ix}; ;}iy"r}}r"(1 hhe sennom-ma Suing`, av: vnvu-. Qua!-n meet Hathodiot. clmn:h-ll i.In., Pml. Roll: 7 p.ln:, Pmf. Mac- III (on. ,, . Fl`:-ct" Church of fin. Scientist, ball in old oulleghte in. Clergy um-01.. Sorvipen tomurrurw. ll pm. and 7 pm. Subject: "Mun." Wadnmday evening mneci . eighq o'clock. Cane. All an ca-dbl y welcome. ` `. _Scoand Churvh of--` rile Scientist. Ml! ovt Ia,-lIu`1lcI' nodtute,` oamt W Ildg.-g. -_.I H ..n.b.._I onnln loclu.nla' iuomuu-, and lontr: nu. w..:".`.':.|n ....'$s..._ VJ: my crew. eta. not only are acnmarn good, or cw-n high rank, but nhm um nrtive in (`hrisnn usoointion and ngher philnnmmpic and religious work. `ro- uumably, the name thing is true in other institutions. ` '71 KCCII I-I) lII(.'IIl the New York Congregational- proportion of christian stu- cnlk-goa and Iluxiwnilioa Lt : donta in never was Inn, than M. pr:-aent. mum- ovrr,` the int-lm mum than over law {are of (go lmulcill. t. the Imnunl Yule dinner in this city t. xvwk it. was emphuiznd by mun: tha one of the vilnmrl from New Haven t t. a huge number of tho forumott Yale members of the football team. I ity eta. not. only achnlam manual 1\l- am...-\ Link ran`! }-nut nhuu Inna man at how. The fth annual meeting of Zinn Con- gregational church, Ottawa. hr_~!d on \\adneaday night, nhmvotl that the church was in a ourishing conditinn. Rev. II. T. liurnoy, sun of e.-:-chief of pulim Horsey, this city, is the popular pastor. Thu Gotahonburg system. intmducod in the mining village; (I Fifainiru. Scut- land. in npirily mrmdimz. A la.I'ge]mb- lir halls-3 was rumndy botght, fur 8.1-`),- llf In mm vimvn 1| nmlin lmwlim! matted in a few (lays. The Similtxmmun mission has been rual m'in nbnut hm) hmrhwed Pon- trel all over Inndm by tho free t-.humhos." Ono mission was held at michzight, nnd pwhlin-ans and their cus- tanenu were visited and invited u) at- wnd. `l{el'I"*hn'.v.-nts were pmvitlml at the close. A in-ass ham] wm: cullv.-(I in to dmw to the service. .'l'he use nl unlc-rmented wine in Scotch churches in swndily growing-t.h- num- her of churclu-2: now using it. hvinz H40. in the lisc six established ('l\ur('l\0sI in Glasgow are mumd, (`>0 United Five. 2 Congregntionnl, 12 Baptist-, 6 Wo:4le_v- um, I Primitive Methodist. I E. U., 6 Church of Christ, and 1 Original accos- nlnn T255-iimcass smear. ,Jr.`. Optician. Ill` hl)llRI.' rt<'enlJ_v bought, lot I-81,- 000. In one village 1. public bowling has been prmided out of the prtr ht: of one unem. A r... ..... ...._.:.|........ tn; 4... 12......` his 0| uuem. ` A the new msidenoe for the Runan Calolic rimit at Erinsvillo will mun be erect . A Kingston xmchitett. has bren visitimz bhd plane, looking over the gmlmna and consulting about the plans. T119 dmnh bmlmttke will pmlr ably Irmnge hm have the vmrk con}- mmced in few (lays. vn... u;..\:n-;........- ..:....:.... Ln. hmn sum. The ovmcr of a factory at Washington, Ind., has engaged tho pastor of the Prt-shytorixm church of the town to win- it his factory each morning and give a fmal minutes` M-rmon In the up:-ra- Hunn u; nrnonlanv In-lint! nu Hun nnv. tivoa, the pr!-acher bring on the pay- roll of the Fm-tory. nnd the mvn rvwiv- ing pay for the rm taken to listen to Since the men will not to blw church, they are to huvo the l {Alton to them. A` \' \` , H3 [H8 mculry QCII IBOFIIIHK Iulu gnu u to accept the plnitumle, In nuccesuum to Rot`. W. J. Smith. who will go to Culhomo street church, Bmntfurrl, in June next`. Missionary addrmscs are In rw: spun at St. John : (-Inlurh, I`m1xxmmtI1, 11 mnrmw morning undnt. All Snin 1' 7:! the eumi 7. Rev. l'mf. \\`nn1nll will spud: at e latter .er\iu`, and 5 lug`- at hath. Tl... Rid. --uuml nu-alina nf Tiny: (Hm. mncnuuw ~`.'d,UUU lrmuru H The Yonge arm-t Me.-{hm '>ronm, has invited Rm: 4.` ........L M... n..uo..mon N .uuu,wu. gt. un_'Hmr_sd:\v, I) ll`. L UT Cl] [0 [no rrwu_yI,u-uu- church, Hnvnlwn, N.Y. Flinn pariah bu now A ruidmt ml. Riv. Fr. Gnnull. 'A reuiduro NI! at has bean wniuuul Rev. . Flaw, 0! St. Niniuzn, `Scot: lnn. his bean in the nvininu-y tin-no I \ in-Irvin : -...... 1...... .L__ nign. . At 3 mating ol the In-thulnst church an invitation was cxtendcwl the lhw. Ilr. but to return to Shemrmko for a Ion:-ch you-. Rm. T. J. lam:-ll. Mnntnul, Im- Rev. T, J. lama-ll, been inviwd tn the puutumtc of Wall Q5163. Iafllxliit dlllfrh. BTYl*V`"I 5 ouocaion to Rev. Dr. R_w,'knnu1. D... h N 1`..n....... l.`...vn|..m ('4-nlrw, uuocalon tau ew. Ur. I(_w,v.4nnu1. Rev. D. N. Coburn, Fu'nhn.|n (_`-mrw, hat accepted I call to Lune-nlmrq, (int, in tho Glengarry prn-h_\-H-r_y. He wna inducted lu that uvngrc-gntion on Feb and. The lv`pi1'o]nl chum-h in gnmm furlv-rkzlnt |-or _\u\rn. The 'M0(h0d'ldI h in much gr:-nu-r |unl_\. lhnentvy per aunt. rnr~L1:-Ia nrnchvhrv Rn. P. 1 39..., `um, mum... uu. u.m.m u.....u..ua nmu. thodht uuh. 1. L. 4.. :...:o. :1... Iodsodint I Iodaodiu Ihod"I!!llI. lsbdnddcdtoimiu tho _ c'unfeun.=Imto mutinsha-bmukc In oc demnnhmlkln contem- plnullnuu-dnunln clmrd:inCu|> dennnt runner. - II... III I; n |r:l..... kn [natura- Ioxlgiou `routing in a tutor!- Ohunh O:-ouch tn the unmd; -A-.. L up -. g... rn..._.|. !'.__I Ill IIE nsu_::_mus%wmu. - W. I` I . 'l|K)l| nll turn Iv -El-Id hlunnin farallh your undue vdon loch:-list circuit. ROY. Jdm J. (Xrmrm has roceivcd 5 Iaunlnou all to the Presbyterian .Ln-L Iln-_-IA... N V J ______--uv Suncluy Sonic. .5...` Il..n|u.A8n6 nl '"ilIIon hu hem ro- Ifnrnlth yuuontho I. phi-Ilil. the Btnuu has .. 1-nn. un |nn I ma wn t.-thndiut I... Is. 0 numrm mn- free I I .. .......-:.l.ul -9 l'9nl. `n [K hurch. alrtw ly has imruuul UPI. church, 4 1.......... - lailull` to.- gvjg 1fsoIALn um 00. N, --_- -A nnn___.__ of haclth since the anti FJM at collage lust wrek. an injuml in thokn~f.h_vnhIow xachuirnrn` tn his IL-4., 1: is {curd um the limb mny yet have 'm be nmputatcd. .' nave has-n appomterl amnnnnzu-umru 01 the estam of Mn. Jam Richards, who died on the lat. day of Ft-brunry, nt Stratfurd. Onturin. The acute oonxista prinripully of cash xkqxmiteti in various pks. Information I: Wanted. ('upL Gnskin thinks it is I):-yond all nmsun that anything fnutlwr nhmllnl he done about the smell:-r ngn-unwnt until full knuwlnlgo of tho prnnmlers run] thcir ahility in minn mpiml has In-n an-unxi. If they an` fnund In I1` r1-- liable. he will do ull he ran to have the- lly-Iaw pun:-rl, but it is il'l|[lnl3`i|Ila- tn [Net-um Hm nnoefiun with 91... um. ..I.. uy-mw pmn-:1. nut IL I8 lnlpmmlxlu (lineup the quostiun with tlw poupln til something dvllitv is known. matter will not go hcllmc the cuunci at It-nst two wwlni. 41w DICIICIIO atnge | May he just. that incipiont, fnrm of` kidney disease which. if m-glmtud, will develop into sbulrhnrn and diatn-suing t rdu that will take a kmg, tedious Q to cure. Don't neglect the a stage" of the mud. insidious South American Kidney who in six houn and ` C. Mitchell and G. I Why dnn't. you try ('1 Liver Pills 7 'l`lIe_v are n Fm` sick ht-mlm-hr. and all tlncod lxy (lisurrlcnd li\c_x pill 5 dose. 7 A aunt. vnnnr nnnnln pm dose. A grmt mnnv pmplc hme proted by our lpectncic oor. Hon` it ia~|0 karat; gnld lled pe('ta0I('H or eyeglass frunm 81.26 g puir--warruwed for five yuus. E. C. Mitchell. A ..n...mhon.. ..l 5).`. ru:;vwInai) uni... noun, mm wages in :52 pa man. The Trusts and Gum-nnwe Company, Limited, M King street west, Tnrnntn_ have hmn appointed adminirztrntnrl of Hm oxhaln nf Mn Jami Riohnrn who guy`... as .;aav\-auu.;vu on anvulnvw. A mmting of the gmdmbee of Qua-n's uru'w.-mity was held at Ronfrow on \Vednc-slay, when it. wma tloridod tofunn 3 Queen's college association for this xi-rinity. W. 11 Craig WI.-i nppoinu-d 4-fnxh-innn untl `V I) .qh2u'n:-1 an:-rntnrv thdnly nope; Vl'.`llll[_V. n. u Lrmg was nppmnu-d chairman and W. D. Stewart, sotrretury, und n nmnlutjon asking the Hun. F. R. Lawhfnrd, In use his inuence in sup port uf a gram tn Qua-n's (uC,5!\` from the legislature was unnnimxmsI_\~ pu.~1~od. There are frmn sm'onty-w In one hun~ (Ind grndualos uncl nun-Im-2'rmlu.m-9 nf Qua-en's in this part of -~u.-at-'rn ('llltll'i0. ycms. r.. u. nmcneu. A mtnmittm of tho. ynintcm uniun met Ia.-`t. 1-voning and duidt-I tn rethin- monrl tn the Iminn that, on April hat, the jourm-vmen ask fur n day nf nine hours, wit}: wages at 82 pa` diam. Thu T1-lnha nnd Gumnnhtnp (`mnnnnv u. e....... nu giving it in fur - lhnrt Q1 W1! not. lnul this mnrmng mt cunnin- pluterl. He was lurtlu-r runnunknl fur zmuu-.r st-L 1111- Wurlmuilh liunu unqnny will again n.-wk tho city nnmril fur nu-rnptjun {mm uuatiun. The umpnny 1-.ln'plu_\I~I Llr u u-nrl:-rnnn anln IL-bk I hunt thirty vror 'm.:,. 11 over so much mum Inlxng liner ! Heady.-he l'o\vdcr| cure hud- lcho in ve minuun. In boxes l0c., Ind `lbc. qt_Wuk'I drug awn. "7-|1'uv in-u-nun wumun an-1: tn the mar` `X Illl. Every harm rum in the tmublo: is I mun Irma; Way. I! mu mu ! wash 3 nmmirq. ' The widow`: lava-iu nmn~l~"| ut .\'ounoll in Him I ln(~c-." 'Tocuntho 'pin twodnymhn-4 tho runmra the mm. A nil. in -mm-nun-an lnmvn u I Innnfu tin liumrqmnlno runavu luv u..... A tile is nuvnrtimrn man : hogwr lull--uu| -mctinil III the who A .5... I... to he dull . gout] while |:o- J 3"V"*. . . . . }I hhunco about (1:11 maumnn u not 3 in it with puke! II I union of Inn of Iloep. ' I lfmrlnh and Austrian mllgn, all I I, Fllglilh Ind I impel and am 2 I. 2:. 0.1; 11.11. | Soul-timu it uh: the npmlwr lungvr: to clear his thmut than it dam to cl:-ur ` I the hall. I`....-.. Ln.-n runs: in n -111: (him(_ but, I] you (In I. wun 3 facing the wan-r, it : IFII [VIM-|1llh', DI IIIEI, NIL, II. Ivllucn nub in but uen him g hn|i lm never (Inn. This ID one nusnn w lnndlurll in richer than the work" The pen may In mluhtler than the But many 5 mull il willing You It! '. LIviqdu'u 5 thing. A man but I fun he in n [um-I. in 1! Rhianna In Inning me wnu-r, us no (!lJH-bIn(xIed. Thno upplionunnn Salve wil! cum hnnl ( |.:.. 0...... IIL. .9 M... Queen`: Association In Renfrow. Jt was nxpruted that nturm Ix,-;_mn `\--stn-x!n_v vmuki be u n-yn-tiliun 44 .....-. l...o .' l..o:...l .... Livingston Bros. We turn still in the lailnringr >........... ....> ......|. .....l ... m hm hm .z 0.: um Tlurs In I lnirly [lull tmrlet glnia HOIDIIII 01 `III DAY, IIIIIIT. LID Mitchell. The Btckacho Stage he inst. Mani Sm-Snip... L-. HP". mu; nnrkef, ulork Mu(`a.rn- much the nmrlu-t. weighing lnumc-r (Tomi fur mlo up Illlllll . It nde'H |_L._. .. l...| mr an lled 1 un|_v. a 3 Ivhilo int in the 1-you uI' nnmn` n n A: pure thing, natudly bvu '_v ('nru'r'a Little re punitive cure the ills pro li\c_r. Only one the I:-lophono-girl, nhunld leans he-r. '1 Luv. -1-- 3| -ocluvl Ho Al: in of I eck'n C". t ....h ....-an lnllllll In DI,` I is known, HI! (`III e'u drug 1 mlidav; I nun why 0. wurkmnn. 1- withuutl ~ sign you? the I'V`llll '!.hc! -_- 1:1 mm umy nut and permanent cure for Cu- rrh or Cain-rhnl Doafmu. It in mono- `uat and on? to um. All drurgilu sell or n It GOIph1c In. In sun, 10 , Llllhd. `can ty null? ubotrom Tho. z....... vurr I In! u`u.K me pumping 111111 pn`-.~`s\IrI3 l`u.` n.-1-nmnnlml .\lr. Hvwitt. Ffutvtl that thn length of pipe which hml ro[r]:w(><| Lhn hrnkon one had been stronsrwnrul by the addition uf.t.hr(~e wrought imn Ivnnrls. He had nut. lrmkcn II) tho nld link, n.nvl would nut do so until it. had lw-on inqwcted h_\ t,l:u- chnjnnun. Evidencg Which Goes to Show That The Most. Common Cause of Deaf- ness is Cuturh, and That The Hearing Cm be Completely Bo- stored. he nune at. \.{|I(`(`n s. Hm ..:,u:n.J'lta: nppointotl to negotiate a sottlonwnt of H10 vbxinue fur dlunngm, six in nll, mus (. lH.f)lI\\ (`I`(?1] tn o;-(fact wt- tlc-xm\n(s xulvjoct tn mtiuntinn hy tho mumil. Why Peopla Become Ileafl l'nIl(\1 EUHT` wurk null I lnhnutnry. A I.) K :.m . [I|l' Irlbn \\`1L\' ')('ll`V`I. J gnnnntntnnl In smml n | pmmds |IL'fn|`P hrmJ\i.mz; \mrkiII_1_r pr:-.-'su.ro in the \I I Illllllh Qnvnni I . H` ` I - M Fnitod .......l- .. L'll10El'I'V. Md. King stated that ` tn Profs. IPupui.~' and (L: N-rtain whether nr not U I-e dune at Qu=n's. Hm . . In`1. 1'! Mn ul|nn:nI1 inn: wonxs COIIITTII: COITSIDEI THE QUESTION. IHITIII Inn ( I" lirirn. \l..L... g ` Sub-Committoo I preach tho :1... pm. `IL Vuuuu I thud in us `prcinu-hing . . 11-In' ml ,7 AH Lxcrlwnts : uunml. The din} ._:. up cl An. TAB mm -- Ylluraauobl . rv _ __.__-_ EWIIIII uus. IL LIN` ll Mr. H .\ :LM04l lull A-I we Mr. He\\`tt I... ' ....... u'n\. HFTU I V.\ll. ... .1` pun luv 11. pnm I .. ...n.InIl AM. ` I I my nrti-nn um IIHL AH. no mcemnc-r v-I um xilh um mlicnhv /Hub. hing mu .. .... ivnr umvw run I All 1'? bill. oniglui AM I! -:---- xb-Commlttu Appointed to Ap-' ClAimAnt|-Tlu low Pipe Stnngthonod by Wrought Iron Bands-1-"umping Wu Normal. I ..:.... ..l Lhn chic cum- 1-mum u .\Iunrve. I. Kim: .0 .....`l I mu U1` - ml [H-1 :11 .. _.....ano I m I-1' I hung, M mtfnng m ...-. wuh-r \y'ur|un Wu; J -|-..... unuuinu I) v unm I Q-hut r 'il.lI . n \.......m.. .u..._..~..~ ..... Inn-ken mnin, thr` I`-icy almi- u jvium \\'nul:l hum In 1-il.h- .\|<:1`riH uvllego. Mun- - sw.u- big fmundnv in the" mu. 'I`imu;_vh. pt-r}mps, the I be June at Qua-n's mining ll: Ivm du- f Uw aubnmntiv remnl in pmmqinu smtv'un was lnid n.miHrv nml it nhamcvl that break the pumping and n. 1-! Jmnnal > eo..o...l ol...L A... L......u. .1` ":5; Mn In C ('V\' rq-plied II")! \'III wjurku num - nttencing Ix-ing Anmrtrung and ` King uul ' irltullod I mwn Imnllllh` ` .|... -.~..nninu u uwnrlxzlng or u f rluimn mwulting ` in the nnin un he would sgxnk '_... L.-:.. :!l\:l all in the only M: LT. Ur um mpt Um -or 1-it in-R. n H` (I H (-Im'Ins tho: uvl`. ( nnvnil that .-lmir uln.' H- on IIIPC. nmmmn ` l)l1'l|.|! wlm L 4|... - 'llIg l\lAl!. Mc- l.~-u hnvim: I\.~s:-rinlud u-3, nl lur 18 having a wide uulal have ...- n....... NHIM like intul with N` (.'l)l' > |`rih4 y z Alnhl. I \l.. , he-fnm `]` pi ga- o V0` ..-.u}"`:. r a`3-'*` , a an ,,al" , .-J r:*"1.ldo 5,... 5;; av at-.,::::`` %1 $03 `In 6"`: "t at-_ 56 w. 1' , '.C* In an iftrnction for 6` The cheery glow and inter! of our Cool will make it-` with pleasure during in weather. It e jut the k cook with, too. Let ul 5 bin with Booth s 9 U . _%WLS5S W31 That the very best in the market may be tvery Little Lump Is the Real Inn YOU KN nuuung vuxqmn,-n H, We have nowr hem-I Llml. it Inilvd tn run-; tlumsultls that it has < unnqnlotc-Iy. Hum are n. umula 0 # ELIE! J. LAKE, m.n.. Inna!-um no Dloonknonl; Pl.. I at puma. we wuuux nave nlmul lion dullan. The only remnu (|.m't. sell that. many pauk;u;.,. is Llmt. we. will nut. he able million pco|_:lo to try it Jun plimtiun mll pmve its mm-i ply many the coat. of I who]. Thu ooct in hrnmdintc. uwcu at. nine and continued will cure any one no nutter L l _vnunid Pile Cure ~x.u.. ......l'...... 0|. i-`non-.6 .. r_Vnun|u ed nurfnve Imlu it, 11 A L`. I\-1 rt. SE-%t< E Coal rhyuomu loeotnmnnd [IICI 8011 It And I hung It. I! we could sell one [)a('k'.|[( mill `PHI: Cum tn awry 1-rm n .'n MM) is tmublori wi 1 ml. wmdd gladly give the U) will ui pilm, wuuld have nlmul Hum onlv nnanu Swift : srutrs Aim nun lllhti` -mun: (III ILL f ? Foot of Quoon 8t.- Ph< CONS! I` Will! nII'nu All uln1y;i-I ml nm until` P50!!! 133. F006 0! West 55-57 BARRACK snu- James Swift dz I[||(?!(`ly. |('l'0 are mu] la uiuul AS IMPORTANT TO U DURLHASE. nn part,- '1`! YOUR GOOD I L'l'[ .4-Juugn lH'l. GIVES MOST HEA1 :)$)(RlOH'l` uug I l'1'lu ( I II`! lylllc I v the inst/m reduc-vu the :..o.. - I... uvr `IlIl)'l'~i urc- I|ifT H II. mrh. '| (}u|(.}I_\I, In Huh `L .. lmluzln. s fur ..... Mini? the cash. ja a;a,m what we % L ]`IVi'y`oI{ori_. ` am}-gm. -------.-.__. .f . Redagilon in Prices.` III:-q I w: .. ._ . _ ::-.. . Shoes, %}j1`1'nnks, Valisas J;.*9!9.K.a0N. `i1"XI'iTNsnoP. __A..- n.-I-an `onus A an H "v_'tit`i5'nLy7 95}. to 3.`, Va Want pdgioob-ogooa-ooooooO90; .cvIv!!I1D To,:;olL ' h'ou 1nvu_nv.mznc. The mum to meet. at Kingston rink Go-night IH be: Q\lnen'l.-Gon!, Ilimuok; point, Curtis; covuuiint, Hun-ill ; oqntna. Ilnny. Dnllml; winp, Weutherhud. Chrke. Wdlimwm.--Gal. Nbrrhon; point, Smart. covcjgnt, Darlhg; centres -Chadwick,-A la; aging. wmlen, mu. Th Nupmen whlneai e . unnnw` over the defect .>!mtl:o ohllh l'I&I:Inmof\hnttownbyeholhm- this city. The clnriy "hlE'D0"CItlN|!Il!nIl.'I1IV`l- mu nodvod the heat of trut- hul the -Will oi the Audi- meb-II moat viait 11$ mum have which ulna m. mm rt-farm Elliott. the N ' pk;-vn received cvory'mn- sidnation and lauimcy. may um I: nod" 33' defented` and 9 0y` Inow it. beigg not 1 cup, we pmvidu thus the tho but first road the line darting t "$9 deemed in; e New York yacht vet och Wintho Ivltufunfofneunnoci-v the rule shall the Shamrock 11 three w . IBubIan_bncomuot.not`bo lam than want mm. "likes" the nonuhr minu- sub '39 time Gha- the cilia B` IIIIIUVH will be wall mount mar. The new bllolllll pluylnle rules ud- opead in Nov York, _ thus amn- tmrhd: Mzolllon al p y culled hit. by pitcher." Will count. mes-el an I hull--no bus will be grlvun. All oulure atrlkoo, males there are already two on the batter. Catcher mu-I: remu'nvbe- hind the but for the mtlro game his side in on the lleld. Plwher ml-h dc- livor ball to batman indda of twenty Imondn alter lsbhor has hken position. Should the pltchor thrmv the hall any other plum than Um plafo it will count a lull lot ouch delivery. 1% ll quite possible that timing the coming Itmtner, the Kingnmn rlnk will be lengthened twelvo feet, which ummnt cl can be built upon at the roar of tho bldlding. That. would make tho led 185 foot. in longdn, an in pmuont. lo 173. Basic! beinglxvtu tor for the houlcoyiltl it would given gnaw uaocminonltlm`.-for spectators, and the noolphn wduld Accordingly be incruned. ll. in also proposed to build a gnlhry at. the mar ul the rink, where the band stand now in. with uvc0nIno~ dbtlun for 195 chair; and standing room in tho rear. The total gallery reserved Aoounmoduolon would then be about 20.'l1\orinkwouldt.husbonnklng I good invuatmznt. In... nun. In mm: :9. Kingston ` The Kihglton rink got! (m-by per cent 41 ncoipu of to-niche`: rmtoh, or chum 81%. That in only fair. For nav- oral grnput..t.horiakhMbeonfon-i- Laugh! for fifty dollars at nal nnimhu, while the Tomnho rink you nl the mdpu. In oolmuutiou with the intarnguonnl Qudst for time Antonius : the may `sh:-tint nmvidu the lam than mm mm. "'lih_" lnlcln, the popular gu of at. Kmqnton rink, has u-nnged mlqlklfd nuoclxmwdition for prom unfro- unhvon and oloinll at to-night ! ob- kay nut.cl1'.' In `Toronto on Tumd night the viaitiu ropotun had to uh t. lot thtmlclva in the dams cmwd, and min snything bub ooumimmy trentul the rink people and O.II.A. atcialn. '1 wenin the Toronto pros: repai- mutim w I be well -looked after. In... ...- hgulmll nlmnlmr ml:-5 ud- Will may play Blll an ltn3ugMl:rixIl12; i orringrn III on- 0 n gnu . in; to g`nmnto fnpen, did haul till two o'clock this J- "."" ll you man il ght`: n 2% ;.2-~ .....'- by mnwh t. unounk-d orunto. new CD Ohdlm Innmnd the mucu- BID. II WII cnnaau nm to Onulrngu `C 9|! `Lhnky cup. Indeed the n will nvrip to American (it imludhlg aw York, Boston and mu, um I Bmoilyn. ll"vm.| I ,!l0I IIJI IOIIC PC0931! I`-""- )3; am. upon humhdu or pop to ` `sum. not any ot.um about our I! wanna. ta`. ho : huge" for onnlaliu 0100- iunison `mu at June: cum. ctll of 50 0.3.1.--low the lulu! Ollnptonupvlu loos in--lnpunu mum fool Vat; Ion. ~ A: n..4u......I -1.1. In-'6. nhrhl. in I. lcInIrInus_I|_sI1u.i1 im 7 An rumma- '10 D0 ILTTLI. `hunt-uyndtlnu |IllIHtTNIdTlh&'0f couunptlnncrlulutnn BROWN'S IIJIICIAI. ...""`...".'.-"" ""'.' nmuem cnneonox. Six: Scndtord mommg; x.c.n`.c.,1. today _Al Capable A: Any. "Tho Whi was pe!'lee8.|y right," said g civic emp uyomlut night, "in udvocntr Lhif. tliuai lljelnnd nut nl thl! city : accountant. in the electric `light `arbitration. We have man have in King- ston n capable ol wu-I: n snyomeloewuuldbo._ Tohringinu; ouaider__ And main his Iuwics for . inch or no will out comidu-able. Gin _._)1 Am. `magi. amoua or me in. in hunt rovoy tted. in Int. Inland ofpooph wmk will ow. conncemnu. un- the Inn at home A dance. it : time n prophct received 0 little honur in his nwn anmtrv. " that impresleo the vmtor to me mnry ool, lnd~ that in the irmnaculmo ch lines! of the building. There is not I ._"cle of dirt to be found anywhere. The floors lotik fresh and bright, the nary nicely cared for and all the t well ntwndetl co. and the and cleanliness extends to the nd pupils, who with \\'lr'll`A' ' 3 am a. model of rirt_ue to gndlinesa. This am inuence ulxm `Ina l'KX)I'l l(K|K HQ]! IIKIIUI UI Illlnlc This an influence upon coming and going, and, mnscquently, upon the fwtodes om whn they WI" pmdde. Thus, an cleanliness 1 a very anaemia! alumni: in the dairying - nail, the condition 0! (ho school. the cnrefnlnua of those who munagoit. is of grunt: benet In Ontario : fommoet. in:-Inmfv induntfy. But mum, IIOIIII , ncluuu. These dlt-renting akin dnmqel rolived by one plicntinn. Dr. Agnew : Ointg mom, in__ potent. mm: fdr all (ions of the din. Juno: Gnmm. Wilkal rre, Inys: "For nine yuan I was disgured with cotter bu my hnndui. Dr. Agnew - Uintzncnt curvd it" Sold by 91 c. u:...\..n -...a u w M..|.md__.3|_ L-mum, one 01 weir Iurwaras. was mum lick. `e } ewrhtm\ colts have had a Mlnarlable record this neuvm, winning by big Icores lrom every town they met. It wound have Ix-en more sports- nuuilike on the put. of Stmtlunl to have dropped a man to even up, though thov were allowed by the mica to play their oomplete_Uenn}. The Whig is at giigim that in in Jultied in in criti- ol the mullneu of the Pet;-rbom rink u telling inst the Ill('I.'ellll of n viiiting team. I the Pete-rlxaro cuita wen u grind 11 team as indicu by duir luooaau on their own rink, they wank! Iurely have made a showing on 8t.n`6I1! t fair niuxl rink. This is_thc liltl time in nine years that the I ek~r- bom colts have won the junim cham- pionship. The recurd in as here given, `the team nt. mentioned being the win- &I-- Kivurnfnn lirnlunnnm nail, the team lint. mentioned bung me win- ner: 1893 Kingston Llmn-stones Cult, 12-1; 1894, Petcrlxn-o~Toronto Gmnitos, 14-0; 1895, Poterhoro-Toronto Grulites, 7-43; 1896, Toronh) Gmnitm-Poterlxzm, 7-3; 1897, Wolli ' Guelrh Victorian, l0-8: 1898, U. .C.-Stmtnnl union. R-9: IKE, Qt, GNvlvn'n.(`.(A,, 7-.9: ;; III in! sun. :- masron 'iF1~ii5AE'}Xi1.ii, l'-d; 1517!, CHI \1|ll)l'l Vl(.'IOI'lI8, 8-2: 1899. St. Garage :-U.C.(,., 7-2; 1900. Btrnlford-Pew-bom, 12-9: 1901, Pszurboro-Strutlord, 12-7. 'AIOUID# THE DAIRY SCHOOL. overy puucunar. The new clue of twenty-ve students an uhowi great interest in the work. It. wox be diiculc ho find more po- pular men than prfncipnl irt and in- Itnlzttvrl Pnbiow and Zufelt. him-ipnl III I. anal; an-(g nnnI\nn`nO1.'nlu nf Ihnir EUUKI` YIIDIOV nnu blllelbg rnnupu MM: spoke vwy npprecintively of their carvings. Iorvioel. There in one thing above all 0013!`! that impreueo the Visitor to the dury mlmnl, um-I. that in the irmrmculnm cunvd it." Hold ny r Mitchell and U. W. Mnhnod.---`II. i Glunnnul Evorywhoro Evident- A Now hon. - A new choele press has been added to tho equipment of the dairy lchool. It was munuinctured by `Henderson Ia Co., ol and in very canplem in every '11-m mw chum nf twpntv-ve students l'l--Gi; IUHII, Hut-clI'!alruu0nI, nz--.1; I997, QImtI'l~VlrI`|( , |`2r-7; 1898, Or goods hall-Que:-en's, -3; W99, Qumn'u- Vlrlitfy, 19-1]; 1900, WeHing1.ona- Queen 3, 6-4. ` ' The }`e1,erbor0 colt: are junior cham- plohl ol the O.H.A.. ahhnugh the Strnllord [Hill had the IllUlfI|4:tiI)n nf whiwwuhing them" by tho scum uf new-n to nothing. Al the neon in Petorlxnx) Wu twelve to nothing, the colts win the round by `W! Knoll. The P(`C(`l'b0l'n toy: had to )1: six men against seven. Smith, 0} Lgeir forwards. taken duly 'l\n 'Pmm\nn\ r-nhn have had a Bill! Wlll D00 III? Iifllllol. nuw~ _ [run are not in the of qmdidon, tgoy ruliu that in to unjn capture the lloharuon phy they mutt not mum. tuo much hldititll; it taken hard work to over- worduy loco. It. will In seen from _ unto! wvinnnru of the nnhipl during `the Ir`. 1, Q9;-u_1g'l>tA_`ggn nus 01 lhonof oltenc, and until- lar it on uocuiuna than my other tnm in the RA. In vac}: emu.- the winning team in rut numiosml: I891 Ounww njg, .4-I; I89`), om.- Vr hll. l0---`l:- W93, Ottawa- Queen I, 6-4; I394, (Mannie hull- Quu.=n I, 3-9; 1896, Qmren'a-Trinity. I7--3; 18%, Qut-m'rStrntImY|, l2~3; III?! &uum'n.V:rnh.v l`2._7: IHQH, Adlototnllndrphcet. in If: "Ihow" to-night. Queen : wl again mam chq senior dlnlallldip. The at phycn have had Ilvnrsl truths impu-anal upon them Wm hit Cvlo winch.-n. not the lent me. but the run um. re- f pllhtkll Wm not um trnliol. How- _dmunh.Inn vlI ll|1!l|0QilIlh 5 among possibility thu son and ya:'Inu&.- Salt houm, Tottor, Ecloma. rm 4. 4" _A_...z.... ..|.:.. J5-guano rnIil'v\' "}'.'s'..a'T' un In. I`! wine. 4'rvnnAv. MARCH 2.