-Kt. Lindm)7;_?;iiT'TIm broke out on the tip at. at the exmurive dry guoda store ol `I)\uuIua."F|nv-sllc Bron, yum- _`_.d.|_y, but it. was got. under control before ltuuh duungve wu dune. -lulu O'Brien. :1 sailor. aboard the dune. Hike O'Brien. I u:hmoer Kut.n am! Ann, which has ar- -.:.....l .9 Santa Burlnra. CAL. lhxbhutl dock: , It is said tlumgtho Ma.-('.'hr_v mamufaur 't.uring c Ipany, Lumlun, l'm.a dnvhnml no renew a ugn-mm-nt. with the s_uu'li- cake that ban on hand me cnn.uvIit|Mi0n pi ten oi the loading ntnvo xm.nufuctur- tg~Gl_l(0fl_l in Ontarin. m-nummotobenowildluvdhnngur -vvuuu-... `rival at ;I1 m`lur| nr, Cal. suxlahud the cook near the thrmit, kiliing `him. Ho cut his own Lhmut, and dial on tho ' I A-...:n.. nnnmnnv, Lnmlun. I urpgoernn in Umnun. enuumntollanowildllndhl :- unong `the South African V9toru.nu.. `p to the ruacnt only fteen but of - some 700 on lied tn nmke application hnve applied fur the Ontario ommmt'a grlnlrof 160 acres 1! |I'|It_>I0 Ominriu men who served "n South Africa. '15.. nwntnm thrived hv the Unlmin who served an Baum runm. The r-.-venue derived in crown. ln_It|n nr\am~.n(.Jm-im; the [Junk vmr win ` I5'0.I,l00` ' rr ulmutt 8213.1) mom" tT|1`xrIMdio ]'9'|`m'gIvIInI your. The incunse wt: in n !u-go manwu-o due to the greater activity ol',t.he lmybes mon who took udunuo 9f the myong dmwnrl for their pmrluct. A l..:.-Inful nu-ir|mt.`\`u-nurrvrl at the 4!-nund lur their pmrmv.-I-. A (rightful Iuridnnt. ion-ourn-rl at Junutowh,\ N.Y.. wiur work: |lnp_~ ingwution on Hdmlpy Jtnrnoon. Right nneuwcrpntworkopgsctlloldingovr n tlnprecerwir, when the (nine work `jun ggq pnil ch;-I fall tummy lost in- In ch ` `wanna. aulv ovary nno hurl _KIh0[l'I%V3l'l1l1lllI-`O L lkvillhorfnrwunlul ulna! at the prism: by -ward:-n nnmar. Junfnhhsllrhn. 01" **f "x.m'""'..gF AI?i,"}'uh'i1-J; Santa Barbara, Cal... . .......- Hm lhrnnit. lillimz ?rt`rnsajmY.' JANUARY 17. I.I._a- I10 WI. Lchuin. n Inn i';?r.."'T'i Jluuolyato nonqanlductor. _; nhodgfdrvlnttr-- choc summit. . ;. `yuiw 50! NM- .c.allbIu`u, under, nor _oI Chml, hi. AL. 1 mm * will vluwllty Gttsa Light shunu .Cnntn1 Prison. yuur M0 day: in Certliif` `ion was. the mv,tem:efa:p.1kzl1co ut.r:'_n$e_ imposed db -M ill Bmudry h{a__ mourning for the `tin-ft Va fur cap from St. Kory} cathedral, while Sydney 'l'lmmppon, the owner, was at wurahip. Bmlntlry wu also tried on_ n clnrgu of ....|.`....4 unnnnv (mm mm ndu` hue: in uluu tried on} L-nugu ul nealinw money fmm the A101: the mthodl, but it` mu] 7mm be prom ed umninnt him. Mit-hut-I Nolan told 0! certain keys` uf doors being alwsbruetl and u `In_vst4-riutIs|_v roplaced ullcr tho mblx-riev. but he muld nut any who Wu guilty. ' Thulnnm 0`Hnrx\ knew that u..man' entered the Bt'an|n'o hotel and paid fur rwwnvl lxuu-vn ul beer with voppon, and that e ulnp hml MJO in ve and ten (X-nt. pieces. but he could not .i(k-mify Beuudry as the man.` .InI1rr"lilJlh rccmznizod Bauldrr an not uh-nllly m.ImuI'y nus mu mam. John Iilligdn mcugnizod Bu|,||dI'p_` as. tho` man" who bought. . drinks t the Buupte house and paid for n in . copper coin," and also haul in pun- aeskiun upward of 84 in nmul silver. coin. _I ntr3r-k Nnluu served Beaudry mmln on Chsunns day and on other lays up to Jnn. '2ml. He paid for his meals in copper anrl mnnll silver onin:' he told witnvsa ht: had been on a. big drunk"whicI1 fmtl o0M.}oinr 865. The central willll xx-cord Rllnwt-fl (hue n...ml-u Iuul n Iilv-nun-d frnm. that dnm`k"which hml cost. him 50:). mum Bmudry had 11 li_b-_-rated from that institution in March lint. though prima- rvr cluirod to have worked _st.eadily uround Kixfghton for_ the post eighteen or nineteen months. 'I'|... av.-nI..h-"On Hannah! Hand at man nineteen monrm. . The mngiutruw tlwught that `a m who had served svven yours in the peni- tentiary and two hrnmn in the central -u-{mm lnml Inn:-I wnrnhuy nnnnnh in I.-nnn [U 3190 0"`. De WIIH PrC(.l'.'Zlll_V turned lame. to die. as he hurl been un able to v(-cure work to carry an honest living. Had unylmdy given him nhelp- ing hand he wuuld not have been guilty ` of wt`-ong doing. The nmgiatrnte gave I!mIIdr_v'the op- - Hun nf on Inna "I1-nu in the Kinmafnn wnunry and um wnmn m we oenmu `sun hurl lmri wuming enough to keep mm cyil doing: he was a nui!~'an(`o to himself rm?! a menace to society and must be taken care at. Bouudry claimed that he hnrl \\'nrlu`d fnitalsfully for ten months at the cottnn mill and \\g_un tumed nut. to make way fur some guTa. He had no homo and had to sleep out. He was practically tnrnod lnmuz. In die. as In. lmrl lmml ml IHO nmglurnte IVS "('(ll'_V VJIC tiun of it long "(M111 in the Kingston penitentiary or a shorter mm In the cen- tral prison. The latter was chosen. The case Ignimvt H4.-uudrv fur stalling from the poor boxrs will lye allowed to stand. was Inaucwu In one rrcsm'u-rum cnurcn on 'I`h.u1'sdu,v afternoon, Jrnn. 1011:. In the evening lherv .\\'unn gmnul my in Mm town hag". '|`Lxe hull was well lled. A gond mogrmmne mu: re-nderrxl. Pru- ueds was 850. Dmuld Paul, Manitoba, is Visiting William Paul. Mrs. H.u_vck, '|`w\snd_ spent .\`mulu_v in (mm, thu llv.UL()f W. D. Mnco. A. H. Douglas and wife, Nupane:-. xi.-iml frivndo in town on Hllmlny and \Imu|u_v last. Mr. Lawiveaul and winter, CPntI'0\'i`le, spent Hlznzlny in tnwn, guests uf l'hornan Barry. Mr. Rpbsun and uintor, Cn.|nrlen Enact, i:.iu-d the Queen's on Slulthy hut. Miss Lillian Join ?! in visiting M51-'9 Ethel Avhrwnrth. Rev. Mr. Per- ley and wife, `I-Ian-nwauith. altar an ab mm...` ..f mm .. om..mo.. .......... ...... ..:..:o:-.. Tamworth Topics. . . l'uu'vmrtvh, Jan. l.-Rev. M:-[He-nry inducted in the Prosbrvteriuu church .... 'n....-...a..u .n...-..,..... JR... um. I.. IE_V Rn WK, TIEIYHWQIHIIV. an!!!` RI )- svnw uf our twvnty vv-nun, re visiting frienr s here. D. B. Huyd mam. Tues- day in Nupaneo. Mrs. Michael York dird on Slmday last Mid was buried ml 'l`ncnda_v. Rev. Mr. Jones punched thg meI'nl Iervibn. Mm. Yank leaves In large Emily and in kind husband tn mmlrn. Hrs. I.ux}m'. Siiluville, is at Amos Robson's. . Portsmoufh School Board. The imuguml meeci ' of the Parts nzgvutx -village public ac on] board was Ah`;-Id Jmb ovoning ull the members at.- tendimz. J. W. l'ienst.rid2e was melee!- ml chairlmm. It. mu: lerklml bu punxhuxo . nnur |....;m. no.-. I`... Ll... .....l......l 5|... cu cmurumux. 1:. Wm! mamuou Du punxnuxo In new houtin same for the school, the days of um-fu main of the old one hm; iug [lwu~c|. The liuurrl grunu-I 85 to be maou in the purclmae uf pri'/es fur pupiln winning lmnuw in the tliik-amt gratin during the year. Frank Curm-II. mm]:- (-|'. will imlmlmm-nt. this nmmml. In: uunng me _\-ear. rramx uvrm-n. wasn- c-r, will suppluux-M. this tunmmt, bv 8; . the prim going tn the pupil pau- ixjg the best. examination in history. The Writing Improved. Last ym the public school board of- forud a prize to the pupil whose writing hnprovod moat during the At the upeuing of the Mann em.-hpupil was ob- liged to write the Lord'u prayer. Thme sxunplm wan: lyled aw_ny and at the rluse of the year wen`: pinned to sun- |.lma freahly written. The` in1pru\'emenb was most nurked and~ highly u0mun:nt- J npnn. The prize, in silver watch, went_ to a Iiuld gin] pupil. Applaudod The Illuatutionn. Rum-, Jun. 17.--'I'hc duke of Abruz`/i p11.-nitlvtl at." n nnea.-ting u IIIO xuugraphi- ml iuuux-ialiayll ycuta-rday In,-fnre which l'apt. Cnmui, who cmunanclud the Stel- lar polar ex]>edi(.inn, cloliu.-r..-I 15 kc- cure on the duke`: north :`' I-.- uxpolb (ion. The king and qilo-m, tlr I c.rc5g'n Ii|.lrxnnta and mnny ; unv-ri.-mun werui pflbcnx. '|`ho2 iliustrntiuml eh-uwing .t|Ie ..-ipmic energy I ma )hlmg' prinw were npplaudt-(I. 3.5 `UK II CUB. St. John's. Nd., Jun. l7.-'l'hc Mhur iino nruunmdlip Ontauiun, Capt. (`unp- bc|', which I.n`ived in this p-uh _\onh*r- day, {run ` Glasgow nnvl Liverpool, bound to Hdihu and 'Ph?lt lc.-lnhin. haul mnniderahle dumps tn ht-r machinery and staring your jVMl'h will cause the vessel`: detention bone for nlsnnt. A: week `Io Kuhn Invutmonu. Cupnnlmgm. Jan. I7.--Scvcnwun pm~ mint-nu merchants of this: city haw nak- ed the m-rnmem. for &lliIlLllIl!' in I nchemo uf inventing Danish mpilul in bunim-up in ~t.ho_ West. Indies. -The govern- ment has put the mutter info tie band: ul um puriinnemary Mancini cannu- Q . litthday__ 0! Franklin. . Phihdelplk, Jun. I7.-This it the nlwoiverudry of the birth at Benjumln Vnnl-Iin. in whose memory this Qtuln-r city his a moot livblv interest. own hnmnn Jan: l7d1. I'll}. Re in: (in grant. momma-In in this: city. ' - l'1lIu.UlI QIU -II- * ung, Jun. V16-The punugcn of vlhe Wad u Itaunnr Vnklch. which --ab a-In-u nu `anal-so In - Inc at tho ' ulhl ' (L0 Y.I.C.A. .IlT-`u.-.0.-n dll 1hh quaint. A 9038 `I9 Hold For A Wool. Lmdry me man. I . and naill fur n no-V Hmlldry `the 1 or mm nu Hm mun- V|l`B. Wlill ' in 3 111 an the alumni. Ill] Iniltn IIIUIIIQIU Illa- 2 .I.l ...... |...._ goods are wrong or unsaleaE>;t:' \./V\-";=:'r`e clearing out Winter Goods and Surplus 3 Stock and put prices on them tq make you buy. _ . ` }VOMEl_1 S NECKWEAR. WOIEWS UNDERWEAR . -_;_ mu. .1-.- ...A van. and Dunn. Pmo Wool. V IIVOH ' STOCK OOLLABS-Bntin Etoak Ucllan with Bow: and Flovnng Ends. R gum 600 to 31.26. Innuv 91; mm. BAii6AINS FORTTAFRIDAY. " y`v|._` g Avlavea Vv -you-wy Knotted Etylee in Silk. 5.! *5 Velvet. ' ....-Anny pan? 1- I no 0-1.`- Lhulp 1 CHILDREN'S HOSE. Bbck Wanted Yum. Heavy Bib. Bogulurlc. EDD 9&3 Misses HOSE. Black Wonthd Yum. Huvy Rub`, iiul 7}. 8. 8}. 9. inehol. Result: 10: taboo. in-tuna -no- A hnlh r. - -- -_ -. __,, H8 and 130 Pr-Vlncosa Btu-o`ot: OBRITE 6295 Rapid action \$}3.`iscramh Hrs. E11: Harvey Bu Excellent` Chance: of Recovery. - [ Chicagu, Jun. l7.-J'lvnn.sum has n i wom_nn who lives in spite of n broken ' neck. Her mum is Mrs. Ella I|m`\'o_v. wife of Janus Harv.-_v, 2,527 '|'hu_ynr street. She Inga been sulfa-ring from u dinlucatiun ul her neck vim-e Jan. 2nd, 3 and now the .gtt.cI|ding '7ph_vsi(-inns sum; gggxt she bu good chances fur rccuvery. ...,.. | or . _ `Ira. Ha.y_vvey'p,ne::k was di-`located as tho ruauh, 1:! g l'ul| fmm the l"t`lll' porch at her homo. She wad shaking an my; Luul |.ur:h. Tlwre was a railing between the porch cullnnnq, near which a-he ntmxl, and she became uverhalancvd unul fell to the gmund.`a distance ul mu I-,-rt. Mrs. Hnrwy Ltrlleh on the hack of her` neck and |n_v on 070 ground in 3 smi-run~i- mm cundiainn for sane Iimo. Mm nally mgninc-(I suicienl. strength tn walk back vfetxl Nlhrvtlze uutcr ulgt-. orf the. unto the hnusu, where she wait:-(I for the _ retum`nf Mr dullght-`r from $("N)lIl. l`p- un the lnuor n_.nrri\al she mun inum-di- ntely dcapatchul fur a ph_vsiui:nn- An examination ruwalod that. the -ixun-vrc~ hm! \-oftolne had born dis{-mm-tl. Her Inf! mllnr bomhad alau I-oz-n broken. Mu-r phcill the lft should:-r in avast at-rips. cl` ll}$:i* planner wt.-m put ab nut Nit. HAl'\ ey n -Dfk nml hm-ctl ht-r nhmnklorl and head `no `that up little strain ous_puIn|iblo would rume upon the! r!inlnLvaM~d part. In. Harvey in nsling well am! 'ncnad very little pain. ': lixunplo Vs: Pnupt. . Writing cm H104" to mil the New York Sun "31., do buy: smoke Y BccaIl_lI'lI do. -Beams" they want an be lit; lnwl do I tmnly act, topm. m normal ol she `aunt und swqgur man the lhmilwn on women 0| `um Iuur Inn IWW ul Titna nth! `be following very I-an-iblc c-(m|mel;l.. quill; Ipplit-uhle to tho drinkl Eat`: Not I doubt I it. I! IL; An-naun urn that 5 Olson drinll ll`: "not noun; (I II. II pa, Jhodnuwuuothtnlldn nod. in :5-run be rv.-cqgniud will not nomyincu Jolghny `that usmokivqg in In mu-v'u'nno_ nan ml nu inim in in u- mnuneu iloqlplly mu. uunoluqg II n) verv'.i"run[, not if was in in 'I |1)_\l. gve:-y law pgnilnt. tho dunno um I: Douay III`! --'t.u l`l.' lop: for J . To uuteunm who lnnwoen B _ ` 0. - nus`: ""'........ thn"".|\o.,1uITTl:att:`l`o.rv ...` vv vvauv. ` Baulio. Zephyr and _Andn.luai|n.' nan; Av In nlf STARR AND N _ `sale;-lp3ahuuh-mh,nun-._c,| _s7j;${i'{r '&'SUTCLiFFE. _ _ A QA.__L I(I'na-fnll- ()1-I mm A noxnniimcxu. Dim`: be 8'3iCi that because- th.<.: prices.are' low the III I , :.;.`.l`._ .'.l-......... Just ; Iyhese-k - Iuuesron-3 Lunma-our qbos trronz. Dav 60008. FRIDAY 35 A PAIR. WOOLS, '1 L- -..,I |) . I.-van FRIDAY 25 EACH- I -unua -.~_-_.._.. W1nAr 5: ounce. THURSDAY. JA`UAR\f .J7ll\.. rid actlongtwnscrah `son 25 "DO! I00 IIUIU Iv: uv- -. -.,,, voa will always-id` u~=-N:-1:. - 'I`_nilor-Knt cont! go war with the Two qiulilies $1.00 an yum . IMIOIAI. CIISET I'VE, I0. wozisws Vents sud Dunn. Pmo Regular 75'oAnd 85. nnlnnv Ann IlAi`H Ilrm mu nfa Choioul when ' ' Known u I \.uu.uI\Iv_.I,` -' .9"-"""' ' ' Lind Salk Ind 0-Ipbmoro In neon - .3 nylon, rug -In": 750 to 31-35- :: nluv In: EACH [ rul}-uuwuu Inn: 9-! I Box Ololb Oominl. Thibot Trim- mod. reifuio and :34. " BDlhl' III 'I`|mu.-nmla of peopnc dare nut. use unl- , meal in my furm. nu nhoy nd it has I M-mlency` to irritate tine-mtmnnacln, exuilo heat. and redness of the Bkin nml produces eruptions. Then ugnin, crnc|usd,.. _."\ut. and other uernls cot"It|Eu.u_ much in- soluble starch whioh inter(c[m.__gL|_|y____ -with digvnt-ion. I `link. H:-minimum Fond comes to the m=~ mu Breakfast Food Breakfast Bolinh not The | _ uul Weak. Zljl -with mgmwn. `Halt B`:-nkiam. Fond rue 0` weak nnd surung atuniu-ha. It. -clues not contain a particle ul insoluble nun-h; it in pnrtiully |)l'l,dige|I(('(i. U1:-n~I'u:t' ruquinru no enrt tn digs: it. Q Ilult Brakfut Food contains 1 much gutter uuo\mO..o{ body and brain nu triment. than other grain foudl. ll: qrecial .-work is in building up nerve. muscle and limue. ind vnriching the hlunrl. Huh. Breakfast Food is `he most. delicious of all brvdfnlt oerula. It -3....` near: nnhln nun` In-r-mm I` delicious oi a an-cum. versus. 1:. ram: every palate uul lwcolms If fut fax-write in homumhen it is tried. You; I'0(.'?l' nndjtll other First. class 11' Malt F0|'Id. - Iouuu-. ugppapwn u_ovq-u------ mrnucr `cm or 1-3%. an Uh Ann:-ma 0 1 of Indo- oaowx. A. n'rIIl. uar onum Chnnbcnv, ` `'`'*I An. a J. l1cDQN uqwA1`.V _ _In.AA _._ XL- A neflcuous COMB|NAT|6Il-. mm nuiuint mm-m.vr n:'r1q- or 114:: Ill mun: sea MUFFS. Bagalnr $5.00. BIIIIAV 01 (`ll cmlnnan-s banners. r 5- J mu. -'..1 f`l..nl>.-nnn in nnsn. FUl_!-Llll-E_D cuss. . ,_ llL-A H` SuTcAur}-`E auronyghs. Asnnrrik scuss. Plgxo 1oc__ tum {1ZHAI;F9.|:|i -IIl vvsg FRIDAY 60 EACH, "l:.(h;UAY 50: EACH. uug-_ _ Kingston. (5:-It. FRIDAY $3.C0. -F`!-I-!;LY $15. . rrw" , .;in_v, which "i. unng an `in mi. and hich hu formal alllmxw with Hw `Nmjthrnr Pu-ifw | Ii|wI_\',"aml the War Eagle mining yugupusics. in unvar- Gd IN` |\ `duilvllll that any hlkc the dumb Vilma [Ir|'IIm-at nun-u. 1111- up- ; udvinhuo nt um mil- , _.w'n,v dqni-ll : innit. llun. Ir. . lldlc !I0_I. lIHvII tn-oycul imvjg;-1 {Int Britt-uh `-Imu II-yo gll an nnn,_. ` at in M J? "M i Ilogycdu; mum and . Uh -1 ., ', crmneoun im- 8014 my `um Il.|lI. MW ik ank when `Roberta H `I! slllltu Imldpnh the irri- ~ A_ `,-J51! *9-9 (.3 ; W Your wand on In An, on! pnvnbllbln lair-Lid` _ 11- nnwuuunl oi nan nut for out no as- mnnmad anulnuona _ " hi how mnanujg ro- _ gahlqjor at-an any ll -`O. .r-`nmnu-ulnar. and-an or um` mu um '0 I~.a . 1` iioluiut. munnhlh. "ii Ilyin! Ni ! l'6.'- .`Ko`M1inu the gnvitp arm _ 5%: using his head in plus? -`|=s'~ if-r-.v own` i an qgguy'za-miniusu u in aimouns` `tn do not VIN; In ; Wltf ` 5I~.lnII'eI_v to rlinturh u`.onIml,1 y `slit! nu1:o`_dxo pm-an-ion _o( 2`. |...=u... mm.-.1. .... nnxlmu mu u! 4. 61:!) YEAR ......_ -.-u- ant-cvnnu IHIII h DID , T gnmxa worn swoon. AL- .........| ' 3..-`Du-Ann .,.s4 ,,,i,=gy;|\,z d';$4.1lll5 Vto` . Illluwll-us: .1 .`_1:gyu manl'h6tIunH(}qwilh Pwiqi + gljiyny (`rmI7;'-Iut.- Pun I. Ir. Jun`:-oy wan the n! V-, . his Ifury Wu-the people. He add ., she` (1.:-.2 pmmln, gadumua -, `Una input his `company out ul buinnu. , Jhlnql (might. |'Ik`I- TH ,P,K.;he mid. main: 1 cm ~ for g that instant I who dilly. , in '1-;._.u ....g1u--.*u.a m dtmlul :'I.eisM|IeAMIJIICI'|ct.\VIIlmdu\'i:thd ._.'_.._ -....:l...' `I. Jnmq L. m..,[,,] [,.ug,\|g annual . VII lllnu vuuu urn` ` Icahn mitts -. 1. .mm_y_hc mu!- 7o( ` emf u;m|nny. u (`WM '6' 1.`: in mining want, But ,lh`orI, the gown] mI||'8'f- Pygouuhnt tho!nII-Avi-Y-'~|I"` mfmpmc us lI"dg.-`,||/1-Walt-I`; and um- i.:` 1.4.- V ....'t In... 3...-.. tmnnl In dll - ggnco in |'w]J&t to. llp,-`M. mu.-I. Inu Law V ma-.. gust hwu=~m;v tr`-W W F . mu.` , Ir. Jamlerh-m. mw-WW * V:1..-`wu wk` mhnjng - comp-ny. mun- ihiigdwkm that um um will ham 1:. _LL.n. `.a...... ....|.-... -h.' am. I-mm Q" "Q... Q `N D5. . 5.` 5\ \ ` ` @.:.;.+~.% 3% N ~`!'.-:5-2.. EC-` . lot mm 5| pun ounce- ` .mlh.uhou UM mun: ` nu V _,.a-ccunlunu. or_ us;-` ~l`.'.1.`;.: Iagpuyq; W $351! I|C`Uy-|}`lI"'V . ummson of the devil ' than it cures. All the -. >_ e aaumsinIua'aoe. not my much go .,.-To`:.eanu'nl'i~o party in his `wgt. on an ability in ' ..V[.".J-a............. `us. -hug` 1 -l. nnn nnru fulll`: gm uuyq uuw uu-2 5---q in not suitbunto pmenuble leader, VIM. Ilmhitdtilitufatnf (I-one":-nnk men. =TbIonQndQIIetwIhouHunhunom In AL}- . BTW! dw!Inuu- l,,mguwhou'oeux ` ` W V nmlhe very men no, ag|t:_fI.' M531! #0"?- Illa World : looplo. Lopdonglru ` . ` The ol the whole wotld s. ,M). (X thin Great. Brit- uiapnd lrgculoniu hu`l5.9 per cam; Ruth. 8. 130:` cunt; France, 6.3 per colt;-lnolhd Shut, A531 pa:-noent.i' Gir- IIIqy.'i._ antg: who ungar ,' I .. . -.,m,1q.u pm-ac. ,,.. ...'....,.,.... .._ ; '!,`dn'n':0;oiuu!u-nh unwound; llcvgwver he says I g,|,.y.."o1iang whnii u mlmblcr gmtil he ujty mu ul Vnancuu retain his A ,2 . H In X. .. ..I..-....:.... time.` pg ntivixh 315-(manor: aim, um be up nine tdibunqnlu `nuns that memo A or expand hop down gaqipgtnion, hm. {twill .-betta hip-nituse ml V ||*lVP|3!- ,. `whom Christ. Ian. on. to millions, sand the not lurnilh whurcon hndho cum; to an ombm ` was made in ` ` 1` "`II!m `rm v M `ma gxpoadimm during ........... has endad ohm was nude .#AnI'6')t|u I;-mu for `1`wlns.. ' Pt. / _ hit Inn! of tho: twins that u: _K|h Ind Duplicate. Ropm uaudvu . ` of-Panmylvanin mild: to the mlleut . ol Iilnihsr names by I .-m.... nu ma. :1 an win: whu were ~--ti Iilib` Illk (Int u I n A litter nuugl that a. writ hul I`-I-I iw Mr. Crumcr, ml was in , II.w.1'e&nr_v In Ind rec:-ived In making luv 5` suN|l`~ _ bula vs an-c-u ligtroufbtltlll. _ Gun-ions! ,.nn who are nut to 301 misc `gm-tho vurv men` who have {.81 than I. wnu nun v_ Mg`. Oi-tuner, _' Illllllf HIM ION VIII nunv. um fqlwnoluuion that it. Wu 5 lsluinua. IIWII in-. 330 M. "".yQ.,...s.;';" .. uu om hall ,3! new In- luuljo wvuuihg u. ,'u,1n"_V glatnmiu ivvn-3'.` ` g` . .9:-nm~nx'~`n. *_'I'- M vddumt ucnm. tcdtd at W. 1:. Cmddqek, ,Ic-ndqy waning next. In my mum oi.` Hull: thedutr miuny 1`-ntmiucd 1 , nus jmn , 10. may of {It mIumIr0w' u w` R > ""7"L-`.'F"""4 9'." iuiltvliutirv. nu-acmnm.-non an itch lath or link John D. (hr fun-S jgouxtaaotxon. L Imrnu. 13:83 cu;-1-nms. '~ -nu Intcrgsxamgnz gen. 1\4L._..... Filing: Illvlx the II who cage to get who mnt.ina- alum. ._ ., ;otwpcrty ..LI.. I...l4p CDUUV w Us uiluuuuau w p-...... ...._ IyndicI.W- ' _, June: Barrett, undu-taker anal fumi- V tun dnuler at. Vutkleek Hill, lost 34.- 000 by n. ~ ` layer l uuxt kissed `the Brltinh amt- -nl-nrmu nu |'0Fi8nilIg,,hi_| oioe at Om- WI on Saturday A protest agninlt the election of G. R. Maxwell for the dominion house has been ulod at Vullumvcf, EC. V, " Albert. nith arrastetl fur theft at Berlin, empod just. as he was being liken into the police ooIu1, E. E. Dndds, {onmrly Unit!-1| Staten conoul at Petorboro, an}! clerk to the . ,,.,_-L:- .1 11-..- z- 4...: comm M. rcwrnm]. In" mwnnhip ol Hope 1: dead. nm 500 umlicndono townnhip 0! Hope in dead. Over 500 npplicntiono to join the outh African coIuto,bulnry"}m\-e been received by the mi-liliq department. 11.... 1. n nnholl nI'nn:1. to leave roceived by the mi-ling dopu1.mcm.. Hon. R. R. Dobell expects Englund for Canii`ibeul. tho l9t.h inst. He mnv be detained until later. Lady wihsm Boreslnnl, yentenlay pmved~l.l1e will 0! her lute husband. The value M` the eatalaeislnid tn be 38,541. The llnntreal\bou'd of uwle has up- pmved of the govermnentfu prvpuaul to improve the nnlquion ul l"rIu:l1 river.` The London Titml any: the isnpelinl orinnent wilnot accept the Unitea I fates unite : unendlnentl to the Hay-l Paunoelote treaty. rn.- `Inn-I-hura hm-lmv mun. at Mor- Otuwu has hog] ulother hmvy mow Tnc Wu blocked (or hours. Counlerleit. Cunldhn two dollar bills I IN in circulation in New B2-unswink. A .u......- and aim". u the kidoau ' circulation in New. urunswmx. A dinner wqlgima u (hp ' dab, omm, H honor of cm. Buchun. Fifteen China: lumdriru in (man gnu uymnticnlly robbed on Suturchy u' t. ` sir Adolphe "cum, very ill my name Linn. has oompletdy an-aw.-ted, and ink: I In-Iflbnl. The Morris hockey team, rinburg, lust n' V In defeated Cornwall by um gualu to two. The teams were`, very evenly 1%.. Nnn-weoinn aunt-r Peter J:-been Erlotnph hdln Para `ot the Glob; Gondonnd pad AliortodJ`r Eur ludwt. - ..Ex-Gov. Haunt,` of \Indi;snn,r dropped .4... . % | IIIJII In six uni: _t.lme, Inutnal. V k The lumber mill: pit Ingrnm river are, _|.....a 0.. In Tjunslnt-ru On ':A.. Naw ngrnm TWO!` IN [erred to "It- New York vervkweniy matched. The Norwegianlhuner in at St. John, N.B., with the lint Un- ited Stem: hituninmu coal ever hmwn to hnve bum imported. 11.. llumlmnmr Guardian learns that \ been im . The Hutchestar Gnlrdinn (ha deprt-scion which uecued Iho queen dtring the early Inge: of the war in South Mriua. has returned. Albert county. New Brunswick, has dilmiutd Scott: act inspector W. H. TnIcu_n!r,- who has can the `county MW. and cunmted no nes. Ir. Kennodymhe hydraulic sweate- port! HIM the new undlinry uuwlaiuery ordered [or the Ottawa waterworks is unsuitable lot the pummc. ua. ma.....I Rmma Svmes. chic! ne- ne nrrantsng gun noun I nk: It ron.w:IK1ar.1_zns.. ummitnblo for the Sir Edwud Spence Symes, ol the M. of Burmuh, cretnry mince 18%, that iunv.-It in the head und ' lingcring bouveen We and death. Dr. Theo. Coleman, Tamnm. has ne- ....A..-I Hun nnnllinhlnlt of ruby!!- Dr.uThet'). has oepsed the sppointmmt of head physi- "'.`.. `.`~,..;`,`.`..cn:`:"Pa , ....."`..'2t Widaiur--Kunlu-, who has ban in jail fnr a month, charpd with smashing su- Ioon xmrd VII rrlwied on haul `in the sum of . ~ 6 between the Cun- The Irrungemen ' .I:... hang and the Gnodc-than-Black 3'. Chain` n.u'..... ..raae w.c'r.u..* arrangement between the cum- dinn Pncic and the G(JpdcfhlI`n-B|uck- `amok ayndiute, by which the latter an- quircu the '|`nil lnclter, is an good..u, nu-nmnlilhod. ` QIXIS E0 Il'Ill -!ICll.I.'r, nu - `\Juu,,u._ ilillwd. ` N.Y., man" revently sent. the trauuror 0! one 0! that village 1.-hurclleu A check in uutlement. at his new renhl. `Ire wt-ow: "In in}! fur rc- iixvvon to duh." > - . N. Bull, :1! Waslyrillo, 0nt.., suf- ` faring frm_n t phoid, while `in delirium ' mad out she window of him roan. Q` was found in n pile oi Inovi, lie hngv cinch '1-apidly improved. . ' '|"1-norm-' Hanna 0! the C. BI. IL, on Trooper Hanna 0! the u. n. u., uu his grrlval _|b B:-lwnod, was met . by at kumlxliqht. ptnuanivvn and escorted to the town hall. Ther he was _p_:jeoggt_etl with . .....l:l natal: nu] 1-Jnin. ' ` Dhfbhq. , than mach "to want. '1`-to tvlkl wu- . " vin'iihata`abusunu. n