ti - I on tnnuutlvdu aolaad that the no deal 01 any. produce ix-om nltoha; If lo. 0 and . the Im- over. om should turn a o I-auonablo sly make who apulnuon from a {rusty need. Hue till the an ago when n digging, fol- ntlon in the rain: nrontod Will I d I stock Illtt .......".._`.".'s`.."`.'....." -- M r ux. `Iuanuns. Ig . Ito. tho nuns` DIN-nu u Ind Painting `II III it and propurltalhnhd. lB"a0.!s!!tf_!>INGI Ihnhht tplllwl lAo0l'll'BlI!I.. !<>IT<>- -2--..:.:.-s.,..I IIIIIU. I0. 140 Dal}- VDIII, [ET IU-g DU. DU Ugh`. Mox-mmn. June 2l.-~'l`ha gram market was exceedingly quiet, and will likely con-, tinue so until after the holidays, Prices, however. are steady. No. 2 white oats be- quoted at `lfc. to 270.. peas, at 495:3. to ` 500.. buckwheat. at 38c. to 3%.. and rye at 39c. Flour was quiet to-dny, and the market is without any change to note. Feed is in demand and rm at $10.50 for bran and $1150 for shorts. Rolled oats slow, at $2 90 per barrel. ay quiet and any. st 8!? for No. 1, mg 810 for No, 2. The provieion market is quiet. and sales IN well maintained. Eggs no in demand at l0}c. to 11. for selected, and at 9c. to 9&0. for No. 1. Po!.atooe~Quiot at 40c. `to 450. per bag. Cheese rules quiet at 8&0. to 8o., and butter is rm at Mile. to In ` IU Uzi uupxwnuu, oz. 0.; rye, par uunuun, 009.; outs. per buahe . 23c. to `24c. ; peas, per bqghel, 45. to 45}o. ; barley, per bushel, 280.: buy, 810 to"$ll; straw. S to 87; dressed hogs, 86.50 to 86.75; 3. 9c. to 950. per oxen gbutter. po\_md to 3, He. to|Vl`. .c.: `butter, tubs, dgnry, 10c. It: Inc. ; chlcken:. 50c.: turkeys, per .. 8u.;pot.ntoea, -50. to 40s.; aprmyt lambs. $2 to 81; mutton. per |b.. 40. to 7n.: hm=f_ fnrn. sin. to 6:2. 2 baaf. uunna, oz w on; muwun. per -0., ac. to 7o.; beef. fore. 4c. to 6c. ; beef, hind. 7c. to 8c.: veal, per 1b.. 5c. to 6c. Mnu-ruint, .Innn 9l,__'I`hn armn mm-EM. """ `'`v '-"" u 3. \ ` S K. CAHVBWL Q C0.. Ag!-mu Int (,In.1d:|. 3U`C@.'&IQ'NU'&9 CAIEL AND SEE Ilu-koti Elsewhere. Tonom-0, June 21.--Wheat, white. per bm-hel, 70c.: wheat, red, per bushel. 690.; wheat, goose. per bushel. 6|c.; buckwheat, 32 0.: rye, per bunhe|,35c.; mu- mr lmnhn _ 21. to 24&c. : mu. n'er DO .5. U0; Iamuy our `.'-CU IX) l'-`JV; Ufllllg 810 to $13 a t.on;sl1ort.s. $12 to 813 a ton; oatmeal. and rolled oats. $3.25 a bbl.;oom1_noal, 81.10 a owt.: chops, 814 to $15 a ton. Hay, loose. $10 to 811 a non; proceed. :12 so :13. \\ ` i no mo. lnrkot. John McKay & Son, hide dealers, 15f . Brook at-roeb, report: "We are paying for beef hides (50. per lb.; No. l deacona. 350. to 45a. for good stock; voala. 50. to 800., according to size and quality. We would advise parties holding wool to rush it in at once and take advantage of pres- ent. high prices. as the Dirigzley bill will affect the `rice to a considerable extent when pnulnto effect. We quote No. 1 waahedeoce at. 17c. to l8c.: unwashed, 10c. to Ho. The price depends on con- dition of wool." ___.. &'N,'3`e,ce/a`a:.`'_. .2/3~.s,'a\o/o\0./o\~.rs~9 ` You Suffer from 5 I IU-30%] I4UlIg|l' ZUUoIrU 'IlIUn Grnin-0abe. 21. a bushel; rye, 350. ; barley. 23c. to 25c.; 270.; Maniboba wheat, No. I, No. 2, hard. 82c.; northern, S wint4r.'75c. m......- ...,a c....1 11-1-... 1.4.. W llI|'l'. I 00. Flour` ind feed-Flour, bakers . strong. 34.35 to 84.55 a bbl.; bakers , patent, $4.80 En $4.95; family our $4.25 to $4.90; bran, I10 tn IL ! A fnne nl-my-f.n_ SI2 fn `H! n I00, nnl; caggylowem, ac. to we. own. Fiih-- nckerol. me. 1: lb. ; frog! legs. 25;)`. H .: `pike. 5c. 3 1b.: porch. 151%.; (loan: II caters. 20c. a dozen; malt hetrin. "me. to, GM. 8 dozen: trouh and white n .' i0c. i pov.Iud.; Atlantic salmon. 20: 1b.; ' British Columbia salmon, 2oc..1b.; cod and haddock. 70. 3 lb. ; pickerel. 80. a,lb.: blupah. 10. a lb.; halibut, 15, 3 `lb.; oyaton. standard. 45. a quu-b: black bus. 100. 3 lb.: nnan hsddiea. 10c. I lb. AnO._RAnf fnnnruunu-inn-Q X1: in Kn 1 lUCo U "L: llllll HDUCIIBB, IUD. I ll). Meat.--Beof, forequnrbgrs, 3o. to 50. n 11).; hiqdqunrbors. 50. to 6c. in 1b.; cuts. 50. 12012 alb.; pork. quarters, 60, to 7&0. 9 1b.; 70. to l2c. 1: 1b.; hogs, Mo. to 6&0. ; spring lamb, quu-bu-3.756 to 81.50, yoarlin 9, quarters, 7c.; chops, 60. to l'2ca .;mutbon. quart.ere._ Be. (070. :1 H1 2 nuts. n. tn 100.}: N12 veal. fn n. ['50 I 19.; IIIIIIIDUII. quuruarr.-._ 00. K1 [U ll lb.: cute, 5a. to 100. 1: 1b.; veal. 3c. to .60. A lb.;boef tongues, 20o.to 40c. and). ll:-nin_f'Inf..L `)In A hmzhnl-, nmu_ (911.2 V ulna-Kuuu-uU!, bag; moot potato;-.7 3 pack; dnbbn M-10. emote, 750. ` ' 80. 04.: 15):: in In n CI 05!, I 00. T 3110- ll D38; unnu- hqou 120. to 50. I poun ; uppns us,' three bunches for 100. ; new tcuco. onions. raiighu, boetg. carrgjtl,` opipoch, 30. to5o. A bunch; paganigeok V_ ; boots, 60. bag; ti rni . 30%..-E`; caugl_ijl<:.wers, t.op.l5c. olefi- lb.; on.` .3. -..n.. 1:. . u.. mun. um. 1:3 5 a6uE'`:un'u '. !i`i.:'&`m.u ::e;`3'*'-u.L "~a.:-..~tv~'-}*~ A .nn3ro1..oor. QCQVAII It. } . amen 8..'ionbl6 mu loan 38.. av holuoald lot. nun. mt henna. 61 d Int! ..::$'.'.: T" -~ It _ '` "noun and lot and bill. I Hi l.|50lD0.IlD. " \rra:r.--sennboniu.sa. to 100.1 hob Ygloncinoun .20o. M300. Adan bam- nu,1.-sc.us . am wan`;-. 23. to 30. 3 lb.; pinonpplu. 10. 00150. Inch: ooapnu,`5c. to 70. each; Iomom. 100. on om n tlnnnnp mnnh mun!-_ NIL hi UH: ll) II}. X011; JUIIIIHIUQ >111: 00 200. 3 down; maple August, 100.` to 12. I -pound 3 aploo. 81.50 to `$.00. I bu-rel-, horny. 104.3. to 15a. 5 pound; cranberries. 100. I quart; gs, 150. I onngI;hiokory nuhn.6o._`to 10. a quote, n 8. walnuts. 15. a pound. qn ta::-PotntooII, 000. to 750. u Inn: A-not nutnma-_ 30c. (10 400. ll "at `And eggs -Now` Ire hiful M90. Ind 100 . : ditto, ml V p'in p nu bring: from 140.760 V1` :3, I lb, A a roll or psokad the oommodjty all! atfrnm l2c.fol5o.nlI>. 'n_.'.:. u...-|....:.. 9. 4;. in. . i....'..; Illnululllilli l_oei_l.nukot.. Old hoopla; um I!0DIi`9\|9IfIy.` pueu-.up vuneing. Strnwborrie-are hoognjng` abnpdgut ind than `in g,-t-onduncy f. p;-ioqntolowotr. Of butter, p` 1 province, om, alien in an abu M nnno op | fa; sale at reasonable rues. `A ioviow 3` thdloonl mukgt will be fdnnd In1bjo'jn- ` ` _ `hbjzqiatlnt Ania mif` TV auiau cmmu ms nu.- -nI-kAl.n_ v I ..,_:_..L__.__.. Welsh : gtapovfuico at. MoLeod's drug hilt. hlNlH'l'U. CHIIV 3&0-`ICU 'JIII,IT: [Q- Iivlticu did not make my Inaurhl eh 1 {ho pnco' oi dl pond 0! i 1:311 mu-hot. Ara hnoonnllut T- "`?!?`"9'f` *_ 00;- Cqnsulnptlon Skin-Dluues Weakness of the Heart Hysteria v Slocpleuncu You a:`ould tr'y T --THE BLOOD MAKER" 3 A scientically prepnrul tonic which hu 9 eectul munycnres. . ,_ IL. _...__.n -4.- . '_,,,,,, :l'BNDlN0 PURCHASERS CASTORIA Err Infant: and Children. xmi$1-ox. inn-o-:3:i"hi 53*um1o;: fu- ivlthn lid nah mnkn miv mnmrinl njinnnn .;.... ..........L A i WALL PAPEB| ; pt-um, 1112.; ; buckwheat, , hard, 850.; . 870.; white I}i1t)(e'ndance. The patron king. J. IA- asvtxk was there in all his glory. He spoke in favor of the [)!l'_t.I'(| Il` organiza- tion with quite i`i.s much fori-e nnd em`- riesmess as at any time since its first appearance before the public. John C-BVRII Smith. president and Mr. Mal- lory, editor. of the Bell :-ville Sun. nnd other eloquent speakers, interested their hearers. but there was not. as much seeming enthusiiisin as on former occa- sions. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Brown are in mourning over the death of their only baby boy who (19- rted this life on Sund afjernoon. I-Teswzis asmiirt. bright child. and we deeply mourn with the parents in their sad loss. Mrs. Phoebe Dorliuid. an old and rmpected citizen. de rted thislite on Monday lnst.. Miss aylor, of Glen Falls. N.Y., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. lace, is visiting` her grimdimother. Mrs. . T. Dorl nd. Mr. and Mrs. D. Gillan- deir visit Mr. and Mrs. G.iJ.'Chiidd, n-yin Place. 0'n`u|'ilee day. Mrs. illi Gon-all attended the yearly meeL' g at Pickering an Wed.ne3dn.V- Th funeral of Liniy Brown, Jr. took place from the residence of his _pe.r- enui on Monday last. Many friendsiih tended. the lost. tribute of re- spect. Rev. r. Bell officiated. Alex- ander Crawford. cnrmter and (outmo- tor, of this place, secured is per- manent position in Montreal, find left fonthat qity on Tueailn `morning lest. T. A. Rankin`: horse. w ich was injur- or! while st. Kingon, is pronounced as bein inounble. George A. Wellmsnh 1- John E.. from the gold eld: or at timings, is visiting him. Mina tron-g and nie'ce.'Miae Poul Wee- don, bu returned home to He bridge. alter a. nojougi of shout. five-wee with her .'lIBDhCW" at -the hotel Welluien. W Iain:-oe was again in town on I). H. Saylor, Lormer residents of this- lr.'yIII'| Ill Aug. Uni. VII Iur t booth n--`A nu`:-ulnln yunodtunnr from nth-A. "A olYollov Oil and HI: =00!!- uzdalihonghthntwu such time hhnuvtoinubounlmohltdwl Dentin or 3 0hlld-'l`ho Home In Pro- nounced Ilncuruhlo. Wellington. June 22.--Rev. Mr. Bell univerl home from cunfennca on Thurs- day. The patron plcnis. mus quito lnrR`e- ly attended last. Smutday. there being about thre or four thousand people in :`:jtL(e!ndanca. The patron king. J. l,. 1-v-no-Ir u-nu than-n n nll hi: (t]0l'\ . I ~l'muunu Lanai-u.-amok. -L % . .;'I.."'..'.Z'.'.3Ts.'L '0' `lQ |I `x;r:pon1u&n.,.oIn2 um comm TIHE GREAT PATRON PICNIC. ` An Antldoh lo! Angina- .n-, .-n,.; A,,,_, I.--` _.. 75 1 77 pkmcass . - i -A . ,~. , ` . ... Ice Cream Freezers, a sizes; American Blue Flame Oil Stoveg; GCIOJL `Stoves. Lawn Mowers. Garden Hon, REFRI ~ REFRIGERA 1 We" have them from $8 iapwiids} `and :66 them. " `-4 Wm- Frame Comet '-IIIIIO II, Jill Kill III! lllll. '.l.`I0lBIl [01 ':&d'"' an t 2 mu! 0. r J o ' " . ' ' P..`'a`.Z:nu. us. ` nmL_1g'gm now. new nln no Ev-nhcndn Bot IIOCVOOJ `J oh|ton' and III! on Oonlbn I vuu jyeuq-.-u-V-I av---y. -- hum Ichrn Tlniotl :0 following "MEL: nah-otigss Iiljool 1' ms son: and July us. Return unsu'nf1 "-m~r'*~`*-'-.-:.".;".,:;;r;}'..;;[; on on: ~ an an M - `Juno IMh,July nth um! nth. Ticks tulldnn. . mute. Rhihme `-3 J .ks~=-E i-.---v-M .`1 lw Q Ipylsy , vv r:q%5iii@~vA:755 VVEJ `?5hl."l:1'hu`br:?5i l"'\1"'f-`I J """'-"""'3.'F."A.'.i'tI.1nr.Agono. ..2_:`.'.s}".`. e.'nx..;}`.`:s."`' ` `*` `" " 1V-Ijc 0-Zpuln "'" `;.'.:.'.*.`m-..!'.:.~.: ` .n.- has . Slower o Ot- 'loll'hlIn. `up I-Jmnowmmodntlon and - m.....'.E.'.`.`.1`.`.1. to me1e1-;*.;.&1#2sh"'2v| E3?` -_.Ln..-. 31.- Q A .- -....l A ...n. 1.1!- In I t 's::::.... "-..:= : * A ..;...E::.`:.'::, .:-$a'.': V ` Tnlkafw.-txit 4-"'6-.'.':---,!.-1--:,_i_ _ oIVl IT? i - I'D I A-that Venue! Peleee Bleeping One between BLUE YINGINT AND .NEW YO! ` :95.-.'. .... U. I-`cg 1'00` DI! sumo. u-rm m 9.3.; u.s'v.u 510$ QIIIIII bu Du |,lUlIl|tI Ill ouu '?u'5'I4a'i 5a"`=ao a-muss. III-..-A- Bgl-gg HI.`-ulna n`: `lmiwngn Kat. mull IIIIII; will and any udooqt lantern- yun than any onm who! at at nnlng hnn nk. nu nnnnnlnn FIIIIII-DIIYOIIIVI WIXI IUIII rho. Demure an opposition duh-vn_ __omnt npthc [llIl' KIIIBI luuuylnx Ulrl uuwviuu Pl AND.NEW YORK. '?m`kblI Ina zqusblo m.A.l.`0La c '11 `- ULW. & 0. Br:o.l"8t a neon. In-an nIFIVl|`III'I'II.n~ . biiiniis-73 6"vii._ou J on on who? ommi. nampu on I IJYIIIIK UVZIW Forsale or Exchang: -1>_L'3..;-- --.I u..| .. 4 noanrm mw- 9.1-.A. n.vv.u o. 113.. ammo. xx. `!'!`V`%:L A|!e-I 3` 50" _, .. ` nun: `-' yllutvlwugunpgbuvplvy mm. ii: : was uni um" oxi- nu ."cl)1nhd_3u.ly ho. hum Eln. 0.. one and lot. ouu nnd lot And born. Brianna.-I Imus. IIDIIIIVII, Vviaulujlov uuu uuw SOUTH- I out Hartford. Woroutu. Pro- ! . Bonton um! tho TAT` " El-3T A ' Iltloz Btangnor for CAPE VQNCBNT til] (Sands: oxuaod) p 1: o .M.. oonnootlnu at po A); tight so all point: In the jj ZIIX`a XIII!` 3.1- `Gilli. CINE W 'W'ES'I'- ` Minna. Nov York. hmon mhlnnbon In :;'g:-"a2:;`.~r.:* -* -.`:1i.."; _*:"`a.A an {we u| a.'.I..n nu -jg UIIIUUII Illll. new ; o I. lludn uhlnno the "'l'-'l'f'|"'. w+=sx.;2mL...Z 1 Q rs An Stgrc. .|nI0..P.l. 1; Alan. aunt. AD In Ilo Houston'- jfliwliljn \I-XIII) .~...__.- V. -___ ..-__-V_-7 - / Ontario I: the csblnot. Thcumayhucablnt Ihnmo when It. micntumsnomubmwm bi Jpobtnlnonoof the Imus-has wkqsirnkhnrd u nnnghn hoot In 5-pbwutnlllnlnolunolltnd I-.`.nJlaJd.-1L4 tnn in .Ln'nnnL& Armmonu u nnsei-eeuu III we une, which was to entaer Montreal by in bridge over Chest. Iain-enoe at Longueil. Ao- eorgiingly he in in very bed humor with the Government, especially with M:-._ '1`u-Ge. who. he thinks. blocked these fine pi-ojecge. Mr. Tex-he will survive Brother Armemungh eager no well an the charge: which the A`l`oriee'?neke in en nude:-hand wqy egninet his olinrnotem-. No one in the [Recent Fulimient has gained more in public esteem. Be is always at his `poet, elweyl polite, elweye alert. I don't like Tern ot`oonro..nld A Toty member wane, bus I Admire hie pluck and be- lievehllntoheee honeetu lieuten- lees." This ie the private opinion of e Teriel. only the pt!!! leaders have iiverihe word-`-um Take in who destroyed it ponlble `by eyetemetio et- uehmpen his xepntetion. The etteeke, hovuver.` IN not made in the open when he oenld meet than beioxe a committee otthenneeer baton the law courts. b0C`0tK]I@ih -whispers. It inn poor bneinj for 9 to in, hit each in politics. onget hunle In-, `Dunn In nxtnunnlv nnnnlnnr much JET!` A %Bcst. ALLEN-s"sHoas. . .. -% 4 fuUIIIlI`IIUIIlI II DIRK, RJIIIIIHIII pan 0! the Into:-colonial extension. but the Govurnmonz once more refund. Mr. Armstrong is interested In the line, whh-In nu tn amino Mdnlzmal hr`; hrldnva -cu. -..u. ---_v V.-.'..--v., - vn-.-.. -- on-M01121: In London. where the bonds were ' lug oated, Mr. Foster was obllod h disappoint him. Mr. Arm- ttrong asked the phenom Government for : Iimlhr gnu-nniao but It ramped. Then he asked It to buy the Bail do Chaleura x-oudnrhloh is supposed to ton-in yum ot ` tho Atlnnkln And Lain Qnnnnt-. hnf. -IR\liIU `twat Will IIIIVU IUIIIUII Kl bless Mr. Tune and all oonoenned. '~> The attacks on Tu-to are Inspired by ` Mr. C. N. Armstrong, the somewhat lemon; railway king" of Quebec. Mr. Armstrong, 11! `will be remembered, in; duoed Mr. Foster two or three years ago to promise a. Federal guarantee of 02.8` 000,000 {or a railroad known as the Ata- lantlo and Lake Superior, but owmlr to on-moi me wnm' ' Inn nntnd Mr `lfnnhmt -nu rouluwnlun ll uuppuuou no wnu yarn In the Atlantic and Lake Superior, but In It ntuaed. Then hq woman It to 33. Montreal and Soul road. the Slinthshotoull is called, toinahlt unit at nk Tntmnnnlnnlnl nitnnnlnm hut wnen 1 upper: uuunuw on n mu;unu,y U1 95 VII, 99 EM I C, ,1 the rult. As ernntte:-oi net. Mn: ertehu nothing i to oonoeel in this Altair He noted with -3 eole eye to the. public interest, and, with Mr. Blair, made the beat terms he could in. order to get the Intel-colonial into Montrql and get it 5 chance to pay operating expenses. ailway men believe that with access to `ontreal it will for the int time in its existence make both ends meet, and if it ncoompliehee that fun than tnrnnvnr will hnvn nmunn tn nu manner or xngmuauons Ann muannopa. while the rock of Oha capitol stands 1: will nevu: forget or forgive him expoaute of the Quebec harbor scandals and his mooegstnl labor: in Quebec 1m June, when Tapper : umawot a majority at an inn`: In ntunlv nun: In tho rult. An 1 IOIWIIWIIII ILIKIU II II )! llllllll ll) BIJHIUI IIJU \ scheme and nasal his reputation with In of lnqtnuatlons and inuendopa. Whlla Mun moi of the annzal nmndn it w-_'_-_,,.y_u--cu ---pa --u yqvvv n ouvu-w .--.- sidy: in other words, reckons those items twloe over. To any that the Fest line bonus of about $540,000 a year oonstitutes n debt charge oi 818,000,000 at three per sent., that the rental of O2f0.000 a year to be paid for the Interoolonlnl extension nmoun'ts to 37,000,000 at 8 per'oent., and so on, is an ingenious rather` than an ingenuous `way or stating it. On the same principle, since the -annual expenditure on oonsolidnted iund account is 040,000,- 000 in roun_d numbers. the Federal debt ronlly amounts to that sum capitalized at 3 per gent" or one thousand three hundred million dollars, considerably in excess of the debt of the.United States. "the {hacks on Mr. Tn:-te. ' The Senate threatens to hold an en- quiq into the purchase of the Drum- mond county road. It is to be hoped it 1 gill. Mr. Torte, as one of the Ministers from Quebec. had a hand in the negotia- tions roIpeoting`hnt transaction and the Tory which holes him as n oertaln `is supposed to hate holy water, perso (orthwi mode u nnlgnu-en and `anal? hln Ienvusfnlnn Ilhle its mind to attack the` out -that Pnruamgpl hu voted 893900.000 this peadonto he `spent. IA .-_IL.. II--- _II 5.1.- ..-_. -_.`--_I _L.._..... ..-wv- @v`vIrv' vvv up-uu I:InJ-u\rq vv rv -`nu-v,- It oaplcnlliea ah the new annual charges. and, as If that were not" enough, adgll ` the amount which Mr. Flaldlng has got- ! _..AL...n_ 1.4 |...-_._ 1.. -_.I;_ ;_ ___ 1-..- --u -on-vi;-u vvnnnvnn -o-- an-uy-nu. us-up .pqv i outbox-lw no ho:-__r_ow an order to my far` 1 ex_p_az_u_.1i$_1|reu,llh;o the C1,-ow`: Nous sub- -lA... I- `LI.-- _..._..I- _..|...._.. AL... IL-..` 31,1531-Ila lot` licleang thqg. ogpendltux-o uuuaanng. to the aowf. to Man the ,0hV_|01ll'l'!jO1ndOl`ly,."|I_.0` Llbensls will nvgr lionltnjao to to both when they are commend the. pubno nmmtg rolqniro 1:. as oi much opposed uh" ev'oi'fo'the t.1n?0w'hI.a.yvax of nwney_ on uno1eu or nn-nno nuuh;-Ln!-I-u-.u W71... II`-II --ul I!-an, -_--'wu_-3-.`-`-g nun; vu .`.`.>y-v; nun -qua-yuu V- corrupt undertakings. The `Mall and Em- \..I.. .......n.... ...4. an... 1-:-_u_....._g t-.. .-';-Y'Ry:-w- cc-vi cu-iv we--uw. -u-- --v , ` `Y, but nlljlm doe: `not oxqno the I.aLg..n; n___ n._-____n___ A... ____,..;AA_.__. * Ina -'l,'ho Ilglug Bison In Gino!-AI. ...u. -.... ...,...... ....... .. ..... ..--- punk 0! oodngm Look how much 6119! l;gvg_Ipom." Nqvuth U V jtwonldpnulp wllg-ya`: unbou- tntilc `to and. They In Pun road al- .sn,nni:`ap4 3 unam- mmm-' 39%-tltsgrus 1 . They the Interqolon- `W9. - f-w rem 88 "T. mt!-H.-niviluns "7 outright " `V _, _ rug oponod'negotln- tioni wltftho "Grind Trunk for t.hat _ A Cqrlupondcntj ` aha}:-,_ `Juno 's1.-_..u ems wrmn; Pullgnnontdl still in tendon but the dam.` `The Tories L-.. 1.4..-.._';n..._. nun...` t. a... nun _ IQUIIICFQQ In-ninth and -v |han-.1m'or y':ng._: Where in the am :I--I. -1 -.4_._-._I Y ..I. L.-. _.-`L blunc u I \; ar, [ . `V ._.l`.`;;.. _-`3..'_ _.L.._-_.L__ z':c:gow-a,;zc:`1::ngs Aicnl IV HUIXJIHPJIBHUU Illlll will have reason to ml all nnvunuliilnl` /I mo oat-tonnes or no mun: In win oreata rater an awkward situation. The ceglociata persist In nying that this In not a mineral country and thattho boom inaimoatpnro wind. but lat ua hope tho: are mistaken. Tiny admit that thnrgia gold in the Yukon country, for which Canadian expeditions Mn ` this Innt. but maintain `hat the great bulk of the on in British Inwuu a urge Immnyruuon W IIIU vlggln South Africa has proted in like nor. am lgygbo diamond` And thin by guld 1lndn." 01 oouno jf % the boom bunk uunntnnly because of M the bunonnenl of the Insulin It wmi n-nah`. -n`-un an -zrnn -Itn-QIAII 'r`- 1 naunv `Elle British Columbia Railway. ` Mr. John Ross Robertson, thelnde- .pendent member. who hes made his mark this section, is afraid the older provinces will not get much in return for the money spent on British Columbia. But surely it the mines pun outee everyone expect: them to do, the entire country must benefit. The development of a part must advance the` whole, Even an it lea surprising quantity of mer- chandise K going from Ontario to Rose- land and the Sloqau and Kooteney re- gions. The Canadian Pacic is doing a rushing business to those points and so is the Grand Trunk with its American connections. it is expected mine will consume e greet mean. bower and other the Territories and Manitoba; time: will improve there and. Ircwemene will be felt all ' `ll nun nnhhn mining hnnrn ahnnld In:-In \ Irowemom wm no nus on `It tho entire mining boom 3 out well, of which there is ` prospect. it will not merely 0! us rich but (not population other oonnu-ion, which In Amtnliu unonntod to vgoiddiooovorieo (on: you: I Huh to the : Inna: Inn-nl-Ilntlnn hi tlln smear. . The Canadian Pacic is to be its own contractor in building the line. Mr. Haney. .who built the Onderdonk section years ago. and afterwards helped Mr. Hlifh Ryan to built] the Sault canal, wi probably be manager of construction. He is a remarkably able man at the business. It will make things lively not only in Eastern British Columbia but in the Territories and Manitoba. The next step will he to extend the road from Nelson westward to open-the rich mines in the Boundary Creek country, and ultimately no doubt it will be carried to Hope. The people out there want the Canadian Pacific to build and control the whole thing; this would be better, they than to allow a lot of small charte wners and contractors to milk the subsidies or traiiio in them and then sell out to the Canadian Pacific. As Sir Richard Cartwright said in the House, in" spending all this money we are banking" on the supposition that the mines of British Columbia are really rich enough to attract a large popula- tion: it is a venture or speculation which may or may not come out all right in>_the end, but upon which in view of the glowing reports regarding the mineral wealth of the province we are apparently justiiied in embarking. Mr. Foster, who has been out there and is interested in mining properties. is more enthusiastic than most Liarals over the prospect. I hapnen to know that in the inner circles` of the 0.1 . ii. there exists almost unbounded faith in the value of the mines. Under `ii the circumstances the Liberal party has prob- ably done right in determining to spend I8,600.00l) on the Crow : Nest road. If it had refused to give a subsidy and had left Southern British Columbia to be developed by American miners and merioan railroads, the trade would gave been lost to the older provinces and is quite conceivable that American inuences might have been strong enough to carry the mineral belt out of Confed- .eration and into the Union; at any rate more unlikely things have happened. The Tories would certainly have shou themselves house over Grit inertness and disloyalty, though some of them now pmtend thatit would have been better to delay the construction of the romtfor a few years. It is hard to please them; og high, og low, build or refuse to build, either way they are sure to kick." -um, u-_aks_a_ ae_a_.._.I_s_ I-n-as___. uiunuialuu. nvury us] Izuv v.r.n. uurua pudnp here have a lot or pesaenaers bonud"ldr tho miner; it is said the road liaixoarried over 7,000 persons there this spring ii`-om points out or 0i:tewn.. Thus far` zlpul-ink capitalists have not ventured tdlolitinohey. This in because the British l rwu so badly bitten in South " frion by rellowr like poor Barney Ber- noto. The construction of the Crow : Neat line is likely, however, to be the beginningniotainow era for the mines. Englishmen an already getting ready to. nibble. the boomstera report. and if tltex-MUD at all they will swallow the i whole` thing. boob and line, hob and linker. rm... mnnCnn bnnln In On ha "in nun-I ur.v[mmcy. an. at. aonn, um. nanny- ` ' 11:. Oliver Howlanil "of being in- ` fyrlanta. '1`ho"truo explaiuclon, Ijhney, In that the men In Ontario Ilh I|u1l`afcI"`ot do". not! care cocenlaer polllcl. That is the union why the Stub of Her York, the chic! nancial nu\_Ic-ooinmptclal contact of the UnIon`,`i| Io poorly I-cprescno'ed'ln Congress. 0337 this 61513;`: hand, in the umnllar prov- Iafdqscverybody and has wife are pon- tician. -`AI San Slick and, `Nova Scotlana born talking and Man they grow up Ild thin time (at. political meetings V while the Yankees of!-coast are catching all the 011. g- gun, I `._u-, ,,_, 1,, II___.-4_I aamm: Columbh la the center of attraction. Every day the C.P.R. trains naming ha-nu mum 1: Int of ndnnnhers _ I _|ny__moI'_u. nr. out-no unuwup ` .spiiy.hymm-nnglwulnotho lov_IIlIopjainIhoT, st"-suonaeua kn help Is. Mr. E.` Club IAYI nmalnlnn and Mr, nm `Pinning. lxhnunh . '.7u'.1.' ..who_ give nnyyromiae W __ _ debaters. Mr. George nyior and Dr. _S_ 1110, among tine eta-ens, are eimp bores, -" " I111: developed vlfeli but he in h. - . _ giinget at there nhouisibo such a tent irom Ontario in the V 'Pei'hapl is is that Sir John lleodonnjd did_ "not one to encourage yaungna n. `Certainly it iengt because the purl; hue` Ian! its best to the pro- vincial legislature, for no one wiil accuse Mr.`Whii%ney. Mt. St. John, Col . Mathe- dn db Mt (Ilium Wnwlnnil nf hnivnp ih. 037 . manning; arr an. 1.. until! Ina: ...... ....a .{'i`.`a"i.':."?.:...'`.?*;. . I ` _ 3` ` . Then in. nomn;Dnhrto:nnn.on the aide, in hot, who own!!! near the `Mr, lgnnv ha: I-nmin Hum: Iuwnl IInD! `W03 nus, quanta ,-n. 1'! ma co1um'a':'. InufqI t.o, 1 In. T um um In alla- mopt gny__ T morn. Ir. Clarke nllnoo Jim A nmii hr Iulnmnll and will nnt In av an-nu '.I'lu Mlnlnil Room In Ganoral. ILl4Ii r1..lA.-.I..l- In LI... .4.-.6-n I I full-I I0 uuu lulu, IIII' mum lmmluntlon Bonn: Ah-Inn Inn nrnhd L .a\A- 9|! V .lluu:e Ted