9.Shlrt B saw For Saturday lllly E0 OIIIIO IIIIG TUUIII 01 WHO ll1II'llIliOl'- General John Coohnno, 1 wall-known political spotter md prominent in `run- mony Hull. died in New York on Monday from bright : dioouo ah the -30 of eighty- vn. "UT ve. elgnny-one yearn. Suunmonnoa huve been issued in Bnntn ` ford spinal; I dozen cibium for Allowing city sneer to be mad during the cold won- thor for back ytrd ahting rinks. A lunar In-mu Honor Dn Lama. Rnnninh FUCK [Of DICK ,II'u Illlalng l'llllI. A lama: from Senor Do Lome, Spanish minister lb Wuhington. in which preci- dono McKinley in ungoly nttockod. it likely to came the recall of the minister. nnm-nl Jnhn (`.onLrnna_ n wall-known unneoon cuunny, Richnrd Loyona. I highly respected farmer. died at. his residence, one mile from Mnrypville. 0nt.. thin morning. aged eighty-one yearn. Snmmnnnnn have bmn iunnd in Brunt.- | Dy 5 were OI mroy-uvu no owenuy-uwo. Grenville liberals have nominated Angus Buchnnnn for the legislature. George Buckhem is the libenl cendideto {or Cerlebon county, Rinhnrd LnvAnl_ A hick]! In-nonfat` BDUIID U0 UJlll'l'y MID! LVBQQIIIBIIII, D0500. A cablegrnm from Sun J oae, Guatemala, announces the Assassination of president Bnrrioa. IIVL- l....L_-_L 2...- .5 ( 1l..:....... L..- WDB KIHUIUIIII IIIIHU lllllll IIlUI'llIIlKo Tho Canadians won the inuornutionnl trophy last: night. at the Winnipeg bonspiel by n more 0! forty-ve co twenty-cwo. I mnvilln liharnln hnvn nmningrnd Am-run UBIID 0] DUB DOIIDH 1|I'IlIUl'I TUPUDIXC. Ex-chief of police McVeitzy, Obthwa, is about: to marry Mina Neqdbam, Boston. A nnhlmrnm from Sun Inna. untnmnln, DIKTIUL The Luotgerb jury at Chicago has brought in a verdict: of guilty, xing the penalty as life Imprisonment. Thn nfmnmnr Gnllin Arrivad At. Hnlifnr. :_?ur show window to-marrow wi I dilplay some of the lot. We Iuuun 11:11-11 nan-Hnnlar nbnnnn Qn P'CI'|IICy ID IIIU IIDPTIEUIIIXIUHTI. The steamer Gallia arrived at Halifax, N.S.. from Liverpool. via Moville, with bbe Canadian mails thin morning. Th; Canadian: Inn that innarnnlninnnl The Latent `riding: of Events Fluhed from All Pane of the Globe. Paul Kruger has been re elected presi- dent of the South African republic. Flrmhinf nf nnlina Mnvninv. nnuwn, in FBI !!! OI DBFVICH L0 UWOIiy ylfl. When the orders of the day were called, Sir Charles Tup er stood up and began to talk about the nlmn railway. Everydody listened attentively. as there was much curiosity to ascertain whether his viewe on the question had undergone any modica- tion in consequence of the coneervative caucus. He did not, however. discuss the merits of the bargain: in fact the rules ol the house would have precluded it at this stage had he desired to do so. He simply called the attention of the government to the advisability of inserting in the contract a clause prohibit- ing the transfer of the railway to a foreign company, in order to ensure the preserva- tion of its character as an all-Canadian route. The premier. while not ehoss ing the anxiety ofSir Charles on the point. promised to consider the suggestion. one salary or every civu servunu. Mr. Britton, Kingston. proposes chsnges in the criminal code of considerable mo- ment. Fireb, he proposes that the provision of the code requiring corroborative evidence shall not apply to section 181, which refers to the seduction of girls between the ages of fourteen and sixteen, nor to sections 189 and 190. As the law now stands an ac- cused person cennot appeal on a re- served cess without the consent of the attorney-general. Mr. Britten proposes that the court of appeal shall be competent to grant leave to appeal without the con- seat of the attorney-general. But the most radical of the ro sitions of the member for Kingston st at section 748, allowing the minister of justice to grants new trial in criminal cases. be abolished. At present twenty-live years service is necessary to entitle a member of the mount- ed police force to pension. Mr. Davis, of Saskatchewan. proposes to reduce the term of service to twenty years. When the m-darn nf hhn dew warn milled. `T II !An In!!! Adjournment 0! -t Hahn- lnny mm Introduced. Ormwa, Feb. 9.-'l`horo were two reo- Ioua why hho house adjourned no at: o'clock this afternoon. the x-eh, that the premier Inighh preside no And the mem- bers might attend Mr. 0gilvio'a lecture on tho Klondgko pin the Ruuol theatre, and the con , bocuuu Sir Richard Cut- wrighh hadinvimd the lihersl old gnu-d to dinner. In the throo-hour tithing than "took place public legislation of importance was inioinhed in private members and some progress was nude with the dohsco on the nddmnn. no Inuroauoeu a mu not me purpoee. Mr. McMul|en, who both as a member of the opposimon and B supporter of the government has given much attention to the civil service question, placed before the house the bill snub he innroduced lean eeeeion to provide for the creation of: board of civil service supervisors. In brief, the purpose is to delegate power to this body to see that the country gets value for the salary of every civil servant). Mr Rrimnn Kimnmn. nrnnnuun nhnnoen Mr. Taylor. the conservative whip, who during the late regime long sought in vain to have an alien labor law passed by par- liament: nnd who was toreutaued by Mr. Cowan last year, proposes you to extract some glory out of his ef- fort. The Canadian alien labor law passed last session does not, in Mr. Taylor : opinion. go far enough. and he asks parliemenh to enact A measure identical with the unuelghborly law of the United States. To thin and he introduced a bill to-day, which wee given its first reading.` Mum nannln. nnrticnlnrlv wm-kinuman. reading.- Many people. particularly workingmen. complain abut. they cannot: eilord to uncri- ce hhe time necessary to poll their votes on election day, while others find it dit-" I cult. to ebeenb themeelvee from their em- ployment) long enough to vote. Mr. Pen- ny. Montreal, believe: the diicultiee will in a large measure be overcome by making the federal election day: public holiday. He introduced a bill tor the purpoee. Mr MnMn||An whn hnhh an A mamhnr IGIJTOII. Mr. Davin, who in more romu-hble for the frequency andlongtb of his I.-peochea bhob fonanyuhing else in parliament. ex- cephib be now and than I burst; of 6101 quenco or a (lab of win, consumed all the tune available for she debuts in I general criticism of the government. Mr Lu-Inn than mambnr fnr Ninnlan who crmcmn or we govummunu. Mr. Leduc. the member for Niooleb, who carried his county by about three hundgod majoniby, was introduced` by Sir Wiliid _ aurier and Mr. Bernier and took his 0. ll- Fl`.-ulnu bk: nnnnn-urchin; -Lin wlnn Wlll llllllllly lvluc Ul tuu Ivu vs V have given particular attention to Gentlemen : Shirts for a number of seasons. .. Get them from the best makers. Keep full assort- ment of sizes. We guarantee t and Iatisfaction or money re- funded. THE NEWS OF THE WORLD. DOMINION PARLIAME r. '"`P'!$IIIIIvvI|IllIur-u aw ` ':..-:-2-:1-.-.29-...,.. Illnl III IBIBIEOIII Kl! VII IXTCI$ (-9 RM. R. W. Knowlol, of Ottnwn. to tho no noun. `ftp stipend In 82,-` zwith. in addition, 3 but man. It noduuiood that Rov. Ir. Kbowhn will -4...` As. all IKIJUII It What vyuuuln. CALI, On}. $0.5 10.-En? n - nlohh`An nni:ll|nnl E #1:` uonu muung nova in mm: nighlnn nnuuimono cull no Ran. R. W. Knorb. olom unlwu aura. yeewruuy uueruouu ru- oeived en oiniel cahlegrem from the min- ister of foreign nffaire of Guetemele en- nouncing the eeeeuinetion of preeident Bu-rioe end the euooeeaion to the preci- dency of that vine-preeident Manuel Eetrede Oebrere. ` No deteile wheteverwere given. The deepebch came from Guetemele City. the on itel. where president Barrios hee liv end the government depertmente ere oerriod on. It added thet entire celm preveile. Tbie Inet eeenrnnoe. coupled with the inunediete euooauion o! the ret vice-preeident. in enoordenoe with thecon- ntitntionel method: of the country it e rpeciel eouroe of gretinetion to the odi- ciele ol the Guetemelen legetion here. The new preeideut. Hr. Cebrere. ie e men of proininenoein Gnehmele and in one of two chosen by the oongreae to till the . pre- eidency in caee oh venenoy. nneen years nelore. Ater being convinced that Woodbridge e ebory wu true he was given shelter. There has since been a complete reconciliutiou, and there will soon be e merriege in Fair- dale. A Proudont Aunulnatcd. Wnsmwm-ox. Fob. l0.-Senor I/nzo Arrisgn, the Guntomnln minister to the Unifnd Rama- vanmrdur nftarnoon ra- 123 Princess St.. Kingston. flgl, I308 UUIIOUJIII IIIIIIIUBCI (0 600 United Beam. yenmrday afternoon ra- nninu-I An riininl nnhlntrrnm fmm uh. min. saved some money. Coming from Liverpool to Montreal in a cattle boacib suddenly ashed u n him who l-0 was and where he used to ive. He made haste to reach Pennsylvania, and in Binghem ton. N.Y., a railroad mun told him that is former wife and children were still living. Riding in the railroad coach something told him to cerrg "home" the mean. to procure which be ad left home fteen yearn befo're. Anr lnnina nnnvinnarl that Woodbt-idoa n put a package upon one name. The woman did not recognize the stranger at first. and the amazed children were about to drive him away when be ex- plained thao he was Lemuel Woodbridge. He said than the paeb, up tobwo weeks ago. was almost a blank to him. He remember: being in England and AuItralia,and knows that: he sold washing machines in Manches- ter. He does not know under what name he has been sailing. nor how he has stained an exietenc6.' Until informed he did not know whether he had been ab- sent A month or twenty years. He has saved money. (`A-annlntr (mm Hum-nnnl In Mnnhmnl in n years later. A few dnys since A gray-haired and wrinkled man unceremoniously entered her home, hung his hat: upon the rack, and put package the bable. 'l`hn wnnmn did not. racoanize the rrenon to invade uauegeeoer. Lord Beliuhury added: '.l.`he real truth in we have ground for discontent with the treatment we have received at the hand: of the French government. We have pro- teetedagainatitverystrongly. We conceive that the adverse tariff now being inflicted upon us is one which the French government according to the ordinary rules of the in- ternational committee, is not entitled to enforce. I do not know whether the earl of Kimberley blames me for not havin zone further. I don't think he does. but ' do not conceal in the least my impreasion of the manner in which the French govern- ment has set aside its clear pledges es to the purpose of the expedition to Madagas- nar Pennlylvnnlo Hun Returns to Ill: Wlle After rmeen Years. 8usQu1:uANNA, Pa.. Feb. lO.-Fifteen years no Lemuel Woodbridge, 3 carpen- ter. aged forty-h've, of Fuirdale. this coun- ty, Ian. home no go be a butcher shop near by In gab. baefsboak for breakfast. He failed Lu return and could `not: be found. u_. u,*,....u.-:,1.... :.. o:.-.... tunnh inrn luau LU ['01 uru ISIIU UUUIU IIUU DU IUIIIIU. Mrs. Wuodbridge in time went: into mourning, than gobs divorce and again married. Her second husband died three later. A fnw Jaw: ninca A orav-haired greau and as poweriui as ourseives. Lord Salisbury admitted that France had got the better of England as regards Madagascar. He said that the French armies had invaded the island with the avowed intention of maintaining the pro- tectorate. If they had adhered to their intention the British treaty: with the neon of Madagascar would have been safe. ' he French were masters of the situation; they suddenly changed the protectorate to annexation and with the latter the British treaties tell. He repudiated responsibility for this condition of affairs. declaring than if there was any responsibility it belonged to the (Jladatone government for allowing the French to invade Madagascar. 1 ....a -l:..h....u -.iA.A. 'l`i.. ma] iii-nth in A Point Beyond which England May Not Go. AT TREATM7El7lr`lr'ri1ECEIVED AT HANDS OFHFRANOE. what's the matter with the ' rsnge-the meats are not pro- perly coolfed. This range is probsblysll right. It. may be tht the cool you have been burning is-not as good as the cool we can sell you for the same Brice. Or maybe you are not uying the 0011 most suitable for A range. "There is something in that. You will dissipate all your cool worries if you buy ` trom us. Ilse Has Got the Better or lngland as Be- gs:-ds Madagascar - ns lnloted Ad- verse Tarl. which International Rules Will Not Icntltle Ber to lnlorec-Eng- land's Posltlon In lluropo Not 3 Pleasant or Advantexeons One. Losoou, Feb. l0.-Lord "Salisbnr , in his speech in the house of lords on nes- day, eaid that the esrl;oi Kimberley in his speech had repeatedly warned the govern- ment again-at the dangers of excessive ac- ~ quisitions. Lord Salisbury declared that he heartily concurred with the noble earl. and added : "I believe there is danger in our public opinion of a reaction of the doctrine of thirty or forty years ago, when in was thought it was our duty to light everybody and take everything. I think that 21 very dangerous doctrine, not merely because we would thereby excite other nlllens against us-and the repute- tion we are now enjoying in Europe is not by any means pleasant or advantageous-- but because there is a much more serious den or of overtaxing our strength. I` mmwnr ntrnnxr wn mav be there is A arm or overoaxing our strength. owevur strong we may be there is a point beyond which our strength does not go. It in; courage and wisdom to exert that strength to its attainable limit, but med- noae and ruin to peas in. It in of extr e importance that we do not allow per y feelings to prevent: the discovering and fol- lowing of the narrow lines that separate undue conceeaiona and undue terror from the ruhnees which more thnn once in his- tory has been the ruin of the nations as great and powerful as ourselves. Lnrd Ralinhnrv admitted Shah HI LIMIT Tl] HER PIIWER! lcnnunn run lllSEllNIENI| A NEW ENOCH ARDEN. ouuoa to out cgu-an. la uvmssron am `Good Quality, Open *Front, ISHIRTSI `Ir out-v cu vwuuo 0" wvwv aru- Tnko Lsxnt-Ive Bromo-Qulnino Tablet: All gnaglnto refund the money if it nu. to cure. YourCook Wonders light Yuan lzhprlaonmonl. Nnw Yuan, Fob. l0.-Solomon Jacobs. Cleveland, who avindlod Max Bornltsoin of the same place. out of 814,000 In this any last: November through 3 "gold dust brick. was so-day sentenced to of ht yarn in Sing Sing. Jncobl ohbsin Il4,000 fnr brunt which he ranrasantnd to be cold. m bung umg. uuooou ouwnou on,uuu for brua which he reprecontod to be gold. Independent Menwny Plane. Vwronu, B.C.. Feb. 10.-The local di- reotore of the Kiondyke mining. tredin end treneporh corporation, whoee hoe oice for Cenede is in hhie oic . declare theh the etetornenb connecting 6 air oom- peny with the McKenzie an Menn con- tracts is without: foundation. It. is true than the reilwey ie `to be conetruobed over the line which oheir equip y propoe. ed to follow on their` 1 `P to Teelin ieke. but the gillndo the corporation were determine ` upon long beloro Mo- Kenzio an Merit) were in the field And operetione ere'* now being proceeded with quite independent of these gentlemen. in Cm-ca Cold in one Day IlV_\._ I ___4l-.. `II--__nJ\-`I-.1-._ 'I|-LI:.A- All llu Nancy I'll of Delawnre. Ohio, In [)1- lng no 3 lluult or the outrage. DlLA\\'ARE, Ohio. Feb. l0.--Mise Nancy Fix wns tortured and robbed of a fortune on Tuesday night last, and is in a dying condition from the effects of herinjuries. She recovered sufciently lust night to describe her assailants, four in number. two of whom were more boys. She said that after bindin and torturing her the men compelled her to re- veal the hiding place 0! her money, and then they secured $15,000 in cash from ajar where she kept it. It was at first reported that $1,200 was taken. The dying women also said that the robbers attempted to net re to her clothing. and after securing the money they left her bound and near] naked. Before going they built three time in the house, with the intention of burning it, and then lock- ed eli the doors. A brother of the women has offered 8l00ior each of the robbers. and it is thought the county commissioners will offer $400 more. IJQGK one or `rho lost Practicable l'cr llnterlnx The Gold llelde. C}llCAGO, Feb. l0.-Omar Maris, the Record s special correspondent at Skaguay, Alaska, writes : Fort Wrangel. a most interesting villago.hae of late been eharing in the general prosperity of Alaelra. It is the port of entrance to the Stickeen river route. which is regarded hy many as the most available way of getting to the Klon- d yke. A railroad across the table land from Glencra to Teslin lake is regarded by the Wrangel people asa certiant . With its completion the summer trip ram Seattle to Dawson could be made in from ten to twelve days. It is expected that more than a dozen steamhoats will he put on the Stikeen river the coming summer and trading parts where a complete outt can be purchased will be established at Glob- ora, I40 miles up the river. This is called the all-Canadian route. as it is the only practicable way of entering the geld coun- try without going over American ground and for that reason will he favored by Canadians and London people and cor- porations, whether it is the most practi- cehle route or not. A rich discovery of quartz in the old Cassiar district is re rt- ed within the last two or three days. ike that at Cri p le Creek. and as in the case of many of t e gold mines in the world, it was in country that had been travel- led over, if not prospected. for years. nn aom seems aeemeo to union. ~ no team has planned to return home by the way olAms1-iua and will compete in various cities of the United States. A South African team is also to visit. Eng- land next summer And will com to an all the important: tournaments. S ould the inter-collegists association of America do- oido to send the winners of the coming championships nbrosd nut. summer. the English championships in July will wibnsss the greatest: sthering of inter- nstional athlebos evorinown. Two other real) tournaments will be the Bit. Pqtk urg bicycle evenb and the Danish siposl-` bion. ROBBER8 TORTURE A WOMAN. The Old_ World mu Be the little (Iuund Ken lesson. Nnw Yonx, Feb. l0.--Euroe ,wlll be the athletic home ground nexh eulnmer. For revere! eeuoue ethletiee from many countries heve met: in friendly, content on American nch, bub nexu eenon the scene wil eehifted to theold world. Beve- rel international contest: _will take lee in Europe next eumrner and during 510* ol- lowlng year will occur the rent genie: held in eonnecblon with the aria experi- hinn l`.AWF[l S man. A picked toein of Auutnlien `athlete: in to invade Englind for the fine time. In- Dernationel meet: have been en-engod for this coloninl team in Scotland. Irelnnd, Wales and England, the final test: being no the latter place. The records of the Australians and New Zeelnndere are of the highest order and the brnwn of the united kirllgdom eeeml deemed to defelb. t... n....... I.-- nI-..n.A O-A -`tun-n Imam luv IIVIU I! bion. A . Clothiers and,`_PurnIshen. _ tlullltoslsuqa. % THE ALL-CANADIAN ROUTE. ONLY $1.00. ATHLETICS IN EUROPE. I`l .Whifc Dress AT 51*: QUEEN ST. BRICK HUUI-u-I UN (,tLF.R.UY BTREE1` BE- tweon Hrovk and Prinwoox at , contain- ing 7 moms. with extension kl hen, bnth, em. Also two houses on Brockntroetnd|o1n- Ing.tImt. occupied by Dr. Fowler, to whom sup- ply. Ul\ lsunls L:l\ XV uh ALl;UlINlUUA' with ham nlnglo and double rnoml. W mode-rn convenltmcon. M 238 Queen litnsot. A IIUUHF. 'l`f)-I.E'l`, CORNEII OF ELLIS ,. and lnvlnlon Htrects. P()Iuumn| n on the In or l<`el)ruury. Has formerlybue used an Grocery Bhnp and Butcher Shop. Enquln next door, or JAMEH Roan. Batwruoa. TH E HH.Il'K HUUHE. N0. :58 WELIJNG'l'ON Ht.reet,nenr the l'urk, h\tl`I_V ocouplod by Mr. H.l('hlIr(l wnldrun. Properly In lnoxoollem. nrrlcr. It:-ntxnodoruu-. Apply wW.u.x|x .1; WA mu-:M. Hollcnoru, Kingston. BRICK HOUSE UN QUEEN I-5Tl{EE'l`,WIT}{ modern lnlprovelnenua; oxwnllon kltc 1-hen. Apply to J. B. CAIum1'mmu. I E[.P-Rl~Zl.lAlH.E MEN IN EVERY L11- cumy, looul or truvcllln ; to Introduce It now dlscow-ry and koop our 5 0w onrda wcked up on trees, ft-nco.-.u and brld 9 thro hout. luwn and vuumry. Steady emp oyment. om- mission or salary. $65 per month and ex- pumoa, and monny duponlwd in any bank when nturuad. For pnn.lcula.ra address Tun (\}'|:xi1) MEDICAL Em:c'rmc 00., London. Ont... `unm u. I ()l4'HH IN VAUGHN TERRACE, PRIN- ca-nn lrmw, mmu mu! by Denis Brnnlgau. lhssmuslon May Isl. pply M. Wlllu Omoe. VICRY (Y )M I-`URTABLE DWELLING. N0. l.'H Kim; Hm-ut, punwuulun May lat; mod- ern hnprnvt-nu-mu; rent Iuoderuw. Apply In-xt door to ISAAGY SlMI Sl)N. I.AR(H<) FIYIINIHHEID H.003! IN (JEN- mtl I()(:8Hly!lI]01I6l`lI Improvumunla pri- vnwhnmo. No.3 Hrk-k 'l`nrraot-, nppoafwtit. I`uul's Hablmm I-k-hool. Montreal rltrou.-C. H E BRIFK HUUHE. N0. 38 WELLINGTON Htmet, near Mr. Rh-hurd \A'nldrun. Prnnnrlv In In nxnnllasnl. T1 loghono D. Atmua-rus-Ah 108 'Diviaion ahroah. King- ston, on Feb. Mb. 1898, Eliza. balovad wife 0! Oapuain Wahabor Auguahua, agad 62 yearn. Funeral rivato. TYNAN- n Poroamouhh. Mary Ella Tynan. wife at William Tynan. aged 49 yaara. 6 months and 2.1 daya. Funeral private. T. 1?`. HARRISON COMPANY ,.. __..... non .....I out N J AN. 8131`, A BLACK SA l`0HEL ON D!-. vision Ntrvot. A liberal reward lbr In re- turn to this 011100. , I2 SPECELSI 13TEGYV&%%$TE.A.X. u an. unuu, 'lmr. Ln-u\n|x~m Umncn1n\xn:u-"-`>4-256 Prin- (`1-ss ul. Toluplmlw |~l7A. Open Day and Nlgllt. .______._:___...__:.:_.. LIIIAI LI 1. gnu;-nu` l.m\n|Nn UNInI:m'AKIcu AND EMnAl.mm- H5 Princess street. Corner sydonluun utruot. 'l\-lophouo oolnmlmloutlon. . .5. . .n....n..-.---vw-- w-:. _-_. _. lTndertn.karn and Emlmlmors. 233 and 285 Prim-mlu I%t.n~m.. 'Phnnns:-wam|-oomn, 90; ]Lnsldun<-0,9]. Upon may and night. : SATUHEI4 ON It: turn In thin nlm-. lnuuy; V intense: or gala. 2. NO. 34. 300 Pieces New Embroideries From I cent to 25 cents yard. 2 Pieces Only Black Broche Silks BOARDERH CAN BE ACCOHMODATBD double with node-rn conveniences. at 218 (mean mmm. l)Iroct` Importers Dress Gcxxls and Mnntles. _` "H)UK WAN l`l~11). APPLY TO MR8. J. H. J 1\1lI('K1.l-:.~vroN,lM2 Enrllstrout. Ian I): \I\Il.Ul.I|`4A .n' FUNERAL I'ilRE("1`0R. LN PH.INl"E!i8' H1`. Klngntmn, successor to W. M. llremum. ($001) (HCNERAL HERVANT: MVYHT have rPl'urcIIm~.u. Apply to Man. J. BRI- n4:N.2lHhmrL>'.lrec-l.. (IENEIML Hl~}ItVAN'I`. APPLY TO M188 L VVILKINHON, 60 Clergy HK.I t`(\lr. in newest designs, good value at $1.50. `* Special price as long as they last $1 per yard. Inspection invited. WEATHER` PROBABILITIII M 9l'!!!_._l1H 5100.; 4 P." M. EDITION. Othvn and BI. Lnwronooul 10 can. - Manly Mr And In Id ` to-dny. unsettled and rainy on Friday; windlinct-suing to strong nr aging. HENRY BRAKE. 8. B. CORBE'1"l:, nu nut nu \II on: `nu! WANTED. TO LET. BOARD. JAB. REID, .. Iv........-n . nun i DIID. ng I\5 1-: ol by-two nonInnndhuowonon-vbo|oh' byihblchlpiotuudlu II: n; nnilnnnlg E52 . `II I" In. I'll 0' [III IIIlCI"I'I- Hut Halon. Plnnkotb. Redwood and Huly Ind Ipoho. Gould Bsour, ohid Iocrotory lot lrolsnd. denied uh sho gov. II-uncut had boon slow to roooguiu also dbtnu in Irolusd. Ho fully nclnowlodg. ad Lhnnilnnnn Ill crave sad and for Cu. In IIUKUIL III III, ICIIIO'1B. odthodhnonwu me sad odlodfot exceptional mantra dohndod the no- liof ncuuu ndapud; M nnmonn 31'. Union Ipuuu tn mo 53:... In: oggnnhd by evictions of tho Inning, and he called upon the govern- mootlor immodhu. oonprolunoivo propo. ml: to: tho relic! of tho Inonn. Alb... Il...- `Dln-Lglu D-4I:._A -_.I BIKI IO IQIIIIII OI IIIIO POBICO Cl'Op. THO motion In: Iooondod by John P. Huydon, member for South Roocouunon. and vs; supported by John Dillon. ohnirmun of Mao Irish parliamentary party and lumbar for Eut Mnyo. who aid tho minty in Inland In I scandal to the nnnmmmk Mr. Dillon uildad thnh ah. (vi-VIII VIII]! an-U -uuwu-ZI-llilrvi All It! TIIIII. LONDON, Feb l0.-'l`he debste on the eddnee in reply to the speech from the throne wee resumed in the house of oom- mone yeeberdey. Michael Device. member for South Mayo. moving en unendmeno, eelli ehtention to the discrete in Irelend end efeilure of the potato crop. The mnnn -nu nnnnndnd IIV Jnhn P "Auriga :5 Potntoo Crop III! IuIlod-IO3II|ru To Do N`. ha: I`E(`L'l..-\'l`Ul{H AND |.\'\'l'2H'l`Hl{.`4 ]h\\'- lng ldlv 1-npllnl m mm hllll(Il 1'(l ulullurs gum) and upWllI`IIH uhnulcl wrltv to mu m um'('. 3 luwe nuum~thln;?- or unusual lmportum-v 10 vmnnmnlcatr-. (u.\|u.r:.-I Il17um~:.~4, 6:; Wall Hlmet, New York. $25.00. Big Iveep, fur trimmed, deep fat collar and tho- roughly-uAp-to-dgte. _ GEE: conomou or IRELAND. u `an: vzjnuuu NI(`El.Y H|'I`l'.-\'l`l-`.l) HI{0(`ERY AND Meat Sho ,wlIh xlwt-lllngs nttm-hed. and :5 good culublla wd l>ll.~1|lII`.~'x, 1-un be pun-luu-u-d cheap. :\)(Iy at M(`('.\NN'2 REAL l.~;'r.\TE Ul|`l"l(`Ic, 83;. mg Hm-ct. III-Ian: I no I "Klnndlkv (iuhl I<`lo|cl.~4," n lurgu, (-hm\p,vuln- nhlu bunk, an-Illng llkv u whirlwxml. lh-amtlful prnspm-tun,lw0m\'-r1\'e- 1`I`IllN. Books nu lhuv. BR.-\l)l,E\ -(i;\R.l\l-J'l`H1DN l'U.\ll'ANY, l.hnlt- ed. l`0runL0. 119311 I `I c The boat llfv ur He-r .\IuJu.~t,\' I Imx-o-1-wt-II." wrilml lnrll Lorlw ubnnl 'Q_lIt`t`ll \ lvmrlu." Age-ntn mnk-I llvv mum-. |ull\'. BRA I)Ll'I\'-UAIUH`ITHl IN L`! L, IJIIIHMI, Tnrnnlo ll\Jl 5.`: I \r-I urn-up-Ia. (')l\HNmN ll1) I`l'lL, ()WNl'II) AND ()(`f`U- pl:-I by Mrs. Ho-slrr .\lt-(`nrth_\', ('.\.\il)l~I.\' EAHI` (('lnrk'n .\l|llu)_ mnurlo. An old vM,nh- lluhcd Imnw with 1-nulls.-nl yard and xsmhllmg. l'os:~. Muy Isl. Apply LU }| A. Mr- CARTIIY. on tho [)l`(`Ill1H('H. - l4I...IQ:`75 ,1 " I ESTABLISHED 1374. I59 PRINCESS ST.. - KINGSTON. l'I\olIdIV I V! 0 "(HlIIlptl(`H of lhn l'naovn." }~`m-Inntlmz lmok. Hwoups (hr onllru Hold of lmrdcrluml HlIh_I4'('hI. E\'-ryhmlyurxlvrx. .\lnrvu-llm1H|IluN- trutlunn. Prnnrwvunu IlR.\III,E\ -(h\lL- and 1). Fnnery's DON BAZANI grout clmmu, Under the direction of(`. V. (,`0lllnn. Frldnv night and {-mmrxlnv mntIn>o- l`h0 Three (Sunni.-nnon." Hutnrduy nIght-"l)0n (`In-mr dc Buzun." Prlvma: Ev(sI1lnv.~a,`L'w, :L"x:. 5(k:m)(l7.v'x-n. Matinee. In-, uml 501-. `Inn opens Wednesday morning at Hmvyer'n. - C Pictures, Frames. Mirrors and Room Mouldings, also Oval Frames, Brena Corners, Bow Knots and all the latest novelties used in the art of Picture Framing. Fm-ryhmlynrxlvra. .\lnrvvllm1.~:HIuu- Pros vrum .'s'l. IlI{AIIIJ'IY-(i.-\l{- RI-2'l`H N ('U., 1. lulu-d, l`m*mm). How-lock, M. (.`mnIn|m~u R.0mn, Golden Llun Block. I cum ovm n_o_ug[])| l\- l:l`..'5.`ir4l(, - AVlA\L\ll\|l`.|\- Friday and Saturday, Feb. 11 and 12 VVlllISpI'<`lul .\1ullm-uH.\Tl'l[).\Y. Rvmrn u-mmgc-xnmnl` ul` tho (Plllllll'lI[ rmnunllu m-mr, l`.\l7I. (',-\ /.l`lNl`Il'\'l'1. mud n (`ulnpuuy of logltlrxmw )lny(-rs, |>ro~~wx1t1Iu.{ sup:-rh and cum low SCCIILE productions of I)l|ll1lI.H n1n.s- wrp eco, . "THE THREE OUARDSMBN 1" lfl. lllllilgl A-uuvan. u-u -u v renal! ghiu owning. Limestone lodge No. 91, A.0.U.W. mum thin evening. Chianti : ulna- mnndolin Ind zmimr olubl FOR HARTY AND GOOD GOVERNMENT. FOR FRONTENAC WARD 4 nu Inn In \ h`Ul`!\'l\Y( TUII rlIVlV I I-IVIIIJ IIIIIIII ox 1-`mum 1~:vr:N1N(;. FOR SYDENHAM WARD mu m A rrvnn A \' l.`\'l`\'l\V(l fgnglly lotollook IOIWIIIIQQII av. Inna: 'l'ln-nnlvnn III. ollurflo nuuvto. Burnuo, N.Y.. lob. l0.-Jnnu 1.. lo- Elp, An Atlflj -h|r, run in Fur Lined Wraps _:___ mean um OVOIIIDQ. Queen : glee. mendolin end guitar club: concert: at. the open houee to-night. 7 COMMITTEE RO0M-0olden Llon B|ock.___ Hally of liberal Vummiees !| PROVINCIAL Ifuzcnon 1| |HoN.wm. HARTY| BIZ] In llillnu VII I Iuluull to ma ,-out-nmonk Mr. Dillon IddOd chub tho Nntnnnn u-an A-an-AQQOAII HI Q'Il:.Lil|l|A AI AL- - "I`E(`L'l..-\'l`URH AND l.\'\'l4`.H'I`URS 5 hm vnulml hundn-(I ul FXIIIII IUIIIIIIIII -III vI-.------ `lo You Thnnulvu I". Ran] Aroanum meets to-marrow nighb. Mu. Yeoman: Y.M.C.A. tall 30 8 p.m. I-I- --m-dun For Member For Kingston. Large Size Corsets 59c. 'nKpATnIcK's HOTEL FOR SALE. LOOAL MEMORANDA. \:---:-I Isuzu: A. 1.1-:.~s.~:r:n, MANMH-2n. ._ fx-I. an ,- 1 n-A,_.. FOR SALE. AGENTS! AGENTS! AGENTS I IIIIII V` III'IIl UN 1'-l.\'I`l' RDA Y I*}\'I"..\'IN( I. Jlnlu-I. Turmllo 250 Shirts, white body, colored fronts and cus, 2 se; e col- lats, all made with the extension b_osom. Your choice 7'9c, apy \ onus us: or Llh. Pn-mmm, Pa. lob. I0.-A n of gays- nvudlnoovu-od in thuix-many nnlal nun-nan nlnnh of Mn Clnntnnnnv Ink: IIWXUITVTT III BKIIXOIKKU, Q'IoIIwI[I cold wot-up pique ol the Clnntnqu lain in company. An explosion of w, iukoy oqovrndu 11:15 which blur out the may walla: outside with horrible nnlu. At. thotlnotho wumodwithrounn. nllnrn. no-nnnnm-nnnnd Oavo Illa Lilo for In Ohlld. Qmmuc, Fob. l0.-David Bornior. oi Cap 86. Ignaoo, L'laloh. gave his life for hia child a low day: ago. He had gono to thowooda to chop and at noon an one of the trout vac about foo fall he saw hia little ton-yoar-old child bosido it. Losing no zinc and nob thinking of his own danger, ho ran to the tree. although it meant cor- tain death. and auocaadod in pushing his child out of dangor but only in all a vic- tim hiuuoll. Baton ho could got out of the way. tho Inc was down upon him. killing him ilnhanhly. Newfoendlend Reform. ST. JOHN'S Nd.. Feb. l0.-Hon. James Winter will propose in the legieleturee measure empowering the governor. Sir Herbert Murray. to select ecompeteut British chertored Accountant nnd ta ap- point him euditor-general an! the coiony, with power to veto "All unwnmnted ex- penditures. thus preventing the poeoihili- ty of a repetition of the scendele end ex- tnngeuoen of the last eight years. The propoeel meets with general eppronl be- esuae tending to increeee the stability of the colony : credit abroad. Wll/IIIJKBV Ruuis. felled." Pl-SKIN. Feb. 10.---'1`he idea of a loan on either British or Russian guarantee has been denitely Abandoned. The failure of the British negotiations with auch_favor- able terms seems due to diplomatic bung- ?.ing and it is the opinion here that diplo- macy is urgently needed. Russia. refuses todeclere her intentions regnrding Port Arthur. If the Rueainn occupation is to be permanent Great Britain ought to oc- cupy Tn Lien Wan or eome other northern port. Chuseu being too far south, or to withdraw altogether from competition with Russia Nagasaki." The Pekin correspondent: of the Times says: The Japanese minister, M. Yano Funi. regretfully intimates to the Teung Li Yemen the inability of his government having regard be the obligations contract)- ed by Japan. to grant an extension of the time for payment of the Chinese indemni- ty. Though no official stataemenh has been issued. the negoniations for a loan from British sources are regarded as having failed. 0...... I`-|. In-__'l`lm Hag nf a lman nn An lxtounlon of Time for Payment. or Indemnity Not Granted. Loxnox. Feb. 10 -A deepobch to the Daily Mail from Nagasaki says: "The British eet now ob Chemulpo will go to Nagasaki. Thu `I-`akin I-nrrmlnnndenh of the Times every respect. At Suva. in Fiji. he found gr-est desire on the part of the business men to open up trade with Vancouver. Alexander Joske. the chief business men of the island. pro- poses visiting Canada sit an early date to enquire into possibilities of trade. He saw splendid pineapples of most deli- cious avor, but only about half the size of the Hawaiianmpine. sold in Suva market for ve cents a dozen, the usual price being ten cents. The Hawai- ian pines are fteen cents each. All other fruits are correspondingly cheap in Fiji. With cold storage and eicient handling these fruits could be disposed of far into the interior of Canada. rr-|....... :. H. .u-mnnul- nvnitnmnnf. in the A special bargain lot of large size Corsets, 27. 28, 29, 30 and over, regular 75c. $1 and $1.25 goods. To reduce stock 59c, Fri- day and Saturday. the interior ot Uanaaa. There is the greatest excitement. in the colonies over the Klondyke. catering for Australian areas. In many quarters. Col. Hughes said. he found that: Canadian products were great.- ly handica pod by the alovenly way in which pecgegee. were pub up or good: nished. For example, a Winnipeg rm sent some heme to Sydney. which were .........-I in his m-n-anon. Tha ognvng wgg IOHU home 50 byaney. wnwu wunu opened in his presence. The cenvne rough, the packing dirty and the meal was nob properly taken from the out hulls used, 50 became itnbedded in the heme and turn- ed mould and blunt, while the heme, though eliciouely sweet to tube, were eott end looked very inferior. Other Ce- nediag heme, shipped by way of Glasgow, were opened side by aide with the Winni- peg products. and were most: attractive in At Qinm, in Fiii- he found RN36 trnlian colonies, and mum: unln muuu. um furs. wool. canned meats, canned lruita, raw sugar. butter and frozen menu could readily beimportod into Cmada to fully better advantage than similar commodi- ties are now brought in from other coun- tries. 1:1,. .I.,. :......A mnnv linmn of axnorts. men. He also found many lines of exports, wherein Canadians could successfully oom- pete, which are now totally neglected. Both Germany and France are energetic in catering for Australian trade. In mnnv nunrtars. Hughes mmm: mm mzmug eae question and the proname ue- clarptaon of war. Each colony was. how- ever, fully prepared to stand or fall by the motherland. had war been declared. The defences of all the great ports were in thorough order and no foreign eet could readily capture any important city. The militia and volunteers. too. are very ei- cient and are exceptionally well paid as compared with the Canadian forces. ` Rmnu-dina trade between Canada and compared with the Uanaaian xorcaa. Regarding trade Australia he eaid there in a great volume of trade from Canada thither. but the return cargoes are light. Col. Hughes made ape` cial enquiries as to what could be brought with advantage into Canada from the Aus- tralian oolonlee, and found that hidoe. raw L.-- .......i .........a mum. mmnad lruite. Licut.-Col. Hughes Back I-`rom' the Antipodes. hm: cAnAn|n_ra_nusIuEss.| IM.DY&6'0l Wlut The Islands can Buy and leI!--ln- tereat In the Klondyke Everywhere- Paekageo Not Put In II Tasty lonn no Oonld Be Dellred. LINDSAY, Ont.. Feb.l0.- Col. 8. Hughea, M.P., has returned {rem a fine trip to New Zeeland. New South Wales and Vic- toria. Speakin of his trip he says: A `'30 ahead rpir t was `manifest everywhere in Australia. while the people were all thoroughly loyal and British to the core. At the time of his visit there was much excitement over the Chin- question and the probable de- nlnralann of nu-. colony FIJI WANTS TO DEAL WITH CAN- ADA. NEGOTIATIONS ARE OFF. KINGSTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, HJBBUARY 1o,_ 1898. M` lhlo. N. Y., oouncihnon on Wednes- dcykd I resolution tor`-`tho liouning ol dopurtlnont " uni noon: to pay a liennu for ovumoh of human ou- riodonbytlum.uouptiog|holrownlai- limits hudpau. ` . , Slxtoun unpggcu of tho Wllhonarlido ..__._.. . ll Q:-lhA4- (SJ. .. --II 1` U-I -IV. III. IUIIU I WWIXWVU `K, as John's. Nd., an ounce 1.500 laborer- oo ptoeood to British Columbia to work on tho contraction of the Crow ! Noab.Pmu -.lI-.- $L- -Amnl nII...4l `mg `I an n DVD. The oonfotenbo between Mr. Hays. gono- nl manger of the (inn Trunk. nnd Mr. Bhnughne-y. vioo-preli out of the C.P.B., apparently did non some the diionlcy bo- bwoon the two companies. The 0.P.R. has menu I nptuontnve to Rt. .`lnHn'- Nrl, hnann-do I.Hllnhnrnn EX %W|lBX 0! H10 UIOVI IVXILFIPI dltilwny. The wagon olcrod at 81.50 a For Saturday 79:.