Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Jan 1898, p. 1

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` THE DAILY Bkmsn sum, Jun. 2o.-sp.nu. .......a.s. nythucuongtbop-pun vliehhlliuo Ibo oluoopn what A III I his duty, shoving Inor- Ilroxocolion olbioul.-Col. Ru-Z2, `mua..u.p`ot Capt. (_}cn.8lnnoo. vbovhihdlhoximurpnt ulnfinoldqt toptvvuilupuntnngnnnnnd-Eiifollot Q-nm-:-nod-. l on-uuouguu. ~ Donna. On. Jun. 21-30:. Join Ichohuuolthiovi whohd hon illluthunoh yuuulny. s.*.`:..'::.._'*`.2'.':"'*" ovomng. `room Via I urge Iuenuuuu: There will be no lack of work for the logiulnmro so noon to they uoemblo nexo wool and are ready to take up the notions huoineoo of the tension. So hr odvnnood no the dopu-Imoncsl roporu thou the nu- :-iou is likely 10 prove I record-breaker in regard to tho promptouo with which they will be laid before porlinmouh. The budget. .......I. a... LA dnlivnnud -inhin A rank of I'-VlIlIl- -I IVI-sub unu---. Numuu F.\l.L\`. N.\'., Jan. 29--'I`ho largoinoloaod when in Pmopoct put was bound to 0 ground only this mogu- ing. The pavilin run muse! ame: than in In: dineovetod and the eon-I of the remen tocbock than wcnuaolcn. lawn ncnly three boon bofon the Era bumod down. Tho otigin of the tin in lam hm-n Inn in in Ihnunhl Innnr. DII IIOWD. IID Dllzlll Ill un IIII -- {um known but in in thought Innpo. ~ haying in tho plnoqnn responsible for it. Tholou-in ouiunhduh botwecn 825,000 s-"W proaenr. wouia no uulnunuuuiy nuuyusu. Ex-nldeiman Robinson took occasion to remark that. meeting Mr. Hurby on the street. he had asked him if the prenenb momber would accept: the nomination The speaker had boon assured hint. if the nomination was unanimous in would be accepted. 10 could nob have been more 50, said the vemrau The meeting closed with three cheers for the queen. A Month In Which To curry on The Unm- palgn Toaomn. Jan. 29.-lt. has just: been an- nounced that nominations for the election to the lgislnture of Ovnurio will take place February `.l`2ld; elections, Tuooduy, Much lab. Wlll Connuuot in Deep Watt.-I-wuy-Iodno Vlvendl Fund. ` ' O1'T`AW\, Jan 29 -The modua vivondi on tho Atlantic cunt. has been renewed for another your with the United States pend- ing the trade negotiation: which nro going on between Uccawn and Washington. \'nInnn nnnhnnlinnn nr-A still mmaarimr in oewveen Ucouwl unu vvauunuguuu. Yukon npphcntiona are still appearing in the Otholul Gumelbe, one of these for A ohurter to run from Man-h lnlxo on either side of Mulls` canyon And White Home ra- pids. I distance of thirty ve miles. The Lnka Champlain and So. Luvrence $1 and $1.25 Kid moves for 690. $1;and $1._2_5 Gomts for 750. plus, aiamncu OI Lulrty uvv Tuuuu. The Lake Champlain ohip canal company will Ipply all next session of parliament: for incorporation to build a niivignhlo Innorwny from I point. on the Richelieu river or the Cnuuibly canal between the county oi St. John`; and the miiiiicipnlity of Chambly to 3 point. on the 30. Lawrence river. Tim wlllllm Scrnchnn comnnnv. Mon- Heal, la lallng lor Incorpuruuuu. An order-in council ha been passed re- stricting the fees hobo charged by com- missioners appointed to mute inveatigr tion to 810 per diam. . Hm. l).n.-id Mm. Iocmrod on the South 1 non to :10 mom. Hon. lhvid Mulls Iocbnrod Afncan problem in the Y M GA. hull has ovening. There Ina u large nctendsnco Than sill be Will Do mu below plrllllnouli. nun uuugun crack any be dolivorod within a week of t e opening of the house. mt. we 50. Lawrence nvar. The William Smxchnn company. treal. is asking for mcorpontion. An m-rlnr-in mmncil hu been nld l 0' SEE KING INCORPORATION. THE DA TE ANNOUNCED. rumon at Magus Band. I:\,... IV I I-_ 00 Io orient the Ixdcutlon. 1 , an o_-_)_L _..A [munlcb By 3 apaoialVpu};ahaae we have se- ourcd B0 dozen best Kid Gloves, in Lnoing. Hook and Snap Fastenerl. Blacks, all sizes, 0 to 7}. '1 ma, " 6 to 7 . Dark colon " _ 6 to 7 All at 69 per pair. a ,,.u, ,_ 1,; _: .L...... nnlnntlirl (`nr. mews ur nuawnaw. {cuum-znsan "ggnncnnrus. Iwhnt Comes to Us From All Qurtcrso 1 uaanaus FROM THE EARTW8 FOUR QuAn"r:Rs owes. Llttlo lntton `u! lntorool Ivorybodr - Iloton l roInAu Over-~-Lltllo of Ivan- thlng lullv Road and Romonborod by The Don! Public. Gen. Booth addressed A large meeting in Peborboro on Friday nighh. l...mv.I.~l Irina of tho: Ralninnl. has bought. me Ma) nower [or 9-|Uu,uUo. Alexander Cole. Ottawa. was killed bv a train no the Canada Atlantic depot on Fri- ` lo'nIv . `u...--. -. -..- .........._. ..n,, W _ _ da . -~ {Wye engineers agreement. has been sign- ed in London and work WI be resumed on Monday. Jnhn .~u.n|mn. Runner-ford. was nominated Monday. John Stokes, Hungerford, by the conserve mvea of East Haauinga for legu-Iutnve assembly Hm: '1`. L. Johnairon. the laI'R`Bb share- legislative assembly Hon '1`. L. John: on. largaab holder in the Oleveland street railway. has sold out. his inherent. fl"|.- "I`..I|nn nnlnnli u-nnnlnkinn nnnnd in than sold me Inbereau. The Teller anlver roaolution passed in the VUni-ed States senate Fniday -_veu forty- eevemnnya thirty two. u Thnrndnv the man Morton. Ohatbom l'|Il C` UUU PW! IIIIIIO Another lot of those splendid Cor- Ietl, E. J: 'l"s. D. & A's, Orompton's. all worth $1; many regular $1.25 and OL60 in the lot. Your pick 750. in remrboro runny mgnn. Leopold. king of the Belgians. has bought. the Ma) ower for $400,000. Atanmdar Cale. Otmwa. mu-my nwo. On Thursday the man Morton, mwnahip, wu found guilty. of seduction and remanded fon a week to waib sen- canoe. rm... Au...n.. OI-nnlnnl-f. linn ntnnmnr DUIIVU. The Atlantic transport Mobile. while running up struck a barge and sank it. resulted. .. TL- fl.:mu-on l`-iknnn -av: renunea. The Chicago Tribune says the price of conl will be advanced twenty-ve cents IL ton because of miners being given an ad- vnnce of ten cents 3 ton for mining. lhdpnxl Qlnfnn Inn:-AMA` H RII{`k_ 0! ton oenu {on tor mining. United States marshal (3. Buck, whilo arresting two whiskey peddlers nu the In- dian territory, was shot, and wounded and deputies Horse and Bu:-y were killed. Th; WAl|lI\t' llllldll nnwnr IVIIDDIDV GGDULIOI name Inn Duly warn nuusu. The Wollnnd aqueduct. power company has been orgamzed with A capital stock of 824.000 to supply electricity for light. heat and power and water power for manu- fnoturera. mu..._. :. . cunnnnlvlnnh nn Inn}. nmnna Hun Lo'[q-ox.Ju 29.--~h in nnnouoad inn diupstoh!tonPokinthu|'u*Rudnhd ohodchiushnuoglhonno tail in hoturera. There is A movement: on foot. among the Chine:-e born in the Straits sebblomenme, having for its object. the doing away of the wearing of pig tails, the education of wo- men and other reforms. 1 A u..A...... at Montreal nnnml inlnan. and owner rerormr. J. A. Madoro. of Montreal poabnl impec- t,ion branch. has been promoted to the po- eition of aaaisbanb post oice inspector of this diviibh; vice J. E Gorvuis who has retired from the service. In M 11...... vi. nu-Alidnnh nl than we had neon oounu Ina gnggeu nnu can her death Irnein reelity n murder. Diet wuel-rested. uied end acquitted, Alter having been imprisoned needy nine months. He lulu Toronto with his children After receiving the insurance money. In eddihion be has been getting 3 large en- nnity. He relueod to talk. Dick in thirty- live yeen old. Irenlnoefnekfeueld held. I _ an I\._..-:II._ DH! no : Just 800 Qunrea good ruled Letter Paper 80 quire. or 6 quires far I50. INK UKLIA1`-`. till! lU.-'\JvIuL'Iuuu uun Brion. whohuboonhnovnon only not uuckin Alnodcufor tholnsttvootyyun. buuo|donthioItnb|otoW.B rd ingots: to the Klcndyko with . K. nllo, who ntunod from the ' Itythiovinurundhulnnphinglho I-neon Inc`. B!` tllin IN "LIOHI" retired from me IOYVIOO. T. M Paarson. vice preaidenb of the order of railway belegmphera ofthe United States and Canada. has been suspended by the executive committee for conduct. un- becoming Ln oiciul of the ordar. Mm Lnnindn M. Huff. Boston. who becoming omclul ol mo order. Mr: Lucinda M. Hu`. Boston. claimed to hnve cauglib pneumonia in o Roxbury hotel owing to the failure 0! the owner to provide nuicienb how, was on Fridny awarded SL000 by judge Gaekill. A null mnhantinntad reuorh has reached UFO": TIVBT. The parliamentary committee to propose better relations between Norway and Sweden will ooncludeiu labors with in; reaching an agreement. The conv bion maintains that the fundamental `luvs of both kingdoms provide for 3 aeparnbo direction of fomign onira. Anetrolt In line Been lrI~eaud--l.Ivcd In Toronto unoo. I)r.'rx0rr. MIcb.. Jan. 29.--Au-thur Roe (:00 Dick is held by the police here,charged by his thirteeneyear-old daughter Ednh with a serious crime than may send him to itontiary for life. Dick was questioned by Capt. McDonnell andivigorounly de- nied hie dau bur : ch againat. him. Dick formery lived on C"urd street, near Caee avenue. Lanely e moved on Michigan avenue, and open a_ accolad- hand store. not. because he in in need of money, but in oroer to be npied. He in well todo. When arroebod he had 345 on his rson. Heie an elegant dteaeer and nod in his manner. He in of me- dium enature. very blonde. and hie conver- ucion above him to be clever. Some three {em ago when the family was iving in Toronto their home burned down. Mr: Duck wufonnd burned to a crieLi_n her bed. It. wan claimed that -L- L-.a .. |........| ....I ...m-an and thnf. Friduy awarded s|,UUU Dy Juuge uauxu. A well authenticpted report. Seems that the ebeamer Corona. which left there Jan 26th. with passengers for Dven and Slmguny. Alaska, has been sunk. All her pee:-engzern and crew were saved Annlinntinn will be made to parliament All her and crew were uvuu Application will be made to parliament: for an act. to incorporate a company to construct. a railway by steam or electricity or other motive powox, between London anda point in or near Grand Band. on Lake Huron. n........... .0` sh. mmnrlnp nf a Cm-mun Inl- Lake Huron. Became of the murder of a German 301- dier by a Chinese prwnbe at. Kiuo Chou it, is believed the incident, will be the main of further German demands upon China. The German admin! threatens to cake strong metuures. Jul. RAH, r-hinf nnunlal for the Grand m-auvj A warm abBJE\.'l`! cake strong John Bell, chief counsel for Trunk, given notice that an npplioation will be made to parliament. this session for an not no incorpnrnbe the Windsor and De- troit Union bridge company for the pur- pope of oorinbruocing a bridge over the De- troit river. TL- ..--ll--n--:0.-n nnn-unikftn fl! In-nnnln :'J'.'Ez'1'ii{'ia.Ti.3d.' Ts. iii '.;.ua...a the had bound and paged And that I... Jgnih -an in rnnlitv n mnrdar. Dick Nlw Oluxnxs, Jun. 29.-0oIncil|u Bill .;._ _|... L_-L....I.-an-man -nor van. FOR A SERIOUS CRIME. line aooamer ~ the Thames. KY.` Anumgnn DU 1 Human. N u damage T Two letlrvde Aqopted- Qneetlou Consider- ed In Reolproeel splrlt. New Yonx. Jen. 29.-A Wuhington de Ipnboh to v.he`Bun eeye : "The reguletione soon to be ieeued by the tlneury depart- ment in regard to the ehipmenb of Cem- dien good: through United States terri- tory no the Klondy he gold elde are being prepared with green care by ueietanb eecrecery Howell. The new rules will re ecnbe two tnebhode. The ueeeeed du iee may b paid on the oode at the point of entry Into United betel territory ab Bhguey. In this one an certleete will he leaned to shippers and the good: will be inspected en Lake Lindermen. the point of exit. by the United States outcome agent. If the goods ere tound to enewer the de ecription of the invoices the custom: dubiee will be remitted. u1`|.- ..n.-.. ....o.|..\A I. m nmnivn from ' NEW TRANSPORTATION ounzs. Will be remitted. "The other method is to receive from the shipper e bond insuring the payment 0! dutiee if required. A manifest is sent with the goods for the use of the govern- ment agents at point of exit. In one of le- vorable comperieon between menifeet end goode the bond of the shipper Will be cancel- led. Nopertlculerlormofbpnd willberequih ed Aeosletenteecretary Howellhue telleninlo account the complaints which hove come from severe! quer tare. notably the chamber of commerce ol Vencouvenend he believe: that the forthcoming regulations will be acceptable to Cenediene general! . The nezotietione have been made with ue con- eiderstlon of the wiehee of the Canadian eoverniqnt and the intereote ol the two countries have been conliderecl in I re- ciprooiel spirit. umoiiuine Admlu|stered-Kl|led nu roi- mer sweetheart Same Way. Lormon. Jan. `.39 -A Huntingdoushire man ol the name ol Walter Horelord, thirty ileare of age. was arraigned at St. Neote, untingdunshire, today to answer the charge of murdering his cousin Annie Holmes. a young widow. Hursford isa handsome fellow and has long been a local favorite. He was married quite recently but was formerly intimate with Mia. Holmes. Ashort time ago Mrs. Holmes died and was buried in the local church. Alter her burial a letter written to her by Horsford was found in the matrese 0! her bed. The disclosures of the letter led to the exhumation or Mrs. Holmes body and the subsequent examination pointed very strongly to etrychnine poisoning. It is now learned theta former sweetheart ol Horsford. Fannie James. died seven years ago in great agony on the day on which she had received a letter from Hurslord. The body of Miss James was buried with- out queation but her symptom: as now re- called suggest that her death was caused by poisoning and that the poison used waa atrychnine The evidence brought out by the prosecution to-day showed that Here- ford had purchased strychnine upon seve- ral occasions. 299909999990: We have the Latest Style: and the Prettiest Petterns in Wintet Nechvcear 0! all kinds, end at the Lowest Pnce: that a Good Qual- ity and New Style Neckweu can be bought for. a uvmcswon a BM. u: Beoured Judgment WINDSOR, Ohm, Jan. 29 -Judge Home gave judgment. in the Essex obuiiiy court. yesterday in the one of White vs Lyle: et el. Plaiiitiffaued to recover his celery an judge of the noe meeting held in Wind- sor leer. spring. Jud 'mBllD wn_ given for the plaintiff against. ylee for 8350 and cone. and against. Dr. J. O. Reeiime for 8150 and coats of hearing. Lyloe is no present: in New Orleans and the plaintiff will be unable to collect. from him while he remains out. of the counrby. JG IIVTU Z ICI- UIU 1'-cw nr-u- To 0 bnnllvo Bmm -Qnlnluo T-blou All ggngglntn nfund tno gnonoy If it nu. to cure. uvpluruunv n guru; - VAN(`0l VER, B.C.. Jun `.59 --Snndford Fleming tin written a private letter to Vniicouver bitterly complaining of the apo- tliy in Cnniulniregordiiig the Pacic cable ecbeme. lie says he hopes that some power will push the scheme before Canada II! aide-tracked. It in thought Mr. Flem- ing shores the belief of pttinler Read. New South Welee. bhnt if it were not for Cunn- dn the cable would be built and promptly sanctioned by Greet Britain end` All the colonies intoreeted. i Towed lnto Harbor. HALIFAX. N 8.. Jun. 29 --'l`l1e Iteemer Belmorul from London, bound to Phile- vdelphie. in being loved in here by the steamer Welter Raleigh from Ayr. bound to Savannah. G. The two steamers en- tered the buy ehertly that two o'clock, muting their way slowly up the harbor. Obtained Good Demegee. VA\t'uU\'R, B C.. Jen. 29.-'l`. W. Bochloleiy yeeterdey obtained 32.000 dunegee egeimh the British Golumbin electric oolnpeny for the lose 0! hle right Arm, which wu unpnteted an I recall of e trunwey accident. nun u lull. nan-u--uu gu .-.- V-_--. 7 Wxxmrm, Jun. 29--Tho gave '3`!-\`h ormn gnvoa currency home no rt. chub the Grand Trunk railway company are inberoctod in GreonIny a nil- wu scheme and that that company in `Supposed to hnvo purchuod tho Manitoba and Nort.h-Western rsilwsy bondoinuonding to push on to the nach- ing country in Sulutobowsn and ulxi manly to tho cont. 1'on'orc an (`old as Once my _ I__,.-n__ ll-_..... _l\..I-J..- `In!-J-9.. All ClometsudPInIslIers. nuiaunncsun. The 0 `tall. ltxunulon To The Dust. uluvuinin Jan `)1! _-'l`hn anvnrmhonh EBMEED. MURDERED HnsT:3usm. .is the T ie that is S0}-`T, RICH and HA.\'I)SO.\lE. Doplonblo Apathy. ..__. I ) IV 1.... ill) WHIG. /I cifcr 1? `Half Regular Prices Your choice of $l|, $12. $13 UP-TO-DATE IMPURIEIJ JACKEIS, |STWA$TE.A. Du-eon Impomn Drou Good: And Iunlu amen nuns 60.. -34 n'nA.n-_.4__ 1n__.A 0 an. IIIIJLI` Tn hunmo Ul'Dll'l`Alll--IN-II Prlnuu ucrut. Tolophonc nu Open Day sad light _:--:.j_ T P. HARRISON COMPANY Iv...I..o.u... Anrl lmhAImnln. an Ant! III LIIMLI II .| uuaunnng Iaunno Uwlnun AID ll'.luI.ln-1l Prtnoon thus. Oomn Brdonhun shoot `lilo nhnnn `hommnnlontlon Prlnoon mus. Oomn I phono `hommunlontlon _ 5. 8. Coaanrri FUNERAL DIRECTOR. ill PBINOISI IT. K.lnnatnn.Iu(\oouor to W. I. Brennan. L J.` . J.'.l..':..l.I.I'.`L.I.uD\.IJ.`d \J\l.lIl-L"I.LV .5 Undortnlon and Embnlmon. I8! and Ill Prlnoou Street. 'Phnno|:- Wuoroomq. I0. Butdonoo. 91. Opon day and night. III Illla l(.1-:Nzu:m--In Kingston, Al: N! Into roll- donoo. Wndohluno. on Jun. 27th, Wil- liam Kennedy. onglnoor. aged ulxty-one yours. Funeral will leave his late ruldonoo. Wade : lane. Sundn sftornoon It 2:80 o'clock. Friendnm noqunlnunou are respectfully invited to Ittond. MAN T0 "EPR'4S|l`.N I` U4 IN EVERY county in Cnnndn for tho hm. nolllnn Mo. article on I. - market. ; My nommlninn ; no ox rlonna . oeumy;-olln in every houu. A drain the Knn 00.. us Wellington ntnoe. Toronto. --- WANPED4 UPlU(}H'I` AND FAIPHFUL umlomon or louilon to tnvol for ruptur- nib|o eauhd.-mod house In Ontario. Monthly 085.00 and o-pom -. Vnnhlon Rtotdy. Mo- foronne. Enclose self-nddruaud utunpod on mlnpo. The Dominion Compnny, ltopt. L. Chlongo l'I"IlI%I vi lllv VI-1 Invt / v `umnv/u.1.,Jnn. 29.-MiuKn$r. nailing mood: in Roxborougb. orbd to walk to Cormnll. Tho old lady In ovoroomo by the cold And oxhnorl. Her pdy wu found on the road nos: 80. Androw o,froun ENE. Doocuod In shoal nixty the sun of Age. '12`-J-o_1`d1icc'n'E. DC! DI.II\LY- II Thorn an twenty-tlmo hood doliuq c-In in Kin son. And ya Toyo Dolls 10.- 0I|0lon M0 830. rdAy.t.b0|utgoItlIn(|l' bnloryiolo in`0nt.:rio. lib?-RELIABLE HEN IN EVERY L0- onlltmlonnl or tnvolllng ; to lnttodnoo snow dlnoovory. mud keep our show :43 Mohod up on true (anon sud throughout town and oonntn Shady oin- plormont. Oommiulon 0: ulny. on mont-n and upon: and monoydnpoIlt- odln on bunk whens road For putloulon uddnu I Wou.n Inomu. luonlo 00.. hnndnn. Ont. Canndn. A HOUSE T0-LIN`. OORNER OI ELL! AND Dlv'u|on Strut: Pououlun on O. 0 In of Fohrunry N-u furmorly boon mod as (ho- for] Mom and Butcher ~hop Bnqnlro nut door. or Juan Bonn. Button. - (VOOD (I BRAD SIIIVANT. APPLY TO I In. B.)-`nnoul-5011.870 Alfred st nddruu THI WOILD I London. Ont. , - BRICK HUVHE ON QUEEN HTBIFT. WITH modern improvement: : oxumlon I- chen Apply to J. B 0Au|u1'nmu. __._._?_:_.____._____.. A LARGE PURNI `HED (OOH [N CENTRAL locality. modern lmprnvunontl. ptlvth home. No I Brick Tnrruoo. 0 poll It | nul`| Sabbath Rohuol. Ioucnsl N008. _____._:_._.___?..-_. uvuup \Il -_-_ . _v..... _..---._-._. 313 anon Hones. no. In wlnusorox 5- not. near the ark lovolr ooonplod 1 ll:-, Blnhnni Wnldron. lnmrty in III oxro - THE WILIJNGTUN III. Richer-1 Wald:-on. ourty lent order. B-no. xnmlonto. Aopllh WAL- xsu & wu.|u'.M Sohcibon, lllnuton. Boutliitns out an uiiionan with both single and double toolnmwl modern oonvonlonooo. at In Queen TILRPHONI 0. 51.11: Iained Wraps % $2590. Bi` 1-hm Ottawa nnd `Sb. hwronoo nlliyn. `'9 10 mm. - Wuberly wlndo, no and vqry oo'd to-dny and Sunday. ..._________.____.___...... KCOOK APPLY MRS. ~'l`E WAB1` ROBERT- HnN.18u King Street. in the ovonlng ;nlok Horas ON umnm s'rnn'r.w1'1 unnmvomnncn ut- WE ATH ER PROBABILITIII. 4 P. M, I3DITION._ rroun on The '51 lo: ..._....- 1,. run |lx-_If-A` 50 buy the Beat at less than For Ladies, at HENRY BRAME, w_...---.--. A Dunn; ulod Note Paper 3c oulro. $5 EACH WANTED. "Tue. REID, . II-In---A -nn;I "B6Xii5." - All Mllllnerv Halt Drke. - WYEAR. NO. 24. ng may no Book to: Wm B0950 To Pout Thomnolvu In -- . ,.,|_ n u n ..- IL...-u`. this nnvv-v; -_--.. 77., , , _ gvomng. Meotmg of Cnburuqui Bridge Co.. to Mill: & Uunninghsmh oioo on Monday st. 2 p m. Oonntv reform naocintion meet the` `bounty the ` -Hon. A. S. Hardy an the Wine hall. Mon- day gt. 3 0 In. annrll Bvobh and oommluionor Eva day. 10:45 e.m. end :5 p m. At. Home" and piobure euobion,l'eb. 3rd, Queen street Melrhodint church, Come; 100. edmiuion. Rafi-eehmente and programme. n..........+. mumina nl Limanhono Lodze. 3 General B out Booth mt b. anion army bunch. Bun- 10:45 and 3 "At.I-Inmo" picture ndmiuion. nor:-osnmonu nnu prugruuuum. Emergent meeting of Limonbono Lodge. A.O U.W.,Bunday no 1:30 p.m., to so- tond the lunorsl of the lube William Ken- ....-I.. _goweep.,fu1-trimnned, `dip far collar and tho- M np-&o-date. who will make an address the day. . Ratication ii Meeting | !HBn."A:".VAnov, % Monday Ewning, January 31st. 1` 4-uni`. I'\f`II LIBERAL gMPAI0Nx| commnjee MEETINGS` |A/?I`IQ!?f, Pictures. Frames. Mirrors and Room Mouldings, also Oval Frames. Buss Corners, Bow Knots and all the latest novelties used in the art of Picture Framing. NATIONAL COUNCIL OF WOMEN. ls AIIIIIYAI. HIITINH H. T". KIHCL NHIIUNHB vvvnvun. VI uvuug.u. rl ANNUAB IIITING 0!` HI RUM}- ulon lunch on` Ch: Snuonul Ooun. u of Woman vill be hold I . tho Council Chum}... on mxsmv. Dob. Inhbocinnl M 3:30 .13. &ig'[.potCuh,pIn slllliuod sonouu no`-3.430800 bouon. All women ootdhuy II Thug`: nothlng In the wo rld wvu no much `ntuutonl In as 00:! We ntudwd It for tqn 1% ms: sound qua-or to open of Coal bmlnc snd selling it u a science. but thaw what wows ado It. Two Important. db- oovoriu wo no mmlo no that. oompluro utlnfnution to our om!-omou pun but. nnd Ohm the way to win huninou In no dourvo it. - - ~77 -____ AAAAAAAA I - - _ - I|-STABI;IBHED 1874- I59 pnmcess st. - KINGSTON. I The Musical Event of me Season. ruuaw-`-.`_--.__-. - __. --_ Oak Iunuo. Bod. Ixtomlon hblo. Bodrooln acts. 11 euro Pinon. Both. stsndn, Dragon udrn soonnry. main Chain and o~hu nunlu at the vacant non --on to (non uoluonn WIUNIRMMY. lob Ind. an. :1 lo o`olook. Torynu ugh; __ i lion 0! 0| unvllotl cmLnsns' onuacu; imiav, ms. 7th. AKE NUHUIS `nun l Nl|l'Ll\ Ann nu- thorny .-f In Auk ro-poohn Lions: 0! Nov lmuim Wnlo linrnoru and m nan. that- vtill ha nol1`lhy.luhn ' . Illllu, Auction-oer. at number uvom{Ulmrry Strut. In than any 0' hing-tun -u T 'I:mAY. tho am of If. brmu-y. mnlmo` M two o'ulrwk I`. II. U.o Sun-u . atom! Buggy. In untidy Ibo d M. M the do - nus dun by reclv not tied win $0 mo. respons- Roam! Buggy, untidy the :1 M. ox nvo aun- lnln by lug 'ho Mme. Dated mh Jnnuan. A h ya :2. _ _ _ _ __ Mt; Band Saturday Mt-rnoon. HOOKIY HATCH (Soniot Sovlos)-R. I. C. OADIT1 vs. QUEl!`.N`R. Hnturdny Kvonina. Admission 150. Tioht huldou free. 0 H. HATCH. Ant. Soc`)-. \;l'\rIlJ \Il' Iulruuvutur RECEIVED |~`Ii0l THE BRIFIRH AIRB- lou Auunneo Uompany. var W. H und- vun.Aont.. tho mm of Mao Hundred and Sn-onty-el 0 Dolmn u:.'s\ in full for my loss of Nth Jnnuuy. 18:18. which dosorvu my thunk: 030. F- A. HORNE. Ilngston. Jan. mu. ma __._-?-._.?__.. W11) EMEIIOENT MEEIING A. 0. U. W [HI BRBIHBIN 0! LHIISIONB LODGE. no III, no muunonod to run! In the Lodge Room on so do: slur-oon at 1:31 o'clock sharp to otter.-1 tho fnnonl of our [mo Bro. Wm. lulmody. By order. 3.3. I-(CAI uo:.`&.b, w.H oonwm. I. Workman. Iaootdot. AUCTION SALE OF FUR-`I I URB. I -LA b_;___ __ ll\_LI- n_a_____ l(.lIlu\\|\1.; - AT 8 P.l'1. ADMISSION 15 CENTS. - -.__ I __ I3--- |.|.. Agvnnnnn K1ngs_10n_ _ovcrcd kink. :-::?-: hon lcu 0F SALE. AXE NOTICE THAT PNIIER THE AU~ Ilnr lnmim. linrnoru '|'o I-on Tlulnuuvuu Irv Hockey mntch R. M.O. va. Queen`: this nyAlnn_ LIBERAL RALLY J u- . 8 O'C LC) CK. RECEPTION OF ..-.. an IIll\I\\l l'\l'|Cl `7 Bhlh LAUNDRY SOAP FOR l0c.| WANTED. 1'"'-'93.`. max; ....'- 15-doe TUESDAY-Cataraqu! Ward. WEDNESDAY -Frontenno Ward. TB URBDAY-mdeau Ward. FRXDAY-V1ctor1a. Ward. 8 p m. -_:.-:_ WIUNRSUIY. lbh Ind Bah cl Toruu rush. - JOBN ll. :1: u I -nu nun.-..v.v.. __, -_..-_- l"ullpro.rnm1nolu!or limp this due opcm ._.__.___:.:._______. IRS TWINING. Soprano HR`. HELL INN, \1rmt.rm\l, *`o fmlto - Ill, ROLAND PAI L. Monuanl. Tonov . MARSH M414 Wll.lalA\(.V`. Iuutnll. Bun. I03:-1. Amuumvx. Lls.u0l-"lI.|((`:.I{\l}lKh.: ``- . | V R. uA1u'n'.} "" .-n n n as .nuIca.nnAl an tI!m'I"( 3 In ` J0 ~I`.'l H 8.1 (`R I.` D ('0.V'(`E R T, Hall-Golan Llon Block. KIRKPATRICWS --Iz--q--.., , -' Our apeonal Laundry Soap- Another 1000 Bar Lot for Saturday. Toilet Soap Oaatile Boap. 2 for 60. Madame Ray : Complexion Soap, 80 bar. Fine Tar Soap. 8 for 100. LOOALMEMORANDA. CARD OF THAN KS nunun L-nnu 'l`IlD nulrtll I Opera House. --AN`D-- nun (`I131 MILLS. Auctioneer. -KPH PETERS. PREMIER, u on tho issues of WAS snf MEEIINE. For Saturday and Monday, any but trimmed or nuttimmed at half price. and all goods bought these do. 3 TRIMMED FltEIt`.. en's New Ties, 2 for 250. Men's New Collars, 2 for 250. Special Underwear value. Special value in Braces. |WHs__n_un|nmIs.| Unanimously ,(he Choic '01 the` Lib: . NOMINATION TO BE RATIFIED ON MONDAY NIGHT. Ell Work lnloglud By Ill: I :-land:-- Llbornll Wlll Bully Around tho old Innndnrd nud Itotnrn Their unnaIdnto- Tho Numlnnunn Indonod By Rumor- onu sponlell. Unlnlmiby of purpose and opinion charaobenzed lash night/s epocial meeting -4 oh- Ru."-unnn Iuhnrnl nnnnnintnon for I characterized last night : IPOCIBI ineuuug of the Kingston liberal association nomiiietion of a candidate for the ap- proaching campaign in Ontario. Despite many counter uttraciions there was ii large turnout of eympathizsra with good overnment, the Wino hall being well lied. President Pence said that the an- rociation adjourned two weeks ago for this nominating meeting, and had since been promised a. visit from premier Hardy. This special meeting. `therefore, precedes the public gatlieriiig of Monday night, which would be one of ratication. He wee condent that the liberals were of one opinion regarding the choice of candidate. After eolong a rest -- .. ........ ...A .. half lmm im elec- of candidate. Amer so mug a lean as A year and A half lrom an elec- tion--unusursl for Kingt-1bon-the par- ty workers would be a liable many. but after Monday all would throw them- aelveainbo the ght and`-`bhow chat: the liberals would win again. Alderman Mc- KeIvey,ex-preaident, wuinvitod to take the chair. He called for nominations. HA- .3... A... mhn Huh nmninnbod Mr. chair. He called tor nominations. As the one who tirst nominated Harty in Kingston and has had pride in supporting him throughout his successful career. said president Pense. I think. now that his health is indifferent, I should be the rst to move his `re nomina- tion, and I do so with the greatest pleasure. I have been able from man visits to and lrequent correspondence with the Toronto administration to assure everybody that no person could do more for the city of Kingston and its citizens individually than did Mr. Hart)`. His health during the past few years hits not enabled him to be as u-eful as he would have wished to the constituency or the government of which he is such an honored member. He does not enter the present contest for his personal good. We are ashimz him to stand in the breach at the risk of his health The government do not wish to lose his servicev. I lmowit is at their request and underour pressure that he will accept the nomination we are tendering to-night. I donot know of any member sit ting in the cabinet we would renounce for the sake of mere change We are going to do our utmost to return our present mem her. that he may continue in the honorihle position he has lled so long with credit to himself and benet to the city. His health is somewhat impaired. but I trust that when he is again returned, as 1 am sure he will be il he accepts the noiuiiiation. that he will take a trip away which will result in restoring his health to its old-time vigor and that soon we will find him the same old vigorous William Harty we used to value so highly in King:-ton." Mnunr Invimniton seconded the nomi- um nuy." 9 I-alderman W. Robinson. tho veteran of the luhonl pu-by in Kingston. had nob inuondod umndin the moat.- nng, but no the oovonmh hour ho found it impon-iblo to any sway. Ho ondol-nod Mr. Barty : nomina- tion. Whoa tho speaker Ill muting hit maiden speech on the llbofll putty : candi- date for the Ontuio house. bwomy eight years ngo, in us: the omilung counhonsnco of William Barty in the nuduonoo Mr. Barty pollod bus first won for the openin- andovorninoothonhohuboon an active politician in tbohbenlporufn bolnlf. The nnnnhnr nnindod his honor: than through poliuclen In we nneruperny u ueuuu. u-u epeeker Ieuioded chm h hie election ee e repteeeuteeive to local home the oouenrnuve overnnene wee turned one end ever since liberal: have been in power. Every libel-el in the oily ehonld turn out to help return It. I Run to upped the hen government Oa- F hm eve:-known. He did not intend ..s. an nail in tho manna. /_u17ar&co] CHO IVS ! In uv Inn: uvv -us...`- bk Iotivo in tho onnpugu, but 0 that nnolnuon and hnoululoogwiththoruoand work tor I.hpuIy'nonndidI\o. "W0 have I good uunhclcrlingotolnundvonnjoing to value highly mug:-ion. Mayor Livingston iiecondd niition. being of the pre~ideiiL'e opin- ion, thnt Hon. William lluriy would be returned. Not being nhluto go into the light no vigorously la in the put wee ii good reason why all hie friends here would turn out and work all the border for bin election. He knew they would do this. both for Mr. Hurty'o iinlre end for the support of premier Hardy : government The governrnent weiits'Mr. I-{my hack again, end it is to the interest 0! both the city and the province that Mr Hui-ty should be returned. The epeelier knew the liberele of Kingston would be true to their principlee, und if neceesery would tight herder in thie campaign then ever before and their ellorte would beeure to bring eucoeoe. ul .......miu nu lulln in nnnnrd with the bring I certainly are lull in accord with the nomination of Mr arty." eaid B. M. Britten. Q C., M 1'. Nothing would please me more. personally, than (.0 have him accept the nomination. Al- though he may not be able to do as much as he would if in perfect health. yet when he lacks will he lully lledin by the re- lormero of Kingston. If the name enthusi- um and determination as manifested here tonight is evinced throughout the cam- paign. I feel assured of Mr. H-irty'e return. and that we have nothing to fear. What can Kingetoniane gain by the defeat of the Ontario government? Certainly nothing. If that government in to he sustained. aa weell believe it will. it is something for no in Kinmton to have as our re!>recenta- tive a member 0! the cabinet. ut your ehouldere to the wheel to help along the eai`}nign and to return Mr. Harty tri- ntly." mnldnrlnan W. Robinson. KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, JANUARY 29, 1898. - I liberal ranks. but all stood shoulder to shoulder and everybody knows what the ` result will be. The speaker was proud bo look forward to the return of Mr. Ilarty. It would be a gracelul ace or the part of the conservatives to allow Mr llarty cg be returned by aoclamation, but, however. the liberals enthusiastically stand to- gether and their eor-`ls will brin success. On Monday night next premier only will be told that the people of Ontario will - stand to him on the occasion of his rst appeal to them. as they stood by Sir Oliver Mowat for upwards of twenty-six years. .1 M Farrell endorsed Mr. Barty`! Mowat for upwards 0| twenty-six years. J. M, Farrell endorsed Mr. _ Barty : nomination on behall of the younglibersls. When the time came they would be found prepared and ready for the thick of the light. Mr, Herty had repeatedly thanked the young liberals for the part they took in his last election. They had attended to that very necesaary work. the registra- tion of voters and they pei formed the duties successfully. They had again un- dertaken the same work and would be as energetic in it. Kingston would gain nothing by defeating Mr. Barty The gov- ernment liae treated Kingston liberally in the matter of the dairy school, school of mines and other institutions. and even went so far as to amend the general not so as to oblige it in the matter of the recently passed bonus by laws. He urged the young men to turn out and work. Alderman McKe|vev exores:-ed himself in In behan. Mr. Hart.y's name was put: before the meeting the response being unanimous. I standing vote being taken. Three cheers `end a rousing hi er greeted the result. While on their eat`. those present: also favored Mr. Britbon wivh 3 like salute. VIVI... ..-..-:.I....s~ ..mm....mA nut. :11 Mnn. [0 buff) OUD &l|(l WOIK. Alderman McKe|voy exprea:-ed on being fully in accord with all than had been and in behall of Mr. Hurcy Upon the nonunion of vim; of 1919 :-Lions from this 0| my be was always on hm to assist. in ad van- cing Kingston : interests. In would be 8 great; misfortune for Kinggton if Mr. Hat-Ly was not returned. It was the duty of every citizen to support. him and the bent`. gov- ernment. Ontario bus ever bod. Ontario bun pronpered. it. is the banner province of the dominion, because the men an the head of its government have been honest workers in its behalf. In. u.......I. ........ ...... nu.` I-mfm-n Hm favored Mr. button with nae salute. The president announced that at Mon- day night : rally the nomination would be formally tendered Mr. Barty and ratied Mr. Hardy would be tendered an address and was expected to speak for an hour and a hall. The young liberals had under- taken the decoration of the opera house. Flags and hunting had been spoken for but assistance in placing the same was re- quired. Many viaitors would be present. as Mr. Hardy wanted all the liberal can- didates in the east to be in attendance The speaker was assured that at least three or four would be on hand. The ser- vices of the Laurier quartette of Toronto had been tendered and accepted. so that the musical rtion of the meeting would be up to t etop notch. Liberals were invited to attend early and bring the ladies. The opera house will be nicely heated. Hefolt euro the record of the government which Mr. Hardy would pre- sent would be most satisfactory, and the reaolution of condence it waa intended to preeent would he unanimously adopted. lc`.x.aldaiman Robinson V" Fof Two Days. snmanav &MNl]AY

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