'en. ., The (E1-x'Iu:\n'nu-am:-r Pnlutiu urrivvd at Brunet Havun, thin nlorumg from Tim Tain with the-run aim cl` lu.ron Von Kouoler, the murdered German Ininiller at lckin,...-on Arm-{Id Rani:-an Au-nnalutnunn Al ll. Iy Cup Runncth Over. C-lunmon Huuvlu in Hans Iazulm. A wmz. u Ihrh. a lush. u with I!!! A A A A This Iulv. lI'll III I, Q hdnioyilodmlvuwlllonnd am; nlultltn in` H Icuvsdbhtzsoo. 'h?>n$,:!:ie zIDan.-evheut In '-`W: auvuo. olvvu xv: Lulu`:-yu LVIl"D- On the telegraph line that in being constructed through eastern Africa, from Cairo to the cape of Good Hope, living trees, instead of cut poles, have been used over long distances in or- der to escape the ravages -of the white ants. which attack the poles but not. the trees. The hitter are planted along the line, with their branches cut. 05. They readily take root. und only need to have their branches trim- med from time to time. The wires are -u:.....i I... ........- ..: .-......A .......1. n: HKSXNL What. miracles condence has wrou ht! What. impossible deeds it has elped to perform! It took Na- poleon over the Al in midwinter, it led a. weaker Britin eet out to meet I stronger powgr; it led Nelson to victory; it has made heroes in India and Africa; it has been the great. tonic in the world 0! discovery, in- vention nnd art; it but helped to win the thousand triumph: in war and ocianco which were deemed impossible. The man without. self-confidence and an iron will is the plnything of chance, the puppet of his environ- ment, tbs slave of circumstances. With these he is king, ever inaoter of the situation. - mea Irom mm: to mne. '1 no WITBS aixed by means of tnrred cords of hemp, which serve in place of immin- tnrn. In in tho intnncinn aventuallv nfnlp, WHICH l'1(`l'V8 IYI PIECE 0| HIUUIE` tors. It is the intention eventually to replace the trees with ironpoles. which have alrvady been ubstituted on n purl. of the line. Living Trees For Tolofnph Poles. n.. I... cal...-..nl. Ii... n...o :. hnirm blood, mu never win. Half the giant : strength in in the conviction that he is a giant. The strength of a muscle is enhanced a hundredlnld by the will-power._ The some muscle, when removed from the giant : arm, when divorced from the force of the might will, can sue- tnin but a (motion of the wci ht `it did a moment before it was iscon- nectod. -0 mi-uni`. .-..\..t`..-I..."-n L... - sung: vn $UlS'\IVAla|ucnNIAv- A man : ouwou in life is usual! in proportion to hi: condence in im- self and the energy and pemiatence with which he pursues his aim. In this competing ago there is little hope for ono who does not thoroughly be News in himself. He who can beeaoily discouraged or turned aside from his purpose, who has no iron in his 2 loodfwill win. Half flu: uinnO n -Irnntvlhu in in Ohn pnruamy unquouuomu. In his busineu he was keen and en- tergrining and would have attained a big position of trust, had he been spared. Ho wu connected with Syd- enham street Hethodiat church and look A deop intareot in Sunday ochool work. The deocued had attained his twenty-fth year and is survived by his father, two Iilters and Your bro- thers. His mother precoded him to the grave in April last, . and" y our the and Imus like nod, 110913. onlolding the spit at tho unconsci- I one youth In path oubruoo and walling it on unk pinjong` to in oven-Inning homo nmong loved ones 1 t no before. `Iii young man had 3 ` employed in I Iontrul vvho|o- |{. |' sale hm-dwon llouu and came home "d 1- about oighteel dc ago fooling un- . wall. Physician: dngnoocd the nllnou | an typhoid lava, and laid it had ' bun I inch or ton day: developing. 73110 went to the ' hospital " tronuponu dad a oomplI'oII.icn_ "lo! dictum nnuicd tho weak constitution and soon laid-irwute. ` 'l`Im$h given Oh but of care, he uh: V llnlb 00 fl! {mm the illnou,__nn_d 9 tln-n Ravi Ann Ilnnnnnn unnnnnmnnn. ` WI. -OIIIIVII IIIII IIIIWIGTQ. III! Wltl vo popular with Mo soqunintamm. an? M0 oarlv domino will be deeply ' Inonmod. Ila was vcfy fond of Mb; letlo I ru and took 3 deep iru.-rest. ; ii: hoe oy, football Ind oonoeing. He * wu ucrotnty and manager {or never- ol hockey club! In `put yarn, and undor lulu mpouvilion the lam: proo- parod. He was I o in of no mean ability iilnltl. on played the game in A true Ipommanlike manner. His services an a rofaroo were con- stnntly in demand, his jud em. be- ing acknowledged just an hi: im- partiality unquoutiomdf In his huninann bar can h-en and an- IHCI VIII)? [ICC Cilllll "E"- mdeoeued oungmnnhadnhono. ol Mendy in inguon, 1.he.,plaoo of his nativity, An rior, Ronfrow, Otta- Iomrnl may uluwhere. He was nun-u nnnnlnr -ah`: LI. -nnnnnln.n.-.m ll I0 ruly IIOII we lune-, V`"" . than any: I hung Jxnoolli in which oo ition he rbmnino I life's vigor hnd oxlnuuod. itself. Tim danannad vnnnn man Ind n.` land may run Aunoon Ac, Gaunt Iupaul.` V. r Puinlul in tit flllclligcno IVIIW-`I 1 t tho at this anor- dcatl yo! Nrrlnn Iln.I..|l van-nil nun` of c . W 7 ant: or Inn: menu. T Tho Ingio or 8011-Condence. A ...-_ - ....u...._ ... IN . S. nnunllu anon smut. . Slrnhu. Divlnion stud. urnina (nr Pi:-an-. on ui-in VI!` I3IDIlIu umil The Works Shut Down. Gr:-oulhurg. l a., Aug. R.-Thc Uni- ` ted States -ml cnrporatinn, owning and controlling the big culus and coal plant. operatgd in the name of the American short" tile.-cl company. at .`Col(o\`ille. ih this county, bur ordered 3 complete shut down nl the entire wvnrh. mines and all to take eect on Snturdny of this week. The nteel -trike, It in said, does not gure in `the matter. 1 can. -ml. mu: W ` And owing to nll than tnnaurel hc'I happy II 1 king! -ovum - Q vv-nun Carulvm) Walla. Our Bobby II I mu. boy 0! six year: old or no; And averv kind ul rubbish in M: pocket in will now. And kind Ll rubbish in MI poolcl ha One day be thought he d empty it (no be null: could stock it); And here: an alphabet. 0! what wu lound in Bobby : pocket: A van A may npple, with some bite: out here and than-. B was I bouncing rubbcr ball that bounded in the gir. lUl'. Mor an und Vanderbilt, and the Pennsyvania coal interests appear to be crying to coerce other coal interests not owning railways, par- ticulnrly those of the Ohio coal elds, and prevent. them from selling at a lower price than the railwa a working coal mines, b denying tom trans- portation faci ities, except. upon their own terms. Federal laws forbid dis- crimination in rates, but it is an no- cepwd fact. that rebates are allowed to the large truats and coal operators lriendly to the roads concerned." a nunuu . London, Aug. 9.-Scymour Hall, the British commercial agent in the Uni- ted States, in the course of :1 report on the coal and coke tmde of America says : "H. in mnrn than dnululfnl if {Ln-n any: : "I0. is more than doubtful if there will over be the enormuus export of coal from the United States looked for. --M........... .....I \I......I....|.:|. _.__x .L_ MORGAN PLAYS GOUGE GAME, Tryixig to Boycott The Ohio Cool Fields. I ,._.l,_ A,,_ n n n n .- P. President Shucr and his brother of- ficials of the. -Amalgamated eu;s Lion. are still engaged in the cllorv. to secure the cooperation of the Auieri~ can federation of labor. 'l'h-y say they are sure of obtaining it, and that their complete success is thereby assured. era. Some of the men who predict A not.- tlmnent. believe them will be oulsxitlu imemsu and a submission of the dispute to arbitration. Dierent men 0! national reputation, includin unch- bisho Ireland and senators mum and goon, have been named, in this connection, but if eorts are being put. forth in that direction they have not yet. appeared on the surface. The Situation This Morning. Pittaburg, Aug. 9.- l`l1e steel strilw situation underwent little change over night. The steel corporation made no atteinpt during the night. to re-open the Pgxinter mill. The mill oi.-iala (lu- ny that there has been any um,-rt'er- may with their plans and my that in thin limr-. I.l'm rnill will Em Mnrlnd GHPB Wll Incl!" plans unu !~l.l_V DUI`: in due tune the mill W! on sta}u.~d III! .5|"'lUd Place at nine. (and In a `MW : in! n plulllhrfn uh! . All (lino mm `n nnnn-Inhmn 1.. 1-..`- of the nmugnmatea people. With both Ii(l8S Armin for the con- iut and a general ntri 0 but |'urty~ eight huuri away, many ordinarily wel|-in!ormed persons hold the belief that there will be et. a settlement of the strike. Varyl cannon came yea- terday Natl his presence started the rumor that he was here to ask for anotber conference in behalf of the steel corporation. Mr. Preston point- e-dly denied that he was doing any- of the kind and during the day made no ocr to see any of the strike lead- f, on me mncncun leuerumu on tnour. President Shaffer and hi: associates, on the other hand-, inhist that the strike onlcr will be generally obe ed and that they will obtain more 0. n anougi `support to cripple the steel corpomtduli. "We have these people licked to I standstill nlread ," win the w , that vice-president-e ect Gib- non, o Pittoburg, voiced the feelings of the nmnlgimated people. With both li(|88 nrminu nun: In} it touched loloro `nu Call For n Gcun1_W|lk - Ont Goo! Into ltloct. Piunburg, Aug. 9.-Tha contending skin of um: um strike no qonwring their energies tor a Ihovl of strength Ion the day that the gexwrnl strike or- 'dor becomes olfeotive. '11: United Su- ueu iloul corporation in re-opening mills closed on the tint nrih call to show its independence of Imionilln pnd gathuing um.-`nglh wherever it may sp lighten the eoct of tho gonoml driko mder, and the nmolgunntod ' nsnucintion bend: it: magic: to the extension of its membership and to obtain the support. and otroporntion ` of the American federation of labor. II.-u..i.l.m .su..m..-.m1 his nmncinten. ll than ora`: I than . -ncx uni: n.u.x.n:a joyczs to; rut 'ro-tonow, Bobby : Pocket. v.u. lo`: poueukmu: he lnVon sq: JAMES REID, ll 92112.3 IW. J. Dick 6: Son s IGREAT BANKRUPT SALE t0C|(illg;-.\fA/~vvv-v~I\u\-1 Is free from any particle of coloring matter ; `is dai, and invigorating ; is the only ma that suits fastidious pa]; and is wholesome for the most delicate digesgions. IT I8 ALSO A BRITISH PIOWGT. . Ccylonhuanooldlnsonlodl Packets only. Bhck.I'Ilned.Unml Ceylon Omen. Pun unplug . Adana '-SALADA." Tomato. BOOTS AND SHOES The Busiest Department in The Store These Days. Prices Make It So. Remember Yeu Can Save Money on Each Purchase. MID-SUMMER. SALE. W! W E M-rs STOCKINGS. At Low Prices Come to the GREEN, TEA, Old Stand, Next to I.aidlaw s. Ladies Eras! Black cotton Stockings, _L-.. C_- -can-|`nQ .._--:..I A-.. Nbw Going On At Natural Leaf If You Want I CCI wiuvn CVIIVII ClvvvIIu.v' Extra ne make, special toe and heel, zoc. Double sole, 25. wv-, Cashmere, 25. A special make. I'OC., xz}{c. , 15;. A` ..'n lino `huh lawn--. 0 la. no-L~v. 8150. Kevlar, tun. ` A full list Loci and Inn Sptioc. 0"" nu; Rank! cuo. ' K"TlIlI PnrIctCdhbIll" nuIoaIql'..N,&[Ilu'I8.w- llO|IInoFn8y|dP|l'|Il.T&i-Oil (Ml or lclogaly, 01.30.` kuhr. $.50 Rho I hi 3 Jul-I. llnnln. B-If`! ch ol nu-y lbw This In olunlliztlnd an II not. you rcquind A I-II Ila. l`...IuI.- n.|. E514... I'll-IQ-.'l%i.I\& " `.7 D In. I - 0:: dun `havens : htunplu Iodiil. linen ind Iu'I,II doc and clipper: at Cbladnuv-boIto. `hon Soon Go; . A lol 0! loll : and Ki `I bed '83.- no _ 08 book, now any 83.40, at {h Lcut that {con manor uh. `inch:-unhot h Mtlvuinlilg ,KUd I lit ulynudr `' lnprh 1! . Walnut, A. Ton, Geo; Iudio, cllnlr ludio S. Cunni and G. Iilkiuoa ic to-day |:>rnTidl:-la : ' . . 1 .u""'. ....":.r.`i:.':.-:::`:. ' A L will `Em! two Q-jn-1:: -nun nu Dvpvun . Th MI fuhn and IIelI:l1ng'Iyn- :::"wi||\:dinnitd|od in who house of ill?! ` September. The v tcrlql h nowybdnng pnpond. W Ind: A Good Iocord. Ben. llunn, I graduate of Queen : ad well known in Kingnmn, has his oxuninltiunn at the school nl nulnamnr `Vina.-I. Ill`, .......:.... Ill QIIIIIHIUOIII Ila I-I0 llclll of pdngzg, `Victoria, B.C.. cunning angina! lop. Bio parents live at mud in Toronto. Dr. Knllolnld, non of Ira. Grunt Mc- Donald. Toronto. formerly uf Kings- ton, died nntbe tint named plant; today. oung~ nun wnu ml min bun. gin boat of friends noun Ilia onrlv damina. ` ZTXCT VI WT`- Huldlolll of childnn went out to lab Olhrio put this nftornoon-- childish ! day. Every unset. corner on Prisca": nu wu Icrovdod with children All dteruoon. who were wait- in for the can, which could scarcely accommodate the lurge nuu.l~er. >'h. n the matter win King Hen Imtthw A box car 3!. mir dimnul 1 nun no matter man may Hen putting I hot car at their disrpoul? nor DJIW. Ir. nasty will win: men I`: ludjnjn an`! prepon the inland .lIthoh_uvy_rdn orm'1`\ieoday cyaIi'-hoctoutboyucMRn- ' `non ly lled Avid! water and ` t broke tho dcviu aupporh . ilg lol`ha;out. twenty-vl nu Ami.-' mmncinn ..r u... St. ` aux, aotuguo, _ the 1.11:: for now anon. (little .0 , New York. Inn at ` i ' , .:8"" 'w.i M in .3 Iouuof in mm aha olfalt `urn human hand Round lulu: . Iorlmo. .Imu-ywillbuiiddnch null Inndhn ud manna tho inluul `or 113: gr. uwuxcn. Iluouncwunzulnq. 1` A ' ' i 1' he 3 . l.Ai!j~I:I`I! oinlmu la\tiIa\w3n';1 Thnd Vb! boluonnd the largo nu: no this wank mind with mean. -._. ` I` ` `Jo Cunp At TIM : Iulandf I I.I|...... A ll~..u 11...... u...: Ihadndl 0! children Wont. In-4I_..I. ..f -I.I.l_._ ....._n _..A , . OI !ACI IIVI. I Imlmrs 9 ,...... V Painful I ~ - . "" "'3'" W -'.'A hrllnncinry Faber Glvcs f It GIT. CUCIIIIL` ` A. Ton, Geo; India, I lit. 8. Cunning Am and loon. Ilia `I. In In. Find '21:`:-gywa. N.Y.. 5. v;.. vi`:-i.l):ng D ' I. ' ` l I V S u . ' q " or layout and but-'l.A:`ton llrafv. bluhbcniu try Carloniyi. Ion thin mm XII Jon! It Bnlthnh. frimulu Kw yll Q `P`FuI Denver, COL, Aug. 9.-Ira. Philip Hiwhoodk, wife 0! the gone:-Al agent of the Wnhuh RR. onset] with pul- ouay and armed with a revolver, fa- tnllyl wounded In. James R. Rob- orln and neriouuly wounded Ir. Rob- ert: on the Itnofl 0! Denver yester- day morning. u..-.-.-v--, ----nu v-_vunwvu:u, nu`. 9.--The Vcauuolun vcrnmcnt In- nolnuau that I now kunhin inu- nlon ncunnnl vnnlqrdnv summing nu... IUIT IIII I don oeournd yesterday Colon. UOIOINII iIVI` awning nou- ~ .4. . . I A opooul committee ol the Onumo collect of pbnmnoy will inventipfo tho matter Al "qludng clugen." as they an cqllod," lhatio private cllu-I qt 1:! uluci nwdenu who my the col-, logs pmhuor aura monay 19 leach 851 ill $50 cqllege building alter .I.. 21.. -a........_ mu 2. s l rljjoo Saucy Dead. ' Bnigqn, lunch l'ot:|\ilI China. Aug. 9.--P net Henry of Orleans died at 3:3!) to-do . Juan. 0, AMI allu- Toronto, Aug. 9.-Jmoph Cluuxliers, a telephone man, while stringing a wiro in the yards of Gooderhnm 6; Work, today. fell from `a ladder] twont feet to the ground, Jlrikingurl his (I. He died while bein taken to the hospital in an A glance. Cluunbero leave: a wife and three unnll children. Halifax, Aug. 9.-For twenty years then bu not ben such a aevere drought in this Annapoliu and Com- wall valleys. As a consequence late cmpq um hein seriously uectod, and apple: `ore fail in more lruely than they should from the trees. Reports from `tho various sections would lead to the belief that apples will not aver- age much above one-third of an aver- age yield, but the quality will likely be good. ` ---:-j---1- WHICH" PTOOCII CICII `CD501! `OBI 0! bus no caught, thus depleting the III ply in the St. Lawrence. ` it Louis Davien, minister of ma- rinc and sheries of the dominion of Canndn, was a speaker. r William C. Browning, New York, was clasped president, and William 11. Thmnpnon, `Alexandria Boy, was looted aecmtary. Yield Will HQ About Ono-Third glnchg L... ..~ mnanown, 11.1., Aug. v.-:u. the eighteenth annual Ineetmg of the nngleru association of the 81.. Law- renae river. held on Wednesday, steps were taken to secure a uniform bus: Ieuon in Canada and America. Leg- iulation is naked for to stop the net- ting been on lake Ontario, by fvlnch proeeue each eeeaoh tons of IICTI. The department of agriculture has just lled an order for the war office of L500 tom of oau. which will be shipped to South Africa in September. l -3.3` 2I\l- 5 Ottawa, Aug. 9.--The militia de- partment haa received the following eahle : ` Johanneubu . Aug. 'l.--Regret to report A. l, , trooper Nelson Hill, ' South African conltabulary, died of Ontario lever at Krugerndorp, on An- t 3rd. Next ol kin in Thomas `ll; lather, Virdcn, lanitoba." V A number of merchants have been vietiniiaed by a woman, who is cir- culating counterfeit fty cent piece: of Nowloundland. Her method has In-en to into a store and make a triing pure ane. amounting to a few cents, and obtain the change. When the fraud was detected it was reported" to chief of` police Geneet, who is now working on the case. The chief in of the opinion that the woman is the agent of an original gang of counter- feiters. TL- .l.n.-o......u (J ..--:....h...-. |.-- . Q ZUW IlIVIUlUIn Vllanuad, Inland ol_Cunooa, Aug. D.--The nnnnnnn limo. Q -an `In-.H.._ 3---, no sunmd rr;{r.m And Died August 3rd. nu--m Ann lI_.'l`|m milioin 1-In. London, Aug. 9.---'l'hare is an un- conrmed rumor current hire that Gen. Kitchoner has been wmmdod in I skirmish outside Pretoria. ICIIIIII` III MIJXIYI `I031 WEI-lI0l' in (lung: liver Golony, l.`rnno- vul or any other portion 0! kl: nu- jeny'I South African Bominionn and .ullme:n ,,_ltha` vormnetolth bu Oran`: F'roTun.o mall,` soul: Africa}: republic shall, unlen they wr- luagbulon Seplunbcr lbtln nut, be punnuently banished from Bouth Mrlu and that the cost of the main- (Anne: of the llluilivs 1-I hurglmrl in lb-eld, who ulnsll not mrrendcr by Soptember 15th ohall he rucuverablo laps: Inch bnrghern uni rlnll be clnr- ` Ed upon their property movable and , movab la in the two colonies. NOVA BCOTIA APPLE CROP. Into:-town, N.Y., Aug. 9.-At. the niglneenth meeunz n aown u louowu : All commandant, eld comet: u laden olnnuad bu-do ol burghern 1 duo lute lion, and nil] up i retting minty : force: V In in unsure liver Golonv. Tran V W::. .:..*.u.%'-.::..:`"..s.."='::e: lea-djlibuiunn-`n procluution oh_ ,, `F n?'a:`5a'o'1"M;auooe-d I I 0 I3 `thou ll ruining sud pu'ti.o'u7nr|y 3 those in andwdty, who am `I an thtoond oltlnl :.;.".2f`m a.u..::,?f lord 13-13: _L._._ .._J..- l_.A.-'.4ai.u.- In-s- Ii.- T0 IIISIIVB THE BASS. `An an sun is run ran ] urrnnn mu. All Igurghcu Captured um That Duo van in Icnnuuauy Ian- A..L.A 1.- ..A `D TL. gin- count woos uv on---nu-u---, --- uhcd--'.l`1u, out at `nu lun- uunuo at not: lamnlpo V clugod Against nu: Inna. lni. I . 9.-A ill! v mun: III hngd todn:.rIIlrHcIr-3:2 ' hay On no w.-nch. var (`n1 Ann 0 _ll.-. ` , .|,._ An Uueonnrmod Rumor. n -vL_.___ .. _ _ Klod Dy Tho F511. nan Inn 0,, l.......I. l"I. A low Invasion. 4_.l l_|__J -1 II, ___ wuvi Lawn Harmonised. A_._. n lI'\7 A T300213 DEAD covvuu -V Ave:-up. `In! 0 _l1`n- Want I In. H. J. Slmohu, Division """"""' morning to: Piclon, to vim 0Iiv'e:_--all sized bottlco-at Rod- friandu. . . `don't. II n. I `in '1. Singleton. Newborn, in visiting aunt. Ira. (Raw) 8. Sbibley, Division Must. I In H .l Rn-ml... n:..!-z.._ 4...: uu:nw was new-Iuou In !_8"0l' U` "3 W, ' Jmltl. 0! London. 3 ` Geurgv` Thompson, H. Graham and 4 `G. Inrriuon returned Ian night. from I` a visit to the Pan-American expoai~ I,` _ tion. ` mere. | Jamil Adam-. well known `at a Ilonuuman and sporting umn,_-ed at. Santa II. N.Y.. I0-tlny of Mic;-i.xy. Ho huf |sc4.~If;in,bad health {at mum time. A dispute nvnr the granting of tho |-hunnncy college modal for nenl uu.-til. was derided in avor of '. W, Judd. I l!....p._..4 'I'I............ ll rV__AI.-.,, IIBIIIIUIMT C`: lZU`Ln,.~-`OF B31]. Arnold Squires, dnu tuna at ills locomotive works, loft to-day {or Styli. Ste. Iufic to accent. I nimllur position with an electrical company t.hc`ro. In. John Tuttle, wife of ex-policer "P"! Tllle. was brought home {ruin llrookvillo to-day. She mu taken ill while visiting friend: them; her cun- riiition today was soiniiwhlt improv- L . . Clunmoa Huuvlea in Hans Iazulm. u-I: law In, g as bnau. drain; nmlin. Inga ): _ Iuwsd maul. A.t|oDd. I II: a dam uni under blue. honn,cMend arwevhurtnhnyn true. Thhhthoioyilodgivuwlllonndyon. Suved Their Lives. Galveston, 'l`cx., Aug. 0.--The south- ` bound Southern Pacific passenger train from Beaumont to Sabine Pas: fell through the bridge over Keith lake bayou, seven miles north of Sn- hinc, yesterday. Thirty passengers were aboard and land it not been for the tug Ernest, anchored nesar b , with A nhing putty, hastening to 1. o rencuu, all must. have perished. Only two portions were injurud, and lhvz-d nut. ueriouuly.