I'l.W.I.P.0o-:11. `W "1" v 1; `HA I ()1 by Im- ti. Paul tilt! at Gildcnlotvfl phllllll I[UIO!- Lilo Gull ttip A muting HI; I rd o! MIMI: has been cllfxl fun-m Fuondoy If `raj wand Up I! topocuu u: Iounnl. rm- 1.... n.m....... |...niu. fresh TM herriu, ovary _, I Cuuo ' . I mm ollnlluvtni `tin Io'oomo- , tin worn was VH1! oi! Saturday " ` . wk Fol IL, nturnod Ssturdny from C: 1. Inch henomd in th. 53...... axial: n Gilda-nloovo'o 335' waning. Na: 1. evening. ' `Nut you-`I Buniuun Methodist. oolluonoa will bi hold in Wuodutock w - n |mAd known "lo: Upper Earl atxruo: 15 I in I week on: no. ` `H-n n..I.- Hvrnannn ,_ ' hug: hack ' - . In. Doha. 8)-ruuoc. N.Y. IBM` ['3' gg pg Qwo monks with (Hood: hen. nwrud homo tola.V- 'I`Ius pntulnnn nuul l Innnnu(lu0 `DISC herl. nwrua home today. The Po!-IHNII and Gamsnuquo hue- hnll team plnyod hull ut the luv. mentioned plu thin .uhernoun. `J`lA Kmmn In: mid to the mount- manuoneu plum um nllernuon. Md. Kim I has paid or Iii: olgoeripmion 01 8100 for the elevator lot tho gonoml }mspi1.o|. Mo. lml-my unla nf the menial in thc city Saturday from Toronto. The New York Sun henrn that 10,- 000 Zulua luwu was on the w: nth owing to the B00! raid: in Zn! and. Min Jenn IcArv.I:nr Io-ft tn-day for Ilontrnai an font. for Glasgow. She \viH nail on the steamship Luke Chun- plnin. ` The annual meotinu of `the St. Lgw: elevator lot HID genoral nospnol. In. Stoluy, VIII of the genial bond clerk at the Hotel Fronts.-nnc, Irrivod the city Saturday lrmu Toronto. . muting the Law- nmoe riveraaenmbou culupany. called for today, mu postponed for one `tank week. Frank Huodonnld, of the past-olos sts, leaves to-mor;j';w for (llengnrry and Ousws to enjoy well earned holi- days. ` The duke and ducheua uf Cornwall will spend a week in (lnuwio and om} trip will be among the Thousand is- lands. The sensational South African di- vorce case has been sclt-cl. the nut- raged husband being paid $150,000 (-0 quit action. Mrs. (Reva) Embergnle and son, 0! _....o..--. nncnln Am the Qursl of E. (Rem) Embersnle and non, 0! western Ontario, am the gm-gm F. Seam, Alfred street, and other friends in the city. `I nudn Au-Hnnanr nml Rt`/Whlhd menu: In me city. Louis Andlenger mu! 1 uuilds, Oswego. werv In pmrite Oswego on Suntluy Their cunne upset. In Primntlv and 3.111,] Mrs. Priestly and sun. Fred, and Sirleney Vaughan, New (`hurch, F.ng._ are glmsta of l`hmnas uml Mrs. Lam- bert, Culborna street. Hon. Frank Laecellvx-4, Thumlrer Hill, B.(l., in a state of delusion, shot and killed his Chinese an,-rvnm. He has been placed in an asylum. The nmnlh of maI'rim_n-:4 is hvre, and ltllle ms unlnese ulrluuu The munth ll]lIl'l'lgI-:4 1 the cal)men'n and liw-. white homes will be vnlla qlllx~'lli(nn vmnrly every Frederick Bnrnelmll xvq.-A quix~'ili(nn nearly Frederick wu_.-A arrested by the Chicago police. Hr huu became ongramxl to many young women, and swindled them uut of thrir muney. ' Jauws Cole, captain, um] 'I`. Hogan. niler, on the drotlge Yunkeu.-. wen- drowned in the St. Luwn-nro canal. near Mannnnn, N.Y.. nn Sunday night. Miss Belle Halton. Quinct-.y, 111., a former Belleville girl, will soon wed Rev. 8. `L. Elborfuld. pastor of the n..:a....:.... .-l....-.-}. of thn American swlnmea mam um. m In Mina Rnlln unlinn [Q uev. 5. L. mnone Unitarian church .14`. city. Warden Campbell, of Frontenac. Ar- rived in the city this morning, in pm- pantion for the county council son- slon which opens to-morrow after- iIl\l\'I noon. The Dims! steel company, limited. has been incurpumted by the Ontario government with an uuthnriwd capi- tul of'8500,000, with head office at Toronto. v..............u. will I...-nigh us share of Portsmouth will furnish its share wuddings for the leafy munth of Juno, As far as known, four agch occur- rencen are already booked, and more are expected. '|`hnrn nrn rm lo-mlnnmenta in tin- expected. There am no lo-mlnpmenta ntrike of the hric-.k|aym's and mmmnn at Sydney. NS. It. is believed from prenent inditmiunn that the nu-M convpnny will not recognize lhenninn`. The inunrpormiun of a. new cum- peting company` in the city milk lmni~ nous is announced It is known as the Tnronm milk r:mnpm1y. limiied. and has an amhnrizml capital of '8!2!S.000. M.-. W H Philn nfmr unending ll has muhnruecl cnpual or OI`:-')_uUU. Mrs. W. H. Philp. after spending week with her dum_rhtar. Mm. Willizun Lniuhluy. went hnnw by the way of Janna Falls. on the sumnu-.r Jamm- Swifr last. Friday to her home in Philipsville. IL is oxtxyctrcl that A" battery, Philipavllle. '10. is l>xpo(`(.n(| which goo! Hm camp at Dean-mnto on - Wednesday, will do better wnrk M. the rangea than lhny did last. year with the numerous recruits, and which call- ed forth so much criticism. 11:... n....:.. ..r:....:n;.l nl Qmlnnlmm ed mrth much criticism. Miss Davi, print-ipbl of Sydonhnm school has relinquished her duties for 1119 time being on Account of the death of her Hislcr, Mrs. John New- ..... u:..- 'r...-..|...n :. nunnlvino (Jul death of her HISICI`, Mrs. aonn new: tun. Miss Turnhull is supplying the vacancy on.the Leaching sta. This afternoon police constables Arv niul und Nnyl->11 were summoned to artillerv park, where a drunken man had taiwn up quarters and was abus- ing the nrtillc.-rynn-n. When. the po- licunxenhovn in night the cause uf the trouble had rli.unppunreL William Lnppin. A r-man of they (` P R nnmnn-r A!|mrt,u.` fell from Qhf` h we CEFIIIIII and numoquan unng lulu ulpuu.-rI.uvv on: Jupnnuo won wounded. The arrival of 3 German 0 "I7 mlnutmggpngrdogdodth trouble had rhsuppuareck (.`.l .R. ntounn-r Allm-tmrfell pang plank while leaving the Vessel at Owen Suunul on Slmrluy night. His nwk'wns (Iin|nm:lc(I by the fall and he (Had a few minutes labor. Lnppin was aged forty Imrl unmarried. The Urnml l`runk nusonazur train; xillcd In A l`ruy..' Titan Twin, Jnnn .'l.--'l`_herc was 9 neriuun nrny yonturda between in- leljnatiunnl troops. name llritilh Ftuziliorn. who vwro uutin M police and preventing I-`mach solien from homo bmaking. were nttactiaad with bayonet: andhrioks. The fuai|i'Ir:.~ spandex! by ring mm the air. This brought 1 numb:-r a! German: to I? aid` of tin Frenchmen. They nun r and Ingethcr ill) men. Five fuui|im nd-oaniu. this than killing a French- nuu.oud`woundlng that others. In the nuhuaquem. rm; `four lugiliuuw Cnrmnn: and out Jllll (GU lUr\_V Ill" IIHIHHTTIEVI. The (Emmi pusongur trains nowlenvin .\`lnntrcnl at 12:20 p.m., fetch lh In M 7:50 p.m., remark- ably quick time. 'I`hn train goes right. though wilhmn. A break. The en- inoa haulinv` these trains run 1 rough from mm-cal to Hallevillo. Heretolora engines warn, ohnngod at Bmekville. IIOIDIITIOI1 UN`. [)|Y0Y' 0| VH9 of the American I I Hi 5 hriil r` 'n -mndnr In, L has vnvd up- n finrnnnn ! 'Good .'.l'hng for Govt: Dpeton In America: and I Oanudlu: Cob 10310-1110 Chic! Ihypldua lot .,,._. Iontrool. Juno 3.--Daniel Iehood, nlfu Little, the wrontlnf. who I Iho time Ago met Zonu, tho French wrestler, in this nit_V. and was sub- nquently srreutul with two of hi: lriendu, on A dhllrge of having uolcn money which had been put up in conuccticm wi_th I \yn'ur, were din- uhargod this uwrnmg by the police numinrnto. o nus intrnte. . o lcliill euthr.~rit.ius have not yet received the name 0! the doctor to be appointed by the Ro:kct'ol|er Institute in connection with `the millionaire : pgtholngicnl investigation plan, but they `know the imm-s u! the seven doctors who wil! be ulturihutod among the dierent American univer- sities unrl McGill university, Thooo doctors are to beconw residents of the plume! they are nulelgnetl to and their salaries will be 85,000 a yedr. At the annual meeting of the Bank of Montreal this: afternoon. the state- ment ol the director: to the Ihure- Holders gave the following statistics for the year: Circulation increase, 8321.000; deposits not hearing intere- eot, increase, 8I,963.000; deposit: hear ing interest, increase, i,422,000; cur- rent loans and discount, decrease I-umnnn lo In nninu-d nut that it is their aalurn-a wm no oa,vuu 1 I tl I rm um vmu-: loans and mscounu, uuureunve I360,0(l). It is pointed out that impouible to compare `the above - gurefwilh |ua1.'year's on account. of the changes nocensjtnted by the am- ended bank act. as the szures include foreign as well on Canadian busi- ness. The prots are 5 little in ex- coaa of last year and the state- ment the directors point. out. is one of the strongest they have had the pleasure of laying before the allure- |...I.4.... IHUKINIIIU holders. Illa full About the Weather [ill I Tell Dolls! Note. -- W, _........ ..m.. hr ma. 1 ISIIIIII. rllunuvu uuusns. ' J1 ` C.-'J`lo|l!, 3,500 barrel: ; ""'.. cc-`3.`a'.'ie.o`2 un3" .'i`o a3 HI` `run uuu.-. .-V.-. They were Ilttlnx side by ride In the street car. and one or them obnernt that It was beastly weather. The other pald no attention to the oblerntlon tor ve minute: and men carelessly nald: nu olunlv inn ntlurted [DO `0 TED]! CO "1 think you expected reply your remark on the weather? Wall. nerhnm. At any rnte. It you remark we Weluucr . Well. perhnpn. have got ready to answer 3 civil queu- uon go ahead." I want nnthlnl 00 98! about the ahead." I want nothing say` weather. continued the other. A year Ago In a car I began talking thou! the weather with a stranger. and be hand- -: ..... M. nu-:1 and naked (I10 to CI I. wtuuuu vn... _ _~. -- U ed me his card And asked me call his omce. Ahd you called?` I did. He was a lawyer. I had ul- ed him If he thought It was going to snow. Ind he hnd written out I 103;! oplnlon and charged me 810 for It.` "But. air, I am no lawyer. No. or course not. but you may be a doctor. You want to start In about the weather and lead up to grip. caurrh. rheumatism nnd all that and get on a on of advice and send In I bill. Tho weather. air, is dmnnnblo. and so on -.... ...n u. um I. and that : all (here In . .___.____. Wanted to lo IIPO. An old woman of undeniable Celtic origin entered a provincial savings bank the other day and walked up to the desk. an- .,.... ...m to withdraw or do- dmnnnblo. and so um ` you,` and so am I. and that in It. and now let : that up. I. QUAD. 1 "Do you wnnt to withdraw poelt?" asked the clerk. mun. 01 doant. 0| want: 00 put` posit?" asked me cxerx. Maw, 01 put some In. was the reply. mu- .1...-1. nnahpd In) the book for her In." me reply. The clerk pushed up the signature and. Indicating the place, said Sign on this line, please." Above It or below it?" :1 Just above It." "Me whole name? v Ya. ` Before 01 was married?` No, Just as It Is now." "OI can : wrolte."--London King. _-.:--_-_-__ Jin What He wanted. A thoughtful looking customer gazed gloomily at the dinner before him evi- dently trying to work out a sti prob- lem in mental arithmetic. Presently a gladaome light illnmined his eyes. -wnmu-I" he cried. "in there a chem- "The Globe, under the heading, `People We Mural, has been pnhli.~ehing pictures of Lunrlon, (lnt.. men," ru- murlu-d u Loudun man in Kingston m~lL\_v, "but it in only fair to suy that all of l.nn<|nn's rvlnrcselutntibe Innn urn nno hnlul-hmatlud. It w(mII that all 0| Lnmlnn xi, rI`prcsemnuvH men are not |mlllhoad4.-d. It would seem R0, for nll the `ponplu of that city tho Hlnlm has me! have no forvsl. on their heads, Chough they do belong [(1 the |"un:sl (`ily." The departure of eld marshal count Von Waldnrnoe, from Pekin, 10- day, was marked by a great military display by the allied troupe, the boom- ing of artillery and the playing uf bands. The entire v"diplomatic body nscurted the eld mdrahal to the do- pot. M4-aura. A. Hcllnhon. H. Cooke. L. llght mummeu um vycn. "Walter!" he crled. ist`: shop near here?" --v... .1." mm the waiter. just shop nerez" Yes, sir, said the "just across the street. - "Do they sell mustard plaaterf!" Yes. air--strong ones _too. They touch the spot and make It t nder.` And he amlled at his Imic bit of wit. unvs..;o'. Inst 0-ha -nrt I want." lId L poll:-aura. A. Mcllnhon. Cooke, Cooke and E.l1.-mmon rendered a very phxasin qunrtette. \\ulcome, Wanderer, 'elcomc." in Cooke's churrh. last evening. Their singing was greatly appreciated. It is announced that John I). Rocke- feller, New York, has` given a large sum of money to a fund fur the eu- tahlinhllt-nt. of an institution for -.....l in- I n.4n- -L lull! OI money [4 medical rusearch. Thu-on nnnlh-A1 it I D01". '1. II "313. "THU IIvn"- lng. J. C. Hardy and [unily |efv._ this nfh-rnoon for Nnpanee, when they will uh up ` D. R. Dunlur lell. lo~dnv bv nun amlled at me uuw on 01 Wu. "'l`hrit's just the sort I want," the delighted customer. "Please send for half a dozen` and put them on thin beefsteak."-AnIwer. memcal ruaearcn. Three application: of I'eck'o Corn Salve will euro haul or soft. coma. In his: bones. l5c. at Wain : draw um-o. II.-.. J T`. "Ardv and fnmv [aft Will IIIB up ITWIGQIICE. D._ R. Dunbar MI. to-day` by ag! lot Baucrnon on business, Henry Folgur Ic. this aftcrnoon for New York. .' GUn.`l"I" 0! `III ACCU- SATIOII ALLEGED. IT WAS EXPENSIVE. P- -1 - - ___ ___ _ _ If so, we know of nothing more zinoying than to mg and pull atone to have it to up. and for it to kick entirely or move at a snail's pace or mollases in january. Do not spoil your good temper, but purchase a new one. We have ,the old, reliable Hartsborn Roller, warranted to last for years, 4: inches long, price 13c. each. Art Blinds complete with roller, bracket end nails in cream, bis- cuit, pale and dark green, 30. each. Ant Blinds, all new colorings, prettily trimmed with lace to _._A-L Ill Ul \l\il 3 sun dows. Prices right. :""` "`" "`"' ""r "'--'-- --- '~- - - _ Our World Beaters at $1, $1.50, 83, OL75, 75c., 50c. and 25`. Plir. ` uulnanu lVCLB' uunuuu ............., --.- , -_,-.,_, -., --_e, , _ 3oc.. 35c. yard. _ Tapestry Curtains, materials by yard, pretty colonngs, 50cc. 63c,. 90c. yard. _ . . Tapestry Curtains and Chemlle, $2.50, $3. $3.50, 84. 84.50 pm!- Special values In Floor Oil Cloths, 2-4. 4-4, 6-4, 8 4. 10-4, 16 4 wide Big drives in Wool and Tmettry Carpets and Japanese Matting. F--r your wants in the,.nbove lines try the Ieliable bargain house ol . cHUMLEY5Ros -__ 4;`; -\n ____A___ Denim that thorn in any germs in Cutarrh and that my remedy for Ca- uxrrh is the only permanent. cure for (fatarrh. The Great Wonder is in a form of A course powder and in used in an ordinary clay pipe and does not interfere-with any business occupa- tion. I will mrnnteu to cure the worst. can: 0 Caturrl: `in less: than four months lil Directions are closely followed, alsol guarantee to cure all forms ol Asthma. Bronchitis, Toncili- Iis, Large Uvelna, Hay-Fever and (`lent All Air Passages in the Head, Stop Droppin in Ilia Throat. and Hauling and . pitting on the streets, llo away with all that Cotton Button in the Earn, Also (}uaranl.oo.To Cure Dnulnesn. if patients will lollow my directions. without use of Surgical lu- nlrumc-nu. A Boon to Snorou la aking 3 Great Hume. ` T. N. Arndld. 0! Toronto, bu ovan~ molly got A wonderful cure for ca- tnrrh. asthma, dealneu, bronchitis, tunciljtis, And nvulu, lou ol voica. hoarsencsl and coughs. and cntarrh of the utomnch. IIr.. Arnold positively guarnntoen tn cure all thesaldiseat-mu if the patient. will follow his direc- tion without the me of surgical in- nrnmenu; his remedy will do Away with all that `cotton button in tho ("Ill match. A_A 42. 13;? Ar! OITI. - ' 'l'b-A-e an-. Tnrnnto paoplc who have hoemcnmpietely cured by any wonder ful vv.-Inc.-dy: umn, l53Quu guutuq, A3U'NDAN"!' TE8I0. (III Dlluun, un uuluu n u u u v v . V ..-, v.`---' ...... -, u,,, 45, 48, 52 in. wide. Art Blind Laces. x2 x5c.. 25c-. 3553-. 45 506 .756 . 900- Yam Special orders taken In any color desired for store or Iatgo wm. nu Prinnu ri9hL We have now ready for sale 1 {inc usort-_ ment of LADIES RUBBER COATS, made by a well-known English rm. The pattern of this coat is now so well known in England and the States as the A;t Blinds, dil nish shade cloth, cream, biscuit, green, .0 an ;n 111;)`: l'l'llJl=5 llslllu LACE CURTAINS. Walk past our Curtain Degartment and View the following ikioinn - r. _ Curtain Nets, Curtain Muslms, mic , t5c.. x7c.. 306-. Cu 155 -.- ..-.-.l The material, t and nish is first class and the prices most moderate. ladies Rubber Coats, $4.50. ladies Rubber Coats, $4.75. ; M Ladies Rubber Coats, $6.75. These prices only hold good for the present lot-So come early. Ladies Rubber Coats J0HNlA|JDlAW__&0N 'I.N:`\*RNO|.D. T.|i_~(5_r'3at'`}jonder , A considerable saving if you are quick. lly........ "'i in'4'."'..II nu... ~... .. am. .-. ...` I5'.'`4L"'Z.'. " ...-.. ....... `|3`2TI3-4'I7rin-cosa:-stre;at Kinaistoiu-.7 iwhiuinlictis meet. xuussmu. Umbrellas Recovered. ALEXANDRA. Ladies Sample Umbrellas at 25% Off. '\f VII `Inuit yr Vr--`rv- , cured of asthma: I. HcGinnis, mm (follcfo street. also cured by my wt-H dc-rfu remedy; Phil. Benton, 411.3 llnann an-ant wmm. deafness. comp]:-t~~~ ucrnu remedy; rnu. ncluuu, 1--.. Queen street weathdeafncas, oomph-I--~ Iy cured; T. E. orria, 385 Spmiin.-i avenue, has re ained the lu`sa'of uni-`M and mate; W. . limma, 127 Balaiwm street; com lately cred ol dea{n,-:~~'. R. B. Nevels, I. ,, B.A., lhl Hal-I win strowt, cured. ol quinay, mm throat, after being in several hm:-I ml:-, ch: discus oould nevar be bmL~ en up until in tried my remedy. which cured him in a night; another rvmnrlv able can in W. Turner : daughter. - -II years of age. her throat being OIIIIUP-"' cured. and Whll medical aid cnulrl nu!- asllint. her and recommended umnils I be cut out, I curod their girl, aft-`r three yuan nncring, with my V011` derfnl cure. and will Iond to any u_-|- dreas A ample box of thin win-|r""' medicine for the sun of 25c. ` r u w 9.-.. ......I...mr Chrialml to me." ` Thu.-no gm only I few of I` 8"? number of ot||ar.I|Ilnes 0! P""` '3 haw bun so only curod by "; wonderful me `. .:mPg<;&:l" .",';` to uv uldnln ` lkdn n w`. E` A|'nu.l 1 n A.:-n_x.|_ .4.....n ..o Tmnnlo. medicine for the on `me. . C. S. W. Scott, conductor Christ: an church choir. Ncwmnrkot. write! I "I have` found Ht. Arnold's I`-'II|"'l7 ," very valuable tutoiativo for aphomw Ion! M voice and wmgld very strongly rocnmmcnd ii to singers far 1""* wnlmelo. In ithu proved b0n5.'l I in mm " lhalnga mum. in -cup... Faun nut. 04. `guph box, zsr. Badman " . ow. sum. box :1. :`Iv.dlhlltonq '1 I`. nu non. . 3!. Toronto. ,wUI$-DlJZ u; u--; 0% nine 0! ttutmont Iouon n-opou mini. nnocn nanny. ..A;&l Jmgg 'i`I.-'-`loll. IJ00 bbffu ILIIIP J ug Div: nv'\v.rvu- : 3?` . I'M .. II 1 I ;] WGILIIIII Ill rolnuuuni Iuqulu .3 H ands in the orguau ozhsuperionty ; understood oompon "9" dboono$n[no1.oollv.h-uopmpoulu. an ayoldiuthoniyhtvntohmnn who contmenblo work umunr` the u..... .....a ..... 1.1.... .. n.....a... ....a or non nu. nooo conmaemme won: amunu we barns. need not labor on Sunday, and that a mnrriod man should. in some eaaeu, be given a preference war a Iingle man, in the matter of promo- tion. The company is expected to VI I daoidod amwer by Wednesday. he arbitration committee reported to the union, and the report was omnid- orod at a mating yesterday. The `oil :- oon refined to make any atatemont to-day. but It is understood that tho arrived at no understanding, and wi I leave the matter open until the mid- dle ol the week. The company, it is laid, rmly re- fund to aenadn In tha damand Im- III !!! lluvny nxupwyeeu nave Seven! Demands. "On Saturday ultermon the arbitra- Mnn eonunlttee ol the trades and _In- hor oonndl suited as n B. W. Eolger and H. C. Nickle, the street rail- war eompen , relative to the etren.-G niwuy amp union. in in da- Iuad 9: wages. The depu- Mtlon` III received very kindly, `and the queetion g0l'o\lI!III?' dieeoeeed. The eabetaaeeol eu oncdunendienn ineneee In :33: of fteen cents I day, ell no ; that the watchmen, who lshor seven day: in the week, should receive 38.50, intend ol 87.50 nun! an.-IT anal Olunt nonenntinna nhnulrl lltroot lulvny 11391070 31"! ....n`. an-1-ml` [31 `I0 XXI U0 `III OGIIIIDQ lOl' morn Inga,` on the ground Hunt to- oulph of the roId'did not warrant the humus-ring nl lm-tlmr arnnnno WIPII 0| IO l'0IlI Gill I10` VII linen:-ring of {ytther oxpgnn. ropular Young Couple Woddnd. `At. the home 0! the bride, on King ` Itriet want, at ten o'clock this morn- ing. the marriage of Miss Jennie, an tor of Joseph Daunt, to Leslie hook,-keeper for Skinner J: (.30., vlnoloulo dru gins, wok place. Runl dun Ilncmo ,no, of St. Juneau wllrdl. pefioruoa Jllo Bunion: in ltiow 01 relativu sud; few inti- Innh londn. The bride, attired in a this of cantor cloth, was attended by llu I-lame Iuo'krl;:. R. E. Wfillon `nu groonuunn. groom : gi t to the bride nu as gold chain, to the bridesmaid 6 par] crescent, and to the gfoomlmnn 3 horse shoe of pearls. The young couple were reci- ginnt of many `fun from their lriendu. r. and H11. ughun left. at noon on a trip thwllgh the went. (in the lSth Mrs, Hughes will be M, homo to her (riondu. ` `FLA nnIun11\u-an at Hlinnnn A. (`n .... 'l'lIG coppnn , II II Illa, Ilfllll` mud co" co tho danma` nu... -.._.- ._ 41.. ..-.......I n..-a menu. The employees of Skinner & C9. on Saturday presented Hr. Hughes with an onyx marble look and: cm. lacs bottle. Tho bo I" also mum their omnrudo VI ch 0 out glam `out of eleven piooeq VCCIIU IV Cilllil XII WI- Ur. and Ira. John Noble, Emin- lmrg, were gzutly alarmed this morning upon hearing of the failure of lino Onthm-inn" June u-dull to ugrlvo by tho enrlymorni mun from llbntmd. Hint Hard: 1 came out; from England and should have been here on the midnight. expruaa. HI: luggage cum ,Ill.riglu., and thin blamed her relatives, who `wage NI. the nation in uniting. Howovur, the bath: along at midday and ex- plained this n clergyman, who had around on can nhnmor had ndviwd pluneu Inst | clergyman, who and around on elm scanner advised her against lnndin in Kingston M. mimlniaht. Ind on far her and nut. Euler ugui;: l:x:di-n in-1 midi: M, had on [or 1 but 3 ardmhe train this TIM long Cannon III queen uruuu Kothodiqt church, Int evening was uoyod bythou present. Rav. Mr Follici gave 3 short sermon. keep- ing well within tinm,h laid, ul- lottod to him. o pnthoma of the choir won wolf rendered no was also .1... ...n.; uv.:...|.... am." but nan, choir Wu! wen rendered also the solo "PtinolnIn Gm," by` Hm. Evin: and the qunroetu by Ira. B1/sun, lino Spdrh and Honors. Chap- man and Womwith. entitled-` One Swently Solemn 'I`houghI.." Several new momban hnva been added to the chbit, which gives promin of doing great. thing: In the near future. _. All III! ounwv 5 usu- Reoently J. E. lertiu` died in-Port `lend, township, leaving hie property so hie widow. to whom he was mur- ried` within recent. veare. Mrs. Martin any the wife, uni Hr. In-tie weaker Hnlhend. Aethondrr eovernl nol|e.ol In. luau. and they were not remqnhead In the will. no- tidu in beirq tube to have the docu- ment not ueide,.nnd ual distribu- tion of the In . ` Thsy, lgvo faith In Hlcko. Dr. Rich ,n||'nI'no, in which the member: of tin yacht club place not reliance. jciovery woutlm un- til`&. .6!` 100 int. Jslioved only by an odnuioul any Jmum. gunp-n-ou--- `,`I'ouny _ In To bun 0:. "Today" Gilhn will mnn shake und (tact, _i,`u lad hwll Inc was ) d-fkilfoh from his lost. _ Iuu aoduon pl tnvdhr 0$IIICIAI-IATIIII. --u-uQn-ng-----u ' ' "`*`-- WAITID OIIIIG Ill . Cum To and All Right. v Ant` Ira Jnkn NARI- Ii`,| A Song Borvtco. Ann nnruhun In {Min In mnguon av. [or her and put I morning. at:-not i"sFsT7mE"n`EnuTsr"uT `opus! ch as am fronrth U ad sum, In V And (`and in attendance. Thu union In in; lull. pot oapltn dual In-um 30, I0 member: having been paid in oonnoellou with the conven- tion. The delegates were welcomed by tln all or and number: 0! the ` mnmll I ultcrwuds the convention`, by the 11:10: and manner: on ma. council A elm-an-ds the convention` went Into executive nation. Ieny lgnporuat n_uMere will come up in pddmon to the urination nu-Mug Iron lm nrlh. Dari the poet two yearn, through delnlmt ne of ollcere, 883,- @ have been omlnuled and it ie pm- ; pond to require that. all local and . general nieere handling (and: ehell ! `provide bomb {or the rope!` perform- mum nl their duty. convention IWOVIUO hlltll [Of IE I03!!! punurur use 0! their duty. will tho vou on the queupion oi abolishing piece work and incnnlng the dun: ol tho union to wvuntyvo cum I month . m.:.v a...a.im Armour and iuuioo Ou- a month. Chic! justice Armour and 'uutlce Ier at their focus r y to-day Against the growing dilponiuon 0! he line to copy. the uropean a nun of iring union and inlm-men. he mat- ter came up incidentally in cnnnection siilh the hearing of an appeal by Mrs. Deliuo Inrcotte, convict;-d of witch- crn, which in the name in the code for fortune tellirqg. The judgm re~ served their dociqiun, but in doing so judge Armour. referring to the act.- ion ol the police in sending two we'- mon informers to Mrs. Mamouo to have their future: told, said it. was not as proper thin for otoarn ml the law to commit once: in order to pronooute them. The nttorney- onoral. nhould Interfere to prevent. Inc pnw tioeu. Juuioc Oder raid an even more Ihooking one was that in which nchool children were sent" to buy cigarettes in order that their evidence might afterwards he used in a prow- oution. Deputy attorney-general Can- wright. in court, aid the department. nu not. aware of these pruot.iet~c of the police. Ontario : rcvonuea, for the curl-ant voar to date, are quite buuynnt. Them bu been a large increase in Hamlin lean. and the crown lands statement, issued to-day, shown ru- cei to of $546,161! for the ve months 0 Kay 3lnt, nu compared with $506,870 in 1900. The activity in lumbering has nmulted in a very large increase of timber dues. The receipts for the period mentioned above included 9246,28`). for bonuses on timber berths last your and only $139,436 this year, so that tho duus on log: actually cut in` this year much (router and on new berths much less than Inn. van`. IA)!` am: on new uurulu unuuu man than last you`. Rev. Dr. Sutherland has been in- vitod to deliver the Ferneluy la.-cture in connection with the Wesleyan con- ference of Emgiancl in 1902. This is said to bosom: of the highest distinc- tions in the 'H of the British church and this in 1 0 But time a Canadian has been so honored. About Vlaklontain - J'oubort s M Jon-1: :-luv Cspturod. London, June 3.--Nuthing has yet coma through to illuminate the Vlalr fomein allan`, the only dcupatch on tha oubject since the first.` olliciul un- nouncemunt being is thretrlinu mes- sage from lord lwhenor, issued this morning, giving the names oi thmo additional oicura killed. lluniln hm! rmmivaul nf the rnlinf nf uadmonal omcera Inuoa. Detail: just. roceivod of the relief of Zeorult, Transvaal, May "22nd, Gan. Bethuen show the town was be- siogui practically for several months, Rh thntmita food sugply was short. A dnnnntnln from rutnrin announ- no ruarnmn; ranncunusl and tnnlmll [000 In Ipty was anon. A despatoh from rutoria announ- ces that the constabulary have ca.)- turod Abram Halon, aon~in of 1. 0 Iain {Inn Jnnhm-0.. Hnlnn wan An an- turod Abram llauln, non-In-law 01 we late Gan. Joubert. Mnlun was an en- ergetic and progressive politician bo- for the war and since it began he had been very active against. the Bri- tish, and had lled several important. commands including that of Pieters- b_urg until the British occupied the I-llama. `WNW Ihonld receive 88.50, inltold 01 57.50 5 woektnnd that promotions should ' as made order of superiority. ;I:Qu,_i`_mb Ilia undantoodt-Int the company A... .._. ___... 4- -Il AL... ....._......I.. I Would Be Both: 1! Shorter And with More Love. London, June 3.---Ian Maclnren (the Rev. Dr. Watson), who last year` was moderator of the Emflish Presby- terian aynod. was asked or his opivr ion of the American dcciui()n to` re- vise the confession. He writes: "llnnu nu H131 uirln nl Hm Atlantic vine um comemunn. no Wrllet "Many on this side of the Atlantic am glad to know that their } rns|1_v~ terinn lwothren in the United Sums upon.-s to.rovi:-o the confoaniun. lb II on intellectual wonder, but would be improved by 6 reduction in size and an infusion of love.` In The Euly I. In. A. Y. Vsnpauen, 8 mouse, N. Y., who in thmgumt. of George Parka, Alfred Itrooc, in the poueslor of u very old Kingum paper of consider- able intennt. I is the Kingston Ga- mm of nee. and, mu edited by Stephen lliloa; The ads are very amus- ing. wlmn viewed in .tbe light. of the pmaont day. In thou; day a stage mu the only means of dommnnioation between the city and Toronto. and the fun is advertised on SW; from hn to Bellovilla, 83 is; adver- an the regular rate. --w\--KUIIIXI-o Ottawa, Juno 3.-Inspector Arthur Edwnd Snyder, of the mbuntdd po~ ' lion, bu been appointed superintend- ent, vice Gugunn. tetirod. and in- npecmr W. S. H. Ion-is in to be In- parimendent. vice lllpcrintondcnt Par- ry. prommqi umne time ago to gm oonuniuionorahi ). It In nnnnrn hu nltlmn that thn who work on mmmn , Vllll roman I0 mt any malaria that ha bobn ad by um:-union men. oomxnmmnornm It is rumorox in Om that the britilayen. plasterer-. and other men who work lmildin will roluso to than-nub n-nu vnnlnoin Ill: I. `IAI IN? `WI `BIZ GUCCI: Glluthom; Juno 8.-Chq.rleI Inbou- nlcl, the Iixsyyaar-nld buying,` who lamb into Dr. Gibb : Home at Blur. him I fur nights ago, pleaded gui1- ly hllon judge Bell, and was un- kind 00 Ian: yuan in Kingston T, , fl. IAN KACLAREN ON CREED. . Itapton For That L-sL..-... In... I_._l`I..rI. in court. and use uupanmem. . pruozkxu run