Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Jun 1897, p. 1

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ouurolnund oouhhlnconr ' olouoloth can. is-stuns '-"'..'*:'....-'-:.':'.w.- I u ' (h E35-o (MID! IIID GVUIIIIII. ll lIl"I uluwu wnuuuvu the en-ivnl oi the xueeu, who were re- ceived by Lord Hereohell. chairmen ol the executive committee of the institute. Everybod were I deooretion of some eort. Stern. rib us end vet-ioue orders.-together with the splendor of Orieutel ooehumee worn by the eastern potenhetee. mede e brillienb noeue. FIVE.` -....b- In-IIUJIAIQD` Inunnncln `III. In. merqme or uuuenn, uoru mpon. uoru Lenedowne. the Merquie of lame, Lord Roeebery; Hon. Wilfrid Leurier, the Gene- dien premier; Mr. Whitewny. the premier of Newfoundlend; Boron Rotheohild, Lord Lyhon Plnyleir; Bir Donald Smith. the Ca- mdien high commiuloner; the Archbishop of Canterbury. end I I lendid array of men of high rank in e Army. navy. church and civil eervloo. with e sprinkling of litoruy. Icientillc end ertietic notehlce. It was nine o'clock before the u- eelnbly mu complete. The Prince of Weleeled the proceuion into the dinin pavilion. unld the union 0! the nations enthem. I1`-.. `ITEM .-hl Tnuninu -at nn klsn I-lnlu tnem. Hon. Wilfrid Leurier net on the right bend of the Prince of Wales, end Whitlew Reid, the epeoial envoy from the United Stetee to the jubilee feetivities. on the left of the prince. The letter ehowed his keen interest by weitin to the very end of the -nnnnh nulninn, u inh wan nlnea nn mid- nnneruu ny wuun so one very em: 01 one epeeoh making. it ioh was close on mid- nlhb. This we: ellnoet unprecedented, I! the Prince of Wales lets it be known the he objects to late hours st. Inch eairs. and either nuee hie influence to ohorton -.-.n...I:-. nu 'AnuAn OLA nlunir On a an In-H. and either bin inuence no onorton proceeding` or lave: the chair to u substi- Imrn. The Banquet mm by The In- pcrlal Institute. Imou our I nlnquon given by my unusu- tubo Int evening. A la-go cmwd ntobod thn nu-ivnl of uh. mum. who Inn ra- DHIIIIIID ECHO. The guest: numbered hundred: And ro- prosontaod every branch of national and colonial life. .Among thou present won the Mn nil olsnllsbnry. the Ri ht. Hon. Jooopho mborlain. secretary 0 auto for the colonies; the Earl of Kimberly. tho Mu-quit of Duorin, Lord Ripon. Lord Lnnndn-nu, hhn MArnniI nf In:-no. I1)l'd Kmaswon. oN5r'An1b{ SATURDAY, ';Pu|ng Ill uli ITIU w`.Il.- 11.; adults in such ulluound. I I.LnlY-ihtllhhnnjnlnnnmlininmlnn riiu-3' iiinzrs. . Il_--AA_ I.3_- Shunt "lupin Shh" loan: King- ston 8:N LII. for tho big Btu.-kvillo colo- hnghinnj Tnnuhv- Ilvinn than: Imnrn than. "V." I` III Ulihd CT CI fflj Shluouploynntininuuulng unuvugiluuu uudlhnook bun uluohry Gin ilhnhunlunnnotimpnn. Gnnlournlni ultul indie bk. Dpglun mnnnhhnlnn Kn-A an-anal 333:. UIVIUI W) l3- VJUBIIITIDI Inll Ell` Ilw Around the Fnirule such we In. last ovoning.nnd resulted as follows: First. Goo:-go Onwford, 2.5.06 minutes; second, llama. 25.10: hhird. R. J. Jolmamn.%.l5. 1-llj 3-vunxuu npvwn IIIC tlvit Btoumr Juno: Swift will have for Alonndrln Bayund 1000 Island: .to-mor- row morning at 0 o c|ook. Round u-I ticket: 500. Exclusion party on from0tItwn. ' aw ween-- vu an-v we uuvnu Prrrsnumz, June 19.--Robert Cook, of Boston. ie in Pitteburg arranging to per- form the remarkable feet. of walking from Pitteburgh taoCinoinnnt.i on weoer. 3 die- tnnce of 400 miles. Cook in the inventor olepeir of water-shoes. He any: that with the use of them he can make as good time ee emnn walking along an eeplielc ecreet. While in Chicago efew day: ago this In: queetioned. Cook oered to Inger $1.000 that he could walk I distance of 400 miles in fourteen deye and do it eeeily. This we: quickly taken by John Lepold, and the money in` now in the` bonds of I reeponeible nuke holder. The start will be mode on Sept. let. et. noon. After completing his en-nngemente Cook will go into treining on lake Pontchertnin. Le. Buohnll YOOIONIII. Nations] league -- At New York, 5; Clevolund. 0. At St. Louis, 9; Phi]:- dol his. 4. A Btltimoro ll; Pittsburg, 9. At uhin tan 8;LouinviI1e.3. Eucom --A0 Syracuse. 6; To- ronto. B. At ester. 9: Bunlo. 10. An n......n.... n.n`npi.m.I.I "I At. Wilh-. nluuurn W "in nyruuuic, Vi ; ' muw. At Scranton. 6: Sbrinleld, 7. Ab Wilhel- Inns. 3; Pmvidon. 7. ' After A Bond -Odll. 81'. CA1-Imnxna, 0nt., Juno l0.-'l'he roodnoofor the Walker modal from St. David: to St. Catlin-inc: Ind six kpa Arnunll Lhn Fnirvlla Luck in m. Int. lw \}I'lWlDl'Il' lp.U0 mill; 310, Hume. 25.10; third. R. J. JohnIOon,25.l5. DO IHIIIIOII U0 UIII UDIOIIIII OIIIIN. The whole prooeedinge were moeb enthu- eieenio end the Prince of Weloe especially has rarely, 1! ever. enoken so impreeeivol y and feelingly me in hie speech touting the vueate. All the morning pepere contain editorials upon the benqnob which they agree in thinking a worthy and Appropriate forml E lling of_ Hie jihil: `lfeetivitir. All rune . u e e e . ee - nislvy kg: deninnl-.ion chm Il:)ha.colon`i):e gt; ' emu u, . guy. s..`;`...7"," Shirts, 57,717 qizu. _ut 4`-ply Collars, all the new shapes. 2 for 25. NW8 SUITS.` _ - Qx`.5o,- , $2.50, 83 for reha- Anin K Ill nly prllll we I-ll" -5: ma. declaration 3.1 '57." $13.7; on won d eesiat had in time of trouble. Tomno. .0. Jluue l9.-A opecinl able to `from on eeye: The prime minister had a penonnllnter view with Mr. Chamberlain. the ooloniel eecreter . to-day end the eminent Cens- dien an the distinguirhod Engliahmenmo doubt, discussed the tariff. the {net eteem- nlllp line and other topic: that are just now almost equally interesting on both sides of the Atlantic. 1:. I ....-:.... ....l....:.... on LL- ammmantg IIU65 0! WHO JDIIHFIC. Mr. Lnurier. referring to the comments on his speeches recently made by members of the Canadian rliement. said to a re- presentative oft e Aasocined Preee: "I ebund by my epeechee. huh I do not wish to be judged by interviews. I have been inberviewed by seven] papers. and have not road the interviews. I have said one hundred times in Canada tint. protection is a mistake for A country. and share can- nob be 3 question ee to my viewe_ on this subject. -, -_-.L ..._ -u__ -u_.__ mom to limp nor. wrest cneer-mg.) (V "I have often been eeked whether the French-Genedieue are eheolntely loyal. and Ihuve been reminded that old leude die herd, but to Chet I meyreply that it ie the proud vilegeuithe present generation to renal nepeeteole ol the bonnet: of France and lend viotoriouely entwined in the Ori Thou h during the leet century wee e on duel between England and France for t e poeeeeuion of North Alnerlu. yet on the height: of Quebec in o monument totwo geneinle who {ought iuthet war. end it been the ineoription. "Equul in tune. equal in cour- age. equel in glory. Thet equality exiete at the preeent dey between the two reoee. Hie royel hi linen. the Prince of Welee. he: just non: nded ue of his eerly visit to Cunedn, end he! oheerved that many ohengee have taken place since then. but I can eulre hie royal highneu thet there he been no change in the loyalty of the I'ronoh~Cenedien or the poo- nln nf (`.un,-rd: to Grant. Rrilmin nr I50 the I0 0! LIIHIMII DU UIUID Dfllnllll DI IOU uuu ritiah crown. (Loud cheering.) Lord Rosobory. pnpoaing the houses of legislature, home had coloninl, uid he hoped thin nnptrallellod gathering would not. separate wihhouh an elfarb to draw closer the bondo of the empire. The Marauil of Sdiuburv. rocnondimr had I uythab ..n..v. hourly ovi- dnnmnl hi-nannhthannlnnhnnnnnnv llllul donoo o! in than F II-IOU W. IIIVU l|UII'I.V tboooloniuoooupy UVI' an nl hmnnli nnnnln. ' ?."Z"n;. 3`o."'.':"sE"'n..";`u':?"......x.'-" "INIQI bun Ilid that tho colonial III. born to boom: nations, `And perhaps Oun- ndn my none (is, booouu I Intoiun. My mun: to that in sin y thin: Cnnndn in a nation; Canada in 1nd (radon: in its nationality. Th In Canada I0h)0W`I- ulunn u nun:-nlnhv n sh: nnvm-Ian I Am IT ll-IFlUIII|IIv u Luv II VKIIHIJI IUIIIU N1` edgu the Itluninb '3. Iovuign I Am hon-anon IMO! poodonoovould ivo thoOan nolnorol-Shh than I: y nlrondy have. If Englnn should our be in dnmnr Int colonic: would do Izhair nt- I0!` EDD B01150 0| IUITII. OOIIIOIIOQ lillli lull! miegivinge he lied when the colonial legis- latures were Bret erected. were entirely unfounded. He Mid: "If those! 'ela.- turee are ehle to exercise eelf contro and to full their high ideal. they will pro- duce an can me each en the world he not ye seen. There is talk of scal union end -of militery union. Both mey, to e certain extent, begood things, but they will not be beeie upon which our emplre will rest. It will reet upon the growth of eympethy end common tllght end feeling between the mother count! and the coloniee. The Right no . Joooph Chamberlain, eebretery of etete for the eolcniee, respond- ed for the houee of commons. He made no allusion to the coloniel oiee. VI..- umluulg n-aanagrlinnm -Ae-A mnnr. and-Jun. IIIW DIV`: I-I langllllu IIUIIIU OVUT X In danger III: colonic; would do their moat to help he. (Grub cheering.) "I luv: nfhn hum nkad whethnr the Ox`.5o, $2, 1219 enmity- PARAIOLQ l*.l.!I.In4'n 7. OIOCBT Idle XIII 0! F00 OEPIFB. Marquis Salisbury. responding for the house 01 lordl. confessed that the minniuimrn In Ind whnn aha nnlnninl lmrin. Ioyuuy or me Jnnnnunnuxun or mu pou- glo of Canada to Great Britain or to tho _:A:-L .......-.. IV 1... ! ..Iy....-inn \ lunacy Ixouohn Down `the Blur. IAA__.... '---A- gl :2" I-._4 To Walk on 'l_`l:o Wator. InI\l_A1 I0! I lllllltl uxwunuu III Luv ululvu In on govormnont." Bit. cxelalmod Sir Ghu-lac. "no gentle- man ever put his name to a paragraph mom dlacnditablo. intimating that Gen. CamoIon a uniform was not. up to the ex- and aundatd of Gnooigno. Gen. Glu- ooigno would not have dared to put his name to an document for which he could havoboao druEoodblc,andGon.0unoton I.-- ....s L... .5 Ian On 91.5. km" an and IIIVODOOODOIGIU llDIc,InuuIn.uIuIcrun hu nobboonnh uptaothh hourlogoc general Gucoiguow admit tint he have I-slurred to him, henna it would ban nndond him liablo to the imperial authorities for counting his Inpodor omen. Bit Charla oxplninod tint .2l%m&:?$APt33 0 man Inll ptlllplon II (Inc BIIIU Imuulu In wn open to some exceptionally amart. energetic otoer ol the Canadian militia. But. there Ihould be A xed limit to the a-.... ..l --x-.4`.-.6.-`Ant, -nnA-nIaIA nan-hang :35, 309. an nuance. Hnndkerchiefs. Perfumes, Rib- bons, Veilings, etc., in plenty. HUT: 500'` would X I ITIXUU Illlll DU IIII mm of up Inunont, nnolnblo. perhaps \ for I limi oxunaion at the option of th nnvnrnnnnnh, ` JUNE 19. 1891. mnnannu: I Am decidedly of opinion that there should be` I time limit. to his term of op- pointment. I cannot but think that alter ncertnin lapee of bimeln otce my men loosen the 1.ee|.ect.ivity end intereet which its it absolutely ceeentiel ehould be kept. up in theoeee of the ofllcer in chief commend of A military educational establishment. Young men are eepecinlly quick to re- ceive impreeeionu. end ener y and greet pereonel emu-tneee 0 dress end up rence ere. in my 0 inion. eccen- tiel tao crme good common nt. In my cmion this poeition in one shot. should be 9 -n nnnn to nnma axnnnlzionnllv emu-1:. Inquiry Diode About Reopening J ' the Negotiations. lnlscussmmnv coma] Forty Appllestlons no Oolsnered With June orren In Former teen---lspplo menses-1 letlusetee---Aid tor llnIl-ot- tswn llsldge---lltton 0000 to IIIIIMIIIO --KDIIII 'I`IIIII[I. 0'l'l`AWA, June l8.--In the house today Sir Charles Tu celled sttention to"`e oeble deepstoh n the etsting thst Col. Hays, the United tetes ensbsesedor tobondon, hedenooeeded in inuencing the British government to reopen the Behring eeeoeee beiore the time oi the Perie sword. which won for five yeers. hed expired. The reeson for the reopening of the cue wee in response to oleime end representations put lorth by the United Stetee government tht the reel sheries were being depleted by pelsgio seelin . Bir Cherleereed iron the report of Pro . Thom . the British scientist. that the Inorte ity of the eeel by pelegio sealing was very smell. indeed. being only s !rection of e imction. He sug ted thet the reports of the Censdinn o oer: who examined into see! life should be printed. the seine as were the reports of the United States end the British govern- ment. so that public opinion might be oc- ourstely formed on this important indus- try, which the United States was endan- voring to destroy. Mr. Devin mid that he nursued the lmsnmm: snn nwmm.| THE STAFF HAS BEEN QUITE LARGELY REDUCED. vonng to destroy. Mr. Davies said that he pursued same policy as his predecessor on thisques- tion. namely. that there should be no change in the regulations regarding pela- gic sealing until the time xed for the award had expired. So far he had found no inclination on the part of the British government to take any action which would beoppoeed to the interests of the Canadian induatrys He had always favor- ed the publication of the reports of Cana- dian scientists on this matter. but the ol- cers in his department were averse to it. and he did not make any change. Now that the leader of the opposition has spoken as he did. he would try to induce his oioers to make the reports pub- lie. at. D:..l......l (1-.-bun-I-1.0. Inna!-I` Hun Lanna nc. Sir Richard Cartwright movod the house into Iupply to take in the military coll entirnnws so that Sir nu-lac Tn per cm: d discuss the matter before he 10 b 10: Eng- land to-morrow. Sir Richard reduced the estimate from 865.000 to $60,000. This ....l..-L.'.... warn: and. kw rlnina A-AI with IIVUEO ' L Boys Heavy Hose, zzlc to 25. Y` Small Bo Hone, Inc to 20. Women : Fast Black Hose, me to 55. ` ' commune lrom I0-).UUU I-0 QUU,UUU- lull reduction was Insdo b doin away with some {our lessons. he notion in the I.-- -...I .. -. -|.-n.-4. -n-Ag ml.` nnllnnn an l0l.ll' loeeore. I. no liuuuuuu In on: fees end at or chnn made the college eo nttreobive now that orty epplioetionl were mode for entrence this year, inelaeld of nine or ten. an has been the eee_e__ennugl!: in nuhvnnn. in to \ ir cerlee Tupper deolerodl that the preeent overmnenh werdefoeing en insti- tution w ich we: a eunding monulnenb to the memory of the late Alexander Macken- zie. He reed er. lenth from roporo of Ilnhu-_{1An f".nmnr\n, It A Ieuunnmnnndnnh vuu uuvunwu . - .. --.. ..--_._..--- __._-_- ran?! I-I`: Ion th Bf Mqior-Gen. Cameron, 0 lntocomnnncunb of the college, (nnd his son-in-law). A In-on nnrtinn nf Lha nnoech of the or the college, (anu ms son-In-law). A la portion of the speech of lcadero the opposition was designed to show that under Gen. Cameron and the late management the coll had reached its highest point of excel enoe. He pro- toshow that the government had radically changed the organization of the college and taken away its /military char- acter. The dismissal of Gen. Cameron as commandant caused Sir Charles to pay a tribute to hie character and abilities and high standing. The adverse re- port of the board of visitors he brushed aside by saying they were incompetent to act as judges. He criticized their conduct in holding what he termed a star chamber investigation. General Gascoi ne, who had a penchant for making con enti or verbal reports, had made a con port recommending a time ' ' appointment of a common nt. and mak- iqg the following reform to the com- mandant: Hf .... s'An:n`nl.II1 ll nnininn Dlanf. than-n uIIII$ 5'.` i 1 `"01 . mu. Eli! 330! future oonuiontn I-Aha Illo qnulloh of the continuance of tho coll Sir Richard Ind no nit! to up!) an tho dobqu wu udiouu-nod. in military _.-_ .._ AI.-A. ......... I1.-.-gm L-J ...Il- Ell IYIOIIIITI I|$ III OWIIMD W I! utbodcbogowu u oumod. inlhig men may abut bud null: Ion tbuliuhnnll 6 bond that ntbority our the pilu wiobonb which his muinqomnt eon nob possibly in uno- In the afternoon alter a brie! dchh ol 5 bill to establish a department 0! railway mailelorh, mtroduood by Hr. Jlulook. u Iumnn :0: tin mnnh of SI!` Ohltl W-IEic'l'El_ove's, 25. Kid Gloves, 50. Kid Gloves, 75. Kid Glgvep, 8:. DIIIOIIIII, IIIIIOIIIIQCI D II`. llllllllg the home. no the I-squat of Sir Ohurloli Tnnnnr, tun-nad in A nonlidarnhion of Ch un onrougn. `Flue Berlin Post sun that Gormnny I: long hold tlut Hawaii is within the 0 n! Amu-imn innonoa nut! that Ibo d IQ) na In.` DIWIII ll WIWIIII IDIIU Um of Amuioun inuonoo nndthnuho doe: nob in an my intend 50, action the riglm of Unlhd Shir" Annex the -_.l Uyvuu V--u unnu- Ab Brookvillo. "Empire Shh" luvs: Kingston 8:30 I.l.. calling at Clayton hath uhvn. 505. |Neckwar..I T of Sir Charles Tnppot. turned to o oomidu-onion of tho ogroomont fol-the oxtaomioo through tho OI-`ow : Nut Pun of tho 0. P. R. Mr. Bloir Ind promlood shot oppol-mull. should bootforod Sir Ohu-loo or discuss og this subject boforq his dppu-turn for England. ond nocordingly ho prooontod tho onto {or oxtonoion briey. Mm: mnsldnnbln dloounion tho mola- oxtonuon onony. u Amt oonsldorlalblo dlnouuion on up win a 0 contract was puud nu 1:30 wimub E division. Mr. Blair promin- ing to consider Mr. Helmet` pro amendment tor the reduction of nuns in British Oolumbin. rm.- ... uni`-ngnt.--n -nnnntnn fnr IR,-K W0 5 CHIC . IIIIUITIHI. A not: the entire rovinoo of Ausm bu boon dovuucod by t o uoonh earthquake. and the min in nppoling. Th: mnmbnrn nf than (hnndinn Billav Inc we ruin II Ippsnng. The members of the Osmdian Biuloy mun won inn ted at Montreal yacht dny by major non. of Hamilton. ~ A fnrrnar nnmod `David Mu-tan: wn l'a0|'I wgowu wlun I VIIW w Iuupunu. The Japanese government has {ed 3 protect against the Huuiian trusty on the grounds thus it pronriuu to load to a breach of trusty stipulation: botwun Japan and Hawaii. ' UFL- -g:AnI:A.I\ nl thn Id In 033- Inning tn `?\hb'i;.disflay of Belts, 15. zoc, 25. soc. al shades. Ilnnrllann-Hint: pa:-fnrnnn '33:- The rejection of thq bill in the hone to inoor rah pilot; hu csuud I audio in that {, And ooosn vallolq to and from u Monuu to having gnlldicnloy In goo- I.i no t.|u-nnnh. unmn uonumm. The Iupplomentnry utlmntol for 1897-8 an expected to ho pruontod to pu-Manon! next. week. They will include 3 hunduomo Inboidy for she inter rovinolul bridge bo- twoon Ottawa and HI: I. It in also undir- -s.....l oI....n Inn mils 0` tin Rninu RIVA! tween UWDWI um null. 19 II also unuu" stood that 160 miloggf Rniny River nilny will be among tiinilny lub- mug; lillwny I nidioa. `rho Onpltal Nous. Hon. Cliiford Sifton lefhon Friday for Winnipog in connection with the school question. In is untlerltaiil that the hier- archy will accept the settlement ii a 009 Isain concession, which has nob le: been made `gnblic. is made to them. have done is under the advice of Mn`. erry del Val. Mr. Slfton has therefore Info for Wlnnipeg to confer with the Manitoba authorities upon this point. end if possible to meet with the views of the church and all ties in this . he bill inoorponblng the lots between Montreal and Quebec was town on!) by the senate commibwe by a vow ol )9 to 3. Din (`Ln-IA: mnawavunr uni I-Av. O-JIII nllnr. llu In `tho Iona; Pawn And In \ Von nun Dooonohu. AU DOIIIX . FIJI IIIDIICIII IIII [III] DIIIIII 3nd in in rain ng huvily and continuously. 'l'hn(! P. R,_ In; math I nnnlhnnh to Inn "3 II fllnlg IIUIVII, lull uuuwluuuuuy. The C. P. R., bu made I contact to carry sixty tons of butter from N on York to Sydney. Australia. A man tlm nnhh-Q nmvinm of Alum bu nXVy Illlflll I0 VVIIIKIUT, EIIIIWJK I :-eoident McKinley bu prohibitad the lsnding of the new F , '_ ,able at Cape Cod or any pure of tho" States. A mmlonn nwanl: mmr Ihn villumn nf lily. uolng `ICU (IIIlII" T WW5 : Carleton county council want: the eu- tebliehment of echod dingo in Ot- tun. A delegation wili weit on the boerd of trade to urge the Idea. Hon Horeoe Archambeult. Attorney- nernl of Quebec. has been I inted by t e Merohend oebinet an I o! the leieleti ve oouncil without ukzxvli be old rm ol Lonedele. & Oo.. wholeeele dry good: Inerohente. Montreal. heve found it neoeeeery to cell their credi- tore together with I view to suspend. 'l'I-m Jnnenen government he: {vied I FDO XIII! COIIIHIHWOU D! I VOW Ul IV 50 0. Sir Charles Tup r will leave this After- noou for Mantras , and will nil by the steamer Puriuisu ho-night for England. The Binley tum nil: by the some mum- er. - There was a hit one At the post oes this morning to my ll` `Itempe. and some of the issues sup lied Vere soon tem- porarily exhausted. t is learned at the poet olee department that some post ofoes sent in requisitions for stampe lat above the number thee, be sent to them. Kingston. for in tanie. asked for 50,0000! the one-half oent stumps. one- third of the entire issue. The heaviest de- mands are for the one~l1all eent and six cent stsmpa. The number ol these values issued is l60.000 and 75,000 respectively. Being of low value the demand for them will be extensive from eolleetors. The issue of eix cent sta ps msy be exhausted early. but normally t eentire setlesissqual to s two months supply. GI, Dy IIIIJUT HIE, UK Ellllllulllo A farmer named David Marten wn struck by lightning snd killed during I heavy worm in Winklor, Mnnlhobu. Pruidnnt McKinlov hu nrnhlblmd this uoc or any pnrvoz uucullwunuws. A oyolono swept: over the villggon of Benson: and Colombo. nI|I"Pnria, yacht- day. doing great dsmagolo Qroporuy. Pu-lamn mnntv council nntl thou- NOW w Ill I-I $03`-I-3 IDVUKI -u- n-- \ Von Dounonu. At Bomb: the monsoon bu fully bunt .ml in In min nu hnnvilv and nnntinnnnnlv. Cheap. A window full of them for / ' '35CEN1'-s at PITH OF THE NEVIS. Ipoud Juno Ilnd Intuit-5.3-nu|t.nut'f` Is your time to buy good mp. Jmmsron 1 We are showing II momentof . mu: cow smns.-. . ; aonneouan narrates 1;. -- pun: |THE. IDOL ' Look! for none -doubling in wants! an coin. 0\Ilren'I Moon mm. Eton and noun nylon; BM} paid. only 01.00. Gillian : not nil 'BRlTlS_l_1__['_3_M-PIRE. :--u---cg ` ` ` For sixty can out Gracious `Queen has had first ptuce in the aectionn of her an, acts. On- Tuesday, June and. al Kingstqh will unite in celobratink Hit. DIAMOND IUBILEE. `I . hang QAJIIII-Ar` far Q|I`nlflIu .u".'.'{. lblophono uu .`3'.?.: mum HARDY E AUCTION `ALB -or-vocab nopunytn. an vungo on Du-hnmnth_ 0: all ;izes:+hih`we}aa`ei.j`; .very low prices. We have alga d - v . '~' - :35 An. in Red, White and Blue re! -16. Also the new jubilee Buntin with the Queen's monogrem. in different colors, at 6:: per yard. |STlW?Y._&__TE.1!CY. IIAEUIK Pelican 56:001. 00 m..'.`: phonooolnn Elam---g tun C1uNa1'ox-AbE inlwrg. Jun 17th fang. wife of Arnold nulton of 3 dang -1-:-j-- ANTED-Hull! - GRADE WUI good chnmh standing to to! -914.31 Ilunnnt and Stats Oornnpondont hon. lo! having thormlqhly It-mod out bnolnoq uslaryumllq -- mod. olou all-ad stunned onvm. to A. '1'. wt. snot Haunt. one DAM. .' Bllll Io. - . ANTED--LGlN`l`B loll " U V oorln. Bar new and Dlugond ubllu."-' Ovorowln with Inuotsud rlohut gain 00. Oontotm t o cndonoo biography of Cl` I- just]. with nvhontlo Emory ol In-r unort- nblo uln and full account of it Diamond Jubilee. dnly ll 60. my book. II domond. Bonun to: news. 00:. on 0 6 K . Out!!! from Write qulo lot and rritory. Tu Donnnol Oournr. 96.1. 850 Dou-bom 56.. Ohlongo. boroont Duty paid. Grad Inn. JbII.OIlI6o. book. Tromowl d:u1o:|.d. lggun lcfruuonvu. 00-E tn IJIIIIVIKILV IJ `U I-II sonata. We have secured {or thence sion 3. thousand F`!-FBQ$i we _ HAVE % IT. WAnms-Ab ll nu. Wolb.IohIu`l. Juno lseh, 1807. kl Guy Waking. of Rochester. con 1.! tho I. Charla H. and M: A. III. Wntklnt, of Wolfe" Inland A 0.1 IJII, uuna. 03:: `M yun. Funeral Sunday nltarnoon 30 out O'clock. Friends and noqnsinunool In unpub- fnlly invited to bond. Monuu-In Montnsl. June 1801:, Jul Maa. not-cl II I. ' I II ""..-.... 2'.` 23o` ."J.:`. s..1..w'?`( 93'? _--I- ...uI`_A.In an ungnnnaunnnn Conromous FBAII DWILLING B002 0 6 rooms oxumlon Imhon. [(90110 . Kent M monthly. or would I on hula Inga` plan. J.. MAOBLB. 8| 0 renoo Mun. RITRES WANTIDN D0 (DPYING N1` homo. law 0oI.l.Iul, Lhm.0hlo. A non: owning. 11 In: or Ironing. (Mod nlonneol to III, R. J. 0435011. In Brook Street. wlallljlwnill -f|I` \I UV 0 oh Itundlnc to us! In boot! I and um Oorrupondonl hon. nut in mhoronnhly lam-nod our buslnou: min`: I and Bush correspondent hon. slur lav mhoro I3 bulnou: ulna I 1! run! 11 Enocou ulf-cdtlroucd stun! nnvnlnhn in A. `P. llunln. (Innnnl Inns: mhoro hl bulnou: aunt UN. og. nomad 1 onvolopotol. T. RLDII. (hlnthl Ismael. ) one Dun lumn. Wlil. AN'l`ID-AGEN`l`S FOB "` "V-. lloigpond Dlugond ubllu." Ovorowlu nlolucu. cnn_wrunn'sV OAIDEBB 0 Bl AOWIIODATI B with both -12:10 and douhlo .wl1 modorn oonvonlonooo. M 80 QIOOII O. AGOOD GENIBAL SHIV ANT NO WAI - ... u':'.' `ia'..':"}'.".$.;.F'.7;'2`}a.'.3..'..'81`..'.?.. "" LR'!'3D-liIUli-GRAD] IAN 0 GOOD I In ta d 0 3:3: O:rr:an`::don:ah:t.o. ANTED-HIGH GRADE WOI am Hnnnnnr And sun Oornnnondnnl ham. slim Bounnns 0 an Aooolnlom i '2 mnd:r!r.:}:utn)::ln`n'lon`\l::.`:|d& . W. I. DIIIIIAI. Iullln. .. .......`E`:?`..'.".`. .`.'.". . Frontenac Agricultural A n-nnnnu an-nrun A- III -13: as I.-an-u-ug\uo,' hwinclulaundsmvw ;..........' ,..:........, Solo Anqu for Bnltoxlgwa bikini. .o}man S1`. Fnnnml undnv nllnmn: d MICIIIIIIICI noon at 2:30 .m..nonvv. u. , - nan : undo:-uhng ruinous. hm nhd ncqnlnunoo tn ruposinly {IMO- GOOD OOOK. PLY '10 I88. D. I l`!onn1-Ion, ID in; utnot. Iol 1 III III VIII Ill. ' wnmta PnQIlAIILmI-. 4 in n. qznrrxon +S"TUDS. Izyiv `KWIYBBAIE I1-nnnau-an A-ll Inn. WANTED. '"x2'i5"'n'm'., 2` - IRA CI: TO LET. BOARD. or run DRY Wl]! aux! Inn. 1&0. % 143. I'|a_rd Wood. Soft Wood.` 1 Slabs. lndlinn Wood. JAS. SWIFI& co.| It : scarce. '.'-"..1_':;":'1s, .5oc. Du 9. 'BestShirts,1, . ..I".. l`..II...... all` 6 5oc. `Dress DITAJLB Ion .rmm.n : Il\AV_Dnpn4IA I am. uh: A II. Ill \ZXl'DQlIl IIKl`.u JVU. IV queued to moot in their us the lodge Noun I0-IOBHDW ANTI OUN Sunday, Juno I)|ls.nI'O-he hour 0:`! o":look Ihhtlap, fa: upouo 5 v - 31.050 oonrloo Bt.A:lr::'n.Ohuoh. . P. M181`. D1 `:31 "to notice. D.A.BllA . ` y Onggqaladco. gBlIlV Till tuuustuunulw a."i h":'-1; . `.".. I:.{`:2 It the `gun .*mlou lud A ` Pouulul. odd cl, 7, . .. IIBIBS 0!` ST. ANDBlW'S SOCIETY and Son: of Boot. (1 no hereby notied tomcat at the 8.0.8 In. our lahltdcf Ivmlvnto. corner Prioorn and Iontrool 81.41.. SUNDAY AFTERNOON st 3 o'clock uharp. to attend Jubilee service In It. Andrew`: (hunch. nor}??? l.0.0.F`. Ill BIBS Oil` KIICGSION LOD(}I.N0. M. and (hhnqnl Iaodtt. No. )0. no I- anund to man in that: nunnllvo lotln I III BIBS OI` KINGSTON LOD(}l.NO. Iyontlvo ANTI 0011. Sunday. 1 `-_--- 1 1111Z antic 3-: A'- ' RI; All Bootohmcn cordially united. V g ozdor. ALEX. 083. J. I. IASSIE. Soc. 3%. Andnwn Society. rho. 5.0.3. d 1. I311 Iooiotln will uulnblo in the Inkot Squats nu o'clock. Br order. Holuol In land society, will be held in st. 000 `I Ihodnl tomorrow, SUNDAY. J the ma. Ilorvioo to commence at lzwp In. Iclnbon of In-yearns] Societies and oldum (usually no oordlully invitod to attend. Thu oollootion will In In Aid 0! the General TIO oollt Hoopltnl. tend J drnl. Pd . w. . 3a13:. ! nanny uuanns. Secretary. W. President. it in anal. ` (ned) J. S. sxmx1`Il1:." lD 0;:ng?mI'(Jng`n.ns 4 B 8.. no requested to meat. at their Loan Room In Sunday. the ml: lmw... at 2:80, so at- `ciomll Jubllu service at the 8%. 000110 : Oath- rn . IBIS! Ill IOIIIIV, Illa HID lulu In -Jun! IIIII. un- lnl I06 apart is the Government of Osnnds for such oolo tion thromrhont the Do- nlnlon. 1 honby invlto tho Oiuunl 01 King- Iton to oburvo tho id 2231! of June Instant A: 3 Public Holiday and day at unonl rejoic- ing. and Inn! that all Olllunu vlllobaorvo '"" (knod) s.sx1mn|a. `1 OIIIIII I71: 3. undo! th nunplou of the Soluot In and 8001061, will be held in St. JUN the In-II. llarvion to nommanno At Question. the quality of v whnttyouget ? Why not `put all doubt `aide ? If it'_I Coal you want, Get Coal that is Coal. BRIGHT. CLEAN All Inombus of Inloutu Lodge. 35.8. 0. E. 138.. rcquosf-Cd to meat at their Lodge Sunday. man. at- ggy`: anbloota of all olaaoea throughout the gin an a mono: no-anion for a general lo ration In token of their loyalty and devo- Mon. and in Ihanlaglvinq tor the uninter- rn Md national nronpar-is dating. Her Ila- `: 'a relax. and the On. um of Xlngaton Inc aooon to non In their no tlmonta and note of loyalty, and tho nnd of nna inn. bo- JU-BIILE'E CEEEBRATION | LOOA|.iM:IHOI'IAN DA: Dbllilr AIIIIIII Dwuu lVl'nlUAIIuuu-any; and Inland: Bundsy 6 un. . Tnow-ver cont. oi! as Wnldronfu arm; uh; ll particular: In sdvt. to- '0 III BIXTIITH ANNIVEB-NAB! 0!` THIS oaoonalon of Her In at: the (Juneau to u throne bah: cons! and by Her HA- haw. nnhhon of A olnuea thronnhout the IIIIOII Cl DUI -I II] VIII \(u"Iu 0: bgowghrono 'l;!'d I throughout LII " I! f 1 ..n....u'.`.'..`1`.. J."n. 2'..'o':"3.:.`.a.1'3...{'n'-.1nE32$?.. O ' not Swill for Own ovary Ronda Ind hnndny at 6 Ln. Jamal Swift 00.. Itout. . Nation to tho uriou societies sud vo- unnu. who stand divino union on Sun- day nlhnrnnnn_ In thin ill. I III Illlflllnn, lllinlll-nu. ' giants no Empty : point Tuesday. Btumulhnlnith. Gootprogmnno of sport: and dancing until 11 pan. Tickets, 25c. and lac. Jubilco Ietvioo for the man of the cit y Sydnnlnm street Met in c arch Bun- dty M 2:30 o'clock. Bpochl decorations, Innlio, nntloml , 01.0. IN`. Paul Smith undny tripe : Laval Kin on 9280 1.111.. 11 n._m. and 1:15 p.m. W Iqland, 10 a.m.. 12:30 pm. und 4 n in 'RnnntI`t.rin, In. (kiln II ""i-.`}Z"`_E Page 5- ! "i>' Ma 880 Dolonou. 7-H Inna I-nnnn To-N101-IT` % and MONDAY W`0IlO lgnna, 1U lLllI.. 1z:.1u p.rn. Inn -1 Eu. Roundtrip. 100. Coll: 38` Garden d both ways. wmn (IOITIITB. ' WHIG O0ll'I'll'.|'l!. P 11-The Princghog W113: and Lan- or: r iunontny o qn-uni. Page 2--Tho Now`: About the City. Pam 8---8lxty You: of Program Illin- in News: Country Tidings. A ' `ago 4--Edihori&|: Locnl snd GODOIIL 5-Thu Booinl World: MiIoelhne- out. Page &-Homo Circle; Brihioh Ila:-bot 7-Broodbrim'I better; Cooking; I-nnnnn 'l-Dr0|uorIm I mw Miscellaneous. Page 8- 1 ho Very mac. -eon smvr: THE QUE::.i."' I837. DIAMOND JUBILEE. I897. much. All Bootohmon oordlslly Invited. Br nfend. Tho oolloouon will ol the lioanlhl. VETERANS. ATTENTION ! In-nu uuuvuu --.---w-- . .-~.-.. ---V,-, Bum lo:-Alu.u:dris3|.! -mi I-I--ml: nnulnu Ajn, Iuiopnndoutot-dhrotFotutu-s. J .5 z?.?."%' .. an nnnnnhnl In. wnuml slmvr I or vans: um thunk lvl: an I than auspices of the In 0! ln3`cnd nun`: Ihndnl tomorrow. SUNDAY. % A.lq16fsm|ll`neodu willbg on your Iu`~.~ Lot unholp you. Old Browh Windsor 1c. Tu. 3 for Inc. Buy : Own, 8c. Tripple Scent- -.I I`:-`LII; an PUBLIC HOLIDAY. JUBILEE SERVICE. 5. g:__..w.:-:'...~:'.= 5 lInu.hiu-9 shoot. 90 V BIXTIITH ANNIVEBHABY OF` THE mansion of liar Iniutl IO Quuon `8.0. E. B. 8. jv 3 j rnnnncoumusl nnnnnnhd fa nnl NCIIC IIIVIIIU Z" , In thin inn. D uushqin -vvh ~!:'i".},:'V'.l , OIIUIIDAX Jllo Inn. at I o'oloet.'|o sound 0 Jubilee Davis: so all. Ooorcvnthlhodnl. J. 8- S. mount. Soon ` I II. 0" UUUKI 1.0 r ':'."::"-33.`: 3' nufh thooun noon scmuwon COAL] F i.""'"" "$437 no 30?: '3:\I.r.t.Ioon :2 Eh]-euD`k. IDOL!!! loaning.` DH!-Illl. The not of Wales. in propouing the hculth thogncntcotehc oroninmgtvc I ootdial volcano to the diatinguiuhcd gon- ucmcn who had come to cclcbntc the 'nbikc. Ho acid In njoiocd to Inc we Ladinn pl-incu Inching common coon withthomlnhonotoitbcircolonlnl goons. Ho VI! convinced that the colonin would nlwcyc con:o_ to tho uuiohncooithonothcrocnnirylntimoof cnonnonc gto on nu:-eing'eo'sho wth d . O! I {sign h:`u'.pnnccd uu.d':';`.'.u.. tho pouch] oiuonnlhnccc undo: which ocntlnno. ` ?nE*Iu- ubmuumuoulnng XIIIIIU BIIO WIIIU CXFICUX OI UIK IIDIIIO nuthoritiol on the subject. and he hoped tho 5 ooouion would in wind upon for at purpose, as they mi he LII tool on- amed that every won! ti been the bonds uni the orcuofbhooooniucnd Br-itnin_ I10 In DC TI one CW5 IIIIDITIE III 000 welfare of the coloniee. and also said : "I regret that I have not lied the edventage like my brother, the duke of Coburg. and my eons. of visiting the greater part of them. not only of the North American coloniee. but of the ooloniee in Anette- Iaeia and Africa. I have not. how- ever, forgotten my visit to Canada. Though I van a young man at that time. I have etill the meet vivid recollection of the experience. and shall elwaye carry my mind beat with the greatest pleuure to the cordial reception extended me Share." The merquia of lanedowue. replyfng for the arm . urged the neeeeeity of consider- ing, he rehand, a eoheme of defence in the event of the posibility of circum- etancee arising that would require the coloniee and mother country to stand side he eialn Qnr than nmnmnn (`A'nlIl. Ha 'l`ho.p1-inoo of Wnloa. replying. express- ed his grant pleasure and grnt,icat.iou st nnnidimr nn nmoh nn intamstinu occasion. OOIOIIIX `nu TUCIIK UOIIIIIW, BU SCI! IIIIO aide lot also common defence. He thought it dbnld be expedient for Ghe colonies. new spending largely end ely on defensive ermunenb to com ta the wide exnetienee ol the home `nu II, 0|] IIUICIBIVU ITIIIIIIIUIIII U0 oonln cxpcrioneo -nthnritinn nn lthn nnhlnnh and I'm hnnul DI. l.'l.II'," Wu CHEN` eouuulug. "I you, he said. "to drink with me. her eelth, congratulating her not only upon her diamond jubilee, but u n her record reign. This was to lowed by El renewed outburst of cheers. the hand repenbin the music of the netionel Anthem. Ami the enthusi- nm, the prince celled for "one more cheer. Thin wee given, only to be followed by Another. end then by 5 third. Riv I-Inch Nnlum, nmmiar nf Cluannnlnnd. In0I'ollOl'. II! 500 By 5 Ialllfu. Sir Hugh Nelson, remier of Queensland, in propoein the hen th of the prince and prinoeea of ales, expressed the hope that the Australian colonies Knight some day have the privilege of reoeivimz I member of the royel family. and the opportunity 0! displuyingun unqualied loyalty and de- vntmn- `TF1 "'f".`J' rA3AnoLs. V Childre'n'a Paruols, 25c, 35c, 500- Ladies Sun Umbrellas, 50c 1001.50. Ladies Fancy Para- ools, 0:, 81.25, tr.5o. BELTS. A K}- J:--Jana: our n": Inn nan I I. K. Plu3|II`3 IIII\l 'I'CIIIIl\KIlIUII CI! idin on such an interesting occasion. o acid 0 book the deepest. inherent in the -alf-rn nf I>.I\n nnlnninn. and nlnn mid : "I Wnumnur nrmu IJlll'IUl', Illu l&Il`llUu Ilxl lull Iv vuw Jvuvu of the Iponkorl. After dinner, the prince of Wales pond "Tho Health of the Quoon. n n folicitoun a I: he rolornd In ulna -nnnnnnlnhna iii!) an nnlnbrnhinnn. uu vv-nvu _-v----- .- I';'to1icimu rotor;-ti to the approach! jab co oolabnuonn, adding thsbho hno doubt they wodld mnnivn ch: mama tons with more no- mum; manna nlu no uouno uniy wuulu roooiva the funilin tons more ac- olnmuhion even than raw usunll the cue. This was followed by rolongui cheering. waving of bandkorohio 3, and cries of "God Bless Eat," the entire company standing. "I hnnvnn " In mid, tn drink with ma. tune. The prince use in excellent. humor. chewed guily with Mr. Reid and Mr. Llurler, and laughed hen-hily at the joke: nl Wglnn nrnnnmd The Hnnlth of the |rnmcn or ms PRESIIIEIII EVERY BRANCH OF NATIONAL AND COLONIAL LIFE. than Husband lududa-Ir. lain-Ior In no Prune : light Ilnd-rrInoo of WIIOI Propoood the Hunt of the 0IIoon-lnI not lorgonon ll: vim to 0III'Io-'l'lIo Golollu Ihonld consult Iothorlnnd In Dotoloo latterl- Loimox. Juno l9.--The Prince of Wm-. u pronidont of the Imperial inutituto. pro- Iidod our a banquet: given by the insti- mm Inn Avaninn. A hm: amid Inmhod

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