Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Jun 1897, p. 7

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rs H `I ~ ' Whose bravery. valor ` and vine to his country has boon attested by -____.. 11---..-) :__ Ah. `I (COL... \_u. I-7.4 coo?) . " . ,~f 7 t`:,, - f . " ` V. a . ..z .~ k. ` -0.; . Q The lhsi oi the iiuifaiu--liniy Herd on Exhibition. `I F This Enormous Outt is Transported in ,:,:;,..~100 Indian Warriors] ,1` Special Railroad Trains 1~`Bnm smwr CAVALGADEI NightAas l;ight3 _ % y _. ~ Completeln Detail. F 50 Alaorican Cowboys. 3Q xlcan Vaqueros and Ruralles. ,' 30 S I uthiqnerlcan Gauchos. 50 _ps_trn I -`rontlersmen. `Marksman. Etc. -'35 IDCIOIIHI Rflbs. )2o Russian Cbssacks ofthe Caucasus. ` ' "I ` ` Dmaoaumra o1_r An Etlmologionl Displt;y of tho Horsemen of the Woild gisthored from the Four Quarters of the Globe. ` A Kaleidoscope of Human Race and Oolbr. UV?! tll .- H` Unique and optirely Original ixiits every Feature; A { Union of the Primitive Horsemen of the World and the. x Onvslry of the Greatest Military Nations of the World, it ' atwumnlonae ` 'u COL. W. F. CODY. BUFFALO BILL. ,A Govaml Grand `Stand, Seating 20,001} Persons. l AM.` 1).] Dohnixmentn from Qnch Division IYIHIJ. - `Inna;-no Rnuln nnn ` `min `Kaine: nnanan--GI.- BI IV A-In P IIIIIIIUII Uuiiuluclllu u\_nu uucu ]J|'|]U|| ( '|d~:Houoo. Buslo, Cattle,` oto.. being necessarily ed in camp .-"Bo am he who runs may read." -larch will enlivened by THREE MAGNIFI- Ionritd BANDS or MUSIC, led by we Famed. World- tnv ' nurmo Bitvs cowm mo UNITED: STATES CAVALRY. 'um7rED STATES ART|LLERY.. ROYAL ENGLISH-IRISH LANCER5. GERMAN CUIRASSJERS. M Ni M :5 Brillig IE|q%_" _'aplay by th g_ I P I- \.l`!`.` bl-le. g Q)-000 001.1310 3:03! 13:11- N- M` `dmitfr puqiosi. Two` Circuits. ensuring, I P ` Bo ihblb mam: e mm. a Two .x1gn;;u gum or shine. `llluhlination. mlkng NIGHT AS arfllllhl. nnmsslou soc. cmmnal when . \..._, ._>'>;x` '_ , [K'YllIIOIf'l,V.I'm In 1d j l0OI81`9lriI. Atgnrnon it 2 3 ol6ck. Nun: at 3 o'clock. Dp9n.p_3n qn hour; ogrnor. Y0_l.l Nevrsee [ts Like Again. LOOK UPON THIS ROSIER THE REAL : AL}. rm:-: i3,/u_rru. till the Paraphqgnaliu necessary to Assn n2 Perfe.c.t`Prote.olion from SUN OR AIN. On the First Day of Arrival 5* ~ ` - that-owilhwgivonn o Onllalh. Bx-ule, Unoap apps. Bloux. Cheyenne end Anpehoe Tribes. - UIIITID WITH THI All Under the Personal Commud of W1! BATTERIES OF g1`he &;;;g'W;n;r:lv-o,f the Gun. -/* "2", {'5' "'~ ,7+.;>:z-f Johnny 'Balge1f,' V........ TI .'_.... Purkhurst has spam nu a............. among the rnourrlmns for several years. He mingled freely among them. not only in public. but in the fn..n1ilies, and he found them n.Go.l-fearing. moral, liberty loving people. and because jhey drunk in er and light wines. not only on week 4 nys. but on Sundays. he was not afraid to bear teslimonv to their high moral worth lzefore the .world. And while his testtimcny throughout Europe met with (I. hearty nnd gener- ous acce tunce. on this side of the wa- ter old rientla shook their heads and for n. time the good old doctor was threatened with social damnation. But whatever the nnimmdversicn may have met: him on the declaration of his un- qualified up rovnl of Swiss domestic hnhits and life. it was nothing to the fury of the tempest that broke around his head when he gave to the world Lt` ....I..\.....o..a mirIni~ah.t rnid. The of- lury Ox Luu uuuyum. um... ...--. .---. ,, H3 celebrated midnight raid. I. and `the aftermath foot was e`leoth:u ` and moral value of his shocking exre'r_l- | they enoe divided the christian men 0 own culling; in many lnamncos ehrank tron: him as if he were IL moml leper, while those who did not openl nasail him gave him only a weuk. hnl - hearted support. which was ten times .m..... Hum noon neraeculion. One of which ten tunes worse than open persecution. of his old-time friends. to whom years of unshaken condence had given the right of counsel, went to him and with tears in his 8 es told him that. he was rushing headftc-n`; to ruin. \\'hn.t. was l:ia reply? Though I walk lhrou h the valley of the shadow of death. will fear no evil, for Thou art with me, Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me. Then spake the fanatic. as he has sooken in all countries and in all ages since the world began. since Adam wan- dered lhrough Paradise. That which men cull fantticisxn Is the spiriLual heroic element which has distinzuished nun-u ornnf rnfnrm in all (`Q83 Of thll Constance. _ _ But in the fullness of time's fruition the victor came and with it the turn of the tie. Intiiiferrnce. nugiectunri villitioaiion gave `piece to thundering applause and the most ahjeot. sycoph- ancy. and with them the most. start- ling change in the bearing and porte of t.he new prophet. The doctor. who had never been remarkable for his gentle courtesy. suddenly seemed to ehnnze to an overbearing dlctnitor. end his minn- ner became both offensive and iii-timed with e euddennees that was perfectly startling. During the sessions of the Lexow committee, betore his departure for Europe. while tolernbiy regular in his attendance. he took no active part. in the pmeeeutinn. but seemed. to he awaitin reeuits. "He uttered no coin- plnint. ut. it was evident to all who watched his course that the doctor was `in dillppointed man. With the first eigl of weekenin the torrent at abuse whioh eaeellcd-h at the start was rmewed with tenfold fury. and it was then that Ietnod by Dr. Parkhuret with whatever ahliit God had given me because I though he was sincere; I thought to then and I think soatlll. But it in aleo true that he was a man of overweening vanity. He expected de- terenoe, and homage from every one in recognition 0! the cm: fork he had accomplish . but he failed in receiv- ing that wh ch he considered his due. in his ocngrq-ution wens meny active prohihilioniets. who.` when they lmtned t at their beloved pastor sat. tipping h s"hee,r while. lot of ehnmeiees har- lots and hopeleeely flepnved lnen danc- ql it his deleeutton the 'vil'e.ca|- nnml. an act so queetienab a shocked the moral eenae not only of his Pree- `bzterian aleocietea. but it also received 9 . nnnuulifiul nundnmna.tinn'oI event. Rtscucd fh` Shame And T Miser}. _ V .' ing cuppa new In hum.-mne--an Don n One: and Hunt Wort-Ilouurlsy W_Il_1 do Ill. Janice--1'0 the loner: of (hope!--Ion and Women -- volIVOod'I much; on an nun-um tod an lutltutn to the Poor. (Spools! Oorreopondonce Latter 41,150.) New York. June 18.-I thinl: I shall have to lurruw that well wurn simile once more. I would not it I could help it, but Just at this moment I can call to mind nothing that will unewer half as well. Like heaven`: deadly thun- derbolt launchell from n hloullless sk " cemrthe news that Dr. Charles Parkhurst had permanently ebuidonecl the business of reformin. . and the im no more forever. What's the met, glucea that knew him once s ould know ter with Pnrkhuratl Is he crazy! What is he going to do next! were the inquiries heard in the exchange. on the streets, the great banking houses and the chute es. inquiries that no one hut Dr. Charles H. Parkhurst himsell could answer. 1 . For some month: pant. ever since his return from Europe last year it was evident that there was somethinz wrong-. When in` Europe, Switzerland was 0. favorite a.Liding place. The doc- i.... ;. snmnl.hin:r df u. mounfain climb- element which nus msunxunsneu every great reform in all ages world. nnd will continue to do so till the end of time. It is the quality that holds steadfast to their principles and faith even in the face of death. that $|orified the sacrifice of Sydney cm ower Hill and crowned with immortal- ity the memory of John Husa as his heroic spirit swept heuvenx-mr(l with the smoke of the holocaust. from the consecrated market place in the city of Constance. nut in Hm fullness of fruition [nnnnnm ugannsmnn lannnnsus\]@_9f%asrnnu 1 -an. cmntcs H ranmunsr AN- Nouncasnfms olsciuon. ` D urmn laloclntea. l)ll(. u. I!!!) recuvtn. t o unqualified oupdemnntion of eveny. religious community from ocean to ocean. and fmgn mine to the Gulf. In this hot?` of h{:toilt$`Cul.ox`um1`Ilnt:oni continue on a n r no pa rules ot civil service grffh. le t us not forget that this earnest stlo otclnist has 1-formed 3 trains on: and bone- tlc! hat by which his tailor men will pmtlt for quay nor: to come. mm. cal ounrxtnon has top -huudad in ft: strum hp and aim: a u-only oon- V tutu! hutch this foul , gunned V Ilsalltolnnll-ha` with tit L 1 :`};.".'-."E1` ...'..'.`!'.`:`..2!..":.'E ';".t! V been 1! d to the light of open duy and not the nishmout t. ue caring. tor urn. has given no- the =to t ml toe ulika am he \ Bu ti hob ' Into ` ':::".;':'.`2.. 3.3: 1 many an h &"` WWII `III | -II OI IKI Illllly, IIII ` uvur eluxy In any nan (.0 In: My duh: ullwolhn 0! ooh`-` nth; 110 not is my flfnjl j DAILY WHIG. c in p: hon t at hip! yvopn its terrlb oci afbund our fair city. draining out `its blood and dispaolng out-'~na.me. You have driven the monster into'the desert. are to perish. The resent age ma ail-totooord him tho tn Imm- Iuro his Jlusert. but posterity will not tail to do him Nation." . ' At Hm hmnlinn whom the Third and You VG rt IIIIKO 11 Ill! Dllf`; O .1 .3 My _auaZthgni$T,nVi'QSa[ otlzeil bitten than all th llta I1 * Tray. much and Swoothen-mute bark- lngtdt his heels. He has den: 5 `rent nnd mighty work which has let its lm_pre.sa' upon-tho_I8B tnd tody of chi limb. Do not grieve. doctor. at the thought of your wo_rE not hoingpropor- ly nppraciatoq. -It is too any yet. to Irrlte our h1:to_ . You havoL.nooou,x- Ffiah that wine has boon,\IAnn~ ml in v--o (mu mnrtnlm ham hnlnw.` Fourtn avenues menu mu onsets nign- teithful to old time friendships. were assembled `to do honor to the memory ol'PeterCoo r. In that eeeembty there were a. man or of men who were umny times millionaires _ menwhose fortunes quadrupled that of the dead eaint whose memory they were atout to honor. There were in that crowd governors (res. doctors. lawyers. painters. eculp- tors and men ot science. merchants who had been fatherleae and movtherless no- mods on the etreeta--Uoal hnd int- the way of eeclspe out of the ouse of lrondoge. Instead-of spendi their nights In the streets and qunitying themselvv efor the penitentiary` orthe gnllpne. their evenings were passed in the 000 r institute. lnyin-gr-the foun- dation 0 education. which, in after lite qualified them for positions 0! ho if and trust. Peter Cooper did not nit till the warning bell told him thnttime fnp him hurl nnvlnrl nnd ntnrni-hi haul way. the Bowery. 0 little bend of mm.` of states. senators and members of cone- Tiih till`. WINCH D63 DRIIVQUIFI-lI~ sad to vary few mortals hone below.` You hirt unto d ` `tha Min , `no In: hnn hf W `*3 .II`Pib I * V orwnsmNWAns not. ran to no nun JIBUOO. \ .At ha junction white. the Third and Fourth meet; that classic high- Inrnv Hm Rnmnrv, n litiln Jmml nf mrnj nor to l'8U'93nlt'lll. At ten years of age he was earning his living. und. us the years rolledliy he felt the wunt of education`, the want of it seemed to bur hi-1 pro runs every- where. and in the dz '5 0 his lirest poverty he resolved it ortune ever did smile upon him the children of the poor should profit by it. After years of un- remitting toil and constant. the hour came when the dream of his life was realixed, and the Cccper institute was dedicated to the education of the poor forever, to a blessing for which he was ever thankful, and his only regret was that he wu.~1 unable to do murp ot' his Mn.ster'a work. when the inlatitute was finished. and a nor 3 of professors en- raged and the nig t schools were put in operation for poor boys who were at work in our factories in the (lav. They ,were a success from the tirst, and thous- ands of young men and women want out from the Cooper institute thoroughly equipped for the hmttle of life who daily and hourly im glad God's blessing on the head of the lwuefamor who had rmoued them from lives of shame and misery. and had planed them on the hi hway to an honorable independence. wn vt-maln nun hisi stn.t.ua was nlnoed hi nway to nonorame lnaepguuenca. wo weeks ngo his statue was placed in frvnt or the noble iusutution which his generosity reared. and which he leaves as ll lustimr benetuqtion to pos- terity. We have in this city hundreds of men of greater fortunes than Peter Gvoper. but no ma who has noted so wisely and he-.ni nently in the disposal of his fortune. e received his rewurd while he lived. he lieuril the hlessinqs ~ th.-i.t greeted him by those whom he had rescued from lives of crime, and he laid up a. treasure of which he is now enjoyimr the reward in that Bunk where the woml doth not consume nor tlxievea 1.-.... 3.. .....i iinnl _llRAllIl|HM. light Yeare llenglng Between Llfe And lleeth Wm: Loewe eert Dleeeee--And In Thirty Minute: After 'l`el|ng III-It Done 0! Dr Agnew`: Onre !or The lleurt Belle! 0omee-Whet It Dld For Alfred Oouldry. Wen Ohelord. Que. ll One Do For Any Sueror From the lame Oenne. "I bed been eulfering from acute heart trouble for over four years. When doo- tore had tried, and felled to give me relief, I procured Dr. Agnew s Cure for the Heart. In thirty minutes after the ret done I hid relief. end although mine was e one of long attending, eigbh bottles eocbed e per- manent cure. and I rmly believe, elter knowing what it has done for me. that bhereie no ho less one while this great. music to be ad. I cheerfully eenotion nho unedbeatimony in whatever wey it. may do the most good." Sold by W. H. Medley. 0 |Ge [D8 (IOKH HUI COIIWUUIB I10!` IIIIBV break in anl.steul.-BROAUURIM. |lu lull!) vvullllug vunu vvlu ulna vuunwnuuu for him had ended and aterni-t had come. Ho came into the world hauli- capped by poverl. . but. he did not re- Pine; lubor was s heritage. he was mrn to it, and if he mourned about his lot, no one had heard of it, for t.h.'1t which is most men's axperieme seemed iike n curse as viewed_by Pater Cnoper was converted to a blessing. and he ne- cepted the curse which the Almighty had put upon Adam for his disol.edi- nvmn ns mu-t of the D9n`.|llV Of [0. S0 had put A(1.[n Ior ms mso:,e anon as part of the penalty life, he labored on in the sweat of is hruw to earn his brewd till the sum us of the Grand Master called him from In- bor to refrashment. 10 nm mm.-a nf mm ha wma earning ll-ll; Win I--ICU. 'Dnnsnn.-Jonnhiu uoolnmud Dr. Fitter : Igluotol i Icundunyhby of, diu-than Ilia` other uounufulod.Iol nil gnu pain. It in exoolloul for bowel eon- -I.:-A.. ll-n `ung 1:2.` `E :-Ig- -I U II QXXIIIIII I'll` Ill DIIWII Pain 1 _ 1 Q. pining; In nAs.Dm-. Harlow. Out. %HgR3gnm HEROES (IF THE Hons]; . " - hr` ALL `ma EAR . 5 nlohwnylu! Ilyon have rhunuhu and lab to hkotlo potourolorih. hoieungu upnnt .2 Dr. Inllillhlinuio to molly nun. Trylund no he yonnoll, IDcni|.n'bottlo; only at Ways dun; tn-A eyrtratjnf, JUNE 19; 1297. 'HE1 ..V,, nob: Wu turd. -_ I _-_ L)_I.I_ Cwwvubvwwv vvvvvvvvvvvv w- nun nuns: from no lunch xughqn. The Punch honuhopor Inn loaned thou to ntllim may of tho Ion ooobly pub of bqsl. nmctoon Ind pork. muting IIVOI And In! pamivo dish: from shun. _ It I "the uponditun for nub thus brings the daily 0 panic: at the table up po.1I_Ih I dhoouriglog soul. With I new lauohon mm are A neocnity for at `lush two at" 1|`; Anni mach. Roma nf Hm uncanny to: A: Just um 01 the daily meals. Bomolpf the French dilllll will be found most: ioodptuhlo to both run sod Ah. Puln Cannnfifn kitchen: the use of tn-i*po in not Inqnons. you (note In Iruyu us uvugnug can under this inc: Iivo min uiont. savory. Tripoiu highiyunoommondod by foodcxports as any of digestion and vary nourishing. Broiled ti-ipo-Gu_h the honeycomb trip: intolong pioooo. Ind uld a seasoning of all: and ppor; place. in an oystor broiler And roil until 3 nice, brown. Lay on 3 serving platter and pour over it melts- od butter seasoned with the juice of: lemon and a sprinkling of chopped pan- .- . - I n ~ . J V V V. ~4 :l>g:V `S pnruaod _ Iii: _,, In Cam nu (:30 not fnqnont. yet then are ways 0! _'ing um. mud thin inexuenuivo uiont. i-IIIUII uuu II UFIIIIAOIII. nu VI-nvrrwu ru---1 ey. _ Trlpe e In l_vonnei'ee--Out two pounde ol tripe into thin writs. Place in ctr]- in` pan one ounoeof utter. add A elice of onion and fry until colored. Then tum in the tripe, odd neeanoning of enlt and pepper and e very little nutmeg. Stir and cook gently until ell moisture is ab- eorbed; then add tvio cu lule of etreinod tomatoes. To prepare 1 a tomato, cook it for tlvo minutee ineemell pan. then it through A fine eieve to remove the needs. After ndding the tomato. cool: for five minutee. thou turn on n plotter, Add A sprinkling of chopped pereley and $K'V6. I`..:-.l 'l`.:.u.4(`.nh u: brings in nnnnrnm II ht urown Gram on now paper nnu aurvu. 'idney 3 Lo l`mncaiae--Soak 3 beef kidney in cold water for one hour. chang- ing the weter two or three times ee it colors, then place on the fire in fresh. cold water and gently heat to the boiling point. Drain this water from the meet and put on fresh. cold weter for a second heating. Again heat and again change the water. In the third Inter gently eimmer the kid- ney lor ten minutes. Then remove it from the tire. and when cool enough to handle out out most of the center his end the cords. Slice thin. di each ieoe in our and fry in butter until rown. move the meat from the stew pan, Add A table-spoonful of flour to the oil end brown thoroughly. Return the meat to the pan. add boiling water to nearly cover. ntiiring until a smooth sauce is formed. Add a buy leaf, ale and pepper and a quarter- inch elioe of lemon from which the peel has been removed. Stew gently for one hour. with the pan covered, adding more water if it reduces too much. There nhould be only enou h water to form a rich eeuoe. When res y to nerve. remove the hey leaf and dish on e heated plotter. Rnnf Izirlnnv mum on vin bhnn-Cut I servo. Fried Tripe--Cub the tripe in squares. dip in beauen egg to which has been added as reasoning of salt and pepper, than dip in flour and fry in very hot. lard. When of a liggt brown drain on soft paper and sorvo. Lin. a La I`:-nnnninn---nal: A hmf end man I neaoeu punter. Beef kidney mute on vin bleno-Cut the kidney into thin elicee. Place an ounce of butter in e frying pan. heat it and odd the kidney end a eeeeoning of sort, pepper end 3 little nutmeg. Cook the meet about ve Ininutoe, toeeing it about in the pun; then add a table-spoonful of white wine end half a cupful of Spanish sauce. Thin sauce is need with many French diehoe end is mode of two ounoee of butter. two ounoee of our. one pint of stock or water, two clovee. ealt. one end n-hell ounoee of raw hum, one carrot. one onion. one etalk of celery. pepper. eet the butter. odd the llonr and etir until of 3 rich brown: then Add the stock, ham and other season- ing, cutting the vegetables into small pieces. Stir until it begins to boil. then remove the pan to the back of the range end let it simmer gently for one hour. Skim oifthe oil, strain and it is ready to After adding this sauce to the kidney. ho ! gently for ve minutes, then servo. If you are uervoua or dyspeptic try Cuber`: Little Nerve Pills. I)_vnpopein makes you nervous. and nervousness makes you dyspeptic; either 0 o renders ouhrniserabla, and these little pills cure at . ., ;..o- .. om YOU TnY1'iI" i}." ALWAYS IT. Ice Cream Freezers. all sizes, American Blue Flame Qil StO`Ve . `Stoves. Lawn Mowers. Garden Hose. _etQ._.`. % REFRIGERKTORS.` % %:r% REFRIGERATQ} `. 75 & 77 PRINCESS STREET. We have them from $8 upwards. `I and see them. V ELLIOTT BROS;}, I-eadPnok-mo on|y25oJ0o. coo. aoo -ndooopulb. BoldbyJAB.ORAIG coo. % GEYLOIIIEA Lxlncsmuf but

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