The Anw `run nu-unwr Nurlhnmn nr~ rived at I-lamlmru un 'l`u:-nrluy imm (`'n, nllc-r u pu.~'na;_u> of whirl: twglm day?` has |H`l`ll n(`(`Il|)i(`(l Im- vnrsing inland wuh-r.~a Iurfnru leaving Quelm: for the ncnnn voyage. I brick l`l)xs`l(l(!l')Ce In I\lnn:n The brickloyvrs have c `mg. the walls of the new A. nun SIARR Am} 7- WALTON. 23 Boston Street. Tomato, up: #1 Ian _uaod your Ozone for mung oil-neuta NDIIG. Having. slur tho Inc of one largo bottle, found my and Inn can as am` all M {rub and Die thing I "`II!mn u not. It comm to put new We inm om`: Iyltal. hulq triad IIIIII` -up If. It. is I can can lot inuunnuuoo ol the eyes, 07* vii!-known remedy lor two months. Mint on weak? OIIIGIUII` ` OIIOO. I found A not dilonnoo, and can now no 1: well u not. non g-d'u.oo . how. u .1: at Town -tr-us-u Write it- 03$! Co. at Toronto, ynma. on Colbomo 80,. fun. H you ,.n,_ _, .1, _.s..-_.1u._ \f...- nngllulnii s`i`XRR ac su'rc LIFFE. -.._.. -\ , .._-__ s14.___s - I(IrIu-far`- (In nxs"'rn1c'r"nAsm=:s. `JD. G IWVIIIIJ, IACIIIII, In uulvvuuu nu. --------v . ` any htornnuou nnding use pdpodclou. Your oonnIIi' no eoudontial, And will raocivo prolpt M0_QLil- nuambu-0 Luomn an coon I'I'0ll:. OR? 00000 l\thens' uxost. m1dm'u.-(I morn I4'l'|!l Mnthmliat 1:: (|l?H\ er1:'.l as H. umluum.-ed lay- r l uri:<.h bluck, ml 4 .-.. . Pineapples. A large Bananas, I II - arge supply of the very choicest. On The Square. Una -Dyv' . Sweet and IUSCIODS. Prices away down. Judicial Sale of Pnipriety in the (Sim oi _Kiug;ton. ._ ...,. D [SHE llf [AIDS HYIHE [HURT ll-~|nt_\Iu va. loulynn, umn: Inn m; .. (pr nah with the up robuuuu ol John l\lu4u-', I-2.-uir-u tbs Local uter nu King-dun-. vav J--m H. lilll, auctioneer, at. his uwzuun rooms, `Br. I gym` the chy 0! hing. Il.nn'ut hu.-T ' GI ,noon, on TLH5l'\\ lhv I-inmnt TH dny 0! June, A.l)., mun All an-I singular that acid pure-el or Ira L 0! land and premium Iitunm lving and being in tllu (fitv 0| Kinlton in the (.'4>uul_v -4 Frnntenuc and buing cumpuood ul dw 5\>'l`}r erlv nun ul luv. number two hundra-I I URSl`AN'l` TO AN ORDER Hiuh (.'unr0. uhluuioe made in [he H:'lnl.\lt9 Iolynn, u...-xe w_i|l_ and thirlxy-um lent more or lo-I-In In onntnrly limit of Mid IM. nulmwr lwn ) Ir--d rm-I eighty-nv.-n. whom-e uII|lh:~rlv M Iniulu-n.-h`~rly IIIIM. of Mid I01 rainy nmru or Iv-In to the Ioucherly limit n! In! number um hundn-d and seighlv 9-- thumwv Inwlmrly nl g Idd nolltherly Ium mid hr. one hun`-ted and l.hirLylwv mnnv or Inn! to NM! plmv of hvgimuuu Lu-lhnr with all and ningulnr Ihr h--rm :11-mu Luul appurtqnnnoet to the nnnw |"||(IlI| , PURSFAN1` AN om )!-:1: Hiuh Every bit of waste matter your body con- tains is forming germs constantly. T h e 5 e germs operate 0 your systc/:m utttil it becomes ~~-I- 5`-.40 unn (`On- -,.,.,_,, _lW_ so weak that you con- tract fever. What you r e q u it e is Powley's Liqtiit-dOzone. If you are at all indisposed, the condensed oxygen will prevent the germ attack and rest your body : organs until they get healthy. If9rth.$9r'"9 JOHN II III Lnml Inner at Khwnl )ntKinu'-ton, thin 3rd day nl - .. .NII_ Swrcurr: [NIL HIJINTVRW & Mv`lNT\'IH`., Vumlurn Ruin`! JOHN Il'lI|l5 not at Klm"=|- ; A noblnhrnusndyononhnvo 530:: cu` Thilttnn hopnho chin dun ohm. It ii , lhdo [rally toward improving the run- cm a sum ;MM_0omnanv. um .,,;, ' T I un_1,I_ ion cnmmun Angrove, 58-90 Princess St. Kliut Shoes. Laamno UNDERTAEER. m . n HUI Ilslll. IIIIIDII v-II-en ' sun's with a shoe. Arm much wm and "stretching it may be easy to tho `O09: but it will` never look nght, never feel , 3zh`}\.f.}':n':2t.r.:Lghmd.`. gt the foot E DUI I! WIIl_ IIUVVI Jvvn -n`uu, u- ri3zht, i_fitfs not right`gt_ _v start. 3 Our oboe: tie ` t, lit the c all over the rs: time ya: put them on and :` s `iiojntin;ue so until they an worn out. All: `file urelrhing {ad shaping is done in the: A H5'k's}." You uh train 1 mongrel to do tricks, e an no mum how am h is. In wqgt `V in, H not 1" ftoltart VI b. `E tn... .3. f `gAfter much weir: Sutherland 6: Bro. lama:-. `with --1 I- Angolan?- Monies Spring. Thebrited J. D. King & Co., John- McPherson & Co., A Segvin-Lalime & Co. Union-Made Shoes, the: finest goods made in Canada. For `sale at !Abernethy s, I25 PRINCESS STREET. IJNHIN-MARE I311 VWIDIT W1 ulunn Reading between the lime 0! Ir. Dempeofe epeeeh one seen: to use him In an attitude of hootllity. It looks on II he Ind hard muttering- ol nontcnt, and of pleas to turn lgim down. He meant it to be die- tinctly undontood that he was not neatly satised with M: one tannin '1-In-Iqnbly. True he had not been much 01 0 tulkei, and had not bunod ghoul among the people no edme men Jo, but talk wee not. hie lone. Bo VIII not talented in the rm. plpce bo~ ' LA -~-- - -vn-O un-n an Lhn CAKNEUIPJ IUIU nlu mung... The Scomh people are not inclined to rojnot the handnomo gilt. of 5,- 0W,000 to their lour univcrniticu by It. Carnegie. Ilia idea of having it utilized in the payments of fees no thlt Iii the Scotch youth: of limited inoolnol might get. I {run education, ` does not seen! to be practicable. Tho donut : plans may have been doll onough to him,-he is busincnr man enough to I60 how suggestions might in applied-but he has been to: half I century among a {maple who_ in accustomed to not quickly and to adopt themselves to o`iI'0IInutIneeI. Those who govern the Boom]: universities have not had Mr. Carnegie`: experience, and no they do not now how his idea: 0! free educa- - tion can be carried out. They an: by no mound deniroumhowever, of aban- doning the money, and llr. Carnegie ` has no oauuao to withdraw it because he and the Scotch pedants do not not: ..._ ;.. ."..,_ '1`!-lE"_ __I_u\I.}'.Y wH1G.| ' ulslraol IUIDIIQU Uvn-v. _ It looks vary much an H our old friend W. K. Dunpuy, ol Prlncn ld~ ward Oouaty, and its phunt mm- iontotlvo in. the lnglolgtnu, bu boon utuidohyhhp_nny.Hodid not non up man. Thtin qullo cvidom. by his npnoh at the nominating con- vdnuon. no can an amount ol hi: uuwonilhip and add i! he won nr ckadhowoulddohinnunolt. inuid 0! his party and the country. In the onnqling enulidau In aid the oonntvatlvu -hvq `I laud man to ght, hug no long Irtln party Wu uniud victory was thin. n--_u_- I..a....... LL` Iinnn nl I]-_ clllll ll WID I [Ivan mum vu ..... stump. Ilia Itrongth lay in his de- votion to thc agricultural and fruit cunning interest: 0! the county, and in that roqlect he is still to the fore. Notwlthltcuuling Ir. Dempsey : nt- titudo, however, and notwithllanding the hint that unless he were the choice of the meetirq than might not by unanimity in the party, he was abandoned, and Levi P. Williams was ~44 AL- .......:...oi.m 19. in uleaagm. Inna-uuu-n-, -.._ _. given thn nomination. 10. in to note that the meeting eh I}. Damp-ny, but a man ban 1. wn down is not in that way. eye to`e_vo. It in agreed that the million: be `-used in adding to the equipmem of `the Scotch colleges, which are said to be far behind those of America in uciontic and technical education, but lr. Carnegie does not consent. to the upplicntion of the wealth in such a manner as the governing bodies may . 4., u- :.. ..a..|.o in thin, He has BIB u'UVUl'l.IIlls Ilvuluo u... dcoide. H3 is right. in this. He bu certain ambition: which he wants "(Jo grngify, And he is the more certain of mun-can if he holds nanqial control }ZYEAR - .. - -n:-n - -awn -Inllnhn _._`_..-n . -1 - -.-_..g - n-u-\n-stsuIIAntZI3 grnply, mu Ill! 1! sun uuuu V-........ of 01106680 financial while the schemes are taking shape. An out-and-out gift, whlch the collage pooplo prefer, would leave them at. liberty to do us they pleased, and their mind and Mr. Carnegie : du not rust upon the nuns conclusions. lldoro he pays ovcr the inonuy he purports to know what. is to he done with lt, and he is right. There are innanceu in Canada where the donors were mt very much considered by tho llonecinticn. c ...__.......___ BELL AND ITS 'l`0RIl-`.N'l]`S. Tho poupllu 0! Chicago, singular enough, am Iruuwd by the currunt dincuuimn an (.1) w ether there is is hell and (whatnot it, means, as lnnnu-r ly praclwd, a plane where the mu] is committed unto endless wrmemu. The subject was made conspicuous by the United llretlm.-n uhun.-h unend- ngltho qxputles` creed an that hndeu rocmn that it nugguwd 3 different ctmdillnn and certainly not the ex- plrlonoo which. it in allognd, keeps no many out of the uhumh. ` 'TlI_`lmul\. in a {mall demonstration as In the divided opinion there is up in the qtmnlion. (ln om aside it is um ncripturqhan been dis- 'I`U_VolIin form. `Then in I mitigt film In tho Altitude ol the pnochcru, L-_... ..R..;..... 4].. .1--nu. tlilrlt the `pl;-:09 of hell, and fur the . mrtoli no-in In present hell in I most` .1 III I1 IllIIIlnII! In um I-.u..u...u..., `and may no longer picture the dunn- Id and Ihflmt. including infant: and dnn. sucru-I in hall [or ovu- ' It in an-gm! that ii the church- Idp won|d nmuunco their egmgimu cr- ypt in thin respect, and Illnnigsuta it ynn: their totaling. thuuuuvh upon Ihpunauri-. vim now up uldom -an the mend Idilu `would come hr ' VYIJIQI ` T:-j CARNEGIE AND 1118 FUNDS n___.-|. ..4...-`In -rm nut inclil :u..g-u_s.s View in ms. ouumul nurstv Tunnlzn DOWN. ,.,_.. __....`L -_ :1 null- j---..-_ _,` Dior." J9 weaning Furniture. LIUVI L. vvn-uuu... H..- ation. pleasant A cheered for n. who has mm unusually TED DAILY Wl. VWEUNEHHAY. JUNE IIIIFQ In ICIU III pnpvu. strong: to lay it is the lay mind that in man ompbuio on thin nrhjcct. The clergy am not saying very much. and what they think is Ix-at indicutd by the action of the United Bmthron, in nmemling `tho lpoullt,-:4 crood, and by the Prulbytoriuu in authorizing a ounimittocjo ravine th--ir creed and lulu) it" to accord with modern thought... 1u:---:----- EDITORIAL VIEWS. Did John Wesley write his sermon: ? ask: u weuern prim. The Whig does not think I0. Neither cuuld any other man who travelled as much and worked as hard. So the lumbar of "I cannot live up to his u liginua service. It in pa parently. (0 be thormq in thin world of sham. Now that York, N. IL, has been nruponed by the unm.-uting of Mr. Gibson, will Ir. Font:-r be a candi- date? York was his old constituency. He thought he was suf-2 in it. Has he Iol. faith in Ilia form:-r ]ll`()\Vl,'R7 He must. get 0 lint. sanlevvhcre if he in not to rust in idleng-as. "nvround to teach that there in any plluhlllnont in an luturo for tho Iill oonmamad in thin |ife. Thu coh- aequenua in that little thought in bud bonoorning tho futuru life, and thin," uyo one writer, "in why the hatch in not an oectivu in causing men to turn from sin unw righteou- neu u in former years." 'l`)w pulpit. it it Idded. has [lid Mink: one of the weapons moat olloctivo in combnuing wrongdoing, and Inn nut fuund any- thing to take it`: place. Ga........ 6.. --.. h :14 Jun luv ruiiul Ir. Whitney : colleagnwe are pick- ing out the seals in the next conser- vati-ve cabinet. Holn'L they better wait. until the pcopli have called them to office? This gning ull mo goon is hurtful to the feeling. The Mail in troubles about the marmalade and bovril and ' lunch tongue which the men who built the Yukon telograplrline onjnycd. In the days of tory triumphs such things were only to be had by the stall fed politicians, and tom: folks are again hungering `for the eshpots. The Ontario Tm-_v in not at all cer- tain `that. Mr. Whitnny is the most aggressive and` nagacions politician in the province on his sirlu. "If the elec- tionu are poltponed the matter will be discussed in this party convention." A notice to Mr. Whitney to quit. Sim- ply that and nothing else. d?"`Qooqoooooooioooooooooooooooooooooooo3 uwwuungu mum: on. ...... New-burgh-, June 3.-On Tuesday ev- ening, May 28th, a lee no rally was held in therethodist c Ilrch, all the neighboring leagues bein represented. After 5 stirring eddreee y Rev. A. C. Crews, general secretary, 1 repeat was served to the visitors. During the past week R, Paul has been overhauling the bridge, all the rotted timber be- ing replaced by new. On Saturday, June let, the N.H.S. fnotball team, went to Nepanee, to pin ; the team which represents Pict-on in the Bay of Quinta lehgue. Notwituhltendi the rain and conditions of- the groun ,the ball was started about 11.30 e.m.. 'Newbiu'gh got the kick-o and from the` first it was evident that Picton who "not in it." However, on account of the mud it was almost impossible to score. Shot after shot was ruined in on Picton goal, but the 04:1 ten- der Ieemed to be in the me . At the end of the first hglf neither had acor- ed, but when the bell was again in motion, it was noted that the New- burghere were in earnest. The ball had to go through, consequently the more wood one to nothing in New- lJurgh n favor when time was called. For Picton. Pulver on hell and Hen in goal played the Tue. For New burgh Wilson was in is place an un- unl with Goudier on his left. Another team in getting into ehepemnd is composed of worliingmen in the Fin- kle carriage wurlu. They are open for engagements. .:..._.__... \l'lUUII:UIl LIIU GIG : Trnnnl, June 4.--Empire day was celebrated by the children ol the pub- lic school. A suitable programme for the lay was carried out. Mina Maggie Dowlinur in visiting liar aunt. Mrs. T. Kenny, Enterprise. Mrs. 1 . Fur- long and Mrs. W. J Ilmvling attend- ed the tuncral of the infant. son of James Kearnn. `mterprise. Miss A. Hyman and Frank Byrnen were Vill- tnrn at W. llillon'I, Moscow, Mnn~ lay. Min Katie Icullen visited lrienclo in Entar as yesterday. -Must-rs. J. and . Lawrence spent Monday at Centrovillo. WIUIIUUWUT ?lCQIlAll- I u (ll:-ndnwer, Juno 1.-Meadows are looking fine and abundant crops are expected. Our choose. fnotmy is doing a rushing bus-im-an undelgmnnngnncnt 0! Ir. lirawuhaw. I. Gnwloy is en- ungiid an helper for the season. John Hickey Mt hem to-(lay [or New York when he will remain `fut some time. J. Connor: in out oanvuuingx Ira. N. Milo in recovering um u long illnaz; it isr`xpoctod the will load return to her home in Gurtbngv, N.Y. H. Ruynoldl in visiting M. J. JnnninnI'_ glblinhod tho following uupucnu-om : "A ldlny doounr. named `COPON 'lbu-um. run nmnok and killed um pll with rtpnu and iuimnlyirr and Ida. othn. He in hooded &WI l (Gd [I1 of A I-madam`-I ii, .. dawn gun um: I` lemma emu A Inlay Doctor ! Oman. Lo-don. J'uuo' a.--no mil; ll-il bliclled tho lollowing dqlltcl {mm -gnu-:2 "A Iihv llootat. Howbnrgh Altar Tho Ball. l.....Iu..-"L ,'l .n.n 'l _l\n 'I`un-(Inn Gloudower Ghuaingl. n.._._ A ,,ll..-.l.u. Colobntod The Duy. . 1 L.-- A 12-.._..:... A. -- _ 15 : ioooocgoo "In His Steps" 5 own ideas 0! ['9- I pretty hard, hp- -nugh|y coniiswnt tho Boers. _ Details rem-;'ve regarding the ght- ing at Vlnkf0Iltl!iII uhow that it in one uf the muul. desperate engage- nwnta of the war. Gt-n._ Dixon : onl- mun was trnvmcing the district and evtnlplishimg post, when it was at- Laoluetl lay 1,200 Bm.-nu, under com- mandant Kempen. The Bqers were so clause that fty British fell at the firm! volley. The yemnanry held the poai~ lion, protecting-the guns until they were nearly (ll.`(`llJllM,'(`l, then nding it impoasxlo (0 sum the nus the artil- lerymen shut the gun horses to we- vent the l`l(wn1 moving the `ma. l'he culumn qgickly rwovcred mm the shock M the um-xpocunl auwuk. The Denlvyshireu and yeuumnry lmth lust wry heavily. It. is uuserletl that while the Hours hml temporary pos- .m-ah... no` Mn smmn. tvhiev shut two wnlle the mu-rv-I nuu ll'lll]l()l session of the guns. tvhi:_v nnillerymen in cold hlnud ing to work them against \ rndes' winhm-. I ....An.. lunn K... 'lWm nt- '11.. run. in Lead banana in Ithaca. Londoll; June 5.-'l`|u an oloe kn roonivonl lb-lollowhg daqnloh from ug. Kitchener, dated Pretoria, yu- mdq : "Jumutown nun-ondcmd to Km :1 `n commando alter loun- hon:-I ting. Tim town guard and local vu unteen won bverpuworcd ho: luro our puruuing culumnu could rub!) the town. Um` cnlualtiun were dame killed and two wounded. The Boa` Inn is stated to have been greater. The stored were looted. Tho garrison worn roleued. "I hung nlnmul -Fran:-M hi nhnrnro Lil Tho Vluklontoin Engagement. London, June 5.-'l'he accounts 0! the recent engngemont at Vlallontein are still prmnically conned to the brief ulcinl dcupawlr from Hun. Kit- chener.` The arena of the Mritiuh de- fuat is believed to be near Kruger`:- durp, the identical puuitiuu when: the Jameson ruitleru were captured by the Boeru. IL.o..iI.. nu-aimvl n-mnrrlinn .l.Im rth! roluued. . "1 have placed I" mob in charge of the npernuonr in o (tape Colony." rades' winhm-I. London, June 5.-- The action of the Canadian ,g0Vtll`nllllnt in tendering the services of another cavnlry regiment in South Africa is greatly appreciat ed by the home authorities. Notwith- standing the rather seriulls ruversea of the past wock, these is nothing in the situation in South Africa to cause alarm, and, it is stated in colonial circles, that the answer of Mr. (`ham- berlain to Canada's oer will be that. for the prmnant, the British govern- ment does not consider it necessary to accept the aurvioua of any mon- ooloninl troops. c--:-:- The Boat Prisoneru. Cape Town, June 4. - The Boer invaders in the eastern aruu have been kept moving aruund Mur~ raysburg. Lategnn, who was ciocely pursued by Gorringe has been driven into the Bamhoes mountains and has effected a junction with commandant Kritzinger. The combined force is es- timated to number 700. This in the force which captured Wodehouse : yeomanry in the Moltenu district. The guard drove oi? a superior force of the Boers, wounding six. Our casualties wcra nil. Alterwamla Lategnn was re- inforced by 100 men from a point southwest of Venleratad, near which ..i..,... 4.. nnamv ware in considerable southwest of Venterstnd, wmun place the enemy were numbers. The British movements are considerably hampered by sleet and rain storms. One hundred and_ fifty Boers have been located in the neigh- borhood of Finh River station. Com- mandant Helen is still in the Marina burg district with about seventy fol- lowers. rm... n.....- nu-iannarn now number lH,- The Boer prisoners now 6-18. :-_-._-_-_--_ Losing a Fine Man. Sunhury, June 4.-Many farmers who intended sowing ensilage oorn have abandoned the idea, and will now more grain instead, owing to the wet soil. The Muccalice society hm: lately added many new l1ll.'ll1l)t'l`H. and n. lint: lod or now exiulu. Capt. Woods, a lady a cor of the Salvation army, will on Wmlneaday evening conduct an ice cream social in the liarrue-ks. Surr liury factory nhippo-d Cl\(`eH() on Tues- -luy this week, selling at eight and a hull cents. (`. Garrett in doing in rushing fence trade. Pork, live weight. which has brought fanny price.-a lately. in again easier. J. (`ampbt-.ll'n burn. is being pushed rapidly forward, and will soon he completed. The Metho- dist Church will have A new minister for the coming year. In saying good- bye to the prouenl. minister, Rev. Thomaa Meredith, the church loses a fine mun, alile and eloquent in his masterly (liaeouriu-n, and n gentleman in friendliness and manner to all. Hullr-fen passed (I Ewing in chumxl - I - um I `. Catnnh for Twenty Yuan Lnd Curod In I For this. Hon. (Storm! -lanu-n pf Scrantun, "15.. laws: "I hav `n a martyr tn Patnrrh [or twenty years. constant hawking,-dr-uppin;z.jn the throat and in in (how In-id. wary nvnnivu math. I tried Dr, Agnew : (futuris- II Pimdor. The" rsgt. application gave in-Mmt. relief. `After using I few bottles I want (:lll'!.`d. Sold by E. L`. Mitchell:-I. ' Joyeovillo Jottings. Jnyoovillu. June 3.-Fuot.b|l| in the order `of the eve.-ningu. by Jnycevillo and Unuhondnll teams. (lur chase fuc- tory in doing a rushing bunineua un- der the mnnngmngm. ol Ronntrm. Hiring,` Horton. Haney ban; 6 0 new Ipn wnggmu. our ` :3! Inc! I Kiiljltfr in nhort ._ Jmorowu _aunu:;nn:x;. it-jn mm vi|lc .........l` _ Houston! Events. 12: and Mr. Jlllllml wmxer (ingstm\ m Satnuwluy. Rev. y in mu-mling'u: `Morton, cnmlllrtc-(I norvicsrs Slmclny. pro-aching an nx('o|- `mun. Mr. Gurdim-r. Ku|upt- I returlmcl to his home after I fun-(nigh! with his laugh- I). I"rm-man. of this plum-. In RI:-nhnnnnln, l4'.n|`l.n|u=. in lur l'UlUH' their cum- Shake off theblues. Thesun shines once more. It's going to be warmer, warmer, hot. You'll beopen now to buy warm weather. goods. Ud_1'W8| . White Cotton Underwear, Cotton Vhsts, Hosiery, Gloves. A whole host of things will be [mted and you want the best. " There Is No_ setter Spot In Town. ,. A L-LA_.. _-_I.--_ ..- L, .. `W WW??? - fyioakud iiihbk. AMERICAN 1 `VII tha but limit; for any purpose "59 my gumtimgo any part of the city. ) To supoly you; w;nte,t no better values, no beuu goods, no better anything. Special Values Just Now In. White Cotton Gowns. White Cotton Skirts. White Cotton Drawers. White Cotton Qorset Covers. Knit Cotton Vests and Drawers. Sateen Underdkirts. Shirt Waists. Sjlk Waists. `A Wash Fabrics. WEDNESDAY. JIJNB 8th. GET READY THENWARI. SPELL. gm EFRUITI 3 S, quare. J13-t---`_..__ Ins and _l2O Pr-Incas: St:-cot. - - . Kingston`. Ont. Novl ol` the District Condomod From The Whig : Exchanges, Johnston lire-cm: is building a new brick msidc-nee in Atha.-nu. IN. Iurinlzlnvnri haw-, 1-.mn1uunt:1.-d lav- toukv )lace on Hundny uH;o:rnu(n|. B. alknur has cloned his photo- graph busines in Athens and willx spend the uunmvr at Lcthbritlgu, ` W '1`. W. '1`. H. W. Kincaid, Athens, has sold nut his stuck nf Hnware to W. I . Earl, and has leased his business stand to H. R. Kndwlton. Thu bishul ul' (lnturin will visit the Ininsiun of haryslmrgh on June: Nth, cunducting cunIi'rmz\t'mn sv:l`viI:4.'s nl. Wnnnnnru! nml Mi(n'(|. A_1cm~. The funeral of the late Mna. Ma Hicks, wife Auf Munly Hivks, |'iclul1, tuukV')lace Sundny uI'to:nmnn. ll nlknnr has! closed Dh0`()' cunnucung cunnrxuuuuu Waupuuse `ml 0. M. ldton, one of brilliant _v'oung nwn, mu ing ner\i: in (In: Alhc-I .-hum-h lmn Sumluv. H. \t3. now` IS 5 prer Galfon. . It . o l_`._,_.._I_ AIIDDIPAM `I