Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Jun 1897, p. 6

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_ um; ._._._...._..._......._.._ `lhttoybuuclibt man I--- II , Q AI`;- A DESPERATE ROW. WHI.G. FfRIDVA-.Y. JUNE .18. lighnl trip! pollble through rue Innue- ndlslendiul M `LB; gpeeeeu-in :32 yeghvcq` here. 03% the ehoirpl the tint Googregettoua church`. The object of the trip wee an intention on uhepnruohueloob commiueeto increase the sultry `oi the poqnlu` and Inlented young `organist. Mine `amdy. and in its ooudenuy expected _ that the one hundred ticket; ieeued wou1'I`be reedili uroheied bythemenhere oftbe dhuro . ubl! the nu mbere were email the enjoyment unim- menae end we ere uure that on the two ---A nnnnnlnnn whnn Mr. BDIIIOOI ; ngnlnuuljul I-an,-Ii! A-out `I0 ` I ' 1-I.-.'..u| iilnndni ` IIQIIKIFIIIAFII Vjjpyruw-3 cu.---. ...- I` rnnunuu; 1 Onoohnuioo o`t.hrBI':o! Ihunut dc.- lighttul trip: pdui 0 through the Thum- nnd I-land: mu nivon yunrdsy by L. B. and we sure Inelon uzewu next oeeeelonb when Mr. Spencer will eaeln geoerouei piece hie yeehtet. the dinpoeel of the o oi:-for the heme purpose every ticket will be eecured and l.hepromo- here ol the excursion gratied. 'I`nn mnnh nnnnnh ho mid ill Dflil 0' ol the excursion grnmeu. Too much cannot he said pnine the IOIIM ohoeen. The glory of a June day wee overhead. end as the "Where Now" glided c-nu. .57.... mun that led %"a?..'.'$`51`.`..`i..T."zi.`.....u. In no 3 no he Pouo Ila to a nu. ` I 3 0 an on - - h E. '5?51{d%,'.fLcrd " .11. in llofgnixxu. an Juno; 0 mm}. oaon; uo.uooI 'au .4: M41: My Laura overheed. the "Where Now" glided "O'I'I eiiver paths thus led From islet unto isle" " the Ioeoe us one of constant enchant- ment. gmwin into A very throbof wonder thet even in ! is our beautiful world God hed still new lovelioeee to reveul. Wind- ing in and out of e-labyrinth of hi re- treats, we eew Genouoque with its g eun- ing apiree on our left, and pulled on to themoet eutely residence: of the wealthy thot go Imtohing down to the lair shore of Clayton, where for e hull hour we were permitted to wonder. Ae the evening ehedee ptherod. the toot of the yooht warned us to return from our st-ounenede. and delighted with what we he leen. We obeyed its enmmoue. and oumfortnbl en- sconced in deck chairs. loll: the W here Now turn her how Kingetonwarda. vn.- -.... mu- Am... ha and horn nf ruddv Now" her bow Lin atonwarue. The sun went down he Ind here of ruddy gold. and the voices of a fair roee-bud garden of girle, led by Miee Tandy hereell. aeoendedin aong that sounded very meet to him who lietened. The ahadowa thicken- ed like deep fingers on the curtain 0! night, and the etara eame out. By- end-bye the lights 0 the city gleamed nearer and nearer, and thoee chief pro- meter: of the happy day rpent (Mr. Spencer. Mr. Richardson. Mr. and Mre. Molielvey and their genial, kindly coed- jutor. Mr. O Shea) hed to reluctantly eon- feee that an the brightest day must end in evening ours had come," and ae we drove homewarda with many a hand-shake and many a lost good-night. we knew that our trip through the Thousand Ielande would never. never be forgotten.--CoL. Fur- Mmrnna -_ Vi . IJIIIII III III`: Dlullnl Innu---vuuu A despatoh from Toronto seys: "Dr. Stock Hammond, who located so Toronto about I yoer ago as ohorister and organist of St. Juries` oethodrnl. died this morning. DI. Hsinmond lnd been seriously ill for some time with nervous dyspepsia and pie isy. The news of his death came with mun surprise to his large circle of friends, who had not considered his condition as so serious. Dr. Hammond was: en English- man by birth, who spent some enrs in the stains before being appointed to 5. James . n.- Rmnh-Jnmimnnd wu verv fsvorablv scam Ietore Doing nppolnnon was. damn: Dr. Stocks-Hammond was very favorably known in Kingston since his coming to the country. and his musical ability was fully recognised. He was appoinbed professor '0! the musical department in the ladies col- lege and a gross many in the city availed themselves of the opportunity to lace themaolves under his instruction. to- ly Dr. Hammond has been obliged to temporarily resign his work here on ac- count of ll health. During his way in Kingegonlzo made msmy iriende. who will regret. exceedingly hle early death. ..:.. A lehool roeonu-knuoa Hmxrusu. N. Y.. June 18.-Mine Nine Sohennarhorn. e teacher in the Union rchool, end ex-ville e preeidentsemuel W. Stimson. were some by the A. and St. L. Sowh bound trien nt ve o olonk lest even- ing, ehd Mine Sohermerhorn received in- {uriee from which ehe died about an hour eter. Mr. Stimeon received eome bed bruise: but is not badly injured. The couple were in A carrege, end when near the ruilwn eroeeing on their return to the village di not notice the train approach- ing. The vehicle wee demolished, end the horse killed. \l:.. Qnhen-nun-|\nrn and Mr Qtimnnn we nurse uuou. Miaa Sohermerborn and Mr. Stimson were thrown oub ona pile of abonea, and rendered unconauioua. They were re- moved to a house noar b and doctors summoned. The young ady was badly in jurod about the bend and abouldora. and died shortly afterwards from conouaaion of the brain. She waa only twenty-three veara of age and an excellent teacher. r. Sbimaon in improving. - -. .,._. -uA__..-1\__- An Illnorlo Flgnre Gono. ' Bnmwrox. Juno I8.--Iuno Wollington, one of the oldotm inhabitants of hhiu vil- lage, died yestefday, ngei seventy-vo. Ho was the nh white child born on Procquo Islo point. For ma ny can be was In the inaunnoo bunineu. 0 was prominent. circles. Yen." said thommlur of hats. "I can roll the moment I look nt 5 has what klnd of man the wearer was, how old. whethgr tall or short, and other char- ncterlsuos. Oh, We no trick. I don : know how I came by the faculty." ' If. nnnaf. In A nlfm " llllltilnlll nnn f II to In lllIl'lll|lL`Ull lull) \.iOll~ maul u-mfu. It has the appau-anon at an army bunny oven, but II much high- `Il'lIdXVhf.lnd is drawn brag]: tlnbodbot D|IlhnkIllt.l!IIho8lI.lI Mum-old utopidtnhntum LL: huh] 1! man nnmhn-n cl man, 00b.."I50-. II Mid I2. urlna union. Why not be cool and oomlorublo when riding: blyblo! 800 our linen bike units with p`! to match. Grand Union. vcnuxey-1\onon'u ll Illttlo homer Min l.4r1v_nh.ln`or-`-Atthtic? ma. 1 nhoniil. any no. plans: an so by r luv; t_ouodownon.tho I=:`hhII Wwri mu e as - .:....".....' .. a.:*.-..'.:.. +1-- `.'.Brlng on your Ahut.,," said "a third: I'm anxious to see how It works." A I--.... nuuntnn A! Luna Inn:-n nnnalnnntl "rm nnxluus I20 see now :6 warns. A large number of bats were produced from one source or another. ht-go hats. soft huts. and um hats. and their owner- ship was suocenfully oouoealed. ' hn hat Insular hank A Hlhnr brand. III} Will IIIUIEIIU-lily OUIIUXIUII. '._ho hat reader took a rather broad- lu-1mmed_ soft, nhabby has and benu to Innnnnt IL UI'IlllllIGI_ $IlID' IIIIIJUJ lll Inspect It. `This. he add, `'1: tr.-nun, " Juno. III sun, In uw u-I sun . tmmp. "How do you know!" "By unmistakable signs. The brim II turned up In the back; that comes from often sleeping In luymows or under trees. It In pulled down In front to shade the face from Inspection." WnnnuI, (in M1." (Z30 II'UI lllQ%iI0ll. ' "Wonuertul. Go on." It's owner was oftnn hungry. Ha ha gnawed the brim. R0 was dlnhonoct. for ho hld things In the crown. The shape at the crown shown that ho had the polned skull of an Idiot. Am I right?" "I l_ \IOIl so, old boy," and the hon ot tho-nonunion. '!'hat'u my hat. pm! when I sun on my walking tour this commu- I did nearly nllwou mention. Try III- nthnr." . ,.....' *I;'......' "".'.i.;; .'.L.;;.T.T..',', .... pots: in to he Introduced mo Con- nonnln-mlhg llhnntlnnnnnu-nuuu-no m. n'n........' ""n..""X{:a. um tho soadlcy-Norton`: artistic homo! _ uh. 1;m|._...Apn.n.9 mu. 2 .n....u unwwo no-- --____ AT:rcrorc` we Invite You to Read the Following; .._--_..... .---u . n rim`-6? mi --wnt Rzgaig {now now I uune Dy nnu uwuluy. "It must be I cm," suggeuged one of Ilhni -:.:-:_----- Death Of Dr. Stocks llnmmod. , ._L 1,--. ll!-..-_A.. ......n I Pottabli Illilury cannot). .' ml, . ,, 4,- __n.. Struck It Right. T! Inn. 0.: [run 0". P. R. cocIL1aIoRY.| mpoauu-r oououauaus HAVE I in new Luanda! I'll! lacuna out an Qatari or and -ram:-n a nun that Anprhnn In-an Inn Boon Qwudcql outrun. O1-rum, Juno l5.--`u mean of my C.P.H.. An In I dooidodly conciliatory In-Am. nl mind at mln nmnnnt thin. Thaw U-l.'.l1u II` III I IIIINIIIUIJ Illlllllllllitlry (rum or mind at the `mm w'l`hoy nan discovered, in in 0 Ar torsion 0! none 2`.-p.p.. togaooow `km-y. tluh the now home of "common: In I all morn i dopond I (M ' :n.:n h n}-n nrulamznn. an`: lainottrih wig. srqnebnzu AT 9 vgtocn A.m. vcry Inuuu onto! its .......- AI... l..c IIIOID 0! III pwucwuuu. Illll null) In wus- urvooholntonltol thonllwnpliodovclop 1 quality of gonoruisy formerly ud- Iy making in their policy. The` nannlo of. Winnfnit have bean mo- Iy unsung in new poney. `run penple not Winnidg have been pro- ueehiug egninel . I. e form of the rate regnct-ione gnnted under the Crow`: Neat exteneion. olnimi thus in would in- jure the crude of Winn peg it race from hhe enh to ell point: ween 0! Fort William were reduced while retest from Winnipeg on the Inn good: eenb ween by wholeeele men or jobhere of that city rennin u eh recent. Aeonlerenee wee held between . H. Aehdown and Mr. Juneeon. ll.P.. and vietprelidenb Sheughneeey ee I re- mit 01 which Mr. Shnughneelymn behelf of the O. P. 11.. gave Mr. Jemeeon A writ- ten pledge that I reduction 0! ntee would be given the ehippere from Win- nipeg to point: Ireeb correeponding to the reduction on the through haul. The uhnlnnln man nl Winninnn lmnnrn in reduction on me tnmngu uauu. auu wholesale men of Winnipeg import in our kite and distribute in amaller quan- titiea to pointe throu bout the province. They get a rate tom Winnipeg that enahlee them to oompete with the eaetern merchants; whooan ahip through to the retailer without breaking bulk at Winni- peg, and h the a reement now entered into 1. is rate V! ll be reduced eolt will still maintain the pro rtion it now doea to the through rate. innlpeg. Mr. Jemienon thinha. will he very well satised with the arrangement, and. al- though it will not be put in the Crow : Neat agreement. it will barried out aa a matter of good faith. Another m-invannn aoaln I: the C.P.R. matter or r in. Another rievanoe agair&t the O.P.R. is being talred of in t lobbies. It is said that the company is making ar- rangements to let contracts to runs from Montana and other states along the line of the Crow : Nest rail- way. and that a great part of the construe] tion will be done by aliens. The gro- posal is made that the subsidy shoul be granted on condition that the road is built by Canadian contractors and workmen. This is another development of the anti- American sentiment so stron ly in evidence of late. The construction 0 the road, it is held. is, in view of the liberal bonus granted. a vernment work. Public works in the nited States cannot be con- tracted for by aliens. and the rule that it is enforced a ainst Canadians in the Uni- ted Btates s ould, it is held. have been unforced against citizens of the republic in Canada. Many of the fortunes made out at the ori inal construction `of the 0.1 . R. went to t e states. It is understood that the government in- stead of granting $6,000 per mile of a subsidy for the entire length-l65 miles- of the Rainy River railway, to be build through the gold region of Western On- tario. will grant 38,000 a mile for half this distance t is year. with the promise of a further amount next year if the construc- tion oi the road is continued. A Ia-lulu AC bani aahnnann -nIi- hhllllhh A DIIOOII 01 FIN cnnngu WUI` oruuguu down no we o'clock this morning. One oi these pieces the duty on bituminous one! no fty-three conu. end it is provided that if the United Shine reduce: it cos! duty to forty cents Oenede shall do likewise. end tint. when reduced to that figure it ehnil not be further reduced in favor of Greek Britain or any other country. DUFF. ITUUUIIIIUP IJIIIBVVIII Ullllllllxn The conservatives of Sukstohownn most M: Rapid City on Saturday. July 3rd.whon addresses are ex and from Ron. Hugh J. Mnnrlnnnlzl hr. ha and nI.hnrn_ Illlglllim IOI'TIIvllIlWllIll`0lIIlIiI tuberous! hvhon I.hoou-wheel-put mvu his neck. oomphtoly savoring the F.2`."".`.`.'.`.'.'.'.`.:{ loving Into Denphln Dletrlot---Ihlpment or unwell Pine App`rI. A Wnnnrno, Men..Juno 18.--A rominent attache of the erehbiIhop I pa we At St. Boniface informed I reporter that he had not heerd thet his grace would shortly ep- int a representative on the edvieory Km. He hed seen 3 statement to that effect in the prees several time: of lete,end thet wee ell he knew ehout the mutter. A n`.-ID an` Oune..n,n4unn 'nI\AIQ ll. -- | uuoespecial SATURDAY BARGAINS at the Greet Sale or`TH e L M Q ~ . . L H'S STOCK. D n't be surprised at the little- Lt`?! .. .':.J!...:.. urn ..I._ This stoock must be sold. It must F1. 32?: "ia}s'.I.} 3a'c'n{'Eu'. tit; of e L: and utock. L- ......--4._. .:a\u\ 4-J K&&mm'"'"' 1}". Jr" 'Jo.'J1'?F..'1i&'n."i Mnodonald, Dr. he and others. A nhinmnm. nl ninnnnnlnn h-nm MIUQOIIIIQ. Ufa IVUUIII Ill UUIIIl'Io . A shipment ol inonppiulroln Hawaii touched the city an a week. lo was an or- perimontnl Ihipmont. bun prdvod no mo- ncwtul Huh a hull ourlond of the fruit has been otdond. The Hawaiian apple! In very lugo and of delicious avor. vlulwunu cu: -v*--uuotua The local brunch of the Onnndiun uno- oiution of otntiomry onginoou haid in un- nunl meeting Int evomng. Tho dilol-one reports presented charm the omoorn of the branch "00 be in 3 promising and uninha- tmy oondltlnn. So uuccultul won mn- bon carried out has your. and no ran 0,. fnith impoood in the oiocra by t. `mm. ham. um thaw warn all rs olnntr`. . vnnnl- llltn unpolou In mo OIIIOIII uy Iunv mun. born, that they were all to oloovi : Pnol. dent, F. Simmons; vioo Pooidonb, O. Auolauno: noonhry. J. L. rritnuuor, C. Selby; conductor. W. Woodrow; bk . It Rains. bl-nntnzn. 0, Rlnmlnw II n- IUIIIJ nlly. nhntl kind on the Liborty nu-out crou- inp '1` undo . Hollonu In omplo ed as |_D.. 1;. & hdomwiwdghl :8 n III! in; I con I ip griuthmwuiotbo grog . Botanic could rise the our Ind caught him. drug- zinghiobod wtoouthorondnnqontotho can must i. when tho on whuln mn- ruin ot ou.ooo lot -n-mu. Nnw You. Jdho l8.--Pmninont hotn- Imn in vnriou rt: 0! the country Inn pnoslonlly d to uumnluo intonu III trotting nun by ouring a punt at 025.- 000. opcn hull Itoltt. nthoontry loco! 8500. Ihonoueo hodcoidotrln NowYotk uruuuwguurl Ill uosonu-.or 3 an II uohci nuunuaonuuo pmo.uun- trhno ollgiblo Ix bochnou. ' V , Yo; can buy. .I clulpum Bohfdl 0! N, XIII: Phin sud Ribb Hooo (black) to, ` mm Phin and mm mm (buck) 00. veal: lo. radio-' uni. nich full nhnpod Buck Hon. 150. worth 25. Ibo! Bi|k' Twist [A00 Mitch, 100. writ 80.` Lndlu"1`nEpm Olovcl. Tunnd Blwk. .1! . lu-Boo. gdigucrcun and White pun Silk Glove,` Ibo worn: 350 . um. 4 `mm 0olor?lirKid mom 25, [an`I WI! III I10 `HOW IDOIIU IIIIU IIIIBIUIK A party of twenty-aoven farmers of North Dakota who are moving into the Dauphin district. to uttle. arrived yuhor- day and left. for dostoinucion lub evening. The put bring with them I largo quan- HM: n! A L: and Quick. tit effects {W10 consecration of his lordnhig, bin- bop Legal took place yesterday an n. Al- borh. Archbishop Lungovin ofcincing. 'l`hn nnnuu-vnivnn n! Snkntnhcwnn moan lentil Inc 0! A BI-Altman. Bmoxum-ox. N. Y..Juno l8.-Jsmu Hollersn. n raiaent of Elwin. was in- ntnnw Li-J an 0):: Yjhgplzw nknnnh npnnn. IIOIIGTIII. I ITIGUIII DI IIIl'IIIl'I. `II III- `ha I` In-ndnv_ Hnllnrnn -an nnnnlnuul an U DQIll_V} XIICIIIUUJT. W. VVWIIIUI R.Buju,' trnutou. 0. Blomloy. I I'|Q V. ' IOH OK in! F060 ll OOIIUIIIIIGII. A batch of tari` changes worn brought Inun Ah Mm n olonk thin mm-nlmr. Ono oi `gain "mi ? Tb viiiincpaa. HEARD NTOTHIWNWGTDF IT. Olen: all no-Elected. II ,1 _;.L_ A. ,5) I: Inn 3'.-:3` lahnolrih will. .vn|nnin kn zlnunlnh Glovgo,`_l9o. worth soc put. 3 Lima` 4 button Oolond Kid worth =50h. . IAdh|' 4 largo purl button oolorod wolu IH Oiovol. 00. worth 01. : bulbs`; mad: and Oolorod ma Glovo lad `qldolno - tho but uollblol undo. OI r. |'In priol 8 .2hnd 01.341 La" , `Ohm Wunhin Dtgulluonu. Mnlnlnnglnnrw .`d -him. hluak llId' Goods the People Want. V P 'ces the People -...,_. . = 42 _ _ V K;-`)l`>t`;` 5j'ri~._-tit-_ This is our whole story. w The "big"`Cot-nets Store ' doesuot appeal to your imagination`. It referb; the records and asks you to be` guided b7 your recollections and experiences ofidesling here. ' This sftoreis` FECT CARNIVAL or BARGAINS during `our Avrskmfxoxir SALE. In many cases the cost of the. goods hes-hot... been taken into consideration. Must be closed out to make room for the extensive alterations`. We qttqte I` few, but words will not do justice to bargains `we are V oering: " _ H An . Ii 'skIl' \lll` RIII We have many suggestions for June Wedding pr.- sents. Our China Lamp and Silverwue Deputmcat appeal at once to your fancy. In these deplrtmentn we have made a special Cu`. 1 , v r Shell 8333:" Bulb 60%; "imam on. Ten Pot-. Sugar VII. Oran Juan. Gnmlinnnn Han. vmn Juan. Frnlh UNI. III 70". D|IIl' DOWII. UICIII J u , Oondimenl Beta. Syn: Jun. Fruit Di ee. Berry Diebee Etc. e have shout [my piece, no ehodtiy goods. With every piece we give e ten years uennoee. 50 leoeo reduced to 82 p eoee reduced to 81. . O3 and C3 50 pieoee reduced to 81.60. LAIlPS-}Iigh Banquet Lamps. hund- eomely deooretedvchine Bowl and Globe.- heevy BPIOI Sande. 85 50 Luufue for 82.75. .0 Lampe _or 83%. '5c, 10c. 15c and 25c Departments. We have arranged the bulk of our stock in 54:. 10b, 15c and 25c departments,and on thaoe counters you will nd some rare bargains. 5o. DEPARTMENT--` 15 DEPARTMENT? 5o Glut Tumblers. `.3 for 51:. 30:: and 850 Barry Dioh. I50. 50 Glass Barry Dishes. 2 for 50. 250 Ohlnn Pinon. Hie. Ibo Blown Tumblou. 6c. 86oJoI|y Moulds. 15. loo Out Gloss Barr Dishes. 50. Bordlno Dluhol. llo. n Chin: PIAfAn_ Q in Kn, 981! Ihldlnl Elli. Linus. IR. Kettles. . No. 7 Kettles reduced, to 90c. No. 8 Kettles reduced to 95. No. 9 Kettles reduced to $1., J ubllee Fireworks. - 7 We have a full line of Jubilee Handkerchiefs, But- tons, Flags. Fireworks. Chinese Lanterns. Etc. LADIES` BELTS - Belt Buckles, Cu Links, Blouse Sets, etc., a specialty. AQVCIJ 8!-Ilrruoc ' -v-v---V - -v-vvwu - -_. Luann. Juno l8.-Whl|o oludag sway ' thominloilllobolnvnnhocu yutudny. which burned on Duounhpr Ilu, I804. wot-lncnfoundtlnnunlnoonluubdiuu that porisud In ch in. The unnlu vnnon .3 halt-burned ohll. path at shopnl bonaohno thigh, 'Auf a..i hmwgm sh. pub nor on . Ii,O!.!I'$?;E:0Irlnyallun;:ioo nob. lldrufa Punch I90. rogu- '""v{vuu-don-mvuu-oa`s. '- '% !.ioI\l| 7500!! such. . at an-n..-i... -..A.. .....n._ 1.... _..:.s IV.-_ DU \JlIl|'II l'IIWIy I IOU 00: 10c. DEPAR'I`MEN'l`--- we and 250 Barry Dhhu. I00 150 China Pistol. 100. ' Sand Loin . 100. Mo Chin: owls. 100. Hair Brnshoo with Mirror. loo. (lraniteware I Granlteware I ` V . 4% and 50c Granite Tea Pota. reduced to 2 . .._, 3 and 40c Granite Saucepana. reduced to ; ` 25c and 30 Granite Wash Basins, reduced to 15. TEA KETTLES-Heavy Copper, Nickle Plated Tea Ifgtblgn '.'5".:"-I-nI'.L..'.."' o...' '..o..' `. '11.." ""' '33 3 'u.."' Inna Inn found was Ibobl uuvollh. and Ze.`u'.'.".'.';.s'x.`: "" "'6'? "":2"......`........""' who Int u"."iu... In an an eounidtoroxoopt Nogumitnnu. n uuvnnuwhoulopcn tho but. It pays to deal at Laldlawfs. Fmm Salislaclury Evidence A -v. v-.-. ..-. -._r- -_ -...- vvr -... To-l`:Ipoohl won. W mos. Out. I8.--8pouhI onslau- omo::A;unwuo.hu Inn on duty at Wham-duct. hu 1 %II npuntordnlynounn nu. w..uaa.,....-nut-Wu`-us as-hug `Ion IL l4"Inl_rdIQ.:' - v. R ` X: nucx LIISTIIES 25, see; 350, 4-50,490; 560 mu. BLACK SERGES. % . T 8ILVERWARE-BItfAl` Knito and SI!- tr Beta. Ou . Buukhu 1.5- 'F;. ms. nnn-n -In I1-an-1 go uu uun lor V3.4 80 01' 33. O8 Lamp: for 04.25. IVU UIIE UIIUI DOIT JJIUHU Bo Chins Plum, 2 or 50. In nmnn1~umn~_ . wuuuulunun ru-um: unsu- inns 75 UIOI . 39*. aka qulicy long waist Cor- In Hui. chm nod guy. tumor ` 780. Stands; 49. in.-mn.s..`...n yum. ...s:.._~u..mun_ L\1uc'>'o'Ds' FAIR. Cofner Princess and Wellington Streets, Kingston,_Ont. BLACK wsmts AND % MOIIAIRS [JUNE weonmes. in our nosaessionj we are satised thti 1 large share of the success attained by our commenuu u to uuuuucl .` Only 1 really good article at: this kind of advertising. Somabuutiful New s rs, crisp ind` arm in wave. shed! a dust ind will not discolor with sun or an air. ._ . is due_to the fact that one went: re~ commends it to another. I\..I- . - ..-_II.. -45.4` nI:A'A and: Ch`: ` 0liIN A bnuizrnnxm--oI}uu 1)`:-I ' on. Pnddjngob. In Cabin` EQU. may 8000. Bu-ryniohu, Bunion DIIIII. Pom. Fruit Pluto. J`:-alt Shula. '.l`|IOII goodnhuobobn uduod to half. again munyouooloutlnnhdll choir rqnlu vu- `no ` Iholmd0o|ondRotVoiIlnd 10, Ihho. A A Vdltnp nlltlniuluodo Pub vllliowll an unlghboolt. ' _ Io ouch. udiilnhilidtnuredsuu-ccvuu hllrnlmhhllu. out Ann-an-nu 1? _' "_: .`u5'v.`- `L 1 . Ii the Kinguhn Isloyolo `link nnhdnln In nu-nun for tho biz road luo. we 861: Jolly Mouldl. Dlahu. 860 lhldl hnhmnm, I50. 250. DIPAR ME . loo One Glut Barry Dhlm. 960. Sound Dhhcl. No. 50:: IA uh Ink Homo. 850. 750 14: or Portloliol. 96. Fancy 950. -2--'--RI.-X.../-ii: hCnu-nu. OIL. Juno l8.- ` lip V .13 unpon. Ha ` by mild! wing Ihvuu Wu: _ lily took - Claib- unok Inn ` ' 33" cow .5 - nniudtounlno. llnhnn|u:.\.|I: quihourly. inbound IKE` Iq- i'y.;,~!*- N-.2.-I-_-'-_~._ ` DI:---A1111 II. Cunoy.sR.W.&0.Inuh. Illa)- ` Wnnxovnt. 8.Y.. Jun. lI.-'.l'houu ;` I III `II . .mmmmucs-r.m cum amn- .l_.... %AffJWALsn's GR'E-A'l"ASA'L`Ei t4L*1|...;_]`.'.JlL.n.Ll..|. In ...|.. I'.. ` VICE Illa! vans. Uuuuo :'_',:".. mm Inn`: All {veal nab: Swum-n.Bhck. ~g- A - CnsII"Nnvy. one. wort_h II to0|.G1_)ouolu. V "`* """' "" '3' 4(::k.lJ:r 0;nk76c' s;?8h Mn ` ll "I`|nDou 0! son. ~ ....:.".'.. W "' *.'knd_ vd!`8.0;.pain Mu`: Ounllouwooamo A '-90900-03-, . pom gu.ws.uuu.u1sc.wm.nu _. f$iil0l:to buy. Boys` Clothing. 95 Suits only. _ -` . "Va-Won: an seq moneyjn this department. _ .l `,. .i. , ._ . . ` `; -V ibigtn come in`the morning or , _, E W Aablg.oi' the shopper and more ail , upotlpeiigucnscc s_h t Mt. m mzas. U1 QFUUIII U41: L\Iapn I-re u-....._ __ lvtel ,WALSH'S Don't little nus the prices we ask. 1` his stock must `be sold mostly to the people of Kingston, and we know under the present conditions of trade, IT MUST BE` SOLD CHEAP. \ I Ilhlo'r-ulluvu nun.-on-us. Mt. . J 18-haou -llooo! C 1%. 0:: QnoM:lu: Pate: am so 4. :Pn.hnt nrlnl. (.30 co \ OOMMEROIVAL. lEA"TEF0'a`W `B3 .&.`ouT."'nT.1'n'.:;.'.4 i`s1Ifu%|`M.15: Lu. IIGMNOIOIM. mil? ID IIIIU lIIIlUUIrIl vIu vI A J lid for `thy big roar] . . ' t -at I.-mum um a.:Ea1``2. .'::`. i uiupM.Burlul'oldwonL mi on Banioald common this ouyiug by out.-Col Mounull. hupictor ol infantry. The dilforont momnontq tor; oxooodiuul wall oxocuted. when it It remembered the btigndo but been In camp only won days And club only about oighb day-' drillhu boon done. The in- `npooting amour was well planned with the result. A very largo number of Ipochnlon lrom tho olty and ugmouudiug run! dis- trict: witnuqd the inspection from the ...x..s.|....u... I...-an uni nldn. neighboring Imgnu Ina nuul. tau-thin: at :1: Inl ` !oruudlnbulu:I?I:?imaLchod.;`ui:. Col. Odton`, D.0.0.. and ml. `and Liens.- Ool. llqnnnolllndlnm The ant dngoonu lollowod. and the eld bacteria ouno next inn following order :' Gmnnoquo. King- Iton, Durham. A" eld buttery. R.C.A. Th: Hm of march was along Ontario. NI---- Ilhlllnamn and Osman nuvggu, Th. "II. OI IIBTIIII VII mung vuunuv. Dianna, Wellington md Queen nmou. Tho Infnntry Impdo, the non: bathlion hiding. and followed by the 4051:, 41. And mzh. marched b{ way or Onmio nnd Brook attach to We] ington. thorn joining . the mounted corpo. and proceoding with them to the cam? grounda. The ontiro br 0 looked wall. but it . x. ....1. m. on mm uh. axoollout Annou- I'll! IIIDIII llI'lI|J' nu--u nu... -_- .- in only [air to nou_ tho" oxoollout Appar- unoo of "A eld buttery. the 3rd dra- xoonl Ind the 4001; bntulion. I ` ILIIIUIC -I IIIII. BIOUKVILLI. Juno 17.--M the cheese board today than were intend 4.840 bozo: ol about. of whio 1,604 were whim and 3.285 oolorod. Thu-o was a deadlock botswoon bayou and sellers, And, nnoonooquonoo, no also were nude on the board. [HI claimed by sellers thus `the buyer: had come to an Arrangement to hot!) down the price on the aid. no that bu nou oould he done "cum , hoping in thin way ho-gab the goods (or loan money than in o oompocition. The high- n .mm- white or color- k ' down the price me am nu 53:3... -ouui, hep-:n i;"in eeis oifer or either white ed wee Sic. Aim the buyers hnd left (the room. hhe enleemen had a mutm to dieoull the eituetlon. Some euggee the sending oione men to Montreal and ooneigning ellhhe cheese to him. Another suggestion wu be encnm ell the cheese boarded tonne men. in which event the buyer: would econ nd themselves is com- petitor. No deilniteoonclueion was arrived sh. however. Afar ndjoururnenb. the offer- ing nu pretty well mold out. as Bile... the uleemqn to oh the beneiib of higher prices i! paid an or. marketl. Thin practically ' means bhet. 83. we: the price obtained for A L- ..auu'|. CHOU WINIOIOUI III lllllpwwuu N nolghbothg hitghu and Golda. Arm an Imnnotlon the In! ` GENTS` WEAR- "$36 men : Ceylon annel shire: (good pthtaornl) 290. former price 500. Mm : Ennlinh Oxford shirt; 390. worth we. Mon : wool bop working shim 39. rogu- ln 500. Mon : blmk sateen shirts 35. worth 50. Math whito laundriod shirts (oliglnly ooilod) 50. rqulu 75 so 81 each. Man : nnlnnd nhiru_ onllnn nthnnhod. 45. (`VF -v- i~~K ..v , , an a52ar:Zha'Z3: s;.`}'1'.".u: bo.gIs au um I'i|_I'Ill'nIIt`IOI.\V|IioI,I'I||lItII't i` 3 QxUl_Ilttn m'o:nd|. `going ouoo "".;....'!".: "..`3.'..`.'.2!`.:.."2.T`'.'.... .'.`3T ..'2'. I the goods. II [SIG I0 uumr I --_... vuw `vuuu. Exonorntod By all church. The Ibnbomonb of some nowIgt\pora that Rev. J. 0. Mndull. pubor ol ore Con- ntionnl church. Snrnia, hud Loon ex- llod or ouupendod from the ministry. has ed the deacon: of the above church _to muko I Ihtomont. in regard to the manor. They any clue their puwr has not: been arnnlled {mm the ministry of the union. "3:-:5 expelled {mm Ininiutry has march unuohdod from fellowshipin HUI] I {XIII wonh 75. D--.3 nlnln expelled (mm mm Inlmury 01 um uuluu. but merely unpehdod the union for one your. After the rooent. notion of the oongregetlonal union was made known, the congregetion of Rev. Mr.vMedlll mob and panned 3 resolution expreuln entire oontldenoe in. and un- ewervlngaoyelty to their star. and fully exonenolng lniu from all lame in connec- tion wibh I-he ohergos made egeineh hum while pastor of Bernia church. four -IIIl' llltrwu nu--;o Pmrmmunu. Juno ls.--Pohr Mahor. the pugillu. yutordny mad. application for lloonno to um-ry Mina Agnes Tor- phoy 0! BM: city. After the usual for- rulv ion had been dippouod of, Haber was lnndul the license. The wedding took plnoo to-day. 3 4- Lu..- ..-_-.. -.-..I L.-..1I rluvv vv --l . Boys three-piuoo blue warp and tweed gin. good weighs. only 82 25. Grand nlnn. D0,!" oolonu rvrumn punna. I uohod. 400. regular 500 to 050. Man : nnmmnr nhiru nnd dr on. < Ion`: merino ne shirts sud drawers 25.). former prion 40 each. Mon : Fuse Stripe and Plain Shirts and llpnnmn 3&1. armor uric. 5013. unwol-I 300. Iorlnor prion ouu. Man`: Raul Merino Shim and Drawers Oocultuvol-th 0150. ~ , Mon . Erna Lu-an Flnnnnlakh Ninht nwquiighs outta n 'nro"$" ? "-m?%s.5"`'::'-:*.:'.:fE.~:..-2:: would nnungqd for din- &H_'6hquphlpom: Amman:-nou- zrnl ` >1buopoinI:qnu-ur `II. . Mo man; `can m:|lo. f at Iwon|u,dmrlot.ohun- lp, nolllmodnl; two mile. ogon; Imp, that print: on miln,- :85 clill. we print, ,.`l?|'o(e|h|9nn|p'.:vonta-.-Eulslll mile raoo.; I15 no son; onqm o. o a. two ifugho, mile, hqmllonp. tlu-9': priulz vigour` Alundvlnnp, chm prim. Infd 1&3 committees wore struck: A.I....aIil.a.. - nu-lnf.lnn__F'_ J. Hump. D, Uoosnmworun in 00. > Info Extra Large Flannolano Night wrgn nr ` B|IirtI40o l 50. Mon`: to Twillud Cotton Night hlrhn KIM, uni-lh Z511. Illllalg ' Union. -vv. uvunuvn r- w .v. --- "Stripe aha` Dnwon 360. armor prioo 50. Man`: lhgl Marina Shirt: an llll VVIIIII LWIII I Shirt! 500. worth 750. ll.-0.. Inn: nlv Linnn Ion ! Uuuulonu Uollul wt: or en lo!` zoo u`: Sin Linn Handkerchief: 99 or 8 tor ` has ; Hon Ootton Boob 0c.nr 3 for 956. Noah BI: Wool Soap line A pair, jjm want: we , Ilsa : lino Punch Elation:-aou(Silk` ` ixodbt-, vonh loo. an` Bruno 5c 3 Ir. Ian's Thu in non. Bonn. l'bur-in- Hind and Winds!-0. all (So such. 90 |lon'I Blylllh Now 'I`io,Uolo.-od sud fmaelx.-Inaomonhsaa Il-& Rihhul umn E-nun. Tun. anon. III 100. worm soc. Ila : Ribbed Oouon Brenton. `run. 013:. Navy. 35:). cash. M n..A. All 111...: nn.|...I n...:.... In... B0 don. thou : shaker annel shirt: 12.30 .-..I. nuurm; xvo. lorlnor price nuc. mIlI'l' English Oxford 390, IOIIOO) DUE. l'w\lIIl' we 60 Cl ucu. Mon : colored uhirsmoollnra attached, 45. .....n. `ma nomluou IBIIIOI : . - . J. H , D. Id?-IO. -L G. EH53.` .uI.u31` "InlnoliAIn|I|Al|h.- IJA mill?! 0' I0. mm: woo. _ Boyn` colored rogshu plurta. collars at.- nnhul. 4013. raaulnr 500 050. when. 900. | 0|(Ilu|r out: I uuu. Men's numnnor shirts And drawers 15:: ...L III!" DUO. WOT! I-00. Man's taut pl Linen (hllan I00 ouch. Boyl that y Linen Collar: 80 each. Ion`: Oullu d Collar: loo 0: 3 for 250 Maul. Imam Ring Linnn Fnnrlknrnhinfl Pour Inlet llurlou To-day. ~-~----- L--- In D.A-. kl --..__?_.__.--___. Imuu In-lulu. --` 1-..- in __u. STORE CLOSES 9:30 Sharp Sa- turday Night. [TAun *'rM`I NI:'_u--?6'LI$ IN amrl I:-A`-unnnl lsmrvnp BY rug scissons. nuurb?f.' ' in wiry nun non om. A-gt 0oIhciI_ -`tho (lacuna Mn: 31 lent-tun And III V6111`! Now: Who` `I'D III cuullun Pun - Chinese lnnumn 30.. 5c..8c.. st Hardy's. Noroltiu for jnvoniluin short. mute, long punt: and kills suits. Gfltld Union. Rinvnln I:|I.ra|5n--I Crescent: IMHO bicy- VIII Iilllvli uc I-v udui:_o'.a'nuMII.~ ' _D._Mol'_u:lnnd. '1`. Ronton`, E. end ml: emu. urenu umuu. ' Btcycle bu-ge5n--e Gteeeeub bicy- ;eleoheep.only need a few Iimee. See it ntundyl. _ , ram communion. We have e large etoek of blank euioe. P1-lose very low. Grand Union. . Inspector Jervle. N.W.M.P., he: been ordered to Horlohell Inland, Arctic ocean, on lined` y. '0 I Ha eell Snturdey n_ight.--onr jubilee bmtion nele. Change of bill ....-_.. I.-..- u.-I YT-`Inn I-IHIU l_ I IN Tl! 3'-lll"-x us.--v ww- ovary hour. Grand Union. I! you |nvan'b much money and want 1 new pair of shoot, nut and nobby. go to Abernathy`; ` In iun o overybody in town that deals bars, but the boob judges of clothing never E0 any from the Grnnd Union without II bu inc. `%horo` will ho no cloning exercise: at Kin ton India oollcgb in oonooqnonoo of the ash of Prof. Staph-Hgmmoud. magi- cal director. Hum Ivvln nan hum Hm rnnlihv. the cal director. llnny body can bean the quality. the style or the price of our clothing wo ll quit; our job. Grand Union. _ Innunntnr McPherson. of the north-wont job. urnnd union. Inspector McPherson. mouncpd nolioa. and Dr. Brett. of Bank`, have pure Mod the Hnrriso hot springs, Iilsuutod on Arrow lake. I I tt.......\..I. M DI! 1.0: hhrhv for ailsuntod Arrow Ian. J. L. Huycook. M.P.P., left today for Picton. To-mo:-row he will tddrdu an an- Iolnbllco of Prince Edward oounhy farm- on at A patron picnic to be hold at the Sum! Banks.` A ....n -ii... Iulnnlr nknvinh hhi-nA.ninlm Band Banks,` A very nice black ohovioh three-piece nuiu. suitable fur jinn oxnlnunion only 82.45. Gnnd Union. At. ml... mm-m hall! at Mndlnino Hat. I2.4D. unnu Umon. At tho court held :0 Medicine Hat. Ann. yesterday by judge Scott, Blaky, a bnggngomnn caught robbing bngqhgo on trains, was sontonrod to three year: im- prisonment. at hard I; bor. Thorn u-a no crooks and corner: to our A Lieutenant 0! Tho Local Oorpe shipped out lth The Panda. Yesterday afternoon a young lieutenant. attached to the local corps of the Salu- bion army ebaconded' with about thirty dollars of the funds of the army. He was stationed here only two weeks. being sent down trom Toronto. although his home in in Montreal, when he joined the army and afterwards went. to Toronto where he on- tered I training school. Kingeton being his hat Itetion. 0.. Ao'nn.t`nII -glint.-`O Shannan in pnaonmem. In nuru I; not`. There we no crooks sud business policy. but I uni ht open path back to our money till i! or my reason you nronot utiqod. Gnud Union. A mnhonh has (occurred two miles Walt llo lllill R. J. ` No I E Lyon.` 3. ,ll.-Vanlnvon wt 0.. nlnna nl L, I-lnuln ITO -I10!) uluquuu. urluu uluuu. A wuhoub has occurred of Calgary, Alberta, and train: cannot so until tomorrow night. Four nnd-n- nlf inchqp of rain have fallen within the past four days nnd it is ni.ill'raining. P.-inmu: nu-eat. mamhnnia are doimr tour any: end In ll Iuu tuning. Prineeut street merchants are doing some "tell kicking" these do a. claiming that thoroughfare is not proper y eprinhled. and that the interest of merchunta thereon is neglected for residents of side elreotn. At 2:30 o olock this afternoon the Nth P. W.0.R.. heeded by the brass and bugle bends. I-nembled at the artillery perk. afterwards proceeding to Barrioeld com- mon where the regiment was inspected by Col. Mauneell. An nlninl Onlnnnnnn C.-nrn Mnnilln n. onlnlc pnvulun. DU" I THIICIEUU. III`: IIIKIIII. Jubilee celebration eele--Chenge of bill every hour Saturday night. From 6 to 7 pm. Jubileo ties (royal purple end red) 2200. Colored ehiru, regular 8l.25 end 8l.50for 750. From 7 to 8 pm.. boyn 3 piece euita mode 0! neet woretede end Scotch laweede, regular 37 for 85. Boys 2 piece euite regular 84 for 83. From 8 to 9 p.m., men : tweed and eerge suite It 82 65. regular rice 84. Fine Scotch tweede, all wool lock and fancy worsted suite in every style at $8.50. renulur price 812. From 0 to 10 p.m.. all $2 50 end 33 hate for $1.75. All 50c. ties for 25. We have laid out to do some bueineee. Don t mine the chance. Grand Union. sAu.vATIoTARMv ABSCONDER. If!` IKINDII On Wednesday Adjutant. Sunyon, in charge of the corps, wu in Napaneo con- ducting mootings. U Jn his return on Thursday ho missed is nowlieutenunh. Hnnmu-Lina than nnmnthinn wu wmno he Tnuraany no mluou nla new Ileuwllulu. Suapocting that something wu wrong he onmiued the each box and found I the money it contained had been removed. Enquiry olicitod the hot that the liout.on- unt. hnd taken pnguago on the cape boat on Thundnv afternoon. Tho defnultor came here highly tcoommond. his previous chur- umr having boon of tho but. Aclint-Ant Smnvnn nnnnoh nndarnmnd U01. MEIIIIRH. An oicial telegram from Manilla un- nouncen 3 desperate combat in the Phll~ lipine `nlnnda against the rebel general. Aguinaldo. The Spanish loans were over I hundred `killed and wounded. The non ha owned 8 prol9dndly painful im- pnsaaion. Stave O'Donnell. tha Auqtnllm henvv raauon. Steve O'Donnell, the Auutralim heavy weight, knocked out Alex. Groggninn. of San Francisco, in the eighth round; Bill Elmer. the pugiliutio motor, knocked out Jim Ryan. of Oinoinnnti. in the third, and Jimmy Lnwber. a clever locnl bantam. fought I hon-round drnw with Jimmy An- thony, the Auahraiinn champion bnnhum weight. Then were thy results of the Olympic club`: boxing carnival in Me- ohanic pavilion. San Francisco. hut. night. Jnhiluu mlnhrnhinn nah...-Chnnon of hill K053? llI\'ll|g D00 0! BBC XII}. Adjutant Slsanyon cannot understand his sudden deoiuion to depart surreptiti- oualyu hit up rod contented in the work, in which own. from Appearance. doe lyinhorontpd. The defunltor wore a (in rat! mnunhnnha- and Ind dm-E. nndv awn... .- nun.-q -v nun. .-vq- -rrv---uuvvy lyinhorontpd. dun nd moulhcho, and Ind dark. sandy colored hair. ` R. Wllnonul`.-J. Bong. " 1'70" : 0. D. Mofalrluld. R-5 Vualnvon wupppoiqtod captain In Hughes, who hu migngd. A nmu light Ilolwou I Oolond Inn and an lpgllnhnln. . Tonoxro. On. June 18.--Batman six `and noun o'clock chi: morning 0 do-pants um-my took too At. I niuiou lodging Imnnn. A`. 9! Kim: nhnnl ask lntrannn surly won JnIEIl`:.uv I mluuun Iuugung house. as 91 um out. botwun O mlond nun nunnd Jana: Johnston and IWDIIX. I`) HIV l\lII' INTI 3` DIUWXIII colored man no Janos Johnston and unkngliohunn omod Michael Burk. A |'Il0l' was and by both non nth terrible units. Tho row out-Ind by Johnnton throwing a lunch our on. Burk. tho knot am noon I-on-do drow- -h In -L:.L L. ..._-4;...l UIIIUII UV UII IIIIFI. IIIIVVIIII I n run` with which ho oomuoneed to dash Lu dunk; Ion. Ono Iwoop out through the negro: left an to the bone, mosh lnloud I long bolow the mu. . um: um opoa noon on ma hols. Johnston nally managed to want av [run Bath and wont to him furlouuiy. nth one plunge In mu-I: out Burk : wind pa. and with moth: In [aid hi; Hon has 0! blood nn Inimlnlltnnnml IL: Inlinn hdnn " '--'1'.` 2'.` '.`po"2.7i'u'. .`u'.1T;$'.':`. ?.'r"u Ii.a.,) that use puts oonbnnoo and tho but uloolaplhlnd 5 uttlumont. [Ling v'l`at-by t-it unitary within Ibo town 0! Llgut} will-1:08 ct.Ii|onnI..ot Neuron. IX AEDEI Iffwfl OI UIC UNI H Gntoniolo um: "Tic path by abandon- adlln nolhvddnhv.ndiunndI.o no TI III` CITE III` T W UT and him todcopand tho ion bin; and in. Burk in around and John- tou nuovd to in metal`; Ioupthl. lamina, IIIGI-VIII H -Ilnlllgr 11:113. cont` 0! " The Mind`: an-upoudut oi. the Daily (Lnniah nu: "Tin math in Ahndnn. ICI'-U' ll-vllti IO 50%.`. boxnox. Jam 18 --The Asians clini- cl Dai 1' "`!i`;`..:.'.....`.t... .'. .. .*l`.`.`.'.`.!'.`.9r`...:...... - nquvt. 51$ money - doubling inhab- Iomq, Children : two Illh. Eton And zonsvo nylon, hnoy .-out: Loo. '0lIildron'n wuh sum Ind 39. Grand Union. In anal nd oomlorublo

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