dispense Bnlll`1`l_\' unh um wm-s. I hope that ultimate-l_v \u- .-hull ant to this idmll form of illumimmun, and t*t,Wo Hull! hum in our nmnm lumps w ich will be 9109. nglmv. no mnthr where they are placed, just us am oh- jcf. is. [mm-ul by heat my: ommmting from ya" mm-1-. The lumps \\iH then. he hilnlllkl like k.m'uI(-m"luumH, with thiu (urPnq;, hmu~\'u-r. that the energy `will bc conveyed through apavr. "'l`l>u-. lnltinuuh`. nc-rte:-tinn of al\1mra,tu:~` be cunvt-you nu-ough "7l`h(-. ultinum-. pt-rfovtion ammmtus fun the pI`lIiII1(*Q.inn of electrical mu-il|nt.iu-n will probably bring us (on this unit. r:-A Ilizltinn, and tlwn we shall mdl .ha.\o Um light without heat, or `L1-ldght. I have no d3Mcult_v now in illuml ting the mum whh such win~l,ss humps, but I! munbcr M improvements must. be made yut before it can be generally intro .:.......a -- lght would be Im-4. `- l.`L- .|--urn n.--I nut lwall tor mo H-umnny ul allihent would lit` Ins.-r. TM lamps nu-I nut hr n-newed like the ordinlry ones. as the-re is nuthing in them (0 ninmum-. Smno If these lumps I buy hurl fur _u~uru. and they me now in -jun us good a conch-'3 -11 us lb -_\` DVD! C91`. ducod by the onlmavy lm-thudn. "In imrodut-ing this uysu-m oflighb ing my tramufmmcr, ur oscillator. will be ucunlly located at nmue mnvrninrm place in the hum-nwnt. uml front there the tranafunncd currents: will be I-xl us uiqnl through (ho building. '-Tlrm lnmm mm he run with one win can in the Ordinary st-nut-. Ian` \\".ru II, no `nhcv 'w0uId lp hot. like an ilmmukssa-M hinenti 5; n mutter oi fuel. than is vary little gent. nmicmhlc-, which spanks .....n 42;. +1. ...........u~ ..a' oh. Iiwhl. .~ nptle nun. nmuw wall for UI5 EL.-0 -nnld |~n Inn!` I very high In-qm-In-_. ` "Thai Oicillltiuns, urlnin W N! gjiix wand end: of the gland . I., l in the interior ` in clhctrio osoilhtiunu. wm. set the molecules ntonmul thu` out-Imod run- qi guenxnto vinlo-nt muunutiun. cuis- ing them to vibrate M enurmmm rate- nud emit thnso nulintiumn which we- know us Hqln. .The are not wndc-ml incnndmv ...... L. 6 nu-.l:....-V ....n.u- fur \\1I.rn it. an Wlln `I IWIAIIII! ('I)lIHlI| The` imentur maim- stataulenu conu-rn ir suns :" _ "The street cinrru-nt In gm.-I dxmugh I nuohine Wioich is un t'|o1 tl`i1`u] nanni- tbf 0` poculiur (`IIl|all'|I('IiUlI NM trunc- form: the lpply c-urvwul. be 1] '(Hl`l'(`t. ur Alumnting, into elm-trlcul 1)nl|tiumul very high `('qlI('ln'_\. `: "11.... tnaillnliuns. uunini (Q U! 3(.5'IIlIlF'_`l`|l.` ` ' 00: nt mu-m --nnpl-~_ve~| 1! Ten- `! the Y `.t;lhicII in a glass (|)l lJt` If ([10 due ll` gt-r ml uu-n ft-ct nr man long. 1. up). |~:- manic vnriuus fllflpll, but the invt-mur lune mu-4| 3 wr- MIIKIIQV lial tulw with 1,m~lv- in fourttvh 0LB V0'|MiuIno nml nu il|uIIu'na- ins rfnpc '0f_3IJO (u I00 in ~Ifllu.l`(` inch am. Thu LI`:-n um lillul with certain . INC WT Br ` l'lN35l'H 30$ and flu` with I wield"?! 4-nuhn mnmguuant rn I luv Iilh I metdlhe couh: 'I`L-` I-in-no..- .....L. III Wlll IL` |'.`lUVI}| ` In- "I \ . 3 I imitnl _ . -un--vxht. in pmsludal J mt-illaurr u-amlunner, `M hut Iumrr` '0! JMFI. In ` liter, Whicll pmnninni to wnudam um. daylight. .ou `dillitllu nf inun'1-iv|h|'.- cause: thv milliunq of nlnuh 0' `til the lamp to Ix-mine Hil- inn! 0_llm,. hitlwr tug! tH(*I'r VIl and throwing UII. 0 mo tlnt.":-imlu ho enluvnce of old UI\ 6"ri\'I|ls the elllgvnce 80] 1IilnA4l. ' Iv! gnu. qned and throwing out. `IE. MK. L.L......x....o ..m..l..u-4| luv Tm. `.':'au.:s'} E: '- ; III the man of nrtk-inl I` mug any h Nut only I the "Ar? um ounugm" L-.`:.r, but it will he will 1 d with new lamp globes.` The "Jim :.- mlniivcb s... -7"` "-'%1%ln. "hm: \\u,.m W` '94 . hthloed it `in '3.'awY"+$u'?"'& 3.. """ It in s-ununcrv:in| min- ' I. div 3 nf\`ff_`.g9'~I L4: ?-.TF1Z'W W -'j' -"i hII'.c;w1"Ar"u~' ml. ~ . ` 1' OI. l~-N'I0|B '- 'DlVd_`lho |!'l0Man r-I nit- iI8,l||llI3[M to urhr. Hi: nuv dcctc III 2 -any "I.-lm -nnn." Wip H1si'm.:"I I ID n-udc-ru aordinnry l`nHl`_ fur .1 1... L... In... -n in and turn -nvu nu ltul` hv with 1 incl ill; hr vmlx are l`(J V('l'l*d able. wmcn spvusu bf (I10 light. the llk` the - fL>0i\' ing 1 my \VH` W de- Tlm annual meeting at thoxlirocmrs of tlw K. k l . rililrsdxl <`ompnn_v wok pI,ac this morning. All the uld director! wm re-olortgl. The lgmnl of eqirvecmu. were amhoriml tn du-|nn- n diyidqnd ' ptoputinn to the nurplml earnings the mad for the last year. " ' The cwdieorn n1` C.` B. Smnuohnry. of. Brllaville. wall paper dmler. met in that riby yNlPI1h,\',t uwptetl an air of ftfv at-nhl on - thllnr nuh. unrl hm '11: or wrt-runwnuvu Inn year. the un- nual met `tn `the mnntry hing SL309. w. 11 Calvert. l.~P., Wat Hdlgu. mu irrdn thread lnmd vhin cl` u cuualmm-. _ The algmmm-M ix-H unpmtmvl in Mon- tftnl 0` Nina `Anniv Cult, ytnilvgut thndncr ol lady (hit, to ltr. Haney Snlidx. Winnnipcg. rtilnr-ninl. nnlvliu ti:-inll wan: In-Hr. anuux. mmupeg. ` Ftrty-oig_lII. public am:-ialn' won mi:--1 ed hr o'ur<-mnuinntcd hr. the lnnnl mu. '4.` `ch. `Imunhrf Inlna lnoo ` ! II. 1. Ullven. l.~r., Wat lnmggc, {tn `.0-dly drrml had whip d` tho lhhenh In nnrlinnmula. ~ `mu may turret.-all I` In I . "-71". p'.'..""...".`.'. .`.'?" | In IWIIHIHIUL (uunal _lnt-I3 loot _ night. Illd-I.l'I_lIIO(J sumo toiling -lllri-l in. . ' nuy ywunny, unwed our 01 fty on-nu on cbllur ash, and cm a-\h: finn- So Imaginos a Door '1'alking,in Windy Chicago. ('him.go, Fol. I-'1.--" Ingluuul not only \\i'l lune 1 come 9.4: (Guns n! pom-c in- ...o..l ununu I...*n.'. "non-n Inn! uul` Ln \\I'l lune in Como w terms :1 |Imu-cIn- xsistui upon }._v Eh'e Boers. but will` he forced to pay to the Trnnsvuul ghu.-n-1 from S/I0.Wl).fIlJ tn % )0,0lK),00l) indem- nity," said Jim Krige, the Boer com- mandant, umbr Gen. Bothn. who in in Chiudgn. "The cables any that Iluwot. `hu cmsacd tho Omtui Rivvr, with 3 Intro of 2,000 men. If this in true it in tho dnith blow to Engla.nl'sz hope 4! mhduing the liners. bccllme l)ovwt cu,-r tsinly will have a form I 50.()(l) men in tho colony, and can dictate tcnm. The Boers have no rmbon in the world to cl! --..n:h.m nan ' ' noers nave no surrvndcr now.` FULL HONORS FOB COL. SHAW Wm!!!`-lbllllll "W `W llrulllillllill. F. S. Silencer Rur.lm1'uuxl and H4-v. 1)`. Cannon also-upulw for pml:|,iti.~.-n. In his rwhlr. Hon mil tlut the gov- ernment. Ind bum taking s'L<!.-| to _r-c- cum I bl-tu-r onfomemcnt cI'_ Ilm law, And would continue along Linn lino. An to prohibition in Hanitobn mid Prince Erl- ward Island. prdxibiliun law: had heon mnctul. Tho (x)ll8'ltllllum1lily of these laws wall nowin question and until (hut was (la-irled it. would be mkinpr A leap in the dark to enact. A similar law in Ontario. Thom was also to be consile'r- ed the dormant condition of temperance at-ntimontr in the enfonmnont of those laws. The govonunent. would continue to enforce with inrmuing strirtm-is the license lnwa'and had not rweded from its position which was to give the lug- eot,'nnuure of` prohibition it uulld give wht-n the constitutional issue Wu setr (led and (here was no doubt as no its lqul Funeral To-day Largest Ever Htld ig the City. '|t.ertnwn, N. Y.. Feb. l3.'- The fun- eral oi the late congreamnn from this dimict, Cl-L Albert Slnw, was hell this nitemnon with military hpnors. At eleven an private service for the fam- ily and relatives of the deceased was held at the funily ruidenoe, And nftur its ounclusiun the remains were taken to the state armory. accompanied by a guard nf honor consisting of right mem- bera of Joo Spun, Post, 1;. A. R The -romnins lay in state M. the arm um iil `2 p.un., whm a public funern sor- xico was held. Rev. W. (I. lingers, pun- Ior of the Baptist church, made the principal address. 'I'|m funeral was attended in n lmdv |vv pnnmpm snares. The funeral \Vm-1 attemled in a body by Joe Spmtt. Post, G.A.R., the Ilith mp mute uunpuny and hand. ch. local lud , 0.U.A.M., the Lincoln lmguc and lg: TS iTnson club. The pullhuurore were Cu]. John 'I`. Mott and J.` H. Cooper, Oswe- go; Col. W. W. Enos, Chxiumunt; seam- tur Elnn R. Brown, (Bun. Bradley Win- sluw_ James Dulan, H:-urge H. Massey, H. -J. Hrimmer Williaun H. .`1lu\'on.-4. ..... I` IL: I...__.... u l). .. .....I ll: .. most. (.1! Inc ml) 3 I-Iurrvs unu uutI|IIL'.~4s- cs plgwos 1-Iusod tllnillg Uw fum-rnl. After the funt-ml senicv, Ju_c Spmtc punt. and the i!Jt'h acpumle mmpuny cs- curml t.hv- mmnins tn Brooksiclo canv- (cry, whvrv the intonm-M. was made in the family burial plot. . -- zk-1 Ll. I}. I)l'l"H Maj. Jxuncs Stcbbins of 1 'l`I..`.... ...... ` DILVUDIIIS UI Inns Elly. There us :1 large uuvlllhuwn uf gmml unny mu-n and U.A.R. post mprcseI|ln- Lives frum ull the towns of nm1|m-n ... ' L \' \. Lives Irum tun we (onus m nunncru New York. Most. of the city's sburos and |uusiI1c.~m- ......r um! elm IIWL u-nnmm :~|!I|l\.||hv nu. "F (|II(lv("H'V Hly [llulv IVIISIUUU IIHCI law uleitling classes could 1;--m|.inu am well as the liquor `non, |l`|'| M-re nut, afraid uf the liquor issue. He said the rrsuh. of the plebiscite in Ontario war Knterl the Lmvernmcnt in hrinriuu in I whnlesuulal measun- nf 1-mhi! tion. I Q Hhnnnnr Ihnhm-l'.u-.| untl L`;-v `I rumumn "I pmun Illll rum I-um will lay o [or the Ontario (Allard tlf alto-rn\uun. In the nami-mla thin in; Hunilton 'l`hiu|a but Hliliy-'I'R`|Il. nhutl tu twetlty-loll! and Pavia but the` (`n|v:duniu.nI 0! Tomato by furt_v-mo tn thirty-two. 'l`L_ .I-._.A_4l..._ _..-....2._A_.l I... A-4 .l.. mum:-_v muuun-. nw um pmmu-r gnu Medan. lhvia. Harcourt. (m..oon, nic- ton ind llatrhfunl today at. noon. JQJ. lulnren, K.'U.. incnxiui-ed .. ck -ut'0tion, and Rev. `Uh Mushy. of \Vcx-I11:-ck, man the chi! wanker. IN. Markay micl _ he was glad tn nee Mr. Runs, :\ (`h4\ln|Ii0'n of prohibition, at. the haul of the gm/~ ermm-nt.v'l`ha~ pl'P:lld, Imwcvor, du'lun~:| (hut, the uttilude uf ll. L"l\('V`llll'(`llL to |m|u'hiu'nn-xvun mlvl. ulmnst rigid. and that both lii(k'N in the home \\'I'V`_} 95111 of the liqunr inn-rnnni` Hr hm! nu rlewirn on vnnke-'thI1!|ts, but if the |'|`\'v-'|'| rqoms indictu what the future had in stun-_ he could\ only uv that In-ligiuuf; and llI(';|1IJvu'lInIun v- dnrmiturv I Am. 1:13 min. Dy l\'rl4_V'IlI'W III Illl'14y'l'W'J. The donutnon lppoinwd by led- minian dliumo to urge npqn the On- Ln-in gcwonunont `flue Adoption 1! u [yu- hi|ih;r_v' mature. hw the premier 'md 11...`... >n...a. u.........4 a:.'I..s.... 64.`... Inn. Upon Ouutlo Go'nn\nun- lx. loos lopuu`--A I911 ad Iolhtln 1'0: u GIIIII Alfi- nltuul collage. . ' ffmmtn, Fab. |.'b- I`|Ie mum of Hull.` Katy nub umounood to-day than they IN pmirvd. with the ma- mu. J an Ontario gowrnnunt, to tuck nix] dguin n the ~mm(|u d {the hill- t.OInI~ on! no Guelph a lull Mb- ! 1! t don! `t art Bryn bad gran. .1151 ght. had ;not. been llllllcd. put. an victory d Hhnilmu l`hmhc UH Purim In can king and they will pity the main. 'l`I..~ lhmihnn Thintlun and Phrin mm cum and may ' Hamilton T OH H nl`n-I-Juun. In [In ruy lot the mo ul student: at can of at least. MHJIII. Hm will 1.:e'nt- cnnnmdnupn n! a fin pmnl man for Iml vulwvn-I. `nu : I: believed w In due E-:o.n`.everuudoIw'n `no in- di-ridu to u goununani. b ' in Gmrio. The now bailgling will unblc duugovc-nmcnt to Lily manna Mn 1 . Am-nuitnrv p.In. Iguana nail-lhslnl had :not. been llmdmd, but au. victory at ll'_mlln\.. l1.iuLn an-`J Ihrln In 4-9. rncnlnl path a. , q `The c-`oundl mm but milrhl. `uni In-nunnlml -mm -.\'A.Ih-. 1-..: nnrussounonrnho H1110! ALLIANCE. . .4..--- CAN DITATE TERMS. | n. onyx-r unu umnun this city. I um! (2 AR, Imnt. ntnrr-malnu- umuun u. mum Bn_v0r and \\|l|i:un Is selling Men's Boots for $2.50 that used to`: sell for $4.00. :1 IA. A{BE%RNETHY i Call and set them at 3 LAIDLAW S. ;4\I\J\/`I!/\ " \I\.rJ\r \I\o \l`\I\Iv\I` }../xzvsn-v~/`vsla,-/v vwdhvvs Sonnnm: T Rapid actlonglmen ' nnt stern` 480 Yards AA % Silk Chiffon T0-MORROW KBERN%ETHY A lot of Men's Lace Boots that were sold for $3.00; for l.50. ' Sale at 9 o clock. (IOUSSELINS DE SUE FINISH) An extra wide width, ~ Full 42 inches, M And the regular" soc, quality. ' SAL PRICE T0-HOIBDW FOR TH SPECML LOT ` I23 Princess Street. U .!';A.,5."WJe4l.*. I2 Fables full` bf Bargai I -,.` Come Eprly. IN NOW coma ON. K1 Iiixcnml `OUR " ' "`P"_"Ir_u-----V.. __ A" SIIGI h A"b`m Red Letter Shoe Sal 25c. Var: Women's Fine B: Boots that were Iormerly for $3.50 `$4.00 for $|.50. Special Bargain ('n-Iunsom I\_ot sepia; S*F9W.1`Rf%5$;'l-l "` `V ': 'i:4' : `: l. .&.I';. L;1'.9....P. }E'l` FVCT .'jIUU"T'Iv"'V snlwnity. Si -' Iandou. Ont, `. `wilt: ., Md "hit in: U (film F'IU_ vllxnuon Inca luau-ul nu.-Ind: 2m. and 22nd. lunch! `:1 the Wolvumo nugu lacuna: IMI city was (hcided upon y, Bu-ridaurg, Ont... near Hamhfm, Edguynrl Fmtier, IJ . [or Lot will he m._m.: mu Iondlgv-to 3': pi 'l4IiuIu,naurolMrn.!l.C.Sk . ...u. .1 . ...m..'..-.9 .-lmiml hmi . ol `DUI the omnbiin. I n to the Jnpa`n- 0 not war`: nriktu Ind Burbhnrg, Um... munumn, beau deal: :0 the now Imuim. tall 41 the proumt ntmkholdero `ol In 8 will retain their intanaot,_IIt. 0 new company Id be formed. The re- bowl-ul `g -Wu no Iugur hen -y l{i_llbo.baQIyk)utoBuu.m Hlrlzar qntlonin county. A .1 E A VUWIVIT, HQ F- \g-. Wm to Ian the aumerg any I..h-nL.l&ann-nn||.|ouI.|'Vand ` _ v .. ` _l Ilolllgtn Sign Futon-y wpr: ',. ` to Ontario. -I-Nu nun, liiu, M. 13.- '1 eInon'Hl the Wolvdlno n1I'.r"fncm ` 5.... am. .50.. ..... .lmiAul unnn mlddv. Pg-."..';,v.."'.~':..".;:"~'...:.'..**. '3: ca: ; H lli ` y .h :.,:nPi!? JI..`l.-n nu-nan In M`! "J Pt, `J -'0!` Lot I will ha mm-rim lanky-to iIC|l`-- ; .' iiiovu 10 can. unity ll 0 Iain at manual at cm I this thud Inr puliiclunsat. mvoyu, closing with can [(3 ` nu-tun (`hhuuod Li Hm nu lulu-Mood th|I.I.hoClIhuo mu .2'1-593:"-1!--`--*'=-*' "W ' ' ..__X_.... -......- ....I.I ... Capt.` Donnolly Spunk: Highly of Govornnnnt lgcoption. Cqpt. ,DoImel|y. who` 1":-turned homo `thin Ilmni . juinvd the Inu'ine`d6k> guian Ito howu. -and in put-' Ugo: nqut-ecu, vi the mu-inm before wrnux-nt.. The aiptain speaks in " 3 to maxim-.ns um! their friends numb with. No Items: that. tho.-_v fool thuznaekau un- ,<|u' deep :1! limniuna to Huh. Ir..F$t2- pnbziuk, aolicimr general. senator Cas- guin, Col. (iourdeuu, do uty miniature! Ipwim-, um! ('01. An chief an ghecr of the mgrine doparuaq The ' bium Wat` woe nnied J. ite. K.(.`., Mantra. `Ham. 1'. Pin- mltick went into the legul to oil- ggcnnui in the requentamui o the .nntter vnrv fully mul untinnnr-on J... ighcut tents uf the nxqnuunr t.he' pg `uun. um uepunv Jlillllllavr `of mimne, (`u|. Gourtlenu. said I; the guvemmenl mu: fully nliw to` narco- aity m hmiuo the rules 4:! rmd umnrm and t -mods and aids to navi- tion, andpointed. out how much` had )ce;1_duue by the'gm-ermnmt in put yum. and how r Hm. Mr. Ila :-s was In nscvrtlcin exact reruiregnomn of the mvizqninn interests. an Hie min- isuia- : willingness to mpet these as far an the munnmx-4' OT tl1`omu1try_w1'll al- low. ' 1111' CNN onarinmr nf Hm mnninn imq,.ud thy amp'er_ur ordered him. (pr Min-ch cmtt. .'.lfu nttovnpt. bin, exem- fou (0 , Ilmw mo uaInnrunenr.,oI o,uw `:`',Enn, it, . is dvugln. .(Il:im-an 1-in-la, _.lp.iht mean chi] M-ur. ` manner: In we reapenstsnlui ,` Her very fully and patielrtn Iegutiun. Tln.` deputxy ' pquor inisnnz-. (`nl. Gnnrrlmn nuhdtnno. me nmmrvo-4 ol hm;-`omu1lry_w1 ll al- Jlow. enqinwr of (2110 marine department. (`n|. Audormn. hm! all the matte-ru'a1, hi-A nger ends, and was `tuhlc to 1-xylznin wry fully to the dc nnrunt.-nt. the differ:-nt ynint.-a M. iusuq-. - The dulururir-n |~(-.li.-up that the znvrrn mom uml in uin-In wi (In all in its ppuvr L-v assist chum, S4-mwur (hm _|(l`niII hm lxdwn n \'or`\ dwp intt*n"Bt' in nmrino lInlH('I`-I. and in woll infdnnal. .llH tn Hm M-nuinmnm.I.n ..l' Mn Q9 Tn... 1, -' . auuvuan hltmlmal (Bauvtlu. . Fxlnmnd I'n`um-I CIIHI. ` '.f..1d'; H.-ado.` DI-tmk. lien... mm: Item. lur thovnnu Fa {hil- `not no puluaur an aura, u no government think: much`. step would be quite impolilio and t.u.mAunoun(.`w_ in- vnding an entire new country. Gen. Vayron, the commander oi the French {arose in China, telegraph: that I dun rnillvntl fl-nun pnltin In Pnnfrina. IPTBBCD IONXI Ill blllll, u`l8Tlpn (III! the railroad from Pekin to l u.o-'fing- Fu, was innugurntetl February Nth, A `special `train which left Pellin that, day returned Fobnmj` `llth. `Danette! Ftom Kingston Had Ea I~ .. Enough Walking. ' Mtuulnul (lnnnlu lhlmumal ` Jdmond l'u`qm'(tc, ngwl txvt-nt_v~two yours, hua according to his own L-odry, boon w:md4-ring ulnmt. the (rmmtry for the put cm-lve lays, and now he is sorry ` for the punt. He came into the Central pulim station last night, and hand:-d llimaell over to Lit-ut. Bowgeuin He said tlmt. lu- was attached to "A" but- terv nu. King:-ton, and beotmdng ned 0! mi itary service. nsplvetl to no the world just uvelvu day: 0. He has ilin touring aim-c, md lnci Itlllyhl'rjk- Iii Itumpt In 1:10. to hi: who mktwst. Hcnri do . vill- age . Quebec. `Hump around in 1';-I31-nary evidently my-d lgnunxd. who was pmtty tired look: when he struck the mntrnl shm. u 'wn mo~ tcctiori {or the night. And `fieulelzhnt _ re nrml the 'nnmSr to chief Ccrpunter. `sir o Viill amd,u1 account 06 P|qnewo'u . pnwnt grldnu and vircumutameo to the -mili'lu-y Authorities in Klngoton; r1_-xzpunnbu-d II In nlllt 1 Illllvt . . ' . It it very Iorhrlnly tloulm-1| in CM- nuno dmlvl -hon `at Hen. Tung l'I lining will. who no commie suicide. The Anny wu-drips-him. He in `data ,lm__zou-01.9! the lohanunod-nn. -ad `is bqliyved who onavltiuuu-lF._ -llo ref od"(o nlluw tho dilhlldllltnkd 5, Din; nnninnvuv nu-rhnvu-I Iain: I-I llll` D1 WU y TEVIVWI ll WHWIII Tl`- fpurv ol the Von Wddoruo-Bnilloud in- cidohl. It Palin (in whioh;tM eld mAr~ dual . cummnding, an nnnmmmd Fran Pdlin, wn dinatluod with the conduct. of the Fropch troops near P_u>'I'ing Fu, and 9150 with their nvnwogl-ibtontinn to `uh pntaouimn of Shun-Si,. wherunpun Gen. Blillolul, tho Fnnch commands` It. l lo-Ting-FII, said he muyncling in- d9pemientLv of Van Wuldarev), but u, ukinin them may have been `alight fric- -'tiun between the two cmnnundnzs. * A. on M... .-..nm`-oul i-`cnuoilm .l ` KIWIII DTIWHBH `U9 IWU` OOIIUIIIDGCIX. A1 to the rvportod imuntion d the l"n.'nch to take or occupy Shun- Si, the foreign (ies official: any thereiamfouxulntitm for the re nnrt bnI|n'l7h-u-huxunnhmnmnnn {Iy (DEN! II D0 lUlI'I(lllll0l| I0!` V-IIO PD- porl.bthg.J'ruchu huaardc-u_ $.'uHIn Inl.`Innnhln`hl~o '- f-'l'hOItoi'm\vhichhunedntFunn- on N41, for thirty houn is the want blizunl of the winter. Countfhrouda an dnjltod lull over the fauna. ilmnd V and nil A '11: - tun Capo own ny 3 A.` D; olmu-um. Boer dolqlte 1:) $5.13 United 8tnm~'nd-Em-mp. wribn Ia... jlljllllv A inn.` WVMOVWI. WIIIIVI . vhcthh ('hh`,=d III: think the ouvognml be Isth- uni-ry y luau Adm1t|,Iritiou. Paris, Fab. l.'!.-'nIc .Frmch foreign uim ha not yvt I'Bceivod'!m `olieinl re- '......u ..l A|.-'\I..... II_|.|...... u.:n-...n x_ A. II; wounnnl. Boer mlqlte to `GIG United 8tuerud'EuI-ope. vn-Ila {fun Paris. `In-ouuomly urging also Doc: to . Ibould lake IN|uI'*'s (Tim)- Pilh. Sold by E. C. lit.- dns . `emu min` ' _ rnn.'z.xvI:s. 'Iu`croi Ivan: II Jud`, Choloo I oi oi ammo to `those na___-A -A. Q.._J-Ll.._....A "Mud . tot - M | I.l_ Q._L In CORDIALLY ___:`.__ GAVE KIXSELF UP. lIlIIlI'. Ill! IF v l`t:qIliI1"M'ln(4H ` * (`ll-1;xn". I1 1-vnehw ui L'.c Ft. LAW- ;ml|_- hslow Montreal. RECEIVED. In It Io!I,- III Emmtha (M mud: Ffom bis~he:}th, clgn, Loomug ,1-`Ina. L. 1-. umncu. Port `Hope. won. hy taking `three nlnightihts. "ln`the 2:1! 1-has, Little Dirk. W. A. Punnhgg. 'Be|levi||e. won tbcvlinot gmni-y: [funk-r.. I-`.. I`. [inimi- . Kingston, account -;x. Iurd 'mau-ur uni than mnnhnrn nf I , nu:-u I) '@ at lawml *0!!! at` Yarl,.n1lo will Iindn two '. Clillm I Huh nmn|.Io.'Imn\ino than-ln. 0.. The muliml n-uldenlg of Quiconi-z have how gnilly st,irn= by the action of the gl`L`l`II| hocpitnl Iunl in throwing op:-n the V\l`(|_8 to all phynriunn. They {carom they have no Ian I good pmqicct of (`Musical vmtl talk of t:'IMlt`fI`inf`thlr 5:310 Uliotel Dien hnnmitd. "flu-v will demand :1 rvflind u'|Ml`rrlnf`mIr In `to 1.11019: men he itd. "flu-y will .1 d`~ MIX! of the {mo paid the gvnenl, the pmportiun which will be unmmml. We L"uIl}ngwg-mi _dr_v`|'oc& qauqxuly ha iritmn tn I lmal mtrinor, en- quiring: M In uvnilnblo` nhip mnmtal, mulhern. ctr. Thou is a unity olchis nl-.n nf nbilhul Llunr nt (}\"'i`l'n1t11uuI `Q90 vanes Iran l].u) to UK. -5! dub ( can ii! men. in the :kI7 clpn, Looting Glue. L. 0. Bennett. Port `Hone. won. hv takimr `three , Kingston, second. 1". _ lmfd `nu,yur,u|d the muuhcn of fin cumufntiun pmxmdt-d in mm In St. Junta! pdp.-v, Lnurlon, this After- noun. Bnovdertoprcomtanujtlluol w--um Ht may for mama!` to the eye. -Thev pol are very nhenp tub munu _fnotur<:. by tho fact that they nmd not be exchanged like ordinary lumps or burnorn thy am l`l`l|d('l`('d still Ions ox- mnnive. The chin` cunlijerntion in, of cguroc, in oonunncial inttoduction, the onenzy cognmnptiuny While .I am not yet. [Jrepnred to give 1-met gures. lcun IT: ' th-:1. gixen n cc-rtuin qwmuty of coct ' 0| . (mm the mains. I (`l_]_ yxnpdilirea 1_no::-gyliwht. than can be prey dared by the onliuavy nu-thuds. "In inn-mlm-imv this rl\`8l0n) oHiuht- (mum-n. on-. '|'non- m amrnt:,v or mix signs of ukilk-_nl hbnr nt. Oolhrqg`uxJ. `gs t4.V[I i9l frmn [L75 to . .M lhiol can in mum. in the '.kI'l em were. - Tho villuminatinq. puwrr uf mu-h uf these} in mczuuu-ml by the phonet- ic moth ; about Iifty .-andle pmvq-, but I `can mIh_ than uf any power desired up "ta thit 1.! sum-ral arc li;htn. It ip 11 rulnrhhh future of the light that dur- ing ch): it, can as-an:-ly ,be awn. w_harcaa at` night the whole room in brillllntly ilhmuimtetl. V ` . .v- 0-71`-.. AL. .... 4.` Inna-canon HM h) E brilliantly llhmullltetl. 9`,Wh1-.n `the eyv.-z becomes us!-d to. the light of thus tubes! an. 0I'\'|in|r_v incan- dauvat. lamp or gen humor pnxlua-3"`; viofchfpuin in the eye when it Saturn. i_ on, uhowinu in a striking manner to what degrve these cxucontntc-J sources of light. which we now use um detri- mental` to the `T|un.l|nnn| Am wrv nhmn tn munu usual through H10 umlumg. 'fThc ln.nI|~s cnn be run me w Idem`, us I haw shown in my early ` Inpjlmtratiuns. and in sunw ('!\H(`:! I I dispense entirol_v with the wiws. I hum tlmt ullimutvlv 1