Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Jun 1897, p. 3

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Eng; om 351,113,011. In Vlleh I 0 on IVI once unlimi- Iod of all the utootholdcn. lo I run. P gnaw VIII: 0141 * nu oz star; run Iran STRANGE U HTBANOI. Aunt. ..?I;.`!s`....:'is"`aa;"?.1`3` ~- *=- -M The Ronda Are Bad. McDmuu>`s CORNERS. June )8.---Quite I numbor Irom here attei the picnic at Wnteon`s Corners on Friday and ropoxc I leannr. time. Samuel Burns lott. Ian uiesday for Wossport, where he intends going into bnniuose. `The roads just. now are bad in this puts! the country on ac- count of the untnto labor halving been por- lormed. Melville Mnnm, Perth, vizibdd At. his homo here on Sunday last. I" X'l'f?IlKFg "U GUCCI]? cu, noiron-cludo. no pl! prgaou-,`no ohloroonlld 1 nun. ' *' ~ - will be present. on Iran. occasion. um la spacious dinjng hall at. the Hotel We lunn is now olgzmtly furnished and ready for the accommodation of any num- ber of guests. Cab calls are the order of the day among the children. Mrs. Dr. Kidd. of Pictou. was lha guest. of Mrs. 11. Rorabeck on Friday last. Pllee cum I: 5 to e mam. Dr. Agnevfe Ointment will care all mice of itching pilee in from three to six night; One upplicntnon brings comfort. I-`or blind and bleeding pilee is in peetleee`. Alec cure! tenet, alt. rbenm. ecaenn, ber- hefe itch and all eruptions of the skin. 1'5:-t-_nn (nk Rah. km W. H- Med- fl non Inn Ill onlpuvnu 0! un uuuu. lairty-Ive unto. Sold by W. H. Ned-1 -`J. both or A clnnn lnungor. Cmcmo, June l8.--Merritt I`. Young, M fornvonl yen: lunnngoroftho Bnrunptllnilo mrdid inthoAndi- brim. Annex. ` not-nin . He arrived nlhhohl yeoutdnywi uhighlovor; Inhldtobohclpdlohiotoon. The Iouluphydcianvulunnoud ndhout n-n-Inn-nnn&I IE illlli an tlkalckd MARRIED AT LITTLE BRITAIN. uI-::nn11 er e month of June In the Buelneu or the end department. on ehould be nude without delay to o Sela ihe advantage which the Jubilee scholenhin Alonls. , enm Ihehold to receive fxee tumon dnr E.` NEWS FROM WELLINGTON. L0 CDGIIIIOIIXI Ill{u`unu* ` '.'.;:.,'.`l. .".?'3"."s`1`,"' ` `L " ... .,. . .2 .-.1," ... ( 1')A.1LY wine, sA'1,'IfnnAY. J'UINE. 19, `1 v.`--_-' _v..__ __-._. 3 P.M.--Fmtcrnal and benevolent. lociohieu and Anglican Sundny schools will attend as special service or. 86. Geo:-co : cathedral. Hora Indfwin Ill City Sunday schools the National Anthem will be sung at 4:07. Service at some hour at 85. Andrew : church for Scottish societies. the Veternnu and Oddfellovu. 1:30 P.M.-Putriot.ic gathering of children at. the skating rink for addressus and `ohorusea. tollowed by sports and games in the city and Ontario parks. At 8:30 p.m. remen : exhibition of Bleredp ticnn views opposite Brock street. station, with Iund concert. uluuu uvuv-vu nu -u ..v....'`..,....... ....._..,..--. I I A.M.-Pnmde of four eld hatter- .ien through the city, followed by :1 royal salute at/_noon. _ - .--. - mg -n 1 2.1 ,I'7-;,____ IIEI . 9 A.M.-Children of separate schools march to St. Mnry`a Cathedral for service. followed by ag raising at St. Mary s school. ' -- - -I n 3,, A on n.._4_v_IV, BU|4IUUIn I0 A.M,-Service at St. George`: Cn- chodral. with united Anglican choirs; also at. Sydenhmn street. Mebhodisb church a union service for all evangelical churches. . g A nu n.____l_ ..t t..._ ..I.I L..LL.._, Enluuw nu uvuu. I I :80 A.M.-Pamdo of the Veterans of '6 at cricket eld. -3 ,n-|__I_ InI,__.:_:_._-LlI__..I-_ A JuB1LEojF Her Majesty Celebration at Kingston. u \n-.'..... , V V- ._. __,__ 6 A.M.--Ringing of city and church belle. - an :1! -I_I,,__ -1 __-_,_-L_ __L....I.. VI nu nu um Iullvv ----- .. I 2 O'c|0ck-Flng raising at Mundan- ald park with national anthem, jubilee anthems and patriotic addresses. .2: \Il\lhJ as. v.. . . .--`--. 2 P. M.-Bo.sebnll match. Victor ins vs. Cape Vincents. A D II Ii`.u.6|-ull u-nnl-ohllnnnun nnmA\ UIIIlLTP- 8:3d-~Illuminsbed parade of canoes` opposite Macdoanld Park. Grand display of reworks at City Park. Illuminated bicycle parade of Ksngstnn bio) cle club. n.on I).......\... am. nn Wnlfn Rimnnn Programme 0|` Aquotlc sports. 1. Race open to sailing craft. of all sorts, triangulsr course from buoy off peak. twice around Myles shoal buoy and oubcr water- pipo buoy. Prize, :3 ag. 2. Simtla scull rowing moo. half mile. no KIUPIU V lllhuuucn ' 4 P. M.-Foot.ball mntcheague game), Napanee vs. Kingston. t`1-_-...l -.-us- `Anni Ixinunln rang: fnnr L1 -lynllvv v .1. Anlllscvv -n General sports, four bicycle noon, four foot races, potato race. sack race. boyn' race. putting the shot. from 2 to 6 p. m. 3 P. M.---Regatta, rowing, sailing. tilt ing and paddling, opposite City Park. IN THE EVENING. Illumination of (.}i`t.y Building and Court House; City Park and surrounding resi- dancer. .- '\ . III ,,,3,, -L-.l _._..l.. .1 nnnnuu. . IJllJ3|:II5 Inlluulo un Inna u V . . . _ ..._, . . _ _ . _ _. 9:30~-Beamn res on Wolfe, Simeoo, Amber:-t. and Howe Islands, at Cape Vin- cent and in townships of Kingston. Pit.t.a- burg, Storrington and Louzhboro, led by bnnmn in the City and at Portsmouth and Barrieold. rm... u.'.....-;....,.. {M V \ pinfnn and nmhnr Barrieold. The Wnuarbown (N.Y.). Picton and other banda_will give concert: in the City Park afternoon and evening. CEML 1`. SMITH. BABEISTBB. IIOLIOI lot. No Pub to. Commissioner for in; odnvi In uric for no In the vino: ol Onoboo. Iona! to land 9,0 our- pnpo buoy. rnze, a mag. 2. Single scull rowing mile. sliding seats. Prize, :1 box of mg-are. 2 Hinoln 1-nnnn race. hnlf mile. aimzie or sliding seats. rrlze, box on cngura. 3. Single canoe race, singie double blades. Prize. silver medal. I 'I".....l...... .....\nn rant: half mila Pr-Sn: double blades. Prize. auvcr uxuuzu. 4. Tandem canoe race. half mile. Prize, two special paddles. 5 (`Anna tilting content. Pnze. souvenir pin!- In the evening there will be an illumin- ated parade of steam and sailing yachts. skiff: and canoes, starting from R. Co ey a boat yard. foot. of Simcoe street, at mu o clock. A priza of $5 for the beat decora- lnrl or-Afr. two FDCCIIH paauwu. 5. Canoe tilbing contest. P1120, pins. In Hm avnninn U UIUL'l. lod craft.` I Iv`:-nun-v uu - .-.._ _,'...._-. Bicycle race, one mile, open. One hundred ynnis dash. open. One hundred yards dash, boys twelve years and under. A Bicycle race. half mile, boys fourteen yours and under. Potato race. open. Duh, two hundred yards. open. Bicycle rnco. half mile, girls fourteen years and under. Sack nco. boys of twelve years and under. Boys` race, undor nine years. Bicycle nee. two miles, open. Quarter mile running rnco, open. Putting the shot. Thxte prizes in each contact. PEOPLE'S DAY. All evants and attractions in above pro- gramme free and open so everyone; visitors cordially welcome. Hone` races will be hold at Cntnnuui driving park as `I. p.m. by an independent. committee, who oor purse: for [our contests. Cheap fares on all railways and oteamboata. Rad excnr - sian announcements. . In rIl7l\V\VI)I'I 11--.. Unalnnnn 1.)! V. |J. M. FARRELL. Gan:-D n Luge sank or Screens in Oak, Mahogany and White Enamel. New_AInerican`designs just in. Screens Denim lling, for public placeh. Semen:-'--Ast Ins- lin lling. Sateen Fnmes-Yonr own llxng. Easels. Judinieye A_..J. Ca. can u?gu`lat. LV _ LI\ terpooI"anIl0IQIIoPIre - ~ nnurpIu-(`anpnny. u.-A-'....... um mm mm I. ..|.nn.... an aunt. 1837 DWI! llulllgo I-gacnav ` _]IIuu:u'.':s. Sttnds`--Fall 5C`: 1., 5-. uannlsoai co. `I UESDAY. JUNE 22nd. SPORTS AT CITY PARK. 0` -. | ,u .,I, 1T._.-_. Cluuvu uuvuuuu . r. J. 8. SKINNER. Mayor. Chairman of Celohnliou Committge. ` I`.l`Dl')'I"l.I. hsunmv, JUNE '2om; MONDAY. JUNE 2181'. Progrunmo of Mold Sports. .__|- _-__ ....- .....'I. A.-`an Secretary. 1897 Godwin's Ins;-ran Elniaorium Removed to Anchor Buildings. over Ixpnu Omen. corner Km; and Brook Btroota. . Twang News. _ - The question of mines and miners has attained the boiling point-anion the land owners in this townghlpf on aver ne who him a ledge of rock In his arm (end who he: not?) expect: to be a millionaire before Christians. While we cannot doubt that some of these prospects will yet prove valusble to their lucky poseeesors. many are but the poorer in the possessivsnofthese rocks. like one excited farmer. who brought asnmple to ugrospector for in- spection, was asked, ow much 0! this rock do you own. Mr. B---l" "One hundred acres." was the proud reply. Indeed!" rejoined the miner, but if you owned only one acre, you would bee` -much rirher main." However. as I said some are the {ontunate possessors of rich, gold bearing no;-k. One of the richest of these is the Golden Fleece, situated about two miles from Flinton and about a. mile north of the highway loading to Ru.tta.n's corners. It was a izenutitul Mav afternoon when [visited this mine and althonghthemosquitoes were so thick you could almoit hang your hat on them, I enjoyed the trip imme.n9el__v. After a few minutes brisk walking along the trail lending to the mine I reached what appeared lika a. large well brim full of water. This is a shaft thirty feet deep from which has been taken much rich ore. The-`n ciimling a steep ledge we came to the main shaft which is about tvtentyt-five feet deep and thirty feet wide unJ con- tuinin: uhout ten feet of \\'lLtL`1`. The rock, whi.-h is free milling. is 9. dark slate color and very rich. having tested iiiteen dollars to the ten. \\'I..m 'l`:|vlnr \\':|:i nnemtinr this [ifteen dollars to me tc-n. When Taylor wxua opemtinz shaft. he. in one week, crushed three humlrezl and sixt_v-five dollars worth of (mid, which \\'as0nly.\;ixty-five pvrcent of the amount which it contained. vrs... D:n..nm|r minn whinh has recon- of the amount wmon it C()nla|nt'u. The Rihstook mine, which has recon- ly been ope-n-3. (`0nlsi3Ls of two slums ouch about ten feet deep. an ! has shown some rich samples of mispickel. This mine is about. a. mile and ll half north- en.-st of Flinton, and on the western edge of the mining region. Ascending :1 high hlnff of rock. [obtained an ex- cellent l`ird`s we view of this region. Slrcflching in u ry umlulalions beyond mv ken to the north lay miles and miles of this dark rork and from the o|;.. mu-nrinv nf earth shoot up the n; IL 111: of green. The mir of The mine which materiulizes the host present is the 1 ecble`s aolinnlile at mine, which is about five miles south of the \ illuge of Flinlon and at mile east of the old Kalutlar road. 'l`hisisnntu mine, proper, but. a hill of what is known as star xwtinolite, because of its -star shaped rain. The hill reuchcm a height 0 thirty feet, and by actual measurement; will turn dut three car loads per day for eleven years. A plan`. will be erected near the mine, which will run day and night, employing he- twoou seventy-l'ive and one hundred men to saw the rocks into blocks weigh- insr not lam than txto tons each. Ste-.Lm `drills will he used t.o tore the rock`, steam derrick; will load the blocks ut, the mine and unload them at the sta- tion, and the buildings will he lighted hy electricity. The (~om'panywillcrect. at large boarding house where hoard uill he furnished at the xtctual cost, which will not exceed one dollar and a. hull per woe-k. Ruhert Bryden has the contract for furnishing the company with one hundred thousand feet of lum- lcr. and (.ne hundred thousand shin- gles. The road. which is under con structinn from the mine to the C.l`.R. five miles distant, is grafted to within a mile of the railwn._v. They will hegin hnulinz the rock next week, in the mm'puny`s contravt with the C.P.R. to loud three cars daily for five years, be- gins the first of June. And thus the hitherto sterile roka Aconaponapns vum nu noun; Iloooo and tug mhgsoqk uold mus--uq Pooblu Acunbucdmno to no lotion! on 1 Bl; lulu. Two-mg News. Ink- _...-_.|.:_._ `.0 ...t_.... nun-I -udnnrnu miles of this dark !`0;`K and Iron) um (Lin coverin.; of earth shoot up tall Lear pine and rustling poplar, giv- ing it the appearance of a rolling sea nf nw-nan God save (her, weepinvz queen; Thou shalt to well beloved! The tyrant`: eoeptre cannot move As those pure tears heve moved! The nation in whose one we see. Which tyrants cannot own; 6 The love that guardeth liberties. Strange bleminz on the nation lice. Whme sovereign wept, Yea, wept to wear a crown! God blcm tine, weeping queen. wan. hluuino: mm-Q divine: A`BOlL|NG POINT riancnzo BY A Jubilee Scholarspip. nun L. c--....| L. on. ITIYRQHVI nlmtll (E [HQ NICO, WEGpIlI2 IIIISII. with blessings more divine; And `ll with bqtter love than earth`: That tender heart at tin-.; Thu whoa tho tlmmaa of earth shall ho Asyrwncnvu b'l Q0(htdUWl|.' A pm-cod hu|d._nu [no to thug The czvwp which nub wept` to ace. Thomwmltnot wasp ,\a To war than Hunnly ewwn. gins the tirst 0! June. And thus apparently are all-out to yield up their wealth to the industry of man; and in place of the vunisliing pine appears the actinolite and the gold to replenish the wallets of the lnl.orer.-C. M. HUYCK. Vernon Upon Au-ennlou 0! Quinn \'lotorIn-- Pnbllnhod For l|`|rut Time. Herewlth is given a copy of some verses. written by Miss Barrett. at the time of the ascension of queen Viuturia. They were found zunonc some old papers of `u. sister-in-lnw of Robert Thom.-yn. ex-tr;md Trunk freight. agent, who now has them in his |K\i5P~5`Sl0n. This rela- tive of Mr. Thomson copied them from the original manuscript. tha nuthor be- in': :1 friend of the copyist, Miss Sui her- lnnd. Mr. Thomson says the Whig is the first to publish them. 0, maiden! heir of kings! A kin: has left hi-i place; The majmty of death has swept All vothors from l s fuce. And thou upon thy mother's breast No lonrer lean adown, But. take the glory for the rest And rule the lanl that loves thee best. The maiden wept! She wept to wear a. crown! Sha saw no purple shins. For tears hai dimmed her eyes; She only knsw her childhoozfs owers Were hnppisr pagenn tries! And whiie tho herglds played their part For million shout: to drown- God Save the Queen." from hill tomart She heard through all! her beating heart, And turned and wept! She wept. to"wear a. crown! Anditlndocidod cm nu-assay-ens thoiontnndchulpent hoot: nnrlolnou o(:uyhonu_iu_l|o'eity._l."l E In-tulle They decked her courtly halls, They rained her hundred steeds. They shouted at her palace: gate, A noble queen ::u(`c9eds!" Her name has stirred the mountains` Her praise nus Ilueu ma town`. And mourners God had strirkan deep. Looked hearkening up and did not weep. A!one she wept, Who wept to wear a crown! sleep, Her praise has filled the town`. And mourners G011 had C ms mun mm;z. WEPT TOWEAR A CROWN. toobnln the actual Soholtnhip Onllnn Omen-Oorn THE OWNERS. [Thu uncover: in Hue Inna It was i V I.-EA. ' ' nu. V Gumoqun. hm 19.---l"1-sno O'Brien, u six-yea?-old non of I`:-uni O'Brien. `of thin awn. wu drowned pound. nihi- naon while pkying in a both in ,_:ono.of the xoeidonocof Saul Lutoimar. I10 and 3 boy named Hunpkin` wine? togumr. and when the accident. wound the Huhpo kin boy n_,n`homo and bid, and we cut go- oidoub wanna! known`un':il Min Kalb. 3 neighbor. on going to tho riverdileovorcd the body oating ahoro Ind planned `the panned of the boy. Du. Bird and Emory worked nearly an hour with galvanic hu- berieu trying to resuscitate the drownodltd. huh wihhnuh nucoau. ' rem xontif WItlmIt__I__leep-Wllud In lieu! um Glue Up to lilo, II! tin urea: bonus Anerlecn Ilervllooothcn no Ben inch one note and when n` ltepld and Permanent Cure. Mrs. Whlte of MonoAtovniehi;'>, Benet- ton, P. 0., was dangerously ill rem nerv- ous nrouble. She wee eonerveul slut eke had not slept a night. for three menclu. She was so low that her lrieude deupnired of her recsvery. in hot. had given her up todle. She was persuaded totry South American Nervine. Her relief vnuo In- stantaneous that after taking one dose she slept soundly ullnight. She related in the use of this groan cure en gained in health rapidly. so that now there Is not I sign of the nervousness and she feel: she is enliimly cured. If you doubt. is, write and ask her. Sold by W. H. Medley. WTIUU crying Ml ITIIQ3 but wibhous pucoeu. Think 'ou, [have not seen rut. nll tel. no 1: uuuu. Think you, Lecause I how that God is Lmml . Nor fell the pressure of the heavy rood That on all hezmts doth 11.63 lllll uu, s IJKIVV ..-- --.... _-._ V- of ope. Fuir.s1;inin; on the fur horizoxfs sweep, Blottod and blurred by clouds, while I must grape Onward by pathways steep? Kingston Ladies College, A CHURCH SCHOOL. Nay; ,`-u," when life's lmrdsns press mmil sore. I can but cling the closer to God's hand. B_;f[1ed. perplexed, yet conscious `mid nl! strife He is; and though I cannot undemtnnd 'I`hn vnuuinrislll D! XVII]! lutllrl nuxu ....... ......_ ..- r--_. most sores, I When wron-I seems rampant and in- justice king, When myriad voices call from shore to shore In tones of suffering, The tender dawn, the gloriss of the nnnn T118 amrr u1IuuIguL-cu.uu nvuu, changefu mood Of nature, with all ,hea.ven in glad at- tune, Prucluims that He is good. \V6'lI`lPd with reasoning`. I can only feel The e\'erlu.sting arm-1; still hold us all, Can only feel that, cometh woe or weal, God rules, whate`er befall. oacv xnonumg so myjolna. Iaun glad to ratify to the ellectiveouc of Donn : Pnlln, for before I took them I could noc stoop to lace my shoes so intense was the pain and atilfnou. I am now quite aupplo, and can do my work with- out. any trouble. As a matter of flat}!- D-Jon a Kidney Pills have Iqntond no to perfect health again. ' _n.._._. By myriad paths God leads His children home. Liy lll_)'l'lilu pumua uuu Acaua 1u_,3 uuuuncu home, And some, perchance. must roam through dotrtlunds dim; V Put, strong to he!p, 111.1 angels surely nnmn . Mrs. Frrcu, H3 Teruule Sb..ra_vs: To E. Millork 00., Dresden, nt..' 1 have vnuc) pleasure in raoommending your Compound Iron Pills. I was eulfuing from neuralgia and soon got. relief from their use. I would gladly necommond them to all who suffer from the same complAir.b." For sale by E. C. Mitchell. Ran Ronmlmn hardware merchant. far I Olcloclln-PnInno1.ootlllnGnoo In A-nlnklnlnnn Anal Ilsa `Yawn Ilnv. ALA Than For sale Dy :5. U. Lulwueu. See Strachan. hardware merchant, for I bargain in a high grade,-up-to date wheel. He is selling them at cost. Front-anu: cafe. cold meats. nndwichet. Buy your new hub an Baker :-. _._.__.__.______._._.___. L. J. Molnnson, who resides on Robin- son St.., Mqncbon, N. B., in one of the leading operating masons on the Inter- coloniulrnilway, and is well known not. only in Monc:on but along the national railway from Halifax ho Quebec. When interviewed by our reporter be freely ex- pressed his gratitude at. the recent. esca from the dreaded kidney trouble which 0 has experienced. mm M. M..i....m. --Mu kidnnv trnnhlnn T `D35-Vafuailll ULQIK IIHIXWE. I lost no time experimenting. rbnt not- ing on the advice of friends who know and had tested the virtues of Doan s Kid- ney Pills, I went direct tn my druggiat. mud procured a box. Inside of two weeks my back was free from pain, and I felt like a now mm. TL` b_.u.I.In A-Ann C-A-on Q -Don:-u nu-aunt` nxo The trouble arose from a utnin caused by heavy lifting. and I have over ainoo been troubled, an I have described to you, with n dull aching pain in the null 01 the bacl xuonding to myloins. I nun clad to I4-utifv to than elfactivnnua Onolnxn Liver Pillovory night for 3) day: mares oonatipqtion; For sale by all drugghta. `Prico25c.' ' Then came me IIUL, uur uuu vvuu tubu- lesa words The comfort of the thought that [Is is good; Touch not my refuge, when my heart is stirred By tears half understood. James Campbell, corner of Wellington and Barrack streets, alwayl has on hand I ood took of best: maple, cub md uncut. n-y slabs, pine and coda:-blocks. All cheap for cash. Telophont. 116. V has experienced. Said Mr. Molmeon, My kidney troubles were fast. developing into more serious forms. Beginning with the backache. the trumblos gradually got. word`. until I fear- nd Q.iml:'dm-dfnl rlisauaa Dinbama. ll'|Hl0IO arauunu gD|'; WUITU". llllhl ed thnt:dre|dful giseuo Iubotu. I Inn. no hinm axnarimantinc. I1 Then chide me not, not mat with `ruth- Inun Iunrrli U-3' III` KCIIIIQU III III! Kiwi Anhbhhop pd tho Va-1 B". the Dan otentuio. rmhjvu. I-Iitxllulduloo of Alexander -' V ..CuI`u. ionuon Bu-vat. I'II`,l\I\I'V.Ll QI'1IY'I\ ELI. '. !'D.I. Ia.D.S., I.D.. DIN- . co. IN} . mono mo. lud- Unl 67 Avenue. Olin: houn. gvoil. I have not. heard ezmth`s Litter, wail- inn ".1-I-K- noon. - The start n1idnight-eaoh swift, ..|\..nnn|'n Invnd Ie Is; and In_ougn I mnn The xnystense of life- COHIG To those who cling to Him. ON THE LC. R. A` an` tnnwutb; INSOMNIA. the Hans` nu. Ono an opdy on-u.nu-and ' `Cuturli in diugntllo , and Iliad dilnse. It nzllllly rdnh ftblllo-lg" andlofton ends in conuuuiucn and d T Tho oM"hotivo`nmody' on far for in Song. Claus`: Gnu-rh Own... Hy.-in:-n-.wreai< $38334` toll-gum `Reaper. Bollard ChIae'I0nu-rh Olin did it`. ` Ono box cured Williuu Knooilmv and L..- Iv...-mi Jnun-n 'I\ Ihhllnn-I- Eh II. llo Ioauu Inporunonaons unguon uonr <'>.. f.":'.?'.`..`..'xy'x' '3': n1'x:e'1`x3`.";'{. { non iblophonc ' -w two boxli" .-kin `la , ` _. of West G - '- Divilinn oourc clerk Joel Brogan. Robert J. Hoover and Goo Taylor. all 0! Beat- on. voluntarily -out ' to tho Iuq of Chuo I"CQOarr|| Caro. J. W. Jpnnjgon. of Gillord. Ipull ndrly 8100on dbotoh. bnb. found no. plrunnonl relief until he tried I 25-out box of nu- nu ` I'BI|Ul llllll uv vllvu In -Vjvyuw wv- - chizn 2 All 4 I ' ' I o i _ co1II1`1:e|..R o;{;imxlvz%'m`:-1' _ ' =' x.....5 3.'.`.' mid - bu: w h. oxmlllnbl 03000. Dr. Charo : Cu-nu-rh Cure in for` uh by my dealer. or by Edunnnou. Bah: 00.. Toronto. Price 25 oouu. including blow-an Coughs. cold: and bronchial `trouble: readily ourodl by tho hunt discovery. ChnuI.inaoodand1';nrpouHno. Plannnb sndeuytotsko. A 25oonu.. JANIESM 'i'5E"iD'a._ =*-*-m.w:.w.:-"- ms. nnnn%a`co.A , Invuunndhnldb Wad cM&'jIu lnomrs KIDNEY ms wnowmmmwiumtammr Dodd s Kidney Pills Always Cure Dropsy. loltallvorrmuuuuuuvu-u 1*'f" "4 #4"- `a`.73'. ..fI ;.`3..'o'i'; a.`. .7a v-mug,tnuuuu.coanavmonausoarlydm'vo. Baboon menu-lbod over Bayou! In uaouvuulqat cues; In tho only Panama and mutant llllhho known. Ankdrugglst for Wood`: Plnuphollnog I! 5.. 4.0.1:: Inlnn IIHPOJIILIIIXEIIIC `I IIIMSO d m Sold! In t 1: cod on non hoop Ad: by :11 re:lp`o'u:lhlo drugmw Wood`: Pnoupnooluy us he oerl some wonhleu Inodlclpo when It. lnclau price In Iottenand we will and by IOCIIQ mull. Prloo.onopooIIuO1lI13'.- Onouil plum. nu will nun. Punphloh (frog in unydllc The Wood Company. wumnuu. at. numb. I have been troubled for three years with Dropsy. Could not get any relief. My limbs were swollen to a size I could not rest. I was advised to use Dodd's Kidney Pills. I have only used two boxes and I am completely cured- I have no objection in allowing you to publish this so as to help others. I remain, yours. I ---.-._ !Anu-A 0120 PS?` ?\_i ir'qy caqnjanu 9 , "impugn; CUIID IV ARTHUR jomzs, Ottawa, Ont. VV 00 UIIC- . Windsor. oat. cauda- ..-.-. I1 7TY77 n. 1. him. London a. Lanouhlro Llfo Ao- nn un-a\ IVA;-nun an ```'```. `}`.3'$f```'`` e`:`.'.'."":"" i.'i E3! ozanuwl-. a. Pane 3 In IIUIIIIIIVIIVIVQ IIIIIFI Cling bu coll In sugoo 3.... outs. u .: ...:'.'.:"1.... 1-.12. nhonol. qtlllnclldnvita In Ontario lot in the Brovinu boo. law at our- a 23 Anohol dlnu. Iukot. 1 Uncle Bonn. A Memory of the Run` .byA. OjounDo lo. 750. '1` Llutiblo Many.-by Bun; 780. Shh. of I Wicked Mt? ' 2 \- '15.. ` ' of Bath. 5; Richard nnraingnnin. us. A1303! Tent? hill. 3} but II? Qnpnlil _ NEW BUUKSI TITIZ ZIIIIITI a haunt uo;dopoolhl' sun at Ottnwc and now Amount to one million onus. Ilnlu Iowa Ihnn tho union-ha ol oou NlS_BE_T S} uuuo-u-wu-v- w--.-'.---' - Inna.` `onoooo. Luaaxuonsovueu tho mlhimm n tot occult! Ila .1 mu at .11 an. mouomm. Riaopens sew. 7th. I`l`l.l. RTAIT of Univnnllv nnanm I\I4$I I-4lVI lial I O I Elli `u. sun I U-mun nd u. uuon oclvou 'to him Inl:n`oodn nuuun and culture of homo ` \. TQ- -`z2~was=~:- *~=~ Poi non _toI(ipor |n :nm. A d h ofolo mnm ..."`..`.F'u..n'li DB. 11. BAISAY DUII. no _BAU.!` U1`. Telephone 8. um: Ina. u lnvhivvllllllug $831138 11! 1'l.US'l`. OFFICE : Ill BA- oot Inset Aulrnmanu mlloltul "*1 8;`; ,\ Q ' . % ;~ R . x I. H. MCAMMON. M.D., 6 fl. --L._ l\.I|._. Iknnlnlnng --ul nnqnnn OW %.m....."* ':?.`*..'.L""*`i.::; .:;'" B.H. ELISA} Tblophono SMYTHE & LOSCOMBE. XTRNIIH III 'l`l'l`. nmnma 2 QI I I Oh Rsmftx/A1,. '-u2.'=-- '.:*.-':.'.'.*.-;.--%-'*-.......'-..:'..-:- 73 0 . mm Gan: at 103 loan u{'o. P. Ihurzan. n.B.'d.._1._5s.. ...':=:.*.,g gland II 4510-` MEDICAL cums." In-In III` phanp . aoucA'rI6}u.. INSURANCE. ILRD. ll Accountant. T PIUIII Ill IIIIIIIIIIDU UIIIIT ..'.`.'`lf.'.`.?_"y..'.`?Pn. D AL.l~.4.y.ynuuu.. JNIVPDN RTE] LEGAL ` `. XLIJIO .1) II. . Klmw s3'ghx'}8:1% . DIIOI 0|` 3?... loans!!! ooonnlod by tho ls. 3111:`?-_Prlnoou and salon- `K ?-s_"" "`'x "".`.' af: no.1 oil 200$. nndono Kingston Gono- r lot any and mutt: nd by Mk DI. Boun- D .1`. b8..IaA l`l. aunt lncnuon Geno '0: on: mutt: FURAI... III- J. I. IAIAY. Pu IT hon (KIA! o._01. donor for were no onenp wanonoa or any Klnu. "As an illustration of the expansion of the postal service. it cost. in I836 no loss than eight cents to sand A letter fteen miles in the united kin dam: in cost twenty-four cents to sang a letter 300 mileu, mm! to send a letter to South Amari- cn it cost eighty four cents. F.IAn}.rinit.v has nnlrmnd out cotton VIGOCI BBQ BIHCBIIITY. Electlic lights, electric power, the telegraph, electric om. elecuic bel|n-t.he thounud epplicaeiona of electricity to everyday life belong to the pub eixty V1 l'I_ &Il$VUl I? Zllluult tint luv nurtnco Company. lunnonu A 0uu.DuI_Ooln.l1 Wm Inn-In Bnunnnw. lrom we cum no mo lnuuu. ` "No telephone carried messages sixty can :30. To-day the wires would encircle I.he`lobo sixteen times. -.-I- `An bk` n--g-no ml nnnn}. china VIIIOIIIIBIIF. IF lllll DOB!) In llllllflull II nu other rogrouivo feature of the Victorian ago. no I will speak of the great Qdvan- usgoa we pouesa over our ancestors who lived ssrior to 1837." A n 0}... I... nnnonal tlumg thinnin- CI I` OX5 GlKllIy- IUD!` Clllu Electricity has snuffed out cotton wick d candles. and rid us of tinder boxes, coal oil, and may are long rid us of gas. Gas was unhenrd of--or rubber it. was heard ol, but there ww strong prejudice against ii;. Candles were used in the churches in the only Victorian daya. Two candles, stuck in tin ,onndle-holden. were allotted to each pow. By judicious unuiing they were coaxed to burn during the services, while a diffused odor of smoking wicks por- vsdod kbo nnctunry. "Elnnuin Iinht.n_ almtrin nmrer. the yours. "Light and air were tued when Victoria became Enulend a queen. The tax on windows brought. in 1,000,000 e year to the treasury. Poor people blocked up windows to escape payment. It. was com- mon practice to paint. to a of windows on the solid wall of a house. This was done so than neety pessers-by, mistaking tern` blence forreelizy. might. not accuse the in- mates of being poor. - I\`.min-Ante tn nnade unmn nn eailimr nlnwc 0| oping pour. - Emigrants tocanadn came on sailing vocals in the early days of the reign. They bud to provide their own food. as the ship supplied only water. The trip usual- ly took t irty days; sometime storm and contnry winds extended the trip to two or lhroe months. Sickness, suffering And starvation often resulted from lack of wdequnto food among the passengers. To- day the Atlantic is crossed in live to seven day. No nuhmnrina cable--not even a foot-- anya. No submarine cnhl&--not even lny in the ocean sixty years ago. Now milliom of message: are sent. every year, and the waters ot the globe are threaded with (war 170,000 milos of wiro-sutciont, to stretch three-quarters of t.he,diut.Anco from the earth to the moon. --xx- a-|-..s....... .....:..| ........... .:.`o. In` [UK IIXFGUH (HEX- (nnnls for the passage of grout ships were unknown sixty yous ago. Today these modern engineering triumphs have made wondrous short cuts in travel. Six of those great canals of the won-ld,nggregut.inz 240 union. but cost the tnomondoua sumo! IIIA [III IVII , .3Jl.\lll.\Y\J. ' "No snapshots were hi on of the corona- tion onromoniu. Photography wan thou unknown. In the put sixty years it has joined hand. with All the ocionces. It has tended to the astronomer Mrs invisible through the most powerful ulgecopes. It. has thorn the Innrnllous Anatomy ohnicro- ooopic fonqs of life. It bu popularized the nut paintings of the wot` i, ndvnncod lite:-stun And sdncxzion. in undies: Lynn, and undo teens in ooutompom-_v li - usual for pooterisy. ' ~ "kgilvnvtvan inst bnninninn in than IIDIIIII Ill!` Flwrloy. "kxilwnytvao just beginning .in than The world`: mileage In; only L600 mi : not it in over 420,000. In I837 twcnty Iniloonn hon:-`wan considered time: now vnlnvn ngnhr trains nu ing over 8183 miles an hour. Can were then Iinlond uilll nnndlm and Iunhd with ehmn and amount to nuuon nouns. M am. [given majority olou ` Ian: on about plans of lnnunnoo oond umnn A. nmnrnmnun_ \ - W01 BIVO nun. I01! (0 my ulna Ilxvy yartngo Anon nu plural. Forty pot eons. 0 an men nnd sixty-.6vo por oonb. of the woman 0! Great Britain could nab vrlto their own nunou when Victoria buouno than-queen. The nucleus] edu- ontionnloyltom had only been started. Sixty yours ago man out of every ten worklngmon were profguod indoia. Non one Irorkingman in n hundred over opened `abihle. The number of church ntcen- dnnto In: much Inn in 1837 than gym. Nnnln --n npnntinnllw iunnrad. Winn. annu yvu mucn man In wan tuun 5915. Mullc wu cticcll ignored. Hymn- booh wcrc nu novvu. luaicat cdncatior. was without system. The but music was dliculttocccurc. and In: very expon- civc. Churches were often witnont any mulic. In oven the (`realest cathedrals the `scanty musical service rattled in the vast edices like adricd kcrnol too mull for its shell. .1 A-.- ....n -......\. -0 oh. ....I:t:...I ml- nvea nor no now." An hhen be quoted there things: Home comfort: have increued wonder~ fully during Victoria : reign. Before ehe ascended Hie throne there wu no steam heating. Flint and tinder did duty for memhee. Plate glue we: 1 luxury un~ dreamed of. Envelopes bed not been in- vented, and postage stamp: had not been introduced. Vulcanized rubber and collu- loid had no . begun to appear in A bun- dred dainty lorme. Stationery wuh-tube. and even wueh-boards. were unknown. Carpets, lurniture und household acces- soriee were expensive. Sewing machines had not. yet. supplanted the needle. Stom- winding watches had not appeared; more cheap wehchee of uny kind. "A: An illnnltrnfinn nf the exrmnsion Of OVUT [5, INT III IIUIIT. VII`! VB) 5 mad with onndlon and bound with 13;; Itovon. Then was no double mt; no Iolqnph nations. no haggngo e o. no prinlnd nilwny tiokoto. no modem shaping an. no vasibuloonu. no library can, no nit llnkon. no Info coupling nppnnsu. no ODMEIN THATTIME. Ileana: wu m-m-epu-nu: Alain lot Illchlv BeuuIed--some or the Glen Invention `Mel lave lode FIUQIIU Glldo ' x In Ihele he deyl, II we jubilste over the nix em you of he: mnjeeoy e re! ., yeoogho to gene for A few momente A see when oauee we `lune for chenil- glving. "All heve been contemplating M Vibe gross eohlevelnente of the put sixty yeen, eeid e eohool trustee yeeterdey. Is III: me with amazement. with gren- tude, with heartfelt thenhgiving to God that He bee permitted new live in the cloning yeezeol the nineteenth century. I dare nooegfeek of the moral, spiritual. or edhoelionel edvencee however mighty . they heve been. one to any then uixvy vnnrrnwn innmennn In nannrnl. Fm-av Iluylluq qlluuu u not cuuu__u-nun, nut vuunknown. an ad _ lnntfvbin notch: uni cxownd, dud thouwuninlandonnnd that daily pu- pcoubu u dInb~hd|s., Than ho ?! vooklia, no Inna`:-on FFI.qm no notor- viovrhg. To-an naivunonol ovnialndigil A` tint than m`.k_ -1:Jnl la! la anon. I due not speak of the po itical ad~ nncament. It bu been an mu`. ed as Any nokm. nnnlhn-nil-A `Antwan nl u: Vinfnrinnl DUI IIIjI`1I VI Ill :`l _ V vuutut litmus were In- 1033!. nu-hhnnudidnoiuiu. nun. hovunlv. inn inn :1; Rain- I%L`\IE ..?X;.`_8.f...`i;"`)a;'. ;'.`2" "sfnrmgggpnbcasss; _--.__ _._* . =._. _ ...--. ga I I nAk`iI"I,3:: c$"Ivig=R-`I7;c'AVi-VE c`mzFLv MOO Ill NIO IOBDOQIIB cnurcu. uwuu ritein. on Wedneeday. June 16th. The day broke with beautiful .eunehine,aaif Old Probe. heel anticipated the wishes ol all concerned. The church was gorgeously decanted by the young people. the whole Inside alter being blinked with owers, while an Arch of the lune, of variegated hue: and rare, exquisite beauty over- epreed the ulpit. An old resident re- marked ; " ever eew it eolovely before. The centre of ettieetion wee Mine Lewelle Maude Btretton, who was to be united in marriage to `Robert J .' Breckenridge, of the mercantile agency, Chicago. At the hour M Qnm- an the omen uenlod Iorth the Linxlmy Wstolunn n. > , Ong of the ptuttiut wedding: ever be held by the may who wibneeaed it took Blues in the` Methodist. church. Little ..:.-:.. .. n1..1.....I... _'l..m. Imh 'l`Im Wheeled from Plc.-luring--l m.'orublo Ex- ploring ltxpodltlon--Pntron'a Picnic. WELu.\'a1\)N, June 18. 4- Rev. A. L. Brown and wife. of Bancrofr..0nt... Viaitillg friends and reintivaa here. returned home on Thursday hut. Mr. Brown is it pro- mising young preacher. Mrs. D. Ii. Fouea, for a few dnys the guaatpf hex sister, Mm. n It Hin|nI_ mmrned to Trenton on IOF l8W Uly B00 gussvpr IIUK Hatur, Aunt. D. II. Hicks. returned to Trenton Wednesday. Mr. Baker. of Pictoo, is in town and has commenced thorough repairs on tbe late 1). Campbell's storehouse. which he now ownn. A. Guilliman was in town on Wednesday exhibiting an invalid bed. Two very able sermons were deliv- ered on Sunday last by the Rev. A. L. Brown. ol Bancroft, on at Rose Hall in the after-noon,one in the evening at Music hall. Seldom has a sermon been given in this village with more power and eloquence than on that occasion. Everett Hnbbs wheeled from Pickering one day last week to his home at Hubbs Creek. a distance of I00 miles, in seven hours and live minutes. At Newcastle he met the champion long distance rider of Canada, and his com- panion enroute for the lower provinces. Mr. Hubbs kept in price with him as far as Trenton. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Thorn, of Picton, were in town on Sunday last. William Munroe, oi Demorestville, was in town on Tuesday. J. E. Noxon .allis favorably of the result of his exploring ex- pedition in the gold elds. He met A good many old acquaintances while there. Thorn Tier, for a few weeks teaching in the absence of Frank Cornell. has obtained a position in Madoc at a salary of 8700 per year.` Gypsies passed through tomi. They did not look as though their journey eastward had been rous as ever thing looked poor and delapidatod. Miss nyc|r,teacher.oi Rose Hall. is visiting friends at Cobourg this weolr. A |..:.. A-.. in no-rxnnlnrl at tho rutrnnn nin- pun. v .- "Fully czu-mica an i.nyqm1vo`pm* guess of the last. six" T` Would Illli it room an it nothing hid 'bQon done of mu! l)gn;oqnonce to` mua'I- iqimnlort `bolero `@2221 um nguon and [In-. an-oolum-Iago malted 3: the` Altar. ' ' vn_.I_-_ III- A-|.____ ween. A big day is expected at the patrons pic- nic nt the Sand Banks on Saturday. J. L. Hnycock, king of the pat.rons,nnd others will be present. thnt occasion. The lnro ans:-ions lining Wall In humid by tho KINGS l0N Bllslli button. This noholu-uhlp will aim: thoholdor fxgo tumon dnr

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