place I0!` 3 nllccn nere on Duo `.'..'.uu Iulw. The Purtsinouth village council. at its inoeting last night, passed II by-luv pro- hibiting the riding of bicycles on the village aidewullis. . M . Murray has associated himself wit lie liingstoii association football club. He will join his two brothers on the foi-ward line. mi... ..:- .i.:.. :- ..,... o......-n.'.... my... 0}... 0! Lllrl. luu uuuunu nuab In Uulunu. The large new steamer America will run , rm excursion to Gnnanoque. Brockville ~ and Ogdenabnrg next Friday. Juno llch, E lauvinct Kinmntnn n m. Tickets. 500. 3 . . ......_.__... . ` `run You Ignaz loom ouvuuollntollo l ` lnnllnnt-I In-an. 1. - rut; -yuuuv uuwu uxwv-uw---VA-V Idnunntd The Frontenac gun chub did nbtmopt last evening. Thom wan no union at the nalioa comb um Iuornmg The Zion church excursion and picnic has been postponed on account of the ruin, ' ovunmg. . L C. Lnokebt, son of the junior partner in tho rm of Hainos & Lookett, is in the city on business today. Miss Kmg as returnad homo to remain w1l.hher'm her during her fnthdr and bruthorn absence in camp. 'l`lm \.Vnlfn Inland hm-u lmnn oxniraa on Dhlhllurn nuaamm l|l nnulp. - The Wolfe Island furry lease expires on jubilee day? which of the steamboat rms will oeleblho the beurziost ? Il:.- Dnnnnnnfb .J 7....-An-nun aha Inna nuns mu oeienr-aw me uearmosu : Miss Rowcrofb, of Lxmudowne. who has been visiting friends in Kingston for some time past, has retumod home. The Kinmnton hmrnanaolub has written mne pun, nu l'BI:|ll'n0(l name. The Kingston lacrooaeclub hug written to Gananoquo asking the club of that place for a match here on the 22nd inac. 'l`hn Pnrtsvnnuhh villsme council. at. its l0l'WBl'd IHIB. The air ship is now traveilin over the country. Have you seen is? ours our shoes. with the newest creations in artistic \ footwear. Johnston an ()0. 'l`l.....n|..I.u:.. ..........: ..... .2 Lamb. .0 ,1,` , `>-....... --. non" Aoa hm Ilullor Ham bmughb 8 large eon- outlonnd ya to tho u.T.R. 1 IIIII hnnoon, while shay won ' .9IfoII'1l0otho ?.`l` V ' pntutto OIIBNO one tnpuona whV|$@ into an dip `nial: an. H. nun llnnl. Int; ovoumg. Thorn mu no union of bbopolioo count this morning. 'l`}m Zimrr nhnrnh mmnnlnn And nionic rmn. V The big Inilluh Calabogie Inn near operntiona and brought (rub lilo to tho village. A rjmhu-.nfh in my on tho ptumnr Par- vmago. A timber-nfb in tow o! the stunner Pam M thin left. Garden Island for Quebec lash ovoning. I. f`. I.nnknM., um nl Hm iuninr nm-hnar Tage mm. PARAGRAPHS. nu uur uemp uurpeu, mu: ulrpoci, moor Uu ulolniu noon nlu 3100. All OI! Oil! 'IllIl ll ll-l- Chenille Curtains at [moon that will utonish yon. ' T , 150. 86 x 72 Art Hlinds. Spring Rollamnll complete. 15 ouch. oll Greens. 3!!) Olllhill M II III" ' 000 yards Jnpa` use Mnttingu. 100 worth 200. 750 new 48 inch. Art IIuliI|i,.lI' 53 W_&& ',;._,_ , llpairabeattitugdisnnnd Englilh Whib All- 1- [IN BH I F'iu':!o.l.hninvuhdin{l:!:lkouhowwihnoodnc hmdolhis . above, iiuvond. . 'momyIa'_ ,cBIIDOI~ Sun, . `I Lkncohnituyqu Owingtothvvui I 7 , _ J . .The following wonderful bargains will attract hand I of thrilty and economical people to on! store : . . ~. L I It I! a nuuoo Ow - 3 . III I . A Sohlntter In bend. R Br. Pmm, Texas. Juno 8.-Fx-nncia Sch- lntmer, whn chimed to perform miraculous I cures by divine power. was recently found 1 dead in the foothills of the San Madras. : thirty-x-o miles southwest. of Cass: Gnndo } in the mm of Chihuahua. Mexico. He had been fuming and had apparently starved to death. CHENILLE CURTAINS and TABLE COVERS. Toll Road: In oxford. W0un.x`1`0t`K, Ont, June 8.-'I`he Ox- ford county council at its session on SM.ur- - day nfternoau authorized the appoinbmonb of in commission whose duty it. s null ho to take up and perfect. the work necessary to be donb to have toll roads abolished through- out the county. The commission will pre- puro a report showing what. proportion of the purchase price each municipality shall pay after considering All the circumstances I tiierewith. IT XI RI IIUIIIIIU-I wuu vlliuvyw .. e u {to 33" @,3:..f.:..:.!.:.r=-..:'.........*:| soul blue. but III nally oornond uurly uulurutu. ' Mr. Oowan stated a case within the last ten weeks, where the Canadian tug Home Rule war; not allowed to loud one vessel of a bow of two at the foot of 234th street. in l)et.roiI2 and the other as the foot. of First street. She had to hire an American tug to take the second vessel to the other wharf. That regulation did not exist. or wna not enforced against Ame:-icmna on the Canadian side. The motion carried. G2- (VL....I..- ""....-..... ....|....I 1'... AL. ._-..-_- uulmulull mus. 1uo muuon CIITIOQ. Sir Charles Tupper asked for the papers connected with the changes in the mili- tary oollezo, Kingston. He understood the whole principle upon which the college win founded had been wholly changed. He understood that many of the changes were impracticable of execution. It might. be a question whether this home should vote money for maintaining an institution in competition with other seats of learning outside a military education altogether. Sir Richard Curtwrinrht--~I will man that UUDHIUU ll mlumry GQUCOIIOH tutogeoner. Sir Richard C~1rt.wright--~I will see that these mo attended to forthwith. A mis- apprehension has got abroad. In is not in: tended to destroy its military character. Mr, Rril.t.nn n hill, I-mnnnntina Mm Kimon- I-UIIUUU K) H6HIfUy IQ TI'HIIHITy cnnrlctel`. Mr. Brit. n s bill, ro.-pectimz the Kings- tog & Po broke nilwny company. was read a third Limo. LIUH UI UIIU IN`V ITSIHCIIIK D0 WFBL`-ling. Mr. Davies had no objection to the mo- tion so far as the limitation of can ing passengers was concerned; that was xed not by international regulations but by Canadian regulations alone. The matmr ol wrecking and the rules or wrecking were international, and they ought to be fairly enforced. : Mr, nnwnn sinful :1 none within Mun `nk The Law In There. But no Permluioif In Grnnted In the States. OTTA\`\ A, Juno 8.-Mr. Britten, in mov- ing for papers in the house yesterday. called attention to the question oi inter- national coasting and wrecking: lawn. He reminded the house thatin 1593 an inter- national wrecking law was passed by con- gress and parliament. The law was reci- procal in letter, but not in practice. American steamers were not subjected to inspection in Canadian waters. but the United States would not accept the Canadian certificate of equipment. The American authorities would not allow It Canadian vessel to carry passengers fmm one American port to another, notwithstanding the fact that the vessel called at an intermediate Cana- dian port. No such restriction was ini- posed on American vessels doing the same thing in Canada. Mr. Britten gave an in- stance in connection with the administra- tion of the law relating to wrecking. Davies had nn nbiPct.inn tn thn mn. IIHUHIILE ll) 610,031.11). - The report of the committee on the state of the work showed that. the increase in the membership on the year was eighty. The report. strongly recommend- ed giving prominence to evangelistic work and urged the punters to bake great care in the selection of their choir in order that the every day lilo of the members would conform with when they sing on Sunday. 'l`hn nnnfnrannn nnund n rnenlntinn mr. Duuuny. The conference pusod a resolution ex- presaing its gratication over the fact clutt- Rev. John Armstrong. who has labored for forty-nine successive yenru. still enjoys good health, and requesting him to preach a jubilee sermon at next. conference meet mg. gn Is nmmc TO A cLos1-3.1 no nnnaeu over. The memorial committee brought ln I resolution which was endorsed, urging member: of the conference to make every elfort to check the owl: of beating, gamb- ling and bone racing at agricultural fairs. The nunmnmtian fund. like mun. of tha -..- -.._.-..-.---- ......--- -.,......... -.... .- coinbs. 1he report of the superannuation fund was the most. encouraging. The circuits and mission raised $8,593. $116 more than I they were asked to raise. The total 0011- tributdons from the conference to this fund amounts to $13,387.13. ' | Jim. .-.n.~..~r n: H... nnmmzoom .~... H... -s..o. NET PRAC nAL nscapnocnv. ._.._,.__ A Dellel: In use contingent Fund--`l'he 1I|Il'lll|iICIoII' rum! [needed the mount Asked-`rue Obolr Ieubere Are to come Under Review. Ornwa, Ont. June 8.--'l'he Montceel Memhodfn conference oomuiitceee ere get.- ting in their reporbe en repidly u pouible. in an endeavor to conclude bueinees by to Wright. They will likely anccoedlin doing this I ! the euuuonlng committee will have their revieed report. reMlyw submit. at the conclunion of mu ghtfe pu hlic meeting. A midnight see:-ion my be necessary to get through in lime. :1 Rev. George McRil.chie presented the report. of the contingent. fund, which show- nd 1: dnnih nf nhnnr. `.200 Thu nnvnmitl-An rupurv Ul DH!) UUIIDIIIKUIIIJ Hlllu. WHICH EUUWI 1 ed a decit of ubout. 8800. The committee was authorized to borrow 8400 and the curpius from the billowing commiatoo will _ be handed over. I ma. ...........-: . . . _ .....:u.... |..-,...-La. X- - I The suwonmsion In ml, like most of the otbera. showed a falling off. The receipts were $1,420.90, 846 loan shun luo yqar. and the expendmure almost equalled the re- nninl.n_ Ill!` nuu IIUFIU HICIIIK II lI.{l'lU|lll||l`lII IIITI. I THE comrasncz LIKELY TO .|.'uuu lllllllly IUTII WIIIB All` IV Kl UITPUFI INK (OI! LIIUIIIIJ}. worill le 10 pieces 36 inch, Revenible Jute Carpets at 170 `worth 800. All Our (Se and 50o,0Irpeh, 800 on W o All our 60 to 05 Tapestry Cu-pets. we on Tuesday. 190 Meta. Rug: end Wool Art note: It Q00 0II'U"Il- All our 75c end 854; Carpets. 0013 on Tueedey. These are the heet~E`ng!iIh .' -' 1_u1our Hemp Cu-pets, sun CIrpete.Floor on cnoumuboue mu price. A ounlqm-nah at nmllo nnnee that will ntoninh 1.-on. i ' ' conbiud *+*.;.;J;1.a;.:.;o.` -yG.ood Heavy Yard Wide Unien Carpets not: on Tqesda . `` In Best Union": (Reversible) 890. worth 450 to 500. ` First quality yard wide All-Wool Ce:-peu 500 (on Tneedll). worth 900. NI ninnnn RR innlu RAD-Dn:}|'A Int. aunt. -Q In `ha-(In man All On: 4 IIIIEOI III WWW I0 and safely baled. g ua'1"' i"."' ""%r.54 ~5[- AT Tm GREAT SALE OF THE LATE P. J. w;;u.sH's srocx. i`$$?.% WEDN ESDAY %E..`i'%Af1% i`x``r'e".u``s`f WILL BE CARPET DAY Bpcnlu-cl: To In shot. HAVANA, June .'l.--A Spanish captain and two lienwnanu won tried by court martial in In Onhnna for- Itrou and aonbencod to be that for icoivntdico In hsving. after olavon days I niece. mrromlorod the vommont forts-at 'Cuhorro. in eastern Cu to the form 0! 5 Gen. Gnlixto Garcia. l|l'II l0I' II I of jnbizqdny. Threatened With Violence. Onorzssrumn. N.Y.. June 8.--Lilinn Ran- ney. school teacher. was ueyleid ea shown croeeing the fields to her echool and ravish- od by no burly rnian named Joe DeYou`. He has been arrested and at tho examina- tion this afternoon made I confession. A motley crowd gnthorod about the jeil and threatened violence but they were dispersed by the oioers. The Crime Committed as n Revenge for Spanish An-neltles. VANmcvr:n. B.C., June 8.--Further in- terviuws with the oiiicers of the stesmer Hupoh. now in port, elicit the foot that the rosstin of twenty-fivo Romsn Cstholic monks in t o ijli jpe /lslsnds was done by the rebais not by the Spsnish troops as previously reported. The infor- mation was furnished by A prominent re- sident of Iloilo in the group of islands and coroborsted by the foreign oonsul. The Philli ine islands have long been ruled by Catho ic prioats.and there is intense hatred felt ngsinst them. The oicers of the Eu h state the affair wss a consequence of t e cruelties practised by the Spanish troops on the rebels or those suspected of being in sympathy with the rebel causes. The customary mode of routing suckling pigs in these islands is by thrusting I mboo through the pig and fastening it to tripod over s slow fire. This wu done to the monks. bamboos being thrust through them while the were alive. Pre- vious to the my to t is port the Hupeh made s trip from ong Kong to Ilolio, and just previous to this voyage the out re- ported occurred near Mnnils. JAMES REID. n"CaIl and see them. I Have just placed in stock a nice fange 6! colors of the `Celebrated {E 10 cases of Bleached and Un- bleached Sponges, just open- ' ed 1', and at half the regular prices, at Wade's [hug She. |Wald1fen & Mad}, JOHN LA|lJLAW#& SUN. I 3.! has 5 gross ooiobntion Pewny 6: Co. Kid Gloves.` It pays to deal at LaidIaw's,- ROASTING OF PRIESTS. Successors to J. M. RICHMOND &-CO.. I I4 Princess Street. We liaye secured A some good bargains in THIS SPECIAL SALE FOR THURSDAY ONLY, ANI_) FOR casn ON_LY. -flu IV. Gnu -pa av. . Your inspection wait- edat AYmFi_ S_. `THURSDAY 20 PER CENT. OFF. Embroider'ies l These. with our regular stock of Embxoidery we will sell on Embroideries in Swiss, Lawn and Wnmsook. Insertions and Edgings to match. lt_ pgys `to deal (at the landing Undertaker und lfurnlnu Inluholulol. 250 and IE0 Prlloool IIIIOO. IIIOITVW IlIl'I nun III,I' VIII` W Ulmugo. Dr. Jack Hut] loft today to n In in the trip. I-`in Aum-inn bhho of tho E I church left New Y on Saturday l1uu`n.n LA -Itguul AL` gm An.-`.1 noun or An xx-onnuhu. Plrrsnur. Juno 8.-`-`E " Metric, ox- chnmpion. mnlnu of the nitat Bum, diorl yoourdny ah Alloghnny ol eonInnp- sion. Mania Inn dofootod by E. Hnnlnn on J uno 20th, 1878. ``Becau _ae they are so nch in demand for Lad ice this season. We are ihowinga Large Stock.and "dii'eqt. your attention to our": eciai lines for. 39c, T5_(?).c.,%6 c, 750. and $1. ' `If- an`nln Ina-pg anrnn [ non. VVIIIIIQ 3 M7` 10'0"" T I marrow fora tan dnyu` vioit to Chicago. Dr. Junk Huh Inf: umlnv In inin him in I I I I-vu nuwuuu uvunsy unriv--I-u Pic:-ox. June 8.-'I`ho Annual muting of the reform association of Prince Edwud county was bold Monday and wu woll ut- toudod. Addreuoa were deliver-ad by H. R Rn-intnl. mhirlnn nr-nlrlnnh I):-_ I-UIIUQL JIKIIIIEIIGI WUI` IIUIIVUIT II II. B. Bristol, rehiting pruldenb; Dr. Pleat, ex-M.P.; Nears. JJH. Allan. N. Spngne. W. T. Onndnllg Geo. W. Dawson. eu-tern orgnninr, and Alex. Smith, chief orpninet. The eleczion of olcere malted: E. W. Cue. Picton. president: Mean. D. A. Lambert, Solmesville; J. A. Howell. Rednenvillos James Cur. Wnupooee, vice-pnuidenm and J. 1). Gilbert. aecrehry-ueultu-. Tho president-elect made as capital epoch. calling upon the young men to rally to the support of the party and organise for tho fmv. \ Auclnluo Noun. Assnns-nun. Juno 8. - Crops In this vicinity on looking good. The tumors are busy plumbing. Mr. nod Mu. Alhton Amey spent Sunday Int: no Onunqnj 3331.131` '.?.;...3:'.3.."`'{".`.a2.'.' "l :'l';`l'` '.'.`.'.L`3; visit with her mm. Mrs. J. `Connolly. L:l`l.r RIl h Ihiionjnldn In daug unha- note 9, rs. ax Inn 083. ft. George lhmm, Min sn.e*hAyIolworbh. on Mrs. E. Sharp. Mrs. D. n and Mn. A. Fun: nnnnk Wlnrlngnhv ml with Mfl. ll. ITIICU IPOIIF Wlflly IIID WIUII Mina Lilian Ayluwou-sh. Visitors : In. David Ayloaworbh. Molnbyl-0'0. ab her nia- tan-'a. Mr:-. A. Frank; Mr. and In. John McCoy and children. Kingston. at Jun: Thompson ; . ON LY $6.50. u v nu:--u -n-wu -V-u InJIw'wvIv- i'r1"n. suit}. "hon mi Mn. A. France spent Wodneoduy at with Min Lilian Avluwm-Mi. Vinimn : Mn. ThisBeaulilu|Tah|e, y. In Mahogany and Curley Birch, with Solid Brass Claw Feet, ,.V_IIIa.`\[U\v" Ivy, I-l\J cyan We also have some `-V`el.'y;Tne White `Muslin Waiotb, with fancy Collars and Cuffs for $1.25, $1.50, ' $1.75. and $2 25. `Kan... :nn(nnQ:nn Imuzf- Hon. Willilll Hut} IQV8 TONI! C0- normv for: man thin whit M (nlnnnn. Prince Edward county I-Ibtllln. ,.-..-. I.-..- I.) "IL- ___.__I _..g %BLOUSE ._a.. ._-___- . an xuvcur AIYII W. A. MITCHELL. " 858 8'4 PRINCESS ST. N4NNO ==---= ~?....~?::~.`:-...~';..:;=: *!``.u'.:.lIotolb ' .,.n.1:(hn`r'daon My dafoan Elliott W I ml mi any built w oonluut. hlmadny Mg m, hue gained for hlnualf = 0 qproud ho or of ham? hailed as the Mldl." Hi.-5 = .0o ting ` n; or gqe mm as Olevelnnd, modal x9(thn eon taken from the reuuil do- ptthlunt. and not pro mretl In any W for tho match)`. wh oh he rode in II ox-moo to Any 0 her also though Oh 5 wheel-otfered h an that had been opooiuuy bum for this counting arnpomion. as he uomidered his Volund on union rnnniz whoal or Qltlnll on uhe result of the com- po it on )lxutmad his good opinion of the who. '1`iiiii0n1 m.LEvELANn pouuon u ` . IOITIIAL ITOOI ILII.I`I'Ia A I. 0. hear lots about COMMERCIAL. FOR SALE BY TWAISTS, g holrlln. In-39:0: nun:-rs. Qua.` Juno 2: --l'l.0Ul.--Booclph , I E ~:uko ulot-. Quotations: Patent . to I. :l aMnt. tfgsrln , (.30 to cm DOIIIQIAO Bollu-.I.88to 3. ; Itrn.3.l" I note ll); Shana Button 0 . LG) to 1!). H O No. I Iltobt Hudlola to "x... .:-..:.*:-..-.-.:.; '** `.:*.:*:.-.:.~ O ` I : J). 003.85 : Oornmolanm to non. . 0-Port. 13.00 to Mm ~ Lntd so to to; humans to mo; m 110 some; choose ` to In Button. townships. no . to 15. uhn.lIoto|Ia:lntn.DoIo1oo. Think: For Klnd Trcntmcnt. G0\'!:R.VMl:.\'T Hurslc, O1'I`A\\'A, June 4. Dear Mr. Mayor--I rogroh that the con- tinuous pressure of engagement: and other duties since my return trom Kingston hna delayed my writing to you as only as I could have wiwliod, for I doriro to convey to you the expiration of my hearty ap- preciation of the manner in which the M- rangornonu for our welcome. and during our any, were carried tlnongh by the civic Authorities. o lI`L- --I..._- ...I.:..L n... |...... ..4.:..-.l -5 Bull IIIO INJCIIIUUI III! IIUUQU UIIII Hll'lIlBl' [0 our pleasant. recollomion of your city. Wnth the otfer of but wishes I remain your: very faithlully, Axmuzxnx. Hi: um-shin hhn mm nr of Kimnhnn- no Should In can-ad For. Edw-uni Gary. aged about seventy-ve `fours. and who liven on Earl street. wse mind by the police wnnd ' lg ubout. the statute Ah 3 late hour In.-no ,-m.. The old man`: mind in not of the strongest And he told the policeman that. he wanted to make lain way tobudloy. England. Ho wu ulna to-tho mutton nnd upon: tho night there. His Iolntlvol took him homo to day. On Sntutdny law he urn found by who line as four o'clock nan. nut tho wnmn rant. and we taken charge of until his friends nnnouod. The polio: say that union thonld nun iawnlohednndpnvnulod from Iundodng about the canon as All hours, In tho vhiotlu of 0 atrium. pmhbly ` Tho ......'.'.T""....u'I.'."'.TE .m....... undies! and um?! annotation am Thu: at at guonlha-pi . the onion unlbd: .PcoIidou'. A. Olinra 'v.ioo- 0. Dr- V. Inn: nmnnrmhnnnnr. Dr. W. '1`. ` IlILlIOI'IIv|UU~ I The welcome which we huvo rocoived st. Kingston has always been a kindly ono,nnd this Inn oocalion hu added still further to n... .\I-.._.....p _A...II.._..'.... `R gun... ..:I.. IE0 5- Cu Sullivan; I (`Jun-ggll II"IV'y I-IUVVU -I Iiurua i'-3L.7'..'.`v".'.`.` "n'.I'...I""' sJ3".i'1&'?.' updvho Invouolu tlnyvuo coo- Iill land to sit and ` gl-L.Ll..l The Flllt Arrival. The first contingent. of troops for the annnnl mijilia camp arrived at. 3 p. m. to- day. The 40th Nort.humberlnnd~- ban. . Lioub.-Col. R. 2. Rogers. was the first to arrive. The corps detrained at. Tate du Ponh barracks. Tho battalion consists of nine companion, 378 men. including band-- ben man over ul.rengt.h. Lieut.-Col. Rogers stall` is composed of: Sr. Major Duncan. Jr. Major Mcnughoy, Adjutant. Hamil- ton and Surgeon McCnnn. Thu 3rd Pninnn nf Wnlmn Cnnndinn dra. fpat-4-tr-age. . `loll Illll DUTKIKJII LVICUIIUII. The 3rd Prince of Wales Canadian dra- goona, Cobourg, Liout...Col. H. C. Rogors, four troops. lollowod the 40th. The aunt! of the 3rd in as follow: Lieub.~Col. H. C. Regen; paymnator J. G. Hagermnn; mi- jutant W. D. Johnston; quarmr-ruutor Smplopou; surgeon Turner. Sergt. B. Hunt. of the R..U. 1).. Toronto, instructor touho corps. arrived this ufoornoon. U0 IJIO UUCUIIUII lull IIUIIIDT. The first. case taken up was that of Orange vs. Rev. J. R. Black, agent for the children's aid so- ciety, in which (lrenge appealed {rem the decision of the police magistrate and desired to regain pesauaeiou of his children from the society s home. After conaidemble argument: on both sides the judge postponed taking evidence until "l`hured.cyIuoruing at. the n-quest of Mr. Slum whose witucseea were not all pre~ llll... n_....A :1:-II) lma u-nhuonn Q-un Lilla ll Dull AUIIUIU lhun, U] nluun u. Stockton. From Ono Generation to Anot.her-Mer- Ll... A.......:....... 0...... .. l'l'0|;l Bl.H U HUB!" QHEBII V IIJIIUYIII. Zn-kn-~Tho Problem of A Wicked Soul, by M --in Iiurolli. Conn lthociu.-, by Imperiuliab. Zoruid.1--A Romance of the Harem, by W. Le Queux. The Muaarenes, by Onidu. On the Face of the Waters, by Mrs. Steel. lV...\I- nn-nan Buy A (Lunar. Ihu-In 56%|. U ncle Bernac. by A. Conan Doyle. R. Uglow & Cu.. booksellers. 86 Prin- cess St. IEIUL Dr. Anglia inuodnul I dinuuuion on joining in the mryun. vvoou. lxennonec. John E. Hayes. Ardemand Robert Dono- ghue were appointed oonatnbles. In ad- dneseingthe grand jury the judge said. among other thing:-, that he was gratied l that no criminal cases were on the docket for their consideration. There were only two cute: to come before their notice. Tbia,however. i no criterion of the amount of crime in the county, as therein now a county judge : crilnincl court which dis noeeaof the great bulk of criminal trials. 0 made reference to the sixtieth year of the mi n of her majesty, being glad to see that ulfbnrte of the empire were uniting to do the occasion full honor. VI... nab nnktu bnhgn. nu urn: lhnf Iollli. The grand iury has returnori true bills against. John Duo for assault. and attempt to escape. and Macdonald for escaping. Both are convictt. |'ort.uum. (Ii. 1: when was olocwu xurelnan. Tho tit jury panel was thus composed: R. Bai I50, I ittAbura; J. D. Bramford, Wolfe Inland: F. H. Bibby. city; W.` Bradshaw. Bodford; A. Bridge. mgaton township; 1). Brown, city; W. Bunt. city; W. Duff, Starring- hm. J. A. Ferguson, Btorrington; J. Fislner, city; '1`. G. Flynn. Olden: 3. Forbes. Wolfe Island: '1`. Friend, Wolfo Island A. G. Frost. oiby; R. Gillespie, Pibtabur -h; G. Hamilton. Kingston town- Ihip: 1 . ickoy. liincbinbrook; `V. Lung- dm._ nitv: P. Luhwood. Kimrdton town- Illlpi 1'. BICIIB]. lllncullluruult; V. using- don.oit_v; P. Luhwood, Kin stun lzown-k phi :8. Lou. Palmeroboml ... umb. city; Notion McAdoo, Kingston gownehip; A. McCartney, city: A. Mills, Kennobec; J. S. Moore, Portland; J. A. Newman. city: R. ,1. Orr, Loborouzh: J. Patterson. Pitta- burgln; F. Pororidzo. city; 11. Roberts, harbot Lake;J. Saunders, D. G. Scott. J. P. Sinons. A. Smylhe, R. Spencar. city: M. Wood. Kennobec. Jnlm Iv`. Ivan, Ardnnnnd Rnhnrf. I)nnn- A"? ` V ` ` ~ morn: xuaouud. 3 A dtilhlinh in uuhuno that the *1, _\ _ ha ignoni Fmulluuo ;_; only rnlhlu-9 pgrk in gho ., .`. salmon In burned only (liking than phnd tnbhcpuk. hlninuino. cl ordmnoo. Recent. Book: at UgIow`a. Soldiers of Fortune, by Richard Harding Davis. The Mutable Mnny, by Robert. Barr. \ A Story Teller : Pack, by Frank R. 1 Rhnnkhnn. ` Tllllllllo America and the Amoricnns--Fx-om u * French Point of View. u..:s.... .... IL.-. A "l"..l- -6 H... li`:..I..o ITBIIOII FOIDU OI VIOW. Briton or Boor--A Tale of the Eight ` For Africa. ~ TL--- n:olUD \.';...... A Ulyglnl. AC D-{bl-In I0!` tuncu. These Sixt \'oau;A Sketch of British l`rm;ren.a Uu er Queen Victoria. 2-.kn_.`l`Im Prnhlmn nf A \.`Vin|md Saul. `u Inches; Ioforo -lulu: Wllklwn--'tlu - Jul ! lallt. EA union of the county court opened at the court. homo thinnlbornoon. judge Wilki- uuu. Napunoo. preuiding. The man work taken up wu the Iyuguing in of grand juror: : -(300116 Ayirila. Hinchlnbrook; Thoma Anglin, Pmuburg: C. L. _B.uu-. 'cicy:Ar:s Bond. Ito:-ringtnn: John F. Bruce. rrrlngton; Sydney W. Chapman, city; H. B. Dupuy. cit '; J. M. l"Air,Kingntan townahl :An rev own. inclxlnbronk: Edwzm Lnwronce. Lo~ burough; John P-. Parry, Barrie: David Hogan-. Pmtnbnrg: Thomas Siqswonh, l'ort.|and. 6. L Dan was olocwd foreman.` Flnn ..-$15 Inna manual was flung nrunnnunf WWII VIII", IIIII-lllllll", liliilbll-Ii.V. Ii: worship the mayor f Kingston. ____j__r-_.-:__.. v count. `tlttry `l'Mo_wo as Worl- ...III_ .I:_____..J ...__.-._ -..|- TIT III: III: I: laid in thin _II|IU'. .---a--- VIIUCC IU IIIIICI `J-ICTIIYU -I'U-IHIu.'u The nnivon|tyo!0xford will tho demo ol doctoc of divinity unh- hiuhop Mylo, of Onurio, at tho Oxtord convention unto Suhiut. Hi: gnu pnuncollnoourtuuuholutdraving tuundI_uopnuIhluvIhQuivu%\y_ dothdlifn _ .; P -'<} p: UH/y [VII/"UK 0 I100!- A proposal has been made in hue a cot.- nge home called Queou'a" cottage home. i Thom who give SL000 hue this privilege. If any 0! the |lumni,3rAdiums or etudenu would like to give something. small or lnrge, it will be moot. acoopuble. Prof. llnnhnll will bo glad to receive such aub- ncriptions; 8200 has already been promieed. In the can of having such A home In might ask the committee to ullouv us to supply from our surplus populution`in Kinpoon. eorvnnta, nuraon, dodtoro. et.c.. and no the name of .Quoen s, Quoon`e, Quads" would curry` light And contort to ourown dnar coma:-0. (I in: sick and yo vinitod no. --A.G.l. hnsuaein in out no eolotxiu. DIIHIHH IUHETIHK IS. And now may I remark, Lhoso give `'0'? heartily who have friends in the northwosb, for they knew aamething of these hurd- ehips. Some have got. erroneous notinus in their minds regarding the injury to the present. trained nurses by helping to eup- ply such a want. 13 nursing not akin to e nritual help 3 Do our nurses not wear t. a cross on their arms? Why then in this hue and cry got up by the enemy of all that. is good Y Not. by themselves I`m sure. Nurnoe should. every one of them. be do~ voted christians, apecinlly when there in no much to endure and so much ro'-pansi- bility mating on them. A m-nnnmul Inn been much m hnva a cat. \ (ITO!!! I IHUIITCCKUIPCU` `T.-E.`-::..*-...".F.I.' ..:.:.*.:z; cl who aoumio'o, he says :n'"'l`bo but veiled proposal to repudiate, doth oqiu . to tho British involtqll .':`.:....`.`.`:.":.`."`.:'.` ......s"':.'..'...'.';.'i"..:".i.'.'!.?: ndomobvchuuolhnonrtblddd Innaxlunhl in (ms nun: uni:-uh. I! cum: in non: on-cw? Anna-hub. EL. ....x.._n- .1 n.I...I ..-nu ....l.. n.. . in 0111: oolouoo. Loxoou. Juno 8 --'l`ho Iuqnia of lame } ha I Inngbhy and logistic rovicw oi the Ildllau |llmxniI.Inn.nlf`.nnndA unh- `I want to bring to your attention an incident. to illustrnm the grant. misery ex- perienced in tho north-ween; a young mar- ried couple living about thirty miles hum ndocnor. The young husbani had Ln go to fetch the doctor to his wife un(l when he came back the mother and child were both doad. Our Indians are banter provided for than our farmers in that. respect, bo- cnuse there is nlwuye a doctor in charge to look after the Inrlians, but the poor farm- ers have to look after I.hom-zelves. Ar\r\.`\t\l- mu... . I-I `ii-A in I-I-an;-Inn I-nu}. OI`! IIIIVO LO IUOK ulhur |alIUlIlUlVUB Another Days: I live in Brandon but Iliave this hut. winter some exporieiice given me by a doccor of the needs of the poor women living in isolated districts in the north-west territories, living in more ahantiea. removed. perhaps, twenty miles from any doctor. The doctor is summon~ ad (or, perhaps. four or five dilferent cases in the day and he often nds tho patient lying in such misery and di.-oom- fort-. that it in almost impossible for him to do anything. Lying in a little shanty with in large stove kept red hot day and night to give heat to the other room:-, he finds a mother and her child lying there with no ono to assist. her. It is a deeper- uto thing for those who understand what. human anering is." And nnw mnv I rnmnri Lhnnn nix-A xmru ' OI "IIMCK "IO p!l!IB0l' DIMIJIIIIIB. uuul lulu good." and truly it looked as if intentions were to be revereed, for the convert u arms were wound about the minister : neck in a particularly paralyzing way, but the clerical strength was proved. Sun- mio might know how to manage his "hoasea, but if he thought to lead Mr. Overpaugh on the some lines. he was mistaken. A deft movement of the right hand and down he went, and an the water closed over him the crowd yelled with do- light. and Sammie. when he caught his breath. shouted with true Methodist lungs, "Hnllelujah, 1 feel so good ! I'd like an- other dip? `Twin-o the Lord" ! ! E Mv nmnnauion was liurriblv shocked at Ill IWUUUIWIK (cull IHCTIIXII, VII" presiding. and nll the coun- dlhil`. n in their hoot-. Ana: the nlnltu by boon n ruolullon woo Iublhd by D. J. .'1`olnnd to amend them ` Drohlklnp out chi olnnuo Pmviding the 9- cl oipouan nonnoowl vmh n oxnmluntlon 0! public school pn- E oltwulh hlnnd, nt 5 cost not oxcood~ A p wnuuoo in niche: the Kingston ' 1,010. .1: uni hold me an the sown-' IE or hm hlgn oohool dlnttictn. the V council had no right no delay ox- lln of n apoolnl onlnlnntlon to oblige pnplh of blunt municipality. Altar din- nidng the lathe hall; it was docidod to `lhutlvihndnvortnradnyor two. .. -, long lilo! ounnnnionulono wuo rad , lion -ed to the props: oolnmlctool lot L other (up I "L'1'zuL-u me how . . . My companion was horribly ahockedut tliolexity and wondered if the 1 been consecrated. 1 may be- " oathen, but it eoemed to mo that era `as conse- crated, though no bishop stood nigh for the sun iehuno upon it, and whatu-i the sun but God : own consecration of love that pourud over the face of the whole earth inducing :5 new pulsating life to the hearts of men nnd owers. A fit- ting termination to the baptism 0! about thirty-four adults was the carrying into the creek of two tiny babes. whom golden heads received n. gentle sprinkling in token that the good their parents received they sought for their wee ones. A n mmnrnwda rl isnemdmome went. to mock SOUKUD lUl' l.rll|1ll' '60 mice. A9 t.nocrowdsdisperod.somo went. to mock and u few to wonder at tho aicncy of and profession of chrietiunity, but`. we linking arms and slowly climbing the hill to where our horses stood left. the issues in the hand of Him who knowotm the secrets ol the heart. and looking back at the litblo hand- ful ofcurneot Methodists carrying on the river bank. whispered God bless such effort. done in His name to raise the stan- dard of humn.nit.y.--Cm.. FREl.\l.-\NTl.l~:. Ilelp Along Tho scheme. KlN(:S'1`\)N. Juno 8.--(To the Editor): Apropos of our present collocting for the Victorian nurses, the need for nurses and doctors in the north-west, mayl send in copy of some Iemarka made by two ladies at Llxo women's council last Juno from Regina : immersion 1000 lot nmcune. There goes Johnny-l lmow him by his whiskers, shouted one. and u bursa of merriment. went. up u the old grey beard went down in the pasta:-`u strong holdmud then came to the surface, oplubwring and choking, but intent. with praising the ' Lord. The next, a stout, good-oomperod looking young man, was greeted with cries of "Duck the pastor Sammie. duck him I am! " nnd trulv in lnnlmd as if no ensuring and misery` In the North- Weelw-Svvcrul I ncmeuu Related-"-I_ne EzmneunI_.1lotlnn|'-- Nnnlug A! In to Eplrltuul l.lfe- l'u Establish II Qu...u I Lounge noun." ` , I Klxusm, June 3.--(To the Editor) : A drive of thongs eight mites carried us from Kingston through roads revealing on. eiuher uide. is most beautiful niui venhnu country. Our deuilumion was McDonald : Mills, and there we found our can'ia;_vo.on I y one among many scores. They covered the hill slopes. crowded the lower road, and were as full of humanity as the patient. hon-`es could carry. Iv. had beonn nuestion befom leaving Iv. had been in question leaving our home, whether as good churchmen we were not. in some way deeecrnbing the Sabbath by taking a drive to gratify our "curiosity; but n he looked down on the creek windingita way through meadow- landa. covered with expectant: people, noted who pastor standing waist. high in the middle of the liucle enclosed apnea of arbicully etilled water. we realizarl than to some at least the expression of their- luiah was a very real thing, and so when one convert followed another, over the slippery plank and into the water, we thought. more of the other b-iptism in the river Jordan of which this was but a faint`. modern type than we did of the loud mock- ing laughter of many who only saw in the immersion food for ridicule. u'l`Iu..-n rnnlnn ,`lnhnnu_l Lnnw him hi? lmnzns I0 Tan 1301103.! ehptasus in THE OREEK-THE| ___.._- _.-.. ----up REMKRk8 WMADE.. ...2.. ""J.'T":;?.'s"`$2." hnflhnn until A IIU III III IF! nally l nlnlndhnn nu DAILY wine. Tlcsmr. `N15 VsL"i9.AV - '1-I-an I nlonuuo dcku.-.0. Vidhll an very nguuounlmu. ` m_mm_m Igl IIIUI `"9 (II 'I WOT` ll IITUIIIIIE I0 I close. The om ha` been tted with 3 new mom bond. Shh bu aha had 3 rudder Attached, and tho owner. wishes to t her out son to but any other ban on ms lake in tail- mg. The "Lu! 1" has undo tome fun: run: under tho nun management. of Onpt. II. J. McKay. She is a grant luonto with the young Indian. Thing: no brighh ` onlnp up ban. and wo untioipulo I good nuns on the lakes. Visitors can ox- ptohdfnunfurnud new to opondafow weeks on tho lowly chorus 0! Luke Opini- . Ibo hnrioo in tho Iothodii church. Qudny morning was coodlohd by Ir.` `Oust. Olnnlo. Ito u_.uetllIntuI-mu. Thonndlh day |othlonomI0u'ID "WI" UK UPIIIIQUH .3` WIII up DU lull IIIIIIVF. Wotan now bout of I good football mun. Tho boyo|m also taking great invents in tting out some ne sailing oraffa. and it. in no uqcommon thing now to -300 four or moro mils darting shout tbolovhly tutor: of the lake in the own- ing: Alter thodu '1 work is brought. to I (dose. The an Inn- boen htnd as nurse-in l.l'l\lllI|ng. ab 5. U. Ularra. Quite a sonaion was created on the street Sundny nigln when an irate father attempted to take his daughter from her young man. but fnilod in the attempt. A lawsuit. is pending to settle the matter. Mr. Truadule. of Sydenham. has remodel- led the 110310 bakery und tted is up in first class order and is starting business on Tuesday morning, mike Sbh in_u__t._ .. ..-- .. ., I_A__ (Mensa 01-ycurre ncen. 0DlP.S` June 7.-Samuel Clark lled the pulpit. very ably on Sunday in the at- ueuce of Mr. Succombe, at conference. 1)r. Meacham is also at conference as lay dele- gate. Mrs. Charles Storms, very ill for is long time passed away on Thursday last. Her two sons, Cory and Cyrus of Water- town, cnmo M attend the funeral on Sab- uid.\y. Mrs. Day is spending in couple of weeks with hor sister Mrs. (Rev) Wash- ington nbhlinriissing. nlaoto attend the wed- ding of her neice, Mias Washington. on Tuesdayth inst. A very quiet event, took place at the Metlmdi.-`t. parsonage on Wodncsdnylnnt. when Miss Annie Smith and Oscar Amey were made one in thy presence of a few friends-. Mr, and Mn. Edrmr wmimm Incl twd presence 0| a low H'l8uF'. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar William! children. and Miss Alma Williams, of Cherry Valley, are spunding a week at 1'. Mabee s. Miss Line and Nina Kenyon spent Sunday with friends in Nnpaneo. Miss Bertha Storm-I opens a {ow days with her pnrants in Wilton. Mrs. Sydney Spronlo spent. a few days last. week in Kingston with friends. Vi:-.itorn : Mrs. Moore and daughter, Newburgh: Mr. Echinger, Kingston. at George Wntta ; Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson and daughter, Ila, ` of I'arrou.'a Bay. at Mrs. A. Bakor s; Misc Kate Sohormehorn, who has recently been taking I pot-t.;zradunte course at Brooklyn nurse-in training. at. S. 1). Clark's. (Juita. in mm ion was the rhoahona or um. oilcdn. lmxr. Oz-nucox. Juno 8.--The young man of Opinicon am well up to the times. Wnmn now hnum of 1 Hood football 800" W88 \'0l'y H05!" H10 lOW63l3 DUST. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Fowler. Picnrd street. will be pained to hear that death has claimed their only and bright little child, Donald, aged nine months and ten days. which took place this morning after a few weeks illness. This is the second child they have lost within a few years. Sympathy is extended to the bereaved parents in their utlliction. ruruy. DINIIUUII (5 V'IIBIIIllKUUll' UK LU` ronto, have bean awarded the tender for plumbing M. the new sanitary wing of Kingston hospital for the insane. There were seven tanderors. and one from King- ston was very noar the lowest offer. Thu mnnv frinnrln nf Nfr nnrl Mrs, Iii. ueuurn IJICICCLB Jill}- The` annual meeting of the woman : aux ilinry of this diocese will open in St. `George's hall tomorrow. There will be a preliminru service in the cathedral at 9:30 o cloc . after which the business meet- in- will nnnn in flu: hnll ` U10)" 0 CHICK. KIXIRSF WIIIIJII IJHU UIIUIIIUI ing will open in the hall. Purdy. Mnnsall & Washington, rnnfn hnvn hnnn nwnwind thn tnnf I08VlHg IXIUKUFUUU II In. LICKUM`, UUU. A little girl, Delina hignanlt. fell from the third nbor window of her home sixty- two R090 do .imu street}. Sc. Henri, ()ue., yesterday afternoon and diod this morning of her injuries. A mnnnina nf the nmxann nlnmmm was 01 I18!` lI'),|lI'ICl. A meeting of the nurses alumnae was held in the `reception room of the general lnospitullnsta evening. A pl[)0l' on tech- que of antiseptic surgery was road by Miss Emma Vonle. At a mcetin of the Y. I. U. B.A.. last evening. J. . Behan was unanimously elected Jelegate no the annual cmwomion which opens at Scranton. Pa , during the second week in August. The nnhnnnnr Emnrnld arrived at. Gar. T111. The Talte-(henier libel suit hna been postponed until uoxt term of the court of queen's bench in Se tember as the Hon. J. lsarel Tarts cannot 0 compelled to appear as u witness during the session of parlia- ment. IaV:...L ..........I:..l.s ..... ..:.... .6 5|... ..m.n.. IDGIIB. First moonlight. oxcusion of the season to Gananoque Thursday evening. June 10th, Kingston Canton, No. 6. l.0.0.F. Steamer America, I-lth band on board. Return tickets 35c. flu... ..........l .....`..n:...-.. at H... ............ - nnv Ioouwenr. aonneoon a U0. The athletic association will begin at once the lling u of the low section of its grdund, which at erwiseis a grand piece of turf. the second heat. in Ontario. Th; Ia:-an nan: lfnavnnr Amnrinn will run HIIU \JKUCHEUl.Il'K IIUAD I l'|Ill.l_Y. II IIUU I leaving Kingston 9 :1 m. Tickets, (me. A lit-LIA air-I. Ilnlinn I)io`nm1H:_ fall f HQCUUU WEEK Ill llllglltb. The schooner Emerald arrived at. Gar- den Island yesterday with a cargo of oak timber. from Toledo. Ohio, for Calvin &. 00. She clears for Toledo, this evening, for another cargo of timber for tho anma rm. NIL- 'l` {\..u\:..-. HLA` null Ln: Buns.` VWw'C|?Zl$i"I`IUIUlVU- u 1 Tho OOIIIY Oolnoll. lllllljtion of the county council at `Ibo council chamber. oourz hot`. :5 two o'clock this sfurnooo. ur- alnn ndnnrt. nnhvidinn and All thn Mung.