Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Jun 1897, p. 5

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ucouuon to we turouu In our InoI_n gruel- ou. .9;-grgign, I uoen Viabqril.-Aha Vanut And Muster hsrleo LivinII'tou.\vho Ln... 6'... nnlnlh mime nut been on tho tick lpnin Han Many Pensioners nnd Sufhrl Allo From Absenteeism. With such 11 sun and such 1: soil, why should Spain ho poor? Hot land is rich with rnlncrnls. Ilor cllnmto is all that veg,-cation requires to be fruitful. This is mostly true of Italy nnd Ireland, ton, and the calm) of the poverty of those three countries is the same. The land is the property of a few nuhles, whose only cure as landlords is to extract. from it enough money to enable them to maintain their runl: and live us vnso at tlho court. The tenants know thnt all they put into the soil only goes to enrich their landlords, nnd so, taking exnmplu from them, tin-y lead it careless life, nnvc nothing: umi mnkc no effort to increase the productlveneaa of their land. 1)..` I; 1.. -5 5..-. 41...... canon Hm} Man In. [*1 .I.V L:I'nD.l..\.J.a.VI sad-V ----a---v----u `W M $$$$$$$$$$$$$3$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$M I119)!` HIHU. But it. is not to these facts that tho in- solvency of Spain is due. The [iconic pay enough tnxvs to keep tho nutionui Ilnunoos in in sound condition were it. not; thntu large proportion of the money finds its way im.o the pockets of pumsitos, cron- turcs of ihcn1ini.`t.x'y. Tliorouro thousands of nvedioss pensioners, who keep the trans- ury low. 'r1...... 1.. .. |.........,. no H... nu... Hm nan. ury mw. Ilcra is an instance of the way the poo- plc'sm(1ncyls spent in pensions. lb up- peurcd in tho Madrid newspapers, apropos of the marriage of tho pcmioner, now cm nld mun. Mnny yours ago, when Queen Isnl.-ollu was on the throne, this nobleman occupied for one hour only the omoc of ministvr of the interior. c-lvctcd to tho corms, und his father was a friend of tho leader of the opposition, who hnd utihut moment just been intrustod with the formation of a ministry. task the new premier encountered dill!- culty. Few deputies would consent to serve. At lost. however. he succeeded in iilling ull the posts but one, the ministry oi the interior. Three hours before the ncwlynppointod ministers were to wait upon thu queen the _young hidnlgo called on the now prime minister and presented I) letter of introduction from his father, and than without hesitation the premier nsked the new deputy, "Will you be min- lster of the interior?" nu. ..,........ nnhlnuunn ntn-On;-1 In naOnn_ He had been , In this ` T""" I. . V . I - . . , . `.-4 `5 .. ` ` - `_ - -_!_____1 L1-___I- _:.l-_- -..2aL cl...` 1.? 9. I"\ u.Iua.'A"'O IQ Oh ISIP-l' ()1 [HO IlllUl'lUl'i The young nnbiomnn started in aston- ishment. evidently doubting the question- c_r`s sanity. But he vina reassured, nnd be- fore ho ix-ftthu house he had uccoptud the (mice. The hidnlgo had just time to drive to n taiioi- a and obtain a rmdy made court dress in which to be presented to the queen, and then, within an hour, he en- mmi the caries a cabinet. minister. his uppolntmont was innnodintoiy condemned by nvote of tho cortvs, and within an hour he was tiiarnisscd from office. in disgust he resigned his seat in the cotton, and has nnvnll nlnnn tnl.-nn nnv nnrf. 1n nntlrnl af- H0 IWEIRHCU HIS SURE Ill MHU l'Ul'|'Il.l'l, uuu Ill}! never since tnkon any part In political nt- fairsz. But an ox-cabinet mlnisterin Spain is cntltlul to n pension of 86,000 pest-tau a your, mu? this pen.-zlon the minister of an hour hus (h'u\\`n regularly ever slum.- Ncw York I russ. i was no small sacrice to immunity. ~ numbered. ` tended the-m, bun did her best ` 461%.]! N19 llllleli. The very first Abyssinian woman whonniiblujor Unnmrrn mat alter the bot- tle was A slave. He had no ahoes and he suffered terribly. The slave girl fool: of! her henddrog-I of white linen, out itin two and bandaged his wounded lost. It {or white linen is a treasure in those parts. i There was one woman. 01 and ugly. who deivoted herself to the up of pri- soners among whom the author was she not only nursed and cheer them up bv shouting Agni, ari in their ears when they seemed despondent. Agar! is Ahyssininn for It was on unless form of con- solation. but good will is everything in i such a case. We hear without iaurprino that those kindly and estimable women no badly maseahny their male kind-it is in unifaring that they have loan-nod companion. At the same` time. Brno: givonnathe ides shat they ucnotao ungc-lio`u to refrain from nvonging themselves upon their bruhl husbands. --London Standard. V . usually` One of the Italian oloers who lately returned from captivity in Abyssiniu has published n book in which he describes the kindness of tho Abyssinian women with the deepest gratitude. It is pleasant to have this testimony. Those who ru- momhnr Bruce` travels have found it more zmd mo mcuit. to roconoilo the vnthusinstio nccunnt which he gives with the roportn! nmdcru explorers. In the ilrst. plncu, all the lmlim-1" whom he mentions with nny detail nppenr to have been lowly, if young. Snmn of th`l1'l be sketchus with an onthusiasm. sufficient for Venus herself. The criticism of Major Umnorru's hook due-s not refer to this point. But Brucu repreaants tho, goodness of his heroines us rqunl to their beauty, and here the Italian bears him out to the fullest. rl-I... ....... ll...-0 A`\1Vl.`II`I\VI mnmnn V Quick 'l'I-no. M Visitor---Waiter. two eggs. plans; Ix.-il i them four minutes. ` Wulbr--All sh` Ill`. B0 & In` ` hall- nnnnntl .i`virt$" 4; 155': CASTOBIA ul-bvnailly |.v v-n `saw -4- us. `I: n..._.__ - - _,. ,,, ,, tools. , . Itisworth something to have adistinctive mount. That's why the E. & D. is a favorite with both rider anddealer, and it's easy to sell a favorite. The time will never come when others will be just as good, remember that. MANUFACTURED BY CANADIAN TYPOGRAPH ($0.. WINDSOR. ONT. NOBLES KEEP HER POOH. ' ` ' (e, y-,;\ 32" it \. Lo 7 More than anothef that iuipr`es;es gxperienced` bicycl ridfs with thellf, high quality of materigl, workmanshipi and nish that enteginto itq con`stl;uetipn. T money havebeen sacnced without stint so long as the "best" was prodrucgd.` -K ' - _ `g .-- "0. I . THE` E. a 5; ` . 4:. 3 Main feature, however, is the bearing. '1`his_is so constructed tlizit dust or rain cannot at into the ballrace and the oil cannot get out of the pathway of the balls. For this reason i is only necessary to oil the E. & D. wheel_BUT ONCE A SEASON. No oil can is furnished with kit of 4-..]- mnnmmpnhn Ah)-ss`lnIan \\'oInen. ` vwmu .:.'b . . Romo Utlon. Albany. Now York. Philadel- phh. Bolt! mm-0,` Wmhlnatan and tho ' car-\'r'rrr'I-'. GEORGE MILLS & co., AGENTS. IKI'.f|'.Q*iG-S`I'O].\'l`- ONTABIO.~ _,_ __. _. ,%._ .._.._.._\..\.-_\,-r\r~_~./-2ar-_~.p-_ae\:-:sr.-sr15('r>(2'3< |ggE.U;jB. L.oucKs, As features of special merit claim: A strong, waterproof tub, ho ` - `m. - ` ' protect the tub and do not I gearing completely covered. so that nothingcnn get betweenthe cans full size and made of the very best quality of charcoal tin plate: heaters of malleable iron and tinned; all castings attached to the-tub nicelygalvanized to prevent rusting. It is the only freuet intllo world having the celebrated Duplex Duhtf.` with the dou__hle self-ML justing Wood Scraping Bar, by the use of which crdim up he ` 1. 1 d h envy ga vanize iron oops ' _t .4` in less than one-half the time, yet ner and smoother tha . .- sibly be produced in any other freezer now in me. Positively _ -lreeaerin the world. Cream can be frozen .`., .._._.|nA_..__- 44.4 MCKELVEY & BIRCH. ELUE FLAME &0lL CCOKING STOVES. Sole Kingston Agents. HAINBS ; n- vltflxe following prioea:-1> It Mn; 1888. at me: R899, It F30; l8140,a.t. 7.50; 1991, IItt1;18U1. It 31898. 3% 590; 1894. at 55-: and in 10-96 at 300. A bla crop and It good ornp cannot vnc it much lawn. and as smull crop and u had yield can double its in once. `lwill huy it for lnvenbmenuuud purchaser can let. it remain in the Ohio: 0 e1ovn.tnr.or for pezirllntion, un an advnnco 0 [150 {at every 6,000 us e ea. ..n_.~ hnnu 1- -_._.._.\x.. `l\-II .........a mum Dull. lllllll muru, vv Iwuuuu uuu --..u ...- SOUTH- 'l`roy, Sp:-1: d.0:\;."Il'$f0ld':nI`)';" Pro- E ST- TIHB TAELB : Rt `liner for CAPE VINCENT _m 1-.. ..- mnrrnn IIAHV (Qnndnv axoeutod) bushels. mr..~s omi x. xvmnmly low around woo. Stocks am light. Jul lecrnnnlnu and exports largo, local consumption double whnv. it has been for the past. two years. What kept. Pork down for two years was large nook: and poor export and lomostio demnnd. If you have: money to in- vest. or speculate your opportunity in now. us ....a.... ..-......o...I l\'l M... N.- Vm-k Stock speculate opportunity Ii uuw. All orders executed on the New York Stock and Cotton Exchanges nnd Chioezo Bond of Trade. Write for full information. In Vent Pocket Manuel. and Board of Trude 300k- (Estehlislled me) Only regular moot Broker ll) Vunnont. It made no thinking to dlllnnver thslzoorn M. l`WEN'l`\'-FOUR. GENTS PER BUS!-URL I GHEAPnnd nsufa speculation. Corn has sold an the Chicago market, in the years mentioned prioes:- W87. at 000: A889. F3c:18zm.a.t. 7. -c; 19:11. until: 1803, q; 1898. Vwmuaws srop T0 THINK we Often ms: Our Opportunity. THE IMPROVED ,White Mountain Freezer 33 5 KING STREET. sizes: to 1`: Quart: Inclusive. 69&7lBR70.(.jlA(%s1'. No danger. No odor. See them. Boils one quart water in four minutes, vlll luvo I(INuaTI I A.` . and 3:30 Vincent with uni: n u an urging: :- Imlollon omuo Ilmgnuon company. `mp LINE on AFIBRICA. I \I$V_IV av '-vnw a Quanta`: go-- Ahl-voekl union between Toronto and lonlnsl wll muintallwl from Jun m to nth. lnvinn lnnaton l`UISDAY.TllUl'tS- Atrl-vookll union bound! '1`oronr.o um `lonlnsll kuuigtalm fro:YJ_l\.1lIR"_: o . on on DAl{';nd8t! A aosufs .& s ..m.. and coins on at 3 pm. Juno um daily. (oxqope Ion- naval manna :- 0 c-arunsnn es . $3 au--u-n.tnn.'s` 10:: lucvl-llpullton. 04. return. (Q50. To- nllmllc mama! 50. Oral. M; rourn. I-II. Dotti: and look lqoludud both warl- J.r.1un . ` 111- cu. ' "A 3x.m &Aonu. n`u1n.'roN ANb_F1BN1'naAL LINE. BTIAHRR HAMILTON :'...."._.&~';}3 9.`}" .`z ;f"x`.`..'r.';`.`.`.`.2'.?.`i'.i`n}:`- Dull; Bqrvlqo giuQ`X`a!ol l`ot\uIaquo nay no Ida 3|! nu. (sudnfn otooptod) "5. ` 'y. :.'5'R'x".a. cotnxsonnm Ion. `rnnlou. Bolhvlllo. uurnooovoulo. .'rlckouVon ale to tho GOLD FIELDS by both the cuudlua mg Amorldin outu. Buunao checked through to Qgmnsuon. -'.....`.L..;....V ` . .',,.,.,,. ...., 0: Indian sud Thnndn gouagoo mun. . `Panto Bollovill to. &`I\Il4't'n.to Duuono. QSII Ihe. my %cn:iurn}tabI'e"%nou1e "me~V9W!!*s9a'1""'E" sfn. "NORTH KiNG" L: c- .-\.|_ 9u-_.g.- --4I nal... ALLAN LINE] (hand: Pacific ?R'allwa`yI mm "BOLD { `f1 ;-`}*"aT%ra.. FIELDS. __ _;___..._.. A.-.uu-nu ___.I ha! 3, gnu, . ,|.oroI. `;' r 3 If VIg_tugh'cIaur.s-gulch to ouch ` ,3! I 0083' "9 . . .- ..-.. ,n,u an: u 0. mofahau 154 W" TH%_.E_%_%IfW-IN?-i .J @1- TA LB: VINCENT will INOSTON dany (Sunday excepted) n Arm. and 1:10 P.M.. connect-my M`. Oupo TA LB: HM-nmor Ior wu-n Vlnvunl I . P.M.. M`. at-plnolto all points in tho` 1 uni-ulnar: 1:-|~`|`|-gg_ IIKI. loans K1nlIton:- n..|.... l..o_.|rnl_I Bil`. II\IIIII| I1IIv\a Indkochr nn_ nnn..LL u..n' |..... In-A-on .g I n I "7 " """ `"`-t,miz'?'. ` "'-- 33-" --9.!-- `mm . _. _ 9;?-,n ` ur`,!'II*' nu. routci by~'ldok'nRluuun'uox l4vor_ud Iidxuy) mun. o ` V on luck : Pmugbuo indeed ban a 3:11 on Io Ill." laid an old untlomnn of I 61 win rsr. I was crawled with rheu- Isklnc wk`: Pill: [rm ` ` .`-.u A boy. Oongggpgt on m"`i.3";E. I NORT - ao%1')ux"v-n3`--~ 'l|..-who Rlnnlnn OI I` jll` T11 Vj :.`:;`:.f.:t STR. HERO Inna. l._l0p.In. " w.J.1xeu. uquy... I`:-ulnnxou. 1. . .0 nndcnn dun , No. 5 My: ooplllon 51. All qtku em many D0100 unday. In vlnviu no 11.16 noon. when in Ottawa 3 4.56 p m. and train louv- [ at RM mm. bu ouch Pullmtn. arriv- g~ 9.l`o.3n. jg tlokotl. accommodation. -___._-___. . A lguvd to ohm tlno wlshout ' " -`I0- ~ Niagara Falls. V. Sn-noun, Boplnuur. ` b ` u v|lu1d,( Incin- ' anti. St. and the mg 1.06 am. No. 1 Exprou. 8.06 pm ,`,",,..; 1,35 p.m. `: 8xpuI1.l0|.In uu,ll.8b pan. ` lxvfillo -453-3` 3 ".3, am 3.31. " 11* ixpd, Iu0a.m , |._1op.m. " 19. ted. Nov-m 1.... 2... 1 n I -um Ann daily. No. own inn. some wu-r. `EAr"ANn wesr. I Q _ !l.Y.0. All) in. II. Liu. Ea-3'-wmm `JI`I'?I-J fur`. -II-Iv Wuinpr Pol; 58100911"? 00" W09 out was ` AND NEW YORK. u-5.- |.._..a uglnn Mm. tulslnn And mllnblo -rmw:LLING. : --s'5t"5' uma VCR. 1 . . ` v5'$ihs*x*.% A n..... um: Vm MEDICAL. J '. nmnn. Aunt. Sutton. cor. Johnston to. Kingston. l.ll`0 -unonoo and Io_n- ` .ud, (`incin- I WE VINUENT ALVU INIAVV luau. l'or lowed I-n.Q.lmo table: and rollnblo lnlonnnion app): to FBID. A. FOLDER. City Tiokoh Ann R. W. k 0. 83.. Foch Brock St Jilncnton. '1-nnyo. uurrsnrllcnb * '~o.1>. uw.& o. n. Bu-|cuu.N.Y. _+__.._....:.:.__._....___..__. lliionn-dlondtllyq, ,_ , oily: _ . Vxour. Juno l.-'l`ho cold wutliia aom ' oo_ntin_uu.--8. D. Clark. of Odoaih. will I iinku mhma-`hero wit - `rolmuon.--aldlu B. Ramon Indiu < ;t n~8udqVN_hBo.M. % M? u"t.midi:n' Vc6u;roucif":-1;. 'ndwflf, ' `E. - ' ' "z`5 1.'4.:7.a'?..'3f"i'L H. `A. Gunry haw pnrhhuud vioirwboolh: --_Viullo'n: Mini E. Mnboe. Odessa; Min L. lfnrgott. Wlyton. M Vmuwaugn. May 3l.-.-Tho spring thus hr hi! been very web. The hay promises 150159 a 3`\'md`rop.-Cu-mon Syveotnam ar- rived home last. Wednesday night. after spending a term in Albert college. Belle- villo. Ho wheeled. from the city hero on his "biko and spent the 245?: st Kingston on his Wt .---'!`hoae on the nick Ii-I: are Wnlbor Bios nnd Mrs. S. J. Sweot.num.- School in programing favorably under the mnnugemenc of F. H. Stinaon. Ho benches over clay bur. Bunday.-R. W. Cqanria get ng in 3 now iupply of summer goods. Bun, Juno l.-The crops about here nroloohing wollnnd prospects are for an abundant y|old.-R.ov. G. R. Beamieh oo- cupiod the pol it in St. John : church on Sunday Ion.--- v. Dr. Tuokerin Attending oonforonoo at Otcavn this week. while E. P. Bhophnrd goes so Bowmnnvillo, I dela- gntoto she BIS of Quinta` conforenco.-A new gnlvuni iron roof in being lgid on the residence of John Hoglo adding much hoiu olroady imposing appearance.--H. E. Gage` ond wife. of Seeley a Bay. spent Sunday with her parents hero. Harry is doing well in his new home.-Mra. C. L. Rogers. 0! Rome. N. Y., has arrived to spend the Iummor. FLORIDA, Juno 2. --Farmer: are all thxough needing And crops Il`0 looking well. considering; the cold rain: and winds. -J. Hunur had a sore on hislip about twenty years ago. it. troubled him off and on over silica, but lately is turned to cancer. Luau wool: he had il out out by Dr. Lockhu-t. Harrowlmith, and is now aiwcllu eve:-.-Mra. J. Davy has returned home after spending a nouple of weeks with friends uh Pm-t.ln.nd.--Viaitors: R. Brown and bride. Stanley : Buy; Mrs. J. Paton; Miss A. Wallace, Wilton; Mrs. S. Iaomon. Cahnqui; W. Wallace and wife. Murvalo. ' HAwI.i:\'. May 2S.--A number of our Hurley citizens celebrated the 24:!) at Pioton and the 25th at point mieery-pnrt of it At Ieut.-0ur neighborhood bouts of some good pedostriune.-Miae Effie Alcom bnclt. ill for some time. in recovering.- Tlle Handsome Nine no practising hard and be soon to meet all-comers success- fully. t is evident that the catcher would sustain the name .0! the team better had be worn a maak.-Sam Brown passed through our streets lately with his photo- gnpbio outt, and took snap; of some of our most important buildings, including Among other: the Hilditch iron works and Hurley intellectual noadomy.-Mios Tm- ooy in visiting at H. G'roiuht.on o and Mrs. Hun. of Kuhn: City. at P. Det.loi a. ODBRA. May 3|.--Tho lace vacntodl here |){ the Rev. Mr. Dibb u been occu- Hi.) -using Dgu I`. T wanna A` man. DUI`. D in. ICGV. BIT. IIIDD DIS D03" DOOM` iiod ytho Rev. B. '1`. Evans. of Eug~ and.-Adnm Gibson sud Funk Holmes. Kingston. no spending A few days at Thomas Shu'p a.--Miss Mary Timmermnn, of thecoll into institute, Kingston. nponu Sunday wi her rents hon.--Mrs. John Frau: Ind hwo aughlon, of Tamworth. no visiting friend: in thin vicinity.-Miba Bevin. a missionary of British Columbia, is I ding 1 for wash with Mrs. Seocombe. -- i|it.ou : Walla: Watts. Camden But. am his father's. Gm:-go Wane; Fonwick Conolly. Yuhr. nt. his aunt's. Mrs. June: Thom n; Mia: Rose Bailio. Kingston. :0. Min Iona Derbyohiroi; Mr. md Mrs. Lowty.Kingoton. apontsnndny at Rev. Mr. Sooeoubohal-Egbert Sharp At hi: nunva, Mrs. Albotb,Bnkor. Rocmronr. June l.-Reaidenta of this hoof bauhook of the earthquake on hur ay night about 10:20 o'clock. While aha shock lasted houses trembled and windows nnd dishes rnutlod. but no dnmago wu done.-Rov. Mr. Cole, Gum noque, lled the pulpit in the Methodist, church Sunday morning.-Mra. M. Sen- mnnis spending a few days with her dmghmr, Mrs. G. Edgloy. at Escut.t.-~ Francis Hunt wears a smile: ills a girl.- Rev. Mr. Robertson will preach his fare-\ well sermon June 13th. crow nave Ncovorou Iron; uuur umua-.~- Hm Wm: in doing some repairing on thh` I rotbytrinn church. ' Pour: Row. MAY 31.---The tumors are performing their statute labor. W; Toner hu command of the gnng.-'l'he fl-out did not seem to do any daniggo the crops, nlthoughib wu vary` heavy. ho plant.- in in all nishod.- On Manda , while .McLonn WI! driving I hnrrow, his horse: too: fright: and [mi ed him on the hqrrow an cub his faco.-- rs. Colquhoun is viaitin Monday as Woet.meat.h.--Mra. Mdrellu . Sunbnry,ia visiting Mrs. Rut- tan ~'Gg}mn'.u.u Jinn 1:- l`ho poo lo are glad so no . 0. Omar on the spin. u Izhnv can not fresh most as their doors. ....,.._ imcstoN:;gjsb1BRoKE| gun to no :1. u. unar on ma rum upm, as they can get fresh --J. pnrruthou left for Otuws mhia morn- ing. having secured I petition on the rail- road time, and J. `Ella-book, jr.`. in rem:-` odihimm-m`.--J. `Huwkoyvhu pnmlmud a bio e|o.--Mn. Binnington and Mrs. Ray- o shave rocovorod from their il|ndu.-- 1.1.... Wgnn in china nnmn mnah-imp on I571-IITTIIV IV '3 Cl 1 unvllluu 'ont|`0__b.-1$0 mono n_biIoo_ ll be `_h._ onIIho_w_nt nouunngy-and train-`uni ouwuu-uc o`...... nu -..|.|..n.. -0 ch. Elan-nl Inn:-Ia... `.5 `I111-HA\"`nl.Jl89.--QuAih I number M, Iolngobirllldnyu .(\ DISBUOIIO ` Q-.-T lacy huh `(bun `mo IIlb&lI|B."V|Ivl_nokc| I Inc In- .|._.....a...._.... Jnnul-1| -nan... was %gILm9uors. .:.f...._.,, ,;T,,_,.1_T;..,,..;, .. , ,_;_ II)-1_A'l oun Iunustnnous snrw or dmtnssrouosuers WRITE. \~ Em.\xsvi1.m~:, May 31 -Crops in this vicinity are looking lnirly well, owing to the large amount. of rain we have hed.~ The unnual drive of cnrdwood has reached Beaver lake. winch makes everything astir at Lake View.~- A number from here went to Kingston on May 24th to celebrate the qneen e birt.hdoy.--A. Stewart thinks he can make another Prince Charlie out of the one which ran in Kingston on the 24th ult. We hope our sport. will not exist from Shel'iield.~-Dnn lE`m`ney. who has had a severe attack of inllam-nation, is I;-lnwly recovering under the treatment. of Dre. Clark and Beemnn.--Jereminh Sullivan, one of our old and respected citizens, pass- ed uway on Wednesday no the age of sixty- vo. Hie remains were interred in the Roman Catholic cemetery. He leaves four sons and one daughter to mourn his loss.- Jamea McKenwn, who has been away in the states during the last. twenty years, arrived home on Manda to see his parents. --Mias Ida McGuire. npanee Mills, has returned home after teaching school near here the last. few weeks-.--Charlee Palme- toor returned from Kingston nfter under- oing an 0 ration in the hoepihel.- -Mice aggie ur hy is visiting friends in Kingston. - iss Jennie Murphy. from Kingston. in home visiting her parents. TUTIIN - -----I---v gl -W'l'ERN ONTARIO and H A. and to! In polnhn n 00`l`gpNA ' Ind 0AIlIB00." Tonriut Bleeping On: to British Oolumbh Th ml lid I` Ida . monI\ox:I 1.I-`do {auxin to tho Oundinn North-WV; awn day during April. ...!EM:.'..`2t }`.`.FL'..'.`.`..`;.?. "' " ' " ` Luna Onnucon. May 3l.-A word in re- ference toour mail man, 3. Sears, I lih Road", will not beout. of phage. He me now come ed the mails to and from Perth Road for t e last seven years end during that time be has never missed a day. or oept. when the roads were impossible in the winber time, and then he has often had to break through some terrible roads to make connections. He hoe never been late and it would be dilliculls to nd a more femhful servant. We trust. he will be spared to convey the mails for many years to come.-The lmlu arrived in port Thurs- day afternoon with R cargo of groceries for James Foubister, F. Cook being in com- uuaud of the vessel. _She will remain in port this eummer.-Mies Young has re- mrned after spending a very pleasant time at Sydenhnm. She was the guess of Mr. I Lnwaon.-The Hornerice tent`. is still here and with in staff of four preachers hope to do good worlr.-There has been no Sunday school for the lush two Sundays. -Mies Mamie Lyon paid us 3 ying viz-cit. last. week. also Elwood L'nvson.--Visitors : Mrs. R. J. McKay at A. Darling's. on pntpoou or I nounuml nurvuo.--- Oroig L. Cnraonllan and wife spent the queen`: birthday in Kingoton.-Mr. Rul- nu . homo wu brightened lub track by the on-ivnl of 5 little girl.--Thoma Mouton and ddughter-' Jooophino apont Sunday Illrlqndo noor Forest Mi!lo.--Mr. J rams Ilro. Geor oJoyooir qn the nick her. again. -.--Min M Io Bruno Iponb rt. of hot. wool: sowing AI`: Mr.` J oyoo'I.-- re. George Vallonu has returned homo after spending 3 week in Rochester attending the sick bed of her daughter.` Mrs. Cook. The lut- tor a many friends here will be pleased to hear she is rocovering.-()ur school is pro- graming favorably wlthlliss Reed as auporinwndonb. -- A. Allen,` Maulbank, mind` through here on Mondny.--Mr. Aldvvin was in our midst buying milk nnwl __Wi`lrnm `Mnhr-av il {II A ritil vii -tale guest or Mr. Whllaoe lug wool.-- | nuqwln In our mulab uuylng IIIIII I cowa.-William Mobray is `n a critical condition, with no hepea `of his recovery. WINaLE\', May 26.--'I`he farmers of this vicinity have nemlv nished use-Vin? and seem one And all quute gallant: about. the lqst placed in stock 5 nige range of colors of the Celebrated %Pe)vny&Av9-f,*Kid Gloves- Gnu. -Inns i.-4l`Irme|-n in ehropgh ltdlng` and are hay with their phasing: Crops are good in those parts undtbure prospects of a bountiful but-voot..-~ Craig L. Cu-mnllnn and lnollt |VVEldren& Mader, no following pqquuqunuu lIIc0.-_)lrI. W. Armstrong opens Q `U! MW hi! IIIIW uh _, I 'Kin"u'lIinn, . Vunoviig aoquintdnocn Armand nu._Iln. W. Arnntmmz count A HAINES & LOCKETTn_ |x__-_-- 'I`_nnDnou !'1old!}'olIIoI.,UnItno nu " mum" 231.... An. 1 .sucks to J. M; RICHMOND &%co.. I14 Princess Street. II`--a_a we --j- Agents for Kingston. Belleville, Napance,:l'n-_enm-t1. nAiLY wnta, luzmiur; E. J. FITCH, 143 Treauley St... Toronto. says: I nd great benet. from the use of Miller : Compound Iron Pills." For sale by E. 0. Mitchell. Vunub ma Iluwruuurlee mvurguou, wno have for some time past been 9:: the nick lint, Ire steadily jimproving. William Wgmley bu purchased a new bug y.- The boy: about here are organizing 8 ball club. Itilthouyghtthnta. matmlumlllinke lace between theee end one of the neigh- rin villngee June 22nd, near lhegrove. Rev. r. Sheppard, Ompah. preached a. very protable. are well as interesting eer- mon herelut Sunday, taking for his text. "Though art weighed in the balance end` fdund wanting." -- Some of our people celebrated the 24th by attending :5 picnic at Sand Lake, nenr Plevnn. They report it n grand success. To the intense delight of qur amiable teacher must of the party were his pupils and he had the pleasure of viewing the wry feces of the letter during the long hours of the following day.-~ Visltdrez "Miss Emma Sweetnnm, of Van- nnchnrpat Fred Wensley n: Mr. and Mrs. A. Wood. of Plevnn, at Mre. A. J. Wen- eley'e. A Magnetic Sentlnui. Lieutenant F. B. Bndt. has patented on eleoixro magnetic sentinel which in de- signed to zivu warning at udistont post of the approach of o hostile wm-ship to n gubm u-ma mine, or to explode the mine oulmnuticnliy. Such n device was badly !l6(`dlld. Thu usual xueihotl employed for coast protection by means of explosive mines has been to sink thorn in thn\vuter- way to ho prcitecmui, ordinarily in n narrow channel, and from two observa- turies on shore, c-onuected by telephone nml telogmph. the oilioors on duty fol- low.by m(`;xns of range nderu, the move- ments of any hostile ves.~.u.=l. When the inatrumoms indicate that the vessel is dimqtly ubovo the hidden mine, a switoh is thrown whlvh sets fren' nn olocgz-ic current und explodes the mine. This method is expensive, us it entails keeping up two olmervntorles, two sets of insuli- ments and two or more operators. Moro- over, the n.ppurntus cunnnt 1LlWa_\,'s be re- lied upon; is may get. out of order just at the monmnt in is Ii`(.`(id. It can follow the niovement.~` of only one vossvl at. a time, and nt night, in fogs or storms, it is oi little or no 1150. I a....o.\....-u n...lr`n duvinn Ia nntnlnnn wpxonpoct lo! .Il'0|)l.--ThG' In V, Tot" otter: u.'33'1i ' verb "unt .hay`I.ao0l 1 `hi ." dt 0 yo gpngh of til gfnnn Iuyn l?:f: fornottuogn the still older [lI'lIIYo" '1"' J'"`'K PW?` `" "3 place have not. forgotten _~.h a Itill provorb all work nlgd no phy mule! Jnok u , so they are `nding stunt-, :3? sat nn 1 uidnic on aha 22nd June. mdoll 901-" 5 "'97 '0 VlPl7l`nK !"'W" burly lb got up a pidnic this` 22nd Juhe; to celebrate the sixtioth unhivernqry of the nonunion to the throne of our main graci- ..... unmngian, nnnnn VinfnrC.--AhI is 01' little no ll.'l('. Lieutenant. llmlts devim is automatic in its nation. and givos warning by night as well as by day. It is simple nnd direct in its uporutinxi nml requires but onv nbsarvutury, one set of instruments and one nttendunt. When n.n-ungmncnts are umdo to explode the rhino uumnmti- rally. the flttlltlrlllt vnn be dispensed with. An induction coll. suitably con- nected, is sen-umd to the mine or torpedo, the fuse of which is ilml by R powerful electric current, switchr-(i on v`*`u-r.m1t.u- mnticully or at nho ()bserv:..ur_','. `Vhen the mndurn wur vessel, honvily_ protected by iron or steel nrmor, approaches the incluctlun coll, there will be it magnetic disturbance which is instnntly indicated by the nillt-er on duty an the observatory. Ho watches the vessel and as the proper monwnt closes the 11159 circuit and ex- plodes the mine. In cuse an automatic device is emplnyml, the arm of an indi- minor is deilectod until contact is made, which causes the uxplosion.-Pit.tsl)urg Dispatch . 3g.m&:.m`:m..s.'? ":

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