`. 'LM&>IIIII@`lbI.IOfl|OlV 2 bnthoufor mh`uL power company. This afternoon police constable Brnmnh shot. a dog belonging to Capt. Bates. Sy- denham street out, which showed eigna of uu'erin|z from the rabies. n.-nun.-A A7 (`.n wnl-A thn unnnnufnl fa.` llulifln lI`0lll DUO FBDIGU. Crawford & Co. were the successful ten`-" dorern for the supply of wood for use M. the militia camp which opens at the military pork, Pitoaburg. next. week. I I, H, Vim\Vinnlxnl_ of this citv. was 5, from Omngeville. arrived this oruing over the B. of Q. rail- road for it local morchnnh. o. gnu Lllh noon. cently H\rry Break tnok n ash light phat raph of the organ-loft. and choir of so. A raw : church. Tho picture turned one. `_ A hr-an in the 0.11: main on Kim? street. uu-J Iv`, v-.'....J _... company. This nfuarnuon Tn Von nun Howl Orowuodjltc OI! ' Ilnnnllnt of Spam. Ilobb-' Bpomgua pills. Bole agency at Mitchell : drug atone. . A nunntitv nl hindm-.twinn was ahinned Mncnolra arug stole. A ( usutity ol binder-twine was Ihipped to 0. .R. point: over the B. of Q. lino. Allan afoamuhip Numidinn from Liver- pool paued Fame Poiqt. 9:30 mm. Sunr- FIAT. any. Somw hats. loft. hats. hnrd hntl, good hm. cheap Into.` latest styles. Try Bakor a. ,-..__. /.'}h..! II Imtngn I-nun (30-nnnnuln 1110 HIQHIDOFF OI PH). `.5 A tbnliou. I .W.O.R.. put in their nn=I r e pmotiue as Burriaeld rangos rnnnn. XIUII uuuu lly lIlIIlI' uwu cuuuucn. usur- ::- ~s':s;;;:r::;::.=h::--;;:;..` 2:: [CI his uquiu\l.- `onto. oto.. Lux. .1_:___.:___.__ mun. And sprint: primrose perfume to dif- fuse. . , . `z I Nth 50 pieces 38 to 44 inch Dark useful Dress Goods, all 5c. ' 130 pieces Plain and Fancy Novelty Goods 19c. worth 25c to 45. _ _ 190 pieces Elegant New Spring Stuffs in Serge. Sicillians, Fancy Mixtures, Plaids, Etc., (all one price on Monday) worth 50c to 69c per yard. ` 65 pieces Handsome New Paris Novelties Ln seven of the latest weaves, all 396 on M01113? WOT! 50c to 75 per yard. ' _ I 50 pigzeges 40 inch Black\All Wool Serges and Sicillians,,in Plain and Figured. 20:: on |londny,.re- gn ar pr 35c`. , i _ _ _ 250 pieces Latest Wash Fabrics. for Dresses and Blouses. These are the choicest thing: Ill Eng- lish and American Dimilys, Grass Lin-ans, Lawns. etc.. and will be sold at straight cost on Monday, Remember we are selling Priestley s Celebraued Black Goods at 73c on the dolllr. . - Be sure and come Manda . `Store open 9 o'clock sharp. to extra salespeople to want canyon. SALE,S..FOR CASH O LYX ' . ,;`~. ` . 4` 3;`. _ -.3. .-_t ~ 2..-;i.`3.<%;`.r.a`.~. 3..;>.; =..~. .. Drink to the health of th-o queen, our .-Iubileo phosphat.o-E. C. Miuholl. Ill(.`U- To-marrow morning the 8th and 9th but. tnliona, and the Queen's Own wiil o.-cr rt the contingent. to the steamer Vancoux or. A grout crowd is expected n the docks to give the soldiers I good send off. Of the Late P. J. WALSH S Dry Goods Stock the most Genuine Bar- gain Event ever known in this city. ' Last Monday we sold hundreds of Dresses, andon Monday we iniend to duplicate it if prices will do it. UK Ql|),UUUu l`he conference passed I! lengthy roao|u- tion urging the government to make provi- sion for the prohibition plebiscite at its present session iieu. part or its pledged pro- gramme. The government has arranged to meet in deputiiiioii from the conference Tiio core of 1". A. Sproulo is being consid- ered this iifteriiooii with closed doors. Ml`. Sproule left the conference to join the Hnrnnrilna nnd nnw wan}; tn raunnin hie! i DIHUUIC IUIU |lIU UUIIIUIUIIUU NU JUIII MI I Horneribea and now wants to regain hiv standing. There is a reconxmendatian from a special committee to grtmt. his :3. quest. Io Wugfnpulng to do to The NI-nu Jump Non Hook. 1._ I.._. II I\. E III L._-__- Reviewed II: Lord Aberdeen. I Qrnmzc, Juno 5.-Lora Aberdeen 10- ` viewed the queen's jubiiee continarenb on V the eaplanade M. noon Lo-day. Major-Hen. Haacongne, accompanied by a large shelf of otlicere, put the men through the ditferem. movements. The review was in ex-ory way I great success, and was wianeas-' ,ArI hv ll urnnl. r~rnwrI_ Lnrtl Ahnrdnnn] \ uurvvu uuun I '0 l"l`A\\'A, June a).-The Montreal confer- once was apprised to-day of a somewhat unpleasant fact in a report from the gen- t eral conference on the superannuation fund. It has been found that the fund is inadequate to meet demands. owing to the increase of the number of claimants. It has been found necessary to make u re- duction of six per cent. on all claims. The balance against the fund has increased . from $7.`2`. l to ll,930 in a year. There is a deficit of 84,709 for the year. It is felt that the reduction in annuities will have to be made ten per cent. A rnnnrr. um: ranniur-A nn flu: mnmr of UU IIHIUU EUII PUT UUIIII. A report. was received on the matter of Sn. James trust. fund. The temple build- ing in Montreal will be disposed of for I $300,000. which will abill leave a liability of $15,000. } I`|u. runrnnnnn -`nan...-I .. IA...-Alp." .u...\|.. H! I KIUCII BI-Il'UU~`l' III WEI \VIO"UEH" by a grout crowd. Lord Aberdeeuv ddreased the troops nnd highly oomph- ' monted them on their eolduerly appear- Ill Montreal Conforonco It Hoard Bohlml nu .....a In_..... @ \W`m @;.' ??m%%nl `F? Monday Will %B_e Dress Goods Day! ENGLISH. _ White Quilts, Table Linens, Napkins, Sheetings, ,....;...c...., R . WALDRON. rgww F. A. SPROULE'S CASE. IDCI POIIIDIO ummonu ll_)'O! are sum wr. TIIII iniquitous and deceptive work Ina oaulod I not amount 0! low and mm blo to Inmy In Canada. and will continue u long A: women are foolish enough to cake Invthing than is offered them. If hmnn dnlna work is to be 3 success- These prices will mean a grea" deal more when you see the extra value we are offering. Special offerigs in Be p In 1 Job lot American and English She vvnu-r` u\t\u-`An yard perfect. 3;? 6 63in. Bleached Irish Table Linen for 49 yard. Bleached Damask Linen, worth 75c, for 60 yard. Pure Irish Table Linen, 2 yards wide. worth 90c, for 7/ Half-Bleached Linen, wide width, 25c, 30c, 35c, 40c. Table Napkins, in all sizes, extra value. Your attention to the special offerings we are nov making in Household 'Goods. All new patternajbest makes, warrantable goods. .__..-_- .._.___ _-._.__.__..___--._._. -_j.______.- _._.__.._._.;__._`......_.._.._._.._:._...___...__. V It pays to bu; at Laidlaw's%w~=d8v_aQntWs-m\ THE GREAT SALE smm WAIST 40 CENTS. 75 CENTS. A Large Stock of Newest 6 Patterns and Materials. ' WE ASK anvnnmg Bull} is olloruu mum. If homo dyeing work ful Ind money-living work. every woman whonld no that lhl gets the Diamond D_yu.u they are the only guaranteed poohgo dyu In tho world. OPPORTUNITY. u u `L85 at $2.25. as ct $2.00 as $2.50. I ' Drawers for zoc, 3oc, 374:`, 42.{c, 45c. K as H at $166. Cllemise fqr 20c. 32:}c, 35c, 45c. Whxte Skuts 42c, 63c, 75c. 82c, $1.12}. |These prices are for Saturday only. Note the place: i__38 and 90 l3-I'inces_St.. Kmgsfon {For Saturday and Saturday Night. Corset Covers xzlc, 18c, 20c, 25c, 30c and up. Night Gowns, with tucked yoke and Cambric frill. this line {or soc, regular price 75c. Night Gowns, with tucked yoke, large collar, embroii vied, for 65c. regular price $1. Night Gowns for 721e, regular price $1.15. 82c, " $1.25. A $1.00, $1.40. $1.15, $1.50. It at $L'25 ll $1.75. l Q. .. Q. n,, BEG: EEEEE EEEEEE EEEEEEEEE 5F\L_E ,,TAY.LQ1:.i 5. an/\ -9,- __ i -4.`... 5` J. LAIDLAW (E SON. liberal reduction from former pricel. %t%a.gsi\in twilled and plain. Every 50 CENTS. $1.00. ` uvuruvwu v-.--._ -_-__ _, l*' 'I' Ah H10 pronoun elm: many mamufu(I$turers of crude Ind ndulurutnd package dyes are mllin lively ouna to induce the whole- IIIO `Pd null dragging and grocers to Ian 0 air dyes. , Thug onmmon dvaa are uuohed at such $2.00. embroidery trim- A an-nnnno Av We offer hnv mm dy- Thou common dye: quoted low price: that some prot.-loving denloru In lnmptad to buy them. The prot.- loving dulorn than take care to sell these ndnlunhd dye: to tho inoxporionced and otroluo an the sumo prico n the upular and reliable Diamond Dyes are no] for. Thln Inhvnullmltl Inf` dnnnntiva Wlk lll ~, bleached Sponges, just open- ed up, rind at half the regular prices, at W "ma Slow \j__ MANX Uij T Ittwru vtvpun Q Iannl. |Iidn..Juo 5.- -Uppot bon- hv Inn In-.5 In-nan: -l 3&0 no-nah _- .-..`- --,_. .0.-'_'p x3;ao';vo:u. RM Juno 5.-Dr. I`. lg-unnon-nnnn.nnnn.nI nf kin bnlatnanor. n.n..T. DEAD. w. A; MITCHELL. OBI B7 PRINCESS 6'1`. NOONNOOOOOOOONNON ovolunl the `than; all and uh poll!-Ian unlflod Ibo vino . 1. II (i0I0|(IOl'0(l result ' 0 I0 IIIB com- In good opinion oi R3`3i'.i`. '3 ad LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. am RODEAAGLEVELAND xo cases of Bleached and Un- ADI! A unis bun. _ 5..--.. lll_L. I..-` I MW " _\*- Docouud Inn swptring curl this morn- ing to Inn for camp at N agut. and NI hollthopor heard him Ml heavily in MI hdloou. Going upauirn, alto found Dr. Susan lying on the oor. Ho gupod on that In nu oulforiug from a nun Hliouu stuck. India! nuis- Inuwu hauiu uuuonod. bill In died Noun rind. Dr. Strange in cm of tho bosbknowu in tho city. 110 VII pnchcnlly at ol the India! proton-ion Inn. was I Inonhr he Nona York from you sun It L W. Strings. 3 IC IK'C-.Il~ Williom Jonniup Bryon. tho unsuooesw | In! oondidno for tho pronidoncy in tho Into Uuitod Stot olootion. locturod coon im- nonoo oudionoo in loony hull, Toronto. Inn nigh ondvu ocoordod nqplondid volcano. in onbjoob won "Bi~)loh|liom. ; Duh; tho oliornoon I-r.Bt_vonondhis pong won drivon o u tho oily. no _Pi|o. Wolfe L- hod. Moog iolosho ham oteoo mou- dotlk of Ilporogul. boing in loot u dounoeoohxhin I-`took. II :`lli0I 3 ovologo I in non. us nag ol ropoddt no In-.ond nonmod about ' lnohooocnn. -In W. J. WHEN, "I -TX `VG. ",llu-and sound box-u dllillu On-puudluulh Hus. h1Id&(QIudiniIs" Fetish II: 0. annual ' g LIICIIIIC Inlvilllvu I tIlII'lI I I'III. Tonosm. Juno 5.-Argnmon& in the famous London election trial In: resumed thin Inoming before justices Ro noon And Dorgnnon. All the elm-goo ha been dis niood oxeopi the one provod aha Lon- don investigation. Tho qu u now be- ing nrgnod so whether or not. under me- tiou ninotoon of the not 0! 1854, this charge in Inoiooc to void the election. Argu- nont in still proceeding. Death I":-on Apopluy. About eight o'clock lut evening J. l"ou'in. Union stroon. non` the street rail- wny junction. Wu atricken with npoploxy. He had been out on tho hide-walk ju-ti a minute before seeking the fresh nir. Ho wna ro-entering his homo when the dread diaone attacked him. He fell on the parlor oor. and at once Dru. Mun- doll and Ryan were summoned. but could do nothing tor the aulforor. who lingered throoghbbouiight and died abou` nine o'clock this morning. Ihoonnnd nu. mm Livnn L-ant. A onnnrnl V , Tl'IDlIIO:Tll;qDO|)Il'E1I hllzutncnl. The Montreal Mncdonnld club and the Ottawa hluodonuld-Caruior club. lnu-o tent. to E. W. Sullivan. ol the loci! Mncdonnld club. magnicent wreaths to be" land on the grave of the Into Sir John A. Mao donnld tomorrow. Aldotmon J. Minna villropnaom. the Mouuxsal club. T. J. Shanks will not for who Ottawa orgnnizzr bion, utld Dr. llonld will roproeenc who young man`: comorvntivo club. of Wm- nipag. Mun. Rev. (3. R. Boalniah will open the cvrcmouioa at the grave with srlyor. Addruuo will be made by onoph Swift. 3. J. 3. Penn and mayor Skinner. OCIDUK IHII morning. Deceased at. one time kept. a general atom at Bath. later on going into the hotel business at Slnrbob lake. For some years put he has reaided er. Cspe Vincent, N. Y.. and Wutorcown. He was aged about eoveuty x-o gems. DQICHBT. It is with due) re ret we retire from yourelessend alt oug this leolingpiolumi- mtes within us we endeavored this evening to exhibit to our friends is creditnble result of our studies. not for our own glorication but for the exnltution of you our teacher. We can truly my no music teacher was ever more truly beloved by her pupils. even though ut limes we were negligent. yet we mlmired your desire to make of us worthy mission- aries, and we trust l.hut your ideal will not be destroyed by your humble girls. Our souls will surely be etirred in luturo with the memories of our tuition under you. With sincerest wishes for your future wel- fare and happiness we present this ex prea- sion of our esteem for you. Let There lie Fair Play. The Weekly Sun. in its l.-iteetisi-ue,saya: A citizen euggzeete that when the I|l`l'llll0- menta for the `.. -lth of May are being form- ed next yeer it would be well to consider an entire change of iniinagement, as thore who have had control in ilioee imit a for the past few year! have not bee con- iipicioue success. and the m emeut. eeeme to have doterioriitod yearly, and Nached its lowoet point in the celebration juet concluded." The uuggeitinz citixon should talie hold of the r ..ugomcnte for the diamond jubi. lee ceiebriitiou and he would then discover what the management has to do. The iii- ainuution is entirely uncalled for and un- justly ieflocts upon thoiie who carried out the 24th of May celebration. Lieiit.-Col. Drennan. in purticuliir, did an enormous amount of work. and zealously. Iiieleealy and faithfully worked in the interests of the city, cheerfully giving his time that he might do so. For the at three years. the queen`: birthday cele rai- tiona have been moat gratifying lurcoi-see insofar as nmiiaeinont tllld enjoyment goes, while from a financial etniidpgint they were not encouraging. Tliia circumstance made it all the more diacouraxzlng to mini- uge ouch celebiotione your after year, and it speaks volumes for the enterprise. pluck nmidetermir ion of Lieut.-Col. Droiuuiii and those aee iuted with him. W ` :7 ZWUT` POE rms. lint. Juno &--C. II. had Sunk nu lonhu tunbunit whuuniu iomom ml: nnhn. Ho villnolhlh 5* r` Indicuicu In to the shit: id noon at vohaincu. II has Rm-on but as ochor point- `I'M oullouoollohlo no ` who pinball clothing. -Ilodlv. and thy will bound to resq oy Miss u. mms: ` Deer Teacher---Ab thin`. our annual. and to some linnl, rccitsl we dusire to pay 8 verbel tribute to your proficiency in a teeoherin musio nndelocutlon. Our associa- tion with you in mutual study has n- preued uawith the tru Izhthebyou have truly area :1 the art of music and fully compro- hen the fundamental principles necessary to enable you to impart the same to your pupils. Viewing in retrospect our studies under your care our memories nro rcfrc:-hed with the thoughte cl many happy hours a nla. end our hearts are tilled with grntitu 0 when we remember your uutiring energies in our behalf. So many hours spent under your rent in acquniuting our- selvee with A history and ennobling spirit which actuated the lives of such Inusiciune ea Mozart. Beethoven. Chopin and Men- deluolm, have merely had an indiacernnblo inuence on our minds, which we ho will assist in developing your pupils in Ll: culture of music and t.r'uo womnnlineap, which will redound to your credit as our teacher. I I. npielu Juan I-any-nf urn mulls-A `rnnn IAIIU I-IUHUIIIUIUIJ ngt. to your and the grout interest mnuifoltod. `It in to be regretted that: this one is announced as the has and nal no. \ VFL- .-A--I nnnumovn nan-Knnn nl ninnn '0l|0. The sevenl numbers, consisting of piano solos, duets, qusrlettes end sextettos. per- formed on two plenoe were so very well rendered that 3 number of them were ask- ed tobe repented. Yet nocwlthstsnding this and the len th of the progmmme the performance 0 osod shortly after ten o'clock, the last number being sn im- mm In one. end 9. surprise to Mrs. `rum ey. Her pupils, among l.hem!oI\'eu, made up In )r0seut her wlbhabosublful out glue bow and the following address. reed by Miss 0. Mills : " nan! 'l`Annhnr-.At Lhinl our annual. and A captain lawn-1'ho Puplll Showed (Inn A ptltndo. The recital given by Mrs. E. Crum|ey a gupila last night. was I grout. success. he vnrious numlpro were exceedingly wolloxocutod. Tho residence was taxed no in utmost capacity by an appreciative audience. This onnunlnulr has become I0 popular that crowds look forwnd to from __., - ' "" "`"`' W q ~v0"" x.." no u an. and oh. no-nut inlnrn-P. mm JLILY wme, SATURDAY. panuamn DEPARTMENT N f_:'_`ff:_f_fjf::f:`_:_":;_ GI. __>IIqbl3`-_ S_pnmgue Agency JUHJ: 5, 1897. >!*'!*"! '4' ......_......_._...._.. ...._._.._..._.._.- lu.,w.J. Wllll. I3 I% `Vi, Inna-In pans an. -oi g-an-nl Inn- MRI. ORUMLEY'8 BEOITA !; THE PEOPLE TO BLAME FOR IM- PROPE8 ADDRESSES. 1:--.-1. opmunum not no govunlnut ":13 nnddn Gui to tho cutout. (IE3 I (D Q. IIIUIU |llI|I [HO UIEUIIHI I ll! omen of ohrietieuity lien in persuasion nooforce. Conan the conduct of the Oeehelio euthorihiee, who. knowing was to eouolliete in the that sup tovurda conver- elomeveryvhon. md whether on week or on Sundays. refrain (tom inm- ng with the drinks and amusements of the pee while the eurhce eplnhing clue Proteetente icnore the recent.- meal eluted by their own conduct. desir- Iujen to"bug their me"na thev cell It. Jul elm burned in sumo. . -now uuujutii WZIIIII Iillii. Brides in Alfoeld, Lower Hungary. hue been deprived of thwir wejdinz 5i ts by the government hum: authori- iim`. It Inc A custom of the place for brides to wash with amp an to comb the heads ot_ all cunts, they, in turn. throwing cog: into the Main. The ro- nnlt. a_oeolIlvn to doctors. In: the *:IInI1ngoi l ulnepNcnlo_ L.I\'t`l'pU0l .uen`ury. An extraordinary case of ire st-llinx hm occurted at lrthlmglomuph. ll shoe nmnufncturin; village at North- amptonsltiro. A pnrtv of shoemukars hauint Mmnt all their `honey M a pub 1: house. and hating nothing hnndy ttydia of to get In M. one of them otfe to sell his \\it'o or two shillings. A cultotner in the bar accept the ot- ter. and to mat. the hat In leto (net on` tho men wns indu t . `through the streets. putnlicl nnnount- in: tn N-halt ol` the husban . that he had sold an~l lequenthod" b wife to the purt`hner._und giving th names 0! two rpnuxtntzmns as Lnesses to the trttrnot . ~n. Kaqulllly. London Sun. All men are equal in (h~d`s -izhl; 'l`ht-re isno hl.-wk. and there is no \\ him; There H no hiqh and um is no hm; 'l`hvrv it no {riond and then` is no foe; And 0.|rlhl_v p.`|\`i n uni t`?ll'lhl_\' p13 in Tim lrlunce of the Uudhm-.l culmul AI bin suing For It!` You-Iiowt pe;Ls1Int as the loud.- liem king; , And the xims of hell burn just as hxizht For try rich or poor. for the hlmk or \\ .110. The petty distlnctions of rank and mate -. Are . un.l shrunk in the fur- nvtve hlllsl ' Of ticd'.~x great love when the nngol ltetnth Has sli|n'Nl the hmnrt beats. nn.l stup- ped the breath; And this gmtes of heaven as wide do S\\l'l'Y Bolling A alto not two shllllngl. Ifrorpool .\Ien`ury. .\n n\xlrnnrdinnr1- nch nf We call mu-gn .'I\\u_\'. Iu`nug'nI up lI_\` 1| Hutlmst. he .~mu:hl vomturt hy turning tn Hu- l(`llt[)lt'.\ and the pri-sts. hut. to hi: di~'- m:n_\`. ht` [numl than th-- pri xsta` hm! np~ |irnpli'|(9d mane-_v .s'uhsvri|.-wt for rvlin-t . llu nlw mu` un imngn of Huddhn float- in: ?n the \\u.u-r. '|`hz- .~'ermnu hv had heard tlt tho lulu-rn.u'|u llw prv\iuu-. nizhl h.-ul mnvinm-t him that lhv mu- [tel \\'.\.~x thv Umnfnrt Iw.n"0(lml. Mrs, (`nutns ii px*e.~id(-rlt of a.\\0m:In`>: :<(x i`t_\`. on-* of the nttvnd:u1'.~ at \\l`t -h mm the ire of u prbmin--n! rui|\m_\- ti i.ul. Ho divorvwl ltis nifv nnl p rt-tm.~t\t u gtithn (simzimz girl), tor win he hud to pm at mm ii:-ruhlv of momxv to her father. Hhv nun nnl tn lrsnl u n... llfn ....l ......l- U Im H!` mm H) [HIV 1It`r.'lh|t`. au;\nl mun ed to lrml n any Ma, uni made his life unenduruhle. Hen sent lho gvhlm hulne lo hvr fn.lhvr. lhmugh the 1-ffurte of the |nIx1~i'n:|r_v the man and his He lmw In-rn ruunilml. and ntlvnd lhv .\l(-Ihndisl vhurvh .\'0r\`i'('.\`. n - um vunnpun l\v||u. \:||\ _,-... V imir lungs; nu Ind] nu mrn; nim- lv:-n lulu-r_\' li'k'l.~". on ln::ni'urv .~-I; olvwn maple susznr; lhrvv mnrlvn skins; l\u=n'y-l\\'. mvdi in`-: on" lH(`t`l\\`l`h:luIH lint!` h1)ld(`!`Lt` two mink skim; t\\'vnL\ - Iu()(`vu.~irl.~z, three part; of li'y'lvs`, Unv pu.~.s'purl; nnu pg-ppor nnd salt vvllur; four pr.-|_\'(~r h'ud~'.; on-A pa-ppm` and .-dull 8(`.`IpUI!H`a'; three shirlu; `. .lN) .~i|vor tuhlv und hi :-I xlrlivlvs; une- .~kin of |.vurs' paws; sixteen .~s'ipp(`r.<: on ! .~;u('kin': In`.- Ilv: mun` sun I onnol; sight pu\\'n|Iruk:`rs' ti k.-ls; sit touum-o; on-9 \\:nrrum;furl_v- the \\vdlim_r vuka, and an" uril 0`.' summons. lulu NUIIIIU. 'l`lu- .\Ivlhodi.1 mission ext-vulivo of- Ii'or.< are much e-nuuurmzc-xl by reports M the uork of the (`nnzulim u1iisiun nrio.-x in J:n.p:n,n. Rt-v. Hr. Soul! 1'- pnrls that txurnty-five p`rsuns' hrnvu Hwn huplizwl in T1-k_\'u durin..' thv puel few 1n<;n'h<; thv ne-w rhurvh at k'.unu:rn:nn nrnu nvrxunlnal 1.. I... .1... . ...o...l 'l\lI0l'lV. ulllli u.-ur. 5. vv. strings. dgpuuysuvgoon-consul of the m nl regi- Ilonl of Chlwdhn mfnntr . did I in morn~ mg: Ibnddonoo. 218 Imooo moot. To- pen \\'.\.~x luv cm i I u I 1` -\ I.-..|\... II I (`HF ll)` EKIII; FVK KIHSS (`yl`S; Zn1U('(HH\llIl- H! guhl _ju\w||t-ry of v.'uiou.~' ku|Ll.~'; nus on" h1)l(I(`!"; t\\'vnly- Iu()(`vu.~i en Innlnn. Clnndlnn nllnlomudos In the Orient.-A ltonurkublo Hcono. 'l`I.,. \r,.A| ,1: A I` -r u -ul---mu -u IIn_\u uulnu-g llll` Kolllzlgollw \\ n~a vxpevlwl In Pm dvni "aim! in May; twelvn [wrsulle lmw hm-n l:.-.p- Ii ml in I{u.-mkalw. The lm~0ling.s- at 'l< km, vuII'|u(`(0 by Rvv. Mr. uni \lr.~=. (`n:ulm. are ntlvmh-1| hy lnrge cuugrvgu- Ii na. A1 ono uf llw lnN`lIll.':s' :|l' Hm 0..l...-nu.-In n .-.u....v nu... ...~..... .....I I \\iIl`(I|'lI ll) llll` ]ll|l[H`.l' |lt'I~\UlI. The rnpnrl ronluin-1 u lonu Hal of ur- li `I01 found in tl1est- (ivud Ivllvrs. Hill:-1 m ex:-.lnu)2jo of tho fawn` value uf $11,- 143. ) \\'erx- T(`l`(`iVl`d; ('lw(11ms In the zunnunt of 8123,1529; l1)lh(`1UllUUnl of 8201191 ; money orders (4) the umuunl of $ll.lR5, prmni~..sur\' ll<)ll\s tn the unmunl of 8N`I.'.'I);3. Hundre ls of I:-rte-rs ('(-HlHiDPd 1-1-rli`ix~utps of frn.u`rn`nl un'l m`huln.~4Ii' inatuliunx, 1-Iv. Amun; lhv ha`! of tho l r:1tht`r vllriallx nrli-low wvru Ni`!!! through tlw vnnilu nnll In-nnlnul flu: (land In! Inr nff} -n- ('lll'l`)llM HTl|`H'\' \\'l`rl` NFHI IIIFUIUIII IIH` mnil.-I and l("l(`h(`(I the loud lvllvr HHE1`: Save-IIH-N1 letters (-m1|:nim'd np1'()n.~1, l\\'n vuntninml Lnkim: pmvdvr; nnu cuulninvw! |.ir eggs; trn.` pxwk.-tgv mnluimwl huf- fnlo leoth and nnulm-r huffuln hmm; one vunlninntl L-mIl'mh`rnIv Hl.|l\` Iltrlvs; unv mnluim-d ('(>rsels; um` (-urllvulp pip;-'_ nnv (Iiav; tun var druxm; nnv fulsu l(`(`|h', vne fux skill} .~ix glass oy:-:4; `. .'l() vm1\nin- N1 Lrnltl iH\\ I|l'l`\` nf vsnlnnlu Inn I_-- can - ``'` `u ,' K I. the report of , But there are other ntiqtnkas. som wt;ich are internal and some oxtern The miatukas in the letters themsxelves, whose affairs are they but the wxiter's and the rec ivex-`.5? Neither the post- mtwter-gvnerul nor the Hlluge postmas- ter has any concernwxith tbase things. unlets, of course. they on-out-.1?) upustul curd. when. of course, this \`itlu.ge post- ntwater htu u rixht to know all about them. as he always dt)(`c'. But. the ex- ternal mistakes. how mum and how curious they ure-wron2 atldressua. untl .purti.tl ll(llll't`$.Vl94s, unrl no mhtresn nt ull. How can such 11 letter he expected to rt`.:|(',h the proper per.-.un? Where else can they he expected to go hut_ to the (lend letter office`! That accounts for It numher of intt-rt,-stinzg pages in the re- port, of the post nmatt-r-gvn -mt. A summary of the lxttsinvss of the the post -_-- Incl: Letters In: go to the Dad Lotto! OM09 -largo Nnmlnr of lloml Longn Dnrlng tho Put You--`l`Iu Vnrlouu Tlnlnn rnuucl In luny M-turn. (mnwn, June 4.-Miatnk~:-.s will Ire made in real) rd to lemurs. For instance, one may forget. to post them. but that ii 0. dumasti: matter, concerning only the nbaem-lninded man and his wife- ` " "" ' mnpponr' i." . Ilun unnntu-f n' Ihn nnailnna ~ l... ..-.,..,, lnugurlnn Nodal-3 mm g.. In \If..I.l 1--.`- II... BO;JGH`I'H; GEISHA. Ilnd A Perlom. Len] Rlght. Kmoemx, June 5.~-( I`o the Editor): Deuvslr-lo in regteubla than the eeIf-oon- etlwhed nonltaore 0! Kingston`: morale qnuhod thQJ.I(lgQqnya4\eul.or&niInment to the chagrin 0! mm of our citixane. The company had I po not legal right. to give the view as advertised and they have elnoe given then In Bellevlllo after con- Iultnlou wltla the nunllorimen at. Ottawa and Tomato. Noihllw could lave touted the norm of nut. recently dlecovered meme 0! picturing object: in motion. in at better or non lntereeeing way then by the npruenmlon of a contest. between two of `l`|:.dlIoIt celebrated pugllieu that ever `In. In anal: an .-kind}.-m innwnu-Al Tluu Equal!!!- ` prrsull. su mu` .-ufl-4 In lhnznnnnnl I unnu- llp h_\` l I II I` l\; [HUI Ill lludx; nu the Ion In hunting in ion. You no wasting thou, we lnoooy. Como and no no and no out ` no A. AI...-nabh-3. I0`! Du-:_.... `Amman XIX IIIIT IIIl$f0lIl' F1 Ahunuchfo. 1% Printout anal. Both-or Brothers` |- nnnnco. 'I`ono.\"ro.Juno .'i.-'l`ho noncinl auto- mant of Boohmcr Bron. wboloonlo mor- chanto. Berlin. who have called I meeting, of creditors. howa no follows: The busi- ness was sold in May to A. 0. Boohmor & Co.. who Wok over the stock and fixtures at A value ol 888.000, giving as part pay. ment. notes for two months to `the extent of 364.800. Liabilities due to the whole- onlo tndo amount to 390,000; to the Bank of Hamilton. 812.000: on Account of lawn, 848.000: total. Cl-">0.000. Agninot this 1-nub an Quanta IRA nntna rnhirrnrl tn fnr ;.;;:.',. s'.;s:o:.a`;`T.;.;.:.;;;,;.;j'..;i'.".;.; and 8 account: not now rulnnblo. 825.- nnn ....l mu. .....|. -...I a..s...... 2.5-. hunt No} in anal: aft exhibition immoral. The count ital!` wu uot. line as rough~md~ tumble do light; in was govornod by Iololmllo I'll OI scouring fair lny. Groeoo. Bonn and England. um I. most. in- uential union: for good t h `o `grid 6 in bu produced. on much of 7 once MMIOII luorito spores of boxin meaning or conmu. for nothing 0 mm no on qulitiel of mental and onl energy. Mr dealing and mbiounl ll QI IDCOIIIIKI IIOUIIOU filllllil `:0,- . and the stock and xtuno bkon our I86.(l)0. ln:H S\\(`t t(, Splln; ululn urn nu` d? dvw Fall from tho lmwthorn hkkisonl upon the pritnrmv lmd_ Wlwn rum Hm tr:-9 top. mv:u|o\\'. :.ml from hrinr hush (`zunv the initnimhlo notes 05 linnet, levoruvk, thrush. N0 uninetzire-I pm can possibly por- tray The beauty of the lnndwnpo seen- Tlm plemeuros of the hour. youth's joy. a:\rth`s charm. .-\s came ushering in the day. Therv 3: .1 (`Mar that Ihv artists use To pnint the water. earth rmd trees; But what can represent the son; of I irds. Or the sweet hummin the Intros? Tell me. ya spirits. the onmnntutent that yo use. Ynuth`s plonaurt-s once ncmin to bring. The meal: \'i.)lH, sweet hawthorn mos- cl`II\ IQSJIRI: will. u.`JU.UUu. nzllnu lllll nnk Quota. the noon nlorrod bofor CH1 NV}. n-ah Q . shhl. an-uni in 91.: not on -July um- i Two of th0_trnmp fraternity, sent 1 up to jiil on Mnv `liith. have had their ` nes paid by their comrades and were this morning given their libtrty. This makes a~ven in ail}. and it was expected that be- fore the day win outone more would I be given his liberty by his coinmrlea` libera- 4 lit_v. The city is thus the gainer by forty- ; two dollars. (10:\\ 0I' WIII occur nr. mm (`ODD an n p. In. The Shamrock baseball club, Cape Vin- cent. wants to meet the St. Lmvrenco club hero on tho `."2ud inst... but an many mem- bers of this club will be in Montreal with the]-lth. I. `V. 0. R. it in not likely a I match will be armnqcd. The Shamrocks promise the St. Lawrence A return match on July .")th- fl"..... ....._`- ..l `|1k |.......... l'-nD:u-niO- -out Homo:-loo. ll; \\'iIIiun Sunnz. II.-uni1'.n;,;, in .\l.1s- sey`s. .\Ia5m7in9 for June. llmwn help me, juat for onvo, to dip my hruxh an 1 .......n. um I... ' menu 0! me corps on ID! uwu uuy- Haw. The Quad camera contains four plate rolern, has safety shutter for time and snap shots, an accurate view nder and tripod screw: does work (qual to most. high priced cnmeraa, and the price is only $5 at E. C. Mitchell's. VFI... l`.......l 'I`nu.\l. -rill nu} An 1: wnnltlu Dlma L0 cnmn UN`! Bllsh uuuuu lllllll umw. The Sm'lm-`s Rent. under the mamma- monb of J. S. l`ott.or.\vill re-open to-night, and will be open daily during the season of nmigution. Ibis located on Ontnrin street near Clarence street. A confer- ence of the workers of the Christian on- deavor will occur at. the rent. at. S p. m. 'I`|y.n \'l\nrv\rnnlI I-mnnlmll n'ul\ (`Jana `fin- rmlu-rad. The air ship is now travelling over the country. Have you seen in? So are our shoes. with the newest creations in artistic footwenr. John`-ton & ()0. N \Vorinesduy Mnjnr Skinner, com- man he Nth bath . P. W O R... will go no Mo real with Major Unliowny to ur- rnngo for the transportation of the bat.- mlion to that city and for tho entertain- ment of the corps on its two days \'iait.. Tim nnrl nnmnrn nnnhninn fnur ninte so AB 19. u. mncumra. The Grand Trunk will put on ll weekly fast. train bebwoen Chicago and Kingston. Leaving Chicago At lmm. each Thursday, the train will proceed by way of Ningam Falls. and arrive at Kinxzston, Johnston tract. st.ation.nt; 5:15 Friday morning in time to catch the east. bound mail boat. rm... Q...'I,...'- D...` .....I.... Mm mum.-m, (I don! our comdro would have the Olympic `omen. Bonightr nd my tolorno Inch sports, but Vl i Canada fol-tooth cannot. tolerate oven pho Ih or 0! ouch. yet. boxing has bu ht tho iub English clown to stand up ford hi: op tent and to scorn such monnnucffoc this suppression. What. in inhnrhrnnnn In.` nnrmnnihorn [Oh H35 IIRVIIHI I0!!!` 000 T0011)`. Tuis afternoon police constable Bramah arrested John Mcteuade for drunkenness. .\lcQuudo wont to wloop on the stone steps leading into the shnmble.-. When aroused by the constable he bocume nbuaiva. Y.ndir~n_ Hm ni(-mt. dlink nt our fountain |C0 Ore!-In. 11"] ID: FA. L1: LVJIUCHUIM B. W. Folgor and W. F. Nickle return- ed ha evening from Ottawa. where they attended a meeting of the railway commit- tee of the government in the interest. of the bill authorizing the sale of the K. &P. milrr ad. TL- -1- ..LZn K. -\t\u- OI-nuA`|;I\ri nnnr Okn mv nruxn So I may (`ntvh the hut-. And paint the pivturtxs that mime (`yes I (`ht`|(l, Thu! s\\(-ant. spring` mmn \\'l1t`n UN` eliflinr drw Krincu Iuatner. F4. U. LVJILUIIUII. Architect. Ellis has prepared plans for in combination boat and club luou-e to be built. at Lyn for James Cummings, nr. The home will be built over two piers, the tan ab havinsz four had rooma. on... ..n............ ..,.i;...- .......o.kI. nmmah Dy `"0 COUSBBDIG H8 DUCHHIU IIULIUIVU. Ladies, the nicoct. dzink at; our in Jubilee cruehnl fruit. with our celebrated ico croun. Try it. E. C. Mitchell. R I Fnlunr and W. II`, Nirkln return- In (MW UUUJIIIUUUUH IIUXD WUUK. (Jur purse and card case at 300. is niahod. as well as most. $1 ones. possibly notmude of M ne leather, but In good wearing. sensible purse. in black seal grained leather. E. C. Mitchell. Arnhitnnr l1`.llin hn: nrnnnrnrl nhuu: for n [ pork, rntoanurg. next. woes. W. H. Vanwinckel. of this city, was successful in passing the nal examination for the degree of bachelor of pharmacy at the school of plmrmacy, Torouuo. Rm: hr. Alnxnndnr Jnnlunn. fnrmarlv Lne school or pun:-many, xorouuo. Rev. Dr. Alexander Jnckeon. formerly of Half, Ont... was inducted into the pas- fombo of the East, Madison avenue Prea- byterian church, Cleveland, Ohio, last night. Th; `(lunch-in Rn`:-` knfinru nnrnnt` in nu. The Kingston nld battery paraded in artillery pmk this afternoon, and the men were served with their uniforms and equip- ments in preparation for the camp of train- ing that commences next week. (mr nur-n nnd nnrd r-mm nt .100. in out. a 0%: on . A brea in the gas main on King street-. opposibe Mecdonald park, wee repaired to- day by employees of the light. been and nnwnr onmnnnv. HI `I CUVCFUI Ull IIIPPTUIIIUH. Whoa in lnborforonoo by our monitors mend! Will they prosecute our police muglltnto for pluciug names in the country not lully dnpod? Will they N- duoon to the bible and the biscuit! The Alihllb nl nhrintinnitv lion in nnrnu-inn