........, ....... .......... ...... -........ mm: ruoueumu, EINGA Shliltiul tnd Geographical inscription of _ CANADA WRIT,` with lollilll ullunenu of in Ruonrcu ` Ind Clpubililiu. ill Agriculture. Minanla . An! Mlnufactunl. Quality and Value of I ,TIIloI of Dillncu from place In - plus. nd ovary ulhcr infatuation unlul -or Iminu-y to In Mu: of bung` H171 ll Ill'i`Il` Iln cums Inn. A(J`l`|'All\" AN!) MA NAG Ell: . Jane: Syulnov Urnclwr, |'Isq.. I". I. A. ` new mmd. ` ` I Ham Mill`: Sparhalh. Esq.. Brigadier Hi", ` Inl'ie|d.and Jhninghnll Chnmbora. ` The Hun, Frnderirtk Walpale, Cunntugllt ` Square. Hyde Park. Oswzxtd J. Younglmslnml. l'iaq., Hunk-y on 'l'|mmea.O:(unJ.shira; , A II n I 1` n Ire - Auulluua: William Scrunpo Ayrtun, Esq. Her Majesty`: `Com. in llanakruptcy, Lhu Halthillu. .1.-Js. -51T5ii1'Ja ma muumu IHII VEIIIEHAFI CIIAlI'AGN.Elo Aunw reruns, map, Iunungwn run - Gmienu. Charla: llcsosflina. E.q., Apgyla Street. New Hmul. Montreal. inst. ' Lunuuxv uunuu. - Clmirmqu :-'I'homu I-`uuell. Eoq.. Wnd- ` ~ ~ Mary Hoe. l"roma, L-lumursetnhiro. Thu l{onnnbln_.RobenBour|:o, 4. Lush Buildingl. Temple- Gaorgo Barry, l:.Iq.. 5. Etna Villa, Huer- slook Hull. and Quunhithe. ' ` Alfred Brodie. l'Isq., Uuandiuh Square, and Eutborne. Sunu. Miles Hula. I-2:q.,(l" irm Good -34 Ca., Nu, Afenu.) Burn Ht. Smnd. Edward Ivan Fa] or, E3q., apping. 1 Andrew Penton, Esq, Kanxinguan Put < `- Gardens. Kinglton, May J -:-p- `TRUSTEES: ` Th!-nvuu Fuuell. Ebqz, Williun Bulkloy Glnn. Eu}. Q. C. v The Hm-tonbla `ln-ederiok Walpole, Thnmu Hzmhvorth, l'2Iq.. Director Com- mercial Bank. London; IIHIIDHM nn1 n Ou Hanoi in 3/ms: qf 10 ma, (mu uceuory. to Jacinta to Ullfll rd all Huy Thaauvul Paul: :1] a nu. Mdlian.) AW and uump of up: rp;_r. I.io 3 or yroonnupun. uni , nu`. Hogiliul lliuwd Pnu-onus. II the n Irhlinlhn .1` dun rm... mum. Ian I... _ EACO { Lllh in! nu Annruon Cdnpnlh Incnpoulod. by Act of Parliament '1 and ` 0 Via. Cap. 110. - cmsr OF!-'1CE5.N0.a, wmnmoo rhcs ' I I'\ u n`r\ LI In\II`II\I.I`I And Kingston, cupid: Wen. mnmurcml mnx. nmzamn. ME|)ll).-U. Ul"l"l(:l~3l( : lop-un`.s I:`n..u'p- M D If} llrnuunl mun IKI poll-pillt.IlNl remiunnce nnicient 10 p y fur ~ nbuvo Renmiwn. which (fun he mly :1 the Mumnmu. Eva um -rnvvmx, St. Francois Xuiar nlrnnl. mu, unununtra. A U D I 'I' U 1 Stan...` A.-nun I-`.1 tlll DIJIK. lll. LONDON Baum. n ~_'l'bm-..- I-`nu-all F'- BANKERS; ..;..I ll....l. I(...... ll?!`-5.1\U.U. WIIIIUU LONDp.No C().\'IS ...|....1' r'|.mK's and 0Al'1 AlN`!UIRAY. ILL lean Trenlonleyery Tuesday. 1`hnrod|ln_ Ind Sunrdiy (morning. II. ` I 6 o'clock. for o..._ . nylon and Suited: Hur- : I` (101. JAMES IIIUKEY . 1|. Inna ll pool-pni . nfud` ienl I. whit-In 1-inn hrs unnnu, Secretary. I "' 0TWl'l`HS'l`ANl)lNG the cnmlainl lion of muuic dealers to keep up {ha price: of non-cnpywrialn muaio, against the inlrruu of nllivn coin rs. Ind their re- fusal tn ermncl lu Mr. \ Utter: the couruniol of the trade,-he in making immanu uln- liuing abundant evidence, llm he Ian public countenance and Iuppurl. in his oppulilitln In the Great Munnpol . and in his alfortu to lid nilivu ulunl. In ' to udnpt the National Uurrancy. Ilia uoek of American and Euriapean music in immanu. and the nu- lugua ufliis own publienlinnl in mm M the lfllesl and bcatsclemed in the llniwd Salon. He has lino undo 1 Great Reduction in the neon of Planar. Melodenns and Municnl nalrumonun of I" kinda. Superlnr lnned 61 octave pianos lor 3175. 8200- Ind 8225. in inierinr of : good quality. and inllrmncnts u utron and u durable as lhusn which cost V 8500. `innna of nary variety ufnlylo and ' price up to H000. cumpriaing than of tan diinant mlnufnctoriu : aiming them the (T? c,` I. I! " calebralcd modern improved Hurncn Wnlan` - 1 Pinon and the lint Premium Aiolinn Pianos - of '1'. Gilbert & (lo I make. (uwucrn uf the .'l'Iolian plfent). Secondhand-pimnu M. real bargain. Price from SE0 [0 s|5(i_ 1-lmlcnna from live di'ereut mlnufncloriu, including the wrll linnwn S. D. & II. ,}V. Smith`: malmlonna, (med um equal tem- ernmunt.) the lam make the l`niu:d Sam. rice: from $1. : 10150. S.'iiillI'l duublo '. lnnlr, 8100. Each Piano and Melodeon guaranteed. The beat. la:-nu to the trade, ll3lI_00lI, &e.: I2l per cent. disuuunl. to clergyman Inzhaliurclws. All orders prompt- ly attended in. Music ~l8l1l.lu all parts of the cuuutry. punt-paid. at the reduced run. General nnd select cauluguu nnd unhndulr of prices cl` Pisnua forwarded to any address ' `froe uf huge. ' Tlilndnfttl of Me lfm-are Walnut` Piano! N--p Vocal. h...-...I.... Inn. nun El lIlll|Il5v'-LVv I. IILBILII. vvIlIu.II I IIIIH. In tho roductinn of Plum: IL in probsbll um Ir. nun bu cclipscdlll compaction. The recent Iptovml Pianos which he hu pm- umod to the publia hue become univomll admired for their duvllcue Iona. all well :5 Id superior lulub and elogunon. and him an nary nqmzl, waived the unlvcnl commendation o( mnnnalciuu and unun.-+`l'um t luau- all FIIIYBI T Iflle 3UI II.--IFJCAI UOHITTANT. I-`ur power tom, depth at hunt, and hrltlilncf of trelc, together Ilth nccurncy of much, they ' `ire equnl to any nuke I am ucqunlutml with, l Ind I cordinly rucommqnd I am mu than wish- in to pulclme.--V. 0. TH .05. ' In-I urn lullv 1-rmnl to run n! the kind I um lone -n.--Ar'm'n um'nI.. _ Our Hands .I"l lhul nl Hr. Wnttrn Iuurel the vary but umrtment of munic am! of plupno to be found In um Unluul Sum. and we urge may mullacru In-I weucm [riauda to give him I call when they go to New York;--GnI|u'I IAIJAIIIM lmulxu ` X We eninvlrlrr than worthy of up:-rill n1.un- I tlon. from an reunnuu and cu-oeungly muni- cal com thlch Ir. Wnwru Ilu Iucceedc-J 1-! ob- muing.-H. Y. lvucu. Wunu & Tana. ` 1.. oh- ......l.maI.... ..r 1:II-..-- In 1. .....I.-L.I- I lnglo pun.-Ime.-v. U. `nuns. hey lully 1-qnnl any of the kind I hue men In the l1uuc.l utes, nml fur anperiur Io than of a similar make I unit In England.- Gm W. Iouoim. \ A I calm great plenum In prononncm "lb.-un lnnlrnmell of I mmnriur nunnlr hnlh ll) lnna on. LI. 1. You now square Planes, ctr, turn of net: I alumna md equllty 9! was uumughonu, that may very Iuooaldllliy compel. with the volum- ltnoan uni up:-Quin Gruul l xlu:o.-Vuuu- , WIIIII. : UA 1'.uuu?'1'. ' NIAGARA. '.' One of the above very superior lirnl. Cluu Luke Smmu will Inn the United I sum Wharf every Alhrnnon nt _'l`WU ` o`olook. for Ogdoiubnrgh ; and Ivory Marn- ing for Suketu, Opwogo. Ilocheutat Iqd J hoxliuon. ut eight o'o1ook.(Sundayn except.- Kinonfnn. Anril 981.5. I855. 5 Inc!) In your nonuulul murumunu. ` 1'un.vAs MAKER, R. A. I. Lonnie? nf lIlllen'I linmluul ur- rnngor ol Jullienl popular llupwrtolra of dance music; luruwrly nunnger uf Hm Ihlisllingalepnrnuenl of the great music noun of Julen & Chnppuln, London. and not lludl-.If Diroclort Uomim-tor u Nlblol Gu-don. ' 4 Fur power`, hrfllhlncy and rielmeiln n! mm, ` 'O|IlliC|l{ 0! much. 1-legnnuu [I15] durability 01 lnlin. I ey are In ndunco of any ntlu-r piumi In the Wuitcrl 3:-Mes. being the ruaulzul luu el- Berienc and` A series 01 experlmeuu.-.\. Y. IFPAYVH. _ `N... o.ml.I. :n ah... ou.-- |m...nlf..l .-..I -15.9 um improved mug: or me day. For powtr, brllllnucy Ind richness of tone, elntlcily of much. and beauty of ullh. may will not suffer in comparison with than of-my other manufacturer, and than duuiruun of ob- hlning 1 really good Pinnu I-`urte-one that I I` prove gn equivnlelwknr llu-Ir uwunl, will ud Inch In bountiful inurumunu. TH.\l.\.4 MAKER. .l'lfl'_HlIN|l'u 0] VIC IIUNIFE Wain"! I U?T|0f New York, December Nth, IBM. Baum Wnul. I00-. 3!! Bloamvn: Den-r Sh--llulng onmlncd our Plano Forte: Mm Iciontllc and npprop nu luu,.[ um tumbled to form I unfncmry jmlgnnns of their marlll, and It In with ialeunrrthntl an spank of them uumong the mall. calibrated. and improved makes of the day. For nowbr. brlllinucl nud rinhnmu 1:!` tons, uuwuaumznn uu Lhl u muvg No. 333 Broadway, New York. OPPOBITIQN T0 IONOPOLY. line at Gmlljy` lledlool lulu ..:._._ Mu-inc Riuh uh Vaiiiiii Ind Cu- [ou"u at low 1 rite cf Premium u my " mp'" 1..N. PUTNAM. th ur c .v . Inner we U!) u . mp. , L. N. PUTNAM. . Apgm. Uiou. Atlantic `Whirl . foot of Princess Slreul, Kilgatun. June 1055. `- -135 DyII`IINI' I NIOIIIUI. ` JAM E8 PLATT. Punid one. I. B. Lunmmsacnury. _ ,. Cu-1-. Wumun hlunun, General In- spector and Surveyor, uuu Jame: Plnu. Henry Filthugh, - A. P. Gilli`. `Luther Wright. M. Merrick.` c_:eu.'w. Mama. Huhvnnl capa4a(..I'11I.m|:_ ruu nuns tr- Tnkn hlnrini Hand: of gm}; ilndmnl Salem. Fire [sh on mldingi. Ier olnnliu, Fumitan. Vuuh in Part Incl chit Cafll. and I otfm Pmpeny. All Lana: will In. on non]. prom y uljuutod ind paid, fqr_ which the 'sun in; And Iuuinnu npuutiou of mu Gentlemen, now pllcld if! the Dimninn of the Com- pany. as well u (ha invariable iibnnlitg of mm Bond in time: put. conntituln I reli- ublu pledg and uunrmty. DIREC1 (HIS. The North I|'e_:t:r:1:uiuIou Confi. MARINE AND FIRE. .(lnoorponha!bykhla;ioh5uncfNuv!orkiIl@.9 _; I" `I'll CITY 0!` xwm. ' Capital. ..I.%.I ill-OI` Il- `slitccl. null I Cml. IJAFI. lI\:I..nuunuIn, Will IIIIQ Kingston far Ottawa; calling I!` i'ull:noIIi|II Park, This Afternoon at 3 rmamzs '$m?urm3, 1V9. 333 Hrmniu-av. New Yuri. CASH IUSIU STORE`. um. . ` I In I I Iuperiur quullty, both I: Iona mnwr nrxu.. HINDI. A. II. II ! Byfvutor llnnlmla. lA|ll.`ul.H l'l"!` n ml unnruum DI EC'l`l)8. Ir-u w U I mm. H;' L`. Wri M. S. H. Lid ow,` AMI: Bronson. William Lentil. 11- P. linuiiur, A. II. Marrinm. usuuaau Q usummom HONTIBAL ._ ' I-`l"l'H{ fur Sula unpmulm. Old "Jim. Ycnnng llymn. Hymn 'I`Irl_lIhy. '1 I1!!- lmy,. mu-hum: Iml Unnigim Toni _ Hunenvul. I lnnnlalnd. Povrdetml, Ham |.m|l`,u:d Jiauurd Hagan, `(hr-an nnrl Hunted Uuba.` 'l'ul):|l!c(3, in llbm, 5', l0'|, and 8': ; Chow- inu 'I'Vol'mt-cn in tin ril. . Manual and Scuwh 11 D Pipu. Mnla.-urn. ugur lions and Hold. Hyrq, lm-omml. Munlmll utwiudau Soap, Mummtino. Spam. Ilolnnnt ud Medial Candles. . \I'r|N I? UH` pflclpll `IILIIIJII Ill IHO plf. ll - pm uncly muumted by Engnvln an a a cltvln nun. A. a U Duct. din- IIVIG DI I: ll gut} fun 5110 by IUIIT MOI. Dqllllf, EIXICIIII IISIII Aim. I sable 24 by 20-16 fulpom; capable of oonulning 26 [Ian-an Two nd welk on the pmniun. Pomilg di- tv-gellnor on: of the but and mail. Illgibld Uountt Tam-nu Sundn am can aired; in I no in Sznge-n thntslruol lhawong. pk`, Apply ln nu-:.\'|:\' n. (:II'.l.l?'.ilPil. no an 61 aims ucurr-rs HE ` non an nw You `I'll! Il 1w:v:z.om:nu HRXTTANICA. HIE NI'lb\' l`ZlJl'l`ION of this unguid- aont National work in am! in until! of puhiiouiun-7 vols. have nln-aly'bt:on ru- coivml, mud in. is pmptllod to coup !-_|:Ia II II 20 min. price 15 mummy club. I work ha: he-an run-fully raviIuul,umf I [rent llully _ u! the mug! impounn!"iF!1cIa| cntiry fl- wrinen 1: Ike` prinmpnl Iuhnu of tho In I. hm unnlr illnuntnd hr Rnanvlmn n Billie OI I 9Pl|II'. S H E D 8 . Ono Open 'R|wd. now and Ta Ont-rah onlerroorfoelb 24. `H fut pooh. In one (IINFGT thin. hgd. there in n Bublo or pnblo of -muvntnndnling cl t Inontl-. Upen pm of ` Bhed tted I ll: Ilidling doors. A ._,. A HI..- n.x..:..-aI...I n._.'-n. D0. Aunt)-A Clone Driving Shed. twink}- fuur fool. pqunra, nlxteun f-out ` Alum . smhlnal In9n_m humans Aaullillog mq IIDIIIIII Iltl a U'"u" u % 3 `H: pl! ms u -,.`a`L-a.Sont c M. ` Wlanclmd Wlniotrn. ' 7 HM` Valuable and welt-known Tnvam Su\nd.commou|y calla] the " Five Mm: Horns. four lllil from the City limiun, on tho Haoadamlnd Bold lending to Nnpanu. The Pmhm-iv mruhln` of an: nnd hnlf ` Ln!) IUIIUWIHK ullmllngl 3* Ono Brick Building, forty feet In length and (wonky-oi: wide, on and bull` Ihriu Igh. The first oor oonulnl llmo Bd- Rooms. {lining Room and Sitting Room. separated by folding doom, oapslrh of dining silty porloill. ` Fume Iinilrlinnl nilmn 1! Irnludnnr Ell! Ill IIGIII 1 state of repair. Iemmg to Vnnnpaneo. The Property mnaim or on and half Acres: of Land, and on whichdro Iuounl the following building: :- Hnn Ha-in]: Bnilrlimr, Cm-II but In hnnlln aaumg nu ponum. Fume I uildingl Ituoilo d, In! four feel an unre. two stories high, with itch- ens 1|! neatly fnrnislud, and in 1 good nmm nfmnnin ICIO been lake: ..I' nI...I- . hot. \ Returning will lane Sachem Harbor ` but Morning it 6 o'clock, Ind Kingulon at Ll o'clock. l"utanoun.for the head of the VFIIF. und-snlnncd would llully in urm the Merchants and mmbormun of nnndn, that he in ulll mnnulheluring his mpmur qullily of Ciroulur. Mi|I.Cmu Cut Ind Gang Sun.-u Will u I other kind: ` of Sun in-gencrll nu. which an Wlffllllr` ed uf tho but quality. The trade lug no ndunuge in ordering frmn mo.n I have always ngood supply of all kinds on hand. no lhnl. order: meal with no delay. they will nd it to that imcrelrur lnnvud (hit nnlnnn In nun ll Hnud-nnlnv N V IJKIKJI. 1 l. lllAl|Olll'Jl.'. .ms'rom` U1-` ENGLAND an an nu uf Schoohu ma I"unilieI. `rm. 9.. an n n 11,: :,,,r .'.l.l_ .n_,._ nu: MILE Imus)-: mu sun}. !l'1.IL\1` wall-knot m_..-__ u.-__I -_.._.____I_ -_II-l .1 mu nnu I; ll! um: menu III Inn orders to no pl Ruohuuur, N. Yi S" Gum .ma,dn to order. Re-Stacked.` llrowml and Rapuired in tin heat manna: and nu the Ihorlant notice. I '.' Hirdu cnnafhliy Pmaonodsul Sullfosl. 1 - v ` I99-CW mrg- l"ur IIJI by " JOHN DUFF.` Kingston-. Juno 901.5. I355. ' I- WC! UIl`$3U Fishing ilod and Tncklc Ihnltflnlul. rr ' `R; .11_.11o`}zsE Y s. 172 l rinoesa' Street, Kingston. - IlII|II'IlHllIIIIg IX! n Inga and-out at u .\`nn'un Shh of HI III]! nun-an an no Spring Slyh _HI!I fur Hr pom ` ` lg Drlk Int. Fina Iioliulilh Ind bill: ; ulna. Ina Angola. and Ilia Cutl- mn Hal; nd likewise u Poll. Hullwld film Cup: in Ill thoirlvuinty. I of wild In mmlnuu will not H`, nrpuod In wurlsmuuhip. or durability h'|.|II In:-In. An innpoctiolfin invited. __ t'bAIK WRIGHT. Ktnptomluuo [9 I555. 70 UNI no.1:-5: Apr" 270., ms. ACCOMMOITATION Equhw link! the Lallaa Hull. Pdluu Strut. Applyatlhin 0l- . \ KInphn.i3r:l Jm. mu. . '- m um`: HATS! 2. ; `___w1tor.sau.s mp mr'r.4 u. "[`HB' s.umnm'.uo.u-umm in PM but on land. sad I: Hauhlhlllg - In...` --gn-Luna-I nf IL. _ J. I Iluoheauur. hnnnry 3001:. IBM. -.JUs'I' 1*U1u'.IsIn-in,` llIs"l`nl)\.` nu.` Ia`.h!l1f.ANlI c..a 1'0 IPOITIIIN. {'11i-?x|:\' n. mnursm. or Janus lnuslcn, J... lku., III... HIIAAI vw-- -- 8.4 W8. 8.4 W!!! ONTARIO, ` n A x {%`5o;...;;;aa;` I . 1. FL! N1`. 355. I31 RUIGH m-Ia} I`. no, runuo lo Ill!` rnnncn nu` conrnnlrrnul (tho drhly one in KlnIhnJ by mun! or which he in ambled to ohtfin I comm nods . oftho Hand. and that went: Ill uounu P'ih wlI|oi'IlIlirIly `china the pain um! nn- ` plouul uuddnn which an: Huh so am: pmduoo. Thu Puma. In respectfully ln- ` _ vital to cull nd cumin. IN.Iu...o.... su...._.......n.: n..a \.` I II . - I-II "'"z}F':::ow Won in-mo. Kuuguou. April you-. mans .. ..-.. _-..-~u--1'9` puluuuuu astrawn 3767: `prior. nonmzv 5 nnm-nun. Hell Ilannvuru. I`|umboI-I and Win Worhft. 'l'in.5bacL Iron uni Co per WIN Mnnufnouuou, J): or In Hmgrca llnrdilrv In. " ` `Run: 07 um Elton`. TI. PIIIOIII 81'. . luau; on R. ."hInIv I Va II II..---- Ira would nice all us: sundae at the Pulnlia to kill ` had-nu ...m -.-..nu_..-___-_. i IIIIII I all IIII IIIDIIII. W M . llll." , . mow `TIl"!Al_I`NlIO. ' ` X|,_,. , A bum !.._nu or sraumuro oruwx, ` VIA flll 5 mnnw cnun. 4 I K] R. ll. Hunt. um`-r AND m:,u/rn, I-`IRE)NsuRAm:le. _ Ilullllu III In-ennui Inlgun. dzj BnmslfAuunu:aN'nur:nnt.1 80Cll'l l'Y.--A um and llama la. unset Company. liocpouhl by Ipodll not of Padinmat. ntabnl >_l"l$IlHII - A_ ;. 1 o - V A uplondkl tuumuus ofso. Huh ul` awry uylc: Duh Bum. CI-slum. Koo-nth. Nubruh. Cain: and Ill piapuluuylu of ` the 4|}. - . A um nuolrluul or Cat ormn din. . A It ` uunru-u re... oriptiuiguhutl -n|n:ud arIs30I:?-i-1: ` HUI-V Wily MIMI. Childnnk haw llI_ll._ Clog. &I A` Iu uoollad. . . Silk Hui min an ode: in 3 In MI! nodes. . `- 1 I. I A I '25. N. Y; OMFINICO CIUSACIH In: tho lmuot uf inlonnilg his` Fliollll and IIII PIHIC ' in (annual. that he Inn on new a handful u- Iorunnntufsilk Hnaolhinnvn Iluulhuun. u! an boatqunlitiu and the nut fhlhiumilo ` Ilylu. (Both aglilh Ind Aunrhu) wlhloh ` for ulcgnot. luhlaou and ditching nun` : he exuollnd. mu. .1. and: In mils: in I (an Inn`. * aw mmvnn-'.N'r ntxlmlnn um INVl`35'l'M |'2N'l` BIH2||'3'I'Y.-lII- ` cor (ml ncnonlinl In pl of lhutumt. odd (Mice. Tumuw. ' - ` PnovmEN1` HI-`I-2 iNsImA-Nun an [N V HSTM I-INT LUM|'ANY.- lneoryoruod by up:-hi not of I'arliAnuI,..' CAPlf.|I..-.Q"0. Hand (Mice. 'l`uu-u_lu. II0|AI`|| ||)III|II|I'3l| Ulliljla i | mm psi won - 1. mm on y on uusfactnxy ptool` oralu.tn. iltbouuhuno to an Ham Odin. Tumus mucus. n. I canal, II lllltllllllli rnru, lllll 4 o'clock. Kinpbn. June 96. I855. ---__.--,---,x?--T THE LAND WE LIVE IN; Cuuh, Past, Bresent and Fume! PIFTII I'l-IDITHANII OM60 `our Primer`: Nov ` Iimsk sumo. Khnha. n. noon .-aoq. ' C aw}:-'33. HUIIL1`. Bum. Sncmu-1` In lip on say. I .".5.u.. Hun-non. Em. Luann Socnluy. ` Thonbooriboru Agonl far this pay. in npaml tokko Rich II In low run of `sauna ollun-0ll'| doing buniuor in CI 1. MI In-nu mid nmmmlv. lmnodhhlr on DIIHHOIIS IN LONDON. Mn-rnuw I"nu1'II. Ham. Uhqitll. Upon: l"IIukIucl Yawn, 830.. Deputy Chlirhll. - , Edvard lhrnud. Iiqx. Willis: Ilmug .E .H-I'.iIW Bu inn Burl, .. M. P., Fndcrici Hurtlu. g. Dull`! la:-nub` Kl... nu. n. nmlu. nu... M. 1-.. A... ~ ; p.....n.m. him nun... Bum. la-ml rnnur-any. J DDI lT'M!lI|IIIrE.I| Hwunrnl Bun man u nnugno lrm..uu. sum Thnnnnnn. Ina. i lhyuood. F.Ij..TMIn Duluth. ` -l'1oq., Willlun. Karla. 531.. Gnu Grant. ` .. Pine}: A. Hunillnn. 4 "I In. I-!Iq.. Rnhh II `tn. 1401].. G lltl. I`I|q..- Horuhf. 01%. (Inigo II I Lawrence. I2 .. lnmld .IulodI1o, 3011.. William [mu-. .-q..A|axIn:In Illa; , `.-q..'Jnhn_ Murn`-nu, I-2aq.. Tiomu B0 II I'Inq.. Chnrlu Saunders. Ea`, I-`nnciu shad. .. John Buuinoun, 121.. Jana A. Tobin. `lg. Swan-ul Bonn. Rum. Suonury. 1 `J Ind Whu-fun In the` (my. -uu-nun. vs III` 13 prJu-ed to nuivoandlhrfq-I vi .0I'Iin.l"Ionrinil|llIiu|nuI'In-. knhudiuu u lot bruins uy.Wh;f~ in via Kiplan. Stanuuunndoonnduhhnohl) fruu iluiwnnml iuilhlpuitiumlhtdl dnimutoiun mi dinupou suing`: ` `Jm, ms. nu ` V `rams: ,sn. 1-. um... um. am..4u.. nu. blond. l'2aq.. suli. oaty Though. Hug. ` if DIRECTORS IN IJVKRPOOIA. Tuonu llmcxuun. lIZoq.. China. Joni-I Cuurr. i'}vrn1'. Doputy Chit- lulaesoid '\Vholnlo_B&It&u: l"urw|ldiI[.' of ll`! IIoIIllnu-p lorunlllt A Cwdnualulu Iovolnilg` ' ATLANTIU WHADJ. rkcr or unless: u-nuir. 1855 I; 5; uunrnnt. - 3. W. UIoo,-WollinIiI luau. Kinguhu. OI l'I|'lIOIlI. , `C I - I 000. lieu _gn3..':'a'u`..'.'u..a. M` iluui. 10;.` l.lVF.RP(m~l. Q LONDON . rm and um Inuit cuipnt. mm: .uu-ii C0 PAN Y. 11.. _\|I.n:-.`.. fl`. l.A\\'Rl-INC!-: .o0.lm1`Y Mu. -1=H;\v1z`j::su|AucJ-:uo..uto;.... `L'I.A . ; - Aiiw l`1n| st in on ltuul. IIIIII guy A -_n.'-.- '__._-` new {1 ..n.,........{ f jgf` r\:<:. .:*-.:e::.:.:~e..::.*v .....=--.:'.::: HE Slnmbou. CITY OF THE BAY will. until further notice. hive Maura. Shun` Wharf inuriahly It! o'clock pre- cisely. on the Alhulooua of Tuesday. Thundly Ind Saturday. Mnking nll tho ` ulll Ind nriving gt. Bellevillo II. 8 o'clock 1 and lb mlnntou. Will proceed-In Trenton 1 lllnniglll. ~ W,. R. MUNRO, Mute:-. Kingston. Juno Hui. I955. 139 -::-<------"----'-*-?-'-?-?-- VI, 11%?` ' I - ICC -` rx-c"m"f~`z_ pnm-?a ...a 11 ems. cAi~n`At.. ' mu. urnukd. ..._. ._.- mmzs BIIRLEIGII. -7 7 `ii I`-NIICAN v, Cu Lnsuuxcjc TU I . - Wu. Pl. Halon. in. gas} Tun srocxnnonullltsouhpnah or Upper Quads in null- ul (Hal. the Sixty rm Divklud In Ito Cnplut stock of thunk! link. III: In: lhin lILd|h}I:I.I rn xaf Cell`... i ' imwat, uzfclm u_mno::ll bo:p3ph|n at (in Bank ind in Agencieion db Hgndny the 001.111; of July nut, Q sunny. ` - Fnwllnlv nqnn in lm Gil) - FOR WARDINU None: I r IIH FOIIWMIDINO BUSH` omuohn mdoduubt as ' " n. M.m*msH. x mm. nth. , lN'l`0aH. In .. lllll. _ FBI dun. ha `otrri on In III Inc If . lN'l`usll. nun man In m an III .III`l'l`- , _ " 11.. Snhauilm um uhlu nqnnulluk ht Mgr DIITI eowuhvi rchunb MI bhuinmnlou on of his ulbln ind Agqnn or Ii: own. A D. KHINTOCHA - "" " "'" 7onN t.Autn. In l._---nun nhlmill Anon-Vlcn Line of Lake Steamers. Mung. . Further notice in aha `inn. tin. in tock and '|`nnnl'el Book will from an 18th In 30tln`h1uI; Inolunin. " 12.. .._J_. -1 AL- IJ-....I ' U81` MY on . , _ M Y lu=:'_;-d8hnla llnnI.= in: Q DVD I u` ' Suporllno` null {`. - IRumI.l)oor Illtho. WIIII manual ' rum: mm or coazuc, mm: AND war. tmn Innlmn ' rm Sula by CA Imus '5 IlAlltE!'.g ' Ia & 90 Plan sum. Nu Ink. _ Vilga. . 0 W a. `gun nu. fndon -. I m ' ` Th! I H livifmm N1: Yul mil fdmumiu. . n. V... 4`... IIILL ' ' I1 DIY GOOIM GU00`-IIIK All! lIIU?- w . I" ol which In hag: H38 Lowul Remilcmlhg Pia. -" - `Hun nhuwllnn nmvllnlli lnvlln HE p nonunnulnlul Cpli.` " *n uporidlood tarpon oh hill. `In anon of that ship will `M menu . Pmimu Stout or bill: of Ldingstu ulna! the Inlnl llmmnf tlngrnln cranial-. ' \ Smmublo rnr Gold. Biker. Ci -nu IIIIII 0| lI|IIl|`..II'U Il[I` In-Inc amen!` therein 0 "up nlnhi KI IQ` cuppa. luring Jill IIIHIII In: an York and Ilonlrul, that plnhl Claoion Auortmuul of mu! GOODQ olmclllll AID nu. rum u---t cu 2:---:v Rsbwihc T . hhui:un .:h:h'u.u Lhlriull md Oubmon lot the vhonl uppxltho "" 'c'.?.s...""' "x s'u'.?' "".3a"" aR.'}'5 lh ' II III _ norioit I mnlInnn|:J' 60 um IIIIIO Now hinool Buninuu In wlnld bu & .1: ' ult at Iaihn New ':?:;`l.k`d1n1l`;;:lnd. if?! I Ion r'Io'rou AR BELLBVILLB. \TliE STEAMEILVIMY U1" QUINTE I .,d:-3 ` wan Iumnumung run. - The Suboorlhc ontdlnlly man his Friend: and IM Public: `D I-. unlnu his Stock bofun clu- whom, no Inc Is oouldual hing IIIID 7 7- . In Inna: Mosul own" I Iohauou J1: ` Am:'::'3'4{uu_,AIn1I A, .. 223%`: 1:. `I ~ E- AF I4, M ` ' Q >>TIuovcuhuuI1:dIIr V of U } '|'omnlo, "53 0--uh. J IDf____l85I. nu nnrivstu NORTH an amt ROYAL mm. nu - ' EIIIIIIDI ll! IN N9. 1.4.. Fm Milo of Bond. in lahuoql lab Brjdp.NwLhnrd. Tndgnhnlbllo ';`pnaporRrl. No.'I.-s.If:r!I.`h3" ` `OM Ergfa-9-untlnunbn E-g-0,. Cnqlgmduuoolhwnunuu T um Dnmved lnduboutono ilnx` nl Il...|. l-Iu. l'\..Ip TI.` III. IIIDVIHI ICIU. IXIII `IX -l- HUI ' `of Quck [ah Crock TIIO `sum an par too: In `uni , Bridge. Tbllooaooud Hmmudonuauu mnhpdadudlfoannnnuunl No. 4.-Iru the Ouuuievai [If In r "IVIHII W 'U$HZ\lC"TX` 0 W . ` %":{:',..;'t.%..'s....."'* ......."m.... of one 1 oouuunuI_ImquIrd. N. lI.-1'ln Ooupn Iilttihd an-mnlm Ian I the Id mom mum . K. &.P. Rod &'!`naInn Kmguon, Jm nu. tau. III. - cu-1'. cnn|.;., ' Will luvs Kin Ion. Thin JU'tnmoon.|t 1 lo`u|ook. for Ba. , Piotou, Bollovillo Ind . inlomcdi|le:li!u- I Kingnn. um 26. I855. I I'I'lIl IIII WI` u unlww -\Vorho-Oloehlllilov -Ihlli ainnan R I. Inna: thin" n..n.II.... rmvau `A rini-E ROAD COM PAEY. `BL! unno `III IIJICMIM on ubohntlao Mil I`-om Pawn `G3: |tI_ Tnldd` 5! either of I50 Iallnnml Inn-h n. ` Jul noun. IGOQ. Kiugmn, Mn, ild. IIII.` JUIIIV lllllllg 80, Lumnu Chnhn , Kingston. nu. April. mu. _ _u not in run to uvutuin CON! lawman-nu. a 0&4 mun pa-p........ ... In Id In: aunt in IIVIIIOIL `H. Onbinptgu. ..... ............... a ........... I n:;.;.T.`u.."ir.."s;.:. THE BANSH EE.-Cqt. Howard, Will lens the St- Lawrence Win.-f This Enning, it Nine o'clock. for Gnnanoque. Ind go down next. morning on the trnul of the Like Slums: frm Toronto. `_ Kingston. Jun: as, 1356. ` I I 1 . `lo Oo;t?oton.' BANK OF 5!`! v` ` ` \ K SUPEIIIOR |n5ohr'b'0iI Ndfhid ...... .........| ....\I l.a'Q4I- an * * - . [NM HIV `III IIIII II RH: Yorhtnl. IDOL [onnnum by:iT:WIilIrcnki Pollmd. Jldnulvdl Jnll D I` 339?. ll) I'l!aI(I'U Il|IG.-"I'I 5 Juan. ncnzvod uni `III-"Silo Ii WI: \\'lLSU WC- B oniuol duold. .. TIIOS. 9.3113007. Mk '01:: oflhe lollowmg nu: mun ruun- , tslaunon will Iona Kin`-Ion Every . in; for Mutual uul ntulnodinto Pom :- ' ` , Tu Dunn. Clpt. Hand. ' l TIII NIH Eu. Capt. P. 8. Crytler. . Tn 31-. LAIIIIDI. Capt. Maxwell. : ' Tu Ornuu. Capt. Kelly. J ---- J WI. WILSON. - Brook aunt...` NI] Ill mt Acuuun. A I nulvu J0}! Il.|h'l".` Mi-I Ill Inc. In. . .1-u?rAlUl'O'l1',M Illuboh. n IAOIIIT, 1"-ohy. ** -an AIIAIIAN, Olpt. onto:-um `I11-Illif, IIADT. TUIIIII. II Vvurva` n unvuwrullg uvn vuw uuuu In unit In . ulliuj :0. III intermediate P?! on the I]: . up ind down. mk tuning _lhe ` Novelty ' from Kingllun in the Evening. an Iloep on board and mm the auly morn- in train from Sunken: Harbor. Mu I8I.h. I855. , ` & . HIV!` Iwuulg `Li. hualho'SI. Luwroneo `Whit! for Cum. Tomato iiid Huniltnn THIS AFTERNOON. It 3 o'clock. K_.lapIoI,7JuI!e 96, I855- `T7-U"-'-v -~--~ ~ v ROYAL mu. RIVER s1jmundA 1 I LINE. nu Kingohl. April 280.21. 1855. .. a. } .$.'.'cu... 2...... F.-ogunm will In|'u.Kh[|xnu Every " mpg in Coho:-3. Pm Hope, Turn! "1 Ilunlnl :`-- . T.l{ROl_IGH INONR DA Yr!` v0n'qoH.ho foliowing Fin: Clan Funn- mr Summon will Klunlon Bier! V " Z :1} (mm: or LAKE '0" u-rnnnuu. - . `II c 13,.;III_,A II_,.., THE STEAM ER BEAVER, a-Ana ut-i`.vnuI.m. CHEAP TRAVELLING. _xu as-u'lIIII 1 BY W. H. SMITH, 8811. Tile with illumnted with i. coflau not of Copper twup of the Countion, I and numll not the Provinoo. all pro- ima upm-1, fol the wet. ' Vin. at nu. Prinalnnl cm... I MU, BAY STATE. an`. y Hanan 00.. 1855. ` IKTTI IIII.` I'I'I NOTICE. K . B. W. PALMER- Kiquplon. A'!`I";. CATAR.&f`r'I . N I A I 1855. I0 Prrlninms... . ". 7.780 . .. ruin (I? Florin: are rqnal In II 3`:-thug.) The In: drawn of the n: Pnu-3 will receive the Premium of l00,000 Hm-inn. bon- uquanuy and Ticket. may gain 16300 darling.` v Thu rlrnwinn will Im nlmn in the bran. . Iternng. ' The drawing will ll-kl.-llco in the res. , onus of the Public. II n Loner lull. l"ran|tl'ort-nn-the-Maine. Ind un er the ` Iuperinten-knee oh eummiweo Ippuiuwd by ` the Government. I... o|..- I ..u..._ 4-`... MA 1.. .I-an-Ahk-. mu. 1. g"a;.2?. .I..Q'." ` ""` ; CONTAINING u Alphnhoal Lin of 1 the linen! `Lenin. that with It. Haul tho _cn-don ofouh iIle,Iho int, Aoudlp, III M at out Poor, bio Hair. nuns: n'nmnnuin. 'l`nnil- ` Inrucu to nary ucu: now". The Prize: will be paid by n lhrnugh the ` ` ` ' , in the Hriliuh Uolonieulmi .` the Eat Incl Wen; `lndiu. ` PRICE OF TICKETS. ` l Whole Ticket .'l0-l HalI"l`iclteL 5 -l Qtllrler Ticket 13 l0s.--ur 5 Whale Tiekau, or In Half 16.. or 20 Quarter do. _ In 15, Remimncufor Tick eta uhnuld be made by lhnlmru` Drna. payable at my `ltovnin Europa. - II`nr Tinhu anal Pm-nmlman nnuh In mo uovernuam. In this Lottery every No. is drawn either with 1 blank or I priu. Ind the fun of each ` No. in distinctly prinlad in the oicnl lint, ' ncn y 0| which will be itnmedinwly for In ad to ticket lioldor. ` The Prixu will he mid In In llunmrh the I"nnIuon-on-uu-nuns. unrmluyg or, In l".E. I-`ULD & Car, 8`). \'illin'n Street. ' Strand. London. . ` We. the undersigned. In ope-`eia|l`y`||p~ Einbd Agni: for an Isle of fiokcu. or `_' win and foreign countries; and it give: an , mu plasma to nnnounca In the public. . unriulhd mecca of Illa Ilumn told by us, to within I lholl Lima In hue Ind the ood fortunl to pay at our Slmvelwlden in agl:nd.Ame(i-.1. sud Iha Colonies. up- wudaof Du Hundred 'l'Iw||und Pounds r Stirling. ' , F. E. FULD & C0 , union and necauyars I-ennrnuy. , .1 . S.-Tlu Pn-Ipuetub of thin hamm- VMGI contains full puniculu-I.can In in- Ipoutod at the uu of thin Paper. NO an mm. um an aim t_k-ad. wit-ltnu 7 Ilolnonaln lo nulch. `wanna mumps. For Tiukeu and Pmpoolmon -14` to ill IIII Mann. 1". E. FULD all Co.. l"nnlslor\on-tho-Maine. Gannnny; or, In I`, l'I`.. FHLD A [`.n._ 89. Villinn Slreal. FDR SALE at uni Brilillu Whig 0lco- ; Lon Dad, Irittrihrnf Dnwuu , long `I . without do. , ` Slum Dad. with Bu of '.Don:. 8iwtlkuJ.1Ii0mn"1r.f - - ll.-uuiuln In -uncal- ` 6l'lIllH'. 0| the-Maine. 'I`l... ll-. . lll-Mllll. I The Drawing will commence on the 3rd ` October. I855. and will nial: on the 21th of : the mnnth. 'n.;. 1-..-.. -....-:-.- ..r ....I.. Inmm 1 mo mnmn. ` This Louery cnnnigts of only IHJIM 'l'ic|cls, nnd onto! them M300 must. gain the 000 ful1owing.Pri:os, and, II | renn- Illnl I-- ulnl. rouulu mu-uul ruronngu. II III) ' I iddiolho cl tholeu which he in HIIIIII hllhlk nu Ind IIIIII1 NIUIIOC. Ina ` Inhala- iully hot to tho` :)`nucnckcdIn::Irof I IIIMI1. I. Comps` y mwnn nun. Eng, I. A; Roit` tiummcn. ` London. Feral: by _ ._ . ' ZTUHN D1.'fP'. ` huvguolunc con, 1553 ms ll Not long ago I rm badly nlllicted with aaro eyes, could get no relief but got _ worse all the lime, and- thought I shoul-I | at" blind. 1: I found no relieffrorn all the . iocton I triad. `Doing in KingsI.on.l was advised logo to Doctor Lnnkuu. So I did, and got lime, without any fear of gelling Irono ' since. The remedial lgol. from all this 4 1 quite well Ahar 5 than 1 1 other Doctors were no more than different ` kinda of eyemller. in quite a dil-not rray, draw I" the bad smlva from Jrithin, Ind perfectly cleamgl mp eyes in this way. ., ` Mrcrurtr. lIr:nrmv_ lint be treated me ` HF} Ith FRANKF(_)RT ST.\'FI'3 Ll)'l"I`EN.V.guaranleod lqntho UuV~ ernm-m.` of the Free `City of l"ran|iforl.-on- I [ml I cancer an my Hp~f0l' Kl long ` time, and wearing in I severe way. could get no remedy, until I gut perfectly cured I by l')octor~'Lan|nree. of Kingston, sud um now more than half: year without the V least. fear ofih returning again. D.u-um. MoNu:I.. u;..--:.....a_.. Ind. |l__ 1.-gr: K it right to state to the Public, that I was moat awfully alicled will: many couiplainla lor more than four years, onebf which was a severe rupture. anoth- era cankarad cheat and throat, with w- , van pains in my head. Also, a general t (lebility over my body. I `tried many 1 Doctors medicine and got no relief, but . got worae all the time. At last I went to Doctor Lanktroe, of Kingston, and re- mnined with him some lime, and am . ready to prove to all that.I got rid of my rupture, and of every other cnmplaint I _ had, and am now a sound man amiable to do my bnaineu. I mugt. cute lhall-l , did notgo with a view to get rid of the rupture, as many Medical man told me _ j there was no ramedy but wear a truss for life. But to my gwaljoy, I am now per- fectly cured of the lrarrauing afliiclion, J and would seriously advise all young per- ` aona troubled in this way, to apply when I got. immediate relief. _ Ii ' nan-rn Tavrnu ' noaam IIIO vnole to us ooaunouu I] an. WILLIAM H. JIURROUGIIS, who in I well luwwn fur his ukill and gcadomanly , depomnant. which of itself in I gnranwe ` V l`uril.'| future uuccou. The rooms will be` ehuged fdr sapunlal .|nd prioen governed acnotdin to size Ind ucuiou. New `orl:,Juno, 1855. H4 if THIS poulu and well known establish-' mu! bu recently undergone thorough mention: to meet Iho present clung: new ' occurring in the haul u amp. It will ra- ` Vofon on ll NDAY. I Dlut, on the ' EUROPEA and AME [CA-N PLAN unmhinod. with the name elegant Dini_i_3g- Rooma an hontnfon; with Tublo d`Hola in Lpdi_ea' Ordinary, which will be thrown open to the public from Chamber:-u. and A Broadwly enmncu. It is expected the Hotel will mael.` with the usual fun: {mm the puhlio;_:Jna from fnmilien and pen-muunl bonrdero--u ovary attention will In paid to guests. at moderate charges. The Irving Hguse bu been npwly furniuhed and paint- ed throughout. with uriuun impmvexnenu addud- The whale to ma conducted by Mr. WILLIAM H. BURRHIJGHS. who is rs. u'|u'.1uuI. nu rcuoveu mu m- in next door to H. J. Miran`: y Grout; Sun, Cu-nu of King Ind Break mg}: r n k s ' ntnneu mm use 1.3 \ Kinautnlhay WI. I855. e 109 oeuon uolououn 00 P709 plieuion In 350 Kinguon. u um. I858- up g In Ill rmuunnd mg rum --Hy, um his `JATHS lnnboou Roland, and an no! Jpen mry d: t Sunday. ~ Seuou ououn procundon ap- nlicndon In an Pm:-inn. up u_)clu1 uni m|_.y.,_ Mzcluzl. Murmur. Elmnnonvilka, `nah April. 1855. "3! trials: uovsnr ~ ` - F` I 1 UANIBL RIC Swrrington, 15th May, 1855. --.._ Eula Iluulwullvv IUIIII Dwtb Tnmn. Tyendinugn, lalny, 1855. C1111:-x1I"t')'I`z' mp.aaaMm' ' D II announoa Ltol:inhiehdnundthgfn ic nor`- ! that L3. II.AI_(\..I.l ...I II .... IMPORTANT` NO T!TE- IRVING HOUIE. n I "M 0 V A. L . R. 0`REILLY. has removed his Of- e hill. than in H, J, Ila:-n`: I". I}. lrllhll Q UU4 Baker: and llocuiyars Gencrlllr a-Tlu Pnnnumin nf this l.n.ulI'I. HLANK D3808. :: cI"E.a'rus. llinn ..._...u..n_ r. 16: . Ema) a 00.. - -_J D._.:--- ('1-..--I |III'I upnuly fat the trout. I MID Vhvn of tho Prinei I Citiu. TIWII. llll other inunltin glean; in ueryputofunoouuy. 8 oh. Hoynl 0-0 I :11! 1, .- P I vol III 1'3:-nlIn_ nnhlhlnl L- I1-_-..._ A. n- ' thmnselvennf hi: pernonnl nllendmce, has yiuldu.-d [,0 those: requenu. and in nuw pre- pared to lrzmsnnil. lu all parts at Canada and ` the United Sums. ltemediu similar to Lhnne he has emplnyed fur seven! Jeni punt the` Montreal Eye and Ear lnuil.n- lion. and in the Uplnlhalmic Ward: of St. Pnrickl ll:-spinal. DR. HOWARWS IISIIDICI Vnll rlllilll "V TH : IT! IND [AI Eye l.nu'ouu. Km. 1. 3'. 3.&a..-. 8-) each.` Iiya Mixtures, Nun. I, 9:, 4:13., . _ . 2`,-:3 mu-h. I".y'u Umlmcnt. prr box. ...... .. 91 Much. Eur (HI. par. huIl'u,. _. , .._,, _ _ _ $2 each. Ear Minutes, Nun. I, 9 3 die 52 ench- Ila lI.......-:1 . .. .. ......I.. The trahlc in clear. pure, beautiful, and very ma!o:1'nnn\,Ilae hut: in Men, rolling, uni nonu- ronn; the tlnhlae part in rich and nympuhelio. Ind pomssea the power 0| slngnn , J . c. at uniting the Iound uf each mm`. in A fnghto hul nrvly m-Inin-ved.--Hl!I`II.`l' U. Wnnml. Your iustrumcuuc um I Ieneihlu lnnprnvcluenl upun Amerinn phuum, um! Ill honor to we still- ful mnnnfnuurcr. Then in no dnul-Lbugtlnoy will, he npprccilll by tho puhliu`, undmll ud- mimu nf true nN.'|`iI.--l)3f`A|ll3()1ItTTANT. lplh and urn a-nnnl in An! null: I am at-uunlutml with Ill. A HUI! -`ll ' wouuu? mo. . lays hnuouu. Ann. 1. 2. 3.va.... 5': each.` I I I".y a|l1nnncnt. 9, 3. die. .. Dr. lluwaril recummemh [wrnunl apply- ing for any of the bum Haunt-dues, to fur- nish him with n wri tv.-A descliplioh of their dmuos. ("um gnu ..... -..-o L- -..-. ....:.1 _.`..1| contain I rernnu one of the above prucurad only Elm, lNaTlTl'T'IlI} Street. Montreal. June. I355. 6.s3..0.<@ 6 LIL\l -"0'-h.`\lH\.` Int! 5 I-Llmr Lclehralt-II Spools, in I00 yards. and I latgu lot 300 yard; Lu Trader! at 135ml per daz. JAMES 1mrkw.\' .Wiltbn-ad": Luann Potter all Ala. l"Ill-I5]! b'|Ippr'jI1I!. raczved in Pmu ` l.mIQu:lrL1, 6 u on and 3 dama cueu. HENIIY (,` MPMAN `(E (10,, _' Solu Agent; {at Cumin. Montreal. I855 ' H2 L and llsu by R. H'0\\'ARl) having been rnquestenl Ir] several of his Patients thmughuut both Provinces. and "n the Unitexl Smten, many Me.-ducal Praculionars of the lwighesl reap;-nI:u|iliIy,ln prepare lh:.\1:- , mu for those nliclcd with lnauuu of the HM: and l`}An,hut who cunnug uni] Lhmnselven of In to mm] annular he fur Eye III) II'llIII A n nun The Beacon Camplnv lrnnlnot evry don-; ' cription of Life and F'i`ro Assurance bani-. ` non. In lanlgiga. uo pp-. G1; limp. Gm ' Jilin- 4 x x IIOII. - The Bmrd o( Direoiors in Canudu being - nhnreholdaru in up Cnpiul Stock of` lh Unmpunphua pn at to sign and iuuo Policies. lhua nl`|'urd:Ia tho Ilamsou. Omen. ` essentially. all the Idrnnugen pf: Pronu- : uinl Cum any. with a lugs Ind soundly invented lritilh (la ital. JAMES UHA "l`MACl)()NALl). Sarrrlnru L71/\ um; nan nunml, Opiulluzlmu: and Aural -Surgrnu (0 Saint Paired`: Ila: ital. SURGEON T0 TIIIC llI'|\"`I{E.\L EYEANI) mu ms1`m'r:n:v, . Nu-.uu.xu. ur uurm : O. S. Stnngc, Enquire, M. D., Kmgatnn. ...j... u.-\nn1:.ng;, The Ccmmarcinl Hunk. Klnzhrfn. MII`.I)lI'r\'. Il|1`|i'l",1v`" - Wm~ Bowen. l'Iaq..-` utwartle Kinuutnn. mg uuunu-I, AUDI ORS: Jnmua Tllurnlun, Esq., Cummereial BllIk,I Kiuguun. I HANK E R9 2 _ lmnuon, L. W . :A.,.j__ | A. J. Macdoncll, !'2sq.,Bnrrial.er, KingIlon.| u unn mnluu, rmqulre, Mflgllllgl me any I of Kingston. ', Alexander Mnclhlnuld, Esquire, Town 111' Landon, (3. VV. A J Mn:-nnn". P-In R-rrinlpn Kinrvllnn Archiblld John Mncdoncll. Enquire, Sland- ing Counsel. ' AIIDITORS: f CANADA BOARD. \ 'l`l{lISTEES: ` The Hon. John A. Mncdunald, Her Mljes. ty'o Alturney General. James Morton, Esquire, Kinanlal. * lJllll'.'U l`URS: eMu:we|l Wrllum Strange. Enquire, II! Cal derwoud. Dlroclor liulnlnercial Hank. \ ` (Thurman. \ Thomas A. Corbett. Enquim, HI h Sheri of the United Uounnas of ` `mnlenlc, Lenul nnd Addinglun, Vice-Cllaarrmnn. > Jame: Marlon, Enquire. Proprietor of ma Kingnum Brewery Ind Iutillery. Kingston. Jnmu Ha:-ty. Enquire. Merchant. Kingzitnn. John Mnwntt, Enquire, Merr;|Iunl,ofLhe City of K imulun. `N ` l.c<.'JS. Georg Hr-mm. Eaq..(l"irm of Meurmllroom ` snd liugulmw. Accuununu,)r 39. (Jole- mnn . C. Lonouck Webb, Esq. New Squnre, Lin- coln`: lun. Ja"l`|l A u\- A ten HA In an Inn - u lyllupo. no View limp. um . _ 1-9 Harrlwickda Peerage for 1855, 3.1.. I. E An-gm.-