Mddookbonlb. codlotlb. III!-Iuptwo A dduo. qnllcn :-? 7 } K.INGS'l`ON, 0N'rARi0, FRIDAY, JANUAJ/mY%4 23, 1393. :- `GUN-MANUFACTURING OEASID. 1 ` ll: onpcnn of the llanmhlutmi the `rndo M Pqrnlylod. Lonmm. Jun. 98 -Aooordlmz to 3 del- putch to tho Globe lrom BirIn|ngh:un..)hI {capture 0! tho Imioh manner Bnluchlm mm. on` Manon. Arabia. by the Brim-h l to the Fenian mm. A well-known Inunufuaturor nya that, on the order of Ibndon merchant, he has ; turned out: hunnitd riu and I ton of K nlnmunhlon voollly tnr the pub threo inure. Tho rlol oonnmod oi Martini: and .09 Munurdn. tho Brim:-h urmy mugumo min The Pouinn mn.horit.Iu. to seems, winked M. then lrrogulnrmon until umat. Britain Inlorvinod. The name rm wnn preparing no turn out: 2000 weapon: monthly to the [Inn ouabomora. I un.uumm'n Iunmnnu um; Ablnjdou Baird About to In lillpoucd S'1`.'LuUIH. Mo.. Jan. 28 --'I`he Globe- lietnocrntfl ppooinl London cable says: Mn. Lungtry II Ibouh to appear as a do- ioudancin 15 mm which will entail the la lug bare to the public of her relation: w oh the lance Ablngdon Baird. the million- aire sporting man. Rum In crodllld with hnvinn lnvlnhod aura eportmg men. Bum la credlted with having ll200.U(N) upon Ire. Lengtry. be-Moe giv- ing hm-ejemoue rece horse. When the executors of Me Oetete made an Wwentory theyfnund the property In question in Mrs. Len tr `I `poeneeelon. Bho elleged that they an been preeented to her bv the equlre, end edded thet she had a deed of gift, ugned It hlm. Mu Lmanre en Imh the deed. and en OI Rllb, HIKHOCI I llllll. Mrs Lnngilw ulonh bho dud. and on I ulvormomonh Ippoarinuin the paper: asking for NI rolurn. lmurnnl III-Indie: Killed. HA\'IiN.\, Jan. 28 --Ah noon to-dn l.ieul:.-Col. Bonodioho. with the Spnnin Rein: battalion. Iurpriaod nur Tmpnnto. this province. Dbl camp of the inaurmmb brigudior Nestor Arnnguren. killing Amn- guron and four privahu. capturing ve of Lhoinauranluba and woundin others, who made their Memo. The bogy of briasdier Aranguron win brought: by trnin to llzmmn thin nitornnon and delivered to him mili- tary aubinoricin. After identication in was nono to who morgue. Acnording no the Bpnnlllh nnohoriuiu. brigadior Amn- guron was nurprilod while on n viaib to A young woman on the Pm form. between Unmpo Fimidn and Tapanm. Ho wan woudndodmnd on trying to escape wu thou don . I UrIlUI'I' I HITIFNIVI VII|'IIIUIIII. Sn l)|mm,Cal.. Jiu `.".'.--~M story at- ` tnohoa to the deatinntnon of t 9 British 1 cruiser l`ham-nnpnow on route southward. ` Whiluha ulllcorl convey the improuion ' than their tnp down the coat. in mero|y an ordinary oruine. the mom oommuniouivo nnbordmnn Bl that the ship So being w hurried to me aumhcrn wnmn. when | aha In to join tho big onmor Anphton. and ' that the no will go on south to Iqniquo The Leander and um torpedo doc.-oroyer V Hpni-row Hawk on also undoruood to be I ontholr vuy nonth ma on to have Iota I Eoqulnnlh yutordny. I h r IJIIUI1 Illljllllj llllly -UIIIIIIII WAHIIINIITUN. Jun. 28 -Aulotunt unre- tnry Howell hut uoolvod n tolognm stut- lng that thrhosrd of gonornl appraisers at New York yutordny dooldod tho ones whloh the how bad under oonaldorntlon for nomo t mo lnvolvln the oonntrnotlon on! section (won. mm o the now tum` not. The board In a not nuntulnn the oplmon of thdnttornoy-gonorul In whloh he held that the dlaorlmlmtlng duty of ten por cont. does not attach to goods of lorolgn manu- facture or production brought Into the Umrod States in tnmlt through I contluu- uua forelqn country Tlms decision u pn- routly rattle: the question: Involve . on the department will not tulle on appeal. 'l`hon`n nothlng In tho wo rld we're so much lnluuuul In u Coal. W0 stunt ad It for nun It may nound queer to npuk of Coal bmlna und ulllnu in u I Inlonoo. but that`: whn wo'vo Inndv n.. Two Important (IL.- oovu-ln we Inwn mmlo no clue complain mtlnrnution to our ouummuo pay: but. and thm the mu to win hm-Anon In so dun-V0 It. - - - -- AAAAAAAA l.mmnmI.I\'o lemon A Moro. Mn. APHER. Wm. Jun. 28 -----Ono of the loouvnuuven engaged In olounlng the franks In the Umouuo. Milwaukee and St.- l'.ul ynrda hum mow jumped from tho truck In the narrow alley intersecting Fuw!or ulroommd rushed Into the build- lng nonuplocl by Mr. tlonreuwald no a butnhor n supply Ff-HIE The vmll wa- bruhen through, (musing A damage of P8 vernl thou-rsud tlolhrn and in war: wnh great. dutliculvy th b Ihu engine` was gm!- catad [mm the ruhnn. The truck wan covered with packed wow and me. which cum-ed the onmnom leave ohe rails. The engineer and reman escaped. 8:" Nn Gunilla: In Feared.<. Jan. 28 -A donpnmh to the Lokul Anneeuor from St. l'ulonburg. says this r-v.\r. -paukmg M. n pt-ware gnohormg 0! the ollioora 0! the Preobrnjeneky reg:-_ ment. amid: I wnmtod long ago to ac oupt your nuemion, but even this wan woughnu lmavy un my mind. pcxrvoulnrl dulllvmlunn WIN! Jnpun. Now, thank (lodmrl in olcmod up. and no conlhch of my kind in In bu hmrud." In is announced chub emperor .\\ il||nm has drawn up and dia- tribnntocl to the higher naval ollioern A table of the force: of Jupnnmumin and Uermnny i in the In out. Vuhu At!-imptu Inn! Anln. L\ f\NP4. Jun. 98 -\'nohor. hho Ihophurd who in undor strut. on the chap of hu- ihg murdered thirty eight no within than yours. nude: and on {union on- slaught. on I wndui Ina night. A: tho wu-don oniorod choooli ocoupiod by \`nohor. tho lam sprung Ah him. out-iohingn huvj nhnir. Bcion tho woman could to- tron Vuchor hit him with the ohnir. ici- ling him to Iho floor. and than Imonl .h0II him to dash hdoro other `moon M gnu-do could ovorpowor him. .IIuun.rg|rn|noIIIIuyurII|n wan- ton. shouting to 090.000 on name. `ho hid dutch not amount to 0040.000. Th than Imnu no show: In I50 and ` roponjyu publhhd. ` Museum Q\n.Ju|. 98.-|loGIl|uni- vanity. M. conoidu-ad my waist]. .huna.|-gudooinhhyunlu uh- lfnrg uuununn my mama nvnnus 0|-n'|un l`;o-eIt.n|n wloumonu. .. 1` n I,.1 ..- ll Dlootlmlnotlnj Duly Ioulod. _......,_,_.. I... no A__l_A.._L THI |.lLY'8 AD Iullcllololt. 11.`; 'g_ X {news er mg wunLu,; wtm comcs "to Us from All QIN"'tC|'o '.cuNuusIan*_I'gnAcnAvus.; / 4 `I ELEGRAMB IRON TH! IAITW8 FOUR QUARTER! GIVEN. hlttlo Dlucon `Nun Iuunrul Ivoryhoclr -- Notes: from All (Ivor---I.I\I|r of In?)- thlng llullv limul um itnmomhorm 9 1 run non Puhnu. 'l`hM.hiovea of Grub Brlbnin ntonl 8.- 0(-)0.('K)0 worth of property every your. Han Fmnci-oo grdln o unborn say there will bu uood prices for 9! new this you. An vmmu. nnr-kn. London. ntororooma will bu noon [HIGHS wr wllunu ulna P... Ab Victoria Dor-kn, London. {or `l50.0H0 onrnauou 0! but are provided. rm... ...| in tha New Hamburg re 0! but are pronuuu. The valuntorn in the New Hamburg have awarded Messrs Ferguson & Co. 01:4,- mm on their stock. Fifty years ago there were In India only twelve native nrrlnmod mlnigtera. There Ire now about: LOUU. n....n.. 3... t.....I. nnmmamlnl traveller: nro Mbnnhod their boxes 0! aumpmq; Natal bus boon enlarged by the at ext Mon 0! Znlulnnd and Amnbongnlnnd under lehrers pnmnh Iaeuorl by the crown. ` 'l`hn hrnworl of Ennlnnd consume an- about: 1.000. Berlin hen female commercial travellers who go their round: on trlcyolea to which Mtmnhed their boxes 01 eumplee/` \1-n..l kn. hnnn nnlnn-and hv L110 OX5` lemon pabenu Iaeuan ny bun muwu. The brewer: England nually about 70.000 bone of sugar In the manufacture of boar and malt: liquors. n..- 1...... M Ilhll-rlnlnhla nn an electric b!i`Iiwuv.- A WARM 3UBJBuT| manufacturo of boar M10 mun nquora. One hour $0 Phlladelphln on an electric railroad from Jenny City In the latent: pro- jeoh of the Uenhrul railroad of New Jar-oy. lcvnrv week 3.H00.H`l0 nyncors are awn`- Glasgow. Scotland." The Imllun gnvornmenb proponoa to but mien. the price of chub at A prince being $8,000. on man nin s,()U0. I count 34,- mm mu! n hnrnn L000 [F6b."3? '{I{A.I`..s'.i"s'r., U00 and I baron L000 'I`|.- -n\I\'nI!QIlI n' thl and baron u,Uw The employees of tho Brnnbford corri- ano work: presented their late loromnn. Albert Bnrunmn. with a gold watch and chitin on Tueadny mahb. m.....a..,...|. nmrhnhl no nmtrnotlnn a onunon Lueauny nmnu. Woods-cock markets Ifll lugs numbofol collars sud I vm-torn Ontnrlo. Price! for no and to rule very low. M... Mn-nun:-It: Hhlw uh. M Eu-b Zorro on Mommy Inn The custom: oiouln uh Wlndlor an very active and quite 3 Inga nmounh of small oath that were smuggled by tho [err on: burn been captured. 5'` an nu-onknnn A. aha nl`Al'\f.'Pd 0' and rule low. Mro. Mnrguorloo Hmvuro. mother of Wullinm Showorb. pronidonn of tho North Oxford reform nunolotlomdlod M hor homo Eu-b Zorro Monday lm ' TL` nnlnII\l l \`nIA`I lb w|l`|dl0I' ho: hum been captured. T e momborn 0! who Branbford board undo onmrmlnod their Mung pruldonb. E. J. Gould. no A bmquob on Tuudny nlehl: Thole wua I large nttondnnco hurhun .-Jun mlnn nf Edwnrd III I nl hl: Thouawuulnrgu nuonunnco uring .`.hu reign of Edvard fnhton was Introduced In Englnnd of Inolng the gown: of A woman at the side. the garment: being in own upnrnto pieooa Tlmn um n dandlnok In the Mlddlonox pianos Them In: 3 deadlock county; council over me election uf a war- den. Twenty-seven bnllot were taken without. ranching u choice. There were three candidates \n--|-.. n...\.....I.. Huh mu ulna! hnfnrn B . . g A . . ` - - D6 candidates. Wuloy Bmwnlee. Halt, wan mod beforo judge Snider in Hmmlton on own churuon. uning firearms and euoapiug lrom custody. He won fnund guilty and sentenced to sixty day! in jail A IL Rmvmrd. nocroturv of nrcainlonb day! in pm A. H. Steward. secretary prcainlonb Van Marne, of the Oamdm Pnmo Mll- rnnd company. My: thavo in no truth in the published nor that. Van Horne will ro- mun the prom enny. 'l`|m 'l`nmm l`.u-in. nnounun aha Rovgl the pron-idenny. The Tampa. Part-, mm-on aha Roynl Nvgur amnpom) . the chief ruprenenntmvo pnworm Wont. Afnon, with hrunrting 4,- 000 hom-|wm1- of gin into the Niger terri- tory in {our monlhn. rm... vu..|.L.| nnn-aunr\nr'nnf nf Mm lnilv mvmunntnnnu demnnd. Thv (Barman wur-hip (lotion Inn returned ho Aden in order to arrange fur the lmmt dmco do-patch 0! camera to overrmlo the lk=ut.schlamd.hor consort. whose res are mum rand to I nvo gum om. la`.namn.innm- ludnlitfa in axmclad to ur- month:-. The Mmhlcl norm-ponriont of tho lnily Mail any: : IL ha: been decided that the whole Spam:-h llaoh mm conconhrntm ab Hm-mm. Lhounh nnt. hnmedlnoely. unless demnnd. rm... n..........\ ........m.. llnnn Inn I-Murnorl lllln laid to Inve our. Exemnioner R sdcliife expected rive eh Berlin on Monday nexb. end in ie enid will receive e warm reception from who people there. who ere determined than hie einy in than town will be ehorii. nnmmnmlnr Honrv Jnmee. retired. the In than town will no morn. Oommnuder Henry James. rotirorl. tho olden. oioor on the British navy lint. bun jnnt died at the Age of ninotv nine yum. u_ _..._._.A M.` .-.:n- In IRIS) and in rs. jnnt died at the Ago 0! nlnow ulna yuan. Ho onbued the Nice in law and van ro- und for ago no I lieutenant fty-nix yum n 0. EA largo lynx la nkl \o be ronmm in the swamps boweon Bnulnu and or (iormnny and tho community In grout! oxonoj. Hunters from Preston win hounds Mo scouring the mumps, but no | hr wlblsouu nuccen. OIL` uunnunln 9.` Hnllnknri b\rAI`l`Il" QI- ' hr wlbbouu Tho mumuta of Salk-bury presided yu- hordny at a cabinet muting It In under- omod the mo minmnra dlpousnd tho lo- ginlnivo prowrummo. the quota`: Isoeoh for tho to-uaombly o! pulnmonh an ebb hr otom quoouom nn nu an Iullmnlnn the nndorinn of In quoouom on who day following tho nndorinu the vordloo in hvor ol SI: `Patton Byte: "and ndy Byha who whoio ol who mono Inn on claim wu Id by trlonda of Ind Sykes. Mr. Jay. owovor. nlum olfor to conrm or don the report. mu. .......... a man lmuin no new Fur Linedwraps to con mi upon. The amount ofrni Britain at now about $600,000,000 yurly. or nearly H.000 pot ulmm. but wary Moi ol tho clock npnoomn nu inow of I libel. om N0 into the funny. than having In an- nngl nnnnlnn (J nhnnl ISl|l.llI|.(lI). nnl Illlplnl 0! that 090 00I|._000. Pu-Iona. the am ol .n.. I-Ivonln l`olo~ gnu. BI. John's. NM mu knock down and beaten by u can nu: append to be I con 0! MoN Iy. Into ngmnr at tho npnmo court. Noun oi sou Monaco mud: in the pupu om lulu hit Mary |loArthII*. mu. who - mama nnlnldn on Imdn. no to ban W IIIBO II I-IIIIIP]. IIIII vuvvuq l`n|-Inna. lhn nlllnl of all HVIMI Mary lcammr. nnouuuo. vlo wu- mmd nuioido on Iloodny. to `ban boon amid to 1 young Inn. but to d III Iliulvu u w 9 paper: Lh: nun nn Hund attracting buyoru Irom ' commoditlon i the Indiane whiehoy. debnuohlng their we Immediate Aeiiou. Vmuoovnn, B O , Jan. 28 --bouleuoire. the notorious Seattle outlaw. bee been on lured and lodged in Weetmie er jail. e will get emit Oanadien jun! oe Moire and hi! gang of piratee weie in the habit of ewooping down on the Indian eett|e- ' mente oi northern British Columbia, giving men and robbing everything in lihb. They had cleaned upu settlement on Te- peda island and were in the not oi carrying away the plunder when the government poliee captured their leader. Dr. A. E. Willa, one ofthe three dele- natee appointed by the miuere of l).awaon Uaty to interview the Canadian govern mont on the mining reguietioneumived time He re use to diaeuee the -ubjeot at his trip or to state enythin regardin the amendmenta to the regulat om deeir by the minere. The British Columbia talk is getlinu louder and more threatening re- garding the charge impoeed by the United State: of 86 r man aooompanied aeroee the dispute territory at likegun and Dyea to Canadian territory. oarde oi trade are being urged by ex- cited deleual-lone to demand from the Canadian government the im- mediate rampage of n I-peoinl law pro hibiting L united States ritinene from taking up minmu olaime in Canadian territory. loin olaimed here that the ouatomu our-' veillenoe at Bhaguny and Dyee hae turned beck e um ndouu outtting trade to Seattle and than Francisco that wae drilli- ing to Uanadinn pointe. I`..u\tain (lharlne A Powell was found will Be ulven the leaitle 0nt|aw_[;ant here yenierda and ieevee to-day lor`Ot- * mg poluu. tlmpnin Charles dead in bed iooberdny. Ho cum hero to buy outu or prospectors going to the Yukon. IUIIUII 9 when It .1-.. LL -j For Suturduy and Monday. 9-Y ..A I-:rnrv1nl' nun nnhnimmnd It 11$" Ilmulunoounly and mu m Inn prunuu... onpiui up donhroyod. Ton of tho captur- ed plum worn executed In tho pmonoo ol 200 Europun and B00 nnblvu. Z:-j Arohbluhop Uonlgsn Dhnrtod mm Porn- cutlnj | Print. Nmv Yunx. Jun. 28. - Rev. Frnnoll Donn has begun mlb {or &|U0.()0t) dnmgol Mllhllb arch lahnp Oorrlgnn, bishop Joseph L. Keane. Rev. Annnlebua do Angelle. an parlor of the Frhro Minor In this count:-\'x Wnlllnm T. Buhley and the society ol Fri urn Mmnr of rho order 0! So. Franota. ll ~ charges false lmprimmnonb md malicious nrnnnnl Inn. Clllllsn Iulvu uuyu-nu-.......... _-._ .__,,,-, prn-emmon. Fnhar Donn has been ghting in the courts for four yours to Ioouto reInntMva- menu in the aoeletq olFrmra Minor. In one of the trial: growing nut 01 the o_xpuI- niou, Fnthor llenb produced npnper mid no be A on y 0! urencrlph muod from Rome roatorinu Yum to nll Ina nghun. A chrno of perjury wan mndo agninuh Fnhor one on bho utren ch of this pnpor Ind I: won mreuod um ukon hhmugh the II tn an n oommou crimlml (Inn of this an-mm grnwn the pronoun nun. nacho nhnrgu of perjury mun luer wltlnlruwn. In In ukl that. Father Dom. reoouvod $l().0m In Mt- tlemeuh of all claims, homo mno ago. Locking lindly. -- \v n v,,., nu ML- A...-.i.un IoQIIIlI[ II-Ill . H/\l.lI*A\, N.S.. Jan `)8 --'[`ho Amotimn schooner Lorlng B lluholl. captain (lroon. Irom Gloucester bound to the Bah- imz bunlu-. put in here today lotkng budly. She ua umlorgolng up-um. Held For A watch. Booms: of the crowdod atom of our columns tho"lIomo Ch-ole" do rtmom WI" not nppur thtn week. In wll be found n uunl on Friday . 5,._ AL- SWIFT OANADIAN JUDTIOI /` The Gm. 1)ot.roimrLy m-|:\vo for the Kloudyko this your started on Thursday. There won twenty hhroo In tho parti- uh- twonl -om Iron two women. the tar be nu tho wt two ot the momborc of who puny. - ' , n. um. um no u "Trio to 0ooMovm"n6 Bo mm and no I "Trip the own hm:-e mnlghh, proclaimed b ull who have can it to be tho but I-how o in kind as-or won hen. No udvnnco in prices. 230. 360. 600 and 76:`. -M. or-nun hn nlmocb cloud in one In Ian! I l|IIlIl qua. Que T 30:. we Ami `am. The crown bu ulmoeb the Puiricr murder trial ab 86. Bcholuth ._..- than We have the Latest Styles and the Prettiest Patterns in Winter Nockwenr oi all kinds. \nd st the Lovmt Pnce: that x Good Qual- ity and New Style Nockviut can be bought fgr. Big oweevp, fur trimmed. deep fur collar and tho- roughly up-to-date; U | u I VII. CHINESE PIRATE! EXECUTED. Ia uvmasm a ano.| A I91-ll` F Clothiers and Pnrnlslen. uncnlninpnu. 4 ARCH BIIHOP ID ID. WHIG. is {he Tie that is Smrr, Run and H.-\.\`usu.\n:. wlndn. M 63276`: Half Regular Priees `*`.",`.!`3,`L;.!!L..;'.`* Your choice of $lI. $l2 $13 UP-TO-DATE IMPIIRIEII JMJKETS, |STEA0Y%&.$TE%1!9Y- Dlmob Importxou DI-on (iootll and Ilntlu. : tut unu u n unnu-nu. In Unnlu-nun A Illm Pr noon man, 00 or 8: hum n nhnnl communion on I :-lnoou 00 a phone communion. -_, __,. ,, T P. HARRISON COMPANY llurlnntnhnvn And Kmhhlllfln III Ind Ottawa sad It. lmvnnoo vnllo 0 10 mm. a- Mlldor to-nlghl 1 ch ___J n H he mow lull. turning ooldol an n on Saturday with norohwul ""' "s. 3 . 'bbi{niEir. Z FURIRAL DIRBUTOIL m w Ol I1`. luntnmuuonunor to W. . unntn. 65TH YEAR. Amswmmt-AI.|.nN--Ab Onpo Vlnconh N Y.. Jun. slash. Bruno Alnnworeh ant` Mien Llbblo Allomboth at Capo Vlnoont. DIED. Mv(lnmN-Ab Portomoubh. Jun. 97 oh. Ill!!! Paullno Moooln. dnughur ol Dunne` Mouoeln aged 13 your: and 7 monbhl. lanorul wlh mo plsoo It-on her Minor`: mldonoo. Pommoubh. no-Morrow linu- J`-\ -uumlnn Al nlnn dlllh IO El- midonoo. Pommouon. to-mornw Inu- dud morning II nlm o'clock to not at out! 'l`hIo!.whma ooiunn Mun man will In sung. I`:-lands an to- qualnunou no rupoouully lnvmd M attond. Damn ~-In Kingston. Jnnunry WM: I898. Beam Flynn, beloved wife of lhurloq lbumn. IIUHFII .I IlIl.IlUl\lVI1\l wuv v - - - - - . -- lmen. Fnnerel from her late reeldenoe. 320 Mon- treal ebreoh, ho-marrow efternoon eh I n olook to 8!: M-u'y e eehlmdrel. where e llbom will be eunu. Frlende end eo- quelnteuoee ere reepecmlully Invited to el.l.enrl KI\:NNl~:II\ ~ ~ In Klnglbon. eh Me lute reel- denoo. W|de`ehm. on Jen. 97th. WH- llnm Kennedy. engineer. aged elxby-one years. Funeral will lnevo Me lele reeldenoe. W-ul-`alone. Hunde nflermmn eh inll o'clock. Friends en ecquelnunoee ere roupecnfully Invited to amend. AN|`Il)- lH ItllIH l` ND l`AI1`llI`l'[a pmvlomnn 0I'||\10Ih) mu-el In nn H?- nlhlo onushvlnlmi lmuu lnnhulu. on 1 I . 0` 905.00 and 9 mm: a. IlHM\ [Mud] feronno. Knolnao salt-mi: rum! at pod val.-pp. The Dominion Cnmpntxy. Pom. .. Uh ln :0 A \'R|u|)Q. 'l Uhlu ego ..-:--_ A I\h~-non Mrootn Pmm nnloll 03 uku- M I-`olmuny Nu fnrmotlr` lkllw M M- tary `Inn and mvhs `Imp nquin In) dlluh or Juun Rnms. noun. nl Folwmsly Nu l|'\l ll\Dl`I1 mu 1 nmvhs dour. 1' 1". 1-1A:u:uaun uuusrnu ; Undubnon and Itmhnlmwo. HI rlnonu M-rub. PhOhOI|- Mvoonu. H0. oshlonomvl. open any and nub . 'Foo1 0uee'n_i. In-nu |IAnul\LI|B u mw um] ` D |tl.l' It hlllh INN IN IV R? U nallty. on or onwslllnn 3 to Mlodm .nokwdd|nl\0V9t1.`Ind lfuup our nhaswhm . 9 u `on ma. anon an Pgltnunhouoh mm: an-I mmn\r1 Mud.` OI oymonh. Oommlulon or mini. pi mnnvm are |;xpo|\`n!||`0I `nu o:u p&Ip`cn llll W 0 I I _ `manna I :1 oumnnu am 1 Mhun mu when man Ill nun Inmn. Man. Out. Oumdn. l\ I an R1. m on I pmvomonu p n||\9(.m 3 that Inns. 0 pk`: om|`oHnlnM||lM~hnol. omrotl M008. `.37.... ..._.. 7 ...,. , Tim I! `ml: nmwn. No, In wnnmm N H\r `in M .lMo|y up In 9 .`.`.-..".!t.'.`:`.'." :'.:..#.'.::".-......v-war.-e.-am: I the .lMo|v libimplbd I`! In. Iuohnni Waldron. vli 9 Ito! 0 - It-M. ordu. R-I\t.m~-lnrnh knoll Mn` nun lh \~AI.lIuI NoIlolIun. Kingston 0 AD: nuuu. Tn bl Dllo Um uI-lM-OM mm lglophom l):1IAT`Opon D01 mm. Bbanbnn on Win" otx)IToTiK"' with lson `Angle and do bl. modem eouwon ouo-no. M. Icon AI. ii>i`li.I'lI.l{ti'l'~lil-i)`!-!'(-)1) menu om Immognrn I pmvomontu. Immo. `o rich, > mmo._o_p _ `l\nM'6ril'u. Auplylo um & wmum WIA1 Hill PROBAWIILITIII.` I vvu `uu-v_. l'lhRPH()N E D. 4 P. M. ~m)1'r10N. (`HON APPLY IRS. GI". ROBERTSON Ian Kin: men. In the ovonlhg .. hl llhl [:0- guIl_t_y. gnlrslllnn Mk Mlodu 4.---.. _.. .. nut: . an an A % .`.'.`.`. .` --- ---.-Wu. 7 . \NH|'.'lN 1")-LEI` (l)nNKR )l` I\h~-non Knee n Mnnmul o H In` I |I`nhn|nIl M-as fnrmnlv I ! N`. I0} To buy the Beitt at less than For Ladies, at HENRY BRAME. r...._...__. -..... Ann Ihnnn $5 EACH `BOARD. - Ruled Note Paper Sc Oulre. `Ens. mm. . u 1....-nu; n-n__I " ininmnn. A A I` T All Mllllnerv half Price. j $25.00. III], nu at l LL- .. 23. Ila Duly Iota Book for WM: Icahn ' `Re You Thamulvon In Band :0 Roynl rlnln to nlgbh. Band no covomd rink Saturday slur- -..A.. na--. IIOOI1. I .nn night. Auction all: of came by Balm` on mar- Iob I-quart. Bawrdny at noon. { Mnnhinll ol Ooharnqui ward comtlttooz Bnnrdny at Mooring OIhII'lq\li rolorm room: bhln waning at N. on vrm. m (1onm.own return ongngq; F01; Two Days. sAIuHuAvgMuNnAv rolorm bum ovomng In a. "A Trip to ()oom.own ongngog menu so the opera house to-nights. nlmm nuoolntion muting for` houno no-mgnn. Kingston reform uuoclntion meeting for selection 0! candidate for provinom logis- lteun, Wmu hull thin evening no 8 o olock. Ian. Ilnmn uh MM. WIl'd'l. 102 John- hull thin evening so 5 0'0IO0I. "M Home :1: Mn. Wu-d'a. bbon ntneb. on Saturday from tour to seven o'clock In Md 0! the pnor. Admlulon ten cents. n-..n .u.o..n. n! the cash coupon or end- Full dam]: of the cash coupon Ina stamp system are given in this luuo. In in the mole popular scheme that bu you boonlntroduood and in bonoclsl both to n... ...-...|..m.. md their ouabomera. boon Innroauoou Inu u- uuuuwu... .. the morohmbn and their ousbomers. A PROVlNClAL__LlSLATUl{E !| NOMINATION or CANDIDAIE. AMEn`. PlN(IOF l`HE l(IN(m'l`(m lucru-N: Anuochstlon wlll he held In the Wlllxi HALL Friday Evening, Jan. 28th, 51' WNW`? (VULOUK. for ths selection of 5 0In(lldM!'. --u-1--- At Reform Hull. Golden anon evening at 8 o'clock. FRIDAY. JAN.| REGISTER! REGISTER! | $1 and 31.25 Km Gloves for 4590. $1 and $1.25 Corsets for 750. The Reform Oommlttu Room. Golden Llon Block. will be --pen each Day and Evening with a Bourotary in charge, to ............ than nnmnn 0! Liburala desirous Evening with uaurumry nu Unrugv, .,.. receive the usmea 0! desirous` of ham: puoou uponthu Votanr L at for the coming Provincial Election. Ratication Meeting ] REUIPTION U R HTON. A. S. F ADDY. PREMIER. am Al... I... who will lush ` She day. --?---p--.-. 1000. Luon-Gnnb dobnto in the city bull to- .l_L.A | y Return of the Famous [Cole and Johnson} By 3 special purchm-e we hove se- cured 80 dozen best. Kid Gloves. in Laoing. Hook and Snap Fasteners. Blacks, all sizes. 6 to 7;. Tuna, " 6 to 7}. Dork colors 6 to 7; All at 69 per pair. Another lot of thnne splendid Cor- Ietl. E. & T's. D. & A's. Orompton's. all worth 31; many regular $1.25 and Ol.l0 in t.ho1ot. Your pick 76. In their Roaring. Racy. Rolllohma '4!-Act Mmbcal Comedy. Positively no mlvnnoo in prion-lhv. um, um tad `too Plan now op?-n at .'inwnr'n. ______.___.._.____.._._.__ T5T3`c"i25.f.| In new In uunuruwuizl F `IlIlR`l'IV( or run mcrmm As~a0mA-.- . t.|nn- Hho `nnmy-I` Ifrontomo will he l hold In the W}! U H.\l.l.on 4__ -_. ----_uAAnn Inn 33.; Mm and Saturday mmuoon.` ll0(`.KI\ HATCH (Sonia! Her|vn)--IL I. (T. OAIIITV vn. `JI'ItER S. lnhlnlny llvonhm. Admlulun Ibo Tloht. huldorn two. 0 H. HATOH. Am. !'u~`y. MONDAY Al-7TEI;f:ED`(')'iV. MN. Slsl. .4 t-n,..._.-._|.|- A ll WIVIVIIIIU nu ---unvwn, -..... ___,, gs nu-.9 n|nu|,I.o mo-H110 Honornl-II A. S. Hardy. |`nmm- of un Provlnoo. nml mnsidu | ro\'luchl I-mu. I) MIMAI. THOS N(`OAlI.l`\!, Buonstdrv. Pro-Intent Klngs_Ion_ _C_ovrcd REE! EMEIIGINT MEETING A. 0. U. W. Till BRITHRIN 0!` LIIISIONI LODGE. . 14 M. an mnmnnul In much In nu ~|'._u1o Room on Sun ul summon gm hm 's:.':> ;:`%-.1-:.::::..*;r'#....:s::.'-`'\"N {LII ICAIION.I.D . W. N HODWIN, ll. Work`-.u~. nncordor. : Jnut 800 Qulroa good ruled Letter Paper 80 quire. or 5 quires fur 16o. IVT I lijn morn u. m: nmmvnu In in T undordou no In nu ma l`B|Ml`AlY NIX? nu tho pnnxluu or Iona-In for I Nun oi 5.. pogo; Immn n the 0-ntnl now. `""""\v:I:| i:`s.\r.fL. B\`lollolton. COMMITTEE i\EEBTINGS 1 r1..I.lnn `Linn nlnnk \MEE'l`lN(lO|*' THE KIN(H-\ l`0N REl4'0`?\I Anouhguon LIBERAERALLY ~ ~ I U a o-c LOCK. RIOIPTION OF ...-.. . a unnnv nnuj TUTTU-7 V:-- -- N 8\T( I.DAY. In`; lacs`:-52% 08 nus- . It kl. X W.;..l=`cood`". mud! Ion. 5?] oomlozolglg how: 5! uuo ot polo. hb oi ll o'clock noon Jo.."` Bmn.` *1 . -~ -' onuib or THANKI. Y L0- usum MEETING! FRIDAY. JAN. 28th- Ilmuu. 7 BA sLAUNDMY50A P Fun l0c. Tu: ' n " LOOAL MIMOHANDA TU`<=.."9h! sew Ll. JJJLJ A.u.n--_-..-._... Lion block. ... -5 a nu. lnnh ---AND-- -5. u u say`... .|-ml VI nl. an mlduun on the mun of ULLTII. notions. IN REINJWKI |. -...--_.-- _ _ Our upeoml Laundry" Soup-- Another 1000 Bar Lot for Saturday. Toilet Soap Castile Soup, 2 for 50. Madame Ray : Complexion Soap, Bo bar. Fine Tar Soup. 8 for 100. . H li0llW ll nncotdu-. nLLIsnuI_u_ngunNuEn.3: l.4ONDUN.uIIl- II '-nuuuI'uIug vu - Government Refuses to Extend I pntehuotholabolrom s:rmn...h..n.'i`iIQ , ! uh Bl `hi- Clcmcncy to the Slayer. =.`. ,'.'.?r `F.1....,'...'Ar'.:,if?.'."'. .:..`a'iTu.':. igunbonta Llpwl and tho seizure of her cargo of arm up Immuuluon has tom- {pm-srlly prsrnlgudnome of thelmgo gun o . mnkon. bocunl the London meaohnmn . 'ooncernod hnvo ordered them to suspend 'opernt.|onn., loin added that some of the REQUEST NgDE BY BICYCLE RE- i um seized won from Birminghnmnvhouco PREBENTATIVEB OF CANADA. u on has been In oxuunive tndo in Inn: the Perlinn Gull. A .....1l,l.nmnn lnnnnuhnhnrnr saw: that. A Nun! Trnlnlnj for Oenndlen lion --l Pnllemeut mu Vote Fifty 'l`hcmsnsnd` uollnrs to flat Ind-Vlny Menu the` lunnguntlou of n Canadian Navy. 01"l`AWA. Jan. `.28 -Lord Aberdeen hes signed an order-in-council permnttln the law to teke its course in the one of Ames Allison, sentenced to be hanged on Febru- ery 4th for the murder of Mrs. Orr. the wile 0! Anthony Orr. a farmer near Berlin. About 10!) tenders were received at the department of the interior for timber berths in the Yukon. for which public oom- petltion was invited. A deputation representing the bicycle mnnnlnoturers ol (Jenndn waited on the minister of nnnoe end customs at Ottawa yesterday and united lor A specillc duty of 80 each on bicycles. mm B provision that in no case should It be lower than the nqnivaient of twenty-ve per cent. ad vu- lorem. .... .I.. ...-n nuinn nf nnrllnmenb the mu. the nexb union of parliament: home will be asked to vote 850,000 for the purpose of giving Uanadinn oubhe a naval oraining. It in non expecbe than the pro poaition w..ill meet. with on strong opposi- cion This seems to be the first: eteptol ward: the inauguration oi a Uenadian navy. although in in non known that any recbical rcheme in that direction has n decided on by the governmenb. There have been so many changes in the position occupied by member: in the chamber that a new oilioiel diagram has been prepared. The only member whose Klaceie not: marked thereinle Mr. Maiouin. i l . ior Quebec Centre. . _ Tue governmenb received two cable- grama regarding the Pebereen iaeb line ooncraob yeeterday. Both in oire hope- fully, and (she eecond. whic was from the ehipbuildere an Bunderland, abated than matters bore :1 much more eetiefactory oh. bore in bulk of running mayor llinnhnm for tho provincial house in the interests ol the liberal party vim. intnrinr dnnnrbmcnt has been ad- the liberal party The interior department vised than Wllllnm Mock:-.C|o\orton. En . one 0! the farmer delegum who vielud 0 o northwub s low can u o Ind has sent out Iovorul pump 0 very ulroblo young lm mlgrnntn. expect: no send out nboub hy or sixty more this in ring. their ages being from fteen to th rty. The llrlh putty 'wH| Irrivo nbnub April lab. 11...; nnl hnmulll-`n nnmnnnv gnd ip will IITWO nbnub April loo. Lloue. Col Domvillda company and Sir Charles Tapper`: company were bout: me- on-tul in gushing umber borbhn In tho Yukon A -u-.........|u.A hum. u nhhmnnhn nub. A olnuooomlttodfrom the Ihhmonupnlr llahod hero of the government`: bargain tor tho Btiokoon. Tealln railway in thnb onntrnoborn Mann and Mackenzie are ho hum n Inonopolv of nll rallwny connections for five years from the Pnolo oonua be the Yukon onumry. Anothor Instance of the Government ! Policy nl hunrltlnm. Lnmmx, Jun. 28 --A majority at the ongmeern have voted in favor of nncopting mu terms of tho employers. The nxnoh gure: hum not ob boon divulged. hm. the proportion In and to be about. `.'5.0()U in favor of none tmco to Il.m)n against uh. Int... M. an Ihnhhnrnl lmulnr. annui- F0!` muuruuy uuu Auuuun_y, nu, but trimmed or untrimmod price, and all goods V bought these days TRIMM I". D FREE. Men's New Ties, 2 for 250. Men's New Collins. 2 for 260. Spocinl Underwear value. Spades! value in Braces. lnvnr nl unuo no u.uuu ngrunun In. John Mor ov. thohhernl lmuier. spank- ing last evening} at. Hthlimr. Soobinnd. amd the propmwi \\ e-L ludm government; was merely a Ii:-uni-ed bnunmy and another in -muco oi the gnverumenn policy 0! "maps and doles to favored clan-mu." lio declared that. ibwnuld he equnlly jnutilinhie no make A urrmt. to rnmufucturuun having to force `A hostile bani!` and axpreu-nod the belief than the scheme would nob prove .\-uoh I merely temporary mu-umro as Joseph Clmmberinin had teproseutod. A -peeiul denpntoh from Shanghai pays the Japnno-0 lieeo ll cruising off the count; of Shun Tuna ' Imperor Mark: III}: Thirty-Revonth Your- nugnr unutorenm. lmmw, Jan. `:3 Tho celebration yen. lorduy of tho birchdny of omuerur Wil- linm. born in Berlin on Jun. '.`7t.h. 1850, was more uonornl mm uaiul. The ubllo and other buildinnn worn decorate with I limp, and hunt: of his majesty were ovary. whom displayed. The emperor received the congratulation: of hia mother. the ox- ompnm Fradorick and tho Oormnn prin- "'a\'m. including the kings oi Saxony mid Wurtombum. Thu newspapers, uxcopm ing the socialist orgnnu. pu blushed conrm mlntory nrticlu. In Hm rnohilhnu vuinrdnv baron Von` mlatory nrmclec. v In the rochmng yum-day baron Von Ttmilmnnmaonromry of the bnuury, mu- nonncod Ihnt an Intornntlnnul nugnr oou- Iorenoo wouId moot lhru weak: hence. . narnuny and Aunt:-Is. he Added. wore In oomplnbo accord. Ind tho govommonu would doiu ubmoon no bomb the august 3 indumy. _` BURIED IN POTTER`! FIELD. ` `ll Clll\`.\u0, Jan 28 --Bdword Ohomntich. hoir no 1.000.000 llorino (8000000). in Budapest. for whom tho polloo huo boon aoorohln tho world nvor for ono oi the holro to t o milliono of Bud: h'o groohooh honhoro. Oholnolich. the o jooh of thoir quuh, ocoupiod o noniotfo coll at tho count onylum horo. nndor hio right nomo. no 7 :1; upor'o numhor oppooito it on ~ tho"h3oho o tho ' i'uin.M.`\ 36!: to; ro- mi north; . y 3 oloo no Oolloronynron nooting him to look lot] "no within bhroo tho hon to Tho dwolling inono hi-mot Doolroyod I! II 'l'n.nrm'. Ont. Jon. 28 - of John Oonol-on. o Oholnotioh. ho loolor oono from Bud ` pooh. __ ___.___` 3 ohm vo nation from horo in tho townohip Loon-Qtouo. 3 otfllhoty Em woo hurnod thio momingz All than who ooineldo with tho vlovo 0! "`" ondoonhontoo ootol looo. loti- pnpl mm. 0,. "3. M 1),. motor! ooo.89.500.inovu-onco onhnown. nus In `rho Unfomul Bolt 0: Ihonuom IID II-nll-an rv~-. _.__._..34 A mm unnsnu Luca no Invthd to war tho Willow I 3*.-.-.3: ._ ~.~v......-2:-ha-:.-:.%.;~......<'~ 3`.`.?`..'5.'2.'..`. ....`."."i.;1..u2'.m"......' nruwwl I `hang nuunm. Duuuvlllo. minnow nrntivo mum. in load. , . ms aunoav cE\.tBRATD. ancamaina ACCEPT TERMS.