cry. 1: Wood 1 p:m_v v their |) last nex men! trade is under wuy. The Front & Wood company, Smith's Falls, has purchmznd tho huiltlings. plum and good will of the Cmxlthnlvd Scott com pany, Oshawa. The latter onmpany umnufactures sending and cultisiati ` machinery while: the Frost & Wont comtuxy has heretofore conned HA1 output largely to hurvostin machin- R. J. White. of the `rust E company, stated that the com: wuuld enter into possession of property at Oshawa on June Isl. nmn " u----q Consolidation in A_.|'ri_cu1tuul Ima- plotnont Iumfsodzure. * Tomnto, May l'I.--Another big con~,` H()Hd iLl.iun in the agricultural imph:-' trade is under The Frog` A: Wand nnmnnnv, Rmithha Wnlln Iuu IJIEUC, U0nClU(1U(l Ill". \)TT3g'g', '01" H such are to be uttered by pmfusaors and doctors of divinity 'we would soon all be indels." Dr. Gregg rose in a state of emn- tion. and laid that as a bible student ` of sixty years standing he could not conscientiously remain silent. `He did not believe, as some would lead him to Qaiuk that they did, that the bible is a men vehicle of stories. He did not belie-vn that the book of Leviti- ous in asories of Ialnehoods. "I raise my voice against. such sentiments as those," ooncllidcd Dr. Gregg, "for if such am to be littered In} nrnlnnnnrn mm. Is not 1 mm Vehicle or Storiu. Toronto, Hay l6.--During n discus- ninn on higher criticism in the synod` of Toronto and Kingnton ycnteniay. homo rather` iihnraidviews were ex- pressed regarding the bible, by the speakers, who included principal Grant. l]- [3-an-n rnnn I- .' -CAI- ..l ....._. young may. Angua_lhIchaul.n. one of tho mmat ~ pm! ' em. gural in public and pri~ vale ife at Kompuillu, died an '|'hu`nu|ny. I'0rty-l'nur_veura. He leave: I w uw `hm! `thrw children. A Bellevilla branch of lhu Lord`: day _ nlliunoo elected them oicern: l n:~ni~ ' Alcnt, Rev. Dr. Gnlbrlilh; vioc~preai- dent, Dr. Elliott: treasurer. W. B. ' Rings; secretary, William Hclmoah. (`lmnlnr Hnnllinn, Philirwvilln fau- mags; secretary, wmlnm liclmoah. (`buster Hnallilxs. l hili[xwille. Im- nmny years manger of the grim. nml saw mill there, has, because of fail- ing health, 'tmnslerrl the umnngo men! and pfoprietnmhip to his son. R. (f. Hacking. ` "W ""'*,l"...'*`-'T';.%..`. `:- ..'....- .," Z . ' . _ `I _. {I 7 .` .'351". .mm eisildnljgtvivo Mu. -p In. MeCAnn. VIII of: to: Her` . ' Cantu, Vol Perl-I. loll II `fault. at 0 mm. hon -oonouap-` iinn. poum-u to III pouuou. . 0!: Tuesday, L. I. Brown, lama-I of Atlnnn, wu mu-rid in N91` ' Willlunsburg to Him Finn. daugh- mr o! Law:-emu Dilhhou . ' Cnldnallh ml:-ism. ennui Mr M nnmn Bar ains i WEE E'S.. FL... `I ? $01 0' IJQWIT IIIIIIIKDII Caldwell : drive, wmiilg ol some 13,000 place: of log: and timber. hm utiwd It Dc-almond : `Rapids and will be duwnjn I low days. 1...... u..'r-.,:.|. lhbnmn .-.a 1' Aumxme -Ieunu npulzant. M Lela, owmul oldest uuhter of Ir. oIt|'MnI. V. II. Inrndnll. hrovillo, lied on I'hurudu_v. ac-I twont_v~fnnr' venrn. Sim um: I varv nluu-minn nuw nlumaon. _ | mnmuI.or Inkcpucts of M0! . driq Bay, would received from . dopartnnnta no _of an immune! Ill!) ilhil ulaq. ` ` ,- 144.1. Annl. nnnnintnd hmnuru-iN., yearn. one lady. Amman Hue` llw llhil IOIIQ. ` lnh Alford. . and hnponri .. loohnuut at viftlmh, an` Ridouu. bu bun pencnently point.-d to the puomon. On Tunndnv. L. I. Brown. lo:-nnrIv' man. - . A wuun It on. than. fun .~:aua- . c. ammn..%~ Jon Iondby. vuu unused on Alamo-on. |d`mumn-mr Inkonnan. Mud:-. vnu be uuwnjn NW ulyn. Jumzo Mo'l`nvid|. Duawa, and 4 ll. Burritt, Bblilke. will be two who oelcbrqton urdoohla the value : Almunte cleutriu liqhtlzhnt. lgln. usnmul olden. uuhtmr M I I": W '. ' E - I0} u?;L.` I3. 33' 'uu'.""Ivu'is.u Gui?` - ~ Lauri. 0:; Adnmu. mind I ` jun: `Inn ` 0! 50 HINDI I........ qh..Irnp!n,In ...m.'. -1-: in PAIIHII 9-<'v gI.,_`:au'_;aa LEE-HINQ; # - ' DEFEHDED THE BIBLE . ANOTHER A Cuxious Will. II,.. I"! v-._,_. DIIIIKUI DLIIII; wum._v~Innr alarming 3415 (0 Pan Am: anuln, by G`"l`. U , l_........ nuennun ox murrulolurg, _u1nI.._ no _myn : `""f was conrpl` min down, `menu Tl ngug, au rubellld II! plfgit" " fborl. oor.n|.an, dilntul pm! game:-any dbilicue'd., `Fem: baldn- mudc ma 5` wall man. 8-old lay E. C. mwlaen um w. n. srayux-d.--I1n. . CUIIIIA uliu IIESII Z T"l!9l.,1II0 .n4:rW`. -ltig-mlutea diges- wion, uh oIIl!MinLx ,o'pp{,.. }..,.m._ -in n In In patent,-v" `bee " z 4;. ...`. .-." 1.i`Z than mm` 1'}. "ii. -`iflta of Murrillllg, D.Ilt._ Ho myl:""` wnn cunmifnlv min do-m `In wupu. `Inn 1:1] `null wl|"Lh cnxucruu fur p on fr rhimz : :hrr.m(vh:mMnnn C, ~'\d in mmitinn lhu '\vM6h were n.v-`mi I 'Mb ya:-.2 clays heloro I my: l*uk_e_n, with n__yer lame back,. maa! tawny in: coin to Ilop Wdrk. T118 Ifbublo seemed to be down in the centre of my back and my light oidand J ouuusawraoup over. -I gota box of Don : Pills and before I had taken` thl"Vbofe' to`! I was compietely cured and was n_blo to d with my = wc-rk.'nnd uke gr:-at p sure In recon ' mcnding!|1'm to ll {timers who Iri lroubls.| Is'l ns." , V 9 IHIUIICUVI ll'lIl Ulll um naval obi:-rsutu In ubmrrx-: in-alny':-I the sun is in chm`; (inn-.-r, Uuiirxl t :nmp:'| cs} nix uulm Lnnhs frnm that nuvu ?vc: nciLn.(l_.vts.. frmn < Among Hm lnllrr n .nf the Yurlu-y; uh.-us: , Z3} % 5 pi Fur guru; muntnn Iu. .... .75 ` EU The above lmulm are Qll good sellers and as we have only aylimitud num- -ber it wil| be first cnmvmt wrvnd. lr.,,, . , 4| , n '9 "VI I' "II. V`: lllll VIM "1"" w`V'|7Il: Buy A sample ut the bushucns oicn Gt` crodil. for the number of coupons, and go to work. Thin in tho eusia,-at way to win vutvn. (.1 ...m....... I'M II! Iunlhn nl... For three: nwnlhn M. 'l'L.. |..-...I,.. . nu; uu wan vuv-v~. Old papers with coupons can be bnught. at the l>nsincaj counter, u---__----1: World. 1! para. u.-nnh...... Each now Illbunriptiun to a weekly or -onuwnrkly {or one year to name outside [them] at . . . . . . . . . . ,. ...... ...... I B`a|ngouo nlch .. `.. Wald : mun. P mnornmg`. 4 utornp r` Wu:-I . DA!` --Q3 $60 Given Away to.tha Mont En- ergetic Young Man. The Whig has sewlnl remnants of premiumron hand and "desires to dia~ pose of them, and `Vania the young men to help sell them. A little oun- vassing among your friends will do it. For each ninglo pmmium sold we I will give credit. for the number of` coupons put, oppusitn each-premium: . Prim, Cnnnnnl. K Iroubltsr oditlnl .. Handsome Lima. 0 Hug and queen, . 1 (very bcuuwulj Handsome portrait Wilfrid Laurier. I5 Fmpouo puinllnul in 1 .... .. .. Life loody..,. Quoonu, edition . .. Handsome lnh MW II-II Dnilv W}-lg '_Vt-nr to on 1 j----T Icizth American` In-vino ..-- 1L- _. _...,., 1I$*.mY wnsu. rnmu. mm` 11. wma vo'r`irb"' cmrr1:sV 'r. v Whig Inn! for on r t0_on mnnida Mend at 32,60 It month: ... ... ... `L25 .hrm .. .75 HIT , Pun-Amuicnu axpmitinn, 3. T. IL. Hue IRIL -ml -`1`honiIno'Iul(Iiu~liFo4nihe wodd than that of the fnrmot-yot as a rude fu- tncn w rk loo haul. .'l`hey toil ny sud Ina, th ough the [rolling sun in thegunv `Inn and the biizttrd bust: of we winter. Ind they hnve to suffer for it because the kidneys cannot stand the strain put on them And bncklcha oen Iollows. Hero is what Mr. Joifcosuin of Mininegauh, P.E.I.. has sonny about what Do_pn'a Pills have donc.{or_ him: ` In thalmm-r fvnnn I .o..4.A o- ..u-.. .... .. Jun ... photographic art: Iof...-u um npomra or no-tn he Rowland gratings Ii "inch succcsd I-uu |--u.u.u-nu. Price. Coupons. .75 M0 - 81.00 ` 81.00 gag; 4 Manv % , ' andscrawriylandchmniz. dyspepsia valids 0* them F!!i!913.;m9 #14 { ....5.:;.'.;.;...[,...] -vqave aon.lor_ him: ` in N10 ', ngohzgo I eluted to clear up: piece 0 land, but days befo o I w tall `:1: I am. ".5 cl J.;..`3.`` ...1:" `"22 d not worked many- Ilvunu vs _ 9W9.* lvluwu QIAIUI m..",w .u.m worth of shoe value, marpxgag uniformity oft mterlal..wa. mancntuthhctinn. V , ` V 3 No. TM,3w&ShwhWa :7 wmyoa-buy -s ..Sh<':s.":~voI:~<:ni1r11v'IH!I~.|f7 9; gas oodas. look-vlnnkleuldoutddch. _ 1-:5-3:. _ %. "Er `i ll ,1- I DO I , -U. ' ""!" '9-nvsu--vvr,I: 7 ~ " x- ` =*`='5*-.W` P`!'.!*!1Y2; `"7 - *.*%9/%% 57: : Adirctrupot;lbllity_:-qtniliu-0oWum'h3hc.hnlychick'; upmthuexuuyygant T . . .. Tfurup`t'nitlblHtyhe::ycrptouI0`.uulent!:e ` 1 not che'Dea1er)ut:dapflec,uadstampuiuon`t!u%.hqh, -: 4__J.; ..____ J;I{e_x_"u-i $339;-lm and prided onie 3:5 and rn nrhn --~' The way may not IIIIIIIIVIIY r=-n-W'-- P--.-`W I! Iuch`))I!'|l`IIII"l , . /_ Ilmpio and mum! UliIIl!iii| 3"|l!*|7FDPl'|`| M quickly eugemd Itrflwl chgsdtabbu 7. . duh xomsntood..wuou Ioaununtunmtr V, strengthen IlI1`d"9|lIh mun.:il|1!.D0!--`:T' 3- : (9..-1-ch n...-5.1. :I'nunh.nnnnn,hm J IIIOIIIIIIIII IIIIIIVWDOIIW llII|l`|Fl""C'I]_I",' ' ; sxuam Dm-ma 9! IenIa`plnn.thatthoythlquhlr _. _ _ V _ l _L A um ` Q ncoverm utunlvlgor. Not8|_II;_5FQ~HlI@l'lJ0$Uy A ' . -some-.ne9r_o!_u. ` ~ and n. . . ._ . . _ `ns: oxaanant pnictuh __ `E7 ' JAK REID. n-ms Lmbmq vnnunxnn. `nul 256 Prlncun BL _ I\lophono 147A own iv in is-um: |xxoogna.auocmW"'>`- ` X = 2 . ~` ; Tho kinda otvfood which ngko ,1! everyday; bu ' A. " at some kind do not pron W! 0.311 WNW ` rhmiiu 0.. nrlm-Inn! union- Quota` 3 mourn imvu eutdnjnnuuut-=fozaIi"D .""mun`o.MM( ` . _. | 7,_:*.`;, 9 P ..- x H'.!T.wl-In Eu; . nu umnnnultnilgn It-HISIKI E0 oftlii onocno hum no not won vw --w,w-gn-v.r.-;;:w,.--- -- .-V 4 r T _ -T nunx1y,_un prlncIpl`rIIOon' Io, fphsulblllhhh V , namlrhs do norpropcy I3; 9'` "'*"W` Wug ham`: x r ' ' we-t r! I f _ - f V ?1?1..B.n.:E`|`.ms'nindn`afl!iel| ':`,:: .."= .J1`v.emumzhausands`of!n'd- ~. A_ M . "W?::'.:r.?.._"%`::.`;'.'::::';:"'....*?**'"....m?: .a.'? ......**""{'%"~ % beam-ax Intnggl we at every `-1-. ' an '"'f`;:`:'..'".:'....."`.,:.':.;..;...;X.;a .....-`% ea. ma % femi with up hoauhyneuoo at Ild ptedjs;-osoa too may deg-anti-I dw-ounqgg I9! nl :unvtn.Amu-tualxiauuntnna 3 ` kn .....mnnuouuuhnslhuv!ahu.hhomInnldr , (on teulul[IlIII)O.U\R'Il_I|IWI'`!I!I!l!I \; __ ` soomnonunumuu-uantmnsmovt-3--g .. %~ on um um nood-uroumhoale-hrtoru-tag IN V mu 6 .hoe:.oumux,nm. . El:'n Irlndl ntlnnll ihlcl Ilka 1! suoa BALANCE (STRAIGHT ` zi` A;{4`.:lu'n'. % W. Murray, .4lc.. '~"s.".=*. -2' ; Wll.?PER3- is` nun `dtsb " dung: A-AA`? F `AI-` - gHE;Ihoeof was ` vdthfinc-Ivntarancwand 9'..".`-.%.9*' Out3o1.`il bfllYl! gO_$`8-i_3V'I;tt. _ 'I'bc, Iic,d 49b9;dcpm5"a7`mttch upon thoahxvklblt hidden matefial and r ;vIq3]';k . .i ,. J. _I..--_ -_.- __.__l. __ _.__,, , Ema: J Sole Loal` 15;," IIIIIN - \I\III Phone 96. , 1'. 1-`. nmuunuu uuuruuy. llndorukei-o-Opoa d and night, 285 Prince: upon. phonu: Wang roouu. 90: Rutdonou. D1. FUNERAL j ` strut. POWER '5 SON AIU[ll'l`l'.`C'l'8 . HERCU- nm.&&. km. and Wellington urns . one 212. ummt I-:LLIs',' Ancul-rnor, `op-meg. . Wrcornar ul - '-' "'."_'."'*.*_' ""'r-"1'. Available A-ah. 800055.420. In addition `to which 1.50 to hotdun have lot uoeurily Lhu unlimited y : all the Itocholduv. FARI AND C ROPERTY i_naun>d at [nu-.-at poniblo rapt hglun rullovnng old 0: - A an umlno `""' 's'rm\ nmT"a'1'rmNci9. Aunts. L.BUlbEVLB- E. I amrusv, Anclncct, orncx-3 112 Wellington ulna. All plum, dc-igzu. up- pmininc. aux. _l1 In pond: and pg-ompu, ntsendd go. 19:: TV` HUNDRED TWO AND DOLLARS I-N` nuns from on Ibo -1 man chuuusd dullnn. For ponicnlan apply M (;0nwm's INSURANCE I-JIPORIUI. ovuj Exynp Ou. lulu Bqnum. Liverpool. at London & Globe Fire Insurance Company. ...-n.1.|. A...a.` In an Jon I. -.|.u.:.... P'_`"9FJ5`1'W%1 Island "U-ZI CHOU CUDLHT JONEY 10 IN LARGE on I mm, at was at Ina-an o 1'10! 2 how -- *4 JOBIIB1? Inna. A nmox 35. -`at `inn. .n`.'.`".". ?:".n.`I - \r;x`lBlC'K {IO ' "9lf.l.(:N:'l'd%`lI.`T. u .'1 up `u. ~ vuqpyrr, `UVERAL _ `GTOR. PRINOESS `D0302. ngh. Ivlooeasolor to W. I. mun. E IOU K `-IE `I1 mg tllym 1 |d Is I u." mum ei :.1}.F clam; up ms I HEY '10 , IN [$382 SHALL Ouun. , [moan any awn: um lounAg r;lnted ogoit "5 .739 ` In . . IJWLL saute ol Fronhnoz Loan and l!:::nnIu.dodo\y. Onion opposite the I*i`l"`-.?2"".`::.*."i -I`L*I'75;"'. ; .":. Z9" I: , 19 Ian It. win, 0. 3o"?mu:%'r:-nun. nutuxl I I I. G . x':,".':.""'-.'=:..':'.'r':'...r:".`; *Io'.5 NEW GHIIISE, uynnnv L; ;-.g_`.__._ 1'. 1r. fnnnxaou colthln. lnrtnkol-n_..Onnn dlnv -nal nlaln 9 us - ~.-.:.~"g.g,=*P..g.-'=cx=ca: to In . I. ` "W V-__ _ --- 2--u gains in Wall Papers at, FWQ . torn uh tuurua. {BY TO IRAN IN Llllnli! no in A`..."-Q`-Sc ' .:..:-~ Ma".uIF-g` `I`|!a`."`" ' In `A0138 ?`u .oa.nuq 'l . Tu tw UFO but: an 5 ho "STRAN?E '2" ?l'RANG'l3. g urnEir1xEns.. I. , RDILIEIVI` nl-`V A DPHKIV? A 79 Prison: Strgnt Jun-x REID. ru! Inttna-Irv : /4 /W //{V I'., v.u., 9.7.9}, .,;. 5.`:-..*.'2:;.a..'=5. Ba: Slaves] cm mun do omu; ho union. no `Hoke, no dl , no, 1.: Iutchtgnz I`-I8 In road . . . o 30. Va hive o'o`na;`.bugn?n'n In nrtnovu WIN! shop-Nome. ` 5` ` .unn:s, turn 302:! mu. . nu munan-n xmvuitl nu-mxnz U `Room Mouldings, De- signing, Paper Hanging, etc i Ulcllahni &En., .".p u __ I'I__._I. __.l lI-_-A DA- A uuvvann .. American gs a special- FY nun D1\r\nor\ R/I.-...lrlZ..~.~ `IN- `Pa Dem` Call at McMahon's be- fcr_e buying and sqe the ntock of Ingrains, beautiful Rcds, Greens, Blues, cm, in Patten. Papers. A ~\!x9It\'\O| 1-up-stxzln n A-\n4u:n` ... nu, ..--. ,.u-..u. London, May l7.--The health of Gen. (hnacrc still caus anxiety. His injuries in the Poinf n-Point races huvc turn:-(I out. more serious than M first. thought, fur, in addition to breaking iris cullur-bone, three of the gr-neruI's ribs were injured, and he ~xutTern great pain from deep-seated in- ternal bruise: ' -' `1UI",`I' greui pl} tcrnul bruises,- IU JOUFHHIIBIJI, Ell. HIULAUUH UC` value editor and publisher of the Cornwall l*`rechulder, until sixteen years ago, when he took over the Pic- tun Times. Mr. McLean was an ar- dent student, :1 ready, uent and forceful writer. and left. his impress upon the community. He was a lib- oral and a Presbyterian. A widow, one son and two zlnughters survive. The remains were laid to real, in Glen-. wood ceinctery. Rev. I). (.`, Mc_l hui| conducted the burial service. ` Lll-U UUIIII '7. W, CIVVIJII. John W. McLean, .1 iotOh, who died last. Sunday, was `plqprlclor of `the l iclun Times for `last. sixteen yum-s. Up to a before his ` death, he pefformad Ml duties, but the ruvagma of diaeuit gained complete mastery, aml a unflll,-life W88 ended- llr,-ccased was born in the townshipof llumlrics, Waterloo` "c'oun1.y, in 1832. Early in life he taught school, and then entered newspaper work. He con- . ducted the Ayr Observer for several years, but was forced by cinema- slanoes to'return to school tcaohiug. For several years he was principal of llundas public school. A uin return- ing to journalism, Mr. `Lean be (`nrnwnll Wronhultlm-. until nixtmn In Rheumatism, Stomach, Liver and Cutaneous trou- bles the Caledonia Spring: Water: and Bath! MON ` result: unutahuhle by any other course of hoatxnont bhntever. 8o`a'Io'tI-opens lay 29th. Bond In 01:-cu. lu`. Breck & lliday, 94. Strt. Tcor. Brock ..ia%'i3jA`gi st} jcjuw Late John W. Mcldtn, ?icton. L-J... w u..1...... mum. ...1.,. Alma \Vul`l!] I" lne ('V'ClIll'gUa`|:w1 alight irm-al, hut fr($m' '10}! ing ravrinus was the . 11. H. D.eT\VUO(I, I'lCIy nlll. Theahangu of tmuporaturu fur . last few days has remm-cctml again the ovnrconts and Lnuvy wt` and even furs were fa lid none warm in the evenings- _ was 5 fr(S;`."!o[l)rts' nc inn` an-rinnn was: tho ' town [or A may or two mas ween. n. M. Black, Stirling, has taken is posi- tion with the Robinson Co. Lccman Sherw(m:l_ Kingston, is spending`; a ` day with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. N I1 S`.Lm-wnml Finn: Hill any Wll Ill PEIIHILF, Ill!` 11. n. Sherwood, Picty Hal]. 'l`lm nlnmm ..r 4.......m..n..-.. I _ soon De noour Again. The north sidn of Bridge street. from John to West ureets is under- going some very necessary iu1provc< menta, which will greatly improve this thoroughfare. Tho fences all along this portion of the street um helng lorn down and n bolllvanl laid out. A grunulithic walk will also shortly be placed on this street. A. Fairbuirn is tting up the voc- ant. store in the Henry block as a re- staurant and ion cm-am parlor for the coming season. He eipects to 0(Jlld|lCt:'l.h0 two stores. W. 7%. lor- (lunier was in Bath on Tucsrlay [my- ing the patrons of the Bath factory their choose money for April. .'AInA` Fl [lnunnu Wluitluv wna in bnl.'Il' CnW}8C money [or llllrll. James H. Downcy, Wlmby, was town for day two this week. M ll'|( Qtirnxr, Inn-I tnknn n nu BOMB l|ll'IC&" Earvlce. Rev. I-`. S. Rockwell. Norwood Park, Chicago, in home for A short visit. with his father, W. A. Rockwell, John` street. lllr. Rockwell in rapidly re- covering from recent. illness. The trouv ble was not llrightfn disoaaa, but A severe attack of indignation. Ilhwill soon be about Again. 'l'lm nnrtln nialn nf Rrirlrm nfrnnl uu; nxcomor, 60; Solb .150; Phi _ No. I, 50; Palace load, 75; get: ., burgh, I00; Nnpunei, 40. A bid wua made, but. no sales. The follow- ing buyer: wom proum: Biuell, Max- ander, Thompson and Van Luvun. .- Col. bout, of the war oioc, win In. town Monday and Tueudny inspecting the horses purchased for the do|)u't-.- mont. Out of Iume sixty horses. only about. thirty were select:-d. The am mals chosen were I find lnnkin lot, and were `hipped yesterday for gun MM, them to be trained for tho_- South African service. 1:... |.- n n...|......n n-.._...-.n t--4. .u..u-mg nwwnon: II n, No. 2, 45; 'Uninn, 35; Hall or, ; (Mass, 00; Excelsior, 50; Solb Phien. 'No. 1{o..a_ 7.5: .... M glam: from ujj I l _cl_o_pgo-Imp?uVo- I Innis to `I"Itroot`--'!`htrty: Ecru: lejoctod by the Gov-g cnunont -- lovunonu at Poo-` plo. Nnpaneo, \ Kay` M.-As tho about board yummy afuruoon can hem of white cheese were oered. hv the} following factories: ip No. , 35: MI. V0: (Hanan I ;un In Very Bad Henlth. `nu II`... `I '7 __'l"Ln L..n ` noth- 51.5` out nvvvn v. v. 1&1-MAI. : 'l`ornnm,_lu l7.-Ilov.` J. C. dill, ol P.P. ., lune, "who Su-auord praubysezy. I m Hope Cougnagntibolchmych in 1:1 . city, '1. uppmng for admiuiq; into tho hedryucn church. The plieatiou in bank oppolod by t ; E -nun..7. I7.- ., fun: loam "(ns (`gungh-.- ' 825,000 dnnmqcn for being hluchltoal, , nun : unfunny \:vu_a-ulna unuxuwtm; Elizabeth, NJ}, lay 17.--Goorge Truth, rm uxpar.'btwor,+han begun unit. in the supreme oourtugainst the Brewers` union No. 2, 0! Nmvnk, lot by the nrgnnizution. Ho mid the uni - on bad no reason to hllcklint him 5 and tlmt. they rd no bocnuao of idle talk of the congregation of the lor- nvinn chunk of which h`nhd1IitLI'"(- ` are members`. Ho nlyfibmething wu : ,rmid concerning a woman and that. , Shin wife innocently mpoaivd it .I.`he union Imnrrl 04 it. `Say: Gquip Gotin; Ia`l....|...a|. M I ll-.. I"! lV._,.._,._ Il|H('rl|)[l0n L0 ["5 8()H ralrlck: "Knowing no crnrerl, hut} perfect, faith in God, he lived the gnldun rule, and dim} with these words on his` lips: `Father, I am not ulruirl to, Ii:-. for I have dnnc nu wrong. " _4 Th:-re is to he added to the de r.-ens:-rl'.sz uxcmatv the Dimple quota- tion: And aye in: |)ore_ without nlmoe thu grand 01d name of `gentleman. ., an v-uuvua vvsxn. 'l`nrnnto, Mny l7.-Jomcs Grey l cn- nyuinck. the inventor of luxlsw prism, glass, ln his will provided that a,; monument is to ho erecledjn Boston. to mvcral of the deceased _children, with his money, and is to bear. this, inrvoription to hfs son Patrick: "Kunwinn nn nrnr-J huh um.-Inna less gear, easy nmmng. Rain wa nu; Gibson's, Gananoqm harness; asaey-Hnrris agriculture` implements; ploughs, windmills, form pumps, cream soparntom, lubricatin; `oils, whips, etc. Prices always right `Ask Mr. Donaldson to show yol the new Williama " sewing machine ma us good as the Singer, and at ha): the money. any mlIl'K0t., mngston Drop in and we will enjoy a littlq chat about swell and bimdsome, rub ber tire buggies, rugmbouta on maps, we have the best ever produced mi any market, and can show you thirty-six ([90!) styles of the fnmouz McLaughlin, Oshawa, carriages. "Om m-ado onlv and that tho hm.." nninn Illchllllglln, Usnluva, cgsrnagca. "Um ado only and that the Inn," noise can gear, easy running. " wnmzhns: Gibson's. Ganannnm Whoa ! Pull up the rain: when you get to R. J. Spoor ; agricultural wuremomn, Ma:-ysville, Wolfe Island, and maxi door to the American hotel, opyioaiu city market, Kingston. Drhn in and um will nninv 1: HM]. vv um-J52 Jr I - Chea Frames up to date at WE SE'S. Fine Photos at WEESE'S. Chance ofgour life, Piano, Heinpzman rand. WE ESE --._