To Fight Twenty Rounds. San Francisco, Aug. 2~l.--Tan}:-n Jot`- fries and CM: Ruhlin hhvo ried nr liclec vii`! the Twwuit-Ch cv-uturv club for 5 Iwenty-round contest in the ear- Lv pnri. of Nov-mhor, tho data to lm nd later. The clubs guarantc-o (0 Nu- zhtern s'ilfv-l.Wo'gnd . half per cent. of the mceipla. ' F(l(`nl. As aonn as the plans islands: and tho Nmrliiionn of printed, offers to buy will lw ed by the department. In the 4 mo or more implications for 1 islnnd. the parties will lw m to-mic-r and rim l\l-rxruu-Iv ....'n umnrunuwa avor tho rl\'f*l` In Kingston ans . Hrorkvillo. r)]I]|-02-` lmrn-hips of Pittslnnxv. Lm-Ila, riowno, Enron`, Young and lneuhtovrn. and range from fin- to hro one hundrr-dlhs of nn n urn-no A. on... .. `L- _I,,,, Buulo. {run but 1 Sale Of St. Lawrence Xslnnls. The number of islands in lhv SI. l,n\vrcnu- to he plavwl upon Um nmr jx-`I hv thv department of the inlvrim numbt-rs npproxinmlc-ly 500. Th:-_v an wlitrllultai dvor tho- riwtr lumwr-ma |_`,_,_,_.,,_ _l n n - - Tl, Britain's King I-kluunl \ H. has n ll(\nlh~`, ,~n_\'.n~ Slmle-rn . , . Air -- ` -v-. nvvuvvi-llll yoga coho willumd you I '|tfal_--Hahn-=n nf DR. RUB AELUQ REMDIEW free of luv cont ' u . unun (`cpl lbc bu Arthur I : .\ I-aunrork. .5 -any: m guunc um um: l'uu')1uu are at an vnu. He holds the wnrld al pacing record for hulfnnlv tracks at 2.04:. _ _ L _ 4... ............a ... .__,._ The Oxford-Cambridge "1'eam-How Montreal and Ottawa. Stone Referees -- Ponies~Gananoque latch . Cancelled Yesterday. The prnbahihlms are that the ruc- mg -lays ul guunc old Joe l utc)Icu [hr wnrlvl .. rm: cuunum COLLEGE ATH- LETES cnosmr yo orrosr: yvnus r1L_Igs_ or spam pnuwn will lw ma I (ha prnpvrly will lyidtlvr. Univ ('0 I to (ho nanm npplir: - For I Amy. An! In! urt In 1..),1nru un\'l'E :-ahmn, London, .. Mr. In-xciin will, lake the Cmlsubul In-|` Bualo. And Queen. tho: lvnnchull Hunnnuquc,-, nul play.-d, [ho IlVl`nIln1`u I " 251 _-_.., .......-.. .a slow w 0 does not learn e:onomy and who does not pra tice it b y bu ing SHANSKY~2 STEEL` ENMIELLED KITCHEN WARE. gold only by % V ~ . . % A man may lie fast asleep. but awake. _Any woman is slow e:onomy prat illlcllv". QTEEL lInnn-------- * ' ynulm > r Y.,., _. - --v. van * ~. no. sex` 703. Montreal. L, > ' Outho- TA Nu: KY 6: CO , ENAMIE.` :1uAV l.LIl \. all roads 3 ple;as:Irc~ the vibration that sh exhibit at the big Fa fax, London, St. jol .1 Send at once nfall siz;-s. CARRIAGE TIRE. Efly C|0Sig { Wedne During Saturd July and Augustl Other: ord: r 1 order gong V u More of tho? good uitlnqs; just the right texture the right shade and the right Weight. All good qual- ities and all good value. \ Ve want to make you up your Fall Suit, Dress, and \Vaist. We have the stock to select from. \Ve have the worlcpeople to do it right. We have the trimmings thwt are correct in style, and our prices are rea~onable. If you allow us to do your work you will nd yourself well gowned, and as you note what others wear in the larger fashion centres, you will be sathed that we have the facilities to do work xqual t > ;my. 9ur Hnssmaking Department VVill re.~; Sept. 3rd. We can book you! )rd:f` nu-v. Selection can be made later on and your ardcr can b:- completed early in the season. \ Ve're :o'ng to be husy. Orders are booking quite freely. rm-l.. Plnninu K The Dunlap Wire C0,. Limited, TORONTO. ' r` . I INT I513` IIVJIII . 7%.. . IIIUI and In" of Ira quality" `nI-nnn --"' ,-_.-- 21 QJQ rand I10 Princess Street. They can be fitted to any vehicle anywhere. sTARr 8: \su*f&3'Lii3`E5VE,: Street- - - St John. DUNLOP CARRIAGE TIRI make wk 2 nlr.-vn:~.r.. an/\..\.-..Z.- At the~ Head of All the Waters Examined for Purity and Freeddm from Diseasp Germs. Azgmfzgggzzb 5-, THE: Acpmnz as 'Mz oEcmE or FRANCE HAS PLACED lvgyoacolhcoadiauoodsmuat `holuehnqualitychutluuosc eI"5Iialuuothdnl nlt..l'orn un._-.:-|n n:.._._.l D2... I... P TIRE riding on .:rc~ economical, to0,'"f0r they do away with t slmkes and breaks the carriages. See the! ' F;1irs- this year at Toronto. Ottawa, Hali- john, Vancouver. Winnipeg. , A . ,. . ,, ,_ l`\ I rrw ,,,[.b. for Dunlap Tire Caialogue, giving prices ("ms cum or TABLE wm:Rs.")" \Vinnipeg. SOLID RUBBER 5`` does nnf nra M`..- :4. 1.-- L__ Wednesdays, I dclock pm Saturdays, IO o'clock p.m. I. - - Kingston. Ont. _:.-_.. - ' days, 6 o'clock. p m. -an.-_- -------- rather Slow when A Angg _-L I.. #2 yuwuvvua A I ALL DRUOOI QT`. - Montreal. ` VVARE. `COCO RYRIE BROS ., Una-A-llnlnllnn nuuouin nun Idghlnl uh; Yqualinlola 1p\I\4\| .r_._.v? 3.. g__`_',41n `Wf1I0--6813!: YEAR. Lo:- ' . `XS nAvr- us---..- --"run ._ __.. -um [oil uarougn your guy: of ex- ` once. nnd have eutthoir aye taut `thin time. Reulunhq-, that lo in-ble-Inc is Aha Iqpeu when n: born. H9 II:-ink: cm on. Inca}. - uni otilp `occult can to `uni t Ike, ounmluv ol growth." - `i h,n.n|;r s I-- _.... .1... ii- A~-- ,.....-u Iu | euumry Iur. `I'M fnuw you.Ieu it And new you don't` man might catch you. You mum, fP!l)}_}gIg- bar. Bro;-Austin, that thcreiici inuuy pvoplo who have been[ than I {or year: before you own- thought" thugs, and runny of thin have you through your of `prknu. eutthnir awn unu- suuuull Ii: your pt-L-sent state of mind you could scarcely be trunlrd to go by 5-ounolf lo a country fair. Tho fnov you.oou it not unn ti:-n" --- ........ uuclvi uuuuuy DU BABY 10 incl." nuyu Suggestion, "as some of uhr prmninent men. Their ,1:-nining is along dilh-rem. Iinn, and tly fni| to ace the houavpocus business going on under their very oycs. ' ' ' Thurm- has never been n Imgus medimp ex- posed wk: bu nut. prcvmuxlly duped icons of prominent men." Regarding the slate wI_'ihug 5- 4308- tion in very sarcastic. Mr. \uz.tiu nuyu it his not been an issue (qt 4: quart;-r of A co:n(ur_v, and S|lgg0n`li0n_ jm: this as an evitlencr that ii. in cluing bu'sineu at the old stand and fooling hundreds of people. It ndviscs , poms one to buy Mr. Austin I 980. box of magic trick: for a birthday present. It continues, addn-suing Ir. : Audin : ' I ..._,...... _ ,.........v.-. Then the editor gets after Mr. Au: tin, and lirst aaviaon him to use his eyes. tn observe things, to cultivate the sense of humour and so he saved from the tricks that cv'Ild be detected by tho boy who is iami in: with par lour-magic. Suggcatiun relates that it hu hand, through two men, por- Ioncl experiences with name of the mediums. Snme of these experio.-nccu have been printed. Others am to fol- low. llrum these it is evident that 'the'mnguine has ovidt-m'e to other at the genuine.-new of the perlormanm of the lungs` sister! and people of their kind. "'l`h.-re : nobody so easy to bud " .. .... .. _\.. __,.,. -- --- `--s.--u-o-u vuunnuu inuulu. ed` by fraud. The advertisement ro- (errud to in steamed "1 3103: m- uult to A" iqliovoli in Ilpiht return," and no self-reqxecting npiritualiut uhould read mhe maguine or handle it. without I piwhfoli." l`ly..... I... ...I:..._ ..-... -.-.,,_ u- A..- ----um-q uuuuunng we paycmcs. y"-The question of the genuineneuu of data writing," any: Ir. Austin, it not; pcoem. tune. and has not. been for : quarto: N l onntury omox. candid truth seekers, who hgvo taken the to inveti-gala fully and luirly. He quotes on Hudson 53 say- ing dlnkv. "the manlwho denies the phnlomenn of opiritnaliq to-day is not untitled to be called a scepticg he in ignornut.'.' He then proceed: to do- uounm the Advertisement which up- poand in Suggestion, oensuring quid- tuoliin and how it. in dime, declaring tbs`! apparition, trickery, and muni- pulation are out. of place, and that npirit. ybenommn cannot. be produc- --v 0-U-I`! In-INIII III! I`!!! vuwr LUV` _diumn for pyacography, "whose spirit canunuaicntiom are attested by the laiuilnony of uaoudnds," or he in ngslitiuuuly olundering the psychics. "Tltn nnncninn Al Al... ........:......4.- ..l -wt p-Qua u-17red."ii:v.n., Pierre Kgiaor, S. C. Fennotg, W. E.` Cola, Ob Bang! listen And the other me- aliuu..- (A- ....-...._..__.L., u_1 ,, ,, SECRETS OF THE SEANOE." Su in the heading of an article in Suggectiun which makes interesting tesdihf. The article opens with the proton of Rev. B. F. Austin against the conclusion of H. R. Evuis, oi Wmington, and the editor of Sug- gution, that The actual writing qr- on the slate its always the work. of the medium." and Gut wigs, muslin. gonuner robes, gt-sue, paint and powder play 0 connpipuoun port. in the stance. Ir. Auntin decluea that It. Evans in either very ignorant of puychicd at Fred. Evans, K-5... 9 (V I.1........_ Ill I2` tun the uent`?! l:.hl'|i.Ch(P8ll|'(gil`a 2`; . ` ` nmnno Isscoa up`: gun IOIIBG ddvertising` in bi paper, The X- . ,.,.` D . ,::. Sonnzan; tIn_l for a curtain sum and 3 - 0 1 R,-._"` I".' cabinet picture ul an individual, which . 1 I-hum. picluro must be pl`:-use.-d bctwvjen the {. _ `lunch: for ln luinulc_s in Hilo-n`, one i. ""`., can bvn A new picture surroumlord hy- gvn-gu or nun -. up now um 01 spirit friends and guillvs 3 The " `:21 17:...-'I.'..;., feeling oi the average mun? `such In ` I r '" f" .3 "' ` -"' '" " our in one of protound cumpuiimn 1` in chain. ua ' I 1 ' 3 ' "" 1- '0pvcr ur0rb-I Uicor ....,.... ...."..u-m- I0! any yrana, ail u union Inca would he very but-one wiehbut him. The I.-mu-ml kuluygnu uuujhgtobyioni ~'l lIi/Toronto trsdoa usd lnbotir council rough the imputation of the Iona-col` non. Ii i'"Dun O Donol:uo in not I nptuonuuvc union mu. Du ha been in the fdrelnmt olthe labour nuvunnnc for -may yam, . .al at. ...z__ __-_ -- - The Telqznm iieclnru that Ir. Iulocki administration of the post- oce department `Ins boon gloried by a greater eort to modernise and im- prove unntlm. 0! Any postman!-r general of Cumin. But he took pal- rolngo of Ianitobn from Ir. Rich srdgog d ggvc. it. to It. Sihon. and tha won on uwfni sin ! Food of the DAV. .,.W., um -u---:1-nuunce wmcn Ihslhvr. Mc(`nrl.h_v displqycd in his later par- liamentary c-xperionce, whirh muni- festod itself in free and" incinive crili~ vism. andyllwre in an intlopendonoe that armmzn ombuivonesn, which Mr. Richnrtlmn dl:Ipln} (*<`l when he hammered friends and (on: alike. In both young politicians have object la.-noun they will (In well to lam. .-u1 .I\'D|L'Il)lIH. A The passing n! a man who him a promising can-mr before him. who r--- pn-mnh-d the envy-u_v of his prnfmainn, who would hnvo risen. in power hurl he been rn`n1vnt to Inlvour and .11) Unit, whnso fnihrre in 1 m- in his in: petuosity, is In be regrnltcd. Them in an independence that command: re- Ipect, the imieqhx-,ndnnce which Duh-nr. The man was almlrcdiy beside him~ .891! when he hclabmnred the prunin- because ho dirt not stop the election trial and an smother up the carniv- tinn which led to hin clown-full, or as he puts it, whivh left him "a states- man out of A job." The idea of Sir Wilfrid Laurie-r hastening to the [T9- cuu of a re('alci'.rnnt member, and saving him from exposure, and in so 8F`>+[z- inviting the misuirvclinn of criticism from the nne to (hr other.- so criurting the conclusion that thvre was nonmthimz about the eloctinn which he fvaml po|iticaH_v-is simply pn-postcrmm. 'I`I... ..,V ` - ., .u. u 1--uuwm uuumulgv. and when the om-my turns on him und pm- ceedn to (HJHI him from the plan) In- ia chagrim-d that the liberals do not rally to his aid. ,,.,_` ___ .. . ._ ...u. an: nun uwcn ullu'r um! All and relcntlmza, imd nds himso-If, eventually, without thv friendship ant] the favour which he certainly d('NrY`d. He thought it nll right to rally him- self with !Im't-m-niy of (hr liberal par~ ty for in` pulitical advantage. and when that nmunu mp... .,.. i.:... ....J .__, person .u_;vu-5 nun ulruwn (IOWI1. It. has to be rcxuembered that Mr. Richardson has not nlwgys been dis- crmt. He is to be commended when he candidly criticism the d('fl`ClS of his mrrty. with a View to their corn-c- linn, but he has been more than cun- did. He has been hittvr and pcrsdn ,.I ` ' ,1 n .. - ~ us... Clearly Mr. Richardson has not LIL proved his position by `this `dug up peal to the pouplc and attack-`1tpem the premier. He was angry with both parties, and must angry with the lib- ornl,`becaua'_e it had lent its aid in having him thrown down. In L-.. 4- L- _,,, I I n . -- Iilllltll \\'lIH Lne IJIOW NITUCK 5'. `LC moral stundnnls of the people. "But I 1-nu-r into no tlcfvncc. I In nut feel calla-d upon [U (In so. The public have nnw the exact nu-nsItrv~uI' what is yuur conception of `the mnrul standards of the` people, and thn-y wiil now understand the true inward- ncas of your shrinks nguimtl. `puliticnl debaucht-r_v.' 'l`hn_v will come to u -conclusion which othr-rn, better and mom early informed, had I: d an ()p~ portunity of forming and h d form- edit! \\ In :58 clurcd s - u... ruvu ul ulc IJ-Iy~ "inlt Brukfut Food. rich in pure Jnten and phoaphales. furnishes food for young and u|rl,atrong ` , that excel: in. nouiahing '- ' ' ' prop:-rtico. Malt -" S Food-in I oonccnlrourd food, :1 , more economical than 0 1- , . "- and other lootln. (inc pack - ' will nah from mmtrs-c to lhirty mall. `Recommended by phvsi:-i-ms `qn food experts. One t-rial will.mul.o wit your chosen morning dip . Sold by On" RI'l'I0l`l in Canada` """" ' `E : ' "You say in so many words that `no man knew better than 1 did llw history and facts connected with the , case, and t at, knowing such history a and (acts, ' stood by and allowed it pgliticul c mm which 1 couldvhnvt: ' stopped by raining a linger ,io be per pt-traced, and that all th|\.:-s `that if 1 was not primarily l e8p()lI.~l- ble 1 was at least PBI'1lL`\.'|7B criunn is. So. you call the pulic to Wlllli,-ss that in your estimation when you were charged with having been L'lI:i.`lt`(l by fraud, and assistance trum some of those public corporations which you so often` (lunouncetl with apparent in- tlignutinn, it was a crime on my part to allow the law tu take H8 t-uur.-i. and to lot it he proved that you wen- guilty as chnrgt-d. H l were to ento-r into any tln-t'-nt-e`; I might urge that little (lid 1 nuppmtc that the apostle k.. ..L...l.l,.l AI virtim \1'|ktI|t| ..u.m.~i 4.. ......... ....... .... ..... ............,,. -The preunierfu-cording to Ir. Rich- ardson, in guilty of many ofTI:m_cs, hm hi; chic! crime in "the blow struck at the moral standards of the pcop|e,'I and that "blow" 'hiu refusal lu call off those who wen: pursuing the mem- bor qnd calling him and his election managers to account. bur Wilfrid Laurier quotes the indictment and __I.I._ . llII.7|JllI\,l \rr nun mnn. Sir Willrid Luurier ha: hken notice ll? '0 his 1 chiuf `u--u PASS-ING (IF THE `MAN. In-up ~ u 1 .._ .....~....u\.u-nu III the (hr .nlmnt I .- .... .. -.u..--\. vecn , H. n...-o..:..l.. J. -;_.J \A-lxullllll IT!` 9 I :_-:,:r V wt nu~asurv.~ ul )le.' iuztt mun!` `PI ll mm? ovma.g'1'unu;r. Avavsnf 24. ...u. your chosen morning IH'3l`1'nocI`n Canada. In nvg__go,g` lolloviq vpriotiu or * Vl`nneo-kuu-ionooQI.IIhil,nock 1-at III!.' uillll 0| [X III! I'll! 1%!`- vied out. no mallet what paod they cox-co-,,u-ithoul ugh. `tho trump, -hi-is -o often nacins I prince individual I huenpgloh in that W . & ' Tbe'l`nnu And Guarani-e company. limited. M King nu wet`. Toronto. wupu all clue-as ol mun lundr. vrbelher under will. nar- ngn an-ttlanent. nr qrn-uncut. As the compnn_v_,,bgn a perpetual exh- to-neo its "clients have th uolu-ante that the term: ol the trust will beetr- out. an -Inllno -yhnl nu-I'atl than low for Scotland. Gllltrvw. Aug. 24.-Andrur CII'l!f~" ie has given .000 lo the town of hlkeith for the contraction. of n libmry. . , , Wet Weather Clothing. Rain math. mmlimmrhtn. rubber cnnls. We luve "(`ul-r_v'n" Iinglieh coau at `\..'i0. 71.50. E0 and CIO. En-cry cont guaranteed. Oak Htii. Trinl 0! The Rotviun. Philncbhshia, Pm, Aug. 2 first ` clue hnttluhip R.-Lyinau. built In.- die (`ram for the Russian govern VDFIII. Q0 (o~mofroW `OI ill (Fin. trip. A specific speed of eighteen Irnou per hour for II`:-Iva houf1`mu.-at Ive lnaintninl..Tlu- pa-oond trial. the ni- cial one for the Ruuinnl. will come off October lat. .-... ..... nu.-n -v-u .....~..,_ .... nurhnlaoa n! the Hay ? Did Ir. Han!)- umpt lh:-m.` .... ........ -up---u nun. |1x|I|lIv an K.\'I' uin nwmlxi-r of his cabinet to he 5 clirvctnr nf n minim company. His vhieciinn was to anything which soon)- NI 0 fniu-, What about the nchonwvz and in-tilutions which are among tha- ,t .L, `n W9 n:'1 II. II_,_: ... ..-.p......_- Mr. [Nnlrm-s, Ag'.P., in Ink paper, the- (`limnn N :-w F.ra'."ha_vs that thelnlu Mr Hardy would not ponnit A oer- onn ........l..'.. ...r LI- __\.:....A .4 L- V. S I : 1 uuioau of -no. nnu.."Q'" '7......"'i"'.. hi. -o Oidonoo-o-e-on-on-0+0-on-oo-o-o-K; Are~`You Nfrvqus? 1 hu\`e cv`n'ned. Appvnranmu indicate Umt. the %ru`k`men's strike would he settled hut for the president of the union. And appearances indicate that ho- Will be can guide some of these da- He and the representatives of the nlllvr railway brotherhood! III` '.L The vnluntver-n at target practice henceforth diould he obliged lo cal culate dintnnves gnd praclim at thie as wall as ring. The man in nctiun at long range, in no! told how far he is away from the enemy` He must decide .hal hinwelf. The more 4-tperi care he has in deciding disunves the better n.-d he is for active servic heads ni the jgolice thing has to give. _ ..-... A... uv uu - I [unsure in the policy department Whitney's conl'es.-riorrllmv. hr pmi--. aa A middleman lrtm-u-n the reiuru society and the polite prnlt*(`(ur.\` u the dix-'e2r-is A hard blow at lb golice department Some china I... .. ..:.._ .- nu x.-u dinns are pmrpht, lh does not I The Toronto News has in UN census inking nu not as an Inn in Ontario as in Qm-Ix-c. ih an evidence that Lhe Fr!-nth liuns quick wiuueland vc-r_\~ though the Turuntu IL`... _..A I2I_- A` ' ._.-..< \ Mr, Siflou, mihister of the ` is credited with the rent: many 0! those who are umkir bit! about the lanunim hnr' not want work. II. is to be h( observation is su>_iocl. lo ni tiun. It is coxminly nnl juulicu In t.he"notiie oi the nuptials of a certain young man it is expressly` printed out that be was the chief census enumerntor. Is them any signi- cance in that? Max the work of conw.s`toking suggestive of this new depardn: ? ._-... \ T7 mm cmibsn mu ` sncxy urea. " Animal `In more (Jun double that ` ottzgvgtbor poiuonl .06II)iued. Nu _ goiiuotod. and ies Mt'lyiIq`abont when used New York is still shocks-cl by the 9 y.......... .. .L_ , ,. _.-.... wullvlu u_v luljlilg , n-tglvjment to tbs :9;-u without refer (-nce_iI.o the leaduirs. That is a wry insidious move, and it will stand watching. \ nun` -vn Ul IIICI mtg]:-meat -.....-..-u I|lL' |un\IgIulll|l('ll 3550 ciotiun of metal workers by talking n-tllt.-nweut la us. ....... .-;.|...... ....-.... ._...~,.. ---v luv II - l.Ilr\'l'I()f (ll couqnny. He _i'll_`_.Uh.'rel.t)rn-_ lhv pm: or of stock. How did he sequin.- That in the question on` the bum-. Hr. (`rnif ~.*d, M.l .P., says he has w not invested a dollar in the Dakota much. But ha is g dirvctnr of ghe nun:-nnv IL. :. .1..- .2 N -1 :2- `I 730 Englishman who wants to gum blue 825.000`on the internatiunal yacht- ;rnce bu more money him sense. A ` lhugv: bet d6,'p0`t Add to the Sham- rmfn -nu:-I `-- ---- - -r . 9-... -v .-r-;q,xo, to his great. . . The amino. Tiqnu is or tI;e`opin< ion that an to day more truly religion. Minn they lune ever glam-n. On what. evidence does our con- hemporcry ban this aseulmplinn ? I any CW5 . 1 _ Writ: to-dpy for oivouhrn and 1 and onryclnnt wi lbe ` hon um jE_ord'. hN0 MONEY AbKED ____f A . pnncn. Address mm "B. 3 Adv. Co. niY"1- U19 Inonn-_v king, is whim `>0 9|"-``l1W9Ilt the anmlganmled 'Inliun nf ma-lnl ......l....... I... ._n_:_, on: 1 ul unur . like them very much. _tho joint negotiations ..u..u can later . u--xx nun: lll UIIC [_, -1 JLI I... -_. ' i;|V`VJlb.'l)(`(`. Whig}: (Inna , jmlicl - '\ Tho Chi Consents. Harlin. Ant. 24.--l in mini-oicially umaunoad 131'! I50 clsr denitely ac- eqbmd 3 'iHilllI'I invitation to dual naval nunoouvru at ' in on qmngruph-'lowar. t-U:-Q:------. u -on uecn DC!!! (0 I scum: U ! . moat. Mo noronnut, Paris, Mnlim! lint (puns of llt francs will be Ilil if he witl bring his air nhi) to Buplo for the Pu:-American railway day, Sept. Hill. in