Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Jul 1855, p. 3

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ailing It '||HItomodino#P1yrlann the In pun! down. Rnnrn {or New York taking the Newly `fun Kinguon in Ihmvvning. mm 'I|oep on bond uni ulsu Ibo early morn-; '-' min from ackom u-hm-. WI; l,3I.h'. I356. me In - 'AB1!l1UR CROWN, ` fIfrItk'l M1. ism `I'll: nL um um uh mm 3. 9.11:; an :_.._;_- L___' __....__._.| nv-fr:-n . me. Howamrs nu` nan-.a--no quill- no a.nTnuri7rx1'mvN, llnnnl Kc.-..n| I umuu. (ILA HK WRIGHT- Iu Ir.-us '1 ~mfI.Ai'_I`S! 2 mp 1u:'r.u1.. $1,000 I 5lIu|I I HUI! I 200 I 101 I .n . r'fm- I851, ` Fina ulnkin, ;ji1m mamv 3 'F h..lhu.un4 ` my, all nfubicl on surpassed in ` in tho muluu. n huu w 1!, Hugo! Stront- ' 15 ozm Rm; ' RAY [Alli III I . 8:? each. v . 3% much. . SI tench. `Cd n..-|. II ISIIIHI. . `$9 sank. Q.) .... .s. ..I?,6fJf` 5 mm |,,.uu 8.000 3! mm I53 mm. ' ' r.p-mu as-up 3-1;`-hyr. Wilrinnou. `an- an... iuk 122:-r,uun:u-, w ' 1| Ra c :: s:'..'7`..1'.",'%-...* .:.r. .,.a...;`.'."s?.*.{.`;.% .. mum Linn, 1-u-- - v-..v-J -. v-soc uuuuusu sunny unv- |3 ~4`'-73:49; man Pnnr8me,_ `DIIHL {65. I34-I- uuma. ,` _ 3 - 4%.-My their 'I'-OR0.N'l30~unl QlH>}BHG+ `ur,-d with nuw V117}!-`F18 Ind l"EmIr Plothc Eatuhlunhmuu are enurelvfurmahed mu mi 7 7 reymntml an-`I |V|Pend,|lII{ rafumi-mm! and` V v_ throughout, imfmrued direct in wait own tud`--r from the Munulnc-tnvru. ' He uoulrl 1 'l`lun'r LIQUU Rh`. I"u1-nah. Herman and Pnlnlir. In his Englmh Uumk`-I \\'|.\l-1.5 . and Inn nru-d`pg;A-"-_u " ALES and Bean. &t:.. have been an: ccwdtohc um upreuly for them by rt-nunm-urs in the `Mm hgifxl dntfewnl articles an 1'? r r.-. 'l`|.-.. 5...... .I-..I ...|.l..`.| I 15.- _i...I-.. L: "f "'9' "NHL I lahlonhm-r,qurb and pink. 7 Pinato.";epplr. Uimtmun, 010100. on _. . DAILY HIE GI` `HIS 1'0 0l`l`A\\ Au n ' ~ RIDBAU 0 umemu lrlwlel an I`4uru|ur.'. , _ I They luau! ahml om-umul the nk?! M ` C/trfl le cm... rmm Ihe.lZuiIn.d hm.-.,5* Mm uunvl mumallml in r-it Au. and when-ll a~r_g.:r9 uutfuf A.u`-nnla. Suswardu. Wait:-n, ' &::., hum In.-u-n sell!-elm! sale-Iv Wllh n-gald to than nhimin. Ilirnfin un-`E rwitih. I'IJI'L' \'l'lv` llllfiin ..f HI7Ii`I`lJIII V I'll! ' home. I..|l. l,IIl(lllluJl`a-3 Irwsya on nine. umvm Illmulmuo on the arrival of the Steamers, Lu: J lJ3DlIJl.alu IIKIUI lIl'4l|-3. llllll IOI pant favors. wherey um Inn been anablml tu' Mmnl their hgguggisg the Ancient Cnfuiuh uf bum Iochans 01 [he 'prnv_ince.veapn-lI`ul!v inl'nr_m th--it numcmua friends, and paulnrululy Hm lrnellung com- munity. thnl. thvv have made such un:nmn- menus for the running suauun, II mllenmia {hum to acnminuuncr ul Llm hhcval patron- age llnrv have hulhewu posse.-m-I. l'm-i: whnln nnnlv I-I" IxI' In xnxilan llnnr nnlivnnn I lllfy IIBVIE IIIHJHIIU PIIBSILD-Il'lI. IIIEIE wlmle Iunlv II." he to main um: palfonn feral,--w|uuhor U1!-ll slay be long qr nlmvt--j IJIII their Enulntlnhmounta In um emb-ML ," men: of luxurious numrrm. Ind 3 quiurltl lmma. ' to mom nmuuu. nurnmvn um rwnmee. l'|l|\'.\'l'H SH] `[3 "uf HUPEICHLY FU|.\l-`iIl|'Z|) APAN MEN IH3 any lb! nlwnvu ulcnn-vi MI liuw ll nrmlinnlum ._-._._.....__.__._.._-.4-_......._ ' 33381 3533! G'53I5l"-K 93339 H O N 7' R B J In 1 0l"I"ER fur Suit liuupuvnlcr. Old yuan, You 5; l|ywn..Hyuun Twnuhy, '1 wll-i` .....'E.`1. T.*...*.`.`'?`?f?,.!ff?. `*.'.'3:5:.'.*.`..".`1*:.<'-`...._- QUEBEC (Pnluee sum.) l_'.i . ` - unnkris : The Commm-inl Bank. Kingston MEIIIISAL ()l"i"lGER : - OI S.St ngu, Esquire. M . D.. Kingston. ' The icon Colhnmv lrlnnnl. enanr Am lnarlenn Llnje of Lake Swamp rs. U. mm: ngu, naqum-. M. 1)., tungsten. mean Compnn Iramactewry den- cription of Life and hire Auumncu bani- neu. nefi Boarolhf Direqtoniu Candi bci 1 nlm-qheldeniu uh! Cqaiul Bxoak`o[.R-a 1 ` Company. have pawn 14; sign um! iuuu ' Policies. mun llutllinjlr uni Banana Oman, 1 annually. In uuqmdunutoa ul` 1 Provin- chl Uom ny. with I "Ergo and nanndly IVE-I`.-[Ell irmsh Unpilnl. I JAMES GRANT MACDONALD ` mg uounael. _`. - AUDITOR.-`I: Wfowan, Hap, Fotlvnndnr. Kingplon. Janna]:-_- i`lau`mnqn. l'2sq.. Cuaunoroinl Hunk, lllglllu I . BANKER: ' H0. June In. um. John .\Inwa unnntznuns. : Maxwell Wiinm Strung:-, Esquire, nf (`ml I derwood, Duoctur Uummarcial Bank,-, . . ',- (`hairmmm Thoma A. Carbon, Esquiro. I h Sloeti of the United Cuunlien of 'ronleu|e. ' Luna! and Addington, |"|'rr-Uhdarnlnn. James Mm-tun. Esquire. Pmprielm of the Kingntnn Brewery nd l)inu`llory. ' Kiununtdn. ` June: Hail`? Enquire, Merchant, Kingston. . E-quire, M:-nzlum, ur the City of Kjumstuu. - Lnif I '.Ie'.'..L.'{r."a}I.}I-f,"LfEs}.iim'C" . 1- IHHAUE-'5 mm on nana..n.1|in ..... .. cl... .on..;l nf IL- Ila-..-.-.. Axchzald .'I-hu Mnoduuoll. Esquiro. Sund- inz Counsel. ' ` I AlTl)[1`nHR- JCHIH Jlllwllfp _I`uQliIHlU-g III'IQI|IHIg 0| INC LII, Km stun. `Mexander . uxlnndd, Esquire, Town of, la-mdun, I3. W. ` A. J. Macdunell, Esq.. Ilarxiuu-.:. Kingston. 1 ._._.._..__..._.._ -.,,. -_- .. VRUSASE L-L B 1: 0 THE }{'s" ' IIOTELS. ivnlzn lilting-uuuu-5 ' T R U S '1' E_E 8 : ' [Thoma Faun.-Ii. E-q.. V . ' William Bulkiey-'Giauo. Rap. Q. C. Tho llnpunhlu Freduiel Wnlpolu. ~. ` Thomad Wnuluurth. Elm, niildl` 0onlI- ` medial Bulk-; Indun. ` ` LONDON. I_l04RI)._ Ccirmnn :-Thumu Fuuell. BIL. Wu. bury Hume, Froaue. Snmcroeulsixe. The Hannah}: lfoborl Bough,` 4. Lamb u Huildmgn. 'I.`ernple. v ' George Ban , 1'2}: . 5. Eton Viu. Huer- lttwk llfu. nu} Queanhitlw. . ` A:l_l`m-I Brgdio. Enq., ugvendi-h $quuo.nd " Eutuurne. Sussex. - 4 Milan. Beale, l`Iaq;.(licm Good _& Cm. Navy A Agents.) Suite 81., Stand. . Edward has run or, Eq., Wnpping.` g Alodlaw Pcnwli, 30 Kmmudwo Pull q 'nrlen.u. an gmmm arr? 0? THE BAY F Wm.:lljI' fnn,har notico, have Maura. 8I'I'I'u_` WhIrFlp'Q'm'ub|y.u.9 u"ulm:k re- Jy. on _tIIo Afton-noo_|,o or Tue: ay. glyulyjnd "Snh_1'rala{. Making all the on Ii up uniting at lib lgvilla at 8 I-`clock Ildl minutes Will propded I4: Trcntun nun night. _, ' w. R. MUNRO. ' hi:-Imv. Auunnv rutculluvnlqq ILOI-IIDI I'Il'I V Gurdehs. ' _ Charla: Hun-ltine. Esq-.,Arpy|a Strut. AV!-iv Hand. ' ' Ham .Ilu'u ap-urlmm. Rugs. lhigldilt Ilill, i, In Ju;s|_unxinnll,3|ItlImra. The IL." My-.lurIck Walpole, Cu-nnaught 3`"l'nr-' Hr-Ir Park. . )lJsslLL. mm-rmzns. gut:-'ul for In mun favors. uimrcmv nu-v Invn hero 9 A r_| I All , .053:-144.: mp, `Tbunal i-pa ' Inarn 43/ 10 nevi. (WM fl , 1] ` nrcinnry, lo mcreqtl lo, I qif I _Hullo'on.) :2! . a if`?!-9-0-0 ` '- V Im-7-and lyulcz of Pqliamu 7 and 4 .- e nu. uquxo. 'crmn-` orcis xojn, wnxmim ruox L O N D 0 Nu - All Killnlnn. C-nnnin `Veal. lIl.l.'ll I) HUSH Iglpllll. J AME6 611.1 N '1' llA`CDOa\'.-\ M), .Upn-pt`-:4 -.;------~_::..--,,y--_ B E A C 0 N V and Flu Anuuu Coup!!!- `,1 L U N DUN; llluuon. (`nun `Vesta "BANKERS: nhl unk Kn... J` V / If y . if'}/ M ms n-nu II A) I 2:1? Whit: gyggtrt Imiqaolt `indnjfumreul I uid, ' . 10's. ind 8'I; Chai- n fnll ' TO K O N 1'0. (Gnunh sum.) zx`cL:I?iFlm. 1 uiwn nu, Sn-rrltvy. ,uu'u u I \\',m.. (1 -I-ow-I.-lamjvu-ug panda. fun-no-I-' 3.`, 33.4.] ngmyug. lll']ll'l IUIECINOIBIUH IIII IT! IL in Idvcmpqud d In mpnugrhmmulul I-I--I-IL an-n:.u_ _ mud. n ' mg. , 0 nine Im umuhm. ll Id at Ill gm. ,1, ggum 5, 3.. gunman-up: In u- -cunuo-rullcamd tum-"nut mean Lu: T uymuou _#-:1-_ 11!-.-:.'gr':'t`I'-`o:Lbin-d ism uu.:-"Iraq-u u'l+"a:a'.u":-u.E3 `III 5'01!!! uhlluoii-piuuI pIbI%lC. ~ hggeumlh ahIhu.uhIuhi_uodIoIn- 2?`-1. nun and Ihl,Ind pmmlnd vit- us any. . A large uuortment nr Capo ofqnvry din- ariptiun cnnalanl`|'v on hand ur n::u['c to _c-rder. Slnw Uamdl. Panama. Children`: Fanny `lull. nuns. km ` ' nuuv uumu. I Hun, C|pc.`&u_ -A(.II--- A splendid uumnneut arson Run of dry My-lo: limb Bauer. llunianaw, Knuuth. Nabnah, Gruban Ind ull pupuhintet ul` um day. ' lama uam-(men: nf Cam afnvtvrv din. an-r. cnu:u.. Wil Inn -Kiriguon, This Afternoon. at 3_ o'clock. fut Ban}, Pinion, Bellevilie and Inlunalinu phoom. ' Ki-nun. has `n. 1355. nm:Nmn mn.~w~.1n has the Imnnr I" ofirulmming his Frmudn and the l'uh|1n| is general. that M has an Mind A beautiful n-` mrlmen{M`S|~k ilaunfhinnqua gnu__[u~_(_g]'ib,' , at` the beat qunliuns and the anal fqaluhngblu uyloa. (both Ennlilh Ind Anemia) whirh for elauance. liahtne-quad durum cannon 1 be excelled. um. Ilu. -...Ia |...'....|.. A I- - r... |........ NJ llI|`)bL Bf`l'Jl|'E illlll |`lll|'iHI ` and Wllnll`-I--ll the tiny. JIIUWI | V ` lll I III lllil. ' u Emu mum and amend with maul.) frmn Ilsaslmhlnd lIu|:|M'J pmnliun. nhunla ` Lhu nm.sL zwnnre and halnmlam,-nus .\ mraun ` ZII`7"l\lIV'I .., _ 5 pr! nd [0 rt-ccive Ind Sumo, or For- wan . lh-.nin.|"1m1r un all kind: or Mer- 4-.ha'ndmn7npuy II lu\l uumau any \'.'Iuul'-I umer In hnmzulun. no exeeucu. Bill: Ill" I hnlll Murine mm taken an Vpualn 1 Cu. No! It as 3-w I :9 ol'- Pmmiuu: u my ` tit f C .' _ o "no wpm L.N.PUT.`\'AM. A ......b 44- u. (U Anna. . Agent. Omccdulnntio Wharf. foot of Prianau Street, Kmgstun. I Juno I855. M ' ` 135' \l'ICu 7' o XUl'N-. A. II. M9731`-. . tiylsaalcr ll-uimlu. V J AMH8 PLATT. Pruenl, S. 1!. humor, Seemlnry. Can.` \ r n.n.mI` Mount. Gnuonl, la; up-u and Surveyor` um: - Jamel Hgn, ' Henry Fitxhugh.` A. P. Grin . ' Luther T I. .\`. crtick. * Goo. W`. lloriol, Snlunnl u quuny uy ml)`-unpnrl.1'Il mm uni- l.'uuuu_v. HE-.\|H L H`.|'M`\N &_C(_|.. Sula Amman for J|=I.rs,Mum.\I & Cu. nntrna! I855. ' W3 u up -. .. . -- IIPOITANT 1'0 'I'|IAVE!alaBllI. IIII vuulrd lrpllllulil WIJDI -l.l0ioIlu'n. nuw plnol iauula. lbiractlnunl` the Com- pany. as wall ul the innrhble libenlily of umr Bud sn tines put, camium . nu. ihla pledge and cm-am . -. " D REC (IRS. Jumsg no. .|r rt it--:,.L. , um milk IUltri4f,', I, r Thin Marin: undue!` Quay lhohd 8oIe'n.I_ Fun ask: an Bdildiaal. Ion} _ ohndiat. urninne, Youth in ' " . Puuui phi: Cugomnd . nil cum Piopeuy. ' , All Lone: viii be. an uual.pI-uupdy ' odjuhd and p,ll.,IoI' which an Minding : and bucllrl II-yutllion HJII (lontinnwn. I um ulna! in nu. lbin.-unn nr 0.. a'_....., ` I U U U I ' " no lull It-nu`: lniirnea lgogfy, MARINE AND `IRE. " '.(|w-rp-nun my nqs;1.auur { \`omi1m.; ,1_:v. 111: err? 6; 7' - CayutI.-$l mmhunmt cute with a`uq.tg;,- undnnl` an H-cl. I-4 Hut 5 (En-n-I-min: Inn-Inn-I 3 l.o'urJei: In I fomhmni. u I urtg, `H. C. T M, S. B. La ow. Alvin H:-nnn`nn, n. u. umuow. Mvia Huuwon. William laawia. 9- U`. Bnwuan, AJI. Martian. r Dnuliuln. ' I35 3161: rmrox mm l)El.l.EVlLl.l. TIIESTEAMER BAY` or qumrn` JET- 14:-rl'uv-1 I"l`IIl|`]y lyuuoiu .lg'|fu_c-. I `run! I: 'l:.rm; A lust N_:ur.:\Tn'u; I.\jvn'|'1 .1, An in-mmeut for tho (aura ofgoanq mum. .v. lmpntanut, luenvntlnemq, ,uq-- h'goLuI'u|I_ uulnul. __ mm. Iuswlrnlnul hi. hum ndn.` ..m. 1i... .....a. la`.Im:_r, I ' If. OM:-I " min ) A um H [ Uhllily. ` H1ll|I.'8lIm'I, _ 1 Hl'I` i 51:I`oI'ln. or King : Stung `and min: , Ev, Cruel, Hy mptom-, `He hmlomroux, Tuuouro, Ulce ` Vemhtnl Am-rtionu, warm or all III : I Wnkmsulrum Ihuluar emu. 513- CL . ' ' - Sold II Ihnluubnhanlonl of P uvuv, cu, Slnn:i.(naur'|`em|vlI_Bcr Lon (II. ` and by all rrspwlnbkbru mil tih-min `Iv.-divumn Ihruugbuullllel. i\'i|l,l I World, II III! ` lulouing p.'('l'l :3-Jli. Isl, I9.` d.'lud 6|. gg"1N'.no in wn-idcnhln saving by uklnpha larger Mun. . -011. Ian, ma. _ '- In Egluaydmwythngv 8=n_~r'aiar'L`'g'klo em! a. 4 op; orvimtor nhrnhlr. U.3ri`iS!~ CMIIV _!`ohc. mu... d:mH"obtuIg`y 1: . 105:. = Pm)-issue Edwin. . .._. Bea.-~[ hum much 1-1euu1-_ uflnlomtnuou at I lIOII;lIlI p'MII can at bro;-Iy.rocei`Ily ol- fecml by ynut . nbh medicines. L`: mu Jackson of IMO place, nu mama with pay ` Ipviurdl on! an woman to Incl unex- com me Huused T whuuh nrntlemnnd uh: outed at It veto that his skin I0 Ihnl 4 daily change 0! apparel heentm _ ItI?,unlvrilIuc|Ihd|nglhl\ urlonn-unUV||'| ' ed an ma dim-nvnt mo-ilcal men oonaulsoqutl was re! rm Ivi, mm} he rnimmnoll uvn yam _ rm.` by I hlrh. and ; utrlut mmuaonv to Rn . I printed Jfn-. zinnglne -unIrm.u.1I; currd and 1 his hum: pnrlm-up :0 nabllalrcd. If mu um , 2 this Vuhy or publicity, you no at [Item to i nae it. KUWII-Cl: UV--ailil ` Muir. _r..,Wl=:oa0Il: . "Q Nit. . ` . '3" WV 7: _ meuail` `H Ir.--I lolnhnl on Ihu&It!'U""'5l-`upturn. , 4*" ` a low mm: llumdn, Ind [Ia - ` " I00: laid up hr will by Hi uul painful alurlm I uh neryiolng that In nauuumn-lad. and vuuundol by one club wool emk-nut Suvpou in IN! Iowa: um gbtamd no ulhf whnmm-. . uuH`ur$n um. my health would in Iuhlv Match up`. In iudm-ed to gut Onvneounty Llcnlpugl, there I haul tho but Indira! trams. and lnnmumu. Ionlml, til I ch`-h proud ofno lull, and I u-no an: no brim Hun I nut in. I in ` thcnndvhc-1I.o:ryymIr-PiIIt.uurlb_v paranor- iug min: them was purl}-my c-mod. IINI am ublnd tn mum my ownpulon. nnd although I couidemhlc pork-I Euncwipnd I bun` MI no mm: wlmovov at the euuupbinl. (signed) W. 1100!. Oct. uh. uh. ' Au Ethan-rdowy (Punt: Su_'|-rvn_|?_F0r Heghlun ml 3. 7 I`-wpy oh hem-r fromMr. (3.Hrigg1.Cham- dnledlhralqry mu, I853.-` V Pnal-raw: Baugnwn, ' _ 403%` A . can wtmc TA ' '_ . . .3: ,.._- ., _- ? {B-W `ft . -233` . : {i%u?o%r. : gala It GlIuLI,.,R.D&ai No1;\1rr'ru,1`; ` no its J ' on, '1! cw ~51; ghgu ski price! of nod-cup; ' " uqe. g ` an-rut; of nsurfu un, g gg km to I ` ' nl'.t1`I(a`tr'af1r. lnoin :3. H`. having Ihuudsgt evldouqgmnhhuynub ` eonmcnant-o and Iuppormn hinn _g\n , ling Urui Qtlnn-opal 1 `pain hi: loin! } n I" o n I uioui Currency. in neck or . dogs we " Euwpcan Imuiaininxunu. the mo-* Wxzuo of lnitovln uinnioli in Inn of lift lululnal handlci in (In Ilnlni iuhif `GIIIIO _, I ` mu nmgwmuz , T ~ ivfu1:hr%..~ T {{ 7 3...; - mg. (sipeq .1. main.`- A ` {any C-'l6:ll_I.` Rlezuni-3' am, my hing Jsaclm-gd~auac_ I Ilwpilal I3incraUt.- 0 ihyyulalhrirunlt. W.Ioun liar aunt. Whnhutot. . I Buns` A unlilniofu Thhlt In 9h0,h!`;.I0|!x-, " ' ' f Q '1 *"..:'..':.:'..-.:',..:'w.`..;.:."3.*.%"`a.......` T A:;_ mufu.- \'-ni . my ` 1 A non sctnxrlrlc INVEST! X. In i|.lLh1hllnlfuI' Lin (mm A? um.-H13 URI lu-M hil bu-n III!!! Ull\1l_1:_1`0 9011- I In lhi hhnnzva nf Ihn nun-K nun`.- . % '_ 'A. W.\$ l)f)L1.!".Y. Oomul 'l`gIvenina Agent. ' ` O nah II. 11103. 1. mean. W "' Mfr - .A--_a E:.4.n_. I'_"4"HIIl'V. 'I`|lI!|.'P.. )~:naiIptfo;~ Hour 001:3 , Fuuadcv. lrngu-I Jlulnu. , mm... mungo . .r`..u.4 ' Imus. ' bmpIy.nceU1 mlir|nt1 Us mu :l|},|`eled Will; M. n In In ax- mmmuuuh were skin rpurol 1003: Hour Nlmu It-led an mnnulioilll in III: II : qliv ulw rim of fine um-unuulatof I oqtpe piano: In `MPIELQLI 12 as otw H II 3500. mm; :1 prion up id Sill Ilntlhrel Iluuft A1'1'uuHIl["llIIiI'|.nnulIg $ 0eeh * an-u.'Ai`nIir' E. H. Pukut ;u`I..l.):ug Sun. 1u.v_un.vn vuvnun _ .. {P'r9jte~Inc. Lennon and LCIIIQIQQ. HI : SCI! shill`! OTWOI - , v :"`:'".I"`.`..'s:; .a... 5 5 It 7 v ' I rI'ru;::ltr:n'."Nn1o\9u; In! I ` IJIVIEIUI NU. . | I.` , _,.,_., YI`L,__,.|... I._J_ Inul. ' II Nihlcnu litr~;lIn. ~ ' ' or pow . hill Ibcy ` ' 0 hit- diadclty ol rIoI:eh,o|u:lIu 3*?! -Ibimy tr; mgh, thy In in canyon af'in7`nmr pianos i urn` rniud mm-, hing Mn mum-1 Ion ox- suwnnnnd . Y. lmnnm. HIV _..I, .Kio;- w!.Jn`nI; 95*`! _ II ll! -"1 "' I}? by |.loo`::\d I` , rullzadwmnw n` r` Pin 3 I Ind Municll` " nurunuuliofazwllk.` ' ring mag 61' lol` Il7`5.`_ , and (`$13. in" 12Ls1M3iIr. and In-It-,u,-gin JR uiriu an Jaioh end ` at every variety of II] 0 and llloieaanpribinq then In Ilatlhre uaumfuuwnioa : --I_InqIg)mnI the 1 ` celeb}: cdmmhru impmvnd ance Watts 1 Piano: and the firs! {nremh_:ln. J5ulIi`n Fianna ` of 'l`. (mhun at can 1 m o. (nymen pf the ; .."Hu|i.:|t'I- puuul). eaox banal, plan-d at nut bargains. l'rm- from $I(:o[llu. Kiurlu-uni funm \'6~ d|fTrn`nt n||n uI`u-funim. Iolucl wrrui` nnzl In unsumrn: *' Day H11 union; ennlnod your Nuns: `Farm from Iulomillc ind app:-opruw loan, 1 um enuhkd to form I unimrtory jnfldurl at their memi Ind ll hvurhpluasnm lull mu` upodsolthomu Ilnoweolilnqpd, and lxnproopd mkhfof "(dim J A For win. In-Ililuuanclk `nu-oi bus. I ultimo! lumen` |u'coli\1>1flIo|i' _ um IllI|mI'_l'I ululor apt. Mm . Foc.purn_:. brlxvuutt _nu-pi dmidty of ma, hon! V_)P_ii`lh, A vy `. mgtht uwnr mnnulnwturlr, and Ihigrillruo 060!- muhqn sully moat Hand Pine-omtlmt VI}!!! pmvv lh elluiulent 991' !!I_vlr mun`:-, I471 nd wet; In JOB!` hn|ullhul`IiIi!-imlts. ' TH(.|M.\.`n IIAKER. Jun, I055. BEAPEST FAN}; in the Ir. 2 F11 ! frnm Kingslnn In Bu: moriqu Stcuncu, the Uudnu mull Cantu! Hail, llmqa, Huh till Btylm un Slcaunern. Wgbnlum Inn .h1.im.rI nl Ilu L :ll_!I[l'U>:Fl- "Q-IIIQCIHIQ =13! can rtvmllzy. puerpm-I. I161! need ` logs. t-nuvl:l'[.I__Vll`_It5I!-ggg ,mfIl0[lI "013 #0, " -4}! aJ`p.i4::u uf l'..3:n:fnr " tom flu [run of Mm `sriirculnmmaflkt 11001:`; .WfITk:i* Pixmw` ` " New Yuri, Duouhor Nth, MM. Iona Wu: In; an H mrn: but Hlu- win; sunk`?! your HIC`|lN.Il1\g'!lU \I'l"U KNOW B. I}. C Wu. HmiIh'I mrlmlcunn. (lmltid lb? eqngl 19.3. _+-amrnt.) me but man the I, and Elalnu. `nous fauna 813 In I50. Smith; double bmlr, I000. Each Piano and ulhduua guaranteed. The. ban mun to the Lndq, wlnoula. &u.: N .::..?lTt.`,igg:uIIl M c-nx_vuu.-n and clum- nl rd `I.- 1; my-A-u.;u -Xliniaklnm Tm: Li A mnimlzv. nuetmulni. It tho need nloi. lllgll 0| IHIOHII ll-l|"Ill0I! II Ill! 0! "Cf Ina-an-I ballad - in llya um: Ina: ` Ha Inn AIM mud: n` nnul llmlnclion In (bi ` acme} UH GIQMNI H : Ihun cl hpunau. u of mpyhsg this Idullivllll. N IN by lhrofhtr Addrnr Lpgu pug] nu an-."'o. any N. Y. 4 - r ' 9 , llmmlm-0 nun 8 i npuhirn. ` -103;" - . ONO IV. A -1. Anna ! amluimawo I'H\'\ aI!uNP`;`h|!0h (fun-HID fort ` Iectec Cc SW ~ g . I lieu -nu)! In In hit 3. ta?::.:.:=-.' ; . -.=*`T`* -5 ;LuaoNadrpnI_m- V gun I! , ,, *ze.'."%.,%";'.;*&.',,';:s%.:: FA Ifnkw -m ikainunl 1i{i!oA.` JANES l!`llA.8E||.Jr.` -..u'.n-.v-nno-.-1 A again. A hurqgny, Juiv II . `v 135;`. WEI - . 7 ' . [Maui LEIUI RU. I. '/ why, Jtdv I9 - 131. In il _ PIE."-` `I ; 8I&=:o'l)_9(l. tmm'uf'Ic-furwn, I n 4. H. w , cur. caraamuvxl. ILL leans theslfuiled Scales %')hnrf . A 19!] I . . umhyn exu:P.P'-e u 7` 3- and for Cape Vincent in DIIQMIIGI with Ill Wuertuvln Ind Rmna Ru! Raul. Ralllflill kuna Capo VID- ouul.1l.4A.. ll.,uud ma 1'. M..on Llu-~ arrival of the lliinu I4-om Rama, Inching Kllulop n-l.I(l'P.` II., in mp: for the Into ud- Rir Stunner: fut Bvlmvn. 034 link IBM '15 T I: I `Haw i, V g_ I fulo. own: Rina-tun Inna Illn EH55 4 ll`.-`ivrnbnhh `anumctimu. / uue on spun , ~ I ' ` 8`?! PD 8, Onapnt Shad.-not lit orliu. 00 RIIM.-y 94,`-,1` hi ` mm mm of thrf .- ~ A am: ~ pf $fE?;.$1'M Wu` 1 ' 1- 4 3 ` `Hm fall-Jnuu rblltl-llr]gI3-- I I ` Una lirh-Iluilxljng. !o.u*q"fg|g:= and lvmusy-gin viola. gm gqulr ' high. 'l`lmlrnnoaroupIlnB|- up Hoolm, Dining Hnom Itiliiuilyi II!pItI(I by Ioldhsg `dinlngnixhpenamx " "~'~' ` ` ` / I-numb uildl `odrtwo foal squire. twbmd. om nu uuuyfm ` l In!/pod of ._ .'5IA ~".~1._4..!9e'!!\_m.__,m E,/W M 4| lJ_ll`lL UIIQ All I Ifnjfjf |'vuV1'~eL uus.Iimemlopm.- . a I - ` AU?-Th Hllllls 2` ` n.up'IHe of 0 Hun 'WHn 05 I-.-g\.'lbt31' on} V. Cuuhh ` 7 `x1j Iv bll. l|I'IlILZ'\. PM III`! lhuynuudugqyu `fnlc.'i`oa..~. ..: 'n..`1-,:.,.eryu:um.md `om Illa Ball Agof Lama. and on balm quad `lb TIL ' rhIl l-1' 3-w . `. . ` 1.3. i.'".a'.'.' nJ1.::'.?5m.~uI.hh' up you in thIn~py.-: 01"" vowttunv Irvww w-u.u--u-u imh. of u avatar. u! ' in quite : ifemtni. :1. iron ill _ utu frvm` -ma. anal` pufndydurad M Icnnl. Mann. I IV"' -1 " Flvi: Hgu Ch "mils ' n: In $39 H|.O*tIln,~ Imr W I-tiljiil :a:.:`.`:"a ':.;`.5%:`?f;1;':*;'!;*`.r:;".;.:':..t': was I-lviaed to go tn Ilochw D0509. 3?..i,`:u?23.f.`.`,"F;': :r`;.3`:.*g*:?.&` .:i':.".`:";5i-.`.' I...I. A1` ..u.-mm ml H1 ll$Id_-l I'%lu ` Kigg, In? 0. I356. - Fl VE I |L.E ILUUP. r` \ HM` \j..`Iua|.:o Tnv-in T*'land.bc Mm: 1lo'mx."I Ch! llmiw. on Ilsa M . l` ____ ... l(AVIIl III? i Tybsdinnznhl_g.lubu . - 1: =1. h : ':'-x I ind : mach-V"o_i..bfy `ilk I 1 lime, and v|uIrin{`i51IfII"I`Q`,i_il'VH -1 ' ` c `r_ k` K. :?.TZTi'f'.{`ETuo.`:,1".3;;u., % E 0" , u'ow awn iii!!! In!!! Ayn: hill lam iifif In uturuhgigniu. ' I)mI.'No 3w'l`l`I0!`u'I.&'uE u. 100;, "1"" ` N % .r'I..ar ..a:.a..4.. loll :_yl:u:.`c:.fEl' no `frolic? mi 3951 th,o~tiu.~ Ind 975 F1 nu lull-.l _ I l'..nn.I um ulnf rnm -ll [kl NHII |f\)llUlt`1I III Hill WI I gpt iuunedibtl A911`-I `.1 III `AT 3"! union I-IQ lulu 48.51!!! bu-I w Doctor I,uhnoo, all - mnined with hh ` a. give.` , A flt. |.|1- V "V mdo lu[__ _ _ _ _ .pi- uotgo nah o.pi9w,lof-mnvr3d 0! 30 Iumuru. M mrmy Medical muv1uH- II more us -o nmody.1.muu Inn` lye lira. Hm. to M mntjny. I am out r.-.-my cm-rd the hnr:-uIln`g_`IM!!.. um? MVIHH naiitrilify advise }'%)llIh I-u-H! It--MM--vl in thin way. 30 `UN I am hnnmdimu what . .. . .--so-.4. lj1uL'K._ f nauywrnllhlvu lion 1 -fnuofw iah IIIII-8VQl'O' _ 09' nfdilf A V, f_ vo.-rauim hillfj _ f_' ' :1.~t.m;'y am `mi gnu . ff _ , Ihvcluti modicino gm] `qt no , _ an]. I07` In tho Ulllt A` M I N m nnnlnr Llnlllhn. ll`.- . `HINT- 1 *"1` swing `ilocIs"o" Wu An .'. n_.'l....'u`1I...3 :..' a'.`."" :6-u buaanesa, unhu,-an lbl odleljf HO ism! Agwu 01 hit urn. ' An-no .5 `Gunman... . .. ` r?)nw,:}1iA;6%1vo" ' I am: l"0RW.lRDlNG -B0318!!! ' In-rlfvn curried tin IMO? [in {pm I D. MclN`l`U5l!. K_uIII-rou. uni D; In- IN T05 Hub (:n.. Qunn. will. than run. In narrlocl on it ill mm D.` It . Us l'Uh _H, av. mm .-ggg_(;i,I umnlti ID nut ~ Vhvnnoaavitlol [t|:.4 _-= ,a mum main st?" HITIAIE I "LL JXVH. " 31110: `"3175? " Rurihu not ling !!! untilp fol. ,. c . n |_!'Vpt-rionut gurgaogog, ,, ,1 Thu mum: M then Ilnip viii III `III- :-uu|n11Mo for Gold. Willi`; "I'M W. 1.-.r_.v.um-, or I%. _ lulb of `mill gm, nan IMQM `N. 9 U|l'!l BI"|l.ll|[I 2'ri*z':b1;aLx;..i,`;,. _ '.` Tege lulu; Frau Mm Yggk V ;I New Yorlmlunl. I . L Q 553"-'v"s:~'1'-'.?=3v"rr:'%'r-:?i-3:31.-T wsmvou. 5 ~ *:5~"'=- 39- Human min l!mk Jllngouxn, Mzly Ugh, ISIS; `" `_ ,Au:;1' '5! , H x.\ V 11.1 -. III in ,6 1|] . '. 4.9 THC` Kinnslqn. 95th Aptil I853. -s -`#4 -u.E."s`c"'""""'T.'r"'. n.;.".'3-'.'.'E [r wan Illiullnnby ; L ;_sfe%a;f.:`*.m...ar.:.x.u.. ;_r 1,1; 3`-inn {:52 ;_;; ,, ul .....f";e.:~.; .. . Bplle. l\'o.1.V1: _ ` ::n:.zb':.%::*.::`;:, June 98th. IS. . "I! u now `In. o :'z`r'1:z2":'*'. has 1 non nu`: door In` 12-....n. En... l",n.gn.- ml` __.__.___.._....g.,:_.--_.----- nxxns. A uaud'h_andBnrkIll can . 9'. "" 'nmuncnowl. uwfmil Saw `953. I-Ill! N w; Y::rk.JI;g, _l b '\'3u *l'r" ""` % -`.3. s ,_ -. ---.e,--,e- Odin pAnQ..._....3 g.,;.,l CI ',. V I Chic! maumg o :'.".'.-:T.T7:,, ' `Wyn 3:-uond (`mu PIDll`I...:.. ........`.`3. U `Plat:-M from human I! 3'51! l`. ;`-.. ..*`." . .`'."- $`.'.`...."1.?.9~..*&'~. ma JMIIII. or A lth. 3:6,. shunt-I Iguanas it you JIILY: Fa: : . - mo nun.- June 990:. I855. , ' "I I1! 6-H!- [GEN DEFPHII ` in CIIi`oIQ|I,3-3 4 "Int Rnnnnuinn "Bip:'t "I2? ptrbum. < ARTIE-S deuirunnuof making occasion. Il*9|Iu`uII trip to Cape Vincent. and $5005. hyllnuuunat. .51 c. IAPIER.-Cm ca -mm-. ` bu in knot: tickets` in` that purpuso at {enticed mu. s- .~ JOHN hls t. I-unnncilua. m. Am-il. mm .n V , . MwnAu.'?lmuII'. 5' ml April; naps. t IUDIS l"IuI unmar- nh `Id |.mmmonl nq-Film t." fhurmkd` I Macidlmjved __ usr; mm mm. . -ml QnI'f.IlIn- - Dunn `on till. > ii '1 ' ._..__ . _ , 1, .s112__cHA1r1."z5s murzmz, '1-uno nnpuui-I-nu Kingaion. ;....;. mm. 1355. ._'___..___:--a--- ' `um, viii-IVllIIvr1hI `f}I!I'lllIB!IIilI\1IYf' lfhia Euniop, at Nina-o`cluuE, for Gnnnuoque, and [I dntnlolt [turning un-UIO Arrival of N80 Lukt Susan:-fnuu Turuulu. Khguon. Jul: 0.1355. I numuma [IIIIBGI Kin a. J iiwguuu. April 1355- `-'-v-QAP'l`AlN MURRAY, ` ILL Ian Trenton 112;; Tummfny. ~ThI1'Id| hdsnwrduv mr\rniIu!. at ::e|nk. for injuon nd-Suckem IIar- l Ell l'IIINlWI'|.' ` Kiugtiin` .1,.lune M55. `_' ':""' ' ` . vRO YAL ILLIL J?! YER -STE.ul.BO`.4 T LINE: . `C5029! |.|u4!`|hI'in` Flficilnu Putnam I B._lIIl ga pill I-out Kimmnn Every Jlbr lluuuul {Ind lrilurmedintn ` Pan: 2.. ,_ -Clll. -DI] IIAIIIIICII , um Inllnnuuli . P0l'll:- 3; 'm B`iIn.CIrI. H.-..a. _ In 81- Lugatpcc, Gaps. Mn:-roll. Tu` Nlw l'.`h'A."pI. PE 5. Crysfri. ' ' "T11: 0-r1-urn. Capt. Kn.-Ely. ._j_ ,n VV MI` IJODIIIE. lumalu Illd III! THIS LF'l'EHNO0N.8l I Ifolock. . Ki-nntnn. Ink 6. I555.- UAl'.I- `I llI` V ILL luvs tho St Lawrence \Vi-Irf for Coburl. "Turns:-1 and Hsnlllon -MI-In A w1'I.`.uNnnn.', .1 1 ..`.:..-L Elm, I'D!` OpO, 'l`uIIn|1|) |IiJIlIilh|,:-- 7 7 . -`runny. % mnlxw, cm Ocliioigh, umun n7:a:.c:as:luII 'IJ'. CA FT. 'lW(lI'. _ _.. ... -,_-m. . 'l'II`l!O U_G_H we 0-! r: mm Y! (nut Jtltnwdnox or run: IHID A1` I f4Hi`U'UlV.II I -Khgutun. Juiy 6, H355.- , . Mull all Dena: on awaunem. was nnly. I `Halli In In nbiainad at the Amuzioao llauubon Oleo, -Umtod '19:.-um [Kinn- horfnl lmf, sc_u| M. T. Mogul`. mnce. w` wnm.m`.v. 4 [Kingston and (`ape Vlncmt. ` mu; A ` BAY STATE. mm-. Illlfallu Aunt. Kind!!!`- L _ , - .115 0_TT.-I WA, Inn. nut. "'($'l`1G.l1`.. u_.. .- `-9-. -- any n C'lP l'- `HURT, Inn: AL. Q1 1,... A'l`l`.'. . CA'l`AllA(`!T.` N I AG `gnu: cxowu. sin mm a ~'5 L'? " . - 1 THE JTIJIIER "NOVlLTY,"'[ - .,.l|"""n an U uiled Sulei- n In B--awn by the n Ogdguslnurgh and mcllding nxnmrn. I7 75 nnlr m '.zW::*";'- V I 73 ID [I V ii. POH. `Al :1`, -......in- I1`: rnl NIAG.\RzL` JAVIIU Mandar- I'll - I855. 130 R0)! the Pmxnlm ofdu Suhnribexz IMII1 8. week ago. I but Rmwn (low, with a whim. hm. Any person ' infnuncon n-peeling her when- Ibmiu mu be main rum-dad. W ll 6 IIANIY. End Strut. KZ.....h-. Q'hL I ..- IE4` Ill I |3PfI:[ 1 lylU GI 11"! Cmn riuing Duh, Hezucr. l"iu< `tn . `1r:'a1m.'1!nrAn'gTnt;'m more "at : and lilcaunnc lhnvl-'1 Cloth Caps in all their llaly, ; In guarantee: ml! not In I liurhllllnu urdnrahiliny I An iuppecol in ianldd. LLAIK w I 6}} m.~s?1`1.4 rzziil ' `HI-I Hanhooril bu new on In 3 lupo auonrvia--n Nm'|'nu Std! 31152 auxin, siicxzrrs an. 303 AND NEW YORK. uuua. sun omen. All who dmgn Purchasing 1-u unrnouly roqumled cum! in than Union at onus. an um voul aunhlo unto ham on hand Ill union nll than may lm n-qulred Ind pro- wm any hung ulisuppoiniml. no mum ha` th cue. if Unless were dchyed ull the Hnymg in In-gun. gs: p-....an~.-v -uxnv-s-nu.- Vtianamn 4' American Manufacture ' `he: Helpers in now hnemum ound st and .\lu-lel ` . chme: In all fl.-..x'.. n.-...m'r..v .....|h...n ..f (`.......Ia ....4| r ground. "531 ml. " T": n`-.'\..T,T ;7Ti}.`-i`7u'in'}.'J'1I'." We Sell the Mu-hinen at Pnwntm.-3' t- mud transpnrlwniu fmlin lfalo, N. Y., V3lL'l`O they are Maum|}Acl.ur- cu. mluhng In ` ' ins vi`6uTJ ia:crniai.nJ Ifasuseraza Iu - Qly llnernu.-Iva: uwlh nu .\m:riuan Imus Inc A hinc, an they have been found, iu_ all can-n. In he nupdriur. `- The almve Mac him-n luvs I.`va taken dm Isl. Pnixua II. Exmnrrlonn when in cum- CIIRPI. "I IN! nuplznur. _ `f Mm him : 1.110 In II. Ex li|ll1`l0NI when pcliliuu cull mharn. All dnmn Pumhnninu onrneulv vvn -nu: ngvg un nunu I -n -.\uI BUIlllAI.la8l.Il'0 ED REAPING MACHINES, nt`:r___J.__ 1. l_..,..:__. |:.__.,t' ..... ._ IIIIISIAIU illl Jlwldl NIICHIIIUI III III I-IE Gram growing oecum uf (Iwads and um United Smut. The ninxplicny 0! mm: an un -maul. und Llmir dumluhqymummeud, um wgeuanl favs. . J. RAPAIJE ll. Port Hopc.-.Jun am. 18155. M! In I`: numcnnon nun nn hllld. and r um SALE. uunpe Cu.nuu1 f.'u Macumu. vrhitvh have been much improved within I'll ` 13 .Ve:1r. and urn capable uf pcrfnrmmu roll we recommend them to :1. They will cut from ID to Its mm per day. with um.- spun of good homn. and leave the grass in the heel IMIMIINO Inilulltr fur curing, lwiuq rprud in Man in it grows upun the ground. '1! Sail llul Mnnhinun at PnuIMu~n' I T `H E Sinscrihort hug hInd,and FUR S.\l.l':. tlmnn f`.:I.I-In;-I`Ji'n \lu~umvu h"l'UllU1I' l Paton: `Mowing vmachin 0. I oat. ~ ` - Returning will lnavo Such-m larbm nut Honing II 0 o'o|nok_, gm! Lkingn on u. ...`9'd.kv NIIIII, fur the hard at the n .1 A\lIl|Jr ` ' 4th- IL in nished with grant. care and ammnm. Ind on be dopnndetl upon. 51!:--I1. will pay for iuell` in the lime sand I: in use in as singra 993:: oth-- 1' in tin` Invention I cticml saved D II! 1:! smgta l('#g_. q:h-- ctic ` Pliater of tlilrteen jreura` experience.` wing has thornu My tesud very kind of Paint Milli-u be mndfind whu, Iherufnra. speaks mudarltumdingly wbau he cinimu that this . Mill in fur superior, in all rupeala, to any other in up. . P H-Jn II-Arlrnnhul 4.5- D....|. ll- other In Culorl. Vzfrnithu, Bu-uuhes,_>_G||u, Putty, &o..&u. '* ~ - P. S.-An Iuorlmam. of` Kiuls. Oils. * lf Kitlgswn, Nth Jun. 3056. II I! ma cue mm Ill nnmnnm smm. 3rd-UuIflO and heavy colon du not settle in il,Ia they do in all ullwr upright MIlln.`. .nL._h ;. A..:-|...A ,..:.n. ._--. ---.. -...| umuu u:- . .; lat-.'n cnlur, hum-ver qdurse, need: minding Ihmugh this Mill but once to run- dvr it fine enough far my phrpose what- evrr. . OVEP. :2ml--It dip` not truw when run rapidly, II in the one with I holilnntal Milk. !InI..l!...... ....J 5...... ...|.... .J.. ..-. tra 1 mnem-,q at me aunscnlneri. 1. new Patent l AlN'I` MILL This Mull it nco_mmamfM cu nil inumnuod. an Illpplylllg a`w-um long and Iaverelyfz-It. and the It- tentinnofsm.-.h in invited la)` the following admm u:- . lnl-.'n rnlnr. hllir` nlfnmn. mun}!- xillll. Jill.` | JIFST mne:'m-,d at the Sub:-mrilner'I. Pnlon_[ ;\lN'f _MiLL _ Mgll rm: swmmm 1-amcxr. unmnr, ' ' (`'1 I31`. .l(I\ . Ell. 25] PI/llel lmnnnng to ........ .. I-`$0.000 ONLY TEN 1'li`ll`HA!?I;l NUIBEK3. Hakou .5 00-llnlven 0'2 00-Qnm.en 01 I5. BAIL SWAN, Agent uni Manager, Montgomery. Mn. JIM. I855. - I5-4 1'0 c.uuu.u:r: BUILDISRS, T PA INTERS, PAINT DEALERS. 4:. JIIIJIDI T1113` IG .Co|nnfar8lob All `II u 'C|l1u'I"'v_..0 WW be dicthalud scanning to the fuiluwing MAG NIFIC |'}N'l`ICH F.".\`lE: M -And RHI FIMHIIR ovary Prim In drum at each Drawing. nml paid when due WITH- OUT DEDUGIIUN I 1 Fri}: 1:! ; Z 4 I? Ann T June oath. |a5_ {rm-um 11111. K) - wuou.'.;4 1.1-: pawru 2 PAINTS! !`-P.m..ou. ...a (John lit Iklo iv -..-.-.1 --V.-u-u uwu pug , {lint-`$8 I - `I0 3: nun lath or :uu.18.iI. um: am or IJnm;muI. ' ' '-_'_'I`ll`I I110?` I lull! 1?zL-erhor- guawLe__ "S7;' v,; gry ,. BOU l'_HEI.N_ !1l.I`l`AR\'ACADlHn" LOTTERY. . F ' ' -Umnmunimiinnl must he pm!-p:_i-Land contain 1 rum'mnn._-a av-Hcient to Ipoy for mm at aha, uhm-19 liuamdui. which can lie pu-cmured may at um ux"-n':.u. Eve um I-In lrwrrrvrlozi, St. Fmhcail Xavier SLsnoL,MmurenI. j - ' . ' .n Inc. I855. ` I3 CAPT. J(I.VElI.. Will lure Kinpton fur Omwl, cnlng It intermediate Ports. This Ahernuun at 8 o'clock. ' If:....o.- 1.1.: mm HIS?! lllllill dneluo. I n. mar zmxuma, N93. 1, '1, S, &n.;. 32 mum Dr. Hniun! tacmnmcmll jar-ru.uxI_ |pply- imt fur -Inyirl tho nbmra Rnmedm. to fur- msh him with I In -man deacripzian at` their ` ~ Juno. uulllloror auusn pr 1:31: In l':yOlAllioIIn,,N1m, I, 2, J, &c,_ . Hy: Mixtures. Nos. I. 91533.. , .` Eye Uhltllok PW h.0l......... Kn on. par bun`!-., _______ _. Ear Mixtures, N93. I, 9, 3, v Ih Non.-mul -._.u......-...l-- uoltlrrllvnlg Ill 5!! HI ullwa auun, EM Illa by runny Mullins` Prictilltlncfl of tin II ncpoahbitynu pm re Runs- Li`! than Iievad with I sun: of 7 an E1: and Ealnbut who ,ennau:_aml ticmndveud bin peanut utendnuca, luau _gjddd`In thmsnqunn; and know pro- piru-Mn transmit un ail pane of L`-mad: and, tho United -Satin. Rmnoalioo aimflnr In Ihuulw hu otnplovad for Ioveral yam: punnha Mmmnfldyo and Ear lnnu I.u- `V Lion; and in the pphmnlnio Wudl of 3:. 'PM_tiok'n HoIp A V BB UH! A Dhla . _r[ _ W wlCUJIlJC- DR. HOWARD having been" requuwll ' -ma at` uni. Pas-mu t'h'1-imghunl boll` ravines. and in the United Sales, and -Ian hv tnnnu \lmh'm.l Dnmkoilin-u-- ...I` __ T , _, _,,- -_,,. _._._ aha}-inn" -:i o NJ: I; n, locum! um mum. opmd-u . at Ann! urgeu :o.s`..'.: * ` fctricfr "rat. slmalol -so man. A ILJI. tnnmmm. -~Juu|.m_[.pI|. WHEN PRIZES AIOURTING `DO I?` 030.000 .53 I B. .h ..o.II...:_i ._.....-A:.... In oh- `until GRAND SCHI.-.'|18 FOR JULY. 1-! AJJ n _ nmunmx. I `J One of thhsbou vary uuparior First Clan I.-Ilse Sleunorg vrllun the United { Slum What! our Ancrnoou at T\'\' o`c|ook, for Ogdqmhqh ; am! every Morn- ing an Sachem. Omega. _Roc~.lmer Ind zsyiuon. u eight u o|9LlBundayuoxcepL-

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