Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Jun 1897, p. 1

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SE TTING \ THE % PA CE GOLD_-RId(AJ"|(r swuBLERs. HOSTILITIES TQ CEASE. me vu.-r.ormu reugn. ~ In the North American Review for J uno. * II. Seton-Kart. M.l . presents an able paper on `England : Food Suppl in ; Time of Wu. The dopondonoo o the` unllted kingdom of Great. Britain and Iro- i land on fonign imports for the nooouulu of life in an established fact. The rogrot of Cnmdicn statesman our the thruunod restriction by the Dldgloy bill ol commer- ciul ndvnnta betwoon tlcdominion and ' the sum 0 very urea; us but by Jwl W. wt ' "6. Imaws or nu: wum.n.| What Comes to Us From All Quarters |l ARAERAP|lSWH|IILEll|JP.] rornugau. The president. of the Spanish senate strongly recommends the queen reagent to retain the seryicos of retiring premier Cunovus Del Castillo. uI.n;..... l\..I........ Iunl nnnumnml tn ve A midnight visit. was made to the house of Joseph Duboin, nour Cnche Bay, the other night. by inland revenue nlcora and n constable. A still was found in full operation. The men present. were arrest.- ed and brought to North Bay, where they were remanded until Tuesday next. TL... u-:1\AnI' rlmnrumrv in nu F`.ovnf.inn remanueu unui 1 uauuay nuxu. The recent. discovery in an Egyptian tomb of a library of the Alexandrina period, containing among other works the lost. poems of Baccliyludes, the rival of l'indar, is described by Prof. Rodolfo L: nciani, the eminent. Roman nrchmo- 1ogist, in the North American Review for June. n..-_..u n un.....I.... at N-.. \'n.I. an Hm reunions wun r rnnce. ' A wicked convict. in the state prison at Jackson, Mich., attacked the keeper on Thursday with a long broom needle. The keeper did not expect the attack. and the convict. suddenly pounced upon him, emb- bing at his eyes. He succeeded. `How- evor. in overcoming the convict after 0 hard tussle, but was severely wounded about the Inca: rrs... :..|.:I.... .: n....-.. vznom-:. `And: 4... [VI 85 KEYES. DIQIAIIK ` d `$451.0 mI1LL{ JUNE 5. 1897. 1 ELEGRAMS FROM THE EARTH'S FOUR QUARTERS GIVEN. Little Ilattar-I That [nun-out lvorybod -- Notoo From All Over---Little of Ivan- thlnx Eaullv Bond and Remembered by The Dean Public. Mr. Laurior and party arrived in New York yesterday and spent as quiet. day at. the Waldorf. They leave by the Lucunia to-day. Lmumnm Townsend. of l enn9vl\'nnin. to-day. Lawrence Townsend. of Pennsylvania. is to be envoy extmordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the United States to Portugal. 'l`hn nrmlidamt. of the Snaniah Cunovus Uol Unamlo. William Delaney was sentenced to five years in the hinguon penitelxtialy an Orangeville for his connection with tho Mel nchbon arson cases. The Danish nu.-tuner Hekla, which was 1116 uanusu ILCIHIIUI` llUl\H.I, wuu.-n vv-I: was In collision with Lhu Ablumic transport. hue steamer Miaslraippi, has passed the butt. oi win. Hobridcu Islands. rm..- u .....m..-. an nmmnil luau mmln n butt. 0L WIS. obrldcu isiaiiua. The \ nnipeg city council has made 11 grant of $lU.()UU towards K fund to be ruined for the erection of a wing to the hoa- pinal L0 be known ps the Victoria wing. A nnnninl deummh from Paris saws : pmu L0 D0 KIIOWII QB um \ lCLUI'lll wing. A special delpatch guys Rumors are current at the French cupxcal of serious dissonsion in the Meline cnbmot and Lhub its rocouabrnncbioun is probable. A ........;..m mm... ulna r-nlnhrntml vendor- and Lhub [LB rocousnrucuon I3 pruuuulu. A requiem mass was celebrated yester- day in the Catholic church in Athens for me repose of the souls of formgn volun- were killed during the war with Turkey. .Imm.h Mnlnnmn nf Urnnthaln townnlnn. rested. Mr. Hardy and the Hon. Met-3ars.l)ryden and Harcourt. Will begin the p[`0VlllCi&l campaign by speaking at Lancaster on June 16th; Alexmndrm, Juno 16th, and Pembroke June 17th. In In A..o|.... `In-xnulnf. ohnirmnn nf EHAVlHlHl|'S Foot 0! menu Wenc away M18 uucwr unnuppuun-:u. The Ontario bar will present an address to Hon. John Hawkins Hagnrby. ex-chief justice of Ontario, in commemoration of his retirement. from the bench. utter forty- one years service. The presentation will take place in convocation hall on June l0,t.h, lune. Everett P. Wheelenof New York. in the lntenmtional urbit.ruLion conference at Mohnnk, N.Y.. yesterday, urged ll revived effort to secure the ratication of the treaty with Englnndavhich has just. been rejected by the senate. Prof. Brnco, of Vassar col- lege, I-poke eloquently in behalf of closer vrelntions wilh France. A ...:,.:...A ........:... ;.. oh- nun. m-hm. .9. I/BGTS Kl|l8(l (lUl'|Hg IIIU war wiuu LUIIUJ . Joseph Mnloney, of Grantham township, is in the St. Cnthurines hospital sulfering from u. gun shot. wound inflicted by Ina father in a quarrel. The fabher was ur- rested. in. n....A.. .....4 um um: MonnI' llrvden l'embroko.Juue Inn. M. T. Arthur Beamont, chairman of the C. W.A. racing board uud-n well known Oshawa barrister, was united in marriage in Toronto on \V0dnoe(lay to Miss Ethel Belford, formerly of Ottawa. I-In:-r \fnn'I"nnnr\h, fnrmar chief 0` M10 liellord, tormerly 01 uuawu. Herr Von Tnusch. former chief Bexlm secret. political police, who has been on trial for nearly two weeks. charged with perjury, high treason and forgery. was uqulbted yesterday. Tho or-and inrv. Chicmzo. V6!t0l'dhV ucqulbted yesterday. The grand jury, Chicago, yeaterdny afternoon voted a true bill against. A. . Luetgert, the rich sausage manufacturer, charging him with murder of his wife. The indictment will not. be returned until to-morrow. 1-... .... I .....:. .u\l.u-AA rnnnnllv nnnlvinfnd James Lewis, colored, rocontly convicted of criminal assault on Mrs. Reidal. of Fair- fax, Va., was hanged Friday in the pres- ence of about titty people. Lewis was quite cool and walked to the gallows with- out. assistance. A .........'..l Ananntnl-. 5-nun Nnnlna nnmi out ILBSISLEIICB. A `special despatch from Naples says that. Mount Vesuvius is in erupuon. An area of 2,000 yards by 500 yards wide is covered with lava and it ll! considered dan- gerous to approach wibliin 4U!) yards of blue principal crater. Hnnnrn Benn. an Albermurle farmer. is pnncnpuu crater. George Beon. an Albermurlo farmer, under arrest. at Winrton, Ont., for shooting a neighbor named Liveray. Heon charged Li veray with killing a cult of his, and open- ed tire with a shotgun and a revolver. Livorsy was twice shot. 'I"hn mnimilv nf rhllrnhe in ()Ltawn and Luvorsy twice shot. The majolily of churches neighboring towns will lo-morrow be oc~ cuplod by Methodist, ministers in attend` auce at the conference. Nob merely Me- thodist. but. Presbyterian, Bapti.-an und Congregational pulpita will be occupied. A mmlinal man. nnmeumes calling him- QUEEN ST. lbhphono II. Uonpzregnuonm pulplua \Vlll my uucupwu. A medical man. sometimes calling self by name of Young and at. other times Cooper, has elnped With A lady friend of his wife's. The three were in Torontfo about ve months ago, and on the day the friend went. away the doctor disappeared. T}... nnnn-in hair will nrennnb an nddraps l`2th. about me mce.: The jubilee of Queen Victoria lends in- I I teresi. to The Record Reign." in the June | North American Review from her majesty`: eon-in-luv. the Marquis of Lorne. An ex- - ooedingly brilliant article, "The Queen`: ' l`arlIament.e," by H. W. Lucy, deals in I charming manner with the prominent ` statesmen and memonble parliament: of 3 a the Victorian reign. In than Nnrhh Am:-rinnn Raviaw for Jana- . vlal ncnbon .. ...;|. H... Arlunoinrrnnsnnrt. BICYCLE STOCKINGS for this season contains the . greatest variety of exclusive .'and novel designs ever `shown The many `new ;ideas can ` be. appreciated .' best by a personal examina- ition. 0. LIVINGSTON &BRO. i Our display of GOLF and I The Layman Have A Conference And Select Olllceru For Next Year. 0'l'l`AWA, J une 5.-At. B minielaerial sea- eion of the Montreal Methodist conference the question of the readmittanco of the Rev. F. A. Sproule caused ahot. debate without. a nal decision being Punched. It is predicted that he will be received. as tho apdinl committee reported in his favor. D-.. I I.` no..- ..4'l(:.....Im.. m-nninir... An lnventlou to be Demonstrated Before I-Zugllsh Syndicate. (`nu`Am). Ill.. June 5. -Froderick Haw- kins. of Detroit, and T. 1 . Lnpptige, B mechanical engineer. of London, lmg.,who built every iron furnace in the Birming- ham (Aln..) district, with the exception of four. are to demonstrate to an English syndicate that they cun procure ingote from which steel is made at a cost of two-thirds of that now charged. Lnppago said last night that he hud Already made the experiment twice at Birmingham, and only came to Chicago at thoinvitutionol (lreeno brothers. who Me the nancial agents in this city of an `English syndicate of which A. F. Bowen, of London, in the head. Bowen is now en- ioute to the United States where it is said he will immediately let contracts for more than twonty of the biggest factories in the country. Ir. mm: mm! hm-n lnnf. ninht. tlmt. the I-nun:-uuu -uauu -.-_y . National lengno -~ At. Washington. 5; Chicago. 8. At. New York, 5; Louisville. 3. At Brooklyn, 8: St. Louis. 4. Eastern Ieagne-At Svracuse. 4: Spring- field, 12. At Toroum. ll; Wilkoelmrre. I. Ab Rochester, 1; Providence. 8; second game. Rochester. I9; Providence, 4. As Buffalo. 4; Scranton. 2; second game, Buf- fulo,`2; Scranton, 9. uluuu nugu nun -en. In the recent. examinations at Rockwood asylum the standing of the lady graduates was very high. There was only nditlerence of a couple of marks between the first two ladies, and the other two graduates stood very close. There was very little differ- ence between my of them. C{)LO?l%iE}D SHIRTS. I"II-Ilri-ililililllil-ItIiI\Iil~ Itili -unnnn an a (CI A A9 , . The Leading I-Iouse"in the city for Colored Shirts. all handsome patterns. Best goods from the leading makers at popular prices. Rev. J. E. Starr. of Kingston. precipita- ted another heated discussion by moving tolreceive the Rev. R. E. Cruunnoy, a re- turned tniaionnry from Japan, back into the conference. By a vote of tift.y-nine to forty-one a resolution was passed express- ing the pleasure of the conference that the president. should sanction Mr. Crummey e return to the regular ministry. The presi- dent. has not as yet. announced his decision. At. Hm rnnnlhino nf tlm luv mznnnintinn uenr. uuu IIUL any you uuuuuuuuu um uounmun. At the meeting of the lay association this nfldrnnon juago Deacon. Pembroke, was elected president: W. H. Lambly, Huntingdon. vice-president; Charles Mor- ton, Montreal, r-ecremry-txeaaurer; execu- tivo committee, Messrs. C. P. Henton and John Knox, Montreal; A. Shaw. Kin sum; W. H. Dalgesh, lluntingdon, and '. J. Gibson. Ottawa. CAN PROCURE INGOTS CHEAPER. in mo councry. It; was said hora last night. that the Illinois steel company has offend Hawkins Llieimmcnse sum of$60,000,(l0Uforhispatent. and the offer was promptly refused. It. is positively known that Hawkins has re- lused $500,000 for an eightli interest. in the plant. that. is to be constructed in Chicago. To Place the Engineering Department Un- der Mr. Mcuulgan. TORONTO, Juneh.-It is expected that the entire U.T.R.. engineering staff, with the exception of the chief engineer. Joseph Hobson. may be placed under the control of the general superintendent, F. H. Mc- (luigsn. At the present time the chief engineer has charge of all the work along the system, including the re- psirs, and has supervision over the as- sistant engineers and track foreman. The system on the Canadian Pacic and on all the American railways is that the divisional superintendents look after all the repairs in their respective districts, the assistant engineers being responsible to the divisional superintendents. It is ex- pected that this -aystem will be adopted by the (lmnd Trunk, and in this event Mr. Obi-30ll,Wlll act as consulting engineer and have charge of all work done on the road. Deming gzoous. Bnilnlftihurtier, of (iatineau Point, left yesterday for East Templeton to nrreat. a farmer of that. place, namod Foley, who tried to do bodily harm to a young daugh- tor of a. neighboring farmer. In is alleged that Foley ran site! the little girl with an open knife and would have plunged it. in- to her only for the interference of another tnnn a Farmer rm. to Stab a Llttle (llrl-Work For the Conntnblml. 0'l`1`AWA, June 5.-On Thursday even- inga desperate attempt. was made by a young man near (lennanicua, in the town- ship nf Wilberforce, to commib a criminal assault. on in young woman, which she was fortunately able to Ieaiet. A warrant. has been issued for his arrest. bub up to the present. he-has been able to koqp out of the conaLuble`a clulchoa. The young man, though not t.wenL_v-one, has already been under arrest. for breaking into a shop and stealing goods. Rnilull`l`.luu-Hnr nf flnlinnnn Vninf. ls-ff. LIKELY TOIADMIT HIM. MOREE._ffh.T'EXNGEs. ATTEMPTED ASSAULT. funuumpsuea. Baseball Yaat;artIn`;. I - A. IIV,l Undo High lnrlu. - ,L In order to reduce our large etdck of the above we will sell everything in this line at Greatiy - Re- duced Pricea. H A. G. JOHNSTON 8: BRO. ; _ Wsuhnnou-n'ud Juvullou. \ 4"` M M k . I eI1Ma`E awe, Welter llerwlok Tool It. TuP.(rN1`0. June 5.~-At. the meeting of the bencherl of the law society of Upper Cenude, held yeeterday to elect a euoceuor to the Hon. Justice Mos.-, Walter Bnrwick received the mejoriby vote. Mr. Bervick has through his euccoenful proieleionel curt-er evincod the greatest. interest. in the duties pertaining to the oiceof benchor and he will prove an undoubted acquie- tion to the society. Contracts Awnrdod. Th! ontracta for supplies to the mili- tary mpg have been awarded thin: Meat. J. Green; fornga, T. J. Donahue; potatoes, H. Sharp; groceries, H. Slurp; bread, '1`. R. Cnrnovaky. ' Si|verP|aldWaq BEST QUALITY.` IJU LIGHT BAKING PUVVDIB, '- which in the but In the Inuko 3 In an amount vision on an what you buy Ill. 0! light. Provo this um. problem to your Mm ntlotuotion. llnndtodn Inn done so and have found it cannot. II|(_)S. II. JOHNS, ' gm;-n-A-nun 4-III Ll BUT Women Make Stores. If you would know the trade condition of a store ask as` to the class of goods 21 store sells. FASHION_ABLE--that means a Lnwnnaxzgwn-5.114;` nun: Inauuu-.- scarce goods in the busy season can always be found in our store. Below we name :1 few of them: I"\l Ar\vr r\v\r\r\Av\I< nil I7!` IJLIUIV YVl- |Iu||l\2 u IGVV ul Illbul. BLACK BROCADE SILKS, elegant designs just received, $1.10 and $1.t5,wmth $z.5o-. DI...-1; Cl! I. f`_l)Ii`MAY\lkI!TC 43111., |JUb _y4Iu. CHIFFON RUFFS and`fat`&:st style of PARISIAN COLLARS qoc to $2 each. f`l 1IIZ`IL`f\\Y 'I`Y\Yll\lI'TI\ I r. u."mum.n`. Ptmu. Dunc-ma AND 1cxnAL|nr.|-n1 Pun- cou it:-oat. block ubovo old Itand. UJ'l.D- luntu. Tun Llumla UNDl!l(TAKliB-IM-I66 Prlnnon In-oat. Telephone 147:. Open Du nnd Night. 1 Int. LI L luunn. Llwnm Ulnlnnlxn um KIIALIIII---MI Princes: nu-oat, Corner Sydonhlm Ihoot. T010 phone communication. nuluvn \JAA_4ln \. 45 in., 90c yard. f`LlIh`lT(\Y\Y DI ISTEACYKISTEAGY. 64TH AUI`INl'H- WE WANT MEN AND WUIEN tn um, fur u! in I-vary town and vicinity. Nuw gomu. (loud pay. U. H. tuxcuuv 00., Toronto. o BoAm.m tzlxuwuic` ivcoiuonxnn with both ningle om-I doul-lo rooms,wIh modern convenience. at 288 Queon Street. --::-:jo ._ _ HAT LARGE AND UUMHOIHOUH PRI- mhu-~u3.'1xluI with storehouse 40:66) lately nnrnnlml luv Hun `ilnunklnumrn "An!--In l".nn.- H\'l' LAICUE AND (XJMIIUIHUUH PHE- miam mlxua oocrlplonl lay the Muuklm-bcm llntdwu-c Go - puny on Prlmzons Ntrmnt. Well adapted or wlmlesulo manufacturing or large mull la - nous. May he nantecl In wlurlo orpl-. will be improved and modernized for A dull`- nhla tenant. l'I'Mlllll'I may bo hm! from will be improved and modernized for dull`- may be tron the uh'16`l'ni nod. I>`0\\ |x'.B &. boll, Aroo, Merchants unk Chum!-en. * h.i..".;C RU.%`.\`IcLL~1n Richmond, May 22nd, wife of Percy Russell, of a daughter. CA'nm0- In Napnnoe. May 30th, wife of John Cathro, of A daughter. MARRIED. l\lmnn.Lovn - In Napanoo, June 2nd. Alex. Magoo. Adolphuutown. to Mint Jennie Marie Love. Milford. VAN.'il.YCK-}'AUI.--In Erneabtown, on June Lind, Charles Vanalyok to Miss lhttio Paul. both of Ernonttown. DIED. RvAN--Ah Hotel Dion, on June 5th, Pierre Ryan. adopted son of John Ryan, Bar- rieeld, aged nineteen years. Funornlavill take place from Hotel Dion Monday afternoon at three o'clock for St. Mary a cemetery. Funeral private. Mc(}unm--ln Kingamn. June 4th. Mra. 1'. McGuire, aged 69 years. The funeral will leave her late residence. Divxaion atireeb. Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o cloclr. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend. Bnor-m'-- In (lananoque. on May Slat, Margaret, relict. of the late I . Brophy, in the 71st year of her age. Cu.-\rm\N- --At Seeley s Bay., May Rtll, wife of John N. Chapman. of steamer G. W. Morley. aqed twenty-four yeara "fwN711`n'G CASE SILVER wxrcn IN City yesterday. Finder will In sultnbly to- wnrtled by louvlng it at. thin nlco. {JUL} lU nvl CHLIl I CHIFFON TRIMMED PA- RASOLS $3.75. ` New goods daily. ` Inspection invited. con AND woon i (I) Upper Sb. .Luwronoo- Mostly 919"" cloudy and cool, with light. rain for at. least a portion of the day. % Hole Agents for 'llult9ri(`.k'I Patterns ()l".N)'S- Wk WANT MEN AND WOMEN In m-O. fnr III in I-vnrv tnwn lull vininltv lull.) Cluu V1.13, VVIIILII vb-DU: I_3lack SILK RENADINES, WEAT H ER PROBABILITIES 4 P. M. EDITION. HENRY muun. rnnnvr-A run A an Inn "\'NAN1'ED._ utandn for the rim charged for nroounno l\rtn Bk- lnn avrlnn. us. tum), I` Iunvnm 1 run?` I do ' "33. iho rlco of RUR- N1` KIN POWDER which in tho but mukot. of summer styles came in for praise also. We don't profess to know it all, and therefore are al- ways looking to learn. We grow. uu2v wwv wv--. :10 PRINCESS S1`? FROM COAL THAT %surn; NO. 131. HE DAILY BRITISH wma.% mopolinu hotel I vornl furorim in with his Kingstot not the ad occu took plneo under moat creditable N LII Although the gnu damp, :0` turned oub hit 0! P.\` .0.R. band The bandunon guvothonaoenbl mu. Thq lq The Dally Note-Book tor Wm; nuuun To Post Thomulvu bv. Dreu goods day, Mnuglay, At. Wnlah a. Masonic "At. Homo 4 to 7 p.m., Mon- .l-_ uecorauon ox DH` uuuu n. mm.-u.......- grave Sunday afternoon. Masons attend divino service in First Congregational church Sunday evening. Summer Jamel Swift. for Ottawa every Uongregnmonal cnurcn Dulluuy uvuluus. Steamer Jame: Monday and Thursday at :3 mm. James Swift J; 00.. agent. Tnnnrn fnr fun` -nhnnl RIIDDHBI. Imti0"' Was the way some people talk- ed of our Waist display last even- ing. Never thought so many waists could be in one store said another. No need to` go out of town or away from home for this class of goods said another. Pret- tiest ever seen, prices very law, such good materials, and many similar remarks, all expressive of satisfaction and appreciation were heard on all sides. We just wish to say again we are showing very many lines strictly conned to ourselves for Kingston. Our prices are all for reliable cloth and perfect fit. Swim at. Uo.. ngeni. - Tender: for fuel, school supplies, station- ary and tmnmithing received by board of education up to 7 p.m., Monday. mp 1>....I Hmith Sundnv trim : Leaves Of Household Furniture, Tapestry Carpets, Fine Parlor Suite. Etc. HAVE llECl1`.lVF,l) IN`.-l'I`.I'CTX()NS FROM Mru Bunker In 5011 ut her Rosidonco. 12:! William h't|-oer, on -nrmrxnvmnh A V YYTRYT4`. Ofh WEUNEDUA 1. u Una. vuu, All of her llnuselmlul Eactu. vnmai.-Hing of Pnrlursuite in Turkinh Hutu. 'l`apeut.ry und other Carpets, Fancy Chairs unul Table.-a Rook- er.~1,M1rrorsIInd Easel. Extension Dining Tn.- Illa. Minor I5a.<:k Sidelmnnl. lhme 1`-lmirs, Glassware. Crockery. Auln and Oak Bedroom Hetts Mxltbrosuau, Springs. Bmiding.Sv.n.ir Car- Y`Otl.`Toi|of-S0t.fs,h`quure Hall Smve,Hnppy Thouuht"L`u-cl Ilnuge. Kitchen Ut.anuila,etc. Sale a.t10:3~). Terms ('m4|I. J. E. HUTCHESON. ' Auctioneer. In. nuuuu any, n. Ialnnd both wnya. \1' Hill LUMIIIU IIVIIII W-J D- wum CONTl~}.\'1'S. Page l--The World's Telegraphic Ti- dings. Page 2---Iubileo Celebration; Masonic Centenary E vent. _ v..an.'L_I.nr-ul. Cnuntrv and General Centenary 15 venn. Page 3--Locul, Country General` News. Page 4-Editorinln; The Ci ty Nown. Page 5 -~ March-Clements Wedding; General News. Page 6 -The Home Circle; Illustrated Sketches. 11...... -.v 10.... Vmb l.nH'.nr- nnlmrv: LLIUIVI I U!` l`l\\Jn Iuunw - SE;-\l..EDTENDEIlS WILL BE RECEIVEI) at the oice of H10 Uunnty Cl.1'k, Court House. King.-non. up to 19 0'4-.lm-k mum of the 8th DAY OF JUNE NEXI`. for such of the nmlurmnnnnml: DAY 0|-` JUN undssrnmnunecl: 125 tuna Furnace ulidssnnanonod: 125 tuna Coul to be delivered at the Juil and Court. House. us may be roquired, during the Manson of 1897. The coal to be well uoreomad And free from dust. And for 51 Cords of Hardwood, r-omprising And r-nmorising Mauls. Beeuh. Hickory and Iron Wood, to 9-0 sound and mood ql1u.llvy.em-.h nonl to contain 128 cubic feet, and sllbjucf. to the approval of the Chairman of County Property Th. wood to be delivered one-half dry, and OUR MILLINERY DIS- PLAY education no '1 monuny. Str. Paul Smith Sunday trips Kingston 9-.30 3.111.. 11 n.m. and 1:15 p.m. Wolfe Island. 10 a.m., 12:30 p.m. and 4 p.m. Round trip, 100. Calls at Garden I..lnn:l |\Al'.|\ warn COUNTY OF FRONTENM nh'.\I.Irn'l`|l'.NnIl`.ILQ WILL RECEIVE] The wood one-half green wood. Separate tenders will be roeeivocl for the Ihovo. - The lowest, tender not necessarily ncoepted. WILLIAM TUNER. 1), J. WALK]-EM. Chairman 00. Property. Oounty Clerk. In......o.nn Mn: mun. ll-I97. lI\II Itua -w w-`u-w--v-`-- THE OREITHUIW OF THE LATE JANE Clu-llltio. who rliad st Kinuutun on the lath In of March. 1897. are hereby required on or ha `are the Ibth day of Jnm-. 1097. to send to the undersigned. Solicitors for William Cmahnno and Edmund sweet. 1.-tooutors of who said dooeruod. ll statement of their claims. anal in case this notice in not com- uliedwith who said ox:-authors will distribute the Assets after the mini date wivhnut. micr- onno to any claims of which they have no notice at the time of such dintrilrlllion. HARLEY, swxmr sin \[lhIi.Y. Holimiors, Box 344, llmntfurxi. Y1-had Inna llri, 18117. lretcnaa. Page 7----New York Letter; Cookery; Selections. M30 8 -The Very Latest. V Hoom'TU-llUKu.uw EVENING M:4i:l. n'olock and walk in prnae:-:4 Alon in reaalla tn the First Congregational Churnh. when Divine Hervive \vlll be held. 1 v order of Ex 7.. _ I ll\- 7-. -3., _-.v R, l.\`i.L HAY POWELL. HAVING RETl'Ih\'- ad from Montrmtl. wheru shu has bean nunilyinuiniliu Arc Au.wr~iMion (nliary. will rs-01-un iieH`h\.-um: MONDAY, Juno 7th. in- nrun-tionn in Water Culor, Oil and China Pnintinu will be given at her slu iio, 1133 Prin- cess Street, City. ..______-_____.:_____..._. FINE PIANO FUR SALE. HANDSOME l'PR[(}l{T PIANO OF FINE tuna qooal an new, for $14! cash. Cm: he mean at. Wmu Otoo. IVIZVV lIl\l4.IgnvlrlI\I|V\n n nu-\-4v.\V. DRESMARIN(l. IN ALL [TS BRANPHPZS. . oxeontad with neoxfnuas and dospatoh. at moderate prices. Spovhsl Mu-utinn given to Children`: clothes. H5 PIIINCKHS STIII-LET. over Knm Piano Wnlroroomn. :-:-j-1- A Klngntou Boy`: Misfortune George Holder, a former Kingetonian, and who was very popular and highly ea- teemod b_v'hiI friends and acqmuintancee here, has met with a serious injury, while rescuing A child from I burning building in Medicine Hat. N.W.T. In carrying the little one out, his right hand wu torn from the wrist, but just how the accidontoocurred cennot be explained. on Mr. Holder is in hospital and unconscious. The medical men have decided that the fragments of the hand must be cut oil` and the: the right arm will be peraly zed. My nld-9. who in mnnmrer of the Coe- Ijitlvilri-ililililllil-Itl _ALlttloSumin: Oh an Oman ` In; ovdoru. 25 rynoonu the _ I OH ! IAK -- wluohh club: QEALED 'rn:Nm:nx FOR 3': n0Nn.~'. PAN. L value C1'I.M. mt.nli2.7l!.50. of the Kingston Light. Hour. & Power 00.. Limile-ul. lmnrinl I. pt-I`IIllI\\l I'l puyubla half-yearly, lay nml November, will he rq-neivml by the nnnmwer of tlneuntmyio Bunk how on the 15th lhly of June. Highest. tender to take all or a portion. __-.___:___?__:._._. tho: the right. will no parauzoa. Mr. Holder. who is manager hotel at Medicine Hat, is I uni- vornl in that town. ,nnd they, Kingston friends, will hoeply re- occurrence. even thbugn it. under circumatanceo that Are to him. HI! `I ll ! IINIWI 9 A the concert. air was chilziy and the dam , eevenl thoueen citizen: turned an evening on beer the Nth phy in the city perk. were in ne tome and gave the neenbled citiuns 3 rich mueicel The Inner gnu piot eur- ronndiug the bend eund Inn rop- ed 0!. than lupin: the eeeemblage es e diehnoe at which the music wee bend to hotter ndvenne. besides puts! a stop Sm practice: ind: pd in by boye. who nolouly tonne:-ly annoyed one who would liehnto the manic. bnoeloo dia- DUIVIJO run Unau- QEALED RONDF`. PAH. . vnlnn :11 M. mtnl I2.7l!.50. NEW DRESSMAKING PARLORS. .. up... n |l V\Vl\ In Al I [T4 nuA\l{`uI:`i TIZUIIIIUI lilljouv-In Bntipunuhowing tho nals shouin A chloral ptiou._ A.Al|u- n iuonca T0 cnaorrons. mration of Sir John A. Mncdonnldi D.....l..- ..h...-nnnn II! nu DIRK. IITIUOIQ 9.. A vhunuoumt any naonvung at Ihhllos &|d.Ilu.0U. K BONDS FOR SALE. -nn mnunI:n.l lPl'\D xx". nnun.` .m ht wet, WEDNESDAY. JUNE 9th, -___ u...._..L..I.I u-n-..n. nnhn|'.|' LOCAL MEMORAN DA. V ART CLASSES. vlvn nc Ancient Frontenac and Cataraqul Chayter, D A Fl No. |__(i. Tho Companions \\'1l\R- uemlulv in Hm Chapter Hoom `TO-M 0 R R O W n'nln:-I nu-,:l walk nme:+ Z. J. F'0RTESCI'E,! K. A. JI., nu. I.,\ R. C., Centenary. 1, Scribe E. Ubiunnnng :53 ;` Brook Street. [Tunis or mum has snox AND PAPER L|SI.[ II: II Llkoly the House Wlll Adjourn in Two Weeks or 8o-8nppleInentary LII: will Come Down Next Week--The Morn- ings Will Be Given Up to Sessions. O'1'1;.uvA. June 4.-Progress in the house with the tariff was not up to expectations. The discussion of the regulation under which corn may be imported for distilling, occupied a long time, and the wheat duties took up the balance of the afternoon. The members from the west declared that they did not want twelve cents a bushel on wheat, and Mr. Ellis, of St. John, said the people of the maritime provinces certainly did not. Mr. Lavergne remarked that Quebec was of the same mind. The only people who thought it of any use were the Ontario conservatives. Mr. Fielding said the tariff was a compromise measure. and as it had been found necessary to re- tain duties on the things the farmer- consumed, the government had decided not to take more than three cents oil the wheat duty. Mr. Robertson in the evening secured some changes in the book duty for the benefit of the printing: trade. the sheets of books in an unfinished state bein put on the twenty per cent list. Mr. glrb made an attack on the leaving of oil _L)8lni.lll|';H on the free list. Mr. Field- ing said the-principle followed was that works of art were of an educational char- nctor.an were usually imported not for the gratification of the individual merely. but for exhibition in the places where the public iI'V them. The book and paper schedule was put through,then the chemi- cals and drugs. A snag was struck when theitem coal oil was reached and a sharp debate took place on it. The Jea- ture of this was a speech from La. 1:'........... A6 I nrnhrnn in Hm of this speecn Iruul Mr. Fraser, of Lambton. in the course of which hedenounced the encroach- ment of the Standard oil company and the methods of that great monopoly in forcingits way into the control of the Canadian market. He made a. strong point for the Canadian producer by showing that although oil costs in some places in Canada as much as fty centsa gallon, all that the rener in Petrolea gets is eight and a-half cents u. gallon. The difference is chislly caused by excessive freight rates. A reduction of the duty from five to three cents a gallon, as advocated by Mr. Ellis. of St. John, would destroy the industry. Mr. Ellis had presented a vigorous argu- ment for reduction of duty in the in- terest of the consumer. and now mov- ed for a reduction to three cents. This was defeated, as was another to make the duty four cents by Mr. (lanong. Mr. Davin. seconded by Mr. Richardson. of Lisgar, moved that the duty be one cent per allon. This was also defeated. and tie duty stands at ve cents. Many members who had remained for this vote left, and rapid progress was made with the earthenware and glass schedules. The house rose ut ll:45, hav- ing got half way through the dutiable list of the tarilf. u:- n:..i.....,| r`...o....:nM nivni nnoinn tn. The Tariff Clauses Not Pushed Ahead Rapidly. MR. ROBERTSON SECURED SOME CHANGES IN IT. oi the tariu. Sir Richard Cartwright gives notice to- night; That after Tuosdsy. the 3th of June, there shall be two distinct sittings of the house on each sitting day until the end of the session, one from ll n.m. to l p.m., and the other from 3 p.m. until the hour of adjou rument. mouely repaid by the coal mnue. To-day`: Canada Gazette contains the statement of revenue and expenditure of the month of May last. The revenue was $`.!.6*."_ .,983 compared with `3`.2977.H`2 for May, lS!Ni: decrease of $3X54,45$I, The ex- penditure was $3,481,690 compared with $3.."HO.758, or a decrease in expenditure of $513,068 for the past month. For the eleven months ending Illit May last. the re- venue was $34,557,705 and expenditure $'. 7`. .3.'i9,886. leaving a surplus of $5_`.!l7.- slit a. consolidated revenue. The revenue for the same time last your was $322,952,- 079, or an increase in revenue for the cur- rent year of $l.605.T`.. :'i. There was an increase in the expenditure for the present year of $743,001). The expenditure on capital accounts for the eleven months of the current scal your was $2,926,377 com- pared with $3,4T2,68l or a decrease of 85~t5.7l-I for the current year. The Tam O'Shnnter mining company of British Columbia is seeking incorporation. The capital etock is placed at $600,000. The Canadian printing ink company is peeking incorporation with :1 capital of 840,000. The Calumet mien company of Ottawu, with 8I00,000, is applying for In- corporntiop. ' 'l'llI9 I'Il'IIlIllll'lul.III'J I unuus. Sir Richard Cartwright, has expressed the belief than an adjournment. of the houae will be reached in a couple of weeks. ll- la`;.d.l..... Lnnna tn hnvn Hun sunnin- 2-----:-uj a'|cvcI..a TIRE; nouae ml: 00 reacneu m an Cuuplu Lu wuom-. Mr. Fielding hopes to have the supple- menatry estimates down early next. week. Lord and Lady Aberdeen left last even- ing for I{u`.ifax. Thu l`.ir.i7m1, Hm nnnsarvative organ. nt- mg IO!` nmnax. The Citizen, the conservative organ, tacka the Crow's Nest. deal, arguing the company would have built. the road with- out a subsidy and would have been encr- lnoualy repaid by the coal lands. "I"n_rInv'u (`mnmln nzntln contains The Deming-n That Ila: ltneno should the Verdlctl Be Held Good. V/n~'corvn., B.C., Juno 5 --The first two triula hold in Vancouver in respect. of the Victorin bridge disaster last year hav- ing resulted in demligea. together amount- ing to 823.500 against the city with coats of both sides will bring the total to over 830,000 with sixty-two cuee yet to be heard. Tho aggregate dnmegee and costs will, unleu chee methods of eetllimz by erbitration be e opted. Amount to at least 8400.000. The liability willdoubtloet be met by I long tetm loen uuleee, u A few expect. the city ehould on e peel succeed in freeing itself from legal inbility. Arbi- tration in now unlikely in meet of one after eucceuful litignion of the plnintia in the two cases. which has made the I-_.... Lggnnn On nlnh. the-nnnh hhn uni}: In IIIO IIO cues, wulcu nu Illllll um law leaner to light through the min to and wichouc compromise of their clienn interests. Our qnoislty in shirt: in this iino. We in my of |mIhn.ln&`a. HAS HEAVY LIABILITIES. The Pnrllnmentnry Polnu. n ..a . -n.1, _,__ KINGSTON. OINTTARIO. SATURDAY. Merv) Del Val In said To iwolrrnugul An Understanding. WINNEl'EG. Man., June 5.-It is rumor- here that an understanding has been reach- ed between Merry Del Val and the do- minion and provincial governments re- garding the future attitude of the Catholic ecclesiastical authorities towards Manitoba school law and that ell hostility to the law on the part of the Catholice will soon cease. Del Val arrives here to-day and will stay at the Manitoba hotel. Ll'....L u..sl.....l....A umhn-nail F.-nu. bl-.n Ana} at one Manioonn noun. Hugh Sutherland returned from the east yesterday. He eayie refusal of the gov- ernment to allow a. representative of the Hudson Bay railway to nocompayy the ex- ploration` pnrty to Hudson Bay, although the Hudson Bay railway would pay all his expenses, showed the expedition was an excuse to condemn the route. ' He claims that no one in the party is charged with in- structiuns to make u denite report. The Diana, be any:-. uleo. is not an appropriate ship for the trip. -Thu Annual convention of the univeraitv amp 10!` we mp. The annual convention of the university of Manitoba tor the conferring of degrees. prizes and scholarships took place yester- day afternoon). Altogether ninet.ynino degrees were conferred. "Flu: vnnnnnnr nf mhn induntrinl Athihinn HARDY S, degrees conrerreu. The manager of the industrial exhibition has received a letter from Hon. Sydney Finlier. minister of agriculture, stating he will make an elfort. to uttend the exhibition next month. n..;..,..'....I 11...... Al` (\u.m..'.. unium--Mu Thelr Outt Captured at Ogdensbul--Tlie Conlldence Men Escape. O:ns.\'.s'nnw, Juno 5.-TheUnitedStales treasury ollicers have captured the outt of a gang of gold brick swlndlers. The con- dence men arrived here over the New York Central ruilrond. Their paraphernalia seiz- ed at. the depot includes two handsome gold bricks. ouch weighing forty-two pounds, and a trunk of wigs, false whiskers. dress suits and farmers suits. A vslise also belonging to the swindlors contained the outt of a man represented as the Unit.- ed States assayer from the government mint at Philadelphia. It contained otlicial headings and signatures with identity let- ters and nsssying blanks. One of the swindlers presented a check at the depot for his baggage, butihesring u call for an otcer. stepped outsideand disappeared. Neither he nor his ,c0nfederatea have been caught. nexn monrn. Principal (tank, of Queen's university, Kingston, arrived in the city yesterday _uf(ernoon, but. only remained a short, time proceeding we-t. on the Pacific across to Wliitewood. He will spend a week or ten days in the territories, and on his return` will participate in the deliberation of the Presbyterian genernl assembly. 'l`hn l<`mn l'rnRsI nnmmenLim:r oditorinllv I'l'03UyLBI`IH general Illllvly. The Free Press: commenting editorially on the dismissal: from the dominion lauds oiiice here, says : Mr. SifLon s advisers in W'innipeg will do an act. of justice to any nothing of good will. by recommend- ing Llmt them 0ll i('.l&lS receive upon their retirement 11 gratuity of three months pny. One of them is is man who Ioel. an arm in the rebellion of 188.3, and in would be nn not of pucrioniein Lo et.reLch A point. by keeping him in service as a recognition of what. the country owes him." nu III! III llI.I3\l nnuuo URl1.\NA. Ohio. June 4.~ A negro named Click 'i.chell. indicted for the assault. of Mrs. Eliza `r\lll])8r,Wl)ll8,WB3 aeiibenced to twenty years ' the peiiitentiury. Mit'.~ choll was broughtii the court. room in the guise of is i-oldier, fo utaiila the place was a mob numbering ove iie thousand. When the senlence became` known the mob became infiii-iated. The jail and vicinity were guarded by soldiers, and when the mob abteinpterl to break into the jiil volley iil'te_v volley was red into the dense crowd by the militia and great iiuni~ bore of citizens killed. Fresh troops were brought fri in Springeld, which only iii- ceneed the mob iurLher. Finally the de- inand lor the nni;ro's blood grew stronger. and ii successful attack was mlld9 on the jail. '.`-"Tho huiniin end was taken out and hanged to the nearest`. tree. Hundreds of women were presentut. the hanging. The mining convention was brought to I cioao :1: But Portage ygstordny. . It was nqnnliliod nnooosn. Valuable results an expected so onus. u msny of the visitors ropruontlnrgo nancial inconsu and to- Innin hi -di infulllin ill il ll- Walit ulm To Locate. B()\\'MAN\'lI.I.H, June 5.-At the Bay of Quinta conference one whole session until midnight was taken up in the trial or de- termining the etandirig of two ministers. J. H. Mallett, a prebetioner of three years, was expelled. Hin case has been before the church in the Port Perry region for six months. The Rev. J. C. Ash, after lengthy proceedings. was uriked to rcqueet II loca- tion. which really means that he frills back into the ranks of a local preacher. Mr. Ash, it will be remembered, appealed to the general conference court of appeal against the action of this conference in en- tering into a convunant with hire that was really ultrn vireo of the conference. This was that his name should be left on the journals of conference, but not publr:-alien for the public in the printed minutes. He requested this ngreemcnt and sincerely promised to never uppeul against it. His action has grieved the conference beyond measure. But the general conference ruling was paramount and Mr. Ash is once more in the church after three years of trial for moral delinquencies. De port menwre Robbery. Cmt`.\:o_ June 5.--Two employees of one of the large department stores in this city have been arrested. warrants are out. for others, who left the store before they were caught, and fifteen additional work- ers have been discharged for complicity in what appears to hnvo been A systematic conapirac-._v to rob the establiahinont. Al- ready the detectives have found $3,000 worth of the missing goods secreted in dilfnrent sections of the city, and it is known that large quantities of goods have been shipped to small towns in Illinois and surrounding states. A DIIIIIPOII storm. UTICA. N. Y.. June 5.-A cyclonic storm ewt pt over a territory about twenty miles long and a half mile wide in the western central part of this county yester- day. Great damage was done by the wind. especially in the town of West lloreland. where at leaet a hall doaen barns were blown down and several houses are moved from their foundations. In one barn Mrs. Charles Cool took refuge with her son eight years old. The barn fell in the atom and Mn. Cook was instantly kllled and the boy ernahed so badly that he cannot live. ropycunt In-go nnluclu Inwruu nun ro- man to -130 invcullptionu in this to- inn, There is one thing we insist upon from our teamstors-care of our customers` property. Last week one of our men smashed a msn's fenco-it was careless- ness. We paid for the fence. Ijhe geamster is now on tho por- rnumnt. rotirod list. You are gunnteod protection from dam- age to your property when you buy .

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