AIu- IIIUJI-U|": -" [""' medium apgomtment of n 3 salary ol 1,300 a year. Rama unrulv neuon ` IUIII', UK VI,-DUV I Juan. Some unruly pence in the audience ehoubed, "Hurrah for Drennun. Ald. Elliott asked the me or to hnve order maintained. Mayor kinner said he did not have the support of the council in the matter of reventing such interru tione, uAld.W. binsonhed mnintainedt nhthe audience could eppleud et. leisure. Ald. Robinson said he contended that the audi- ence could e pleud one wny or the other, but he woul not and did not support the audience in the meytar of interrupting members of the council when on their teen epoeking, I . Continuing the debate on the question, Ald. Ryan contended the roiormere should concede up conservatives the office of city olerkynining over reformers who hold civic end government poeitionl. Likn the others cone before. the resolu- end government poemono. Like the others gone before, tion was killed on e tie vote. Md. Richardson eulogieed Mr. Dren- nen. The city owed him a position. He was the choice of the COIIIOL vetivee end A better man could not be secured. There were two or three motions for on edjourmnent. but the coueerutive mem- bers were ubetinete. Aid. Wolkem woe willin that Aldo. W. Robinson and Elliott ehoul go home. Aid. Elliott eeid this it the conservatives were going to pl: the bloclin game, the other side woul eon comm ate them und would remain in the chember until daylight. He Asked the me or to dismiss the council. as there we: no urther business to discuss. The meyor gave warning that enleee other hoeineu wu forthcoming he would dinmieo the members. n.a. ma `Richnrdeon uncont- Akin. Donnolly ma monnruaon prwenur od I third uttonpmvidlug fat the ap- pointmbnt of . M. Dnnnnn to the vacant clerkship, specifying the unlu-y at OI.&)0. Without discussion the motion was nicot- od. oolrvou doing thwart. Aid. Ilonlvoy on Ill 3d um- Inoht. Bosh pub cg thoilrhod nonndnoitorhadwon. unborn- usroh might roam in bringi forth new omdidnun. AH. Ryan thong uncoun- eiloonldnobgotnboturnanlhn choir -wu -av------y-., llilbnn Hg: and Ram Pill: hr vonkpuplo banal-U`:-utwilu. ;;"`l;iltl'ictfrI'IiG W Pltqd. New A ` I'n. - -"*- c.-uin an-an-ad vnd nomborl. _ AMA. Donnolly and Richardson P"' A . cuul uumluunn mmvidllc ID- IXIUTVIZUIIH: IF lefty I ma 1 mm "excellent on K-IT`:-I13 Iixlnnus. \VouoIpnh' I355 I ' fruit l0.I:lI|- _, __ _< vey and provmoa lot unnu- ointment major Galioway at I 900 a van!- vion. Ald. Ryan nccused a... M. mmranrdlnnrv ' D.AJI.Y IWHJG, TUESDAY. JUNE . rm...-......v AM > cloth for | All -1 sun. -3:`-53` Aa3`:7t.5 modorn bnvontem lusvactmu may T0-DAY. I;c|u Anonltlu In (bu;-.32.-Igudo Order: on... ,n..1 nnnlnll local-nu-I!ud THEMND um`. I-Auto THE on- DEAL wrru nvma coLoRs. ue Tloopi. The concluding` week ol the training oelnp at Berri: Id in being devoted to head and study work. Otieene and ne- ne making netted improvement. end, as sent! oioc remarked to the WIN repre- eentnive hep evening: "If theee men obuld he he I hate {or three month: the reeult woul ` be that we would have 1 couple of thoueand soldiers equal to the bees in the world. But thereon: he no three months camp, and the Cnntdinn Tommy Atkins and his olaere must do their been In the ten days that ere eh their dlb al. The cemp ground would he mm: the better of I ehowerof `rain. The earth ll baked hard and dry by the sun and great cracks yawn acroen its `aux-feoo.crouin one another at all angles. The ground ylng between the rows of tents has been worn .-.-..n .....a ........+.I. hv Mm nueimz and re- the or lenba nae nun wuru and smooth by the pulsing ing of many fact. Ind now the "ab acts" are white and bare as those in tow . -M... ......|. ..n innnnntinlr tha brigade vna town. The work of inspecting the brigade commenced bo-day, the 42nd bath. under- goinp the ordeal nu His hands of Lien.- Col. Mnunaoll. inspector of infantry. Mn nrmnoementl have. as-yet, bean Uol. Mnunaall, l[Il[Jl:UuUl' ua nu-....._,. No arrangements have. 35- yet, made for celebrating dominioh day in camp. It is just probable that the brigade will march out to the city and through the rincipel streets. Should this be the case ieut.-Co1.0ot.ton, D.O.C., has promised to publish in the Wine the line of march in order that shard ma be no disappoint- ment. on the part of h e citizens, as there was two weeks ago, because of the hour at which the march-out was to take place not ` being gene:-all known. Yesterday : rigade orders read as fol- lows : ` The 46th butt. will furniah the main guard, to mount. at. 0 p.m. on Monday; next for duty. 59th bubs. Field olicer of the day. Tuesday. Major Bparlnam, 42nd bum; nexl: for duty. Major Ward. 46th, hath. Medical oilicer of the day, Tuesday, Surgeon Capt. Horton, 42nd baht. next. for dut.y,Surgeon Lieut.-Col. Tracy, 49th butt. Medical range ofcer, Tuesday. Bur eon Lieut.-Col. Tracy,49th ba.t.; next for uty, Surgeon-Major Might. 40th hath. Band for duty on Tuesday. hand of 49th batI:.; next for duty. band of 59th bath. rm... mm-I hath. will narade for inspec- for duty. Dana OI own vow. The 42nd bath. will parade ins!pec- in tion on Tuesday by t.he_inspeccor 0 binary, inspection to be in accordance with routine for the day. 1u.\..'1 4 Ar. 5 (`.n n.. 59th butt`... will for the day. Nos.- 3. 4 an 5 Co a., bat.t2., parade at.9 3.111., and 6 and 7 Co : at 2 p.m., Tuesday, at. store tent, for aiming and nmition drill. No. 600.. 49th but... Tuesday, an score menu, lur uuu...5 and position and No. 1 Co. . 59th butt. will arnde at; 8 a.m. Nos. 2 And 3 Co a, 59b butt... at 11:30 a.m., and No. 400., 59th ham. at 2:30 p.m., Tueaday for rie practice at; the butts. nu... innrl and bandsman W. Boyd T33 uuuunn nnvv nnmuuuv ..-. n on t, non Dlvlulom Mrou!.,Tutol mwxb id J. Whltfhud. A Inn upon turn w complete 0.. Lot and ohm II ! 0011 0 (rounds. Apply to . V. umnn 2 - Capt. Wood, and bandamen Boyd and R. Keenan. 59th have been granted leava of abaenca on urgent pri- vate ntfairs. and are struck off the strength of the brigade from this due. Thu m-one:-t.v ndioininz the camp 0| lull! Iu Isuuu uuu. y..... ......... The property adjoining ground in private property, and non.-com. olcore and men are forbidden to trespass on it. Any damage will be chargeable to the corps permimng it.. ('!uIal'.l Dance: and Baldwin, Royal` permimng lb. Cedebe` Doucet mlliter college. are attached for cum) to the 46$ bath, the former.-from the 24th, t-heletter from the 26th imt. They are to be ehown as supernumorary eeoond lieutenants. It. mueb be understood that the medical olcer of the dev will hold himself In readiness at the eld ho;-pibal, day and night, for any emergency that may occur during hie bourof dung. 'l`ha 42nd but. will urnish a competent during his bourot (lung. The 42nd bugle: on Tuesday to act; as brigade bug- ler. Duties to commence at revelllo. rm. rmnnnmnltar nf Lhe sovom! coma in The paymaaners or me uuvuuau w.,... camp are reminded that the names on mvliotae must appear in tho sarno order camp luv unuuu-nu. vn payliote appear on the service rolls. uclu In conp-unnu- um... -I;lout.-0ol. lunnuoll W_o;l_ _I[I_d Poruunnoo on tho Pun or the `hoop. --u. .._.....u.... .....1. -0 thn Lninimz notes l.'l'IDln Iuu unuuuu Major Skinner. camp supply ofcer, treated his lady callers to strawberries and crenm at hull-pant four o'clock last. evenin . In`. bum! nf Lha 4`_ nd nlaved A e d hull-pant four o'clock last. evemu The band of bhe 42nd played battery 01! the camp ground yeamrday, when the last nensloned corps was leaving for barracks. n--. \x7:...I.... Mn 4 (`.n.. 46th bath. barracks. Capt. Wimlow,No. 4 Co.. 46th bath. was compelled to leave the field yesterday on account ofillnou. It. was found that he was suffering from pneumonia. I.:...r. .(`.nI f`.nhtnn. DO (3.. went. to Gann- 4 III. Vv -uy--u- lnlhblo for lndlos 0 onuemen; latent. mm `a. * wovouum. 0 0 ts. nu ol bolo- phony. U18:-oak Stunt. olophonoud. 7 A _.._ no-ilnf 'm-mm-. wnm. mnmsum. suffering from pneumonia. Lieub.-Co|.Cot.t.on,1).O 0., noque on Saturday, and it is understood than his miuion was to in: b the pro- posed site for a new drill an in the town named. u..:.... w....A nf um mmh ham... is laid up named. ~ Major Ward, of the 46th butt... up with u very sore throat. , nmn nnnrtar-tnn!bel" Serzt. Pegg. of Comp quarter-master : Sergt. Pcgg. the Governol'-General : Foot Guards, Ot- tewn, but been recalled by Hon. Mr. Sif- ton. the minister of the interior. Sergt. Pegg is employed in the department of the interior, and his three weeks` leave has ex- ulnar` lnwnuu, Iuu um uuwu vvvvuu: ......- _.,. -, pired. Capt. McKay. No. 5 C32", 42nd butt-., tmted his company to ice craun after the day ! dl"I", last. evening. This is Capt. McKnv'. (9-st camp. he having received his commission some time before the camp opened. He is deputy postmaster at Ren- frevwhere he keeps a large general store. 15...; -(`.nI, Mnhhamn. of the 42nd. is an frevf, where he keeps lurge genera: Iuuru. Lieut.-Col. Mebheeon. of 42nd, old newepe 1- men, having owned the Perth Expos tor for as number of ears. A short time ago he sold out, and, e seye,he in now llin upJ1iI time with law, poli- tice and mi nth matters." He is a. mem- ber of the Onhrio house for South Lenark. end is one of the "right hand men" of o - position leader Whitney. He was formorg me or of Perth. L- 4-2...: :. ...:Iu um hnr. drilled corn; of Perth. I50 42nd is euily the beat. drilled corps lncahp. Liens.-Col. Mnunuell, inspector of inflntry, say: be hubfor some time known it to be 3 very ne battalion, and brigsdo some-Mnjor Cam boll uya"the men of the" 42nd much Ii 0 vetoran col- Jlnug '7 men." The 46th is the only battalion in camp that $1 up to due in the mnttor of helmou, This corps wean the dark bluo helmet: worn by the Britfuh lino regiment: of in- fgnky. Thoynre a vast improvemnt so fat 5: I name in concerned. over the white be men 5 znonny worn by Clmdian corps. Seven! meuboaol u `lid of the 14th Lg): D 1 f\ '9 avg ulna; In Lhl hnn Or. DUUIQB I40 COIIIHIESHCU ill: Iuvuluu. The paymaaters of the seven! corps Inmn gm reminded the BOVOIII monnnunt in; nu or bus nun but , P.W.0.R., m plus in an band db`! wallhnhnnd ` ' no tor- ummom a..a.'`3.' '33.... -n.. _ up worn by non nfnd the V worn` th a... mug; nn:x haunt: 23"" .`."i."?.." :'`"' '1` u-3?: . `II can ldrfkvh ling` clack: ntauull pupa. ' .10; `gins undue ` go :.'o.?3'u.o to. ...___.._.. THE llunsonu NEW RESIDENG ON Serum, utol mound b yld V._I_._`Vl_V`l31tahon'dl:` A_an`n:z`u" nnl-n-j. .nlIA-`ad -Aungl Tin! nan. Notes From The Llnos. nu . _,, --.__. .......nIu 11 um: aura. m-nnnrtv. and non.-com. of the several corps Ill k M as !"h'o G t Ito: Axothd bargains Ahornotiy in otlng in boot: and shoot. 12`? Prinoul 55:00. ` Coll. ' W. 0. Craig 8 00.. Colophono 210. olfa- froo-burning coal. chestnut or Itovo aim (or cooking purpose: at 85 per- 2.000 pounds. _. -- n--A.-_.-_ -I on u-ow--_, -.,, I ATHL TI A%)0IATl0N PEOPEBTY north of the n nonndn. The uten- ollurl G will run dlxootly through lo V ohul 131000 to nu-oyvinq new an o! 0 0 city. Apply to J. asunuln. `, Ghana Shut. 3IlI1uwu-1--u cu -u. pl Tnko North King Tlxurndny morning, July lit. at 2, arrive Charlotte 8n.rn. Twolvo beam in the ower cisy. Home Friday 9 tan. Bocun your Iutoroouu at. Hnnlmn. Uruuruu III ulrvtl uuuu R. 0. Homer has ordered to bocloaed Pu-niol church. recently erected on 8. Rowloy'I farm. concession aeven.Elinbeth- town. on account of the trustee: declining to give him the dud in his own name. Don`: laid on `Ito Your Ilonoy And in obhor people goo all the benet of who bnrgainn tbnb Abernathy is offering in boots and shoes. trunh and valiau, I27 Princeu an-cob Bull! VI 5 ylllnu Aunuv. A few weeks 0 the Uuina gold mine, in Kaladar towns ip. was bought. for $500, A vnnnth nan it. nhnnaed hands for 315.000. in Laladar nownsmp, WM Dollguu Iur quuu, A month ago it changed hands for $l5,000. and last week it was sold to a syndicate of capitalist: from the United States for 330,- mu Rare unanoo At This section. Provost, of the New York clothing store. Brock streets, is giving the choice of any piece of weed in his window for 813.50 a suit. made to order and guaranteed a tint.- claaa b. These goods are all new and well assorted pamerna of English, Scotch and Canadian manufacture. Dolng H15 Thlrd Term. Sheriff Sweetland and aheri a oicor George Johnston, of Ohbawe, axrivod in the city last. evening. having in charge Joseph Belanger. who is under sentence of three years impriaonment. for larceny. This is Belangee third term in the peni- tentiary. Oicer Johnston says he looked him up first when he (Belanger) was a mere boy. twenty years ago. The Llnel Trim And Tidy. On Saturday lush Gen. (laacnigne. 001. Cotton. D.0.C.. and Major Hudon, brigade major of artillery. made It tour of the un....." at. am mililnrv camp and found major of artillery. made tour D! but: lines" It the military camp those occupied by the Kingston eld bat- tery to be the cleanest. in the entire camp. Lieub.-Col. Drennau was complimented up- on the clean manner in which he kept his lines, and the general trim and tidy ap- pearance of the tents occupied by the men of his battery. une '1 lluullullu In a great number to buy of one article. We have received 500 Moqucbte mute, and have 500 more under order. Owin to our large order we have bought. hem cheaper and have made great reductions in the retail price. Come in and lob us give you prices. Something new in poles, grille won: and poles combined; the latest. improvements in the states. R. McFuul"e, Kingston Carpet Warehouse. ' l,'IqIuvvv;_wuupvu- 0! Itching. bugnlngaldodlpg, scaly skin ilI'1lIlII. Ihihitly aasma ,..\:l%h _Qm,cun4 Sou. d Cutiduu (r~'--t.- They Wanted To Know." Two young men called at the police ata- tion last evening to ask advice as to the proper course to pursue with regard to two male acquaintances who. they said, betraved the sisters of those first referred to. The said they had read in the Winn reportso similar cases in which the se- ducera were obli ed to marry their vic- tims and they den rod to be informed how they should proceed to accomplish like re- sults in their sisters case. Aid. Elllott WII Rlxhti Mayor Skinner. in council last night, was wrongly advised in his contention that he had sole right in appointing one commissioner of the court of revision. Alderman Elliott, holding that the coun- oil had to conrm the appointment, was correct in his interpretation of the law, for when the by-law was presented the council conrmed the mnyor s selection. um: .1... nnminm hann unsuitable the council conrmed the mayors aewcuuu. Had the nominee been unsuitable council couldhave easily baulked the pass- age of the by-law and only- passed it. by the substitution of another name by his worship. ..__?_.._?:__ At last ni ht. s moot council tax co lecbor Th his monthly statement : Tnonl nf hung for his monthly anacemenc Total of taxes for 1895, $140,330.06. Total of taxes collected, $l3l.l98.30- Re~ mitmd, 87,068: percentage. $1,484 42. Ba- lance, 32,065. 76. nu-.. mm: . mnrnl nf f.n\'mI. 3139.816 14. lance, 82,005.70. For 1896 2 Total of taxes, $139,816 Collected, $107,785.69. Remitted, $5,L 983.38 : percentage, $559.76. Balance, $:2(i,047.07. Street watering taxes for 1896: Total, $1,775.50. Collected. $1,249.89. Balance. $525.61. ' lorry 1'0 ace nuns uu. By the departure for the west of A. M. Robertson, M.A., the Epworth league of Sydenham street Methodist church loses a valuable head, he having been president of the society for the past nine months. A: last evening was his last in the city. F. R. Anglin, on behalf of the lesguers, offered a resolution, to which Mr. Robertson feelingly responded. The resolution placed on record the league s appreciation of his services, rendered gratuitously amid the pressure of college work. and tendered to im hearelt thanks and regrets at his de- rture. The members prayed that eaven`s blessing may accompany him into whatever sphere of life he may becalled. In-inc Item: Picked Up Along The nur- ho! Front. The summer Hero reached Swift : wharf to-day with 3 full passenger list from Pic- fll , son. The ntoambargo John 8. Parsons is dis- charging a cnrgo of cool ct Swim`: steam hoist. VFLA .Q-lllf R|nnnhnrd_ T0ld0. corn 29. 1997. numu npeodllyt, pon_nqcnt1y,,. an! 1 wnomicslly cure, 1&3 . .':.':.".,".:.'.`.`:, g...- - __-_- _ .- . ,_. n.__un-A :- CITY [AN 0 XICINITYQ 31.86:-ioohentcr. ll 25. "._AL `.71.... 'IV Ordond In Donn Shut. up I . 1.4.; A. I. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Sale 0! A Gold Mluo. :us,._ lorry To 300 Elm` Go. ,;__- 1-- LL- -...-1 Collector ! Report. V meeting of the city I Thompson submitted In aha!-nrnnnf. - None Thou amul u .-L,,_ -x rug 09! Ivory nay I-[lb-I'll! UV fooplo All TIIFII3 LbouI-lotlh[ $- cgpol the Attention of non who An -I-gluing ux rmnaarus woken up no gun ubsv REPORTERB. imv ma ~24 Front-annc cafe, hours. I: I... an IQ nnlnl noun. 85 for An 88 manor unit. Dunlap. `n3 Itreet. ' There vu no action oitho police urt this morning. Frontenac ` cafe. oold moan. nandwiohu. A small terrier dog was killed by the Williunavillo electric car lab night. Its head was severed. . `D......b-n-n nnfn nun`-I-I hnknn '0! ' I IUIILIII lunches. A an -`n lunches. A carload of raw leaf" tobacco arrived this mm-ning at. the G.'l`.R. froighh sheds from Detroit for S. Oberndoror. u.. ..ln n Hm hgth nu-u nnfnnhinn. ve from Debronc for B. unernaormr. Son salts in the bath very nfmhing. ve pounds homo ol the genuine uh McLeod`: drug: store, 10. T\unInn n Hnnfnh nnitinmn At HIVG drug store, Iuc. D,|Jnlop'B Scotch suiting: at 815. you seen them. On Fridav next citv commissioner Gor- t-nem. On Friday city don will begin his round: of the city pre- paring the assessment rolls for 1808. Monev bv-laws to increase the electric mmmjyu mt. paring the assessment l'OllB I0!` mun. Money by-laws increase light and water works systems and to re- build bho town hall. were deated in Pio- ton yesterday. sxmmmz and nhnmoln skins for carriage ton yesteraay. Sponges and chamois skins can use in large varieties. McLeod`: store. 1. :- ..,m-..t..l Hm: elm -Onnlnnr C Fhhlnmvncbt-Inc. This ouotublo ` Iln Inn Ihoro. by b amre. Isis reported that the steamer Colum- bian will be brought to Kingston to en- gage in the excursion bulinou chioy amon theialanda. All ight and summer Iuils atoolb. Dun- lop. King street. -~ Tim New Vnrlx nmu aaaomntion will lop. King streob. ` The New York pron visit: Kingston on dominion day. The members come up from Alexandria Bay, whom the convention occurs. f`...nnd- unlnn in Hnn-1: and nh|ItIrnn n lhh. ing. Dnnlop. lung street. Out of the seven persons who applied for the position of city clerk only one stated the salary he desired. D. F. Arm- strong obrod to do the work for $900. A fnw hioh n-wade Welland-Vale bicycle: oorad to no we work mr wlvu. A few high made Welland-Vale bioyclol at bargain at Sm-achnn a hnrdwuo. 'I`|m ntmwherrv cm!) in Iichb and tha BOB- whom the convention Great`. value in boys andch1ldren aclnt.h- ing. Dnnlop. Kmg street. _ nut. nf Hm mvnn nernons nrmhed bargains at :st.racnnn'a nnmwua. The strawberry crop light aon will be short. Leave your orders for preserving with us. You grab the berries the day they are picked. Quality guaran- teod. J. Hiecock. 'l`|.- Marian lnnrnann nlnh hnl written U0 teen. .1. HIBCOCK. The Madoc lacrosse club has written of V the manager of the lx'.ingaLon aggregation. I puking if homeund-home matches can be F, arranged at an early date. It is likely the `c `llbf bl `d- cflmmunxca non WI 0 avora yoonal or UUIIJ ed. ed. For all summer complaints use Arnota Arnioa Anodyne. McLeod n drug store. 'I`|m an-nwlnnrrv rvrnn in liaht and the B03- Arman Anodyne. mcueou :1 urug nburu. The strawberry crop is light son will be short. Leave your orders for preserving with us. You get the berries the day they are picked. Quality guaran- teed. J. Hiecock. !MI`....o. -... kanmvnnrlntn "nianp.. Elliott I:n-yy-~-V-_ _, _ new Hotoi situated on Q `lo photo. bun elonuiiy mmiuhed V .0 modern oonvouionoo. olooorio ~ Mllpgu htlnubath rooms on our: floor. M toovnor etc. Good boning and n. within 20 minus ride of Ot- tawa. ootrio nun an the door. Bates modornu. Apvly our 7 for accommodation me t, In: no rapidly llin up. a plutorod ohron: out with ubutio pincer. A - --.-n-n Cl...---ngm teed. J. macock. Efforts are beingmadoto "nignI-`.. Elliott with the Victoria baseball club as catcher. Babe in a sure man behind the hat, and :5 |.:- ...-uinan an: annnrnr` the nlnvim: nend severed. -Frontenac onto, ordarl ukon for n unkn- "Babe" In man Demnu Luu uuu, nuu if his services are secured the playing qualities of the Vioboriaa will be greatly strengthened. n.-A...-a fnr nim-m and organ lmnlmz left at strengthened. Orders for piano and organ tuning J . Rayner : residence. 131 Union streets, or W. J. Keeley a. jeweler. Brock street. Church : potato bug nish, ready for use, dry powder. stick to vine: and nishes the whole crop of potato bugs with one a plication. Ten pound: 25. at Mcbeou e rugehoro. Th- llfnfnrhmwn N,V__ hnabn club Mcbeoull drug store. The Waberbown. N.Y., baseball wnnbe the Victoria to play a match our thore on Jul ,1'2t.h. If the Americans will make it. w bh while manager Coohrane will balm the Vice. over and put up In in- teresting mabch. Finn nrrlnred clothimz. Black worsted terestung mancn. Fine ordered clothing. suit. 814. Dunlap, King street. vnn nun h mnkn nnv mistake in King You can't make an mistake in buying your fruit from us. 0 am agents for the Niagara district fruit growers and you get the fruit. fresh. New in the time to order your berries and cherries. J. I-Iisoook. It has been reported to the police that b8l`I`l00 and onernea. a. rusouuu. It has been reported police two men were seen dragging a woman along the railway track near the overhead bridge at. In late hour last night, while ch: screams of the woman wero heard by all who live in the neighborhood. The police areinvesti sting. u....n. inn-lnnvnl fnr Alexandria Bav areinveati sung. North ingloavec for Alexandria Bay Sundays at 9a.m.. and for Rochester It 6:45 p.m.; Tuesdpya and Thursdays Hero leaves at 3 p.m., connecting with North Kin at Brighton for Chnrlobto. J. P. Hamey. agent. _ n-n Q.....l.m nftnrnnnn a barn driven bv Hanley. agent. On Sunday a ternoon a base dyiven by A lady shied t the V, rpomtiou steam roller at the corner of` llllinoeaa street uni University avenue. The vehicle was thrown almost on its side, but the driver retained her grasp, on the reins and con- trol of the horse, and no damage I'll done. It. in high time the swam roller wu re- moved. Several accidents have occurred lately on account of it. - -n.._n..I |l-I.I_..'- II`-Ink 5}| Brookvillo Recorder. A young mun n|mod`Goorgo Butter- wnrth had asmmnona issued last week against Min Florence White, charging her with wilful damage ton bicycle. It seems the girl stood talking to Bathr- worth. and while doing no was playfully stabbing the tire of his bicycle with I but pin. On Saturday he appeared before the police magistrate and withdrew the cue, paying seventy-ve cant: costs. It in un- derstood that previous to this, however, the girl : father paid him 97.40. tho coat of n nmv tire. n Kn-gnu an Recorder. A nnuna Innn nl The Road Ilutor. G1nrrLm;N-I havo lound grub antis- faccion in the use of Dr. Fourier : Enact of Wild Sbruvberry, and considor is in- valuable in all cues of diarrhea and summer complaint. It. in a pleasure to ma borecommond it to the public. R. B. Mnsnnrron, principnl high school, River (`.hnrln_ N. R. NI ASTEILTUN , p Chnrlc, N. B. vuv sin: - nun a now cite. A Pluylul Maiden`: Trick. _ n......-A-.. tea and coffee at All .- carriage R`. rlrua On An. -awry-vs. ----_V-V _ F. OQODWYN, /A wq`nd`9pf-l'ul: Modlblno. 4-.jZ$jn-.. cm 0000 AND con mm. 1-\!'OA r\_I_a.puu: Qrnn Wavy Dry Slabs Cemetery Arches, I I For among and Nu-vono~Dhorden,nncI as wind untl Puln In thy Stounch Blah Hednchn. mun - _. hw- ing nnermea ', Ii F I re Em ` ' 0 kin. n .G . orkppglsts. . uvencsz, Blotchel on-ah hlurbod In--- _:..n..t..I hm-mu. and All Ngfvong PARTRIDGE, r `o'l'Kg'iiih`.` mimnn 11: uvenc: , onxh Biff? hI'I:NImI, | :23: lau|nn|1u n. Mu V! IN! nu Iilliq. I an ::;`.:.."'*.:.r- ."" umywau D0 "3" `." 'aW"':F""fV"`.!T "sw- wanru` A.__oumIA. A `loxg ` anon ' u :;':'."i*.:1; :::*f.`2 :a','"`3`'% '.}:.=`=`",:f*-.2-;.. any obstruction olytho un- t_cm. For g , ' Weak stomach, ' Impaired Dlgoatlon, ` lloordord Llvor, they ulbo la: --n fewdonu Ill wort won in upon! lull Otgnno `$1113!!!- cnln the mun nr Syutcm, tn long- on Comp exlon. brlnilgj in Even edte of nnvltitc. and rou`I|n|_ _th II &:.`nI:1o:I. ' to `tip! wing .l nnaguuj I yVai1;gt9p_nmmer Resort 1. nnnlnut Ind Halt VJIVU LID EU 35. p`.s..E3:. .'f.?,.%.," 9;E am..., Come Again ANNAYV&`l`If\R0lD. m ACCIDENTS JAMEsL'XiiikNY, non Dnlnnann itmnh, 'I'hn ulcy '3 -nu u-In - - ---. _._.._ ,, cnu n\h Vltnlosgmg ll - gun: in keen edge appttitc. fouilnj th the Roubu of I-loulmh the winch ghyntoqlp Hhkhwnnn f.'\ .f or throwgnc , II t _ holhclimg 0; they I 3:: cl ly no Id. CID ; "fnctI' I I d by IIIIII I In classes of Iociety, and one of (`II but Fuannteu to the Nervous and Deblllttted . um nnnhnnfu mu hay; ip Wuidinl uuaacu vn -..-.-. , _V,. Fuannteu the'Nerv6ui Kid .:':.' .':l`.! . nnxnuo mow uv -"mun nrmlnn. 81, IIELIII. EINAIII. Bruno]: oloo-236 Wellington Strut. FIRE ANDLIPB Assurance Co.. II one 0! inc Prettiest. Coolest and non Plcsunt Summer Baton-on in Onnudn being alt. ad on eh: Bank; of Beautiful L: 0 on- it . 11?: noud tor its ne Fiuhln. Bathln and Tho rondn no nlwnyl in one lent eon Mon 1033 young and Pleasant Driven. Tho boouulul d`I3VO-I dluunoo of the miles Ilou no white and bench to the funolu W Point Summon Rotors. n---.1-an OIIIQI I n A u\JLVAJ\JLv. n.- W. J. B. - Agent, Kingston} .--_ Gems In Art. LONDON. ENG. K. W.mSn'ider'Zs TPI_|ota Pltlors ____ _|.-__ 11-.-A `Em-Inn, Steam Carpet Carpets Clemgd. IIll`Gd.CQO` and Laid. r.c. Marshall, :.`:,'.';:.;::.:'.::=;'.-.... Talnnhnnn HI . Repairing a. Specialty. Give us acull. , __.\ umou ASSUBANBE WIEM OF LONDON. --:-j%q ' Inatltutedin the Reign of Queen Anne. . AD. 171-1. --v-..._. Undo1t new ham: wont, Inn been thorough- ly rottod with :1 modern oonvonionces. Mrlotly ns-_o,luu_ puoommodnuon for a Capital and Accumulated Funds ovcr $15,000,000. One 01 the oldest. and Hero eat. at `ithh . 'Y`n d I - *::*'.:;......:.::.:'.::$ `n.`.'..`... p'::. One 0! the oldest. and ntro eat. at gun; Fire olcou. 'Y`no under! Icontl 6 Inl- non for the wave I-club E|`l'|d; F3 Oompuny are nripnrodto accept u on most. every rlocrlptlo of property cm-ren rMo.D Ina: nth! nmm. nchdu 0oll:aos`. :go I :nd p.31'1'nuua1n.s1n'.u: on specinlly favorable town for on or uarn. ; , ___ __ _ ________ on lpeclllly IIIVUIIIIIU vituln Iv: v-any In v-vv GRID `nous D. In: . JAIIES sumo! 199 We innton Stud. . ` An-ants at Klmutoll. _ uxj moms BEEGIIAIA, 81. Ilium, EIOIAIII. nr ALL DIUOGIITI. Earnovky Company, oumuo srnurr. % O O 1- 6 ` Finest of Wood Working Ptrqhntrv nqorsnz. 3:: and onion Fittings. Ilnntoll. ,; __ L134- um. Dun` -Inn vunuv av-ww--.-. ___--7, wsrdnobu. nun. rm. V Custom 81-wins. Phntna. '1`ur'nIIU.lkI- luhdnd Door Work. ` Ivuvwc in Wood [Furniture Ronontod and Upholltontl. TXf%`?'n SUM J Only $2.50 per cord, delivered. win disappear witli` may as . ' appliutio .90 ________.__________________ BUCK EHO WITH GOOD RESIDENCE nnrhnd. 0. I61 Ptlnoun Strut. Apply `PECI-('8. k PlNK `ufi=."s`s POlN1`E. ____ 159 wemnl Agent: at Kingston. .._...___..._.._.. IVILO LA I unlu. I , 890 Ptln us trout. Tho Wllool `HI the when w ndowl. j-- Iron Chairs, Stands. Butch and Fencing, all style}: and prices. Onm mental Fanning from 01.15 pg! rod painted and put up. Every description Wire work mnu`ot\u'e\i by Will in pan nnd vehicle: booomo worn on tarnished in IDIQO of thg hnspon vohlclu the ban of one. Dr! tr hon sud wvllmnkou oodjo o We've . nnmnlnta n amt for mtnufsotm-inc ban of um I. > non Iuu wdllmlko I oft . 3 complete pfant conveyance: of every description ____ - . -- ._g;.-:1 That Is what poop]: uy of our Carbon- otte' nhhod photos. Crll IR SL5 null nhko your onasununt. or I ting. 374 Princess Street. And have another 'look 3!; out nnn.1:inl8P1H.HG IILLINEEY. _ 'look M: Wmm 81' G IILLIN EEY. .'u?'-' a"`Ia'u.'.`."' `1~}` "..'.'` nov on 11 min Volllnn. nu. " ` __ _-__.._ ORDERED -`A Ari -..-V.V- V . Three doox-I nbvovio I was atchel on-aha ghlurbod tful Dreams. and Q11 Norvouu In Ienutionl. Co. in mm VI-I 'u- Cleaning Works. _? Has the burial Paul -`up cnpltu of any Company in the World tx`a.nn.0t1n3 I 4:`-qur ` FOOTWEAR. IIIRE Business vuuvn luv .. II!!! w'i_t'l`\`;lf iIIOdBfil oonvonionces. an-olou accommodation but number of bonrhtl. thou-0 your room: In advance. - _-_|_A-.. 9 283-160 J hope In CRESCENT WIRE WORKS. 2'15 Kin; It. _.j_jj.j_-u Furniture lhn'!. manna Prlnonll nth WWII wuuvuvvuu Ur.` .-._.- - Cont over o1oo,mn to pubun . Contains nearly no IIIHIIII engraving: of our Snvlou-. by the nu muuu Eve: picture is reproduced Ion sumo famous I: Inc. Aunt. an tak- Inc from three ho twenty ordon per day. The book I: I0 boumlnl that when Keogh; no (I u 1.: It. ` F IBTO AN 3 PI g &`nnnnn"l' -ruulim `[0 KY %YEg|9; X Wjnvn -.-___-_. 9Y`DENl{A|! 8'!` SET, . In-rich. mu 1% Il Avis, next. door. rm m19_?@ WI bouxmnl H138 when rm to nu .- ugu. -r meringue: -rus1>1o ROUGH TIA TO EYEH," It . oil. (land mo Int snob`: work with IE0 I," an nouxer. Some high node an: BI` woman of good ohnroh pounding mud on tho annoy Inn at once." an own 011 ton II moan noon be mad: nkln ordon for It." Also I nun or woman ot Em: nooiu uon can noun position of an- Ohlt torn-Nora, to devote ulltholr time uxploylnu and nmn aunts` and cor- dhg wllhtom. Aadnu for full pan Era P. 1-. l?nPnbllIhu-.11! mom. vonumoh euro. I . ' _ IDPATIPS HISTORY OF THE WORLD. (out Vollllil well bound and rohuoly \ uthud. nfbo Icon ut. wmo oo. -_...._ - V .-_..-. -.-nrrunnvn nu 1:2: SHOP \`1-l1,1 U - `lino1" ct. "".' nag: lg0nptly oIhnlVod co. U|Wis. rI`K I 1- _. _,__ Send 5lh"I_pfotour handful ' c:gd. t. `What plnllnbhm hunk and IPIHI ".I |"3-WW0 ' I`oeImodo- . A au-spurs. PAPER mm; ,, or own. ADDII-Io. _4.:._... nun at t on: oonvo amm- U . THE DESIRABLE RESI- F . Johnntonstloou. Good loopuw. dn We. All mod nl DI. j-:Z: unnunutn _ -j__ Wanna RESORTS. __ ,ti . `giw:------- _2___..__._.'_..._...__._..... ":1 W` "M 2..':..?.`HE 253?}. 3;_Pr'1`gt::'(.)hu. Apply at no 0|! 0|!!! S-AVi(-Wl~l MIT." ; -...-.. nrn nrn on nnhlhh. Contain! IO Lana--u. V.-- ~_, ,. LARGE lESID.NC:: ON NORTH Ioflohniton Her e. nt house west. >.I..|vu.nat. with furmwo Ind gthe; .-q.-4.-.. ._ -_,,, Coolant and Hon nt Summer 0_gn_u be_l_1;g I: uauunnpu -...._- -. HOTEL WBLLMAN, EBURN FOBIEELY THE RESI- ddnu 0! on. G. A. lurxpualak. buns: full Ilmotod.oppo|lto l(nodonoIdPa.rk. Ap- nh lnurnnwx & Boounu. Ontario St. A FOR SALE.` not, with mode: mova- lioon. Also the Stone lJWOl- Jon: ltmm l ATION PIIOPE BTY dll throws}: I 5 growing noo~ mm: so %rr~6.x-can-.1 Manager. D RESIDENCE | .__..:.-------o Ltrlnk. blllllri QUIZ vl luv-u u. .-. .---.., .. Iglliollluutod. oppollto Mnodonold Park. A 1:11 A L_ __|...-n-ngvnuu an lY\|ff\ gr} lrna coupon smnLoc1L aonndrlm 45 crrv` CLERK auoexso IY_'l IE8. t `V w 1 Ila councillor: lupphnod Party-Oolml not Appoint: mork-ono lldo lllunnd tin otlur-`rho lsyor found It Noon. ..... .. na._|u nu Gannon. 4 Ollnr-'|`no luyor luuuu .. ..-.,... an Io Dhnlu Ibo Donnell. Win: In: not hopponod before within the history of the city council occurred At I mining, than luau `found It nooouny to dismiss the members, Lhoy (smug to come to on amiable, Indor- Itanding over tho appointmcnt. of suit olotk. And:-on Lanigan. oounooud Ii x.M"oonncI| for thirty-n i L , nyl that within tho: time no prui imnyu our found I6" nooouary to dinning in council, hdjournxnunt taking phco always by -nnnlntinn. mufllllfl` `rooolnlion. VI... ...u niolntion. The matter of the nppointmont of A city cloth was introduced b Aid; Ryan, who moved. oooonded byA d. Donnelly. thsh W. M. Brennan be nppinted to tho position its salary of Il.`. 00a. yaar. In supporting tho motion, Aid. Ryan amid tint if the council had any gift: within in JAMES GALLOWAIY. .13. power they should be awarded to men who had Assisted the city in its progress. His nominee hsd scrved the city for about fourteen years. being in the school board. and else in the city council for 3 number of years. His father before him had also served the city faithfully And well. He had sscriced his personal interests in be- half of the city. otherwise he would not be an spplicsnt for the position of city nlnrlr, clerk. A IA clerk. Ald. W. Robinson asked if the $1,200 mentioned on a salary would cover the en- tire coat of the oioe, or muet the council pa. en additional auto for an assistant. n reply the mayor said thet the salary of the late incumbent was $1.900, with en odditionel $400 for an assistant. Ald. Robinson, continuing, said he would like to see the eelery connected with the oiee placed on about $1,600 to cover the salary also of an assistant. The hours were not very long. about {our altogether. He wee eoouetomed to working sixteen hours A day. He bed his own opinione. end einoe being in the council he found thet his opinions were generally the some ee the eitinene et large. Th; mntinn will nnr. and 1085. W. the citinene st large. The motion was put and lost. Ald. W. Robinson called for the yen and nnye, the result showing e straight party division : Yenw--llnyor Skinner. Alde. Bell. Don- nelly, J ohm, Minuet, Riehu-decn. Ryan, Teit. Teylor, Welhem. Wright--ll. Nay:--Aide. Allen. Cu-eon. Elliott. Kent. Livingston, Mooers. McKelve . C. Robinson, W. Robinson. Stewart, oye -11. The meyor declared the motion lost. Md. Elliott tried to make the pethwey emdath for ell concerned. h moving, ee- oonded by Ald. Mulielvey. t at the enlary of the city clerk be $1,500, and that the clerk appoint an assistant who must be I etenogrepher and typewritiemsnd must at- tend ell committee meetings end take the minutes, and do all the etenogrnphing and 4-} nsrvnncx, 1 UNION s'r.. 330 I B A nut, lint. Halted by hon wutar, 350.000. wn.n.rdu| and gtablo, A_l-9 r'(5_n':1_o the pay on n-..... .. W. I. Unlugn. hypewribing in connection with the dil- ierenb municipal oicee. Ald. Elliott sub- mitted that. members of the council would concede bhoimportalice of having 3 person in the city`s om ioy who could do this kind of work. an the resent, was the op- ortunity to make 1: o desired ohnne. guoh an employee would save the co hundreds of dollars in various ways. na mm the bv-law covering hundreds or dollars In vuruue ways. Ald. Donuelly reed the by-law covering the ep|pointmenl: of A city clerk. The law wan q earl` dened. there being no pro- vision for t e up intment of an assistant oity clerk. Sue appointment was em- powered in the clerk, subject to the ap- proval of the mayor. So much money wee Allowed for the nniery of 3 city clerk ; there was no `provision lor the payment of the an llilklhh .-I_-n A WI! no I'0YlHlU|I nu: vuv ya, ......... -. ---- uluy 0 an uaigtunt. Ald. Tait. took the tuna view of the mm- to: u the ptoviouo 3 hr. AM Wriuht nk it bhe office of mint the provioun grunt. Ald. Wright unit of nut clerk was also open. The mayor un- sworod in the negative. Ald. Wright thought 1 compotant. cloth could be named for loan none ohm tho mm nunoctin Md. Elliot.t. a&oqX:mou. r Ald. nltom 'ntod out that there was no provision In 0 in the statutes lot the a intmont of mu nuistant. clerk by the blmll. Inlcu dl Ihoiluaooln . 'I1nomIo|idthd -lawn pmvkld Qhuloqh nonti an uuiuno. duo uhyuus Iupdd no let. In an ouonounognphor could be secured for half the mm which Ald. Elliom provided for in his |-uoluon. Plenty oi muo- .....|.......snI:lh-nnnnndforlmon you-. for in his alanuun. rmna. Uvvuwr phcrooon mound ` 3 . :ukodtio 'Io_I'nEt . I::t."I| motion and . ' " - Aid. Wdhuuu thI|ugM`Ald. Wslkom wntingto` llthowoo"ovoI-tuba 01 gthooou b hiaintarpromtiou 0! `*.....- `"2 -..~.:..-:::-..:'-:::= . t ' _ '3` .1... muokru dndntl u. Uly Club ! had hon wjthonb rem. In-aging; I-III QIIIIIII In Iwrv--u_ the votdr. " _ Inn whole thin E wn. an-don stable. Also to mm the rink oottuo non door. Apyly to Dn. Ouvln. corny: Kim; and Gore Streets. ----. _._...-.\--`nun nu unnrpu 9'10!!! naslulmuna. m Unuuw u... `j"`I4'-"' 0%" w. 1 Dnuxmf n . 5! , A -_L:-_ olhk. ligdiy car: [or IOIIIO time and I afoot one. All the nldnrmon did not understand the tech- uiooluukin concoction with tbodty .n-.|.v. am... 'I`|m narann norforming the niooluuk in connection um: us may clerk : ollloo. The person performing duties had to puulmoqtthe mlieuions of a solicitor. E6 was of opin on the mo than planned by AH. mlioto should not IIIPPV- osrr . Iuyeu t of his reeolnuon Aid. llliou ppin `erg that lie I 'intmeuh at an unielent elerl. wee Id with the clerk. The cibyenid so much for the work to be perform by the clerk. If en neeiut-ant wu wnnbd uh clerk should py thuuluy -I nm 11. Am nnh mun with Ald. Wal- carry. 'InI| uh clerk would nuuuuy of one. He did not a rag wihh kem, and mnlnnln that bhe council could not onlv appoint an assistant clerk but ooqld dglne the ,qu|lcut.ion| which the uniotoulz must po-noel sad the work wbiohmuh be done. 11.: Inn. ..:.l L. -mam like to see Mina be done. i Ald. Tait uid he would like Flanagan nobnimd_ an uciltant olork but the council must abide by the law and up- point a clerk only. Ald. Elliott nointod out that there points olorh only. Ald. Elliott pointsd w nothing in his resolution which prevented the sppointmsnt of A woman as an assist- ant on the retantlon of Miss Flsnsgsn as such. Aid. Wllksm chslls so! this ststsrnsnt. and claimed that Aid. Elliott linsw when he worded his rosolutisn that ipwould shut Miss Flsnsgsn out, she not'bsing n stsnogrs her or typowrimr. Ald. lliotb-"I will concede Ald. Wsllxsm his opinion, but I will not per- mit him to put words into my month. There is nothing in my resolution topm- vsnt the continuation of Miss Flanagan. Stenogrsphy and tygiswriting canho so- qnirsd in three weeks time. Alds. W. and 0. Robinson further presssd the adoption of the motion, the last nomad advocating the retontion of Miss Flsnsgsn (is assistant clerk. "I'hn motion was not and lost on a tie pu-ty lines. It: was moved by Ald. Elliott, seconded by Ald. MoKelvey, that James Gsllowuy, jr., beappointed city clerk. In mounting the motion Ald. Elliott said r. Galloway possessed oxtrnordinary qualications whichjinted bin: for the poi- Flanagnn anatomic men. The motion pub vote. the members dividing on straight Th was moved bv said Mr. Galloway possessed oxcrnurunuui, qualications which uted him po- sition. He wasa school boacher, a good book-keeper nud accountant. He had served in the council and on the public school board. In every way he was well qualied for the position. In It sarcastic tone nocuaod qluuluuu Lu: uuv pvmv-vu. In It Mr. Gallowa of "hiding his extraordinary qualies an or a bushel. Ald. Elliott took exception to Ald. under bushel." Ald. Elliott exception Ryan : remarks. The speaker had not said anything derogatory of the nominee introduced by Ald. Ryan, whom he accus- ed of mud slinging. Aid. Ryan maintained that he did not "throw mud, and asked Ald. Elliott to retract his statement. There woe 3 dark cloud hovering over the council for a mo- meut, which was cleared away by tho tact of the mayor, who restored order. and business proceoded. 'lhn mmlamion was put before the proceeded. The regulation wee put council. meeting the same fate ea its two piredeceuon arising out. of the same quee- t on. l At this stage a motion to adjourn was oat. Alde. Ryan and Donnelly moved the ep- poinbmonb of W. M. Drenmn to the va- cant clerkehip at a salary of 81,400. the present ueiabanb oh:-k to be retained, her eelary being embodied in the equa here crivnn_ DIIIIIJ lawns -u-vvv-.-- .- -_e given. . Ald. Ryan accused the reform members of the couuoilof blocking business, end used the some srgument us put forth by the reformers when the appointment of s commissioner to the court of revision was under discuuion. This motion was also lost on s tie vote. Once more Ald. Elliott tried his hand, introducing s fair and square motion, which he considered should meet with the sigyrovel of "the gentlemen on the other s e of the house. ' It was seconded by Ald. MoKelvey and provided for the im- .....n.o. nnnnintment of mnior Galloway . .,, ________ __ 1` 0 oflohnnton Strode. first want. of Ba 0 Street. fun-mlwo othu Inodorn nvonienoom we Stone Dwel- - hunt Bonlogcoq, \_v;l_t.h I_nod3F~|Qmo.vo-