arcili Villa-tor Weather makes a good re 8 necessity. You can't have 3 good fire without good cosl. Buy your coal of us ; there's no better cool snywhere, and we see thst it is always dry. clean and free from slate or clinlrers. Our prices are as low As good coal prices any- where in the country. DIKBI PIECO I Hon. David Mills thought it: possible that) the documents could be given to the senate before the discussion of the ad- dress. M- llulnnly luau nu`.-nu nnnn in tin; Mr`. Mulock has given notice in the house of a bill to abolish the superannua- tion system. Mr MnnLmm will AM: that dnmininn xmv. UUH system. Mr. MacLean will ask tho dominion gov- ernment. what. steps, if any, the postmaster- genernl has taken to restore the daily morning mail service between Toronto and Ottawa. 5. - \lI;Il..:A 1....-4.`. -..:lI .....\...\ in Ll... UDDRWII. Sir Wilfrid Laurier will move in the house on Monday that a special committee be appointed to enquire into the expendi- ture of &he subsidies granted by narliamenh in aid of the construction of the In-ummond county railway and in all negotiations and transactions between the governmenb and the railway. A nrnhihitinn confamnna between the DUI} I'lll|WBy. A prohibition conference between the dominion alliance and tho prohibition member! of parliament: on the plebiscite bill will be held on Tuesday next at Obta- wn. The cull Wlll be sent out to niglm. The divorce hills which will come up during the session are from the following applicants : H. A. C Hart. Montreal; E. I Hayward. Toronto; J. Pearson, Toronto; liugono Ward. Toronto. Thu Ii-l>. nf nrivnfn hill: Antnrnnl fnr tlua IHUKOHU \\ HIT]. lUlUIl|4U. The list. of private bills entered for the session number !event.y~eix. Of these thirty are for Yukon charters. chielly nul- way. As no more milwey charter will be granted to the Yukon for the present, these applications will have to be dropped. There were two charters granted lest. see- eion to build roads into the Yukon, and them is nothing to deter the owners from going ahead although they will get. no government assistance. an:-.-n 'I"nulnr (viva: nnnn nf I hill 1-. l HUKHU Dy ll|HUBI- After the opening ceremonies were over the senate met in its own chamber. Sene- bor Dnndurnnd. the new member of the u per house from the province of Quebec, wgxo succeeds the late senator Beohard,waa inbroduoed by eenator Scout and senator A. A. Thibaudeeu. .'.. |l-..I.--\..h; Dnmgll K-04`..- ntl:nnnt\. ROVBFHIIJGHD IEEIIILIIICU. George Taylor given notice of A bill di- rocked npzninat. alien labor. Julius Rnriunr than vnnnr-Ahln rnnmhnr fnr Don't Wnnt Their Chlldnn Inuructtd. III I:,|, . v T Jv}'."t}?3I: "ES 38% . """"""""""" " Hon. David ills admitted the import- .nnn nl thn nunnhinn and maid hhnt Hm dn. Special Soap bargains Satur- day, Old Bro_wn Windsor 1c, Olive Oil and Castile, 3 for Ice, Pure Sat, 3 for IOC, Oatmeal and Cream Soap, 3 for me. Innurlll. nvnry u. puwcuur. at all : London conoorvsoint. Adum Back. `In. Rn--uuinl nhnhnung-uh Al A-q Han) DOMINION PARLIAIVILNT. IX Iirlll-I luruliuo llonusnvm. Ont. Fob. 4.-An ico bridfo bu formed just bolow Anltovillo. ond orgo qnontit.ioo of (looting ieo hovo bocomo .jo|nnod in/to on to form o rogulor don. Tho voter in rioing ro idli. ond ob prrooont in obout. vo ooh ighorshon nouol. Alltho row boon hovo boon rouovod. Tm-oo honaooondoovotol fonilioo living on tho bonkoltborivorooot of horo hovo you oompollodtouovoouos Should stopco- oont cold voothor oonsinoo. it in oxpooeod oouoidonblodonogowlllhodooo. }uETsnr_m wnm.n.1 nll HOUDO In LVIIHIIKIUII DI] Dlilllly. Among the pot-aengere on last: night's went bound oxpreee nu Muitlsnd Kereey. vzhoog mony _ve?re bu ben tl{e Agent of t e ' ite Star ine in en 'or city. Mr. Keney ie on hie way to Teolin lake. where he will enperintend the building of six boats to ply upon cheee voter- oo Duveon Cmy. if Inoeeible. The trans- rrtotion company hioh i: eendin Mr. ereey out. in colnpoeed o A mun r of Euglieh cngioelieu who have obtained I charter in move. |cuunENsEn_ggnncnArns.1 `I ELEGRAM8 FROM THE EARTH'8 FOUR QUARTER8 GIVEN. law. mm and two cnumsen. The G-.'I`.R. has decided to expend 815.- 000 per year fol" three years in extending Y.M.C A. work among its employees. I? rmnnnl Manama Woodstock bov. cry. Sir Samuel South, conservative, was elected by act-lamation on Thursday to parliament for the Marlybone district of London. 11.... Dunk akin! nf tlnn nnluntinn nrmv ovemmz. Dr. F. H. Newbum, just: returned to Lebbbridge from the Crow's Nest Pass, denies the report. than black diphtheria exist: there. l....l,-.. l\....-..-ma kn. nml Hun Tnrluuatrinl A great case full of new Neck Ties, 2 fr`; 25c. A new line. C?;i3dren s Plaid Windsor Ties ` dent's Collars, newest shape, 2 for 25c. 4r\'n lYnrlnr-urnnr unppigl ling WlntComcs to Us from All Quarters. Little Ilnuen run mun lverybody--- Note: from All Over---Little ol Iver)- thlng liullv Bend and Bomelnbol-ed by The Don Pnbllo. John H. Foster. South Elmaley. has been elected warden of Leeds and (iron- ville. l)I..:A:.. l.':..n. lung I-man on-n-Marl at nnvnn, vme. ` Philip King has been arrested at Gavan, ` Ireland. for the murder of his mother-iw ` law. wiie and two childaen. ` VFI... {V '1` LI Ix-u rlnnhlnrl in nvnnnd . Lonuon. Gen. Booth, chief of the salvation army, arrived in Toronto on Thursday and ad- dressed a meaning no Maaaey hall in the evening. `luv L` 1-1 Nnmhurrn hint". rntnrnml In exnata bnero. Judge Doenoyea has ned the Industrial mutual insurance company of Rbode le- land $25 for doing business in Canada without A license. I\.. l\nmn.~h um. n-n-ninnfnzl 1:: Lbs! WILDOLID license. Dr. Dewarb was nominated as the liberal candidate for North Toronto. and Dr. R. A. Pyne as oonaervubive candidate for East Toronto. A ..,..m.-.. mnnb. innnnnfnr uxhn nnirl A vinih Ior'1 oromo. A govern ment: inspector who paid a visit: to a diamond mino near Pretoria saw dia- monds unearthed of formation similar to the Kimberley diamonds. u n D: ..-......lA .. fa-nnnr "Hint! Nnnr Iximoeriuy ulamonua. H. 0. Fitzgerald, a farmer living near St. Cubimrines, 0nc., is missing from his home. He is a brother 0! the manager of the Dominion bank at Guelph. A.-lawn Noni: Tnnrlnn, 'nnh._ nnntem. me uomlmon DBIIK no uumpu. Adam Bock. London. 'Ont., contem- plates starting a brunch factory at Toron- to. employing twenty-ve hands, and a second one at Montreal, employing fty hands. -` VIM... f\..t..n nnuuu-n-nnnl-. Inn: nnnnintcr` hands. ` The Ontario government hue appointed 1 . B. Byrne. Liverpool,ns an examiner be enforce the regulations in connection with the emigrants than are sent out: to Canada. . Dining:-4-I ll`:-near urkiln nnh nhnntino nnar ELWEQHD, D0 wnere no came Iron). , The steamer Oregon. on her way to Alaska. anchored o` Lewis island and rescued the peuengers of the wrecked ebeemer Corona who were not taken off by the Alki last Thursday. The fun: Emrlinhmon nnnhnmd hv the the Ann inn Inuraaay. The five Englishmen captured by the Morocco troops were hunting game ashore and were cut: oil` from communication with their ship by a storm. The expedition did not land any aims, and the attack was entirely unprovoked. Thu Hnmhum nunhnritiea on Thuradav enureiy unprovoleu. The Hamburg authorities on Thursday permitted the unloading of apples from the United States. owing to instructions re- ceived from Berlin. as e result. of bbe ro- beeb of United States embeseedor W ice againeb the German decree. Tlinlmenda of sheen ere ronorted to have people. ThomneLong,n Iretnber of Hamilton, Ont...lod;ze of the A.O.U.W., died in `Chicago. He had A $13,000 policy on his life in the A O.U.W., but had been one. pended for arrears of duet. Ah the trial in Hamiltonjudge Armour ordered the so- ciotyto pnv the money to Long : hairs. The A.0.U.W. now seeks to reverse the decision, and the one was heard in tho court of appeals, Toronto. on Wedneadny. pecum In DIIIITD IDI1 pfll. I)r. Rocha. M.P.. in rnpidly recovering At the genornl hoapitnl snd will leave for hit home in Minnodou on Snurdny. Au-nnnn thn Imnnnnnnrn nn Incl: niahI.'n \.M.U.A. work ms ompioyuea. E. Leonard Mason. a Woodstock boy, thirteen vears old. has disappeared. He is working his way no the Yukon coun- try. Sir Samuel Scotti. conservative. Uammn. Richard Fraser, while out shooting near Vancouver. 13.0., on Friday. accidentally shot: himself through the right: lung and died shortly nicer. Nothing is known as to where he came from. TL- -DA--nan l\rnnnn nn hnr WYIV In egainen me uerman uecree. Thousands of sheep reported perished from cold and etarvation in West Wyoming. The cold has been intense for six days. Carbon county has 500,000 ehoep and ock masters there fear the lone will amount: to twenty-ve per cenb. The lone among cattle will not be as heavy. D. Chapelrer. the Brahmin lawyer ar- rested in October in connection with the murder of Lieuh. Ayereb and qnmmieeioner Rand on June 22nd by shooting them from ambush us they were leaving the re- ception given by the governor of Ganesh- lrind in honor of queen Victoria : jubilee, has been sentenced to death. 9 u:..L.... 1 n \7.'......... ..c H... Mann-.Ai.n D88 Dean sentenced D0 UUIIDU. 9 Bishop J. C. Vinceunbwof the Methodist: Episcopal church. Topeka, Kae, appear- ing before the state temperance union, ap- pealed so his bearers to persevere against: the chewinppgum habio until it. is cruahed out of Kansas. Ho asserted in had made millionaireaoub of a few men and was en- couraging dangerous habits among the people. _ 'l`hnmmnLonnr.a Hamnlton. Thqto Wlll Be a Largo Inux In the Spring Wnmlrrzu. Feb. 4.-Tho Manitoba and Northwestern railway reports agood de- mand for land along its line, all the way from West Bourno to Yorkton. The in- quiries am from an excellent. clue of set.- Llen in the western states. England and Ontario. and a heavy movement in she nortlrweatern part. of the provincoia ex- pected in March and April. Dr. Rnnhn. M.P.. in ranidlv rocovorimr Fur Lined Wraps $25.00. SETTLER8 IN MANITOBA. loo Irldgo lonnod. ..._,. I\_A I`-L A lay Be The Llbenl Oendldnte In utnwn -Du-tier Plxeoue Deed. 0'l"l`A\\'A. Feb. 4.-It is stated that ex-el- dermen Mecheeu will be pub belore the li- beral convention my a candidate to succeed Hon. Mr. Bronson in the pwvinciul legis- lat. re. Mr. MacLeen has been repeatedly ask to accept) the candidature of the party but: has heretofore declined. Ir. in stated that the oovernmenb hue la LIVINGSTON &'BRO.| party but: has noretotoro uecuneu. It. is stated that the government` h practically decided to call James Inner, ex M P.. Guelph. to the senate to the placexvacated by Sir Oliver Mow- Ah Ihha nnaninu of nnrliamenta veatordny P65510030 OI HCD WHIBB DFUUBUIL The report of the marine department. presented to parliament: to day. states chat for some years the department: has em- ployed carrier pigeons between Sable is- land and the Nova. Sootia mainland, bub, owing to failure in training the birds. the department is contemplating the discou- tinuation of the service. 'l"|L... 5.5.! .......k...- 1.! gtnnonknnhn rnnnrh. placewacated by an Um-er mowau. Ah the opening of arliamenc yestordny Mrs. B. M. Bricbon, ingaton. wore black satin with lace; Mina Britten. pink utin with gnuse; Mien Clara Bricton, white brocade and pearls. Loulv nnrtwriahh-wnre blank moire. with UIHIRIAIOD OI DDB EOIVIUD. The total number of steamboat): reporta- ed in the dominion is 1.354. and of these ninety-six are new vessels. Could Not Meet Paper Matnrlnu Because 01' Poor uuslneu. L0l~D0.\'. Ont.. Feb. 4.--'I he dry goods firm of Runians & Butler has: suspended payment. The bulk of the goods were purchased in the old country and the paper maturing could not be met owing to the poor business. Messrs. Arthurs & 00.. Glasgow, are the largest creditors and their representative, Mr. Buchsn. Toron- to. is in charge taking stock. While the liabilities of the tirm are heavy they have ample assets and if given time there is no doubt that all claims will be paid in full. It is understood that Mr. Butler has left the firm. Wholesalers generally express satisfaction at the way paper is being met for the February payments. Accounts due at the first of this month are among the heaviest of the year. Though the pa- per is not due until to-day many of the re- tail dealers have been remittingyduring the past three days. Several requests have been made for renewals and payments are slower than at any time since the revival of business a few months ago. Condence is strong in better trade prospects. Olernonll Turn Up. Cmvmo. Feb. 4.-"Cope" Clementi, lor- merly collector of customs at Peterboro. and who came to the United States over two years ago leaving A shortage in his ac- counts, is in the detention hospital. He is a victim of the cocoine and `orphine habit) and is A physical wreck. He-' as no friends in Chicago and is homeleu and pennileu, and says his wife and six children are in Canada. (Jlemenbi says he spent: all hit money on A trip to Paris. Big alweep, fnf trimmed," deep fat collar and tho- rtoughly up-to-date. Come: To Penltentlnry. Tonouro, 0uu., Feb.4.-Joeeph Clemente wee, this morning. so the police court. convicted of highway robbery. The com- plainant. being A. J. Aiken: of Coohville. Aiken was assaulted and robbed of A gold watch valued at $175 while vieiolng the city lent week. Clemente wee sent to the Eenitentiery for four years. He in I well nown criminal and comes from Montreal where he is well connected. \ nun: vuuunvu nu - yuan. PENHA()()I.A, F|n.. ,Feb. 4.-Mra. S. D. Pectin. living near Pollard, Aln., has given birth to four boys. All are living, two weighing five and one-half pounds each and the others six pounds each. Seven years :30 Mrs. Pattie gave birth to trip- lobe. nrocauo anu poem. _ Lady Cartwright:-wore black moire, pebbicoat of rich white brocade. Tim mnnrt. n! the marine demrtmenb. A Bad Illnlonary. S\'R,\f`l'HE, N.Y., Fob. 4.--Frederick F. Wewo, a missionary from Africa. who some months ago criminally aaaaulbed 3` six- year-old girl at Tull , Wu senbenoed to serve a nine yours an six nionbha nantonce in Auburn state prison. Dantroyod By I'|ro| Cu1.n0RNI=., Onb.. Feb. 4.--Enrly this morning James A. Cockburn a butcher shop and contents were completely des- broyed by fire. The building wu insured in the Wostorn and the contents in the Commercial Union. -uuuuv-I u u. -..-a V`... Au.-u-nlon, Onb.. Fob. 4.-A game was played here today between the Montreal curling club and Arnprior for the Quebec chnllenge cup. The cup was won by Mon- treal by two shots. 1'.'.)c. 1 tin Boston baked beans. amnll size, Sc. ab McRae Bros . Warden Metcalfe ii auering from a severe cold. but remains Active in the duties of his poainion. -Ir 1 turn to `won. vuv 1.711`; -1. Take Iulnclvo Brom--Qninlnn Tablets. All D ;lulRl.~|$I refund the money If it falls to euro. 2. . Good Quality, Open Front, SHIRTSI 1`; W(`ure a (`-oTl7i_-.o'};_ One Day m_I._ I _..-n..- n_..... . 1\_x_l..- rl\..I..l..|- All Hero is aoggtmng nice : 1 tin Boston baked beans, 3 lba., 10c. 1 tin Boston baked beans in tomnho sauce (Tl- Clothiers and Pnrnlshgrs. u and :1 met stream DRY GOODS FIRM ASSIGNS. oN11v'$1.0o. \ tour Ohlldron At A Birth. vs: 13,: 1 II MACLEAN PROPOSED. Montreal Win: The Cup. __...._ I\_L Y.`-L A A .. V`!-*1`!-i-I! In ` IIULED LETTER PAPER 3c Qulre or Soulres tor l5c. White Dress IT! I4 OPT/VEE {Half Regular Priees Yopr choice of HMPIJRTEII JAEKEIS, lSTEAGYJ&iSTEAC. Dix-out Importers Drona Good: and Kantian. 4 7 Prlnoou street. Uornor E phono oolnmunlostlon ~._ l DIED. Coon-|m-In Kingebon. on Feb. 3rd, 1898, Richard Cooper. Aged 50 earn. Funeral from hle late reei once. Vlomrle. street, on Bundey Afternoon It 2:30 o'clock. Friends and aoquelntencel ere respectfully invited to attend. ` F`rrz Kingston. Feb. 4th. Ar- t.hurV1noeno. infenh eon ol Wllllun John end Llule Fltqereld. aged 0 months and 13 deye. Funeral privetae. Gn.L-On Feb. 3rd. eh her reeldenoe, 251 Univoreity avenue. Oebherlne Allblmon. widow of the lube Robert Glll. uged 87 yeere and `2 months. Funerel nobioe later. 'x3Joi bu'ee'n*st. ` IINIII DDlll\\!I1` G $ll, $l2. $13 [ UP-TO'i DATE ll nu. Auuqy. Tin Lnntno Unnxn'rAun-Iu-nu Prlnoou strut. Telephone 147A. Open Du and Night JJAHLI II 1 gnu;-an. Lnnnlo Ulmnnun um nImu.nIn--1II Prlnoou street. Corner Bydonhun Itnot. `rm nhonc \ `I F. HARRISON COMPANY n..A-.+-|.... .-`A llimhnlmnn, Inn And III .l. I. ].1.1LL`LLDLJ.I.V \J\lJl.l.J.' .41.. J. Undommkera and Emhnlmou. I38 and 186 Prinoou Street. `Phonon x- Wuoroolnl. 90. Renldonoe. 91. Open day and night. ` B. s. coaimrw. UNERAI DIRECTOR, 881 PRINCESS ST. Klnst.on.aunconaor to W. ll. Bronnnn. ll\llIA1I A\'1.m~-In Kingston. Feb. 30th. the wifo of D. Aylen. Fort Sukabchw|n.Albo:-tn, of I son. .___:____.____.___ ullppvu VII -II Ivy -1-; This morning John Wright. {oremen of streets. experienced A heavy {all on Kin streets. On an icy patch hie feeb slip from underneath him and Mr. Wright fell with name force on the walk. '1`. Jnmieeon new the fell and hastened to pick him up. In the {all his hoe wan dnneged by oonleoh with the walk. GOOD COOK BY THE MTH 01" HEBR- muy. no wishing or Ironing Apply in the evenlna. at m King St. ANTED-- Ul- KI(iH'l` AND l"A1'l`l"lJh centiem an or ladies to bnvol for run in- nibio.oIt.abliuhed home in Oumrio. Mont I1 thm and enpenar-s. Position Hind]. lio- fetence. Enclose self-addressed stamped on velopo. The Dominion Company. Dept. IL. Chicago. Ldies;Mant1es and Capes at _ ___-l ___.__.,. [ lcLP-RELlAB1.E MEN IN EVERY 140- onllty.looo.l or travelling; to introduce` anew discovery. and hoop our nhow cud)` Moked no on trees, lennon And bridges throughout. town and country Shady un- pluyment. Commission or nlnry. Obpu month and exponaou And mono} doponlh od In my hank when I an-tad. For pu-tlonlnrl add:-on run Wonno Ilnmcu. Eucnuo 00.. London. Ont. Onnncll. 1 oval: in uuurm TERRACE, Piif51is hltrm-t.,oocu::led by Denis Bvnnllnn. Pos- sem-lun Mu lat. Apply at Will! Oioo. LARGE FURNI <\HEl) HOOK IN CENTRAL locality. modern improvements. prlvnto home. No. I Brick 'I`an-moo, o ponlto St. Paul : Snbbuh School. Ilouu-on nut. Division Streets Ponesnion on tho m. o ohrnny. Hun formerly been mod on Gm- rery stun and number Hhop Enquire nut doonor JAME4 Bonn. Battorun. a HOUSE l`O-LE I`. CORNER OF ELLIS AND HE BMCK HOUSE. N0. 38 WELLINGTON Sfreot, nonrthe Park lately ooouplod by Mr. Blohard Wnldrnn. I`roporty in In extol- lant. order. R4-nt mnulunto. Apply to WAL- mm It wn.|ucu.Solinicou. Klnuton. Aru n-:ns` c'AN "Bx ACCOMIIODATEI) with both single and double rooml. with modern onnvonionou. at 388 Queen Stltdl. 7 address Till! WOILD I London. Ont... Oanncll. -:._;_..-__ [1 IOOIIIYJI. "\0llBI'l'I IIIIDIHVCIIIBIIII. vI'IV Paul School. THE BnICK H()Ur4E. N0. WILLINGTON Mr` Richard Wnlrlmn. lgrouorty ANTEl)--UPRIGHT AND FAITHFIJL nimn. mmhllulmd home In Ounrlo. Month! - vwu `-.-'_. . TILEPH()NE 9. At this popular price we offer for SATURDAY thirty dozen best Kid Gloves, regular 3! and $1.25 kinds, all sizes, and in lllnnbn anrl Tana, Ottmn and BI). Lowrance nlloyl. W` 10 mm. - Goncnlly hit` and kinhnr 0-nmnnrnt.nrn_ WEATIJEH PROBABILITIE8. 4 < P. M. EDITION. To buy the Beat at Fess than IU I: III: \JUIlUIU' higher temperature- lllppod on An Icy Hull. .__-__.__. I-L._ llY_2..|.L I`.- For Ladies, at HENRY BRAME, .--.--u_ . ---u 1 novx Dun-A SSEACH. WANTED 65TH YEAR. NO. 29. TAB. REID, | IVnvc\u-ma -nu-4! BTW T73 v'oo:n.m"_smo" ":7 2 mas Pop" 2: 10 FOR l0c. || THE DAILY Bkmsn W H10; ` '1 ll 50. l\\lIBl` I II A "Glimpse: of the Unseen." Faaolnntlnu hook Sweeps the entire eld of bordorlnnd subjects Everybody on-don Mu-vollouu ll- lust.nt|onI- P1-mpoetna I1 BRADLEY-GLW RIITBON 00.. Limited. Townto. __.___.____.:_________ R Uri:--III turn - --w --.v--.., .1, Dnmlr. Mich.. Feb. ~I.- Dr. James Meboneld. formerly e well-known phyei- cien in Decroit. but recently engeged in` the pnetice ol hie profeeeionunliincnrdino. Ooh. will Ieeve tcnxight for the Klondyke. He will gonlone end will tulre mph him a nixed stock ol druge and medicines. And do both e drug end I profeeeionel Imel- ueee emong bhe gold-diggere. He mm from thin ciey. , A four dnyn ago An hotnlkoopor roeoivod I hiya : loner. inviting him to ail and auto damxuu and unit for nnnulb. Ho oulhd And paid the lawyer for tho lol- tor and nothing lurthor bu boob board ol tho it for dunnu. *` . "I;.'.'......." s. us... donounood by tho religion for Inv- lng attended rlluionn In] Q 9:: Ban- d. ` . club at -Yhnm Inn 3 aurlrhi lion in tin oi . club king. in _ HPUCIBI pl ID63- Men's Suits and Overcoats at special prices. Millinery all reduced to half. $l'll\l I-|VlI4I\nr Iv:----1u-u 1'0 OABPENTERS WANTF1) TO WORK ON 1) oonatrllotlon of Montroll Tranuportru Mon Oompan Elevator. Apply on the work to J. A. JAM Ea0N. Ilnylnx Suppllnl In Toronto. Brrrxxm, N.Y., Fob. ~l.-Five cookers ulcer nugget: in the Aluh gold elds lrom cavern New York unto ruched Bnflilo yootordny. _ThiI moqng shay depu-ted for Toronto. where they will buy their on- uro outts. Saturday they take the (,`.P. R. to Victoria. And on Fob. l5t.h they propose to sail by vny of the Camdiul Pacic navigutou company`: line to l)y_u. From there` they WI" tramp in over the Chilkooh pace to Ihwson Cnuy. u Dolly lots Book for WM; Icahn `lo Pout Thomulvoc Irv. Band at) Royal rink to-night. Clans of "98 At Home this evening at Queen's university. Hockey match, Frontenac:/:>II vs. Pete`?- bofo II. this evening. vmm-4. mu-rl committee meet: at Re- bofo H. H!!! evening. Vicborin ward committee meet: form rooms, Golden Lion block, this even- inn Iw u -`;--- TENDEB9 WILL BE REUEIVED BY THE underslnnod up to the 71']! l"El3Hl'ARY NEXT for the purvh-no or leasing for at term of the property known as the Central Hotel. Kingston. For pnrunularu Iuagly to `~ .WAl:lHM 8: WAL M. Solicitors. ?___j:_ Vllhuro of Bath. For mum- JOIIN H0o1.It.on th premises. . SPE()Ul.aA l`0R!l AND INVE!-1'FUl{SllAVIN(} Mlo mtplml 0! one hundred dollars (8100) um upwu-du nhuuld write to me at once. [ hive something of unusual inmnrtnnoa tn uon1munl(`Mo\ CuA|u.|-;s Huunics. 6: WIN Street, New York. With Reference to the iblvldlng of D. Mc- Lean`: Estate. /INDNOR. Ont., Feb. -l.-A settlement bee been effected between Mrs. McLean and John J. McLean. widow and brother reepeetively of Donald Mcbeen. the north- west renchefwho was sulloceted by gas in his rooms bere recently, with relorence to the division of tho lattor`s eetete. Mrs. McLean claimed that no divorce bad Qbeen obtained by her husband but that he had merely eecured papers of separation in n Dakota court. She was accompanied on her visit to Windsor by her solicitor. G. N. Weeks. London. Mr. Weeks held a conference with Clarke Cowiin, Bartlett K: llsrtlett. solicitors for the dead men's brother. end s settlement was arrived at. It is seid that each of tbe claimants is to receive hell. It is now declared that the value of McLean's entire estate will not exceed 8l0.00Ualtbougb at the time ol his death he wee believed to be worth much more then thet. in . QV. J. Crandall, dominion agent, will ad- drou the farmars of Kingston district. on "Poulbry" Al: the city hall. Saturday 1:30 f\l'I|, ' COMMITTEE R0OMA-(]olden Llon Block. ` fl.4DY&00| I'|\JI-bl` I Y I "Klondiko Gold Fields," 3 lune. cheap, vnlunblo book, selling like A whirlwind Ilotutiiulpron noiun twenty-ve oontn. lloolu on time. B ADLIAY-GARRETSON OOH- PANY. Limited. Toronto. ' BRADLEY-u` PANY. Limited. . r\\JI-`II I it n "Thu but me of Hot Mujauty I have seen." writes Lord homo about ' noon Victoria. Azontn make the dollars did 7 BRADLEY-9AR.B.E'l`s0N 00.. Limited, Toronto` PROVINCIAL ELEcno~ 1| I\I I\IdAVI v-\ - w.----.___ FIBST-CLASS OPENING FOR. A GENE-_ Rhhmro. to rent. or pun-chm, In the of Bath. `For p!\rHcularu apply to Jmm H0m.|:.un nremluen. HON.WM. HARTY| E 85 and 87 Princess St. g MHNMH+ON+NMH+O -j.j__ :OO+-904099999; nuwuuuyu Lb uuvv uu save dollars. If you let us ll your Hardware wants that ques- tion will at once and you will have most. of your dol- larslofc. Money saving is our strongest; point. A long experi- ence lms taught us how to buy savingly. and we are satisfied to divide with you. THE GREAT QUESTION flu!) luuua, nu Blacks and Tans. W. A. MITCHELL, _-8:'ETTLEMEANT ARRIVED AT; ___'__.._.:------- CARPENTERS WANTED. _ . _.....-....-up... nu A`IlI'Il\ mn urnull For Member For Kingston. T0 RENT OR PURCHASE. Wausa N's*CI-i ANCES`. A urngglnt l'or'I`ho Illondylo. __-._ n:..L 19-5. A n. 1. LOCAL MEMORAN DA. r1____o_TIcE. AGENTS! 11-1.: Ilu..I.I-n . 2 xor 25c. Men's Underwear, special line I at 50c. \l.n'aTTnrInrun=-nr cnecial line AGENTS I L 1 1-.. u-L.. AGENTS! -1 4|... I'r....-.... Nowadays is how to `:1 If "nu `nf III Am nod. Toronto. - 7'11 . F3.-n"."a3.'..'..".'i.I."i}'. IInto`?nk oxuninul dhoov_|r- 4.000. A l ll 0`: emu uhorhpd Iimcxnuwn mum-:.*, Great Britain Strenuouslv Favors , I-`rte Chinese Ports. ' I Iruuu VIII:-u nu n-;u-cu -unu Bonus. Mum. Fob. 4.-'l`ho Manchu- mu suing: bank commiuionon to-day placed the Fruningham uvingo bank under an injunction to prevent in Iron do- ing biuinon until further action can be (non. Tho ocsion followod tho uroohoi W. H. Bird. formerly ouhior of tho bunk. who in tho Fnuinghun nourt to-day wu bald under 890.000 by the gr;ondmjxn):rydo;ihn c I of mil: printing ". banrk;:!nnd|. Pro la. D:-J I- -LA-A gm`-In -A-I-A nltl nun. DIIIII IIDIIGI. ( hr. Bin! is shun ovonty your: old. and` fornonyycnnwuoooohtnnooltmoud ' H J I I. I - ""......"'.!.'1?. ..I.'.'-".!.'.'."'...`.'.'.s'..`.".. ..2...... . by Union. The irritation in Greet Britain over the socalled backing down of the marquis of Salisbury is therefore not justified. Great Britain is acting strenuously in lsvor of free ports in China end hopes sincerely to have the moral support of the United States in this policy. If events push Greet Britain from this position with the prospect ohdeleet therein, the will ask for the support of Weshington, which she has not done yet. I: 50c. Men's Underwear, special line at 75c. ll: Hen lleqnlred To Keep A eeru Prom lfpeettlng. Bvru, rm|1.\.\1. Que.. Feb. 4.~-The funer- al of Mr. Sellers. who died on Setu ay at his home near Thnreo. took place \ ednea. day to the Anglncen cemetery. some seven miles distant. The made were so bad that it required three men on each side of the hearse the whole dietnnce to prevent ite upeetting. The mournere and others unf- lored bitterly with the intense cold; two or three Ind their care Iroeen. two had ngers and one hie toee froxen. Inussm Nuw_IjznIEsIINc.i lhould Buuln Force Brlcnln From Her Position she Wm Ask the support of Wuhlngton - Members of the oablnet Danny the Reported Bnckdown-Quea. tlou of Ta Lleu Wan sun Negotlntlng. LONDON, Feb. 4.---Some of the afternoon newspapers eeterday referred to the ab- sence of the iuaainn and German ambassa- dora from the marquis of Salisbury : regu- lar Wednesday receptions of the diplomatic corps as being a dirquiecing porteno. Annm-dim; to n uuecial deeoatch from Dackuown. The opening of Ta Lien Wan, it is point- ed out. was never made a condition in any sin qua non sense in connection with the loan to China. In the preliminary negotia- tions on that subject the opening of Ta Lien Wan was sketched in neutral tints, Great Britain only suggesting it as one condition favoring ts speedy completion of the loan. She never demanded it and therefore in no sense can be said to have backed down if the desire was not persisted in. ` The question of Ta Lien Wan is, how- ever, with other suggested conditions of the loan, still negotiating. l.n\:linN -1. - Th8 hll Of the the loan, sun negotiating. Loxnow, Feb. 4. The heat of the Russian prose on the subject is in no sense shown by the Russian government in its communications which have reached the foreign office. Though Russia has pro- tested and means to protest in the stoutest manner, against Ta Lien Wan being open- ed by British inuence, she will not carry her protest to the point of making it a census belli. Further. it is by no means Russia's intention to close Chins to other nations in any concessions made to Russia by China. Tim irrihntinn in (Ernst Americans Can Not Compete With us In Outtting. V'.\xcnnvim, B.C., Feb. 4.-The Van- couver board of trade has established an agency in Seattle to afford information of Vancouver s advantages over the United States cities in supplying outtlts for the Klondyke at lower prices and of a more suitable character. The result has been so detrimental to Seattle outtters as minors realized the saving they- would affect by outtting in Umada besides getting their Ininav-'| Iimnnn bafnra stnrtinrr for the oumcung Ill bsuuuu ucaluua guwiug mu-an miner's license before starting: for the north, that the newspapers of Seattle are calling on the city council of that place to impose a huvy license too on any representative of Cana- dian cities who may go there. It is realiz- cd here that this is A signicant admission on Ssattl~`s part that she cannot compete for the trade, a fact which is amply con- rmed by comparison of (luiadiun and United States invoices of outts and sup- plies. the duty on United States outts be- ing about thirty per cent. higher. will he formed In ursat In-lte|n-lf.mbraeea - All Olnaeel. Lo.vno.~z, Feb. 4.-'l`he recent defeat of the ollicial trades unions has caused Themes Mann. the well-known leader,who is backed by certain other labor leaders, to iasue la manifesto urging the formation of anew workers union. This union is in- tended to be essentially political as well as industrial, because it has been shown that trade unionism without political ac- tion is not equal to the solution of the labor problem. The aim is to or- gunize the bulk of the country s workers, of whom barely one-lth are embraced in the existing unions, and to enrol all class- es of workers. skilled and unskilled, brain workers and hand workers, the urganiza~ tien to be used on every possible occasion to advance the intereet of its members by political effort until a collectivism shall supercede capitalism. A preliminary cou- ierenee. held last evening, endorsed the scheme. AGAINSY PORT BEING OPENED BY BRITISH INFLUENCE. being aizquieuing purwnu. According to a special despatch Shanghai two British warships entered Port: Arthur on Wednesday lash and left: without: anchoring. On incontrovertible authority the Associated press learns that Great Britain has not. backed down on the question of making Ta Lien Wan a free porn. E 'I`ha marnnia of Salisburv. Gnome N. I4II\JI\iU AVAIAIIV special prices. Rrnfc Q11: port. The marquis of Salisbury, George Curzon, the parliamentary secretary of the foreign oice. the Russian ambassador and Chinese minister remarked yesterday in conversation that: they had non heard of any backdown. ml... .... ah... nf 'l"n I {an fun if. in nninln. POLITICAL Tl;ADE8 UNION. CANAISIANS ARE AH EAD. FROZEN ATIA FUNERAL. ____, ? ?, Bulk Under Kn Injunction. _-.. In--- l.`-I. I `BL- Ll--. KINGSTON, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1898. Inll I GIl_lBW Bl 'll.10B. ` A 810.1 !!! n look not Thursday A!- Iurnoouinlholmn Ib|ook`.cnDovor- can read. `rerun. III. IIIIIDUIII IKCll&|| OI HOVI QXBII than the your : upanditun at $853,608 um`! I decit cl $21.46!. I I `In [KIT and Hill` 1:111 nunnw Q`- The Yukon Ba|lwn!-lntI-oductlon of New Llhenl Members. O I"l'A\'VA. 1i`eb.3.~-When the members had returned to their own chamber a brief interval of silence elapsed. and an air of expectancy set upon the countenance of the liberals. The premier : place at the right hand of Sir Richard Cxrtwrigho was vacant, and it was plain that his friends were impatient to see him. :_In a few moments Sir Wilfrid Laurier, wearing the gorgeous eyrnbolu of his newly- won honors, appeared. and he wan greeted with an ovation.which showed the devotion -1 .. I...<..I lnllnminn bun pl... ...n-ohu Ian:-Inn WIIIIII IIIIIIIII 50 "II uuuuu 53503- Nominntionn for the logislntnro Into undo utotdn n follows: Won Hue. inn Ii In. onry G. Bloocionol Sid- nv- lnndnn ~nnnnrvsMvnn_ Ad-In Rank, HFUUIGI PIILCIH . Boy's Suits and Overcoats at special prices. M.n'. Quin and Overcnats at gun I. vvnuu ----an V-uunuu nun--us as u. Br:1.1.r.\'n,x.r.. IIL. Feb. 4.-In response to circulars sent out by superintendent 1 Updke, the p\rent.a of children attending the locnl public schools have voted than they do not. wish the teachers to instruct. their pupill wish relation to the eecta 0! Alcoholic drinke. The iaeue we: raised by bernperence edvocnten. who sought to compel the inetrucnione by mendnte. under enucule adopted in 1807. The vote on euperinsendenu Updike : eircnlen Ieeulted: Yen. 539; neye, 1.884. The Commorcinl club. of Chicsgo, had I 00%|!` tn-nu banquet on) Saburdn night. an announced the nnncntiou o tho Ha- wngnn inland: to tho United Bum. fan OLA y`AID`A'nCnnQ u-gun noun---. -. -- . .a-v-V-nu. vu -an-- "37; eon'.o}7m?m. The nnnoisl ouhuonu 0! Non Soocin nhown uh: your : cxnmdihn n IH51.G()8 W15 5" UVb|UH.VV|1lUU UUUWCQ LUUUUVUUIUH of a loyal lollowig for the worthy leader. The principal b einess ol the brief eit- ting that ensued was the introduction 0! new members. This was attended by a vigorous accompaniment: of desk-pounding, which is the approved parliamentary me- thod of giving expression to the feelings. and as the enthusiasm was at fever heat it required sledge-hammer blows to do justice to the occasion. The demonstration was conned to the liberal side of the house, as the clerk olthe crown in chancery has not been able to notify the epenlier of any conaervative victories in the bye-elections. The premier and Meaare. Terte, Steneon. Guuy and -Belcourt pre- vented the new members lrom Quebec. while it fell to the lot of Sir Louis Davies and Hon. William Paterson, who had no contributed to the victory in Centre Toronto. to introduce Mr. Ber- tram. The tirst of the Quebec contin- genbto be brought in was Charles A. .llnnurm1n_ who was returned unnnnoiied nun. IIDVUJ UIIIIH IIUILIIUIIUU IIUU |lnpUrU' moo of the question and said tzhat the do- cumonta naked for would be brought down an the earliesu possible moment. Qir Mnnlmnwin RnwnII_ Mnv um nvnanh rocxeu Ignmau umau Iuuur. Julius Soriver. the venerable member for Huntingdon. lnu-3 been otlered and hue de- clmed for various reeaona, family and other- wise, the position of lieutenenvgoveruor of the northwest territoriea. The oloe. in is understood, has not you been lled. LID`! uuu vuvu -u-v vv uvvuJ vuv -Belcou ( 8:: P: vi( IV....L..... 7IV.........on on ...L....A...... IA. gUHU*|4U U0 ULUUKIJU Ill WILD UL|l'IUB A1. Qouvreuu, who was returned unopposed for Temiscouata. after the creation of a vacancy by the death of Mr. Pouliot. Next came Louis Lavergne, brother of the former member for Artliabaskamow judge Lavergne. Mr. Lavergne carried the seat by 1.700 majority. his opponent. Mr. Noel, losing his deposit. Dr. Ross, who was elected by acclamation for Rimouski to succeed l)r. Fiset, appointed to the sen- ate. was the third to enter the chamber and take his seat at the invitation of the speaker. Mr. Malouin, who suc- ceeds Hon. Francois Langelier, ele- vated to the bench, and who was returned by ncclamation, was the next on` the list. The salvos of applause with which each recruit to the ministerial ranks wasgreeted increased in vigor, and con- tinued until the climax was reached on the presentation of Mr. Bertram. The mem- ber for Centre To'onto shook hands with the speaker and then took the seat as- signed him. There still remains another new member to be introduced.J. H. Leduc. who carried Nicolet by a majority of 256 over his opponent, Mr. Beauchene. Un- fortunately Mr. Leduc is conned to his home by illness. After the nnanina nnrnmnnian warn mmr u Ii. LIIIUIHUUIII. Sir Mackenzie Bowell, before adjourn- ment, inquired of the leader of the house whether the eennte might expect a copy of the eontreot entered into by the govern- ment for the construction of 1 line of nil- wey to the_Klondylie`.' The question was one which wee agitating the public mind and it would be impossible for the eenete to pro- perly consider the question unless the oon- treob was brou ht down. II ..- l\....'.l Jill- ...l....lLL..A LL... :_.......t H5 VH6 EHTVIUUU PUHUIUIU lLlUIlIUlIU- Sir Mackemiu Bowel|-May we expect them before the discussion on the address taken place ? nn, David Mill: Lhnuohh it: nnuihln anunan mus & co.`,| I 83 IIDAIII-g-;- M.