.'~.. mum. zaoa In Inn. 14...: mph ' _.__.___.__. '1 Innbthr It'll-Ion by Mr. Gladstone urgunrutuinbuboonw gmthdinlidngvilhtlnpowcnof who hochuu an Glnououioo of y mdjnltiolr RN63. 13.3350: and d|lIlIIn thouuuirlhlaudaiu on But! hvltlvhlthql lull M "When you are absorbed in your bud- Iuu and down town todu. Hubert. you will forget your mu. wllovenunlg." ~ NIL Ihlnn Thnutmk van: cranked ltd Q! WIUII Ill WWII UWIVI Hlllli IIIII IIIOIWJV luctuy kfnuwlnkeepyonlnmy nunwyzg what: at thodu."-C-ht Q-nlbl . - I A Turkish Joke. A capital nnoodote In toldof the late Inl- tnn. He won very fond of gossip. and sent for the banker, Abraham Beg. to learn the small tulk of Porn and Stumboul. As Abraham who being conducted to the sul- tun's rvsklenoe by the master of the horse. that funotdonury begged hlm, Ihould the sultan question him on the aubjoct. to any that the funds were at 80, his majesty hav- lng been so informed by his xnlnlsmn. Poor Abraham consented. He had not been long with Abdul Axis when h x was questioned on to the tunds, Ind replied as be had promised. 'l`o the horror at than hnnker the Inlmn Illll fcplll Ill D17 [III] FXVJIIHEGI. To the horror of the banker the sultan expmncd himself dellghtul, and handed Abraham In large bundle of bond: to sell [or him. Abfnhun cold ' _' [:1 .::l.ta.-.n AL- I Eh Aucentry. ` A certain young man from the north born I latter of Introduction to I basin ' man In the south. The letter contu1ned_ this paragraph: " , 1 "He Is dlolntly related to the family the late Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. ' The bunlneu mu: paused as that pu-n~' mph, shook hum hen-uly, and mm: "11 um glnd 90 meet you. air, but sorry to hear; Int Longfsnow is dead. I remember him; in the real 1-stole builncss In Birmingham. I knew that he had made an nulgnmouty but not that ho Ind panned away. Bu wuf u capital business Inn In M: day."-At-. nub Constitution. . Inn nu-gm your ntuo wuo-manly." No. lug. Tlnhtonk ym cooked Inc with ll! own was hands um nmnu Inn On. bfnot -lI1 Ln... Dan In uni $Tf"IIE' mus joko." in (V17-Zl.'l1.`I IOU Ul IIIIIU IIUKIUTHUIU Illy. Every one smiled at the frankness of this apology. Then Pasteur added: I-Invlnn rnnnpniuul luv lnnlh, Innv I Inll ilplllgy. lll TIIUIIUUT IIIIUUIII Having reoognlmd my fault. may I not mention an extenuating circumstance In mylavor} All thus I said was true- nbnolutoly true!" And he seemed to won- der that ovurybody present laughed. tn- cluding his two opponents. - Youth`: Companion. '.'a'.."'s'u`n." ia..'`.fn`s`s."'..'iI.'I.f ".`.u s'.'K.; of tho i moo, bu boo `wkimhh In hnqn.:I:m Inovnd fro: UUXLIIIIIBII lll nuuunuxu U1 UIIUKF. ' An amusing anecdote is related which t!!::stratcs P tout- s candor and good na- ture at` `LG me time. One day at the Academy of Science: 5 position which he took way acti\"ely oontrovertcd hy two men who knew not a tithe of what he know of the subject. He heard them patiently and then rose nnd with much animation an- swered them to the satisfaction of every one present; but, warmed up with the con- troversy, he forgot himself a little. Turn- ing to the two men, he said: Do rnn knnw that vnu Inn}? Ynn" lug DU lalll l:\\'U IUFLI, Ill} Blui Do you know what you lack? You" -Ind|cntlng nnouf thom-"laok the power of ubservamon, and you"-t.be other- lack the reasoning faculty!" 'I`hnrn wnn nu nurnrv nt. this, And Pnnfnnr IIIUI DIJU IITHUHIHU l.IU|.IlII l There was an outcry at this, and Pnatnnr was robukod by the president for exceed- ing tho proper limits. Pasteur saw tint tho rebuke was just. I nm mm-rv_" hn nnld I wan nm-I-Ind uuu ruuusu was Jllsln. ``I am sorry," he sold. I was orm-led away by tho bent of the discussion. I beg the pau-don of the members to whom I have referred and of thls honorable body." Evm-v nnn nnlnd at thn frnnknmn nf Pasteur : Apology. Louis Pasteur was of humble origin and was always proud of it. but he belonged to the peculiar men of Frnnohe-Comtnis. or old Bun-gundlnns, who are noted for in- \ dustry, simplicity and pigheadcd persist- ; once in any course which they damn right. Pastoul-`s character was a perfect exempli- oation 0! these qm..Ities. `Fin xvm: n nrvnf. nut:-int. and A trim ramnh. IIUIIUIUII Ul (`H950 qllh. IDIUB. E0 was n gr-vat patriot and a true repub- lican. hid in speaking once in praise of the chemist Bertrand, who had risen from being an upobheonry'e assistant to presid- ing over the world : scientic congreaa, he uttered this mnxim, which deserves to be remembered by every one who 19 strug- gling to make hisowu way in the world: That tr-no do-mnnrnnv In an nnn that pnoxngmlnmn uox. Still, these things an, utter all, but in- cidentul. The matter found in the boxes is chiey mail matter, and it includes a great variety of things, packages and boxes 0! all sorts and sizes that can he got through the opening and some that can`: be. Sometimes boxes too higto gothrough the opening are jmmned in as for as they will goand left there. holding the cover open. Sometimes rolled up maps are put in the boxes. or one end of them is thrust down through the opening as far as possi- ble, the other end sticking out at an angle, something like u shing rod. As the peo- ple have become more and more acous- temed to using them, the bulk of the mat- ter deposited in the boxes bus increased. The mail from the big boxes is eolleeted with weons.-Ncw York Sun. Bllllu VU IIHIIU lllB_UWl.l WE Ill IIHU WUFIIIE The true democracy is _tho one qhat gives to ov-:ry_ Individual the ohanoe to no- coxuplish his maximum of effort. An nmunlmr nnm-dntn In mlntnl which IRBII 100119 I NICE Ills 003$. Dululuusuvu when the collector unlocks the door 0 eat jumps out and runs away. There are men -who appear to think it, is fun to catch a live out in _the street and thrust it into one of these big letter boxes. It is not un- usual to find in the boxes loose newspapers, put into them under the impression that these nro boxes intended for the reception of reading matter for the sick in hospitals. Sometimes empty asks are found. Hav- ing taken the last drink, the drinker, in- stead of throwing the ilssk into the street to be broken, oonsideratoly drops it into the mail box. Sometimes there are found in the boxes old shoes, put in by people who think that is is funny. thing to do. There are found occasionally sandwiches, or parts of sandwiches, dropped in by per- sons who have eaten all they want or have time for ofn quick lunch, or by beggars who did not want the sandwich that had been > given to them, and had therefore gently, but rmly, dropped it Into the nearest 'pnoknge.rna.ll 110:. Still, tlwasr thlnan um. lifter all. but In- rL__ _._ -_. -L___L- rooluolntatnkotorhnot. _I l- ug--_L..._I Ki WII THINK} IIII noun hm Ihovo mun moved tron -llllh Man: In I`:-nnhnnn \ 1. WEDN Vxsngur. 1,500 pieces new Spring Prints. Lawns and Fancy Wash Goods. _ . 175 pieces Light and Dark American Prints 40 on Thursday. t . _ V _ agco pieces best American Madden and Drellettcsin redgrounda and dark colors all go. regular nce . ' - - ` . ) _ _.\h P 350 pieces Light Prints, small patterns, Stripe and Figures, all 7}c.regulat,xo c. , 4 A A ,_p ' 8oo pieces beat 32 inch English Printgin Dark and light colors. navy and wlIiu.tblar.k and _ a d black, all me on Thursday. " Regular price all over Canada. Iafc. `g __ p _ 190 pieces beautiful Cbambrays. Lawns. Grass Linen: and Sateens,all to: one .u;l'Idiy, 15. 50 pieces 4alnch~ White Lawns, 6}c regular roe. 65 pieces White Spin `M i t_ 16 - p. 40 pieces Check Dress Gingham: (last colors). 4!lrd. 450 places ' .h' ties at about half price. i _ at . . ' THURSDAY will be a great day. S; for-caali only. . . ., _ ..w.u.sn~'s w. Brioelnnd, of Wolfe Inlnnd. `Q. in city yuterpluy on important. business. The Great Exeeuters Sale et the Late 4 H. Welslts Steele! Booth-Tucker : sentence Dened. NEW YORK. June 0.-The sentencing 0! commander Booth-Tucker. who wee in- dicted and convicted of keeping 1 die- orderly house in the Salvation Army head- quarter: on West 14th street, was to have been gone through with in the court of onerul sessions to-day. Judge New- urger deferred sentence, as counsel for commander is to make A motion for an ar- rest of judgment. The time for this we: set down for J one 22nd. . - ::u-.uu uvgu nnnuunuun-. Only about twenty persona went from this port to Gnnanoque by the steamer Hero thin afternoon so attend the meeting of the grand lodge of `Prentice Boys. The venue] will. however. anther pnuongen from ouch port. at which she bouclneo and will,doubt.Ie2e,havo quibe A large passenger hut. when she Arrives at her deatinntion. The Onptalu Beeches lies--Other Pro- peller Not Injured. Dxmorr. Mich. June 9.-About mid- night last night the big propeller Iroquois smashed into the propeller Inter-Ocean. and the captain of the Inber-Ocean. lear- ing that she was about to sink. beached his boat`. on the Cansdian side among the )ll6l below Quello avenue, Windsor. The ts were both bound down and the Iroquois had signalled to the Inter- Ocean by two blasts of the whistle to pass her. The Inter-Ocean did so, andas she drew up no the Iroquois the latter swung round and her stern struck the Inter-Ocean a powerful blow on the starboard bow. Her captain at once sheer- ed for shore. The boat which draws about sixteen feet. of water, has about thirty-llve feet of water under her stern. but her how is four feet out. and she is listing bed- ly on the port side. The Iro- two?! was not injured s ri.. s y : and picked up her schooner and proceeded down the river immediately after the accident. The Inter-Ocean was bound from Chicago to Buffalo. She had l a cargo of about 65,000 bushels of com. She is owned by Henry Watson. of Buffalo. The wrecking tug` Saginaw got up steam and went. to the assistance of the big boat. The Inter-Ocean is,t.oo hard sground.how- ever, to be moved.unt.il rhe'~`hns been light-B ered and schooners will be secured and they will at once begin to unload her. ` IOUD. Thia afternoon the delegatos will be taken through the islands on the shame: Hero and will_bo banqueted this evening. sMAsHEo-?mo A PROPELLOR. 1 _ on not. KO nununnc lnludod. AoIoon.how- ""-nu` u3.".'."".u.``.a"2.?.3..`."`3 hit: Io up Eu. =`___._.._...__. n...._; _. ..-.- HJHKUU UUIIIS IIIUDIDUIIUU. In the evening the delegates and mem- bers of the local lodge attended I special service In (lrsca (Methodist) church. Rev. Dr. Jackson preached. The only business of last night}: session was the election and instnllsmlon of olllcers 2 D `I7 I` II I)... I.` Y D lW........- DUI. I\. 1). \.;lICK|Hyq IJIIIUUH . DIIHI. North Augusta; deputy, George B. llainoa. (lananoque; grand secretary, S. R. Ca 5. (lananoque; assistant. eacrotnry, . E. Hinch. Camden East. grand treasurer. Henry Angrove, King- stonggrand chaplain. A., M. Kebcheaon, Belleville: grand locburer. J. Carver, Kingston: assistant lecturer. Thomas Baker, Gansnoque: rand director of cere- monies. W. F. Urun y, Ganancque: inside tyler. Bro. 1. L. 0. Cabot, Kingston; out.- eide tyler. James Kennedy, Tichborne Millb; district deputy G. M. l. and set grand master Gerrow 2, W. H. art, Belleville. 3; John Mundsn. Gananoque. The next Elace of meeting will be in Brockvillot. a second Tuesday in June llll. Ontario Grand Lodge let M unannounc- Weleomed by the Town. GANANOQUE, 0nt.,June 8.-'I`he twenty- seventh annual session of the Ontario grimd lodge of Prentice Boys was opened here to-day. The order was shown to be in e ourishing condition. with largely in- creasing membership. and meny new lodges being iliabicubed. In lm nvenimr thn delnunfnn nnrl mam. IIIBUIIIIUIIUH OI OIIICBTB R.W.(l.M.. Bro. E. J. R. Garrow, Bellevillo; deput G. M.. Bro. Limit..- COI. K. B. Cneckley. Linden .bnnk. Nnrth Anaunln: rlnnnhv. an!-on R. I) FUUI 4 1393. IIVL! T}-IE 'PRENTICE aovs. Still Blaming. No L_et Up fa the_Erowd`of Buyers. 'Pnnv.Ic.o non` Excnnlon. _I..__.A A_-_A__ ._-_-,__ _._-.. "v"v`i'Ii"Ii "15r"i xii Bay. . \ 3"` m` - `.1 . last. I'm; ;mhIa (NI evening vili begin at 31:. Raw. nun Iv-nuns. Ir. Richrdoun will ad V mu. a":`7. . .;'2'.n. R. Dr. llindhy. to hit nbanoa. . J. `nnlllnv, Ilectlon Trish. \ Tonoxro. J um D.-Tho pending domin- ion eloooion hition have boon nuianod for trial so fo lows : North Onhuio (Mo- Lood vs. Gnlum). to the noon : bench division (Fnlconbridgo nnd trout. JJ.); Eket Simcoo (Fyfo vs. Bonnott).lo the ohunoery division (Ferguson and Robert- oon. JJ.): South Brant, (Day vs. Boyd and Heyd vs. Honey). to the common plou V division (Rome und Mncbhhon. JJ.) an --'-u lUCuVrv`uI' - Alderman James Stovnrtfo young son. who has been in tho general boa `ital for Iome days put under treatment or diph- theria. has recovered so In that he will be ublo to leave the inatit.ut.iour"to-marrow. Contrary to report, no other momborof Mr. Sh-art : fnmilv in nllnmd iihh BIO UODEPII I20 IOPOIT, D0 OHIO!` IIIOIIIIIOI 0! Mr. Stuart : family in uilcud with disease. One other can oxinu on Wol- lingun street. WI! Ululy U310: 19 WI! IIIUIUIUTU VVIIIII e feeling of thanksgiving then the reb drops of ram which commenced felling shortly after eight: o`clock were received. Telegrephlc reports ea in weal) ee Bren- don ennounced that it was reining there I and aimiler news wee received from All` brnnchlines. The crops will be greatly beneted. Good rain eh this period in of vest. importance to the west. l Scottish Boolotlu Pmooulon-Bull In` An-Ivod In Good `limo. Wmmrnu, Man., Juno 9.--The Soobtinh aoovetioa of the city mob Int. nigho And completed arrangements for s grand Erooouion on jubilee day. Invitationn we been extended to ail the abhor pro- vinoea to attend. A ....:_.s- L-l-.._.... 1--.. (\AL-.._- -L-t.- VIIIUUB UU Illlllllo A private telegram from Ottawa ebntea the government. as cpneidoring a proposal to lower lake Manitoba by enlarging the head of the water in Hen river. In is I thought the government. will sanction it no the wnter is causing the farmers extreme ` inconvenience. A................-..L- ..... ..........I-L,-.I C... . lll00IlV8nI0Co Arrangements are com lobed for 3 InonsborA0.U.W.. picnic mm hero to :Gmft.on. Nbrth Dam whore oovonl led on of than order fro North Dakota K wil meet. there on July m. Rnnm-tn {mm mm:-v nnrr. nl Mm nrnvlnna Wlll [HOOD UHUTU on Illlly IEO- Reporta from every put. of the rovinoo for aomo dn I were no she elfoob t. t. rain was badly eodod. It Ins therefore with I fnalimr nf t.h1nIxm1i\'inlr hhnh tha nk Er Embroideriesf W XIIIWWT IIIVIIIK Ill lllllll II" nnonuh for tho celebration on the 22nd hut. bums boon idls He has unngod lot a chain of hon-Iron to he lighted on the owning oi the 22nd t.. to extend from Auhm Ijland on 0 went. Capo Vincent on the loath, Pin ur; on the olnhnd the Ininnhln M8 cum on the nnrth. Finn TO LOWER LAKE MANITOBA. It pays to deal at Laldlaw s. JOHN LAIDLAW & SUN. W have secured some good bargains in . THIS SPECIAL SALE FOR THURSDAY ONLY, AND FOR CASH ONLY. THURSDAY 20 PER CENT. OFF. ' A lopld Recovery. _ 1__.A_ nA-._._AI_ . Those, with our regdlar stock of Embxoidery we will sell on Embroideries in Swiss, Lawn and Wamsook. Insertions and Edgings to match. W ' llllill, fl` '7' 0" Wu. "WING (no to ` o'8 gtaonoutho north. Finn fluid `on the bud Ind foot of In 8 In .onou the hood of Simeon W `Ind Gudon islands, one at Cnpo Vlnulntnlluin Pmubnrg. on being on nnlnld MIL an M0 mm gun}: in the itpays ti deal at Laidlawzs. lU|' WUIII WI WT`: `III WK Will! in mlcions to hop GIIO Q enpgod {or coat months so none. crouod mom ch: .0800. tho educational subscription . and tho otlnr fund: nrnnnrlinnnlunlv. }2`.`EJ ." "31-1".` 7.`."j.`."" `.',"'.'.`. u;'.'s'a'3'5`a1' * mm: that an Kingston 'o=:ton n||I|;:':;out tochlodown of . 0 tho ::::.::.:.. ':.t ...-.....:.'::'-.'..'-........."* av. F. O. Rnynoldo sud L. J. Day wore np intod nudleon of tholohodulcl. Rev. Chisholm wu olioobd II I reserve agate to! poor: oonhronoo. The roporb ol uho mscmlotl oulnlaittoo shows that than no 37,305 mountain! the church within the oonlounoo. Thin In About the mm an but your. and shown shut the downward tandonoy. owing to bho agitation of the lab three you. he spot in sunny. Thorn _ Ml- ing of!` in the cont:-I tiom to oollloxiounl c....a; mg ml n mlfnnau da- COIIIIO OK IO III 0 VIII WXUIIIT. IIIIU-FIIC prospects no hay will be good. with the exception of hay, which wu bully winin- killod. and will be light. However. UMM are lvu-go qunnmion 1! Hungarian gnu And oorn being Iovrn u I Inbotlmte. Fruit. crop! loot var well. The potato bug has failed to pub n In_ nppoonnoo as - you. It is bhoughb than the tboenoo of snow with hard fronbin Juuury Int do- atroyod tlmn. I . pendod ru loroo. } The Hollnere Agitation llll About Ix- | \ ITAWA. June 0.--At the Montroel | Mebhodish conference Rev. Dr. Ryohnen N presented A prosperous report of Albert college. Bellevllle. Dr. Ryehun via loppolntod repreeentetivo to Albert col- lars. - I II !!! I Illll to 3lll`lll'8 Fun. 0nh.. Juno 9.--Cropl in this no! hborhood on generally looking well. & ongh owing to ooutinud nlnu aoodlngvno very much rolmdod. The lab {rook Imro injnrod the mudovu. olio plum and apple blossoms. 8&1-nwborrlou were bndlv winmr klllad. Othnr llnnll lrllllil IOOI WIII. LANA!-K. Ont... Juno O.--Oropn 0! all kinds no I limo lab on no- counb of IO m ch web woahlm-. but-tho in-n-nan}. n Juan -1"` M nnn lth IJIA VIN TIT II'I KIUCDUII. 0'3! XIII` IIII BQIIIOIQH Mil. one big one each in the tnunnhim M Kimnmn and Shnninnmn. `rho lopdm that oono to land Inn on- lurlo Polnb. n,,,_ n In _._ II . I, n I`! ____ 1- pllllll IIIU Ippl UIIJI were bndly wintar fruit: look wall. I .u.-n ab Fi:>TriBii.6u= in: calm. j MONTREAL oousensilon. Un mo wnuliry. eokccptlnou-ployun \nnnI.hI mama. CITE: BIITIW IKITIX killed. Other Imll UIPIIUII "I". ml. II` 0. '00 In Kn. towuhzr 0! Kingston nnd Short} hon. `nu e y hall will be gully mmod, nlhl Inn: Qhndlnn on nithor nit): Twmuy mu win no pay unmmoa. V N In]! India; on either side 7 ,Ob0lltowor0otho| la. Ar- Ehuau no hing undo wit the war- d It. Gonna : cathedral for the illn- ujuwnwnu. '|"| Wllllf It lb non. Rov. J. Hindi ` anliwill alto to given :"h_`.` W.up cl-inluddnb 0! In V A.`-1.`:T H5i>Becanne Vthey are no 9 `much in detnand for Ladies wreajrthin season. We are Ihowginga Large 8tock.and d1ret_ your attention to ..onr"`i- cial line: for 39, 5oc,;o ,,75c. and $1. . y `We Aals'o- have some Yer . op White Muslin .Wa ta. withefancy Collars I"n_d- Cun for $1.25, $1.50, $1.75`; and $2.25. . `nu 3nno\Anf3nn nygf_ BR05..- Kingston, Ont. Jlo CU.` quu -|JHhUo Ypur inspection wait- I 1 . ed_at " SPONOEs.| to cases of Bleached and Un- bleached Sponges, just open- ` 015, and at half the regula} ` _p_rleea, at Wade s llrug Store. 9 BICYCLE TIRES. _ _._._ '_.-.- --n.\- ... nnI\1n1Iau am amuse Day Wm Ion Tho nun. Q` '&III fl00|hI|8hQlll|olA - . B.O.A.. are buy in connec- l:n- Chi LIA nllith nunn. nlnimnn FINE PIANO FOR SALE. uA1n-unnnn nnntanvll Dunn nl' vn --1-j.j__ _-_. _, I: 'rxn`.`n.nnr<`rr. mupnmons 5'12`: III I IV ..:.u..... ..`.?m..' ..e."" '` ` nn n-nounAnounonocvonuuocuu COMMERCIAL IIAI. "00. .L.'II- mm nuwu-....`: . or 8|: 3 Eta a'b`ou't ` DHAIN OF EON-FIRES. ; .IDI|lg0l Junuaglnrd W .. I 01!; =oon-lon$ out: :`Ilt`Nn Id : u or: out: an |It- ll 00.445 OI Oolorod. I 0: 'll',\IV\I I` VI1 crusa- ! UPRIGHT PIANO 01" FIN}: 1 so now. (or 0140 ouh. Oan be A wKI sTs, VIIUISI HRDVIIIOIII3 l'Il'oIllI :3; Puunl 93:11, no to lot. 110 to 3. ; nu. uo I 10 to uo; Strong Baton I Du.1.m to 1 so. 0. } nnltobn Bud. `me to 2 : . Mo to Me : Outs. I Ihld It-Xllllo ......:-- ...ni L._x- CC `.1-W Imus. Juno _0.--In thulation youn- dnyinolninhw PQCCt.:ll'EC.i.ViII00.:l Iuuuu IU IIIIIF plilollu glnnonng. '1'lIO uiuoilthonut in the city for such ml CIIZIII. with 'l'ro-ncndou Impact. vuxnn. Wale. Juno 0-A Fnnoh u.-boom: whiolrhu just arrived houn- porllthuhrrrgh the hue eho nw two vulnlc collide `tho Linn! with trauma- Annn Imnnnl uvuw In III!` unjust] I lilgn Dy placln I `contain in the middle of the pl-us p on fronting the south side of the court house. and that tho city fumioh free water for the nuns. Tho suggestion has been favorably ncolnd by the councillors, who may take motion at their present gnchoring. The uihollthonnt tho aim for anal: an uuwlmpuu Bothntuluuolnndmll on hard.- ooudingtnllncnwottho nohoonor. were drovnod. Thouuioontfnnhor upon: that tho hovuuln nukooquiolly that tho Ind notinntogolothdrudoanoo. Bcuiln Juno 3..."... ' pun I-Ion v'ukoa u oom- IIM ol~ Nneiudnr and Al- lin: WK: 431:. -nng ALI!-A .- XIYIIAI PIODUOI IAIIIITH. IOITIIAL. .. Juno 9 -|'LouI-RooolotI bill: an 06 not. Quotation: Patent in tune -Puss-11,430: :a."Z'.g.n. 3.ollor'.I.'l`o B: 3.93: `lung. 13% ' lllno notouo; 8.:-h`l`00' hylgo. .1.eoe.o1so. I'.S'..;$I.'u..".......""...`.'a'2..;.'.. .`;..'-`. inn hlbd uud- tony -only round: d. Tangy-an mum was unohd. An Antlpodoun ora. Dr. William 0. Little. who graduated from Queen`: in 1889. and who has for nomqtiuno put lived in Australia. in in the city. the new of W. J. Fair. Dr. Little. aftorgn listing. tool A course uh Edin- bnrg. Soot.lAnd,nnd then went. to Australia, when ha ha been practicing for seven you: put. He in in Canada on a twelve months vacation. that which he will spond throo month: in the New York hou- mtnla. om month in Chiouro. and than n. In Inn A roonhln. B. W. Foigor bu suggeopod the tie county council ouuunomonto the diamond gubiloo oi hor majesty : nign by plaoin ountoin tho middle of (ham:-nnr. \ Secretary Bnlllvnn Boclgnu. E. W. Sullivan. secretary of the Mac- dounld club of thin clsy. bu hnuded in his rocignntion of blunt. olce. In in under- stood that this action on she part of Mr. Sullivan was caused by I dllforence of opinion with the president of the club re- uding certain matters connected with 9 Annual ceremony of docoratiu the grcvo of Six John A. Mncdonnl . A mocking of the oxccutivo committee of the club bu been called for this evening to diocuuumd to take action on the resigna- Jion. (I UIIT IIIOIIDIII Ill IIIO NOW XOTI hm- puulo. Chicago, and than re- turn to uchrulin. EUIIICIU VTII don: impnoh. llo n-Ll: an II was-uuu I1 yuan-r. The G.T.R. mixed trnin that is due at the junction at seven o clock every evening wili. alter Monday next. borun through from Toronto to Kingston city depot. This will be welcome news to citizens who have oooaaion to use this train, no in future there will be no changing of can and no aggravating loan of time in waiting for the train. The thanks of the citizens no due. in great measure. to tninmuter Irwin for this much-needed accommoda- lint. Oll DHD IIUUWBIII. Among the injured are : Maggie Ken`- ney. auuck by I runaway borne, bruised and mo; um Minnie Theuey. bruised and cut; M. allure. proprietor re works fec- wry. badly out by glen ; George Grant. out by glues; Mu. Kern Grant, out In glue. Obin Lemper. cut. on hand by failing bum; Fred Stiles, motonnnn on penning cable car, severely bruised and out by being thrown from his car. Nineteen nthnr nenmfn were lnu Mariann- IN Ill IIIUTUIIFQI IIKIITU. Hon. Dr. Monmguo, visiting the mining cameo of British Columbia. spent the lust. con eof days in Vancouver closing some dean for n eyndiute he represents. He left for Alberni yesterday to visit mines in that disfrict. 1\- Pl` `[1 Y--_.iI l.....||..u. ll: Y.-man `DB5 UIFVTICIS. Dr. T. H. Farrell. brother of James Ftrrell. barrister, of this oitv. began the practice of his proton:-ion in Utica. N.Y., on June lat. Dr. Farrell inn apocialiss and treats disuse of the 050. car and throat alone. Lerrlno Exploolon In llroworh Factory- llntoh Onrolouly Dropped the could Cmcwo. Juno 9.--A much carelessly dropped by one of the workmen in the liroworko factory of M. Share at the oornerof Wont. Van Baron and Ilaletead streets, caused a terric explosion loam niaht. CHI Cy XIII` HITDWTI [T073 [Ill 03!`. Nineteen other ponodl were lose serious- ly hurt. Ioronoo. - Jud Rouhlxior, local judge in admir- alty o the oxchequer court for the district of Qua . bu obtained leave of absence to go to uropo to briqg home bin invalid dnnahtnr. do! .. .. .. ....... - -- _..., _-__ _.- duu htor. 0 dead body of Michel Leuhy, Point St. Charles, Quo., who was auvpected a ear, ago the ntabbor of on lad named Egpgigwns broughh lrom Worcoatm-.Mnu. , w are he had died. AA lad named Ernest Webster wu ar- rortod in Toronto for buying 3 ticket for Ronulnnd from the Great; Northern railway md telling it to the Canadian Pacic oice at nn increased gure. Hnn. Dr. Mnnmmm- vinitimr tho minim: m us. in was shortly after the cloning aim` of the footory,and mm of the workmen had gone home. A non: r of the employees in the building were badly hurt. And the ying rocket: and candles struck several people who were busing in street. car: and on ohe Iidowalkn. .|.......... 55.. l-..'...4.I .._` . ll-~..:- II-..` dump. Major Skinner and Cnpt. Keno left this morning for Montreal to complete ar- mn ant: for the mil: there of the Hub P. .0.B. on the 22nd inst. Hon. J. 1. Turbo inbondl tn take 3 holi- day In Europe at the close of the nation. The minister of public work: has been laboring at high pressure. and noodu a rank. re:-o. Folgor Bros. lnvo oerod n local for- warding rm 82.000 to sup lament the honus oerod by the village 0 Portnmouth to erect a grain elevator inside she village limiu. ~ - D-.. A D lVI..n-uL1n.ulu.n kann Q:-nn-`Ar. mum. - Rev. A. B. Chambers has bcen transfer- rod from the McCaul v-zroet church to Broadway tabernacle. Toronto. by the tint dun: of the Toronto Methodist. con- Ioronoo. - `Ind.-A Dn\|uu:Al Innnl Inning in nrhnh-. volmnol no in upnnma um-ay. . Owing to oontinuod wet weather the` hind of u Man will not plnv in the city goth this week, the ground boinv too um . llginr Skinner and Cunt. Kant ` a-----an-u-- ' `rye uni: our-`nu In: tho lhalltot at lulu. Sci Ahccnothro nhoil. Tho. gtumrt. Lawrence went down thoxlvor some mile: on hot-`trinl trip this I TIII MCI nnncn DI Ill! 1.U.n.U. nut. ail weak. added forty olobh bound volumu to in uplondid lib:-ay. nun In nnntjnnnd was wnnlher t.ha' _ W7a_nmAL* rnnagnapus. TWENTY-SIX INJURED. A Welcome Change. NI) ._.:__A n..-.'_ AL_A ll--VVIGI N0. IHIIBCDC CHI. 70 5 `:.$'.a.:::.:; .' *.=.::.:~. V I ` I ooIuool.'u.u h1.$:%mmm1m to aoo. n-ro2k.ua.ootou.oo;1.ud so M; mace to Inc; Hana. no to lung Oh W to ' Dunn, township: no to ouon.xuon_u;luo.oacoloo. IJVIIPOOL KARI!!!- . Noon. Juno 9 -Whou\ N. 89". own; No.1 my 5;; V`o'nnm`V mmhndz x on-Ind 1luolxtl.l:>;w?:'. ' ' .11: 01!: Mon-lon: onto. following in their F0 IPIIC IBCI I0!` I085 IIIOBQI. \. Three ontergarising youkng mn. hen, Igrnvsim, nu siionwn 9, w gn V- ernor Stqhons ntnaod `to psnlonsgut o_( the Jellonoa county. Mo.. peniten- har . said nothing. but kept sawing stung And in , and to-dq IlIIIOld'IltbAvor llldllll f I penI;mI.\ry pomany (qr Iulll dun- ages for hendmg is lo the In over- wotk. Att_or n auoomfulv expo; sure in straightonnnx the has at n colt. win- to: belore last before In htd become one of the torciuiguu or mmum. In ngister~tho \m_n:tion that they can be heat back for loss money. Three ante!-nu-i=in2 vonnn man. hon- puv I'l'JlUl' luu.u slow notnlng nut spades. while one woman's fancy run to shawls and mot her to shoes. A man named Grub! vms transported seven dierent times for stealing tubs. IUCI E C-I"`IUII- j'-l"u A marvellous memory is the em-iohle possession of Sir Alfred Milner, who succeed: Lord Roemead at the Cape. While he was Mr. (losclzenh secretary he was called upon suddenly for :1 copy 0! Mr. Goschenh address to the elec- tors of But Edinburgh. As he could not find the document. Sir Alfred Mll- ner ea: down and wrote the eddn-es on: from gnemory. when compared mm the onzinel; there were only three worth that were wrong in the whole eneech. . uuuuuu vwuuvn VI -Iulllu. The late sheriff Barclay, of Perth. Sootlnnd. kept a record of the curious cases of drunkenness. Several hul~itu:|l cases had developed off mnnias. One woman. arrested 167 times-for drunk- noss in twenty-one years`. had nmania for |:]9akin2 windows when intoxicated. An old sdlaier. sutferingvfrom a wound in the head. always stole limes when tipuv. Another man stole nothing but 3| es. whiln nnr-. woman`: fnmw rnn A_ Googjia convict is uni tho state ponutxmmry oomrny (qr ON dun- bending igf lags_throuqh ovo_r- __ An. A .A_ ._ I]. J. nenun WEB In one CHEN`- The question of how best. to form I fund was disoueoed at some length and it was the general opinion that the citipna should not be called upon _I.o rubzoiibe on tiny hnvo coritribubed to several |funda nlroody this season. Tho committee deems od it. wioer to request the city council to grant 8500 towards carrying out the aelobrotion, and this will, ngoordingly be OHQ. IIIIU l\UVBu `F I\- IJUIIIIIIUII uuu II. IX. 1'1 115' marine. The dean also gave the address, dwelling upon the individual res onsiblliby of church membership. There as a large number of communicnnte. After the ser- vice the dole {non adjournodto St. George : hell to organize for busineas. Them will be A mieaionery meeting this evening at eight o`clock in St. George's hall. and umon the speakers will be Mics Tilley. a Churc of England deueonees from Tumu- Ln. wm an Aolty an . N The committee appointed 0 collect money to defray the expenses of cnrrying out the diamond jubilee celebration bane, met in ulderman Allen : oico. last oven- ing. All the members were present, and J. J. Behun was in the chair. FBI... ....-..A:..._ -4` L-.. I.-..L L- l`.-_ - l`.....I HUI`. _ "What A pity," continued the judge, "your appearance and address indicate that you mi ht be an ornament to society. Ibis too be that you should spend the better art of yourlife in prison. I hope you wi I ohink the matter over and reform, so no to receive H mitigation of your long term forgood conduct. [will be lenient. with - you and I trust: you will not be ungrateful. ` The sentence of this court: is that you nerve two yours In the King- eoon penitentiary, the term to run concur- rently with than which you are now serv- ing, which is practically no sentence at all. New Ido hope ou will not diure- gard what I have said. us will try to have your sentence reduced. If you come be- fore the court. again you may receive a sentence than will conne you in niLenti- ery for the term of your nntural ife." Oayboocnllou so be lndo for the Colo- ` but on tho llntl. Gniullpu W time! the cibiun ' de- oondon com Moo hoiing in In d u- -nnjnnnln Cur Ihn onlnhnklnn rm min Qnrl Annual Dloco an Meeting. The delegabea to the annual diocesan meeting of the women n auxilinry met in St. (ioorge's cathedral for aervico at hnlf~ past. nine o'clock this morning. The mis- sionary litany was said by the Rev. J. K. Mncmorina, after which the dam began the holy communion service. assisted by the Revs. (3 R. Benmish and J. K. A\[i0- .....-..... "VI... A-.. ..I.... an... AI... -.I.I_,...... now 'lBl'Vll_lg." In reply to the same question as was asked McDonald by the judge. Doe said that there had been a little. triing dis- gute between him and Carney. He asked army for an explanation, but this made matters only worse. Carney became angry and struck him. The risoner throw up his arm to ward off the low when Curpey caught one of prisoner's ngers botxireen his teeth. breaking the bone and tearing oil` the nail. Prisoner asked Carney to re- lense his nger, hut he"4hiuL-ed. Prisoner took a knife out of his pocket and threaten- ed Carney unless he let go his finger. (iuurd Brennan interfered and separated them. Carney. who is 3 big man, standing over six feet high. thereupon caught _pri_IIoner by the collar and threw him ori the floor, and otherwise assaulted him. Other guards interfered. and took Carney away. These are the circumstances, my lord. said Doe. I did not intend to do him in- jury. only to prevent him injuring me. "It. would have been better had won an Jury. only 50 pl"6\'9lID IIIILI IIIJIIFIIIK H13. "Ia would have been better had you an pealed to some of the oxcinls instead of trying to take the law into your own hands, said the judge. "How many years have you to serve ?" "I have not-vod vu and have twantv JUIIFE IIIVU JUII IOU UUTVI1. "I have served vo and have twenty more to serve, said Doe. And your penibenlziary record Y" Ia bad, very ind, replied the pri- nn nar, uotn pll guilty to me cunrgae. When asked if he had anything to soy before the sentence of the court was pane- ed on him. Mcbonsld said that before his escape he had been locked `up live years. Being taken out on the road to work he wslhed away. not seeing anybody to pre- vent him. y . Hod you been reesptured them said judge Wilkilon. "there might have been in mitigation of your sentence. Even now one might have dealt lenient with you had our after conduct been upright. Instead. owever. you egsln descended into vice. You were caught in crime and returned to the penitentluy again. This circumstance in ngeinst you. It is in the interest of the community that you should be locked up. When at liberty you make it in business to prey uponxreople and unlawfully carry ell" their go a. You have been before judge: on at least two other occasions and know what result your acts merit. Your conduct has been bad, and the sentence of this court is that you serve two years in the Kingston nitentiery. the term oom- mencing at t eeud of the term you are eerving. Tn renlv tn hlm name nuaation as QXUNFV COURT. ` John Doe llul `two but Added to Illa `rung. In It Inns (Ionnnrrput vmu -Ills (`uncut Iontgnoo-Inodon:ld Wu No: no loruuup. ' _ Woduolday morning` I sitting of the court `of general aeuionu opened ton o`c|ook. The two convicts, James Duo. charged with criminal uuun committed on guard Gunny on Jnnuary 13th 'Inh.nnd W. Angus McDonald, churned with escaping from the itentiary in October. 1894, being bmughb k ve months ago . won) arraigned. `Both pleaded guilty to the charges. Whnn unkind if he had nnvbhlnzz to SI! u---nh--1 rwo oouvnors WERE `rmao AT] _ .-._-- 4.... .-- Ila: A lurvclouu Ieumry. .--mlln... mam--- :, cl... .. (`In-Ion: Run or llama. I,4. _L, -pa n u n C II` XIII` IIIIGU Wllll IIII WI!`- H. Goons : cathedral for the illu- '4\hIhIOfUI|OIVOl||n o! the v nugononlly will be nquow _ dumb thin` pumice. and to illu- V Illa during tho evening. Q.