ditions. be provided fiee. As mentioned in my address on nomi- natidn day, I v-ould like to see a begin. nlng made in the aspholting ofour streets} but with our nances in their present condition, and knowing that numerous streets in the outlying wards are sadly in need of attention, I realize that for the time being this very desirable move will have to be postponed. In 3 few days the property owners will be called upon to vote on the Abbott bonus by-law, a measure which has alread met the approval of the council. The ad - in of such an industry, if worked toitn `hi l capacity, will certainly be most desi- rable. Tho city has well safe-guarded her interests in the matter. It is to he hoped that the new ronoern will be but one of many to he opened uphere. In conclusion. let me say that it will be ---- ......\...... on nmnnnrntn and support, all let that in Wlll nu my purpose to cooperate and support. business schemes of solid and substantial worth which will build up the city and give work to the masses.` I ask your aid and sympathy in cho dis- charge of my duties as presiding otlioor. I will seek to be impartial in my ruling, and courteous to all (buncila in past; yearn have been harmnioue and social. and l sincerely truab the same may be said of tho nnnnnll Of alncarmy uu-u . council of 18118. COMMISSION WILL INVESTIGATE. Small shippers Rpy liluher Rate: Than Largo Ones. ' - r- ~ `I'.... \n Then inrnr. purge uuua. \ V.i.~ Jan. li).--'I`ho inter- state commerce commission now has under consideration the question of en- forcement of section .'l,OUii of the revised statutes with special reference to section six of the interstate commerce act. Section 3,006 provides that goods may be transferred between ports of the United States, through Canada or Mexico. by such routes and under such rules, regula- tions and conditions as the secre- tary of the treasury may prescribe. Hection six of the interstate com- merce act provides that common carriers receiving freightin the United States to be camed through a foreign country to points in the United States, shall publicly publish schedulbs showing the through rates charged. The provision, it is said. lslignored by Canadian railroads except as to the rate between the initial point of the Canadian frontier under the present sys- tem. It is said that large shippers are _ some times givena very materiel advan- tage over smaller ones. This practice not only works great harm to small shippers over Canadian roads but also to competing American roads. The penalty provides for neglect to publish the through schedule |`t`\[tlll'8d is than the goods so transported shall be sulnject to custom duties. It is very probable that as soon as a commis- sioner is appointed to succeed Col. Morri- .m. mm matter will be taken up with a is appointed to auoceou um. mun.- aon. the matter up view to the enforcement, of the laws. The Government Completely llofntm the Opposition`: Plggory uhu-(on. T0lu).\"I`u, Jan. 10 ---In the prggery an- quiry on Saturday the government. kept: its promise. and put. in evidence which foams elfecbunlly to discredit Mr. Bu. Joh(1'nc:1ae. The man who received tho hogs an the Central prison, a butcher of thirty yours` standing. awom ponicively than not one in the ninety-seven was un- sound, and that if there had been any signs ofdisenaa he could nob have failed to see them. A....n..... :.m.nrr.mm nnint. an to which Another iunporlznnh point as to there hn.-I been some doubh hitherto was cleared up. It was nhown that Dr. Swoon- npple inspected the hogs after all of them had been taken to the Uencxal paleon. llin varcllicate of soundness. therefore. applies not to a low of the hogs, but to sue whole of thotn. -_._ _- ,~__... ..*-.. Nnllve Uprlnlnxn In South Africa. lm.\'lm\:, Jan. lll.-A special despatch lroui Capo Town says that Lerobliodi. the paramount chief of Bautclnnd. has at- tached Maoughn with I.-'n,O00 men. Num- bers are reported tohavo boon killed and wounded on both sides, several villlgea have been sucked. the whole country is in ferment and all traders are leaving. Taun- tolnnd is a British protoobornbo. situated loo tho out of the Orange Free state, und to the Iron of Natal. Kufnrln is a little to the south. la is nbauo the tin of Zulu- I--.-I /mar& col Innd. I IIIII up un Inc unlu. Prrr~'Iu'm:_ Pm. Jan. I0.-~'l`he tow boat. Percy Kelcy blew up on the Ohio river. near (lleneld. Pm, Seturday morn- ing and wee completely wrecked. [tie believed that Leslie Jonee, who wnein command. end all who were on board were killed. The crew consisted oleceptnin, two pilote. two an insert, two metee.n chambet-maid, noon and I number of deck hands. The boat wee owned b W. II. Brown &Som of this city. In wee veluod It $25,000. `Inna:-0 or French can-non Donna. Lo.~u>os. Jun. I0.-A rumor In: current. ol the manners of the French nrrioon no Ynkolo. in tho Frcnch Congo, on Africa. by the nntivu. A special dupntch from Pain uyl nothing in known of Inch I {nu- ncro then. In is probable that the story in a nun npntition oi the rooms report. of tho munch of M. Paul Coma And cvnnty Sgngnluo riunon on the rixor Ulnngi, A Good Uojlnling II n-mu. smu. Jun. 10.-Gan. Sir Bilidon mood but made 0 good bqginning in niuhing the Bomnnh for joining an nut in shit snack on the Islnkud pun. With- out action: nuisance. be has on and the Tang: Audi) Ponul puns. '1' Aft-idio I hnvn an-amend the Klnlnt nus. NO T;|-l:T-E*D HOG8 SOLD. A Good Ioclnnlng In India. I R 11... LIl_ bx_'a.l._ __.__j. MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1898. Blow Up on The Ohio. fl, I-.. In !ENELN Sj[IUTl0N.| will Grab Nothing Hcrsclfyor Allow Others. man PuLIc7s_n=.AcIaruL.| HA8 TRANQUILIZED THE SCARE IN THE EAST. She Wbion Ohluuo Putt: :0. be open to All the World-IEI)gIuud'I cause In the Cause or all the Ponuehn and [rocka- tlouu of the Wnrld--aho Will I IQ3`=*u hut Now Whluh Wlll Match the FIIOM ......_._ ... ll`: nun...-._Iru-annh lflnnuhm null. n Thing In Her lllutor-y-lrrench l'Ia|Iih|p to the Beans. NI-2\\' Yank. Jan. l0.~-Harold Frederick, cabling to the Times from London. euyn regarding the position of England in tho I 1' east: The tacit duvelopmenla of Eng- lindb position in the far eastern question. which is briv.-ily that she will grab nothing,` herself but will fearlenly employ her over- whelming navaipower to prevent any ob` etruotion to tree Chinese trade on the part of others, has had a remarkable andquiet- ing elfect on the continental excitement. It might be said, for the moment at least. that it had robbed the crisis of most of its critical napeote. If England can follow this up by securing the privilege of linen- cing the l ekin government through its monetary troubles from the coming decade, civilization will Indeed have gathered gs from thirties. It is impossible, in the ab- sence of information an to the obstacles being raised by international nanciers in Berlin, St. lhstereburg and Paris, to say whether the Anglo-Uliineee loan can be ar- irnlnjninnn nf both niirtiea here. up n -v -.. .... nnml the Anglo-Umneeo loan can no ur- run od. Politiuimia of both parties him ed encbuninr.-tioally by business men in the city of lzmdon. have made such A demonstration in favor of England a aa- auming this responsibility that ' it. may be taken for granted that lord Salisbury will nob hesitate. 'I\:........I:'- nmnrf nrnnnrlnnf. nf xmhherimr hesitate. 1)inrAeli s smart precedent of gathering up the late Klxedivds Suez cnnal shares. while the French ministry fumbled and lloaiautaed. would be ample warrant: for his prompt; action. Unfortunately ohhra ro- member blunts precedenb too, and all the oc- culb money lending force! of the continent: have been scurrying from one dlaoounb centre to another during the week. crying to arranges scheme to raise $80,000,000 and force lb upon China in bimelto forestall England's prulfer of the money. This in really the crux of the present. situation. nn. r-An nnlv wish we knew more about The Fire Question. For the right re buy the right l1--I really the or me pronoun. luunuuu. One can only wish it. The chances seem to be. however. that the French reluctance to make this further huie nancial sacrice on lluuife altar of eelllahneu will operate to hell; the continental lane and that England will ultimately o the loan. m....|.ml'. union in nndln: Ieven Iblpu ultimately do the loan. England : action in sending ships of war to Chemulpo and two to Port Arthur was treated at the outset as a rea- son for setting the toceins ringing,butthat. also, had in its result a tranquili-/.ing effect. It must be remembered that just as the concert of Europe has exhibited nothing but the depth of the rancorous jealoueies and animoeities existing among the powers while prolessinsz to be acting in harmony. 180 these same mailed ruilians, in their piratical descent upon China, despite all their mutual understandings and agree- menls. profoundly distrust one another. Hence England. representing free com- merce as against military feudalism, and acting for the civilized trading people. like the American, Dutch. Norwegian and the rest, as well as for her own home and colonial populations, has only to hold up one of these three robber herons and the other two secretly chuckle with relief. really the old story of the Hanzatlc league against mar- audmg armed nuisances over again. As- surance coming from all quarters. and most especially from America. that the peace- ful and free natione of the earth compre- hend this and see the England s cause is theirs. have already worked wonders in solidifying and elevating English sentiment in the matter. The silly jingoes who want to seize everything are nenrlv silenced; the temptation to malre ptlrtizdn capital out of the crisis has been thrust sharply to the rear. Unless some miraculous fog of imbecility rises to en- velop ,lord Salisbury and his colleagues, Great Britain will play a part in the Chinese waters now which will match the finest things in her history. - At that nnrnn time it is recalled. as lord neac things in her muory. At, the same time recalled, Salisbury remembered when he refused China : advance: last. year. that instance: abound in Greece. Turkey. Sardinia and Egypt. in which a Britiah guaunteo of credit. to friendly: Staten hue vieldcd little ,, 1:. -- I_\.___|__,; China advance: use your. uuuu nu-u-nu. friendly auto! ultimate political benet. to England. /Nnw YonK,Jun. I0 --A London deapatch to the Poet. says: Not even the novels pressure of the pending I-English bye eluc- hiona hu led lord Salisbury into thosoun- \hiu heroic for which the minictorio.l.for- vnga huve been called no loudly elnoo (iomnny nnd Rania amrtaod the game of grab in China. Rnmlv hnmntod hhounh they have boon China. Sore! y tempted though they no miniutar has amid I single word. Inntond ol the doctrine "quid pro quo."uo honruly urged upon them the ctbineb in quiotly pursuing bhodootrino status quo." to hr cs conoumn British trndo in Chins. 1 m I -...u... In:-mnrlv nmkuunn II UHHID ITIGO In blllul. J. W. lnwthar. formerly apokaaman in the home of common: of lord Sallalmry as foreign minlatar. and new chairman of commlbteoa of the home. and probably lnowa bower than any other man outaida thacablnao what is harpanlng inaido. ha and pibileaa rldicnaon a idea that uaa Hmnany and Ruaala rob Ohlna. England mush rob `hot. too. lndaad, he wano fut-that. muh lurbhar than moat Englishman are phlloaophloally-mindad anough to go. daclaring what "no man! not ha aurpdaad if Garmbny. Franco and Ruaaia an as atfxioua now an Va "won In fotmar year! to taka what doaa not ltd tin Ijuvn uni hlhh 0` X younhoun want not: I10! In: to than and uhbltob nnugo Ilon the China cont. What Eng cl aim at in um "no pn- fcnnou." but China porn` to the tndon othho w olowodd mu 1 km- -0 5... canon: mnv ho nun! Ih of the vholo worm um um El-our bility of hot means may In y Ihc cpl my in which but objocuoo go pnvooud Ihochimn cumonn and Count: muons anrc. If. to town this. lnolonot inuoporutotho vholq world and to not Claim`: bollupto. lord Bulhbury II annuity Io nooudlut his tubal cl luv to gin a haunt gnu-uhuon uubhun`d,000.lI)o. it Ii ` ' PAIIII. 33-`IQ-Th_ _LQ` ' A-..` _-A.- war which will mun-n um nu...-. | Quay. ship of the French Pacic squadron, as been ordorod to China wu- tar; iwny NO_T ~ accepted me banquet. Le Quobidien, Levis, states that it has been informed that: a doctor 0! River Du Loup almost: died a few days ago from the rebou of a narcotic. He was in the habit of baking a strong done of morphine, and on Tuesday night lamb increased in. , He did not. re ain consciousness unbil 1'.!ireo o'clock on edneaday afternoon. A num- ber of doctors from River Du Loup uttqnded him, and today he is considered to bebub of danger. Rnnnirnnnl nf n verv aunerior article of `rho Pulp lull: Doing Inch Bunlnon-A|- ` moat Dlod , ..\ Ql7EBE(`. Jan`. l0.-'I`ho frlondn of tabs Hon. Frnncolu Lsngollor will give him a `banquet previous to his dopnrburo for Montreal. The honorable gentleman hn accepted the banquet. Ln Qunudian. Levin. states Specimens of a very superior wood pulp were deposited on the iilblo of the legislative assembly. They came from the new Chicoutinii` pul mills which have just started business. Brine mills have in capacity of 120 tons and are now turning out 3.3!) tons. which will shortly be in creased to 550 tons. The new industry is a great boom to the enterprising Su; uenav town as it gives employment: to some 300 bends. l()(l at. the mill and `.300 in the woods. The product; of the millswlll be shipped to England direct and all they can burn our. for the next; six months have been cnniaracted ior at remunerativs rates ior the Manchester markets. Contracts have been placed bv the company for the cub- bing of 13,000 cords of puipwood during one preseim season. The outlay which to far has been over $l2i'),0U0 will. it is antici- pated. grow to half a million. Tim Winnineu hookev beam arrived here ball tmmon. The Winnipeg hockey this morning by the C.P."R. and is regis- berod M. the Chateau Frontenac. JUDGE DUGASVWLLINVEBTIGATE -??.1 mile! of llullwny Telex:-nphen An-lvu-A Unlon Organized. MuV'rm:AI.. Jan. l(I.--Judge Dugn. president of the commission to investigate the char _es against Crow : Neat branch of the C.1 ,{{.. lofcfor the wow to-day. He will be gone two months. I V, Pnwnll. chief of the Ofdelof rail~ months. W. V. Powell, chief or_der_o! way tolozraphers. has arrived here `from Poroie. III., to confer with the $'.P.R. belegrnphers executive committee. now negotiating with the C.1"R. otliciala for u now echedule. rm... ...... tn-u-Inrn lmun nrunnhmd :1 union echedule. The car tenders have or animd a union for the protection of theirnbereata. They are 2.000 strong &nd`:p!`0[|)0!0 to nk for an incroaue of wugea. The 0 am that they no overworked and underp`nid. A .....-...m in. hnnn lnnuad for the III`- overworked and unclerpsia. A warrsnb hes been issued for ar- resboi Joseph Brisset. e sixteen-your-old clerk, on a charge of stealing velueble docuuienbe and registered letters from his emplo ers. Messrs. D. W. & A. Brunotb. iimmo el sqenbs. It transpired elm regis- tered letters entrusted to him never leech- ediheir destination. The young men is being sought. by his employers. The en- vnlnnen of the letters were found in his Doll) Bullsu velopea of 1 otoo desk. (Joni Found In lllehlgen. SM1lNA\\', Mich.. Jen. l0.--Ooel in veine of from three to live feet think have been found in al direohione around the city and i0 is mly believed this entire locality in underlaid with the fuel. The J. 11. Somer e coal company, Cleveland. which handles 4.M)0.000 cone annually in Ohio has cured in large tract: of lend near Ho. Charles and in putming down e rhaic. Prospect-ingie going on in all directions. Coal oporatorein Pennsylvania and Ohio are pending their experts here in large numbers. (Ioneidernblo excitement in ho- ginning to be manifested and ad prices are being ollered for lenses 0 thounndn of acroe in this immediate vioinihy. .___._?_____: 123 Princess St.. Kingston. A NEW INDUSTRY BOOMING. 'l|Inl)ll' hlmu mun unuu. I`|c.\In|uuu;, Ont. Jen. 10.--Pet.er H. (Bolton, the widest.-known timber broker int)-Anode in deed. While travelling the Maetewe hmite of Bronson end Western he oontrnmed a severe illness, was convey- ed homo and partially recovered. bub book 5 relapse. expiring here yeeterdey. He wee coneidered by the lumbermen of the Ottqwe valley the greeteeb authority on the value 0! timber limit: end his services were conetnnuly in demand. nnbfrknn And mum nun. KlN(IH\'Il.I.It, 0nb.. Jan. 10 -~'l`he ton- monbba-old baby 0! Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ewing. whilst. sleeping in a baby carriage this morning. awakened and fell out: on blmoor, ahghting on its head. causing concussion of the brain. The child re- mained in spasms all foronoon and died in Hm nnrnnnn. IIIIBU lll upnul the nfm'noon_.._ Dr.-loin Bill ltoolgnl. Nnw Yonx. Jun. 10.--Rav. Dr. John Hall yesterdny announced his ntignntion as pastor of the Fitch Avonuo Prubytotinn chm-ch. . 0 -` - ..n , ALI _.A- uuunuu. _ Ono of the mnin product: of bholbhotbl inr iron And stool, which it Ioknqwl ddgtd b All users to be second to may in the mar ob. Thursday. lflnh JAnI|r{.,I_I 5,. so. the day to record yoqr may for 650 Van lnr It. Ina any to r: Voto tor it. {7IfTY: Who follow the good old maxim. :`Look Before You Leap," there- |__I. _A A..- LUUR lJ\.|vu.o an in look at our u. . Our coal is I coa1-no slate or dirt or snow. It's good. bad. clean: coal, with best inovery lump. It costs no more than the other L!_ J WARM vnmn aLovns| FOR man. ' We place for ads aw.-ry like assortment of 'DE.N'l"S but make. 4 - 1-- - .....|... -4 haul. hm.-Lin make. A1503 bsaof Dent : Dogukin Gloves. 1` 1: leather from which that 3 grade: have bah choun was especially tanned and pupa!- ed for the but London tndc. Prices 81.25. 81.50 and $1.75. ` no. Lmncsm a BRtl| uunyoauu -nmbu--|.Iu.u mum nun. r\ . 1-.. In I) ghb by hi! employers. `Ana ou- the i .KuIIous 'Iiu'vms [..5.V!H!!1. mrnmg colder wnlgun. mun northerly winds, Mr uni modi- ntoly cold with ouborly winds on Tues- dnv. rum; dny. 300 Remnants DRESS GOODS willwbe placed on Qale at1.he Fnrst Cfifctnlar Counter near entrance TO-MORROW MORNING at `One-Quarter Regular Prices. Come and take a look at them. Lengths and Prices are all mark- ed plainly, and you can see at 9. glance if they suit you or not. 6000 Yards of New Embroid- erles. from lc to 200. can be seen at the same tlmo on the next counter. |$TEA0Y&ASTEA9Y. Dlroot. Impomm Drou Goods and Innuu. :_:_ unu.` nnuu. `nu Lnmm Dunn-n.xIn-lu-nu strut. '.l`olophono1I7A. Opon Dun . I ' lino you p'l |co 8` bias. ` . sa':x'a."1s1>.n.*a=ma:. am. ... 010? lb npuionlnn Mound so an or in k I 9'35: "' ad '17: Ttm: `:`E&:i cTr3glI 0!`; hihc voulosu. COLIJMBUIQ QODMAN. .. ad. houfbtorl. now -..--u u. - -.-.-._-, Lnnnm Uxmnnxn no IIIAI Pllnoou utruh Oomor Bvdonhnn I phone comm lontlod. H w | '1` F. HARRISON COMPANY n....u...o.n... um III-nhnlrnnin. III Am!` I UWIWI Inn Bl. Iawlvnw vuuqug 03' 10 |.m.-F_ino and mild to-day. ___\ mrning coldor to night. with IIUEAVI Hmuu --In thin city. on Jan. 951:. III! wife of John Hiokoy of ulon. A Ij 0 `Bull your. Funeral from her Ion n rolldonoo. 67 Union Itreob, Tuondny morning It 9zl6. RO- quiom mun uh Sb. Jamel Momorhl chapel at 9:30. -- ( NRATUBDAY EVENING ON DIV I III-oak or Alfrod Stream. UIBUH B W UIIOTH COAT nollsr Mnonl with rod. rt reward at. 8'4? Klfnd Strut. \_ . ..j._.,_.___ ._.,._j.__...g..__. .. nvnxmo on DI- m.m`n (`.nA'l'.nnl|u Mnml rod. T AVELLINOD SALISIAN [OR KINGSTON` und nurrunnuln onuntlon Inol uomp fnr rnnlv. HI'MA1`l FIIIAI 0|I..LOI OIL '.l. I . .l'.l..l'L.l:u:u.DLILV UU:lLr.4:.LV .5 Umlorulon And Embulmw. Ill And` 3 Pnnoon strut. 'Phonux- uuoona. Io. Ruldunoo. 91. Open day and nlchb. ll Ollfot snow clluoov tnnknd Ill: Id In an | nddron Lmmnn. I 7" An lnglnoot round with olloul load on V no Lovor. - l lIIl.Al)li.l`IlII, 1%.. Jon. 10.-Jononioh O'Brien. onginoor oi '1ho north bound . Ohooopooko and Ohio oxptooo duo oi Wilt` mington, Doi., no l0:40 o oloo . woo riot- on with hurl dioono ond diod wioi II|I_ bond on tho that lo oi hlo ongioo. boowooo Pu-ico'o and New rk station on tho Philo- dolphin. Wilmington and Boltlnoro nil road. Tho train woo moving uuhomo of thirty miioo on hour. Ila io ouotonory ior t.ho train to olow up whoo Nowork ond in tailoro to do this oonyi ronnn Brody um oouobhin' woo no motto:-. Ho ran to tho onuinooto oido % olutohod O`lirion by tho ohouldor. .. bond wnobightl poo ingtho hgio body woo Com on-word , _ __A_.._. III. I-.. u... mg`: 4-` loooio-_ u. WEATHER ;;lOBAIlL|TlII. 0mm and Btiwnnoo vulloyl. IK In . m _li`i-m gnrl mild tn.dAI. D. D. Uvnuun a. FUNERAL DIREO l`()R. Ill PEWOIBI U1`. Klncnmnmuuoolnor to W. I. Dnnnln. "_ . .. ...,w .` mm: clan: of citizen: IIII boulo H OH Abbott homo by-low out-ion. " ,t h: d wu bl MI In the his wgn oneud ting pooturo. 86: non wu pub and out won cloud. Brad! I-uuovql V dead man : hind from the out Id` ` 0 I brought the engine to _n Ihldlla ` nmsn. um: thomnuiounoo of Jun. nn tho ongino to Wllnl " I Vintohonfbuloii. (roan. .-n, boot and that non mus th Abbott b -I [1003 ._ ` :Inn nn O` m uh Abbou u - pun-u. am and |,b':lf' IIIIIII 01 [I rogni snot will In noodod In mill. All noui 011160 in OInulu-'IO and 81 PImIlIE.DQC@.%t. __-g . n A -,_4A, ._._AA.I >-an -3:" `Q$9`?`! Mrs`. Ellen 0' run. rollot "gt Ibo Mo ` ll-nl..... n|n.:... tn 3... glbkmmnnvnnhh l'l `nm`Ip3 5` Mn. of Matthew ()`Brion.in her oihoy-uvinth \}lHUSI`.MAID APPLY TO I33. I00!- Ll:!ION.1lI In: sum. 53.33 :- .%v'5i`3 `E mil-on. Ont , Onndn 4 P. M. EDITION. DEAD AT THE THROTTLE. `We Show The Best Kjivjw :---:--7- C&h| nib valid. 8. S. OORBETT. nvnnrmv\n on lllll HENRY BRAME. n........_. --n_ . .-n Du-A -r' AB. REID. . Hi......-... --.,| WANTED. DIID. ~ u--nja LOST. '13{oi'dni_en'E wnngrao. Huck Towels, fringed ,1}! |n_ iuo place of bul- hnnn can buy the SU- lbuwk-TawkingSi|-e] Our close prices on Linon Goods are our sale makers. Evety woman - intemnted in good Linens will find on our counters something to ulmire. g nun lou nook lot VIII 30040 1-. Pant Thonulvo D7. Nllelllg 0! tu `nldoon sh J. B. Tuoadny l p. In. lming onh II `ll! XII! IUIO noon -an um. ....._..- 1'0 Poet lhonulve Bend eta Roynl rink to-ni lab. Imhlletion A.0.U.W. e ceu to-night. Hocpltel benet: concern Friday. Jan. `Mbh. Meeting 0! the creditor: of J. W. Don- \ `.M.nn gr. J. B. Perkee . Willetaholme, on p.m. Cloning on sale of nil winter goods :6 Taylor's. For nmplea of the Iacriao pl-Icon zoo ndvu. 'l`ha vouna Indian 0! Barrieeld will hpld pi-fool ndvu. The young hold their private dancing school on Tuesday oveniqg. weather permitting; if not fnvo'r- sble on Wodnoaday evening. `Fur Lined Wraps $25.00. Big sweep, fur trimmed, deep fur collar and tho- roughly u,p-to-date. GEORGE MILL_S &_nu.,| 1;. ALL LINES OF Boots and Shoes ms. JOHNSTON & UM Towels. % The M but or a neonate . Addree Tenders- ESTATE P. J. WALSH. TENDERS F011 PROPERTY.` KNDEKQ WILL BE RECEXVED UNTIL -I-uno(nAV JANUARY 20th. I l'lUI(aun I , nlrllivro-_` . _..-.., by tho under:-lcmd for the put?! Mo 0! that Voluohlo l`ro rty on Union Htt. botwoon King and we Ilnaton Ru-oota. bot .9 Lou N mum! 151. On the property in o S o Rosl- ulonoo (lotalgmcupiod by tho Iota Jo. Chos. lllul) and E 0 Brick Cotton odjolnlng. I Toodon to be on blue. Tho when. or any tender not nocouuily nocoptod. To ho oddrosnod to On`-,,,,*-ft} Wcdn;sday. Jan. 12. _. n , _---|_ I nun-id-an nnnaun A (;:A:__`_"||-IZ_WwY0RK'|ZR.| gm. as urygw Aoxus um mucus. oxmu! IUSIC. w Am) xovzl. IIATUR 1 A CY NI 0!` PUI. .._..__..n. on. kn, nndih. .._.- --_._ _ Ac P11000266. $c..5o. Iido. All Linen Huck ends. size 88117. loo. A1l'Linen Huck Towels, fringed or hemmed ends. size 18x89,19o. All Linen. Hnok or Orepo Towels, - size 19140. 150. Dsmssk Linen Tewels 20. 25o.80c. Hemmed tioh border, very ne / 'l`l3|e Napkins. '?1ibh Coveted R1915; , _ ; IIIYDIIIIAV IIIINYHII An Zdlnowtv-- - ~ no nun runmn nvmmu and u- [ mum: nmuoou. ` -- --L n.;.._A--. Q-.I... I-- In i W. At Wholesale Prices This Week at LID. IL. Nl- \I&-lav -_.-.. Oonm-o! Kin`; and um: Streets. Kingston.` ______________________ 1' RY GOODS STOCK. ` THURSDAY, JANUARY zom, ._ ....... 3.... nl lzhg I70 Wellington Street. Iluurnu qua . Alnlndon Ila. Aflalfiuiinnor Iizo Napkin, $1.00, $1.25, 31.75, Vary am Llnon Napkins, large him, 82 par dam up to 87.50. Cor. Drlncoss and Bagot Sts. LOAL MEMORAN DA. \ The touch`; Laughing Success, DE. A S.` OLIVER. 1.1.... .n....|. -In I the cromwrn ox .1. vv. um.- , muthllnho urythlnc rtment. I II I_`I%$VI IICCI. Sntnrduy By `gnlqg. |5 NA`U VI. KB`nDI'N3. Olun. u-any tender not nccouanrlly arm GEIEZII Ta%b|_e Linens. TO LET. _BTI7I7i" ' a n. lA'r0ll.Au1.Ioo'y. V KINGSTON. ONTARIO, : over from imam c._uy_musmn~. His Inaugural Address" At Council Meeting. cmrs rIr4_Tgt;I_AL sIAna.\ VERY LITTLE MONEY TO HANDLE BY THE COUNCIL. & There In lnuh Noad For clone Parlnu -1--.. I-Inun -nu. nevouuo-Buggonlt NoMIl4'ol' ulole rum. .. Keep Within The new-iiue-BugonI.|on| Made To several Committee: --Bone That The Council WIII no Harmonious And lloclal Under till Regime. Ah the inn: urnl meaning of the council to-day uinyor ivingaton made the follow- ing address: The chain of ollico with which today I have been invested reminds me than with its acceptance my duLioe_ as mayor ol_ my gmtive city and chairman of this council _- :. :- ....mlIn-a tn r We o'er"l`nble Linen: from the low prioed kind. 200 end 25. up to the 2; yards wide kind eh 83. We perticularize two lines ho -dey : 2 yerde wide Bleached Damn! 750. 2 yard: wide Bleached Dnmuk 81. H18 IILIUFVBB E with mayor o!_ native chairman codnoil have fairly begun. I run, it is needless to my, deeply sensible of the great honor I have received at the hands of my fellow- citizen, and I embrace this opportunity of again thanking them for the marked ex- pression of their` preference and confidence. as indioetei by the very large meiority by which 1 have been elected. I m deeplg eons ioua oi the responsibility oh p, has been p acod upon me. and lb will b my consmn aim and pinrpose to so aid i ` the condugb o the city's business him. when my term of Rice has expired I will have your full And. eommsndstinn. H As members of this year's council. I am. Find to see when so many of my old col- esgues hnve been returned. They are all men of experience in civic aaira, and for n.:. rnnnnn mm: well be expected to render in civic anmrs, auiu lur this reason may well expected valuable assistance. I regret the absence of some familiar laces. but as I remember the sterling qualities of the men who have taken their place: I gladly welcome them to this council board. and I am condent that as: whole the council of 1398 will compare favorably with any of lormer years. In forecasting the city a business for the -----ant nnnr rim need for the strictest city :-1 present your the need economy cannot be more impressively put than by bringing before you a brief. but concise. statement of our nancial condi- tion. Uur total debt in S`.l'.".2 260 00. an in- crease of 848.795 61 over 1390 While the increased debt was incurred by let your`: council, it must not be forgotten that for it the ratepayers are themselves chiey responsible, inasmuch as it was by vote of the property-holders thnt the fair grounds by-law mid both the elevator by-laws were curried. In his inaugural address my predecessor. ex-mnyor Skinner. referred to the decit ol$3.573. which he found to exist when ...-.....a.... ninn. mu 3 somewhat serious o[$3.573. which he lounu no mun vvuuu assuming otiioe. as B burden for A new council to carry, but how much more serious is the present docio of $5,7~l00`.2 in nddition to the inrgo amount: of 35,234, which, commencing with this year. the city has to annunuy make provision for payment. with t. e lurthor possibility of beingcallod upon to make an additional expenditure of 84,223, =- .1... .......o. nfthn Abbott: bv~law being additional expenmture I)! w.;.-.., in the event. of the Abbott: bylaw being approved by the citizens? .The $5.234 above referred to is made up as follows : ' -- ..,..n H3000 UIIUVIIIUIVI-an -- V- . _ Fnlr (hcr.r\.la . . . . `hlnoenv Elev-I.nr.........' . . . . . ontronl Tnmspnrtation Company... ntorout Loon Improvement. mu poruon............................. 7....-. v.. Our total revenue during 1897 wee $l6:l,(}'.'5.4S, end we heve no reeeon whet.- ever for euppoeing that che revenue of the present. your will exceed elm amount. Our uncontrollable expenditure in estimat- ed on Sll-I l73.ll, while $43;-I9], ` ie reted ee controlleble, bub lneiiiuc ee this cum, about $l0,l)00. ie peid in eeleriee to city oieinle there in in reality leee than S40.00(H.o be expended under the direc tion of thin council. . With cheee facts end 12...... turn. no it. mneh be numrent no ' of thin council. vv um nusau llute Iuu gures beloro us it must be apparent every member of this council that the very strictest economy must prevail. and the bostqpooaiblo use made of the hind: at our diapoaal. and I would urge upon the vari- oiiu committee the dooiubilnty of no `par- ing down the year`: expenditure that the nance oommittao may be in a position to ---.a n.. nu`. bminau without" having dsnoo oommmoo in m n poumun w `and the your`: buuinou having added Anything to the decit. nlrudy too |--nn To clone up the canon. Some New O.\poa to-day. In ` mpo the ddormon will noolxmot mainly Unit wu-d'Iinhrut.. but the inunsu ol sin city at lu-go. We have no money to nulonly; ovary dolls: must in (or annuities. 2 ' The pumhuoluc you of the Midland "lair ground: will gin tho ctty pwpurty nitbt an op unity to diccnu mu- In looking so toutilixutlon :9 that 3% I:mu " d'icc'uu'mu- no `loot uuoionl nnnuo any in donvod to unit the interest oohilod by the pm-uhuo. It would undonbudly Ty tho china: :1 - .....`.-hl hir mil bovoulv conduct 1 IIITKI CIIU;IIv- -.Jf'-- r_____V_V_ 1'! us: undonbudl it I noojtulnl hit ooul hoyouly .a -n.. omundl an nolvlocntodundl The`. 33.234 00 A-o ;._ 4 mu uu 1.784 00 2,000 00 1897 gives` hope that the com- mittee may see its way to further aid the consumers. either by reduced rates or by the curtailment ol some of the extra charges with which many are billed. The tax for use ol hose on boulevard: and baths might reasonably come under review. Well-keph boulevards enhance the beauty of our streets. but il neglected. there is scarcely anything that will detract more from the good appearance of the city. Their proper care should be encouraged. and to this end, in my opinion. the ne- cessary water should. nnder certain con- provided free. A-nnnnhinnarl In mv hiiiljiinery and Mantles Reduced