.,gcubs1Nc UP saw. uuuwy uuun punullluuu, and ID snow: man of the rovency-seven case: before the Kingeoon police court: during the int: three months of 1897 no leu cimn forty-cwo of then were of the drunken end dieordorly olul: twelve more oi them were vagrant: and several of the others. no the police re- port: from day to day plainly indicated. eroeo directly out of the drunken condi- tion of the criminal so the time. I. in . Hm. D14-\'n|I oi... ....L.n.. ....x._.| 1...- anon ror we past year navc Juet been no- liahed and they go a long way to I ow that even in that good old cit where then "well tried eworda" have n. no doubt, eofaithiully used during the put year, the victory baa not been "completely won." or anything as near it ae some have good reaaone to expect. all circumetancee considered. Out of the 327 care: for all causes brought before the police ma ia- trate during the year no leu than 2 of them were for drunkenneu-nearly two- thlrda oi them all. Of the others ho lean than lty were for vagrancy. which `in al- most invariably the direct reeulta of drink- ing and drunhonneu, and fourteen more for diaordcrly conduct. ulna. an a rule, the remit: of drinking. The aaeuulta are also nearly all attributable to that cause. De- duct there and the balance left for all cauaee in very small indeed. but one clan oi them coming up to the dozen mark. Thu last nuarinrlv mun-n nl aha-v nnn. 0| mom coming up to me uozen mark. The last qunrterly return of t.he" oon- victlono made to the clerk of tho pence for Frontenac. including Kingston, hu ro- oonuly been pubhnbod, and in show: that of tha pavsnhmnvnn nun Inlm. uh. .....~._ ...,.-.- - van. The palm -mmncn of the city 5: Kin - non for the pub have jugs been an - linked and NIIV no A Iona wnv to I my mg I. haul ol 4 66; bolng quite nulnoroub. Tao two In our "program" in boon backwards. The bronu any have moon to declare we are doing well an in in "though tho victory in not you completely won." but have the dignitaries 0! I loading Proobytorinn univonloy any such ground: for oongucnlction 2 ' HUME IHIMIE |fAl"l'u H vu uvu.--v-nu-vunn . sum: noun rm:-H. :2 0! tan {or Hm nun. vnnr hnun hut Iunnn m.E PERSONAL MENTION. SPORTING PARAGRAPH8. * not: aim waning. want A` |Kg -._A_ nk ' THE .DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY, JANUARY. 22, 1393. Wundoluc Ilol in in cm ` of marine I Van Cusp`: lo-ntoonuup. - `an (hnp'o Inked Inn: in tomato \`on Coup`: nnoucninad chat in th- nnonIu.J|ntnRsddu&0o.ol| C W `I2 3-` IT" U.` W, `tho but nblnn. lotolt print. lupus unonuonh at Ahunothfu. u Ittlh Ll!` The-. For I qulofcura of all biliou clinch, huduha. Itougch and liver troubloo. an Wade`: thud:-uh Lint Pills: one lot I done; 25 ll: for 250. They no unqual- lu:l-onl3 at Wndo'| dug note. Want To Lovnto III . Clniol ol polico Honey thizaorning ro- ceivod a communication from lpo chivl of police of I town in lllinnototn. Q-him: that I lookout be he I. lot A man nu ed Como- lim For-key. of such doocont. about fty-nine. llvo foot (in molten hi . weigh: I70 pounds. in very bold. He in nccnnton}, ed to travel with 1 lmnd organ and pup chow. H0 in vunhd tor murder. 1 `.40. This is I mild winter indeed. The coal men und p`.nmhon have no 1-miles this season. "Io aloe n week's cold weather with the thermometer hetwoon 3 and I5` bolow zero to muko merry our hearts uid nnlumhor. "I have been in place: when I had to keep my ear! coverod lrom hoing frrlon while at work thawing pipes and you people wondond why they nulfond /from frost." , ___ 1'4. U. DIIICIIOII. Durin the month of Jnnunry we will give I iccount of 10 per cent. of? all our new spring wall paper. We do this than we uny open our u.-non a little only and show our hnndoomo pcporn. D. A. Wooeo & Co. uulv Vllunu upon me 0nll(ll'1ll'l. What. ,nboub tlnooo nlunoa ? Ponibly your on: an aurninod trying to get. along without them. We can aunt you to par- footlon or will refund the purchuo price. E. C. Mitchell. , . `nu-I-can ALA ----A|- -1 V--------- -- --"' GENTLEMEN` FOOTWEAR. Illlfn Aplornyinnii nid yeatordny thntho spent. half his dnvo in Answering O1! to poor families whose noeda no great. The relief oociotioa lot aha children and mothers aulfer became the husbands and son: an luy and. won't work. The pins of the fathers are t.ru'v vilitod upon the ohildmn. \\'hnt. Lhnnh Minna nhmma V pnAg:l\`n IIHIIIIFFIUII ;\N.'n Ladies` kid alinpora. warm lined. ab cost. price. W. J. Dick & Sou`: cloning up sale. A -I--........-.. -_:_I __-_.-__|,_, .L . u ma-gown uurpou wu-anouno. l)on'c loruoh thnb tho Sons of Scotland are celebrating Burns` nnnix-oranr.v.Jvm. `.`5t.h, by A cnnoort. and assembly in the Wmc: hull. .\ good programme hmn been prepared. Come one. cum all and bring your friends. (bncert at H` o'clock slurp. Arlmlnc-ion '.3.'r. I _..a:-_I I.:.a -I:_..-__ Ir - I pur uionr). Now is your chnnooto buy cheap dry goodr, carpet!-. Me. Everything at. can price beforo amok-taking. R. McF`aul, Kingston cu-pot. warehouse. ])nn't tn:-mm Mnr nu. Run. at .v:-...n.....: cnnnumeu aevurnl yonrtnun. The latent joke deals with a bonovolonb citizen. who. going: down street. one day. saw I dolerving woman badly in need of ahoon. His honrh was touched. so he took her into a fruit store and bought. her n pair (pour). Now in vnur nlmnnn tn hnv aka". A..- W0". Toss. receptions and At Hnmea" have been numerous this year. In snmo in- stances sprssds have bean given by p01 ms who have not yet. paid ztho same events conducted several your 510. Thu lntnnf. inlzn rhnln with . h..um.-.l-..m pu rlllllh I I) rllll'l'OW!mlUl.; A little lot of choice xmplo syrup lefb. James Roddon & Co. I)... on .n.........__-..| _|_-_.. .L_. Au UIYIIUI IVHUUCH G ()0. Inn : not diacourngod about thnb cold and think you are going into A decline. Trv' Mitchell : Magic Cough Care and get. wol . L TV 1` well. Qlllllu 310: B. W. Folgzer say: he did not go to Har- mwsmith on Wedneuny. Ho was in To- ronto. Hit skill as A victorious lender has in I meuuro been impaired by the late fair pursuit: to Harrow:-mith.'_' A NMIA Inf. nf nhninn Innnln --nu... l-n. ' "'hI':nTnEiiE.' 6:83 .`'n 0:11 D 0 qnnofm I! 0 third ` sns'3:n'a`?E`.t'?:: '0 loop the loot Ion can lay. AL.-A _.`LL.__ |,....._A ._..l_.. I_.___ III VIII uuull . If you want to upend A pleasant) and pro- tablo evonimz attend the "Homes and Haunt: of Burns. opera house, Monday, I Jan. `.2-ttzh. D \I7 I7`.-.I....... ..-.._ L- .l:J ..,; -, . , II UUEU A cizon has had the electric linht ser- vice in his house for four years and in that time has only had to replace one limit. broken by accident. He line A dozen lights in his house. It ..._ . . . _ _ ..n ;- -._-__,1 , ,n, . t um! uuvu u vow III we provmcml olocunn. Preparing to take amok. Now in the time to buy. Everything reduced in price. R. MoFAul, Kingston carpob ware- house A .. L... |.._ L-) AI, ,n, . - n I. Iuullu uuuummg no you. 1% (J. Mitchell. All young men over twenty-one years of age living in Ontario for twelve and in Kingston for three months can register and have a vote in the provincial election. Premrinnr tn tnluu lhnnlx Nnlv i. H... Au [H I-ulu lU.UUU EDI]! wm Q0 l0|"Wl'(1. Swift's old and reliable insurance agency does the business, pays lonson promptly, nnrl ndjumn them fmr and honmltlv, `VB nnl. nnlv lll` vnnr nun: mlfk tho nu-n mm nujunw-I ulam mnr mm nomaauv. We not only fit your eyes with the pro- per gluaoa but your face with the frame most; becoming to you. E (.`. Mitchell. vnuna man numn hnnnbu_n.. -5 uuu guuu. anmes neaaen (2 U0. Iron ore from mine along the line of the Kingston it Pombrolto railway is being shipped to the Hamilton smelting works. In In said 10.000 tone will forward. Swift : Old and rnlinlxln inanrunnn nrrnnnv uuauxuy town. > Van Camp : macaroni and cheese pre- pared with tomato sauce Something new and good. James Redden & 00. Tran nu: In-nm mh.-. ..l.....-. Al... N... ..t IIJUII nullumg. Brookville in covered with measles and there seems to be no let. up This fact. given oynica a chance to any the placo is a mmaioy town. `fun r'.nn\n n v-n:.n..-....X .....l >..l......-.. .`_.. I` ;*.``:E.!:..":'*'.:"' lawn. groan `I DRILL QOIIAID .1 It W 0658 at Mo]. Ilbhe Y.M.C A. onnvantlon for Ont. rio convene: here in 1898 tho occasion wil be embraced to burn the mortgage on the local building. Bmnlxvilln in nnunrn uifh rnnnalnn nnrl sup .' yva um I0. Jmel M00000 M U0. Uonstnble Spencer has brought: Rock- wood hospital (ram Pucton I potion named William Demill. whose mlnd is badly af- feoted. D..I..-..I I.--|._ -.,., ,v , I I I KEUI?I5(l. School books, exerolao books and 1-orib hlern. good value: and new lines, at D. A. Woeae & Co's. If ILA V I! IV A __ _,..,,m-, 5., I\ . Poo.ket planing price: on npootaclu and expert examination (roe. E. 0. Min- oboll. VIN.` .-..._.-- -t L|____, , ;,, UUUIL The names of three or four truuteoa are mentioned in oounecuon with the chair- manship oi the board of education. Have ou triad Van Cam '3 tomato oat- sup ? , a sell it. James oddon in Co. llnnntnhln n-mm. L... L........I.o. 4-- D....I. uucu. uy mom. James Neaaen at U0. During 1807 the A0.U.W. received 4.777 members, eurpaulng all previous re- ! cords. `D...I.-L ..I-__.x.__ ,, -M wrnmnmenu In mtpaneo on zum mar-. . The kindergarten taOI0hOI'l in aha public school: are well nervad this year with u- Iintmnu. Van Camp : baked beans in tomato` sauce. Try them. Jame`: Redden & Co. Du!-Ina 1110'] Ms. A nn W .....-I....A VV CHIC U IJUI. The banjo club of Quaonn given an gn. certninmenu in Napaneo 2am inst. Hndaruu-tan fnnnhnrn in thn nuhlin "VP" `I'D Cillli OK In WIII GI`. `llklnl Inch. ` The Iidownlku no very alippory again. Sol!-rising huckwhut. Hour at Roddenb. J. P. Wmtnoy will npuk here on Febru- Ary Inc. A Harrowsmith mun` uya Kingston Is not. the only nuuqo on ch. gmng, NOW mu-in: 1389 wall lunar an I). A. now one only nunqo tug wring, up:-in 1889 11 D. A. Wane & Co's`. WP" M Tim haul.` 4I..L Al n,,--,.I_ _,:._-- -_ __ want: an: anionic! 0! III anon Ills Anhbluhop um tho You luv. an Den 0! Onlulo. Vurltwn. use Buidonoo at uonndor Ounn. Johnston Strut. Lent Tom Bollnn February am. `no but ldvnuon I advnuuu. with can h_ol_|_o com on an oonnnlonoc --j:- u lploo orlvuy my uu-wno on Pooplo An `lilting About:--Ilolhlng In ulna nu Anontlou or that Inc An Inna. Inn`... PARABRAPH8 PIOKED UP BY OUR BUSY REPORTER! mcmms or nu: DAY. auyuur. ulsnruqlll, VH1! llllul D] I In con & Ponbton Iniu I`:-idaynfuruoon. Tho oolhwonwinhuingonDnlIon'I ban. =3 :5: Dividoodouuo cunning. and. ngu nnup an opal pk. uni fauna down an toad. Thoynnchd lhlncku the train nppranchod. Both oolhuuud at full spud shod ollho Iooonotivo. Thohindoronovuovcrtnhn Iilluloutt-ighc. Tlulcndingcoltlnh 91%.) nding Inyol R` J 'Hl||I. NP! `Pl quad. coll rqniud tlhtnnk iinhml lth-1-in; Anal-.- A spin 0! col. lo. Topcny ol lilljtn Joymt. Cntuoqui, won illod by I Kiqr I Phubtokn lnin Friday Alumna; | uusul AIUIII III I `III . AIIIIIUII 6 D0. 10` room. Thin in _tho rm who ovothnlod thobcuing 0 ton in tho loos! cuttoun homo. Wnll ingotoniuio ho naked to fur- nish money to psy the building dobtd Pllohl Dion 3 . I00`: J. W. Oldtin has sublet the contract lot tho booting oyotun for the now wing at tho l'Hotol Dion to Pmdy. Nanuoll 8 ('30.. To- ILA Lngllnn n-ntA-n in 55.. I.u..I aunt--.- nuluu (woe. DIVU noun nwuuc BIN COH- tncnooupply the hunting plant. cm the ventilation oyatdm and do ml the plumbing in connection with the now chapl building of the Home of Provi- done; Kingston Ladies Gtilii, A CHURCH SCHOOL. Only BAH A Donn Left A. Aberrfetliy !I_)'l that out of All the merchnntn on Princeee street who were in business when he entered mercentilo life. lees then A qunrtor ol A century Ago. only hell A dozen now pmAin in Active commer- oiAl life. They ere: A. Mo(`ormaoh. J. McN'nu hton,.l. Dillon. W. Pi W. Rig- ney an N. E. Runniens. `Flt; business now controlled h Ockley Broe. win then owned by the lat er 0! the present pro- prietors. J. Redden is one of the next oldeet Inerchnnte. J. Tweeddell must eleo be included in the eenior list. I! the peat twenty-ve yeere here created A eoetteriug whet will the (nature bring 3 anuuaulllnalulli KUIIIIJIU. The Toronto Star says that negotiationa are under way for the roturn by acclaim- tion of Hon. W. llarty in Kin eton. It eaye "the liberals promise to wit draw op- position to Mr. Whitney ii the conserva- tive agree to let Mr. Harty in. It is eaid A satisfactory settlement has been made." The story is news to Kingston liberals. but they nevortholeue say that each a move would ho a gracious not in view of Mr. Harry : popularity with all classes. What In contemplated. The street railway company ha in con- templation the beautifying of Lake On- tario park. One of the improvements ie the erection of a lino big pavilion. similar ' to one in the park at Waiorcown. N. Y., controlled by the street railway com ny there. This pavilion will include a ano- ing hall. platform for enterminmenta. ro- lreshmenu parlor. soda water fountain, ice cream department. etc. Such a place in demanded and the company is always 1 anxiouatogratify any deaire ol ita pa- I trons. - na-vv sun: VVIIIIIIIUII. An influential citizen has consulted with A leading firm of solicitors with A viow oi ascertaining the actual cost: of erecting Mooeru elevator. Ho Isl-arts that the build- ing has not cost within $2U\()00 or $25,000 of the Amount stipulated in the bonus agreement. If his claim proves correct he will take-wction for I rocull of tho bonus. But the citizens do not desire this action. They are well satised. -_`_ _'_,_ % _ go-vtvuvib "1 A I cola. the potty 01 Eli) roygg-up,"('):&raqui. 5!} u I -uuuua-5 n IITIIII These nureee-invtraining imetlic Kingston hospital have passed their final examina- tion; Miss M. Allleck. Midclloville; Miss Baker. Kingston; Miss Gray. Stirling; Mine Yeomane, llellcville; Mine Corbctb. Smith : Falls; Miss N. Chalmers. Adol- pliuabown; Miss Eva Denne, Petcrborc; Miss Dcuoroet. Napanec: Mrs. Johnston, Marmora, and Mice Craig. Kingston. Publlnhed After many Years. T. l)arley'A|len. anchor, of this city. had an article accepted and paid for by bhe Christian World" nearly five years ago. when he was living in Boabomnnd this week he received a copy of a recent issue oltho paper containing the article. Mr. Allen I! contributor to in number of journals, but never before hae he had an ` article accepted eo long before ice public \ Lion. lluvo locurul Oonncu. Elliott Btoe. have boon awarded the cou- nnm on nnl\r\'n oh- |....o:.... ...|-..a ..... ... ... ....... .u uuuug -nu ulvulll un uuuulry. Provoab ofpbe New York clothing store. Brook street, will ollbr to the public all his ready madu clothing an 0096 price. His stock is well assorted. People in need of clothing will do we! I to call on him as ho is determined to reduce his stock. He al- so gives great value in clothing made to order. A Quiet Wedding. On Wednesday evening; Miss Ellen Pow- ers and Charles Floody were united in matrimony an the l`08lLl006 of Rev. J. Urenfetl,` Johnston screen. After the care- mony the happy couple went to the home of the bride's brothers, where they were received by many friends and relatives. An enjowxble evening was spans. .5. . . _. W V _____#_`Z_ ' - urent Bale During The Mouth Of January. Pu-nun-A A` H". MA... \'.-...I. ..I..n.x..... _;__- A New Elk Hug ontul. There in some talk of a petition being presented to the cihy council asking for a grant of 81.00011: a "nest: egg to insure Lhe aucoeeu of the proposed fair. Those who propose making this request present many reasons as to why the council should accede to tiwir demands. A. Blanchard. (:.A.. J. B. McKay, Prlnulml. I :--M--I nu-uu uuu--nu nun nnuuvry. They gotogoLhor--but. Trunk : Magnetic Oiumnent will cure your aching, inamed jointaquiokly and soothingly---and you'll be miaemblo no more. 'l".....'.7.'m..l........ ........- .....a .._1.. _-_A- DU IDIIUFHDIO H0 [DUTC- Try io-ib always euros. and only costs `. 5c. at all drug moron. Sold by E. (3. M10. choll. .____ ..._...__._,..j In Improving Nicol]. Ilia wide circle of lriendn will be pleased to learn that manner gunner Mahor, VA" old battery, confined in tha general hon- Eitnl for some time put auffering from ronchitie.is imploving in health. Hia_ ultimate recovery is only A question of time. An lnvltltlon. Come in And look through our. took of boots and shoes, you mny no 50% bin you requlro. If no we on: nave you now! .money. Nobody forced to buy. W. J. Dick & Son : closing up nlo. A llnnton Inn lolooud. Michal _Doono. Iowan Ridonu scrub, has coco bodtho nltion of foromun of the loo: bmnoho tho Queen City oil works. lie in I man of good musical experience in the buzineu and winno doubt give la- tiahotion bo the-mompnpy. ` A small lot of India utlg nligporl, nnnll Iizoa, worth 82.60 and 83 only I per pal: at Hamel & Lochobth. , nun nu!!! III. ` W. J. Dicl &. Son : cloning up ulo of boots, ahou. trunks and vnllaea. Illa-OUIQAIAPCDOIIVO.-< n`_ `I -._In- AL- __._-_A_ -l I` A lrlrm Ooulultod. n,.-_.:-| _,-.-,,,,, I I Aoolnmnlonu Ponmlo. __,_,A_ n._ , __,,_ .1 coagzhat is co.u.`a: llhonmntlun And Illnory. . .....L-._-;L-_ I...` rn___|_r_ ll curvub vnomnv. H---` .'.. L.._... urnduutlng Nuruu. ,. :A Al,_ `Ah nl I.ll..I ... Hill 0080, OI. I. L u....v. .|__;.. vuunonpwn In need. The Discount! for hone #0:: hvouvnrld-wide union. III` ntunpu-Ity. , Iuzugll millil- IlI$tl. oH,hdId and dingy gunch nn-dotoIookugoolu nonnati- w The Deuce And Iluvt. One of the rauone for the Action of the etreet ruilwny cnmpeny in cnneelling the eellingonthe roed of eight ticket! fore quarter was because the privilege wu Ahmed. The compeny in quite willing that citizens =l mild continue to enjoy the coneideretior cheap rides, but think: outsiders wh nly visit the city ceauelly should pay lull fare. Certain persona msdo e business of buying up 1 insider- ehle number of these low-priced tickete and re telling them to cxcuraioniete univ- ing in the city. ete.. at the rete of six for :\ quarter. the ticket ocelper than having two tickets to the stood out of every eight. or in other words. mating twenty- lire cents on every neventy-re cent: in- vested. The company will hereafter reap this benet. .:..._j.___._j:___ H! A H ITIO ABUOOIATI N PROPERTY non 0 ch: fonood noun . Tho o:.ean- on of In] Strut will run dlrooely ohrouh cool on which no clone to growing no- on 0 tin om. Apply to . IBIINIII, ollulbor. Oluonu Shut. u uuu muuw nuu uemluuoa we return 0 the mining boom. Ho stepped outside and secured the one pair from his com- nion. returning the memo. After the {lid departed I -second pair wee mined . and the loss of I pair on the night previone wan tncdd to them. The police know one of the guilty men and he will be given A chance to meko good the love of the two peirs of boots. Failing in this he will be arraigned bcforn tho mngialretc end charg- ed with the llaeia. mole Two I'u|re 0| Boot. Complaint. wna made to the police last. night than two young men had stolen two mm; of boots from J. Dillon`: shoe store. bnppoore that on Thursday night they vi.-aiood the atom in March of A pziir of rub- bers. but. incidontall`); carrying oil" I pair of boom. Lust. ninhtt ey roturned, this time taking two plllfl. After having been littod out with rubbers one young mm stepped oulaido. leaving the second men ineido. Mr. Dillon coined the purclnee mode by this lollow And demendod the return n I h minninn hank: 11.. at-nn`.l -..o-{.a.. How The Ilattor ltundl. Alllsirs in the con-ervative {old are at sixes and sevens. Unanimity of opinion is somewhat broken in that quarter. It appears that loader Whitney and a certain loading faction in the local association want" l)r. Ryan for a candidate. Others cannot anree to his acceptance. The younger element. as declared by several members of the Mscdonald club. will try to secure in majority representation at the Tuesday night meeting to favor their choice. In the face of this the Toronto comrollere of the conrwrvativo "strong box and the local l ders referred to unite in saying that llnludl their candidate is ut up. cash will not be forthcoming wit which tooarry on the cam ign. It looks as though the younger an more ac tive element will be brought around to the candidate desired by the "old heads." ll. ill int.imiaf.m l that "on, Jnhn nnntiunn uluuuulle uoalrau uy we Ola usnaa." It. in intimated that Hon. John Cootigun will be nominated to the oonser vnbivo cm- didnto for Obtuwn city. 0 vmu uurlly Dull, VV, nyron; oauaa, "Don't Let Her Lose Her Way, J. Agger: b&l"(i,`-!m Mother's Kine Ia Swootoat f ` am All, Mr. Meaghar; choru "Come Where the Lilies Bloom " ompnny. The second part opened than overture, followed by an exhibition" f baton twirling by Master (-`rear; moonlight dance, Kane brothers; the handicap race, Samuel Thornton; Dutch specialty. Barry and Daly ; statue clog. F. Charon; descriptive vocali.-ti. James Ryan: the great Ethiopian. Wil- liam Byron : the new Parisian specialty, J. Hunter; gathering of company "B," un- der supervision of W. Nowman; eenti~ mental balladiat. 1 . Ryan; comedy trio, "Just a Little N Dine. Thornton and Auger; selection, mandolin orchestra; lyric tenor. Edward Barry; nal. "Recep- tion of the Colored 400," Samuel Thornton. Dome of the Ooecleltlee were You Pleu- lng--Iane rothere (lave a first-Olase I xhlbltlon I 0aneIng-`l'he Young lleu Beeetved merited A pplaneo--Iore ureeted With a Good noose. kvery large house greeted the Vaude- ville mlnstrel troupe Invehe Grand last night. and though better minstrel shows have been seen and better local hits made, still. no one wlliadmit but that he got his money s worth. Some of the eongs were very good and an original one on the late hospital tire. with the remen in evi- dence in the `back ground, struck a popu- in chord. A parody on that well~worn song"There'll BeA Hob Time In The Old Town To-Night, introducing mayor Livingston as `'In and Oberndorifer as turned down. elicited much applause. I ,'I`he dancing by the Kane brothers was done in remarkably good style and was repeatedly encorod. "The Gathering of Com any `B'," under the supervision of W. ewman, was executed with much precision and minuteness. the numerous members goin through the intricate movements wit out scarcely a mistake. It was amply demonstrated last night that Kingston young men can ut on a show tli.-it is one of the best. an that their el- forts are in no small degree appreciated was proven by the large audience present The very long and well-arranged pro- gramme was successfully carried out, and sevcral additional numbers were rendered by special request. H. Bennett acted as manager, J. Agger as interlocutor and stage manager. An orchestra. under the management of 8. H. Thornton, supplied music throughout. The pro- gramme included the folloing numbers : pening chorus, "On the Levee, the en- tire company; balIad,Old Jim's Christmas llymn, James Ryan: comic,"the Swellest Ladies Coon, H. Cirr; ballad, Me and Mary Jane," Edward Barry; comie,Brush B , Nigger. Brush By," '1`. Dine: ballad, ". uat Plain Jan. \.'in l)ilnv- nnmin I-Tall I I D nigger. DHIIIII Dy, 1. ulna: Danna, "just Plain Joe,"" Vin Dev: comI'c.Tell Me. Oh My Hdne_v. W. Woods; ballad. Suppose She Were :9. Sister of Your Own," Edward Koen: ballad, Take Back Your (}old."W. Thornton-. comic. "The Black- ville Derby Bull, W, Byron; bailud, balla:1,~-' I. c Q..m..n..o 'I` ...... All n u- Irma vAumwJm:coN1:Rr.'] MINITREL mourn: GAVE A (noon EN T ERTAINMENT LASI NIGHT. OAIIDINBIVS ROI 4;` Ill Wolghghn 3.. Ihjn. loan in loan at Iowa! -ob "u n LIISUIII HEW unis D530 0 1 Enlgbrw. non Dlvmon ?rm.a. f.o.f' couple by dd J. Whltohud. A ulna lpondlt u will oomploto 16. L06 Maolnl llttll ll 0 noundn. Apply to . V. l.IIIrrln r. The above goods are the choice of our stock and are made of "White Bron." Box Calf. ~ . Dick & S0n s mu nu?! Gonna: Inn. 31%! lung 5!. non Gonlt noun Id. 3 flllllb onus knot ' aougoiand loI.co:. 3 In] 80.. not Gordon Btulolm M Johnson 81... now Iona ud " franc noun. us Jommon It... lonunl lot. IIII. "1 a no" an '""wu.. "'u':'m an noun 1: o to: cut. to lot o'::xohnno. . _ _ -- cw.-v vu --v----v- hoiboewoonlohuton out hll on lock- 8?-IOOO. Kill). I Alhod 8%.. homo and lot so `~ honuud lot and Inn. '9 IMO! Prlnoon. I hmun. lsutherlandts Great reductions in all departments- am _]__S'[_A_TE now. new A An: Q-.L4_-A if you neglect seeing the Bargains we are daily offering in SHOES! IYWVIEF /vussnn nu |wcu= - u SUPPMIIOII that the r - 1 THE E DBOIII NEW J nlgu trmnnr Dim ooannlo by vld .1. WM Dry 1' not uvcl Mono], You. can gob all kind: of rubber footwear cheap as A ernotby o.. - o..--.a-u~ ------~ ; [VIN MARIANII ooowoau no ma 836. Objection was mined lull summer by local bicycle ngontn whon the noun nuc- tionoor sold otf as In consignment of wheels from the nmozgrgm. Some of the "kickers" wont to for no to interview member: or the council to loam it come atoptcould non be taken to prevent the sale. but I pnronely their mluion was not euccou u!. The name oppoalilon is likely on be oorod on thin occasion, to no agent. daolnrcdlub night than he would spend $l00 to pravom the solo goiugun. Upon whoa lines he would proocod ho dad not any. However. an the MIOHOHOGI` pun a license and is doing in Iogitlmnoo blui- neu in looks as though he holds bho whip . hand. SOLD`BY ALL DRUGOISTO. Dose-L-A wine ghs: full time than uy.` solo Agents In Canada: .....--..__ - . ..__.. - g- is everywhere recommended by the medical prof_e_sion- as the standard, uniformly` reliable tonic-stimulant. uwasu c':`i."F:iiiui'L oo.. ai..m.u. wuu nu uuun. `rue nun. however. oarp only a low personage on uloo und thi terms have not been synod to on thi parts of tho nnctionoer. Howom. I! this in nu- tled among obo pu-om. Kingstonhon will be able to ride first-cluu wheel: costing between 825 and 835. Obisnhinn um: u-.l...I ].-L --------- *- Agent! of Whoa]: Do Not Want to I00 I Halo of nuhluu. A bicycle manufaoburin tm in in com- munjontiou with J. H. |U.'|lCKvinQ.f tor the nlo homo! I largo conpignmou oi bicycles. It in oontumnlntiii hn nu... nor can Iuo none: largo of oontumplatii no photo $8,000 worth in Kinguon and vicinity. who hub comizninanb arriving About the am week in Much. The rm. however. otter; porcommo ulna and ma _ --. ,9 , Ti` lmg REBIDENOII ON NORTH of tho! 0 uuton Show tlnb homo want me true. with furnnoo and cum: 0 In on nlonou. AIIO the mono Dwel- lnc. no r 0 same. with modern unprovo- Inum. Apply to Jon)! Mumu. Every physician through- out the world knows that during the last thirty years Mariani has popularized Coca, and that Vin Mariani ,, 7. .~-- . --- -.-v..u.-un 1 is the original preparation. I. ending Shoo I-Iouao. `-1 :':2:'p`.'a:.;".`.!`"':.'; cl Go 80.. I bouts ` i:. lIOO'l .G0l:OD\.. vast MI. dun. `_`rHn_Is A ago KICK. " Of all tonic preparations-, `Vin Marian! "is themost potent for good. "| and VIII IAIIIAII many your: and oonoldnr It 0 pmlnulorly Imlnnblo nnl Vnlnblu Stimulant." CIR uonm IACKEllll.I.D. mu. III Bnrio with ma -uuuauunn (I donooo 1 I I :m;*.-.:::~,': L` do` ,liDJohnI& n I 00 I C I E mute .wdnnLL. ` ----:-- ' M `K! I0 9 Inc : l'lln1uu(').l`loo.nxppl'y|5. `i mum duuohod B:-wk Homo. ootnor nlcln sad ubm smut. with four run 109:. pp no A. Bnucnmc. 1 A BABOAIN- l`HA'X` mmrrurUm.'v~ ....-.-.______.____._.._ IDIIBUBN FOBIIIIILY THE dance of Hon. G. A. Klrkpntx-lo . Ill] Iunbod. opposite Knodonnld u EVERY HUi'IT5:`- uuu UIIIIU IIIOIIII-|ll'I Wllvll \v|J`l'lU|/U-A LOHIV mam). tho grant nun euro. gticura I la Mu . giawwnrld Po-nu A__4_ mud Afar.-'n. INITISIIIP III1Il1\ v . I31! -`E4 $2.50 to $4.00. W)" v = In an the worm than I: no other mamon: no pun, bvnuuo to. not may, for ro- Iorvlngpurltylnmun boautl ring then In, Mum. and halt and omllonc ng ovo hu- pm In warm |'mh.I with Cu1'wmu on. and gonna unolnunm Vllh CU1'wvI.A(olutr nun). J1 Prlnolpol. KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE . NIIHID THE IJIUJBAELI 3381- ,lD ohnnton strut. Good locality. :9 15111950. 511 modun oonnnlumn. ORATES All uouoA'r'n6NAn.. Imllvldunl lnntrunuon For full lmurnmun mull ll Oolluo otoo. Ulh"00WI' block. u w- v--- cw: v rvul wvvurjii - ' ;380lI`l'Al`IlOB'l'RI!'l`. Ilsa: N. _ nw-Irvin! (In nununl JAIN ard. mun. for Do Ind ldvonlnl nun... In nus: mus uuowr. m 1 mp orvu. Lmnvwx uuu.mo'rs. no-open: on MONDAY JAN EH3. untnn`. I M I :.'%'.o:n..`1`:.'.'a'3'.:.\P?'. roduhn Pl` 0! Unhonlsl G . ion [Inn to In lvldus noodn rgnnopmih and onlbxuo o homo I V `hlclmt mental training. m to uh pot mm. mambo par onnlun. A bird to G M0 0! ol nnlormntlogi` 51:15.: In TO BE LIT. FOR SALE. `IND TILE. II umalnnuul 18551- )n locality. Lmodun oonnnhnou. ` R-l!i8g.)L3'0 OE ' Ion tun. 5001 hltchnd. A um: no Incutbuinouh uh .."-1'.`-`-`.I.`.1'!L."'.`..1.. "'s'.l'.`.`. .. 1 ,..n --. ----g un- 'Tl:mPl : I lo! I cum! '1'!!!` 1.11:-;.,?,':?h A_` I nun lVlUI\-. Pruldono. [BUY oin- wvunmuu Inn! Iwinly Iviyult I Dr. Grunt IQ well remark. in View of just not hot. that. "Thoviccoty It not yo! oonplohly won." but in hobunntod ingoiugou but. why it! nun ol cannon nun monk! In uunpt any allot Duluth when such Mn and unwell man. up: .-A-non .\up.n~n..-n.s.- kotho oioial dominion ymuoou.` `.102. and is null bonus (basin I878 cu: won oonounod 3,808.29! gullono ol lpiriu And f|.5.'$7.&. 8 0! Inc. asking: a coal 0! l3..185_6l0 gallons. In 1396 the ooommption hul znzu-and no $!.332,8W [allow 0! npirilo and 1.-14:13.. 7N otlnlr. muting: gnndfoulot 20,- ` 35|.8?3 mllomz Inning an onnnmmn in- I I 0! 1'; lIIIIll`I KIIINI YOIRI OI `.'U,- 35|.873 pullout: Doing an enounoun in- onuo in the lat truly in you. Dr. Gnnl nnv wall rcnnrh. in rich at nu Ina! nu u.oua in luv. u ouch A vic- toq" for `roll "triod owordn" in quito nmlactorv to oomoitio corooinly not on to many otbon. MOIR moron ARR vo.~:snmn. Not only hon Ihoro boon this doplonblo inctouo in tho conviction: for drunk- nooo. but thorohu boon oloo C largo in- ctoooo in tho qunniiiioo of liquor onmnlly consumed in too dominion. Tum spin to tho you book. mo `.'0`_'_ Ind is null In man that in Inns) 9 vunuuquun-uyiuuuusnnol was "'h.|.n-unnuu. The Caraovsky Company, I nanni-Anlnn-I-pun-r urvuou so 1295. or one to QICII 20!. Tuking tho donininn on I wholo-and it in o! this that the plebiscite diucunion has to den|-t.ho total number of convictions for drunkonnm ha increased {mm 9.377 in I88! to H.568 in 1895. I! much vic- ton" for tall "ll-ind guard." :. ....:... nu Iuvll UUIIIJHIIIUIII II (I!) I'IIIUO(l. 'i`be provincee of Quebec and British Oolumbie hove been much more of Dr. Hunt : mind in their reluctance to trying the prohibition "ru-ty renore" then eny oi the othore. end it ie for tbeeo provinces. the princi l pleade that they ought not to bee by any poseible majority elm- whero in the dominion. But what has boon their experienco? Here they been eo euc- ceeelul with thoee "well tried lworde" of Inorel nieaion end the lioeneo eyetem metal]? The you book telle ice own story. In I884 the number of eucb con- viction! in Quebec wee 1.624 or on More e of one to each 802 of tbo population. :1 [395 the number hed more then doubled. bein 4.307. or one to eecb 369 of the po u etion. n R.-high Fnlnnshig H... ....\....:-s:___ :.. VU HIIUIUIL n British Columbia the conviction: in I884 numbond 236. being ono to each 208. and in I805 the conviction: had in- around to 49$. to each 28!. Tnilnn Ihn tlnnnlninn .. - _L-I- -._.I In IUZ. Had Dr. Hunt boon writing nbouo On- tnrio nlouo his "luck" would have been nonrcr correct. and his conclusions more logical. bub ha in writing of I dominion inouuro md hll pruniun do not boar out. An.` ouch oonoluoionn II he reached. Inn nuxuiung. at n..-L.... .....I n...-..--1. JUIII HOW: One of principal Urant's arguments is that in the dominion of Canada we are now gloriously winning the fight for temper- ance. He says "though the victory is not yet complete y won, why should we throw away the well tried awards which have served us so well for the rust razors of prohibition?" Of course t at simply means we are getting more temperate every year. and drinking and drunkenness are fast decreasing. His words are very rhetorical but are they true`! Goldwin Smlthandother antiprohibition writers have been using the same "argument" for years. But is the statement true? Are not such conclusions based on false pre- misc-st` if l)r. (irant had investigated the matter . for himself he would hardly have ventured on any such state- ment. bet any one turn to the last dominion statistical year book for 1806 (which ll certainly a very reliable oillcial authority, and was not prepared with any view to the temperance question) and he will find that. so far as the whole dominion is concerned. the number of con- victions for drunkenness has been steadily increasing for years. If these official statistics are quite satisfactory to l)r. Grant they are alarming to other earnest temperance worltsrs. On page 420 will be found tables for convictions for drunken- ness in all the rovlncss for the past twelve years. an they tell their own sad story. instead of the glorious "victory" which the principal of Queen's seems so enamored with there were nearly two thousand more convictions in lsilo than in 1886. These are the years included in the tables referred to. (llt0\\'IN(I wormc on Tilh: \\'|lOl.E. It is quite true that in the province of Ontario there has been a ver considerable reduction in convictions dur ng that time. but the same cannot be said of Quebec and some ol the other provinces. Ontario. it is well known, has been much given towards using the "rusty users" of rohibition. All rsons are prohibits from selling wit the exception of the actual license holders. and these exceptions have decreased from about four thousand in I88-i to a little over three thousand in I896--a falling off of nearly one-fourth. The decrease in the number of drinks has been also about in the same proportion. In lsst the convic- tions numbered ~i,694 and in l894 they had fallen to 3,132. In last the number of inhabitants to each such conviction was 423; in I805 there was but one to each 74). ll] IIIVICI VV 1 \llIX | -|`lUvCII"g \l|IUr To many oi ue it hae been a eource of real wonder why very Rev. Principal Urant became, all at once ac anxiooe that the en- tire Canadian public ahould he informed in regard to hie viewe on the temperance queetion, and eepeciall in regard to pro- hibition. He never ieplayed any such anxiety beiore. In iact few temperance worlrere throughout the country ever had the pleaeure oi Jneetlng him at all in any euch capacity. or even had reaeon to lulow that he had given much attention to tho queltiori at all. Hie lettere now indicate very plainly that be hae iven but little etudy to the queetlon. hat in very evi- dent lrmn hie want oi iamlliarity with the iacte with which he attempte to deal in hie reoentl published lettere. It ie more churita le to ruppoee that he ll ignorant of the real lacte than that he hae wilfully mlutated them in order to make good the entiv rohlbltlon poeition ho ae- rumee. hoever hae given much atten- tion to the question rnuet well know thnt the "lncta on which he baaee hie rincipsl argument: no not faota at all. I princi- pui Grunt : iniormation ie not better on the many other eubjccte he writer of from time to time, he is certainly in much over- rated mun. A low aumplea of hie perver- aion of the real iacte oi the care must euiilce juet now. nrm nl ru-lnnlmxl ll.-ant`. nnnunagnb. :. `tho "fun" no Maud-Won Not not: an All-`tho Dominion Your Book Quowd to Plan Qunary Alulxllolll-A `llmcly Mun by Thomu I. chum By Thonu W. Onuy. Nnpanu. Ont. NV... ...-.... -1 ..- In |... L--- - --.._-- -1 1 fsomz mummon \vvnaws.| MORE OF, MP.R|NO|PAL GRANTS ARGUMENT! FALL TO EARTH when :11 kinds of Wood is to be had at love: prices. :::-: vwu:. 110$ at `I i any: ragga. vuocmhin n-Uutuuvvf WT": Tho advent o! :50 swanky-Int` maint- nryo! I nodding day in until) marked by a cum! ptlntiu A: which nlolivuuul lriontohho nutkdogdpb Io can . wm can nu ma none In Manitoba on obrmry lot. He villlnmcolnpsniod by his nophow, C. mboon. V Goo:-go Mills was I monbor of the inning committee at the Y.Il.0.A. tion in Bnnllonl. Thurlow Fru- Quoonh eollqo. in u via-pnddont. -spun, unlverauny nvonuo. Thoma Gibson. visiting In`...-.d. in an cit will Ion-oforhiu homo in Munito on Ihmnrv In. H. -in I. .............._:.4 no-pun yilwmty. V. D. V. Luau. D. 1).. o! Grimaby, and bin con, Wulfrod. In tho (noon o! 1):. Spain. University Thoma Hihnon. Vinilinn l.-;.....4. :. .1. B00'l`H & mrs mug] agmin and Mrs. Gilbert Johnston. in the city for 5 few days. I010 for Montreal to-duy. In in nniul Hut. R \\' H.555... -6 n.... I30-HI . In in uid that E. W. Rathbun, of Docs- ronto. may be tho liberal cnndiduo in Run Unungn. `V. (`.. BAIL nrnnl-inn A. Mm an IE- LII!" w.c. Boll. prgprgoeor of the Sm mu. ronco hotol. returned (mm the ROIIOHI hooplul noutduy. Rnv. I). V. Lnmn. nn .0 n.:....L- Plthy Pnnnnphn About Ponou At lone And Abroad, Dr. J. Downing loft Int nighh for bin home at Cheeldy. Dr. E. Mandel! hm gone to Toronto to Main in an 0 ration. N:..|..d.- I .....I-...... -..n-s :- :._ \I-_ Illlllllllx up I uuuru UI Blguli 8UI\' to their opponents three. The players werein good trim putting up 5 very lest gums. Of course the victors were at home on their own rink. which on ac- count of ite nurowneu hendinuppedthe city hockeyieta. The game while last. and intereoting was not free from "rough end dirty play." For the Iicckwoadu Cox- worthy and Stnubenzio scored the honors, handling `their eticlun with nlncrity. ()'l.eny will requires little tuning down to be eluted as A ood hoclroyiat. and to gain the ronpect o the la -ntnndera. Wil- eon end Young put up I. 0 been game for tho vioiton. J. Sulliven refereed the game. IIFIFU In In 0 r3|`I0n. Nicholas 1 endonon. nrtiso, trul negotiating for the ulo n viun. ('\....-:_ -__| \I_. n-|L__. 1,: {IUD WI! IIIIGU EDIE IIBCTIIOOIL In the bird and dog nhow which closed ` on Thursday night. In Potorbozo. Kingston curried of A great number of the boob rizea. Among: the prizes \vere:-F. E. ilno. eight. nh prizes. six seconds And two bhirda: W. H. Raid. ten rabe. eleven seconds and four thirds; R. Sinclair, three Ioconde end one third; R. J. Mcillevrny. one second. end S. R. (lrnhun, nix tireu. Fmnzmmm II nnlfnmd dnfmu. nu. Lhn unu ueuunu. inn 0. 16.. Uflllllll, Ilx nrlu. Froncomna II suffered defeat M . the hundn of the Hockwood hockey team on the asylum rink hub ovoning, the latter running up A mom 0! eight gold van fut. mmm. 0! nnunn thn vinmn wnm was of to smooth nurlnce. The tint. race was niled thin afternoon. vvunu Will uu nyuru Wlu WIKB nno auvln-J In H... |..'..l ....A A ... -|...... ...L:-L ..I....L.l` VIIIUIIIUI 0] Nil. Lady Silk. the renowned cooker spaniel from the Nubian kennels. Porn Hope, ur- rivod In the city to-da to remain a low day: under the care 0 T. MoK. Robert- Inn. Egct it Not. IIIE BEST IS TIIE CIIEAPESI. 1:hohnrbor in now in splendid condi- tion for ice yachting and owneraof the white win ed yern will take ne minn- Lncm n! t n nmnnth nurlum 'I"hn Rut. Turpin and Peters have sent in an entry line for the (labour poultry 1-how to bake place next week. 8'l`hoy will exhibit nix variation of foul. I ...l.. EH1. AL. .................I ..-_I.-.. -_-_2_| nupluuu uo play n'lDn(ll_V uuwuos more. J. B. Carxuthera :00 up his new ice ynchb on the ice yegterdo . In general design is is similar 00 HV 8. Fo'gex I Broom. I W`.......'.. -...l `I-A_.... L4G` _-._L 1.. _._ _.,A__, uu Il(a6l'll00Hl- Ullly DIN}! BIO U500. Sn Tuesday next: tho Rockwood our!- Ing and hoclsoy clubs will `journey up to Nospsnoo ho play friendly matches shore. J. R. (7.ArInt.hnrn um nn his nun inn DDIIILI I0!` PTIULICB. The Frontenac gun club holds its weekly contest; at. Catvnraqui driving park on Mon- du afternoons. Ulny birds used. In Tuendnv max-h Hm Rnnlnvnml mu-'. urnna reg".-wruu W100 W100 yucnu cluv. Dr. Clarke bu kindly ohrad she use of Rookwood rink to the Frontenac hockey team for practice. Thu Frnntnnnn unn nlnh Imhln its uIAAl.:|I1 puuury neaocmmon snow nor xwu. There is now I Heat of twenty-eight crnlta registered with thdiae yncbls club. Dr. (Hnrlm hll kintH.I n'.arad Mm nun nl What In Tnnaplrhng In the sportlng Ann: of TIIII BHIV Olty. Peberboro has applied for the Ontario poultry association show for 1900. Thorn in nnw n Hnntnl I-.nmnru.ninh+. nun ul Due Criminal so me name. Is ii) I blmo izo lull the public mind into a state at peace and tranquility in regard to the liquor troilio when {acts like those are sharing us in the lane from every quarter? Did principal (ilrsnh ever really study the question at. all bolore he osssyed to supply ushers wiih facts and conclu- sions? if he did what can be his possible ideas about our comparatively happy condition of things, so far as the licensed drink traffic is concerned? lloih his {acts and his conclusions ara ndly ab fault. His "hmla" and lnferannnn rawnnlhm unu ms uuuclullonl are eluly an mum. "facts" and inferences rogardng the Scott not are similarly incorrect: and misleading. bub these must be relervod for anothor lobtor. CALF. *` Men's Box BOX Calf Laced B o 0 to, n c w f toes, heavy or light soles, welt acwn, per- fect tting, worth from $3 to 55. our sale prices