Cost mus to openm. so small. no Imolte. no dirt, no but In kitchen: Il- Ingu ready. 13 us show them to n. We have Iona bargain; in stoves Igblly shop-won. . Breck irmlliday. Phou. vivrtnistrut. - 2 , `cc nu. r.- I - wt -`M; ],g- mm in my qixtr Nd yen. `g I may nlulu l_hu bu . hum` 0` to my mxmen` yen: whilti "'1' "'\~Ig from -a hunt : buck ad nfy Rpma some-. Wm INIIT-_ lib Ian wont spot it namml 1. more auueqll In to uh-~r 1: it. grew won: Q: ! adunwu Al` I ff` I l VI\yH hm hard. and _ 10 llmrut vun y y i am] In thhv Chd my in cunquonng all lnnlhw. mu. Iur MIX month! I VII , 5"`1"~` W |N|\'0 `ho, Lqvusis. and I" I ha: L`H||l(l do [of me did nut back my nll'I'll|lh. Finally 1 con! . nuuth--r :[octur. but with no bt` Ielull. In fact, be- fore l-stopped dootgrinzg I had tried {out dierent Ilcllps, und all the time instead 0 [Mung better I wk growing V0033`. ..`mn.- cipzhloon months had now JIPIM >`-I-no my ut- tack of In `limit. and during that time I was not able to M any work. My whole nyotcm Idcluwl cxlmuntml. and my nerve: Ilmuur-.-I. On line (lay)! I would 30 nut fur a while, lull often I would become sn wank ulul dizzy that. I ooulcl Icmwly gut hack lnjhc hoium, Utwduy u nuighlmr asked me MI I did hut try llr. Wil- |iuum' Pink I13. I thuu;;M the adv ..:.... ...;..I.. I... must}. u..L-a...y .....I I and my IWPVUI lunlu-rI.'u. un um: 1 fun hack did liams ml viou might. be worth taking and I sent. for a lull down lmu-s of the pills. lluforo they W0-TU gums t-In.-rc mus no duulrl. I had lmuul n 1m'. nu: (hut wua helping me, nml 1 um. a fur thcr supply. I continued taking the pills for about thnn mumhs, and be- fnru I quit using thl.-In I wm-I l'ce|i_ng hem-r and stronger than l bud tlunv fur years. Evoiy Ilylnplmu of the weakness that Ind (ulluwod In ippu waa gone, and my back, \vlxi:fhn4"d bothered 1111! for to many ycurs, was almost an Itrong u in lmyhmul. l have since done away A hard day'n work, and been exponed to bad wen- ther, but withoixt any evil clltzcts, and I can truly say. Dr. Williams Pink Pills have rostond me to vig-m-one manhood." TI- `IlClIl..-._ Din` `MIL. 4...... ......I. nnnoorl." Dr. William Pink Pills cum such cases an the one noted above because they create new, rich, red blood, thus strengthening weak and ahatterml no-rvml. "l'lmv (In uni Dllrfm nnd wmdg. suenguwrung won: nnu snauerou nerves. They do not purge and weak- cn like other medicines, but strength- en from the first done to the last. Sold by all dealer! in medicine or sent. post id at 50 cents a box ur nix boxes or 82.50` by addressing the gr. William llodiuno Cm, Brookvie, nt. I , mm min a co. m.| I Oucnas nd clpanulateal From Notu and Qilerial. An Hm in2|l.nI|mu n5 1 was in such a delicate place. But to make a long cm Ihort, for seven years I Iuered unto! agon , until :1 kn the cancer broke sad disc rgcd a thick bloody matter, After this it would heal up and a scab would form. but would eventually d 08 and leave the opening large:-than ore. I Inated this tcrrilvle ,_l._ ___.:I - -luuro Inna nan n'hon I }Wa|`ta"t Baker & 0o. s| GOLD IEDAL. PARIS, I900. n..`.m.., on no vzhooi. n ning nun. Llulnuinn PURE, HIGH OIIDI cnauunu no; A Great Suoooll o n ,, `I, kn Bnddut auto .~ Rho-V lmlyp-n.lnIdu-,n-emu-u. and mu l`iIn an nut n EPNIH D[|(ElCIv(|l', HI F0` IHIU,` is mtponpilnlu fur _ - ui ugnm ml Kin. II -nu nctioa of B. B. B. on Cancer is rs! an by reducing the pain. aerwuds the healing commences rstori 3 healthy condition to the Eula nun-mud 3 the put: |fT`d- `* Tuarillrr r--Buhcfreol with B.B.B., and take internally 'ng to dine- Hons. Three homes will prove its efcacy lot relieving 0|` cuniag any kind of cancer. MR. GEO. IEGGISON, of QUINN, 0N'l`., unites nude: due of Dec. myth, ggoo, ofthe wonderful benet he has re- ceived from (house of B. B. B. Iorcancet on lhothmll, from which he has been suf- (uing for seventeen yogurt 2 "Seventeen Venn Ago a ctaccr formed Wnl. EATUBIJAI. MAY 13. j [V 'Z}3i7i'iI3f" L Finally 4 luck-.vl -with l4 in... Imnnu mum my In.- that in I `ml. nu .......I. .....l D PIKHI` umm-dud `_ . ...- us . icyy MI'.1,Iw" man who 'run =p`..q a newnpupor. ~. You on mac matured of am I What you won't, beliayo ol.be3I'I'1 -lnlievh. 'I'he_ penplu love to be Imggccl" may be true givgrtniq an um mm on y I It pay I tid ` .. ` "" I ' , altar you have nman _0`Ir'Id','. you and in it o ntguemont `I. `you . wouldift belicve it you may It __ V in sumo omf mun : ml, the hut thing in nova: to In that all age agylighshg _ ..-_.__......4- IIU IIIIVIII III II) D Vnu nail nu uou II. SD I._'.|'|I3np.I ~ _ v` Wmnen are thu grnntout ro'ndo'rII 0,1 ` ndvurtimnenta in_ the world. Tho rod- non is that they buy` mount of tho!` goods that are needed ii: the house- holtl. and ham found that thl! lids are- theitj in-at guide.-_n as to whofo to 13nd Imr aim. It in {or this mum: `that: mot min of the advnrtisin nsounwr 5 batik dn not go. A as ", rned ; 7 uy e is nocusuliry in 0 that a I")- may be induced to read an ad,` You calm can your hat to her on tha ` .4.-4.1, H mm: Alnn In do ifn" 963? . for seventeen "seventeen year: 0 on my throat just ' the wind-pipe. I dnctored with several physicigu, hu`. wnul. ll! HIU IIIB Ul pg IIIOIII` uv. . . 5 Would it not be betuir to give much 4 a careful and nttrpcuvc 'd:wriptiun of 2 the article ourgtl as would maa 3 people wnndefirhcn ynu quoted your 1 mgzular prio how could you uord to ` oil it on I`-.hcap.? 113-.. ..- _.... A... ........a....a ....:...-L.`-. M` nnulnq out exactly wnzu may um. I often wonder if any imprmmiun in mode on tho public mind by om)` fnrm of advertising which has been and M, `much it seems -it [must be worn out: I mm.:.. 1:..- An. ......oI. II 5111-" "mi. mlwn It -It This line 49c., worth Il.35;" "thin line 89c.,worth V2.50." Do people Im- lievo that part. of thiinq . .t11eydon'L what is the use of printing it. 1': 1. _,. L- I_._AA .. A- .1..- ...-..L In [H103]. D6 WOI1! Olllci ' KJIWJHHIIV IVCIIIUCI . I What. are the urgmmmtn nnacmasnry lu sell your gnorln? You may sit in I your ollico and thoorizo ul|.duy, und '. not com) as near the truth as ydgu . could t. in half an hour b going down w are the palm are mate and 3 nding out exactly what. they um. ' any imprmmiun on the invonmont. One of the most successful mcrolv ants in thin country mld` that tlxm manna: in which many of the but] thought: were aecurod for his advor ' lining department. want by standing. near u. salesman when mlllpg (L Indy :5 : Irons pattern {of exnmplu and taking 1mm of the `argumcntu usual in making the sale. Ha noticed that these m1;u- l mcntu ullisd in tho ndvcrlis.w:m(.'Mn in I such a` mantiur as might. uuuga.--u. I themselves to tho ud mun always brought results. \|lL..4 -.... AI... --an--nun...-ha 1uxlrlVliIlIII`Il lg:-uncut:-numnopgqoul _ A -._._ _. ., __-.:.g`-..- s Anvenrlsuncmcnf - By Bmornon Du Pay. If the pier of a bridge in to Ibo built in the middle of the rlvnr, llm bulld- uru commence by nlnking qwmoa liar .' foundation. ll they clmppod the llht stone and quit because they ouuld not ` see it. the plot would never bu` built. If they dropped I down utamqa, um) ' on top of the other, and quit buloro the pier won big enough tu ulick`m|t' of water they would loao'th'elr limo and their utonou. But if they '31) on- putting in a good solid foundation, and build up lroni that, they will l time rules I pier that will bi btroug and permanent, and that will hold up ` a useful and nooeum-y bridge. ` It is just so with udvertiuing. '1-`N! Rm. ml: 1 you drop in only serve an A founda- tion--thuy do not nerve as anything it you do not drop cnough of thom~ at it you keep on piling; one untiip of V the othor in the god you will how; 3 [tier whic` bnsiocae all tho rent 0! our lilo. Tim water of competition wll.wums away some of the stone: and the will lava will Ittutaiu the btldud at .- tn be replaced, but once 1. "pier in` bum, the npair will pot be vm-y_e.-x-. pensive. _ _ illustrations m mom. ., . ~, The various pronouns now in um. have put. illustrations within the; reach of oven the Imaller dealer, and the man who in wiqe cum: to use lheln will nd they pay as ig profit the investment. I]... .J 01.4. nan-I unna-nnnlul TI1llI'`\; u very man came I 1'wt.umD.` Then things are well known. and if you wish to mnko your ads known and `read of all mm," and woman Inn unll nun nu-uvnnnli-In 1.`-m nnrumm throat gun nesnue we wmu-pa;-e. I doctored physicizu, they failed to give me I particle of rvlief. some of them advised III operuinn, and `read Of all HIGH," ll WOIIIMI too, you can aooompii-h the mtrposu by puuing some auructivc, portitmuu illustrations in tliexn. ` ~ ml... ..n:..n. un-4-mnmnna nun in Iran amrmer noun or course. , -, Run throu h the next catalogue you pick up, can ask yourself what, _ it would be without pictures. It wbuhi not attract your attention 5 minute. What has given: lunacy`: magmnine n circulution of half an milliun copies, in short time? Picturcn.` 'I`lmm China: are well known. I pcnnwo. I heard 1 man my the nthu: that ha could do buvimmu without vnrtioing. Com will grow wit;hon$ _ou'i- tivahion, without tcrtilinin , without an altontion whatever. um "wj_\9` \u` I [kg WA:-no.6. Ian," %.:.';*'....1,,' fy at a pima. lights on a tuna, it calls (I halt. All the big vortiaura" roconino gho value of pictorial udvoniui . uraly what. in good for them on I. to be equally good for the little Lfellolur-In snmller dons 0! course. ,. Dun alnnnunh oh. mun. uh-nlntrlln vnu a.lI"-:$'0l10n whntav wirl the linrvut be I" I l\"n.B uunndgs nan: 3 wauqvuu um w.. will IQ HIFVOIW DO I" ` Ialuxn wonder why it in that loan}, dander: emxloy no law ilIIItr_ltIbI_1I' in ntlnhnr nmmnti CURES WEAK MEN. S anso usao av women As wau. Poi: Iu1amiA11sII. upon-. 2 V was olvono thine. ., on boli_ayo*oI.bQEn'1Igmft' Tho_pmp)n love Induced In man an am, your to on M00 in do 1t`}_n" yo,uMr_ failed gave me: particle at I\:uc|. some others cautioned against it as the cancer such delicate place. :1... In nuke Ion: otorv Ihorl. `'3"r".u7 ,kj';f'&A.A;as'. nests. . -~ Nuw, then. you haw I.ho_ goods. any are uli right, than poople about it` dot ! nu. tell a hunt, an III on dtfthh _ than cnlumna. I you '\vmIt_to _` shdmryuick nu_urk pd 'fVIu__ `- Whig and you I arrive MIMI; bI_ tchodntq u 3 V_ but u are 1 VVCBC EWU "_ F` ladies in ':!_Hm`.-`at ` x...o'7_ of ms, ` % Used an L` and poorf Ag} fclislln "Or hnhirng to eqtxal in M | , L M. oou ; Montjgeal. select green corn and 7Ya`:?i_'i'iV 3 H heaviest at the brush endthercby`-' _ Carpet Broom. ' V ` ;u . j _ ` . , V `Bo-eckh Bros. Ls .1 but does" not prczi the abdomen. C_orv_u in very _liqe. See that iris_hI'aodId: Twp qualities, $1.00. 81.55. ' T = , Natnom-I corioaj mg. on. null. __, la ,-iv before. I luncroa [ms tcrnmc agony until 3 short time 1 , whenl happened to read of Burdock lood Bitters being good for cancer. and I decided to nmcnm A bottle. but hardly bad faith in `~'.l h~-ilndcnlo II 830! 1, 32,. 3. - `_....|L.|..._. -...- J ...,.......a..... * .ea 7..Zfs.."-12.; ii;..,'.r ASK you? nuuviwvw-Q w L AIQW IlUD|,lvu.,w may hips---that in latest cojrlet-deans. The "N..r. rAxLon.Itt1'l'-'r-5 corset _ .!tgivesagnufulun.b thc back and hips; huppuiq. :3 IN ,,_ .. xiii ' tjln 3;):-191-15163 VVUUICUV `Wall Papers, Paint - procure bottle. hardly anything and did not dare to think of it giving mean relief. Howcvet. darted Ippiyinxit to the -% straight Fmtr Q In:-wit, iuthajmignujt` ; _u-- .. 4.- -_-_1h. Tbuoio nobldur I I lll"nl, m IIII pulpuugu Mr,wmquMydi'!}i} `I; *1 public lnuoho Cohnbin ca...a;..% giving renel. Howevet, I ingit sore with a piece of cotton. also took Ibo B. B. B. internally according to directions. I had an! nued the ueazmem long before ---- urn -u you-u CBE-HINWG. B. B. B. internally accorumg L0 cm-ecnons. I had not used the lreazment long lcould notice I great change for thebetter. `andbelievo by continuing its use I willen long be penunentlv cuned. I cannot mo highlz reeounend B. B. B. to any pens: who tmuhlnd with cancer. : coon Iron on-gy In-`t. -98% U -I'|nmvonn'I"'ilquor non. (3-an-at laundry in tho duo 3" In-k. - ' jlctnnu um. CANCERJ WM PAPERS- Bargains in Wall Papers at Vl`l?QI2'Q |H AvE no _rr;\n orvm| ALL comaso KTALL smcsromolsawuzrs ; - it?!` i IICHUUUTC lfhono 94. Prln 81-fh [iimouas T 294 rIui:T:sTt..j .... A_._ nn_A_ AA... _._ lEW_ mmsn mmnnv TIIIIOIT IMJOIAIT DISEASE T0 OIIIIE. ORDER BY NAME. Gas Slaves] ovary" Irnublc gives tom: and urenmn tn the weak and nver-worked otonnan. nlinmh\|L-24 the apjlctiw, puts the di- go,-stiva nppurnlns in pmmr c'nn dii_-n to pass the {nod over to the blood up be convurtnl into nerve, brain, Imu- cln and llisu Ilien, ol Egan- villc, Ont, writes as follows: "I was tmnhled with Q town '3 in stomach for four yuan The livma of the majnrii. of men and wunun are made miwmlo by noun iunn of stomach derangement. It may he cummon indigestion, bilimumelu. atulence. watorlnrn, heartburn, or the Qnlinary weak Itolnnch. Pninfs Celery (`c-mpuuml quicy ovwoonus and strength 4.. AI... nmnlz nml av!!!`-H()l`kGi $03. The Only Medicine that Gives, .Tone and Surength to the` Weakehed and Irritated Nerves of the Stomach and Digestive Ma-' chinery. The sreat Regulator _ at me lllgostlvo Urgans. olwuaivonao w -. neep as no nem- I)! an angle of forty-ve degrees, while the top was flat and just wide enough to platform the guns. 1 fan- cy he chum it to see how we could drive, and it was a nice test, because the horses had to go at it as hard as they could gallop in order to scrum- ble to the top, and then there was barely mom to wheel, as the lwpje went straight down on the other side, and there was a possibility that if the horses were not well in hand at the top they would go over. To tell the truth, I do not believe the mjznoral thought we could get up, but when they got. the signal the two guns came at it like runaway re engines. The big six horse teams went up the side of the liopje in scrambling boumla, lead and centre drivers wheeled their teams on the top just in the nick of time, and the next. moment the guns were unlimbernl and in position. while the limbers scrambled to the bottom ugnin~uuiid a clutter of L-lid~ ing stones. It was one of the pretti- est bits of artillery driving I have ever seen. The general has the reputation of putting the troops under him to se- vere tests. As a gunner olliccr him- PAlNE S CELERY COMPOUND para apn spean nor uscu: " 0 general (Knox) and his nido came along and ordered the gun: into union on the of a long. rocky kopje, about fifty out high, Lsides nfuInidn-mmnngteanuatnhenear- \r1i{i:'ii"`o1iik s: '-`hrs. Torn-do-I... . mn Ba-..-- B-`-JI-4 DI. . n iamuui nuvtory M :1 new naunry. Them is so much in the volume that in meritorious, thayonc can scarcely discriminate in favor 0! any- one parl.i chapter. The account of the trip to Cape Town aboard the steamship Laumntian in must enter- taining. The writer : nolicitudo for the poor, waring horses stamps him a humanitarian and a lover of a good bit of horoeeah. The arrival at Cape Town, in camp at Gn.-en Point. the dinap[uint.|nant at not bein sent to the front at once, are grapicully portrayed. Coming to the more seri- out: part of the campaign, the writer vividly duacribea every meeting` thb battery had with the Doors. and while acknowledging the juntneas of the order to burn the farms of Hours on commando, expresses thanks that the Canadian artillery (lid not have to perform such work, lliouqli the ar- tillvry formed part of the column cu- gagcd in this work. Humor crops out throughout the narrative in the most um-xpc.-ct--l places. The wrlu.-r's experience in hospital is treated in n light win, but one cannot help being much am- usod at the fun -the patients are (low crilx.-d as having had among them~ selves. They must have been lighthearted, indeed, when a tent full of Rich and wounded, within a few miles of the battlo front. made it a point to joke about every incident that occurred within the twenty-four hours. One feels a thrill of admiration pass aI._......L L2... -4 _._.l1.....`..I IL- -\.-.I.. gnu nswrn to uuawa snot I IDOIC successful came: in South Africa glivcry chnpte: was wriuc "on the japot," no to spunk. when no events dealt with wem4fn>nh, and they deal with the terrible war with A vividneu which unly one awuuomed to pen- nlng events for public perusal could accomplish. The book is made up, an above mentioned, of A series of let- ters, but when necessary the chapter: In linIcd'lo (her by short dcIIcrip- live ragrng , the vihule forming I hit II history of '1)" field bumry. I... E. -ng.-Sin.-inn. dun nu... .._.. A '33} which "every, Cgnndian % gholldjnvo oh Lil hook-atoll in that gun hand 1., Lioul. r.. w. u. Int-ri-l lnlI.- 0lI.1I|_ Ilnn nunmnluiml llutlau mu} xhnuaors nos-tn -* nizsrxxo Iuunvt. urb "tu., .` nun mg I I:lt-Iu..A M EM .0 15.4.. -u-nu.-Iuvvliy in "II" IT lnttuy-A0lovwIIto!DrIv- h!orthoGonnn1'aIunI0-- _'.l'ho_.WrIhtn 8k1l!nll'cn!!o- On-I- giving`: n of l)' I g . Int! WI Juvuu-v --u -u... And what we tell odircrtipuu u-. Ian : 82.!!! book in an at Black, II. ,I....:....., Inna -at- ` - I.'O!oI'_0 7 Reddnntco. hold but they.'[ ' When Sit Edward Bulwer-Lytton rst dined with the queen, he Itrollcxl about the dnwing~room afterward luv freely that her majesty whispered in agitation, "1! you do something to attract his attention. in another min- uto he'll be-on the mg I" London New}. . An exacting Ideal of cuquctm was always maintained at thu court, but it was not always so exacting as in the early days 0! the reign, w 1:, nt- ter dinner at Windsor, "the to allied stood together on the rug in frorrfuf the re. a station which none durat hold but they.'[ wk... 51:; lmmml nulwer-Lvttnn SIX n(l|lI'.4. and W G. oils, whips, etc. rncea always ngm. Ask Mr. Donaldson to show you the new "Willimns " sewing machirw, Its as good as the binger, and at half the money. nhw, an-J uumumu of the kitlnn.-_v.=z tn If lhey` !\m0ri(`uh Ki4'lll'\ ldl-5`Iuwvvv - Daily NI`!!- A n nxnntimv ide less gear, easy running. llain w nu; Gibopni, Gnnanoqlm harness; assey-Haiti: agricultural implements; plougha, windmills, force pumps, cream separator-I, lubricating oils, whips, etc. Price: always right. Auk Hr Donaldson Von Jewel 0`xfc'ord Tha Demon Of All Disoue. Ki-In-zy vlieu-as--:4 nrc riglntly so call .,-l,-~the_v'n: invxpluinnblc. unaccuunt>- nhlo, an-J imaidious. It is the fmnclinn .1 A`... [Ll-...uyn 4.. ln-r nail. all im- purities. If they re: cluggvxl Dnlllu Kivlu-~v 4`ur-- will put. them to rights and dz-fy the ravages of my grim a visitant M (liulnslca or ugh:-r kivlncy cnmlvlicutirunx. It n.-Iivwu-4 in six hours. Sold Ivy E. C. Milaohc A__n In 1` ll..I.._...l _JI9-I city market, Kingston. Drop in and wu`wiIl enjoy I liul-: chm. about swell and handsome, rub- bcr tin: buggies, runabout: or traps, we have the but ever produced nn nnv market. and can show you have um out over pruuuucu on any market, you thirty~six (I901) styles` of the famous McLaughlin, Oshawa. carriages. Ono Frade only and that the beat." noise- esa running. n..:.. n1n:vannn- {1hu`m'n, Gnnnnnmm vWho| ! Pull up the reins when you gel. in R. J. Spoor`: agricultural warurooms, llarysville, Wolfe Island, and next. door to the Axncrican hotel, opposiw market, King:-I_ton. I):-nu in Ind wu will enjoy rI|Gr-JB I 1 Pam-no:_: : I Paterson ; '4 Paterson : I Paterson : Puternmfn * D-4...v-nn'- I emrnnco ul uw guru... ouulu ... those to--th an: n fun: long. He is not 1! |IlI'Hy all In luuk ll, but he auunds strictly to Ins-imzsa and will swalluw anything that touches hi: waming n. wln-they it be nmam. fur f._..l .... ....a Info her. What I mlmirerl in he; was h-3r contempt iur those who were trying tu buy suciul distinction by means of their money bags. and the aiiuplicity of her habits; ivhile I always felt that if she did occasionally inwrferr mn much in volitica, she did no less than any of r pruleoenmn and al- waya yielded to the advim tonderud to her by mqpouilxlo mlviaun in re- gard to 'ey and somutinnes in re- gard to unporunt. mnbten. would nut have ben a woliuua Fad ' she not acted on her likes and dis- likes, and in everything she mu: lhomnghiy wumnzily." l'II4:l`nun I Paterson : l)-4..._n-'. II Ill-'sJL'l J- Cheap Frames up to date -at WEESE'S. Fine Photos at WEESE'S. Chance of your life, Piano, Heimzman Grand. WEESE nvcly. ll!!! nuowa mm um nu, mane |Irn\'isiuu uf nature. clues: jmu as soon as it is touched. 'l'ho-. mnulvh in tn.-umndmu, . rm: to (`If Width of'a funk, ll) whulo rth is un|_v tblve `at long.` ll` Mxmm nnlnrs was (W. In. ' WBUIO "Ha I? llnly UHWE '%5 Kill. `llllu of nepe anvh.-rs was omqht not long since and, n bhuugb it ill only men; by-live inches long. I Ed: fteen indmn Inn wan fuuml sticking in in throat. T angler is provided with a ptsculnir wt. uf teeth. in dlmblc or treble ruws nl-mg the jaws sad at thq enlrnnco of thu throat. some nf mu a (Zulu an Inn]: at. but Lundou Truth. _ "I had the hum-r nf In-Jng um: uf hvr nmjest_v's dislikes. I do not sup pose that it. was (Inc to my having up[lm1'd so many royal grants, hut. prubably had its urigin at my hav- ing jecred at the l'|Jx:rg.-' or mine min,-r of bar likes. And yet I haw: nu doubt that I had A mun: sincere admiration for her than post of (he: nnkeya who bowed and scraped buy into In-r. \l'\...o I l:'nI;PlHl in her in: hl` din-iuuity *7 I1 dill ' Incl: MR3- l.Ol.`o'"WN all `I::?' .. it in nphao in abutting nuruivcl (mac-ovorto down` and was I llillllul uoouunt ol the coolant -an wioo which `'0' hum:-y nrw tb an-no In-hI-L' --nI|h, tu all that qiprun `their MINI jun of his. With A body Ila polar uf Ina-I, be enorolly lion in the i-hadow of sum: rock on LH: bottom ui tlm i-ca, uniting uwtiunlon tor thg amrronda of his prey. its 51 provided with an odd kiuil of En just. over the mouth. and this ins held in Insult.` of him tn give warning 0! t|u'umniug of aunt.-thing m be mrallumul. (III) mken alim was mrlicrimcmed on and it was Found that it thin ptoi-acting fan was tnuchal with a such, even though the stick lid not come noiir dm muuth. tho jaw: vlumd cmwul` i-in-ly. This shtms that the fin, by u. ..l nuluru 1-In-um than In the summon u If land until stunn- thc nngler its--|I' doubt one of the Inlcwsiing sh i~: Labouchcre On I nml or run All kinds 4 - 4 I... an .....` '1,` What '0 Advcrtho Wu 8011. _.l.'-y|i-n II dl dIll I \vEE's. `Etiquette ` Under Victoria. (`Ala II-ilu N:-CI sn).nunn or ALI. Jf hut. kinds 0! fowl have been found urge us mhluunl n: J .iln-_-_v9z L` :. imvxplm unblc. H v'ra: uluggvxl 1'...-.. will lllllieclll" fumcty-n filter out all Im- nulu uni [In-on choice bands. ': tomatb chutney. 'I Chili sauce. '1 meet Gbcrkina. `u tomato catuup. '3 nmetl pickles. 'I stuod mangoes. ' `Md Virginia. :1 Chntncy relish. ,` qua-out` , pickles. Nnltl Hy Mullmulr IIV l`a. I.'-n.~1. - ulmum. as large us This is widxml. nmst veculinr mu! n the w ulc ocean. Queen Victoria. Jonas twi I IIIKYKTT TI! 8 Iron an l'hrnoonn'r`iInuar -nun ' owing I tho [. `Onu I. Luv.-n - ` \IIUCL Qljuo Prevmuc. at the New York clothing` store, Brock am-,r-L. has had a great success this Iprim; with his order work, having a great assortment to `choods from M. populu prices. Fit and workmanship gum-utud. tho lnlluwmg : A Imm and hi wife, convicted of having falsely an-,m:(I a Jew huuily uf nsansvinntion, we-re on the 25th of last month broken on the wheel in Ail-lu1(,`1mpI>llc." nl OW" [Urn Clllll". Una, pl1JDul)ly U0` cause of his unpnpnlarity, his tur- tures were pmlnngrud. I |`emembcr|)c- inz imprcssml at the time by the pn- culinrly ghastly ru-cnunt of hi pun- iahmont; but have forgotten his name. The nrpnrt was in mo`l'o than om) En- glish newupnpcr sonwwheru about 1870, but I um-In no now: " l'be Univerml S'poct8l0r, nf F0- |...........` man. tum` :. lhlZ'\(\|tu`I|lu r.... "um: umver: brnury` lth. I the fnlluwing "A |llMl| Ant] I-`rom Nolan Quarks. _ As the Inxamnceu of ianalung on the wheel mconlly quoted are taken-from the last century, I give, from memory merely, one that wok place in one of the Austrian Slnv prdvlncen about thirty years back. The puniuhmcnt had not been inllictod for a good many years in the province, owing to popular prujudicc, butvln this case seems to have lvecn generally appruv-V ccl. Two discharged soldiers, one of whom was named Aloxiry, had out- raged and murilerod "a family of young girls living in 5 Included famr hourm. Alexiry was the ru to boom- cuwd. his right shoulder being Jim, broken with A small mace, and tho. othc,-r joints Cl'llI|l'l(`(l in succession, the culprit. being nally dispatched by blows upon the abdomen. He showed courng. nd schema to have rapidly hr.-come in.-.-`e:nsil)lc. Hill oompanion, a` Jew, hurl to witness this menu before his own turn and, probably be- :-nuu-. nf lain unnnnllln-rihr. him Our- DOJGIIIITII, any qt, 1: -I 14 nhumulquu. TRADE-Ill! 0!! BVBY V condiuon LA ma: upon van. gyf Q Wellvknuwn farm- oc livimmu I_nnfonl.hN.S.hDurin 5 f. - truur m gutknulp Ml c L551! 14-EDI`. \\'i|~ nu. ynk is u;,-uin v.-njuy- hm vhrn`I~nInl To a mnmrtur v mm rm` was very lawn: Ibu - ---u---,1 II.-Iv van I was: uuuuk-_v! grippvs, WI: *\'Q`0p<,'I imu [me muniu. Hy luny 1'M='I` -men.-u|~ in cnnqulyrilw lnlhlu, hut fur H .......u.. I III lmt"a|:|u l