$4.15 ,0 % Buffalq gm! vBe_lum ALL mwactsrs `szL1;n`." ssciknoe .`$.`+"1 digestion, lnkomnia, Ind blood, lmgtivc lhrcr, ban.` bum, bad breath. etc. _for any sick turn-or as a rdrtahing drink. preventive and cure for SCI sickness. healthful condition. Take it `with you to be tardy! Salt will set you right -`makes travelling in stuffy can these hot d.1ys. Abbey ; Take it before you start to get your system in A to sick headache or biliousncss when being I The Fgvorite Route to Pan-Amen can Exposition. Toronto-Nlontreal Line. Even thou most accustomed to tnvellingure 11351:. Abbey. Effcrvuccnt 5.1: cums conspltlon. an. 4 _Abbcy'n Effervescent Salt is An nbaolutdy pure! Is Pracribcd by Prom!nn#hg. ALL THIS WEEK. MID-SUMMER ...8HOE..., REDUGTIUNS i`he Leading Undertaker. ' and Furniture Manufacturer. \\ \\ \ \ \ \\\ \` L. 0. & B 010. hbt. Co., Limited. Pan-American, Buffalo. s5.oo mum, Good for so Daya $3.70 Rctum, Good for 3 Days. `with a null: 11. of who us. i` . sewing;-ink. ,; V1,-' Ittawairezn I chm leaf acronym. M';l|c:, rugulu pnl 32.00. .50. - we sic mn|rlng'oIr~ abud vnluo. 550100 Effcrvaccnt jolted dong J A plusutc. ___:_j_.j_._.?_.___ "ALLAN LINE New |'3I.`!nv-I ` , . . .Julv lh (iummnnwealth . ..Jnfy Ila but |v~v`:m'i. . .. . Aux. Nth l'ommnn\\O1`lIb, .. . .. Aug. 28th Ln-In. 875 uad upward, Snead Cunu, 342.50 And upward. Third(.'lun 828 to |.no:pou|, Landon, Inndnntfary, Bd- hal. and Glanqow. Ildnhlp naloonl. Ilectric Bill. IDE- 9' For further lnlorrnltinl npply IO 3. P. Hanley, J. P. Gilderulosvo. Ln , u; '1` R sum-u. ta Clarencu 81. D. 'l"URRANUE C CO . Gal. Wr-rlmu-luv, "`IL`A\V7`lN.l Snrdny Mun.` tax ll/[L311 pm. .`Tnenua,y. Chubtty l.t mu lnrrlnv J. P. numm. us. awrrr A on. Ticket Ar-at Freight A;-an :::::`'-r"- ..... .,.. ' II p to oona. rte 2,, .91- Dln promcnndo deckl. For further npply M if. Hanlev. P. Glldanlocvc. hm:-I-.. 9 n m. . inmnh.-m. Dnyhgbt In-gs I` Inn .152 E Stu. Non): King_And Caspian l`...-u-.-n.-..a _l....- ')`)uA um`! 1...r- Km Excuasmsf uu" mm Iub\u`u`dilu-no has. an Iirr tin: Ii-6|: odd and Iinunm nl PAN AIEINMN ['08 MI`- Vuotlest us : until I: both locum-V In-uni L'd-_h'Q.`-`mu ,_-. -....-- -.--_. n v-- Iwund, lupus-0. Douroul n un Ibo-I points. 'IV'Iln Iouvu City BAH Iwvut It 4 pm. R. J. WILFOI. 0.! - B Telegrnnn Oman. Gluunon IL THE BAY iiniilnte nmwav new snout uu.ron |\_..___ 4 J Ill) 'l0lII n".':". f I`l:\WAY_ '<,:.:'~. Y. cmr` liinpton-G Phubroh & Canadian Pacic Railways. Land Seek'rs 60 Day iixwrsions to the Canadian North West. an-rtmv unzs. , .-..\wA\'. - Ann. 1-an. Po-0*` am. Calling at unnunuqu--. Bay Of Quinta Bouts. -.-- I,.....,. In'._...;... n-.|- A... .!I.00O Island Ramble. nu Iexvru daily. except V.-.nduy, am. calhna at Gnnunoqu--. Pan-American Btmalo and Return no 22nd Ia`| ICHTQ I `nm rl\}I, at B p 111 wt! 0! ho and IIANLEY, Agvnt. u "Alt-03 Depot PUBLIC Buttery (`armed 08 The 11 .... .. 1' . _ _ _ -. IL-- me smgna__c_nmrIII|un.] . J g 7990 m:Ut o1rrAnn:n BY rm: rn:x.n BATTERIES ' ....,... -'1-kiln Honors-'l'oro w... N2` York to |'l|nagn'--"SardiIinn," Jun- 19Vh Firn mhln, 850 um] I: nrdn - 8ecoId,CnbIn 332 50. Third Cu: 82; J. t. A t, I. pr ho En.` x.-'$'.l"E.33'33:`.. J. P, Showmg-- DI... I6 .-I iir;_~".li..-1-ii)` ` plus {Jly p--r lm 0"" `UV. HYVIIVC. H In hnrdiy to In uportod that pun u-inn will be much Quooofvd by the lift` in: 0! Nn veil which lungs our [MI pan - 0! rho n'v I nmiir. P-oi then an be little doubt thu H hides uvxu-.1 ol mag- uillceot bounty and (random which will thnll the expectant world and give it our and noble: muceptlons or the sub- lixniu ol nnuuw IDO INC DI] UK fW`n`lI. IDPTI -I . TTD a long cuntrmreny, Into the details of whlrh it In nut nkvoadty to enkr. II to wht-tber who luwudi or me Brnhmnpmrn rs the mM|nuaHon' of (be ~TunnPo. Though than mu In-on-u yet mdnulnct 1-Nd.-nn~. the In! npodbnt qt` throwing In'mnrtc-d log! in Tibet having tnilcd. the genera! ccvmwrmnu or pcionlllic opinlnn la In favor 0! ch Brnlmtlpulrn. Ind the v hm-s( Englhh (no-nan:-r describe: It un- do N26: immo. In L. l.-...J)- 1.. L. A-_..o.A.J AL- -..... T` PI! "PI? Lllll H I! II IOW WIIIY xwuy a third M a mile wide and 3? hot `lump. in ood turn men Ho and of III- kmmn .4.-pm. In lnnplmvin 04 degrees can it muku I uhnrp ban! to thy south and passes through the Hiunnlayll In I mnru knmtn only to tho nvngu who dwell upon In prvclpltonl bunks. 'hon in! Iron Hyln on-loru, I! in It nmgm T from &0dHn 11.0% mt. but wlmr It ombttn In Annm It 1- uniyoo feet above I('t| I071-I. Fmm (MI pol!!! It pursue its nhuphh vrny for mm 800 `mikrun the Bruhmupmrn ti 1!! Gluten -nA Oh. haw hf Ibne-I Thurs Eh: '-Oman mnrru [DO Brnnmupmm II I!!! ulngn and the My bf Htngal. Then in `born 1: Innw munrrnrnvcv lnln u bollh of HI TIN` I" III IHOUYD. Ill UHKII l'I`(`l'lll` I; it In luuhtful of which of tw'o`wo-ll Ibowi rivers It Wu the bud wllcrl. The nttrtumn to solve Its myutrrks have been utuu-h-tl with Ilmnnt unpnn-IH~ rd hem!-um. tn-htt-nnm. -tntltntnou an-I wolf tllvrin-. fur the prim-fpil clgvkvnrs 0! the Tun:-l'u have been nnlmltorlphot in than whn sought the fountain spring of the Elle. hr the hope of the world : npplnnu at their mnrc-1-. VI; do- nlvd !hoIn-~huIt Mr I tslltmo dnily wan mm the mnsct--mm-on of |n_w-uhy to duty. The phynirnl hhtnry of the Tnlgsfo to briey thl.-- It risen to the alum: oouthvnmorn corner at TH-cl clue to Chat so-mvu or the Hanna. (ho hum: Ind its nut Illuept. the Suck). It In high of nut-Dy 16.!!!) feet. Reoehlll thc drain- Iu or en. ulapu of tho lllnmhyn mud or a nut. known Tibv-tun run running 5-urnlkl with those mounfnlm. K Ioon I-U mum: I Inn-um wide and deep ooough to he nlvigll-Ir. Th--rvv is A mnnldouhlo Iv.-at trathc npnn H at II o-In-vntlon but limo h--hm (hv summit or Mont Bliss; It I..-. An... _--o '.\D - DIIADDQD nf In D1-vornl Why: the Ion Honorin- Lln Eln '- IL- II --IA On The St. f"ImI llnyugln nu. -11 hr? Cabin -$53.50 And upIudu-n-- Ivin 01 um upward: | .1.` I C I -- hrr , ~lan:'3"$4: 33.. Luau : .60 nun. 'Th!rd'('lhso'-- 5 And 6._ _L-v-rrvonl. September Cheaper Tnri Will e Used. .- -. RATES REDUCED. me TSANG-P0. Lawrence mm uniu wLi1Q.Vw1nnNn.sonr. JULY `muain it! {allow in (India, bushing` P , . _. I 5`v,,;. :.. Len. , - V `in Y1:-awn, duo. (DQC pl It. and In-. B. 1%. `Sim. (`trimaran street. It Lnrm-I (uvlny no hm homo at Crmr %'i"ti'e`iiEi:i;Sg'i'c'im"i4'] 2_._. kc:-osi~'i~-*iiI:os oninonods K". s Hrvnn. Vl\~h and Nrinh. King- mntjd IE kinxlmyaru-n r.-mrnin` of an rmmml -rlu-on, u dam` `rum: "('Iuso'-5 I Derry, Belfast. GIuov_: York f`-|cnnI- - Ih. Wide Enougl. c._ .1` \|.`...... . For Two. : Nothm To Lc `rrcnunl Ian 0! any land: thrm - men Inuit lht-irl lung 0! 5 coal 1: `rreminl (all 4 ... n,....a. .1.` Ottawa. 'H)}` L. J. Forgot Co., ontrul. Lonnnbary "Q 00., Ilkcn,` In York. ` ' Private Vin. 810652. Jmcmuuu &*~cu..L mom: 8:. Plnancld Agents, 5| Brock 81ml. To Liverpool and Lo}donden)'. I From Xoatrod: '"`o,,,,3 [ .'i';:5:7*;;.:..; moo Agents and Correspondents : I. 1. lclllll, '. nu:-new ran up In run run. The "ma mun pulled C III: plpo cm In ha-I It` In I hnlthy (low. Then. when tho nshm: were well formed on the top 0! [ho lmwL ho turned tlll In {red the noun vhnp and dullbrrln-,ly blew the entire col- l...H.m Inln lulu Innu- do I! II and happen nnmr "I'd about you blunt quick! laid On other no ercely that the conductor mm mm nnln t-lmchlnu the nu to study Mmlel! ran tun tam Th: "Nb mun nnml -n his rhn H La nrunnea um um n-om mo omcru Ileorn _Tbe Inur mun lcowlod ercely. Wa|L don't you I: it happen Inln." be bid. Quick II I On! tho Ipol tic lool Mud out of the new of tho tdo man. I "Why." he domnnopd. `what would you ` do If It did hnppennnlnf "I'.1 aha. Inn hlnni mule-I! QM III VOIHHIQ When the winds Now. It It npochlly dmieult !or the mun who an-ha I moor u-hnmu instead of a clay to loop III pipe nllgbc, gm! 1). wind: Inn bywhc with oodly will through tho llttol of the open (Iron this .1. . A sudden pull 4;! p|n_r!ul no-phyr unt up u plnr-h at uh on mm the pipe 0! in man man and do posited than. with Iulko atom Not. on the cinching at the out man. I bl; chap. 1 soul and purl} looking. | "Oh I had wmr nan-An; ah. (ha llttla | l0UI' IEO MIN] IOOIIIQ. "Oh. I be; your pardon. air. the III!!! ltmkcr Mntenrd to any. and in hurriedly hrunhed tho uh: from the other`: nlnm -m.. .n.. . -nun IIK. on of tho nmokn-I. I nllxht. nervous looking llulo chap. Itmnlonl herolcnlly will! I plpa. UIdoc ordlnnry nan- Itunvn I plpo II no any propocltlon for In but (ha lwny lnnukd non of toll cu no-gotlIto. In than numb of I nu not burn to the hocl Ind jun! It I! generally I can at mucking mnlchu." Ind I box of "win may in used Up In Ittunpllu to tap at pipe nlluht [or two or lhroo blocks. Hut. lo. (ha poor laborer mu turn his pop. llpllilu down or It I but hltch or I right lnlf. and tho tilt-I Ind on It nnmlo will roll out In In unlnlerru lad ..lA-..- 0| ,'u|UIl'[1I. `DU WFIG IUPTIU lR`III|lIl' rh r company nnclomly permmod (ho bu Mn: nr lohnero on (bl; brand: 0! In mtsenwinnn, A [nod many other puma- zs- rs. `non of them men. were also Ieltorl In the open bull. not bocnuu they amok- --d or oven approval of Imoklnt. but DO- aune tier :1 no room for them In tho -Mud pnrt and the; bud nowhere clue to all I < ntnnvnu I nin- ..........u.., an, u. V,......- and .\lontrenl Line. TRI-\\'[i[,3Kl-Y SL-IRVICIS u.___--_ I.,..- ....;.... -__. _. AA: ...., -.---xv *--. AI licljonc Pnvulluu Ioncwlul ol the Nature cl I Ilul. The quality of mnrngo I1 I16! afnlm-d. On the open hall of 1 combination atr--el <-nr of the Amsterdam aumm line mo ..I'|....- .In- Ihnug nun- - -.\...I|- -nth...-In.- l'lHn(.| llllu III! HUT. Thu nunr mun chanced Ml sect. (`III 0| NH! IIIIIIIQTUIII IVHIUC I|K\lV III } other dny than was I goodly nth:-rim: n! knnhu-rn, Thu! -o-In lhprn in-o-nun LIW THE MAN AND HIS PIPE. . T- commncraz.` usual on an! Stock Exehnaan 1-! Nov York. lomroul gal Tmrnnla. I7. "T. I. itl'IN|. The proper thing to whr this hot weat'ct.__ don`! know what real Summer Shoe ~ E you try a pair of CANVAS` sHo_Es. " - ' ` .5 . . u m;o,y.u -.':JJ: - `pi `an -us:-4vu\1II|n vs... .4 Runner: Icnvo gain` an M4 dniIu,,,1r Thousand lglunb, .\louuns In an`! Fru'mvnnv `Jot: sbun.-r : in. J4 {James Reid, ...__...__j four Busy Days. I 0 onooooonoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooootoco Snouooooooooooqoppouootoopoo_ogp0dnVo}Qgoooooo` . V. . v;. If ;" , Ambulance I47 A. Sutherland s ' Sunm: :3 Travelling. canvas Bootsvand shoes. Abbey's Effervescent $ Salt I-m. In! H `l|l.3( f And lIl"`l`U' Hanallton. Bay of Qulnte 1--n.-I \l.\.qt-4.-nl I Inga