A mum. sons. Piiuldont IMO!` In-[Evan ch IMO! Q: g wad`! glib. II. will 30% w an out 0: radon in ill Md IIIUII. until the ooryblldol in bad plant! -1 .1..- A- n_4..-.I.A_. Z4- n.-..ioh-n It --.$.?IW"TTTC-D-_-"r"` fol an to mould-r Ju po-Non: 'b clan: tint Eln dooufl dui , .1-.._.__, Al AL- .4._'I.- In Ion rrmnotod. mains. Firln, of Tu .J Dina )1 nnroum, ' Plcton on L having . opera- T llbl. I-ll holccbonhrv" lniuol Bu!- I-Io"-I-in-~""% 4" 1 , The Otlawn Roman Catholic organ is again showing that venom towards Kingston recently made manifest. in the Iocomoiive works mnlter. The city never proposed (6 spend Ul0,(I)0, ha: not yet named a sum, and has not made change of plana. One 0! the chief members of nance committee, given power to In the sum, in alderman John J Rohnn. of St. nary : cathe firnl. and not an Orangeman is upon" ll. Lee Ottawa Union. . lt was reported that Kingston at first proposed to squander tho lur sum of 810,000 on the reception to given to the duke of Cornwall. Kings- ton is nothing if it is not loynl." It is now stated that `L000 is to be that city's limit. Whenoe the change? (`an it. be that the "loyal" citizens of the "Derry of Canada" are mindful of their unapprecinted aorts to re- 4.-eiveuthc: present sovereign when he was touring Canada as the prince of Wales? However this may be, it has been authoritatively announced that the colors to be used for display. on the occasion are purple and criulson. Any other color will not be consider- ed good taste. Verb. Sap. T51 XCT `yw- Whon I own; primer nu leaving the can y for tho Pu:-Annricon, his Icllmv workman prillu-d. in plain lug: Idlofl. 5 ulip of . tho vonh :. "Pu no at Bulalu. `Rh inn nnnlntl an uni}-n In - XII WOIIH 3, "VII II IWIIU `liiawuputcd on animus-1 nn-hing, Ilia!-insul- un-. in QICIUFVX Ill 3153 uuugl. The Rflfl lodge, l.0.0.F., will meet ll. Guel In on August 14th, 151.]: and Mill. e cnonmpmem and beoou will meet on Tuoudny next. one- dnv befnn the neuiuna ofytlm grund mag. begin. Ir. Helm. will up to repmuenv. the encampment. :5 del stew [mm Cnurnqui lodge an R. eel. JOIN`! Dennison and W. ll. Warren: from Limutonqkxlge. W. Bu- ulm. W. Hamilton and R. Dinok. They will Ionvo-for the lloyll city on Tue!- dqy._ Each dc-In-gate has tecaivrcl 0 very nttrictimz bndgo. mode in Tonn- Io and equal to nnythiug of American nuuluuia. ' ll) see we museum. The collection includes old picvums, prints, book.-3, manuscripts, medals, weapons, and a number of other things, and to the student. of Caner liun history these are of exceedin`g in terest. Unfortunately, the collection is nut well arranged. The pictures haw nu titles, to that unless one raters to a catalogue, it is impossible to ua_\ who the subject is. The building wma erected during the eighteenth century, and is exceedingly quaint in con- utruction and arrangement. lt was evidently intended to stand a siege, the walls being of enormous thick- ness. The building it in I fair state of preservation. WIICU [III U%I'I IWIUITQI III I museum for storing and exhibiting interesting relics in connection with the history oi Canada from earliest times. Un ~.:.'r tering, he fuund the hall and mums plnstered with notice9-"ll eat defen~ du dc crochet sur la terre"-which bv interpmtation means not to expect.or- ate. He was told that the wanfng was particularly necessary in conse- quence of the number of visitors from the south side of the line who CORAL` 5.. mm ulna nullnnllrn ragged neainy 0! lorlnallon. nun: um! there, however, man has tried by nrti cial means, to improve them, by building palatial summer homes and laying out shady walks and lawns. hut it is doubtful if the original stau- ol the islands is not the loveliest al ter all. A pleasant sail is enjoyed be fore Gananoque is reached, where the passengers are giten an hour's stuy- nuicient time to see the town or call upon acquaintances or lrioncls. King~ i-ton is reached at 4:45 pm.. alter a very enjoyable and protnl)lc (lay on tho river. A Historical Cnnndinn Clntenu. A member of the Kingston histuricr ul society, whu was in Montreal last week, visited the Chaicau de Rameuy which has been acquired an I museum for nlnrinu And nxhihilinu intnrwalinn steamers are well patronized. Leaving Kingston at l0;t|5 a.In., the North lung run to Clayton, making tvmlvs Illiluu an hour with perfect one; Below the American village, Round Island, with tho mammoth Frontouac hotel. '3 panned, while on the lelt the hotels, oottageu, green lawns and pretty shruliliery and owers on Thou- sand Island and Hurry Hill parks dc light the eye and charm the Deans. 'lhi-n the vessel wi-ads her way among a labyrinth of islands, palatial num- mer homes and hustling little steam yachts until Alexandria Bay is reach- ad. Here a stop of a few minutes is made and the steamer proceed: down the river, until it near: the pretty group of islands, comprising Sport island, Acadia, Little Lu.-high and Sum~ me:-land; then it turns into the Can- adian channel just at the hnad of Grenadier Island, where a lighthouse rears its white towcr into the blue Canadian shy. Fifteen minutes run and Rock Jort is reached. The village. with neary half as many churches as it has residences, is well and aptly named. It is indm-d a rocky port. but withal a cuul and delightful place to u this summer. Its two sum- Inerhotols are well patronized. Splen did fishing is found in the adjacent waters. where many American sher- men come daily to ensnare the wily bass and iclierel. At one o clock the North King leaves Rocliport and proceeds to Kingston by the Canadian channel. passing through scenes of almost. indencribablv beauty. Ham notun-. in all the- randcur of her pristine lovclini-as. nish upon the View and the ellcct is \`e.'y tmchanling. The islands in these Canallian waters tire, for the most part, in their natural state, clad in their luxuriant foliage and wild, raglzvd beauty of formation. Here and them. himmvor. man has l)V (tril- King : ooun. lung:-t Gildonloevc had placed the prion within reach of all. sad the consequence in t|nt_ the well patronized. |....;.... xa......mn .1. I0;06 n.|n.. GIVE` It Ibo.-Ian, va- llIAldOupiuI. _ The nguluwripn oftlhououuurn North King and Cdlpinn, Among like Thxunnd I-lands, an voty popuu not only with Kilgnoniuu but also with an American who cross the lab ol than wit; and popular num- en. -A Whig npmuenutivu mu vary mud: delighted with the plenum trip and the cuurleounneu of the North u;....'. ..n'm.r., lummzer Dolagntu `re crud Lodge. Nun In-urn-I Induu I H D I` Lubolhd Inn Through. an A inn-n nrnlgn nun. I. Spruding False Report. A llninn, [L :Ign&iuIqmnII::m::Ieutm[nopIew - . Dgunwcll, ol WI , L. I...',';I';'I.`, ma" jma vector o:'s7. 11.5 In-1'. anoro..; all!- Itu,--."kan church. (mun. in can aromas B'NDlN0 III- ` ' the Red. J. A. T - ` `u. _` UIIO r I III 'II`|- 53;.` an---:---- 3.. uovu 0. man lallidnru-'=. ._ Tn n.m. l.n I... . .....-...a....: _._,-____r_ _, Anglleongchurch Appointmonu. HIV. L." ` lcTur, of Cardinal, has mllud uintment by the bishop of Onurig b the mctory ol Elizabeth- 'on.-.- .4.-'1-nun ma: non! Cn hv thn of unsung b we memory on l.'.lII|DellI- "town. was sent in by thel Epic ii~ ' ion with than of VI. lb. . fight R. During. "in Innlnhln LA: An the nannln In KIWI. lh. l'. Ilfljm It. Uvormg. lIiI_|qldIhl in an the people noun in mining. Thgpure proteid of wheat-More nohlishing than other qgcals-F4rV hcalthicr than mqat. Good for _($.hildreu, In 2 lb. packages only at your Grocers. nt to clear out all odd lines, and you can save ' .by buying off us. I I D. McDr-1;:-Btt, NEVER pnronn. Lawn Mowelgs. I We have a large supply, ranging in price from 7c. to 22c. per foot. New Series, is now further in the lead of ordinary rangesthan ever before in its history. It sells easier than ever. It is made, if possible, better than ever. Its appearance is grander and more massive. and it is uni- versal! acknowledged without a peer. It is built to stand e enduring test of years to come. If you want a new Cooking Stove this year it will pay you to equire of some one who is using a Happy Though " We sell them. Illgz '; TV `of u wcleI'pi'bol. ELLIQTT _BROS., IOU VV tidal... ' ON-- THURSDAY AFTERNOON from 5 to 6 o'clock we will sell 15 only SUMMER DRESS PAT- TERN8. Regular $7.00 to $12.00 each at $3.50 EACH. V, ., Closing Wednesdays, I o'clock p.m _ flg Saturdays. I0 o'clock p.m. August Other days, 6 o'clock, p m. ju--___---`.-_%V,_. 7., no nnIl_20 Pu-lnoooa St:-cot. - - - Kingston, O'nt. MK_E'-VEY 3% _B3CH~ THEWHKITIJYTHUUGHTJRANGE UII 5\IV\IC `U105 VIII lnvlonwn vvu-war-u w vw-- v__---_ FOR EARLY BUYING we are showing the right things in Dress Materials. - Plaid Back Smooth Face Cloths, Camel Hair Tweeds and Cloths. Plain Cloths and Cheviot Mixtures. Good suitable for Bicycle and Rainy Day Skirts, Suits, etc. .. an - 1 til, ,1. r__ Il-I_:`A_. I`__-- Y AL_ ..I ouuu, tn. Golf Capes and Shawl; for Making Capes. Lots of new things - ' * nun! llIlII1l)lf\A\I ADTDDMAAM 6`.-non (In R _ Clearing out Summer stocks and from this out the character of the stocks will begin to change. One sea- son's goods going out another season's goods coming in. nan unt v nrvvtun ...- ..... .1-unnina 9|-an rial-u } We Are Beginning ' To Open Up l4`AL1L1 0 609138 Wh eat Marrow s_'rAr_2R a5 AS_ALJTCL.lFl-"<`E:_ A__ _ |rm_._._4.-_ STARR AND Garden Hose; 69 and 7| Brook Street. Iuacnon-0 gnome on ooooo tT1'o;.W At Kediod Rs. our doom all, Wales, has -u-Ono ..l in H_o, Wodnoaday. Auguat 7th. 77 Princess Street. Have you seen such values as we are offering In Summer Shoes. ol 81.. Inc- in J A '1`- "Lawn Sprinklers anus. unuvuv. . uagz. 6'-_"--T'i~'-"`. _"" 3'"".'"9% 'l}_m'-3 7"su2`. .`. r:`u':'`" nu. Iran, I-rq., >11-dnnnl jjjlfl Su'rcurrs IIPOITIRO. I75 Princeust, . Next to Rou1lev'I, f* LAU'DRY. V gap pun: am I; nu. ' " ` :iIi`ill'IIha-y am on. " lath `my ummr.._ ' "' -'-Sii jrr.-_uIv--Iv`-I--x`y-----V._----.-. W _ }f_ANoL1N's. -,.-rm asgnelyiupiriucinnuha drink: Idnun child. Upc- july-lo-Wont mm. A M; A y ` %p.s..~:.1.a.iac. _IIIi'Oo. Yoillpiotnn Gomyud. nndmutnnd Whiu. Thus no a Woonlledlhunohndculoo. Ont v . man` to an ` _A(uII'hI'nln Thin hour` 900310 "do it quickly. Read carefully and .' forthlnvoekohly :-1 I Punctuse voun L }_V_!NTER' SUPPLY COAL} WE ARE minus With (I-no papa-. pAuu-no ol the luau Pnllionnhh Blown and Lady's Dunning Jncht. 10 outi- I III?! lInIl`l I`,|l.I'I.nDl'N`' IA'IAII -Ink JICIJI. Ill OGII | WI-:I.l)0N`s cmn.nm:Ns' BAZAII, whh Inpn puma `o! (HI-5' Wool and Boys C:-Iain Cons, I cuqu. an 1 Kevin; decided to discontinue the One Stove luehuu and give our entire etteimon to nghttng 1: I131 dlepoee of our entire nook ea lees than eoeg. Come end get betgeia. `llluhneen linen. - WELDON S |l.AlllE8 VJUIIBNAL, AUGUST. iv. NISBET. :"i|iTI'iii'6'IL Ilnnnnnn he gnu m, '-""-'"'"-'ro- uu'.onro uni An rdblnnxd mama: -sun nun EXIT GAS. 7h,v.a.aJ:Lu..nua.. jjj `Q QLLQ jll 1l'IvI:-ouustnnt. -'9ALEXANDRIA I 5 [$13 I I} LVIID. Jul! -0 Qwimlongudo. dud than win In. _ I_`uloudn,IIh yur,nd purhpuiur gun vi V-ywunv ;uu'uuvuv . Lou it was the county coun- cil threatening Jroulvlc, to -day the city VIII! work: dlsparunent in no [Calla (anal stated that \-azer could I In Ignud Eur Il.e louhulln. Lul. wank other trouble was publicly ~ lirlsalenod. The finit of forbur-mo ppahaeanoehoa.1\ocu..nyovch.' duenlud nodnr Ilould be pmtu.-(ad l mm4fnquen talk, evnn if drier: no ` [wily diIomIlI[eIl- Not another iulr , ourlplion will In u-Izod and the letting 1 0' Obilntall 10!` l basin, pip; u- l _nIop|Iul. lulu: III to lav`: tit] I315 5-ax: nhLg-nAinLAoLnol; .\ [I.l_I|`llilIIIl IUI vol.-V, uuu uau vr ` th nder no pledge an to the location, except an to__desire to adopt tho court house gmunds, and no threat; will be (ah-n.. The city part. committee would be delighted to pro- vide the I500 to pay the county back, and to place it in the park wuuld cost less. 01' the 84,011) fund, mum than III" will IXDIIIB from other Cities, 8750 from local municipalities, and vary Jittlc proportionately from subscribers outside the [nitrous and committee. It J: A gift to the people of the city and Toounty. not from them. I-`nr inhtance, than are just seven individual anh- wlrtiom [mm Frontenac, giving 852 in all I Tho -0 who are tumbling must Va not `given A cent. Few know thl labor the pmject hu cont. nnd how land: more is demanded by the 834!) tquirod yet. Why Punt every public worker ho hindond instead of hehcd, upocinlly those. who am -usually fair and of capnhltfjudgment? ` I'-.A ..:..L4 In ..._- AL- ........a.. ....._ W) Dllll JV! uv luv:-_ cuuv nuuu -- tung the Iympothy Ind apprecia- tion for which he p6ned._ The editor IIIIIII not expect too much. He will nQv_n'gothiIduo,buthehuthooon- Iolotumou ol knowing thul. he has GU!!! HI but to dimct and improve and olevnle the race, Ind it be In: 1 1|-) .L. :_._|. :_ ._-. |_:_ Illlzvuwu `cw Auvv, ulu llill Io halt in not bio. '\ ---.j.__. Q, [captain for $500, and the or- ; [in in `under 'IHUIlll.l IRCDC. lilo vuuuly no `vuuu. `yI'u'u1vn.ICjI|IuIFIIl--G V vyrialuaoctolr-mud tip orgninu-bu. i'|`iI|lIr$dp'nL his in --I'I -. W J. __`J ck.-. _..:II L. 411! ulunu In u-v -nv vu-yum u. He must deal candidly chi many an inns, and he must 0: - pui go have his opinion diaoenwd (mu. Yet he in, i! conscientiously em- ployed. doing a service which in above 0 Honey value. It. may nut. be up ` ts-the ne, but is in true, Ilwtrtbelou, that the people who mad 0 paper rogululy come to imbibe its qah-it. and the editor and his friend: vvulnlulwln Nr. Joann hu not soon the travail 0` HI uoulhnnd it not satised. In for odd you`: he and those whom he through the Richmond Guardian. ought to have" Known each othw; And yet he foelq that there ii |...L.n.... AL- .......-aI... `ml .......-3-. %pixcnss sjr_._ , I uluuu annAaur-nu-vu--. It in I fair proposition that "nog- [ing" at the Kirkpatrick mcmnrial should cause. The county is getting .. nmnnn l....-A_l_ t..- Quin .....I .L. ...._ -Inulup -u--uw nun I_ have his that __ L--. _._.4. |.__ L plluuc uaucuun ., ,";H 305 been my habit," say: Mr. ' Jana. "to Gull 5 `made I spade, and-I have found it a costly game to_ play. But} have no ngmk. What. I jun`: Iiuvu Iv-nu u pity. have I IIIVI wri't IV have I It brought. : ... .<.L ..._.._ - _.l yvv run run: PvI--yv ...-n... ... up but work In: been thrown away." Th 0-Iitor in Hi5 {he teacher or .I-,I -__J1Jl.. VI 3 n-nuu-u, u. u., KW Tl Pmu. In the course of hi: ' vulodiotory, Ir. Jones says that har- iugunidoalutriedtolivquptoit. ' III Ii: opinioh I public journal in I tgachen-._ ~ on |.-`_ 1...- ..... I.-|.h " ..u. ll.- AN EIHTIPWS EXPERIENCE. W. E. "Jones, editor of the Rich- ` Ilgod Gunrdian for forty-three young, -50 ntind from active journalism, ' and a. wounded by Lindsay s. Gown, Into Oditok of the Auburn, N. 8., HAL n-~~A _ __.-_- ._t |.;._ wvwuulu W-u uavu nu u-w--. up-u vy-a '. Arinlv. um attained, the commie: in relievqil ol his reuponaibilnnnd do moi utioluclion tint the war `D000 propoloo to permanently Ietire ' The unto-.-n, by the way, in Nan] wu_not a mere grog ohop, and it in not, than-afore, to be compnrvd _lAL AL. ___`.A_. _.L2-I. .._ A ...... .._ URL the.` oulhoem . which m hvo boon generally ubood. *|ZlItIl-IwuIIl-wijngp-au-w ups:-inoo with it: cannon`,-thuh to ' sh axporlusnuollln dinoIor-gunc'nl cl Iupplin at Natal. ll VII purely mili- tary status. nunpd by the forces, and lot the haunt ol their iutemnu. The Iuult was that bone: good: wen . at love prices, And the pun- ol tic btuintal wont wank the Iicl. fund. out of which A Iuhuantiul , __ LI . .L_ .__:_l__. -1 _ --'----__.. ` 104 AIICE88 8T.. n-n.....n._:n..._-.-_.... _....._ IBW CHINESE LAUNDRY I11 was ycuu ov u-u wnlvw u. -u; lnoldiu who died in Natal. Ono otjnor ICIQ lull); v-v vi Iv-0-an Q --vwvuuv-u an who paid to I53 widow of nny --I.u.... _I._ .I:..l :_ |I-A-I fl..- lk ft-vuuuc --v a.`.'.-."..'.a. u on so 75.13 .IOI0oltIo&I,hviIgtodowith the plipt coups, lndlcatq that the Ihoulltolthnenhuboonvcry had. Apinutlluluaoropurc that IInIriti|Ivar_oIuht|;_ndnItw ` .1__|_. ., ' ' IIID Q-l'U_-nu IJ.lVII'AlUl`a Option dilc u to thruluo ol nllmrrunton. Tb American- Lgu.` ..-4I. -_ .l...a 0.. -Iu.nI. in -ad ' [THE ` _l:AI_L_Y __vv_HT(';'. PU IJC IN'l'ERI-`ERENCE. rii urbnuno mnnxu. -._,a ,I. ,, no- , , . -L_ _._I.._ Dion , u nu |u.nc-w. vvuuw : u writ and it ntunde. me no riches, but t perhaps much m I um: `AL- 4_._L... ._ n that ante. wlnztxsmu. Acuvur 7. pecun- (inn in marital and hit any triad- `uuud congratulations. ` clllmj---2 13. j- KKUTVIUIM T59 boat of lrienrlu of cl-Alderman George H. A||en will burn with plu- aure of his good lormpo. H0 has been `(ruulenul to the luoutolou ol the Standard life` assurance company, at Iontnnl, and ` (ad to the poti- tinn of gnu-A llo viyl, I auparvulon -navy upon 0! we I.inn"Evv|nau and .Ir. `a promotiufeonll an 0 I19- vnnl for hithfnl Irvin. >101 twelve man-LAKAQL-All. nnnnlln Kn. [l.I.0I 0! QUIIBIII I107. `0 VIII` I.;.'.':' K`.1..1."'1"..2."""u.........I The Inn with The Hobby Horus. What. would Lake Ontario park be without the presence of J. E. Jones `." A desert without A friendly oasis would be no comparison. It in due to his can: that the park has developed into the lovely uput thnt it now is. He is constantly at work addin im- provaments and xing up. He ll: .3 the place acrupuluusly clean and tidy - His forte. however. in in running the popular Ina-rry gwround. Almost every child in the city is on familiar terms with Ir. .lune.-z, and he treat: them all as though they belonged to his family. lt is mmlitable to him that during the years he has had charge of thy marry-gn-round not a single soci- dcnt has pm-urro(l_ though thousands 0! children have patronized it and en~ Wyed a spin an the hobby horses. lt. as been -luv H the com he exercised that this t>nviablc record has been at- tuinod. WI'0ll` the I auuruay. On Tuesday lut. Florence Estella, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert. 1). Salmon, died at {$6 liome of her [In- rents in Doseronto, aged twenty-one you-a. Him ah-.n lav InEumn_ dAuaIItnr mm! an M oI_81_. umml A...-...b-..I....I. .4 nnhnjna lint Helen lay Ioikven. daughter of the Carleton Place town treasurer, died on Tuesday. of oolun ion. Her brother died of the tune iseose ve week: ago. . Daniel R. Iurnl|v_ lnrrhtar. 'l'rm|- mm. The old buys and `rlx, Are to have the ireetlxm of 1 Saturday. n Tnnalnv Inst, Plnrnnn ZIVIII .2 W I `1w John Turnclio, Bellow-ie, died Tuesday, a fty-lhnze years. Prince 1'` an! can boast. of hav twenty-two cheese factories in up tinn. A 999-year hue expired in London the other day, and the property re- verted to the possessor, the chapter of Wutlninatcr pariah. The (`hunch of England, in happy to pre- sent this unavailable proof that she has lasted as 3 distinct national ur- ganiution for 0 thousand years. though claimed by lnothel great ec~ clesiutical powet to be I compara- tively modern creation of a very un- chriatian hing. T The New York Sun thinks that the cage of Porto Rico uould ulir Cunt diam to a menu of their onnmnloua and irrational situation. Then it Mia, Why Ihould they; at this time of hit: tury, be European instead of Amuri- can! One reason, the Montreal (in- nette uyn, that tppeuln especially to their mind: in that the New York bum in American. They, lhgrefore, prefer to be something else. ulna urn I:-puxuuuuu uu uul `in unison done. They no dotibtnl what they can do? Cuft they follow the now mill men across tho border and do budineau when they can get the fuel? Ohio nnd Ilclligun mnnulnctureru, who have been burning Illa natural gal pumped from well: in Essex county. nu disturbed over the notice that the exportation of thin pa must _`.-.. "BL... -.. 4I.. .L;l'..I ...L_ luau 9' .. -I1- 15: Ottawa oily eonncfl uknoval~ ' edge; dinotly awry hunt orcommuni- nation which Is it to it. The. in right. It would not by unzip: it out city council Aioptod I uimilu rule. Some people would int than be in sq doubt in ngsld to {hair roqueau. TB Ipfli 0! mdcria in Now York tub in attributed to the presence of the nooqnilo. nyacam m .dva..a to do their &t to circumvent in vork, and the mggution iiuplieu u vigilance and activity (hut. would be trying enough in I very warm day. "gut; I.-qv 3:9! wvv-I [continuance ol tic rib. Ivwn Ian on. an-Ian-I nun-an-I from Whig : l:xc:;nu I.-.L.. "l`u--mill`. ll..H.u n Iliad . **:;".;;;; 0 N; COAL