AaIign-o'e gale-0; (`upet Glowing Machinery, Mpre. Delivery Waggon, etc. V TUESDAY, July 33rd, I90 I `Drowned In A Swimming Iehool. I :1...-....vm.. N v _I..:.. n _u-.... WE: viwu tlruwncd lIL`hI` Big S: ( av)! n '1. 5"` R.ngLI-:4`.-uni \'n. will W mililnry |bnl'u(Io ` ul amp '1. on Aug Hlh. 'Hu- crnr W at the nnnnv funclmn rg`: A mail) of nugrnen M. "uh A|u._ /m Tuesday`, hnn;:u1 `lllqnlwl rr-preurnlullvc-a nl Illa Mosul `rnrpnrnlinp in emplunic in the doulnr I alicm Ihnl on dd-nlonils n! the amal- Igamlllntl nnncintinn 1113! the corpor- ntinn"|w uninnizorl and in non union men rliuchargnd will nut ho grnntql. nu! o|.llIo AV IIJU llllllllu Nuw York, July l7.~J)ne of tho very `hiqhr-M. rnp.rumn4a(iv-a nl HM Ihsel t~nrl|nrnlinn ll nnnniunlin in oh- .l...l-.-, .-I In nI.~ lnnlnv-I mmm ml-I_v ynuru nun_ The 50! ll?!` u~n'|nm'd halarwe Rho-ct:I nf hm Iyllninu-ml fm tho pm-ceding Iiw ya-ar~4. anal A vlmur utntclnvnt nl hiu nancial pmuliun nml pruupoertu, It an-|, furth hue ark-clinn in onus: of atudicvd mnderotiun, and ukrd the [Adv to union; with him upun a may pugrlnc.-r~ ship.` Thu [Mn-lM'ri}I. how-wt-r, wan ru nmrI(nhl- fur llll mnulinn II. rnn I Iml.-rn Rm-n-my. ` A w--ullhy (ilnngnw m-an-hunt dn-d r--vs-nlI_v` He was a must Incrlhu-di'a| `mun in hnmino-an nnnllurn, and his (hr Inn-anc hfu `was a nlngnlurly happy .-no.-. In going thruugh his papers his a-lulu-st. mu cunnu mrrmm a envy of the Iv-tu-r in whiz-h hm fulhc-r hm] propon- ml [0 hi.-4 mnthv-r furlv vumrn unlcnl In m:\'I3ruI (llIill'l(`lIl 0| unurm, 'I'hroo_- pr fuur persona wuru killed by lightning, novvrnl buns wan burned and eight hornet worn battled to loath. |.a_. -...I I.`.l:aL V....l...A -..o........ 'llHHIll [Cir FPIIIH I" `"4 "()UHl3 I" during (ha trial uf earl Rmmcll lsigamy and hope to turn an hn ` pvnny h_v selling lhnir |n-rquiuiuan. lhnllrel. prim nuluvl in 875 for um: um amna. I. Samoa Dunmnt. the inw-mar of the Dirigihlo hgllnon, hon his imagina- tion lixmtnpon a writ! wwlm nmund tho wurld. lie in purfvcdy condent that uuch n vuyage will bu made al- thmuzh In: In:-u not speak at pfcnl of mtvlnpling it himm-If. A few imp:-(`uniulm persons are tak- ing ud\'unl.aur>s ml the !l't'InI'ndUlII do- nmml for svnlu in (hr hnuw nf lords [or higamy hnllmal n ..... ..n;.... .n...;.. ......... ... 'l'I... I %'l!Tl! NH` 0' WOW`. It in paid that George C. Iloldt. of the Wnldurf~AlI0ria hutel. and pmpri- elor of Heart iullnd. Aluamlria Buy. backed the Aston: to the extent a! :::,ono.ooo am looking for I db (org bowl in London, King. I Ru Lin mninnvh iummnn. nmn 37. . H595 nowl m Lonnon, lung. By his minty`: bmmnn, ollcurn no "to oenmwouing uontni on July 2401:, but u civilian: 11 Int: hall mourning, ocun attending any social Iunctionn. nhauld war 2; amps hand rm_md one can on ma occa- |(l0lIll'l. Ida and Edith Yoollnd, actroann, twenty-nil and twontywvne years old. nvnqx-ctivt-.1_v, committed suicide Io` {:1-the-r, by taking poison in their room; in Lnmiun on 'l`uoodqy. They nut nl work. I. ;.. -.;.a nI.-n (`!.m.-... I`. l'lnI .h nl um. nun. weal, anu urnwnuu. ` An uxpluuicm took place `ll um` Hnmiltun powder work: at Wlndlurl Mills. Um: cnupluyu-, I). Anhin, Wu blown to pieces Lind two ulhL`l'l I0l`i' nusly injurml. A grog: Belgian, French and Run- ninn uyntcnlo in about to ho lonned In 1:4-nullct. new ruilwnyn in (`hing n.. uspild will be l,000,(l)0,0U0 (mm l8`ltl|,0lX ,0(X)). 'I'|un ulna-nu nl 'l`IIA|IlllI|\I Ilnl GIIHAV KIIIIH s?I|lI0 n`I OH]|U. I1-joy Hrawdy, am-d lwnnty-two, nu uwum from a raft on the Yukon rlvn-r, 5 short. distance nhnvo Daw- hut week, and drnwnod. An ..-nluuinn I..uIu nlnu-n In (In- i I\ "Ill" (II IKVRTIKHC H`; l()I|r|I.IIlI|v. 'l`nouduy, hnumvd Alex. Her- man. a m- m, who was chnrgcd with killin Snl in Rwonpu. I`.-um: Nrnwdv Am-d unmntv-(nu. Blltl H Ir"-II HYII H (II I3I I El. K/Ullxlllll. was Salmon II [aw day ago. King I-Idward nlwnd this .~.mp-ror William Aug may attend A .....I. ..|` .....-p-...... -0 l`..no-cl--Sh J-n-nnp nu me--numruwm. F W Mun-u in Iuukud upon an the nut manager 0! the Grand Tnmk `rml\uI_v when Mr Rt-4-vc mlinao. , Thu-cc pl SI.rnIh:nnn'| horn who did nu; gm modulo in En land, will gr.-I. OM-In (rum the duke 0 York. J. W. Lauren, A native of Toronto, and n rmcidtrln. ul Brithh Columbia. Inn/1: nun Innnuu no-rumnw Ivy lluhuving while: Nu. llr. Hihaum ||II1I of ('l|l.' 'Iuw Jm-hop nf Ills--mlun L` II. II,....... 1.. I lcunn::nsn_mm:nArns.{ Intton Thu Inurut Ivorybody -lotoo From All Ovu~-L1ttlo 0! Everything Bully Ind And Bomomborod I] the Don Pub- is in constant demand 3 at our store this week, and we can supply the wants of all in this line. nuanxs non nu tom qunnzns or nu: nun. 'wm Cones To Us rm Quarters. {ms or we mm. To Fight To The Finish. .... \'...4. l..l.. m, n..- -4 4.- Horn Thieves Hanged. J. \I..no lulu l'}, l`L-... L cnun-, u(.`l`(n4Il 4 'I`L.. I..4n.\.. IUu,uuu;. nlunu III TII1'illll\_V VII qllh in several dinlrivln ul Ontario. ... :...... .............. ........ |.:n..4 L... A Cnreful Hun. Ho-rdmnn, Uruwlnnd, `.... ..-L;n.. ......|.;8`... in . lbfff`. -~ nun A game hen In hn H. Homnn was killed uh-= bud Ix,-MI lilting Mr. lmmu in an or ` and lumwinu the (sm- | bun In Ina nlnmt um- nu, hr l"Hnl`||ll|l'Il In mun wnmllminr nml nial: Ibo: 1-ml ha-n. In (Mn lilmz ;hI-ti, Afmr nhuIl'5ng 0 0}... inn .....~n.'.... ..I.L.. Laatlir Bolts IlIlN)TI. ll; r` I lw hintlin u (bin lule.' II, \ nwvlnml, I wnrkifxg in I ._ llw "nldjltul n has lxvn uh Cnurllnndt. J A I..- `ll--. V, lillod liokT. Itufbin u|mu~d 'l'Vhu All c.umpu-4|. Hm unmn nun not cut]: n Hm nlrikn omcinlly,-'lmt nearly: uru hack at workagailn. The Strike Collnpned. Ottawa, July l7.-~-'l'h`u utrilm nftlw carp:-nlo-.rn, In-gun'nn Junn Llrvl, hon mnllulnu-il Tim uni...` L... ....a ....lI...l uunwu, -]ll|_V II.-~-lnu ulrllo M the Cu)lIu|lI!". The uniun hun not csljml 11 N10 ulrilun nhdnllu ..I.u| -..n-In -ll A Man In Disguis- Mo-mphiu, 'l`onn., July |7.--l\ uhuar (inn hm! In-nu anew! al._(in'I River, Mmlinon munty. Ark, by `(In arm-t of Miss: J1-nniu Snurn, A yuun nchuul la.-arhnr. Minn Senna hm turned out in he a man in diugllime. Ho commit- (I-rl murdu-r in T--nun nu-w-n _vr-nnu sun and has since bu-n pausing an 1 wu- mun. JAR5f auuulul Kiri, Al UIIIIOG. London, Jul l`I.--In ronponno an imitation mm the any Mn club to address them on the politiodl nitunliun, lord Rmobory bu an important nusnllouo dodling wl n porrmnnl explanation. In it In any- uhnt ha liberals ol Gm home of cum- mnnn have met and reunited an `I hnnia ol hearty allegiance in their Imsdern. Ho remind: the liberals that the party can nnl_v become an power when it has rallied to {II llI_tol the impnrinl qumutinnl ol own. cn'a~ Imdiod in the prouonc loath African war. Hin ncldrou in aukuhtgul to no- nwnt. the liberal party ingwthu-r for tho ntrerqlhcning of the British om- mm. .. . .._.. 7 vow .77 ` ww `l weaanaf 01?" reg: w 3% vorf hot. The nights, lwwowr, up 009 . rm c.r.n. mu rry And Do It Quickly. And Askod For I But During the Grant Heat. Muntrecsl, -July l`).-Sovq-n mmon and one nailnr of the summer Lair Head, were lnulum judge (Thoquct. tn- duy un tho char 0! ruluning an '11 duty on board -g youordnv. 'l11'oy mum nut guilty, may the they ltd simply said kl` 5 I86, U `boy were Hm-I out by woullq lonfhourn in the grout prevailing bent. Thvir trial was led (or Friday Ioxt. Julu Guorin Lnvu Priaon to lognin Health. Paris. July l7.-0wing to the ill- lmnh of Jules Gum-in. who Jluusry uh. mun, mu annwuud M` lhu I"mnch ncnnto. Iillhl Al I URI (hurt In (on yx-urn` cunnelnont in u (orli ed plum-, {ur cunnpirucy amnion the governmont. tho ovornmont hm nmv <-mnmuled Uuerinu period of iunprhr nnnwnt lo baniuhment. Guarin VII taken frnm Mu cell in jail lay nuliou agvmu, who uuhaoquomly pm. It mun board A train coins: in lhn (Hr-u-.li..n nf ugvuw, wno Iunuaquonlly put mm on board 5 train going in the diI`\l:H~-ll 0! llanlu, Switurlnnd. ulr. Ur rI.'4`t'IH.'l Inr me gov:-rlIInn'l Il. wnn M-rth 2.*000 fmmm 1 ytlnr. Hu- nnd his wiIo- wc-ru diunlialiml And fro qm-ntly ]|I'nh'r('d I. II:-II-nun. 'l`|wnu pmmringu culminated in 'l`mmdny u lucid:-nl. nun: v-anon . Paris-. July I7.- -l'u-ticulnn would It-um tn rnlm-on tho hllpnlnco with which the Ilnuclin incilinnvwnn ut lint rs.-yard:-d ht-ru. That madame Uluvnk tn-rt Ulgmuhu did not try to Mt. . Itaudiu, hut red In-r nwhiu-r in the Air, would now seem to be eoluhhuh od vi-L- ..|.:.... ..t .|... n|.___-|.... -....:-_. Qluvnky Funny of A cantalou- oun Vu-uty. ' D-pi- ,Iulu l'I.._D..-oi.n.I-an -....|.l SAY THEY wmnn TIRED. ,0, ., wi V\rl`7~""'3'5"*W"_" _- . 7'! X. L _. __ _ W - ' ' * 4 j:HE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. n-._ c Wax;*Ir;o:1;1'o nu An. 1.n'm rm; 1: name. ...,a.... ,l..l.. n _n.. .._..-..__ 1-o cinion cnors. SENTENCE CHANGED. I all lit L was luff 7 In an excellent com-1 T gpanion--a Good Watch ; 2 is a better one. We all ' , none but gooq one: `I 4 ,.Vl!T!!..% um: ,uumn|n uovernlnnns Ill! 0100* voM's'4I the act. but the nlllllll Q! unnhle to obtain podauion ol fort. ssssssssss -v c-uuv an I'|lll.- I\ July |7.-A` fun; of 5) Brit- inh and Indian trbopu in about to nan fur a point. oavonty miles in- ` lund cu rh-nu-ny a fort built by Ila 'l`ur1u in the iorritory nl tho Haula- li, win are under British prokvol. 'I`lm ,()((mn|n uovenunnnt bu dinm \ nniA'l Hm at-l Inn lip nu-I-J} can (llll'Il|[( WHICH uma um-n VIII III` nut lnr |melu,,lnbor and aippliu U Il,UOU,00U. ' Irmv l\n[{t'lI', I`ul.. July l7.~-l'or un Fm-L limos in (ho hiulnry n! the inquo-` try all of Ihu In-nt hot-At mgur lncmii v-I Sc-uthcrn ( ulif-vrnm are in lull op- nruinn, l'h- mlllnnlt ii that u In uugnr prmlm-lion will he mltknhlb ya-nr. '1-'h`e n-gm-on will last I00 gkyl, during: which time than will 110111 Ixselu. lnhor and ninnnlinu -hunt. nw\r:u~I'.'{Rin..m on July mt. I001. (`nth-rinrl)wvo-r, a la a Hunting MC. Flnwr pvuhv. llAl(|HN-Al (hill!-n Iulnvul. -Filly IMK -"'Arn I Ann llnrrt-. nuwi 12 ymn. Fun- `nu T|wradn nlu-moan. Mg will Iv.-aw Fnluuru whorl at half our n'cIIx:l. ' IIIWKII-In Klnluhm` nn Jule lill. .I` `llI'\| H-In Xingu:-n `on I 1, o'cIurI. ulfllt III 1%.`. '0! 'n (1000 YURNIBI-[ID a rub on union a mi lntv-(div Av-nu .or:rn:mns-.u Iqnlntd. Jug um, um. Iraqis - I Jun-pk Jrl-rin, an `Ink .lnl..r|ea. Khmnum station, (It. Puvurol private-, ` IIAMIUI-t--AI (MM:-n Inland. July Md. Ital S-`ugh um`! yrln. _ ' -X11113 HLM)l'I--RIISKI6-In Ilngnn. -III} Q at N nckiunen 0!` ' brIb'a ` . A. rnuhm-1:, In up Jul: :l"I`I"l0Ilfll(!1llI' J. E. Hluln I`. 9 ms Numb umlu-. boll of _ Nashua pawn plum copy-I Popular Employee Leaves. Afu.-r u lung and fnnhful nvrviw as nn n||)'lln_\'L-vVx)I' (hr: strum rnilwny mnnpany. Pom-r Ryan. known ms the mus-( rt-Halvln ma-tnrnmn on lhu ruatl, rft'\`I'l'l)(| his cnnnc-climx with the `nIn~ puny Inst ewning. and thin murnim; wrsrrt to work at the Im-uumtive "urkn, He was um: uf UM cmnpanfu oldest ennp|n_-.-pm-. and will he` much ...i.m.~.l Thu "mnmrmun nm~l." as he- .7: .F' .c`. U533- .m!-`HIHIB8-A lqnlml. J I_ II b, not. .1...-M. -}rl-rim`. urn" In: Inuit` "+777" ~.~`. so-93-.'."' _`_"'*"'f`?"" 35- has k-j -% _T Gnu loot Sugar You-. has Ange-la-n, (`ul,. Jn|_v'l7.-Fnr (ho 3&1. linm in HM: hinlnrv nl Ilsa lnulnn.` all oolcn. in Tou and lovrq.-I Come and us, it only to no. WU CV7 WI IUfIVU|I IOVQ W ` ran: on an or the couuguj VI. I. Bhltt Waist Count.-!Ih"_.; Fitting. .Iodcnu in plot. `1, _.- xduu Bmnnur con. latljj equal out than but bolero. run:-m Ir 1 m_A|rn :1-nan.` UIIUCI UVUI UIIUCE TU IIUIVIUA lunar w. I. cuxrltoelu CI-In nuooqncxc Q In whm my man. one. pm, nrnon I01 swan. .'rn. Suhh'l'ho'1'Mn"!o:|l` .u..__... 1-... CA L... Ohnn. I- Store closes during Jubv and August at 5 pun, EVERY AFTERNOON, (Saturday excepted.) I \L.j_f\___...."""" """"_f\..____" """".V `I 'I!il$ WEK 8 ATTBADTION mam-r-I mmw uar-I his human! a mu: duh |rd@ in and um qdh In Int-. Tonmu-_ (ht. J IT, H. 0.1: name-r-I `Muir an in Rm-no Prhdu .a.`i.""i..::'&u.`__5 nlnndlllll-. To Destroy A Fort. l..I.. l'l AA 1.-.... ..l :1 LAST mmoxg ? 1'0 IE3: Dnnhl-uun I [just 1 THE JAPANEEE wonlilmwonxmxs in Orhslual Mania and Iyytuiolu jnrlurnmuncl whirh unlv I-Jouern lnuwn 01 (ha An. can port.-rm Mimi:-sirm to |(l'0|1ndl.'f8 curs. Flvcrv I-'rir|_ay children 0nrr' In Furl one cum. eurh wav. . .1: l | W7]?! At the Star; of vliexviry '0;eu Mnuhnlfs Old Hand. Princess St., the etotl. Vu :- Bangrafi Sun _ctaro Family. rrnv In no \ uvnunnn unnnvnun Don`: forget the fact that we are still olering than handsome sets o! 97 piece Dinner and Tea Set combined at $5.95. Just the thing for the country. I IHUHEHTSHN BHIJS. 166. Bvenlnp Malian It 540 at 8 50. I` -_ .. . - Advertising Sermons. -v. u.... ENGINEERS` `('lIAlL`lI\- mu:-um .4-..---; mm,-u, uu-~ u. nvuu LI-ullina (Her mnnv I uh, Apph-1re-. with npplc-I on. llmhngu below to end my long. Princess Street. Hun. V . m, .-we (my Muecnun In the I Adv:-rtiuillu ncrumlw in 0"` .L..;- .l..I:.,...-u In chin rnnv UHF! I KARI BIG WAG]!!! AT homo and val. all to havotho um. ommrunlty. Tho work In very nlcunnt. 0154 till tally pay its -wily `HR in no ddbnnn.` I val it noisy and um lady and I 'n`u`."'R"'. .""m`3c`dl:. -135.?` .. her. I3. . llllll hill $l.'l, ` LICENSE. LII-`I.`nl.`l I.VII.Il.'Ill.`\: 10. V. ' yg. . 1043'?" In`! INDY. R UIIICY nglll " lmvc-d. in whit-h saw-n up! the mmrrln won: lillv-cl and sewn! wounded on aawhaidcg A mrimm outbreak in n- nrtvil frmn (,'nrl.hn5_rv,-nin, Jalunicu. "ha 1-n|dicrn we-re linnlincrl. and threat:-nnrl In rhvu-rt. On InndAy,l1|I!_v nudlptetl to In-vnk lrmn tllrir Jhu-racks and at- n....|....l 5|... _...-..l A Lia-go ..La l..I nrmx mun I-lll`ll' nu-run Ann M- mcknd the gum-rl. A hitter ght lul- Inw.-rl, in uhirh av-w-n nl u nuunln FICLIV I! LIEU lIIU.IlIIl-IIUD)- Father .\Iclhmnuh, hf lhu pulnre Nlb". hm: In-c-n uprmilmzd. Ivy tho: nmhhinhnp. ma pariah privl at Stunlvyvillc-. Fr. `lfllrio-n. Iv! Stunlt-_v\'ille, gum: In Hollo- fvillu nu rnrmt-. and Fr` l)uy/In has lwcn amminl:-cl curnlu at l'n-scnlt. ` \\(YI1 l,HI|`I IV'9, l IUIVK, IIUL nl\ u-I (Win in nn hour. whon he lw the ladrlv-r and fl. hunnclf dnwn 1' unull. He onsily n|-1-nod the door, and tha-n put l1(`hkHg|! Hi I I glycerxu against. the safe and F I nff. I mm m unease. Inn rnngu 3 The next. night. he lxagan work by shuts. Iuming the hriuks {rum tho mp uf the The I91-rda vr\u|t. Ht! haul In lug lhrmuh lirlvk "T Burch-n. uunk Lhrm: fw,-1 lbirk, but lmd m..h militia, has lnwvn-d The l'| iTL`H let in the `)0 ]`|'``~'`'~`"`bd vnuh. "`-"' P5"`."- A change nil.rn- ' |`g|.vcer1n act it 530'. A5...- ol 5pmL+Iey 6 llxuborne. As showing the nerve of the man and the fascination of as look {hr him. it is notable that when passing thrmuzh the law uivo ho? saw a Rafe nnti nmppml to pick the lock, which he did in a few minutes. He {mind but which he pm. in hin yxuxkct. Then ho Inft. the building. and afterward se- vr:-lcui I-he-, mnnoy in plum`! where it was fnuntl umlcr his directions. FUUI, Collllnx lI(|WY\ llll III? H15 UK] M. linst, and again opelwd the dour of the vaulu. Then he took the 821.000 in gold and placed it. in a grain suck. and the remainder in currency in his poc- kets. With (his load he went. out M the bank and thrnugh the law office of Spensloy E lullborne. An nhowinn the nerve man Extra Rubber Rings {gr the abovc at 5c. iibin. V ; on. A nomnd charge was needed In the suit: wnulnl yield, and this 1-xplnniml clmwd tho vuull dour. II ling Jo-Il out. an be hm! gnnc tho; uh-.> lunng the explnuinn .1 lvt. himsc-ll` nut. and cliluht-cl in .f ...\....n.. .l....... inahh. no Ln And Boldly Curried Away `n Booty-A Man of Great Norvo -LQck Had Great Fuacinntlon For Him. Milwuulu-1:, July I7.`-Thu slur) of the mhbcrv of tho Mm--ml l'u|nL Hank, fur w'hic:h Stewart Julilf IN now msrxing a H(`l|lQ.'llL`I.5 In lhu Hrvcu llnjv I`:-furnnulnrv in unu.u.- in II... Li..a..... _ . .1, . ._.. _ rufurmulury, is unique in the history of crium. Hcfum In-mg taken (4! UH-4-H Buy J1-li much: in full mnnfmnlicnn. I-`rum lhiu it: appears that bu vuuolwu uluyn in L`Au'r_ving out the nluluils of lhl! rnlnhcry and panned one lay In the bank building wltbqururbulng (liar cu\u|'ud. ... um vunxvll I-av Made By The Arqhbilhop. ullu-r M:-nnnnuh hf lhn nnlnnu .; {cum nuL__7[Iu aunt] xunnovxzn nnxcxs non rot" \ or In vnn.-r. Man who Looted Ban Tells How" llc Did It. mm EMSW I {H n gruln nuns The f(rl1ll'r Ind nf Ihlf at Cr KINGBTON.` `ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY. JULY 17. 1901. kf") Hm! I` Inn scurry 0| lim-rnl l'u|nL Juli in u `I hi-lurv *1 db. Plld wt ihnp, lh'uck\-ill. J1 men. gixinu lhm 1.41.. H. rnlhwnn-~. I F. H. Burn:-. n|| wane nrrv-In-I nn villa: on Mumlnv inn .. ......-I Rh.` .. before u lmut. r, shut I llllh Joli 0 the . M. nrnlnwnn-~. I-r. Is. 1;. lnngar and *5 urnn, uf Wlhinfhvn. D1,`, ` their both It Brock l Mnmlm-, rhnrged with pen. I ing a wurlhlc-a vht.-qua for 82) an ' (`nl, Flap!"-x, pr--1-rilatnr uf (ha. Thun- .-nnd Iulnml. l_;_uu-o-. Alnxnmlrm Hay_ F.xlrn<|iliun [Inf--rywill have to he nu: curv-cl nu lhr mvnv profenu their in [ l'In('1-n4~o- nml r-~y'-m- tn netnrn to the!` Bay. The m!m--- they gnvtthnrc, Ill Gnnnnnqm; the next day and at Ilrnwillca on \lnnda_v. were all lil- fnrer. Tlm.-we nwn 0! 1 oimilnr do nrriptinn in nl-u Ivllllul ll Syrlcm-9 and the authnriliaa than have Inna notied. Tlw Mmnlli an laid In In short nl fund: an Ibo malt of: little b X_-.I-u-._. .5 ILQ nan T`-h I-ill AL... uwnpunn are mm wuuul syncm-2 """""' "' - `"""'I '""'W- `"',"!"'Vm`. N-V-. -NI! n--HIn'y We-Prvunn. Colvy linr nM`_Prad Vino. i"""" "" """_""-'-'9' F!" 9. l jnmhnrv-v .1 H00 Ray. nus. um um .--n- v1 I-w-mnequ .1-n-ier. -an [nr 3 any um] ahrgmqgu-1," non. `drcfunvyl hit night in Valiant ; ed lo qw, including`: in bill; luumnung school. . . % nrnwu-n Hnml ing wurlhlc- \ I pm ......_.I .... cl... Worthloll Chocks. \ Julv I7. ~'l'hm ._\'uIlngj m.-n. hm. nnnml an (`apt R. . I. Ilrnlluu-nun Dr R. C lnnunr nml: l` 1).\(.'l'I, 2 (HKDD 'HA|l|H-IHMAIDH, TIIH HKITIHH AI J|([l'Aa`1 H17 l'l-LL. ? Harden I : p|'i1.I.? i prmacnlbd lo.-n on. The British column which nurtea from Kimberley some time ago has returned to that place, altar in overmirm in the dsllut-. '-u` - tnlclas. Thu column brought in fifty prisoners, g Inrm: number of mfugeea and coniidorahlc cattle. l`h`e Bootin- vaden are still munh, all ow: the upper part. of them dntricts in the nvigorhood ul Richmond. The hope is a.-xpremod that Ihc c( m- mium of mun-n. which Innl Raglan nnnounm.-d in the house 0! lnrvln yua- mrday. was In-um appninlell to Visit, the rt-Iugm -`nrupu of South Afru-n. ill im-lmlo In-In--c who are acquaint- ....._ I nix Hold Up Wnggona But Later Ro- lenud Them. Uapc Tuwn, July I01 "Hun I -our (`I-ll) mandnnt, Lnu-gun. um I '--pic--I n-no-rul Ivnggnnu aunvhed tn ID! \'| \'n:lhmn I column, which wvn: rvlurnimz from Richm-md. (`ape I`:-I--nu Mu-r Llmmt i oning to burn the WHL'1.'Ului. uhe Boqrs ` shot the native drn-;ru and then a|- ` Imved the 01,181`! (0 [|r:>L'lx.`d unmolentu 1 ml wun 3 [mm 0| 1.. ulrnug, |'nurh1;mh. Iilmmlh; Scr rt. 51.. lhinl; Phr. . T. ' iuurlh, and Meat. .| tn-lh, won All ouch \`...-ml A ilnnn IL- u\:u-, run: an up- Surgl. A. Wilson in the Duke nf Cu my sixth in the I Th!` (`align virus 1 nhuLH_ Elm) Illnue I-nlnyx match at 6(1) yam" I ;. I -r u.... uncut. d. I. am t_vn-uvanth place. Wcunom in twenl .... L`- n WIIIIIIUT`! III lVV|.'lIl_\ IIIHI cmnnutilinn for lhv "1 Eat wnn . privy ul was 00!) yards, wuh um .4...-..a n W ll...I.|..` linlnhml with um: nlil. while SlBx\'I'v tnlliml thirty-lhrq-4` ah-0 uuulu \.hirl_\`I ...-a.-J. -0 ll] warn`. III!!! In`, UQXIIIII lll|),"` In the c0llJ|Ieli!iun the Auocintion (`up vim-n. of tho Qua`-n~ nish-I with tlvivlyi .n:. ...\.;|.. u.-n 4... .. .j__:. I RHVT -A lAl(Ql'KH_ UR LARGE` lur null In-cl only. Apply at this inlay Pump, July in in the fun Klug- l'rizo" was co|I|'l'x'lrL Iocond mug: in Innm With nim-l_vtv\'u us 1 Sul-Sorgt. Crum-, I chal, Lieut. J. 'I` In). HcDu all, Lu (..'nl.~Sergt. . Ru-hm Sgwm-er, and Scary! inn. the second amp- In cl... ...unn..aIiai.... 80:-gt. Iodolny Second In nonun- dor lung latch. I121... t\.___.. I I In -nu. | . | nous. cup. `F Um (" uilltiu, rvrivn-. The nrinsu In Lhu iIOH'l' STAGE. [L nom~.m_v u:_m I prim. 8. Lm 1, having I-~ SHOT THE NATIVES. compluncnx.-. in tho A , Ml! yank Thu nhamurm '3! HIIIIUH lhxluluy land 4'5: I L. cmnplimcm.- in Hm I "CH Wilson . .J I`.... FRUIT It'll . III! \..P`- `I. "V I_\' mmh plum in lhd l`n*uner" prim. :- All. The range uh nu-um shots. I54-~|:|_\'_ Vlclnril, il . uni on hm oxoellpnt Al-~Iunder lnrtin I mugs-, with ten mu 1-Inh.-I _v0o(0l'1lII_V. mnvvd Ln-day dill ml --upturlrdl the Be` imll -I W. liilchriul. rvmbw-(I uu-nlyvrzot Iuu\Iu|\.'l. LVH'IIl_v' Hrnhtuu, twenty- | '1' Murphy, Shir I'll}. N. rlll I .~`.-rgt. Bodeloy, nrt mu-r, hm-nl\.'~ y M. ~Th'u Ihoot- ` g-: of Thu Km 1 MI In lay. and .mm:1-1| for Friday. .x .. ...n .._ ..... _...... |"I' PIIIIVHHKW H3011: l.u-ul, J. W. (-'|l- Murphy. Scrgts |'nl Jnhn (kn: .Iur|Ily. DETUI.` cul. John Ug, nl-um, Pu-. U. . A III I lundv.-I in (wen- MI Cup}. U. W. mh l`n-nnuar" nrirn Vlllli. |-w match will u_\/ at (bu gur uwn, nunmw. Mr In hiu cm- ('rn\\'v, (Jun-lph. in Guelph man III the uune ` 38TH YEAR. NO. ' Ill-KC", Clull ` wiruung 3. is, with ten I prominently nun!`-M mun no yank for ..n I II .N`II K . ll - V` . !ln"'SL-rgl. um-. wL7\`(!lIlh, vll-lh. Each 1' R. Arm Il...l..I-u I In the Key l.UlJU yunlu' _u-nl J, `V. n, no. u. Iv. Wihmn Imp `Iullnn ..1. "y ,,_..L, J ylll I0! J. I. lit l`...-...n. . 5 mi I II I` noun DC I nuvvvl 58311.17 J Hum--. ,\lum., July l7.-'l'hro bane ' [lhmh--I were hanged hy I page on illm Milunulri riu.-r. In-luv Judith, an ,`.`3nlur4lay` .\la-n' rv-porlod hanged won L Ilhrclung lhl!. I"rv-4| (Vvnmoc. nutlI'ou~r , IWMI-~r, um Iinu.-rw in Hunt cuunty, and 'r-each hearing I had repullticop.