I win IIIDIII` UIIU. Lmst evening at the parsonage of the Brook street Methodist church. Rev. J. Gronfell united in marriage Mien Lizzie Tnylpr. dauvzhter of John Taylor. Division ntreet. and Sidney M. Smith, medical stu- dent. W. J. Denneo. Gomxnoque. sup- Eorted the Broom and Miss Taylor assisted 8 raister. the bride. There wen u large gathering at the parsonage of members oi the Brock etreot Methodist church branch of the christian endeavor society. to which both the contracting parties belong. The teechere of the Sunday school classes and members of the christian endeavor society presented Mr. and Mrs. Smith with e beeutilul easy chair. A an Inninnng of lhn |:rh-h. - hob.-. ll IIIIIIIUIIIUUV UPC Hi-oat injury has. been done to the tan. plantations of Assam. liaolnr and Duo R0. where A number of factories and muchinory werdwreckod. At Kriz-hnagar. Mymolr dingh and Silkot all the courts and trouur were demolished. It ia.expoct.ed nlmla l o jubilee illumination: will be abnnionod and that the money yliicli it was proposed to expand upon them will be devomd no relieving the distress of the earthquake submra. Injury To Ton PlnntnI.l6nII-.lub|loo ll- lumluntlonn Abandoned. CAl.l?l"l`l`A. Juno Hi -Furthor re rt: of the destruction caused by the earl. qnnko on last Saturday jhow that grant dnuume was done at. lhocn, Jamultur and Murchi- dabad. At. the lnttar place the Nnwnb had a miraculous escape. Hunt. iniulv hnn I-nnnn Anna In Hun 5-. Iuuuna. ' l)eceMel was aged nevcnty-three yearn. ' and for about twelve years held the post of. accountant. at the Kingston peniten- tiary. his nppnintment. dating from Decom- ber. 1879. Prior to that date he was accountant for the Montreal hran-porbation company. Awidow and a familyof six. three cons and bhcoe daughters, are left to muurn for the departed one. The sons art- Sidney J. and F. R... of this city. and` George. of Minneapolis. The daughter: are all married. Mrs. W. J. 1 Allen. of this city. cnd Mrs lrnluim and Mrs. Martin. of Bulfalo In politics deceased wcan staunch tory. one of tho old school. Anglican in re lizion. deceased was n conntant church- man and n worshipper at. St. Paul : church A. 1 Ex-Accountant soobell Died thln Morning of llenrt Iu|lure. About eleven o'clock this mornin the meesengsf death summoned the spirit of Sidney William Scobell, ex~ncoount.nnI at the Kingston penit.ent.iary. to its everlast- ing homo. The e summons came aud- denly while. deceased was visiting at the home of his daughter, Mrs. W. J. C. I Allen. Stuart street. Last; night he at-1 tended the wedding of his youngest won and appeared to be in the best. of health. I taking part. in the fest.i\'it.ioe with spright- linese. Wibhouh warning the end came this morning. death being due to heart. failure. I\.~........-.I ....... .....-.I ___-_A_ .L..,- Lruu wummmness In wnonoou. vnonnernooo. ena wiuownooo. Justin McCarthy, M.P. : I am narrow-minded enough to have no care whatever for military glory, and no interest in territorial annexation. To my mind, the great achievements of the queen's reign have been the legislation lightenin the labor in minor. factories. and work shops: the oxpan sion of the sulege: the evelopment of science in the direction: of dulling or lessening pain in surgical operations; the marvel- ous improvements in tmvol and in postal `service. and the queen s own strictly constitu- tional government."J ' i -`out Bu-lklng clnru-ter`IItIo and Most uonolloonc Aohlovo meat 0! Queen`: Reign. Dr. Joaeph 1"arl(or: "Thu grandest nndicompleteah 'ill`uatr8t.ion of the divinity of true womnnlineaa in wifohood. mobherhood. and widowhoqd. .1...u.. rLI.~n.m... M v - --I am n---mu --=--an-I ---- --L s- I----- -- ---- --L-A----- `-- DAMAGE E? " EAn7FibuAKE. DEATH CAME SUDDENLY. 56 A Wommfsl Two lludc Ono. :1: Iain limit! Fol-lho"AIu-lea _ .'-2'3: Il&I$1\JIIIIUlIlI.. u'hruAloxudriaI noquunnh Vqpl cu aitw mu-I-nu nunwury. The host and hostess arefnr past middle. life. Having long been two from the ne- cessity of any kind of labor, they are keep- ing up their home partly from force of habit. partly as as public convenience and partly (end it would appear primarily) for the sake of the society it bring: them. For. their four surviving rhildron having all mu-rid and made home: 0! their own. the parents would he inanernhly lonely with- out the constant coming end going of their gucste. who heivo gnadnelly grown to be a sort of eooond family to them. These nueeie are mainly lumhcrmen end fermure from the adjacent district and the _i'ow traveling enlmmen who regularly vielt In- dian` Ridge for orders. The hotel hue eold no liquor for more than c dozen years. and it in almost as long since the hotelelgn hes hoen displayed. The proprietor: reeerve to thcmeclvu the precious privilcge oi refue- - ing undesirable (nuts. particularly itinerv ant oompenieeotitho more objectionable erdenwith one mi` two a! which, in the put. they _heve hed diugrecehle experi- encee. The eheenceof e teproom deluethet et- moephemot Jovtelgoodchecronelikeeto eeeuclete with the country hula, end the cedulou perecnel euwioe d the public honeeeol theoldworld ielecking; want- are rue euticipeted. Never-theleen the :.~'...':."..... .......- .,*'-.:-.:..:~"~:.':.'.-" w you you heveenhoeeetweleune. Indeed. Ir. end Ire. Wbztdevoteec-uchof thetrtlneto pane eenvereewlththctr[ueeb-they inverhhlypuideet the'teh|e-udhueI-. nen.Qiholthence:|`1.:ermelityctthe htll.entue`e.nliietnte .eeeeub.thet etqingw thcunoee tovudngut aaehuadeeehehehtphgg-...uyu ;r.smu-unAunuae Ill U(IlIJUlI- Thu mntorman serenely kept the current turned on. Mr. Marion E. 1`a_vlar, I distiller, was on the rear pluftorm of the car und witnvsnuxl the accident. He rang the bull, and the mutnrman stopped the our at Jacob street. Then he went to the motunnan and insisted on the ear waiting for tho belated and much abused gallant passenger. The moturman waited. Down the street, surroumiml by a halo of mud, tho diseomiited mcrulmnt oould beseen, making iruntio eurts to eatuh up with the car. He sprinted like an athlete and ilnally reached the car with his tongue almost hanging out. his face red and stromnlng with perspiration and his clothes looking sprinkled with mud. Ho hilt that inasmuch an ho`had begun the job he might as well ilniah it. Ho took the bill to themotorman a second time and re- ceircd change in nickels. Thesnhe handed to the woman. III .I.\..lt -...--.5 _II AL--- _I,I,,I, `III uuungur unu uxclullnul warmly. The merchant howed and took his seat. R will hereafter lot. women get change for themselves.--Lou|sv1lle Courier-Journal. Kl IIIU VVUIHII H. I don't want all these nlckola. Why didn't you got me some other kind at chungo?" she exclaimed warmly. The merchant hnwnl nnd tnnlr his mum uu:uIu uuu uuu ll uuuu Ul Il_Vuu:l`ll25. Stop the cat! That mun'a running off with my monoy. Stop the car, I say!" she ` ocrunmod. ll\|... ...._s........... ..._.....I_ I___A AL. _._____A Iumngt.-u. iurtiniy. madam," he replied as he i took the bill and proceeded to the front oi` the car. He poked the hill through the uhunge opening. The motor-mun runchud for it. hutmiecniouiutcd. and the hill went iiying oi! the car and sailed behind it an the our apod down the sunset. The motor- mun paid no attention to the accident. but kept his our running at its usual rate of speed. The boil mpc was jurkmi quickly, but the our was not stopped until College street was reached. In the meantime thu woman wanted her money. The merohuat full: that he should get it for her. and as soon as thecar stopped ho hastily clam- bured o and run back in a mud to where he thought the bill ' and stopped. The moturmun pounded his gong-np1.Lui- ly to worn the exasperated merchant that the our wus about to start. The merchant kept up his nhuan down the muddy tracks. The motor-n an turnud on the current and tho cur sturtcd oil The woman in the muumimo had In case of hysterics. i-dun. ohn ...u-I 'l`|..\t n.....'. ........a.... ..n Iotdsvillo Merchant : Experience on I Strut car. A well known tobacco warehouse man, who is very dignied but extremely cour- teous to the indies, oompromisod his dignity somewhat one morning and at the some time lost some of his faith in womnnkind. Ho was on a Twelfth street car going to his place oi business. and at Breukinridqe street a lady elegantly dressed boarded the car. She took her seat, and reaching into the lnhyrimh of shirts draw out from her pookot u 05 bill. The merchant sat near her, and she requested him to hem the bill ciumged. I`.uI-tzalniw vnnnrn " Inn luv-lino` an Inn III. They are not near as clear as you'd Qxpoct. Give us an idea ofwlmt you nut and our eotimute will surprise GTTlNG A BILL CHANGED. A New England Hootelry. Innab n-nl |.A-o...... -_..l.... .___4 . no noun noun-1 . uA__|..u- cal. .41 Succesqon`-to J. M. R_l SpeialSalofo.r.1V'1|iiJ_ A " We carrya large and varied stock of thegv best goods in these lines and our pi'iqos__are right. ' ' V `i ' l18-l2O Princess Street. Of anything better for Summer wear than i zi Nhiiln` Dress, unless it was another Muslin Dress. The lightest, coolest` strongest shape holding fabric to be found for VVomen's wear. \Ve have the cream of the season's best here, and in addition to that we have a bargain-a great big, plump, full bargain--in Dress Muslins. Come to us to-day. The owners of"them got frightened over the quantity they had and stood prepared to take a lump loss and be done with it. Under ordinary circumstances and conditions they should sell for 25c and 3oc yard. Under the present conditions ofpurchase they will sell at I2%c and 15; yard. 65 pieces in all. French printed Batiste, Or- gandie, I)imity and Percales, and a full range of color- inqs. The designs are dainty, and there is no one like a lirench printer to bring out the delicate tints in color- ings. "l"L_._-. .....` ---..l',...a. 4\-<\4\-,-< .- I/- --.J ---- ----- 1 -"mTl1ey are perfect goods-12%c and 15c yard, in- stead of 25c and 30c. ` Stafr gggsqtpliffe, ..u... no. aon;vuI,v n vunluu no nuuuuu no um oneon uuu cuolora mu boon II 1 `Old that the only RRMEIIY of an service was Cm.nnnnvmc.-See Lan at, no D6oon!l`a.or..wfu" CAUTIO -BEWARE OF PIRACY AND Il[TA'l`I9N%.o CAU'I`ION-Vioo-Ohanoollor Sir W. Page Wood stated thtt Dll. . LIJI BIOWII WM undoubtedly the inventor of Cumnonvux; that the whole story of the defendant man was deliberately untrue. which he regretted to any had been sworn to..-8oo Timon. J II. 1815. ' Sold in bottles at In. 1d.; as. M.. As. 811., and 111:. each. None in genuine via`?! tho we "Dr._ J. Collls Browne's Ohlorod no" on the Government Sump. Ovorwho inc ladle: Test-Imony accompanies each bott a. 501.1: .uANUFAUTUBKR-~'. T. DAVENPORT. 33 Great Bunsen 30.. Bloomsbury. Londomlnc Uruunzu now. We are mnkmg a specialty of painting Oothou Dunner: And Stream- 1 ll . . nun CI-ILORODYNE :;o:.`:?c::`.c .m::::::..:?.. i:':..':1-mt!` `"" I om mum nosff`.}X..X8?.`33&"n..':`$f,`{'..'Z.:x3`.L?.;;.'i . f2?I .."`{'i:f`.`v'.'..`,".`..`..'. with any medicine so eioaoious mg n Anti-spasmodic and Sodntivo. mvdunod in Ooh- sumption, Asthma. Diarrhcms. an other Unennes ; and am rfoctly ulod If thtnunlt." Y Earl Rluuoll communicated t. the (`mllmm of Plnmln nu nut. in nu... . .I.....o.I. NOBODY EVER THOUGHT sumption. Asthma. Dlarrhum, btlmr Porfoctlyulll communicated the Cells of Physio tn: that he I from Her Majesty's Consul at Manilla to the u out that cholera hm boon I 1.1 U6: AND I A'l`!n`Nn CHLORODYNE- OBIOIIM 1. `AID `M McKELVEY_ & BIRCH. OUTSIDE Iwnlllbll! . of every Bottiq of the , ORIGINAL woncmsrnsnxnm Sold Wholesale by the Proprietors \ Worcester; - , . Crosse an Blackwell, Ltd.. London; ;. and Export Oumen generally. Q I RETAIL IVIRYWI-IERE. ` 1 _ an nunrsnnms! % AGENTS : `J. M. Douglas & Co. and Urquhart & Co.. Montrul. Vossznvs run ms s/am run: A /. ,1, \ ,./ W0" - PRINTED For. decorative purposes should be ordoxed now. II1- -... ...-l...... - ....--:..IA... -2 DR. J. COLLIS Baowmsisi as a 71 naocx $1`. xmqs'ro,1.- . CE THE/ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE ` CHLORODYNE 3.0: rm)? profomdon to be the inconven- o remedy ever discovered. FORMERLY RICHMOND & 00.. : otrentnnlly ohanlu and Arrest than wooinul -v diseases: lphthorh, Favor. roll). AIM. 2 a:;*r..':;'::.,2.';:*.::'a`1':,::*.::::',r` "' *'" ' 7 m sLu mxs , DIAGONALLY mass m II III II-null. F U 1 nd '1' Mn n rfoctlyuunodv K 933.`. 5 Qhnun A d `JOOH ~, two hwgcgg M U6oo%!|`I'Or. . ' .`ION . . J. dcfondnnt . eo..-8 '1`imog.J 1!. name wit out '0. I hnvdunod Inn Gon- It." Us nrvuvcrv I-v VVIQ A5q5'}:_ . 44 cuucanca .s . PRINTED POPE IINIIFAGTIIRING 00.. Hartford. Conn. V ` REPAIRING of all kinds promptly and reliably dpne. Bpeoinlhttention given to onnmelling `in `all colors and upglring tire: by vnloanizing. l"""' -' uv--- ---v--- RIDING 8OHOOIi nbw inopera- tiom. Call And arrange. for lessons. Instruction fro: 8) putohours rot` our whooln. ' cu-\anAoI-uunv:u - :1 mt I A ; when ..- iholnaing some '00- -In `K uund mforda, at rouonable `prion-to good riders. ` I)fI\'IK!I1'I1tTI'|!\`I'f _'.-. 3.`. ` -..-.... ` % , apnmwm ~ YAL_UE-`For ~ one f mbytygwo ole:-Aonr well know 00- LUMBIA HODELB 40. 41. 44, 1390 -mo. {or gen: . A mwrnonns .375, 1 5:5. I. n`/ERV. Work Robinson Bros.. 'I`lIoFnndIrd of the World. Tl'FliTe_ Si ghs _%J%.AR. c. D_QI!3S & co.. 51-1 A -.1-nnx 4- uueuaspa-nq-.in-tot-- dup.udag'h'lfthoni`I' x'o_I|IuofBlqch0dihdUn- A HUNDRED MILES %B|lETI"8 HABIJWABE. '.lUaI5CII HUI IIITU Ull IIIVIII); " ong - outing." Iilensila in Gran- ihwaro. Agatownro and Steel Inn if pm-ohnod It-om us. n.....-__:.__ v`.u|-... I.\....:| iii-'o"'_i'r' pu:ohio,3II'.iI Preserving Kettles. Fruit Prunes. Strainers. Etc. is new clone. Preserving knit will soon be the order of the day. Van Ann '1. nnun A. ||II!\.nn 278-7 BAGOT STREET. Pnncui and Wol- IA__4-_. nu A A _ _ A- . io on Lannaasmsi. IIU "0 You can be aura of huving uh:-`J33 n I--- I-..A..... N . aqnunug VI uw nt_s $45. 060. r.;"....":.'... ._...n __A -4; -- - cu` It a. q-or-yv-111' -Ivv-Iu'IIlIUIIIlUVl pl'inl:otpI|ieyhIIuIIInu:"lHhuo Innylloofdllthclloulll-unI"hhun Iijuwo panic unkind. pad thin- Iguu which usual he vthi'vuI,nI ht|o|nkuo'aluUnn." Yul. Jlophcu Innuucbpaul H Ag IKA ungonslg __4I W TVC T. W ululilululhg qndpudtivooviicnool gl-`snag-Jn-`-5-kn: l._.A..._.. 'SPONCIE5.l rpm" "-:;p7m}.' "Fh:'pLhno' W"; uplulullul pilun In uuguny nah.-as A. ...a.....a.... aL.._... `j. I-IZCI 31. still`! my vinpon cilia. luluoonlurvulvo Ioilhllpuulloclihlolt Tint! h."lI ' mun-uyusmlwuouua -udnnl no'nnIIn- Lnhnngn |L.-.I' ll AL... The govornnont. on the other hind. In- noouooo through Hon.` Mr. Rudy. that it hunotiovkwon oul_yoppuHotlnopoo- plodhuhuohnooomoion for optom- Jun dissolution. and shot hi: only denim in ooooptiug ongogononu for summer od- dnuoo h to moot poroiioolly may whom lnoould not oohcrviooseo. `Photo know by name And reputation. but they have doolndlohou him uponhoudi honour- hinly tho vory but on an poliuul pionio ololfotuo. In tho boon. and in tho not ofho pnuior. in nu In oolnowhat ro- und. buinhiovoootionlo fooluhothb idnototodolpiuholifooodttolic that odds to nook as his popolnily. .'I In 1nn.nL.LIg :8LL u-L.A .I._... -L --.-w vv --.v- -v -w 'Vy-IuIIv| It hnuuhhlo with win dqnuol nihhotioaooh pu-Iyngu-dz tho work ohulvoahm Whuwht Inwlsihoy gcuthcnunuilvopupunqytlcolsu gnutuloundvlnovu lb Blunt hid AL..L A.......A..n._. AL. _n..A 2- [S ...n.a"""':'.a...L"" 33' a.."fu...-"I Qelv u-vw vuuv wuv uuveul -uu UuIlI!Ulv|I' tivc leaders of the provin0e are now upon tho stamp in euggcctivc of an only elec- tion in Ontario. Mt. Whitney and hie fricnda hm-c dccidod that they will not be caught napping. and have arranged for a very cxtcnuivc miuionu-_v and educational tour. It will how the ccct of Inching the people acquainted with the non who wont to rule in provincial llfnirn. and thin cc) qncintoncc cannot do tho govcrnlncnt any 1...... "`J` Iii The world will nob hnvelong to wait for developments. The young men of the pnrty, who have been long in rebellion, will. rumour being two. have a chance to use their inuence in the election of n popu- lar louder. lb ie rornerhble that Mr. Foe- ter. we nbleeb debeter of them all. in not even mentioned. Why? He ha been a party oonepimtor, sad it will nob truat him. . II IIUIIU 000 IIl1JllK.> Hanover. the more independent of the members of the party are not. inclined to Accept; the dictation of the machine, but inuiob upon nconutl-notion. They want A thorough ovorhnulin of the party, and a new nob of loudon. my many have their unv. I`-"-"I u---J Iv no. -uu --u vvl-varvlluvllv wnusvun The recent bnnquehyu meant to pro- poro o my for his (Sir Chm-Ins ) exit. and when he goes to London in a few day: he foe! to shy: soon after he will ruin the oodonhip. "Tho machine in cabin; About for his anooouor. and the nuns of Sir Adolphe Caron. Chaplonu and Hon. J. C. lhttnnon no mggooaod. The former, . however. in nob in auicionhl robuuh health to underooko tho tank. und r. Patterson in none too ntrong. Mmnm-gr. Llm mom indnnamrlnnt nl Hm "iIr'Ei3"rF,' " R3u7g"h'F&i3s 'ciE'E - band if you ride 3 Warwick. . fol Ladies or Gentleman's. Angnglg Q . .1 Q`- l.. v-.-..' -C er`: en. .-v- And then Sir Charles Tapper ieevee for England, in purenit of private business. Bimultenuounly with this announcement comes one to the effect that the old man hal tired of his job and contemplatee re- signing. The oioeof leader of the opposi- tion melee him. of necessity, the great oomplainant. and he hoe weoried of the protects Against reform and progress which he bu had to make. And still his retirement was not looked ior._ He we: no hopeful. and so ran his non, of an early eaattennent of the grit party. and of a re- oall to power. that anything uvouring of a contrary impreeeion will be a sad and Ierioun disappointment. Well. where did the story originate? In the Toronto Star. In ita well-potted paper paper? Gener- elly it is. and its correspondent writes: EL- ....._a L ..... --L ... . . _ _ -_L g- .___ .-v van unvuaau nun: a gunman: AAA.` 4 n The Tuppgra And the Davina nnd the Foster: having worn themselves on in everlasting small bulk. and having nailed to prevent the government`: Jncooaa in the development. of it: plum, the house will soon proroguo. Tho and of the week will probably use its close. A....| u... D}. rn.-_|__ ll! ____ -_ |____-_ 3-.. WHAT DOT IT PROTENDY Tho hob that the liberal Ind conserva- '-IE; DAILY WHIG.` a:r`.?e'."f,"`.1,":?:a"f`:= n.nTy'5.':.r. `r.`.?.'Z'n?. 13 cumulus hul Thoyurromptl remove any obnmeuon or Sm; nmy ofvtho nym- urn. Fora ` Weak Otomach, Impaired Dlgutlon. . Dluordorod Llvor, thaw an Inn n|nr!n-n fun ulna;-` will mm-In thcy act like nIulc-a few data` will work wondcnu ntho Vital Organ; Bt:nth- min the \Il\||Il' System. tutorln the Ionp on omplulon. bringing M the Inc My ol I paths, and nrouulnj with tho oubu of llolalmh the olo ho human physical on o 1 an. or arowlng of! van In horcllmnun lhnv III Innclnllv rnnmunnd. Than. an gnyoxou OIIOP of the human lhmu. arowlng (hay no Ipcclnlly ronowncd. Thou art "!|c\I",ndmlt\od by thousand: In all cluuu of today and am of tin but annual to the I30:-voun and Dcbllluud I mu nnhnmh Pill: hnvn aha CIIIUII VI IXIIIV II'|U VIII Cl` INC XII funnnuu u-voun thus: Iuohuxfl up 0.9;! ofm .013 the arid. --v-- _. --.-._.1 .- uvwuuu ~n not-nut-p~1-1 1. directed, wmaulchty rutoro o`::n.I':n con-naloh . Thur nronmtlv rcmovo -. ca 9-}- W ' 'j.-_A__ Hou . ldd . Puma and hull- Jug -uinou and D )7 2': 3. . `- . .` III of Hunt?! 0 lunch on than ,. on uIuu.Dunrbcd Ila unmnndallorvoua uni _cM3onu.lnc. nu IIII man I II. II In no scion. vc Inow: 3 cirnntly Invited to: one x of thou Plus. and may will _ uknowlodcod to be WORTH A OUINIA A IOX. ..-._...._ - -_.._. ___- _ -, IA *Won.doI-ful Medicine. I .' ---A--.- FIKPIIIII UNIV UV moan IIIBIIAI, 8:. Hum. Enema. nl ALL nlunnxum - ____.______..___.__,_.._ SIR CHARLES RETIREMENT. l"OI' Imeul Illl nurvoul Duordlrl, II!!! no Wind And lulu In use Moan ma Hudntulddlncu. Fulnuu Il- Jnx am no. mama and Drownl- ` For mum ma nmm mm-am \ n 1 arnsuao `M ?x'ou::nu'."ou.s'1:ou'. P;lnm:d "35 "ON/If r Orbou Dinar. 01 Am. mluuoun. ' , % ;$1 do.%oo. Govolad.'o`. Minion M30: 3. AtBI.laIh.71 us. At a. has 10; Plath:-3 8. rM Bnoklyu. 0; was. At ]`aI|Ivi|Io.;WuNng- 11.3.-mu; mlohiahov Iololvuv Ilh nudnr I0, ~:*:...-*3-.--- 1:11;. x-an-I - M N. York. 2. Govchud. ". Inning AI 3; 1.31 -1, nn..n.a..Lzl...u'.. _.3f `v-.' -1-- put duly. n':::-Iz::lu`inI"uough to In that it and do without. wv v-- W "Inna, WW III lUllllI|I' thojuhiln golohnlion. aid 3 friend of thownn, Yomnnd thorn puuine up npngnnno that all the pooploonnow ho. ' Mr. Hug. gononl mnagor of the Homhww but. in hit moons npuch bo- ton Ibo dinoton. aid "tho dovolopnaut of the country in only beginning. Lihonl tub in not yotjn full swing. Of All the admininttatiom thst. has ruled in Qnoboothollyun. defeated in the re con! dcohionn, in aid to have been the Inootoorrupb and incapable. It did _nbb Ilnotsdefontaday Uoonoon. When thou- Ionbly moon than will he noun an rove- I-n:.._- \ The board of education and the county council have decided to ask the judge to decide what should be paid for education by county pnpile. "the law being plain e reference of this kind should not be neeee- eery. but the eooner the point of all die- pote in removed the better. . ... _......-- av`...--..J wIaJVovvo And that is why the United Staten con~ green willeee the wisdom, sooner or later, of removing the duly it has cold-bloodsdly applied to Canadian lumber. The Ameri- can lumbermen and pulp-wood mnrliere were very short-sighted in their under- taking to control the market for their products without being able to secure their supply of raw Ina- toriul; and Canada, however, deeirous its people for freedom from oommercial restrictions, oannot Alford to have it: forest denuded of its best pine timber and pulpwood for the benet of those whose apiritia mrrow and selfish and bigoted. The Canadian government has been forced to adopt discriminative duties. J.cuNNIN6HAm's} uuuure wuuuu ue prununtoory. "Whet. will become of the eastern mills. which work up this Canadian white pine? Three sestee--Minnesota. Wisconsin and Michigan--contain substantially all our supply of this wood. It will not hepati- sible to lrei ht the logs from those states to New Eng and and the east, when the euttin and liuishin might. be done just. es wel near so hnn . and the completed rodueb delivered to the eastern consumers. `hose lsotnries which use white pine will hsve to remove to.the localities where thst. wood grows as soon es the proposed duty goes into elfeot. This is whv the eastern men in eongreee generally objeob. A._.l J.-. x- ._.|.._ .|.- n_:.-_: n.-.__ _. one wnlw pine lorssns D0 proooou. Now Englsnd and New York are lled with factories and mills. which turn out sashes, doors, frames. shelving. and the like. made of this wood. principally im- ported from Canada. The logs may still come in free, to be sure. but from present. indications Canada intends to uh sn ex- port bounty of two dollars a L oussnd on them. and there is B provision in `our law shot whsrsvor such in bounty is levied. our imporo duties shall be increased by a like amount. Even without: that nddition. two dollars would be prohiblbory. "whhfl hnnmnn (If tho Anlfarn nuilla Toni; Bhnluououl incisions in an in- unnt-Au ;...I. .t. ...s n..|:_L -_-..__L v..- .... UII-VIVID . In 1890 there were stillatanding oighty billion feet of white pine in this country : the duty was reduced to one doller o thou- sand by the McKinley act. and nboliahed altogether by the Wileon not : and yet, in spite of these conditions, comparatively favorable to the importation of the wood. fty billion feet have varnished. The thrill` iaauc therefore becomes. so far as thin arti- cle ia concerned. 3 question of the rapidity with which we desire the extermination of the white pine forests to proceed. Now Emrlnnd and New Vnrlz am mlul "E0 the goody-goody pooplo no running nah. - '32.`) Al ._..J vv-V-um -1 --an ----nu ---uuauuu.-um ' The log and lumber export. duty. which the Guardian government: has got the power to impose if there is occasion for it., has occasioned I commotion across the lines. Here is choinformution which the American pres: supplies, and which vitally alfoot the situation : u nxl|.\ . ail:-uncut: v-uses-as-ea uevvavueme N Granted that the American senate he: dropped coal in its schedule from 75c.to60c. per ten the inference to Hon. Mr. Field- ing is plain that the hoatile feeling with ' which the McKinley party set out to revise the tcritf has faded away somewhat before the threat of retaliation. Mr. Fielding. in view of the lowered duty in the United Stator. has 4 proposed, and the house has concurred, the re- duction of the duty on bituminous coal from sixty cents to lty-four cents per abort ton, audit will be further reduced toforty cents by order-in-council if the United States congress will do the same. This meets the ergument of those who say that the government must not be induced tosetaduty which will he xed and un- equal to the changes the United States congress may effect when the Canadian house has risen. Varied intereste have had to beconaidered in connection with this cool duty. interests especially affect- ing the east, and they are considered to be fully covered by this late arrangement. rM.- I-.. .....I i.._.L.... .....__i ..|..... ...i.s..r. .................\.. . .. .. ....... The `government Im the support of every loyal Ouudinn in imposing coal and timber dubiu which are duiunod to prowob the gcnulnoly Csnudinn interests. l`!..._A-.I Af.-. A... A__._:._.. -___;- I.-- vu-uw vwn---uvgu, ---`van: uv - uumllou criticism _frou tho patrons, ond his golden rule should be as highly outcom- od by we patrons u by the other poli- ticians. ' ' and vi novbbving I outl jlonoyot iuwhoachuguunude . . ."` ` K. I -V`. . ` TM lpllian nithp pntgnno. no I party. In: hpn fin niriou policy. It has played fut ind loan. for lnoeanoo,.wIth the pro- Iaililion quoshion. This Inn, in turn, boon him up and dropped. and junk now it. in dlpnlt to dotonlno when the pstronu sand upon it. Any party being guilty of th|a_vorul|t.it.y would be uzbjoob to I Inngnndlnnn --15.1-3-... l..._. LL- Dun`-`Ann -uul . 9|! CCU, `IIUUIII IIUU `II, UIIIBI glshion 0. Don'tjolt. Don't It the . Rough roads ctn t unn up::'- Q I.-...:.l. TDISORIMINATIVE DUTIES. L- `..........._..-_L I.-- AL. .........._..A. -1 . mi DAILY ware. 'rHtinsnA`2.,'JU1~r5n 17, 1897 ` W a mom tor nuuniuo purpos- cn. undothkfng in hold: a may company of United Sana ul- Ir. Jones will establish ooibsting dqnhiu the nonhmd wlllnnh with: htlolthnthouvililb . un IIIIII [runny near In nun.-oucraohbyuglnning vitll `lb (`upturn linanurlng Animals` Wlnunn. Mum, Juno 7;--O. J. Jone. known fllniliuly u " tfdo" Joanne? moon of bin luring put the lam . Bodcnu I' herd Eula a fovrycnn qt. 5 in on his way to thcfcr bled Iron Iorphluo Polooulng. Nnw Yulut. Juno l7.--A young vomnn of great beauty. nunod Sarah Howe. of Toronto. Ont. lies dead, from morphine poisoning. at 428 Amsterdam avenue. Shy mun have about four months ago. on gaging luxurious apartments and too in; a negro woman as an attendant. no Int night horaorvnnt summoned doctors to hot room. when tho young woman was found ouoring from morphine bouoning. Shonldlliohud hkonanowrdosooftho drug. and III not Attempting auloldo. Tao doom-A wonunnblo Ionvo her life and she did soon after. An air of nyuory bovouovorthoyoungwomnu. Thohody will ho not to `hwohlo. UEIIIEHIII cu] cnalr. As the residence of the bride's father. after the ceremony. 1-uppor wee parteken by a large number of guest: who had an- eevnblod. mm to the bride were numer- ous. Mr. end Mrs. Smith will tekey; Ieeidence on St. Catherine street. I day ("II a Warwick cushion fume without fatigue; trssh as after 3,10-mile run op a rigid fume. We venture to say that In Indy Ihould ride any other nhnhinn `lm: '\nn'I- h-do rum`;