Abernethy s, as gggucass sm-:51. .J. D. III` (.30., JOII IOPICIOII 140., `,1:-lino Co.`1.lnboudo [Sum s..c...a._s'.ubyA.Abu~ illll .'IW, DUE VIII! 0! MIDI: I .5 A mu: ll %Od`hol0ro tho id' `n |--,_...,1 ,,:.L gl... nan.-IIIL Ell KIUE .1. n. xu.co., John "W. nco. , Rania. Ialinn Co.`. u but out .....____._._ EDITQBJAL COMMENTS. _ . ........... ql-..g_ The Winnor Announced. | nu: -, _ 4A_-A I... I, hull! Uo.,I.nonnIIno inGundo.8oHbyA.Abur- mu on dmninlun nay. Pvato bunker Wehator, Wulpoz-1., contemplate: sunning I woolkn mill at Edmonton, N.W. l`.. The Hun rford ngrioulturnl society will erect rue building: on their ground: gt Tweed this year. Mr. and In. W. H. Conutook, and ground: Tweed um Kr. sud lnuiilr, Brookvillo, will lave Lon Ange a,_CaL, for home on the llth Inst. , A-..I.l|.-I;I hr-(Inn "inl.ni| Oll Inst. ` Aruhibuld Braden. Pictoin, died lay lth. apd ninety-ve yearn. wlu janitor "0! the public school Ill VIIIPI. nix yuan. The death of Hugh HcKibbon, Pic- lnn, but for your: wan I ronidenl. of Athol, occurred Thursday. He was a eighty years. . 'ancy Woodcock, relict. ol the late John Woodcock. Belleville, died un Sunday. She was born in Adolphus- town eixhty-four years ago. ` Allan `nu-rs fnrnmrlv nf Ivlnusrnrlsn. el my-lonr ago. Allen `men, formerly of Enturprlsn, but. new a nesidonl. of Selby. wan uni- led in marriage to Miss Ethel Hilli- gnn. Cemmville. on Thursday. John P. McDonald. A former Belle- rl mount to an sun. ' This pmuamy Lo. dooidod to hold a nonnu-r oelobuuon in Pas- domlulnn day. ' nun... |.....|....- Wnhntnr. Wulnort. Cemmvllle. Thurmay. John McDonald, former Qanta- villinn. died in Toronto on Sunday, aged seventy-nix years. He is cur vwed by two sons and two dough- tern. Y....h..nh.p.. Ar.` and nnnnnr-inc the llcvi oltho muudoadhoo ' Iron flu Whig : lzdnnpu. The ma! uunauaont ol (Jobdon vi! `Infra uuomm I. Inn urlclrllly boon tern. Inwiuuiona am out announcing the marriage of Miss ltnsamund. dun 1:- (er of Charles Brnwn, l"rmlcriL{n- burgh, and Sanford A. Annoy, June I2th. Inn-n H-nnrrnnn unllnrvlnwn hm: Jonas Hagvrnwn. Mallurytown. has been appoinmd hnili of the first di- viaiun court of tho united counties of Leeds and Grenville. This in 5 new nioe. n.. - G...` in '7`-unO..n nn Mnndnv omce. By a fire in Trenton on Monday morning the families of John St.ap|o~ ton and Mrs. Butler, who ['81-lldbd in the Graham tnrrace, lost all their household eects. ` G. F. Harrinun, a C.I .R. reman, tlied M. the residence of his fatherin- law, William Johnston, Smith's Falls. on Wednesday, of peritonitis, after only a few dayu' illness. Ilnllnvilla nnlion rnidnrl Dc-noun : ma Only 8 NEW (ly IIHIBHII. Belloville police raided Deacon : rosv lauram. on Saturday cvenin and found tapped beer kegs on t as pro- mises. Mr. Deacon will be proawuted for selling without a license. Urn, A R, Ruv. Nnnnnms. exluxrtn [Ur Hlllng WIIHUIII H HCCHHU. Mrs. A. R. Ruy, Napanm, expects N start for Dawson (,`it.y on 101.1) Juno. Her mother, Mm. J. N. Mc- Kim, will accompany her as far as Regina, where she will \":siL her daughter, Mrs. lDr.) Graham. }annm W-mmr. Fifth Lake. and Him -Yl. uaugnter, mrs. our.I uranam. George Wugar, Fifth Lake. and Miss M. Adams were united in marriage by the Rev. J. W4.-atherill, on Thursday. The room was supported by Jack K - , and the bride by the sister of the groom, Miss Lydia Wagar. Frank Mtinnis, formerly of Read, met with a shocking death while bathing near Vicksburg, on the Mis- sissippi river. Two days elapsed h- fnre the body was recovered. The young man was t.w-my-two years of nge. and left Read for Chicago {our Vlfr SUI]. you rs agt I . Miss E311-Ila G. Rnblin. agrand slaughter of Mrs. Ezra Mallory. Adol- lohustuwn, and of Mrs. Philip Rnhlin, Snphinslyurg, recently graduated from the university of (.7uliI'>rnio. She is mid to be "one of the |1rIghh:~It and prn.-Ltiusc yoyng ladies in the atato university." Young Stranger Rob: 5 Friend- Hnila From Wntertown. Lust evening chief of polim Baillie received a telegram from Ilcsnroni-u, asking him my arrest a young man named Stnnluy Files, wlm had 2-tolen u gold watch and chain and A rare silver coin from a friend Lliuwv 1-tuned Fraser. Auuumpanyixig the telegram was A clear (l(:Sl;I'l|)LlUl\ --1' Fsius. The telugrum was handed over u. eon- u-table Baleson and, 8(`/.)'Jlll|?Illl0ll by cunsumlo Nuylnn, he we met III quest of the young man. He came across him on Ontario an-em. a low minutes past seven o'clnck and promptly pluc- od him under arrest. Files at first denied that he was the mun wanted, but after bcin taken to the police slnliun ho con caused and tnld every- thing iv. was desired to know. Fll in! II wIIll~llI`n`mIl-.(l vnllnnr vnnn Hung iv. nesirori IA) Knuw. Files is a wull-dressed young man, probably sevemccn years of ago. His h-mm in at Wutertown, NxY., and on Viut-nria day he came across tn King- .~.t.un to he]: along the celebration. Fruni hero 0 went to Ucsernmu to visit. a friend named From-r. Being lcxllptcd, he took the watch and cuin nnd skipped. When arrested he did not have the watch, but stated that he had given it. w a lad named Jainiu.-con 1.0 sell. L`onut.nhIe Bmoson at once lncnlod Jamieson at an hotel, hut. he denied that he had ever seen the watch. When threatened with ar- rest, he confessed that he had loan- ed the watch to is bell buy in the hotel. The hull boy was hunted up] nnd ironiptbi handed over the stolen` articm. (inmntnlila "AI!-nun ilicl mu. ounua, ne nacun-nn ten cents in change. Minn Natm umutly denied receiving the coin, though hlcs main- thin: that he gave it, to her. Chief of nulice Gnnvnu an-ivucl frnm unna man no 1:, L0 ner. Chief of pulice Gonynu arrived fmu lkmeronto with Files, whu was down can and penitent. He appears to I A bright Ind, quite respectable i1 appearance, and the 'laat one to b lulpootod of zmnling from a friend. nnn )mn1pu_v nanuuu the amnion! artic gs. Cunutuble Bate:-nun did not. have the sumo good luck in locating the missing silver cuin. Files utalad that he had given the coin to Miss Nadun, (laughter of Jnseph Na- don. of X|0-U-S restaurant. in pay- ment for upper. which cost fteen otmtui he mcuirinu mn rent: in Eny locoxning Yellow. V The farmers are very down-hearted over the almost. opivuin failure of tile hay coop, due .to on much wet. weath- or. The old meadows, said one {arm- or this morning, are turning yellow. The hay was chilled during tho cold nights, and the constant. rain but about uiahod its dostmction. It in prophouiod that Bay will bo I Very Ollo crop thin yur, oven (h`om;h mu dnould got ne weather during J um. Union Ind: Bhou. J. D. King Co., John InPhoruon 00., Sequin. Ldimo Co.. tho but choo- nmg; Sold by A. Abor- na . r `In the feaoly-nude nt ' nun III and I15 llcurlr Q.&.. VOHIC Ia Kli III` nix, ;|.`.I`|.|`.Db to ' . lot 08. vhguon Bun, STOLE WATCH AND CHAIN. I from down- In lm on Ha (or ,, TUESDAY. Jl INB 4th, The Very Newest Shapes in Are always to be seen in our Millinery Depart ment. We have unusual advantages for obtaining the ideas of fashion originators before they become gene- rally introduced to the public All) W031`- P3"`"'?` ing our Millinery Department may be sure that she IS right up to the style of the day. Just now y0.u will ggtitrully stylish Headgear at a big reduction on usual pnceirrncnm #W. an rlnarino out all Trimmed ,....... R-EASON.--We are clearing out Millinery. The season is getting on. We take no chances. The half loaf is better than none. Pattern Hats, worth $15 and $18, for $10. Pattern Hats, worth $8 to $10, for $5 Trimmed Leghorn Hats, $1. 50, $2.50, $3.50. Ready-to-Wear Hats, $1.25 to $1.75, for 39c. Ready-to-Wear Hats, 75c. to $1, for 25c. . The sun will shine some day. Don't delay. Be ready. - - _ .-_- up--I/-vi IITITIZ I18 and PI-lnooan Stu-o`ot. _ 2'1 III! A IUIIWI n ` Plnyofn. unit and no it before pnuhuing. n. A. WEESE &. co. SOLDIERS: Before you go into camp. get your Bwardl, Bits. Stir- rup: and All` .Ihlitu'y Aooonlromonta Nieklo~P||hd. We do it At the right price. . At! l?.l\Yl'\l Ill NHnLIn-pIntina- FIIVVI ALL KINDS of Niohlo~Pl-ting- Knivu. Bioyolu, ot.c.-dono on short- cut liotioo. nAuEv;s srzumn MFG. cu., . .1 n_:___-- Oa_.-A We no Ag'onulor the best. Also THE HABQONISTS which oxoola -all other. Pinon. 1 _,, 2. L_n,_- WWW ` |PIANos g Kanulutwor of OBIAIIITAI. IAILDTGS, fencing, Comouty And Gufdd Arches, Dubai: and mu Work of Evoxy Doocriguon. T Alan L-an -I` .35.. -I u\.'nnn'.'n |BlISJ.!l|5_9,% .}Ii!.l-LEEE, -v--v wvu In -avuu av-vaafuvuu 1 also hug an nu-o ol nowxn P018, .orugoau1 uad plum. crcii V/hr? ";W;$rks. I as: kn..- an ...._ F. Partridge. nnInAIru9uavuInv -u VVIT ndnviduhlh; -- .7... ....'`:a .!a`.'.".'....._'W-'_.....*T "..'.' __-q_ ` v All Suhjncu. taught` gm-mun); Women s Headwear EVENING CLASSES S'rAna mo A9H...`..c ~'I`ARR 6: SUTCLJFF-`E, - --- ----___-- n......_ . - Kingston. On For Hole in Kinguton anly by A. Abernathy. or uu's'rT' II -_.__.__l-I E-Llgabg O- Foot of Ptino-an Stunt. w oln ,'I`I{d Is |!-ys rt-ady for immediate VII!- 13.1.0. KiaCo.. Limited, have moadubutgu in cunt. rvuu` Iv:-V II 37l_,Kln In-0-L . Izzj-:3 IIIOITOWI LIADIN; DzIV ITORI. DRY OOODI A1` Tl-ll John H. Mills Sells To The Highest Bidder. No Afterwork at Sales Conducted by MILLS. J ezyvel Oxford -.-3 I -- Strachal % atdware. ST MIGHT BUSINESS. W. M'""'3Ya Jl'., fa.-gs; & uaugaday. an no-.1...-III-t with due be-I. KISSES HMGNAY & HAROLD. Ina I):-Inna-J It:-cot. I IIIOII & I-u-v-vv-v Plouol. Tlfrlncunsuut. DBO II_l|lIIIlIl In unuu I04 Pt-Inooca SUTCLIFFE IIPOITIII. wu jwv a'nd wiidows. % Laxyn Mowers. Ea: Slaves M %.5IF_'EE`- union-nan: 000009-oooooO,O'*"" .0 |` fIlI\rI-II` ywu inogucwamnm. sf Shoe * JUSTTBY U8. Queens: since open- Ws..;0M the! ever) T ' " who make`: even one 1:; d here magoduny retain a g im- %#sion of our new store and sngtilnl, lut.`I'huu. 1; ?.a' 's'T.T.ZTn'a'.I{ss... "lakes Sick - Paaplc Well. _ lb. Phlpai ?v`I'alII'o Cckry Con- pocnd Io `F ` an O poaitivo for I lvuuu. Inning . hilioucnan. live: and man Lmnhlan. rhmmalhm and J 1:1). King 90.; Jghn McPherson & fjT a4eshoe., the nes: ;`ldQ~in Canada. For THE I110 --9681!! YEAL 4"":-'-=4 $3 _. has. 1-; hum. Lcobtod Food IIAI not with the gnaitut In-or at the hands of the aerial Ll:(euioa. _l_I. inthomoct prim in t .n`oirhhncn\ um, moth- Itlran procun for hubiea who can- Ioot [st Iuaient bnnublwding. It ngnu with the ionic nonnelu; all bohion It and thrive woigdc- fully on it. bungled Food pouones all an Im- polttul oonulinpnu ofpun trout. milk, making at tho mun vnlnsblq A Perfect Sgbstitute For Mothers Milk. iuflltlh. Illliolllolnnluuol unucitundnditthohut. it man -nnlrl LAVA vnur Inbv Princess Street. Clflillllllf `I. If you would have your baby Iloq) haul: and naturally Light and hppv. us 11:01: Ask your *7!!! Id Foo? drugght or for it. |union Labonl `WY Onlia-fT<>n-madol l3s5Ii3MP'5rsn WI I`aIthliIItII`|l'I. '-- 1:- CTUM . l".'..!!"'"" V-. '- v>o5g_methods. 39;.` Mnuhall. gag.-;.._.uac..DvoiaIio|. ljnlled. 0| lllllhu. \`!.hlIutmloaIauoryIOo tnnlnxn Lactatcd Food did`. had I ntonccrcou. It had an gnu boom lo notional schools, tho tldn ol omigntion, 15: Mad: of I growing population, landed, Ior building trpoou. more nosey than the annual lnmut._ from K the trust fund amounted to. So an appeal was undo I.o.the lod- cnl government lot valid. 11. vol. acted to gigs 8311.000 to the Inim- hn govemmcns for oduouional work, ` to put the Ichool system, in build- iagtnd oqulpment, upon the looting {blob the circumstance: demanded. Inddunhlly It was pointed out that H the administration of lm school I __,n L-_J_ _._,__ |._...I4.I ....._ 4-. Tho llbnrnl government pulled a Bill, nooording to t|_|o rnqueat, and the innate -rejected it, and by that proceeding cu-nod nlreah the grati- tude oi the conservative party. Now it in intimated thus the liberul gov- ernment did wrong, very wrong, in not onmplying with tho reqneort of the Rdzlin [ova-nment handing over to it cuuody of the lchool fund. la the situation nny diarent now to that it wan two years ago? No. Would the nennlo agree now to what in unlled then? Surely not. If it did then would be mother reason to ..Lx_t_ .|.-; :4. I.-.l _...a L... :4- nnlhi, ll IX Cluluubu-I-n_uu vu -I~ -u-vu- budn and fund:-were handed over to .|, 9-: ....._.-____. :. .......|.a I... L... IIIUII wvlllu uv nuvuuus nuucuu uu ink that it had not lost. its politi- Qll bin: and that the conserva- uvo majority only saw in conaemva: 13% plan that which won any guou. The Ottawa government did not, IIOVIVI, Gunpt than fates, by asking Che auto for any favours, and A oonna-vitlvd paper thinks it has some tltlignl Ilppn 1-ln_ school fnnnoyl As if an liberal government could use or divcrt to any other purpose the nkool land: it holds in trust for 'I|niwbo.. IIIIII Illll llllnuwvvsw In-uuvu urea in: Ida local government it would be bot.- 8&1 null Alum annual:-a Rev. A. E. Luvcll, of Ayr, at the lhqilton oouhmnoo, created a lively hcinaion by proposing, in aoat, that the pmbutionerl of the Metho- uu drunk "-hound. in number. he conned 44.0 the deciency which is ,cIunod_ In tho Active minitwy, from you to year, by superannuation and '..l...AL . It must. not bu Iuppnsed `that Mr. Laval] is peculiar in his ideas. 11. is probable that he reocts the thought Ind mind of most of the Methodist miniamrl who am the profession ovar- crmvdod, with the inevitable result. of ,,.u n_L_-.._ __..| :_.-...- 1- .L- %%}EAL _ . -. .. .....:-`-3 1111` -hhll-5.41 vtuwuuu, wuvu -us -aw-n....w ...-...... \. udued labour And income. In the church nu! needing wurkorl? Is the Ilrveii not ripe unto the sickle? That is the ordinary impression, and it it created by the frequent calla of Han clunch {or man for mission pur- W... The (Act remuinn, however, that in the loan eld: there in an ovurplua of mm. and of somewhat. ordinary man, lines the ministry does not oor the nvmrdu` that, like oommerca and in- dv._ut-ry, capture the brightest and the bait of than. And this faint has to be Itnuubomd; the people, do not in- tune tlnir contribinionl nuuerinlly. ' (I what in given, in the Methodist t;hurolI,..Q certain petunia-cu goes for lonign mi ions, and the living of the mo in Japan and China is promoted " the minus! of thin Inilaion board A _.lJ .n_ AL- ......_|.-_ 2` .,.... , s us but Ilsa-suuu vunsu J ldd to the number it supports un- t the pomsmags aforesaid admits of it. Of tins sppurtionmeut for home min- ions the Isms consideration is not bad. and so the church mcnivos young Inn without limit, and has tn nd plscos [or `them, snd reduces the guts {mm ths mission fund in or- no spread s certain sum over is luunr sudsa. . Tho ides Ilpressod by Mr. Lovell is 1301. tins supply and demand shfmld ho sguslissd. and dis olsrgy have the `|I"y_si?i3sily, in their own, Thai can nstrict tho proba- tiossrstoGhsmost.;u-ouisingsndsc- olltdingtothbworkdncnislorthsm sodo,ssdt.hoyesnsaeonhisby ini- sbtinq npon`s hixhsr standard of qnsliution, sad in this rsspsot tol- . th eunpls 0! tbs Ontsrio. I` Ag--..:I (In; ALI..- X- .....A-.. I" _ Cl.-IIIIU III 51 \IIlICI'lU Gigi young man of hrillisuv. part: will not In tempted into n occupation` xvch nan: prindon And suturing hr A any a your and the surrender at to my social cdvnnugoa. Tin Pruhyudu. chunk in doing bum: in as Human and Anglican {lid `for in young clugynu, but `it r0'_I nothing so wry invit- "tuupiru h`olucrycndnolnol- `council. One thing in certain,` um [um THE MINISTRY. A In I__..II .1 A... ..A Anusmom: &. co,| VII ll! UII DIV 1 `A. Luna not "0Mrn-'0"-5" N an 5...: ma; 'ro1'::su.u. JUNII 4. though (50 Odltlng partial ho mt- gintrntol, jnltiou ol the puoo and alderman, in . American idea bdng thht muringo In Q [Inn-ly civil con- tract. 1! the American law holdo in one one will it not in another? To bu can the winch procedure in not in second with an qalrit ol the Cana- dian Eur, but what ol than Av _ 4- 1- ..n._.|-L.:...... cl... imlun In I mvoncl. July: ~`llunmuu'I, al Toronto, sa- $;i-auy_p-opI-1- oumuu h ll! dtvnuu obtained in the Un- ied Btu! III mt rwogninhlo In Canada. dict thy an ullogntlner lor- olzn tb Wu Ipitu of the Canadian luv. '11: M II la bone of [rut im- portance, and It `ought to be mottled`, sooner at later, by an appeal to u IJ ..L.. ..-...A.. A IIIIII II Kain: IJIl\Hv -an. ,__'- .._ quont.ion,,oliu-`ad with the non-Iup- port of hi: wile. and he plondl that in in no Iongu kin dependent. that by aha luv of tho mm of lichigan. in which he rcdthd for a certain time. he inn been E-Jgnlly separated from her. The judge ignores the plea, and practically holds that he ouunot. take EUITQISIILJJ \4UAIllI|1;LV ; .4. Ir. Whitney insinuatea that tho members of the government. have been stealing some of his ideas and nld clothes. These chaps have been late- - ~- - -A.._....:.... ..ur Aug] t_h,:_;-3 uu. um ,.....- ., any notice of it. ll-- - -A -nn\ nouns 0! ll. Ian and women without number huve been atoning frqm Uqmdn to the Suns ind Ieuuring the divorces , _nL__ _..A ..l.o-inn|\In at A $110 535"!` `IE1 I1!!!-lflng um unu-yv. that are either not obtainable at all in Canada or an expense few people can contract. They have married again in Canada, in seeming security and contentment. Judge Mc[)ougall'a runar-k raises a distressing question. Granted that the divorce secured in the United States is not according to the spirit of Canadian law what then? Are the people referred to here subject to all sort: of embarraaamenta clothes. '1neIe cnnpu uuvu um-. ...... ly on` on a stumping tour, and there in no telling how they may have gut the baggage nixed. Mr. Graham, of the Rrockvillo Re- corder, ha: been renorulnaled for the legislature. He ought to be elected, and he will. Brockville had a dis- tinguished representative in the late Hon. 0. F. Fraser, and in Mr. Gra- ' ham he has had a umat useful and promising successor. :--_-- A contemporary chnlicngea nu-snciun with a [luring head line, "Big bultlu in Africa reported." Now to uncout- age the study of Latin among tha twewo-ymrmlda one should remem- ber the lesson; at the teachers insti- tute and write, "Punlu est in Africa." mnbj<.:cl:-1-1:; accordingly 7 The London News has been sizing up Mr. Bordon, the new conservative leader. It finds that he is A rewtive and thoughtful man, but lacking in magnetism and the capacity to aroma enthusiasm. Our oontenpornry says the party has not yet. found the ideal man. It needs A actund Macdnnalrl Y Hugh John may again bear the whispering of the mulberry trues. ---- The conservative press ought to give the Cook charges a rest. The fact that no one in the senate would ns~ Inuno the responsibility of making charges, and that the oonser'vat.ive majority of a special committee would not present a nding on the evidence, is auggmtlve enough. Cook made the most of the scandal and he has had to take his" reward in scandal. --.--1- Pedmpn the greatest. misaidnnry of the ago-- the greatest in will and ac- com-plish-.ment.a-- has passed to his m- ward. The Whig rulers to the late Dr. uulhy, of 1-mum`... He had his trials, his diicultios, his distrosses, but ho had his triumphs, too, and he leavea I glorious memory. His sheri- lices and his successes will form the man. of many an inspiring talk. A oormqnndoiht in United Canada sees an oort. of the oiciala of the C. M.B.A. to use that organization for} the benollt of Hon. Mr. Latchlord. I ' support. of the ntawment he quotes passage {mm the official organ which has no more reference to Mr. Latch- ford than to the man in the moon! And this moral auasin says ll} a grit. Don't. bgeliove it. ' AIII W nun-A Quuv \-nvuu. The Whig'n voting content Inn at last come to an end and the prize of A [60 scholarship uemd has been won by Fnsenmn Clendn, 3 young man in who employ of lcKe|vay & Birch. The prize of one which is worthy any {mung man`: Mtemkm who Is ambit- oun and nxioun to get` along in the world. To be more the work m not all done by merely winning the prize. To make it. n nucoenn. um must. mine up- (Iona Dy nlunaly WllIlIIlI' um plan. no make it a success. 0110 must gnu ap- plication to study, and the reward: ` an ourrll` this is done. l`u-lay than in an ever increasing demand for mun in all technical bunnies, and one of tho but in designing and mating. The count above mdutloilad gives simple I30 to become pmciont in mud: ' or udlitoetlrnl droughts- man&ip,andyrolgopoI.hyoungmnu who In mm It wwp all u-Inns llu teaming sh roln. Ilia total Vol.0 '3 12,057. l.'=.9, 4-~ N-LEMON!