x1NGs'roN.T % 'o1r'rAmo. - MoNnA.TfJ}f 1901. "I\"(`HNl'll, n A haw Juno 5th 1 H.........n Tllollnernl of the lclcoaaon Spon- cor talus plow" at RI. lloorgfn co- thatlrnl. hrmorrmr at E45 mm. Iriulld uucndinc will but at the chuck. Thu till be A edularuion Tho Thhvu Bard hind Jumpod ` Into A I118. Chambort. Franco. an l0.~-An American travelling Brit, Ml IL-` Imp on a train human lodsno and St. Iiduul, and than 0` Ilitfellow passenger: robbed ill. Winn the trnin u-rivail at 31.. Join Do Nutri- nnno the victim inlorhd g policed , thorbblsnryaml nididiltbccmw country pnrunit CIHVU. TIIO lane: diamvgrini tllnfiiiy - wen par-_ mad. undo u duqgaalo uhupo to What They our. Wlmtrnmlw. Wank, Juno l0.-Fom1- or chief jllnllvn nl the Wanhimzmn In- prema court, Elmer Scott, lloavlly In- 1er.stNl ln Ilm Mount Baker niininq rliv-(riot. wlmn slfnwn the dennatchoa mlntive lb 1-laim in that dilrtvint, and nlnn ono lrom Ottawa dauyinq that this mrw-v could have boon oomplrtorl by thin timr-, paid: '- momum-M. nopulorly cuppa.-od to aulgllnla tlm lina, was-liscm-owr to_lIcvc ht-on nn Obnnrvmion point. D M! really paanincr mm 3.40 feet nnntli. Th!- nn|_v claims afl n4-ted tltln cli-rovrrv warn the Golden B I and Gnlrlnn (`hm-int mono-. When` the am-`ion wu r-1` rniowl u to when we lino runs. all tho oln-rs of `the claims un- Jlor American lawn. mlbenhd tlcem. umrlor tbn laws of Chit. luvinw ala- mlntoly no chance lorelliln-ium|ving." I thrm _\-vars. Two than-mnd fool of twd of the mast vnhmhln mind! in HM` district. the C4-lclc-n (`hm-Int Ind Golds-n Star. nu-nc-d by Sonltlu and New York pon- nla, worn nhnvnd over into Canada. (`nnmlinnn jumm-d all Union ground. whinh lma not been uiod Mrnl-ding , lo (`aumdinn regulutlonu, and was not recnnkul onlhil Okla of Ibo lino. \n nmmnl wan wind to tho m|l.!mri- mm M Ottawa by Gill Amvrinan mm- vr.-." Tho rlnim jmnpazn wow Iti"` |mov_v. at-mnlinz to advices rN'ai\'wd late on Saturday, Imus. M the rlnhnn rnnninn vnl-1':-it-In. .'_ "C. lam Haul!-any, Imus. n rlnim.-I running vory'r5H!. -7. F5. Wanna. of Rvnmlu-. val inlcn-(NI i vnlnnhlo clnim nf jumped ground. nrnmnnt nulhnrllu-I. On W:-Inc-many the American ww- rrnmcmt hmmrlaviv lino nnrw.-ynr_ Mr. Sim-Inir. fmixhnd deawlinimx Um line in thin rlintric-I and found that it Ivan $1.940 in-ct. lnrdwr mlh than it was rmppound 10 have I1 `fair the Inn thrm 'l`....\ o|..u...n-ul Incl AI hon n` the ( '"I}-'~ III IlIIIIl'l1 IVI urn [mun-slim: to y nulhnrilic-I. n- \v,..I..,.......u u. New Goods, New Styles, Low Prices, uvur mw u . Vngncnuvor. .(3n.JIn0 I0.-Trmnlulo m-onrrnl nl Hm idhsrnnnllnl houn- tlnry line in tho Mount Baker minim: Ii:-trim. nncl. an I nqult. Amt-rir-an nwnun nf minm who on nuxcring. the Canadian gov- _____ ..._a ....a|.....hhu pmhgmg mu Inn on nnmn. u,uuu. (PL Fun colnmunicltcd VH1: (`gpt Noounn telephone, Sunday morn[nf' and him In nl nm In fhnt. Nonnnn In M. noon mornuur, anu I-(nu mm mo poruvu--nu of the In. Capt. Inn at Sundgy {or Otuwd. Cum. lomlnq .1-taled that til! Itenm--r was not bad- ly dunnpd. tilt she could be ready for the lock again within 51w .....gL. weeks. . Robot-i lnhn, the unlnrmnno n- man to Ring-tun. Ho VIM I, native ol Unjhnd. but (or homo yearn for tanner: in and am mind Bu-opld. TM: wring, owing to the fniuk health of his wile. he gave up kl`: work and moved into the city, up mqmenro on Nol- son Itvol. U0 Uohntd wnrk on GM! James Swift as Immun and had made un|_V I couple of trips. He leaves 1 wife and two lnnll chlldrsn. 11m-o -I.........a`---.- can nnnn Inn-wall-hr and two unnn cmmrqn. Inch: rlrcimninnnu an nnne tno-we!I-to- (In. and the -lyu thy ol the charl- mhlo would 1036 mimlwod. In. Ireland ilfn K16 `ININJI. The dead ---- -..- . Lara unriino lndlllldol Partly -lunttrd By use at 0:. ' hip I_Indny Homing. TM oltfllhw llama nu In-alvul Iron OKIUI fly _\1-sum! you-g QM nnr midni I Batu:- JAY. `B 15030 Jnlnul wilt vat dincowlitl 00"]! on fm- and ludmi the gonna run nhilu-I Huh-rt l|:n|nurl_ wings, ukqt n lw fmonnt was onortltud Inxe---mu Rivlmnl Dunn. I do-laud. it nu.-mpzing to an-ago. DC O Iuml I0 lb ihd nlul nnunh Q-dniln lr-..o...J-- Ll- Ireland ill!) `delicate hmltn. '|'nonouu man was 0 Lori! Imrking lndmntrlo person, who trid to earn an Inux" living for Lhooojiqnndincr upon him. The Rides: IAKII nnvhzion coin- rmny will nlfhf I mrloml Idn bvtho damasm to the lteimer James Swift. tlu-nng h the 5|. eonmqncnj. upon ro- naira lwlmz smile. June at pvronly lreiszlit and passenger trnio in heavy W` ;: "........'``" *3... "`~:.'..`,....""':. aunt r'" ` - ` . tlnoonotlamalliij,` Mlhl` ` Valuable lining Land shoved Over Into Ounda. -- nu t___._ in 'r......I.l.a GISOIIIIPT FEQQIXI` ]u..o..aam.go`?d'."', All he Ntrhhiest Makesi ALL wait -------,,-j noumumr novmn. Will n::i:an.u. M; n.....':'.., .553; t!--u delplia. `.514; St. look. lint- lyn, .435: Boston. Jill: Ami-ncan Ivugnc-sllvlxu Wuhinztxun. Jill: De!rol_l.. _ anon, .5I6:' l!0I_!v0II. $9- :2 -9 . I I-I- III:-nu v-J-u-4 7 1-` m. :...m-. A By:-uuua -Bmruor, _s. AVP.rov`it|enoI. 3; 7:. nnnln I, ; ' It ` in! I ` ":w'"I I..g'-.\ cm: cl Ia: No'Y"uI'i, 5. ; DIXUIIA VII IIQ.tCvIlO3'J Notional league-At Cineinnlli. 6; Now York. 4. AI. Pituhu , 3; Burni- lyn, 7. At cnaeqo, 5; .iln`dvlpi'io. . American |e`q:n_e-M Waihington, 1; Chicago. 3.` At Pliladrlpbh, 6| Hr unit. I. A: Boston. I3: lilwunkac. ; 4. At Bnltilnorc, 5-, Plevakod. I8. Fawn: league-At Ilnrdoni; 2: Ion- uul. 4. A1.,Uo:qg1!!'.,W. Z, M Pmvideneo, 6; Toronto, 8. , . dllu l.Il\u .1: l\.\.a any yvvululo N. B.~-Our prices for Fruit jars will be quoted n_ext week. and carried the meeting. _ . Two young ladies while paddling in a canoe on u Otmmbeo rivor nu Pomix-ro, were carried 0! the nwilt. cumnt Imder tho C.P.R. bdslug and the canon bnlng upon o.h-srvren thrown into cl: wM.or."l`vIo tglp hands noticing t lr peril I an" to the wane`? and rucued tmtuzwlli gr:-at dilllculty. The pmplq nl l`-3M?- lmrn, will pnnont 000'! 0' II II!!! with A gold crutch for dual: bu-Jay. - ` `wan unntoulnoqmu as numw-av M an Buy on! Quinta ln\oclm_Q?n- ` lennoa, I ruolution to tie 050% `G300 * Imlinving the revised venion to ha 0 more accurate translation thin Oh nu-clued authorized veuion. I6: rd- cnmmendod tho uulnuituciun of the former [or the Inlet in die puhlio reading of the holy Icriplnrno in 130 churtu. The mutton won last. A coblognm bu been received by the audinritiou oi Knox ml , To- runto, from Rev. llnllidny I mglu, I.A., .Cnm|m'|ge. accepting chi pon- `unniinn lnr. lha nnailitm of 'uI:nlII IJL, .Unuumuge. acoupung qua non- `nnntion for. the nmitiam of nl upologolica. r. Douglas .1300! for several years cunnecled with Cour ~ bridgmunivcnity and in I Inn at high eultuns and axoai-gional ility. Al. I mmlimr 0! tin mlun diocuu Hm QIIHHU ll" 591% lllll film. .M a Inveting dioput duling with the Athuusian crud. Rav. Chnglea, John Ridgew|y,..OIId Rev; Blomeld Jdohon, puhudarioo ol 8:. I p.uI'n cathedral, moved {or I re-translation. Canon Jnaeph Anni- tagc Robinson, Westminster, in In eloquonl speech opposed the mutton, and carried the meeting. Tun vnnlln IA:-HA1 -IIHA mddllnn in Imzws or HIE mm. I Luv ty 0.: nnpoouvcly. `NA ~53. 01:12} emu-Nd go:-in. on um 'Ith.'lnvI IIIII ("III ' Hlhtl Id Q} `ilkil. A nI:?1`u`;o|-,nl nm.nII lrunn 93* Iunuy. ` Jud: lords, New York, lnlllru of the Barnum and Bailey dun, H! from A railway carriage botwroa `Eud- mslu and Wcllemhin, Austria, on Sun- day, and was udounly Ward. in was taken to An llolpitll at Bndmjlm AA. 1).. lvlnu nl Lhniutn Inthullnl QII6` A Kn mm In tnludhd . million dollar! (roan nluivul In Franco. `I-L. ....:......h.. ..l III--mg. -ill nnn. "coco. I `I5: university of Glucow wl Iona for tho. degnsu cu` '.'.l..|).. an IIHII` Cuvngve. . I,i..n1 .l"..I Ihhncnnn Ln: nnlnl I 5 popunuon ol 1. 1au.o-Iv. u an Inzbolutun otswm. on R (L (lid Ill Inllhi Are popular with thepeople The fancy designs are popular, the quality IS popular and the prices are popular. K? D ('\...- anions in. L`.-Co In the I0` NI 0' HUSH: . Hon. 8. (J. nod nu Iomiluhd the liberal: of West Victorlu bl` ` Iqinlmlvu asumlnl at Lhulnqy. u.-in LA. u-I Ilia tlntu Ii: 11-. Ir inlntlvu unmhl II Llllilty. `A in the duty at Ul- {wl Sula bicycle: and nth $8141! `'1' .."a73`. I. mm was ulna gnu -sly , A I.|0Wt'fr0` small I 1% MI Suurdny nbsr nu: ma, la. _Is In euimowd that nearly n Illdnd sualll, lelltuthegxvundaudht 3111:. ho nu ' total nun 0! Mint! ' Cape Town. to $10 eight Em-opens. duty-on oolollda and 207 colorod pcnonn have from an dhcuo. vm.- 1`...-...o.. 'I`.lu-9.-u -mun human.-. II 0llI III 0?} The Toronto T says Romn- nuveo declare, wi duo utmost Ira- dom, that dab Hun. Godrp R. Facial will ho the conservative onndllnu lot-_ tho Itghluun in North Tocontq. Jnunm Iulinrtnav. Toronto X "0 street, nhmn. I rock 530, in t e Wqtmrn huopithl on Si ." through 5 II" on CD0 W. Ihlunnl Inrnnn. tlm E1101 OB` -IIDDOTI ICIIIOTII, UIIICIRD, VlI"$lII fnt.her~in-law`: place in Lmidll Iowa- ship, to euquin about MI wife, who had left him. In. Ncflortl rduloll Io tell him, `there In. Fullord vgallli he dolbomwl Illot Inf dud O killed hilnnl in the plasma 6! fgmilv, KIIIUI family. lgnly nuaunu I10! I'll foul annual or run nan. lawn nu haunt lwryioh -Iouo I`:-on All our-um- .1 n_-___4vL;__ 1- .4... :--A A_.l tzuneme. v Lions.-Fol. lbbouon hop minus! the command of th sh Kurd Scott. Ioatrul. ll..|._..A n Itgnlgn Al Ill-L--alum: W1LKlN.SQN'+3J noun U. U N.v.. am m.".."'u."'...`." while iutoxiootod. ' ` 'l`I.- -3-E-I`--..a nf Iunlnnal wmle monocua. ' ., The ocinlouuim oi II-olqnd shown popuhtion ol 4. 456.640. 1 duurlup in tin Inn can run ol SIILIH. - who hguluun In Nona Toconuy. June: Ieucnuoy, .'l`oronto J pr tion, wbmu skull an through an the amounts on Vanna skeet. I10. 3 in the Wntmrn hucpltll lvllllly.` Edward In`:-nan. tin grltloqlt ad molt. prolic marine and la ' painter in Amcrlon, died on Illlhl nhernoon in his apartment: tall Iii` die in New York, from trunk poi- honing. lo.` will be mmnuntivalr any to caning. II. will mmpualively `W `law oi tln-Lnyl_u_u_i liner AGING! " in one Race-. 'flny.III. M `awAu-rinl -of suing` ......u..-.- .4... run. h on %'~**'"},"'-; ;,~%%f`-': mt f-"o-'5? _ .o I` 1?`: vapor: that I gntidnu in -in dr- rnlntinn nakinw tlm imnerill QBVGIIP Th! mpnn mu a gunman unwr- culuion asking the in gowrlh mam, to (unit the Ry ncyi. In (hp: Ilnton. in u by a gnmlenua lmm` the. inland. to lie without foaldpon. -Robert Fuliord, Chicago, (-1)...-.in.In-p`: nlm-a in `lnnrlnin long. IOIIIYOII. Ilohcn 0. Stanley. of Biqh MI. :1 V .A... M. -u. on man ---VI-I IIIIIII -u VV-`-In`u In-young xunynaa no numnhma 3; tin can run ll; nuobm On Sgtuday. `..-...-I Inn:-un_.` I (`inn-{null The trade in Dinner Sets, we mean. We sell more of these articles than all the other city dealers put to- gether. That proves that man mom III II IIHEI. LTOWIII I'll EIIOIDGII III] vuuou 'wetu attracted in R. Uglow 5 0o g. new book non optining on Bwdlyy chei . Ii-Prlnuu Inuul `conga, alum} on mob go dem J4 Attractive non." . . n-...:I...'- _.a.._.' max I. l..I.a. (JEFF! Illa IIWIOIIVI IIOI'I.' Hamilton`: aghast, ,&. II doounjcat ' did `civic .-- purity in ,.l'BVolIu0I|lI'1 `_ _ . Apmng than: in casual,` " A duoendunt of _ 1;" .--n-j--g- vvuul -Ivlvydiy -nnozqc Landon,` Juno l0.-"'l1_no Bunion m~ct_nmont." any: the lawns: cot raupondent of the Daily Expraau, ill been artisan; And sending Into um pt-ominant penmu umpcntlul of anu- ' i . ' '.i .`.`..`.`.. ..% ........" ~ nay xuucryaag lulu. Plan. lIl.. Juno l0.-'I'hI lulu! clnlld of William Duvomnear Inn, is and as the null. ol I gunshot -nunul A nlnn.vnAl-nInI -an -1: HI. but Dinner -Sets Il$%|lI0iKH|III lllotglm and Hunt! is. jii.~r:aao1o"h7I'o-'3, uni _ . film! In Dttnug _ An op.-mo: Iiluind at an kl. Ivnnunt;-*~~ I _ H (bongo W. ` , Baa.` or 5nd mnvor for . '-V: can--cu ovuv-p IW. nu}: om. Ottawa. Juno I0.-Uh low. "'........*'~ '2: .:.":.:.m;*::'....":'+;.: `undnnlna A0. I`. 1101}. vnrnlmdgnt Auvtihlouukhn Jgn ml`! In bk. `day III!` I ICHDII TI `.::..'*......."m...~:.'. A vlm. Tl ' I .ggsn-ss~sossscsssos. no cnutunu. unsnunwIng,,m,I-, :::-v.~.::;~..:"'b-- ...{ .. ` . . ~;..u'.'Z".-u .mu`."a'.u.. %`3';52'. the achoo childten Ind attain its Iuunn `C `L-2% IIQD` nhlnl ml. GIG UCIOOI Chlldlt Ill 01$! IIIRIIC bodi . A ........E ';__;.:..':.**;..:-.:*.s;' if "*:.`.:m M . (::o`::m I. Hora. I153; Ymi "'%` ..'$'.'i'7."&`i...""in"."uu wry low and tlukllq. HS: [r ny mommy hzlqppa. s D I"Co IOU!-$.15. - L)I`:K::[|I|hOl5uWuh and in nun: " F JVIUIIBII IV UT??? 1* ,J no.-no ` .,. :r.:"*;z_`_.......;.*' . .., June amt, than wixl`In:.`puinnIn SID chutchu. On the ' lmlidnv. than will I)": mi We re After ed in an naming man. Trooper Killian IIIIII,` Su-_ Mrk-an ouuublhlml oovllold ql `W9 nnnnvnn, M H H r : ia'I ..".`...!'.!f'3. .;......a' l|I_If'l5esl Ioonoha. Ulhllits` "l`vnnr-or I`;-lnnml I Crowd: ol outonen and-vinitoll -._ nu,-an-I on ll llalnnr K 1931` - l ol1_'l'6 `nu bogus. lloolnutar, N.'t.. J... 1o.-Jon: Ia: Pvnnnlu Anal tnnnlmlhnin unlln dd. Toronto To Bpnod 3%. `rnncunltl Juan III..1`n ' OW gr '17? E? . nurr IF! REQUIRED lol INTEL- "&"'nl. . yucca seating 9-140 "mu on a. . or commission by U. ' HIS Ablit 0).. ha.Jqoru-ru. Lon- munum,n ' ` gm gg_nmn'mN HTREFF, Up: menu aw mn- 7\';!.v '8 , , 00-t isargas 3 THAT "'33.. Z $ nma"3g innucd och-non}. Wlltod. For BULLET! lei Yeti. THAT IR RNUHIED "IOU `"'"- nlhhh nuuuu Ieolinl is. P. Jankins, ; II4 Prlncass Street. 3 Hal provided the beuti ulna] in this lilo 0 be found snywhcro. Nahum of lhhilnuiut Suit: for Bummer. "Ting opol and euily brushed as well. E Navy ; Serges {we nr me mum TO FIT.` BO AID BOARD. DA! ill! nnnun II-n nli`|X'l twj E'HllANn my, `Anny --~-.--. '.--n-n.d.-.._i.-__. WALKER. AGENT, nan n...`a-..1.. - .. n...L `S1!-`__``v "*`~d--' `-*-5'9`: -, ',>!!}:'o(yt;= 1. A`: H a my `:l**`\.m'r"?f\3 3 ,-M... ' . `L. . % `V ~sr*~.. A I _ D LY)- vvrIl.ul\I4l\9 l \\JI.4l 238 Syapnlnm Street. OII. Iv. nu a.o.pu' ` I no 3 :nd"uIu 'l`d|a:eI<: I %'~_':;""=`u'lzaH.. . 1?; `fiikn. 135. --C V ` xso` We1l?n gifori St. Flt-atom Wardrobe. n wow rams,` THAT wom` sm, um WILL WEAR. Fit {Reform __AT__ 1'03 ILLS. SUPE. nuoua too to ma IAClll_`J- '37 II 1 wry . Onuno {Fire [xtinguisheI,' - In---. '_IAl)II;'l nnrc : 1: noj nauancrv | WI Md. I LLITIN fit 3 n\'(-rlunking the city in | fun. an! the city, the Inilitn I.-nlloge at tha-. uthvr nxln-mt-, and um.-n than - the Inn!" handuunl! city hull and ` chvllruho.-..a|| pn-not a grand appear- hn mnuw frnm. should hulnv I)--inure paying 3 viii! to this in- to-rc-st-ing place. Pnlgor bmtherl. wbmte "White quunloll" Q` nleall` boats run tn A" port: on St. 'l.awmru-c `n the vicinity at 'ng/Iton and -the unnand` ialnnck. III I]!!!- ing no pain! to auto. tourist `in barn. III] II IIIII . mm (In: in-w Mart:-llu unvoeru in Hm lake. not far frnm the nhnre. give the pluoe the appumruncc uf In furtiud tnwn in Etnnnpcr. The lnrgu prnvinchl peniten- tiary and the asylum for the. insane. nlnng the sham My the oltmme west DUI` IH lf'|l|_V lIHIL{lIlllCI11|l.. anew Tram the laid.` VTh "vhltnr tn the Pan-Arm-ricnn, no mule! when not return who take puma? all tllir tulnr a trip ml kingrtog jorbor. Kingnmn in n pvomruut Iltaruy cenm. It in the am (the Queen : ulifvcnity, nluhtle home 5'!` plilni Grant. It with-9y . In-I. Near hen the lath Glut} Allen and Gilbert 'I Qrhr I Ch noted now,-lint, -wnrot I-lfd III! city. r'~ -` _ . 1.: de- " ghter! with the trip. 0;) r:-lniltlo ` Described In Boston Ideu By '1'. . Darley Allen. Tho pooplv of Kings-tun, Ont, think their city mm of th-- mm-It beautiful an the onntinml, as far as qgtuurnl \d\'nIna;_~-,e am concerned, and. this upiniun is ca-rminly den-erwrl 'l`h:.~ ritvy is nituutml at din I001. nf lake (inluriu. just where the rive-r St. Lawmnm In-gins. and quite: near the fanumn 'l`hnuxnnd i.-lands. 'l'li- Viv.-Ir nf (hu pluvv us unv comm in the lur- hur is truly ma:_vnifu:-m.. On A hill ... cl... ah.` i.. n hurl and BEAUTIFUL CANADIAN CITY. nrrnnm-nu-nu Int u-il aw ndunm n~qnn.-.-ml. nn- r(*r|'lI`Nt0d Io llu-v`l'in Ihn Y.I.(`.A. Tl/'|'I.\'hA\' EVEN'l.\`(}, at 8 o'clock. In I nrrnnm-nu-hln hut (ha-it Annuul I it:- . LOST. (IN SATYRIHY NIPIIT. NFTTWEFIN LAID- luw'n and Ra-id : lnrniturg Mun-, A HIIUWN Ll'IA'I`lHCll l`UI-`J3, containing In lw---r. 827 and 830. Reward DI] `ll: rv-lurn In H) Npluvn ulrvv-1. 'nuusSn'aTa"5r3'iy?Fu'rT.nun.I 9'-2TFF1!Y~JJW??':_% ' p.m., numv, Hm I trade: work raquin-d In-ink` I"r-aahytery and I |ii6ii"si1so~ BROS. V Beautiful Sifts. 1 Anrhor Buding, Iarket Square. .."--'_- ALL (}`l0(`EllS AND TIIFJR EIPIDVEFF urn rvuu--uuvd Y.I.('.A. llnll. I Syle at Second-Tliand 5,"'g|3TW!Al93%z?1Fr Elf;-5. 1b3e:_9o-- _- v'...-`--w,----_. THNDEIIS WILL N-I Rl".CF.l\`||) Ul` 1'0 ! rI.m.. FRIDAY. Nth innv.., [or the an-V.-rm I-U L. IULKU. `"'F'RAL In Rooms To mzwr. run mlhod. in M11]! ions, with all modern "WV Qllllllly hinted; also goal N! at nuounblu mm. 178 Bar- rin nuns. u1r'l.lnlh| no-an. AT TIIP. RI-`.SlDl".N(`FI OP` CIIARLFZ-1 WIL- Hnmn. l orumoul.h. The Surninum. oonuuv TO coNrRA_cT9Rs._ V at Erinavilla, UM. um and npociouuum may be your )io;. rm. . number of o psmn.~1] whirl um can anrd to Or" you whip} alnrd tell you :- 1... umka it an oh]--cl to you In \ on math in uhnp--I to stun! I \ and still look wt-ll Wu burn um. I f0 TIC`? 88 BI. Donn St .-Io`I:'fl0I-l.v %Auctiun.'8W% (`)`TlCE. many, [or the 1-vu-nl l in the auction` ol a in none channel and (nut. ' incl, noun. I. IURRAY. Jr.. Alctionau. SWAN DRY POWDER IVESWOII llllyllillullu rlvungwn htopputlnt lo ucilannt pn- tiud unnlituyutainnlued di- rue: cxcuoa no up man. About 8.000 of 3:. lam: hoot-` uccx to man on upecton urown.n- in I month. The British will, perhaps, heap more than their than of their ptiun guard have tompornrily to prev want. disturbances. Halon the court muirm` mdny menu um own: that will require the patent! ol ularunr tom of allies than tho proposed 10- gution guard. ` ' -vw nauuna-' - qvvv vvu-wan:-v-ow Ballad. June l0.-- A religion: fiat at th too familiar kind. occurred hero vcatcnlny nltemoon cuund by n('n- isoue Oorput cin-mi which cxcitodtluirjol toonlgt ..... n.....a null .1 L. I-44... Inga.` low Durtnjt Iota C;hb'|tion.` ll.u-.a I..... m_ A _.li.:nn. -Jinn The Court Removes Ftom Singun Pu In September. I`o.kin, June 9.-Li Hung Chang HM jun. romiv an edict stating that the mun w ll lm-re Singun Fn nn ita- rwnrn tn Pckin. on the nineteenth day of the pcvenlh moon. Sept. In- ` The llritinlr are gradually prenurum! to withdraw from l'o|nin. though no denite time hi! as` ycfbot-.n xed. Nine trunqrorta to ink: the troop: back to India expected InnwiI.|:- `Q A lnnnlh In nlilh nnu mu mm 1`! July nr-xt. H0 1: nllnwanoo an be oivil mrvim act. I---mr. n Ivw yr-urn ngu. mmng un- uant your hr had not been in good ralth. and r`nnMnqm`nHy has dc-citlcd m rolin- [rum the service. His rekin- nntionlha.-1. (ha-n-furc. bum uxpocud and will tnlm 1-e.-ct on thv first of .l..Iu nnvl Ho will numism n u-nth-inn HIV?" '\?VI3I'|IlC [Ur Kan ('Il_V 0| |Il|Ia'W'n, hm lurwardvd his mnignaliun to Lbs- mininter nf inland nwenno. Mr. (`mu- tigmn in 1: Hon of Man. John (`nati- L'nn.' "I! was trumtfa-rrt-I tn (Mtawn from Winnipeg, whom` he had IL:-,1: cul- Iuc-tur. n fmv yr-urn Darin? {hr nan! vnnr Iw Iunl nnt haunt in rrn:-I ul1`\!nWum|, nruusn Lullulln. to 08 ll vmmty murt jmlgn for Boundary (`reek district. Mr Leamy went to llriliah Columbia from Ottawa din trial. This judgnship wua provided for last amnion. Nanny I l'..L.nin--. ....ll..nl..- ..l. in, The only on ol in Hall ||`0""""-"d i" Cnnndl. p;,,,,,-, 50.. ghold hniu It. Any chlld can u--- is. Auooznuly lollnble. mt.-any ham` In-nu. mr mu mwznyoun. Henry J. ('-usligan, collector nf'in- Innd revanuc fur Um city of Ottawa, L... [..-n.n.hul Ida p...i.v-..o.... an AI". Andrew Lemmy, Greenwood, B.C., On the Bench. f)tu1\x-21. Junu lU.-At, a n11.-rating of the cuhim,-ty on nnlr-r-in-council was passmi appointing Andrew Lemmy, of Ul (`\!nWuml, lh'ili.-d`I (.`ul|l)bin. to be A mun-.au nu...-I .'m.lnn L... ll......ul.... uunng Ina pull. wree weeks the urn,- ish have` made lrmluenl. auctesslul night. ntmdm while in pursuit of commandant-general BoI.lm'a forces. They captured 8 number of Boers and also large ryuantltiea of stock. Quantities of food stuff! have been le.-troyed. The eorts to discover the location of a Long Tom in poueuion of the Boers have been futile. v It is persistently rumored here that a general surrender of the Boers will take place at nn early date. nan. nouns lorco In a 00`Jl[1l'l\ll`-'0' l_v small ma. The uulk at llunhta commando, with whom heist: - aunt in still south bf the 04 F3 railway. Thurs in not on_ IR- hundmd Boers on the line, Go.-n. Blood has denuded the cuanrvof aurgvliut Details of Bu||od('s c.-nlumn. which is attached to Bluod's force, show tha: during the putt. three weeks the Brit.- have` mndn frealmni. Am-1n:.nInI slung W1,"K. l)c~spitc all Ik-nials. thn Dvspntrh nfs rms that Mrs. Bmhn. the wife. of the liner cummnntlvr-in-chief. acting in the rule of peace envby, Visitwl the co Iunial office and that the was re-ct-ivvd by earl Roberts in the war uioc-. Tb:-re is also a well-luundod rumur in certain oicial umrters that she had an interview nit lunl Nilnc-I . of Cape Town, gnvelvmr ui the Transvaal and Orange River Colony. :j_-_ To A Small Aron. (`ape Town, June 9.-Gon. Ill-vod`I opo-rations in eastern Transvaal bum bum eminently luccensful in keeping Hon. Baths`: force in oo:npurml~-'o- IV area. The; null nf ll-n_|.n`n Bonn : Forces An Conlngd to Very Small Aron-8ueeuo!ul light Attach: law Icon Ind.-seuehgng for A Long `I'om-An Early Bunindcr. Lnnclun, Juno I0.-A dplvll tn the R4.-nu-r 'l`e|egrn.ph company, on June 5th, rvporwd that Uol. Wilnun had aurpr1'so.-d l!e_\'eru' eounnuado and killed thirty usvcn ol the noon bestiulen capturing !1.(J cnltlo and All thv burg'herI' supplies. As the In oims ru-ohenl no repun. of tie ongaucuwm. n ulesqlctoh wul sent to Gen. Kitwhuu 1-r ankilng him about the rppurtwl en- gqgurununt. Ha: ha: now replied ruling: the report was without loumhuiun. The \\u:k|_v I};-spatula, which ru-ant ly anticipated accurately several ut- licial annunmx-menu in regard 14 (hr 5-ran: nvgotinlionn in South Africa, Nays lord Kilchcm-r and UPI]. Hutha. lhu Hm-r comnmruler-in-cllicef, accoun- Ianil by twn uides, as wilm-mam. nhl 11 prutrncuxl coufo.-renco A lnilmi fnnn Slnmlurlnn nn Jun Elk ugo. The paper also states that within the hut. twt-nty~lnur hnui lhq gov l'l`l|llK'I|,I. has oountorinandul Iuiyb ship- int-iiis of horses and stores! to South Africa and that nn_nnunn-in:-nl.-a In Nun s-lfintv. will doubtless lnr mm! in 1|-m l.....-.. ..l ................ .I.... 1 mu. nunnjrmmusl IN EAST!!! TIAIBVALI. HAVE DESI SUCCESSFUL. New Shoe Store, M4 Princess Street. 1rnnsp|r\~< (`C -nd\IRiu| than M I;..|u....... 1 go. The VIIIII l'l lhg hu` _ _,___ wmmm _|j|lllllII tory The Surprise 013:1- -u-rn-1.. nun lrnnspirvd, mnhntiu in A NEW JUDGE APPOINTED. RETURNING 1'0 PEKIN. `N ll l'Ill l lIIl'I(IQ'I'I(3II "KI aunt` Uln I arrived at n Ientativr an-ttinacnt. .- tznvvrnnwnt in eepitng thv term: rvt. but the l.)u-swatch nay: it has nspirvd, thnt. the nutluuk for tho duniun of peace is mun: hupeful .n the limos of the lirut Inn-ting - wt-en the two generals some months a. l"N.`('l (In `tn. Hr` L. will rm:-ivu n retiring ` cmnoa under the new inn -nl |.IlI( l lIll'lI|H saq made during thu ARMS'fRONG Sl