Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Aug 1901, p. 4

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Ilmay n and Jay Cooke. Philadelphia. l a.. Aug. I0.--Ju_v Cooke, who came to the rescue of this government. duringithe civil war by buying its lmnds, at a time when its credit was poor, celebrated to-day his eightieth birthday. Mr. Cooke Inter took hold of the Northern Pacific rail- road and upon the promises of Euro- pean brokers, who failed to hoe their word. be constructed the roani: with the result that he went into bnnkru my and precipitated the panic of I87 . the most disastrous business period of the nation. Later he ne- cuupod his losses and paid his enigm- orsl in full, interest. as wall as princi- pa . WCCK ID IBIS PEP!!!" COIJCWTHIIIE ule UH!` covcry of a cure for Deafness, a num- ber of readers have written to us on the subject asking for additional in- formation. We would remind tham that they can write direct. to the English Drouet Institute, 72 Regent's Park-road, London, England. The sec- retary will send them a copy of "The Jnurnal for the Deal, in which the Drouet treatment is described in full detail, together with a pathological mport form, which will help them to state their cases with graat exacti- , tude, and thus enahle the Institute to prescribe the treatment noediul for their curs. The Cure 0! Deafness. An interesting extract fmm an Eng- lish medical review, "The Joumnl for ' the Deal," having been published last week in this paper concerning the dis- cnvcrv of A nurn for Deafness. A num IIUWOTVIOW WIITI l'(I.~l7~' " " l'|`.'nn. "9 has not yet made up his mind whu he will make the second mayor of New York. Goodness gracious, is that so I nmu nnnna one hundred storeys hi h. When a person madieu the top e may never wish to come down; and when on the rul. storey he look: u ward, he will -.tel a balloon l.o_ni him, or on auto-elevnlor that will permit. him to make the ucent in something less than half an hour. We have just. rc- wivotl now: from Boss Carroll that his boss, Crolser, will soon come home to Iouk after the fall election:-. "We have missed thne at home, we have missed thee, oh yes, we have missed than at home." Wmn.ug1:, his Ingliah headquarters, in in direct com~ niuinication with '|'nmm.my. Ivory evwing he receives by ocean Ielnzgruph A full report of the procuc-.lin;_rs of the day. Nulhing of lnl|Nn'l:In J0 will he done till he arrives nncl has an interview with Pn.~u.- `' " uvwhlin. He 1|.-. ....5 mu ...-.l.. .... |.:.. ...:...l ...|... prising arcniu-cu nave mrmsneu l.l](' \ng.4 and estimate: for a building nu-nu vua I-La mxyiciu New York, Aug. l0.--Shamr:ock Ill 3 expected ham l.n-rIAv. ....I .......:.... II MNJKB" K53 LNKXI g'I'UllDU Ill start, but when you took a step lur ward you put your foot in it. Seve- rel mornings the board opened bright and shiny but at the setting sun all was clouds: and gloom. The uubeten lial benet ol the week have been with the beers. The bulls have been living on hopes defern-d-about an eulietan tial nancial iooduenow balls pud- ding or log pie. The great hope ol advance in in real estate. The owner of 5 piece of property on Pine street, which twenty years 5 0 was bou ht for $160,000, refused t e offer of I, 000.000. We cannot spread out mud either way, but we can dig to tha- centre of the` earth and climb to the clnmls. As yet we have only got a house of twenty-eight storeys, but this is only is beginning, unrl enter prising architects have furnished the .ir.n\-inrm and attinmtm a building gunauu wnu nan slrucu IL I The stock market during has been very luurln like u 1. it lucked like guod ground mart. hm. wlwn vnu umk u BIIII INCH! ln()lINuHu (IUIILU8 I DIUII thief. Slop thief? I lame nu-in-d rm-liable infurmntion that the Arizona gold and copper company of this city has invested $160,000 in its smelting and mining plant. and bus nl mnniple cun- tracta lur the reduction of several thousand tons of copper uru. Their claims lie on the great cuppcr bell, and our former state uuunurer, Addir son 11. Colvin, pro.-sidcllt oi the com- puny, in receiving the uungrznulatiulzu of his friends as am: M the lucky ur gunauts who hm: struck it rich. the week qunckunnd, il. lunkml Iilu- (mod srruund in. tha- UCK ".75 III lI( |K.' U0. Illa rqcc IU llllh always tn the swift. and the battle to l! the strong, but we will keep on the , light in: municipal rclnrm sink nr 4twint,i survive or parish." Notwithstanding the present. ex- ponurua and trials unc of the must l nlmnielcu utrilmu has just. been made by the higher l|Alh0l'llIt:u of an uncan- ment of I15 I head for getting the three platoon law through the legis- lature and olhrr t:.lpQ.'nBl'B. 'lhe law in A brief one and said to be A just one. hhut mud or t!l2U,UHO'! Who got. it? Let. the lugiulutur Lw named. which he was pnid by the state? Let the name of the lublvyint be ltuown and the amuunt he mu-in-l. "Pay at once," my: the imperative (mler, or take the consequenou-1. (Due hundred and twenty thuunuml dollars 3 Stop thief I L-.- ...... J . .I._ 1! .._.....A1._.. ` of appeals. ineir immunity irum punn-nuwm. ll one Cflmlnll can pay $500, that an enorinnus uuin mull have been col- lected in the lncnlily known on ilw Tenderloin. Scvcrnl captain: who have: had charge in that quatwr have retired with lortuna.-my alter upomiling every year three times in much u their ulnrieu. 'l`lw conviction liiingii joy to the bean. of the rofonner not unniiuglud with tho fear thin. the ver- dict may find its lieu: noir in tho: cuurl The ways of the law are an oiton inscrutable to laymen. 'l'ln_:_v are blind und cannot see, but I have mod somewhere that the voice of the people in the voice of God. In thin one let Ill hope so. The rqce in not battle ght nwini nurwlvv nr imrinh " Shamrock II. Expoctod. II Ynr Ann Ill _HL-...._`- ._ (Continued hum pup: one.) by the police un criminals U) ht their immunity Irum punh-huwnl. ll nnm n-immnl can unv I511). I lsmmlm Lfn] --BHOADBR.IM. N left Sn" gmonhiai B3. ;Av'iv't.~Cc_);.` . KL!` 1 V LIUFIO `V n . I 0 T ` 9 ` nouuuuuuuuou.au.ou.unuunn:Au.nI Th` are a positive cure for men sufferin from Sexual ealmess, etc. PERMANENT and S EEDY urea are effected for asmall cost. Information and iteulnn FREE. Address AFTER YOU. HAVE A" no`:-- lphula at A--- - -nu sung` I\lIJ'IIl'IVI-n I I\IInII All other kinds of treatment and derive no benet :from them, send for a circular describing - :OOOOO;OOOIIC`OOOAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOIOOOO% - .:;:_ _-__- _ j.-_---.- 7 Ti_.7:q--- no and I20 P:-Inooul. Stu-cot. - - - Kingston. Ont During Saturdays. 10 o'clock p.m. July and August Other days, 6 o'clock. p.m. STARR & SUTCLIFF-`E, Il and I2(\ I3n-lnng-- Eh.-gar - - I( _...a..._ p-`.. E8!` Closing { Wednesdays, '1 o'clock pm From 5 `to 6 o'clock We will sell Women 3 Cotton Vests, Sleeveless an Half Sleeves, in bleached and unbleached. Rcgula 12 %c. and x5c., at I: hang.- 1 ON MO_NDAY THE TRIMMED HATS at $2.50 and $5 each at less than half regular prices. Flowers and Trimmings all at reduced prices. Leghorn Flops, $1.25 for 75. Leghorn Flops, $1.75 for $1. ,n.__.._.n_..n...n.o..n I It is a surprise to people the prices at which we a: selling Hats and trimmers are kept busy getting the ready. It is just our way of using up the stock 4 trimmings 'and shapes and clearing out the summ: lines. DR. RussEL'sREhED1Es |TRll`1MED HATS. -uw-u cyan nu wuuu |.\) ulllhi: your IIUIIIE. "Men who desire to reside here an occur! Bllldllg [Ml at low priceu, uyd on an easy system of payments, Any workman can but I homo ol hi: own in this growing town wlnn property In oomtnntly increasing in vglue and where there will nlwnyn b0 u abundance ol work both {or hiuuel! and his family. Sluwllljnl Pull! I: reached by the Cludhn heme and Great Northern Rdlraudl. Pct purticllnrn and amp, Apply uuuuuzu u-uua Inn uc scqunrcu L0 uxe permsnenl. pouuonl ll: mgn 5hIwlIilxpn Falls, the Electrical City 0! Cumin, in on the St. Ihurioe Rim. twenty-one mileu above Three Rivers. It in in the oentrb of I beautiful dountry, the climnteie exceedingly healthy, and u the town has been held out on model lines, with all modern city conveniences, it in :1: M11 nal in whit-in On malm un... tun... vccn A-nu vus uu Iuuucl uncl, Wllll III I (doll Opel in which to make your home. `"3 -`1n (`nah-Q on -`J41- L-.. llechenics, laborers, `etc., have I splendid opportunity to better their condition by coming to Shewlnlun Falls. The enormonn amount of cheap water powerhu induced large manufacturing eonqerne to locate here, and a number of mills are now being erected. Skilled and nnekilled vorknen of all kind: are required now. Good wngee will be paid and work will be reguler and stead y. The erection of A large pulp and paper mill, on which work ha`: just commenced, will provide employment for seven! hundred artisan end laborers for many monthe to come. On completion many hundred hand: will be eequired to take permanent position: et high wages. SIIIWIIIIIIIII Fllil. Hun Eiocfrirni (`itv nl (`naun in an n.. it Illumin- mwmtdmwamaarwiomm . numparub. 0-Q j1: W9.r!_!'14,I!T _ Qypartrnitvl STARR mo Fat 81.1: in Kinpton `July by A. Abcrnothy. THE ELECTRICAL cf1'\7 o1= CANADA.` KINGSTOIWB LEADING DIV GOODS `TORI. DRY GOODS 7 -CID by THI J. 0. KING 00.. I Saturday, A uguat l0th. 'i>Z '6I Eo"i62; Montrcal Que. %ANoL1N's. Buy the King Quality chat ll 33 a p_air and got satisfaction. The "'Ku; QuAu1v" shoe is :11 that a really rsbclau shot should be --comfortable, any on tho et, Itysh and durable. lfnot, try: pair o("Knvo QU.Au1'v." They arc the moat desirable choc on the face. of the earth for women. Are you satised with tho shoot you wear ? Zii}"'tD}iii":?Iraap I. - nuns annual nnnn, mndnnnahllu 0... ||)ll' ll Jvu u-u Inn n-In-I Iaruilo Fornlounllgoodgtoouilnbomnd 10c. twinbtn. JOIII TAYLOR G CO. MWFIWWIII. IOIIIIQ, Q1. L_?__},,4_ :._I ._ ` "'7 hnpuneneutnl soap, mubapolly hr- wuhing ne goo,--no Alkali, nodtlnk cdn, nothing but coup, Ind tho ban at noup. Your ouruim will was twin. Q. long if you use only LILY IDIIITI. Tn: 1|: :0. -II Dnnt` Duncan` In In -_.I .77 }'ran4- Quesflon. don t has long it wuhod with 3 an, amp. Hanging by window! my u. than subjected to the salon ol thg `"3 dust, smoke and illuminating`: `mm quickly dean and lnlllr Gbo lb` unlcu wuhed with I pun soap. .1.-4e..C4rt4!'ns% Qnaknn ltl , umlbd. 1 SUTCLIFFE lPOITIRI. so, EACH. Vi .. 5?LAcademy E roams: YOUR ,.@'aI'ssumv Awmg-E5-I 1344;... _..LJ W88 ms`ii:'7o'.LnI .114 -.4.-ultra-n L ._..Aj'.;..__ xnvoarxozui. uuosrov N "95 j`% l"-\ 7 TI XVI? Ithlll Ijlp. nE mm om In % nu mmm mun eumunmumae. an an aura. .`.`...`?'....-...5.f."`..-_'."._. ...2'~1 _.___--u-.___ [Anon-`solo ot11uuuraeutn.] L`...-nu unit: In la-Chm new-.- 5`5m"s oIm ] 1301]?" u---I Utmuuioll II! given nguog. Aldlhungh sun i. Jnnnl tic nu;-uic n`dvoeocy'ol I'll- Iynlna-i:.tiu.n-gaunt!`-into:-tin: --I -I`-W -I-my nun [ul- 'l$ `ii: criticism party pc- `Nib. for the yuan! pod. but nothing that in not gnuhl to 0! lb tnltuult lb pmvineigl L.- 4...... -a. nun. In at 1v-I `M ' Fiji! 0! popular 3| -provnl and nncepunou. and the liberals will hnlortinotnifhcnglilbecomutheir Ihndud bearer. He did not denim a nomination Iago. u....`, no: do no nov-but his Associate: II the gov- cnnnt duin hi: ripe judgment and loyal co-opt,-ration. And the reformer: of the city he! that no one could In- ---..-A AL... -_J `L- --___ lfigl Ui m(`Vl V. I0` m.LAN LINE -vs----u- on nun. vuuuun lllfiy Ivtich hrigltunn tho opposition`: hori- - Ion. Th Tory does not belicvo it, 50! its info!-nnnu cannot have for- gotten tin yoonnn Iervioo he did in Oh uncut pun! election, when his atlungti was nignnlly doveloped. not haul! in luouod the locomotive -._..I.- 1.. H:__._.._ L... L-__,,_, lawfordinct undpu-aonnlrer sou. 8ooncotlnI'ar thopmvinoo nutunn-thvorkoluuonurio _..J: ..I __.__._-I ___J -n _ .1 I - vuqnu -Iul II 51 lcjlilillrt, VIICI ` delegates to amount body inaction` is ohonld hold Emu. In cum wonlo. lb control of the buninun which has Inn committed to the undies! men stuck! in retained by the government. on tbs rqnuenutivu ol the poopk, Old I-it quation no to who nlouildor douldnotpuctiumedicinolinwith` Q Inn--ul _L.... _._L__. ._ _-4 :7 no u---, can as: uuuuuauguluulug on the count ol study for the purpoa appcxutlypl nnkingit the border 1 -.5.` -.J -.|.I a. A... --_....:.:___ -vs--gnu-auy-yuan:-:Iy.ulUw `lhtnllwboannglgcdintboprno tiIIIolucdicinnnndnrgu'yuequnli- ed patent. The council bu to do with the examination and licensing of liaclndihtu. uldvnrieotlqlauu R; |:I.-, -_; n,, I I u--- --u 3-1, :1: my pulyuuu Io Onal tho an and how the iniquity 0! I50 law ciutly illntnhd. IIIL. 154-4- |n..|:..n n___ ..-n ___:_._ < !! A `cums: Anvxunut, I , The opmio ndienl coma nu, 'IlouO0dlIOlnM[oI5$dtIeponp|o ,olI0rI1bdbyol$Itknb|nptoucu- , doc. Tlolceoclqyortlthltl-an`. _._. 1...! j -..J ....4- -5 AL. 3... "1-3' o....a."' '"'i'.a...a"- ""E.I`. .2.7i". n__ _ ..A._p_ ___._'_ run` pAxg;Y _vvuG. {E can-\-nun way: u. -------- -- Tfh-:l::uI plan 0! domestic -cienco. an is is dovolopod in the public cnlooh, Ends upnn-ion in tho plans .1 . T ' V. 3%: ` ,'l'-,_"' ol ch miniuu of odmu..... He in 5 ' `undertaken to interact etlucatifvni-I Ibllolilt I Ivtuu--un (aux. :: .- "g `n; gu genaully in domestic ocicnu.-, and to `-'fU"'&_"",.m_,_ ,'1ht end in arranging to send out 8 LAILY wH1G.`v- rm--o-I um um --vi day (at, several clay: il necnury WVa& "35 order that lrualasu and pan-mu may ..nIA.. ..l AL-) :.._n.....~ai..-. -n4I .._. 1 I... ilocumsn and demonstrator: who will ` in, 4 -9-. -cu] \n- the luv he -an nun! nub. wruuumr. AUGUST no. pnngn-nu. -0., mg. w.-'1'ne un- tu: in namely 4:! tbs confederate dondiohdnqdedicucdugrvto-day witlpflnpruhonbo .Gutn huumnhlhlcul oltkuutngcin. ,nn:l cholund Inn lmn nngnmnhoina Cur L. .....a on sat uulga `T.llll, and the mud by bun accumulating for th put thlyl yuan. E0 II8I' D) prince AIDOPI. I18!` IBBE Ill- utructionu were that this ring should bu buried with her. yuan: uuuuv Ann lnsuru. po.av.' Conunnacing Jun nd ouuncru North King" or<"Cupiu:' will Inn daily, uospt Iondny, at 5 p.m., for Bnlulo via Charlotte, N.Y. RO- turl tickets good for thirty days, 85, and town dutch {or than days, 33.70. 'J. P. B and J. P. Gil- duulo-vu. nah. ' Opals An lured. London, Aug. l0.-1l,iI stated that before leaving London last Friday [or Cowa, king Edwnrd gave instruc- tions that all opal: should be remov~ on` from the crown and from all coro- nation jewellery. The king and queen Alexandra am oxttunclv superstition! oonecming ognln. ln this they an unllke qut-en Victoria, who loved the jewel. She always won: an oral I'll) presented to her by prince A hurt. or last in- struction: were that thin rim: should Hon. Ir. Dryden is no! the only Cgnadian who invested his money in enterprises. Sir Charles Tapper non held stock in A ranch, and cold it to the-late Hugh Ryan, of Toronto. Ir. Whitney also was A stockholder in an American business. And then: IN probably others. Still Canadians ought to nd Ample anym- unity for investing their surplus in ` Caladn. The drill of our voluntaers hosbeen objected to by A, T. Hunter in the Canadian Iagnzino. What : the good ol mac]: of in u a. `not practicable in war. The men who did the beat execution in South Africa. were the men who know least about moving like machines. IIIKRTUIIIII UTVIEIITI `CV-jIV& VIIUII air su tron rucully stench of daieveu. Ioral-women should givu up golf playing and take to boxing. ll`I.._. :. ......... ...... -_.l inn-0'4 in it Twice 0! Into young women have luocessfully ddeidod themselves with al....`_ 6.5. (an... -.-nglhn -to-AI-n nl The British parliament adopts the closure as I mean: of getting the ....n.. 4I.........I. ...4..|... 'I`I.- tulnn At vvulu. wuuuu IU'l\J'IIl|lll.' -nu u closure will never bring that thing 1 no-uuunv cu n nuvuu.- vi `Vivian. votu through quicker. The plan u voting want: reforming. and 9.1 _|......... _:n ....... I...:...- Inc china 1 Kingston : tax bills this year are making people think. The Assessment will have to be incu,-coed or the civic expense: cut do\vn-oitha one or the other. un I unulan uuuuuun lvnv The Salisbury distinction in slates- Inuuhip is likely to die with himself. The exploit: of Loni Hugh Cecil, in parliament are simply pitiablo. To a ecparnte class, for special in- struction of those who are about to leave school, domestic scimce ought to ba very popular. The department will help it by a special grant, but the basis of it has not been determined. Illltw \lu_v- lAu.||U -nu-.3. Kingston has long since experiment- ed with dolnctic Dcienco classes. I lhrdugh an Y.W.C.A.,mdia persua- ' dad that they are worthy of the en- dorsement they have received. But then in ; diiculty in be way. The addition of cooking burden: the cur- riculum ol the older clueu, and makes Iiliiult the work of the entrance pu- pils. Then has been talk of A modi- fication of" the tent: in the entrance clnneea, no that there will be less of the cram and about them. but until that point has been reached the older dunes for girl: cannot. be given more to do. nu . u r ,__,:,| :_ v-v --vv-. " "Should any school board," may: ` (Le Globe. nslnrrlng to the mailer, "im ' ` tldnato to the department. in denim to ' Have 5 count 0! lcuy-u given in this "way at the oxpcnao ol the dapartmgutt * a dunomuralor or lecture: will be in- ` uructod Io undertaaa the work. The axpanaea _Ivou|d In lnalaly born by th depananl; that pan. incidental to the giving ol the lawn: or lec- ture: in the varioua localities would In a more tria. In a large town in which then would be aovcnl ward acboola the IEHIIII might spend a viola weak; in mallet town two or , dares dayl might mcc." K2-up-5..- L`. In... .L_.... --na-I-mans. I u-j---_-_ Gnu KM-snnunor Solo. nu...a .1 AL. I}... v-_.|_ _|,. cuuuvu u--- -...--.u- uuu '---.,..... .. Inc the utility of I59 im-tmction I `-14. I-U us--n._y uu I31 IIlF|lI-I.uI\Iu- :0 stop: to have it inlrodu-`ad `L- _.L__I- .,._Y:_.-_v. - . SATURDAY SUGGESTIONS. n 1- I J` ln_l'nlo And Inturn. manna-n J no.4 Qnnl nlpnvnarn Sumo To Icon. ..A.lJ ll- 1,... In IDUCATIONAL CAIPAIGNING. TI- I-n..l _L-_- ..l .I ..._-al_ n-K-ma Tj Tnmioi Boys" amnion on Ion- day. A . iitlhto Dunn-onto. 8|-Jay Ill: Omn Iona Grain . ..|...4' or lllll Wiinn 13: run uoamer "Inland Quo. ." lieu-ad for an puaongorn. for chu- ur _by the day. Addnu vgps. 'r...1. Gnu. Khgunu. ' new l.0I'I, Aug. II).-b'hunr`ockl is expected here today. and aportim people are on the qui vivelor it. 1 number ol New York yacluuncu lot this morning on a trip to meat Sin Tbomu Lipton and give him as we] 00% .

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