not go won. The racord of land 8., 2:08} is un- beaten, lornn born In: nines drawn A high wlloekd nulky in that time, though the enrt lnu fnquontly been lnndobylornenhnvingubeucrmark Ruined by drawing the low vheolod. hull-bearing. rubber-til-ad silky. In Ides, many of the old-tinhu-n still no- us ! that the horn which could beat (K [M ID!-hliunnnnn nl I-n.l IQIDO on me Lianadta cup In I899. l nIi|1-nt Pittaway, of the N.A.L.U.. `III received A "|h'Y irnm H. R_Vn||,_ul' the New Weatuninster, B.('., lacrosse club. in which he say: that R. F. Anderson i: on bin way to Ottawa to arrange for u mulch to take place in British Columbiulor the limo cup. It In thnught that the British ('0- lumbin team would come cost. It is quite sure that the eastern teams will not go it-ct. TL: nu-an} nl Il....a a om; :- .._ lnlrty-Inn-~I-nowr on In-sh Water, has been purrhased by oommodom How uni. ol the Hualu ynrht club. from the Toronto syndicate owning her. She is said to have brought SL500. aI~ though the coat be-tween 83,111) ufd 81,111) to buihl. She is in Ilor third anon, liming been built. for the de- fense of the Canada`: in I899. l'l'EIi(|t-nt Piitalmv. of the N.` L,H In two mmutcs. William Lewis, New York, bought Diuurher for 81'), when everybody called him an old plug," and develop- Izd him into a rncrr. He won threw: races in A week at Brighton Beach. Last month the horse which lacked speed and stamina lound them and won 3|,7(K`, enough money toieed him for several years. I!......- 0|... -.......|;.._. L.._...._..._.L-_. tum mr several Beaver, the ape:-dies: heavywventher thirty-n-~f-nowr In-sh water, has ha-an Iunnvlruuud lm ~unnu..A..m ll....., peu. Honvemen are discussing a two minute race. Ilr. Hamlin, Bualo, aged eighty, believe: he will I08 the ns-cord dawn to that guro. He re- members when I tbrauninute horse wu: a novelty. His yearling. Tho- Primale, he thinks, will do the mils- in Own vninuloa mu. Toronto baseball team has dropped the Ian! ve matches, and must now play ball. Sullivan 'mI|u this A!- wrnoon, and iflm pu Is the team out at the bogs, he ll get. a great ova~ tinn. Rn-up Al` L4 `nah-.-:--o:n '31.-ma -.l unn. Some of the enthuniutic home ad- mirers am making nrrongomenta to have the old race course at Renfrow. nrued when they may have a unit able place when-on to speed their pets. f\'.'I'lC'I -an plinnunninn - .$'I\, IIIUI"-C H. The t conlut between larvin Hart, uisville, and Jack Root, Chi- cago, may have to be declared oil , up far as Louitvillc is concerned. layou- Weaver is hot alter tin Incn. I`-nnron 1'nmn- (Inn Ifnnluhun-n -1|... wenvor is not alter no George Town, the Englishman who is to row Jake Gnudnur at Rat Port age on September 4th for the cham- pionship ol the vmr|d.' ha`s'arriw.-d at Rat l'm-tugs and hcgln training. 'I`. A. Carson, Primal: nu-mt, has entered his prime winnin water spaniel, Dan IcCnrthy, in 1 bunch uhow, which opens at the Pnn-Am-ri- can exhibition gt Bualo on the 27th inn! jug Lee I A IWZITTCI $0 0. T50 Bruckvllle Y.I.(`.A. war canoe tenm won In Iuj. Walsh cup by de- feating the Bohemian by two lengths. i The Brockvillo club team was third. I-. -n -uL:I.d:.-.n ,-Q-u\A ..o I.l-|:t-.. use urocuvme cluo team uuru. In An exhibition game at Halifax the Wandemn defeated the Belmont cricketers, of Philadelphia. The Wan- derers made 115 runs .-and the Bel~ beam IICIBIIHKI FOIBUIE ny I BOOI1`. 0| on 0 4 lo 3, and Idaho beat Canum 3` IICIIIIKK Illl" IIDIIIU _Vl7BI"l. (In Mumluv, Ogdemhurg baseball team defeated Potsdam by A score on" I In 3 and In|nnn haul rnninn H rewrnoro, tune to elgm. The Abbot will be in shape to meet (`resoeun M. New York an August 15:11. 'I`..... Ql._-L..u L..- - ...._. |.I..... L.-. noun. Tom Shnrkey has I new blow. Just now Tom in trying it uu the public through the newspnpen. The-re in said In Iza xunnw In: uf ru- Inruugn use ncwlpnperl. The-m it said In he Mnuw talk of Ir organizing the Almnnle crwket club, delunct fur some yuan. ll- I`.....I._.. lL-J.__..I_..__ L-,._LAII qunvuuu awvnun vn A-uvunv-5 av out Sporting Irctotnity. Iontreal Iancou play two baseball matches here mu week. . n.............- |..-..|.-n ...-._ ,1..:--...,a mnuanu nan nan ween. Gananoquo baneball team defeated Pelerbow. nine to eight. The Ahbnl. will he in nlume in ms-at WIIO IWHIX U0 `On. Thu abduction ol the cignnnakers and other stringent meuutu noted an the outgrowth `of 3 striko declar- ed several days ago by the members of the Rnsistenciu. This brou ht out thrmts on tho port of never: mnnu lucturven: to remove their places from Tampa, owing to continued labor troubles. `, &V Elllu -Dmigxmuanhwxm mums H 0!` II dlllk on Bust, `It: :1- _, W I ""' :""""". n`."`5..t'.' *"" I . OIDCTI. A eommiuco 0! (.50 leading business men nuliliod the soup homes that they must close and food no more people. Vagrant Inn, it was announc- ed, would I): onlomad ngninot that who mluno to work. ' W`- -InIn4n:.`_ .1 AL. -:_..._-|.-... Latest Runs Of Interest To The a_-.A;__ LAW, . III. II! XIUU I van o\'ou'u1u~md ` the utben_. A ...\_....AA.. A! IQ HIE. ` 'l' lilor 0! LA, Federation. I Spaniai poptr, published in the inur- eat of the Ruiatoncin, was nlno wiz- ed. Ho nude a vigorous fight". but and land to go like- Ilia ulherl. ' Tampa, Hg, Aug. 8.-,l'.'agMun' load- cn o( tho Rtuiuuncic cagumnhrf ,union have Inca adsad and opitiusd nmy. A nunhur were `picked Ip cl`-nut the court house. It is impossible .I.obnrIIholIooonuolI.lsoonon. many ol whom haw been prominent ht-min|ahoreirchn.`T|Iotot.ow|Iom the manor nu intruded doclnn. how- ever, chit liq! an being um when Inky cgnbt get but to Tampa in I u II` `Aha- ..l I - D...l-_-..:.._ _ TAIIA Olil KIDIAI AID I D3201!` `III I-IADIIB. wnnm-_spna|nwb1 LATEST 785011330 IOTIIS. I Ion City at Any Coot--Ci[u' Innulaetunru lad Itruunod to lumen `lid: Ilctoriu, And 1155 Poop]! Adopt Bowie lacuna to Invent run. I,.._.. DI- A..- n l):,_l._.._ I--.| Tan Kings-ton memlnnh in hnvi mtunu built for Ilmnsolvn on W - hone: point for ocoupatinn during the summer monlha. Pnlicn onundhlvlo Ichdoo In at I-III polin union . v-Aline. wiser.`-L. found at the Inner nfliugotd `en linen. 1; um sauna. '.'..`..'t .....'""' vuu uutwur I xuuoru. Hamburg, Aug. 8.-The nieamnhip Puluin. which carried the body nl baron Von Kew-ler. the German min- intnr. murdt-ht! at Pekin. arrived here lodny. A military mourning party unaided the landing M the body. which, under ymsuur mom-t, will bu forwarded 10 lkrliu, whore a-lnborntr luau-ll uvrviceu will be ho-kl. no<-m-at-~r, 11.1.. Auiz.- .'4.-I\ moat striking innovation in ruirgt.-r_v in told by a man named Jacob llnrtz tn nu perintenda-nt of the poor Iodgt-, ta whcrm he applied for transportation tn liatnvin. Hartz says while he was at work for a farmer outside the oity you u-nlny he fell nn 3' scythe, the puim of which piervt,-d his throat and cut in- to the jugular vain. His cries for Italy attrnctmi the Attention of A panning wheelman, who opened his tire repair kit. stucd the wound in the neck with tire glue. and wrapped small tin tape about the wound. _-The man was then nent here [or examination at. a hospital. Farmer Near Kenoshn Finds H: Has A Novel Incubator. Kenonha. ix, Aug. "4.---Mirhtw Frudv-rick. l'Pl~'i(iil)(_( at Pnrisz, in-M` huh has n l)ru(Ki of chivkelm which III suyu were hau-hvd by the sun. Som- iew days ago Irt,-durick visitor! an un '1:~`e(i granary and hearing cries Q: _umng c.hiI'Iumn, hogan an invvstiga tiun. (`wing to the attic ollhc build ing he noticed a munhor of eggs scat tel-ml about the our. In one corm- ot the room hr found a think:-n whici appeared to be about three or four hours old. Hrs piulwd up the Iittla Chink--n and 2-tartml to leave thu building. when he saw another cg; had been hutchu,-I and A M'('ull1l chi: ken was placed with the lir.-zt. Th- housc was careflllly watched for thc next. Livo days. and of the t.went._v' four can in the grqnary twenty-two proclumtl chickens, with no other agency than the sun. Stopped The Wound With Tire Glue. Roch:-at-~r, N.Y.. Aug.`-`R.-A mm-t ..On-ildnn inn.-ntinn in an-numu Qu :nI.l ma present Mag`: lnr montlnl. The council of the college of phur mncy at Tnmntn revolved an upplica Linn from N. W. Clu, Ottawa. askilu that one year's time in his term on apprenticeship he allowed him, be cause of the time lost, by him whilu serving under the colors in Souti Africa. The cnmmittve declined 0.4 gfrant. it, but reported in favor an` n: lowing Ir. (.`lutl' to take the junin course 3!. the collesw without tho l)A|. i lowing nlr. Lluu in take the junm college without the pay ment 0! the few. AIIIVOIII ll-uh:-ant Iuopvuq if-. In "lIn\\. The Vitality :Hspla_vo~d by ox-prim: minister (.'ri.~spi, wbu has born extrema Iy ill {or a lung liml-. ix rt-gun!-:d a it n.-marlmlylng instance of physica weakllcus In-ing dmninalr,-(I by menu- pmwr. Hiav phy:-icimnz are asumis} ed and now admit that hr may lie in his present Mag`: fur months. The nnuncil nf Hm rnnnwn nf nhnr comer. u.1., un August un. on In Empress ul Japan. He is 4-n rout home to New York for a rest. A meeting of lhv ('anmlian cx'i(-kt association executive has been callec to be held in Toronto on August HM! to bear the clnim of the (Mtavva cri Rotors that the association shnuld I ! consider its docisinn so huld lhu in ta:-national match and give the male} to Uumxa. 'I'l... .41...I:A.. .l.:....l.......l I... ._ _, nl rvnuereu H H"lIU[I ("`1'|lII'InL7 IIIII and void the action taken at ll meet ing of the Figards mock holders, din missing Mm. l :rivi-r and De Hodayn the manager and editur, respectively of that puper. Riuhl Haw Hinhnn '(`.rn\.-ma n!` th. ol mm. Right Rev. lliszhnp `Grave-:2. of th- Episcopnl church, of the Yang Tin Valley minsinnn, which position ha ha lled for twenty years arrived at Van cuuver, B.(`.`, on August Tlh. th Emnmnn ul Jnnnn, How in 4-n rnul III!-H. The trihunul uf (`(IlnlIIPrr`:-_ Paris has rendered a do'(`isiI)l| do-<-luring nul and uniul clan nnnnn onhnn III in run: Iy Icamun-. Fire dc-ulrn_\'1' lwn 5-ievnturs on Monday night at ('hu~m;u In-lunging I: the Grand Trunk railway ~uu\pa|_\' Luna T.").U0||. (me was no-ur|_v em; lied of grain, hut lhv Nt'1'l)l'.|` Wu ['..H null. 1|... . .. ,.. . wvu -uvuu-. x Hlll. I` lrl'llIl'H llllll been sent from Sun away. A nnrlinmo-ntnrv - away. A parlimnenmry .~'uhn-mII)Iil`.e, 5! (er undying (hr Mnnt-beau-r and Gen mam canals, has mpurled that lb proposed canal from the bay of Bis my to the M4.-diterranuan is technical ly feaailjk-. Fina (`null rnrdul llrn l'il`\'A'l\l`\` nu |_'rl`uI "TU I}rlll} Russia. nn Tm-zuluy, ing. Two I[iuu'icts ....o I:`............ -...l was nrresuou. A ulewrologiral ounvnnlinn in to b- Ikeltl in Milwaukee from August `27l| to Nth. Weather I'x|l'T1s {rum al over ch: continent. will nu.-ml as we! lmm (`uha and Porto Riru. A n rn wnman, aged nim-l_v-:=i\ yuaru, iving in an illhlilllliull at Ox ford, N.Y.. remembers tlintinvlly when nlawcry was carried un In New Yuri 31514`. ulxl was hvrsce a slave. A great re brukc out at Witohoslll. IL... L- .... l .....l_u -...l in ...aiIl I-nn dnea Ieuneoauy want. The Svudid government in conuid~ ering plum for the installation of enecliicity throughout the whole nil- way syuem of Sweden. Hillinm Iglunt nuul now-ntv. was syneln 0! Duration. William Muller, aged neventy, was stung to death mosquitoes in I swamp no-ur lain mm: in l\Antocolu,-, Id, un luv. Monday nigrlxl. Italy prupo.-ma up vunu-at Venia-e in to u first-class naval lmmur and in carrying out this plan she will tlu-lg the canals and |'urliI'y the in- lumlx. " 1'... .-.. l`...... ....l...-...l ..-"I H-1-L I.-`urge (um-, I A||rn rul|i4h:d on rounding a corn: liinghnnnton. Ann`! arrested. A -....o..u\l.. E:-nl dun ny n norm.-. 'lho nven-yur-old dwghler o! A. H. Uogg, (`Maury ` .n., In: found tlmwned in Nona C1-ml. Alburl. I'Irl0nu, taken to the Toron- to general bmpiul, with A bullet wound in the Iygon oi the bout, died Wednesday mg s. 'l'Iu- Sn-(Iii Irnvarnnu-nl in o0nlid~ The Vcty um: low: Called from All Ova` Th World. The SS. Lain Champlain paund (`ope Iogdalon, inward, at 4 p.nn.. !udny_. _ ' ` man. an vmmm-at non of (:90!!! today. Leslie, an youngv-M. non of George 'l-mm. Noun. Inn, was lsivked (0 death by horse. ` 'II|n nun/an-vxr-uld dumhler men or gram 'u|| and the OLD SOL HATCHES EGGS. QUITE AN OPERATION. Von Kcttolcrh Iunord. ....|.....'.. A .... 5: ML , an or r1!;'nwi:' rulnn-cl, and Davix` (ha-ir who-In whila |l'l|`l` un Mumluy in . l.lI|..J l`..-.. 5no'Iy'1und. Landry 01 an '. ll'I ` t I (U4 an... ......n|....- ...-. m. u. ;1I.'w ..... MI` and is still rug have been wipet apparatus havu nlum-k, lihy mile: I l(|lllI killed. -I nu ~umpl-:l- 1.;:.`:,','-"*'.... o'.":...*.t \ . ` nun Inn to xoyuty. Ioutnsal, Aug. .'4`--It is nfwv proh- able that some valuable jewel will be given to the dtlolima of Cornwall and ork by the corporation of Mrrnlrenl. Ihyor Pnfnntnine said `that he was strungly in furor of me hunlunme jewel being given. Nonlrrnl nhonld certainly not he Iv-hind nlhnr cities und oounu-its in this rv.--pnzt. agn. lontroul wm frobnbly Hake Suit- Able Gift to Royalty. Muntrnnl, Amy 94-]: :.. _.-_. ---L xvura nun. ll l`~` rmlnl lhnt .\lr\||un. xhu was then nu-\'('n(m-u _\'I'lIl`.~' of ug-~_ while driving in Ur\\I`L'U, um] M-I'll. Hill lsorunuz 4"l,IlILYl,'4`. Inul hi.-I fulhvr oppon-ml tho match. lhu youthful pair epuruti . Mcllnn IF the city and entered ma` n.rm_v. and afh-I-wards m-l- {led in William:-toun. His youthful vm'o~eI.h-art b`nm:~ the V.-iio of Rub:-r1 mil, about Pightoon years nun. . Hr, uul srxl_\'-nm.-_ were murricd Sunday thus Lnnninatinu u r xmlnx nun In E... ....` Out` `in run "HP (:1. n.:|n`"" Uswn-go, l\.Y., Hill, auexl sixty-s `-rl. Hill, and (Nix ur ....-...l .... Hrs. Efln Oliver Omvrgn, N.` "ill. thvml sit JAMES REID, )3` Dblhltu JEWEL to: THE n ucm:ss. :__._.___-`y-.T--7%__._. \, - '-*7 IIS and I20 Prlnooan St:-cot. - - - Kingston. Ont. Dllfig Saturdays, [0 o'clock p.m. Jl.I|Y and August Other days. 6 o'clock, p.m. STARR & SUTGLIFFE. [arly*jC|osing { Wednesdays, 1 o'clock p.m Iln -_.I nan I\..n....__- Q4...__a. I(I....._L..... :`._` Women's Black Maco Yam Cotton Hose, full fashioned, Hermsdorf dye. Regular 25c, Friday, 5 to 6 o'clock, _ _ _ _ Isc. pair L\I\1 `The time to come for specials is on the day they are advertised for sale. gCRANTON ' COAL Special For Friday Seiling from 5 to 6 0 c|ock. % nonuuvcz or rxrrv YEARS. Women's Sailor Hats, 75c. for 25. Articial Flowers, 5oc. for 25. ; $x for 50c. jet Spray Ornaments, 50c. for 25. ; 250. for x5c. Trimmed Hats, 8 and $10 for $5. Men's Summer aps, 75c. and $1 for 50c. Men's Mole Back Cottonade Pants, Tailor Made. $1 for 75. Walking Hats, $1.50 and 2 for 75. Women's White Lawn aists. $1 for 50c. Women's Duck Wash Skirts, 75c. for 50. Women's Print Wrappers, 2.50 for $1.75. Men's Duck Overalls, 75c . or soc. Women's Black Cotton Seamless Hose, 12% c., for 1 VIII` Some of the many SPECIALS ON THE COUN- TERS FOR FRIDAY : IWE RE MAKING IT STARR mo -T For Sula In Kingston -mly by A.~Abornohy. JMID-SUMMER SALE. Very Interesting for Buyers These Days. Clearing Out Summer Goods. $B-HI~0- . Hill, Aged 87, Weds Mellon, Aged 69. I.Y., Ann. P Mrs. Eliza ixty~.~rL*\a'I1_ widmv nf Rub [I Uliw-r ,`.\HH. ,5 \\i('()\\" :ivI\'-uin.- \|.lli........... (KINGSTON? LEADING DIV GOODS STORE. DRY GOODS rumunm nl ully rmill Ihnl I-nh-1-n I'nn ..- .Vl'JHnn. M \\|lluunM , in ()n\w:gn. runn- Thursday, August 8th. * Th dl und I-taker and |{ [:4 I D9 Ps..uS:1.l:ur: unu'tnot\.u-or-or 254 PRINCBIB STREET. `F IMNIGLV. 0013: HI". Ova. 7.000 larval ucunioninu Mt 0:1-iolorchowoi ouloduecday. ll cgpnoou. 0ak_nnll. J A. KyO. - `Newhoro (5}--Jennie Alford, Bernice Alforcl, E.-I. Gallo her. G. Hazlett, In M. Philp, G. E. irhardl, G. Y- Slnelrlnn, S. _L. Stewart. .'W.-noun.-11n_._A n....|.....~ A n r` Elnelnnn, 3. _I.. Stewart. .'W-stpnrt 45?--A. Bonlgwr,` A. H. 4"- mer. I. C. `Dnnngluta. J. V. Lync-. R. A. IcGuiru. 'l`. Wllalnn. me-r. I. 1.`. unnngluus. J. IQ IcGIiire, 1`. Which. u-unnum. m.-nu II. Ilunnaul .111. 1'0?` In--nn. L. Kenn:-tly. E. Hannah Mc- .v\l1vlrew, W-|'Himn J. McAn(lrew, E. J. .\LI:.Laughlin, A. Y. Merrick, C. A. |,:tl:-rtmn, Z. M. Pinks-rton, M. M. Rnbinnon. Roln-rm A. Rona, J. A. Rama, '1`. T. R. Campbell, J. M. Stin- mtn. J. E. Taplin. D. A. Webster. 1`. \~ Ia|a_v, H. T. ickware, G. Wing, E- Y-uu'na, A. A. Murph{_. X3`,-A. Bar- rington, V. M. Bell, Blanchard. R I'll`:-nlnn J A `H; '1` ,'1\IrnI M. Black, I. muse. Gnnanm ue (5%-1`. Banleu, L. W, ('hrm`tt. . He'r|)isnn, A. H. l(t\l Il`.":- lJnv.|, L `M1.-Calpin, Frad Miwholh. Yllie. (3)`-Minnie Mitchell, I. H.- Sclmales. E. C. Wallis, H. Demputer. J` A. . ?Nnwhr`:yel5`r-.1pnin Alb.-A n.....a.a. It lfulcnlln. J. Hall, .%`te|ln M. Jayne. K M. Slack, H. Wiltse. l:nnn nnunn [KL..'I` It-eds School: In Part Junior Leaving Exnma. .'/nhvnn )-~n. M. Allingham, c. '_|'|IntI Nrfiwn, I . Channels, C. M. ('nl~ llllsnn. A. H. Fund P. N ('rnrnnIv, I`! 50. Houulnr, 81.60. `A lull lune Lock and Weave Spring, 00') $31.50. Regular, 32.50. A lull line Fancy Parlor Cobble and RM` lln Roch-rs. 32.50. Rmmlu 85,00. . lull lino Fancy and Pnrlol Table: II (hi or Mahogany. 31.60. Ramllar, 32.50- Alm n lull lim Jardinen, Buudu, Bcrevl and Easels, Towel Mach, Etc. I H |' G Id Oak E ' Iv , '5.-'50. n.::lm,` "_'l'_`6O. Hermon Tab 5 A lul' lino Gokivm Oak Buiroom Suns, II 2.09. Regular, $15.00. A full Hun 'l'n:.b Il-u-....-..- 1 :_ n....4.. q|&.I!\, neguulr, unuu. A full Hm Tuck Mnttrauen. 6 in. Bord.-r, I'2 50. Rogulnr, nml I-mun Rm-inc nnlv `W?!-2;.-' -"'. *. "` * '. - ` L `Krona:-` an ADIIJAIDI _ `T LIITL &'.1. g--can `We am trying to make Mu our bamlr-r munch lo: Ibo uummer Inalon, by r-dm-my lb: prim nl awry lrne. lhiu in n chunra urmn, V. M. ueu, F V(.'nlc-nlln. J. Hall, A. I l......a D m lumllsls, `rowel llach, Etc. Tho Loudln Undo:-taker Put-nlturo qnunatu.u-at-qr EXAMINATION RESULTS. Nouchortbnandsuodor the foot, no squash--rut nu... mam anlnftr` hnn&1-m . lull line Fancy lhogulsr 85.00. I Inn ling Jnrdlnnn. Rauul. Harm-nl ll` "lily I taut: dnoowidnb tunnels" bdnoddowlutindnp _`..-no.` .\)lh III-I Ilviliu Iaoony1-uoJ.ILInn |.Inn0&.1'olun& SUTCLIFFE IMPORTEII. 2, . ' - Ovid-n On. High um Dining Mngular, 05. - Cnldun Oak Sideboards, 88.3". !.00. Megulnr, ` Golden Extension Tnhl-I. lar. 37.50. mnmn Ha Ila A -I- r A. mancnam. , Ada T. Joym-. IL Teodor, A. TL`-`!`xiI I 3 R o__._, mg..-` -n gm` . --- #0: sum or. to unr. mnluv dnnnn mam -run` Ay:tbut chap) ' the Input. i=%j%a;"ia;.e:ssL{a+:; mggm mm H]! `I! St. mum . lg.-.s.A-an .|_rA..| luhgann. 300`! 1'3 IOA!D. nndkau -can-an nrinn 5-1"? `Fly; mum. ff inn:-"J vow: _ _I__!_l'l'BR s sumv 7. b [lull lulu. W t [1 VI nln II. co-nah`-on Iv: twknnnnn. 9 !!! -__.__A -_..._ L- _ q Daily. lnil-(roan in the wunoeu In-ours. I ? Bo- hupu it gun publicity so inldtunr non Must. who tzcithlt. and man. Icrwv.-u. _ Irpiillih hollow: that all journal but who law g ml regard for thy hm:-out of tiuir profcnlqu will In. AI.-_4 ll... Ilnoull-In (Hull nuuwr on ulnsr prune-uqu was told -that Ir. llrodkk did right." In Win? Cnllilf , 0' tho 'n.u.. |l-n 1.... -.... `n.-unn-shun In -`WI . - ' A change has certainly _unmo ` over the spirit 0! Bnrilvhl, lwnuxtdom pulr ` UI IE` VIVID- during recon : ycuj. " l`Io Mu Helm in wedded )0` I'dA'|ool' HI In , and onponinlly, tn the nuke-up ou paper. But be in imbTbin the - . dun idea chi what the people want in news, fromhuny nouns, and the * more uluasionnl it In the hotter. Ir. umivoi-lb in I young I"/nglinlnnnn of prognuivo method and yet. he Ieadtth pron of bin country in giv- jut `sh paoplo whn they want`, ovqn ~ to glihpben into forbidden litera- ture. 301: not tholudor in Haiti uiId`.' The Hotel] and dignified ` Tl hhko the spell when is p\Ib~ It the l'b.:no|l Iowan, thoughuy wad fcgrgad.` hnthving than to has been ch hadiwurk of I man in when uippnnlun ltavu depply inf A_.._J..| ' wanna. run I I ."-"--em ---"-'?-.'3 3| mmzpox on; vrnii Pnmss. The quarto! between the war oice mid the Daily Iail in commented un- _ lyvourahly upon by Goldwin Smith, who in Hm publication :2! unnu- tholfhed mu` report: the Inn] degene- rby of the pron. A 4.-.... L..- .....4-l..I.. . . . . ~ . A . .-.. IIUII DTIII IHI vial. UPVII sauna I Qitrlor ihry,`INl, 1.":"iIIlorI'|n'tinn raga-ding itbeing correct, then A In room for much comment. The ma; (doling may be roniulbu, and govern- V mean `my be unable to cope with it, but my nan and that in the dis- tribution of gin: tht-ts in an eternal tnau 0! things, and that u-re in a win diuirhnluotion btstween the -1:0:-thy .Id unworthy. T.'e7"......:.I..I "a'..:ui' ".`i.'2" whoa abctinncy plunged priuin. into j no ' much niuuming and debt. The Mmmou-rod veterans are entitled to '[nmidtu and reward: before the {uni- Jiu and friend! of Boer leaders. The pnurouhy shown to who Krupn ind Buylu him bouxproperly called ...;.......u-..... z...n . ' I'nl.~..-ma` Ah.-n UIIIIII I1 I IIIVII ULVVIIIICI II I 1 30139 ndctinnl follow the an- nouncement 0! England`: treatment of V ptrlolll of purl: in mntvquence 0! in war. The do.-duion not 10 grunt Sir Iqdvon Bullet any money roc0g'nition b`:3|llI_0f bin African service in re- . *netluIly_ounu.-mplutavd. Hg was sent 10- Eli Trunwall with an army which w_u quite unequsbtn the task before it, and he kilud in his expedition in tilt outltl. Bathe Iucrud with his men and eventually Lcnrried out the V vrorkthnt was ollmilu-d to him. The Ikpovd contains 3' relmanoo to him which in not Mgafdod by tritium an - boiiplimuury. Yet. the conviotiun that ho had a hard time of it, . -undvihu it only known the anyiotim IIMIIII `ht endured.` ` had` that of nckuowlodgment Accord- ` yo Iorvlco. First, in point ldt, uhould havo been -In sraippt, ha: The lu:t`t|uM. than were dolor 1-`it M W` hwrw WW j `I'M fsoliayol an wu-rlumrsnmnt 0.0- ~ wqnjln ha-on olthn Int nhoun have M `payment wtlnnwn ofthergogulu -` ` T `W FIIIIIII CIIIVII` VII.` ioomanry, in evidence enough :` 0l .~5I' nooeility of mloml along thin Inn. uh`. .I ma Huh come! the qtu-uion an to who- tbll til nun who have Iuered for `Lg. _-.._._- i__.._ __. _._-`_A -tn` dzamzgtll-twin mm: orig`. "~' . mi in II` onlol ill: 13?.` .23 9.... `.1 `.7.. .":`. ...`.'..".. 5 'u-luau mud, " ` I`.h_1;maa1:._ . '!'El`IllKLY IIITIIH WHIO. ll HQ. I4-Ooinsuu, pubunhud our: .s."3`:. (.."*T.2;'::w?.`. `u`so':'.I'.'1.`: "Juana! 'to last!!! u ma _ pA1},Y _wH1G. for Ian Inn: for annual: snnou-or .' NI noun! 0! Ida wnud. I0! . It-ht. uruaiallu. undurl or snow`- mdaunnd actual ununounul or nuututul-In tor uh an an- plnhd. liunnlndunuubuonuir - '1 Jon: on-o ~ A-um` mu: VYDCUI: `-y._.- - --,-' _DAY1J.lI`III lgd g but g U'Qtll6:`.`.:`| 2 " not a:.`%`.'.`:t.'.. a nu. I ' "' Ta. '3.`e`"'. `2 . . A In u. 00.: III 1 . IOU-; Iithcwcd. Imztllb. [61_:_:_g_vgnIa..o`.sn vlgakf .. _ _uno-n-nun -gnu-I A. ....g WORTHY AND UNWOIWHY. ..-l.--;_,_._ I_n-_._ AL- `"1 n?"I3."i~?.'-"."k'u'n.'|uk by an quot. or . load -no your tubal and ruler! t :3. ILM. U...8ono up high up u nut-nuke ndncllnn, rm. ll-.` _-III. II-II . u...uono no gnu. M0 llilflclioa. Oak Hill. C A ounce In our olJoh lI|dg:. `-`N.I. . ' 33597 . In at- ? .o_-!.un.a by . bull. A '"....":.`.`:..":"'-'~ acne an` lerncxvmo on '1 . an aunt mturntd yontadqy hxieldod kip thmugh the Uniud Stuns. Ho visited Duvet, Shh Lain City, San Francisco and other premium. noun points, and wound up his uighuuvinq witlp 5 via- itmg u Pan-Amuriean. `M a\- 0L. Al II to uh run-Anuncnn. TIC -round on Ch canal! of Cantu and rldgo aunt: in the guy:-It nlnm In lawn IL-n dam. The chil- ou; rmppen. no. I, mu; mnpey. nu. Ir. Shaneman, Gannnoquo`. iunpen<|- ing his hodlylwith friends in town. Byron Demonut And I". A. Thom n, Hdiiin. Manitoba. an in town r 3 low duyu. B; B. Vlllliscrofl and dluglller. liu Tillie, Owen Sound. are axendin I iew day! with their niece. inlgnnnklin and nrnnul. Ipencung I um any: vuul Incl!` nu-ca. In. . . loLauIxlin. and grand- daughter. In. W. J. Garrett. In. Amhihnld Benn and lnlnilv. who unugnler. Iln. w. .1. unrrou. `PI. Amllibnld Benn and (daily, who lave been visiting ltiendn in town for tho put month. rnutl to their Home in Hen-ickvillo Tuesday. unlrvdn irnnr rntnrn-rl vnnlnvdnv umon, ma; rsmavum, `Jo; ronuv-me noa; Sheffield, 40; Selby, mu; Newt liu , I00; Dc-usronto, I00; (flairviem 60; hippen.'No. I, I00; Empe__v. 60. Hr. HIInnImn.n_ Gnnnnoana; mummi- `u Going! ud Coming: of People Of The Jury. Hupnueo, Aug. 8.--At the choose board yeuk-rtlay afternoon l,2ll boxes 'o!'o|Ioeu were boarded, 90! white and 310 calm-ed; 0&6. bid. No sales, The following factories boued: Nnpnnee, I09; Cnntrcville, M0; `Kingdom, 40; Union. 103; Sillnvilkg, 75; onuv-ille MM. kgtnhl All. Qgll.-. Iln. \`l-.. man no nut. to no new Inc: a good deal or he` will run to inuslleck en- tirolo an I do not desire this. so new keep him back no u to keep Lin intolldol from getting bigger than his boddy and injooring him for life." _,'],'pmnto is encouraged, by the privy 0:305:11 : apps], to continue. its pump with the Ilreet railway oom- paliy. What. I pity it in that Toron- to. did not use the mine of wealth than is in the sheet rnilvuy and operole it in g municipal institution !_ What a lot of. money would have been mvod in law. TIIMI II the uouon of the you when the careful mun diets and is no nick:-r than the mvnn who nun what. he vain` -na Pod , On ., 81:-`fnnuulp. 0:29 of` our school teanshern shortly laelore vacation received the following note of caution from the anxious me that 0! one of her pupils : "Dear lips, rlouo do not push Juuny too bud, oruo much of his |.rnn-s is intellock that he Iwt to he held back good den` 01' Im will run to intnllo-ck en- ll um U|nI`uv,v1- -vu--;-nu---3, ug--u loiood than to do their wmi well, witliont extra he and reward. The iipplng bunineu in a drudful -4&.n- ' The Pullman cur zonducturn are striking for higher pay, the revenue from up. Inning fallen on. The run- mu company should have, year! ago. pajd it: employees reasonably, and a..;..a 41.... 4.. .1- n.-:.. .....a. ...-n A potato funine in in night across thl border. In Cundn the root of all roots promin: to ho uooedingly venue and costly. Some do not unr- r_v. "Huey are cutting the potato` he- caune uf ill extrenn at-nrcbinena, and feel this better of it. The Toronto Wm-hl is anxious tn orgunho the '1`:-mplnnu into a political party. In it anxious to wrmk the or- dqr? It would appear so. When it [D0000 M O dictator it due: n-mt-thing lb` in outside 0! its cl--sign und pur~ ' Iinolt b! an comtituauoien of On- tltio the political `patio: have ` (`un- diihtu in the cld. `liinga`.nn'n eun- vuncionn have not been held. One potty in waiting for the ether to lead, and V ngitper in in any hurry about it. ' .`\Iiiikorknov`hogauud Ihoennor ' `and urma. - Goldwin Snith ;'woou lnvoitndontoodthnuohnok r Sony from this domination in I dim 4 ".honounuo Ind Wnnpurioue thing. H .,Tb0|`Ill,|lChlpl.'IO-QIuViI`Vh)l Iillid-N III disposed to whnit tu ,. `III that: Illicit. _ .: P|,t_r_ig_Boy|e, so well known as the editor ol the Irish Canadian, hp pun- ed to his `reward. Ir. Boyle may hove been I trie imlmuoun :1 times. but he sun. an able writer and a de- voted ll iUIllI._` He wiil It Iui-cod. Hoouw.-It`: Manda an booming Iain: ` {or the prelidency in _l90(. Lib Io nnhy other olevu men he may git very near the oovetod place and yet. `nofruh It. Then all thin oun- paigning will go for nought. IIIII IUIII nu LIV: bu. ` 'l'b,&udu-d oil company Inn do- eluvd another diykhnd, payable in % Sqnumbcr. so In an . your us... as- Ufdendn have `amounted to may per at-uG.,,`|d lha'ond'in not yet. `WHAT THE PAPERS SAY. NEWS 1'30! IAPAJTEE. Whom Can Come: In. Too Incirlnhuuk. I-1 a4__III._-__a_. Z BDlT()RlAL NUPB8. 4'11: nun li. faunuugr. Avatar 5. Gnnoqu Au! llllhjdnllln. lac. Str. hind Qua, loot {I William noun. I 59.3., Batul nut. Tine loan at Gnnnnontu, or I ail lrOI i>HddIer'I Elbow and islands. J-:0!-.Dp.n. AldbUc.;eli|- hlbn. , ` , ,.. , . .1 -unqr consumer of the llaynl N. WYQDQ yacht club will dawn the adviaddlitw of 1-lunch] 58 duo in an mnbp any In uupted. Own can me :00!!! which 00l:,lld.bQl duplicate t performance ms! 8.. Lu nuver hccn foalcd. ' - The Black Rok yacht club, of` nridguport. (`mm., In an: in n ch||- lcnn lo the Rays! 81.. Lunenoc yacht. club, lunuul, for the Seuunhah cup. The defending club in not omin- ul to Inch my III-cinion in to challenges nceiwd till I Inna after 15!: lost not has ban nailed, and than it can select which war challenge It pnln. rqudlou ol priority in n_h_`qining it. In the -meantime. the krill conniuee a! tin Raul N. A-nun wan-In .-lulu -HI ..|....._. `L- ;-onJ@:Is-u;u~nnv