lleuono For IIIIGIIIII BI-mun Troop: `lo Zuni-up UUUHCH aaturuny IIIKIIU. Mr. Jarvis is entleed with his miaeion and believes there II good proepecta for It resumption of the at international recon. He says there is I eeling on the other side that an agreement Ihould he l'0$tCh0d anda disposition to agree to unythinix than will bring about 3 mulch. O wing to the [etch that the most representative Plugliz-h yachtamon showed such a conciliatory epirit,Lhe Ameri- can repreeentutivel :`eeent at the meeting were very much in 'ned to display the same spirit, onoremlrlring that it might: not be neoeenry to insist upon A rule be- ing adopted here. releting to meuurement, if the Englishmen would adopt one then would come net!` the Americen ides. An- other meeting will be held soon to review the eubjeob. That may Bring About the luteruntlunnl Yacht Race: Nun Yuan. Fob. M.-.l`2ni|ius Jnrvia, apecial delegate to England of the North America yacht reoing association to confer with the British yacht racing association us to the possibility of an amicable agree- ment relative to rules of measurement governing yachting. made hip report to the council Saturday night. Mr Jnrvin in nnthnd with him minninn DBVO (40 KO lOI'WII'u lI'0ln I UIIIIBG DBIILBE porn to St,ickeen.AlIIku.unt.il A permanent Canadian port: can be established and transportation nooommodation can be no- cured in Canada. I The rhrouge For e llondjke Are choi- lng up C' lntreneu. VANcoUv1:n, B.C., Feb. l4.--Dm Mann, oonurecbor for the Tuslin leke railway. hen etopped engaging men. and bug crowds of laborer! have been all day turning ewey from the otlicee dis- gusted. Menu Ieye he cannot. hire men when there In no eteemer in America to be chartered let love or money to carry them. The city in crowding up with Klondy kere. About 3,000 ere elrend y here And 150 giore are coming daily. The rush in hnmhino nnrimn: A hlnnlrnrln in nnw I IOU IOTO II` Ullllllllg uauy. 100 I'll!!! is bocdihing uriom; 3 blockade is now feared on the coat. and as the trails are now impasublo. this unweildly mum nf hnmnnihv Dill hum tn hn HOW l"1pl3fIlJlUg Ullll llllWOII(l|y II!!! of humanity will heve to bo herded away ah the overcrowded galownye of who Canadian Klonclyko. Besides tbig navigation in extremely dangerous, mnnfv rocks now being unohertod and wrecks will be numerous. Mr. Mann is now establish- ing I permanent. camp at. Sbiokeen island. Alulmmt the moubh of the Btickeen river. and much of bin CII plies and men will have to go forward ram I United States nnrt. tn Hr.inhnAn_AlAlkn,||nt.iI n nnrmnnnnr. ' lnglloln Iunuor for `I'M Yukon.` I .._,_. lI_L I] A_..., ,n WILL AGREE TO ANYTHING. `MILITARY OLIVER TWIST. n vvu \ PIIUNH 0. CAUSE OF Dl8CONTl:NT. a-d-2- DANGER AHEAD. L-- run As Vollloot Im- Vuucuxx mm. on. Fob. M;-A n hrokooul hon yuunhynn vlntvu known so the "Iron Sean." occupied by John Nnttlaoou. pool-nl merchant The building sud nook nu oonplotoly do- ncro . Thonoprud Iothoookut jounugowod bylolcoln I .510 nnnnnnnnlnhnmndk-nhhhnnvnn JVIIII: W in put out I 35$ 'i1Kv'iF.}'-IJ "u'.;'u'u'n'.'a[;'. '3? E. 33;? he took both undo in his lands and van in- stantly killed. The (onus! boo hl unbu- lnnm rnftglnnlnmmi hr. lint nnnn nu llllod By An lloctric Wlro. MONTREAL. Fob. l4.-Aloxnndor C. Bru- nch. aged twenty-nix yours. _m|n-iod, Io- -vodipg on 152 Cbntoougnoy moon. was oloccmcntod In the buomonh ol tho wsrohouu of Loynoclnn a Bcrinr on Snurdny nfternoon. Brunot. who wu employed by tho rn in tho capacity of a clerk. wont down chin to In on clock-in Inn. Having no kuowlod 0 (J the dangor hnhnnk both and: in his min and In In- IEIIIIU Illln IX IIIICII QK CI IEO- '|Inoo wnrulophonod tot. but 0 on was and long baton It arrival. I GIHRBFOUI ODEEFUOUIOII I0 DIV] KIND- Antbony Hope, since his return to Eng- land from America. says He believu shah bell the population of the United sum: in composed of interviewere. "whose predomi- __ngs_nb chereccorietice no conceit; while everyone asked me innumoreble qneehione an to my opinion of the United Scam and its literature. pet. prev-em. and luture. no me naked _me e single xpneetion reguding England or the English. (HQ IITII ll-')0l'o The Halnud-American steamer Veon- dem. contain Stenger. from Rotcerdem for New York. struck submerged wreckage in latitude 49 35 north end longitude 00.0] west and epreng I Jenk. Peleengere And crew were taken on board the St. Louie. Before leaving they fired the ship as in wee a dangerous obatrucbion to nevigntion. Anlhnnv I-Inna. ninm hi: rntnrn tn Finn. UK-HUI` Ill" W011! BHDOID IHEDIIIIDIY `HIGH: Mrn. Arthur 1.. Levi. I wile ofnmem- bar of the wholesale clothing rm of Hays uh Holberg. New York. was instantly kill- ed Sunday night in nu elevator at the Hol- land house. She fell in I faint and her bead oamzhb between the elevator our and tha first ll-')or. "1... IJ..H-._.-I A_.`..l--.. ..t_-._.._ `V--- Black Dress Goods. IHEKUI Vl'_y IHJ-I3 money D [III DOUKH. William Evans and Jo nCunningbnm. l{nr.elt.on. l'.a, were walking on the New Jo:-coy Uonbrnl railroad nenr \\ nluull fort: Friday night. They stepped out 0! the way of one train directly in front of an- otlier and were almost: instantly killed. Mr: Arthur I. Lnvi I nib nfnmnm. Hill] I IDIIIIUII man. Sir John Mncluro bee pathetically con- ded to a friend that in coal: him $350 to reply to congretuletory bole reme during the twenty-four home that To loved his ap- pointment to e beronqtcy. Friendships are pleasant. but ex naive. George Meredith e eeventioth birthday ITO PIBIIIHD DUB OX [INVO- yesterday wu mnrkod by A public manage of admiration from thirty writers, A highly representative nelection which doliontol bakes cognizance of the inch that he uni I make: very little money b his books. William Evan: and .ln n Cunninahnm. KUSU. Samuel Gompera, of the American fedor- Mion of labor. wnnln tho unions of New York to enter into I grant movement for an eight hour workday. A demand will be made on May lac next, that will onvolvo fully a million men. Qir Jnlin Mnnluurn kn: nnfhnflnnllu nnn. runway. The residence of June: Lnvory, C. I`. R. agent). Went Selkirk, Mn.n., wu doatzroyod by fire Sunday night, Mn. Lwory and III! four ohildnn nuooooding in escaping wihhoub injury. Thu Rritlnh in:-shin nlnfnn in nnllinlnn VVIMIUUU IIIJIIF ya The British wnrlhi Gnlntu, in colliaion at Hull. Eng.. on ob. 10th, with the puuengor aboamer Marnbella, ha been oated. The (:alatea'u ram wan damaged in the collision. A verdict of accidental death has beer?" rendered ab Somerset, Que.. in the one of Mrs. Dubai: and her two children. who perished in a fire caused by the explosion of two gnllona of coal oil. Qir Rinhnrri (`.n-f.wv-inhf. will nu-nlnnhlv DI EH1) RIIIDIIU OK [Hill 0". Sir Richnrd Uartwri ht will probably go to Wuhington to. my in connection with the proposal: now ending In the senate to restrict the pen ing privileges in regard to tho navigation of the Snic~ keen. Q.......-I l1........._- at Al... A......J...... t-.l.... LIHVIIIII. ` Fourooon of the north-wean mounted police And three dog drivers left Regina. Ana. , today for the Stikeon river for con- ntmcbion duty m connection with the new rlilway. Thu rnnirhtnnn Al Juno: Igvarn D P R vuwv. `A Ensign Joseph E. Breckenridge. execu- clva officer of she tor ado boob Curbing. was washed ovex-boar and drowned dur- ing ll auormy pnauge from Key We to Hnvnna. I4` ...... .. .t LL- _-..LI. .-.-_A. ..._.._L-.I UUUH B UUIIEUU 00 [Hill I! (IOIIUDIIII. In the French chamber of deputies on Beturdey several members sought: to revive the Dreyfus discussion. The government objected end was suebeined by 478 to 72 votes. `Ex I`....'..... I..--..L I.` I')_--L__-:..l...- -_-.... O ened up for this wee; a ban some range of Gimps, in black and colors. '2 Gimp Ornaments and Sets. Braid and Cord Trimmings. Inspection invited. (I0 llDp()l'(aH [H10 IOUIII UIXIICIOH, Mr. Gladstone returns to England next: week from Cannes. He has enjoyed his visit. very much, though whether in has been A benefit: to him is doubtful. Inch- l`_......L ..l.......I..._ ..t .l.....Al... ._ UH HUCUUHU UK 105- Imnpector Primrose of the mounted police will establish custom! ports ab Toslin Lake. at the mouth of Teuliu Lake and at the mouth of the Sbickeen. I)" plug 0.-....A.. mid. A L..-.:..:.. 0.4.5 1).! LLIU uuu L'l IUU DI-ICKUUII. By the treaty with Abyuinia, Great Bri- Min aocuroa another open door and the most favored nation treatmonb in respect: to import nnd local taxation, Mr. nlndnfnnn rnlnrnn tn lnulnnd nnth plSI`UI' IUT Dluuuy. The steamer Ulienda. which arrived at: Halifax. NS . from Liverponl, report: being unable to get into SO. John's. NllJ., on accounh of ice. I ...... A- l|...`....-..... -1` AL- ...-...-A_.l ....I:.... ISKIU. The mail steamer Warrimo sailed from Vancouver last, night: for New Zealund and Australia. She caniod a large stock of paper for Sidney. Thu nrnnmnr Ulinndn, whit-I1 an-ivnd nh BU YUTD l1|'lll|ll'. It is propoeod to aeparnte the high school and public school trustees in St. Thomas intu two separate boards. Now: hnn nnmn tn Edmonton {hat in. IHLU DWO B8pl'L8 UOHTUU. News has come to Edmonton that in- specter Moody's police party around the I ;-nceriver puss of the Rockies on Dec. 2-,!..d_ HUTIA. The Christian: cabinet has resigned ind sevens! ministers will seek appointments to other offices. The British second class cruizor Rain- I...-. l'1_..\L I.'.......... A 'l":-A..II L..- ..-min-ul 1110 DIIDIFD BBCOIIG Ollll CFIIIEUF IVIIHP buw. Capt. Vernon A. Tisdall, has nrrivad at Port Arthur. ls ' ......... .....J A- ..........L.. at." l.:..\. -..|....-J um. lnuon than Into:-on lnrybodyw Noeou From All own----Llttln of Ivan- thlng lullv Bond Ind Iomomblrod by The Don Puhllo. A. Montague. Thamet-ford. has received the conservative nomination in North Ox- ford. rm... u....:...L... l....LI..|~....- ...:n ........s .. Dress Trimmings icunnensswnncnnrns. | TELEGRAMB FROM THE EARTH'8 FOUR QUARTERS GIVEN. turn. I Tho Manitoba legldaturo will mosh on March 1051:. The session will probably be short. flu... I' ....A..:..-b. L... ....-:.......l -..,l NEWS or _n1_E_ WlJRl.ll.| What com: to Us from All 1 Quartcrs. la uvmcmn no.1 ISHIRTSI Good Quality, Open Frgnt, 1-v gnu-v cu 1-r--v vvv `prom 'l`ukv l.nxut|u- Hnunn-Qulninu 'l`u|-Ic-I~. clrmuxlnl.-4 rvfunul lhv |nnm-_\- If It rulln to v `_`.'n'. Po-nltou than I Dmolnl Dying. Wn.\sn'u:u, I-`eh. H.--`Deputy warden Fitzuimmonn of the penitentiury is so aeri- ounly ill that grave fears are entertained for his recovery. He in the man who caused so much talk in penitentiary circles at New Wenmimter. 123 Princess St., Kingston. uvuvnuv u ' I In lIVII-`J`\FIl'\ll-IoQ V\'A~um:rn:. Fob. I4.--Representative Lewio has prepared a joint) resolution which he wlllollor on Monday expreuing it to be tho tense of the houuonnd of the Ion- ate, chat the president declines to recog- nize the rooolution of senor llohome. tho Spaninh minister. and in:-bond inform him that he in poraonn-non-umbu. 1'8 _'oii3[a'a W(%`-rp_l`oi%'l-:'o_0`:c-(Tb4/I9 '|*..l... I H. II. .. ll.~......_: L..|nln.. 'I`..I.I..a. \ II Denih lrronn Poleon. KlN(:s\'lLI.lc, ()nb.. Feb. N.-'l`he eigh- teen months old child of_._). Kennedy drunk the contents of a bobtleoonbnining '1 solution of nnrychnine, which her father wee uein no nrgle yesterday afternoon. end expi as aw minutes later. The mother. know- ing the poisonous nature of the medicine. had cdrefullv secreted in behind rorne ower pone. but line child found the bottle end drank its content: before being observed. Loxnnx. Feb. l4.-Liout. I). B. Davore. military secretary of the United States secretary of war. who has been purchasing reindeer. has arrived here from Norway on his way to the United Btetes. The United States ooneul at Christienia assumed the settlement of the claim: [or 300,000 crowns due for the 300 to 400 reindeer purchased but unpaid for by Lieut. Dsvore. and. as cebled on February 9th, detained until the lieutenant could furnish security. Lieut. Devore said that the promoters of s rivate reindeer expedition to the Klondy o had tried to frustrate the United States govern- ment : project. thereby greatly increasing the expense. the Brian Warships For Chine. Lonnnn, Feb. l4.-Tho British war- ships now on their way to China are the tint olaes battleships Victorious. the tint class betileshi Ilareur, the first class cruiser (libratar and the second class: cruiser Bonaventure. When they arrive on March 5th. or thereahouts. (-`rout Bri- tnin will haven preponderance oi twenty- five thousand tons of wnrsbi over Rus- sin and France combined in mono waters. Blotter: And Illa Wife Ila: Not-*Expuae" Clathollolnn In Scotland. Enmunnuu, Feb. l4.--Joaeph Slnlstely and his wife. the lecturing expert and for- mer sister of charity, who were mobbed eh Savannah and other American oltiee. were charged an a police court) here Baburday with eelling indecent boolu. purfrorui to be an expoeure" cf Oatbollo em. nghe court wee crowded with Cubhollca and Proteetanta. Slattery promised to de- ebroy the books end the case wee adjourn- ed` In order to enable `him to full hle pro- In no. Clothiers and Purnlshe` uaunnmuuuv. Last of the well-Known Brothers Panes Away It London. LUNIION. 0nb.. Fob. H --F`renk llolrmn, the lest} the well-lmown Holman brotzhen-, ab his home on Seturdey morning, age seventy-nix. Mr. Holmnn was for lcy-seven earn a resident; of London. With his r-others. he started the Holman opera oom my, end was for It time connccoed with b em in their opera house here. When his brothers went: to Toronto Mr. Holman left: the theatrical business. A widow and six children aur- vive him. racuiuoa III we l'el'Vl0O or uumanuy. In she evening Rev. J. I). Booth, M.A , Hespoler, delivered an address from Mut- thow xxx. 16 He spoke on the frnnknoes oi the young rulor who cum to Jesus snd asked as to hi liar moral living. Christ grnduoily led him to I boat of the spirit. of his moral code that ho wss so aura of pos- oosaing. Ho found it too difficult: to un- derstand or practice. and so went: back to his riches and their enjoyment in an un- Christlike spirit. The services throughout wore thoroughly enjoyable and pooblo. `two Able Sermons Preaehed In zloa Ohnreh Yeeterday. Zion church held its seventh anniversary yesterday. The building was well lled at each service. In) the mornin Rev. Mr. Potter preached an able Iermon In Mab- than xn. 6. He relerred to the canine the Jews had of being proud of their {arms ol reli ion. The great trutheto be learned to a are,(l) that Christ is greater than thec urch that reveals Him:\(`2) we can raise the church to the reatnese of Christ by consecration and loya service. (a) in the ealvatlon of the world for whom Christ died; (b) in the development of true and noble manhood and womanhood ; (C) in the purication ol thep arch from all that is unChriatllke; (cl) in t realiza- tion of our duty as the body of hriat do- my the will of God. (3) Christ is greater than the temple in which He seeks to re- side-~Lhe temple of the body. A strong appeal was made to use our talents and faculties in the service of humanity. In than avnnlnu Ron! .I ll Rnnhh. hi'.A . SEVENTH ANNIVTIEARY HELD. KVFUC1 I 70 W0! nlllnnluoit WILL oearnoir THE aooxs. Dolmmu I "Pinon:-Non-unta " nu .. n ONLY $l.00. Tried To Irrunmto Their Plum. vs: II rs Av`:-nu; GGK FRANK HOLMAN DEAD. -`Ii !-l'Gl>I>. White Dress AT IT! Counu Ktlonky. tormotl Anm'o-Hum u-inn minister of foroign I sin. died on gnlnrdny. agod tiny-vo you-I. Oounl Goluobonkl nucooodod him no fonlgn nin- Imr in I395. The puhlloutlon of tho treat. with Abyulnlo will pron loun- tionn . but tho rumors of lag BIMIII con- ct uionu no groundlou. - 'j" .. ._._..._...._.,._.._ Ben Into An Alt ll_o|e. On Beturdey Sanford (Alvin met: with I`0Il h experience while icehoebin over the her r. Hie yacht. wee epproeo in; (In- den inland with grub npoed. when one new dropped inbo an air hole. Then weeeaudden ago 1, and Mr. Galvin wee hurled guinea i. e meeh. being momen- terily stunned. The skate of the hon end the omen plank were broken. A Love I :-opoeel. The Intent. eohemo in connection with the Abbott deel in no cencel the pneeeno site. buy Belle`: ielend end give it $0 the Abbom, building e roedwe eon-oee the merah irom tho mlln lend. hie could be done. e good med built. and the ewe mode I aetiaiectory for lean then 810.000. __._..a \\'um.I-.` Vmmnlu. T U.\I(lH`ZllH l'.\N HI`? .\l'('UMM||I|/\'l`|*}|| with Imlll nlnulu Inul ulnululo mnlm. with mu-lvrn --nnve-nlc-m-1-u, ul '.'HQ,llL'1'II79l.I`l'1`.I. I l'Zl.l'--HI-2l.l.r\llI.l'2 -\ll`LN IN l'}\'l`2|l\' H)- vul|l_v, Im-M nr Irm-4-lllnm: In Intrnxlmw ll nmv dlm-m 1-ry uml I-(('!.*|) uur uhmv Nmln lm-kwl up on tr:-us. l`I'l|I'o~M nnul hrld cm thmn lmul. tuwn uml ~uuntr_\'. Htt-mly1-nnpuynwni. `um- Inlnnlun ur nu|ur_\'. ML`: pm` nmnlh nml ox- |)mm~r4, uml Inum-_v ulopmnluwl In nny hunk wlwn Nlnrlwl. I4`-n' guutln-ulurn mlulw-u Tin: \\ um.n Ml-.lrll`Al.HI.|I:l"l`I(I1`l'U..lA|lIlIl)lI.UllI.. ('mnu|n. DHU\\N*`I? UIIIIUIIM DUI) I Anne Brown. 530d 59 yurl. Lmz-mu -Ab Tyondlnngn, Fob. nrd Loynu. Igbd 81 an. H.umN-Ao Uonhrovilo. on MAIHQ 1-Inn:-Linn nf "Ann: 4)nIl :I |".X|'|'Il!ll'INl`l`7l| -||.\mn-:n.\I.\|m. .. .\ppl_\' nl mm-. llmn.-an .\m:un-.m lIUTl.l.- j (Joun--Ab Bolby. Fob. l0hh. John A. uonu. son of Jomu Goon. aged Ilmr. BnowN-Ab Onmden. Fob. 7th. ur Anng n......... nng R0 angina l Ill` \\' I)`-UXIVO CONNOE-lu this city on Mondny. Fob. Hob. so the wife ol Thomu P. Connor. I daughter. ' COMMAD0lm-In Wootport. Fob. 3rd. wifo of Ru. J. W. Oommodoro of I Ion. - -IQ! I `II. 8-rlwuw-G1u.n--Ah Fllnbon. on E05. `M1. Mm Anna Bbovwu-b. Fllnbon. bo Pnrlok Joan Oman. '7ITx7.r. um T711 HARRISON COMPANY g. o. - -----.-----w-w ww---- ___. _ l IIc|1\r!-l|knrn nun! Iunlmlnwrn. mm and am I`:-lnwwm Htrvol. `Plmm-,n:--Wururumnu, III; Ih`HhIl`n('l`,N. npomluy Iuul nhxhtu . Ann` :1 1 nanvuxn-g Lmuunn l'N|w.mAk"r`.| AND Eun.u.um- IL`. Prim-mm nI.|1-1-1..(` Hytlenhum nlrrm-L. l`t-lvplmnu -muilnunlmuloln. ;. |Steacy s. P.S.--Wen,open out a New Millinery Department this spring. us Lia \J\lI-I112- . . UNI-ZIHI. l\lIH'I("l`HIl, 231 l`ll`|N(`|'}HR H1`. K|Il'HL(IlI,vQl(`<`mu|l` In W. M. l)r1-nmm. -:1 500 pieces New Prints and Sateens. 100 pieces New Dress Iiiuslins. 5o pieces New White Victoria Lawn. 3oo pieces New Embroidcrics. New Goods opened out daily. 'New Spring Dry Goods mluwzln-4 a\.~T In-2 .\m'u.\|Mn|wrn~:n will: Imlh HIIIHII` uml ulnnlulo munm. wllh YEAR. NO. 37. I A KTIN -AV LOIIUFDVIIIU. Ull Nollie. daughter of Henry aged 36 yous. I Inn-vi lmpnrh-rs llnwm Homluunzl .\IImHou. unu. Iuuu, `rm: L|s:.~\IIlNIl l'wmu'm| Prin- '-Nu rel.` 'l`v2~-plmnv H7.\. Upon [my Iuul Night. _.__?..__._._.______._...._...._. II'I|.l`--III-1l.l.r\l|l.|'2 MEN IN |'Z\ l`Ill\' H)- 1-nl|lv.|m-nlnr Inn-nllluut In Intmdnmc ll .._.._.....-- L .-- ...___,.-.;_....-. (II-`..\'l-Ill.-\l. Hl N'l`. /\l I'l.\ l\) MIHH L \\'u.KI.\'u .30 1`|vJ`;z_y Ht:-ml. .j-: Ottawa and BI. Iawunoo v:l|oyc' 3 10 mm. - A light MI 01 snow to ____) dny than Incoming colder. WEATHER PROBAIVLITIII. 4 I . M. EDITION. HENRY BRAME. B. 8. COR BETT, nu nu.-gun. an mu Inn Lined Wraps % 1325.00. 1 ` A. p,furtri1i1med, \ _ A collar and tho- rqagywup-to-date. _\NArIT:g._ -JAa. mam. "A1.-"` Fob. Mb. 1). Harbin, 1 loan. Eloh- " Klnlnllki` rI&|aIv I I G-phl I"lvlIlr'A ," n In -, c-In-np.\'uIu. nbh I-nut. rolling Inn` to wlulrlw ml. ll:-oumful l1';`;'R'FE3?u' I. 'l`0mmn. wt-lily-n\'I' t``|I1"- llnokn on mm-. IAIHH-.'P4UN (.'O.\ll`.\N\'. Limit- A VIII! Ill!!- Ali [mourn cnnoudnuPrinouI sins auauunoou. Tho win of njdnhno mm nan-nn-J unnul I'lluh||nlu1l lnlnllw l`h0l||L .\ Iv at Md`. Inn-`n-|.:,: `hug I-\ln~.-l. \III Y"I&Inc Nll`|~2l.\' Hl l`l'.\'|'l-II) HILIN'l~2l{\' .\Nlb MOM! Him n,\\'Hh dwu-lllnpznullm-in-I, and u gnu-ul 1-ntuhlin ml lnlnlm-om, mm ho plll \`hILM"I| .\I1b\nx'z4 Run. I-`~s'r\rn lnrvn-|c,:!tft'h\uHln-.-I. ` / I1\a|.nIv I ur~c "ulimlm-s cu` m.- l'n.-wvn." l-`w-4'hml|II hunk. H\\'o'4'|Iv4 Nu` rlllln` lIvIll nf lmrcla-rlum .~ulu_j-4-In. I-2\`-r_\hu.3_\ min-n-. .\I.Ir\`vllnu.~|I|nn- lrM|nn~. Inapw-km .fl. |`-lt.\1|l.l`l\'-U.\|l- ll|~."DM!.Vl`1|.. Lunnul. I`-mmvu. all the \'l|l'l||IllIll1`.l".\l hH)p0I`|| ll-tum`. Rumn.~.~, Iilnnvr .\'--I. l'hnInlwr SN. Nhlx-. Ivuunl, Ihxllluum Ha-I. l|u'\`.~~'r. ll-ul~. I`--uln-, I-Ixtmmuxmunl uilu-r luhle-pa. l'prIuln |'lmm_ lllulnx. und nllu-r Hnulrs. l'i|!`pn'l, .\lnIl- I'uwu-~_ .~lprlm(.~`, \\ l`lII):1'I',uml nllv-rurII-In-.~. Huh-nl ln:?!I "-rmu-,u.~In. .|I|ll.\' ll. .\ll|.l:l .\Iu-Hum-4~|'. Auction Sale liiiiii T HE. "f.`E2T!:IQN"l Ml-ll-: l`lNu 01* l`u|'|`:-t.\ml"rIi Llm-)I:.\I. (.`oInmmm- wlll hr hold at the omen ufthu Kln ton mud Monlrvul I"nr\vnrdlmz (fmnpuny WE NEHDAY E\'|e2NlI\'H, l<~h. 1IJlII,nL7'.:u) o'clock. All nlnnnnrlonn 0!` Han. Mr. llm-tr n.n- |m-Hm! \ In whul our 1-uml nmrru you. OnrooullN(`|1mn,:lry. (-au`oI'ull_v r-rn-u- ml. mu wolgm conl. Win-n you lmy ntun ml` ll. mm mi. |\ ton of auuml 1-oul unnl u lunuf um. um:-I.lnn. J-|\.aqa|v u my I '1!!! us of Her M-qe-an-I lm\-1-nu-n," flit! lnhl lnnw about `Q,|IlV'Il \'|cInriu." tn mnko Ilw dollar: |IlH\'. nm\nu:\'-u.-\ mu-:mo.~! cu. umnm, ` ~ 1VmmIo o'clock. _ All supporters 01 non. Mr. llurty un-|n\'Hv tn ulu-ml. l~'.l)\\' urn |ll.'_ \l` mu.` HABTY AND G001) GUVEBNMENTI ST. Lnwnec wkno, 'l`l`l4`-all \ \' I.'\'l.`\'I`.'1.' FOR FRONTENAC WARD._ u..I. .n. 1.4.... vIcTdhuXw/ab. 'I`l |.`g'l| \ \' I.'\' I. Foncaliniux`/'\"<')'ivJ'i"`t'1)riI2't$'.` \lA\\'I\\\' I`\'l.\'|'\'l .\I` I` V I'H I`- l`r|m~n--2.'x-, .'L'n~ nncl in |'lun H[M'|N '{`Il|"<<|ll_` runny Iouxioon gonwuguunu .4: Dan: fhnuinnnlunn III. Rally of liberal `Committees! II. gun gvt mt arm-mloll. nnlnr vnnr `ullluly nnu vvcunuuuny. Cltnnqui ward liberal committpo mosh at committee roomu. Golden Lion block, thin evening. Meaning of libonl commitbao of sub- COFIMITTEE RO0M-Prlncess 5t., opposite Sydenhnm street. -uiirjlj IIIIUI nvvwn -rvn nun to root Thminolvee In. City council meeting ho-night. Lecture in Zion church thin evening. Sn plemenbery sitting: of regietrnn on 1 Tuna Iy nnd Wedneedny. ntnnnui Imrd lihernl committna mesh uni evcnlng. Meeting 0! libonl committee of sub- diviaion No 11. Frontenac ward. at osm- paign rooml. Princess Itreeb. this evening. PROVINCIAL 'r;1cno~ 1| )HoN.wm. HARTYI pomfsmbuni Teuacmns. 'l`1'I(-p|Il)In-`.N. 2-I.1s2:"z7.i~{1i{ FOR HARTY AND GOOD GOVERNMENT. nmlurm-Noll. Unlnr yum` next (on frmn mt ; _vun`|l 20! ju.-at. Hm vnnl _\'()l 'n` looking for, dollvorml pl`()IIIpI- ly by can-m , pollto mun. For Member For Kingston, qr-1 -`r: B D RLESQ UERS. presenting Iu"III`InI`\/In "'II`lI. 'l`l'l`)Hl|.\ Y I-2\'l"..\'l.\'(.' ut 'mnpn|, l'mnluIIlm- HUIHIIH, |'n'||1<-us-` Hm-vl. ALL A1` 0 0'0l.01)I. :\. ll. POIKI), Sm-`y ('-mrnl l'nIlllll|H(`(`. n||nm- `NI u I`\lIV I Ian Huh-tllx 17411 INH u!1'nn :VAl`H'Uinv:r's'\Eli'1'y" ;?"t`1ursday HIE `Illlh and lit): WEDNESDAY lob. Illth LOCAL MEMORANDA. FOR SALE. AGENTS I AGENTS! |g.. ..p :1... xl..A._n. \ll1I!l' y|l|l|" I|('.\|r IIIII lllllll Ill; `VIJII ll KI `N pn men. EHAWFUHIJ, Foot Queen 5!. ..,,. munu: D. AGENTS ! F.l)\\'.\Rl) |H'}.\l'l'lH".. J .\.\l EH .~`'l`|.\V/\ll l`. SATIREST---2 or Furnlturei rn|II;: I .llIIN('1l. 'l\mmlo 'mnpn|;;n -Hz`:-vl. I-ulgll Inuunlulyol in........~' -., .::-..~ ......_.. .... Ibo ltcnohnu. FUEL`. l'IO.- l.--"IX Ulll `OV- Alanubhu Gaoqnod indonniuyol Lulu) In 14.1.; lb. I'....L_.._> A ne table full of useful lengths ' of Dress Goods at very low prices. 11` VII IW WIIW, (KICK IX INT. F0` pony nun bow boon duuoyod. liqui- [Ill Oonnl And (3.T.R. tninl VIC hold Inn I.-n lunar: hr Imam Am-nan Oh: hunk; Lat. wzuwvv; Inuunncu lllll. aw nwiod. onlu thoonliro pro- nnrcv nun ham bun dnhond- Ilinhi- I 1401118! IOIIKOF. Imsnox, Fob. I-l.--'1`ho he l.ameinci~ denn has excited little intereet in England. but the opinions expreeeed alinoet unani- mouely endoree the poeition of the United Statue. The daily papers, with the cacop- tion of the Morning Poet. have adopted the view that the adminietralinu took the right ooureo. The Suclville Woet incident naturally bae been much quoted. but el- waye in the most friendly terms to- wards the United State. What the Timon calls "a well - informed correspondent. which probably meane some one in the foreign otlice, writes to that newspaper. today that in reeponee to the cabled requeet oi the United States. for Saokvillo Wont`: recall. (lreat Btitain enevared that no action could be taken un- til the receipt ol the language that it via o Sackville West had need, It |p peazed and oectatary Bayard handed Back`-` ville Won hie paeeporte. DAGlNA\Y, KICK. IOU. lQ.*l II` In )1. C. Mu-rill & Co : will yud on Hour- :2 night doliroyod 1.500.000 hoe of Ian- 1. `$9.51!!!! innnnnon Iialn. -- bu -Il'I'lII day n M bu-. ` G uvu IIIII yuu on DI`II" oflnur CBUIIIBU [DQ651118 Cl] Dltllftlyu No date was xed, for meisbing on a re- ply from Spain. but. when the conference ' adjourned it. was with the distinct: under- standing that Spain would he expected to bake aonon within a reasonable time or rulfer the consequence. Minister Wood. ford has been wired to cable this country any oxproeeion of regret of the Spanish government. end the prenideno end his mbinet. will thereupon decide whether it in oullieienn to atone for the imulc of lie Lame : letter. I.......... |.`..L. :4 mi... in. I ........:....; I R 1101119 B EUOCGCCUF WOIIIU DU onll WAsiiiNi."rnN, Feb. 14 --Spain must dis- avow the sentiments expressed by minister l)eLouie in his letter to Uanseljas or diplc- viiatic relations with that country will cease. This is the decision reached today at the meeting of the cabinet. Not only must Spain disavow the sentiments but apologize as well for the insult ollered to the resident. In case the Spanish cabi- net eclines to do this minister Woodford was instructed to withdraw from Madrid, thus eeveiing diplomatic relations with that kingdom. Dehome, as an individual, has dropped out of the alfair. His resig. nation and its acceptance by the Spanish cabinet. eliminated his persounlty. Spain must act quickly. Minister Woodlord`s iii- structions iii the most positive terms are to acquaint the Madrid giovei-nnienb with _tbe fact that the United States does not consider Spain's responsibility for the sen- Liuients expressed by its minister ended with l)el.oiiie'a resignation. There must be ii distinct dismiowal oi the appsreiit plot to deceive this country in the reciprocity negotiations as disclosed by De Lome at the cabinet meeting on Saturday. iixsd, ineistinp: buu pout: . Senor {)eLome'a au'coeuor will he Senor Louis Polo Bornubo. non of viooudmiral Polo. who formerly repreuented Spain in the United States. United States minia- bor Woodford gave A banquet: this even- ing to the diplomatic corps. Senor (lul- lxon, the foreign minister. and Senor Moseb, the colonial minister, were present. Senor Gullion, queetloned by newapnper men on the aubjoch. said than Senor Do- Lome e suocoaeur would be nominauk L .l.'.. `A ..-nun.-...u IFAL I I Q..-i.. nu... IIUIU. ;) 'l`he greatest activity characterizes the naval work now in progress in the Spanish yards. Repairs and constructions are be- ing pushed under the greatest pressure, and this display of energy on the part of the naval authorities tends to satisfy the prevailing public excitement. It in conti- rlently believed in many reponsible quar- ters that the die has been cast betwzon Spain and the United States. and that an outbreak is sure to occur. The insult of the Spanish minister to the president of the United States, the acceptance of the minieter s resignation. instead at his recall, and rhaps. above all, the disclosures in the )e Lame letter regarding the true policy of Spain. are believed to form a combination which will force the United States to action. The only anxiet now seems to be felt over the actua tirst blow. It is the desire here that the United States should take the initiative. and it ll understood that the government's attitude in the Debome matter has been shaped to `bring this about. The ministry insists that there is no fear of trouble. but this is looked upon only as another part of the polic Hnnnr 'l hl.nmn'n en`:-Munnr will ha Renni- lMDY&6'0l onus an -no Inlu. , PIIIN. Fob. l4.-'l'ho China gov- I-nnnlhnmld banana! Ind:-ulna! an In Alm nu-ll. Samuw, Mich. Fob. M.--Fin in I I`, II---ill Ilia . -III nu.-A au.H-a.... England Largely Endorses the Position Of the United BmteI-I'heI-e Is Great Activity In the Dpanlsh ship Yin-ill-It Hal Somewhat unload the Elaolvllle West Aislr-spinilsh rispers Bay Tiutt War Is Impossible To Avert. MADRID, Feb. 14 -Seiior Canalejas. ex- ininister and editor r` El Heraldo. the leading organ of Madrid. to whom was ad- dressed the letter of Senor liupuy De Lomo, which has caused a furore both in the United States and Spain and has ro- snlted in the resignation of the Spanish minister. makes oinnious predictions in El Heraldo to-day. The announcement of El Heraldo is nothing less that that a con- llict between Spain and the United States is inevitable. Senor Canalejas says the situation is becoming intolerable and the government is gravely pie-occupied by pre- vailing conditions. As regards the De Lome incident. Senor. Caiialejas dismisses it with a sneer and insult added to those of De Lorne. He says that the letter was pro- duced by McKinley s message and that he Louie was favorable to the American presi- dent before then In predicting ii crieis El Homldo says, "Nowund menacingincidents tend to arise between Spain and the United States. resulting from the permanence of American warships at Havana,the displays of arms and ammunition by a yacht there and the proceedings of the Ameiicnii con- gress. This state of things inspires alarm and the governmentis gravely pre-occupied by a i-situation which is becoming intoler- able. um- 4_.._L.....|).)._L.'._:A__ -L__-..L.....'...... LL- Ill CRISIS ISM HANIL! OR MINISTER WOODFORD WILL BE AT ONCE WITHDRAWN. Almost a Certainty of War with United States. ISPAIN mus! APHLUEIZEI KINGSTON, ONTARIO, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1898. u 9 | IIIOII an Ilnr. Inc will out] until onongh fotllhun nontlnnndnunlaboh ab mining oullh. Bloc Inc I conno- diou dock loan `haul: Gunny-two non uxpcnopnu noxI_ that tnnlunnbly. They an onnul 0! Uncut. ,4 Dress Goods Remnants. IOPGIIIIC III IX Iuonuylo. BX CIIWI IWO fuotlixinchuolwotuullunnpudolhn knob an luau. and will nu-95 nhnnnn -uuliull UICIIIIIU -vvr I-I IIIIIIQ Lu\Du.\`, Fob. I.-|.--A turn wbolounm- or. ducinod for the Yukon. VII launched at. Quooqnftrry on'l'hu|-udny and wunouod an Banurch. She onbpdicl tho inton- tionn and upintiooo of mm in ptohbly the non upnblo and but oquippud pun shut will Ion Engluad this noon to lomnnu in tho Klondyh. BM draw: two fxlniv innLnnnl-n1_ hnnn -nnnulnlhnn Foreign squadron: lm Innblllnd. l.mmo.\', Feb. H -A deapatch to tho, Mail hum Singapore ways than the British admiral hn bought all the available Wolah coal at Singapore and at. tho Chinaoo and Japaneto porta with tho roaulo that the foreign equadrona in the waters of North (Yuma are alxnont immobilized. The step has exoibod the foreign community. The doepatch adds that the Russian crnioor Russia, now in Si| ||P0l'0. bu been allowod in Lake on board 2,000 tons of coal. China .. has contented to the Britioh demand for a railway from Burma ho Yunnan. and aha also agreealo indemnity tho kidnapped Frenchman. M. Laubob. The Trouble: In uuutennaln. 7 (,`rr\' nr M|~:xn'u. Feb. 14 --(:uatomalan rcbo| lenders have received reports that there has been lighting in (luatemnla and that sixty-four men were killed. hub a wrist censorship is kepb on tolegrnns. Hen. Marruquin was shot) by government troops on Thursday while making nn attack upon Hm barrsolu. which were (le- fended by 2,000 troop!-. who, howeiaonworo dialodgod. Tho governor. general Arn- valo`. and major Nnorn our-outed the bar- racks with their men and Ilod. The body nf Run-inn in in Ihn nnlnnn Ah l`.nhihAIIn. ' FUCK! "NH DHUIF KIIUII III) IIXL LNG 00, of Barrios iain the palace at Uuhicnlla Ardieuta, whore ibis expected it will remain for\n9J_1_orluya when it will be taken to tho gonoral cemetery. - UIIVU Ill) mura nounny Ina ID0135330- Sergtz. Koomler learned that he had, by demanding more molest-en and hominy. vi oluted one of the laws of rlie inosaroom, which is than no noldior uhall com lain Mzailiat the food served in the mean all. Koomler is now is prisoner at the bar- racks. Charles Turner, one of the cook : police. nay: that the sergeant. had an in- auflicienv supply of loud. . ------- -~----- :3 Asked For I! re llomlny And most Bland Trlu ligycourt-Mutual. Cnnuxno. Feb. 11 ~Sergl:. Morton Koomler. light; battery "A,"seeond artil- lery. will be the defendant in a novel trial by courb-murcialab Forh Sheridan. On Sunday evening the meel consisted of black molasses and hominy. with coffee and battered broad. Sorgb. Koomler oun- numed o plateiul of hominy and molasses and held his plate out for more. But. the bead guard said "No!" The head waiter repented the order and the cook's police. who is ordinarily known as A waiter. told the sergeant candidly that he could not have any more hominy and molasses. Hm-ah. Knnmlnr lmu-nnrl Mmr. has hurl hv U333- Moreover there is much reneon to be- lieve than number of the captive der- viehee and Arabs. enrolled in the varioua black regimenbe. after eweering allegiance to the khedivo have been carrying on a secret propegende in bebelf of the mehdi and lnve eucceeded in shaking the loyal- ty. until now, of the much vaunted black troops. Lmmox, Feb. M --Privnte letters re- ceived bore lrom Egypt). from the front an well from Cairo. contain a clue two the hitherto somewhat In!" brioun onuae of the anxiety which the authorities have main- tained in huboning Brininh troops to Bar- ber. In Iooml aim for some time pub I wrong fooling of irritation and dicoontont Ml been noticed among the Egyptian hodx Bondanuo noldion. Thar oomnlnlnml int rank. n! tho n. the Egyptian and , Bondanuo noldiorr. They complain. ..!.`V0t work. a! tho so- vorihy of she ioblpiino. And of their not being allowed to hnvo in camp their wives, who hnvo been kept: down the mm at the bus. IA-_...uun- oh`... 3. .~.....l. .......... 5.. L- We are howing some special value in Black Alpacas. New lines 25c and 3oc. Very gpecial value 40c and 5oc.