Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Jun 1897, p. 2

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lIIl'K. will leave 4.! -._...u.. vary popular _' ' eh hi: follow. `T ` Iblxon aid igorp, My` own `oom upon` . Ln 3 O can no all pm 0! his nugoosn. Ho 11:: made an oxoullinhroonrd nine: in joincd the ho- uIion,ud`hn nines the uglmnu onumd *7" A Jnlioyonuub omen-in the ` camp, been unnanmim in Mg who on to. duty, and In hl,p'ollciludo'for the lists act-noon: cl-his can 3.v _' work in unhly heavy, '0 win he `only Mgdno. 1 Dog. n osny. jplllill |.00|'d,lnndo Hub qbiapgy ll undgn In lfprool hia:nImIt.y. ml. nqgllnrt f_u won_'k. Capt. Laird in the ,, ,3 `L- II-L_..__. Q5..- and at 17 um. Ill null up "~12 ~-*: ~ :::-~ .;:~-v :- ow I Add lanai? Onptfltairdwia odihn; and P|'P|'M0r of the Cohourg Stu. aeooruea. Finn Chugch of Christ. Scientist. Bone of Temperance hall. corner Princeu and Montreal streets. Service so-tnbrrow morning eloven o'clock. eubjecb : Mn`e Accountability to God. Divine Principle." Weekly teetimoninl meeting Friday even- in eight. o clook. Everybody welcome. mnh an-eats Mathodiab church-Rev. J. in eight. o'eIool. niveryootly WOIUDIDB. rock streets Methodist Grenfell. pastor. Flower Sande ; lervioe, II and 7. Morning eubject.-" he Royal Gardens. Jubilee service at 7. with Ipecinl music. Mesa meeting lor Snndng echool er. 3 p. m.. einging. recibetione An addressee. Parents and friend: specially invited. nnhcl hviilrn. Lnird. ` ` . , V -rm com lg}. n npn-an Ihcwlng ru- ' souls: Lguuoon. :1- __.__;l ;_..m..`-i ` AL- IALL In-DJ `Huang: lAmpIu)o;n| < `,0! no um pan. P.-W.O.~ RI `Jvan `ankle by Liautz`-(21. Obhar. No. 2 depot. R.R.O.I.,`on Battleeld oqlumm Joatotday aarnoon. The bana- llon ptfadod ab 2 pan. an artillery park barracks undbr bommand oi niajorltinnor. The tugnoub wa oloallanb. every company `mister: an bthixty-ve men. The oo , ' in f or M: quioar Vulirinbo ,:' ohm. . . A" 00. b. E. Straw.) : B. Capt. Onnninghamp ",Capb. ont;D",(}a b. Richmond. "E, Capt. Sutherland; " ". 0a" to." 0. ll. Bbnngo. Major and adjutano G loway was on duty, and Capt. Hora noted no junior majar. V 'l`ha haznalinn nu ininaohod In mu-chins: acted Junior mepr. The battalion me inipectcd mu-ching put, in column, in quarter-column, end ` In column of tours; in changing front. and other hettellon movemente; mejor Skinner helng in command. Mejor Galloway then took command, end the battalion wee in- spected in the manual end tiring exercleee. etc. The men acquitted themselves with the eteedineu end etlicienc 0! veterans, and were warmly e lend by the epectetore on eeverel one. The battalion march- ed 08 the eld in column of tourie. chang- ing formetion to column of companies on the route to artillery park. At `he artil- lery perk perade ground the companies were eeperetely inspected by Lieut.-Col. Otter. end the result must have been very eetiefectory. on in eddreeeing the bettelion he complimented the men on the greet im- provement they heve made since their last previous intpection. no eteted that, al- though he had noticed faults end mietekee while the corps was under Wtion, yet the battalion hed dono ex ingly well, And had ehown by the eteedlneee end the accurecy with which meet of the different movemeritehad been performed, that the oiccre ere feithiulin the performance of their duties, and the men zealous and et- tentivo to their drill. Lieut.-Col. Otter complimented the bend of the regiment end bendmeeter &rey saying that i`m regiment had reason {:9 be proud of tilt! band. which. he eeid, ie one of the beet regimontel"henda he knows of. V Noun From All DonomInnIon|-'l'ho nu- Inx or the Ohurolr Pnlpln. Rev. G. E. Dydo, 'M.A.. prenohoa in Gannnoquo Presbyterian church to-mob HID. 'n'* v - Maw. ....wg;:.;; ...:.*..*.*.5:.*: olnnlo Strut. vi mum and other nmhrn oonvqninmcm Alto that 8tonO1)wol- Methodist Sunday aohool. sundny unor- noon at. the usual hour. Special music and decorations and n wuvonir for every scholar who amends. Address by B. M. Britten. Q. (}.,h[. P. Hurlnnhnm At.I\I\Ah Mnhhndinh 1-lmmh-ll nnnnon. q.u.,u.r. Bydenham street Methodist clmrch-ll em., Victoria's Relgnf 7 p.m.. "The Empire. 2:30 jubilee eervice for bheyoung of the" city. 8 inl fprcgramme. .nneic. son I. etc. ntionnl music an etch service. he church will be beautifully decorated. IN... rnumk nl nh.-3.9. Quinn}!-h Rnnn V`. In the history of amusement: the success ol Buffalo Bill : Wild West. and Cougreae of Rough Ride:-I eh Madieon Squnre (hr- den. New York. st the beginnin of the oeuon. in entirely wlbhont perllle . It. re~ Inmned there three weeks, and over night thousands of persons were turn away from t.he_enoI-mona amphitheatre. Nothing like this sort of attendance he: ever been given to any other entertainment. Every newspaper in New York has Ibnhexl these in end they are true. The exhibition Hut. 0 will bring here on July lab will be precisely the same. Comfort. in underweer isn b found in all Iuszdrgn -Arm: mu > P.w.6.n. row. Firab BI biab church--Pastor at both services. vening. "The Heaven of Chris- tiunity in the Vlctoriun Reign." Onnnn ntrant Mnhhodill`. church---Rev. E. sunny in one vlcwnen mun." Queen street Methodist church--Rev. B. Ryokmen. D.D.. pastor, lla.m.. "The Queen And Her Re: n;" 7 p.m., "The Eternal King and iingdom." Specidl mu tin. Jumloo Ilorvloo In (no human non-nu Mebhodilb Sunduy Iohool. Sundny ather- nnnn nr. thn nnnnl hour. Sneoinl music ptoclaoly me name. Comfort. in underwear kinda. Bntito in thosolinoa. and cheap- nua too. Man's Balbriggan underwear. 250.; men : natural wool underwear 500.; boya and yout.hI' Balbriggan underwear. 25o.:boya' and youth mu-ino underwear. 35o.;boya and nth` natural wool un- darvnal-.50o. carr&Sutaoli'o. J A nal.-ll. (`min Vlnmnh. hu writ.- dornu. 000. Burr G auwuno. J. A. Sooboll. Capo Vlnoono. bu writ.- taon ho sldonnm Walton to the 05006 that he will undotulo to have: mammoth hon` In on the evening of Tuesday nub. Al- dorman Wnlhqn thinks it vol-y kind on the put. of Cape Vinuntiul to thus uni ` in i the `II mi I . "*.'m'..,":_'.`. ...5.::;` .`..`.'...:'..`:;'. mnguomnnun Nil gonoru uuunmulou. Oak 11:11-10 my teen urlmlo. 505 l I ll ll good: I ;.l:I o`n"oo:pnrni:on. Goose mtkd in plain gures. Gum in nnd look niound~ `BL. nllnnnnl innit In I.hA nilv h . Bgl, I Y ll . THAT BOLID BRICK ` , up 0.88! not Homo. mar Erasu- . eonhlni single nrlor. dining-room ml dnuahod when. 1 odrooms. unuuto look nouns. The diunut hunhln the city will ho brilllunily luminntqd by olacerioity on 1` anti vidi 11 Brook` m .....I'.a.~"u.. '$.`E..:.`:'.L"u...~ ' Dnphnmvnnuunoinnhownlnrlownon mnsuul guhonioo . Out 13,`; "a'z.`.""`..'i'n'a"u.`.'.'.7.I.'.'s' Icing blank units we on lip- Ilo sushi puoiognpun. nononoot vol:-m loutof ranliu-. nouns. p-not Onllonds ulhrooouthoxlnpcoaloot nu` on ihuiokolloldfor tho NU "'Z"3o--cu: sgnlvbqpidunc dlhl-`bl .1 Jumnnunmln `ICC VI wunslliijvs toaxionic!-Tats: 61" 'i`~.' In Black. ll LCFIIDI In H `ion I..Ln. join l-Wo ha-vo on hand any that to all sulfa Hqlilugwud nil; 1'.-In 33% ` _ . I A V ..."?',...m.""'?.`az'..'i.' mt mu. m I I V: , , O > _` I .>.w.o':mmnhmwu mm \\A... rt. 0 .I.....o It la n I `can lhrridnld E.` "".`:`:a..:a` `. a ..; .' ".'.:$::' .'.'.'.:`{...`i.`.:; hunched Jun. odroisms. upu-no 'uh'13:.u?'3na'$?3ou oo::$o}xl:ut c::tI?2` ; an ` hoII.1n.IldoEth yam um. side Go `W. Onnnn, your on nnoo. App he Baum. T111 H0. Jubilee norvioo in the Queen about J..LI..uII.h nnpl-n nnluuul nnllnv -mn. Rial %D|)llIlI I00 WOT` III "III Pgglggpgyonu-ggoinghW||Inovnonl In ten. Juli You would be turn:-ind cnuiicn PARAGHZPHS. mm `n.A'II .Y mm, sA'fUBm1!. nmn 1'9. 1897. , .15. Ipuo an Inn Du lib-TWITIIT `M I I 1.5] _ jinn---u-d - hu- ggpoo no Atupugn uthgup yuan Ibuut'IlbIh- .. L ."`-' Du I . I. g:.0nN:I0o;`}`,Q0.:`ln:lYC~`g0M no sll hours. - ~ woul gnpo juice At. llcLnod`I drug minus. ` ' . ` . .';", PARAGRAPH8 mcxzgiyp av own I _..-__- ._-..._`l._ nu. ma nu-I. w. A. nuwnuu ru yutordny from their woddl g tour. Clnthinz bu-mint Sntu 1 and .'""1'>'I.a.,,"".`iEs" 752'? ""' pmmookl. R. glowhco. E. M. Allen. clerk in Wadi: drug store. in In Almonto visiting friends. Minna nun nlinnnrn. mlv II M Kaine: ntoro. II In Almonu vwmng menus. Mignon amp Iliplbrl. only 01 no Kline! & Lookown. ' I 4.... A... nnhtngn I (Tn-I-Carl`, order: an Mcnuloyu noon: anon. Jelliod tongue, Iliood. 15. pot lb. J. Orawiord. . For nlllummor oomalninu ulo Amok : Arnie: Anodyno. Mo ad`: drug mare. Thin morning A new ag polo was treat.- od on 84:. Mary I school Image by W. New- mun. Sponge: And ohunoio skim {or carriage use in largo urietioe. McLeod`: drug -1-`; OK. plQ0O BIIIUG IO! U`! GU. A Kin atrceh dealer refused to accept: I oarload 0 banana: yesteniny. They were Iona up from Montreal. Sn salt. in the banh very rofreohin . five onnda boxes of the genuine at Mo `a rug atore. 100. ` The nchoonor S. H. Burner. arrived yesterday. at Garden Island. with a cargo of 1,000 tons of coal from Toledo, for Cal- vin & Co. nI .`I ..I. A.... .4-mt ..Ig Al` nngun and Inna : llorborta nogln. rorulmouw. nu noun upointod Inward on tho atounpr Ocean. . Cunningham. piano tuna. Lowe order: no Mc_Aule_y`I book more. Jnlnnrl mnmuu. nlinul 18:. not II). J. ltOl`I- . $1.60 buy: I no tweed unit for men -regular price bu been 87---during Dnn~ lop : holiday coat prioo aalo. Conic: of the moon of tho Kinnton lop's nollusy cost pnoo sale. Copies of the report Kingston penitentiary commissioners are being dis- tributed to citizens. Sliced tongue. 150. J. Crawford. There is green excitement over Dunlop s two day's holiday cost sale. Boy's 34 three piece suits for 82 40. A Kim strsah dsslsr accent: Vin I U0. Holiday coat vale of men : nnd boy : light suits uh Dunlop a. Snturdav and Monday everything noon at cost: price. Dunlap, King St. Sliced tongue, 153. J. Crawford. The pupils of the Kingston conservator of music are rehearsing for the annua cloning entertainment. which will take place shortly. Pontoon in bags. J. Crawford. Suit buyers who do not. attend our holi- day coal`. sale will re In its aftorwnrda-. 812 sum for 8S.75;$l suits for $6.50;$8 suits for 85. Dunlop, King Sb. A-nhhinlmn (`.lm\rv nrrwad in tho cibv nmua tor :53. uumop, mug an. Archbishop Cleary ll'l`l\V0d in the city from Caledonia Springs last evening in or- der to be present. at the jubllee service in St. Mary : cathedral so-morrow nfvornoon. A an dollar bill is worth nichh at Dun- lop`! aawraay Inn monuuy. Curd: are out announcing the marriage of Miss A gin Cownn. Brookville, to James Brough. York. forrnnrl of Bl'ook\`il|o. Miu Oovnn s sgrnduatoo the Kingnhon buaineu college. and is well-known here. Jollied tongue. 5c. J. Crawford. A few high era a Wollnnd-Vale bicycles at bargains uh St~nchm a hnrdwam. A nnw common at the Thom-and Ielund at. bargains on auucnnna nu-nwuw. A new cottage at pxrk ogoglio fire the odor dly. bub was noticed in time before any great. damage wu done. Tho association has purchiired n chemical engine and will be able to cope with any res. J, W. nldn has in}. received a line of bottle. Mo L000`! urug score. A jubilee address in book form was for- warded to Queen Victoria by the masonic veteran ueocietion of Illinois. It was written on vellum and bound in blue sill: skin. The word Viotol`ic\" is out out in eolid gold on the cover. Accompanying in I letter to the Prince of Walee. I\_... .....-...;H In: inhilnn Jnu hnlnlnn ucmotn arug store. If you no nob within the gun limits and cannot enjoy the benets of a mu stove during the heated torn or 1 quick meal guolino stove. This in t. 0 heat. oil stove on the market. See thou at J. W. 0|dn !. A nag-nhgr -J Ilsa I15}-P W0. nna. V-nllhblo fohnd or ntumngrun o BB. Mary cumoarnl no-marrow luwrlluuu. A ve dollar bill is worth night lap : Saturday and Monday. Curd: am nut. announcing mu-rims wuzn man. J. W. Oldn has just received line ` beautiful asbestos front. gas grates for par- ` lor und dining-room xmutlos. Nnmhinn lilm Cucumber and Almand Ior um: (lining-room Iwululua. \ Nothing like Cucumber and Almond `Cream for sunburn and tan. 250. per %boI.t|o. MoLeod a drugstore. A :..|.il-A nrhlunn in I-vmb fnrm wnn fnr. letter to me rnnce or vvalou. Dress yourself for jubilee day. Dunlop is selling all light units at. cost: pr ice. Snlmrday and Monday. n.-Ann fnr ninnn nnd m-mun lzunin loft: at uuurnay mm monauy. Orders for piano and organ tuning loft J. Rayner : residence. 13] Union street. or W. J. Keeley s, jeweler. Brock street. A nnntnl mrd mmived uvaamrdnv from W. J. neeleys. jewoler. Dnxzn avwuu. A postal and received -yesterday the manager 0! the Gnnenoque lacrosse club conveyed the lnbolligence than the club could not visit. Kingebon on Tuesday to play the promirod match with the local team. The much will therefore have on be ntmok out of 'l`ueedey`a programme. ll`:-antenna min. nrdnn taken for D0 Ililok mu 0! Auolully I programme. Fmntomc onto, or-dun taken for lsmohoc. lVt......|.9. m-.o.tn Inns nish uurlv for Ismonoo. Church's potato bug nish, lady for uoo. dry powdor. nick to'vinon and nishes the whole cm of potato bugs with om: plicntion. on pounds 25. at Molnoah rug store. N van Am nnh within thn can N10 II1Rl'|(0|'.. D00 IIIOIII ID -I. IV. Ululln I . A member of the Nth I'.W.O.R. pug. goats that next season the regiment: ha in- opouud in the evening. iving all members an opportunity of when ing. Many could nnl on nvrnv for vmt.ordnv'I inmechion. an oppornunlly In IIWUIIKIIIIR. many uuulu not any for yesterday`: impechion. andi . in the future, thin neconaary func- tion it hold in the evening the battalion will be an loan one-fth stronger. mm `min hnnnu` In In nlnuu-hbnrad You 4 Will 0. I5 IOIIU OIIIJIIIIII Iurungvr. 600 `pain tnuugn` to be sluughmrod Saturday and Monday. CHO buy: I am strife. Dunlo . King attach. in : suits. y|' mite, childron'a suing nil much at Met prion. Saturday and Monday, unit for 34, $5 suit. for 83.23. Dunlap. King numb. Lun ovemnn Vicmr Shroud. younloct unnlop. nln Iwvw. Lula evening Shroud. yonn is non of Sc:-gt.-Major Strand. "A" old buttery. left [or Minnonpolio. Minm. when ha ha Iocund employment in the onion of I largo rsilroul company. Ho ulrudy has I brother than and will help uoll tho Kingston contingent doing wall in that venom city of importance. Anv nnnnn `nun . high Drldl hinmh voaurn may or importance. h d 5 h Any ponon wanting; hi gm 0 icyo _|t cost should all M c Il'I'l hudwu-0. `C ban K31 -IQ Lana Q noun! lI- nni Al. _Ii CWO Ilulllu (III II uuun u uunnvurv. . It you have not btnglyonr new unit |l~ mud}. usupd Danica ! great holiday tale 1:! n-an-. Inn mud a mum clothing All ICU]. IIIQIIII Inn 1 [ICE nvuuly lo oi man. up mduxildnm clothing All our non : Itzhunlu as no. , CONSTIPAVTIUN. mm in unuoomuuuonun gndcuny "" "'g"'.`u.h.opIr'a`xr'.u-up-I. Iavhnvb. T..- nuns-IL. Amcamms r um nu. A |Nmo'Es3`IoN and [ , {_c91gs1`_|g>A'ru 1->--V,` -_A___ hf ` 'A:i prions on.i`IiIp of pa mm aw. W. 0.ldln`_I. 11:. um Mrs. W. A. Miami resumed ".5.-cl-n (mm llnhi muhllnn lnnr. ' L a % ` uxsnmm usvnnsmu srnnu-r. , lhhgoonuplod b In. Ilpnlok. Tutu: jaw. A Iytolhu. AVll,!IIIMloor. yum:-any !l'OI|l malt wuuull Clothing sins Bntun hr Dunlap. _ins_I.!rl.~ I IAOIOIVI. ' . Lat dry taboo; J. Crawford. Her :12 ognn. Pfikhmouth. hn mminuu! -nun:-d on tho autumn O: mliusvi sin Mod- WIIIID Ill IDIIHIII all llI'IlI Dunn 0| out Nth L-'.W.0.8. Il nnhoitshud union on the Hotel Balmbrnl, where tho `embers will line And sloop,` paging lot` sh. luau montiouad peibrilogev quot their on re- 5%`? Er 4`-E gag How mg ml, tulip: r ~ Yet, u k ab? nu_:, ucs hora uoomvu n`t'u;" 0Qdl,I!:I'hI Ih0ll will CNN`. ' fl V6 IN Nmn |Adi' ihoeo mid` olippore. no limb, durabo. 800 than ml Hnhun J. I AM ; ` . "."r.".-".}s'& .uF.$;3oF. '-"o'uZiJ ii than as nap. & _ ma. nnrw UUIIIUI -I l-|- wuuuuuu Provoqq, of tho Now York olothltgg atom. Brook Ihuo, In giving` tho oholob of Iny piece 0! tweed in hit wludqv: {C 818.50 I nuib. mndo to order and gum-antood 3 ant- ulm u. Thou good: no all new and well auqrtod pnbtaenun of English. Bctptoh and Canodhn mqhihotup. Will 00 Will! The "Don." Bnmdmubor Harper. of tho 50th bum, wholam ox-mernbon-.0! the -hand! the 1-lth bath. P.W.O.R.. `will not return homo with hlu corps. but) will relhnin in Kingnton for I for dnyo nnd will monom- nnnv than hnnd of H30 14! toontrosl $0 mngnon I0!` I NV ulyu Inc: will locum- pay the band of the Nth lnttand the oolobnblon oi the queen`: jubi- ac. ;' bait. =The `.e_r_mnnLANn4SHoEs have bait for a long % They are better to 1? A ' Oahu In-ohanta May all oor o alothaubuo we have sold more than all the others put together. We have sold bhia apring twenty tom, ro- praaenting abouh twenty thousand arda. Can anyone but that. R. McFau . solo mum}. in` Klnmmn for Nairn'a English oil bln anyone DOIII man. u. mczuul. now I ntin` Kingston for En lieh 0 othon. tho but in the world. T 9 only aeeoialhouao furnishing oauabliuhmenb in I-. n MOM. -.__ -. 1 , _ Two om Oomradeo. Chief Horsey and Lieut.-Col. Otter. R. R. (3.1. , mob last. evening` after the latter had :.........-.| oh- Lulu .u. I) W n Rinn. vu.-u -v..-., ..._ ..-. _- C.I. ovenwinynfter t:i1o`l;i')r hid inspected the ml: bt~.. P.W.O. Ries. The; were both members of the 2nd ud- minlotrativo bnbalionmhen that corps was An Hm C-nnainr In IRREL Limit, -Cal. Ottnr mlnlotrauvo Danmuomwnan uuu. ourpu was on the frontier in 1863. Lions. -Col. Otter being an ensign, and chief Horsey holding the rank of sergeant-ma'or. Were in not. for your board you won d look just. as you did thirty-four ears ago. said Col. Otter to the chief. chief Horsey is the only aur- viving ex-amt!-sergeant of the regiment. A Union Oruunlued. Adielzrlcl. division of the Sons of Tem- perenoe was organized in Nuipenee on the 15th. Representative: were reeent from Newburg. Negenee Mills. Se by, Wilton. Enterprise an other-points. Those oflicere were elected: l).W.P.. J. T. Howell. Napaneo Milla; D.W.A.. William Nu nt. Newburg; E. scribe, (i. Rnwrieon. ew- bu : D. treasurer. '1`. B. Muston. Selby; D. e epluin. Rev. J. G. Chant, Newburg; D.C., W. H. Doplring, Enterprise; I).S., J. N. Osborne. Nnpenee; superintendent. of juvenile worlr, Mn. Conway. Important business was transacted and vpeechee made. A commititee was appointed to consider the idea of holding a monster union picnic in the county during the sum- nxnll 'I"|\n nmrh ennninn will he held Al. umon promo in me counuy mmng one sum- mer. The nub session will be held am Newburg in _Sept.emb'_. .. ____ __ A_.I n__..--g|-.. U llIl'I I] llll lcusrunr usvsu Tho netionel conference of chsritiee and correction, which meets in T ronto from July 7th to Nth. has met an uelly since 1374. It is composed not only of repre- eentstivea of charitable end correctional in- etitutione and societies. but also of other men end women intereeted in the breed field of charioy in the United States. Canada and Mexico end has nearly 1.200 membere. The meetings brin together A large body of people earnestly nterestnd in Fdod works, constituting e deli htlul fel- oweliip. General meetings ere old daily and section meeting) are held mcrnbg snd eitnrnoon for rpeciel enbleote. such es col- lege settlements. charity organizations. de- pendent children. insenity. juvenile reior- metion. prison reform. hospitals. municipal end county oheritios. etc. An invitation is extended to all interested. The organiser is J. J. Kelso, Toronto. Bnw Queen Victoria. In 1858 Robert. Thomson, ax-Grand Trunk fmighu agent, than n more boy, visited the greats London exposition. He made it n prnctico while in London to vieit. the oxposicionin the morning and to go night.-seeing through the city in the anor- noon. Ono morning he arrived at the ox- nnnhinn uni fmmd thn rntaa closed. Ask- OOH. UHO morning D0 RITIVOCI HY: CH8 OX- poaition and found the gates closed. Ask- ing a policeman the cause. he was informed that uoen Victoria and prince Consort; were v owing bhp exposition. After wait- ing for some minutes Mr. Thomson gained a mibtance. and going when direcbad saw r 5 nmum elm nu-inm consort. nrinoesa Inlounce. anu (mug Inuit uuuuvou uuw 6 queen, the prince consort. prinoota royal and the prince of Wales nnrolling around the walks. "'ust like an ordinary lady and gentleman.` uid Mr. Thomson. The prince consort would point out object: of interest; which the ( uoon would ndmire and thus onzplo ed 1. ey pnnod within touch of where r. Thomson was stand- I...- I WI! nrluy Iv vuuu-5-. There will bea "big go" at the 8elva- tion Army barnch on Sunduy. Monday I and Tuesday. On Sunday Adjutant. Stan- yon. in charge of tho local corps. will farewell. Ho is leaving for Toronto, where on Monday. 29 ll inst... he will wed adjun- nnt. Carrie Peace. in charge of the Canadian auxiliary and general home ` Lory. Ad- jubeno Peace is a close frien and com peuion oi commissioner Eve Booth. whom ehe eccompnniod to this country from England. Commissioner Booth will per- form bhe ceremony. The bride-elect in very popular in Toronto. in much `so as it edjutnnt Stanyon beloved by member: of the loot! corps. The union in favorably received. Adjutant Stanyon does not know where his next station will be. (1.. Llnnclau mink}. ninnl-1 will ha in II IAIIIUI ing. know when his naxt atauon wm no. On Monday eight oiou-a will ha in tho city and take part in a jubiloo service. They will remain our and on Tueaday will bo guaata at the wedding of Adjutant Blackburn. Shel-bmoko. Qua . to liautanant Bmkenahira. Ottawa. The oomnony will be pa:-lormad by brigndiar Sharp. Iovononu 0! than nu Ply Thin Inn; Into ruin. Tho shunt Rondalo clonod yoltordny. Iiqhfw Clovolnnd. otootnor Bonnookbnm. light, and up throw in tbowolland gotten-day and for Fort illinln. ` ` Tho Itoolnor Qooon City. of Toronto. cum from Toronto Int ovoningvh convoy The lug rnqmuou. ugnt, Il'|'|V!ll non Ionuool yutotvhy md ad to tho looontivoworkn when or uohjmry is 50508 led. V V mom Nollie Bantu. Oowugu. 37!! lane ol nova coal. arrived at Cmiford I Go`: what! yotcrdny nnornoon. Sh o|cnndngdnI.oduy!oc than nno"faot_tm `aw evening on 1:-'n::i`:unc mm mm; gunman` ea Ionstul. u._o33.a . an Lngnc `nj A. `$3.05.. mm: --u..-.- .7... of fmi I: Sovorypuuunm` - bio ~31 ban for Manual. .'l`h ohuun Now mm: Wanda:-or and 11$ nu A3 who lnoru. mm in itiiaui inf hand of the ALL D X (\ `I -sill -.-In- it: HA-thmunn.-in 7k*;;\_\ u. v 8: ulna AI Illolinon. ; ,1 .L - \V-._ \7_._I- -I-ALl_.. '3-3`l*`- 5::3_ ..:99..=.2.*.%i::1: .. f; %%%ner1and's 81100 House. IN MAiuNE dIncLEs. 0h;l-It: Anornctlon; _.:-.__I ___l._...-- Al` ..|.-_: Two AI-my Woddlnp. ___-n L- - uI.:_ ....H .L o laiunm coucmtrmn. THE OHILDRIH wafuu pm;-n.;_ _ LIAVI8 A8HTHEY"`IA.N.C.'" I w " uduuotirbt. Bupounostp II! `-57.9! - rlnutn-`rho tension Outt uin --IJIIQIIIDI Doftl IGQIIIO `Iii Gnu Io on---Death or Iii. I. I n-...L'I-, . mmui .1};-3.` io.-m ssvorsl can F pm the tssol|'srs`insio` visas mu 5 public vohool. was Msir. Miss Wslss and Miss Psi-is luvs` bssu lsrslnl tbs-sllldulli is: s public ooholtr-0. VI suns-oil` moss hsoosssfslly ysstsrdsy sllsr-noon. sari which rssots grosia credits on tho psius-' tall iissohsrs. Th progrsrsrns sci '.'i'....,.. audio. iusllssions and songs. allots psulo o nstsrs. all 0 rv:onlludsll laud. ills lugs nunhir of rod in` s msnnsr which surpsissd. Is. psrsnrs an frisnds of tho pupils who hi! dual oongregwsd to hssr their olril sequin ~ lhsruselvss. rind vrsll tiny ho ml or thsir ohl - drsn and don!) y so of the anchors. Who must. have had-sxtrs work in who prepara- tion oi this sfrsrnoon's rfomusuos. Dr. J. D. Bissonnotts so sl ohsirmsn and undo an ideal one. Esldom has thodilclor sbemod so in py whsn lling an alias. of this kind as e did yostsrdsy sitsrnoon. anti he said msny kind things to the Ouch- srn . which will help to snoours than in thoir arduous hbors. W. 8. min ton ms osllod upon and said he was Inoro t I: planned to sea the patriotic spirit which was being instillod into the rising non- bion snd said is all limit :1 ho proud to live under the British sg. for it mssnb protsohion and freedom. and in whatever part. of the world tilts British ag mwsd. chrisbisnihy rind the bible were slso to bli found there. He desired the tosohsrs In 3-can-A-n n-usual nf hh nointrl ll. mu` "a" ' . V we cl-RLDREN _wAgan uwILI_ ygwu.;- v-,-V V,- __ Z:-1 _1Aco` rseof Mineral Waters _-'_;%-is the acce ted means of W theage o maintaining . ."" `_ . 3`; _ \ ,.:V``L, r -0-.` .i_ ' \ - ` - L`, _x~ . . ;. I, \ . ' boimprou seven! 0! one pomu no upsu- tioned on the pupils during this jubiloo aenon. u 3 tithing time {or such work. and con ratulaud the beach: on their `Inboru. e was glad chub no man at the parents won there to oncourngo Iv mn by their cooperation. Alnhmmh .11 she numbers on the pro- b6 found snore. no uonlnu mu unwuwus boimproea seven! of the point; he mon- Hnmul on tha nunila dnrinr jubiloo their cooperation. Alohough ell the pro- gramme were admirably rendered. special mention should be undo oi the menner in which the children aim; "The Maple Led Forever." They all held mnple leevee in their hands and sung with e limineae. waving the maple leaves roudly while singing the Ohoful, nnd p ninly ehowinz that. fair Cnnade wen u dear to the libtle tote as to older subjects. It was. indeed, n proud day (on the children, and queen Victoria. may on have reeaon to be proud of her rising nadinn generation. rm... mm. of tha diw. however. was the of her rising Uanauuun ganuruuuu. Tho treat of the day, however. distribution boonclu of the children If the performance ol A well lled bag of sweets and other goodies. A deafening cheer went. up from thelltole throeta on the appearance of Mr. Coatos and Mr. Her- ringlon with the lmmpomsnd null went. home happy. It was` indeed kind of the truetooe to be so bhouglntful. 1 A u.....a.m.I.I_ tmvellar for the Gam- be bhougnuul. J. A. Macdvmuld, traveller dian nllvmy accident inournnoo company. was in town yesterday. wmam. Mnvbnalafl . so-dav ho amend a yesterday. William M: boelefr. no-day qond few days with is brobher Fred in oronbo and take in the jubilee celebration ah the Queen city next week. vn... fnnmhnn name at. Svdonham ho-day week. The foobbnllgamo S donham between Napunoo and Sy onhau. resulted two goals to one in favor of Sydenlmn. nu Thuradnv hub Mrs. S. E. Hnmbly goals in favor or uyuennnm. On Thursday passed Away. She Wu stricken on Sun- day with peralyaia and never regnined coner-iouoneee. Deoeeaed woe in her Lhiu,'-nb year. The funeral mice we on Sunday. June 20th. Service wil be held. Bethany church. and from thence thelunerel oeato Na nee vnulo. Rev. D. 0. Croea ey in con nod to the home ..ao.h . uwnm amok of In nu-lope. Charles D. 0. Crouloy II connnou no on: uuuw withnuovoro attack ofln grip . Dewey. for some time ibh . L. Bayes. hnn wound a position b Cornwall. and left this week for that place. Misc Laura Ward ha been up intod or- gnniuoin the PM borianchuro . About nnnn vanterdnv I. reman were called lgnelt l'I'I|II|. No pills on earth have had so much praise ho!-towed upon them an Wide : Mandrake Pills. only one is needed for: dose. Cureaevery form of stomach and liver complaint, oonul.ipa\t.ion. sick head- ache. em. 25 pill! for 25 cents, only at lL'..AA`- J:-na -Nu-A. We have them as cheap as the cheapest and as good as ' the belt. Oak HalI-Boy'| olounng. mu uuuu- amn Co`: music can be only had here. Black suite at $3 and $5 for I nicely braid- ed and nished t.hroo~pioco. Einnlz u-nnnnn'n nhirl nninh inst ononod. noon yesterday we nrauun wan: u-um. out to uxbinuguiahn burning chimney in Muir's maohino shop. No damage wu done. nished t.hroo~pioco. Stout women : shirt with just opened, since 40. 42. H, 66, but. pretty pat- terns. 75. each. Starr & Sutclio. Oak Hall-I\'ock wear. wuhing tiu. ..;...L.. ....a ..n.u. 1649.. 9 for 25.3.: 1120 nt Oxsk Ha||-Nock wunung mu, checks and plaids. 1th., 2 for 25.133120 100.. 3 for 250. 1 ICIIO, BIA). Bu PIIII Wade`: drug utoro. About our Hams. `Bacon and Cooked Relishes that makes the people wapt them, They havg a look which convinces Ken they are good to eat, and aving once tried them you" will tell your fiends ':xboIi`thIn,. ' |J. iausesou. Brock St. : There's a Something 'AvLmaR. P504, C wm. opts Jun aa. _ 3 Thin eontrubto no; on]. an tho Ina atom. in Nu ya tell model on . mo Q l."` Wllll full`:-Il`I' mar ...,.-'x....r;'.. .1.-gm.-..... . \~ 7' iuvn nulls, within II mlaultu mu 0 - nun. Hattie can u tho Inn. nuulonu. Apply on rear u-cunnqdmkn r-"*?-`&"=...'=** ' n llhfi-.: L . L`, Hotel Victoria, Oak Hall-Boy | clothing. The John- umn (`.n'n mall can only I 39? I I&CUID1v urt- Asuyoumggutonf 1... x. cuuuapau. A co.. Agum. ontrenl. ' lulu IJIl\I\ll' IIlr|I\IqI\ . - - It In a great tonic, nnd if the` direc- tion: with to diet Ire {allow- ed. " Tho ood Maker" IS SURE TO RBLIBVB YOU AAI. ........ .I_.__I.a E._ In . _ - PF vouR___.. HEART FLUTFERS. At the slightest exeriion. If your appetite be poor, If you feel run down, Try I` bottle of THE BLOOD MAKER" . . . 9. D. _ _ ,_..,,r_ _. AXPAL.` )2--- lghent PI-ulna. _- ..AL Innuun In IO Vllllll. IWV. ohechoufe 'EIpPo.' hat` on Dunno and-unw` lam: q:Ii1'noqtL (oumno'ne).mo M ln`ouro . Vctmaqu nuumh lilo haunt" tenet. - ....Ia..`..n.n. ..~ah..ui min. nttnrtnrtnt. din Iron. About osllgd . -|.._...--n In .ah 'pr oped. aoximd. % CIIY W009. AW `Ml `S74 P:-Inopgn Strut. . . much `one.-aan*vr5ut?.:ioniso.*_ . f. PARTRIDGE, ! Come Again- - a`.9:"' """"'*'""'7" %F'53"*'% I `"57 IIANNAY In IIAROLD. 55%" ACCIDENTS i ` H _ QIIOIII llllulli nun ' x. ` of alumni Islr.vhu::1loIn3ti| . ' :4; ..._....._..s.`...4A Inna-- fl-Inn .-v. mu uu'Eu"uintv'. L $.P`,:'-If _'1:r3::..'lInwun:oon| with |Ih9,Bu9!d12n|r: Pua-up oo:n'm'o: nnynomplnyln the World tnnuctlna | NIB Hllll nan AND um Auunnco 60.. Gems In Art. uuuuvvu. nu .- W. J. I. WERE. - Aunt. Kingston. x: w.'}.'aiT;}-;'puo Parlors Thug dqon above 090:` out. team Cnarpet - carpets Cleaned. Altered. llomnd and Lald. - , _ .\._._,, |n-_|n lain. I-'. C. Marshall, $5 ......,.,.,. ` `bimbo a day ca 11 Warwick cushion frau.e without fatigue; fresh as after a 10-min: run on _a rigid frame. We vntuxc to any that no lady should ride any other cushion framo- Don't.jolt. Don : 'ar the rider. Rbuih roads cdn t e found if you rideawarwick. $85 for Ladies or Gentlemen s Crescents, $45. $60. _ V * '1 J.CUNNlN6HAM S IVI UCIU II. unauv--u-.v- from botwoon Johnuton and Ian on Qorclun Stunt. M11!) on Mixed sc.. hohu ..`.a lot. It " homo and lot andlnrll. " non Prinoou. I In` Ila; 3:100:-08$ rlholnu Old Klan nun (ion It. v|o:nH lfruno mrumfh . . 3 ~: ` Home And lot.oor. 0 (home `(I Ilownlil H. 50:55. mm In! St... (lord 88. d blink hog us Johnn?::'Se., ng?h_ u'ua.loO. n trons gnu. .\ `And no other proportion In my oil `noun (or ale. to lot or oxohonu. r n A nI\lMl1l)I .IDnnI REA L11 ale, to lot utensil! OARDINEIPS Rul astute Alum a nu Iw.|n..-can III- llnnnj. W111 nd 1 In out lied cannot. gel nowlnn. .satau;s9:zsn.:..:, And Huh. VI LUIIILI luvs <--.--.-.-I -~ "!"_"$`%gv `noun ,clIIIlllIi-puny u$u&` muIn.'!n"* 11:13.3 REAL ESTA !-VB `DOWN; W. 1% Bar cola nr rchnnlh ..u....."o'L'.'..3'a.a-an-nuu'"'4" % 3. by hot woht. an. etc. b I I I not mun 3:1! 19:11.30 If'3.I.`ivtIhn.. mnton. is muox s'r..` DWI` IV. . GIVQ \I.I.I%n. ALLEN S snags." . !on_'llt_n_cvub:Ihha.` . > _ I ` 3 _ h - ` `ql lJfII\|ruuv-u\- -`._. -,,,,, uu Welllu 80:31:; lone: colon: at owntyntu I,IisI'NisI-oIn'r:Iiu. 'y~u~arr--- v llV':l'BNDlN0-l;URCHASBR5 0 . WALL PAM W111 and Ilct;.I;|`:1" nook` cannot 0 *3 U '0 n 5 IiI:l.`D:l: K3-. -`:`m!`u'3'83`e'."sa`...... vvw--- A. E. HERO Pno.ent.- B_tNt!oN IO un "a. -'-"7'-CC A Human MILES` I993!!! DWI` T-ZZI \-: 'wm -In you {nu ma. 53$`; ` I . :'.::`.3`...':"$'.':.1`; .`.i.$:..`v w.o'Llm I oodjoho am. Tan 0 com ON M [or Innnulnotlu | oonvonnun ol oval-yfdnnrlplol. __- - . -.- .-nun:-`I Thu. In what 3 AMA nhhml I I lJu_uu.l.l Dunn. For Sale or Exchange: .,.,__.-.. -_; n...| ....A Tg,l0;,trf-`l_oInri.% ` _..n.. n.....n nu.`-kn ORDEREDT I`l\I\$ north of unions (rotunda. The nun- . u dine mo 1. #._o`.lnk 6. cw run $1: mu`; vi an olocoto know \n at I am. Anni! to J. 8. null. ml Ln nn&\hu' `Wu NJBPR UK :1 no Ihowinn 4 nv Ila: in Bhllll \I`-- (V- .C|oaning Works. hnt people: In 0! In Outboa- Inc FIRI Buunun. Ill NEW II IN ON la, a. non Dlvhlo Grub. Sol 1:: (Id J. which and A nmnl two will obmplou: ll. Lot Macin- Col] 1: to V. Wo solicit I share of your pin- KID -up-vnt ` JIIQII hlnlltulllollofll EI.;73I%E1 L Tuawm. mean : s_ 7 1;; L I V 1 m w- 5 L` E u u . -n`o-J....:....i ..i. .`.`.`f3`.`i gnu. with mo 0 Joan Iunn. canned Goods, Figs, Dates. llama and Bacon. hssa*.2.:h:`.2x-. Can f TO BE TI-I1`: Biscuits and Cheese. FOR s'AI.s." ' _Catc|_|_ mi Illmul. nan Eman- olhnnlo Strut. `ma tun ` fllgbrvl n - 1 In as n no . with m nnh. Anal! a Jam: Inna. Pine Apples. flmuoo and other 0 Stout Dunl- :`x`nodom unprovo- WOII qllllllll W IIOICI. The arbillery tent: were struck eetnrdny in order to air and dry she groun on which they were pinched. Vanna-{nun Liana. Mm-xnn. of the King. I110] WEI` p|B0llOUs Veterinary Lieub. Morgan. of she Kin - Iton eld buttery. was on t e shaft` of Lieub.-Col. Cotmon. D.0.C., It the lolbnoon inspection yesterday. The rinhb notion of the Gnnnnonne eld IIUUTHUDH U0 IITU I Ullllli IZIIUTU UII DEG ZIIII. It was noticed that when the infantry column was passing Lions.-Col. Cotton and stuff yubrdny to noon. only Lioub.-Col. Cotton And Voborinnry-Lioulz. Morgan. Ki`. 8. . min the onion no they pnood. This in an im rabivo duty. . (hm. Ln! ,nl No. I 40th bnl*.h.. lull II HUI II YGUIVU uuiy. Oapc. La! 0! No. 1 Co.. 40th ham, and Surgeon-Lieut. Maooun of the name regiment. were both members of M10 Queen : On in days gone by. Om: of aha nnealnlting for which the ne `Io Drill Youtuduy Ainoou--;l`ho In _._,_ -_n....|- n-A.-..-4A- Inga` ch. oulnrnulnn no mouoruu. -Major Hudon, "A" ald batbory. in the hardest. worked other in the arhillery ounp. He in also she moat poflalar. and Lion.- I Col. Dronnan, K.F.B., a close second. Vnigpinnn slur Mania A `All . hut- UOI. uronnan, n.m'.u., no close aooonu. Vow-imry Majur Music, "A eld but- tery. R.C.A.. hu boon appointed principcl veterinary olcer of the camp. \ post. he is well qualified to hold. 'l`hn nrhilhrv rant: `mm shrunk vanmrdnv `HUI U-IWIIIIIIII ad oncmno ht. Square. jq-I--j lI"`uWI'I IIIIMUIOKI WWTII. The right notion of the Gnnnnoqno battery will much to Gunanoquo this afternoon to re a salute! there on the 21st. In no`: ..Abhn.:l that u-Lon bl- I-Jan!-no D IIIUIT COHIQIIDUIII omuerl. - 4. The regiment: line: must be proper- ly cleaned, and, oommgnding oioorn will be held roapomiblo blah thin it done. Quarter-masters must remain behind and must not leave without permission of com- mnndnno. K `D-nnlofg-L n-HI Ln nnnnntl uni-IA: rnni. "100 NH nrrungemen Fl: 6. The 3rd Dmroona md the 40th bath. will strike tents, the remainder will be left Iundin , pll other ounp equipment to be return . except that in possession of the 40:!) butt. I Pnnnnnnnriinn. Amman: I:-II I-Annrf. FA wan mm. as 7. Commndin zomcon will report to the brigade omce. on marching oil` their uniu. unm. 8. The commandant duim t o"~ox run his entire nbisflobion with the menu u oi the work in camp. which result could have boon attained only by conaunt at- tention to duty. . By order, J. Galloway, brigndo nnjor. uuvvwu - Iv:-n any -uuwq The 5o\h (Kingston) eld battery has boon invited to take rt: in the diamond jubiloo oolehrntion at. ontrodl. M-I. lnrlnn Ill Ah. Kati-A-In in QLA queen Urn In ueye-gone ny. One of the epeelnlties for which the ne band of the loch is noted in an imitation of the Scottish beg-pipee. which in rendered so well than heeren no 8 distance would easily be deceived. Jnhnnv (Inn:-. of thin nihv. mun twirl sully no uuculvou. Johnny Greer. of this city. can twirl a drum-major : Ih` like a veteran. He in only down years old, but he has been via- itln the band of tho 40th frequently of an, (ml In oivnn nnmnmnn nxhibilinnn `DU Ulllu UK VIII `IUEII ll'G{IIOlIIaly Ill ind In given numerous exhibition: 0! his skill. Inst waning Liana.-Ool. and his oflcors scoured the lad to much at the bond of the him! on the ro- turn ol the regiment to Oobourg. no will wear the uniform of the corps. n-..... b......_...n; -1 nu. Alhh .1. oh. HIIIIWIV 1`--lung-o ~t.;5.V 3: . t" .. Bold. .Z";.`3.`.? . In! .d drill lid III for homobilpzlol 3| Q.|10l'y xuqnbuz . mm -Fm an nun:-ow Hula `Cali [long In u - lbfl` IIISIOBY OF THE WORD. I on be (1 11 fun! utgw .u:_u'"wn x3 ' `W V0!!! UQFIWWF , ' * 113.010 work doulntlu Iulpumv ling y.c_It9rd__Igr Attcrnoon. tho loolingthnl stun-itu mo. and mid;-out in the _ 1- men had gm-npdn rub. Oonp 'ny,sod ngunontnl `ooou upon! their IIIO in "rqvun-in; up gunman. am. and nnnv of tin nun mid 'g.l)epertnre of troo The various oorps will `leave oempon herds! u lol- lom: 3rd Dregoone, "A. "B" end .`O" aqnndrone to enlnin no 0 e.m.: "D Iquedron will emberk `on manner Oolumblti M 8:30 mm: bl:e Hob belt. will entrain st. 8:30 e.In.; the blitb best. will embark on eteemer Piorreponh at 7:30 e.m.. except No. 1 company. which will take the noon G.'1`.R. milnfor Onrdinelakhe 40th but. will xe- ceive further ordeu. Unite will parade in mu-ching order one hour previous to the tinge mentioned for them to embark. `Rn.-n-nA_.'I`hA [nan-on -ll" Innvn 6. Dlglgo-- -ll DEEIKU wul luv! camp previously, in I-39 of proper baggngo utrda. and no one except than undo ml luvo camp until marched oil` y their compmnndin oioen. .1, Thu mnimann lmaa must. be monar- will mo unuorm ot mo corps. Cup! Bonniycutlo. of the tomb. in the doecondanl: (long llno of distinguished soldiers. `om of whom. his dfahher. Bit Riohnrd Bonnyciatlo. R. .. was well known In Canada. He commanded the Brit,iIhIoreoIinO|ntdn in 1837-88. and was kniglmd for NI unions. He died and in inhtnd in this cit . ' `Tho olom of tho ash ( iniobon) eld. hgumm an) In `|Lh.II'innA n t nip In-inmh int V odns TAKE " Ta-airy! osviwrunz. umoun Iplnv inulr ulna In "lqpurmg u no. A , a 01 an A | uhgrum ship : W 9` Mlhnnun -tn-In dnnllu amt` Ala. Bowen. am new usury; out tor uuuy. surgeon-major Onnunghum, bah eld but- Inn. mnnannn. 5. Breakfast will be served under regi- mental ax-rungementa. 8, The 3rd Duooona and Mn 40th hath. K51 WI" III "AV IIUIIIU RI IllIll' IFIUIIIII this n tornoon. Hundred: 0| pa-tom visited the camp J` nlumoqbu. Among those who mid tunpooluotho olioon at ``A" and Kingston llold bcmriog Into: Lions.- Gal. Vnnstndbooulo. nklonnon G. E. Align` J I? Innnukn dv.nItI.n-nun A $n?:n ".'i..'I'v3$"'."..s"'.'..'.'.'."3"a?.`e'.'2Tn.'.' can . lisp urgoon pnonlNoi|oon.P.l.0.. Inrgqou . A. Tumor. ol the min Gold Io%1.`M|plo hoopiul not-pone Moln- Iinh and Into! the nailnontnl hospital -nnnngnh nun. nlmlnau-nnlmtl vnntnrdgv In ' % ?o"'i'"?o3`33i` '1`-'13 553'} V ..'.?a 11.31` ss.'..aw u 93. .u..;,u. through EYE 7s'5'.t7:"tT:.-'7cy`. " "' "' ."" ho 'prci|J.0I`y work utoudily and all mounted drill all nltamoon and made good . ad anion `mm ' (nl. athn 2 ilauovojning. ".L`{'::t. l'ouo.I:n Brando anon union I; `Oman, : ! ' I. Dutho- , 4130 botb. will furnish the mnin gun wmount at 0 pm; on Fri- du3V"A'~ old hungry. R.C.A., willin- _uh_hAtho min and po noun; n8n.m. on Satnrduv: ed ocor oi tho dc: on Spin:-day. Mont.-Col. Dronnun, 5th Iold bounty; non for duty, Linus.-Ool. Mc- Kooaio. 8th field but ; Inodiohl amour of the city bn Sam I . Ilrgoon-major Bonn. 8th eld button-ygnoxt for duty, nu-nnnn-mninr Onlnnohnm- ab uid but- unite. o m ls _V1[m W II E. Allen. J. 1!. Fonythl. ix-nldoruou A. Nowlund C. H. Inrlh I 0.3. BOILVJ. nnnnn an-annn M `til thnltd ii NCWIIINI U. ll. -Il'DII If Us ll. DIII. Y. Honpitn manna Inigo! tho Ml du- goom. hu vonthobrigndo hos Inuit oonount un valuabh uuiuoaeo net the IUIIDCLIIIUW um ngunouuu nmpuu _ Phbbflphd (I I hut. Dtyonunnnhyunl: ' buluoo shunts 0! sh roup. nunnvunn noon in ILA hr! hmnlhl Tin cot}. ' Tho cos '1. ram ouuum on an shunt QIOOII 0% . cl `tomato. n_`.L8wm'o ` uump _ Jpn : >18: f?x.a (h_,A1AthnLlhn|.-.ndvu'lIhn|I&l gl-Innndznen-and-Ilbtlnlnnnnl. `Th nu -ouauuaimn gmnus` I of this ....' .....::..'........... .:..-.':'* '* Lint-Ont. Inuun morn: toil-apes thuooucl about we xi 1 O0. .laiId.,aniod W , 3 405. a d `j 0"` `R ocRIES"!| hr ` "mun." onuuannmI. Nytdilnvo-puywonouoh rj ` Grill ; INTUI Inw- IIIIC YDCTIUIOHOU IU|' Iolll U0 IVIIIIITK. 3. Baggage - The gage will amp .-_..__.. ....-...l- .....I _ 4 A n . _ -...n :a.._::7;.'.:~.a;;._- _ "'N|A`I:` Vuninklau an `I-- 1 wywntljuuu Vivar- mung: lutnonso. n... .1 LL- L.;..(Iz....- \ Iota Iron The Line -.u. \n |I1.., UUIUIIU OK III` Oll (I\lII WI!) IIBIO. ywi be At Home to \ olr friend: F CUZUWUIU CC-.* I--lotus Iron Biol Cwsuunx roman 1-ml anu- dlrllo 03 on- 0. A. Kt;-kpntrl-s bunt! tnlltl `Inked opposite llnodonuld ark Ap- wlg to lmuyljugyx & nqunu. Outprlo st.`

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