Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Jun 1897, p. 4

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W `K `VIII; snow.--n BIDING SCHOOL now in open- lion. Cull sud smug: for Imam. Instruction free to purohuers of our , ivhiolu. _- _ . ocnunvlu A _ll I_2_ 1. .____.__||., tnd no aocornuon 0! I0 Blliy will. r. A hosiery hu1zain--07 dozen women : Hex-Inndorl dye. black oobton hon. worth l5o., for loo. per pair. Starr I Buwlilfo. Ilnvnr Rlxinnnr nmnnnm tint the col- ungowu m . Oak HE?-N;::dP|::lbriggnn under- Innul `I In: --.---_, --- _-.- _-,- _ ii . Knk Hall--Fine colored open front: lhir$l,_ nnr nu-in. fnr tho hl, Ill IXIIIUIIUU urn --v-w-J u Konlnoch. R. U 10' 8 O0. Thocisy bunk: vi be` illuminated on In nnnimr nl Tunndn next. DAILY wme. isxru;1ib.a;x. Just: 1o;"'1so-2 TI: 3 job 75-._ Or The Extent And Populntlon 0! The Em- plre Under V|ot.or|l. Europe-Tho British Isles. Gibraltar, Malta, Gozo. Jersey. Guernsey, Alderney. Bark. Harm: square milea.l2'2.000; popula- tion. 41,500,000. Anna:-inn_ Th: nnnnininn nf Canada. In Painting, Decorating, etc., we can do for you. Hundrgds of pop]: in Kingstcn will tell you our work always gives perfect sa- tisfnction. non. -u,uuu.uw. America - The Dominion of Canada, Newfoundland, Guiana, Honduras, Jamaica, Trinidad, Tobago. Barbados, Grenada, St. Vincent, Barbuda. St. Lucia, St. Christo- her, Nevis. Anguilla, Dominica, Monserrah t. Kits. Bermuda, Tu:-|L s. Caicoa, Anti- gua. Virgui, Cayman; square miles, 3,- 970,000; population, 8.340.000. -~Aain_Mmdmn, Rmnhnv. Bemral. Oudh. U'lU.UUU; populnuon, u,;54u,uw. 'Asia-Mndrae, Bombay. Bengal, Oudh, Punjnub, Assam, Mysore. Ceylon, Nipal. Burma, Bhutan. Baluohistan, Cyprus. Aden. Hong Kong, Lsbu n. Labusn. Borneo, Singapore.Pensna', elleeley. Din- dininm, Malacca, Sarawak, Pernk, Selm- gor, Sungei Ujong. Nomi Sembilnu, Pa- hang; square miles, 2,743,000; population, JUBILEE DAY IN scH00Ls.`, Lddreuee Were nude by The Trustee: and J Olergymen---The Event: ol` the Queen:e Life and Reign. IIIII ol` the Auh|eve- I menu of Inventive llllnde l re|onted.. Jubilee day was hearzily participated in in the schools yesterday. We have re- ceived reports from these: we--an -`I-.. ..`._-v.. Here the jubilee pre ramme was per- ticipated in by Messrs. oseph Wilson and Dr. Phelan, trustees and John Macdonald. All spoke entertaininglz in regard to her majesty. There were earty singing by the children, all being assembled in the principal s room. The ag-raising cere- mony took place in the yard. the pupils singing -`God Save the Queen as the em lem swung in the breeze. Dr. Phelan gave an address on the life of the queen. stating first the time of her birth`. She was the first member of the royal larnily to be Vaccinated. It was thought at that ti`me that Victoria would never be queen of Eng- land. but the turn of events brought her near to the throne. The young princess ex- celled in music.painting and the languages The news that she was queen of England was brought to her early one morning and the coronation took place on June `list. 1837. The children were much surprised to bear that the doctor had seen the queen and that she was a small woman, only live feet two inches in height. She has large. blue eyes and always wears a pleasant smile. The year 1897, the doctor said. was destined to be a memorable one in history. because it was in that year that queen Victoria completed the sixtieth anniversary of her accession to the throne, and it was also the 400th anni\'er=ary of the discovery of Canada by Cabot. Dr. 1'helan concluded by pointing out to the children the con- tentment now reigning in Canada and hop- ing that they will sing in unison on the 20th J une the national anthem. PROGRAMMES OFFERED IN ALL OF THEM YESTERDAY. (H33, upvll bun ulvuumuun un I-uv v vuvvllu ere; eons, "lhy Uod Preserve Thee. Cennde : reading. 0 King of Kinge;" the jubilee hymn. Rhoda. Cuver; reading, "Cnnude."' Frank Chadwick; song. Min Berhe||e' clue; eddreee. Rev. Mr. Shibley. I bright, epioy talk about the queen and Cenndnzl-eedIng"`l`he Union Jack Mine Gill, giving the origin of the flu . Their csme the unveiling of the queen e picture I)! two little tote. Then all adjourned to c.......+ I...` -1.... 91.. ap we: raised :{ IWO Illrlbld total. luen Ill BUJUIIKIIUU w efronlz lawn. when the ting wu rained and God Save the Queen sung; eddreu, H. Newvmn; cloning hymn, "Abide With Me. The children evinced their pleasure of the uddreuee and songs by hearty Ip- VUIIIIBIKIHVLIIU GIJIIIIIIIQ The pupils in Williamaville school had A happy hour. The three grades, looking clenn and bright, gathered in the mom of the principal, Miss (lull. J. (3. Elliott. chairman of the school, presided. The l..IIn-.'..n nrnnvnrllnnn Iran aivnn: Ul uuuu UI UIID rxuuvul, rlvnnv following programme was given: Lard : nrnvar in unison: chair tollowmg programme was glvt-n; Lord I pnyor in unison; chairman's ad- dress, upon the inventions of the Victorian in; .,,-.|_ ,n __-.I:__ un l.':.... 1.0 `King-. fio Orphans Home Iohool. In the themes of 1):. Fee. who vru cull- ed out. of the city. Capt. Donnolly prodded no the ceremonies in the orphans home school. Rev. J. K. Mchlorino and nboot tvout. -ve ludiuwoto &. Addl-can -an inmd ht (`Ant Donndui. Ml . Ic- 8'0! -IIVO lldlolioto pronoun. auutxu Inn Iivorod by Capt. Doonolly. Mr. Morino and R. Mack. who amended so the clone of the oeronooieo in Victoria school. Patriotic chorus: won rendered by the chdno, who gave bhroo cheers and tong tho notional ondmn no the union jack was hoiuod than 50 Building. `In gninnnln lnnh innlliaanl nnnnnr the nmauu new no nuutnng. In cuinpio but intolli 3 manner the diunnt. spotters hold olg life of quanta Victoria, and of the good Accomplished during lurnigu. `rho childnn linund uhotlvnly and npplundtn nslin the im- puuuofol the imlnotion inprtod and Ihocusnonia In which they sun inking putt. Tho Hallo: provided nfmhmbnh which an punks: nun olonotsho Anghmxnnhg .'_ AI Innuuu lhool. PAINTING THE WORLD REDKI Wllllnmnvule schyol. uuv-n- , run, __I Cntarnqnl School. _- ,L!I__ __-._..__..._. " R 9* 553 000.000. A u-trnlnnin containing conditions and Inns of B00: with hfornmion no to Ann. huh and as non rludin ouch Bonk. will In ur on I don pononnlly or by lot Oct. to the Dnplu t I 0 III to up Omwa '.l.'lm 03: I$|6l"l":WA nndmln radon. 0 563 000.000. . Aust.rnlasin--Auatu.lia. Tasmania, New Zealand, Figi, Guinea; square milel, 3,- 369.000: population. 6,617,000. Afrim.-(`.nnn Colonv. Natal. Manhole- 369.000: populumon. o,ou,wu. Africa--Capo Colony. Nntnl. land, Maahonalund, Somalilnnd, Buchana- land. Tonga, Zululand, Babutolond. Gam- bia. Gold Coast. Tombs. Lagos, Sierra Leon. Mauritius. Ascension, Socotrn. Tria- tan d Acuuha, Niger, Benin. Falkland, St. Helena. Rodesia, Waldlia. Soudnn; square milon. 4.720.000; population, 63,000,000. Hllmr. um lmvn ant. W8 will lI0ld"- mlloh. 4,'4::U,UUU; populamun, u.n.uuu,vvu. "What. we have got, we will hold"- Josncru CIIAMBERLAIN, her maieety's soc~ rotary of state for the colonies. Rrltlnh Empire...-..-.. . . .. 1 Russia Empire .. . . . . . . . . .. Chlnase Empire . . . . . . . . . . . Republic of Brazil. Republic of United States Turkish Empire. . . . . . . . . .. Repuhho of France . . . . .. lwpublno of Argentina... man of the achool.:preaided. Rev. J. Maclrie offered prayer and the doxology was sung by the children. Then followed the raising of the union jack, amid the rousing cheers of the scholars, who eang "God Save the Queen. Short addressee on the glorious reign of the queen were then given by Rev. J. Maclrie end A. Shaw. Then mme the Canadian anthem. The Map! f Forever," by the chil- dren. Th 7 indergarten oleee also render- ed several Bonus. The upper Hub of the Frontenac school in:a very large one. and Mr. Godwin says it will hold as large on aaeemblege of children as will ever be con- gregated from the public schools of the nit.v_ | city' V ICUUTIH UUIIUUI. Victoria school was visited by Mr. Meek, chairman of the board of education, Dr. Herald, chairman of the committee of menu ement, '1`. C. Wiluon, chairmen of these col. and Rev. W. B. Carey. At three o'clock the classes were formed into three divisions. After the singing of songs the fourth classes were addressed by Rev.- W. B. Carey und Dr. Herald. the third cluaeee by T. C. Wilson, end the primnry classes by Mr. Meek. At the conclusion of the programme in the classrooms, the children marched to the play ground. where the ceremonies were concluded by the raising of the ling. The children then joined heartily in giving three cheers for the queen, the gentlemen, who had eddreued them, and their teachers, after which they were dismissed for the day. Ceutrnl school. Meesra. Lambert ind McKay, of the school committee. and Rev. Dr. Ryckmen. visited the school at three o`cloclr and the jubilee celebration begun with the hen ing of the queen e portrait. in the main ell. Owing to an accidental delay in the erecting the ag pole it was impossible to have the ag raising "at the appointed time. but the children were assembled an- der oneof those beruitilul eprouding elm: in the girl e play-ground. forming a very typical English scene. and appropriate uldreesee were iven by chairman Lem- bert and Disgjiyckmen. The children sang God Save the Queen on e conclu- sion to the day : exercises. Loulne Iehool. In Louise school ouch` room was unte- fully deoonted wich ags nnd owers. At. races: the flag wu hoisted in the presence of the scholars. who ve three cheer: nnd sang "God Save a e Queen." A: no trustees come to nddreu the -cbolaro. one ordinary school work In: continued until four o'clock. womanly cunea on. `row rupee wu- elnckgned, tonu let down, et.c.. nnd- the boys enjoyed theneelveeto the (all. One men go: uproerionely drunk and wen ur- reeted by e sentry. He refused to enter tbeguerdtulkmdittookthe united ef- forteof thegundtolekehimthere. Fiy eenulorsheneeolchecotln but. at Go- bon veg-e shipped to tbattown Int `fT_lE LIGHT III` THE WIIIILII, .1` on out isnvnoun IN l\lI1'." ` IQVIII UUZFUIIII-o nhnunmfnm dlnyohlvon bodthy. I7 wandtlaio inutdnd Ihouoof i 0 Icon '.l`onioPillowh muugtIunIhoncrvup,purifyshoh|ood audunouptho nun. l'i!ty>pill:lns In-l'arlI|o..,.u ulrugutuo. `Lk ,. [ Wellington Iurmu. ucuuvn The ceremonies in connection with the raising of the flag on Wellington street. school took place yesterdn afternoon. All the pupils being uaem led in the principal u room, patriotic nddreaaee were given by cheirman Soars and Dr. A. P. Knight. Jubilee recitation: were given by Master: Hurley. Roeche. Dull` and the Min... Cnmnball and Roblin. The clzorueee by Master: rnwley. nowne. uun nuu uuu Misses Campbell and "Maple Lost And the "Lnnd of the Mn- ple. were can by all. After this the pupil! march to the front of the school. where she og was mined by Mr. "Soars, amid the cheering of the children and the singing of God Sue the Queen. IIII &1I"-D Ill V-iy. Tho 40th -butt. inggod ii: .nn&`ooo: pundo" Int. night. pron I trio that usually mark the has night in map woroduly carried out. Tout rope: won .I.-Im-uni I.-nlj Int. lawn. ahc.- And-thn glrucu 0 win DU `nun v us.-.;tds:. a'::I;uohnroh 00:50: noon oven `fluids; at Wellington Street School. .-- ._ ____...L:.\.. _. Ian runs In camp. nL I.-sn. :_.I..l-.3 in A comparison. .ulYAI2Ii' III! I iUlli II000Il'l 1'0 IY Iva." W rdlouod Int wank : work wh . In sat . Inch 3 Eat ""' :.I.l.:::.OUIl xii gun} Nut. H am'X:`3:1'.'s`a::'5un'J '.`x.t. . a... '32:: "" Vlctoa school. I -,9.,.)L nuy--. .-v.-. `ill ARM`. IIILIER P0l'ULATl0N u,02a,o00 l,l1i'l.L'I0 l,I25,(lJ0 472.com n 111 ,0! 5,000 m.Mm0o 11,020,000 7 000.000 m,ma.n0o n,s50,0m 5,990,000 Extra re arations are to be in order for the-`next few Or ever wggiue such good `values at sueh low days. `F1 Tn u forth Jubilee requires it. eAnd rich bargain `ca gfgathered here. A small amount of Amon_ey_ il1 go a}lon way. The guarantees of"this 1 st e is to/qualjlty an owness of pnce is at the back 0 "**every;1rticTe sold. - `I NO Other Firl Eve?` Did Muslim, Organdie. Demity, oto.. at I lo, 150. worth 250 and 80c yard. I ll.`-"5 `In4uIh\nn Dnrnnln RBI:-tn M61] D IIIIIOFIUIII Iuruuw wuuw. N with Cotton Ous worth 81. for 606; \1_._1_ \Y..A......I 111..-] IT..A......--.. Wlul Uuuuu uuua run you '1. Au: vvuq Men`: Natural Wool Undorweu Summer weight. worth 750, for 500 each. |t-._v_ m:..;-.-I n-n._:.....-... n...:.... 8301] c Mon : Tinted Bulbriggnn Under- wear worth 50c, for 26c. `D......O ...-.2 V,...OLg' Tlnikv-{anon l.' WUII-Ill UUV. LU! 000. woyr and `Youths Balbriggan Underwear 260. n___u -..: \I-.-n-_v |l`....:..... 1 Y...1.u. UHUUITWUII 500. Boys` and Youths Merino Under- wear 850 eich. n._,. ._3 v,__n.o_ \1-A....-I nr....I` U I-IIIUI WUDI `IUD ClI\JlJu ' Boys Navy Blue Sweaters 500 each. Il_..l_. \T___ I1_._J!__-I Q._--`nun: WUIIF 000 UIIJH. Boys` and Youth`: Natural Wool` Underwear 500 each. n,__o \t___ hI,__ n_--L_..- an... milhen's Navy Cardinal Sweaters 81 each. 11-..- nr--I O_.-_A-.._ 11731. gllnu 9155011. I Men's Wool Sweaters With Sailor Collar $1.25 each. ` - Men's 4-ply Linen Collars 2 for 260. Men : Fast Black Cotton Hose 2 pair for 250. NInn'n nnII|:nn Hui: `Lninrn 906 UUIII. . I Men's Roman Stripe Combinat-non Bathing suits 50 each. Boys` Bathing Trunks 90 each. Women's "Fast Black Cotton Hose, worth 150 for 10c. Pill IUI BHU- Mon'a Bathing Suits 2-piece 900 suit. -n n. -, n__..I.:---L:.... Women's Black Cashmere Hose, "W `"""" ' 26 per pair. , . . . , . with deep embroidery ounuo, 750 15 Hf:;"3;:i1: .3:`::2oE;%:::*` 1 and em 0 ,5 ,,.r ' ' ' W ' L . 1. . Misses Bla.ok'Ca.slimere Hose, dou- W332i}: 3?, Sims Qgpoegaoni, ble knee, 250 pair. $3_50 .ea1,_ I When buying Millinery see our stock. The - est, the best variety, the newest styles, the best vdlues. It pays in money and satisfaction to buy `mil -iinery here. DECORATIONS FOR JUBILEE DAY. Women's White Cotton Skirts. ," nu -|,1,._.,v_ `n1- -1- n-..I........... `DZI. "3 h .10 oh!- Just in stock, Decorative tissue festooning, attrac- tive and brilliante, for all purposes. `It comes in wreaths, , streamers, plumes, stars, crescents, etc. Prices low. Starr & Sutcliffe, 9 i118-120 Princess Street. At P. J. wALSH'8 Great sale. This the Greatest of tho ' World : Jublloes. - 500 British and Canadian Flags from 3c up. 950 yards Colored Bunting. 40 per erd. 50 dozens Black and Tan Tulfetn G ovoa. l2o worth 20c. 50 dozens Ladies Stylish Linen Collars (New Males), lUu etch. 5 dozen: eleganb Pure Silk Gloves from 10 up. 280 Cream and White Parasol: 39c, 49c, 75c, worth double. 150 Children`: Whibo Peraaoll, 300 worth 509. 50 dozens Indies` Kid and Leather Belta from l2o up. 195 Sample: Chiffon Rum. New Bows. Chiffon Collnrettou and Guipure Collnu. These arc the emnrteet. things from Paris and will be sold at 50c on tho dolls:-. All our magnicent. stock 0! Kid Glovon will be sold to straight OOIIL SPECIAL OFFERING FOR MONDAY : onn ..-... .....u.s. Inn in am. mm-r. Waist: in seven] different materials. New styles SPECIAL OFFERING FOR MONDAY 200 new stylish up tb date Shire Wniata in seven] Ibylu Collars and Link Cum.-, Stud Bot and C115 Linkl with each mm. Mandi] All 590 worth 75c to 81 each. 185 Shir: wmea. beautiful goods. the most chic things out this rouon. All one price on Monday, 95c worth $1.25 00 $1.75 each. 150 dozens Ladies Summer Vesta from 8c up. 160 pieces of the most. beautiful Voiling: ever brought into this country. Volllng from 100 to 450 per yard. W 90 dozens Straw Sailor Huts from we ouch. Store open at 9 o clook. Scion for cash only. Successors to` JJIM. R|CHMONI?.&O0. Special same} This week in Pnxfrv nz u;Y uUsg;.-l_als' dtherFb' udain rnnuuminhu-a. . " ..._ :.":.='.:1'.'.3__ . AT WALSH S GREAT SALE $7.00 will buy as Refrigerator. size 43x I8 X30 inches. ~ % - End 0130? PZIDIICU cquuuy unnuy nus unvuuvu vs -wuu-yr... om: PARASOLS are all the, noun auijgos-'--whi:o and Colored `Silk, with F:illo,alao5b6t,E'u(gu.' . V_ I . % This is a snap price. If you require a Refrigerator gait it now. Waldren &Mader, I'll, IUD. WUIIIII nun nun uvu Men : American Percale l;i1`i.r'tI, _:u_ n-u_.. n..R.. ......Al. it I... my JUBILEE BARC}_AlN_S _ EEFRIGERATORS. MCKELVEY & BIRCH, Hardwood natural nish. Lined with zinc and galvanized iron. Ice box full size of top. 69 c! 71 BROOK 8'I'.. FORMERLY RICHMOND & 00.. 'oo : e'$.'n`i'i.'5 "'" `"" ""- u put.- Women : Lisle Glenn. worth 100 ._.I 12. f... I` IVVIIIWII U J-ll-I` and 150. for Be. Ill....._..__v `l ,:-I mu 100. I01` 00- Womenn Lido Mitts mu. 850 for 160. Women's Silk Mitts-. worth 880 for c. L - Shirt Waist Sets. 6 pioou. 850 not. Silk Witch Guards, 95o_ oh. Shopping Bags. worth 36:3. for 35. Losther Belt: with Pouch 850. -r _.n_._. \).u._ um. 11-15- `m...s:.. for 10! UUQ, Black Veilings, worth 150 for 100 ynrd- ' ' Silk Lucas at 70, 90, 100. lo. 160 yard. Embroidery Edgings. 2c and Bo yd 2 and 2} inch Embroider at 611 yd Women`: Prinz and Mn in Wrap- pers at $1.`l.25. `L50 0801!. , WnmAn`n Shirt Waist: ltlon. 500. IJOIUIIGIT DCIIII Wllvll IUIIVI-I U00. Leather Bolts. gsilk Belta. Elastic Belts, 250. Gloria Silk Puraaols, Stool Rod. 81. 31.25. 31.50. Fancy Colored Parasol: worth 31 Int Knn BIB III iM.OL.au. Uuuu uuuu. Women's Shirt Waist: |t`40o, 500. 750, $1, $1.25. _ nrnnn'n Vnnh It q, `M 1390. 100. Women's White Cotton SlIirtI.19o. 360 each. -- IIY__._ -_. u- 1'l1I-:L- 0-50.... Qbiulg I 00, fl , 01.00- Women's Cotton Vesta it 76, 100, 12}c. 15c. \"nvmnl| Haiku nnllnn lthy}; Inn, Boys` Strong Hvy `Bib B1803 lnlinn I-Inn: TKA 'l|1I_. :.'.`-2. :`.'&':.'2-"'..?*.`7r'l'I7 ..`.'-'3" 7 IL '. &IAIloIY. " Ending .$. , m` 403:1 ' `. .- 4:7;:KuNEE 31'. ----: i"1"*N,RFT_F-3i"!9| ""," " .1.` I . |;!_-4;; ..............:......'*.*.'*::.*. torlmlcnuohhu in. c ngxgns & co.. - 414': I A IIKIQLIRIS QT DuolJuoa.1II. Robinson Bros. veal: 0; L.;AI;Eisnw. $1oA_9_._oo. IR IIIIIBY GIVEN THAT DIR cg om; of 0 u In, Oonnon. nun .u nun or Inniionod In the NI- ALGOIA and BAINY RIVII Vin`-ho Townships of Inux. 1. us. In North hot at BOADDIIO and that you at Inns: Houth ol_ 3:- lluton mun. all In the mums; .Nlplu- ol corn: Annmorm. and 275-7 BAGOV1: VSTREII1. V _Hrtfol-6." Go 1111. DIPAITIIIT or Onowl hum. (Woods and Ionug Bunch). L IVERY. J. I. OIEON. Oonmlulonor of Crown lands- Inou Mn. and oonun an nu in tho District of un 0 oond for Ego}: Public Ano- ununnant o0 In Lands. To- Iivutlulunt will be l.l.-Ro unuthon-Ind vfxblla Ml] or. - Toronto. Juno Ind.1Itn. hllutlon 0! III In. AITER MR. WHITNEY. ' . I'he Templar. perhepe the moat. vigor- oue and lively of ell the temperance pe- pel we know of, Oedvleeey the pureui of Mr. Whihey. AI oppoeition leader he in "eta-ringt.lu province, and while eon- deqniiy the governinent end in license eyeteni; ie very careful to avoid a deni- tion olhie own plane. This iuduoee the Templlr to soy that the prohibibioaiebe ehoulii lee to it that he makes a. clear-cut and open etetement. on to where he etande on the liquor quoetion. The new lender, it adds, he had ample time in which to expreee himself. The time for ecbion he cone, and since Mr. Whiliney ie not dlepoeed to oer en opinion voluntarily ue temperance people will undertake to extnob it from him. '1`hey llheventime of it on elm. Mr. -Whitney has not any policy he can talk ehoutrexoept it ie to op- poee the government. He euys the license ...A.... E. line`: I. he in lnvnur nf nnmn. .... ....... .... ............ .. Appropduuly onongh the reign of the queen. her inuence on the public and maul life of the world, will be undo the subject of much comment in the churches, in the Sunday achoola, in tho lumen of $50 vobonl 3nd of the nntiaunl oociobion. in the gnbhotingu of old and young. civic and milinry. in tho vonk'ol"n.oiI.ndo and praise, and in the npdooul snholn. which, by no grunge- _4... -2 .|.- ca--- ..c I.~....I....I _m in ....... Ilte nnority v|_ll be repreeented on the edviaory bone which will have .11 to downh the man and the curriculum. lit. In-ry del`Vnl willhnve noeolnpllnhed e` greet den! for his church it he can nally end forever nettle the eohool question. He ie a diplomat of [net experience. 4-] I.` L-n Luann Ahnnf. llil Ill`!- IIIU vl -or-u v-rv--cu-. Ind ho hu jam about his null- oion with most dolilnntcion -and calm- nou. Bo lmovotoono. nppnnntly. the iupotnounoul ol Mgr. Langovin. when nnhnuihu. in the put, boon largely to- nponllblo lorbhoochool trouble. Anew force ha been Brought to bear upon the Albanian, now lroo olglocal entanglement, and it. tend: town-do reconciliation and x J _L9_Ix____ PT IIIIU [VVVIIIIIIVI--n -v --J - v-v --v----~ oyulgomt is bad; in he in Invour of some- . sud what in it? P1-cunning int Wumu an idea worth talking about " sooner it in announced the bee- lII,,.,`_I,_ u_:Iu L- uwvuu ups vvvuun u .- ................... -..- ..-- tau`. ".l`l:i|."eaye the Templar. "will be one 0! the livelieet queetione theta ever {need 3 government in the genenl'elec- t.ionl,-t.hiI prohibition queeI:ion--nnd we cannot. nd out too soon just where the oppoeibion shade. So, Mr. Whitnev. you hedbetter epenk now, or follow the exunple of e ooneervntive candidste in Quebec. the opponent of Hon. Mr. Duffy. end charge bhe Alliance folk: with being the `elliee of the grit pnrty. ILING OUT THE BUNTING. With tomorrow. in Kingston. begin the obeetveneee commemorative of the queen : diamond jubilee. her completion of sixty yeere ee ruler 0! the British empire. To- word: this event there has been on ardent looking lo:-word, and en the day epproechee the loyelty ol the people he been manifest- :__ n..n :.. .. .......:.o.I..l.I. -...u.-.- " *`ai>Lxun1p VALUE-- Fox om _ we ooronr we!) know C0- Lvuran IIODELB 4o. 7:1, 44, `moo 'l"3`19.lor$0-' Y * Imrrroaos an. too. as. vnv Iv -nu, vu v-nu rvvr-v ---u -u--.. _._..` in; incl! in an unmistakable manor. `uun\nauo\n`A`A|Il -u-tun-L Olun nninn Al - IL. tjluuuuuuuruu -in--uu_u` pain:-I invutigntioh, Mgr. Marry aol V|l"hIIsdvlIIduI Iooiphuooof the Inltoliuohoolh(iI|AHouwithooonodi- atten. Jluiwhatiuulaunothoonotr tdpbunt in nndcnkoodtlutgn. llr. li/OIIIII buonlmnlnonodtowlnnipqgto node: with qhontnny (ova-nmant in `ISM lU- Ucuuu Uvwunuu nvwu-uu-u pouoo. long-dolirod and abiding. IQIUIKIII. Wueuu, nu -u -Alana`!!- npuvuu fit of the Bone of Euglend, will be enng from eeet toweet, around the world. end 101* n epece of twenty hours. This one not elone would be something ee unique u the incident it oommemoretee, end of nothing. eo eilnple end no eeotive, will he: mejeety he more pleased. The demonetretione of the next low days will Alford the olenreet evidence of the de- votion of British euhjeote everywhere to the throne of the empire end of the eover- eign, high-Inlndgad. pure and noble, who oocnplee it. Thin devotion ie not fully exemplied except on rnre oooeeione. It ieever present. however. end only leeks the inepiretion. the incentive, the etimnlr tion. tolled expreeeion in the {orvour of eon` ail eentinent end service which Cl! 59 next thee (in): will be to con- _.l..I4-- 7iig.:;f_)AI.Y 'w1-110. Uwuvwun Lion all hit actionable features of the juhllu in to ho mind the conspicuous posi- tion which tho children on to occupy in tho pognmno of rejoicing. They have L... .J....L.4I I-.- AL. &.I.. AL-n AL... it-U `nu.-nu---v vu nvpuqnuon --v u-v- but odnoohd Into the idea that: than ujvvu vuw noun us - uu-vunu dunuutlo nnd_ochl conduct Inn boon nelu pulse! pnbhrn. onnplqnnd in- uplntlonnntoohcn. Whilidollnboon oouhuttobtlhpooplorulotlnrough the govuInuMMlulrehoioo.indonlopuont at ukltnlloru ofnonnn|ialunglon- _u;_n-..`-I _._. ._A _L_ L-_ _-.4_.l L__ h\hlhlgovcI-nIunI.dI0hIpoIudhet- Idlvhllhoahinotllnuhimand has until II inhuman which in always iuuhtgoul. Tbobjutuunuoloio mucu- cuulhvotkdyhnduuoot lingua- tululnllunhd nulls-but uh" lotriuuohvltotho puphto ntnwlllnibbly nut hairsp- ..L.44I_Al._.D_.-3_-..-.-L- K-Q--g-g wheoln. including some 00- lumbiumad Huttford-. at re-on-bio piou tn good. riders. nrnnva. anttnnr. may in nuan- pIvu-uu-Va r--.-.' wvvu-. -.-V, ---. ., . Wu uuunnu `M I` Haj: and -nnxh and `bxbuuornnapuz ` Iyb hundehtu n`nouIto!_hil" ,___.:.._u._ u... 'n.......L' 1.1 jig '7""" "'J'-I" lqvlkhnduud nllpioynudl. 2..., { AT;.....ug....g..a ..;.;. way. A4Ilul_p_;bItof bum tonchutaholouhn and uprouutho [ea- in. and `touohoo tho hurt us. perhspo, mothinl ulna cm. F|in"'Ib out to the yuguna'a _.vy{uVb =wAn's. "win can hug nopmuu caught an as C ' TIIO envy nanu will no Iuuuuuuwu on the evening oi Tneaday next. Bo a awaetea-I`. with capes. 75. `V nnteara, attention! Pipe clay and blenoo at Iitohell'a drug store. Edward Gurney, the -'PoI-onto atove manufacturer. in a vialtor to town to-day. Hannnncka. R. Uglow & Co. Frontenac cafe. open day and night. John Beth. Birmingham. England, ia a guest at the reaidenoe of alderman Walkem. Oak IIall-Men'a pure wool aweatera. a::..oo|ore, 750.. regular 81.25 anywhere e 0. Wells, Prinoeae street. purchased a line young roolter in Elginburg yeater da . %hite tiaa. white gloves, white hone, ho)! black suite. Hardy. At. the Gananonno iubilee eervioe to-mot-_ hon moo: llllhl. guray. M. the Gunnoquo jubilee `no-mot; row the collection will be devoted to the Kingeton general hoepiul. on Hnll-Nett.ed belbriznn "H-0 8 I G hllkinds pgomptly on:. Special attention ` givqn annmolliur in all color! and f9g'_5gg.*-9-33: vn1-n5=iz=a- myumurxmme c.o.. nouuym, 1'51 rnnoeu swoon. R. V. Webster. of Ceylon, ngont for 3 to: growing concern located on the island named. in in the city to-day. Man : and haul IWAAIKHI1 Ind hnthimr named. 15 In no Olly no-my. Morfonnd bo I sweater! und bathing suits. Starr & nbclitfo. ML- .....mL.--kin nl hhn hnwlinav nlnh in .I' routouiu bop. J. cnwtua.` l`|Iu6!_nIno nguloaot unpoliooeom this morning. u: Own-nqui buoball bun defaulted I000-dl .. |d 59 l I0)Inl'O0g polclon Engnn M I ` 1* l 7 Iatyury dam anon-Be. and snminm his noidcnoo for Tuesday. ' -m.- -;._- |....I.. -5 In` Illmnlnnhd an Iee ceieonunn in war years. There were I good many drunken men in Bu-rieeld camp `Int. night nnd there was I good deal of noise for A time. For nhnh nan mir of Ahom I10 to Aber- sum. court a. uuwuuo. The membership of the bowling club is daily increuing. The chub is ntronger now tbnn at. any time during its existence. `Nun 4-nntnmn hnuna and the noun. otce Dllln ll : any ulna ulnlng up uxlawuuu. The cuwoms house and the t. will each be gnily decorated wit. hunting on Tuesday for the calebmbion on jubilee (lav Ull nIII--1' me wluruu up 75c., our price for the best. 'l`|uu-an Inn A varv min]? 76c., pnoo tor one near. There was I very anisll market this morning considering the advanced season gm! the increased demand for garden pro- nee. VI..- niunnn in Aurora nil-.11 -nrl lmwn in AUCTION sun or minan sums: unoe. The citizens in every city and town in Censde are ebbing out their ags and Isntetne for t e 22nd. Kingston will not be behind. n-.._... .a.-...........I..+. ..:I'a.... vanhl-. nlzi` be behind. _ Every steemyacht, sailing yacht, skiff and oenoe in the herbor should be in the illuminated pnrnde off Mwdoneld perk next Tueede evening. Buy your ioycle hose at Baker s. R. M. V_anInven bee been appointed captain of the Kingston bicycle club tem- porerily, while captain L. Hughes in en- gaged At the military `camp. Oak Hell--Men s socks: 51:. per pair. Residents of upper William street say that thoroughfare needs attention by the board of works. The road bed needs scraping and A layer of stone distributed over it. A..;.eL-.- Int. nl ngu -n-ml hnrl nninn mar- W81` '1 llllli. lhke Inch e display the your children will remember Kin uton I pub in the jubi- lee celehretion in ter yonre. Thong -urn A annrl mun! drunken men good deal or noise ml` A mne. For chsh new pit of about go to notahyh, 127 Princess street. R. V. Wahnmr. of Cavlon. meat pou wuonouu. The Napuneo association football team Vplnyod the Sydenhnm nggroqnt-ion yester- day Afternoon on the ground of the last. nuned. The match resulted in I draw, each team ucoring one point. A shirt. hm-anin_._mnn A nnlarod Amari- occn tum aconng one polnu. Aahirt bu ain--men a colored Ameri- can Percale c irbo, collars and cuffs, worth 81, for 50. Starr And Sut.oli'e. Th; hunt nlfnnf. nf thn illnminntion of the 0VOl' I6. Another lot of new wool ind union car- pet equuoc II : R. McFaul o Kingston cur- pot. wuohouu. The Nnmnen run bumn. A resident of Seoley a Bay has written to Alderman Walkom to the effect that citi- zen: of thah borough will light. a huge bon- fire on Tuesday uichb on I bill 200 fees above the water level. III. .l.-...M- ug}.;,_|,n -_ u|,,,,_.,I7 rm, II, [or 001:. nun Ina nuwnna. The beat effect of the illuminntion of the city on Tuesday will be soon from tho pic- nic grounds mt. Brophy a point. Steamer Paul Smith. A .4.-2.IA-.5 AC Raglan . nan `III Xl`. A tn suave me water level. We don't think, we Imow" our goods. our styles and our prices are light. Grand Union. I'V....L-....s.... Tgminnnn Hui: nun-nna l\l\l!I. uranu union. Contractor Jamieeon this morning com- menced the work of placing in the bank of British North America the new heating apparatus ordered by the city property committee. and contractor Wilmot began the carpenters work. Baker : for fine neck wear cheap. The Kingston bicycle club has offered a medal for the moat artistically decorated wheel in the illuminated bicycle parade from Victoria park on Tneeday evening. All `cyclist: are invited to take pert in the parade. On Mnndav the Kinzston bicvcle club parade. On Monduy the Kingston bicycle will have an outing, going up on the steam- or Hero in the afternoon. diaombuking at Bath and wheeling homo by wny of Storms Corners. Supper will be par- hkon at Odessa. fb.-.0-Ihntnnn `Ann 1 lusnnn fl! I'll OHI- MIG!) on uaoun. Contributions for a bonfire to be light- ed on Tuoodnv night on the common south of Union Itreot. near Albert street, are pouring in. Booth & Co. were the nt to nnntribum 3 card of wood. Other wood connnnuuo 3 corn OI Woou. Unnor we and lumber merchants will foow Iuit. nnu Ilunoor lnerculntl wlu Iuuow Iuw. Abomoth 0-shoe! went well. look well sud all vol . nnd are cheap. Alnrrnnn Wglknm, nlminnnn of than da. `Ila 3" W0". Illll IPB CORP. Alderman Wnlkem, chairmen of the de- oontiou committee for the Queen : jubilee oelebnbien. says he has completed er- nngemenlsc for the decoration and illumi- nation of all the city and county buildings end the decoration of the city pprke. A ha-inrv hAn1nin--87 dman roman : pouring In. noom G U0. were Ina nru Lu contribute a cord of wood. Other _...I l..--L.- -ngpnhgnbn u-HI frlnsn unit. 100., III` I00. par pull . Bill ! I nuwllnu. Mayor Skinner auggaata that the col- locona at all the spacial service: on Sun- dayand Tuesday ha devoted to ma Vic- borianotdar ol naraaa-chemo. Ha ask: the antooonuidortbopu-o'_l. Ull nan ml mun`: flaw. not: [no 10:) lot kind. although we have them from 750. P P- anama: schedule of the Thousand- Inhnd ahnnbou oonpnny will be out non want, and dnily excursion: around the bhndlwillllltnblgin. Horn-IIB. Folgic. thong:-Ilncnogoroloho inho noupopuhrunncn ri:r'. pu" What we Have Done For- Others

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