Busy Reporters onught on tho ____-.v. vv., auu ;.uuucn GEN'I"S FURNISHINGS. . JENKINS, 174 Wellington Street. nT.r\'T`I-TIMI]. nn Inn n - The most intelli ent `' 1 them. as EVPI`l`l IngIr ...lPEOI`.)_e..- And-what is more. _-- .-.....- -nlnvlllsclll PCUPIC OI them, as everybody who knows the collecting CASH COUPONS. Ihousands of Dollars Has Been Paid to People mt. will sell the Klon- we, are the M DI... I-VIIIIMI L MIIJUWGI IIIU IVOUIIIOXI OI IIIIYIC. `D811 1. W`. token ill with Droply and Kidney trouble. My hand: and 1089 bout: to swell, my blood wn week and watery and 1" had gnbearnblo pain in my back. Urinary troubles caused me untold suffering. logs of sleep snd pain. While in this condition I procured 5 box of Donn`: Kidney Pills and gave them 5 fair trial. and am pleased to my the pain has left me, the dropsioel symptom: are gone, the urinary trouble he: ceneed and, thanks to Donn : Kidney Pills, I am oompletely cured," -' , Ra ` `H- tor motgott. Appuuid .051!` , :5;."n.ry yesterday and asked for lainy days in which to fylo his motion for that trial. Mr. Hm-man A..|....a 1-- --A -- collect CASH COUPONS. He will be pleased to see 3 hR0oEn1Es. IIIUIIITFI UQIIQI Cmcauo. Fob. ll.-A P"""""`;l"~.`Pl!'*!5* Infor- HIVX TI-O' Ito:-nay Harmon. m uumngwn, as 1400 Massachusetts av- enuo. when Dr. Talmago comm! year: ago purchased I most desirable and attractive ruuldonoo. ` mpumngion. no N Tnlmngn is penul- igrly adapted M3 `men `the requirements as the wife of an illus out and Iuooeaful pastor of a large congregation. On their return {rum their bridal tour the newly married couple will take up their residence in Washington, at 1400 Massachusetts cnuo. when Dr. 'I`nIIn-ma mum.--I -.._- --- `uoueu DLIUUL. ' Montreal and Charles Streets. )ivinim: Riven! In. 1 UUUJ/D. - Princess and Bngot Streets. Princmm .\`h'rm* uur nusunnu 3100.000. Dr. Tulmngo will continue his relations with the First Presbyterian oliumh of Washington, apd Man. Tnlmngn iarly ndnntod Ob `men `tha mnnimmnmn -- w uu wuuluny In nor own ght. Dr. Tnlmago, who Is now 66 years of age. was man-lod the tlrst time In 1859. His wIIo was Miss Avery of Brooklyn._ She boro hlni two ohlldmn. She wnn drownod In the Schuylklll rlvor. PhIladel- phln, In tho early slxtlos. He was mar- ried the second tlmo May 7, 1863. His sooond wife was Susan C. Wblttemore. She had ve ohlldren. She died at Dana- vllle, N. Y., In August, 1895. She loll her husband $166,000. `)1 Tnlnunnn -All nnnaln..- Ll- ...IAAL/ .-- ---- pv cw: -- v- up: -I-- - Hu. Isabelle Bloherdlon, I well-known nurse living at 91 Catherine Street. Hsmilton, Ont.. uyl: Up to fteen \ months ago I tollawed the evocation of nurse. then I wag nL;n III -.Ill. 1\...____ __: I!::_ -__ L____.I_I_ 11,. L , ,, prmeu or me coming marriage. Within the last few years Mrs. Colller has received many attering offers of marriage, bnq as she had always refused them her friends were so much the more surprised over the event. She is reputed to be wealthy In her right. Talmmm. who in nnw RR wall! A9 yulru mu un(| will soon make her debut. Dr. Tnlmnge nmi his bride met for the rst time two summers ago in New York. They were both staying at the summer homo oi the Rev. Dr. J. R. Pnxten. Dr. Tulmnge is many years his wife s sen- ior, but friends any it was a case of love at first sight. The oouple new a great deal of web other while Mrs. Collier was in the eusii. When the summer party broke up, there was a bond stronger thnn friendship between Dr. Tnlumge and Mrs. Collier. Five months ago this romance culminated in a formal engagement, which was kept a pmfouml secret, nihd it was only a few days before the ceremony that Mrs. Tul- nmge's most intimate friends were up- prlsed of the coming marriage. the last. few wnnr: M... rum..- I-|0lI I Oouugl mpg. muun_ Pnh `II _An..._._ n, , _ vv nuvw nut seventeen Yolfl. Mrs. '1`. Do Witt Talmngo, bride of tho celebrated divine, In an attractive brunette, tall and stately, of fine culture and an no- lho II a stately Brunette Who Had Doc: 3 Widow For Seventeen Yours. -M", m -n... nun m_u_, - -- - -- L.A.LA\\]. L, 122 Princess street. [)\Tl'l`1Y1 1 \vI\ n DR. TALM7/\GE S BRIDE.` U L)- Market Square. a! s Them and,\ Everybody Shotild Get hVV7`l%"'lt9iem Everybody will have them as soon as they get to understand the value of CASH COUPONS. t of this city are availing themselves ws the value nf rnnnnu :. 4..|.:.... LA: ulnuuuly UUKUU, " Be sure you get '8. 9 VII! Qj` value of : spendil RID E` FOR CASH c0UP0;vs. re of the advimtages this most, money is taking hold of -the CASH COUEON S`. It will gay` you to d_o so. 1 all!` (nun nn -quun Inoma cons to rnluhx and no tho modern gum thou, so that tho] night: booomo acquainted with thou. It rally vs: I run of that ring will: the old gnnutxed Iugou. Ho Igrud that Canada. in turning. should groin: nothing bombs but was to ' had. and not condemned sud nourdod to no: cxclnnpooi fotcu. ho ho- haeoi ' nu uggabd it. mg? the day who ox- hoknou inpu- `_ cuange nad been made between a company of the Royal Canadian force and the Berl- shire regiment at Halifax. It was the in- tention to continue that system by ex- changing next spring a hatt of Ca- nadian artillery for one 0 Royal artillery. If in the future the troops of the motherland and ol Canada slionld re- : oire to ght beside each other. these ex- _ wouldbe of great value in en- abling the troope to become familiar with the eonditioua of service. General Moon said hewasanxious that Canadian anil should oome to Halilax and E1 HID vnnslnrn nnnn ||-- - um no net: some time ego auggeeted inter- change between the Cmedien militin ma the imperial loroeo, end such en inter- change had been made between Royal Canadian force nnd Hun Ru-In. `rho Expouonoo of the Artlllory lone In Klnguon. Gen. Moore in an address at the domin- ion nrtiller association meeting in Ocouu said be In time change the Cmndinn milm. Ann-I I III! Guru of III-opsy. : 'lAI\4"- n:-L-.2..... - _.n I. __________ .1- `I18-120 Princess Street. nuu uuu uuu ll. Men's Neck Wear-All\the beat Styles and Coloringa in Derby. Bowl, Strings, 4-in.-hand, I`n's, Lombarda, 25c, 60c and 760 each. Hosiery and Underwear at. specnl clearing prices. Inveatigsto our Men's Furnishing Department and seoifyouoan tauvo money on exclusive wings as well as on everyday neod3' The department keeps growing. Must be a reaeon for it. - Starr & Sutclie, 25 `This is a Dry Good Store, ~ EXCHANGE OF T ROOP8. __- -. no d1?s?i'Ens.Ei11r line nsu. E. P. WALKER. 274 Princess Street. W. II. l R[TCHARD,68 Princess Street. 1:}. F. SAEARS. Montreal and Charles Streets. H. SHARP, 626 Princrss Street. JAMES MoCULLA, Montreal and Bay Streets. JEWELLERY. F. W. COATES. 158 Princess Street. ' ` HARDWARE. W. A. MITCHELL. 85 and 87 Princess Street. LAUNDRY. R. 1". F. ROWAN, 208 Wellington Street. CHEMISTS. E. C. MTT`(`.HW.T.I. 10.4 n..:....-..- mu-A uu.uuunnLV 1' 1`A1uUIi5. THOS. LAMBERT, 157 Princess Street. GRAND UNION CLOTHING 00.. 122 Prinoeu Street. PH( TOGRAPHER. A. D. WERSR xx nn 191 .:....-... m_--n Ut1JiJMlB'1`S. E. C. MITCHELL. 124 Princess Street. 1". HOAG.Corner Princess and Barrie Streets. `l'1r\1\rnn . tvux ...._-_.-. nuuro` AM) 5110195. L ABEItNl I`HY. 127 Princess Stzeet. 1. JENNINGS. 356 King Street. ~J. I41. RUNIANS, 242 Princess Street. PICTURES AND PICTURE FRAMING. `_ D. & pI';VItlAIIa Q6-nu-I 1.Lu1U1u`4D ALVU 1 .lU'.l'UlUJ WEESE & 00., 121 Princess Street. J. OHLKE, 109 Brook Street. rut '1'UUrlAPHER D. WEESE & 00., 121 rincess Street. ., r\l7(InII':Inn run-.-_. . --_ FOBMERLY RICHMOND & 00.. F or Returned Coupons. "i3'<")"<)717s Kg!) SHOES. I,I';l1nl\nn QL_....A MERCHANT TAILORS. 1IFII`I' r` wt [or 500 IIBIII d uovoduuuundnont; monnotnrnih stun! uirnn In-.1: ..__.u lit`-ITIXUCIICI. Loxuos. Fob.` ll.-In the bout of con- totdn . the motion 0! Michel i.)Iao3i.bt,,:onc| ya on unonduunt to the uddnn in reply to tho lptloll from tho throne. culling Ittonlion In [Jun 41...... 4- 1Z:-- AMENDMENTS REJEOTID.` -12-3 Iluluu In `Ibo lnpctlul [Inuent- Inn `Ina: Dunn ' 5-: tho they would go to England. `I want strong tooling then in Inn: 0! I oxohnngnl. --__._-.j-:- - -- nnponu ru run-narouq. Val.` II _I. `L- I.-- v-_- V,`g`_ ...;J'c$,~.I` ' .I' -3 `av A III . Inch VUIIZ IQBIIIO. UGICG Yonomnougooboucooooincnnada. Woimportthobtu ban in tho market. nubndgrinditonlbopnninonotha -ouunoouoono. ollyoolh lo Bnu.(.' but olduz also must by information In on I county ungiotnto. Sho npliod that also had Ip- plicd to a juuioo in Porumouth, and Inc M by hjm dlroolod to apply no the city pollen` guirlw Inlorllltll the com lninsn N100 ...... uuuuu -ru. uumn, honing from Co]- lins Bay. loo hno Iuy information against her holhond onhming her. She claimed he Ind thrown her down and in other ways ill-mod her. This above was caused by onoohor woman whom hor husband had taken in to hop home for him. The Inn- gistuk iofounod the lninonh that 181 info!-lnnnn In an - ----*- In Inn law. As the police court this morning a wo- man mmod In. Smith. hailing from Col- Bl). Iounhno luv inlnrmnio... ...-:..-- unuluu auoulu non no neceesary. common eeuse and common decency zbould decide the matter. But in this country. unfor- tunately. legislation. or at least. control, is neoeeeery. and in the abeence of in we have the uneeemly epecucle of a herd of public employees teking the stump whenever op- portunity olfeu. In every breach of the public eervloe the pnctioe should be ebopped, end the proud-otomeohed public eervnnn who procleime hie determination to "exercise hie rights of eitinenehlp. should be given e chance to do no come- when elm than in . ....m:.- an Isnolucl no [won cbnnco when the than in a public job. Hon. Dr. Borden, minister of militia, will visit Kingston to-morrow. He is a fair politician and an estimable gentleman. And in is hoped he will make some enquiry into the way Kingsboninns have been treat- ed by nearly every department. of the dominion government, his own included. If he does so And is non is surprised man than folks do not know Dr. Bordon yet. ___.3___. n..;n-_.,, - - I IIIIIIU 'l'm'umn slur. An pk- 54.. ..,..._ The answer is complete, but. it will not `Imp the misrepresentation: of the conservatives. They know the truth, but they will nob bell in. r ______ .-J aukluulnvy IVs I But, says Mr. Whitney, the province cannot have any money, any surplus, or it . would not borrow. He may impress the innocent by that sort of talk, but he ad- vertises himself as a tricky politician, as one who is deliberately perverting the lacts. The annuity system was adopted in connection with the railway debt of the province. which debt, by the way. does not amount to Sl0,000,000.or hall of that sum, as some people may infer by hearing these tories prate,but to $2,769,358. The gov. ernment," says the Hamilton Times, has been selling annuities. realizing the pur chasers about three per cent. It gets five per cent. on its investments. The pur- ohasemoney of the annuities pays the rail- vray subsidies as they fall due. and by the time the accounts are squared the govern- ment's prot on the interest pays oil` the annuities and leaves the novel-nment s capi- tal untouched. The tory cry, `Why sell annuities if you have a surplus P is a very absurd one. Why should a man sell secu- rities bringing him ve per cent. when he p can get money at three per cent., thus making two per cent. prot. a rate that in forty years will amount to the original capital 1' ma. ._._,. - it. Whet ceu Mt. Whitney do, ...._, -1-: nu uulo UUUII COITGODOG '.' The Whitney organ hue intimated thnh the eoldiers should remember the govern- ment thet deprived them of votee. Then it discovered no mistake. The government peseiug the olfeneive logielntion hoing eon- servetive no feult cun be found with it. Tho reference to it we: n "miupriuh `." But it he not been corrected. Why 7 A QUESTION OF ECONOMY. Wlm e pity it is that Mr. Whitney does not-go e little more into detail in his discuesiou of public echool elfnira. In every eddrese he mekee it is announced then he in out for school reform. The high schools will do. They ere about per- fect. Ab ell events, no fault is found with them. Bub the public eohcolo, in which ninety-ve per cent. of the children begin end end their education. when of them? It. Whitney is going to do somevhing-if he is given A eheuoe to form A government. which in most improbable Suppoeicg he hedtheehence. whntwouldhedo? Thet is the question. ' He should go into pstticulers. There eteegood meny in Kingston who ere fenlller with the public school work, end eyhnemtoo. thet the curriculum in needed. the it is ehsurd to telh of eleenelnpievein Add to the system eesleeed the there muyhe higher edu- enioeec behuieel eduoesiou? Yes, he eendoehee end interfere with the high eeheelqendelneseeeethe burdens of the L MONEY IN AF5NUI'r1Es. I Mr. Whitney does not profess to be a n gurer. He leaves the nancial end of his policy to C01. Mutheson, and that gentle- man has such a confusion of ideas that he hardly understand: them himself. His. great feat, however, is to make out that the province is in debt, hopelessly involved, and in order to make that appear he adds all the annuities together, despite the fact that some of them will run for thirty years and more, and the interest accruing upon them all these years, and calls this a pre- sent debt. There is not a man who knows anything about nances who will endorse that contention. The Mail. the party's , organ. in the days 0! itsindependence, em- phatically repudiated it. Due. ...._- 1:. 'un,-. - II3IoC.De.IlD. nlahndol-hurhp.2I)c.ndouu. At ton on desire.` It cen introduce new cluceu in the public schools, and special clueen. of e domestic and scientic nature. But it will want more buildings, and more teachers, and several thousand dollars 3 your in addition to the 825,000 now spent in public school education. The people can hove anything they want. It : 9 question of dollars and cents. How much do they 1 Inntthe public schools to coat? J Pnbllc servant: Avoid Polltlcs. mu HI.-ur, 0000` Colts. 3:... hnnan -.A L.AL._ -_n-_ , . "C I might In `P' If 'Luo.sn he I think th- `M ever I he I wish `at pm But I'm I ,3 I .I`poae `at. - Thnl nu-fa Iio Old IIIIO Cleveland Leader. He was a hundred and .1 Flo slfly looked at me-.; "`.Cth. BIVA (`flunk -- 11 seems to me I vo never found -`A thing I'd like to do, :But that them`: some one also am `AUG gobs don`t" or two`. And Sunday--'at's the day at dc. [3 worst of all the soven. Oh. goodness! but. I hope `there wu Be any don't: in heaven! 'Lun.sn't for a word, the very wurslest one I have heard. `u'd go away, afraid it won't; it'll always utuy- That awful word of don`t." It's don't you make :1 bit of noise," And "don't go out ofrdoor ;" l.IOII'l. ` have Just, lho nll).~ii0SI. fun And don't you spread your stock of` toys About the parlor floor;" And "don't you dare play in the. dust;" l And don't you tense the cuI.;" And don't you get. your clothing muased` - mind "don't" do this and that. r--_. v--v cue. vvullrlly W53 r%IVlDg Icon! of letter: dnily from liborell who were with him in the election. Mr. . Whitney has been challenged to produce one more of letters. or even one. of the hind referred to, end be has been silent. Wu that Ibebemenc e mieprinc. If so, why has it nob been corrected? Than `I7|.lA..-- A~-r ' ' ` nr-W ovn xrom WDICD to be delivered. Many :1 man who thinks his per.~au.:- sive p0\\el`s are suflivienl In runlrol the nffairs of a` nation wnuldn`L even make 11 successful book agent. unuauy running them down. Them is many a slip 'twixt the (`up and the lip, hut then. is only um`. In)- tween n. mun uml the sidewalk. After some men pruy to he dvlivored from all evil they look around fnrsome new evil from which be Mum` who think: hiu .\..r..... tun neltt-I . _ Cyclists evidently have a poor opin- ion of In-.desL1'iuus, us Lhey are con- tinually running them down. Thorn is mznnxv 2| ulin '4-:..+ cl... In nmu. . All the world's :1, stage and In the trnmp is assigned the part of walking grntlemzm. He who runs may rend, but if nn9'.~a running fur office the less he has to any the hPH'l'. (`....I.'..o.. ....:.z.._. 2. I... _,, H III]- The will I likes. man who says whm he likvs u.-:u* n. great many things he di~:- Mise-ry likes r-ompnn_y, hut. it is better to have 1`h(-umul.I.s'm In one (um) lhzm in In)! .1 n 1). 6|... u-...-I.J`.. .. ..I.. v nu yuuug man is quite. as goud as his hvslx girl thinks his picture Iuok-4. It is probably the stnre-\my that some people have (but. makes them fligh'._v. 'l'heamnnufu<-Lurer of n flesh-redui-ing rcmedy lives on the fat, of the land. _\'0ihing takes it man down so much us to hnvv some wmnnn hlmv him up. The lO\vVl` dnwn zl I'I\'IV\ lrnI_- ... AL (18 I0 lNlVl' VV` The lower down world the nearer H: him. l`|-.n -..... -_.L- rulnla rnngnlpnn. Chicago News. _ The secret of n womzufs dress is her pocket. Some men are self-made, and some women are tailor made. It; is nlwziys the selfunxniid? man that lays the blunm on others. A man always has It cold in his (`host utter the ice man fills ii. i Whiskey may improve with age-, but . ago (loss-n'( improve with whiskey. No young quite. I` girl hi:-I ni'.l.nrn lnnL-u 1 ---- -maid!` ;:0I'!vwIrCnin nt:Inu'Gn`nd. Pnl vo vi pruuno at time D'lunury'I Don Cu-at De Bun. -:.-.-_._-.---. v--V1.5: all I-Illllg The News is great at correcting mis- prints. But in has not toucbod the"mia- print that Mr. Whitney was rooeiving .WhlfnAv ha. L`... ..|.-n-__-J A une, The summoning hells uf t.'.\`illgl:t Linn: over the meaduws hluwn May find us strolling uur l|nm,pua.r.g way, glad of the evening slur! ls there no road now to Lei.~mr:r_:.Iy Lune `?--'God knows we have hur-ri.-I That. song . . . . the ochh is stung" and sweet, the voice it is weak -And old; It hath no part, with this tietce, \\'tt<| rush, and this hard, mad fight Im- gold. It hath no part with the clunmr .nml trim, and the jarring of \'t]("1`l amt Stone! Oh, listen, my heart, and fnrg:-t-fur- got that we reap the bread wn Iutw. sown ! Is there no road now. to Leisurnly Lnm~? God kmn-:3 we have hurri.-I afar. Thurs-._ was once :1 lamp through th.5 Lronding dusk, and nvvr the tree- a slur; There was oncve n hrerufh of the ltlnvc-r bloom (svvent Heaven, we hnvt-. hur- nnd so long !) And lhern \\`:l:-K 3. gain by :1 white l'u-u: clmsped. und nuv 1-!` the dust .1 song. There lads and maids on .1 Sundrny m 3|, and strolled them, two and Lwu; The leaves they laced in u roof u`-r- he-ad and only the sun peat-ed through; ' ' And there was time to gather n ruse, and time for the wood-bird`.~z call, And plenty of time to sit by z .~1tr9:un and harkon its ripple and full. minutely pane. Virginia Woodward Cloud in October Ladies Home Journal.. In wthere Lane ?- VVe travelled it long ago; A place for the lugging of leisurely steps, sweet and shady mm slow, There were rims of restful bills beyond, and fields of dreumful wlneut, With shadows of clouds across them blown, and puppies asleep at our feet. " no road now to Leisurely_ l ounu was our. 01 town and askin mm to go on board the boat nnd gorhiul them taking the steam pump. Mr. Parker went on board and forbade th'r-,m touching the pump. Mr. Hugo claimed that he had papers to tuke the pump, but refused to show them to Mr. Parker, and said he would surely take the pump. About this time Parker saw Capt. Hemens coming up the street, having Just come from Henderson, and he advised Hugo to get of ! the i)0'.lt. The captain, on learning the situation, threw off his buffalo cou t, Jumped aboard the Gilbert and ordered Meyers and Hugo nshore. They did not move and Hemens moved them. They went. over the ruil. Meyers first, followed by Hugo, with a. large crowd watching. At this writing Hugo and Me ers ure 1 looking up marine law und apt. J. Heme-ns is in command. I wuy, gmu or me evannng I.ei.~u1r`r:.I` hur-riw afar! there no road now to Le-isurely] Lnne-where, lingering, Ono hyl one, I wwn, um um cuent, run. meyens`, of Seneca Falls, went on board the. stea. - er Gilbert, taking with them Dexter M. Dlbble. They went go work to re- move n steam pump Whlch Mr. Meyer: claims to ow . Can t. Humans. was out of town and `LII . emens want to jus- tico Parker, telling hun that. her hus- band was out of town and askin him in an nn hnnrd fhn |\nnf -and nrhhl Wntertown Times. Buckets Harbor, Feb. 9.-'l`hia morn. ing mttorne Frank M. Hugo oi VVu,ter- bown, and in client, Pro . 'Meyer`, of Falls. want on board the. steam. ,OORRlll01`ING MISPRINTS. The Non mum the poople of Fron- tomo that it In: I minprino of the Toron- hobnrbo pub into the mouth of Col, Mnbhoson the nbnbomgit that Gallagher would defeat Haycoohybub Melina would win. In any: Mnthooon mount: that Gal-, loghor would win. Mr. Mntheaon, in this lat, know: as much about in as the man in the moon. He is repeating what some- body hold him, and thnb somebody, as rumour: and reports go. wu talking thrugh his hat. 'I"I.- \Y->- ' .-- -- -_,. .:-:---- inane} I. Inn and BI: Are on 100. IIY.A_..A-_.__. In: A. A A can ammo us ouvwoiuxg _ no_;m llnuor. Anal-n Polntad Paragraphs. Cum: Iv! . lrad day. red drunk and chewed and (`Wu 3, 10 a tin. A0 1103:: I or l\\ ()'. don't` be seven. 1;: Ilnl;`s-I.)'-I.;:lJ-G-.- ,.....l..... ..,l ML... .1 In u ' Hm 1 }lE 8 OUI` FOR SHOW. V In one of the weetern eonetituenoieee men he been lound who, though proleae ing to be e liberel, is supporting the White- ney perty. This gentleman wee givene ehenoe to epeek. end hie reason for strad- dling the fence, ee eteted by him. was 3 very funny one. He hed gone into one of the mining dietriote ol Onterio, and pro- eeeded to develope clelm. He hed done thie without euthority. While prospecting enother. who hed the right to worli it, eeme along. and 9the party oi the first part wee obliged to leave. He mede e inee. end beceuee the crown lenoe depetment aould not let him have hie wey. beeeuee it would not let him pley the nrurper, he joined the Whitney party end vowe he will emeeh the government. No oiroumetenee could advertise the gov- ernment e impertielity and leirneee better then this. The men who wanted toown the eerth end run the government ought to beput ine glnee ceee end eent down out for exhibition purpoeee. nu-u Inu\v llllll ll]l. L mun prvls In lhw - ruut you ml! find r around vu'_ Q _____j.__. Gouge Annbly, I_8'0_ labour, Inn run down by I Michigan Ccntnl Inin Int night htwouo Oil City and Pocrolh June- tion. Ont. Ho was instantly klllod. Dotoctivo Holnsn. of tho Grand Trunk rmhiavnrwqf fl-night robhory nupoorrios. 2 ll Bro`:-Jlddn Lion. I-'.n-n-n A._|.I- Wo luvs,` wiohonb exception the llnoet stock of oannol [min in the city. Crawford poqohog, 3 lb. tint. le. Onwlord puobou, 2 lb. tins. liege. Bu-out pan. 3 lb. tins. 90. Butlou pan, 2 lb. tins, 12.54:. Lombard plans. 2 lb. tins. 10. Brnwbtrriu, 2 lb. tins, Nc. Rllnberring 9 n. man. u. n- n-- wen: I0! me eupport. they eooorded him. In reply Frank King teehied bathe piee-are the workers of both percieu ex- _ rel-Ienoed in nimng under no impertiel end e it I judge. The dilferenu ropreeente then could not be otherwise shun court- eone since Mr. Mudie net. the example for them to follow. Mr. King's remuke were oheeretlby all present, shun showing that he merely voiced nheir eentimento. _.. . -ru_UI worsen uiarsnonloualy. At the close of registration of voters in the council chamber on Tuesday night the presiding chairman, John Mudio, thanked the workers of both partiee for their courtesy towards him. He found them T perfect gentlemen, with whom it was pleasure to be associated. In accepting I the oioe of registrar he did so with fear and trembling. anticipating wrangling and unpleasant Iaenes, but he took pleasure in informing those whose busi see it was to attend the registration that e was agree- ably disappointed, and he warmly thanked them for the they reolv Frank Kinu o..+.m..i a- AL- u.:uul.:Il a pass conduct: In the matter. A memhor of the council asserts he is fully persuaded Llnt. the "'l`oront.o syndi- cate holding the smelting work: site is in reality in Kingston syndicate. j- r A Lawyer : uenerous Oer. ll The time limit for protesting the passage of the Abbott Bros. bonus by-law expires [5 on the 13th inst. Any action which may g be taken in the matter must be on record tomorrow, as Sunday counts in the thirty -1 day limit. Armstrong McCormack poe- r sesyes a letter received from a prominent local lawyer in which he states positively ' that he will give his servicasgratuitouely in ' ' the matterif any citizen will enter a protest against the passage of the bonus by-law. ' Another prominent citizen declared he'wi|l put up $25 towards 'necessary expenses, euch as eubpwining witnesses, etc. Mr. McCormick says he is too old to go into I such a suitor he would enter the suit himself. A citizen pointed out this morn- ink that the mayor should protest the by- law. but inreply it was ehown that such action would not be consistent with the c:mncil s past conduct in the matter. A member nf ohn nn..m.:l ..---..A-- |- -'~ .;_'uu, nu uarberavzlle, (in. l G. Holland is home for a few holidays afoot running the snow plough over me I l{. & 1'. road for the past. two weeks. Nan. ` withstanding the heavy fall of snow, the road was kept open and trains run with vary liable delay. I -,__, ...... -..... saw: was nu ruulu nny more. in nny_ enlightened country. for an independent ' party. `hat, in lens. in the idea the New: wants to impreu upon its readers. And in his oiforu to oombnb that idea Mr. Hnycoch bu boon worsted, eh? So wu_McGinty, who Inna on!) organizing for his party, And ruched homo. lube in the night, minurhia wig and tho tail of his cost. He xhnd men the enemy.nnd ronlizsd that it meant bnuineu. uruulory park. The Queen city oil company will run pipes from their shedq no the water front: as soon as the front leaves the ground. The oil will be pumped from boats to the stationary banks. ' Mr: and Mrs. W. Mocammon, Queen streets, have received invitations to nttend the wedding of Nathaniel Nelson Granger and Miss Cora Alexander Graham. on Feb. 22nd, an Carbereville, (la. Holland ia hnrnn ln- - P--- '~-'-`Jr T `" P311!" Worked llurmonlonnly. Qt th nlnnn n` nntnfu-`tin-. Al ....A-_._ V. nu.-uonaua and wire. Syracuse, lgueaou of Mr. and Mrs. L. Turcobt. Plum unmet. I A .. ....L- A, ! DUI EL`. An upbown grocery merchant; out his business and leave for the `dyke this spring. Sirsandfm-A Wlnminn. ..-.._..-..I A- Tint tho l."lV. C. McDonald and wife. Syracuse, {noses Mn. L. 'Pur-M . Get in line and PRINCESS STREET. [COUPON SYSTE_M. V - - :ro:`v:ish. a few dollars extra for ill be furnished Free on application at l Ask the following Merchanls for CASH Books w NEVER FAIL TO ASK I ne affords prot by coIle "THE AUDIENCE WITH US. Tho Nun bu boon dlutnouod by I re- nurh of tho Wmu, and to the aoat; that It. Hnyoook wu the boob man in eh`: Bur- -1-lqlold Icrimmgo. "The audience was with In. ib up. Of course it was. Mon, tending. thoughlzlul. meditative. mull: have boon chrrlod away by the hannguo of the orator who doclnred than independence of thought: wu (uh diuppenring from the British parlinmenb And the German rainb- nhnn -...l AI.-L u_-_, , Everybody Wants u. ;. .1 muxma, 1'14 Wellmgton Street. GRANI) UNION CLOTHING 00.. 122 Princess Street. U111 GOODS. CRUMLEY BROS., Corner B TAYLOR & ()0., 88 and 90 Princess Street. CLUTIHNG. GRAND ITNHHJ (`TI\"I1[I1'\1n rm Inn - CLU I'll GRAND UNION CLOTHING CO., .uvs`n-..,.. -.___ ..-u u-vuu nnany. nu nf m ISUTCHERS. WADDINGTON BROS., King Street, 84 JAMES BLAKEY. 264 Princess Street. JAMES SCRUTON, Corner Charh ANDERSON BROS , 210 Division Street. JAMES Mo()ULLA, Montreal and Bay Streets. G. H. WILLIAMS, 494 Princess Street. DRY GOODS. CRUMl.I`.vmmQ mm- = n WHlG'S WIND WAFTS. UIIUUID lil. JAMES M(JCULLA. Corner Montreal and Bay Streets. ANDERSON BROS. 210 Division Street. . E. F. SEARS. Corner Montreal and Charles Streets. E. F. SEARS. Corner Gordon and Johnston Streets. N. E. RUNIANS, 224 Princess Street. H. SHARPE, 626 Princess Street - " E. W. MULLIN. Corner William and Division Streets. A. BROOK MEREDITHB83 Johnston Street. ....w. umDD|..l. 1. uorner Dame and Wil. T. J. LEAHY. Market Square. G. H. WILLIAMS, 494 Princess Street. BUTCHERS. WADDTNGTHN RTIOQ 14'.'.`.. cu._.,A 1- I, I III. ulna, H0. 2 lb. tins. Ho. Mcu Em-n, THE DAI!._Y WHIGf