Ill I109 MIIVIIIG |I'0 W0l'II- Owen Keenan and Andrew MoNnlly have returned no Hm1ch | Fall: from the Crow`: Nun Pun construction. Hahn:-h Vlnlunll - rllulnltu nintlnnf. ah pulnlilll I?0'IUl'l'l'UW HUI!` DUIIIVIIIU. U A. Wrlghb ha, been ulootad chir- msn ohho county property committee Ind J. Damon for the commlbteo on nnnoo. Jam... lhmh... n.......|. D... an... -4. UITIW I AVOID VIII ODHIUYHEDIUH. Roborb Young. A divinity Ibudenb at Queen's, lelu no noon to-dny to all An up- polntmonta oo-morrrow near Bollovillo. H A. Wrlahn hnn hnnn nlnntnd vhnir. I III' on ulnuruny. amen Rothwoll, Lanark bownuhlp. whllo hauling wood to Carleton Place on Mon- day. had his log broken. (homo ovnolrln. Wllllamnlla. lnavoa any. bad Mn log brokon. Goorgo Roynoldu, Wllllumnllo. luvoa {or Onhuu to-mgbb to nooopt`. 3 poalblon in the Molville Iron workl. ha...` I(........ ...A A..A..- Ilnkfnlln IIIIIID Dy OIIC Ull- Alonndor hlto. I mlll omplo on In Almontc. hnd his hand terribly orul ed in I our on Saturday. .-.4. Dank.--II lg...-L nu-n-Lin mkllg mat. Mnurlco Tnlno. Wueporo, an-lvod In the olb yoltordny Io take a count In who (Is ry Ichool. Ilsa fvnlnnnnll - `Jul:-an rllnol Al-. lI|Dn|'li|l' IIIIIIII. Vanity will robin from the hookoy round. being doinood by Oogoode int. night by one oal. Alnnndnr him. n mill amnlavm in usury Iunool. Mu. O'Dlonnoll.' Ronfrow. died at l'Hotal Dlou thin morning altar 3 (our month Illnou. I7--alt-n -III git.` l-pun kl`; |u\nLA-u -lBI II-IIIUIUIJ launch nu 1-fvrltwuil And tho Io: Id : own Inna `In no Onnsdhn Prou My mum nu nnduvo discount. HI I: too And concern by So. Paul : Iadiu Tu my. Fob. Hob. 25. It. In: J. L. Pam who an nhslrmnn of summon :--wu, m Boouo wo has boon oarolul to buy only dairy fad young hoga. `They IN cured and noted Uh. - A;._-I4 II... \P... ...III .....I..... Dni ulyoocx mowing III mlglnnurn. Hon. A. S. Hardy will on Mondsv be aha gnu: of hi! mm. Mrs. Briggs. King IWCIC. ll..--lug Tn`-an W..o...-n. nnnlunnl In th- AND THE NEWS TOLD IN ldRlEF } FASHION. `nu Von `flame hon am And continent -Tho Ontlnnd Luau In lopol-ton Ann oh- -llnIlI'I In-I -IIQ` in an; Tuualy. III). FWD. `00: II no J. L. Pops who wu ohslnnon of tho Hayoock muting at Eilglnburg. I1nn.A. H Hnniv will on Mnndnv ha SNIPPEDA BY THE SCISSOKS. IDCUDOOIO ("TIC `CHI. Igblgn Ihllunochn. an hm? wane, SATURDAY. Java! 29, mag. W'i"r|y"';':a\Inph Hun. You will ondom our Ilnononb u to their nupcrlorlty. out. Bolton. -vii` Ill It! Ian. A.` Ihnmon loud. Tu annual Wouhuuk scuuud-lle 4&1 unououo Ihu both: and no Cjnb nu Eu-main-nan In W nu Iuuuoun nryul. DIIIII nay. I-Ieouou III woll and luonbly known in thin ac- tion. lnvlutiouo no out for tho voddiug at I prominoot oouplo of our vil Willhu Landon In tubing I oonno in Kingston dairy ocbool. In, B. A. Wot not. Bolton. no inntovin my nlowlv. rv on -uvv-`u u-1-u xlullii Wobuuoo 5 ha .;':'J{u'Ji homo. In. Powell non. Walter. Broctvillo. opens Sunday and Bundny M. W. l.\tl|noI"I. ll`. . Inc! can any in his the Monaco! II. `All. In RI-Inn. RAIN` I, Ilnnunnal SIIIIIIIJ IIIII Dun If Vxs I\5IT"`. '1': 3: friend. ol tho Isa.) n Brynn. Sand y. [hound III II And hvmnblv known in thin om. hut or Lnodowno Noun. l`nu.\"r or LAn.~umw.\' , Jon. `:5 -8omo trouhlo hon orioon ovor tho oloctlon in which Dull` lmtimor And l`u`rmunCl~ooo voro oppononu. Tho forvnor no olootod with a majority oi oovon. but at tho timo of hlo nomiumon ho woo uooooor, thus dl.-qnolif lug him u o momhor at tho coun- oil. Ho Id roolgnod tho ohovo ollloo. huh hlo roslgnotlon had nob boon occoplod by tho council. Ho ho: olnco ronignod has not In tsho council, and it in prohohlo that llrnon Crooo will mill! and nvo tho or rho of onothor olootlon. Mm hllunlo o0u|lo ntumod IMDAIIA noun Inna: II:-nnLuiI|g --.._A `.3 ` A lleeolutlnu Adopted To Inataln I(Itm\|Ian- -l`o|loI iley Ilo \ ullul. l.n.\`lm.\', Jan. `. l.~~T|io church of Sn Hulbertua. Biehopagato. this city. in now the locus of n nremoudoua content among the pariahionere owing to the rmulintiu ohoorvninoce them. The vicur. who in on old mm. liven at Hastings and ho appointed a curate. who introduced holy water, the confereional. the etationa of the onus. inconeo. oto Some of the ptriohionun objootul to this and a meeting on 'l`hureday night at the church was turuod into "a ritualietio beer garden." The malcontonte hovlod. ornhangod cpithote and goetioulatod for two hours. declaring "the church was being need for a dirty oonfoaaional and tor deheuching. "sooundrele." liai-a." drunharde." won among the choice epitheta exchanged. Eventually a rooolntion wan adopted nup- porting riuutlium. hut the fight will be continued and the police will he oallod in on the nextoccaaion. [IIIIIAIUFIII IR lIl|U\l|a `I ll`Ula- IIIU l\lIl|U ll4Hl'I| ` In swtluu ulmpml. la hmhuu wide. and wolghu I in pumuln xvlth Hm wvluht. whlnh uurmnunlru N. In an vxwullnuu It. falls ubom four fuvt, In twurlhlnht uf u socoml. lllllllll-lll Ill` l`l|l`l|_Vu Thom In lmt. um;,:u|llnHnu In Franco. and In In lumml umuml from place to p|mmma_lr- In nmlml. It In nvoryuuly lmklng nuwhlnu mud mat 03,000. It, (him; not. luuk nnllko an old fuahlunml Fmnklln prlmhm puma. Thu mo ll|n'lghtI In which tlm knlru runs nm as little uvur 10 foot high. and mu grontuut. wlm.h of tho plutfurlu In ulmut.-I from. Thu knlfu itself in \\'mlun ulxnnml IN Ilmhnu \\-hln nnul `rhoro In Only one. and It 1: Not In (Iron liolnuul. France In to have u now ololnl oxooutInn- nr bufuru tho In-nInnIng of tho yum`. Tho ]ll`t`lIOIIt M. do l`nrIu. l.ouIn l)oIb|or, IuII9 _vonrnnI(I and ham boon In hnrnosn for 85 yomm. Tho job In worth 01,200 In your and * ponmlnltm. uml upon ruunmmnt. them In un mmulty of 0200. In those days lhu Imml bolmnmng of n nmn IIuuun't. hnppun oftun. The on-Imo must. [)0 wry ntmoluun In hrlnu tho penul- I_\'. lwvmmn thv Fm-vwh lawn nmwundmnm Iy lunIc~nL In mntlm-a q'uu(wrlIlII|{ the will- Imz uI_ III_nu(l. Thu l`l`(`UI`d.\` of MI lm trlul courts of I"rmu>u for mu IMI. uIx yumm- lhnl. In. nlnvu thv nppllontlun of mo much IHIIIVIINPWII Iiurumn-r Iuw--nhnw llmu whun as man uummlt-u numlur hln vlmm-on of Im- Ing gulllutllmd for It um uhuut. 1 In 18. II lhu llHlI`Ill' In o:nnmIt.u~(I In hut; blood. he rnrvly gm: mom I-hun Ilvu ur slx ymrn In prluun, and It It. lm pmnmllmuxl he utnmln th|`1\0(\IIl\lI(K`unf clopurmblun to one of on-outlmx. For Hunt runnun whvn the nunu-nco of dumb In pxmumlwml thu Fnnwlx nownpnperu prlnt. the hut. In Int blnok typo Imllcnt-Inu Its rm-Ity. 'I`hnn~n In Inn nnnun|HnHnn In wrnnnn THOS. 11. JOHNS, Iln IIIINOIII nrnnmm In wxmncun wmcmcnr I nmuuwwo am an- hand and cnuuo my goal to be ullixod, on thin bwanby-lbh dny of January in the your of our Lord one thousand. eight; hun- dred and ninety-eight. (`.|um.n.u A. JFARHMEA uruu Illu llIllllIy'UlIIUDo Cnunmcs A. Jmmmn. Up to the time of our going to prou `LO pontoon are still mining and probably olwuyn will be. UIIl'I.uUUI|lU, uuarmlnu Illu lUl'UUI'|-lllll IIHIU out of 111%. goods. warn. merohnndiu. ohuttolu. longlnga. babe. home: and lnndu. oither personal, real or imngimry. cbnll be no undo the sum of 851) in oilver. `to be paid to any ruon. either white, black or colfoo ooloro , who nbnll bring to junulno bhln olfeuder ngalnao luv and order. In \l`lFI|k'Iuu uvnuu.u.n- I nuwuuuvuuwu. nu-r \I\- Cf! VIHUUIIW WIII. On Thuuday alto:-noon of loot week 0. A. Jerome purohaaod ol"Uchaio Aubertinv. cl ltoeioro. one and one-hall buohelo 0! potatoes. The when were placed tempo- rarily in tho etorin houao ol the hotel. Mr. Joromo wan unuaually buoy all tho altornoon and darhnooe began to hover over the earth boloro it came to hie mind that the bag of potatoeo had not boon taken to the collar. On reaching the storm home he one horried to find that name llond had 0 nod the bag and taken one- hall buoho . Mr. Jerome immediately mado known hie lose and every effort waa utlorth to reclaim the atolon potatoea. no without oucoeu. Accordingly Mr. Jerome mado up his mind to olfer a reward lor the return ol the name and ioouod the lollowina hand-bill. I60 nnwmioS-rnommgariox. Onorabout the 20th day of January. H198, there was token, removed. abducted. purlolnod. coaxed or etolen iron: the door- way. otorm-houae. porch or cntrance to my caotlo. domicile. abode,` habitation, ap- partmonte. reoidenco. inn, hotel. restau- rant. cale or simple roorne. one-hall bueliol ol the Burbank. Early Rooe. Late Role. White Ele hant. Merino, Fluke. Ualilornia.Nlgger oo.Aubertino e l`irotand Boot, or any othnr old variety of potatoes: that with malice and a deoiro to rob me ol the auotenancc oi lilo; the guilty party did enter upon my premleee and wantonly convert to hie own me. or the nee ol othero, raid potatooe; that said act has cauoed me umleoouary anxiety. looa ol eloop. cold eweislia. nervouonooe. want ol appetite. pain in the back, eldo and cheat. dlmineoa. and other diaeaooo. l'R(i(`l.AMA'I'l0N. Therolore. be it known to all men, wo- men and children by thete preeento.that 1. Uharloa A Jerome. the eubncrlber to this lnntru_m_ont..d9 now tlooroe, ordain, de- olare.decide,determino and lo:-eordaiu that nut nf mu nnluh umrnn mnrnhnnrlinn I THE FRENCH GUILLOTINE. I'll" Om: Vlnoono hale. n. Ilu...--A-.. - n-. Amount olond for the known of the Potntou-I. (I--.. |H....-..L I--| ,, IOKIQQC Ottholanu nlllnn Ilnnghl TREM: NDUUS CUNTEBT. COOL Au M01511 EIWAIO OFFIIIID. .\\lIh'I`|.\'. JIl\ '-KI'.'-IX UWCII,`IVI ploytuandohnboldonofthoonluio pun puny; hlohbouuodoh H nah. 1:! anti! IIIUIUIIIIVNII XIWKII IFIDW Ill RIIUII Britain no olaodrimnp lo:-u-do 3 crisis. The Nip: nogotiuuom in Pan`: have not naohcd tn ugnouonb. and than an no sign 0! than doing to. In the nuntimo ovotyshi ` in nod: to an the-question out o! tho dool diplomnto and have R to is could by tho budge! uolditro. III 'I'I\" IIIUUIIUU F0 WU; III III -0110. tho` ptuono oxoiublo unto of the nation and duty condition of tho` minlotry. oomouhmg win likely to` occur to dmurb I-Iuropoan puml The nlnlom bwnou Franco and (Iron D.lA_l._ .-4 -I.. J.klLl-up n.s-.-4I- - --{AK- In A nnnprou Penman. l.uxm.\'. Jon. `.`9.-- The situation in I-`nnoo. In tho mind 0! I`O"-iIlIf0|`|IIOd r~ none. in: [raw monnoo to pact. an In tho manna uninhla nun of tho IIIIU `I0-l_IUlI Illll DIIC l'C|IBlUl|IInU. WII for the purpoee of explaining that the emperor \Villinm`a mulled at." speech was new intended as I warning for 0 rent Britain. The been of the prince at Wulen. ya the erticle. borllod prlnne Henry`: frantic effort during his Inyeoerioun vieib to London to deliver A similar pezrouel menege to hie royal high- nell. although prince Henry ureued the prince of Wnlee even toe prvece box at thetheetre. What Illa Ilnlon Wu. l4o.\'mx, Jun. `J9.--.-\v\ Anonymous arti- olo in the (`nntompornrv Review nuoru slut. the View of srinoo llonry. of Prussia. to Oshmno. whio outward bound with she odon md the lloutaohland, was \'l\I` Eh nnrnnnn nl Avnlninlnn that BIND IO!" lllllui RKIIIIIII ID. VGTNVDQHU. The name of Juline Scriver I mentioned (or the liencenent governorehip of the northweet territorlu. now veoenb through the inability of the novernmenb to eppoinb ` e anceeoeor to Mr. Meehnweh. FETlll_R IVUVUUIUUIR Ammo Stewnrt. whole oontrnoh for. tho Soulnngu canal work wan taken away from him by tho deputtnono of rnllwuyu and cmuln name few month: luck. will outer I null for dnmngou walnut: the government. Thu nnmn nf Juli: Rn:-hmo mnnminnnrl New York Irlehery League In 0oInmnn\oa- tlon mm the (internment. 01"r.u\ A. Jan. `. !I.--'I`he New York shery protection loaguo ban written the sherie- -ieparcmont. enkin that Canada on-operate an protecting tho an eheriee along the boundary between Canada and than abate. Ab resent: the Canadian law rmitn of lh n[; all winter, and it in hair unk. far more money in mnde of in to than -maeon than M any other. The American regula- Mnn nrnhibite the catching of base alter November. a....s.... an-......a ...|..... ......a..-..a t-- AL- Alov oluolioo Qua. Onxmx. Oat. Jun U`--William Duh- ..s.A ans. .1... .n...n. ....n.. nu uurvvIrnlI"" axccpu uy unulu wnmn uuua tho hoapiul. TO PROTEOTVBASS FISHERIES. Good loath loco hoplo. Jun. 3i|.-'l`ho wont)-In nnlnvoan uni nhuvnhnklnn of tho Onhrh HIE fllll IOU. Fire broke out in the olinio depertment ol Notre lemme hospital thin morning and before in wee extinguiehed hed done near`- Iy $l,U.UUOdunngo- There wee consider- able excitement union the 260 etiente but thueoin the vioin by of the urning wing were quickly removed end with little '--Mmfn" nxcept by smoke which lled hhn Imanihnl. En"! pIIlUlIK'l'Ia Mu. Loni: (iuerln in at the Name Dame honpitnl uutfuring from tho olfocu of cyan- ide of potassium, ukon with the delibouwo purpooo of ondin hgr life. Tho don wu unpro rly min Ind who wornnn will nob die. `wo hours reviouuly aha was :11- vontod by her hungund from taking 3 on n! plria green. Domenic trouble caused me rub not. In... L-..|.- ....n x.. 41.- -n..:- .a-_-._.__-__. lUl"I- Word was racaivod by tho Canadian Pacific railway puaon or do rbmanb to- day oonvo ing the in ormat. on that the ntaamora orna and Coqultlain have been wracked on the Northern Pacic coat. The former ia a large vaaaol belonging to tho Pacic coaah company and carrying `JII5 pauonuora. Mn. Lmiin hnnrln in Al. Hm Nnhm hung Two ltoamere Wrecked on the North Paol- llo cont--lttempted luloltlo-llre In None Dune lloepltal. MONTREAL, Jen. `29.-(}. A. Roberta. auuteno manager 0! the Guardian aneur- woe company. in under eurvelllanoe In New York. He in wanted In Montreal on the charge of forging eiqnaturee to claim: on hie company. A Montreel detective loontod hgxn at a well-known hotel in New York. IS WANTED FOR FORCERH T&B HE IS NOW UNDER SURVEIL- LANCE AT NEW YORK. IUUCI lU\. ll]... wear and color of our Black Silks. We can fully recommend the` If you are anxious of obtaining a` bargain do not fail to see the values we are showing in EVERLASTING FOR WEAR. Failles, Surahs, Brocades. Satins. urnmaupma. Us.A. 1m; OAnsdu.)7Ii; sydnoy. Aubtrnlls. 1511; 176} 5r'::'oall.ndIol.l!1; Ohlouo. U.1A..uIna; And Sun on- n'No 0th 1- Malt Bounce: on thin continent have rooolvod nnoh unln- V out touumonh n. Brewery at London. Canada. J4ml:sMnpAnLA~n .. mnm-z-run Thou oodn no made only from choice Bnlo Ilnlt. tho bub lions and pnroprtnu Mar. The; have bun analyudln C. no 00.10: by (on: of o sblut chemists and mum bun prononnnod remarkably round." `'1 or! nound."o!do1foIoun flavor and out-u-Ior qumy." Phnlohmo throng on Oannrln recommend Mum ln_thelrKraL-Hue In rufumco to arm! bnndl TIM! 001.0, SILVER AND Inll IDALI and Twelve Diplomas huvo been nwudod this Mo and I-Jtout at the Gun World : Ixhlbmom vim M Philadelphia. UB.A. 0nnsdu.1a`m; Auntrnllb. 1311; orig. 3:91:03 1873; JImw?g;m'Q%:ul1dI0l.l!1; on-V` ol|oo._ n_l_lfor_x_:ln. ALE?35_S"TbUT. 4 tho ` Rhoutn Ouluio Invoboonholdon h llnulnn anklv IIAIAK IJIL IIl?I. R V i-.':.*~:-.':-.:.:*.r..'::~;-.=:- *' M `---*-'~'- as--h -:..;~ - .. . yuthunndthoohupoouln vlththo `sou. " Ilsa. Bu ing taunt-.-.mnIocouh. um howpodoil. " No by Bnwn Old Built. C7. 33. I8 50 and 310. N00 ! Work PIIII. .3. N 75. Cl 05. `I w, .I 28, .1. Strong .- .OI50.N. I3 . 2.? .$,':.;.":3:!:.`..!.......; ' '"`* VH. D. BIBBY% GO., _ -1 ;l?l\lI`_ CTDIPDT IIIl)I!EC`\l I The Cheapest Kind of Goodnoss is Here, Prices Greatly Reduced. - QCII \lUI:U--u wuruudvvwut '50. ' E3-'-.,'-*.....-'~ '...*':,.:.." 3.-.:.+"`..:':..." w...a...m nu ;:`n.hinn shout Ila anoint 0! win I ` Ovcoulgunylinivu pu. .. W?d.on`t my anything shoal :3 rdluolou. but no 5. .-._ .1-pica UIIIII. U0uI|0U~ N. N W. 05. 13.0). no soy : awn Suits Iowa am. Mon`! king Shunt. 8|. 750.-500. 45. Nu`: Buns. cu-on: EIIINO ME. -300. 359.1% and I00. Ion`: lino Truman. for mu`. M50. 38 and sun. Iluvuooluod 8Nl'U,`J ud -pmuo-n Auywutoycuguag nu, -nnhn?&u '_,`:_. BLBRATED .._._;_\._..._..... Ila Ioloduio Annual Dnvingo Mn boon nude in oonnocubon Illh Ihilmn Ill ILA (`laud fhnAdA ; DRAWERS, JUHN lA|lAW& SUN. E. XNALDROJV. Small prots and active buainegg travel amoothlypn the track-or at least we nd it so. SKIRTS, CHEMISES. A Price May Masquerade as Ghaap But if it doesn't combine with it Good Quality and Fair Quantity it is only the shadow of cheapneu. NIGHTGOWNS ' 336"KlNG. STREET. xmasrou. as and 67 Drlncm St. moummwwnwwn 10 qualities. Some vsrj dainty new designs that are selling splendidly. F The values we offer are GENUINE. and absolute satisfaction is quaran- teed or there is no sale. I Velvets, ?We Sell Carpets. ;Table Linen, 72 in. wide, 60c. 70c, 75c, 8% Raw Silk Table Covers; y I 12 qualities to select from. a great assortment. in great variety. 155, 2, 255, 3 yandulonz. lB'u`a`3o"'B1s`8'.`.`."'_`.`:`.`.`.'.' 2' .3, S3. _-..,, IOITIIAI. PIODIIDI IAIII'I`I- Inntnnl. Ling, .l.n_ouL_l|......_n...-n-. All colors, extra value, worth 75c yard for 50. '.".',|'V 4 _ "An oxtttttit Food, idmlrably nduptod to the want: of Infants and Young Pmona, and bolng rloh tn Phouphatoo and Potash to * of the greatest utility In supply- ing the bone-forming and other tmtlopomablo elements of food." :OOOOO90ONO'90NOO9: W. A. MITCHELL, Nowadays in how to aim dollsrl. If you lot un ll your Hardmro wont: thnl ques- tion will dlnppur at once and on will have most of your dol- nrilcfl. Money nvlng is our men out point. A long experi- ence uuu he no how to buy ` lovingly. an we are satisfied to ; divldo with you. MYRTLE CUT. .............. .._............_____.._._._:...__.._.. OOMMIROIAL. uunuux. noon nuun. THE GREAT QUESTION Tswut. Tender. Appotlzlng. TOR INFANT? MID IIWILIDB. .......... .._..__..... u` '7. ` hon Ihooouvulhu. Tlovontni oulihryd \h\`.N GA. {'."."...`:'.!..R.'.7.`.':' 3333 3.2. . SMOKE LIVIIPOOI. IAIIITI. nnnl_Nnnn. Jan 3; _wL..: M `cal! u \I \rp.I I10 HIINOIIU ITBIET. Hm (`mu .\ CA.\lt'.nnN', M I). min I \lI1IlIl- -Q$-'I`UI I I`. Jan.I9.-l`|o r-llooolpu. I 93:; lot. Quota out but 6` a ton BRIDE. on to In KI) to 00; 1:3; no It to Mu moron; has It 0 mm M I I0. M. No 0 ob: haul. Inc Q0 5 198109; . H9 IoMm()Mo. SUGAR (`III uw IIIUIII Ion. IUUI. MIOMI um OI \ VEQ Nana hr and olive Hum jl Nu an Ooh I! :9 IL. Inlln-. Du" IIII l`- 59'`: 10.! .V|llN* not `.47: ; and. in ; n-`n onto luau. HAMS. bush 0 um uukr uh`| Not; as 3: III M dollui. in that nine! hum vtu on he ...n..:..".: v-vwv vuvvu v-v ZCUIIIIICIJ Iv vOIIIIl`UUII I lunar nu not in motion thin morning. I`. J. M bu! the that o! No right had cuwvhlb placing on bolt on C mov- ing vial. The that use on oi as tho but us. Mr. Smith had his injnnd had on tho nun! botpihlmholi In will tannin for I ha dun. QQIOOIIIV-h 'l`i0cun M R. (in vs. who 8 mrlnrd lion uni lllnhbsnnn nlglln-n In IL. Ll..L Ionlnudllo land Bums EARROR, Jun. *.`m.--l)uring lut night all the and nvonlv.hou- `nnd dolhn won at monhomdioo vu MIOI1 ol! ms mound nuance City at no lath by mum at n um and neon. It Ill Imondod to union! put 0! tho low in an outer but the on inommd wdnv mak- ing further work inpouiblo. in nu-u on on Jan AMI the msohindry at Curinmn`o IIIIOO I`. J. Ilh Lad Ihn thunk (J M. Huh: \ CCU. I Ur DC-ICE \ III.` U. A dupntoh bu bvm rooolvod [mm the colotnl oooneuy. ahwin that her mn- jutyn gonrnmonb ha. n piqued to gnmh two nu-u commimom in the royal nnllloryso nlomon cadets ohho to ml mtlituy col ago at Kingston, in uddit on to the u-ml numbot of commiuionu unt- odfor ISM The nppotncmum wll be undo right away. Imtud 0! Mining for the Juno examinations Ilee IcGeeln`e Funeral. The funeral ollsiiu Pauline hlceein. Portemouth. wee lergely attended this morning. The cortego loft her fether`e reaidence et nine o'clock. proceeding to the Church ol the (load Thief. where enl- emn requiem men waacelebreted by Father Neville. The choir comprieed meny ol the deceaeed'e rchool mntee. Alter service the body wee placed in the vault of St. Mary`: cemetery. The pail bearere were Stanle Been re, John Kennedv. Freddie Gravel e. We ter Sullivan. l. Burke and T. Tobin. all deoeeeed`e clean rnetee. The Llberel llelly. The opere house will be well crowded on Monday evening. or else all eigne lail in feir weather. Arrangements are under way ler the eence of the l.aurier querlaetee from t e weet. e nueical organi- ution which entertainero well that it ie welcome everywhere. The ladiee are in- vited. bone and. elage will he at their eervice. The premier may be expected to rpeek for en hour and e hall. -a Ull r: I --nu; nuw --vwu. Tlie county council held in concluding eeeeion this morning wibh ell member: prencnb. '1`. lmnon eubmihbod the re- port ol the comrniotzeo on ilmnoe, upprov- ma the eccounoe peued hy the clay pro rhy committee. end recommended thnt. ohn Purdy. high county oonebeblo, be paid eh ennuel eelury ol 825, with the undomending then he nbhend all public fehheringe end hire to epprohend All ekire end evil doere who mleeb there plucee. The committee elno recommend- ed theh the olerh e nnnuul eelury he in- creued by 800. The report wee adopted. The council uhen edjourned 00 menu on tho eecond Tueedey in June. The Patron n...m.- Working. 13'. 1). Rogere. M.l .. was giving the editor of on eeteemod looel contemporary A little bluif when he nid he woe not going heartily into the oempeign for brother Heycock till after the nominotione. Oi` course iheedir--r WA! is little too inquisitive` Ind nieo -n `Win iirpntient. Had he wait ed A few on a he would have ioorned thet member R. gere called hie friend: to - ther st Joyoevilie on 'l`huredn_v and at t e Front road eohool home on Fridny told them of hie own note end urged them to vote for his ioater-(other in the order of patronn. lender lleyoook. The tron cry now ie, \Vhei.`e the matter wit iiogere 3 He'e nil right ."' U. ll. Allin. UUI. Luury. Innp- nu. Agalmt chum. HI. Rink No. 2-1.. Hondorwn. F. J. Knrnl, W. B. Ihllon.--17. against them. 10. In uh. nmralnm the Klnmtonlu ISTIT Ill UCICHO I|\V.X.|"|DClCOII IN shu Inch Nth. I871: Jon. ll . I 78: Juno 555. I870: I\b. tb. llt Duo am. lRU;Jnn:`llua. III) ndhu it. I004. LI nnlo Innnnnnlhg mu. ll`!I, uh... l.l_...| lsulv nu vunuyww nnnnn -. Tho Kingston ouoro who went: up to Bollovillo osisrdny to moon obs Campbell- lord win! on oi bho "suns and bosom." suffered dolub. The rssulb does nob bring with it sny dishonor no bhs loosl ourlors. who sure had! hsndiosppsd in using shonosinshogd o irons. Some who book pnrb wioldod stones for the Hub bims. The nsulh wm Rink No. l4-l)r. Biscls. J. W. Power, 0. H. Allsn. Col. Dmry. |I:ip- ~14. Scored angina}. \nsn_ HI nmu ll'DlI1 mauu IWIIYI GOWII bl) vuu Quin Olhy oIl com on '0 shod: booomo Ironn. Tho pIpo In II In the Mg Norah moon mm-. and uho company : onglnur, Bntloo Burdo. omorod tho open and Inch a torch to cry and locate tho npoh whoro the Iron had cloud on who urvloo plpo wlbh tho objoob of thuw n Ib out. After proboodlng some dlutanoo a March became omnguluhod. Burdo. In the du-know booomo oonlunod nnd know nob whIoh Iuy no prooud. Thou In obtondonoo uulud hln rc- Iurn Ior uomo Mme. bub nob muhIng on oppbomioo L. Mann. wIhh n lighood Inn- um. wont: In to aha ruouo. hrIngIng Burdo out In many. The Inc nomad uyn he who aurroundod by hundrodl oI ram. ngninlb mm. H). In oh. aggregate the Kingntonlam loan by four lbotl. an on: a uranom." he chin! to onoo I about rocking in- formation In to oho dud mun : rolnlvu. lb wu learned from Es-nut Roberta. clerk In the city on Inner : oioo. who In 0 vote- nn of tho River on Mon at 1670, than a man mmod Orrin mm, hailing lax-0:3` ' 0 Plcton or Oonuoon. hnd jolnod "A bamrynndmor only In the Invention Ind bud bun unt $0 Manlbobn In I872. or bhornbonu. Wm bouma 0! him char thnt Mr. Robom dou not know. He ohnhn dcoouod in the name (who urvod hm wloh him. Mr. Robom upuku ol Mm n being fond ot harm and a olovor driver. Yomrdny mo moor oorvico pipe run- ning tron: Hlduu moot. down to the (Juan Ulhv all onmnmfn nhodn IIHE 4 P. M. Ellll. Who Knows Ont: lam: 1' This mrnln ohm oi olloo Hem ro- oolvod this tn um, and from un- ooum-,B.O.: A I-nu-In Hannah and Inn to-nlnhh. Ho ooum-,u.u.: "0 n Smith dlod hon to-night. Ho Info ngooon with aha mllltln In the savanna. u ho ralsnlvu In Klnguon! In on: & Graham." bu. nhlu gm mum nit. Almut nnnklmr In- __... Chan: cuudlnn (`um a. -_._._A-L L-_ L _...n, I I muunp nus nun nmo m oonnocunn wmnhboupoil at tho Consul Onndn nnin uuoomlon vital: to to ho hold an Roolvood tint on hbruuy Sch and 0th. Tho tho won than unnpd: Ourlown Phmn. Bids. Imam; Kiuoton vi. Rockvnokg huh vs. Rontrom Punbtoh VI. Alnonh. Amurioc bu dolulhd. nin at two o`loo5 on 0|: rt : Inlnry lnoruud. __.._... --....-nL_|.1 n. .. I40};--I'I') Uim Iibillbfl. I_..`-A-._ _...n..._ ...|.. -|A-n um In A lowor. . A..- ____.__ --._,_I_ . Shnw. Scored WZIHI-XXVIu hnuoioell. IshuhudIhs|lt.Ivl!|.olKiI in annual bio muslin at u tnntlniucddtlo B.&0.nvi ilb, MI AM. ha `nah `nan .-l UIVIRIII III `II. WONG: lulu Review` _ Tlnhhlnunhc oi dry dock: in tho world in R8 (`mu Brilnin own or con- sultant! om; put out ot thin noun Matti; `9 an within thonzonhoo oi Bochld. in) in Scotland an in lnhul. Thnuowdochiu an? -o x divihul am dghky emu: Iona twelve chin and town. on not IIIDI Iml wounnoa loony poo lo. Tho domond for tho "'1' R B yrolo Cue Iohoooo io ollll on tho lnoroooo. ond from every quorior tho firm who moho it on roooix-in; unoolioiood mu. mony of ioo growth in public favor. A goutlomon tron mo oi tho mining lolondo of Lolzo Huron wrlhoo: Your `T & ll llyrlslo Cut in on lnvoluoblo ooloco to tho lonolinoso ol tho minor'o lilo. ldoo`o know how our moo could goo along without it. It choir otoch no out km would risk swimming in tho noiolo ooroplooioh it. hoodlooo ol don- for. ond I holiovo ohoy would orooo tho loo owinooronthoounoonondit io wunoo non thou on inch thick. No oohor whoo- oo will ootioly thou; 3 " IIHIIIIU HT!!!` DUI piano. lleepetohen jun received from Bombay hey that eerioun riots have teken place in that pmvinceegeim-I the plepue meenuree. The rioeere heve killed e hoepiuel euieteut. have buried the aelnnetion camp. have wrecked the pooh nllice and have one the heleareph wiree. The police opened n on the mob end wounded le. The demand for u.. "T A n" unl- uvuuruun -`nun: 10.30%-Noon}. Jun |o.- ha i: l 0F.::`l||d;`k4o. IQ]. I ' ...2.`.`.. '13.`. `"' n..|nnn HUI" llrlli UVIUUHQQ. A grand ohildmnh pony wu given no the mldonco of nldonmm J. Morgan Shut. Wellington mm. vontonlny anor- noon. Over one hundndimlo lolk were present and nmnncd thomoolvoo nu mum: And dnnoimv. '1`. 0`Oonnor furnlohod munin from bho piano. lhllhmhnn innh ranolud fnnln llmnhnu euuiu 0! me we: In epuenmu common. In the Perelow one I.o~dey eaverel wie- neeeee were examined. Mrs. M. l'owere awe etronn evidence fnr the defence, enn- tredictinn detective Mc(`.enH|l'e evidence in all poinuv. She wee eubmiuzed to e eevere crooe exeminetion but ecooxl arm in her line evidence. A so-uunl n|u`IaI....|_ .....e.. ....- -2--- -; mom DIOQOOU umn Mu-opohumsn " Thom was 3 lnrgo attendance no the bin Ron! rink hum ovonimx. A detachment of the Htlu I` \\ .U. ries bmd won on hand and diocourood swoon mus-io. The large shoot of Int wt: in Ivplondid condiblon. In It Pnnlnu mun hmrlni nnumml -in. we pulpwnou uumpnmn. Dr. J W. Bntow. bmhhor of J. (3. I! u- bow ofshla city. died Thumhy in the City of Mexico. Ho um: I famous collee- torpomimn coins. and had one 0! the Gun: oolloobiona in Amorioa. NH 1...... N ......oI. I\.. 11..-... :.. - .1-.. uuou ummmona in Amman. Dr. Luau." quoth Dr. (Irma in 3 dry bone Int night. "woutd be lnppy luvimr in I fnoo under prohibition if its people were ml drunk.` l r0hib|t.ion to him is A word more blamed bhnn Mu-opohumin " Thorn nu I In-on Atmmhmm .9. Hm hi.- D000. Tho l ronbyt.orinn miuion church, Pom. mouth, hold a Iooinl In the Ounce hull lub evening, which wan l|rgoly nbbonded An inboruting and varied programme wu given. This pallliml honing! fnnm, nnl-rnnnll nun DIHUIIICIH I`. J. Loughron `did notz"'on|l on the Wmu this week whoq; in Kingnton. Now this in non vory Mind in viow 0! some limo buninou ongugomonu about the than of mo pulpwood campaign. Dr. J W . Bntnw. hrnhknr n! .1, (1 n... UIFINIE; lUl`0(Ug I01" EDI PIIB \VDUK. lteulopolie hockey team, whiuh goon no Bydonhem to play there ho-ninhh. will be oompoeed no lollown : Devlin. Amqe. Haili- guna J. O'Brien. Mehood. Daley and Me- oo . IN..- n....|.-A-..1-_ ...x_-2_.. _.....-|_ u__;- given. . The Puumo hockey team. Cm-nvnll. no nogotlnhlnu wlhh Quoon'I II for I guns thorn on Feb. 4hh. If Quotas : mm goon mm. it. will probably nlno play Iroquois and Lnnomor. II I I.....L..... '.I:,l ....u"..n ._ AL- IUOOIHIIIOGIDOU on 'l'lIIII'IGIY BOXE- Tho (rune work of the M. '1`. company : now elevator wu oommlnood yoabordny. and nil Mmbor being propnrod for erection the building will be uh up rupidlv. Mu. Wnldrnn An hnr llhtln uhnnhmr '54:" "' \v.i':""`i'."ar'.72i';`iii?`ah.`"iiE .a-'.:;E*rs:r=rn~m3~.%=-r= KI.` meal (H .._._...;,x_..._..... W18 UUIIIIIIIK Wlll DB UV up FIDIUIY-u Mu. Wnldron An her little dun htor Iubolnnd Min Gukin, Kingston. nvo booutho guest: of Mr. und Mn. F. S. MMrnq._'I`oronto. for the put. woek. Itmlonolin honkav hmm. whiuh mm: no H. J: VVIIIUI` DIIIIR W10 HOID. The ue-clan bnbbluhip BM our, Iiotor chip of who Conourlou. the llsgohlp ol the British rqundron in Uhlnon waters. will lnvo Malta for Chin. Feb. 0th. Thn Jnunnlln hnnlcnv tnnm Inna rnnniuml IUIVI Ulllloll mr UUIHI. III). 00!]. Tho Juvonllo hockey tum hu rocoivod clnllongu for gumu from the National: and the Depot: turn. The mm will be accommodated on Thur-Idsv noxb. Th: I-Am; nu;-In 1.! AL. I] VI` AA!-|-\-nlI'n UUUITU H7! I'Cp0IIa A farmer named O'Connor was tried bo- lore D J Walker nnd J. Simpson. J.I .. no Cummqul this: afternoon on I ohnrge of cruelty to Animals. In A nhnrlnrl nnnt. in min nil: Hm mnrmn-v llfulliy U0 InlI'IIIlIo In 3 uhudod spot in she my the moroury at nino o'clock luo nighb wu 3" below norm at eight o`olook this morning 0` bo- low and at noon 8 Above. `AIL-.. II.` .uu...s.. .u.......ll ..A1........-A ALI- IDW Inn II": U00!) 0 IIDOVO. When tho county council adjourned thin morning the momborn were entertained no an oyster spread in the Oollondor hotel. 1). J. Walker being the hon. Tho rnhminn Int-mlnnhin Rniinnr. nintar I 3rd. M John 11.. mrbur, whom Lbs harsh of Hnlcon have ohoun for their oundidnbo. in proprietor oftho well known plpor mill: at Heor otown. mi... \....|.:.. --. L.-- L--- .-.. 1...... t.. ID HOOK` IDUWII. ' The unldn too has been in force in Clnrendon township, Frontenac county. (or bwomynono ynru. The ronldonba lnva no dulro for roponl. A [Armor nnmad 0 Unnnnr wan brlad ha. U: UIWIUH l0l' IIDU ODIDHIIUUUI DH HIIIHUU -hmou Drohsn. Barry`: Bay. was re- oontly ned 020 und coin for illognlly dil- ggslnxg of liquor on polling day. January poau: . "".:. W mun I nob: Haul. \ ` E `O I! ` t .0 W W0` is 3 lo: Milo ; . no No; In . no No man mason . j=:-...-as? ..+.~: ~..2*.:.!:::z.:.:.2 gm:-n.uo |`::'h=r15n'Lso"|`u! ` N`