Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Jan 1898, p. 6

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Qtg ll IIDIIIII III In purlocu Icwm and will npporo the nominoo of the con- vullolt to 5 man. No more fuvonblo eon- dlluhl tho pr or the cnndiduto could also Inn than on now am snd the oludou an nowin dotu-rod tar puny oxi- 3 [backs up ldly. T_____. would never betrn them. Thomu C. Stu uid theeituetion up I peered to be thet we cannot expect to get anything better then the Hardy govern- ment. The question in : Whnt ll beet lonthet government? We oen look back to\`t time when this county was curried by the reformer: with e major- .17 of oven A thousand votel. Little the reformers with major- ity of even up thousand b little this wee reduced. He did not li e to soy enything egeinst the patrons, but they icked u the reformers end then let them own. r. I-Ieycock was elected with liherel sesistsnoe end has made quite s hull-dog ghter. He in oeriostured with the big men Not everybody bu his face dis ured in the pepere. He lsyed I no curd end blindfolded) the lihersle. Perhaps he is I strong candi- date. Heiuegoocl speaker and employ- ed edroit methods at the lsst election." The speaker was very doubtful whether the county ould carry e liberal oendidete. M. Thu nu nnintnd out the result of the county ould nnereu oluulunus Mr. Dan on pointed out the to-dey e meating would have effect upon more than one constituency in Ontario. In many constituencies the patrons recog- nized the fact that they had not slightest chance of winning w Mnmth andnmd the stand taken chance of winning W. Mcrath endorsed the by Mr. Pope. He did not favor sup- porting a patron. Mr. Hsyoock was nothing more than a jumping jack. The patron leader. according to his own words, had supported the conservatives on twenty-two occasions, while he had held up his hand only sixteen times for the liberals. Mr. Haycock could not be elect- ed in the county against a liberal candi- date. The patrons had lost faith in him and the liberals had no use for him. If he knew his own business well he would seek election in some other constituency and leave the eld here to the liberal candi- date. A IA-......... lsllinn. ninl than: nnnhl nnh he date. Alderman l-llliott said there could not be much diiference in views between city and county liberals. All were striving to secure the return of the Hardy-Ross gov- ernment. He was fully convinced that Sir Olive; Mowat s successor was as capable a man as his predecessor. Consider the matter calml , and of the two evils choose t e lesser. There is no denying that Haycock gave a victory for the liberals when he captured the county from a conservative. As libe- rals we should do nothing that will jeopar- dise them. "lfyou feel thatyou can return if Mr. McRae by all means stick to him.but not do not bring him out merely to oppose Mr. Haycock. Bring out your candidate if you havea good `fighting chance then bring out Mr. McRae. Referring to the dominion government s actions regarding local policy he said that they would hear such an outcry from liberals through the injustices that_thoy would stop and think before they catered to side issues again. By bringin out Mr. McRae the liberals would be paying into the handstcf the conservatives. unless they were sure of car rying him to success. Jnmea Mcurath moved that the sense of rying him to James Mc(}reth the meeting be taken regarding Mr. Mc- Ree a nomination. He was interrupted by E. Braddan, who said theta he spoke in Mr. Mc|he e behalf. He would do all he could to have M clue elected. l.I.. DA... I...-I Isnnn nnnvnllnrl hv Ml`. could to have Mclcae elecneu. - Mr. Pope had been canvassed by Mr. Haycock. "1! you come out no aptraighc liberal I wiil anpport. you." was the answer given. To this Mr. Haycnok domurred. saying thutif the libonl government was defeated he would support: the conserva- tive adxninisbrncion. u- n.......... ..;.-I um. um: nnh A Iihnrnl tive administration. Mr. Dawson said there was not a liberal in the hall who held the distribution of patronage to be the primary motive of keepln a government in power. That was on y a secondary matter. The speak- er said Mr. Haycoclr. to his knowledge, had done his utmost to distribute patrona e among his liberal friends. It was thought the assistance of conservatives that the liberal government had been placed in power at Ottawa. The Hard adminis- tration could not be charge with dis- pensing patronage unfairly. Mischief- makers and enemies of Mr. Hardg were at work attempting to bring out a t ird can- didate. with a view of defeating both the liberal and patron candidates and allowing the conservative to slip in. Outside the county it is asserted that the liberals want to bring out a candidate not with a view to supporting Mr. llardy. but with a desire to knock out Mr. Ha - cock for some alleged unfriendliness to t a liberal arty. "Do all that in you lies to assist r. Hardy in the coming struggle if you desire to do him well and see him returned to power. The best way to do this is to leave the ght in the county to J. L. Haycnclr and J. S. Gallagher. Mr. Haycock is certain oi winning. Clear the eld of Mr. McR.ae and Mr. Iayoock can win. Do the samn thing by Haycock and Mr. MoRae will win. but with the three candidates in the eld it is probable that Mr. Gall` her will win." "Hadt ey told us four years ago that we had married the patrons. 1 am ortho- dox enough not to believe in divorce," said Mr. McRae. He resented any impu- ....:.... -6 ........`..-l .....mr at. tho natrnna. .'.'s..u`"--`_'ZiI...u r 3 unit, nth OI. OI-and U sud MI`. M0580. no rusunwu any impu- tstion of personal anger at the patrons. Pstionism is virtual! dssd. snd itis time to cuss linking the osd body with I live one. Upon two occasions the liberals of the county had assembled to do As they thought host. but on each occasion the psrty hsd been side-tracked. Jsmos Mnumth thouizht Mr. Dawson SIIPWR I 0| IIO Int II , which alnuui unnu- unn can-antic: Inn Nthcno vainly -gggghhcgg-..... In In nnn-Inonhnntl that maul. Mr. Pence llld that reformer: should un- dorltand this one thing. If you puta candidate in the field he must be support- ed b every reformer. You must take the whoereeponeibility of doing that if you put him in the eld. If he comee out I hope every true liberal will support him. I have a great deal of ovoi- pathywith Mr.Duvaon e attitude regarding thiaqueation. When judge Barron name | here two years no end ankod the re- formers of Frontenac that the eld he left clear. it "was one of the but things ever done for the country. It carried the province to liberal victory. I! Mr. Mollae oomea out we mutt auetain him." Then her advised themeetingto think well be on putting a liberal candl- data in tho uid. ` ma non. no will nuo mu sou-onnnu curator 3 pins oi ground 30 Jamaica. uh oh. according to tndiuoo. In: tho tits 0! I50 Int upru. which diouut chris- In Linn Olnn nnan-n hnil Mlhlll nlnlv nan can-Inmu nan nununo vllmy auxin. um. Inn nndomood that W willuunlu Impound In (`nu--nnnhgllnnhmullnn. had been undo-nmclteu. James Mnuuch thought naked too much in expecting politicians to have views shove ch principles of politi- Inlllnl WOII DIIOII dust in tho old. ll\|.- .....u-... dnghln tho gold. I h opted h was pros: to t 0 0 ruolumon begin the mating. '1` in was done. the oupding van in furor ol McRu- ruminlng In the Bold hing almost 5 nnaninonn one. Loud churn ground the voto. tho osndidno being warmly ran- gnenlstod. -DIXI .Q|l!l'UI' II Inn-1. -C0!l!'l`All`l`lNOPl.l!. Jun. 22-Tbo lllltln Im dotmniood hound l5.000no|diu-no Palatine In honor otgom ' William : vimlnu. Ho villnloo VI thoornnu A--.-- g -Jggg Al -u-Anni. IL Jnlnmm, Ionon Igperor `MIMI. ._............._ I-.. oo_'r|u ..z..| THOS. I1. JOHNS, nan. nnvunllhnn :Vl"`IlIl`n"l` FAILLES. $1.25 for 93. $1.35 for $1.00. $1.50 for $1.25. suq5Hs.} nn nn_ _...... "70.-. GI An sAT_|ys. Netlee Of Further Appsai-F. B. Eddy. 0! `Hull. sued~-Ula|meq_ Property willed To His Dangzter 8: ms l'Irst Wife. MONTREAL, Jan. 22.-The court of ap- end has rendered judgment in the ease of '. B. Eddy. the extensive match and `:2.- per manufacturer of Hull. against is daughter, Mrs. Joseph B. Beasey. nee Ella Clarisee Eddy. in which $187,000 was involved. Mrs. Bessey was the only I daughter born of Mr. Eddy : first marriage, and on the death of his first wife he again married. Mrs. Bessey was nam- ed by her mother as her sole heir. and un- der the willclaimed the Eddy homestead nun!` an-Jain ntknn nrnnnrku K1!` fk JUDGMENT IN EDDY CASE IN- VOLVING SUM OF $|87.000. der the wlllclaimea me many nomesueau and certain other propert . Mr. Eddy took out an action to recover t amount named above. claimin that it was made up of advances to his wife and same expend- ed on the property. The court of appeal practically confirmed the judgment of judge Hill in favor of Mrs. Bessey. stating that Mr. Eddy had acted in the capacity of an agent for his wife and his daughter. and that he should first have rendered` The * an account of his administration. most interesting point. regarding whether the law of Quebec or that of Vermont. where the first marriage took place, was to apply regarding the donations made by the husband to the wife, was not decided, the court reserving it until an account was rendered. Mr. Edd_v s second demand to retain possession of the homestead and other pre- perty was granted. The appeal case of Mr. Eddy to revendicate certain per- sonal propert , includin jewels. was re jecfed. and the first judgment was also modified in other respects. The court held.that the jewellery he had given to the first wife, some of which had cost $1,000. was not excessive for a man like Mr. I.` I).- 2O Pl IOPI These Day Only. Ask fc BLACK _ SILKS ! icikmn men. 1 BROCADES. General Reductions in all Black Eddy. Mr. Lueur, on behalf of Mr. Eddy, gave notice of his intention ol cu-rying the one to the privy council. Regnttn May Iloel. Tho:-o-ArgonautI Order a Shell. Drmuwr, Mich.. Jan. 22. -Throngh the e'ort.s of Ald. Edward Hnnlan, Toronto. the new annual regatta ol tho north western nmnbour rowln usociubion bu been practioolly secured or the city. Pr-nnidnnt. Junm of the national associa- W555`? =__ . 5 I-nan. Lanna will `pay II-lineup-onsuuuoa. Will H` Eddy. Mr. wo mo to onooooo. Kov. n. uoognor mn- lowod ond ondorood his viowo. Mr. `Piot- noy on tho violin ond Mr. llorgon on tho boni'o thon mwod tho ondioooo to tho Ion lior oiro "A Hot Timo" ond Down on tho Bwonoo Rivot." Mr. Thompoonohood, tho onto:-toinnnom with o ohoioo violin oo-K loouon. Thoonocooo of tho rot uootinn ongun woll for tho hours of tho young oo- nhzv. Lanai IW. UIIICINIII upuun nun; I not : nu-nsnom. Ibo found- In vlcluryonhln `fluvia- E;.IAnnonvlll: dlloclho '*m -.'_.. . , Q ouch turn:-on. Tho at tho Brock luau the mission his dog usual in cinch: plsying. Lula IW.&ndnand onphln Bhloy 1- lune . nook . hu-nnnunk country. Mr. Juppe nid tlnt it would not in the leeet inconvenience tho north-western otliciele to push their dntee IllOId, and he feels curtain thnt Toronto will get the re- gatta. A meeting of the eeeooietion will eoon be called to nettle the question. lteglopolis college Concert. The Regiopolis college literefy end mu- sicel society held its ineugurel meeting in the essembly room of the college lest even- ing. with president A. Donnelly in the cheir. After the socretery. F. Mclurmott. hed reed the minutes oi the lest meetinc. B. Tierney opened the euterteinment with e violin solo. The ll nrp Thet Once." which he rendered with excellent ef- fect. This wee followed by e song. "Your So Good, Deddy." which Mr. Hel i- gen seng in fine voice. Mr. Morgen piey- ed some negro melodies on the benjo end received elond encore. An extrect from the English humorist. J.K. Jerome, de- picting the shy young men in society. wes read by Mr. Donnelly end it eiforded much emnsement. A feeture of the entertein- ment was the excellent rendering on the violin oi "Ber Cluso. Ber Brrche." by E. Thompson. Mr. Burke. for his song The Muleteer" received merited ep hmee. The president then celled on the v. Fether Beecher ee critic of the society. He reminded them thet it is not y the ernount of knowledge we poeeeee but by whet we ere ehle to oommnnicete thet we mehe e merk in society, end dwelt on the feet thet it ie by e proper use oi Ieilnree 1-. who on ennnn. Rev. Fr. lleenher `Ol- ms the in In by propur an or nuuruu , rice Rev. Fr. llughct |-._..I -...I ....I..-.~I hi. vinnn. Mr. Thr- TORONTO W ANTS T HE MEET. T01 ophono Won; 7 I'IfIIIQu L 75c now 60c. 90c now 72. $1.00 now 85c. I IIVGDI 75c now 580. 900 now 70c. $125 now $1.00. \a\pAa\;auu- . Brocade January Sale now in Full Swing. II - II 29, 1898. PER CENT. OFF __._:. __;:____ ___._ *.-.j:_._:g- A ANGTHER B160 BARGAIN. DA: 88 and 90 Princess 81., Kingston Inca `lo Inns or 000.000. .. Tononro. Jun. `:2 --Ah tho John Baton lnnnnnco cut him morninc. L 0- NOW. accountant, who want than In tho III-n'o book that the nu mad an (uncut. aid holndfonndonon In tho unmet toll guitar 0! 000.000. Tim van on Inga: 50 pm. not to uufotd ox- suiunptlon 6! the .3. land with IIOOII dupuuud tn maul out -u.-. Ir. Quantum`: bomlltlon. CA.\-us. Jun. 22.--Mr. and Mn. Glad- Itone drove out noon no-dny. MI-I. Glndauono wu holpod from tltopo into I onrrl o by n nu And vnlob. Mr. 0 udntone won I think overcome. with tho collar turn up and I 00 lm. only oxpoolng hln chunks and eyes. Ho ducondod tho amp: In tho clowns mnnnor. lonnin heavily on n mulch And using tho bnlulm 0. and In lmod into an cu-rings. Than he was wnppod in turn. The dmnin rumor: of yubordny ro- lsrdlng Mr. G nioeonfo hultll WIN III!`- or conmnd to-day. I0` is oxtmnol rock and no dojoohd II A mule ol noun - gioptlna blntlu bu oxpnuod I chain that all won out. _ Oonoert It The Penitentiary. Whilst the saints are enjoying a plethors of concerts. given under the auspices of ` their dierent ohurohes. some of the unfor- tunate sinnertl whose lives sre buried "for eseeson" in that little stone-walled terri- tory, whoee very name suggests punish- ment. were rmitted lore brief spent on Thursde n ght an emelioretion of the sen- tenoe. w lob a broken lsw considers en equivalent for oenoe. and held their con-" out also. It had been made e herd end test rule thet none but oicisls should be present, and onlf those oi the convicts who could oontr bute to the progremme mod to attencl-the rest were so usual ooked in their cells. Theo og number was s song, well rend by the Protestent choir. A ministrel show lollowed. in which bones. A. Howland. end tmmbones. Ambrose Mchennsn. Frederick Scott. William Baker. W. Roy. ~Alired Riley, Waiter Kemi|ton.ss interlooutonwith menyothere. eseisted. Songs. Irish ballads. operstic airs. choruses and melodies followed esoh other in rapid sucoeesion. Then alittle comedy. errenged in four parts with four ecenee. .1. front 0! house: ll. drewing room in home; III, lioyr shop; IV, politiosl hesdquerters. th a grand iinsl Auid Lenayne" and "God Seve the Queen whio brou ht the evening's entertainment to e oonolus on. Very frequently were the obordsof humen sympethv touched at the exhibition of talent and infzenuity which bed been exercised by the prisoners in the erre ment oi this temporary oblivion of their 1! late. it was s merciful respite. and those whose conduct merited the dis- tinction have hed another touch with that better humanity which links us all in a universal brotherhood. We have a full line of Agate Ware, Nickle Plated Ware, Tin- ware, Carpet Sweepers, Rania Seeders and Clothes Wringon, 3130 a good assortment of Cutlery. `Saturday Night SAc!l{n`g at Oak Hall. (lEN'l"S FURNlSHINGB-ThiI store In run onpmly in ma Inuruu or non- wear. No Dry Goods or Women : war kept. Mon : Funo Full Drool Shim. regular 8l.`25. afmcinl 75. Mon : Reinloroocl Buck And Front. Whlto Unlnundrlod Shirts 500. Fine Si k Nookwur. Pull}. Bows. Knots. Four-innundl, Q50. Nook South 950. 400. 600. BilklnitialHcndkorobiof|20c. 25. :s5c.5oo. Kid and Koch: mom ooo.00o. 75:). 8|. 01.25. wnnnnmmmmn nw.IuR'l`MENT.--Shronc Working Pent: II. jl 26. Cl 50. Plain llidro ninrhlng. 7 ` Open till ll to night. We extend to you an lnvlublon to call. 0 will do you good. Bar ln mlnd evorthing ndvortlud in hers. 75 R 77 DRINCESSISTREET. WORKIN( 3M EN'S DEPA R'l`MENT.-Shrong Working SI 65. 81.76. and for fine war 8`), O2 50. '3. Hub Fnou--Sofb Podorn Hm. new npring Oorduroy.`20o.25c. 500. 750. Bloigh Robes. lugo Mu. 06.60. Ooon . Plain 'mn-A mu-Hnu. 8:! 50. Ovoralln and Smock utylu, 01.25. Cnpuln _-I Uorauroy. zuu. zoo. (N gure marking. Onnn hill ll bn nin 10 PER CENT. OFF I f you intend to change Stoves be sure and purchase A HAPPY HOME." Every range guaranteed to give perfect utiefection. H. D. BIBBY 126 KING STREET, KINGSTON. F6/R HOUSEWIVES. R . WALDRON. CC0O* FURNlSHINGB-ThiI in onbinly in the intoruu of Mon'I ._ M. n... n.....a. .. wnm... . -ur hunts. Mun : Fm: Full SHIN: Pll` ELLIOTT BROS., TAAYLORS, reductions off our Low Prices are for This for discount off your bill on Monday at MON .DA.Y. -e;';i1"e.'\Ialues In Brocade8lIktI f '11: All Ioonehlne. Tho Toronto Mei] aye shot the Ontu-io vetnlnenl in somewhat embenueed over I situation in Kingeton "in view of die- tendon: in the unit of the feithlul." end my! shore ere people who expreee the opinion "`bhe6 the elections are being delcred in the hope of brin in about e more lovorehle oondition o n sin in 18lil'z:IG|." Thin in the verleeb moonshine. eeohe oerio government in con- ...-u.4I Ink; Ii In `DC in nan-Inn}. nnavnd Dress Goods. Silks and Trimmings. Hosiery. Corsets. Gloves and Ladies White Cotton Underwear. Staples. such as Shaker Flannels. Cottons. Sheetings. Shirtings. Etcg 335 KINZG \.,.; Your opportunity to se- cure a Skirt or Blouse at Sacrifice Prices. Our Goods arp noted ford their Splendid Wearing Qualities and also for Per- fection in Color. Plll'VI 0l ED. OIBIIIIIOII II II Illlll OI EDI orb uoorooly oooourogoo tho hopo thou by t. o moro lopoool lino ovorythi will u- unao ltooll. Roooiu ond Grool I-iloin oro now in o pooilion in which it lo oloor um ono or tho abhor will hovo to givo owoy. [I ought not to to (ma Bri- uln. 1! our fotoign oao Q blah oouoion Iutbo oinooh oi tho our`: oinno kmiroolooooroo tho `Duo Ll Yonon into I Iojoouon oi our Ionno olo will ho mood to on luuonoo oh Ibo impciol noun." p.. '."`:ev:.;.f;;:;..... pro- ntuuo? and club uni- tonu wu snnonnoonl a II as 000:- | . . `I ll` 0 _ donIo`v.uptoIhI an uphnulu uuho non duia. A fInu`l`Lol Induiuu-Ital: h..w, aZ.I."a'a'.'3H.'. 'n'.'.F; Ta....a..a inm odltorhl so-an pronto wins in pmumbly who amok ooouorvnlvo vlow nl tho Ohlnnn nlhnnlnn. ll n: "A calm PTUMIEIDI III. OIIIOIII CDIIKIVIUIVU VIOW of tho Ohlnou mutton. In is 0: A culm purvoyol the oiwstlon on It on an on the nnoh -nu-nah nnnnnnnnn (In ham Ihn In o:uu n. 1.. Th union of coating on public thor- Ju will carried on by tho young. wl nding Ibo lrcqnont warning: `Ibo pun. Tho youthful upon an undue not conditions in danger- gun. and uh nunaou mall uonidouu will -n alnualvo nhm Inn din hhlllv (homo III UK I court." was mouse at run. ` J n I5 ' nlNI.io(|'\L Iulnn ..a'.m :3. Ooourntlvo Vlov. _v\n, KINGSTON. ONT AI IIIII. Ililll ll mo vunuo Inuunuuno. Bo oonodtholi lnnninporloceucoord .uul'-Ill nnnnnrh thn nnminnn nl lhn nnn. M Q IIUWCUUI UESII IIIIIHCNJ WIN `.9 voplnooloulluloulltg Gent 0 Ibo Won and. sad E)rdnam':o nnounuuuonduutvomuu and uglyhr cooling. Achy at two ago j Mug d R. Alwi ton .--ng. nun: n bnngn n JAS. JOHNSTON & c0.,| Yfkrluhht unlgud hula II. J. Hula. J.P.. :5... at Annh-lhmdnuhdlaxhhmhn. An oxoellent Food, admirably adapted to the wants of Infants and Young Persons, and being rich In Phosphates and Potash is of the greatest utility In eupf)ly- ing the bone-forming and other i.rJisponaab|e elements o'l'>fobd." .. II I\ Iurnutsiii umuns. ......_....--?-_.. Cor. Princess and Bagot Sts. UITIMUH W"tTKMs.l Sweet. Tender. Appetlzlng. 12: P_l_llNCESS smear. 2 stocks IN ONE. v uzu.j.__ , _ Work brings the Imllo--it plenu- Hm ('.`n\s .\ (Jun-:|um, M I). SUPERIOR !-Why no? Bectuse we but boon ouoful to buy only dairy fed young hogs. They are cured and smoked to I nioooy. fI"_... - -.....-J` `II-nu. Vnuu will Andnrl gist! 4;: \r `J .__ H0 PRINCESS STREET. It just: depends on where you dul us to how you fool. `SUGAR PIII `Ill! CURED l - L I- Well 1 went. to the wrong plnae. Union. Tue Queen City oil company has received A car from its Sarnia renery. the first sent out. The renery cost $500,000. on... ....-um. mnlmh between Kingston lrom J umes Mchnren. All our stock of boys overcoat: And uls- fvra to be cleared out at. comb. Grand 'l`p.- 11...... (`Stu nil nnmnnnv has received out. The rennery ooan om.-u,wu. The curling match between Kingston And Rookwood teams. called for thin ulter- noon. was declared off on account of soft: ice. The queebion of prohibition will bacon- sidered to-nighb an Queen`: mock parlia- ment. The meeting will be open to the nu kiln menu. public. 8. \\' Johnston .& Co.| public. 8. W. I .~-If you do not know its mean- ing you should not do any painting bill you enquire at Corbett : hardware. H Mina (Hadv: Thompson. King street. on- Oorbews H Miss (Jladys Thompson, King tertainsd several friends on Thursday evening, affording her guests a very plea- sant time. D..- ....... 5.6.-n nhnnlr-f.A`linD, Evgrv time. Buy now before aback-taking. Every thing to coat prices. R. McFaul, Kings- ton carpet warehouse. Rm-kwnnd II defeated the lleniopolia warehouse. Rockwood II defeated lie iopolia hockey team by A more of live to our on the former e rink this morning. C.Wheeler .acted as referee. While driving on Princess street. yester- day, Miee Vanluvon was thrown out b the cutter upeetbing. The horse was {rig ben- ed by an electric car. The Rockwood curling and hockey beam 9 go to Napenee on Tuesday to play the teams of that town. The curling match will be played with (lranites. On Rm-k wnml nnk Lhlu morninz the SO. flu You Kuhn lows orvywdod Into `u I Innueut of Sun. I Pay water I-no and an discount. R. Mulhsll Inn for Now York to-dny. The gonnnl elections to: J spun have been xed for March lmh. . Knnd-thighs and center: from 600. up It Carbon : hnrdwnro. Thu bI I.!_Il' held an Sb. Edvard : hall, Wcltporla, hob week. nabbed 32,000. Maahmion oomnlotod choir work on the IOPP. 050.. 0000 ID U0l'DI(aIa I ulruwlum The police notied P1-lnoeee etreelz mer- chente to remove all ice from the side- walks thin efternoon. 1n-......A... Mnflgrrv, km of Lnnerk will be played with U|'&nl(.8B. On Rockwood rmk this morning Lawrence hockey team were defeated by Rookwood [I team. the score being ten to two. W. Porter refereed the game. rm...I;L......-. no oh. Inn (Inn!-on M. Pull. $16.25!}. The general hospital board of directors hold 3 upecial meeting on Monday to ac- cept the plans of the new wing. Tender: for the work of construction will be then asked for. A 1.5. ..t .....-.. .. mm.-nnnh nrlrl ninu. ah Wcltporla, lulu wool. nowoa 12,1.-uu. Moohunica oomplotod new wing and boiler room at Rockwood uylum to-duy. ` am. an. at him muntmof Euox was ro- uylum no-any. The debt of the eountyof Euox duood by able msnugomont lub your from 828.600 to 814,000. M um. um nnnkah mnlerv. rayon. Icin- Are moving the Lahey& M'c- Kenty Shoe stock to their store. Wait for Bargains. W. Porter relereeu one game. The library of obs late George M. Pull- man was valued at 8240 24. But. the room in which ib was stored was elezant enough to balance matters. The fumlshinga cost. 816.259. Tim nmnm-nl Imnnitnl hnnrd nf directors naked tor. A lot of men : nvercoata. odd sizes, at) $2.75, $3 50 and S4, nobunlly worth $4 50, 86 and 87.50. Your size may be among the lot. (Jame and watbem. Grand Union. Hand winh Want. um: 1'.\--...|. TL. -nn lot. (Jame anus mom. uruuu Uluuu. Joeeph Duroc r, Sandwich West, was elected warden of the county of Essex by the vote of his rival for the otlloe, J. A. Buohenen. Uomber. Each ballot. resulted lneble. then Mr. Buclnuen decided to vote for his 0 ponenb. Mnn'a n A".nl tweed Illitl. 36. wamw no u,Uw. Tnblo and pocket: cutlery. rayon, I1 em. but no Oorbown bu-dwaro. mm. mum nutisd Prinoou in walks thin Ifternoon. Alexander Moury. late of townuhip. bu bought the Inniuvillo hotel Jumes Mchren. All -.... nbnnlt nf lmvn nvnrnnnha And vote [or M: poneno. Men : g all-wool tweed units, 86. $6 75 and $7 50, worth $8, $0 and 310. Grand l'nion. 'I'\L- n . '. 5...": . null nnifnr nnr` ulna Grand l'nIon. . The Q `I'M '5 hm-jg and guitar and glee clubs men wish us [warty recentien in Me- Konzio a opera house, Hansnoquo, last; evening. After the performance the mom- bora of the oluba were entertained at the home of W. Bullock. I......L 1I....m|I l`.-kn:-unni nanny-ml than home or W. uunock. Jacob Harpell. Ontaraqui. secured the toll privile on on the Sydenham road. sold by D. J. nlker at. Cstaraqui on Friday. The price id was $905, the name as A. Ayleawort hsd paid. Ho taken posses- sion on February lab. nu-A Mnunr umiahina 471% noundn. and anon Irenrunry nu. Otto Meyer, weighing 476 pounds, end the heaviest mnnin New Jersey. died. on Tneodly uh Paterson. NJ. The cdlu was seven feet. long and thirty-one inc`\ea wide. end it required eleven men to lower the body into the rave. D..L-..e n-I..i. t g |"-Anton to-mnrp mnn mo nouy Inna one nnvu. Robert. Belch, tie Trenton young man arrested during the Nnpanoe noon for de~ frnudmg John Rutbcn, Adol hustown, of 82, pleaded guilty on Thurs my nnd was ronnndod to jail for eight. days. Bull in 8200 was allowed. but he was unnble to secure in. ll--J- R..- -II uulnn` Llug Lgnunr and nl-Au 90 I |IlU'|0 - Try A sample Hun. You will endorse our abatement u to their superiority. II). Men`: ne ell-wool blue beaver and grey Vnenne cloth overcoeto. well made and trimmed. eh $10. worth 315. Grend Union. M. kllmgp nnvntnnrninl mnnfnr nl the mmmoa. an UIU. VOTED lo. urlnu UIIIDII. Mr. Kilmor. commorcinl mum: of tho oollociwo imtibuto. Strut-ford. is quite 1 numinmntiab. He has no present 5,000 rnre oolno. Yoatordny he received ft-om Now Yorknkomm As, which mu the current coin ut the clone of the first Ro- msn kingdom. 400 B. C. It. weighs eight: GIIHIQI. rn me nruow mm In an. acnoleeuque, Que.. on Seturdey the crown prosecutor xed Monday as as dny to beer detective Mc(.`uiil| a evidence. Alfred Ladoucer. | Mont.real.|nd Sunuel Parrlow were sworn. The letter : counrel objected. but his ob- jection wee overruled end Perelow refused boenewer my further questions-. Ange- line Cbelifoux. when pleoed in the winners box eeid : "`l`hele:.t.ern I reed in June. 1898. were in Cordelie Vim : hendwriming end were love lettere. I found them in Semuel I'erelow'e trunk." noon. Saturday and Monday. Boys throe- pioco short pnnb suits. 32.76. 33 60 And 84. wm-th IA. 35 and I6. Hmndllnion. PIOCO Ill0I'lI [EDD MINI, V5. I0. 3-` 0U I011 0`: worm 34, 35 md 36. (:mnd`,!Jnion. In the Pu-slow trial At. St. Scholuatiquo, (hm nn Rntnrrhw than m-nun nrruu-ur.nr Dlllir Zozilvu.-nu n-nuv-u-. The funerol of eietar MecDougoll occur- red from Potal Dion thie morning end formed e lengthy corteae. Moeo was held in the nunnery church or. eight o'clock by vicor- nerel Kelly. who wee oeeietod by Fro. `Brion. Meogher end Kehoe. The eietere of Convent do Notxe Demo and of the houoool Providence were reeent end together with their eietere in `Hotel Dion song the men. while lighted topere odomed the eltor. Six of the older eiotere carried the body to the `-front door of the institution. followed hy thelreraiuing ele- tore in prooeuion. oorryin i tepere. ondohentlogthohdieerore egndfio I`:-olundio. I At the door 9`~'~ reoeinn were handed tn the RIII~bOuers. when the lumen! etorted la... 5 A Lnnuinn nnnnnti Thu lIA".mlQl`I the I-Donuts. vtnen mo nuwru Iurwu for oburyinc round. Tho pull-hunt: won Inch 1-}. many. '1`. Farrell`. J. J. D.L-_ 'l \L'..-A Y Rionavnnll .I40In. Inner: I-.'. Nancy. '1'. IIITIII`. J. u. Bohan. J. Wad, W. Rignoy and J. Oldn. nag nu nouns um vnnur lrinou vary in 0. Uoullytho icocuttinghu boon in all owl sushi: data of the nu. luiing mm to ll the ion homo Edam ml. nn -nnhnr rundncd it an. I [st my Photo: and tnmu at Iuuviuuwlnq II hr mum kl (VII Inlttll I00. Tho fotieo dulon in nour- nikh homo: thin winut urnob vary IY.--lk IL; in; nnninn Inn: Iinnn GENERAL;-:RACRAPH8._ '_.-:---1 Dluor Icbougslro Fnnonl. _ 1 ,_.__I J .1. ._ Il--I'\-.._-lI . ID.~A. ms nu: cmnmma HAD A BIG GATHERING IN THE WHIG HALL. i 0. I Duuol lode n Itlrrlny Addreee- The ylewe oi the county Llberele on l the lItnntIon-lr. Penee- Spoke of the Straight We] the Hardy Government Aeted-'I`he upshot of the Ieetlng. A meeting of the county reform neocla- tion was held in the WING hell this after- noon, president Month prenidln . There wue good attendance of memgeru end keehintereet wu menifeeted in the pro- ceedingl. The president intimated the purpoee for which the meeting was celled. end eeked the provincial organizer to Ad- I [00 Photo: fnmu WEE8l3'S and I foal mod dreu the ethering. . W. Saweon id not have anyquarrel w h county of Frontenac liberals. They had utood together by the principle: of liberalism with overwhelming odds against them. Their work was fully appreciated. but just at present they stood in a delicate predicament. three cendidatoe being in the hold for the approaching Ontario eleotione. Mr. Haycook, the reeent member, in again in the eld. eing the leader of a party he oannotverywell dropout. There ere many in the county who do not agree with all Mr. Hayoock'e views. but on more than one occasion he hes ehown favor to the liberal party. The speaker counselled thoee present to drop any of their oioere or even theircendidatein order to etrength- en the hands of Mr. Hardy and retain a good man in oioe. John L. Pone thought it would be a die- good in omoe. John L. Pope thought _would grace to give way to a patron onndidnbo. It. would not do now to allow 3 go-between to sbefyin and interfere with the plane of 0 . the re rm association. n- a.....A......I-...n-m Hm!-. Hm nrnnnnh me rexorm aeeoclat-ion. Dr. Sande understood that the present meeting was called for the aclxancement and interests of the reform association- The Ipeaker reviewed the political eld durin the past four years, at which time t e party had supported the patron candidate. After his election the member attributed his election to the liberalr. He promised to reward them for their in- tereeta. Had he done so`? l)o the county liberals enjoy the patronage of the gov- nrnnnnnf." Tim annmlrar mid the same liberals enjoy H10 patronage 01 um guy- ernment`? The speaker said the thing had been done in the case of the dominion member, who had made many romises, but had failed to full any. r. Rogers had played the liberals false. They had not been given the promised patronage. The men whom the late Sir John Maedonald put: into oilice were up- held and kept in otlice. The county liber- als are now being asked to do the same thing over again. "We have lost our identity and must regain ourselves. The speaker moved a resolution of condence in the party candidate, I). A. McRae. w. Rrnrldnn did nnt endorse all the tire- In me party cnnmuaw, II. n. munuu. E. Broddon did not endorse pre- vious speaker had said. He knew of some liberals who supported the retention of 09 min conservative oice-holders. 1).. 0--.]- :.. ..o.-`In -girl than KAI-nln n` Lem COHEBFVMZIVO omce-uoluerl. Dr. Sande. in reply, aald bhe liberals of the county had been accused of disloyalty to the government) but the word whic should be used was disobedience. No man could be loyal Do the governmeny wibhouo being rst. true to himself. .1. W. Rm-tram was nlvnva e oartv Dlng llflli l':l'\l6 (0 LlllI.|!BIl. J. W. Barizrarn was always party worker. He felt that. if the liberals came together unanimously they could elecu their candidate. He did not feel like atooping half way and picking up a man in disguise. If Ha cook would announce himself a etraig h liberal candidate he would support: him. Thais was the nonbi- ment prevailing in Portland township. F`.rlunu-rl J. R Vanna said there was onlv menu prevailing In rortuauu ouwneuip. Edward J. B. Pense said there was only one thin he would like to speak about. He had eard both governments condemn- ed by speakers to-day. You do not know the Hardy administration if you talk that we he said. "I have had todo with the ardy administration for seven or eight years,`and every request made has been accorded the utmost courtesy and ac- ceded to if such a thing were pos- sible. No liberal has any right to complain of the Hardy administration. In what way has the county patronage been taken awa 3 Over the farmer ques- tion in the a-yl um'.` Mr. llayoock s can- didate was Mr. Crofts. The county and city liberal associations each had a nomi- nee.and other candidates were also named. but the Hardy administration never waver- ed. The same thing occurred in the case of the Wolfe Island ferry. 1-lxce )h in the case of the road grant which . r. Hay- poclr received as member 1- don't think the Hardy government ever gave way to the patrons. As for the dominion government I do not ask any favors. When Mr. Barron came down and gave pledges regarding the county patronage he should have carried them out even if it cost the governmentMr. Rogers vote. The liberals had done more for Mr. Rogers thanganybody else. and he would have been amply paid by his seesional allow- ance of 85.000 for five years. Mr. Rogers did not act squarely. Mr. Haycock has been given help for certain considerations. You play Mr. Hallagher s ame if you put three candidates in the tie d. I want you to understand distinctly that there are men in this convention here to pull you to place three men in the field. Consider ir. In what. in riahf. and fair and mat to . in r ronnenso. J. Stoneee endorsed ell Mr. Pense bed said. He knew for a fact theta meny inter- ested conservatives were watching to-day's meeting. The result. to them msenb defect or success. The liberals should be very careful ol what. step they took to-dny. It would be foolish to put e third cendideoe in the field. i VIN... :. A..- -_--A.. :3: -..-_- ln..- mg-.. to place tnroo man In one now. U0l'||!lUOI' in. U.) whnt. in ri ht. and fair sud just. to yourselves. Mr. cRno is placed no-day in an dillicult A position on is possible for a true reformer to be placed in-whot.her to o ahead or withdraw. Another word- o nob play the game of the conservative: I in Frontenac. r u. ..... -...a..-...a .n u. v....- s...r wlwslvu fool nod In EHO uolu-. Thom in one auoon in ovary four you: when All the oloobornte in (`amdn cm speak out,anid J. Mcruth. Ono previous speaker was A member ol the IdVi!0l`y\ board of the patrons of industry. An bio- lioriun has said of Nnpoleon that be pro- lerrod lacing nine anemic: than hove one unfnichful follower. The npenkor held that J.L. Haycock was not I fnond of the libs- rals. Only once during the pub four yous bad he been able to show his true color -..A 5.. Ah! ....s ..........s L. ......--..._-..A DIQ [IO OX0 IDIO U0 CHOW DI! `THC C0l0I' and he did not an porn the government. The Ironic: won (I novor follow I zone- .._A_ .. -- SIUO IXGGT. 1). Al Mellon likonod the pntrono to 5 fooblo infont. which bod died for want of "oomothlng in tho foodin bottle." Por- bspo it wooo look of oil of its nnrooo. Tho patron port diod whoa Mr. Gun-io loltltrronko. ho apookor woo gotting could not got my oomolotlon from o rotrooyoot ol `tho potmo platform. Tho pouon movomont woo A-poll tlool oboll guno. with J. L. Hoyoook to tho olnolvo poo. Tho fonnot otokoo his hooor that Mr. Boyoook lo ondor o ottolo oholl. but whoa liftodhoicnotthoto. Itlotoo hodto too A good govoromoot liko tho Hardy admin- iotntion oboood. Tho opookor did not `root tho oomlootloo `lfthollhotolo wontod oonobodyoloo. Howoowllllog to obldo by tho docilion of todoy o uooug. Ho wonldllotrooto tho llbull pot . bot onlrvoollldho v:.oId ho lroo tho. L woo not nob onu ` Mt.Iqyoo&.vhoooolll no! tired` of following o will-o-tho-Imp. Bo ` njn mhoh mmhlnim Io- `mm DAILY < WHIG,` SATURDAY. JANUARY" door nut. fur the patron Iudor to trip` M` has nn. H: in mm a math {or MI`. El!` fur the patron luau` w vnpu mu Iooo n. E: wu nob | E: - cock toy with. Mr aycochh ubtitu 0 Wu Iuiolonb to nromo the spark of mm- hood in the brunt. of my mpn who bud. been trutodu Ind the npoaifi If we liberal: npond mum in the uptake: ho -nnlrl nnvnr ham-Av them. IITIIIU Ill would boon them. 'I.n-an--F` ulnar nah` I.` EK |

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