ans supper one nnuo 'unu groom wow touted by Willium Paul. The bl-ido o hmily, the groom : family. brida Imnid agd groouumm were also touted, being to- o dad for by Rev. Mnsoooonbo. Ohulen nndyko And '1`. Milne Am.-olutino nape- tivoly. The bl-idul part dpporud, amid drown of riot and old 1 009.19: Na than the newly-wtddod unuplo took Ibo train {or Eutnru Canada and H20 noruicrn shun. Tho hid: wu the nolpiont of many unduland courtly pnunb, anti oath. Isiah annnm in Ilch-nhh in IIICKIIICIIU TI, TH! tolh high custom in which-nho is by but nu] lriondn. 7" II to NIB ODIIGIOI1. In the evening she dclivorod I vary ex- cellent pddreu to the women and othcn .........n. an an nnmn nnhinntn and hi!` Id- chasing some horses. . Mrs. J. T. Dorlaud, for some months stopping with her daughter. Mrs. D. H. Saylor, Glen s Falls, N. Y.. returned home on Tuesday last. W. J. Erb, the travel- ling photograph artist, has again located his business in this place. F. 0. Spencer has gone in the butcher business. Joe Redmond, of Picton. was in town on Wednesday. Mrs. Harry Lane, _who for some weeks has been visiting friends and relatives with Miss Mary Lane at Peroy,re- turned home last week. Alfred Hudgeon wnsin town on Wednesday. Mrs. D. B. Jones returned from Trenton, where she L-.. L . . _ . n . . .4... 61.4: uuinIuu- with has-i h0Kl0|'. After the nuptinla the bridal pu-ty and ueebe. comprised of near rehtiona of bin ` ridq and groom only, us down to I do- lightful wedding supper. The table wu beautifully deoontad with form and ow- ers, woven in garlands. At the conclusion of the supper the hrido ,and groom were rmntad luv William Paul. Thn bride : ' I R K. IILBOBJI l.D. ll.0.P. &. 3.. LATE . Ilodicnl s n Jana Klnuton cone. . rg Hqrpltll. 1-on or city and country ` `mod nnnly comp, by the Into Dr. Soun- III . olanhona No. --aw Prevut` ol the New York clothing mm. Brock urea, in giving tho choice of any phoo ol tuned in his window for 013.50 A unit. rude to ordcnnd gnu-antud n lint- clan t. no ull Inward mll mound pun:-as at lngllol. Scotch iuul nmtlhn mnnnfn inn. lull Off IOOGIQI IO; T 0! llllltliy numpntant locum. 0 '0 I huge but :`.`. ..`..`f.`..`.':"`..."'.....""...`.. ..`:':a 1:.` H0!` Ill! WM Inoimy to women nuu ugly pointed out the very great. advancement this noble work had Accomplished in the Victorian ore. and urged I more careful study of the bible us an inoenhivetothil work Ind much good would follow there- from. There was et 9. very great eld Open for this wor . 'l_ he ladies of the foreign mietionury moiety conveyed u very hearty vote of thanks to Mrs, Bye`:-I for her able address. I I\n M A] l`Il|:(' nf [HA Eastern Jones returneu lrom lrenwn, wuuru any has been a ending the winter with her daughter, rs. Whittier. Diphtheria is prevalent in Picton. there being about seventeen cases. Miss Doghertyn Picton millinor, was in town doing 3 ne busi- A Marriage At Erneettown. A pleasant event was that which tool: place on Wednesday evening at the resi- dence of Stuart Paul, of the townehip of Erneettewn, the occasion being the mar- riage of his charming and only den hter Addie Mny to Charles Robinson Vene yek. of the mmeplnce. Rev. W. B. Seccombo. of Odeeee, performed the ceremony. The bride wee robed in cream cuehnw re, with satin and chiffon `trimming. und pearl orneinehte. Mien Maude Aeeeletine, 0! Kingston, assisted the bride. her dress being of pie green and white orgendio. trimmed with chiifon. Henry Venelyok, brother of the groom, was best men and little Bceeie Peul.do.ughter of Henry Paul. Newbnrgh, deintily attired in cream silk and cerryin 'e bountiful hon net of cut owers, me e the aweetegt o maid: of `KAIIIIF ruenoon uni numv Iulmwvv --`A -_-H W nu wu most inuhrncnivo nut) odnfyin . Her talk Inoutly to women and .9 nmnl-ml nut. him varv treat. her able address. Dr. Mcbisrmid. of the Eastern Methodist church, Napenee, had the honor of being elected president of the Boy of Quinta con- ference now being held at Bowmanville. John Wilson, of Camden East, who was up before police magistrate D-nly for threaten- ing to do bodily harm toAlbert McPherson, was bound over yesterdn to keep the peace in forfeit of $300. T 0 case excited considerable interest. in both parties are neighbors, and the quarrel arose from Mc- Pherson frequenting` the Wilson home. knowing his presence was not congenial to Mr. Wilson. The magistrate gave Mc- Pherson a good talking to and some sound advice. on which he should act in future. rm... ..`....u frinnd nf Mr:-. Almon Tobov. . ..._._. Cures Smttei-lng-Psrsonege snrl Church Progressing Invorsbiy. Wis:LLmm'0N.'June 4.--Rev. Mr. Bell left. for Bowmanville to attend conference on Monds , 31st. The yenrly meeting of the Frien s will be held here the iirse week in J une. Mrs. L. B. Shinson and daughters Fanny and Mrs. D. Spencer. were the gasses of her soh, Thomas Stinson, on undsy lash. Rev. Alfredrown and wife sre visit.i_n his parents and friends here. Rev. J. . Hill. Detroir. who he been visiting in our village, left on Thursday last. for the eastern provinces. Prof. J. E. Clark returned on Monday last from a pro- fessional tour throuszh some of the principal cities in Uncle 8sm s domains. His profes- sion is bhe eorreetingof speechim iments. Mrs. J. Y. Garrett. and dang tor. Iniv.. and Mrs. William Pentingill sre the nests of Mrs. Gurrews daughter. Mrs. smes Fox.of Fish Lake. The new persons e and church are progressing favorably. Morgan and some horse dealers from Wstertown were in town last week pur- chasing horses. Man, J, '1`. Dnrlnnd. for advice. which he snoum not In xunuru. The many friends of Mrs. Almon Tobey. of Pionon, were shocked to hear of her death on Wednesday morning last. De- ceased had only been ill one week of di h- theris. and a fatal termination of the is- eaee was not looked for until a short time before her death. She contracted the dread disease from her little daughter and was, no doubt, worn out with nursing. and the disease took A rmer hold on that account. The funeral occurred yesterday. F. W. Smith and \V. I). Madden, Napa- nee, relatives of the deceased lady, attend- ed the funeral. rm... ...m:m.. mam: nf the last few devs. ed the funeral. . The copious ruins of the last few days. accompanied by warmer weather," will do much towards a fruitful harvest. The farmers in this vicinity report: all crops as looking promising. despite the cold weather. Although the weobher has been cold no frosts of a serious character are reported. ...-. . .-.a--u-run: -I-nnlnllc "....'?':'.`1y3'&T `p7 don olaphono No. I cellent address to the unu onnun gruenb on the mo Iubjoch. sud hot ud- :1... gm. mu mnlv to women and o Full dun footicu 1 non. d noun. ....`... _.L.-5 I-`AI... A Inga. n Iain. icmgvinxnssns. Into Diana At `thinning. ....; -1 n... \t.'_. v`...|. ..1.n.x-.. WELLINGTON TIDINGS. _h;:. {as `ir.`a` ' ' st Iloold. ` `V kllsnznox. J an 3.-On ha:-._vlnlitb trdghot `. _ man I u . E2..;.., mum.` '....'.{`l2`..".I.. :. ..s.m...'.` 9 roumuzd in be- `It Iblt. -bfhoro to opon thin Iploloun and bedutltsil noun hall. which in n worlhy monumom of the nut growth and import- unob of your city. In: Ind to associate myull with on stone of not: momdnb 00. Bhaiald u the dedication at this _no building to mnnioipul nut,` and I knit that (tho p roan and tho proopority ul- bho city and o wolhi-9 of its inhabitants. mm ha arnlll nnd nnintlriuntnd. I alum NIO OW IIIQ EDI WOIIITI 0! III lllllllllllltnl, In In he grestsnd unintirrixpbod. I shsre W 7;: in your ippreoispion o! the ussni-V fol blessings of psseo and prosperity- sihich hsve. during the `Int sissy yam. been vouchssfed to my throne snilfsmily and to all classes oi my sub- msmorus manifestations which ' me of the wish to associste these blessings with my reign. With profound rsvetenbe snd thsnolness, I join In your praise and gratitude to the Almighty, who has sus- ,)eqbs.Ind I am deeply touched _ the! tslusd sud blessed this kingdom sud sun.` [rise durin the isst period over which the rasnnnsibi ities of sovereitntv hsve lsih sp- ' Ivnwvn vn - van-vnu SAN Fn.\m`1soo. June 3.-A dilpshch was received today stating that the Bribiolf ahip Dunow bad buen wrecked o` Kongo- roo Island and had become a total loan. The officers and crew made their way through the surf and reached the shore in safety. The Dunow sailed from Porn Gam- ble recencly with a cargo of lumber for Port: Pierie.Auatnlia. Kan aroo Iolandis off the coast of Auntralin. ho Dunow was in command of Capt. Gravel. Ind 16th and you: Allrgl. for Howl 8.8.. 31: 1 ;..;j_.`.-,-r.f.""..:.... : p.:,;..:*..':`-:s%x.._g.`:=2 y!L`\2*i0It`t:lpQ oltho uaooqrpr nun: um 00 0 ` `nun! Alilll. sauna. Quinn. l`or Monk and . lICIl'9OIl`IllI to - -Agog:-o , an non-onggo-`I1 -_. ll. I|'iVl'IlVII1IVIVg "lawn, In A-.. Jumbo: Oollon Phgloiunl and Surgeons Ontario. Ooo. 19 annual strut. Talo- phono IQI. \` i New Route by Canminn Paci- c Railway now jn {an open- V.,.V_.t.i9_t1.st . CAl9o~%nA ;. :..::-.._- .sw, _,>_" 4;-'u.s;.~ 1., M. ....---...-4.. `. r ,. :\ -- A ..u . - :2! ALL norms, mxmsv Amp` $_s":'.7'i'uIi}.'F'u'3'1'.'.e'Fio'Ei'32Tyii$i3i. reaponsibi utien sovereignty up- nn ma, " V 0n me`? u !substi*EIu ii6 i{ IIIIEBEB STEAMSHIP 00., Lin. mven AND auu= S1`. Lnwamoce Snmmo; Orgiuon My O0OI`LlC$IdC. . Twin `Screw Iron s.s. -c.%......,...- With olootrio H `II. olooulo bplh. and all m ornoamforu. - ~ -` '- If no were Aowecl To Go To `run. III lather lays. Mrs. Sharilln Turner, of Pieme'e Cor- nere. St. Lawrence county. New York. has written to chief Horny with reference boher son. the boy Berbio Turner, who landed in Kingston some days ago with I bicycle, which he endeavored` to tell, and which. the police dinoovered, hnd been stolen bzhim. . ' 11-- ......... -....- LL- In... I. bums. In West`: Mocking Bird the Latest Novelty 0nt-lfree To Any Addreu Into Oannda, Perfectly imitates canary eong and teaches ordinary birds to roduce that lovel . full notegeo deliglitfu an found in .bbe erman and Belgian birds. It alfoula amusement to children and pleasure to all. Any singing or whiatling bird can be perfect! imitated. and young birds tau ht byit. It will be sent, together wit. "a eample of Dr. Chase : Ointment and Pills. by enclosing ve oente in stamps and mentioning this paper. Ad- dreea Edmanaon, Batoa & (lnnpany. To- ronto. MOUHOUIIU cnurcn IPW IUIIWWIIIK ("I the minleteriel work of Rev. B. J.HugheI. We hove been assured that the easement mode wee somewhat. misleading. No oili- cinilootion has been taken by the church in regnrd to his removtl. and the uuoum of the nancial decic for the year was gmetly exaggerated. With 3 hearty chrjsbian epinb and a pull all together pu- bor and congregation will allgeb along well in future. " For toothache, neuralgia and rheumatism try Ar-not : Arnioa Anod no. Frontenac cafe. open my and night. V -, Londona Lanoashlro Life As- ~ BIG BARGAINS ._m_` \ %?LaI%|`es Blouse waists. The only perfect Take no other. Soncitod to do so. Beware of imitations of Sam: Color Wrapper. BDOIETI 0 Dim. Mrs. `Earner says the boy left home to no to Morrietown. wn mile! from Pierce : Corners. Ho hnd been ill for some time previously. and aha thinlu hi: illnell muse luve burned hie head. or he would never have started from home without. any money. She eelged the chief not to lea "Bertie go to Texas. or he will be a dead boy. but. to send him home, and she say:-, incidental- ly, that she knows he will and more kind- ly friends in "cgnadee" than he would in the states. at they are better people in Cnmdee A- Al... ls)-. ..... nun:-in Gun... II... lune-an 1|, ln UIIIIGOB A: the my run away from the house of industry, where he was sent. pending the making of enquiries, and has not been seen nor heard of since, it. will be`impouible for the chief to uccede to the mother : re- quest. __-_.. _..-_. ---.._-. .__ _.-.- 1"'EACH THAT CANARY TO BING. Luvpouow Ottawa Frau Pm. .-_..I,;, \Iltl-ICW. FCUU KIWI` We reg:-eh that a statement in round to the condition of drain in the Eastern u-o|...I:-a ..|......I. --\........I ugpnnlhn .. ll! UOHGIDIOH Ul IIIBITI Ill WHO IIIIW Methodiut church npponod reooblhg go gniniatprial qfroy. J.AHugh: Ask for C`arter's. Insist and demand Adrubilee 9A!;9lr8hiP IIDIKIIT IIYNITITWG I cmmrs IIII1 nln TH! QUE;l('ZADDlVlI8l.: *-.'-a:f;-.?:.:a:- the FRAUD 0! bho day. 'HE'D BE A DEAD BOY Thotntomont Dcnlod. .`-an D-mu. Wreck or A Veuol. Little *~"".':.'~.;:::.".':.:':.f' `=:..':":..:.'.:."r. mm 0 o a- former years. The nears: oioli but is shit ur constitution is worn on UM! you loodio bud. Bot. both rl M by tho no` of Ghana : Kidney-Liym lls. will dun you. I \_-....'..:. IIJII ulnu-I-nun II sauce 0 ;I`A'nnond,`hq., Inn. Doc. _ In-Inlty `urn Donn Aptll nth. In mm. oeo.. owl! to Zl. lIH`ICAI.I'.. I 1011! I! know 1 I... ..l_;- n on. F??? "':."" Lrzuohmplninb. 3.5:: of nppqmn. . were kldndy glimm. - 4 Thouundo of Iuhgu . have white!) tubiod to Ian money. at Chung : (Imp- Livor -Pills. "1110!" an also but. no` use the hon. Om pll done; one cont 3 do!!! 950. I 50!. ' ' For IIIO by all doalou, or by GM. munuhoburoru. Edmnmon, Batu 8 00.. Tononho. \ ~Uoo Ohm`: Lfnuul and 'l.`u:1:Inlin.hl' in throat and lung troubles. Largo bottle, nuuu d900, null price. 960. M There is gnat'l;mf5:t iiav-\;`good{'.` Lawn Mowers They an no&.$ . '40 pensive, are very easily _, A order, makes the lawn 10:?! N10 1-` . I- velvet, and is therefore in indio-' _-...:.u-~ ._u:-l- -......-J 5 .u.Ih-Ii... IJVII Bold mm M a yuan : Anon- oda by all n||:vgul'|:l:::u.uI.o . m - in order to work within she reoh of all,` gage doglildod to no _noe_ epriogo _n ine otognpyn "tor-sh9rNi!9'f4o 32 ll-awn M.owe1rs- Among the many thousand recent remarkable cum Ito: George Magee, George Cassen, I! : Ifm-A Ont Bg[n_ Ont cook's cotton Root compound I - OI`; Qndm -mfg J.-ta:-.:mx...P.:'*.:r...*:-;.:!"`i- mud. nouno loan at lowut___nuu. Thai Dolhn; two boxes. mvo uouu-I. ,.v.:-.:;.,'*f=;:-.:::*:.;-.':.,':- W 2* nu. nun: nmnnnni. ` H- BRAME S v `rsv-.`~u\f`..' `D: '-r2"21-"I KJVVI `S An uuv, \awvIhw up-.___ Gilfotd. Ont. Berlin. 1-)-:11. Fred Kasints, Henry Candy, Palmerston, Ont. Sufotlh.bnN F.X. Groulx, S. D. Ross, Otmn, Ont. - \ _Mndoc. 0.1333 Ii. s. Tattle, Mfg: Maud cottemm nnnzrargrtonc. -- Bcllcvlllo.Ont. -Jhhmes Meat,- ` Orillin, Ont. om`; Kmney Pills` la the only remedy that has over Qllrqtl Bright`: Disease. uuuls a vuuuu IIUUI Vvluyvuuu In the` 0111 Olf telhblo monthly me clue on which . luliee can depend in the hour and mu qf sud. In pre uedintwodeznn . of utter: . - , No. for ordln can in by fer the beet dollar medicine nmm -- 1d d to, ne Dollar fbou. go 1'3 g|e.cinI.o'clIOI-`-10 pdetlfi -uold dnxggmo, ope uouurpur Dw- % M `=..,- =::,.* =--.....r.,*:.: Itt9nget-oo y I _. - - be 31 Damn. Lt. En` S'?nn{l:l'.nn v.n1 in GI Heduclinn in Price .09 pnoroampns. mssns. I1%ELn:ou & nms Bright s Disease nomrs KIDNEY PILLS B. H.' 'RA)l8A' Tolophono E. VC|VCIg III II IIIUIUIUIU III l|lIIIU' nniblc articlo around I L ` `cause. Different mIIa, (q dIIuu ` A. Strachanfaa . an ya Vnnvqg-I \ ms: my3_?Tmmt, D Ipobols. Rgnumnjpm Cltlrth. Hoadnoho. Allmonu pdonliu to women. Soxofnla. - Enorvnlon. ulntlot. -L , an uqlonun. #2:. '2.- L`\"..Ob|llpl on -991 kldm ,,,_,,,.I_ _D`_ Tw- olooov toIC>O; :...._L 4 ._:-.A... .llEmdAL. w--u vv---fwv Tho cook compels!` 29?. cunto IV umestone Business couege. 1|... `1-x...;-- --.a nun... dc- I.........-u- an EIIIIVULUIIU IJUGIIIT VVlJV BI '-*~ 1::-.':.-:.r,':.::_a*-'.:' Eu ,aw:.....-*- :2: 'I 11. `an April 1. lawontnrrlu. $160001 bach- `DOUOIAAB DAVIDSON. ' Pndlvll. Will! DON` A3031" V If ' chants gut Dulglac. coma: ' 1.15.1 olllncton stunts. on In. {:- I. II. MOCAMMON. M.l)., C 11.. `...{h.- null... Mn-lnlnn: n.-ml Rnnannn L Ohrtorod Aoqoununt. have Est .16:-M-.n- unrhnn -chant can . xnovn 13.0.3. I..n.s. Do an 3uAnYovet rm:'m-u linen EH1. oonrlmr. REMOVAL. Loqqou. and (Ilobo Fire A. .' compiny.` ' (HON STREET (IGIAJ Prlnoou._ Tolophnno. all. ,,--.-u-----:-- Iounty DO MINI. A no IHUIAI >n.lnnuu ontonoo Olhpc opponltu hfout Olloo w __:_mg . l`Tl'M:"-.'l :l..i-...l.lJA|- MEDICAL CARDS . loll: lull uoouu may to lowut noon. 3 315.. out WIdl'l D:-ucto . blll IIIIOIOI win! on ulnluuu -.1`. u.".`.`...it' ".;.?`.E ---- .:D5gcA1`IonAL. TV? , 1 "RAM Y DUFF; BAGOT 81'.` phones?` "3 l T H35 8! uvamr. mu a noun uni zunnwn uono- tal. mrly oooup Lephono MI. I INSURANCE. FINANCIAL. IW-v `VFW W III 0| Jill! III I-HU IIIIIIIIUII VI uuw Iputln M, n uhoul be made without delay d :1? which the Jubilee 0 1 Prln d d - ..?ia:.1{3:vmo:." 8' n LEGAL; I. use in `aunt of Stock! | GI IIIIIIXIDDI OEIIIII IOUIININ KAI lnnbonum Dlmlm. IIIJZL1 Zullvunwuuuu Ia uuvnv . uv suranoe company. Puomnzm 4 ouumu Oounuv WITI Burma slcuu-tr. ucldopodood onnnn at Ocean and now amount to one million ollu-3. Into: lower tlmn the majority of olou , Ian: and choice plum of Insurance oluod - IIl .L8hdU)ININGHAI. 5 If iijaa, 9"-011.00. POI. J. 3. many. D.8. Dolllt I I 3:911. om root. in the lImoa.t1on- or nu la.|lI'Ba.Ll: pucxua. ` ' May you rule us long And leave up rulers of your blood AI noble till the lateabdayl May children of our children say She. wro ht her people lasting mood. The 3' t_-grand-ohildren from that `.8030yl0- There is'a tradition in England that 5 the queen. like a famous redecessor ~ of hers. never smiles. This s not true. Of course, everybody knows that the mother and` wife was plunged into uh- ` tpeakable grief by the dea.;th.__o[m her consort, prince Albert. Yet it is true that long -time has .-usgua ed much of thwt great grief. That ictonu. not only smiles, but laughs outright, is proved by a photograph taken some `. at!!! ago at NOWl[J0l`t by Charles night, the well-known photographer. It came about in this wuy:`_er majesty was visiting Newport. and was received by the mayor of that city. This fussy individual had tricked himself in all the trappings of his office. fur robes, _ golden chains, innumerable medals, cocked hat and all. He had written out and learned by rote a speech of wel- come. Right in the midst of his ful- ` .ome speech his memor Iuiled- him. He stammered. stuttere , turned pale and then shouted, I've forgotten the restl" and stood atnrinq stupidly ill the queen. `Victoria looked at the poor mnn--so gorgeously attired-and, over- come by the extreme humor of the nihinjinn. burst into n. hourly town!" , ~ Victoria. straightened herself up To her full height of five feet and turned scornfully away. saying: \Ve will leave this city at once, and we will never set foot in it again." A She did leave, and she has never set foot in `that town since that day. Victoria has ever been very exacting 'in the maltter of court etiquette. When she holds a reception she xilw-ays insists u n the performance of every detail 0 custom. Persons who axle fortunate enough to be invited to court, have, therefore. to drill themselves and re- hearse their parts for fear of offending the queen by any little neglect of man- ners. Now and then, however. her ma- jesty unbgnda. On one occasion, in very hot went er. she was receiving (1 line of sweltering nobleman and indies. The queen turned to an attendant sud- denl and exclaimed: " _yl Ain't I hot!" It IS court etiquette never to contra- dict; roys.lty, and the lady addressed replied: Yes. Inadavn. you utre." On this occasion the queen fofgotboth her manner and her rtunmnr. Tim nnnnn in vnrr nml nl` mnsin nnd extreme humor 0| um situation. burst laugh. Knl ht hutlhis camera. nllreudy to_ match the group, and In furt. wus in the act of taking the picture nt the moment. So it is that the prntt v trundl- tion that the heavy and alolid-fm'Nl queen of England never smile: is denied by the very best evidence. There was another mayor who wns not go lmckwurd with the nuuunt, Viv- toria, and who suffered for his tumor- ity. The queen had gone to uumall town to dedicate a monument to hur- selt. The mayor was not ugentle- man." That is, he was It luin llrlton. `unused to royalty, and suffered under the delusion that an Englishman is quite as good as anybodg, even the .a....n.1.nu- AP 1:, dnlrn nr n. .'ex-man min- `salt. '1ne mayor was nut. u ...~u...- unused anybod-_, jduughter of a. duke or n. --ex-man prin- cqss. He walked up boldly to the queen, thrust out his hand. seized herzx, which was hangixu by her side. and `shaking $6 royal mitt:-.n" vigorously, exclaim- `;Your majesty. a. hearty welcometo town!" Vintn-in a-frninhlurnnd hnrszolf up her and her Thequeen is very ond of music and n. good performer on the piano is ul- wnys a. welcome visitor. Once Mason`:- ni played for her throughout an` en- tire evening. She sat close to him. near the piano. and listened attentively for hours to his wonderlulwork. Every now and then she would interject some little remark of appreciation or up- proval. She knows something of music and always applauds in the proper place ns Richelieu says of De Mnuprut in the play. The queen does not go to the opera. or the play. The play and the opera come to her. Then. too. the young people of the court have always liked mimicry. a,nd.the queen has sen many private theatricnls. and has no doubt been well bored by the poor tul- ent of her royal relatives. In hnr nlcl nun Vintnrin.`a life is not ; -.1.....o' ` SA -qpw--2--n _ 3` Iona Quaint Incldmu In tho uh of Eng- lIId'i Quota--lotod In llnltton With Ila; Beauty In Bullet Dun. ~ Londnu, 1.--Queen Victoria is to]: V9 another ,iubilee'1ind the whole qvyorl `An intprepted in it and her. Her info T `as been peaceful and her reign sort ~of--podlic prophecy. wrote to her in the dcdica.tion- of his laureate poems: OMnu vnn ruin ma Ions: mimrom. In 1851 Tennyson, with a- en: 01 her royal relatives. In her old age Victorinfa life is not a. happy one. She is ever worrying ahout her son, the prince of Wa.les, who. old man that he` 15, is always mu]:- ing trouble for his not old mother. The queen dcps not ike her son, al- though there [S no doubt. that she loves him. She is very fond 0! the princc-'3 children. Prince Viqpor was especially dear to her. probably because he was a `poor. weak-minded fellow, with no hnin or sense whatever. Ihcn Hm nunnn fir-sf n.-annndml Hm Godwin : Insurance Emporium Iomovoq to Anchor Buudlncn. over up:-"nnothco. corner Km: and Brock Ihnntn brain whatever. When the queen first ascended the throne of Great Britain she was the princess Victoria. daughter of the duke of Kent. She was believed to have been very beautiful then, although she has not much beauty as an old woman. She became queen at the very tender age of eighteen. It was in the early morn- ing t at the archbishop of Canterbury and t. e lord chumberluin awakened the young rinoeu from a sound sleep to inform erthut she was queen of Eng- land. She came down into the drawing`- room of Kensington lace clothed only in her nightgown. \'hen they bowed their knees to her and told her she was now the queen she said to them: llnntlnmun. [ask vour nraw-rs fnr me." V She was crowned with much ado, and as soon as `her face became known in London number-lass young men tqll madly in love with her.- Songs were written to her by the thousand. One that has remained to this day is the . nndrigtl about the harp and the wil- low` tree. and the disappointed lover who announces Qis intention of being M "of! to the wax: again," although there ' wu really no war at all. It. was he `3: :::.s : I I l hm` ndy I love is going: to )6 n \VII'.I I mum on DO!` DPOW. _ The dlulun was none other than tne splonditerom crown of England, with H: 3.00 pneloun stones. Rama nn nmnd mgn warn smitten H8 ll! IIIUIEIOIII IIOIIDS. ' some very noted men were smitten with the love of the young queen. Among them was no less 3 person than Clan-lea Dickens. and it might. have been that Dickens told the queen all about It when he had luncheon with her one day both at them wore oldar and on them mun hmou. may were the mud nnicidu_ ubout Victoria. Ind tho poor` girl : hurt mad (or the fol- loun when lln-0 won nutty! ou math " ' ` in t ' In 5 p:.o."'Ji.a hurt;-` hbvafou-is is no: 2'3. ",`:.`.:.':':`.-::m:.`::.z , ' `,4 _ ` _ ,1 - . 1: ll nun ano Iovou nun vary -nuon. she would new think of nut inxtho wolxd IV thopgh It ,-hm . l0`l'bIl'I;`lIy 1 I078 15 going * n ' with I dindem her brow. Th. tllntlnsn mun nun` nlrhni . Victoria rineo Alhut. "tad . ~ ` '.'.-.:`.`;. :..';-..3L.A......".``.%`..'.`..` .g.11`.": ..".' lmEIALas4nrI1u< ms ag'AI,gV1'I5uL wusn YOUNG--' s; . .'-As..-.-- ntljf now we queen sue sum to mam: Gantlemen, I ask your prayers for nn 7| I A > ,.:,-.4 V n Wlll'&Gln |uod by the KINGSTON BUSINESS (DI. ll, Kingston. This scholarship will am): thoholdu to rcooln {no tuition dup- Iqusir urgn. vvngn . an 9 svnz MOTHER. Inc In tho Wife of mi Duke of Baum-In, the Cclobrnted Ooullnt. Few royal personmges lead 11 more Lmuliful life than Duchess Max-`m Jose- {mm vs ire of the celelnrated oculist, Duk Yhnrlm Theodora of Bavaria, who is u |..-uohnn nf Hun nnnanrnu nf Anutrin, fromthe roynltia otnrope. erniI! "children were 1.11 `tried, for no "'%.m.a`.zl .:;':`;`.".;..... monarch is egg able matc.hm;_Lker `- a,sI}i Victoria. or` mujeuty wu av` severe. inother.-_ i She insietul her chitgreu con-' ducting .t hqmseves with perfect pro- riety: once in 4 _ mdo prinueamaud was disposed to fl rt with a~number 0! young cnvaliers. The queen frowned at it._ but the princes: would do it. The climax came when she dropped her handkerchief over the carriage side and - 9, dozen officers at once galloped up to restore it. Stop, you officers l" cried the queen. N , t t d `k th ti m'3.".$..3'.i `;.w..`I`.`..u`_'3~ .."' " " me aemocrsm.-s III r.m:m.nu. Victoria. has reigned longer than any modern sovereign. with one exception. That is Louis XIV, who occupied the throne of Fr_wm:e from 1643 to 1715. nrotner OI (no am-press or Ausum. The duchess and her daughtt-r, Mune (hthriolle, devote the greater part of. their time to the cure of the three eye hospitals of the duke, one of which is ex.-itublished in the royal palace zit. '.l`eg- ernsee, whille the others are at Munich und Meran. respectively. I The two ladies who assistt him in most of his operations, being skilled and trained nurses, enter fully into the spirit. of the philanthropic work, and soothe with a touching kindness, the sufferinizs of those who are compelled to submit to the knife and instruments of the royal surgeon. `1 the duchess has any other hobby I)! ides nursing, it is machinery, in which she manifests also an exteuordinury degree of com- fprehcnsion. 1 Har nrwfumn when nnr. the sick `III! C `-551 ! hurriet Prescott Srpofford. Something to live for came to the place, Somethinu to die for. mmvhe. Cooing and laughter. and gurgles and crnas, Dimplea for tenderest kisses, Chaos of hopes and of ruptures and sighs, Chaos of feo.r~` and Misses. Last year. like all years, the rose and! the (born! This yearn wilderness. maybe; But heaven stooped under the roof on the mom \ /L, That. it brought [here only p.'bal)y. queen or r.'ngIo.na." You are, mndzun. returned Glad- 'stnne. "and I an the pe_ople' of Eng'~ land " ' uh. a:nnnt` nu. mu hum Hm+ in mm nf (DLLIGI. Kingston. This scholarship wm nth thoholdu rcooln dur- ing t 0 month o! June In tho Buuinou or the Bhorthonaidoputm Aunliution yizhoug qqlp! premnslon. _ _ 1 Her costume when nurslng the suck is, like that of her daughter. a simp_le black dress. with collar, cuffs and lug apron of blue and white striped linen. Evnrv morning :11 .~u=.w-.n 0 cI0L'k aha or mue anu wnue strupen unen. Every morning at seven 0 cl0L'k may be found with her huslmnd nnd daughter at the |>e:l:iIe of 2:. patient. The duchess is vunaiderahly younger than her huslmnd, who has already more than 3,000 successful cn.l.xu`ucl .ov})erution~x to his credit, and La sister 0 Don Miguel of Brugnnzu who stands in the same relation to the throne of Portu;ml_:Ls Don Carlos does to that of Spain. . - oomexmng [0 live 101` csune 10 um place Something for. maybe. Something to give oven sorrow 11 grace- And yet it was only ulmby! Carpet Bqunreor; " ' We have just received direct from Dun- dee. Scotland. 3 large consignment of extra heavy Kidderminater carpet squares to sell at $2.50, $3.25, $3.75 and These squares will wear longer and hold their color better than union squares at double the price. New American art blinds at less than Toronto wholesale prices. New moquette mat'e.extro ne {>{atternz,and'at'lov/er prices. R. McFaul,, ingeton carpet warehouse. ~"' vvvvu n-nun James Campbell. corner of Wellington md Bu-rack streets, Always has on hand s Sood I-v hlnhn ninn mu! mu-In-ldnnlvn, All hhhnn or wales. who mung. `ma non mpparent neglected to return the sq,1u- tation. Prmce Albert M orderegl the youngprincq to turn back and range his hat to the `workingman. who was amaz- ed tosee the performance, which he` did not understand at all. no` nll \7inI>nu-In : vnininvfnvta aha Iiknd to:-ugntngu run. But you must, madam," urgad G rand old Man. "K/[nut air? "nu fnrndf I um thn (irant! om Man. "Must. sir? You forgdt, I am the of England." Ynn urn, mndnm, refurnnd Glad- Inna." ' She signed the bill, but that is one of the remsu\ns why she has no love, and never had any love, for the foremost of the democrats in Emzlamd. `H.-Qnrin hnn. raianntl Inwanr fhnh nnv Unnrms 'l ll(`.0(10I'0 01 DEVLLTIII, VVIIU I brother of the am-press of Austria. |`hn aim-hmu nnrl her (lnun'ht.(Jr. Mu A. AYKIOYD. U.Dw` o Oco over Iioblfl 1 noon and Ba ot Stud phone 51 . Ru! n0O;115