bslllnulg. I no thrill; nu snmuthlng, IN) (`Jll`P- ,\\'mnnn's work. 1 sun mun- \\'mn.'m'.~z work. plUVIIl-Clill \l.LVl. &Ll'l`ls, gl':u1d- \\', Hrn A, M milbbad been taking verioue medioinee end wee getting woree all the time. At Inc I decided bogive Paine : Celery Compound A trial. I procured A bottle end took in wool-ding to directions and found its eecc wonderful. Before I had Ilniehed the am. bobble I began to improve: ulcer I had used uhe eecond bottle I felt eewell ee ever I did in my life. In had heniehed all echee and pnina, my nervouaneee we: all gone and the tired end wom-out feelings were luniehed. I con go to bed now end eleep well and riee in the morning reeled and relreehed. I I.-.... -...u.-nnggnpl-`I D.:_-|_ l'V-l-.._ Iu TIITXIIUU. I have mmondod Paine : Colory Compound to y_ Manda who were suffer- ing-vlrom the ulna troulgloq u I Ind and All Inn boon grcnly` booopod. Know- ing what it bu dam. I ohearfnlly nonun- Jnond it to any pcnon inating from hid- noy dluue. Van!-I h-nlv. piliu QUOTED. ' Of late years, while laboring under those severe attacks. I beonmo very ;norvoua and continually Ind tired. worn~oub feelings. My row at night seemed so do me no good and Inlvnya foltwtirod am: in the morn- imp. WV l`.I;|..`4 N. l\|"ll/l)$l|.`\U.\ UH . l)EAH SlR.`l:-~F0l` the push fwen years I have then troubled with diseased kidneys. I Am engaged in the manufacture of cheese and am obliged to work more or lens in A snooping posture. At times I found in al- Inostimpoeeiblo to work owing to severe psins across my lndnaya. Oiben, after workin in u ntooping position for A time, I won] find in very diiculh to straighten up at once. and could only do 50 Minor ro- puwd efforts. ' Of late nun. while lnborina undar than N0 CASE T00 COMPLICATED FOR TE GREAT MEDICINE. llne Ill` The Greatest Victories (Iver Disease Ever Beeerded. Mr. Kevlll Sa : Your CompouayJ6emish- ed All My Aches and Pains.- Funmuma Wi:I.I.~a & Rn'Iunwo.\' C0 . nu. .. um..._l.`m- ml... n..n ]Paiue s Celery Compound] IDUULIIIK Will U!) HUI Ill Dl`UUIV||lUc The new warden of Leeds and Grenville. J. H. Foster. was born at Smith : Falls about forty-seven years ago. He served A full apprenticeship an machinist in Frost & Wood's implement works in his native town and 'at its completion took a position in the Kingston locomotive works. A few yearqrster he settled on a farm in Elmaley town` lip and has made a success of lilo. [The Grim Reaper. `Was Waiting To Receive A Burdened Victim of Kidney Disease. puny The Orange lodge of Leeds men on Tues- day and elected the following oioera: C M., W. N. Bowen; D. M , 0. W. Landon; chaplain. H. L Davis;d. 8.. N. W. Web- ster; F. 8.. T` G. Kendrick; treasurer. W. Mclutyre; l). 0., W, McKenzie; lecturer. W. A-Jellord: 1). L . H. Cook. The next. meeting will be held in Brockville. The new warden of Lead: and Grenville. DY IIIU DUIILU [U lUULU- Kenneth Latimar, who left. (iananoque last September. is on his way to the Klon- dyko. He will form one of a purhy of eighbeen or twenty going from the vicinity of Winnipeg. Mr. Riddell, brother of Mrs. J. L R.ogera,Gananoquo. is also one of the party. The Omnzm lnrhm of Load: mah nn 'l`nm:. IUTLUHCU lUl' HI- Mr. and Mrs. Barnes. Renfrew. started on a lengnhy pleasure trip on S9.burd.;y. They rab go to tho Pacic coast. by the C. P. Ii. Then they go be San Francisco. and on In southern California, and return by the Same Fe route. ](nnnn}k Y.nrimn.- uvhn huff. llmnnnnnun VUUFKU I). UITIVVIUTU, DUIIU UK UX|Ul'll- Prior to bra departure for the Klondykr. J. 1). Clarke. of Wanbndge 3:. Clarke, Belleville. was presented by the employees of the rm with a case of silver mounted uipee and tabncco pouch. accompanied by an address. A551... ....-:.I........ -5 IA... .....l 1].... `X7 II -I uuurruu. Ah the reeidonns nf Mr. and Mrs. W. Blur, fourth line of Babhursb, on Wednes- d my the ceremony was performed by which Miss Jennie, their youngest, daughter. and N. (L Somervillo, Middleville, united their fortunes for life. II. .....-I Kl..- Du...-.45 Dnnf-n... ntnnon/I COAL AND WOOD, L` n Illlll W253 I'U`U|UULUll UCUl'U|Jlll`_y'|.l'Ul'\llUl'u Huldah Yates. when of the late Charles Blauoher, Athens, died on Sunday at) the residence of her son-in-law, 0. 1 . Arnold, Addison. Deceased was in her eighty- fourth year. 'l'lm rnnlrlnnnn nl Mr. nnrl Mrs. 'l`l1nmMI IUUFIIII JUNK`: The residence of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dmgereld was the scene of A very pratty wedding on January 26011, when their daughter. Annie E , was married to George B. Crawford, both of Oxford. 1 :-inr In In: rlnnartnrn for the KInndv|.u\_ IIUUVUJIIBIIIIIUIIUU VIHIKU |lll 605. James B. Gibson and W. J. Greeneld. Belleville, and Samuel Neebitt, Brighton. have entered iubo partnership and will es- tablish A canning factory in Brighton. At lm hntu-A nf nrlnc-nf.lnn n flrnh nnninn IRIDIIUII I Clllllllg H|UbU|'y Ill l)l'lgU|Jll. At bha board of education's first session in Napaneo H. M. Derocho. (.10., was re- olected chairman for the tifnh term. W. F. Hall was re-elected secretary-treasurer. Hnlrlnh Vntnn, rnlinh nf tho Intn Chnrlml IUHVG! II LIUEDEHU IIIU IJWU IUIIF. Rufus Collins. one of Smith : Falls old- est; residents, paused away on Monday so the age of eighty-seven. He located in the above-mentioned village im1S38. Jmnnn R ihnnn and \V J Hrnnnnld. l'0lElBYU Illi WCOK. On Thursday death claimed as its vic- tim Mrs. I. J. Taylor, Smit;h s Falls. For many years she was an invalid. She leaves a husband and two aonr. `D..t.... fV-II.... ....... ..f Q....l6L. .. Walla nlrl LIIHIXIUHLL Renfraw high school has at proaenb a larger number of pupils inattondnnce than ever before in its history. There were 133 registered last week. n Thnurndnv (loath nlnimnd Al in Vin. Meaars. Dawson have 8 saw-mill in operation on the banks of the Bonnechere. near the 0.A. & P.S and K. & P. railway diamond. `D.`......... kin). nnknnl `nun n nu-nnnnhn I I Ully H0 LIIU IKE U1 UUVUIl|4Y'UllU ylfllla John Tomlinaon. Carleton Place, died on Thursday at the age of twenty- {our years. He leaves a wife and one child. ll..--..- 1\.....-.u. Lana a main mil` in pure IJIIUI. Jamal Robinson, Hay Bay. on Jan. 23rd, foundslivo grasshopper on atwig I new his house. ll`..-~..L lI7.._-_.. .. LL- IV D D -L_h.:.u. 0 you want the Cheapest g._4I E`... UEIDIUH I0 UIUHIIFBBI. Mina Anna E Clark, daughter of Mrs. J. D. Clark, Cape Vincent, pnssed uwuy on`Wednesday morning. Hm-rinh T)__ rnlint of the late Hector UH vveuneauay Hl ll'lllllK. Harriet: D.. reliot of the late Hector Howell. Belleville. departed. this earth on Frday ah the age of seventy-one years. Jnhn Tnmlinnnn. Carleton Place. died ll IUl'lUllIly III. The Reulrow oreamory shown a balance for Int year of $980 on the wrong side of the ledger. Jnmon Fnirhnirn. I Fain-nv hov. meant. Saves a Life After Fifteen Years of Terrible Agony. : lows of the nmrm -qondouod from no main $-_L--3-Q Whig ; lxohnnnl. '1`homnIBerney, ex postmaster o!Athons, in seriuully ill. Thu Rnnlrnv nrmunnrv nhntn n hnlnnnn Q av-cw: UI Iavnnuurlui qunuvuuwu -Iv: u_-u nun wager. J amen Fnirbnirn. I Falzroy boy, recent- ly snared A rabbit. the color 01 which wu pure black. Jana: Rnbinann. Haw Hair. on Jan. ll5Il' DII IIOIIBU. Frank Warren. in the 0 RR. ataoion, Ranlrew. has been promoted to Outremenb station at Montreal. \l:.. A...... IF f1I-_l. .I....nIv.6n- A5 \I..- otsfnncr nasus. Your: truly. C. F. Kovill. Dnuloul, Ont. H, BRAME SI "In IT IIDGI IIIIIOI-III HIS Cl'y ll: '15 II good to bo hora.` (Ibo Tuppor-Whit nay allinnco.) `Lotus unitao under tho load- onhip of Sir Chorluo Tuppu. `Pun-ohuo supplies for public Inatibuciool by Condor. `The Michigan lumbonnon. `on odvioory board {or tho miniuor ol odouotlon `Moro oxtnv nos. `Diroot ioxolbo'- sun in gal. ' o surplus OH qvrloog I-5r'5uo!' noun so this -:nnI:o`jALA n`nAn-- bin: -5 uguu, `L10 Ullr Hll. "In the on y nineties ib wu, `Mount and u-chbinhop Lynoh much go. Unite! unite! ngsinat. A common enemy!` `Nutional school system" `The Root Bible. `A See. rot. bnllot. `We want no minister of 3311- cultnro,' `More extnvugunod. `Direct. tax- ation, still in night, `No nurp|uu.' "In thn middla ninntinn it. in. "l"hn IIOIUII. III In IIKIIV, 'L`U Ill TPIIII. In the middle ninotia it win. `The Eye Opener. `The Matter Bill.` `septum Ichools mod wnwhing. `No miniawr of education. `Supplies for public institu- tions must be lot. `by bender. `Moro ax- tnvsgnnoo `Dircb unt.ion at.ill in night, `No our Ins sad `I cail with I cough. "In I. nan Intnr ninntinn tbs rrv in. `II. in uuvu wlaouu nun surplus. "In the latter eoventiee their cry want, `We want no minister of educet.ion;' `No license inapecoore and license commission- -ere Appointed by the governmentz `No ex- tnugenoef `Direct taxation still in eight and `You are wuting the surplus.` In the nrlv niahljnn the en wn.v uuu ' 1 on ore wuung we surplus. 3 In the only eighties lhn cry wu,' `Mount must go, `No French Schools. `Facts for Irish Electors, `No school book Inonopliea,' `Liquor aollorc torrorizod by the government, `Direct: taxation ntillln night, `No our lug. "Tn ah. nor my ninntinn ih Inn, `Mnwnhl lllllay "Ul'lZ` * In the early seventies the great: cry of the conservative party was that we ex- pended too much money on the fence around the o|:l parliament buildings. That. was their principal stock in trade: `di- rect: baxationia in eight, and that we have vnabed the surplus. "In the lunar mumnljnn Hmir nrv wan. The Battle songs or The Torlou In Dan Geno 8:. Hon. G. W. Rose. minister of educntion. time describes the battle cries of the oppo- sition during the elections of the pub twenty your-s: "In thn tun-Iv unmntinn Hm tn-nah nrv nf ' We have a full line of Agate Ware, Nickle Plated Ware, Tin- ware, Carpet Sweepers, Rasin Seeders and Clothes Wringers, alsg a good assortment ofCutlery. Ifyou intend to change Stoves be sure and purchase A HAPPY HOME." Every range guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. 75 & 77 vnmcess STREET. FH||]AY,%F[B.4|h, EMBROIDERIES-Notable happenings here. New prices, new de- signs, new ideas. Embroideries for Underwear. Embroideriea for Dresses, at 5c, Go, 70. 80, 90 yard. Finer goods at. 100 to 200. Some of the Embroidery Remnants still here. If the lengths suit values are about half. (`l\TPQL"I`k` "I"um nnnnicd Man.` that Inn AR`... .5 Kn. .2. nhnnlr amp` AIULIJIICIIJIID DUIIA LA!-'l-U0 LI IILIU IUIIHUUD DLIIII VIIIIIUH IIIU QUUNV IJIIIII COIiS13TS-Two special lines that we oer at 500 pair. Black and Grey. well made and boned, 5 clasp, 900 pair. PAPER PATTERNS are n help to homo sowing. New Idea. l utl.erns are the equal of the boat, suponor to most. All kinds M. a uniform price, 100 each. Starr & Sutclie, is left with us for a few days. The weather was so unfavorable during the past week that many could not get out to see it. Those who did see it were so in- terested that we thought it well to retain it for a few clays longer. We have arranged to give free lessons in Iimbroidery during February each day, except Sa- turday, from 4 to 6 p.m. You are welcome to take ad- vantage of the offer. THE GURNEY - TILDEN C0,, { Lim!t_cd_,_ Hamilton. The Display of Started Embroidery Work l`0 U, I57 .00 `I 1 Will] I CUIIKII "In lg no later nineties the cry il..'I is hall in h: Fm:-n, HJLA Tunnnunfhih. SOUVENIR RANGES lA_TlME.0.0MlE . .When almost every household` will come to use a Souvenir, because it will be to their ad- vantage to do so. Slowly but surely the tide is turnifig. Hu- manity seeks those things that serve them best. This is the secret of the unequalled ~~"$mand for . . . . FORT H0U%sEwI'i7E Big ~- Shoe Bargains FORMERLY RICHMOND a CO. 118 and` 120" Princes Street. A Beautiful Solid Gold ing, Set with Bonulno Garnet I t _. _'_" '"_!""~0- W" '5! '09- '"__"`_' `_"""' _ _ 13}-:l-_!_QI_T BR_Q-.- They are sold over where. One will last ' a li etime. Wlfofaale Agencies in Toronto, Montreal and Winnipeg. For sale in Kingston by R. 11. HORSEY 6: ul. '. nsonu. su PLY 00., HUMBUG CRIES. Manutacumrs or stoves. Pur'naces and Radiators. vIUl.I:1' SACIIET l Elu"UME(wh|oh tor delicacy 0! odor, nntunl lrouh- ` neu nnd inexlnuulblo olnrumr ll unnu no call for us (If you aux) unon; mend: at. 10 oonul r hgv. hnn sold remit us the monoy and we will lend you I? E or your trouble tho nbovo deuoribod ring` which I: dumped md vtrnmad Solid Gold, on with Gonulno Game (1 very handsome md dodrnhlo Oh:-Inna Gm). Bond Iddnu at ones And mu AaHH:IMParfunwyouo'oiaAndwow1llund|t. Nonnqy We an on rich. Good: returnable (I not nold. Ill Lv 00.. Rnnwnnn nnnnnunn Tnnnu-rn n- E556` WANTED--The address of "*7 every sufferer In America. The Nyassan Mcdlclnc Co.. Truro, N.S Ihnuon thin mmnr whnn writlmr. ......... -.,, --. ...... ..-.......- -.....-. I. YOU MY IDTIIIMI. IIIPLV llll YOUI IAIAI All!` ADOBE Plulnl Iv:-men. nnd we will and you 20 I mhgec ol IIPEHISHABIJ VIOL `T SACHE1` Pl-2lLFUME(wh|oh tor delicacy 1 unnumnnod) to (I! vou can) l I III HIS. UOQXII l'Iull'l|IDIU 1' H05 XIC. , Bnowoon couuuno. TORONTO. ONY. - Mu. John Bouchor. horn In Omnnoqno. died in Sb. Iaonil, Miuonri. on Thursday. Botoro moving to so. Loni: for the second time tho lived in Uunnoqno and Kingston. in which lunar plnoo Mr. Bouohor was on- ployod in I earrings hotory. fH"e"soT2f ' `r hm` same old ddle but only one or no strings remain. the one being `no surplus,` which wo have disposed of over and over again, and the other is `no extnvngnnce Unltcd Staten Onptnln Boluul AM `In A x lgnnnllnn Van:-I msousrmezmnummrrv. masronf om IJVCIUU JJUBH lubatitutea. \./J3 J. .lJ\.I.L` J. JJLL ` II absolutely pure, clean] prepared by machinery and delicious in the cup. Sealed Lead Packets On y--$50, 80c, 40:1} 500, 60c. Beware of spurious Ill atitutes. - uw nyaaaau msuu.un..\.u., u u Ihntlon this paper when writing. `CI I'V Il TWICIWI. nund cdrlhlnno I olWu|u nndtlodlbol Yorhlo nzudoqulo uwn IOSIIL CARD ran .._NL n _ ..._ [yM|`L(!,eW,, Athletics "4oc. worth 5oc. Acme 4oc, 5oc. Hokey `75c. S I. Best quality. Lowest iadca MEDICINE Rellable Shoe House. BIO RBDU CTION IN man` uSa'.ci3'.noT'uei- (Haip- aids lvynl oonuiuion, bonded .- ihhj in min: anal.- .-....0LLIa `Tuna TTIIZU -!0I'I. Emil W lf%hHI I Plfil Ol- pdnlllno. __A-r_ '(_3onE1uers all Skin Disease. As much as we do on the: growth and manufacture of China and Jupnn Tens you would never givd them bouseroom. 0! All Do utrlx - Mann -u2-u-u--112:--u:--T--___j WORKING FOR THE MASSES. Acontomponry. rsisrring to his Kings- ton sddrsss. ssid Hon. Mr. Hardy tslksd too much, sud Islksd too long to tho work- ing Insn. Kingston. it said, wss not an industrial cooks. sad it was not to be ex- psctsd thst hs should spsnd so much time in dssling with industrial issuss. In- 4l..4lo Tho Wnm knot pnpuod to ldlnih that 2 that in my` feet in this contention. 9 Kinpaon is not In much o! In indnotrial 1 oontnunonoolhorphou. but in in nu; Induurisl oontn novortholou. and becoIn- { log Ino'i'o no so our people no nude IHVO ` to the importance of nmulaotdru sod _..A l..AI. ...n. A. ....... ck... --- -u-r--uu--vv -- ------vv--vw uuu puthrthglompoucnnthon. ' louonrilb thocryot theta-iathnt Ihugliinnroclanlughlunndbolrioodnol 1;--`Mg. .l`--_Jl..L.. `I `II AL-n :- Illa HIOII. I0 RBI 0? pl]! of Both. For partial: oo|.I.on tho pronluu. u - v u -v r-nu, nu nu move In yuuougu. Then the coneerntivee turned upon their new-found friends. Mr. Matter took the heyleed out of his heir. the burn out) of hie whiakere, end the roll out of his pence. Then the party threw him overboard and put Mr. Whitney in hie plece. Then the putrone-deepite their opposition to the government, their manifest and certain independenoe--were called grin. and Mr. Whitney, speaking in the city hall in Kingston, could - nob recoil anything meritorious that Mr. Heycock did. Oh. ooryiem. thy Mine in Humbug I .... -..' -17-nu-vvlu vvuvlu nun. nnnluvun IOU. It was all arranged that the patrons and the conservatives should unite, should vote the government out ol otlice and divide up the spoils. The union, such I18 Mr. Mer- ter propoeod, might go lnme. but being a man 0! great girth and faith. he was very hopeful that time and Providence would been their side. Somehow the scheme` did not develop. Mr. Hnycoek did not walk into Mr. Mutter`: parlor, we: not caught in his net. was not willing to eell out hie party for I mess oi pottege. Than ah. nan.`-u.Hn.. o.....-.l ....__ When the patrons came out of the last election with a representation which. while not imposing, was looked upon as a men- ace to the existing parties, the toriea seem- ed to be concerned. Mr. Marter-the grandpa of the party-and then acting as its leader. conceived the idea of hypnoti- zing the patrons. He was a bit of a patron himself. He had been known to go around with heyaeed in his hair and burs in hie, whiskers. He was an ideal agriculturiat, ` more ideal than real. Bo he laid in wait for the members whom Mr. lhycock led". It urn: -`I ....-........l hL..L LL- ..-A_-__ -__| --.7 v..... - v.- -..--vuvnno Mr. Whitney has no use for Mr. Hay- cook. the member for Frontenac in the le` gielnture. Mr. Haycoek has disappointed the oppoaition. So have all the other pe- tronn, and they ought: to be ashamed of themselves. nu`. . - -vvilawun vv v vivlv uvllauvvu vvnuu nun. And the tories. who did not want the department at All, and any band of it. any thot Mr. Dryden must go 2 They are ovi- dently counting upon 5 party opposition bo the man, and they are going to be fooled. The conservative farmer: is willing to our- bainyhe man who has been so devoted to their interests. "My politics are opposed to the govern- ment of Ontario. but I must any that in Mr. Dryden the present administration has 8 most oompetent man. When he asked me to come to Toronto to look over his bill. I and those with me ex eobed to find that we were necessary to t e perfection 0! thnt bill. But we were not. The bill I had been drafted and was submitted to us for our approval. We found the ground well covered, and instead of teaching the minister how to preserve the fruit, we found ourselves listening to Mr. 1)ryden s plnns. It would be impossible to nd s more capable minister of agriculture in the province. We were delighted with him. An!` bl... L--3.- ...I.... AL! ....A _-_L LL- --..v~.a u. man" u--,. .-.4.`- The leader of the opposition was opposed to the creation of an agricultural depart- menb, and the appoint; nent. of a head to it. Ia there anyone, liberal or tory, who does nob now approve of the department: ? Here is the evidence of one who is a great fruit raiser in the Niagara district). and a con- servative. one not likely to go oil" at half- oock and say what he does nob mean. and who is absolutely independent in the dis- cussion of public questions, Albeit Pay, Sb. Catharinee : V... ..y`.... .... --. up..- Out of office. relieved of the cores of stnte. Sir Adolphe Chaplenu was asked to give some explanation of the letter whioh, stolen {or Mr. Torte, has given the tories so much worry. Sir Adolphe refused to discuss-any stolen document, but he said he had no hesitation`in remarking, as he had to Sir Hibbert Tupper, thet the letter contained no reflection upon Sir Charles Tapper. or upon any political or other not of his career. He added that he and Sir Charles Tapper before the last election had discussed the outlook in Quebec. They differed in regard to it, hubin an affectionate and friendly way. Now it will be in order for Sir Charles to withdraw the reeotiona he made upon Sir Adolphe Chepleau, which scold amounted tone reading of the ex governor rut of the party. Sir Charles is very saucy betlmea. ehd it has cost. him the iriendshi p of more than one former colleague. {THE DAILY WHIG. A N0 USE FOR HAYCOCK. cm wooo Aug (E9Al_ vf/um. ABUSE 013' MR. mu'm:N. SIR ADOLPHE CH.qg>LE}.U.Z "0piter per Orbam Dioor." ug ---u-unc-vi .dallt.lmip _ rm On llaltlhy. Capt. H. E. Wiap..Derbyahire regiment. | ` been placed on hall pay on account of ` . Ill-health. Capain Wine wua graduate Biol thelloyal military college. Kungeton. _ and acted an A.D C. to general Middleton I dating hie period at command. He was wounded in the heel as fish Creek while ' attending to his stat! clntiee, but remained ' - ah the trout. but an a patient in the eld ' , hoapical until after the eaptun at Bahoche. I 1 I _. .--..~ ..... ..--- -rv.. nu`. `nun. au-uvawa Ah, but the royalties, what of them? Men who obtain education. poor men sometimes, men who have had to make sacrices in order to acquire learning, and men who make the best use of their time when they become experts, write books on certain subjects. and these, in the light of their experience, are better than any before in use. The minister of education passes upon them; and if his judgment is the same as that of others. who have examined the hooks, and others competent to" judge, they are au- thorized. That authorization carries with it no corner, no monopoly. The royalty is xed, so is the price, and the heel: is purchnsehle on its merits. At any time a better book may be written by a better hand, and by one who may have : suffered greater hardships in order to get his education. And he gets the reward of his labours, the permission to sell at a stipulated and reasonable price the hock he has written. All these books are for class subjects. and are not the readers which are uniform in all the schools. wncu no In: uuptlicnoa `to tho burial It Sukatooo. Jo-oph Richndaon was ohoud no 'p. m.. non: yesterday for the southeast divinion olDnh|n.Iho can undo vacant bytho death cl Sir Bar; Havlook-Alba. ......_ ...- ............ ... -.... V..- ..\...vw.~- Note two things : (l) Thst the school readers. as the Wniu in a recent article pointed Out. are cheaper then they have i ever been. because the minister cut down the price in renewing the contracts in 1896; and (2) that the royalties on high school and other class books. average ten per cant... do not exceed that, except. in n couple of cases, end are limited to fteen per cent.. and in the opinion of the royal able end fair. commission. nothing could be more reason- ` Desert Le ])r.sIcm Luna. Fe 5. The roads nre in I bed condition, son: I on being almost. impueeble. A. B. P130 is suffering from An attack of inammation of the lungs. John Cereleie he: left. hero end eterted etorekeeping eb Hollelord. Grippe is making the nauelround. many eulfering lrom it. in this place. Williun Snook bee 3 bed Attack of qniney. A new store in to be opened up soon here. John Weley e family ere recovering from meeelee. Mrs. R. Campbell in on the eiok 15. Sherman Oreer. ;revelling in the inherent of J. C, Connelly, Yerker, has done 3 good hui-` use through here thin winter. T. Morey in moving tothe place recently occupied by J, Cenleke. Oliver Bnook loo: 3 good i hone in having it: let broken. olnge. I I ' by :1, UIIIIIIO. uuvar unoom by having leg broken. T0 RENT OR PURCHASE rgumtouqoonxmo Ion A out n "`.`e`$'.'u.. ?`.` .?n'i`.?3.'!:.";.!.i'.,.: Jon pnnluu. --- ..-- v-----.`- ........,y--. u". an. runuvu Any laook. twenty or more years old. is bound to be cheap, and Col. Mabhiooon, on this score, can nd all he wants to talk about by visiting the bookatallu or 'junk shops where old books may be found. He in bud pruned for an argument when he rest: his cue upon the Irish readers. {AL L..n. LL- _-_-u:-- __L-; -1.|_-_._-. . , (I) That the Irish readers were retired from use in Ontario as far back as 1868, by ' Dr. Ryerson, because they were unsuit- able for. use in Canadian schools ; (:3) that l they are not, in the material that composes them. as good as the Ontario readers ; (3) | that they are defective in a literary sense, and out of touch with Canadian ideas and methods of education ; and (4) the Ontario reader is actually cheaper and bet- ter tted for the requirements of the schools. The Irish series "would be dear for our `Ontario schools at any price. A... sum]. s~........s.. r... ......_. ........- ..I.I :_ Mind you, he does not say that the Irish readers should be used in the schools, but he does any that the Ontario tenders are not as cheap. and because they are not the people are boing bled. If Col. Matheson were honest; he would tell all he knows about: the Irish readers. and his informa- tion, embodied in [government papers and especially in than of the royal commis- sion, which reported last: session, is as ` follows ; 4 -.--...-- ~\.--.,..... ..vv--~- In nearly every speech which Col.| Matheeon has so far made in this cam-' paign. he has diecuaeed_ the school book question. and endeavoured to deceive; people in regard to in. He has alleged that. the books used in the public schools. I the xeademnte dearer than bhey should be, and he putn up the Irish renders as a proof of what. he Pays. \l:..4l -..... L- Ann... ....L .._.. AL-L Al... l._.'..I_ ';vu-u-- ' Mr. Hardy having been pictured as a little king, the friend of the classes, it was right and proper, and exceedingly tting, that he should briey refer to the labour. the helpful, legislation to which he and the government had given effect. That I review established his claim to the support of the muses, and that support he will be sure to receive it. _ wlekedsndbed in the way of combina- tions. When the toriss ruled at Ottawa they wens willing to parcel out the coun- try among the members of parliament and other friends ohthe government. and they evidently think that the liberals must. now that they are in power. be similarly mind- ed. They overlook the fact that it was a liberal` government, the same of which Hon. Mr. Hardy is the leader, that fought the boundary award ease, throigh the oourts and to the privy council`. and, winning it, saved to Ontario a territory valued at millions of dollars. And it is the party that wanted to rob Ontario of its riches that makes a row. as big a one ' as its members know how to create. be- cause an English syndicate obtained. for a consideration, a special privilege in the * way 0! mining lands. in order to experi- ment and demonstrate their worth. Mr. Whitney would have been willing had his party given away the half of Ontario, but he is not willing that English capitalists should have a chance _to_ prospect and prove the mineral worth of lands that are worth nothing if not for their mineralde- poei ts. ll- Il'......ln L.....'..... Ln-.. ..:..L........l .. .. CHEAP SCHOOL BOOKS. ruesme among oinor proois ll. .-ni_v.~i: The Scottish Highlanders have ulxmyn been firmly convinced that Adam an-l Eva used "in. (`um-liu and gratify- inir to find that philologisia on they. grow wiser nro coming round to the `same opinion. It is true that they have -made no e.rpro:..-4 ndniission to this rt- fert as yet, but then is evidence that we are on tho cw-, of an iu`knm\lrdg- man! that Gaelic \\'1|S the original lan- guage of the human rnve. Rnv Ilnnnld Ilnliullvnrir n-kn in :1! gungv 01 Int numan ' ` Rev. llunnid Mdhllvnry, whn is at .his homo here from Ilonnn, Fhxna, s.'I_\'s Ilw found the Chinese lumruage easy to I learn since he speaks` Gaelic. TM! nxofni A f tuner : wife reputed to the m|rkotn:8lot.k :11 two turkey: had boon nolou {mm but Ihil. No tmoo oltbothid.i!thonvuooo,couldbo, found. Tholgnnuru of Kinguon India col- ltgohoguuonwodnoldsy out M lI\'V"VJ [ 0V. V `O " SI, $1.80. $1 50, $2.00. Now is your chance. Season is not 1131! ow/er yet. Lots of fgn ahead. The langungo 0! Ida: _ln .1h0 "Scrap Book of Farm nnd Fuemde among other proofs it "The S('nlli.~h Hiahlnndprn have :|l\\.n.'n I : rm. musu-.r mm-4.; 111.. um. u. 11. nun- vr, grnndmuster 1877-79; M.\\'. Rm. .1. A. ll:-ndersun, gmndnmslvr, l`*7SJ-RI; M.\\'. Dru. J1lm(-'.S Aluxffaxll,grnndu1.n.~:u-r 1991-H2; M.\\'. Dru. Uzmivl Spry. 5rruml~ master 1882-H1; M.\\'. Hm. Hugh Mur- rny, grnnrlnmstm` 1P4Rt-h'(i; M.\\`. in). Henry Rulmr(snn_ grnndumster 18855-H`-; M.\\'. Rm. R. T. \\';1lke'm. gI`Ill](|lI1;I.\`l:`l` I.`-Rh`-DH; M.\\'. Bm. J. Ross I{uh'l't3 gzrinndnmslvr lK90!I'.Z; M.\\'. Ilru. J. M. `Gibson, pzmndmm-H01` lR93-`J4; M.\\'. i(l.3_I'u. \\'iHi.'un GHJSUII, gr`;1n(|111uslerlt(iP.')- I . r. n ..l. nnlnr V`:-4unv\n ])t'Tl("(`.l ll] ll](`H' il[)[)UllllllH'l|l-'5- Tho, refreshment mum is (tilpflhhn of seating about 250, being furnished with ul! modern improvmnvnts. "Hm rnnmn m-mmv Hm ninth nncl :w. | Tim vhapter mains are nhuul. mm- 'p|vl.r-(I and mnwy to mm`.~i mind in_',' ltlu-ir prnymrliun und dosign, tin Hui)- llimv (rulhs llml \\il| hr`. inI`Ui(`liJi within lhuir mu`-i`ml Hiclosure. i The vi-nunittm-. and uiil('l rooms for llho m'('0mmnd.'Llion of the iu'nllire.n urn: pt'I`f("(`.l` in their nppoinluivnls. i Thu. rofrmzhmont rmnn cz\nn.h|,\ uu mouvrn nmprnvmm-n1.s. The rooms occupy the ninth and tenth stories, _t'I.`n elvvnturs being in use night and duy.-A.S. HH|.ll'l' 1(`)i.`-UH-151'], l\l.\\. l)l'U. .`\- J1. `Wilson, grandmaster 1557-1'34}-1873; M.\`\'. Bru. 'l`. I). llurringlnn, grumlunaslm` lFl}0-M; M.\\'. lirn. W. U. Slulpuzm, grnndlnusu-r }5(S-1-Utu; 1\l.\\'. llrn. A. A. h`lv.\'m1.=u11, puuntlxnznslor 1860-71; M.\\'. Rm. Jzunes Seymour. gxzuulrxnmtnr 1871-72; M.\\'. Bro. .I.R. Kerr. granni- muslur 1875-77; D1.\\'. Hm. \\'. U. \\'u||- 1|!` (V-v`unI|nrn.-Oar H'.`77,'ll- R-T \\' llrn ,l uunuxs In me nmsumc scwm-e. The list is taken from plates on tha. pznintings. M.\V. Bro. \\'illi2uu Jarvis, {pro\'inuml G.1\I. 179:1-1,817; R.\\'. Hm. Simon Mctiillivrny, provinm-iul (LM. 11"`-.`2-A10; R.\\'. Bro. Robert Kerr. Hon. provincial G.M. 1922-:34; ILW. Hm. Z. 1\f, ] hiHi|u: Hnn nI`nvim`i11| H_Nl,H-`\'_!Z_ - '55;-`IU; IV.\V. UFO. lKUUl`ll ]\Ul'l`. IlUIl- M. Phillips, Hon. provina-iul (i.M.lP-`~'.!:. -17; ELW. Bro. James l"i1,zgibhon, deg puly provincial G.M. 1822-25; R W.` Rm. John lfeikie, deputy provmriul !n: .\r Is.~m_Ar.~ .\l u,' Ilrn uir .\ \ M.-. ll.iU.. Nah, . ,~ [ l. u. n ; 1815-SR; muster Wilson, ICl'l| I14 A} Strachan.I Fresh grnvo In Hm valley- Tmra, hitter snhs, regret; Om mnro solmnu Ivsson Th-no Tn nnnn uni furl!!!` ' IIIU IUIIIXCF [0 I119 01 LKlUUg'llL. The following list of grundixinstors show that while citizens of -the lime- stone city have occupied the most (lia- linguished positions in the dominion, they also have been exultml Lu lnghosi honors in the masonic science. Thu list in fnlznn frnvu nlnlnu nn Ihi Pale hrtnds sofllv fuldod, The kindly puisu-s still; Tho lips know nu smiling. Thu noble In-arr thrill Her couvh l'|(`l`(lS sumo! She cureth fur nu NIT!`- l.nvo's tendon-at Pntrt-uly Meets no rospmnw tlwro. UH!` fl)Ul`(' SOIPIIIU IPSSUII Tlmt lifo may not fnrgel; Fave forever hidden, Race forever run: Dust to dust (I voice saith- And woman`: work is done.` WUIIL Through the kindness and large heurtedness of M.\\'. Bro. J. Ross Robertson the hall has the L'()rIlplt'lu list, the eight who presided from 1792 to 1855- being his private property so generously donated to his brethren of the queen city. The principal commit- tee room has been entirely I rni._-ih-2d by the some distinguished M. `. Bi'o., seems to take delight in two nohle or- ders, "Freemasonry" and Chi|dreu`s hospital," the latter commending itself, to all class;-,5 and conditions of men; the former `to men of thought. The fnlinlxintr lie: of :rr:1n4linn.u\l.nrn Lastly, mnwlh snlrnve. A day of s\\'('Pl rvpnso-- Hvr lnvks snmulhly hruidvd. Vpon lwr lnronst n roan-,; 1.1131103 rt-slim: gr-ntly Fpon Hm umrhlo chunk; A look of lnlv.-xsml. pm`l"cl pa l'pon the {m'r\ho.'ul nu-ck. Loading: little vhilalrvn. And l-lvsz.-sing m.mhuml's years; Fllmvinpr In thv sinful [low (`md'.~I furgin-noss; [w'r.'lllvrin;z mvm-t rn.~10H Along ;n1utlmr`.~< pulh; Smiling by llm \\'.'I_V.\l(l0, (`ulnvnt with hat she Imm- \\'....... ..`.. ..... Letting full hm mvn tv:u's \\'h:-rn only (ind v.-m sec; \\'ipin1.: off :|nnlhm".~x \\'ilh lo-min` a_\'Inp:1lh_\'; Luuning by (`.\pPl`it`n('(`, Tc~.'u`|1imr hy oxxunplr-; Y:-nlninpr for the p:uIuw1|_\', Golden, pearly, nmp|n- \\'Innn Burying out of sight Hvr own unht-nling snmrls; Lt-Him: in tho aunshino On nthvr I-nudvrl lunlrts; Binding up thu uuumlod, And hvnlimr up the Hivk; Bran-ly mun hing nn\\.-nrd Through dnngurs lurk and think- \\unnun's uurk. um.-st uu we continent. .l The blue room hits decorating its walls life size oil paintings of thv twenty-five grand masters who have ruled the craft in this country since 1702. The Toronto brethren deserve credit (or procuring and preserving portraits of men who while rulers in the cruft, have occupied most honor- able positions in the country. The idea seems in hnvn nriainniml in Tnruniu Suth erland s [ Sawing on the buttons; Ow-rseoing rations; Soothing with 21. kind word Olhar lnnmntntinns; Guiding clumsy Budgets, And maxim: sullen cmsks; Entertaining r'mnpnn_v, And rnuding recent books- \\'oruun` work. Ito Anhltootuo `noon: the IlI|ont-l.I|t I of GIIIIC Intern. At tl{e meeting of the grand chapter R.A.M. of Canada, I had the pleasure of seeing the new masonic lidqe rooms on the corner of Bay and bl.ichmon.l strvets, Toroutu, which xn their archi- tecture and finish are among the finest on the continent. T... 1.1.... ....,.... 1.1.. .a..,.,..-...:..... nu : lame pU5ll|UIlS In the L'Uullu>_). luu nuha `seems to have originated nu 'lur0nlu us no other country boasts :1 slmnlur work. 'l`l.u-nu.-I. Al... I- A -.....4. .. n .1 In -an vvuuu-u - u an.- Dnrning little stockings, For restless little feet; Washing litxln f:mes, ' To keep them clean and sweet; Ilenring bible lessons, 'l'9m'hing cu l.uvl1ix-'m, Praying for sulvuliuu From heresy and 5('hism-- `Woman's work. ll) Ill UV llllfllll \l.L\I. ll`-4-`ad, [L `o. M. 1826-45; M.\V'. Um. Sir A. .\. Mn- uh, provinviul (LM. lb-15-;'~.3; I{.\\'.lh'u. (3. Rirluut, deputy pmvllnciul (}.M. 15.59: M.\\'. Tlrn. l`_ H. H.'u'ri.~:. m`:u1d- T _,__ZV, lvb MAIONIO TEMPLE. TORONTO. numur, (1E`[)llly pluvlllclu ; M.\\'. Dru. T. B. H.'u'ris, 1l`!)5-BF-18'/-1; L\J.\\'. Urn. .-n-n...l..`..g| ...- l:.'. .,n".n_l>i'7' I lI"l IITCWLQI ll I'H.`I\',, 1 p.` 1 ,.,. A 898. `$'E'f"'~%'!`4 ll . fI'(`.`~'9`J'i'!. w - . \' (`W ma A315,} Woman`: ion-k. |:.A|- - KATES.