L U UN N . Pouunastor. Rh |m;nIusI IHEBR|I|Sl|.1 The Soldiers were Assallcd by Trcachcrous Natives. IIJUIIE A my-1n l(|L|.E|l.{ AFFAIR MORE THAN A CONFLICT WITH wanna: muses. A lueecre ol Ilrltlrh Olllcere end Nntlven -001. Bunny lnld to Have Been Among Tholn I|lled-'l'ho Trlbee Ileretolore llnvc Been Turbulent. Bounn, June ll.-A deepetch received here from Simln. the residence of the In- dlnn government cllioinle during the heat- ed period of the you. ennounoee eerioua trouble on the northern frontier and the mnuecre of e number of Britieh oiceru end netivee in the government employ. Ia`.-nm than nnrmlnnlnrn nhminnhle lb DIO- end nemvee In me government uulpluy. From the pnrticulnre obtainable pre- sent. it learns that two gum belong- ing to e Bombay mounted battery. escort- ed by 300 men. belonging to the first regiment of Sikhs; and to the first Punjeb infantry, were treecherously et- taohed in the Teohi Valley by A large force of hoetile uetivee. The first report said that Col. Bunny. two officers and twenty- ve privetee had been killed and that three oiiicere and twenty-ve men had been wounded. Later reports. however. seem to indioeto that the affair is more then 3 more conflict with warlike natives. and that the notorious Mullah of Poindeh in at the bottom of the troub!e. n ...m. umt. n nnlitimll nicar. Mr. the bottom 0! me crouoze. lb seems that a political officer, Mr. McGee, was visiting Shirani with an eacort. of troops when he was attacked at. Maize by vastly superior foroee. The British hroope were compelled to retreat. and were followed eeverel miles by overwhelming numbere ol the enemy. The ghting was desperate. All the British officers were severely wounded. (`..m.. Rrnwna. of the first Sikhs. n eon severely wounaea. Capt. Browne, of the Sikhs. of the late Sir James Browne, and Lieub. Crookabank, of the Royal nrullery. were killed. Surgeon Higgmson. of the First. Sikhs. head out, and Seabon Browne, of the Punjab infantry, were wounded. The: uwnnrl dnnmtoh doe: not mention been omcmuy connrmeu. Lormox. June 12 - rThe Bombay corres- pondent of the Daily Mail saye- A pumi- tive expedition will be fitted out from Rawalpindi. It is expected that eevere ghting will follow and than another Chitral will beennoted. Unfortunately the great frontier generul. Sir William Lock- liert. is now on leave in Germany, while Sir Power Palmer. the general command- ing the British forces on the Afghan fron- tier, is on leave in England. Swift's Scranton Coal Sm The second doepatoh doe: the death of Col. Bunny. but from the fact that it says um Col. Gray from Miran- ahnn has taken over the command of the British forces engaged, it. is inferred that Col. Bunny in also M3003 the dead as first nnnounced. n-....i..: ..-n-.. I:.. .....-LI nnrl nn the rnnd snnounced. Techi valley lies north end on the road to Ghuzni and Wsniristen. It has been controlled by the British since the delimi- tation of the Indo-Alghsu frontier. The tribes there hsve always been turbulent. and anxiety is felt lest the other tribes rise syninst the British. lnunnu, Jung I3 -The Times corres- snmst Lne tsnusn. Lmmon. June I3 ~-The pondent at Simla says: "Mr. McGee wuss senttox the site of 3 new outpost at Shirsui, end to recover the nes imposed on local tribesmen for pest misconduct. The troops after the attack retired bownrds Dnttekhsls, sustsining a running fight for four miles. ,-\s `the Wuiris were in such strength, it wen impossible to do more than not on the defensive. n`l|..-. .....-.u.nian nf nntinn infnnhrv nnnt. squadron ol cavalry." B0.\in.u', Juno |`2.-'l`ho news of the disaster on the frontier of British India has boon oicinlly conrmed. [nunnv Jnnn IQ -Th0 Bombnv from The Oungregntlonnl Union Ilember. ship for A Year. Henry Yeigh, of Bruntfnrd, conducted the hour of prayer end praise from nine to ten mt. the Congregational union this fore- nocn. At. ten o'clock Rev. Prof. Wnrriner book the chair. The chairman of the nomination committee presented recom- mendations for standing committees, which were concurmd in. Rev. J. 1 . Gerrio. B.A.. was reappointed secretary of the union end Rev. D. S. Hamilton, B..\., statistical secretuy. 1:... Hanna Pnnlrnvar. of Zion church. man not. me uerenslve. Two companies of native infantry sent from Dsttslrhels reinforced the part. , which brought. in its guns safely. 0 reason is yet. given for this sudden out- break. but the srrison in the Tochi val- ley will be rein orced pendin a decision as to punitive operations. he present. garrison consists of two regimens of ne- tive infantry, one mounbein battery and s squadron of cavalry. llnnrrur. June stauatlcnl socretuy. Rev. Horace Pockovor, of '/non church. Toronto. and Rev. J. H. Barnett, of Trin- icy church. Bowmnnville. wmg_,roceivod into the membership of the union. Rev. E. E. Brnithwnito, B.A , B l).. and Rev. Goorgo Exbenco wore admitted as con-oa~ pending members. The ronort. of the auocinl committee ap- ponmng Inemoere. The report epeciel ap- pointed at the Int meetin of the union to enquire into the chenree rought egninet Rev. J. C. Mudill was then read. ` In view of the evidence submitted. the committee recommended thut Mr. Medill ho euepend- ed for one your from membership in the union. The report wee adopted without diecuaeion. The one ngninot Rev. W. H. Madill will he considered at mother eoeeion. Rev. J. W. 00:. EA . brought greetings from the union of Nova Sootie And New Brune- wick. . um- ............:n.. An Hm nolmmn nf nlnenr wick. The comlnihtoo on the scheme of olooer cooperation between the vu-iouu incor- porated Iociobion of use denomination And the union was pronntad. ncommonding u foll : no`-la... lhmninn ha Imti In lnlil Iollo l-~'%het tlhniou be requested to make npleoe upon the union committee for 3 member to he elected by each ueooietion. Also that the Ieonllriee 0! the verioun de- nominational eocietiee he undo. enecio, member: of the union committee. 2--The: the various deoominetionel oo- cietiee meeting with the union be request- edtoehuge their constitution. no as to into to the onion from com trihutinf on-ohee ex-oeio nelnhere ol the eocieeiee to which their churches have .._s-:Ln|n- 011311 [KT Ill wulvu uuvu vuunuuwu nu-vv contributors. ' Dilcudon outllin vu dohrnd unn- gAL..-on-inn ._?i A M|N|STER SUSPENDED KINGSTON. ONTARIO. SAT UBDAY, Iploo 0! `I'M Inning Papal-I Anal `lho Von baton Duvnohu. It. in oioinlly declared that the bubonic plague exists in Jeddnh. Hull's citv council and Ioadinlz .00iloiQI plague onus In aeucun. Hull'a city leading have decided to join Ottawa in the jubilee celebration. `DI--- 0.... Oh: n-up ngn-val Lnunihnl Rh, corner stone will no lllu on JIIDIIBG uuy. A uevon your-old girl, of Thorold. while examining n revolver received the charge of the weapon. Her condition in critical. Tum of mm northwest mounted Dolioo oelobraumn. Plum for the new general hospital, St. Luke's. Ottawa, are oompleud and the stone will be laid jubilee day. A -an-Inn unnnnld oil-I. nf Thnrnld. while 0! me weapon. nor uonuluon ll urmum. Two of the northwest; polioo horses died while on the voyage across the Atlantic. The others are in good condi- tion. rm.- D-:o:.k unmlnin "nnI whinh gr. Mon. The British warship Pellns, which ar- rived uh Halifax this morning, will pro- ceed to Boston. where it will remain until after June 22nd. I..A.... Ilnlhunnnu hm 'I`n-nnfn l`nlfAl`(`llI1. alter June zzna. J udge Mcbougsll, in Tomnto yesterday. dismissed the petition of the opponents of Sunday cars for a recount and scrutiny of the vote of May l5l.h. Th. Iihnrnhl of Qnnth Hm-on have the vote 0! may mun. The liberals of South Huron nominated M. Y. McLean, the sitting mamber, to represent. them again in the Ontario legislative nseombly. In mhn nrickah match Lt. Manchester. Unbano Ieglemuve neeommy. In the cricket. match at Manchester, England. bebwoen Philadelphia and I! Lancaehire team. the first. inning resulted: l hile.delphia, 123; Lencaehiro. N9. 'l`nmnm nniverait.v s annunl commence- LL. 1). WHO COIIHJITOLI. The volkernad. oi the South African re- public, has declared June 22nd. the da `of the diamond ju oe procession in Lon on, to A holidn bh ghout. the South African re ublio In r of queen Victoria. he Irish fair cloaed in New York. last. nighb. During the month the fair was running it is estimated that it. was visited by 700,000 persons. It is believed that the receipts will amount to $250,000. A uninna no-.1-amnnv nocurred at Dnvlzon. l'nlla.ueIpula, 1:-J; uuuuuaunru. A-ow. Toronto university's annunl ment was held yesterday. Hon. Wilfrid Laurier and Hon A. B. Hardy were among those on whom the honorary degree of LL. 1). was conferred. rm... .mu........A n! M.. Qn..o.|~. Ah-innn ra- M18 recelpw will ulnounu L0 qv.:au,uvu. A unique ceremony occurred Dnylzon. Ohio, Ian. evening at. Woodland cemetery in the burial rites over the bod of the late gypeey queen, Mnry Stanley, {end of one of tho wealthiest. tribes in the country. Ab g -nnninn nf (]fOn\I1n Innrnn` Inll 01 mo wealcmosr. (noes m mo coum.r_y. At. A meeting of Ot.t,awa medical men last. evening Sir James Grant. and Dr. H. 1`. Wright expressed regret. shut. the re- cent meobin of the Ontario medical aa- Iociation ha opposed the Victorian order of nurses and oulogizod the idea. Tim rnuuin dnnlnrn in nmuninn Ab NEW oi and ouioguzeu me man. The music dealers in session am New York, have discovered that the falling off in the sale of sheet. music in the states is caused by A Canadian rm having dupli- cues of their most vnluuble copyrighted work.-, and the music shipped into the states. ur:u:..... u Ir...... nf Rnhln NV,. Delivery 0! llltlmnlnm-~'l`here May Yet he Trouble. l.(NlmN, June l`2.-Advicee from Con- etnntinople any: that Sir Philip Currie, the British ambassador. has served notice on the eultun that Great Britain will under no circumstances consent to the eeceeeion of Thessaly. This represents A cleavage of sentiment among the were. ea (lermnny is entirely willing that urkey should keep the conquered province. Should Turkey decide to defy (iron. Brit-nin. relying on the support of the llrei Kaieerbund, the eastern question will again naeume en acute pluu-e. The Turkish prime minister is reported to have grown dumb with netonishment when England`: ultimatum was delivered. England at present has an immense lleet in the Mediterranean and is undisputed mistress of the sea. Nrw Vnnx .lnne l:!.-The London (90l'~ EFWHY? mply because it is shares. William H. Koern, of Bufllalo. N.Y.. died on board the Columblnn lino steamer Ad Vance this morning. as the ventral anchor- ed in qunrnntino at New York. Death was caused by yellow fo\"br. The steam- er : pasnon ere will be detained on Holl- man island or five dayr. Dnnm-n I-m Han mm-nlnr nfoars of the nelanu tor nve uayr. Reports by the ooneular oicers of the United States and Manitoba. and Western Ontario indicate good orope of both winner and I ring grain. The epring acreage in the innipeg consular district. is about fteen per cent. greater than last. year. while cro s are about ten days earlier. Rioha E. Toothill, an artist of James- town. N.Y.. hns pro red his masterpiece in artistic penmana tip at the instance of the British American residents of James- town, in the way of a testimonial to be sent. to Queen Victoria for reventation on the anniversary of her sixty _ ears` reign. Anon:-(Hn`n In the! rminru nf thh NOW undisputed Iuletmes OI tne sen. NI-ZW Yuma. June |2.-Tlie London cor respondent of the un says: The Sun's correspondent in this city has received private advices from Constantinople which enable him to conrm without reservation the news of England : declaration regard- ing the retrocession to Turlie ol the Grecian province of Thessa y. The announcement that England would not consent to Thessaly being again placed under Turliish rule was made by Sir Philip Currie. the British aInbasea~ dor to Tewlilr Pasha, the emir of foreign alfaire, in the preeenoe of M. Nelido. the Russian ambaaeador, on May 22nd. This was the first intimation that either Tewlik Pasha or M. Nelidoll had of England's le- ciaion and both were astounded. The British ambassador declared the policy of his government in terms that were the equivalent of an ultimatum. Tewk Paehalisuened in silence. and then. dis~ playing strong emotion. he turned and left the room without uttering a word. M. Nelidoll soon followed im. The original plans of the sultan and the car were abandoned, apparently. from` that moment. unleee. as is more than possible. Turkeys extensive war preparations, which have been more active than ever .sinoe the armistice was ar- ........I t..... an manna nnaaiblq the anniversary or uer elxtyvyears reign. According to the reports of the New York commercial agencies therein an a preciable improvement. in the general tra e situation, a distinction which.while moder- ate. is decidedly marked. Favorable re- ports as to the wheat and cobmn have exerciaed A benecial inuence. which has been added to by considerable buying of American necessities. .aI'neo mo Irminum was ur- nngod, huvo the nave poonible aigniooneo. The belief still prevail: in high diplomatic quuurl that Turkey uorotly dotanninod to hold Thunly. but Gun Britain has doelud in at tannin that the will I-ishdnw from tbooonoort of powers union the sultan is eonpullod to nnrnndor the province to tho (inch. `hula Jnn llm-A @ IO surrender the province to no unuu. lhuus. Juno l2.~--A dcoputdl tho Soloil from 8:. Pobnburg up ant Gor- runyil trying honours the mansion ol Tnrkinh can-icon: in Clue. tho nuoouolon ol Thuuly to Turn). and tho Abolition 0! sh epoch! privileges seconded to that subjects in tho Ottoman oupin. Rania. unending to the oornrpoudoul at the Bohil. I'Cfl!O In oouoldo than points. Houlth: "And no Gunny will two to nlglrll BRITAIN WILL NOT CONSENT. PITH OF THE NEWS. _%7 \ Ill FE In_1:III;nIIan.I Irma mnrremsslan FRlEl:`.| Stoakhalf cooked - servant I girl packing. wife crying. evory- ` body mad, the coal's to blame. Why will folks expect bad coal to cook for goodpooplo. If you . bnvonktriod JUNE 12. 1897. The Affairs of the Montreal Post office. RUSHING THE WORK ON THE ST. LAWRENCE CANALS. contractors new order: to :Put on lore Men If It In Neoenu-:-R.I.U. Uhnngeu --Frlllu Cut on--`l'he lee Reduced by One- Belt. OTTAWA. June ll,--In the house this morning the poatm ter-general promised an investigation in the condition 01 einirs in the genera oloe nt Montreal. This nroee out of a question by Mr. Davis. See- katchewen, who wanted to know if it was a fact that from the Hth to 30th Decem- ber, 1895, 6.386 pound: of 1 special addi- tion of the Montreal Gazette marked copies were ed through the mails from the Montrem poet olce. free of olnrgo; that from the 27th to 30th January, 1896, 770 unde of the Gazette elmanaoe. and that rom the `_ lat of December, 1896, to the 8th of January. 1896, 3,230 pounds of Star ulmunace were pulsed through the mails from the Montreal post otce, free of Al... -on lllutlu In char e. ME N charge. Mr. Mulook said it had been reported to him (Mr. Mulock), that this was ohe case. He added that the complaints of irregular- Ibiee in the Montreal ollice had been re- ceived, and were being looked into. , If found necessary an inveetigdbion would be held during the recess. Thu hnmm want. into 1-uonlv on N10 rail- held during the The house went into supply way estimmes and a long discussion on the P.E.l. railway ensued. in which all the island members took part. On the ex- )8lldlC|ll`0 for the Soulanges canal, Mr. lair explained that this new waterway would cost ve millions. The govern- ment was pressing the work, as on all other canals, and the contractors had ordersto put on more men if necessary. Up to the `. .5th of February 8240.000 had been spent on the canal and $400,000 was estimated as necessary up to the end of this month. in. n...;.. nhnlnd Hut. at the recent this month. Mr. Davies abated that at the recent. meeting of the rovincial prezniora as Ob- tawn Prince E ward Island`:-1 claim for I...5s.... On:-Ivl hurl hnnn In-and, Thu unwant- ter to arbitration. An important. statement made was the announcement) of tho aolioibuingenoral than all the legal bnsinoss hired out. under the late government. was now done in the do- rbment. by the stall`, and 835,000 would saved in counsel fees. The afternoon sitting in supply was largely taken up with a fruitless discussion of the thread- bnn story of dismissals. A rnturn m-anointed in parliament in re- EBWB l'l`II)O0 LGWILFU Dsllllua uuulu nu` better terms had been urged. Tho govern i ment. had decided to refer the whole mat \ tor to nrbitrntion. A- :..........o....s. nfnlnrnnnh rnnrln wn the bare story or ulelniuua. A return resented parliament gard to the oynl military college etKing- ston provides that. the course of imt.ruc- tions in reduced from four to three years. 'l`he order in council providing ohio is dated h of May. The course in mili- tary engineoringia conned to aubjoota necessary to a cadet. passing into bho im~ perinl service. Tho courses in chemistry. physics. [ 6rIII EUl'\'lL'v- The courses chemistry, pl: sics. geology. and mineralogy are to be reguced In Hm mmirmnant.n of modern emrinoero. geology. nna mineralogy luv to uo nuuuuuu to the requiremonbn of modern engineers. Tho French and English course is conned to the tint. and second years. The fees are reduced from 8200 to $100. and a ne of $100 for those who {nil to complete their course is cancelled. 'l"l._ n...'o;.|..P..I..mI.in Rnutlmrn bill was I! cancelled. The Brit.iohColumhia Southern bill was adopted in the railway couiinmoo This is aC.1'. R. bill. It gives tho comp-my power to build from their stern tor- minua in Crow : Noah Pans across and over tho eastern boundary of British Columbia into the district. of Alberta. thencoin an easterly direction to Man- |.ood, or to a point. on the lino of the Cal- :zary& McLeod railwny, and theme to Lebhbridge. In than dnmininn nnnntntho bi" comnollimr Lothbndge. In the dominion aonatotho compelling nilwaya to carry bicycles an baggage wan read a second time and referred to the railway committee on the understanding that. in reading the bill a second time the senate was not nsaenting to the principle. KY.-ulna Inn: niunu that Hm Illlri Of EWO RBHIIO IIOI. Illllalllg I.U IIIIU plIlICl|llv- Notice was given that tho ulariea of two new ministers who nuke the plnco of the controllers will be five thousand dollars it your. A, I). Danalloa. ioint. librarian of purlixr Uephaloma to tale tnem over. > Thomas A. Sharp, superintendent of the. experimental farm at Agaaeiz. l3.C.. ii at preeent in Ottawa, the guest. of I)r. Saunders. director of the experimental farm. He says that the crops in Britieh Columbia were very promising when he left. both of rain and fruit. Pears, applee and pluma are all set well. and the weather is favorable for their rapid growth. Early cherriee and berriee were ripe dur- ing the last week in May. and the later aorta were maturing fact. The apple trees promise a good average yield. The season- ahle raine this a ring have aaaured a hpavy crop of hay. an the outlook for farmers in that province ia very encouraging. The large inux of people to the various mining dietricta has created an active and increaeed demand {or {arm produote of all kinda [or good prices and the farmers generally are exerting themaelvea to meet this demand. The or- charda of British Columbia have multiplied eo largely during thelaat few yearn thata Droductive aeaaon will throw- on the marketa an immenae quantity of fruit. The anrplna nda its way tothe vari- ona citiea and term not only in the mining rliatrieta but on the plaine aefar eaetaa Winnipeg. The climate is ao favorable in tlrie vince to the production 0! fruit that ere ia practically no limit to the ex- tent to which thia induatry can be de- velopod. A. I). Decelloa. joint. perlixr ment. leaves to day for England to take part. in the international conference: of librarians in London in July. Several hundred librarians of the United Staten will leave Boston for the some purposes. having chartered the Cunurd steamship Cephalonia to take them over. 'Nmm.. A Rhnrn. Annerinlondellt the A -II'IIUI'Ur -uujvua (llzomrnm-II. Del. Juno I2.--JuncI H. Gordy. I Bond of tho Holman typ. Ill hanpd in Sussex` jni| today {or tinctur- dot of his wife About two nu-Iago. The ctimo had been eulnly pnuodihbd. And the murder '1: onnithd lot no other rcuon than the murderer`: Innlhblo -_..aI Can -usnA- Ilia -ih M bl M'- than {III lnIl'uCIII"I lnuulmc nod for money. Bio wilo Ind-boon Ian- I y insured in lnvot of bar inhnt child, and both mount and child did suddenly. Th orinovnlxodonouly. sndbohoptid thouvhl punk}. On Ila uud,hhinnounoo.ut| hhealaonu wuoluroi Iluoolsrmluphdhln. II. `V IIUVIIV properly. A Dodo: Inn : hdoet Io Ohnlco CM u-- n..:...n nu-nu. HIV XIII vu---. P. 8. Hammond. the New England nun who proposes to him: Bean by dunlning ' she strain: of Belle Isle. Ioma to be thor- oughly in earnest about his =@l'0JIOI for ohnnging the climate of the math Atlan- tic oonat. Ho is organizing a `company which is to have a capital of I100.000.000 } and promises that it he nan rain that \ amount he will banish the cold! Int wind. which in tho apeoini bane of Boston and the whole New England coast. within I ` tow months after he begin: ope-rnnionn. ll-. [In nnunvul `n nnhninn in IIXIPBIX months tuber he heglnn ope-muons. Mr. Islmnmond'a schema in extremely nhnpln. In the nuroweut put the Inuit F. B. HAMMOND. of Belle Isle are only three miles wide. but through this narrow outlet the oold arctic current. which scientists long ago ngrocd hnd aflnnst chilling eiloct on our cllmutu, pours with consoles: ow its ioy wutera. Mr. Hammond would build a dmn ncmsn the! strain at this point and mum the current. out into the Atlantic onoan. whore it. could do no further dam- ngo than to make ocvun travelers Ihlvor {or a tow hours on their way across. rm....... nrn nn an-mu. mmincmrinn 0b8h- ior row hours tnonr way uuruus. There are no great. engineering cles to he oreroolue in building such a damn, according to Mr. Huuunond. Tho atrnits uro not. more than 800 int deep at any point. He would build tho dam in win- ter when the ntruitn nre frozen over. Rook bizmted from the {see of the cliffs on the mainland could be dumped at. the desired spot by cutting a halo in the ico, and thus tho dam could be iiixiim until it reaoholl rim roqulrud height. Of course it would Niko a good deal of rock, but then Mr. Hammond is used toiignring in big round numbers. He doesn't expect. to uhnnge the climate of a dozen states with a low Ibowifuin of dirt. Ho liken to apt-ouln .o about big possibil- ities, does Mr. Hammond. and once he set sbnut thinking oi this scheme it: mngniil- cent possibilities broadened out before him. Once the dam was built what would be easier than to lay truck on mp of it and run In railroad line name: New- fonndi.-md to St. John's. Then,-`with such I railroad in operation, what would stand ` in the way of establishing A line of four day ntonnners to Europe! nv nnnulmtlon Mr. Hammond llh [JPO- Experimental Farm Iatiliont on 0rdI- nary Barnyard lfowl. 01'l'A\\'A, June l`2.--At the meeting ol the agriculture committee, Frank T. Shutt, chemist, gm-e valuable evidence of the work done in his department during the year. and Mr. Gilbert. ofthe poultr de- rtment, showed that with fty o inary Eiirnynrd fowla. since April. 1896. he made in protnf $93.93. or about Lwovdollura per head. This experiment was taken in hand at the request of the committee. \VhAn anonkinu tn nho farmers he never at one request or um culurnwuuu. When speaking to the farmers held out a greater profit than one doller per hen. The cost or feeding articially for the fifty hens was ten cents per diem. Mr. Feathorstone said that this branch was the only paying one at the farm. Death In A Temple. SAN FllA.\'l`lS4Y0,CAl.,JllUO l`Z.--A re ti` tion of the Paris horror in reported rem Tien-Tein, China. Mar 100 persons lost their lives in an attem it to escape from a burning doelh-trap. leetivel was in pro- grena in the temple dedimfed to the queen of Heaven. All M'0uIId the building were awnings and inammable mnterial. The place was crowded day after. day. and it was when the feetivel was at its hei ht and woman and children crowded the edice to the doors that a fire started. A terric nic ensued. Men and women struggled ll)-r the exits. trampling the week and the children under foot. Many who were neer the doors were cut o from escape by the crowds. The city was plunged in grief. i`AT15s DIFFER. The Boys School Suits at 84 and $5, in three-piece styles, will soon nd owners at these prices. CAWFO|l'S dny numllwrs to nuropm By nccupntlon nalo lumher nnlc-smun, roprt-renting u wont- ` urn rm in Boston, but by Inollnatlon he ` is a promoter of van sohemui. His father Inn civil 0lIh\(`f`l', who for many yours , was conm-vtod with the coast sunny. and ` It was during conversations with the lat.- tcr that tho non (-onoolwd thin brlinnb projcn. Mr. Hammond ls 85 year! old and hm: nll the hntrmmnalod enthusiasm of I man a damn yours younger. W1 UYINGSNN -133"-| TO BANISH THE EAST WIND. Vanety is the spice of life. There Is Sufficient Variety Of Boys Suits at This store Te suit_ Ail tastes. 7i;iHhmq. DI llII I I'I"UVI -u v-u luv Injlund Ollnnu. 1,-_,_,-_...I AL- \!..._ I`-.1-I. MONEY IN HENS. ME A N911; 9:: IT. min 9' I`\ I.Ii \Il -up Our Underwear Department is one of the largest and most com- plete in the city. r`nl2k`I`T COVERS. rm-._ uc. clc Ill IIIC \all u consm` cbvaks, Ioc, x5e, zoc. 25c. 35c. 45c. soc. 75c. 95c- nnAun:rDc nu. non of! am- 3505 335: .13`-9 43! 3! I3! 33` DRAWERS, 17c, 22c. 28. 39. 49c, 59c, 69c to $1.25. SKIRTS, 75:. $1. 8925. 3:59. $r.85. NIGH r GOWNS. 37i<:. soc up to $1.75 each. Can nnr nhnw window thn 0 {$1.75 caux. See our show window then comemslde and examine quali- ties. _'l_`EACY & snancv. . _..A_ 1-... n..aA--I..I.I. Dnttnpn-, w. IJDBINNAN. DIIIOIOI AID mnn.nn-l1 nu. oou Itroot. block Ibovo old stand. Tn LIADIIO UIml:Inn|-Iu-cu PI-Inna ntuot. `lblophono un. Open Dund Nlqhl Prinoou strut. 00l'nOI` I! phono oommunlonblon. nu:-nu Fo\vum--At Glonturnio. on! inns 10th. the wife of Joseph Fowler. 0! 5 daughter. . WmmI'r-- At. Doaorontao. Mn 25th. wih of Robert. Wri ht, of A dung (or. C0n\'n.'r-At. `ihsemmo, Juno Blah. wilo of J. F, Convert. 0! I non. V OAMm.I:--At. Doooronto. J uno, 73.15; wife of Willium Gamble, of 5 non. Wm(m'r-ln Detroit. Mich, o rhlum. wife of Herbert. G. V\'rihu. I] of Nnpnnoo, of n dnughur. Lnvnsnnvw-At Na noo. Obh Janis. to of John Liveeloy, o I Ion. V Fouums 0KI~-;`b-`kl not. June I. O. 0. Fountain. . Go IIIII Oko. of South oohburg; ' Cunmonoluz-BI..uu.u--Ao Wutpott, on June Bub. Rev. J. W. OOIIIIIIV, oil. to Miss Martha Blnkoly. both of nborly. S'mm.mr-Avnns1\-On Juno Dth, amus- mounc, Frank Bmnley. vloo-pridonl Stanley piano company. Toronto. to Edith Maude A orat, youngoat nhughur ol the late Alrod Ayoru. Kingston. Ont. Foonc Cl.Al`l`~ Ab Now York city. on Juno lat, Mu Clap . second daughter of Philip Clnpp. o Han-iaoon. formerly of Milford. to R. L. Footouof Rochester. KYU vq Cl'.l -On June 2nd, J. Am non Church and Minnie B. Wolbunll, both of South Morylbnrgh. _:_ Old Brown Windsor Soap xc Pure Tar Soap, 3 for.1oc. Mechanics Tm` Soap, 6c. Baby : Own, 8c. an auto ~;uua.u. , __:?.: DIED. Romy 7-At. Newburgh. Juno Mb. Richard Rook, aged seventy-tlmoo yous. AT ONCE. A1` HQTIH. WELLIAN. WIL- linglon. Ont . A tint.-cluu uook and nut- rul houuo umunnor. Ihforoncoi mqulnd. Ap- ply to uxo. V\ I`.l.L.VlA)l. Pton ASABIIE CAPE, IIITWEEN THE ( KNEE or Jnhnmn at rest and Unlvonity vumo and (`annual 0-motory. with nlmo I8. l\`.Ll.l() IT on. Finder will he uulcnbly row_|nl- At. present thorn soorns to ho o military opidemic provniling Among tho boys of tho cit. . Esch night. in dior-out qusr-tors on who noon squndo of lads drillin . olod in psrpor holrnou sud umnoi vi voodoo swor-do. Thorn on or. least. Ihroo "rovi- rnonu." which moot. daily and go l.hr-on ls their usual drill. Ono isoorn of lo I residing in tho vicinity of `vision and Prinoooo strooos, ono noor Fronlono pru-Ir. sud ono on lower Unis-ossimy nvonuo. Tho iirst. mentioned oorps had A owoot polodo about seven o'clock lost. ovonio . monoli- ing down Prinooos out King A up Bun . rio streots. They woro hosdod It I dun oorps and rnorohod vory roll. _ his is tlro proper wsy to roioo soldion and tho youn- rtars should he oncourqzod in tlioir aili- tory srdonr. They will do honor to thon- urlvu rmd count." heroofhot. _-- ----1 HOOD GENERAL HEHVANT. Anpl to Mus. In|.uol.u su1'nmu.nm, 151 pl 0. rant with II. ELl.l()lTnn. Flndcrwnllhouultlbl ud lsylosvinu Ar. lolgut'u Tit-Ilot o 09. Foot of Broukwstnoet. ,__._._.____..:..... wry umonr. Inc} will nu nun solve: and country hereofut. % CLOCI A. c._ J9n15_c_)gI_ 3. no. L,II.ulI\lI $2-2--v_ @010 Ann for Buttorlokh Pnthtnu. L 7I'I3Id I ha: Crompton's Corsets, 50c. D. & A. Corsets, 50c. E. & T. Corsets, soc. JAB. xuuu. Prlnoou WEATHER 'PROBA|5lgI;F& n _.._ n......I.A_ 7 , (I001) UKNIHILL SERVANT AT I Bruok Strut. n_..-_?.:__._:__.-.:._._ __ GOOD GEN ERA]. NI` RVANT. Al PI:Y 10 In. J. O. MITCHELL, Ill!) W"Ill'| BGIOIL *---1 -U CU CC:--1`: Wllllcl and -`y-v vcvq Dam hbCI'XOC 1 M` called for and dolivoriil - to all put: of the city. REIMIRED. in a ntulelsu manner and guuggb. to | I U ` W` I give utufacuon. 1:L3,I-I,g|,' alanavan u up [I0 UIDIITAKII 4 u utmost. Oornu B: sommunlonblon. "o}n&..T-i7ri.'.:`A?o i7o"i7. -____ - A- L- - - zoc. Women's Fast Black Hose, toe to zoc. Men : Yarn Hose, fast black `and full-faishioned, spliced heels and toes, zoc. Cashmere Hose, pure wool ` and seamless, 251:. "\ N""A`N`r`Eb. ID. ; ' anon. J um I. MAL.` up-Anmn_tA a shoot. ` CRI\WFORD S_ I\I\IhCI- an ----__ Organdie- waists. separate HIf`_ u don't know what. it is to no cookers that do their work WOOD AND COAL Simply because it the BEST and M051` ECONOMICAL, that is u 13 being used by housekeepers. Why don't,you order it to-dny. '3 Pibbed Hose, we to :-v --- www-- no I-Itmcass 31:` NOTICE. .2: """"'-*'~'-"'-".i:':a:".?3"5.-':*: ""` ` ( o'clock I. t in-hon. ' _, L L If your fsmily Inge look at this :. D [ We oer Clark's E ooantm BEEF I in 0 lb. tins for 500.. b..._..I-- -5-1.. 0!- st. _$u.'"p'i3'2'3:'?so'f`"" % Nhy ` not two I ~ N00 Tho Duly lloto Boot lor I'll; lnodoll -I-.. Dnal 1-h-nulvnn bv. TX IBIII IIIIII noun cur w-u. ---_..- To Post Thouulvol bv. Ollicinl notice oi change in time of mail: going out and went. in given in this issue. Rev. 0. O. Johnoton. mornin . afar- noon and evening, Queen Itroob othodist churchq m.......a.... .6 can mnnminn bv Wolfe IIIIIIKIUTI VIII I Muylvillo. [Ingmar J church- Dincuuion of ferry quoqtion by hlnudog-'I"t~hiI evening 3!. 7:30. town hall. 7:6-NIAEHT. M ONDA_Y._ g Ilaryavnle. Btnamor Jamea Bum for Ottawa every Monday and Thursday at 6 a.l.n. Jamel H-HI. (`A , nngng Ilgndny Th;-can Bwilt. & 04).. Icons. nnnnlnn of Luis ( Swill . & Co.. Agent. Openln of Lake Ontario Park Saturdny evening. uno 120.11. Electric staroopticon vian nnd Melfbnnd. Admission free. no. D....I umiml. Rnmlnv trim : Ianvu vlawl nnd Mnlrbnna. Aumuuxon Ina. Btr. Paul Smith Sunday trips : Loaves Kingston 9:30 I.m.. 11 mm. and 1:15 p. m. Wollo Island, 10 a.m.. 12:30 p.m. and 4 p.m. Round trip, 10. Calla at Garden hlnml both inn. n-uuuu unp, p. m. Inland bot.h whys. Wlll FIRE 1"` Dfllollll nluvug 1 -n uu.-v..-, Telegraphic Now. Page 2-At Cam Barrieold; Congrega- tioml Union; Loos Evenu. n-._ o,,u....... f`.u-nlA- Nnnnnna News: tioml Union; Local mvonu. Page 3-Homo Circle; Napanee News; General Items. Page 4-Edit.oriAla: Football. Page 5--Tho Social Side of Kin aton. Page 6-H`uhione; I Grout To escape; Illuitntod. Page 7-New York Letter; Cookery; G..I....sl.(..- fl`! I`-HUI! Luau anuvvn, \.Ivv Selections. P:go`8--Tho Very Lnbopt News. 77` HA1` SOLID BRICK HOUSE No. iM.BROCK Street. near Sydenhnm. will Mall 0' It-Mo on any terms. ADD]! to J. W. OLDFIN. THAT on any terms. Apply Hunt Square. D with both uinule and double roommwn modem conveniences, at 288 Queen Street. Fluted Warol Olooh, Tools. Grind stone. JOHN H. HILLS. Auctioneer. .-n OIIENCING ON MONDAY. urn msnx. * tho Hall for the 0. '1`. By. Day Train pans- lng Ennl. will ulosv M. I1:3.'\ mm. Mnll for lluy Tnln pnauin west will oluucrnt 1:!:l0 p.m. Tho Weston-n;'Mn I wlll bu lug for llollvery at 1 p.m., and the ltnlorn at 1:40 p m. AIJGXANIIEB GUNN. (l.lIITED.) HI ANNUAL (IESRRAI. MEETING OF the `hlnshnldera of the Kingston Amn- tonr Mhloolo Association (hlmitad), for the olrntlon of ullrootorn and tnmuutlon of nano- rlsl lnuulnouu vnl| he held In Boar-|-room. RIM- Tlsn Wmu lluiuling. un FRIDAY, J UNE lsrn, UITE 01*` OFFICES CON'l`-\lNlNH'1'I1nr.'u; rooms, over the Horohnnvn Bank 0! Can- ndu, wlthuso of info and lavatory. Heated hv lurnnno. Ann]! to G. E. HAGUE. Manager. wlthvuso Hosted by lurnuoo. Apply HAT LARGE AND OOIIIODIUUS mus- mlnos (anus with sborohouu 40:66) lately occupied ll}: tho Huoklestcn Honlwuo am- pany on rlnuou Street. well adapted for wholesale munufnotn ring or large retail bud- nun. MA: be rontod in whole or pm-t_.:u_:d fW\J\J I l\'nV &C: ----.__ 01 Household Furntture. Parlor Suite. Fancy Chan-s.'1`abloa. Etc. I HAVE IN8'l`l|U(l'l`l0NS FROM MRS ILL- BEY to all H.110 R0nI1|On(\A. No. 78 Union l~lt.rool..non King; on WIDNDOOAY. Juno mm. sh. offqnn vll.. Bnu Gun Chnldllors. Purl I Suite. Pane! Plus-h Booken. Dlnmnr and on 8:9-o.CuI-to us. Blinds ll:-rot. Dank. Dookn. Sldobou-d. Emmuon 'l`t\blo. Ploturu, Bodlloom Iot. I-ln .InMnuu.Hnll Tnhlo, Plutod Wan. loo n, Tools. (lrlnul Stone. sumo Roller. Malt Cltpotu. Oll Suoyo. R_.nno. MAIL FOR GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY The Kingston Kliiateurl ---ww- HOSIERYI 1111 _-I BIL` nvw---- -v v.`_._ HI OllIDl1Y)RS 0|!` THE RATE JANE Cln-ink. who died M. King.-ton on the lath In 0! Mnmh um. nro bonhy required on or he on the 35% day of .hum. mm. to .~mnI 10 the undo|-sinned. .-kolinitoru (or Wllliam Coohmno amt Edmund Sweet. executors of tho aid dcuoused. In statement uf their olnlmu, and in one this noting in not r~om~ plio-I with the maid oxuoutors VIII dI.~.tr|huto the nuns alter the mid into wi'|mut. mfer- onno to any clninu of which they hnvo no uouoo M. thomo of such dlutrihnl ion HARLEY.RWKET& HARLEY. . Rolinllurn. Box SM. Hrnntfotd. hnhnrl Jnnn 3|-d. IIC7. |fiA`Sl-'-ER ox: TAVERN uceuss. __..---n- Il\ tutu-lain`! l1I`vI)\v llV\ IIPIIIIII IT Ilnxlivu -1-` `on ---v-.`-- __ -_- ONCE IS HEREBY GIVEN T0 WHOM IT ms: oonoorn that I hurt npollod to the ldoonao Commlsaionon M the Oounty of Iron- hnuc, to have my Lloomo nho nodfnul Hnnuo. To-nthlo nl Boallnni. for tho wu- ont your tralnforrnd In WIIHIIII (hunblo. with whom I have urrsnnod M can mv law. JOHN JEN INUS. Ilnmnn. Jnnn llth, iixr oonmomous PRE- nmmniad by Oom- large retail bun- nou. May part. and wlll be Improved and Inodornlnd for A desir- uhlo unnnt. l u-tlnltlltrn may he hnd from the nnderui ad. Puwlcn &, 50!. Architects. lhmhnntn nk Chambers. MONDAY. INST inn Rant Day - MILLING AND ORB TESTING. . uuxn Auuunu gun Iron 11 od. Puwlcll &, ` Morchanu Chunbon. POST OFFICE NOT|CE.| lvllnnuuauuwuu u...- v..- -_--_. _, THE HIRING IM IKIBATORY 0!` TH KIII[uh)l\ Nlnlfu: Htlmul wull by grunge- mam. uhh thin Onhrio unvornnwnn. ho hum MINING l.AlImA11uu or `run man! whh Ill`: zron luring than hlll mar for Mill 'I`o~\.n on lots On (mm two to tho Ions. W. L U001 IVIIVV Uxuooavlnnnnvu I n-`av-x." DBISNIAIINO. IN ALI. Phi BRANCHES, uoonlonl with autumn and dooputoh. at Inodomto prion. apoelnl nthnuug [inn co Ollldnnh nlnthoo. I15 PIIIICIII Stlllnovor Run Plano Wuoroonu. ' . Rescind uvol-pool Lalo but Night--Wu Olchlly Wolcolnod. Loumx. Juno l2.-0win; to I demo logon thowoluh cont thocunud lino nunnolnip Lnunh did not ranch Liverpool until nlnvnn o'nImk Inn ninht. Plillliil` W. Lnnornna puny llnooll a tumor, and vacant by Sir Domld 8 mith. the Oundinn high oonluiuiouot. and Ir. :*z.:.~...,...'~ .2. 3:: W To I I |\lIohnd' mp. A lop um zuuan-:3 Loan lot tho 1:-t?vnl.buI ._t..n..nL.4|Inwa-nlcnlnuunnwnlncnnnnnl o 7 in during lllI1`gms Inc. On from U001)- WIN. 0.841.. Director. IXDlIIlp LIICIIII on not lit! uvwpunl until ohnn o'clock Int night. III I--1-in-anal n--Aw Insular` hi Lldh , PLEASANT RDOVS WITH BOABD. ONN front room. 1115 Earl street. ._.__:.___.__.:._..____._.-_ \Jl5CIl\Juo- -v ----V, ..-r -. __ , colfars, 75c. Grass Linen Waists, 69c. Perfect -Fitting Waists, sep 3- rate collars, $1, $1.25, $1.50. Wash Dress Goods. l5c. Double-fold Stuff Dress Goods, fast colors, 15:. All-wool' Dress Serges, zoc. Fine Black Alpacag, 2_5c. -500' Braqe foi3`25c- V_ - .,'purch'asq gives us `f iiY.'`.f Offering soc ` _ ',`i. '-web brace_s. with best Mo-hair `ends and djusting buckle`.for 25c._ HARDY S. , . UITE OFFICES CONTAININH THREE ` rnnmn. over of 1. Put Ofoo. Kingston, J nno chm Klnannn. Juno RI h. IRW. 1-j.- goin13Tn:iii-x mm 1iTT(7bduE6uA'rncn single and double roonu,wH.h nminm nonvanlonoos. Queen Nollnllun Dead June 3rd. 1837. NEW DRESSMAKINO PARLORS. -unbnaunlun IN` All. [WE BRANCH 7:i'UE:'r1'oN SALBA ........ _u uv......u...-A Bnrlnr Rnlh .u l1nnton,JunolItln. -_---a____- , Athletic Association. I ah. 1112c FOR SALE OR LEASE. "rrifrntmutn-s ARRIVAL. I A m. By ordor. NOTICE TO CRED|&TORS. LOCAL MEMORAN DA. "W "Q1116 CON'l'l.\"l`!. l--`Brit.iah Killed: Parliament; -I.l- \Y--. T? BOARE7 J. S. SKINNER. Secretary. m1 Ln law was ptuonl JAS. SWlFT& co.|